HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-15, Page 2ri
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� 1 41 . . , ' . . � . AuGuST 15, 1890.
- I
- . .1. . - I a . Tfij& H'URON ]EXPOSITORr � ___ ____
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�11: It's .in the Bible," said , Lydi% -to Venice on a voyage before, and used REAL LTJMSD' EN t WILSON � I
THE LADY OF THE ABOOSTOOK.1 . to be always talking about' the Da -cal- -DUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. -The under. .
. � . gravely. . _. - . �.
� �
I � 11 words in Palace. And did they really turn out 13 = has a number of fine building Lote 4 � . i 7
)BY W. D. HOWELLS. ' Oh, there are a great many her oi theii stateroom for you?" on G and James Streets for sale, at low - I Musical Instrument
I . . . � the Bible you can't use," returned I I said Lydia. prices. For particulars apply to D. D. WILSOli
I Ut. 44No, I don't look ill now, and , 11 She was not along," 908 - I
I XXIII. au ,,Not along I" repeated Mrs. Erwin . - CHEMISTS AND' DRUGGISTS. .
- U Ilm worlds better. But ' I couldn't live ALE. -Being Lot 11. Conces- . I
- . fe0ly. 11 Who -who were the other ARM F%)R S. i MM:POTZIUM
(Continued from last week.) a year in any other climate,, I suppose. . Felon C, Howick, County of Huron, con. — I . -
, She was very good'to Lydia all You seem to take after your -mother's pusengers ?" taining *100 acres, 75 under crop, balance ood . I !, . .
. throu- h dinner, and made her talk of "There were three gentlemen," an, hardworodbush good frame house,bank tarn I . .
9 ide. Well, as I was saying, the Euro- � v 9 from Wroxeter
8 . and bearinf or3hard, Ili mile I STIZ —
the simple life at home, and the., viiiage 3an ways didn't come natural to me at swered Lydia. station. Easy terms., Apply to WILLIAM T11q__SM30rT :P01S.01 S
- characters whom she remembe6d from P4 ' - "Three gentlemen'? Three men? -, ont. 1178x2O Scott Brothers
gay . , . I � I
. ber las "s -visit. That'amused 51L I'used to have a great deal of Mrs. Erwin BRYANS, Brussels F! 0 � . � I
- . `-� t summer ety when I, was a girl, and I liked b;aux Three -And you -,-and "- . . I -
Mr. Erwin, wl�'o, several . times, when nd attentions ; and I had very free, fell back upon her pillow, and remained ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 31, C011- � �
. his wife 'was turning the talk upon a . ir stiffness here gszing at Lydia, with a sort of remote F cession 5, McKillop, coihaining 100 sores, -1 � PROPRIETORS - .
ened with ways- I couldn't get the . not in. about 90 acres cleared and all in a good date of -Genuine'English, warranted strictly pure I
Lydia's voyage over, intery for years and years, and all through. my bewildered pity� as at perditiony cultivation. if is [well uirideMirained and well PARIS GREEN I
some new, question about the life .of the idowhood 'it was one wreb6hed failure deed beyond compassion, but far beyond t fenced, There is a good brick house land good
queer little Yankee hill -town. He said w ' help. �d s color had been coming frame barns, stables, sheds, &c. There is a and very superior. - SEAWMTH, - ONT.
. - with me. Do what I would, I was &I' L is" falling -
sne must tell Lady Fenleigh about it, i I ti g the most essential rules and going but now it settled to a clear large bearing orchard and a never I
. ways vio a to I I g well. it to situated within three miles
she was fond of picking up these curtoo ; and the worst of it was -that it o white. Mrs. Erwin commanded herself Op n
. nly of Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to -Fresh - stock just to hand. This article PIANOS. -Dunham, ]��ew York
it would make any ofie's'social fortune Mstf . HELLEBORE W. Bell& Co., Guelph; Dominion Piauo
w4o could explain such a place 'intelli- seemed to make me the- more popular. sufficiently to resume : 11 And there jOHN McCLURE, Porter's Hill P. 0. -
- gibly in London ; when they got to hav- I do believe it was nothin but my row- were -there were -no other ladies?" . ARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE. -For sale should always be selected with care, as when it is old and badly kept company, Bowmanville.
. . .1. - diness that attra�ted Mr. Vwin ; but I " NO." Fcheap, the East half of Lot 20, Bayfleld . . I
ing typical villages of the diffarentcivi i- determined when I had got an English. . I I And you were "- . Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 . .
zations at the international expositions, man I would make one bold 'strike for is I was the only woman on board," acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiva- it is totally inert. We guarantee ours to be fresh and active and will ORGANS. - W. Bell & Co.j
-as no doubt they would, -somebody � i replied Lydia. She rose abruptly, tion. The balance is well timbered with hard- found otherwise. Guelph; Dominion Organ Company,
must really send South Bradfield over.- the proprieties, and have themi or d a striking the edge of the table in her wood. There are good buildings, a bearing be pleased to have any customer return it to U13 if Bowmanvfile; D. W. Kara & Coii,
in the attempt. I determined that no orchard and plenty of water. it is within half a #
He pleasea himself vastly with this It movement, and setting its china and mile of the Village of Varna and three miles - I Woodstock. I
fancy, till..LNIrs. Erwin, who had been Englishwoman I ever saw'should o tdo 8 ation'. Possession at any D E R—We buy this article from the most I
me in strict conformity to all the usages silver jarring. 11 Oh, I know what you from Brucefleld INSECT POW
I � I eyeing Lydia critically from time -to of European soc�'ety. So I cut myself mean aunt Jonephine, but two days ago time. This Is a rare chance to buy a first class . The above instruments always on hand, a1w
time, as if making note of her features i From the farm pleasantly situated. - Apply to ARTHUR - 'ou can s�fely rely on what you purchase from - us a few gool second-hand Pianos andOrgans for
I � off from all the Americins, and went I couldn't have dreamt it I FORBES, Sea.forth. 1144tf reliable sources and y � sale at'from S-25 upwards. instruments sold on
- I and complexion, said she had a white a . time the ship sailed till I reached this - I — the instalment plan, or on terms to suit Me-
�7. 1 . with nobody but the English." . - . . . I
i Venice, where one wicked place, there wasn't � a word said SPLENDID CHANCE. -Two house,, and tomers. Violins, Concertinas and small instm.
I cloak, and that in doing its work.
� Is Do you like them better ?" asked lots for sale, pleasantly sittiated in the � .mentson hand; also sheetmude, books, &a.
11 need not dress a great deal for the opera, . , nor P, look looked to make me think 1 A
4 Lydia, with the blunt, ohild-like direct- village of Egmondville, being'one frame h?u,se I
.... I
. "I Lydia could wear it that night. w t�
117, i
11 z ness that had already more than once wasn't just as right and safe there as if
I with stable and half acre of land planted 92P� Physicions Prescriptions and Family Receipts accurately
;T Lydia looked up in astonishment, but -
d 1 3 startled her aunt. I had been in my own room at home. fruit trees, and one new brick house, v�ith . �
I a discus- ounded at moderate SCOTT BROS.
� she sat passive during her aunt
11 �
t �� 1� "Like them! I detest them! if They were never anything but kind and large frame stable and one and half acres of comp priceBat
11 � The housel contains -six rooms, bath
- � sion of her plans. When they rose from I
... ...
� �� I Mr. Erwin were a real Englishman, I good to me. They never let .me think lind. t, cistern and
5 3 . . room and closets, brick basemen -
I . '
- I she said a, her stiffest and coldest, I .
I i 7 e my enemies, or that all necessary conveniences for a first clam pri-.
I ould go crazy ; but he's I � pop AVOID ALL 11MITA.
.... f table, U think I sh been that theV could b
� � 'Aunt Josephine, I want you to' excuse
- I : vate residence. Will be sold in one parcel or
�,i . so little in his own country -all his life I must suspect, them and be on the watch LUMSDEN &
I �
. . . . . . � .
. 1 �. L i -Z me going with yon to -night. I don't feel . on the against them. They were Americans ! separately to suit purchaser. For particulars - BE DANGEROUS.
. : � . in India, nearly, and the rest ondville
[I ' 31y to SAMUEL WALLACE, Egm I __ -
$ . I � I *of your Europeans al?l . or to A, STRONG, Seaforth ,T, SEAFORTH. % ..dd�
'i 1. ,. . like gitri " - r
I 11 .1 � - 66 9- xclaime Continent, -that he's quite'human ; and I had to wait fo one P. 0 1168tf . . .-
, I I- . 0 t"I like going,!" e I
I . . � d her who SCOTT'S .BLOCK, MAIN STREF Eyes
1.1 -, I I to teach me that, -for that officer )ore
A- 7'. � aunt in dismay. - Why, your uncle has no American husband was ever more ' . - "I I
�,.:, � 1P � . patient and indulgent ; and that's say. was here yesterday "- % I
I .kRM FOR SALE CHEAP. -$6,000 will buy
P - ,
_ . ��
iz _- " - 100 acres on the 9th concesBion of Me-
. .7 . �
. H I I taken a box !" ing a good deal. He would be glad to Is The cavaliere? Why, wh ' ere "- F'. who ,
�' � , f: .- Ullop, belonging to Thompson Morrison, 10
1. --, _�! � Lydia opposed nothing to this argu- have nothing but Americans aroun I - is He spoke to me in the cars, when I t does -not intend to �
A J I is residing in Dako a and A .
i5_ 3! -1 ; 1. ,, I would rather Had he any .
, 14 � 11 ment. She only said, -0 a asleep. WHERE DO I -TRADE ?
i � lzl he bas an enthusiasm for them, r for Mr. Erwin wa return, eighty acres cleared and the balance -,.ameness -
I .. 1) I
- � � 4� : �4� t not, go. . 4 I
- - �,
�� I J_ _ what he supposes they are. Like the right to do so?" good hardwood, maple and rock elm, within 6i . 0.
�1� f., I i- , q T 1; mil
�`, S. I - 'lob, bat you wil, English ! You o"' Is lie would think he had, if -he e6 of Seaforth and within I of a mile of .
,., �
i.� _. I � , � ;� � would enjoy it so ught to hkve heard "- said Mrs. school house, Methodist and Presbyterian .
� 11 " You I
. i 1
- I : te.. , , � her aunt. them during our war ; it would have thought you were alone., -emale
�__ � �i - I � ) $ - - I�I doin't see how Churches, stores, mills, black8mithing and . %
(I 1 1, much. Erwin, plaintively. wagon making shop, post office, &c., good build. � k. me when
, t,!, � .1 - IR � - :1 I made your blood boil! And then how
- � , I ': � ings and water for cattle, and good gravel roads e any
f�� , :: .iz � "I thought you understood from what Faith, listen to that now I Is ther reason to. as
��- . K , I '- 69� they came crawling round after it we could resent it. It was simply a - I ,omplaints
�1 L - it � I said to -day,' replied Lydia, what I to any part of the township, taxes the lowest I trade where j *�
- Iii [ � was all over, and trying to pet us up ! mistake on his part. AndF now you see, of.any of the bordering townships. A mortgaie you can reason it out, for yourself, but I'll tell you. . I
- , .
. I
t, I � t could not go." Lydia "- will be taken for $3,000 at 6 per cent. App y
q � i 1, Ugh 1" I can get )unburn '
- �, ; Why, no, I . you t
�. wi� I 11 Oh, I see how my coming the way I to JOHN C. MOIRRISON, Winthrop P. 0 ,1 01, i
�. - . I � 176t
, 1� ,I! I ap
-4 . i " didn't I I knew I I If you feel so about them " said . `4k
I I - .?, I objected ; but if I thought it was proper i _t to have will seem to all these people!"
f. 4 s before, "why do you w oreness
,� ; T., � Lydia, a .
-1 1 _. r, . for you to go"- . cried Lydia, with passio ir ARM FOP, SALE. -For sale, Lot 12, concea. FAC -SIMILE Of
I . , ;11 i�, - �4 . nate despai r —W, :B:ESr—r -C7-0(D_—DS ) S
J'�,' , � go with them so much I" _r % BOTTLEWITHBUF
, ff __ "I should not go at fiome," said . . - F -1
. I
I � o . . " I know how it will seem to that mar- sion 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing
, I k 7z , - able f ashion. " My dear," cried her aunt, 11 to beat . 100 acres, 96 cleared, 63 seeded to grass, 8 WRAPPER.
!� I Lydia, in the same immov ri'lins
� �v �z � ried woman who lets a man be in love I a
- -1
k i � 1:111 'i , them with their ow n their ,,own to fall wheat. The farm is well -fenced, )
,;11: -1 is
i� . � - Of course not. Every place has its When the N
Is -t .� - -to show them that an with her, and that old woman who can't well under -drained and well watered by a And why shouldn't I? 'Is the best too good for one of us I . �
� - *
, I 4! `,:� ., din V I � !
I- : enice it has always own ground, I
IV I ;-.. CuBtom-j, an never failing spring which runs through pipes
I . I h .
.. _'� � � - 1 F� live with her husbvnd because he's too I fio,u e on buying at . .0 afing
- � � 't, been the custom to go to the opera on American can be more European than . rs se and goods are right , r . ��
4- � .��: �. - . good and kind, and that girl who sw into a trough. There, is a brick hou -
. - 1
,�4:-, - _ ., 1 1?� � e any of them, if,she chooses I And now ea kitchen,frame burn,stable ant driving shed. . . I
- I - -
. �
I 11; - I P, ; Sundaynight." The fact had no visibl ri -
. ill and doesn't know who her fathe s, and
�� 4 I - '' 'L J, Good orchard. The farm is situated within
- %. .
I ii 1-1 ,V. you've come he 3ri --ises
- '�� re with looks and tem- L
, i .i �� L a
),� 'k j,, I I - � weight with Lydia, and fter a pause that impudent painter, and that officer two and a half miles of Seaforth, with good
I- L �j . I- �_ ,."- perament and everything just to my Will be C E S 0 %
_ _ ! her aunt added, " Didn't Paul hirn- .
pj , "-, _ T H E LOWEST PRI
, 1; 4Lt. - - ,; . ? . L ) who,thinks he has a right to insult gravel roads leading in all directions. .
�:� " , - 7, ;, :.
i - . ;7'.'L �k: '--; Iome as the Romans hand. You re more beautiful than any Id on easy terms. For further particulars . 5calds I
� , a - � - 80
�_ � , ". _: �. 1 T* self say to do in 1 women'if he finds them alone I I won -
�, - , - ,
14 - . .., English girl ever dreamt. of being ; apply on the premises or to JOHN PRENDER .
f 11 I _. do ?" der the sea doesn't swallow up a place GAST, Seaforth P. O., Ont. There's a reasonable profit that's big )
. 44 I , unt Josephine,P cried - Lydia, you're very distinguished looking-'; your. 'e _____ 1111t' I'll not patronize big profits.
. � ,�o a . where even Americans go to the theatr. iles POND
.. I 11 * enough. Then I trade where I get
, _ voice is perfectly divine ; and you're
, .. I indignantly, "he did not,)$ . - -) FOR SALE. -For sale, the south half
,*- on the Sabbath !' . ARM
It Mrs. Erwin turned to her husband colder than aii iceberg. Oh. if I only I It isn't so bad as it Fof Mt 23, Concession 6, Morris, containin
:1 Is Lydia, Lydia !' 100 acres, about 90 of which are cleared, we 3urns �
� with a face of appeal, and be answered, had one winter with you in Rome, I seems to you," pleaded her . VT
� "' allDt . �� I
. llileaily, my dear, I think you're mis- think I shOuld die in -peace. Mrs, fenced, about 70 free from stumps and well
. impression Erwin paused, and drank her chocolate, thrown upon the defensive by the girl'; underdrained. -The balance is well timbered - � I Younds - AJLRACI
taken. I -always had the ' odtburst. I I There are ever so many %%-Itfr iardwood. The cleared part is nearly all
6 � And Pickard's is the spo
- that the saying was -an Am ricanism of which she had been letting pool in the good and nice people- in Venice, and I seedtin to� grass. There is a frame house and t. They have some big drives there just now .
eagerness of her discourse. I I But, tranic oarn, also a small orchard. This is one of Dress CEMAND PONDISEX
some sort." d," she continued, 11 we viill know them, too, -Italians as well as tile uest farms in the township and has no in Gingbams, Flannelettes, Shirting, White and Grey Cottons, nsect TRACT. ACCEPT Nt
"Butit doesn't matter," interpose foreigners. And even amongst those broken or bad land on it, and is ood for either ,Goods, Clothing, &c. I like to be treated right and I go to the Bar- SUBSTITUTE FOR I'
do the best we can here. I've seen Eng- F( HIS 3ites .
Lydia decisively. I I I couldn't go, if I li , 6h girls going out two or three to- .you. saw, Miss Landini is one of the grain or stock and will be sod cheap. gain Dry Goods and Clothing House run by .— -
� didn't think.it was right, whoever said kindest girls in the world, and she had within three miles of Bruesels and within a . t� f% 0 I.. .
,�� gether, without protection, in Rome quarter of a mile of a school. Apply on the .
- : � it." f and Florence ; but I mean that you shall just been to see her old teacher when we premises or to Brussels P. 0. WM. or JOHN "" )tfngs
-_ "Oh, well,"' beganMrs. Erwin, "i met her, -she half takes care of him; ELOBB, Jr. I . I 1144tf
I . � IN
� -
�. you wouldn't mind what Paul said- be quite Italian in that respect. The and Lady Fenleigh's a perfect mother ' . I I WM0 � PICKA)Lt-Ly, . I
..� ; addenly checked herself, and after Italians nevergo out without a chape- to the poor ; and I never was at the ARM FOR SALE, -Containing 119 acres, . )Ore Feet I
. 1: She: a . ...
; 1 11
; , rone of some sort, and you must .never F b�ing parts of Lots I and 2, on the 8th :
...1i . I little silence she resumed' kindly, " I I Countess Tatocka's except in the most concession of Morris, ino acres cleared and 6 Corner Main and Market streets, Seaforth. -
� ti, � . a V be seen without me, or your uncle, or . � I . . : I
Rl . - i won't try to force ' u, Lydia. ,I didn't distant way, at a ball where everybody acres chopped. The I -Cance good hardwood NFLAIIAMATIONS
. 114 YO Veronica. Now I'll tell you -how you I . - . � . .
,'I .1 i ,I realize what a very shorV time it ig since went ; and is it better to let your uncle bush, fairly ,fenced and -vell underdrained, good
.. A i you left hoine, and how you still have must do at parties, and so on. You o the opera alone, or to go with frame house and k--.chen with woodshed - and
I r arns and frame stable,
; �
j �
I - � � - - three wells and a soft water
i must be very retiring ; you're that, any go t ttached, two frame b'
I C. those ideas. I wouldn't distress you way ; but you must always keep close him I You told me to go with him go'ood orchard and Oentral Furn' itu're ., House 1EMORRHAGES I
't �.1 � about them for the world, my dear. I to me. It doesn�t do for young people yourself ; and- they consider SundiLy cistern. Within two miles of Blytb, where . I �
I..4 11�1 want you to feel at home with me, and over, on the Continent, after morning there is a good market for all kinds of produce, I
It I to talk much together in societly ; it . I's � qchool within five minutes'walk from the house. � I
" �1 you as . .
_. ,! T I I'll make it as like home for makes scandal about a girl.- If you service, any way . Would take fifty acres in part pay. This is a MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ALL . � .
, '. f ; n everything. Henshaw, you must .
I �, 61, '.� it first class farm and parties wishing to buy ' I
IS � ,�J I - c%n. i
-1 I . I dance, you must always hurry back to Oh, it makes no difference !" .re- . would do well to call and see it. Apply on thd ' I
` , I
_ _-_C, � �, o alone this eve�ning. I will stay with me. Dear me !" exclaimed M're. Erwin, torted Lydia, wildly. I I I'm going premises or addrie8s Blyth Post Office. NICH- We wish to draw the attention, of the people of Seaforth an - � THIS IS THE ONLI
11 " -;, I", . d Sur
'i ,
I -Jti - . Eydia. " . - RIGHT KIND. DONO'
. f 11 I remember how, when I was a girl, I away. . .
i . '. . - . I am going home. I have, OLAS CUMING. 1139tf
,; . _, . 114 Oh, no, no I - __ ___ .— )unding country to our large, exte]i Sive and varied stock of - PAIN TAKE ANY OTHER,
i � � lz� I - I r 4
! � I 1� I , j . I couldn't let you I ed to hang on to the young men's money enough -to get to Trieste, and the - 0 �
I , I shall not know what to Us . .
ji; � ea ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, lot 5, concession —
_� i '_�! ,t arms and protfienade with them.after a ship is there, and Captain Jenness will _'
T -4 .4 nI let you.
; " � . do if I keep you at home. Oh, don' F 1, H. R. S., township of Tuckeramith, con- .1
� -
4 I
. U I - .-
I 't . " dance, and go out to supper with th :
;� tt I I i : : I em, take me back with him. - Oh "' a] - '
t I . , f� ji leave it that way, please ! I shall f eel he taining one hundred acres more or less, 97 acres HO-USEROLD FURNITURE.'
�'. , 4 it Y) and flirt on the stairs -such times. But moaned. Is He has been in Europ'e', too, cleared, 80 of which are seeded, to itrass, well un- New Mus'ic Store
� I'_
ff i �:i 1. —
� ,, * i � I ,so, badly about . - On one W tgua
- - N - � -that wouldn't do here, Lydia. It would and I suppose he's like the rest of you ,. derdrained, three never failing wells. e Manufacture the most of our Furniture and cat. rantee. it to � 11
I .. I
4 J. V I fi � 11 Why, we can both stay," said Mr. fifty of said lot there is a log house, frame barn $
. - .N.
- n� _- - .
�_ -
I . f!l , - t- I , ru,in a girl's -reputation ; she could hard. and he thought -because I was alone and and very superior orchard, and on the other a the public. At present our stock -is very large, and is daily increasing. IN SEAFORTH. �
.. I . Erwin, kindly. - !
. � 5 �_; -�� ,-i
4 . . �� ., ly walk � arm in arm with a young. -man het less he had a right to Oh, I see good frame house and barn, stables, and good I
� - �k led and h reduce thi.,- ehornious stock our 'ces have been marked away down. �
I :k �� i _1 �t, i Lydia's lips tremb er eyes
t. I . � if she was engaged to him." Lydia it, Y see now that he never meant any- orchard. The whole will be sold together or To . J Pri �
& :t _,� _� i �1�
. a taid, I I I'll go
0, _��# � V AI" � I glistened, and Mrs. Erwin E each fifty separately to suit purchasers, located '
� � - Connor
. �t_�l hase. Our establishment PapSt & OJ
1�, - _�; _�� - I thing, and -Oh, oh, oh !" She fell on At our low priees everybody can afford to purc
ij ; � - � blushed darkly red, and then turned .
� . .T 1�
�A �'i, '_ with you, Henshaw. I'll be ready in 11 miles from Seaforth, will be sold reasonable ' �
I - - d a ,
� - � .-I I I I paler than usual, while her aunt went her knees beside the bed, as if ,crushe on easy terms as the proprietor is retiring from is open to you all, and we want to see you and all your friends. Brin,,
- . -1, '� -
'11. - � I iss much 2)
,� - � ! - - ui-�. -- T, �'j �.- -, half an hour. I won't dre I- Have
�, . � :-_ � On. I I You might do it, perhaps and to them by the cruel doubt that and- __ opened out next door to Jordsifs Grocery
� ; farminF. For further particulars apply to the
� , � 'i -i, iu -i the whole family with your and pay us a visit. We Will be very hap
. I -1.u.- f, � "A � She added this as if not to divess ' � py Seaforth, an I
t - i � -, �, 7 have it set down to American -ecce'utric- denTy overwhelmed her and flung .
f4 : i�- _-, � E - - ) out undersigned on the premises, and if by letter to .
. �, u. ,I,,,. a Sunday night might Seafortb P. 0. MICHAEL DORSEY. 1175tf on to J
: , -L : " �,4 i daal at the oper �
�- - ity or under -breeding but I'm not go. her arms on Mrs. Erwin's coverlet -it to show you our goods, whether you purchase or not. Hoping so
.� � 4, t' 9� . b ORGAN AND PIANO DEPOT.
", � tr I I -If �, -1 somewhat be accepted &s an observance ing to have that. I intend you tp be wag of Venetian lace sewed upon silk a ave a visit from you, we remain, resp,'ectfully yours, THE CE NTRAL I
I !, - - 'I -1 � , ��-;3 I . - I i ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAtE.-A b ,
�- - iv 4, of the Sabbath. . - if choice bit from the palace of one of the
ct ,, - just as dull and. diffident in oociety4is FURNITURE HO -USE, opposite McFaul's Dry Goods House. DEATH TO HIGH PRICES NOW. They have
� � i 1Z 1
1�71 .z��, �- � V Good Dwelling House, main part, 16x24
� I-, , 4', - .� � ucal f amilies-and buried her face in it. and 14x18, 1J storeys with kitchen 12x18 and a . � the agency of the THOMAS ORGAN, wit#
. . ,; I
. . r � .
I L ; : ; I � �* 17 ; XXIV. . you were an Italian, and more than if d . first class cellar under Scribner's Resonant Pipe Combination. They
M I 'I
I! - � t;"� J. YOU Were English, Your voice, of Her aunt rose from her pillow, and - all the main part. There
- � _ � �;,' -;13 4 mo'ning Veronica brough d cistern and young M. ROBERTSON PROPRIETOR. have also Violins and other small instruments.
, - - r t .
� � _�I� The next is also a good well an
- -
, ,j, �L'
f �
. i- �T- ..
_. 7 I f .. course, is a difficulty: If you sing, that looked in wonder and trouble at the orchard, with plenty of land for both garden and , I
.: ,�, r! -
f- - - I . 1�ydia a little scrawl from her aunt, bid- - Aar Please Give them a Call.
. ; 1 1 -
I : , � �' -
s - i , - will make you,conspicuous, in spite of beautiful fallen head, and the fair lawn purposes, also Cider Mill,215x40, with stable
, : J. � � I . - 1161
1 � I . oing the girl come and breakfast with
I - _�, _ f. . it He and wheel house attached, in first class working
: , everything. But I don't see why that, -young figure shaken with sobs. . 4
;.", - 1. - '...
. ,. , �. �,, , 4 at nine. �
I - - . . .__ 1 er in her room order, with good trade established. The six I �
t �, . 11 I can't be turned to adyantage ; it's no -who-what are you talking a t, � I ..
� : � , hf, bou . . � .
� � , -, 11 Well, my dear," her aunt called to fine village lots adjoining to.and forming part of . .
I 1, �, " "'Irl . - .
.I ' w
5,4_1 I : - 1: - . A, � illow, when she app ared, orse than your beauty., Yes, if you're Lydia? Whoin do you inean ? Did the above mentioned will be sold separately or 11 �
- -
I �: . .. her from her p, e together to suit purchaser or purchasers, aff Ord- I .
r � s ;.1 I . - . I �
I . . 11--, _� 4 ( 4a 1, 44'. -"In so splendid- looking and so - gifted, and Captain - Jenness "- U-ndprf.sLI-iinor D nar m nt,
.. -i . i I
� - � I . you -
!,.;; I . � find e at enoug 0 ALL I _____
. I t . � 'i , r? * at the same tinie as stupid as the rest, 6C Ing a good chance to any one desiring to pur
� IL I I r, �: �. i L No;no'," -wailed the girl,. "the - one .
I �i.. I .1 " *; i If there was anything wr b t chase a good new dwelling, first class In every - . � .
__ I I - - , I . onj a ou go. it's so much clear gain. It will COMe that gave me the book." - * �
; I : . to the opera last night, was pro- . V W
Z � �
f I . - ;� ,. , I!., Ing ' ? respect, or lots on which to build as the situa . __ __
� , , �,� -
, r �:Ir �t easy for you to be shy with men, for I 11 The one that gave you the book tion is equal tothatof any in the village. This - ,_ I
t �; �� I � . panishedfor it. Such wretched -
� ! �
� � .3 �j � perly uppose you've hardly ever talked with The book you were looking at last property will be sold at a bargain as the owner � . -
I - �
� I � ; .. 1, � - heard! And instead of a .
T � I 11 I ,I stuff as I never intends securin a farml .For full particulars I
I , � I , . living up there in that out.of-the- night I" Y, This department is complete in every respect, and prices the ow-
, __
r .i . - ', 1i i I . iat they promised., they any, . ; . I apply to BER ARD THOMPSON or G, J. I
A. - �, .� .. the new ballet tl I -
I __`��. - , - . .y village ; and your manner is very Is Yes," sobbed Lydia, with her voice SUTHERLAND, both of IffenBall. 11 75tf. est. Two- first-class hearses on hand. Funerals attended to at the
� "I _� 01 I
i I _+ii gave an old thin that I had seen till I " I
� : 1� ." r 1 good. It's reserved and yet it isn't - -
� .1 L �
L I I . . oll :. il uAss much, � muffled inthe coverlet. t faction guaranteed. I
- - . ,� . i; as sick of it. Ion didn't' shortest notice and satis
_. . - . . W green, The way," continued Mrs. Mrs. Erwin lay down again with a ra, e chance o obtain 3 1
1 1 ARM FOR SALE. -A r
�1: - I Z "� �j L ig-
I � �L . I can tell you. How fresh and bright
� :- L _ ', i n ff C a F a !Ine propetty, being Lots 11 and 12, Funeral Dir ctor.
I ..
�: � � - Erwin, 11 to treat men in Europe is- to nificant deliberatio . er fa e wa ess M. R013ERTSON
- _ i - . I ii Is Lydia I" she sighed.. Cone I y .
k � i 11 - you do look, ion 3, Grey township, Huron County. I P -
h - � , - , , behave as if they were guilty till they '
4 � , . , � v I z
0 �� - , � �, "Did yon sleep well? Were you lone- still fall of trouble, but of bewilderment containing 200 acres, 145 acres under culti 'a- —_ I
f:T �'�'! _� g �� �, prove themselves innocent. All you o longer. In moments of great die- tion, balance drained and partly cleared, with
. , � . _ e ? Veronica n �
, .1 -
P, `�� 1. , - 4, P �, some while we were gon . have to do is to reverse all your Ameri- - the exception of 15 acres reserved for firewood, . � I IF
11 . �r,. z - I - 'I j:
. � I
. . I "I 1; reading the whole even- . � tress the female mind is apt to lay hold I
�' - I , I- I and fence timber ; soil, rich clay loam, rolling � I THOUSANDS 0" BOTTLES
-1 L .
i,- .- -1 lifil. I . can ideas. But .here I am, lecturing of some minor anxiety- for its distraction,
, I �
, .1 .1
� , 1 ,�. I I- . � Pi I.,- ing. Are you fond of reading 9" and very productive ; a commodious frame
I i .�7 � , 11 1 1 A t von as if you had been just such a girl and to find a certain relief in it. dwelling. )arge cellar, with woodshed and other . .
I., I%- � �_ ; �'. I don't think I am, -very," said .
� � - . ,�, i�,� .
�-� � I " �� �s I was, with. half a dozen love affairs di Lydia," said her aunt, in a broken 'conveniences attached ; two large barns, one 0 When I say Cure I do not men
.v I 11 I .
L I L, ,
- .1 �
�. -I - L ;� I X I �1 _L� Lydia. "It -was a book that Ibeganon J with stone stabling underneath, besides other � I merely to stop them for a tim% and thes
r4 � , , " . on her hands at once, and no end of voice, 14 I wish you wouldn't cry in the
I "."f '� - _YL " the ship. It's a novel." She hesitated. - out buildings; tvqo large bearing orchardsof tave them return again. I MEAN A RADICALCURE. I have made the dismi-e of Fits
I � . _ ,
i �� �� - -, �, :- gentleman Iriends. � Europe won't be erlet ; it doesn't hurt- the lace, but choice fruits, besides.a variety of small fruits, :pilepsy or-FAIling Sickness a life-long study. I warrant my. remedy to k7ure tho
1- � - - , cov
. -1
� �,: - t �; i. . 69 I wasn't reading it ; I was j not - look- .
� 11
t r IQ T , 1, � hard for you, my dear, for you haven't it stains the silk." Lydia swept �:her ornamental and shade trees ; 1,400 rods of ;orst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send w
I'll _V, ; . 1� . r -
. A - � - _�, I ing at it." . straight rail fence, recently put up, a portion ince for a treatise and a Free Boftle of my infallible Remedy. Give Expi-ss an(
� . -1k, � 11 ; got anything to unlearn. But some handkerchief under her face but did not
T. � :_ !,t � - W1-+ a nueer child vou are ! I
I . A A — A A 11 4. f .1. ! a. *—I A *A. .11 AA- w_U Awtinv
I- . ;
I I .
. .. � �
I -
- .
I .
___ -
. - .
. ...
. . .
__ .
I I *dW �__�___
1, � _-T
.. �1_ '44, We onev�
.. *&b.Wok, A'
vlag.,w �go_,Od,
- -1 A be;
- Y40 . An � .
� -1 -h
- ', toth wat I I
.�� �11- I . - .
-sot me to ISY
- , i'l
. -down,again
I . 1, I -appose Y-01
. �
I � : - 400, "for me� U
. -6
, U'd walk wit
I I W , .
. . !"I -
4 4, x,o ,not I
, J! �
- . � Smtj- - __ "A
� .. y
� � -40 asked Aft
. i I
.. . 3
- . .11$
.. 11 . � f,or you -
� 4-& 0h, I diu
A but nowi .
it #
. . 40 Now1will
40 WD,W, rn
It - �
� I- - , -
.;.� � ISVM ,
auty., P sy
. � off ; Wld pret
-1 thing to�t�,11 I
. and -he m W-vle'-
. )46i�, - I
I � thiAg" - .
I -to is he coil
' '
I but Lydia br
I t, If h.e had
I .
- � tie have t0ld I
- me wait till'
� - , �w 11 it I
, � . 09 There�af :
, -
-it'llp said MO
� been in CA=0
I W.U.0 right
I . �
� 1pr,er,e in, the -(
. Would be thf,
, -
I )consider so I
. it tilder the I
. psdible -for I
an(I all he ,co
- (161&ation t
a zood fez
Uk, 1�
. bwv-e been U
- the troubled
cg,l am sorr�y
sum,84, Y,4 bu
he was i_n',ex
. . her in -disma
. . painful. A
ible person
. LydW-a eyefi
� '86 . d s
. mfl sake
I - then she h
� ths.',,.iover th
I ,% Bostoii$,
. Lvdis. . I
o W - �L
*. %', What v
� ,4 Mr. 'St�
I &'blush. - .
1� Her au&,
: sound, .
9 I Yes, I �
I sighed. :
*4 Aud a'
sditsib'e v) a
1 41 Oh1V po
- suitable. I
�bat at homl.
. 4 girl. like I
2 ,
person is r
I -C I 1Ws ra�,
ar.11 -
49 It MUS1
off. 211 said 11
I nearly twel,
seldom rev!
the -sound �
I sosto� A
- � the history
I . imagined S1
bar his iia�
school. Sb
. . - I
C.145,s9u ,
41 Wh_yj J
� - intelTupted
s,s He vir rA
_- " -,,I A80
. t
- thirty-four
"Ys 1
4eZ; I
. - �
thing, tol
I . Un. Brvni
I ,trainiscence
"Miss St"I
. m 6 I Ile, ha,
.4 Yes, i
I ts% Ile 'COUIA
- f4mily WA
. .
� � 44 We A
� Ries.." ,;
. . ., -Oh, I �
I I yoursavel
1 si Yes.
. r � 4`6 AU I I
"I'll � �� 419 Pret
� `9 Andl
or what -
. .4'.4 He
Brad -field.
. 44 Of -0i
I thought .
� Urs. Erw
. japparent
should n,E
,did you- f
I . Lydia t
Wharf, ;
- , � - 'whole sto
� Parting *
. - and Paul
. � 'Amat wat
. I At the en
... ,
� .
� , -
h, I
in promi
� i I shoul'd
- . 4irting, a
it aa -
- 1 any
. . -Of court
Of bir. 33
plWin ab
that looU
have tho
. ng ' 0 1
t * a
be eithe
.. I its havj
i� -1 v ii- � �, � . - un er r ne i w. - .Y - a ns ,usr 6 ce. at. costs you notu ng r A r , am cure _Y� - a 6 -
. � , t" - � girls that come over 1 it's perfectly ridi lift it. Her
,� L -,. . �� � , , , you were dying to read it, and . aunt accepted the com prom - wells- and a spring j.)rivilege for stock. This, g.o,l Bir"Ch Officep 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, ToRoNTo.
_ 17 � I � .I, Suppose
j L ' �
- � _ _% , culous, the trouble they get into, and ine. " How came he to give you the- farni is pl6mantly situated, has an even sur_ L I .
, - I
, . �
I � r - L _ � 11 I'- I
�'. �_ ;-- - H wouldn't because it was Sunday. . .
I �, L,
i . t .
�_ � .1 � il _� 11 el.11" Mrs. Erwin put her hand under the,time they.have getting- things book ?" face and -drainage facilities that cannot Tp - I
! - . i w I I surpassed, while the buildings command a view . � �
L . j � straight. They take it for granted that 11 Oh, I don't know. I can't tell. of the whole property and a large portion of
. ; � -1. � I il -,i her pillow and pulled out a gossamer -
� �
. : . I
� I . "I I - men in good society are gentlemen,- thoughtit was because -because- It the surrounding country, adding much to the ON ROOT COMPOUN-D.--Com
, . I ; .
L . - I
- I � I handkerchief with which she delicately
I i � : I what we mean by gentlemen.", I m portAnt A ' to - 11 of Cotton Root Tans I
� . .1 �
. - I .11 was almost at the very beginning. A beautv of the place It is distant 41 miles from .
L . .1 L, L I �, touched. her complexion here and there, I ud - � . � y and
. :_ � t � ;2 . L Brussels on the G. T. R., while post ofte and � ! I
L , 4- , .. ,c� - Lydia had been I I ! . , ennyroyal-prepared. by an old phy-
- �
, and repaired with an instinctive re. etting her coffee after that he walked up iind down with hurches.are not far distant, good roads. Will . ; . I Lois". Is succe"fuzly VfeA 11WILthly .
� T,: �'i. � , ; i� - stand, and had scarcely tasted the delie- me every night, nearly ; and he tried t 0 .
I �. L �' ''. I 6niement of powder the envious rav- 0 be sold 'reasonable. For further particulars � b thousands of women, and his been
� : -;- .� �4 , .
..� I - arra . . . P se lbed in a practice of over thirty
. I . �:� - � .1 I a French bread and the sWeet Lom- be with me all- he' could ; and he was apply to D. & J. ROBERTSON, on the' premises . .
� , �i I raah, about her nose. 'on . i I re n
rl L ; " ages of a slight .
4 . 11 �
I : � � i 1 :7 z ,,, � or to Cranbrook P. 0. 1174tf - v . � .1
� I � '1_f - high principles beyond bard butter of which --her aunt 'ate' so always saying things to make me think . . 7 . $I. Will be mailed to -Any address
i .q. 1 7 �. "I respect your . ' . in Canada and United States. Doe
� � : - " ! -, ) . tor,1 consul.
.� heartily. " Why, child,' . tation h �
;� ,,, - , said Mrs. - Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ! And -IN TUCKERSMITH AND STAN and I
� - I - I :, anything, Lydia, and'if they, can only . ARMS BRIGHT BROTHERS - 4. Diseases of
I � - __ 9
1 1 - 0 , 11 1� .t �
� . - women
1 �� . . � ou "o 11
: - I �_ �
at last, I I where is your appetite? he tried to make me care for him .1 Oh, � ed
:, � . . � be'turned in the right direction they' Erwin, ' . F LEY FOR SALE. -For sale, -Lot 21, Con- . Sealed part'-pulaft tvit
,., � I ; , I I I) stam t r ":td I e so nolny
�. I One would think you were the elderly it was cruel, cruel !" . cession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing Pa.
1-11 will nev 100 acres, of which 85 acres are cleared free . -31 woodwspi
� . �.... _. . � er be any disadvantage to you. - � AddresE POND LEY
I i I , I �, H I COM-PANY,No.3,Fisl,e Bloc 1
.4 1 - I he breakfast on invalid who had been up late. Did you 11 You mean that he made l6ve to # t � I
, � . ; - : ' 1 Veronica came in with t ' � from stumps, all underdrained, well fenced and I Avenue, Detroit Mi-Aagan. 1163-13
. I � ' .
. �
� ,
1:� L � E . , Now find it too exciting to sit at home 9 look- you 7" asked her aunt. in a high state of cultivation. The balance is r
. � - � -
i.� - . a tray, and Mrs. Erwin added "' S:M_A_:FC)T:,) -VJa ` L
I I I - -L , I ' I L
� . I . � -
L . -
I - � 11 - -1 ; 11, , 1 up that little table, and bring'your Ing at a novel? What was it? If it's I I Yes -no -I don't know. He tried well timbered with hardwood. There is agood I - I I I
I . % 11
., I �, �
I � - -
. I pul brick residence containing all the. latest im . "
I .
I.. - ;. -1 . ,-, . � . chair . But to make me care for him, and to make provements and conveniences, a good. barn,
. � � -1
I �, � . " - , my dear, and let us take itL easy" a, new stoiy I should like to see it. - GODERI`
. 1_1 you didn't bring a novel from South me think he cared for me." %an
I I- � while I'm breakfastin � � stables, driving house, sheds and other out- The Leading Olothiers of Huro"n
; I i �, - �, I like to talk 9. . I I
I .
.1 . ;� Will you pour out my chocolate ? That,,; Bradfield- with you?" . "Did he Bay he cared for you? Did buildings all in good rep ir, There are three I � I 9
, i � . � - i, . gaAe
I . � I , �. _J "No," said Lydia, with a husky re- he "-, . acres of �erchard and 11 f containing all . or rkse,
� ; - it, in. the ugly little pot with the wooden a rult trees and the 8team Boile' Wo,
- I �_ " One of the seengers gave 11 No!" kinds of large and Bin Beeg to inform the: people of Seafortl�
I � : ;� luctance. -pa ' and surrounding country, that
I I . - .- dle , the copper one's for yon, with )I hole farm is surrounded by maple and other
. , - _. k ban
I � r 1 - - it to me. Mrs. Erwin mused a while before she w8hade trees. It is close to school and is con-. they have added to their large ordered clothing trade one of the (F,STA'BLISHE;D 1880.)
IT I � . �1. - coffee in it. I never could get that I re I
. I : .
. -
; - � � is. �� pose which seems to come perfectly nat- Is Had you many passengers? But of said, " Yes, it.was cruel indeed, poor venient to markeis, railways, churches, etc., . �
1. . I �' , course not. That was what made it so child, and it was cowardly, too." ' and good gravel roads leading in every direction.
I �
- ,, .
:_" , � � � � ural. to you. I was always inclined to delightful when I came over that way. "Cowardly?" Lydia lifted her face, Thete are three never failing wells. This is ore Most Complete and best selected Stocks of Boys', Chrystal & Black,
; � a little rowdy, my dear, and I've had of the best farms in Huron and will be Bold �
- be I .
%� I ._1 �
X_ - �, m . : to fight hard against it, without any I was newly married then, and with-- and flashed a glance of tearful fire at her cheap as the proprietor desires to remove to
F I , . I . . . � Youths' and Men's Readymade Clothing
I I ,.
. - _. - spirits -oh dear me !-for anything. It aunt. Is He is the bravest man- in the Manitoba where he has purchased more land. �
, � I , I
� - I n I Manufacturers of all kinds of Station'
_-; . ,, help from either of my husbands ; me .
- - I ,�-
I I 1'lf - L was one adventure, the whole w7ay; and world! And the most generous and Apply ,, the premises or address Brucefield . � -
� .
.,� , '- � like it ; they think it's funny. When I P.O. GEORGE PLEWES. � ary, Marine, Upright & Tubular � 3
� : 1: . F
�,. � , I . . we got so wall acquainted, it was like high-minded ! He jumped into the sea I --IN THE COUNTY.— I
- , , I I . as first -married, I was very young,and
I -
�, - ; � I I W one family. I suppose your grand- after that wic
; - � I 1� 7 ked Mr. Aicks, and saved He also offers for sale f dr the same reason his .
-, -1 ; 1 � was he ; it was a real love match - I
� . _. I so y father put you in charge of some family. his life, when he disliked him worse farm in the Township of Stanley, being Lot 12, 1
il,_ � �� . 6nd was very welloff, and . Concession 5, Stanley, containing 100 acres, � BOILERS
- I - " and my husbe . I -
1 11 . I know artists sometimes come out that than anything 1" - I 1 1-
. ; 1 7 - When I began)ito be delicate, nothing about 76 acres cleared, free from stumps and in i I
" . � � I . ,d people for their health." . I I Who was Mr. Hicks ?" , a state of good cultivation, the balance well . -
11 4-- � way, ELIO . - , ' Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror
"; ? -L : � timbered. There is a comfortable frame house,
i - - would do but he must come to Europe 4 1 There was no family on our ship," I I He was the on Prices Unequalled. 'We lead the Trade. �
;�t � � I � � ith me. How little I ever expected to e that stopped at . i Works,, etc.
1A w frame barn and drivinz house a d stables. . I
- �.; 0 a I'll . I
- .� i said Lydia. "My state -room had been Messina. He was -the ne that got some Th re I 'ty of water.
. I -
; 'I', 1_� i , outlive hign !" is a good.orchard and len
I,F, fixed up for the'captain's wife"- brandy at Gibraltar, and behaved so It is within three miles of Varna and con- Also deal, In Upright and Horizontsd Slide
11 . be- Remember tliel Old S-itand, Cam bell's Block, oppositei the Royal -
; ., -, . it : � is You dbillt look verytick now," - 9 - i P Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines&
i tl� I
i-7- i4 I . I . "Our captain's wife was &Ion too, " dreadfully, and wanted to fight him," veniently situated for markets. Apply on the � ! specialty. All sizes of VI and pipe fitting
I ._� f - gan Lydia. interposed Mrs. Erwin. 11 She was 11 Whom?" �rem to either of the undersigned WM. Hote4, Seaforth. ' � - . nstanti n hand 9stimates iurnished
�, PIr .
V%� � , "You must 8 -P. O.; GEORGE PLEWES, ' . .
f I
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