HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-15, Page 5rid hilt'. of ad lat I lst 4er I Lng ht )a. ni. re, ur- nd en the ere de. its. .es- ur_ M AUGUST 15, 1890. THE, HURON EXPOSITOR0 Kinbum. nothing but starch and alutenl Thbi I,. ftwlraln s U.. &L- ....A. -L A- rid hilt'. of ad lat I lst 4er I Lng ht )a. ni. re, ur- nd en the ere de. its. .es- ur_ M 0 fta. ?'at; I bu %;VLLut;M0LL',U U" 04 L.Uruay luts L'. _L nu 0-4-Y neither factorymen nor buyers being very anx- "I'll"`U JDrutsistutsi ULI buti 1UL! 1n8b.p boyssaytheywill - lookoutfor them in years is the estimate which M. Soyer, a ions to do business. the wife of Mr. Robert Henderson, of a son. UAAAD1AA -HANK 01' U0XIMERUE try the autumn-. a French savant, makes of the amount MONTREAL, August 12. -Cheese -There is a DEARING.-In Stephen, on the 24th ult., the iau really active demand to -day, and a good volume wife of Mr J? hn Dearing, of a daughter. EstabUshed 186T:, 6nd of food consumed by the average man of business is being done at from 8 to Bic, the . _ ..0 % Corning dowri to - details, he says the ruling price be -.ng 81p. We quote finest colored Marriages. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. pt- Bayfield. well preserved epicure of Seventy Will at 8 to 8Jc ; finest white, 8,1, to 81c ; fair to ),rht - A, 71 to 8c. Butter -The market is as stupid DALLAS -COLLIE. -At the residence of the CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS $6.000.000 BRmps.-Misses S. and A.'Barr, of have eaten 30 oxf--n,. 200 sheep, 1VU - as if tbis-is going to be the $8007,000 as ever, and it looks bride's fa;ther, on the 13th in6t., by Rev.Geo, Clinton., 'are the guests of the Misses calves, 200 lambs, 50 pigs, 3,200 fowls,, worst butter season on record. There is - simply Needham, James Dallas, Esq., merchant, RESTs 1.- King. -Mr. T. Sutherland, of Strath- 1,000 fish 'of difierant kinds, -30,000 no outlet for the butter this year. We quote Leamington, to Miss Annie, fourth daughter B. E. WALKER,, GENZRA-L MANAGE& he, Creamery, 15 to 16c ; townships, 12 to 14c of Joseph Collie, Esq., Eg-mondville. roy who has been taking a bicycle trip oysters, 5,475 pounds of vegetables, western, 9 to 13c. E-ggG--Market strong at 16 ROSIER -W ILSON. - At -,the residence of the .re- as far as Owen Sound, returned through 243 pounds of - butter, 24,-000 eggs, and cents. bride's father, Detroit Michigan,. on the SEAFORTH BRANCH. 7he here last week, accompanied by Mr. four tons of bread, besides several hogs- 16th ult., by Rev. Mr. Barkwell, Mr. Janie 8 A General Ba.4ing Business Transacted. - Farmers' Notes Discounted. James Thompson, - of Goderich.-Mr. heads of wine, teA, coffee, etc. This New York Egg Market. Rosier, 4decorator,, Detroit, to Maude, third ffie George Elliott, wife -and child, of Wind- enormous amount of food will weigh dauKhter of Mr. David' Wilson, formerly of Drafts issued payable at all, points in Canada, and the principal sor, have been visiting their parents August. 11. -Eggs firm ; eastern and west- Goderich. cities in the' I United States,Great Britain, France Bermuda,&c. at but little short of forty- tons. ein firsts, fresh, 18.k to 19c,,; Canadian do 181 MORRISH-HUTCHINGS.-At the residence of the Albion. -Miss B. Hall, of Toronto, MINIMUM t . 0 19c. the bride's father, Mr. William Hutchings,. SAVINGS BANk DELPARTMENT. Deputy Reeve of Blanshard, on the Both ht i4. the guest of Miss L. Morton. -Miss Household Hints. ult., by Rev. W. R. Seaborne, rector, of Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed.. ilea M. Routlege has returned from a pleas- SAiLy LuNN.-Take- two tablespoon- Horse Markets. Thorndale Mr. George Morrish, of St. INTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY ANI)-.N1DVEXBER IN r -,ACA Mn ant vacation in Hamilton. -Miss M. f uls of butter warmed in two teacups of TORONTO, August 11 -Trade- still continues Marys, to kiss Eliza Hutchings. Ity Morrison, of Hensall, is visiting her very slow, there being'a quiet local demand for YEAR. sweet milk, three eggs beaten separate- general purpose animals, but nothilig else. At me many friends here. -Rev. Mr. Panton, I ly, two' -tablespoonfuls of -sugar beaten Grand's to -day 40 horses were offered, and most Deaths. of Stratford, who with his family iare with the yelks if you like your MYRES.-In Manvers township, County of Dur-, Sales Notes. Sally of them sold at prices ranging from $70 to $135 Special Attention given to the Collection of Commercial Paper and Farmers' spending a. few holidays here, occupied onfuls each. No improvement is expected in trade for ham, on the Both ult., Leonard Myres, fath- the the pulpit of St. Andrews church I- Lunn sweet. Sif t two tablespo a month or so. er of Mrs. John Dovvning,.Brus8els, in his F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. JOHN AIRD, Manager. ter- "It baking powder and a pinch of salt into MONTREAL, August 12 -The horse market 79th year. Sabbath morning. -Messrs. James Me- one quart of flour. Stir it together, shows signs of improvement, yet the business WELLS. -In Saltford, on the 29th ult., Henry Wells Donald, of Washington, and Peter Me- putting the whites of the eggs in last done is rather small, and the prices paid are Wells, aged 75 years. om low. During the past week there were shippad HARRIS. -In Usborne, on the 29th ult., Mrs. THE.PEOPLE'S ANNUAL 111,1111 Donald, of St. Paul, are home for the and bake at once in a moderate oven. to the Uni ed States 29 horses, costing $2,613, James Harris, aged 39 years and 2 months. of holidays. ­Mr. Alex. Fergusen lately A DizLicious Disiff FOR DEssERT.-A an average of $86 each. The receipts of horse FERGUSON.-In Winghain, on the Both ult., Seaforth, Races. his found a turtle, about a mile up the Bay- delicious dish. for dessert, to be eaten at tha"exchange for the week w -e -re 86 ; shipped Anielia, beloved wife of James Ferguson, red during the week 64. Two thoroughbred im- aged 66 years. field River, and on its back was carved cold with ke, is made of oranges. Pare porte horses were consigned to A. Harvey, of MARTEN. -In Lower Wingham, on the Slat OANADA'S GREAT I bhe the date of 1872. The seven and two ve or sixtn"d cut them in thin Slices ; Galt, and 14 to 0. Sorbey, Guelph. ult., Ellen, beloved wife of Thomas Marten, were reversed. -Misses Cole, of Cli - uton, pour a cup of pulverized sugar over aged 51 years and 8 months. have taken rooms here and purpose them; boil one pint of milk; add while BEO('K.-Iii Exeter, on the 4th inst., John IN08TINAL FA IR FAIRV I EW PARK, Live Stock Markets. Breck, aged 41 years and 2 months. ile# 4pending their vacation on Huron Shore, boiling the yelks of three eggs, and one MONTREAL, August 12. -Trade was brisk and DELANEY.-In Blan8hard, on . the 29th ult., -Messrs. D. Cameron, A. F. and W. table. spoonful of corn starch, which prices were hizher all round, and before 10.30 Mary, relict of the late John Delaney, aged -AND- McLean, H. Grenfell, A. Smith, George you have first rubbed smooth. -in a little o'clock nearly all the stuff was sold and the mar- 82 years. Price, A.' Addison, of Goderich, have cold milk - you must stir every moment ket had assumed a holiday appearance. The MITCHELL. -In Goderich, on the Slat ult., AgTicultural Ex Th ursday, A %,a,,.0d*28,'90 lec- been. having a glorious time 31 beat cattle sold at 4jo per -lb, or. nearly half a John Mitchell, aged 27 years and 5 months. Position. camp,ng till it begins to thicken like a custard, DAVISON.-In Goderich, on the 4thult.,Arthur herq, and are charmed with the beauty then pour over the oranges ; beat -the cent per lb. wore than on last Monday ; large Falstend, youngest son of Mr. A.B.Davison, fat cows sold at about $50 each, or about 41c per .ed. Of Bayfield. -Messrs. George Stanbury whites of the eggs to a frost add a ta- lb ; common dry cows sold at from $25 to $40 aged 4 -months. ; ere and C. Logan have opened a protograph ble spoonful of sugar:, put this over the each, or from three to four dollars more than rT 0 R 0 INT r. r 0 $550 IN PURSES. similar cattle we re sold for a week ago. - Two --' I gallery next T. Cameron's, and are custard and set it in the oven to brown. year-old heifers sold at from 815 to'$20 each, or IMPORTANT NOTICES Lud busy taking tin. types.-Ao will be If you dislike the taste of corn starch, from 2ic to 31c per 11b. There were no cattle SEPT. 8th to _20th, 1890. The Managers haxe pleasure in announcing noticed in the advertising columns, Mr. substitute two eggs or a tablespoonful bought by shippers to- -day' As the prices are too that the Annual Fall Meeting on Fairview Park, ft OR SALE. -A first-class residence on the S eaforth, will be held on Thursday. August 28th, Archibald Sterling offers his place for of gelatine. high, besides the latest cablegrains from Britain F corner of Victoria and George Streets. The best and largest exhibition in the Domin 1890, when the following very liberal purses will sale, This is a very desirable- property report very low prices in the cattle markets Good Eitable ando'rchard. Apply to A. CARDNO, ion of Canada, and attended annually by be offered for competition there. Although there were a . considerable I ian. and is Situated opposite Mr.' James Pol- -Twelve years ago Mr. James number of mutton critters offered, yet owing to Seatorih. 1183. Over 250,000 Visitors. TWO -FIFTY CLASS. -Purse $160-lBt, 75; locks. It is offered on easy terms and Fulcher, of St. Marys, helped at a the active demand prices are higher, especially 2nd, $50; 3rd, $26. iay would make a splendid home for any for good lambs, which sold in lots at from eS.50 ALUABLE PROPERTY kOR SALE. -The threshing at Hern's farm, Downie. At to P-4 per head. Messrs. Brown Bros. bought V undersigned offe rs for sale six acres of land The greatest entertainment of the year. TWO-THIRTY'VOUR CLASS. -Purse, $200 - one. Mr. Sterlin does* not intend periods since that time he has suffered p3`1ambs to on which is it good frame house and stable, situ- 1st,'S100; 2nd, j ; 3rd, "5. .9 -day at an average of $3.75 each. leaving Bayfield, bat hag purchased intense agony in the head and has been Shippers are paying about 4c per lb for suitable ated on the corner of Sauble line and Main $50jOW FOR PRIZES FREE FOR A L. P urse, S200 -1st, S100! other property in the village. -Mr. heep, while the btherg are -bought by the street, Bayfield. Easy terms. ARCH. STER- 2nd, $65; 3rdi QS5. partially deaf in one -ear. On Monday LING. -1183-13 6Rd JesseCard expects to return from Eng- butchersatfrom 83.60 to $5 each. Common All the above races open to trotters a led And educational, instructive and enjoyable Of afternoon of last week Dr. Garin operat- Iambs sell in lots at from $2.50 to $3.25 each. Special Features. The newest and best attrac- puers. land about the end of August, when he ed on his left ear and extracted -an oat Fat hogs are not very. plentiful and sell at from STRAY COW ­Strayed from Egmoudville tions attainable. Grand International Dog Show, CONDITIONS. k. -1 orders gradn therefrom. This, no doubt, was r) to 5Jc per lb. Several large lots of butchers' E on'the 8th ilist., -a red milch cow, coming etc. Brighter and gloater than ever. Thebest ENTRANCF-Ten per cent. of purse to ac - will be prepared to execute al entrusted to him. He will have -a new the cause of the trouble, as his hearing cattle are expleoted to axrive from Manitoba, six years old, She has a white star in her Nre- time to visit tbe metropolis of Ontario. Cheap company entry. Entries to close on August 20. e ed. stock of leather, and asks those who about the last of the pres - ent week and the head, with fine projecting horns. She is giving excursions and low rates on all railways, etc.. Any horses distencing the field entitled to first he is restored . and his head is devoid of beg -inning of next. milk. Any informatioh that will lead to the Entriep positively close August 16th. For all' monel Want first clasa work to wait for him.- o, August 12. -Cattle -Sales of extr y only. Four to enter and three to start. pain. BuFrAL a recovery of this animal will be thankfully re- information drop a post card to 'Entries to be addressed to the Secretary at Sea - The garden party, on the grounds of '::-The customs r'eturns for iheTort of steers, $4.40 to K60 ; choice 1,350 to 1,450 -Ibs., ceived by the owner, who -is a laboring man. WITHROW, H. J.. HILL, forth P. 0. Races to be called at I o'clock $4.20 to $4.35 ; good 1,200 to 1,325. lbs., $4-1,5 to DAVID I1AY8j Egmondville. 11,83Lf J. J_ ck Mr. C. Symons, on Tuesday last, was a Stratford for the year ending Junp 30th, $4.25 ; good 1,050 to 1,175 lbs., $4 to $4.16 ; President. Manager, Toronto. sharp. Horses eligible from the 15th of June red grand success, &-rid the various refresh- 1890, show :-Free goods im. ported, coarse green steers, 1,200 to $1,400 lbs., $43.60 to 11834 last. Ameriban Association Rules to govern. t ARM FOR SALE. -That fine farm property raents and bazaar tables 'were liberally $153,052 annual imports, $322,563- $3.90; light prime butchers, 900 to 1,025 lbs., A Brass Band will be in attendance. F known &8 Lot 23, ipone sBion 2, Hay, situat' r gatranized. The receipts were $56.. imports for consumption, $220'105 V to $3.60 ; fat cows and heifers, 82.75 to $3.25 ; ed on the London Road, -within I of a mile of" Admission to park, 26 cents; ladies free rm, assumed pommor. to good cows, 82 to $2.60 ; stockers and the Village of Heneall, and known as Welland tice of Voters' List. carriages, 26c extra. ince Rev.. Mr. Henderson has duty collected, $57,777-77. feeders in lighter supply and good inquiry, com- Hall Farm, is offered for sale, and will, within No F. S. BEATTIE, Secreta charge of the Presbyterian church the -Mr. John Murray, for some time mon lots only steady. Sales of good to choice two months, be sold at the - highest offer ob- r? congregidions have becu very large and deputy postmaster in Mitchell, has -re. stockers, $2.60 to $3. Sheep and Lambs -Export tained, as the owner is moving to California and VOt rs'List, 1890. Municipsdityof the E. 0. COLEMAN, President. d almost sheep, choice to extra 95 to 105 lbs., $5.25 to investing in property there. There Is neArly 80 Township of Tuckeramith, County of Huron. the membership has increase signed his position there and will go to $5.40 ; do., 85 to 90 lbs., $6 to $5.26 ; do., 70 to On . - 1.. fifty per cent. Eight have joined by Cleveland, where he expects a good 80 lbs., $4.25 to $4.76 ; culls and'common thin acres of land in a fine state Of Cultivation, five acres ready to be cultivated, and 15 acres under la -A OTICE is hereby given that I have trans- PHOTO - ENGRAVING. profession., situation. sheep, $2.25 to M_50 ; yearling lamb- .60 to good hardwood bush. There is also a first-class N IT PAYS, TO ILLUSTRAT11; YOUR BUSM38S. ;in, certificate and eighteen by prime, mitted or delivered to the persons men This must be very gratifying to Mr. ipring Jambs, com in on two Storey brick dwelling with kitchen two tioned in Sections 5 and 6 of "The Ontario son Mitchell _'o ; -Last Week two young lads of $6'.60 toT.25. Hogs --Prime corn -fed ho -s were Portraits, and cuts of colleges,hotels, factories 0 storeys also, costing $3,601) apart from builder's Voters' List Act, 1889," the cepies required by 'Heriderson, who has been here but a were snuounced to appear before Magis- in excellent demand, packers Paying $4.16 for own labor. Also the-followin outbuildings'in a said Sections 0 -be so transmitted or delivered machinery,&c.,made to order from photographs - short tirne, and he must surely fe&l If gome choice Illinois vorn-fed stock, while good ttly - trate Flagg, for disorderly conduct. M very fair state of repair : two tarns, each 6Ox36; of the list made pursuant to said act, of all Prices Low -Send stamp for specimen sheets. ert pleased over the Success of his first gar- they stood their trial they were afraid lots part grassy sold at $3.85 to $3.95 ; York stable and shed attached,. 9Ox26 ; another stable persons appearing by the last revised Assess- MetrepolitEin Press Agency, men bought fairly , ood Yorkers at $3.90 to $3.95; 60k 1 22, lind tool house and stable attached 6Ox22, r9ent Roll oftbe said Municipality to be en - den party. -Mr. Louis Deihl occupied ent would follow, SO they grassy stock very aflow at $3.60 to $3.60, and New York- City. imprisonm and other small buildinge. This is a rare chance titled to vote in said Municipality at Elections 11 3 52 the pulpit of Trinity church last Sab- thought the beat thing they could do these offerings not wanted ; pigs slow. - to purchase one of the finest farms in the coun- for members of the Legislative Assembly and at LiVERPOOL, August1l.-The market is still un - 9 es bath morning. -Messrs. G. and W. would be to wipe the dust of the streets iy for situation and buildings at a good bargain- Municipal Elections, and that the said list was rd Shacrion of Goderich, are visiting Mr. favorable and prices are lower all round. Atthe There is not one foot of waste land; good water first posted up at my office in Tuckersillitb, on Knight's Blood Cure. of Mitchell from their feet, so they got Stanley market to -day 1,250 Canadian cattle of- and very other convenience. For further par- the 11th day of August, 1890, and remains there bus, C. Symons. -The great and lODg looked a livery rig, and, by a circuitous route, fered, and these found a slow sale, the demand 0 ticulars and price, apply to G. J. SUTHER. for inspection. Eluctors are called upon to ex- ied for Salvation Army camp meeting starts reached Stratford on Sunday morning being weak. Prices have declined about le per LAND, Notary Public, Conveyaneor,Hen8all. amine the said list, and if aiiy omissions or any STANDARD household remedy in success - 't, lb the past week, best beeres not briaging more errors are found therein to take imniediste pro- ful use more than 40 years. A positive, next Saturday and will last for one last, where, it is thought, they took a aid to -d 1383-8 A Nervous Prostra- than 12 c, which was the top price p ay. ceedings to have the said errors corrected ac- cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula en week. Major Philpot and wife, Ensign train for Toronto. Sheep also are lower. consequent upon large ar- cording to law. tion, Constipation and all dis"ases of the Blood,, ry Wchael and other big guns will be -There died in Mitchell, on Thurs- rivals, 3,000 being offered at Stanley market to- SAMUEL SMILLIE, Clerk of Tuakersmith., Stomach and Liver. there. Mr. Jowett's grove will no day, 31st ult., Mrs. Gustave Smith , day. For these prices ranged from 12 to 13c per Unequalled for Producing lb., a marked decline from the week before. Dated this 11th day of August, 1890. 1193-3 . a Clear .has dou'Gt be crowded. aged 79 years. Deceased had been a The following were to -day's quotations, being We -stern Fai r Com plexiom ere resident of Mitchell for 40 years, and calculated at $4.80 to the .9 (sinking the offal): A botanical compound, put up in packa es Making'Starch. always bore an unblemished character, Finest steers, 121c ; good to choice, 12c ; poor The Best of Canadian Fairs, PUBLIC NOTICE. and sent by mail at one tliird the cost of ordm- to medium, lie ; inferior and bulls, 8 1 to 10c ary medicine. Large packages, sufficient for 3 66 consis- The shelled corn is first soaked for and for thirty years had been best sheep, 12 to 13c ; secondary, 10 to 12c LONDONy ONTARIO. The public are hereby cautioned against giv- quarto, $1.00 ; half size packages, sufficient for tent member of the old Bible Christian merinos, 9J to 111c ; inferior and rams, 7 to Kc. -my wife, Mrs, John 3 pints, 60c.; sample packages, 25c. SeVeral days in water, to soften the hull - I - ing any credit whatever to lu TORONTO, August 12. -Export cattle and A reliable Agent wanted in this locallt% and prepare it for the cracking -process. --hurch. - She married sixty years ago, stockerg--The reports from the old country are sont, 18th to 27th, 1890. Henderson, as she left my bed and board on The softened corn is conveyed, by ele- and her husband, who Will be 91years not such as would encourage very active buying Friday, August ist, 1890, without any just cause KNIGHT BOTANICAL Co-, - . O ad nt Large increase in prizes. r provocation, and I will not hold myself re- 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Vators-to one of the highest stories of old if he lives to the 16th of the prese for export here, yet or the whole there was a sponsible for any debts contrar-ted b3, her from see the factory, and shovelled into large. month, survives her. She bad ten good 1)usiness done. Latecables are decidedly i8go. JOHN RENDER - erg of whom are still kving unfav6rable and -xportem here who have had Machinery in motion in MaM Building, theist day of August, on hoppers, from whence it passes -into children, six, ales'inGlasgoweapecially complain of losing SON, John Street, Seaforth. 1 . 183 JOHN BEATTIE laills that merely cracks the grains -Tuesday afternoon of last week, The quality of the stock cattle that Manufacturing goods in view of public. Best MoDey. ely does not appear to speed progrmmniL ever offered. Grand and Without reducing them at once to a fine Chauncey Capron, of Paris, left Haney have been sent out ]at attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the Southern ARM. IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE. -For Meal. The cracked grain is then con- Brothers, brick yard with a load of have met with a great deal of favor on the other State&_Cott6D , fip, rice, peanuts and wild nuts F sale, lot 7, concession 5, L. R. S-, contain-- Clerk of the Second Division Court oat, duated into a large tank filled with rina. bricks. He called at a store in Prince- side, %nd this, not alone the large supplies, is to each as they grow in -the South, carpets made ing 100 acres, about 85 of which are cleared, well ive a degree responsible for the weak 'prices ruling from the leaves of the pine and other wood@ of County of Huron. lug water. The hulls ef the corn float ton -and purchased a lunch. He then there. A private cable from Glasgow to-day"re- fenced, under -drained and in a good state of t to the 2nd concession of Blen-- ported the market there fully Jd off, and Liver- thC South. Products of the turpentine stills of cultivation. The remainder is well timbered, at the top of the water, the germs sink went on to pool cables were- no better. One exporter here Georgia. 34,inerals, herbs, plants, barks,&c.&c., halt hardwood and the balance firstclass rail Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan he to the bottom, and the portion of the heim, where he was seen by Mr. B. and a live alligator of Florida. Famous Wild timber, all uncalled. There are- good frame the who sold a lot of 60 cattle in Liverpool yester.' West Show,Balloon Races & Parachute Descents I buildings and a splendid young orchard. There and Insurance Agent. grain containing the starch, becoming flowee and Mr. T. C. Costen, of Prince- day Mveraged A 16, 158 pbr head,* which price, he Fireworks, Bands etc. are three never failing springs, besides wells. Itis Js gradually reduced to flour by friction ton. ReturniDg.again about 6 o'clock says, will lose him $4 -per bead on the bunck. within five miles of Sealorth and three from in are held in solution in the water. B they found him lying in the road dead, There appears now to be a desire on the part of For priz6 list and information address Pos Brucefield. The purchaser Yvill be allowed to Funds Invested and to Loan. His an ingenious process both the hulls and the wagon having passed 4over his arm exporters to leave stock cattle alone for a while i I and purchase fat cattle; at anv rate- the demana card to i ' do fall work right away. Apply on the Pre- OFFICE_ -Over Sharp & Liveni? store, Main the germs are removed, and the flour and cheat, breaking the arm and crush- for stockers has le8w6ned, while there is a rather CAPT. A- W. PORTEI THOS. A. BROWNE, mises, or address DAVID ROUAT, Brumfield 1116tt Ior part now held in isolation contains ing in several ribs. The re . mainds will increased enquiry for fat cattle. Picked lots 1182 President. Secretarv. P. 0. 1182tf treet. Seaforth. U RESTORES G -PLAY HAIR -TO ITS Original Color Beauty, Softn A Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cares Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfum6 to the hair, prodmes a new growth, and will stop the faUing out in a few days. Will not soil the aldn or the most delicate headdress. FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH ]BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottle. Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOIL CANADA, H. SPENOER OASE, Chemist and Druggist, 60 King St., West, HAMILTON, - - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. I mportant to Farmers. NEDFFERRANEAN HYBRID is a hybrid of 1 ithe Diehl and Red Mediterranean, and originated. in New York State about eight or ten yeave ago.' It has the compact head of the Diehl, with the beard and blue straw of the Mediterranean. The heads are broad, of medium length, and fall of large, plump, heavy grains ; straw, blue, as stated, and strong and stiff ; berry is very handsome, bright amber in color and of - medium size. It has produced 40 bushels and over per acre; as it tillers remarkably, surpassing both Fultz and Clawson in this respect. Two ' other qualities also must be mentioned, n el am y, it does, won- derfullyrunder adverse circumstances, as it is sure, being very hardy, to make a crop, no mat. ter how bad the year. It seldom if ever winter kills in the most exposed situations and ripens ten days earlier than other varieties. It is also noted for its excellent milling qualities. The undersigned has grown a considerable quantit this year and has some suitable for :,eed to se Samples- either in the sheaf or grain can be seen at Hugh Grieve 8 Seed- Store, Seaforth, where the same is for sale, or an Lot 21, Con- cession 13, MeRillop. Price $1.50 per bushel. Parties desiring some should place their orders at onceras, there is only a limited -amount for sale, 1181-4 JOEIN STAFFORD. EED WHEAT. -The undersigned has for sale the following Seed Wheats which are entirely free from noxious seeds. The Surprise and Rodger, both new varieties wbich-have only been lately introducted and have proved to be miwh superior to old varieties. They can be puyebased eitherat the millor from Scott& Crich, Seafortb, price -$1.40 per bushel. ANDREW GOVENLOCK, Winthrop. M. R. 06' unter S EAFORTH, -Hits just added to his already inammoth stock a fine assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Albums, Plush Goods,, Fancy China, Pipes, etc., all of which having been bought away down, will be sold for The Next 30 Days. -AT JUST ABOUT - WHOLESALE PRI ES. We are agents for and always keep on band a stock from the following American Witch MAnu- factories: Waltham, Elgin, Rockford, Aurora, Illinois, Hampden, Springfield, Columbus, (N. Y. standard), Trenton I New Haven, Waterbury, &c. Also the best makes in English and Swiss. Our assortment of American, English and Can- adian Jewelry is now- largtr than ever, and con- sists of the newest and latest designs. Silverware In abundance from the following, noted ms;kers: Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., of New V- i Ic and.11ontreal; Reed & Barton, of -Taunter Meriden Britannia, Of Meriden,. Conn.. ifamilton, Ont, all of which. are No. 1. Th. 'epartment i's complete in all its branviw . 1: ods sold er&raved free - of charge. :, p i. : are to show goods. Give its a call. W. R. Counter, MANAGER. lyy- f )Is - ,Drt C Fy t ,A+, t t est 0 fta. ?'at; I bu %;VLLut;M0LL',U U" 04 L.Uruay luts L'. _L nu 0-4-Y neither factorymen nor buyers being very anx- "I'll"`U JDrutsistutsi ULI buti 1UL! 1n8b.p boyssaytheywill - lookoutfor them in years is the estimate which M. Soyer, a ions to do business. the wife of Mr. Robert Henderson, of a son. UAAAD1AA -HANK 01' U0XIMERUE try the autumn-. a French savant, makes of the amount MONTREAL, August 12. -Cheese -There is a DEARING.-In Stephen, on the 24th ult., the iau really active demand to -day, and a good volume wife of Mr J? hn Dearing, of a daughter. EstabUshed 186T:, 6nd of food consumed by the average man of business is being done at from 8 to Bic, the . _ ..0 % Corning dowri to - details, he says the ruling price be -.ng 81p. We quote finest colored Marriages. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. pt- Bayfield. well preserved epicure of Seventy Will at 8 to 8Jc ; finest white, 8,1, to 81c ; fair to ),rht - A, 71 to 8c. Butter -The market is as stupid DALLAS -COLLIE. -At the residence of the CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS $6.000.000 BRmps.-Misses S. and A.'Barr, of have eaten 30 oxf--n,. 200 sheep, 1VU - as if tbis-is going to be the $8007,000 as ever, and it looks bride's fa;ther, on the 13th in6t., by Rev.Geo, Clinton., 'are the guests of the Misses calves, 200 lambs, 50 pigs, 3,200 fowls,, worst butter season on record. There is - simply Needham, James Dallas, Esq., merchant, RESTs 1.- King. -Mr. T. Sutherland, of Strath- 1,000 fish 'of difierant kinds, -30,000 no outlet for the butter this year. We quote Leamington, to Miss Annie, fourth daughter B. E. WALKER,, GENZRA-L MANAGE& he, Creamery, 15 to 16c ; townships, 12 to 14c of Joseph Collie, Esq., Eg-mondville. roy who has been taking a bicycle trip oysters, 5,475 pounds of vegetables, western, 9 to 13c. E-ggG--Market strong at 16 ROSIER -W ILSON. - At -,the residence of the .re- as far as Owen Sound, returned through 243 pounds of - butter, 24,-000 eggs, and cents. bride's father, Detroit Michigan,. on the SEAFORTH BRANCH. 7he here last week, accompanied by Mr. four tons of bread, besides several hogs- 16th ult., by Rev. Mr. Barkwell, Mr. Janie 8 A General Ba.4ing Business Transacted. - Farmers' Notes Discounted. James Thompson, - of Goderich.-Mr. heads of wine, teA, coffee, etc. This New York Egg Market. Rosier, 4decorator,, Detroit, to Maude, third ffie George Elliott, wife -and child, of Wind- enormous amount of food will weigh dauKhter of Mr. David' Wilson, formerly of Drafts issued payable at all, points in Canada, and the principal sor, have been visiting their parents August. 11. -Eggs firm ; eastern and west- Goderich. cities in the' I United States,Great Britain, France Bermuda,&c. at but little short of forty- tons. ein firsts, fresh, 18.k to 19c,,; Canadian do 181 MORRISH-HUTCHINGS.-At the residence of the Albion. -Miss B. Hall, of Toronto, MINIMUM t . 0 19c. the bride's father, Mr. William Hutchings,. SAVINGS BANk DELPARTMENT. Deputy Reeve of Blanshard, on the Both ht i4. the guest of Miss L. Morton. -Miss Household Hints. ult., by Rev. W. R. Seaborne, rector, of Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed.. ilea M. Routlege has returned from a pleas- SAiLy LuNN.-Take- two tablespoon- Horse Markets. Thorndale Mr. George Morrish, of St. INTEREST ADDED TO THE PRINCIPAL AT THE END OF MAY ANI)-.N1DVEXBER IN r -,ACA Mn ant vacation in Hamilton. -Miss M. f uls of butter warmed in two teacups of TORONTO, August 11 -Trade- still continues Marys, to kiss Eliza Hutchings. Ity Morrison, of Hensall, is visiting her very slow, there being'a quiet local demand for YEAR. sweet milk, three eggs beaten separate- general purpose animals, but nothilig else. At me many friends here. -Rev. Mr. Panton, I ly, two' -tablespoonfuls of -sugar beaten Grand's to -day 40 horses were offered, and most Deaths. of Stratford, who with his family iare with the yelks if you like your MYRES.-In Manvers township, County of Dur-, Sales Notes. Sally of them sold at prices ranging from $70 to $135 Special Attention given to the Collection of Commercial Paper and Farmers' spending a. few holidays here, occupied onfuls each. No improvement is expected in trade for ham, on the Both ult., Leonard Myres, fath- the the pulpit of St. Andrews church I- Lunn sweet. Sif t two tablespo a month or so. er of Mrs. John Dovvning,.Brus8els, in his F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. JOHN AIRD, Manager. ter- "It baking powder and a pinch of salt into MONTREAL, August 12 -The horse market 79th year. Sabbath morning. -Messrs. James Me- one quart of flour. Stir it together, shows signs of improvement, yet the business WELLS. -In Saltford, on the 29th ult., Henry Donald, of Washington, and Peter Me- putting the whites of the eggs in last done is rather small, and the prices paid are Wells, aged 75 years. om low. During the past week there were shippad HARRIS. -In Usborne, on the 29th ult., Mrs. THE.PEOPLE'S ANNUAL 111,1111 Donald, of St. Paul, are home for the and bake at once in a moderate oven. to the Uni ed States 29 horses, costing $2,613, James Harris, aged 39 years and 2 months. of holidays. ­Mr. Alex. Fergusen lately A DizLicious Disiff FOR DEssERT.-A an average of $86 each. The receipts of horse FERGUSON.-In Winghain, on the Both ult., Seaforth, Races. his found a turtle, about a mile up the Bay- delicious dish. for dessert, to be eaten at tha"exchange for the week w -e -re 86 ; shipped Anielia, beloved wife of James Ferguson, red during the week 64. Two thoroughbred im- aged 66 years. field River, and on its back was carved cold with ke, is made of oranges. Pare porte horses were consigned to A. Harvey, of MARTEN. -In Lower Wingham, on the Slat OANADA'S GREAT I bhe the date of 1872. The seven and two ve or sixtn"d cut them in thin Slices ; Galt, and 14 to 0. Sorbey, Guelph. ult., Ellen, beloved wife of Thomas Marten, were reversed. -Misses Cole, of Cli - uton, pour a cup of pulverized sugar over aged 51 years and 8 months. have taken rooms here and purpose them; boil one pint of milk; add while BEO('K.-Iii Exeter, on the 4th inst., John IN08TINAL FA IR FAIRV I EW PARK, Live Stock Markets. Breck, aged 41 years and 2 months. ile# 4pending their vacation on Huron Shore, boiling the yelks of three eggs, and one MONTREAL, August 12. -Trade was brisk and DELANEY.-In Blan8hard, on . the 29th ult., -Messrs. D. Cameron, A. F. and W. table. spoonful of corn starch, which prices were hizher all round, and before 10.30 Mary, relict of the late John Delaney, aged -AND- McLean, H. Grenfell, A. Smith, George you have first rubbed smooth. -in a little o'clock nearly all the stuff was sold and the mar- 82 years. Price, A.' Addison, of Goderich, have cold milk - you must stir every moment ket had assumed a holiday appearance. The MITCHELL. -In Goderich, on the Slat ult., AgTicultural Ex Th ursday, A %,a,,.0d*28,'90 lec- been. having a glorious time 31 beat cattle sold at 4jo per -lb, or. nearly half a John Mitchell, aged 27 years and 5 months. Position. camp,ng till it begins to thicken like a custard, DAVISON.-In Goderich, on the 4thult.,Arthur herq, and are charmed with the beauty then pour over the oranges ; beat -the cent per lb. wore than on last Monday ; large Falstend, youngest son of Mr. A.B.Davison, fat cows sold at about $50 each, or about 41c per .ed. Of Bayfield. -Messrs. George Stanbury whites of the eggs to a frost add a ta- lb ; common dry cows sold at from $25 to $40 aged 4 -months. ; ere and C. Logan have opened a protograph ble spoonful of sugar:, put this over the each, or from three to four dollars more than rT 0 R 0 INT r. r 0 $550 IN PURSES. similar cattle we re sold for a week ago. - Two --' I gallery next T. Cameron's, and are custard and set it in the oven to brown. year-old heifers sold at from 815 to'$20 each, or IMPORTANT NOTICES Lud busy taking tin. types.-Ao will be If you dislike the taste of corn starch, from 2ic to 31c per 11b. There were no cattle SEPT. 8th to _20th, 1890. The Managers haxe pleasure in announcing noticed in the advertising columns, Mr. substitute two eggs or a tablespoonful bought by shippers to- -day' As the prices are too that the Annual Fall Meeting on Fairview Park, ft OR SALE. -A first-class residence on the S eaforth, will be held on Thursday. August 28th, Archibald Sterling offers his place for of gelatine. high, besides the latest cablegrains from Britain F corner of Victoria and George Streets. The best and largest exhibition in the Domin 1890, when the following very liberal purses will sale, This is a very desirable- property report very low prices in the cattle markets Good Eitable ando'rchard. Apply to A. CARDNO, ion of Canada, and attended annually by be offered for competition there. Although there were a . considerable I ian. and is Situated opposite Mr.' James Pol- -Twelve years ago Mr. James number of mutton critters offered, yet owing to Seatorih. 1183. Over 250,000 Visitors. TWO -FIFTY CLASS. -Purse $160-lBt, 75; locks. It is offered on easy terms and Fulcher, of St. Marys, helped at a the active demand prices are higher, especially 2nd, $50; 3rd, $26. iay would make a splendid home for any for good lambs, which sold in lots at from eS.50 ALUABLE PROPERTY kOR SALE. -The threshing at Hern's farm, Downie. At to P-4 per head. Messrs. Brown Bros. bought V undersigned offe rs for sale six acres of land The greatest entertainment of the year. TWO-THIRTY'VOUR CLASS. -Purse, $200 - one. Mr. Sterlin does* not intend periods since that time he has suffered p3`1ambs to on which is it good frame house and stable, situ- 1st,'S100; 2nd, j ; 3rd, "5. .9 -day at an average of $3.75 each. leaving Bayfield, bat hag purchased intense agony in the head and has been Shippers are paying about 4c per lb for suitable ated on the corner of Sauble line and Main $50jOW FOR PRIZES FREE FOR A L. P urse, S200 -1st, S100! other property in the village. -Mr. heep, while the btherg are -bought by the street, Bayfield. Easy terms. ARCH. STER- 2nd, $65; 3rdi QS5. partially deaf in one -ear. On Monday LING. -1183-13 6Rd JesseCard expects to return from Eng- butchersatfrom 83.60 to $5 each. Common All the above races open to trotters a led And educational, instructive and enjoyable Of afternoon of last week Dr. Garin operat- Iambs sell in lots at from $2.50 to $3.25 each. Special Features. The newest and best attrac- puers. land about the end of August, when he ed on his left ear and extracted -an oat Fat hogs are not very. plentiful and sell at from STRAY COW ­Strayed from Egmoudville tions attainable. Grand International Dog Show, CONDITIONS. k. -1 orders gradn therefrom. This, no doubt, was r) to 5Jc per lb. Several large lots of butchers' E on'the 8th ilist., -a red milch cow, coming etc. Brighter and gloater than ever. Thebest ENTRANCF-Ten per cent. of purse to ac - will be prepared to execute al entrusted to him. He will have -a new the cause of the trouble, as his hearing cattle are expleoted to axrive from Manitoba, six years old, She has a white star in her Nre- time to visit tbe metropolis of Ontario. Cheap company entry. Entries to close on August 20. e ed. stock of leather, and asks those who about the last of the pres - ent week and the head, with fine projecting horns. She is giving excursions and low rates on all railways, etc.. Any horses distencing the field entitled to first he is restored . and his head is devoid of beg -inning of next. milk. Any informatioh that will lead to the Entriep positively close August 16th. For all' monel Want first clasa work to wait for him.- o, August 12. -Cattle -Sales of extr y only. Four to enter and three to start. pain. BuFrAL a recovery of this animal will be thankfully re- information drop a post card to 'Entries to be addressed to the Secretary at Sea - The garden party, on the grounds of '::-The customs r'eturns for iheTort of steers, $4.40 to K60 ; choice 1,350 to 1,450 -Ibs., ceived by the owner, who -is a laboring man. WITHROW, H. J.. HILL, forth P. 0. Races to be called at I o'clock $4.20 to $4.35 ; good 1,200 to 1,325. lbs., $4-1,5 to DAVID I1AY8j Egmondville. 11,83Lf J. J_ ck Mr. C. Symons, on Tuesday last, was a Stratford for the year ending Junp 30th, $4.25 ; good 1,050 to 1,175 lbs., $4 to $4.16 ; President. Manager, Toronto. sharp. Horses eligible from the 15th of June red grand success, &-rid the various refresh- 1890, show :-Free goods im. ported, coarse green steers, 1,200 to $1,400 lbs., $43.60 to 11834 last. Ameriban Association Rules to govern. t ARM FOR SALE. -That fine farm property raents and bazaar tables 'were liberally $153,052 annual imports, $322,563- $3.90; light prime butchers, 900 to 1,025 lbs., A Brass Band will be in attendance. F known &8 Lot 23, ipone sBion 2, Hay, situat' r gatranized. The receipts were $56.. imports for consumption, $220'105 V to $3.60 ; fat cows and heifers, 82.75 to $3.25 ; ed on the London Road, -within I of a mile of" Admission to park, 26 cents; ladies free rm, assumed pommor. to good cows, 82 to $2.60 ; stockers and the Village of Heneall, and known as Welland tice of Voters' List. carriages, 26c extra. ince Rev.. Mr. Henderson has duty collected, $57,777-77. feeders in lighter supply and good inquiry, com- Hall Farm, is offered for sale, and will, within No F. S. BEATTIE, Secreta charge of the Presbyterian church the -Mr. John Murray, for some time mon lots only steady. Sales of good to choice two months, be sold at the - highest offer ob- r? congregidions have becu very large and deputy postmaster in Mitchell, has -re. stockers, $2.60 to $3. Sheep and Lambs -Export tained, as the owner is moving to California and VOt rs'List, 1890. Municipsdityof the E. 0. COLEMAN, President. d almost sheep, choice to extra 95 to 105 lbs., $5.25 to investing in property there. There Is neArly 80 Township of Tuckeramith, County of Huron. the membership has increase signed his position there and will go to $5.40 ; do., 85 to 90 lbs., $6 to $5.26 ; do., 70 to On . - 1.. fifty per cent. Eight have joined by Cleveland, where he expects a good 80 lbs., $4.25 to $4.76 ; culls and'common thin acres of land in a fine state Of Cultivation, five acres ready to be cultivated, and 15 acres under la -A OTICE is hereby given that I have trans- PHOTO - ENGRAVING. profession., situation. sheep, $2.25 to M_50 ; yearling lamb- .60 to good hardwood bush. There is also a first-class N IT PAYS, TO ILLUSTRAT11; YOUR BUSM38S. ;in, certificate and eighteen by prime, mitted or delivered to the persons men This must be very gratifying to Mr. ipring Jambs, com in on two Storey brick dwelling with kitchen two tioned in Sections 5 and 6 of "The Ontario son Mitchell _'o ; -Last Week two young lads of $6'.60 toT.25. Hogs --Prime corn -fed ho -s were Portraits, and cuts of colleges,hotels, factories 0 storeys also, costing $3,601) apart from builder's Voters' List Act, 1889," the cepies required by 'Heriderson, who has been here but a were snuounced to appear before Magis- in excellent demand, packers Paying $4.16 for own labor. Also the-followin outbuildings'in a said Sections 0 -be so transmitted or delivered machinery,&c.,made to order from photographs - short tirne, and he must surely fe&l If gome choice Illinois vorn-fed stock, while good ttly - trate Flagg, for disorderly conduct. M very fair state of repair : two tarns, each 6Ox36; of the list made pursuant to said act, of all Prices Low -Send stamp for specimen sheets. ert pleased over the Success of his first gar- they stood their trial they were afraid lots part grassy sold at $3.85 to $3.95 ; York stable and shed attached,. 9Ox26 ; another stable persons appearing by the last revised Assess- MetrepolitEin Press Agency, men bought fairly , ood Yorkers at $3.90 to $3.95; 60k 1 22, lind tool house and stable attached 6Ox22, r9ent Roll oftbe said Municipality to be en - den party. -Mr. Louis Deihl occupied ent would follow, SO they grassy stock very aflow at $3.60 to $3.60, and New York- City. imprisonm and other small buildinge. This is a rare chance titled to vote in said Municipality at Elections 11 3 52 the pulpit of Trinity church last Sab- thought the beat thing they could do these offerings not wanted ; pigs slow. - to purchase one of the finest farms in the coun- for members of the Legislative Assembly and at LiVERPOOL, August1l.-The market is still un - 9 es bath morning. -Messrs. G. and W. would be to wipe the dust of the streets iy for situation and buildings at a good bargain- Municipal Elections, and that the said list was rd Shacrion of Goderich, are visiting Mr. favorable and prices are lower all round. Atthe There is not one foot of waste land; good water first posted up at my office in Tuckersillitb, on Knight's Blood Cure. of Mitchell from their feet, so they got Stanley market to -day 1,250 Canadian cattle of- and very other convenience. For further par- the 11th day of August, 1890, and remains there bus, C. Symons. -The great and lODg looked a livery rig, and, by a circuitous route, fered, and these found a slow sale, the demand 0 ticulars and price, apply to G. J. SUTHER. for inspection. Eluctors are called upon to ex- ied for Salvation Army camp meeting starts reached Stratford on Sunday morning being weak. Prices have declined about le per LAND, Notary Public, Conveyaneor,Hen8all. amine the said list, and if aiiy omissions or any STANDARD household remedy in success - 't, lb the past week, best beeres not briaging more errors are found therein to take imniediste pro- ful use more than 40 years. A positive, next Saturday and will last for one last, where, it is thought, they took a aid to -d 1383-8 A Nervous Prostra- than 12 c, which was the top price p ay. ceedings to have the said errors corrected ac- cure for Dyspepsia, Scrofula en week. Major Philpot and wife, Ensign train for Toronto. Sheep also are lower. consequent upon large ar- cording to law. tion, Constipation and all dis"ases of the Blood,, ry Wchael and other big guns will be -There died in Mitchell, on Thurs- rivals, 3,000 being offered at Stanley market to- SAMUEL SMILLIE, Clerk of Tuakersmith., Stomach and Liver. there. Mr. Jowett's grove will no day, 31st ult., Mrs. Gustave Smith , day. For these prices ranged from 12 to 13c per Unequalled for Producing lb., a marked decline from the week before. Dated this 11th day of August, 1890. 1193-3 . a Clear .has dou'Gt be crowded. aged 79 years. Deceased had been a The following were to -day's quotations, being We -stern Fai r Com plexiom ere resident of Mitchell for 40 years, and calculated at $4.80 to the .9 (sinking the offal): A botanical compound, put up in packa es Making'Starch. always bore an unblemished character, Finest steers, 121c ; good to choice, 12c ; poor The Best of Canadian Fairs, PUBLIC NOTICE. and sent by mail at one tliird the cost of ordm- to medium, lie ; inferior and bulls, 8 1 to 10c ary medicine. Large packages, sufficient for 3 66 consis- The shelled corn is first soaked for and for thirty years had been best sheep, 12 to 13c ; secondary, 10 to 12c LONDONy ONTARIO. The public are hereby cautioned against giv- quarto, $1.00 ; half size packages, sufficient for tent member of the old Bible Christian merinos, 9J to 111c ; inferior and rams, 7 to Kc. -my wife, Mrs, John 3 pints, 60c.; sample packages, 25c. SeVeral days in water, to soften the hull - I - ing any credit whatever to lu TORONTO, August 12. -Export cattle and A reliable Agent wanted in this locallt% and prepare it for the cracking -process. --hurch. - She married sixty years ago, stockerg--The reports from the old country are sont, 18th to 27th, 1890. Henderson, as she left my bed and board on The softened corn is conveyed, by ele- and her husband, who Will be 91years not such as would encourage very active buying Friday, August ist, 1890, without any just cause KNIGHT BOTANICAL Co-, - . O ad nt Large increase in prizes. r provocation, and I will not hold myself re- 1183-52 252 Broadway, New York. Vators-to one of the highest stories of old if he lives to the 16th of the prese for export here, yet or the whole there was a sponsible for any debts contrar-ted b3, her from see the factory, and shovelled into large. month, survives her. She bad ten good 1)usiness done. Latecables are decidedly i8go. JOHN RENDER - erg of whom are still kving unfav6rable and -xportem here who have had Machinery in motion in MaM Building, theist day of August, on hoppers, from whence it passes -into children, six, ales'inGlasgoweapecially complain of losing SON, John Street, Seaforth. 1 . 183 JOHN BEATTIE laills that merely cracks the grains -Tuesday afternoon of last week, The quality of the stock cattle that Manufacturing goods in view of public. Best MoDey. ely does not appear to speed progrmmniL ever offered. Grand and Without reducing them at once to a fine Chauncey Capron, of Paris, left Haney have been sent out ]at attractive SPECIAL EXHIBIT of the Southern ARM. IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE. -For Meal. The cracked grain is then con- Brothers, brick yard with a load of have met with a great deal of favor on the other State&_Cott6D , fip, rice, peanuts and wild nuts F sale, lot 7, concession 5, L. R. S-, contain-- Clerk of the Second Division Court oat, duated into a large tank filled with rina. bricks. He called at a store in Prince- side, %nd this, not alone the large supplies, is to each as they grow in -the South, carpets made ing 100 acres, about 85 of which are cleared, well ive a degree responsible for the weak 'prices ruling from the leaves of the pine and other wood@ of County of Huron. lug water. The hulls ef the corn float ton -and purchased a lunch. He then there. A private cable from Glasgow to-day"re- fenced, under -drained and in a good state of t to the 2nd concession of Blen-- ported the market there fully Jd off, and Liver- thC South. Products of the turpentine stills of cultivation. The remainder is well timbered, at the top of the water, the germs sink went on to pool cables were- no better. One exporter here Georgia. 34,inerals, herbs, plants, barks,&c.&c., halt hardwood and the balance firstclass rail Commissioner, Conveyancer, Land, Loan he to the bottom, and the portion of the heim, where he was seen by Mr. B. and a live alligator of Florida. Famous Wild timber, all uncalled. There are- good frame the who sold a lot of 60 cattle in Liverpool yester.' West Show,Balloon Races & Parachute Descents I buildings and a splendid young orchard. There and Insurance Agent. grain containing the starch, becoming flowee and Mr. T. C. Costen, of Prince- day Mveraged A 16, 158 pbr head,* which price, he Fireworks, Bands etc. are three never failing springs, besides wells. Itis Js gradually reduced to flour by friction ton. ReturniDg.again about 6 o'clock says, will lose him $4 -per bead on the bunck. within five miles of Sealorth and three from in are held in solution in the water. B they found him lying in the road dead, There appears now to be a desire on the part of For priz6 list and information address Pos Brucefield. The purchaser Yvill be allowed to Funds Invested and to Loan. His an ingenious process both the hulls and the wagon having passed 4over his arm exporters to leave stock cattle alone for a while i I and purchase fat cattle; at anv rate- the demana card to i ' do fall work right away. Apply on the Pre- OFFICE_ -Over Sharp & Liveni? store, Main the germs are removed, and the flour and cheat, breaking the arm and crush- for stockers has le8w6ned, while there is a rather CAPT. A- W. PORTEI THOS. A. BROWNE, mises, or address DAVID ROUAT, Brumfield 1116tt Ior part now held in isolation contains ing in several ribs. The re . mainds will increased enquiry for fat cattle. Picked lots 1182 President. Secretarv. P. 0. 1182tf treet. Seaforth. U RESTORES G -PLAY HAIR -TO ITS Original Color Beauty, Softn A Keeps the head Clean, Cool and Free from Dandruff. Cares Irritation & Itching of the Scalp. Gives a beautiful gloss and perfum6 to the hair, prodmes a new growth, and will stop the faUing out in a few days. Will not soil the aldn or the most delicate headdress. FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH ]BOTTLE. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Price, 50 cents per bottle. Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENTS FOIL CANADA, H. SPENOER OASE, Chemist and Druggist, 60 King St., West, HAMILTON, - - - ONTARIO. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. I mportant to Farmers. NEDFFERRANEAN HYBRID is a hybrid of 1 ithe Diehl and Red Mediterranean, and originated. in New York State about eight or ten yeave ago.' It has the compact head of the Diehl, with the beard and blue straw of the Mediterranean. The heads are broad, of medium length, and fall of large, plump, heavy grains ; straw, blue, as stated, and strong and stiff ; berry is very handsome, bright amber in color and of - medium size. It has produced 40 bushels and over per acre; as it tillers remarkably, surpassing both Fultz and Clawson in this respect. Two ' other qualities also must be mentioned, n el am y, it does, won- derfullyrunder adverse circumstances, as it is sure, being very hardy, to make a crop, no mat. ter how bad the year. It seldom if ever winter kills in the most exposed situations and ripens ten days earlier than other varieties. It is also noted for its excellent milling qualities. The undersigned has grown a considerable quantit this year and has some suitable for :,eed to se Samples- either in the sheaf or grain can be seen at Hugh Grieve 8 Seed- Store, Seaforth, where the same is for sale, or an Lot 21, Con- cession 13, MeRillop. Price $1.50 per bushel. Parties desiring some should place their orders at onceras, there is only a limited -amount for sale, 1181-4 JOEIN STAFFORD. EED WHEAT. -The undersigned has for sale the following Seed Wheats which are entirely free from noxious seeds. The Surprise and Rodger, both new varieties wbich-have only been lately introducted and have proved to be miwh superior to old varieties. They can be puyebased eitherat the millor from Scott& Crich, Seafortb, price -$1.40 per bushel. ANDREW GOVENLOCK, Winthrop. M. R. 06' unter S EAFORTH, -Hits just added to his already inammoth stock a fine assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Albums, Plush Goods,, Fancy China, Pipes, etc., all of which having been bought away down, will be sold for The Next 30 Days. -AT JUST ABOUT - WHOLESALE PRI ES. We are agents for and always keep on band a stock from the following American Witch MAnu- factories: Waltham, Elgin, Rockford, Aurora, Illinois, Hampden, Springfield, Columbus, (N. Y. standard), Trenton I New Haven, Waterbury, &c. Also the best makes in English and Swiss. Our assortment of American, English and Can- adian Jewelry is now- largtr than ever, and con- sists of the newest and latest designs. Silverware In abundance from the following, noted ms;kers: Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., of New V- i Ic and.11ontreal; Reed & Barton, of -Taunter Meriden Britannia, Of Meriden,. Conn.. ifamilton, Ont, all of which. are No. 1. Th. 'epartment i's complete in all its branviw . 1: ods sold er&raved free - of charge. :, p i. : are to show goods. Give its a call. W. R. Counter, MANAGER.