HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-15, Page 1A ,
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Che co,uncil met
,t on August 2n& .
I motion the fol -
I iered to be paid. �
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heutler, Centre
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L-. Snider, South -
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'-W. Farnoombi
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Dh, shoes for in-
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- � � :, - . I I I I BAN BROS. Publishers.
- , - I XcL
I . i I _. $1.50 a 'Year, in Advance.
-T=D - YEAR. , 0 - - I
TWBNTY - . . , SEAFORTH,v FRIPAYs AUGtST 15,1890 1
VMOLE NUMMER. -1,183. - I . . . � I . - . -1
- - _ . . -
. I . :
. .� --- - . - . - talking to him at 11 o'clock, and this city L u search of the defaulter. To- fowls. Th for Manitoba,
m . . AMERICAN Versus CANAD- tunate in only having one good debater a widow, one son, Mr. George Inglis, of � - tective Carpenter and consigned direct to gentlemen farmers
Clearing Sale IAN POLITICAL CON- on the floor. The - new gang," as their Carrick, county of Bruce. and one was the last seen of him alive. Not geth6r witk De .
e , Albion, there. .
VENTIONS. opponents now designate them, had daughter, ,Mrs. George Smith, of South coming to dinner, Mrs. Rounds becam Campeau, he traced Rae to the
he field to ascer- and then to Phillips square, where he -Sir John and Lady Macdonald are
� " . - three ' ready - speakers, with every rule . Dumfries. alarmed mud went to t t present making a tour of the Eastern
f? . tain the trouble, and was horrified to was arreated. Rae agreed to return a
(Writteii for Tux EXPOSITOR.) and practice of parliamentary procedure - v,polis. His Provinces. At Charlottetown, Prince
� I nder, with
-AT THE- I . Canada. find her husband dead under the bi the detective to Minne . .
. It occurs to We, a former correspond- down as pat as the multiplication table . defalcations will, it is understood, Edward Island, On Saturday, Sir John -
- . I ent of TiiE EXPOSITOR, that its readers -one of them a former Iember of the A lot �on eet, Winnipego but she was unable'to get his body out mou . - . was tendered a reception by the
. . until assistance came. - a nt to about $20,000.
Chen ". - might be interested in an account o*f I a legislature, another a member last year with 80 feet frontage, b as recently be . en � -Alexander Mitchell, an ex -Grand. - �Recently Leonard, son of Walter Canadian Club. In the course of his -
CaSh Store. n and sold for $70,000. * d dead reply to the address he referred to Ron.
CLF � political convention on this side of the of the constitutional eonventio , -The West Presbyterian church of Trunk employe, died very miserably Bea�ty, of Pembroke, was foun . nZie a -ad to HOU. .
� .
- line.' Your American cousins do not the third a railroad attorney, probably . . at his under a pile of boards in the sash and Alexander Macke
L imous call to on Monday evening of last week I
. . , always do things after Canadian the brainieef man in the State. ty-tbe Toronto has given a unan . 2 St. Henri street, door factory in that town. The young Oliver Mowat as Scotchnien, politically -
-OF- plane -not saying that they might &I- most adroit and skilful manipulation a Rev. Dr. George, of Believille. boarding house, I 11 had been almost boy4as 7 or 8 years of age. An uncle opposed to him but personally friends,
� .
ways do well to do so -or otherwise. few delegates who joined the I ,old gang" -The estate of the late Lieutenant- Montreal. Mitche I who had risen, by reason- of their ability
n over Governor MeLelan, - of Halifax, Nova living on whisky for -the past month, of the child, on going to this pile of and industry one to be a first Minister
HOFFMAN & -0001, Of that I will,expreas no opinion for the in the preliminary vote were wo al mo- Scotia, is worth $150,000. . and when a fellow boarder entered his , lumber, noticed part of his clothing and, ) . Premier of the
. � . reason that in this case, at -any rate, af - to the " new gang," and the usu removing boards, found the lad, who of Canada, the other the -
L ter a plain, unvarnished Statement of tion to authorize the chairman to - ap- -Robbin's circus was seized for debt room in the evening he was found dead h&4 evidently been strangled from pres- great province of Ontario, and he ex
CARDNO'S BLOCK) , 'the facts, it will not be necessary. Point & committee on credentials was at Madoc, Ontario,last week. They have in his chair. e of boards on the neck Apparent- pressed regret that failing health must
A political convention on this side of voted down,and a committee of 7 elected left Canada,on account of poor patron-. -The Qutwnls Park orator, familiarly sur -the *boards they soon compel Mr. Mackenzie to with -
the line could not reasonably be expect- which stood four. to three in favor of age. . I known as Jumbo Campbell, wag fined 85 ly in trying to climb . - draw from public life.
cEAF0 RT H. Winnipeg city director and costs at the Toronto Police Court ha fallen on him.
Z� n the Can- the I I new, gang." The convention ad- -The new y fire broke -Mr. Joseph Workman and family
, ed to correspond with one o . . - just issued shows the population of -the the other day, on a charge of indecent , Early Sunday morning � from Colorado
breden- city to be ove . r 25,000, or 888 greater and insulting language. Campbell was outTin a house on College street, Toron- returned to Stratford
ada side, for the reason that the condi- journed to give the committee an oppor . r they bad removed
- tions are different. In a. county or tunity to examine and report on in the habit of holding forth in the park to . I Three ladies, who boarded in the last week, whi,the Mr. Workman '
- . �_NNTE ARE GIVING riding convention in Canada one candi- tials, and th� committee went into sea- than last year. to gain the about two - years ago,
. . At a Sion at about 4.30 o'clock p. m. and with . -While last year Manitoba had,to im- on Sunday afternoons against the Roman. pla e, found it impossible flame and not then enjoying good health. The I
a date is placed in nomination. - port several hundred thousand dollars Catholicg� He was defended by Mr. J. str et through the smoke and oved most bene -
I too
. county convention here from,a dozen to the exception - of -a brief interval for Holmes, of South Huron f ame. ) . refuge on the flat roof. Three change of climate haspr
Great Bargains fifteen candidates are nominated, beeid es Supper', continued in session.until 2.30 worth of oats, this year she will export G. he defeat of thelby-law in Toronto, who were also in the building slid ficial, we are glad to know, and he has
. . the election of one to two dozen dele- o'clock the following morning. The a couple of millions worth. _T =n the water pipes and escaped, mosi returned a much heavier and no doubt a
- 'convention. In Can- honor of a position on a credential com- -The Gladstone branch of the Irish to grant $200,000 to aid in rebuilding un allantly leaving the ladies to their happier man. - -
-IN ALL KINDS OF . gates to the State e' is seldom sought after. When yational League of America are arraDg- Toronto University is a subject of con- 4 . . Dan Anderson, of Dawn, County of
?Ad& the prevailing theory is that if a mitte., siderable discussion there. Many other fat . The fire brigade, however-, ar
man acquits himself well -in any officei to the c6nvention reconvened on Wednes- ing for 16 visit to Ottawa by John Dillon � save 'both Elgin, was chosen treasurer of a school -
DRY GOODS1 which he has been eiected, he should re- day forenoon there -were two reports an4 William O'Brien. . untries ecintributed aid to the rebuild- riv d on the scene in time to fund, and $560 was handed over to him.
� co h ladies and the,greater part of the �
11 credeiatial committee, a major- -The amount of exempted property ing 'of the University, while Toronto th �. . He had no big safe in which to keep it,
. ceive the endorsement .of a re-electio om I that should naturally be the most building.
- Here again it is different. A man who ity report and a minority report. The in Montreal is $19,74-5,210, and a city, I On Saturday afternoon Katie, the so he put it in an old bottle and bid
___ ETC. . - .
MILMNERY, to office fight was on again, and the scenes of crusade against tax exemption is to be interested in the institution, refuse$ to 0
is honored here by an election contribute a cent. Toronto likes to fo r -year-old daughter of Mr. Robert the bottle among some old clothes in an
I as a rule is expected to -step down and the previous, day were duplicated, the instituted. a a 6 house, Carleton out house. The money remained there
final outcome being that the viajority� -The French newspapers in Montreal gobble up everything it can re ch nd M odie, of the Revere
- ice, got possession of a bottle of cor. quite a while, and one 'day a trustee
Our stock in all lines will be Out when his term expires, and allow' . . ) blish an advertisement asking for it believes in keeping all it can get- - Pl. re she was came to get $50 of the fund for some
the h3nors to be passed on to some other report was adopted, with the exception, pu wheat .fields of - -A party of Aylmer gentlemen have rogive sublimate, and befo hool business. The bottle was still
- found very complete at the Cheap, man who has a claim to recognition by of two delegates reported by the minor -1 4,000 laborers for the to a syndicate and noticed swallowed a, draught of the SC
xnoon o� the Northwest. Wages of from $30 to formed themselves in I
Cash Store of - - the party, by reason of past services. At ity? It was not till the afte have purchased from Mr. Randall 0 . "Orions stuff. Medical aid was im- sound,loaded with the $560, the $50 was
I permanent organiza- $40 a month are offered. p taken out and the balance put awAY
a nominating convefition in Ontario Wednesday that a -Two -by-laws, -One to raise $125,000 Learn his Canadian trotting stallion, mediately obtained, and everything pos- again in the bottle. But next morning
009 there -are 'seldom more than three or tion was effected, and so evenly were a nd Gold Ring, (record 2.18). The con- silile was done to counteract the deadly when Anderson went looking for it both
-. HOF. FMAN & four aspirants for office -f requently less - the contending parties balanced that for the construction of waterwork , a as $10,000. Gold Ring has popion and relieve the- sulfferer, but , isappeared.
- . the " new gang " nominee for permanent the other a local improvement by-law, Bideration w without success, and she died on Mon- money and bottle had d
Here, there are'usually from thirty to sy, -and made half miles on the Saginaw and Bay
NOTICE.—Agents for Butter- - were voted on in Gait on Frid .- . day morning about six o'clock, after Some one bad otolen, the money. It is 1,
, t�l , forty, and it's the exception and not the chairman was only elected by a majority �_ igan
. rity City, Mich' , tracks this year in I said that Anderson has had to mortgage
- want of one vote. If is -a rare thing for a both carried, the former by a maj - suffering intensely for 36 hours. .
ick's reliable patterns and publica rule to find a man who does not ion. faction to gain the temporary organiza- ef 356, and the latter by 7. 1.05J, and is without doubt the speedi nts resulting from the break- his farm to raise 1 the required sum for 1�
. to be a delegate to the State convent � -The body of Bridge -Jumper Me- eat stallion Canada ever produced. He L-Accide the school. .
- tions. A Canadian convention is sometimes tion and lose control of the convention qffrey, of Montreal, who last Sunday was sired by Eden Gold Dust. I ink of some part of the tackle in con- . -tieutenaut Stairs, R. E., the young
__ do. It happened on this oces- C d at the n tion with r ck lifters are now becom-
- tame - an American convention never. afterwar jumped. 130 feet into the river, was -A shocking accident occurre a I Canadian bero,who was Stanley's right
- Perth Items. � A Canadian convention is sometimes � en- sion. The permanent chairman under- found floating in the water at Boston on Dominion Organ and Piano Company's in quite frequent and ar3 very often his march into darkest
Mr. W. Byrne, ex -councilor of thusiastic-an American convention is Stood his business. There was no more nville, by which a man at nded with fatal results. One of hand nian on
- . great Thursday last week. His neck had been promises,Bowma V
. I bedlam exactly. Buttherewp6sa - these accidents occurred on the farm of Africa, arrived at Halifax, Nova, See is,
Logan, died -at his residence on Sunday sometimes a howling -mob. nfusion and unruly con- broken. named Joshua Orafit was terribly burn _ e
. - ing i - - y. ich should
The Cass County Republican conven- deal of noise, co ed. Mr. Grant was engaged tarri MIrs. Brown, Cedar Creek, on Saturday on Monday, on a visit to big moth r
morning, 3rd inst., - in his 73rd year. man was obliged -The Dominion Government investi last, whereby one of the employees was and fami�l The train whi
. tion met here last week. . There were duct still, and the chair tion into the affairs of the Grenville and felting the roof of the factory, and ived at riddnight did not arrive
Mr. Byrne was one of the best known . � . hammer- ga recipitated about 25 feet to the barn, have arr
- of the 116-deleigates present, every precinct in. to keep up an almost constant ual would seem to indicate that there when carrying a bucket of the boiling P a severe until 7 o'clock in the morning, but not -
and highly respected residents the county being represented, but - ne. ing on the table with a three and a half Ca $25,000, liquid his f9ot slipped. In trying to Por. - Although receiving ay the large
township. lie wag born in Ireland in 0 keep the has been an embezzlement of .
called for two foot loaded walking stick to hand, up to above "'aking up, -fortunately no bones were withstanding the great del .
1817. At the age of 22 he had to shift The convention was . A little managed by the use of fraudulent pay prevent a spill 'his �;oken and at last accounts'the injured crowd who had assembled to welcome
for himself, and after working in and o'clock Wednesday. The delegates be- conversation within bounds the wrist, got into the hot pitch. He .
. - I - after midnight of Wednesday the con- sbeets. . man was doing nicely. - him spent the night at the -station, and
around Whitby for eight years came gan to. arrive Tuesday, and by the mid d ad- -Two thousand eight hundred and was horribly burned. I -A man th�ught to be Georgi Kirsh- greeted him most cordially as he stepp.dd
11 '
to Logan township, where he resided die of the forenoon, Wednesday, every 'veution completed its labors an seventy four dollars of poll:t�x Was col- -The family of Mr. George Inglis, of out of the car. Mr. Stairs looks to be
until his death. His wife died in' 1874. man,of them was on the ground. The journed, Sine die. the - township of Carrick, -has been net, agent for Jacob J. KirbDer, cigar
When the convention got down to lected from Chinese. arriving at Van- severely tried this year. First, Mr. dealer, Brantford, Ontario, has, it inthebestof health and spirits and,
He leaves a family of six children. The first struggle was, and always is-, for the couver, Brittish CO-lumbia, 'last month. believed, committed suicide at though he refuges totalk for publication,
f ae- work it turned off business quite rapidly. hour's notice
remains were interred in the Irishtown temporary organization. The two � Inglis lost his wife, next hie married isi
re elected to This is $2,046 less than the amount . and is evidently ready at an
cemetery on the following Tuesday. tions began caucussing at about eleven Twenty-nine delegates we Ilected during July,1889. ' ' daughter was carried off, and then the N�iagara Falls., His coat, vest . e
o'clock. There are always two factions represent the county at the State Con- co eing Derby hat were found in Prospect park for another start for Africa.
. � , man wearing
-On Frida� afternoon, lot inst., the � placed in -Charles Blackwell, an English death of his son-in-law, through b Tuesday morning, A . the -On Saturday morning at nine
in patties here, and there in much more vention. Candidates were week he was i
hands at Mr. H. J. Hurlburt's planing nomination for the following county of- tramp, who has been in many Canadian gored by a bull, and last the funeral of I t asked for a drink at the parklunch o'clock a severe thunder storm. passed
mill in Mitchell finding the mill filling independence of party than in Canada. run down at Glenmorris attending ( ' as tho day before, Stating he was over a section of country northwest of
idency flees: Sheriff, treasurer, district attor- and American jails, has been Four deaths of mature per- .
rk, and wap his father. u
' a search was instigated Blaine was defeated for the Prea Eke, and be
up with smoke, votes, but ney, registrar of deeds, cler,k of the at Wa;tertown, New Yo Sons in one family in a little over si:x b ol ing refused, said he wall Campbellford, accompanied by heavy
and it was discovered that fire had in 1884, not . by Democratic . , judge given a cheque to carry.him home, . oing over the Falls. M.emoranaaof rainand hail, which did considerable
blownoutof the front of the furnace, bythe defection of-s6veral rominent court, auditor, coroner, assessor - months is a severe dispensation. 1383.44'worth of notes coming due were damage to crops. Quite a number of
setting fire to a pile of chopping. The Republicans and journals in Ilew York. of probate, survpyor, four constables where he w . ill receive nine thousand -A Winnipeg despatch dated Aug-
, - of the and four justices of the peace, and in dollars. ust 11th, says: 11 Despatches sent out found in the pockets along with $1.63 in barns were struck by lightning. The
hands tackled the flames like men, and A Republican is not read out a several ballots were nec- I --On Friday night the Harrison Bank oney. � nly casualty reported is that of Albert
� ecause manv instance M 0 with a- little
succeeded in putting out the fire which party or branded a 11 tuTn-coat " b � � glarized. The rob- by grain men to bull the grain markets � lter Powell, an old emplbye Of Rowe, a young man, who
ination now and then,and essary to determine the candidate. Be- at Neepawa was burl in at the win- reported -that frost had done serious in- 1 -WA
was almost beyond. CODtrol ; a few he bolts a nom id of a Democrat sides"this, considerable routine business. bers attempted to get to Manitoba crops� This in a pure the Grand Trunk,and who for a niiinber girl, drove under a shed near a - barn.
minutes more and the mill would have the same may be.sa It 'is needless to v9as transacted. . . dows, but failing, broke open the front jury Despatche o� years has been conductor of the mix- The latter was struck and shattered just-
- been doomed to destruction by the de- who acts -similarly. factions. in the At the State Convention now in sea- door, drilled . a hole in the top of the fabrication. a from all over ed train running between Toronto and in front of the horses. Neither the girl
vouring elements. . . say that there are, two,61' i a at Grand Forks, candidates for the safe and blew it open. Loss, _$1,000. the Province state that at no point on , was killed last Monday after- nor the horses were affected, but Rowe
I 810 k 3
Republican party in Cass county, and o the burglars. , Friday night did the mercury register Belleville
-Another-ol the old and respected following State offices will be placed in There is, noclue t Wheat harvest- noon at York station, at about 2 o'd1ock. was knockeu down by 'the shock, with
settlers of North Eastbope has just the antagonism betiWeen. them exceeds r- -Mr. Robert McEwen, of .Byron lower than 34 degree,,. �ain which blood running from his mouth, nose and
I Airs. O'Donnell, - re- ten - fold the antagonism existing be- nomination: One Congressman, Gove post offiice, Middlesex, reports that ing will be general this week. The . The deceased had taken his tr ,
gone to her rest. . d any faction of nor, Lieutenant - Governor, Treasurer 11 leaves the Uniohotation at 1.45, out as earb. ' He was carried into a house and
' '
liet of Simon O'Donnell, and ,mother of tweeh either faction an f State, Attorney - General: he sowed last fall twenty bushels of weather is now wari-i. far as York when another car was taken medical aid procured, and at last re-
. I Mr. T. O'Donnell, i�ierchant, Stratford the Democratic party. The leader of Secretary o of Public 'Instruction, Csnadian Velvet Chaff wheatonthir- -On Tuesday of 1,st week while two on. The conductor waR standing on a ports he was doing fairly well.
)mmonly dubbed Superintendent e onireal were drawing two lit- , .
. and Gadshill. The deceased lived in one 'bf these factions, c( . I i i er of Insurance, Commis- teen acres of his land, and as a yi Id boys in M hand carriage, the siding and ba given the signal to -Between one and two o'clock Sun -
the "Old Gang," was nominated for Commission day morning section No. 4 of the Grand
North Easthope just half of the expired sioner of Agriculture, and three railroad .Obtained, by actual measurem6nt from tie companions in a --rope, and while start when be was struck by a yard
. part Of theL present century, and during the Territorial Council two years ago, ; the thresher, 561 bushels, or over 43 same being pulled by a car t' ,ine which a oached him from be' Army excursion, eu route from -Chicago
that period faithfully discharged the and though the county is undoubtedly commissioners. trying to race with a street he lit- eng ppr wheels to Boston, left Montreal. Shortly after
blican, he was de- Legislative conventions will be call- bushels to the acre. He was thrown under the
on a wife, overwhel m-ingly Repu the. -Mr. G. I. Riddell, of Galt Collegiate ble wagon upset, throwing the occu- -hind.
onerous duties devolving up . r he,' season in i a pants, Joseph Chartrand and Joseph and. was horribly cut and mangled. a three o'clock fire was discovered in the
mother and neighbor. She reaohed the feated. . And this result was accoml of various e State Institute, has received the unanimol ground. The car -On Wednesday of iset week Pullman car Freeport, and investigation
ed by a fusion of the opposing faction legislative districts of th appointment, out of a number of appli- Morrisette, to the k starit- � special through freight on the Grand showed that an explosion of one of the
moderate age of 66, and many relatives Repubicans with the Democrats of .the to fix upon caudidates for the State Leg- 8 er of struck the former and killed him in -
will sadly M" iss her. She was born in . Lislature and Senate. These legislative cations, of Mathematical Ma t Morrisette died shortly after. Trunk, in charge of Conductor Thomp- lamps hanging from the ceiling of r the
the- county Clare, Ireland, '"and emi-, county. . . Ilegiat.e Institute, with a ly, and in, rd, running at about car bad caived the outbreak of flames.
Why is the temporary organiAation districts correspond to the tidings in Parkdale Co m, his duties wards. so from Stratfo
granted to Canada in 1845, -settling on ' Ontario. There are three legislative salary of $1,500 per annu -The annual report of the Marine 25 miles an hour, was thrown off the The train was then about fifty miles east
the present lot, where she died. She important', it may be asked 7, ,.Because icts in Cass county. This, the to commence therein on the let of a west of Parkhill, of Montreal. There were ten passengers
the temporary chairman appoints the digtr � . Department of Canadian Shipping shows track about four mile
leaves four sons and four daughters. There are tenth, district is represented by three October. - killing the firemai, named George in the car,all from Chicago. The al&rm
-Mr. S. R. Robb, city editor of the committee on credentials. - members in the State legislature and -Recently a party of gentlemen went 7,153 ships registered, an increase dur- Ohee8eboro, of St. Thomas, slightly in- of fire was, quickly given by the porter,
has resigned his pos- usually a number of contesting delega from Galt to Southampton, and while ing the year of eleven vessels, but a � also killing &* valu- . rible
Stratford Rerald, last one member of the State Senate. . ounage of 49,161 ; value of juring the engineer, and the p%asengers) though in a ter
. tions. At the -convention here t there indulged in some fishing. After decrease in t , a -tie horse belonging to W. R. Croul.
, It will be obser )nnage 831,213,000 the
1. ition, and is gone to Vancouver, British The temporary ved in thi.g'distriettba , - Of fright and in indescribable confusion,
Columbia. He left for his new location week there were. four. a the have thirty-five their return home the little daughter of the total t( all escaped without serious injury,
of last 'week, .-hairman, if he appoint at gentlemen, describing the four principle Pro'vinces, Nova Scotia T he engine and eight cars are a total
' '
early Wednesday morning . 11, always the field this fall. The one of the * � reek, besi as the track being torn up though several were scorched about the
followed by the good wishes of many appoi�ts a majority of the credential . candidates in friends, said-" Why, has 2,855 vessels and 91 steamers, Q.ue* )r quite a piece. Engineer Goo. Har- lower limbo. They were forced to leave
committee from Among the faction who .Democrats will doubtless have the same fishing to some he had to bee 1,455 and 304 ; Ontario 1,355 and f
old f riends. and acqiiaintauces. On Mon the Farmers' Alliance Pa caught so many fieb that 689 wd stuck to his oat and escaped mir- .
hey al- number, and if , and New Brunswick 1,013 and 91 1 p the car so quicL-ly that all their cloth -
day evening of last week the Ci;ty,COUU- elect him to the position,and t] ble to and -the Prohibitionists should happen buy two for breakfast !" a culou8ly. . ing, moneyi bag-ige, etc., was loat. As
1. oil adopted a resolution of res ways admit the delegates favora n the field, the total -Rev. A. W. Jorda,D, pastor of Corn- steamers. d Colombe -A terrible case of poverty was ex- among this list were many medals, de-
. t his pro- that of action, regardless of the tes- to put tickets i foot up to Wallis street Colored Baptist church --One day last week Davi Osed the other -day by Inspector
himas a.citizen and regret a ates would I two employee of corations, etc., the lose is grevious apart
� 11 timony introduced before the committee - number of candid ends to brillil R lawsuit and William Kendell, tion -
posed , departure ; and the followi 9 I - 140. The average citizen ought to be Halifax, iDt - Intercolon- Hodgson Bros., cheese merchants, St- amiltoD, of the Soci - ety of Preven I from the purely monetary value. .
evening a numberof friends met in the This is. not because they are dishonest to satisfy himself from such a list. against the proprietor of the t, Montreal, got into an &I- f Cruelty to animalo. Some day"
at All, butbeca'use it is impossible for a able that the object isl Railway restaurant at Amherst, Peter stree trifling matter, rough dissolute living� Andrew 2eguo- -On Thursday, July 17th, a man ar-
� , Mayor's office and presented him with a It will be understood . . .
� souvenir of esteem in the shape of a committ�e on crQdeiitials to do anything an Nova Scotia, for refusing to sell him tereation over some a young married man, lost'hls rived in St. Thomas and regifitered at
else. ' There is no precedent for any -of the writer has not been to give rdered out because he when Colombe threw an axe at big an- edy, the American house as Alf. Highton,
well filled purse. Mayor Brown made , edential account in detail of the convention held meals. He was 0 tagonist, but he missed his aim and the ome, and he and his wife and two ,Philadelphia, representing that be -was
n and read a friendly other action on the- part of a cr k, but simply to note a would not sit at an isolated table. I children, girls of 6 and 3 years old, have
the presentmtio one Joseph Payne in the a book agent. While in the city he
. Z Lobb committee, and it is a pretty safe pre- be ,-The Badger Company shipped from axe -struck �een obliged to live in sheds, back yards,
worded address, to which Mr. P few features from which it would an ugly, if not fatal, used liveries from Messrs. Reath & �
suitably resp6nded. - diction that there never will be as long a an American with � Port Arthur to Newark, N. J., the other head, inflicting n to the hos- r anywhere they could find shelter. Elliott, liver men, and on Saturday
I as the world lasts, or the United States, easy to contra t load of silver ore, containing -wound.' Payne was take ' ight after night this wretched life con- y
-A br'utal fight took place on Wed- _ Canadian nominating convention. Can- d a car I and Combs to the central police - night offered Mr. Elliott in payment of
. I which in tW@ame thing. The -caucus- 5� unds and valued at $45,000. pit& Drting to be
, . nes , wnship of adians think they have conside"rable 33 559 po inued, until Inspector Hamilton obtain
day of last week in the to t is the richeet car ever shipped station.
' mi es from Strat- sing contin4d up till wo o'clock, many . d a warrant for. their arrest as -big bill of $14 a cbeque purp,
Ellice about seven 11 , sy.. Both politics and so they have, doubtless, This he productof -On Sunday afternoon of last week sigHed by Mr. John Carling, for $50.
' d losing their,�`dinner for the d I agrants. The children will be put in, Mr. Elliott refused to accept the cheque
ford, between a couple of farmers name factions were confident of .securing the but we'have as much to the square foot from Port Arthur and is t I Thomas L. Wood, of Colborne ; � -
Whaling and Cullodon. Th6 men are . I ion, but there were here as you have to the square mile. the Badger's new vein for less than one, Mrs. a sitting at the the Home. I of at first, but as the fellow started,off,
in temporary organizat month's work. street, Brantford wa .
brothers-in-law and own adjoin 9 a 'it turned out N. M. YOUNG, -The death of Mr. Ed. Deroche at window with her'baby -boy of eight The somewhat peculiar wil saying he would go to the bank andget
farms. It &ppeara -that Ctillodon's pigs a few delegates who, a ca8e county, North I window sill when the �o;ert John Swallow, a saddler, of it cashed, Mr. Elliott took it, Paying
- a afterwardl had a notion of, voting- as CASSFLTON . ast months �ipon the I r, against Toronto, was filed at the Surrogate cold cash. The
9 I J . e one 'suddenly sprang bacl � the difference, $36 in
had several times broken into Whalin ' Dakota, July 30, 1890, 1 Napanee, on Wednesday morning I
'- they pleased, and the nominee of the I was the result of an accident on littl t in that city the other day. The -
I � . week, . lowing Cour
- � wheat fiel d-, and the latter becoming ex wab elected temporary He : was driving a the shutters, which gave WAY, al The fellbw then left the city, and when Mr.
. asperated set bis dog upon them. Cul- I I old gang " f —Mr. Thomas Inglis, of Glenmorria, the day previous. the sidewalk and striking property is estimated at $1,050. or as Elliott sent the cheque to London it was
rL lodon resented this and a fight ensued. chairman. Now the presiding officer o e of the pioneer settlers of the town- spirited horse, which plunged and threw him to fall to was fractured Ong of deceased are provided � f . Mr. Elliott
i about the face, such a meeting ought to be a trained on f South Dumfries, died very eud- him out of the buggy. -.He struck on upon his head. The skull his will: "I deviseand pronounced a forgery.
- Callodonw bit Wh5liDg ship o nd insfant death resulted. The sor- ollows by went over to Carling & Co's office, Lou -
parliamentarian. - Sometimes he is not, . Although a strong, his side and sustained internal injuries. a t - the shutters equeath to my two sobs, George tated that the
which so , enraged the latter that be age. He denly last week. acei- rowing mother though wallow, of Toronto, saddler, and - don, and there it was a
Seized a large stone and pounded his unfortunately, as was so, in this a few weeks ago his heart Deceased said nothing about the were securely fastened. of Mr. Carling's signature was
' ' never presided over a robust man a rank Swallow, of Toronto, shipper, $1 COPY
the head until the entire evidently had im, and he would dent until taken to his. bed. -udge, of ly done, the word "John"'
. antagonist over and bruises. school district debating society. What began to trouble h d lassitude to - —A cyolone, accompanied with hail, —Four children of Andrew J ach, said sum to be paid as soon after very ,clever'
scalp was a mass of cuts was sent for with motionA, substitute motione,aniend- have hours of weakness an Mitchell avenue, Toronto, have died —as being an exact fac-simile of the genuine
Dr. Hawke, of Stratford, ,rmerly been a stranger. mowed a two-mile swath through the 34 My decease—but- within one year .
. and dressed the wounds. Both men-' ments, roll. calls, appeals, and a dozen which he had fo . � - Ann's, Madawaska county, from diphtheria within a few days. On conveniently ' be done." The signature. Notrace of the forger has.
are now- penitent, and while Cullodon delegates on the floor at once yelling at He was able to be about, however, most pariah of St. fternoon of 'July 24th it was ascertained that the imaY
. the re- of the time, but grumblingly admitted- New Brunswick, Monday a ged, nine years and I esidue is to Emma Wesymouths who is been found by the detectives.
is lying in -bed, witb his pigs- shut up, -the top 9f their voices to gain . � ), Even on last week. So far as heard from 30 illness of Margaret, a .y the dreaded, eacribed as a .11 faithful member" of —Mrs. Alex. Wilson, of the Dickey-
, - cognition of the chair, and all the rest that he was not I I all right. of all kinds were thrown down. five,mouths, was caused b - testator's family for ten years. Settlement, near Galt, died on Tuesday
. his brother-in-law is making prepar of the delegates yelling at the top of Friday night he was at the house of buildings . serious -damage in disease., The following day she breath amship. Siberian of last week. Over a year ago she was-
ations to harvest his late antagonist's ; e too ex- friends in -the village, cheerful and con- The crops receivlad cutting ed her last. Four days later Edward, —The Allan line ate cold', which,
� � - their voicei because they wer ;urday morning he- was sit- the track of the storm, the hail This was followed end the Dominion liner Toronto, which taken ill with a very severe
grain. ! cited to keep quiet, it was no wonder tented. -Sat - ding them level to the ground. aged seven, died. arrived in Montreal last Friday, report. although then ,yielding to remedies,
. . —The large frame barn of Mr. Fred. at all that the chairman in five minutes ting in -his chair, his daughter rea ph- —The Brantford Public -School Board by the death on Sunday evening of - ultimately developed into consumption,.
; C' - the paper to him, when a paragra - ' a and eleven large quantities of ice just outside the -as n a
I - Isclice, lot 22, con ession 2, Ellice town fter he took his seat didn't know tion and he have awarded the contract for the erec- Andrew, aged eleven year Both report the and for many months She b bee
. ship, was conFumed by fireon Saturday, - 8 A or on horseback. just read excited his atteD i ths, and George, aged fourteen, Straits of Belle Isle. � - ere sufferer. Mrs. Wilson was-
t 3 whether he was afo said : 11 I -did not 3ee that," when he tion of a public school building in that Tnon ,long blocked channel in the straits most sev
When noticed abou —80 , . $38,744. The gassed away on Monday. go a sister of Mr. John Brown, of Cedar.
- . the 5th inst. He had no idea what he ought to do _ price being y defaulter has I clear, but there still remain a few ber ,
oycloGk in the morning- the whole roof )tjlng. to allow the fell forward and without a struggle his city, the —Another American this country in.
. was enveloped in flame, and in less than be did nothing—excel . And long life closed. He was nearly com- have ,also let the contract for heating to me to. grief in Montreal. Some time to the north of the Island. The Siber- Creek. She, came to
delegates to do as they pleased I 3ting big 84th year. He came to Galt the Smead-Dowd Company .for $3,840. co of Minneapolis, ian passed the first ice in latitude 53.15 1831, and was married to her busband,
half an hour the building fell to the - ago a license inspector � north, longitude 49.50 west. TheToronto who survives her, in 1847, Ninethild-
� ed they acted like madmen—and no won,- Ph This is the same system of heating and �
, ground. Inthe conflagration perish m Roxboroughs hire, Scotland, in eceive
i cause that is what they were. U, fro use in the Seaforth named Rae, whose duty it was to r i reu were the fruit of their, marriaga)
four pigs, a number of pi)ultry, farming der, be 185"j, and entered the employ of Mr. ventilating a,s that in money deposited on applications for [ met the first ice 187 miles off Belle Isle, , all of
,tity was pandemonium, not 'on such a very . ne of the largest manu- Collegiate institute building. ' e - There were thousands of large berga in seven daughters and two sons
implements and harness with a quan . er. The chair refusing Davis, then o yed —A peculiarly gad and fatal accident saloon licenses, clear d out with a con e viz :—Mrs. James
. The origin of the fire is limited ac%le, eith of tinware, who emplo . f Welland siderable sum of money. He left Min- sightatonce. Both ohipS report strong whom yet survivi ,
of old hay. ne delegate's motion, he put the facturers urred about a mile north o westerly winds the whole way across— Booty and Mrs. George B. Thompson�,
red to Put 0 peddler and gatherer of occ the officers of Galt ; Mrs. Henry Strangwayaq Of
a mystery. t was declared car- 'I . ich Fred Rounds, a nespolia-with his wife and two children
% - The building was ensu I Mr. Inglis as a . a
I in the Downie Company ff)r $1,000, and motion himself, and i dee and. sheepskins. L - eaving Mr. last Friday, by wh age, lost big life. .` and came straight to Montreal, arriving regular winter passages, a ver, of Car-
the stock, a tied by the same delegate with a whoop hi avis' employ, Mr. Ings is an 32 years of ate with, there on the 24th of last month. He described them. The Toronto, besides 'Beverly ; Mrs. James Oli
rops, and implements for — without settling D ,ed cutting o 4 brought over from, berry, Manitoba; Mrs. George McGill,
I aimed from the from fiis following Glenmorris and carried on He had been eugag a c%n'be ascer- put up at the Albion hotel, next moved her general cargc horses for Hamilton, lately of Montana ; and 'Misses - Imsie
$800. The insured cl onythiog particular, however. By and residence in on his own account, a binder, and as near a rivate boarding house on Dorches. ; Liverpool 30 shire ice, 6 prize act- and Margaret,, residing at home ; Mr.
Companv $1,650 for losses. Owing to a hoarse the same business ling de- to a p 'I 184 sheop,
illips square I
� by; after the delegates were. so 0 - tained the seat broke, and in fall I . I 'i 7 Welch pon I of Howick, and Mr-
. I
I th
I ,
- some irregularity in the payment of the ing scarcely a farm h use with ter street,and thence to Ph � of fancy pigeons,a couple Robert Wilson,
,the policy, the di- that.they could not yell an longer,com- there be fifty miles whore ceased Dulled- the lines and the team ek Dbtective How- � ters, 3 coops
L last assessment on � arative quiet was restor2 Then came in a radius of forty or on his head, on Sun -day of last we to and a number Of -David Wilson, residing at home.
rectors deiayed their decision for a P ug of war, and a very fine contest his calling did not make him a frequent backed'the big wheel ard, from Minnespo!is, arrived in the 11 of COOPS Of Phe"Au .
couple of weeks, when $1,400 was offer- the. t Mr. Inglis leaves crushing it. Mr. John Phelps had been .
it was. The " old gang" were unf or- and welcome visitor. - I . . I
ed and accepted. ,. � � - I . - - I
. ,
I . .
I - . - .
I .. .