HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-08, Page 8 -1-1 . -- -
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' . . between the Unions , I I
. -- . I . .
,- 8 plying ball ame was callec EPARI G '
. - — nd not afraid of I PR N
I � . I— -- . 1. . I I Chic . Mr. the mower has given place to the rattle been studiout a work. We wish all of Vroieter and Gorrie, and our own . � .
,� I . . ago is at prevent in town.— themselves to hard
i � " a Saturda evening, they should be 0 -binder,soon 0 be diB- - . There was a fair crowd on the . � � �
�, I d a Charles S. Powell, of Philadelphia, who de bang of the self muchouccess in their school work, slid team to witness - the game. The I . �
� . - OASH taken in. hs'yan by the strong arm of th - by the more musical 3i oresent them- ground —FOR I
. 11 EDWARD - has been visiting his sister and friends placed however - should the scholars ev4 . igh, and the - - � I I
L .
L .
t I L - law, RIB peaceable citizens, whether rid at Maple Hall,returned home on Thum- hum of the busy separator and the sky I igher examination, that they grounds were a little rot - . � L
" —W ing or driving, should not have their eating engine. selves at a h playing was not at, good as it might have -- .. L �-
. �- . . ILL BUY FINF, - .—Sunday laof was the warmest da rending shriek of the put I - a 'creditable pass.— I I . . I
. i - - d- y y again make to 2 in favor of I : , �
. I
t . - ndangeted merely f or- the personal ay _Some of our farmers are this season ma � been. The score stood 9 . . I t _
, I lives e of the Beason. In the afternoon about - number FALL TRADE, N I
;� ry, Butter gratification of a few. We hope this attachments CO -M. our team. A large
. registered having pea -harvesting .
- New Made Dai . . ton the lake. At .
� I three o'clock the thermometer i achines, and
-, . � will be the last of that sort of thing. fitted to their mowing in . Wroxeter. a trip on a steamer on --—-1 �
-; ; - 0 94 in the shade. The heavy �sins of 11 satisfied - I � -
i X9 2nd, 1890. moo- those made by Mr. Wm. Nichol, of .
;, . —ON AND AFTER JU, - tous. — The Monday, however, .cooled the - at PARTIES are warned against negotia- 7.30 all started for - home, we . � 4
1 i . . I . . THE JUIRIORS VICTOR here and it -has been lly 0001 Staffa, and Mr. F. L. Hamilton, Of ting a promissory note drawn -by John Sander' with their holiday, and reached home ew Goods - �
I � ZW Must be uniform in color and sweet. , junior lacrosse club of Clinton played a P =, eldest Cromarty, seem to give excellent sati . a- son in favor of Mrs. Jane Walker, for $NO, dated . by 11 P. M.11 ill tired and glad to return, I """`l" :
� I - since. —Duncan . ing a payment no place like home. 11 -�
� . return match with. the juniors of this ever ry, faction. . wroxeter, 6th June, 1883, and hav thinking there is I �---
- son of Mr. Peter MeEwen, of1eadbu .
r GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH. town, on the Recreation Grounds, on W alt endorsed on the back thereof of $350, dated 11th
. � . - f t here on Wednesday for Bathgate, . April, 1890, the said note having been lost —ARE—
� — Wednesday � evening. - There was a very' a on. JANE WALKER. 1179 Jaensall.
7 I - � I - Dakota, where -he intends spending a . � . � V`]MI01
I I lair attendance of spectators, but the NOTEs.—Mrs. Isaiah Smith ailrived i 1;1-1
I I LLLLL p hat. one-sid couple of months visiting friends and BRF,viTm.—The Union Base � Ball THREE THOUSAND Pairs of Boots Iand . , -- "`l"""`-
- I game was somew - ' visited Shoes forsummerand fall wear to be sold WC — —7
.... � Tailor Made Clothing I Thursday,after spending a two ' I
F —Mr.George Steet, home on at rock )ot-�:
.. - scoring the firBt three viewing the country. ) visit with her brother, who lives Club of Gorrie and Wroxeter once. This stock is now marked Rapidly Coming to Hand. 01 .
. boys succeeded in Weeks per c6nV, . 7 I
. . and Sea-] who has been a member of THE Eycposi- Goderich on Tuesday last, and played ' � . 4
- � I from the goals, Clinton scored the next, Miss Flora McDon- . tL torn prices and we Will DOW give 15 —
. ; . A
. the iLst expert TOR -staff f r over four yearB,le-ft here on near.Oraugeville. — els club in he base ball I am compelled to irive -- ----
t Made with the best intelligence with the Bruss discount for cash, as e
T choicest materiala and by forth the next two, thus giving Seaforth to take ald also arrived home from Brantford, up countof tailinghealth. Eggs
, the ;nly difference L Monday tast for Woodstockv — tournament there. Their old-time rivals business on Be NBILL & CO- W on � �
I skilled labor to be obtained, _ sy -victory'by five goals to one. If I . FRANIK O' le will show this seas a
I i f made to order gar an ea n the Sentinel -Review office. where shij- had been visiting friends. taken at highest price
� between it and the finest - 'it Bituatiot-li beat the Unions by 9 to 2.�—Messrs. I
1. I
. i� . � be price, Cheat your tailor out of the boys from the Hub " wish to make a a steady, industrious, and trust. Mrs, Dan. Campbell has gone on a visit L 1181-2 .
If - m ent being t'; ing one of our tailor a reputa-tion for their small town, they He is to, who live near Varna. . Robert Evans and Harry Day leavefor - customers for their
1!! � hi anticipated profit by buk . an* who will, we -have to her paren Manitoba, this week with a carload of- In thanking our
x� .
I We can Bell you the same goods Worthy young m GREATER VARIETY
� . made suits. had better do a little more practising, I..".. - very liberal, patronage in the past and soliciting
: I i � nd give you equally . players from every confidence, do credit to his early horses.—Mr. and Mrs. W. M., Robinson ie we would say that . I
- � made up - in like manner a r what it would or else import some alcontinuanceof the Ban , . 1, .
I 11 � . I
; � training.—Mr. Harry Willis, of - Leadbury.., are seeking relief from the hot weather -pared than ever to serve our .
. I as gooCL it not a better fit to . . we are better pre * . L
- �, make them. All sizes, men's, Seaforth. Mitchell, was in town over Sunday.— FAF.m - PURCHASED.—The Archibald in the cooling breezes found on a lake old customers, and, as many newonegasmay - Chea
:. i cost him to down . our otock has THAN -EVER OF I I -
I . . 4. - youthW, boys' and children's at away A, junior lacrosse. match was.played Miss Cowan and Miss Kate Cowan left Brothers have purchased the farm, stock trip to Sault Ste. Marie. I favor 118 with their patronage, as etc in . I
. .. I W.iees,at- the Bargain clothing. and Dry Goods —' mr, I kinds . I
. I � last Friday evening between the Oaks,of - been lately assorted and is now co .
44 I 11
� . ! I � us . . on Wednesday for. Toronto.—Mis" andcrops of Mr. Richard -Sparling,.on BRsviTIES.—The recent spurt in the every depirtment and lowest prices. . - . I
- �i -
� - 11 I Seaforth,a:na the Eginondville team, the , . 0 � I .
; 11 ;
. ... - l- WM. PICKARD, . ospital, Detroit' price of oats has made our grain buyers
, .
.. render all
� I I former wi�nljing by three goals to none. Campbell, of Grace H I the 12th concession of McKillOP, paying of produce taken and highest possible prices
p. s.—'We have decided to Ch 0-1ce Dress Goods
L . -
'I I therefor the sum of V',,550. step around pretty lively. Farmers paid.
. � I, T. Kidd's old stand, Seaforth. ,� is spending a couple of weeks at the re- It is a good .
L 11 � . Mr. R. McCosh acted as referee, and 'i accounts this and. each year on the Ist of Oc I I
�, - ll � - before . HOF
I �i � : F . ' sidence of her uncle, Mr. R. Lumaden. -who have been fortunate enoug. to hold
. C I : 1. Messrs. W. Meredith and W. McDougall farm,and the Messrs. Archibald willsoon Ong tobei instead of the let of January as . �
. !, c, . a- I -
, �
� � . next match .in these —Miss M. E. McLean laft on Wedne make. it better, as they thoroughly un- their'Oats over until now can get I and butter will positively not be taken on
j - I � I - - V, as umpires.. The lay for a couple of weeks' holidays at derstaud their business. We congratu- prices for them. The prospecto for the 2iccount after the 16th of October. CoAD, R"mx —AND� I �
� � ..I'- I ; . .
T� L I I , #Uvou t%poolitot series will be played this (Friday) even- ( G, Hensall. 1181-4 .- CA!
� .
I - I
� I ing between the Oaks and the S Galt and Guelph.—Rev. A. D." Me- late them on their ptirchaBe,as they have new crop of oats bave brightened some- & YouN . �
: ; � - cots, - of passed off I I .
- I ;� --
i 1. �- the Scots grounds. Donald, Mr. T. W. Duncan, Mr. Qeo. g t good value for their money. what lately, but the yield is likely to be BRiEvs.—Our civic holiday Quite MANTLE MANERIALS . .
% I!_ , . . �0 -�-- Little Scotland, on - Good and Mr. J. C. Laidlaw'left here 0 0 I below the average.—New fall -wheat has quietly and was well observed. - it � I � Fm I j'
: T , 3. . DISTRICT MATTERS. A good match is expected as both' teams took advantage of the cheap . S I
, q -
I t. - eduesday for Collingwood, where rst. . rketed here, the price per bushel a number --� . �.
� �! � [ I - " I ,- ondvilles by' the same on W Ohiselhu been ma p nley. Rev. Mr. I 11
I '
T t . �� � I . defeated the Egm. they take one of the Canadian Pacific NoT.Bs.—Miss Mary Maudson, of Mit- being 95 cents.—The Royal Templars excursion to ort Sta —
I . , I � ached '
I I . t, 11 is � , LA,wx SOCIAL.—A lawn social, under score. . ers for the Makinac trip. of West Flamboro, pre I
I t -- lll� i. I Railway steam chell, is theguest of her sister- Mrs. S. of Temperance begin their career befe Fisher, ' I
: - .1 ll the auspices of the Good Templars, was I ance in Carmel Pres- Our 14antle Room -- - -- _IV
I I n �,arty, un- We wish them a pleasant outi- " with much accept . — I
. I P y. -4 garde ' ug.—We
I .... i s -. .".' GARDEN ART ' - Perkin.—The weekly prayer -meeting with sixty-one chartered members.—Mr. �
k � ,, 0 0. I .
I - I I held on the beautiful lawn of Mr. Ar race J ch on Sabbath morning �
I I I � . Huron Coun 95, are sorry to learn that Miss T y ` d Win. Dickson, formerly of this place, bytefian chur .
.- , la at der the auspices of in the Methodist church has been change I
� � - 41 thur Forbess on Friday evening . Royal Templare of Temperance, will be -held on Kennedy, daughter of Mr. H. P. Ken- lbert, Northwest Ter- last.—Mr. A. Dent, of the firm of Dent - 1.
, J� ; �. � . esidence of o Tuesday night, now of Prince A -
. i , 1 1. om Thursday night t n, Barristers, Mitchell, aa- Will be ' Opened the
- .m�l . � .1 he weather, although a trifle cool, was the beautiful lawn surrounding the r uple of fr I . GrE
�v ; I ritory, was stricken with paralysis a & Thompso
.�, : � I I e nedy, Who has been ill for a co I �
� - on Church street, on th . at 8 o'clock.—A number en visit-
, 3 ,I 9 I ,- I F clear land pleasant, and there was a Mr. James Beattie, ical condi. commencing y his wife, has be -
Ij - ,17 � The weeks, is still in a very crit
� . ji, � I ty htly evening of Wednesday, August 13th, 1890. from this vicinity took in the cheap ex- short time ago, and is dangerously ill.--, companied b, ring '.
I I .
I ,1� Y V large turn out. The lawn was brig t are making every tion.—Mr. T. H. Race, editor of the . . Master D. McKercher, Howick, a pupil ing - relatives and friendg here du i —.
I ;,! t mmittee of .,managemen nley last week. - -P312RSrr -WIMMIK � I
L 111 , . ` I Chinesa lanterns and cc )iiiri "the event of the season " - - cursion to Port Sta - -
. - � I
. � -� Wuminated b' effortto have t on Fri- school, took the the past week.—Miss Murray, of Clin
� u y ' Mitchell Recorder was in town . of Wro
- !11 I'l - 1. , :1. d a very pretty The refreshments will be the most delicious that xeter public -rly of this village, is at
I -.1 , _- : j� other lights, and presente . - 4
�� , 0 I , ted can be procured, and the programme of ente.r
� � " 1" - i i-. . lay last, Mr. Race had'with him some McKillopi silver medal at the recent entrance ex- ton, and forme I I I
� , L 'The programme consis � nds in this place.— �
LL .
, ` - � . L eat that can be provided. county and he present visiting frie
' , . )", , I * I 9 L appearance - tainment will be the b. n In- friendo from Wellington arniDation at Harriston. D R
- L,
� � , f I Acal Be A couple of shadow pa tomime scones, perfor a Dennison OF SEPTEMBER I
. of vocal and instrumental muF I Mrs. W. A. ,Vy augh is spending a week �
[�, & a w" driving them around showing thisq GOOD YIELD.—Mr. Thoma
I ,
I . V. . 4� �'- I I- � lections, recitations, dialogues, ice creaul ed by members of the Council, will be a plea ing threshed last week 400 bushels of fall or so at the lake shore, Bayfield.,—Mr. I L — - �
� ` I 11 ; t and most fruitf ul part of Bluevale. I -
� - X� , - , . Xt
- " r ..; I
i L. � - , .� �Z - feature of the prograwme. The admission fee the bes eleven acres. The grain . ray, .
" 4 4 .11 III and social couVerse. Mr. and Mrs. Fqr L Nichol Shir
: I- 1.1- Z
� Z� 11 I will be your own price. A silver collection at Ontario's heritage.—The wheeled cars- wheat from Win. Shirray,son of Mr.
lv� ,-�,! I I L, . �j j, er to Y. --A most enjoyable .
1 -,4z-, bes did everything in their pow choccupied weighed 64 pounle to the bushel. Tom SURPRISE PART n I
;,.-, t, � " `Att " . Sealkorth brass band in attendance. ' A FIRST-CLASS .
�-.- A., 4.L - �'4-; .r; the gate. van of a scissors grinder, whi - young of the township of Hay, and who is i L
I 1� � 1, .1 ?- " k ' comf oirtable and . � - . had a bad crop nor a bad horse. evening was spent by a party of L.
1, make their guests . 1182-1 Royal Hotel yard for never good office in .Detroit, is at present . I
. I " 1;. . " I! I a place in the . .
. �-,'l - , � ' frem. appearances hen COUNCIL. — esteemed a I
I g_,:� A.L " 'r -�j A special meeting of people at the residence of our looking hale and . Our
, ,
L , ,- .�,- . i - I happy, and judging_ - PASTE THTS IN your. HAT and L W several -weeks, was removed from here mercha n Wed- home on a visit,
-'� i; , W mins, o
� ,� I you want anything, such as Deeds, Wills, . Council was cilled by the Reeve, and nt Mr. J. S. Tim i
L I 4T? ,,,� " they succeeded admirably,* as all seemed - I flumeston. and Miss N
I �- ,*,* 4 . , I I . ately on Wednesday. During his stay here hearty.—Miss � found
. ,� � -i V . i proceeds, =ents, Contracts, Letters, etc., priv hiug busi- held in the Royal hotel, Seaforth, on. nesday of last week. It took place on V Mantle Maker
- -, - -: i to have a good time. The . Hicks, both of the city of London were .,
� �,-
1-�'i.--#', i �': , the old gentleman did a rus I (wh -81
. :,e::i, I ji, J"L neat print on the -typewriter, vou . the eve of the departure of Miss Ellen . I
f,�11 � J�, V., L
� l- -I , �� L - after defraying all expenses, amounted. Monday, 28th ult., to take action on, let- village visiting.—Miss .
, 5 - .9 it Lft. - will know that the place to go is the Shorthand ness sharpening lawn mowers, scisors,. nd this week in the
� , � " I
i !k, !. a;'�;, , . and Fulton, daughter'of Doctor Fulton, a
. J-1 41 I
I 1'. 4,-. 1!� about to $17. - ffie Cady Block, like. His present ter@ received from Messrs. Garrow Gibson, of Goderich, who has been the " f"%
... i �
I � ., 4. ,and Typewriting School in i razors, - and such her home in WILL BE IN CHARGE.
, � J, --- for first. ppealing the a neice of Mr. Timmins, for M%.J
4 a : V , �f7 Seatorth. Rates --6, cents per folio
. I
� .
- .�- 14 - , - "', any -our stopping p 0 , .Holmeated, relative to a I
L l� i il SEVERELY BEREA.VBD.—M - copy ; 6 cents per folio for,two copies 4 ents lace we believe is Brucefield Mr. Gar-, Montreal, and who has been residing guestof Mrs. Wm. Moir, returnedhome .
-- I � i
� �ll�. of �,
�- - '�f ,, ; c -Charles Beek is I
j -. . I - 4 Ja from there to Exeter.—In case of Shea vs. McKillop.
� �, �-. 1 mes Also agedey and he goes this week.—Mr. -- -
I p 4�,fj� . per folio for three copies or over. . at I
,; .1 , - member Mr ry strong for appeal- with Mr. Timmins for the past year.
-.4, ! �;l -,.� ii , readers will still re 1178 . NOT
V t'' wa response to a numerously signed re- row's advice is ve ulton id most fully possessed of present pushing his fortunes in the
� P. � � k- 1-s �, R. Ross, who some - y6ars ago a a for the 11 Caligraph " typewriter ($100.) 1
. f . IVIJ 4 1
1 ` , i hag thecase. TheCouncil deferredac- Miss F .
- .7 j� .�;,`�%'.f of qui,ition, Mayor Wilson -has issued his West icVs re.
� ` it "ll, 1� leading and much respected resident of the art of entertaining guests and by I and we wish him success. —Mr. I
. 1 I" V� T Miss' HELEN RoRxiz, graduate ' ' ising proprietor E.. MCFAU-U3
.� f i next tion until next regular meeting. Moved
-, �
, � 1, - 1� 11" 1'. " � t this town. Mr. Ross now residbs in proclamation declaring Eriday I ion of T. Murdock, the enterpr
� ,i� Ir - I ral years d affable disposit
I - � Alma Ladie3 College, has been for sevei I
. , � 8 by James Evans, seconded by Daniel her amiable an
, I �`Z-2f" I-, tiom
- l� : �:, " 'ter to Mr. Morferd, civic holiday, so t
� I �- � , .1, I . - hat &It bu iness places njoy of the Heneall live,ry stable, recently �
- , 1. I
,1: - � , Elma, near Atwood, and we deeply re stenographer and type-wn having her company one and all le J
I � ;
. . it ,�, � z _ SEAFORTH.
. : 1, - � m n Ra closed on that day.—Mr. and Manley, that the Clerk request Mr. sold his fine entire horse, "Amber F,"
, " '-1. ` ,� i I Superintendent of the iohigan Ce tral ilwaY will be
: ". I �� I � -P aft a by-law dividing themselves to the acme of joyous fe- . . —
� . I gret to learn Of the death of his only
I , , Z �, , - . . —a responsible and valuable position. She is Holmeated to lir ataf%ncyprice. "AmberF" was one
-i �, , ;,� 1 Mrs. Peter Cowan of
�.: � , a R, a promising young [a and ,nd polling licity. Sports and plays of various
s ' - ' A �. Canaic
1- �. � I ,��, one of the beat shorthand writers of
I -�
� 1i . - -1 . - - Gavin XorkState,have been visiting friends the township into wards a
� .. 1, j � . .11' ,l man a little over 24 years of age. like all graduates of Alma Commercial College
3 � I I
- , - - `0: - Any young woman can
� � �, -�i . �. They leave for divisions, in accordance with his and kinds occupied the evening,while strains of the beat horses for speed and dispos- see so many respectable strangers im. X
� . - e) — r.
� well fitted for her work. 13 f no mean or -der, ition that has ever been in the village.
� � � ;, 4;- i � R. was born at Rodgerville, on th6 16th I here and at Bayfield -laws re- of beautiful - mu ic 0 town. This is a good place to come to, Z '.4
i I � , �:, ',� ,-J. Callender by addressing John' Daly and Mr. Garrow's advice, the old by Logail�
I . 14, , : `i* �, � I-. � - lie was a most worthy obtain a 60 P. P. ,home to-day.—Mr. . D1 piano and violin, added I -- and all decent folks Will be Made Very. _
I - � r, *,! ?,�, -.i� May, 1866. PRINCIPAL AusTiN, B _ iporning
i, . D., St. Thomas, Ontario. , having never been sealed. discoursed fro
� 1 , 1 -,�, L.- 1; and was greatly eateemed family are rusticating at Bayfield where lating thereto The CircuitouS Mail ROut011 welcome. � �
� ip , .1 ��
-- 'E. M
I -it, i .1 ,:; ': young man ANITLES. cFaul's Mantle Room —Mr. —Carried. to the' zoat of enjoyment. At a I Mr.
I � I I , — . 'he -a ExPOSITOR.—Can you tell us if BY,
j , � �' �L M , they intend to spend a few weeks. .
1.l- 'I .- m the neighborhood where he had lived d Winter season will ----.*— asonable,, hour party dis- DisA . .
I � , �it �iJ4.�
I . I ; i .
.- . for t
� -�, .1 � rs. He was the for the Fallan I be opened and Mrs. John D. Sills,,,of Wingham,&re Is e I BlYth. I and hig!
I ., �- �, - � � 4 he past eight yea the first week in September. An experienced . persed, each and all ' thanking the mail route to Bayfield, which was towwhi
. -
1- - 1,
. -1 4 ii: kinily of live, two of his sisters esent Visiting friends in town. We I Glenfarrow.
., .- last of a ff � Mantle Maker will be in charge, and the stock at pr
� I - -� I . - Miss Fulton and Mr. Timmins for their, changed from that easy and convenient NoTEls.—Mr. Win. Montgomery re. 1i
� � ; .
I ,f �
- I � I I an will be found not only large, but splendidly as- are sorry to learn that Mr. Sills has not. NOTES.—Mr.and Mrs. M-Kersie spent 1817.
� . ' . �
� 1. 1, ., I himself having aied of consumption, I � pleasant evening, wishing Miss Fulton highway from Seaforth through Bruce- turned from Manitoba on Saturday. He-
: ,; -; , I r years between sorted,with the choicest materials and tirminings. oying- good. health for some a few days with friends in Grey this luddy and mean- ince very much, I for hilm
--,�-,! III there being only a fev 1182 health and happiness under the parental field and Varna,to the m likee.the Prairie Prov, men- f
� % I; � them. Mrs. Ross having died some You will want a trunk' or valise this time but we hope his outing will fix week.—Miss Hurd, of Exeter, who has roof at Montreal, regretting her depar- dering passage from Clinton, has since, —Mr. Tanner, whose injuries we Men- -around
� ' u flodgins, - to Logg
I I Ay him up all right. -�-Johnnie been visiting her cousin, Mr. , Alex. in
. Mr, Ross is now entire er. We have them in all sizes and at very ture, and hoping that she may some been altered. So e of our letters from tioned last week, is recovering - niceely, -
r years ago y ujmtfl hii
&nd the death of 'chc2pprices. Also great bargains in boots and youngest son of Mr. Thos. Holgins of Gemmill, for the past few weeks, return- . u4i
, .- bereft of his family, , . time return to Bluevale. the South now come stamped with the and is once more able to attend to b .. He leav
. � his only son is a severe affliction to him. shoes for the fall semon. R. WILLIS, No. 1 Stratford was in town this week visiting ad home last Saturday.—One day last ' bearing the ness.—Awell-known citizen, who hA& .
. ;y will Cady's Block. 1182-1 relatives and friends. He holds a good week Mr.A.Fralick, while workin ,'on a NOTES.—Miss Belle King, daughter of Goderich postmark and remaine
I His many old friends in this count 9 stamp of Clinton office twipe Upon them. honored Btyth with his residence for
. . MoXEY.To LoAN.—To loan, on first situation in atailoring establishment in Mr. Duncan King, who for the past two I clemeter
. . extend to him the sincerest sympathy iv mortgage on farm property, - seven or eight scaffold. the board on which he stood Dion the stamp of some time, has skedaddled, leaving ba- � -:-01i
� this the dark hour of his affliction. Bright.—fhe Misses . Brierly of St' broke, letting him fall.to the floor. He ths has been residing with her sis- Others from Goderich have un sundry sorrowing credito m. -
I thousand dollars, privaW funds, at current rates . ter, Mrs handas
7 -- of interest. Apply - at. Tug EXPOSITOR Office, Thomas,whd are summering at Bayfield, escaped with slight injuries.— Farmers . H. H. Burgese, at Meaford, Londesboro office, which seems to have hiud hi
� I —For several Seatorth. . 1182x3 are at present in town the guests of Rev. in the returned home last week looking,none changed its position since we were out Ile took his better half with him.—The- mill ],in
J,009 OUT Fop. THEm. . I around here have their fall wheat . i I that way last. Perhaps it has been re- Fire Brigade intend taking part in the
. ---4— ins.—Mr. R. H. Barr of theworse of her jaunt.—The choir of . up*itl
I evenings past electric lights in Buffalo, � - Mr. Hodg . barn. The threshing machine's hum is the Presbyterian church.of this place, moved to the old cite where Herbison Kincardine Carnival and ar-e practising .. I and it
. Cleveland and Detroit have been plainly A DEAD BEAT— A young man pass Mitchell was in town this week looking - diligently. —Farmers are all busy with
� : .— - - after the interests of the Travelers In- again heard.—No service in the Meth- which was lately organized, in doing ex- ,once stood, which important place has I blown. i
I visible here. It seems that experiments ing himself off under the name of Bar odist church on Sunday last, owing to cellent work.—For the past few days been closed up. There are evidently harvest. Crops, generally, are good. setting
� ton, has- 'been 6eating several of the surance Company of which he is the those Most of the fall wheat and barley art ,
I I � . are being made by electricians in these V . . the quarterly meeting se.rvice being held the generally happy and joyous counten- irregularities somewhere. and I I . hands t
,. �1: cities. An electric lamp is placed in a boarding-house keepers in this town. agent. —Mr. Thomas Govenlock left here in the Belmore church.—Messrs. H. r existed when the route from Sea- cut, and a good- deal has been housed. -
-1 4 I .. baloon and is- connected with� the electric Last week he called at . one of these on Thursday for Griswold, Manitoba, and B. Henning solA five Brantford ance of one of the young men of our neve � . - As you know, Mr. . sy;cceed
.-1�11 burg -h is sad, serene, sedate an - forth was in vague. Barley is a good yield, but will"be some-
,,, �i , Ilf,- a d senti WiLli A]
'F� � , I I S battery by a very fine wire. The lamp houses and asked lor board. He said h taking with him eighteen breeding binders last week. �
, i ',� . Poor Hugh, Editor, this is the season of the year what discolored. Many are now cuttiV
- Ell �, t afloat, bad been -staying at a privat u Union Sabbath I . - mental in the extreme. minute
'�� e houee in mares.—The ann &I -
T7 � -,� 1i is lighted and the baloon is se L hen our town is &live with strangers their oats., They are a good crop, but .1
� L I
I ... � t - your lot is hard. Don't forget the w
i- r summer �
. " 'rL
i, � f . and frequently rises wo or three- miles Goderich, but it was so full of. School excursion f roin Seaforth to Gode Dublin, der and everything that tends to annoy some a heavy' . been d(
, � .
I I i, I!, l ,� visitors that he , did not care to remain rich will take place on civie holiday, adage, "Sunshinefollowsrain."—Un &Y they will not weigh so vourinj
I Zi � 11,11 � into the air, the lamp -spreading its . � —On Sunday night ayers,
� i, ; L 1 - them spoils th
� ,� �7�7,�fl ANOTHER FIRE. ereputationof the place as last year.
7 Friday a particu-
. I , . a of the veteran brickl - A�
, 'i �- L On Wednes- there longer, and he wanted to get next,thd 15th inst. Th the direction
. 1�;, � � �, : . light around the universe. last, about half -past six o'clock, light- nd James Pugh, the as a summer resort. We bear a great - . . .
L��, -. ;Kg-, , oliday ex- Messrs, Joseph a settlen
- �lkl J �, 1. I if - I . �
I .1 �,11 -t� ft- � . day night the Buffalo and Cleveland quiet, retired place viliere he could read lars of this and other civic h jiging ning struck a barn on the farm of Mr. w* Methodist .church are deal about equal rights, but this mail
-1� , -, I and and study. He represented that he had cursions will '.
+ i ii � ,:,* � lights were plailnil visible here,. be found in our advert walls of the ne Hay. I -a-one tc
� i! I''. T I I � . Patrick Ryan,on the Logan and McKil;. - route to Bayfield via Clinton, Groderich, I rIct �cf I
L .; �lf �jl. l'. columns. fast rising. —The farmers in this vicinity COUNCIL MEETING.—The council met Mr. I
� - � 1��, 1 �- � � . looked very pretty. The Detroit light, just arrived on the train from Goderich - . - I I I lop boundary, about three miles north'Of are very busy now, nothing but the hum Londeaboro, Varna, and a half hundred ursuant to adjournment on Auguet2nd, . T.
L : i!��'lj il. I ty th ` and that his trunks were at the station.
L l, � -� � although visible, was not so brigh a
I I . 1- 4�.
I L"I. � . " William Henderson, thisplace. The building was fired and jide. more places, is disgraceful. Our daily
. ,�- , �! RNIP,s.—Mr. reaper being heard on every r Kembers all present. On motion the fol- and -Ga
. 1g, �, ", apparatus Apparently not working so He made arrangements at this place for Tu . ession of McKillop, one the flames spread very* rapidly. They of - the
i .,4 ; . r- - papers, after making this wonderful
� 'T, '' I I .
� ,!�l ill, �-i`, as in the other places. These board and lodgings.and remained a day of the 5th cone . lowing accounts were ordered to be paid., ,North
; "' 4 �.
�- r- , - - . - ight by and a -half, when he left unceremon-
.,il I � T-.-,!, ,�- 1, r welil there , of Huron's oldest and beat farmers, was soon communicated with a second barn East Wallwanosh. detour, arrive here only at very uncer- _Chas. Troyer, work on North Bouna- I part *f
il`�� i. . ! ,-.C, -, - lights can be seen almost any n S much interested in the recent discussion and the other out -buildings, and- *in a tain intervals,'and about this, of course,
��`7, -� 113c, " a� - ; those who look for them in the direction iously, forgetting, of course, to pay hi LOCALITIES.—Mr. Walter Scott re- ary, $122.37 ; Fred Schentler, Centre that ,y
-- -� !,� , �,= , , l - . ; ittle while all were reduced to ashes. ot complain.
� ". -4 � in THri, Ex-posliToR on the turnip ques- I we must n -thal2 Road
. - -, I - J V 'i cently purchased a ne Yet' wl H -X rth .,onerDu
I - . -� ,V"I of these cities. Tho lights resemble bill. Afterhe ha,d gone, a purse con- w Maxwell binder 9 $23.75 ; enry Gies, ol
� . �' I "i .1 - - . tunately, Mr. Ryan did not have we are delighted to see so many visitors
" � ,I, '3�T tion. Mr. Renderson has long been an For f . I uiotlm�
i i �- � f, �� � �A; ght star, but the taining a small sum of money, a book from Mr. S. Woodman, of Londeaboro. Boundary, $81.25 ; Wm. Snider, Soudi. -
- .4 I
I i I I . il� - . : , �. some`W�at a large bri rich friend of much of his grain crop housed, but . all declaring that there is not 'a finer I
- I �
I ,r 114 - extensive grower and stau He has also purchased a pea harvester Boundary, $174.51 ; Collin Smith, Can- moderi
�. I
�11 p . L, difference is sufficient to be readily dis- and other articles were missing, and it consumed. spot in America to spend a few summer -. .
v , k . . '' � about thirty tons of hay was -
� I
� 4 - � � I is supposed he took them with him. It the turnip. He does not agree with from Mr. James Stewart, of Belgrave, tre Road, $24.65 ; F. W. Farnoombi - will =
, ,V� , - Electricity is being put to - d a more reliable I
� I � �1, � cerna,ble. ion that ,turnips He had. drawn in the first load of barley Mr. Scott believes in keeping up with months if we only ha gineer, $16 ; John Mitchell, two cul- - - the ic�
l �i. - - �' - - content
, - �; I 1 1 -� -i Mr. Michie's
� - ` - .- - strange uses now -a -days. has since been ascertained that his story mail communication. Thal vou for an
� �,'. . : i, i, ,� � - Goderich -good on Saturday. night and left it on the the times.—Mr. H. Edwards has recent. verts, $3.12 ; A. Weseloh,,shoes for in- I. grante
, I , are not a profitable crop and thal
I I I -- �- � 0 about having j us In we are evei ,
d ,
- 1. - .
. , � �- � `� beef cattle c � the p,r
�� �i I - -- � look- .
,. ll , - . t arrived fro an not be produced from wagon standing on. the floor. This also r valuable s
, - i I 1- Z. was all made up for the occasion, as he ly returned from a trip through Michi- You pace, 'Nelson, washing for , 14
. 1, i , - 1E � Cou--.TciL DOINGS.—The Council - met effer were that ing after the in digent, $1 ; Mrs.
r L, ,� �. -1- ago was burned. A cow and h .
!, 1. t " Z�f gan.
: , I , turnips and straw. A few years He reports good crops in indigent, 32; Solomon Jacobi, culverk . leaves.
. previously been boarding at another
Z -� I "t � 7-14!. last Monday night. The electriclight com - had .
- -
� ��, 11 ; I r. Henderson fattened six cattle , five also burned or killed by the lightning. locality.—Mr. Thomas Black, who had BAYFIRLD. on Ssuble Line, $3.25 ; Q Thiel-, - itittuf .
: v � k,- o-�� I mittee was empowered to have the bal- house in town for about, a week, where M - —M
I V- � -
I � I -1. -.1q. - - an' one two year Some of the neighbors were at the house I -, -
. three year old steers U a shoulder dislocated some time ago, Stratfi
. I 1, . - L'�:" - _ j, �.k . I -
, _ �
I - ,� , L - ance of the 20 lights on the streets put he also left without paying his bill, and hi in culvert,'$1 ; J. Oesch, plal in � al:
L 4 . --- . I - at t of *
- , - ., � fl,� -� d nothing but straw and tur he time, and with their aid most Wingham.
. I - to tee - hadalso made application .to several old. He fe Win. Miller, building culvert,, -
- - _`i� ? in position in orde
; - - - , �# r t the efficiency
�, �- is able to be around again although he . vert, $1 ; ition, I
F �,, I , . ,�. I the implements were removed and .
. � L
I I � '. Z - nips, and without a mouthful of grain, number of
I 11 tj i -3 I 1:, of 'the 2,000 candle power dyna.mo. Th e other boarding-house keepers who could i is unable to work yet.—The farmers LOCAL Bumys.—Quite a , I
, � F�, -
� �, , a � -0 -eari
. 4. L _ % � � I saved, but some were burned. . A binder $9 ; John. Hildebrand, repairing wash- Collunil
l � . -Iir� � . �
�11 Ii. meal*or hay, turned them out in prime ursion 4.,
- - . I - : . Re was a respectable are now busy cutting their peas and our citizenR took in the exe out, $12-75 ; Henry Thiel, work on -Con- , -V I
�, - , , V . electric light committee were requested .not take him in - � ,
. , � I il I —The fall .
. i. -1 � ." � , � Two of these and mower were taken out of the build tiesday last. � f0HOW4
� J�,! - � looking youbg man of fair complexion, condition in the spring. dis- Goderich on T
3� �. , r:N . to have the f till commercial circuit run lamaged. barley. The barley is likely to be tre Road, $3 ; Henry Willert, build
. V11. I . �, r �,� . � �
I , , � . " � �. from 4 o'clock ,to 11 p. m. every a suit of �jght clothes, steers weighed 1,360 lbs. each, and the- ings, but were considerably d colored on account of the heavy rains. ihow to be held here this year promises culvert, S old frii
p 1�: I �, 7 4 � .."I'm day well dressed in 10 ; C. Treurnmer, gradi Sul
Z zJ ; other three were just as good, but be- Mr. Ryan had an insurance on the Ing I
.4 -ill;- .. f�i - day a1v
- :, . Lrl - Some are of the opinion that it is not to be a great success. Many new at-
' �. , ,
., 1, �'! I i 1'r during the remainder .of the week, in and was of pleasing, gentlemanly ad gravellin , $36 ; Henry Gies work ,on
� -- 9
� . -
. I �.,:;` , .- � �.r - � order to test the ne ssional ing sold by. the head they were not buildings for $300, but his loss will con- . tractions will be on the programme. 9
;, - w dynamo lately dress. Whether he is a profe right to grow barley for sale and then - oshen-line, 6117A40
: , � � .. . G $40.38; George O'Brint
I .
� " , I . - _-r Ai - weighed. The two year old weighed siderably exceed this amount. His loss bar Mr. Button, of the chair factory, is im a's �
� .. - . 11 . .- .; i 1; - A dead beat or whether he had some larger * work on road, $10; John Andersout , hi
. .r .- �; I . . -tied by the Ball Company. 900 lbs., and was sold for 5 cents per on contenta amounts to $500, which is vote ior the Scott Act.—Quite a nurn
, ltw ' ,
- -..: . - Ill, . He has f the young folks in this vicinity , took having an addition, in -the shape of a f gtoring gravel in posed .
1. I ;� - I
. I .; �
I � - ': � I �
I i I " " I � p on to the effect that the testing of game in view is not, known He was in- 0 surface damage or i
f � I I lectric light was not satisfactory, now left town and is, no doubt, purou-
� - 1, � pound. They were all Durham grades. frilly covered by insurance.
� ; I � " , ; . alet 1( in the excursion to Goderich on Tues- Saw mill, Added to his factory, for the 18889 $2.50; 11. L. Peine, lodging and evenin
I : ., I � � � . ; � I - - ing his vocation in ' ther places. It He fed them three bushels of turnips sured in the McKillop Mutual. day last to enjoy the cool breezes of purpose of cutting his own lumber. ; IEC., Carrulef
- .
. l, . , -� �i! and that another test be made this week 0 meals for indigent, 75 cents Mayo,
( . % He . says he can -
� - - . .- I ..
- t, .1 .. �- p under the supervision of the electric would be well for people to be on the each per day. ' Lake Huron.—Mr. Win. Armour, of The proprietors of the Union factory in- work on Centre Road, $233.19 ; Tolin : souvel
7 � . 1-;� . . I
. . I � I � ! grow turnips at a profit for six cents � Zurich. -, �
I . I' Wingham, is at present visiting old tends to make a similar addition to their Patterson, statute labor for P. Morrison, - wall �fi
� . 1 �, , I - light committee, was carried. The lookout for him, and if he is spotted to . -
I ; I . I il per bushel. He , therefore thinks BRiEFs.—Mrs. H. Moritz, her son, the V
� �, - - � � - street commitice was requested to -exam- place him in the hands of the authori- . acquaintances on the 7th concession.— factory. —Messrs. Hutton & Carr intend $2. Moved by Mr. Voelker, seconded .
. 7, - l -
� t;, -g �� i; that cheaper feed can not be got. Mrs.Fried and Mia3 Kate Book, arri- putting the old mill privile a in Lower I ,worde
I 1� ine' all electric light wires running ties, as he is, no doubt, a bad character Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dobbin, who have 19 by Mr. Moir, That the petition from 1,
I . : , �;`
I .
� I - - ". I �
I I " , � He also says that he never failed to ved home the other day from a 40 days been visiting in this vicinity for.the past
r� . � �, � - . . � Wingliam. in use once more.—The heavy .
, ,
7 . . through shade trees, and where they of some kind. - number of persons in the 5th, 6th, 7th buital
I �
I I I -. � . have a Dod crop of spring wheat or trip to Dakota. They enjoyed their -
- ,
I - n ,�:, 1:� . g, . �
. I., � , - few weeks, left on Friday last for their storm on Sunday last did much dam a —A
l � -1 - Ill Be grain toflowing the turnip trip greatly.—Mr. John Irwin made a home at Fergus.—Mr. Wm. Snell, or to orchards, The new brick residence F. W. Farneombe be instructed to make - - �
� I i �' I j, I come in contact to have the trees trim other coar - " and Sth concessions 1e granted and that
. I - - . - BhaEFS.—Mr. John Cowan, . nesda
I ,I : . med. Dr. Bethune was appointed Med- LOCAL :,
- 41 .
'� " ' 11 crop, and � considers turnips one of the flying visit to Tee3water a few days ago F,11icle
I i
� IV - �: - 4 -1, W. ica,l Health -Officer, in place of Dr. . barrister of - Sarnia, with Mrs. Cowan an old- and respected resident of this of Mr. John Willits, which was almost an examination of the lands Mentioned
� ,L;.� , "', � -
�. , 1, �; � � � -
I � , .1 I �,, � most profitable crops that can be grown to see friends.—Rev. G. F. Haist has completed, was greatly damaged. fordt-,
� � ; en spendin - neighborhood, died on Wednesday of and proposed to be .drained, proo
L � -�. I , - Mackid, who has just left town. Dr. and family,� who have be 9 - ;
I - 1� � ;, � � I .-
� . '. . I 5 - Z, � t on the farm,. and that there ,is no feed preached two furieral sermons in Credi-
I i 1! last week, and his remsine were interred * A3)bREss AND PRESENTATION.— A plans and estimates of the work, - �Th all
t. �, . Smith was'granted ptivilege to have one their holidays with friends in this vi.
"I 4' 1 � ,� 1, i., .. an be 'given to iyoung stock on ton within the past two weeks the '
� - , --- F �, th t c I -1
I �; - � a broth]
� . - I .., . I s placed in front cinity left for hom�e on Tuesday.—Mr. and thrive better pastor ofthe Evangelical Church being in the Westfield cemetery on Thursday. number of the Reform friends of Mr. G. also to make an atsesisment of the , � .
. . � �l �� 11. Julius Duncan, of Toronto, spent Sun. which they will grow . Paralysis was the cause of his death. Fortune, of W property to - ' - f
n ,I ' 4 . -1 of his residence- on the same terms as Turnberry, met at his re ' be benefitted by such workr
: �
i �J - ,a than turnips. . away for holidays.—Mrs. C. Kibler, of . �
i - 7 1 � , - gputed to Wm. Selater. The council day and Monday last in town and wa dence on Tuesday evening, 5th inst., stating as nearly as may be in h'is optu- Mda
I Z! '
i I
� 2 t I., 0 Crediton, was here this week visiting
7:. '� , Brussels. when a verypleasant evening wa. W'S
. �. - , � 1. adjourned. cordially greeted by many of his old o sp�nt. ion the proportion of benefit to be As-
; , I - I � then - ! -
I �,-' , v, - * . .1 friends. He was the guest of Mr. Geo. Hibbert. friends.—Fred W. Hess arrived home BRiEFs.The heaviest rain of the - To show how they appreciated Mr. For- rived therefrdni by every road, lot or - olspe.
� � ,-
I - I . '
: : � ;1 .
I . I �. I �. � , . -1 ��; -� - - REcKLEss DRrviNG.—On Saturday Ewing.—The Messrs Kline, of McKil- A CAT STORY.—One of our young 'from Sebringville on Tuesday evening. season was on Monday afternoon.—The tune's services as chairman of the Re- portion of lot (R. S. 0,,, Cap.- 1-84, 200. - lode
� � ' � . I _
i . ;T .�l.
! � - I- evening last,about nine o'clock, as Mr. lop, psesed through town on Tuesday -men reports that wbil.6 strolling through He is sick and under Medical treatment. - is 6 cul
r , X - Brussels Fire Brigade held their annual form Association of that township, h I 9.)—Carried. Mo' kert
: � . .1 -.1 " � ved by Mr. Voel
I . -, � Win. Coleman, of Tnekeramith with his with a handsome new Stratford Decker the bush one Sunday afternoon lately, a Threshing machines can now be seen *
I . . �� I � meeting on Monday evening, when they friends presented him with a nicely' eeco'nded by Mr. Moir, That the rate ,d � W
I - I I " . threshing macbine.—Mr. Win,. Rinn, of large wild -eat pounced upon his head going - in all direction8.—We had a - , seize
I . � I .. . . F wife and three small children, were torm. on Sund.ay after- elected the officers for the current year. worded address and a handsome gold 11 mills on the dollar be levied on A
I � I heavy thunder a
� I I . I . . I driving down Main street in a buggy, Hullett, near Kinburn, has a patch of from the over -hanging branch of a tred. NEARLY A FIRE. Wednesday night watch F rtune-was also present- the rateable p of the township t# axit4
� . 1, � '7 - 4 6 n but no damage was done.—Zurich — roperty
I I .
I - q- . they were met by two other rigs, the corn the stalks of which average thir- The youth shook his assailant off, when noo led wi 4'-,rok*utifu1 pair of vaaeo. The y Acalp
� I .. - , eek, as Kenzie Scott w going raise the sum of $3 291.78 for count
I . , i,. 1* � . � I
I . ength. He -'thinks this is it again pounced upon him tearing his fall show will be- held this year on the. of this w as � I
: � � . i� drivers of which Were, alppaxently, try- '88 or Dr.
, � I i .teen feet in I address as read by Dr. McDonald, M.
I I . .. : �. v slight 15th and 16th of September. to the stable to feed the horse, he no- purpoges and legislative school equiv&!- RnA � I
. I . -'.. . I ing the speed of their horses. Mr pretty good for a Tory'and wants to clothes and also inflicting a few P., and the watch was presented by - id-�
. � . , I . 0 � ecent ticed a fire in the stable of Walter Jack- out, and that two mills on the dollar bo
, I I � I .I- SUCCESSFUL STb DENTS. —At the r 4,
7 1 - I ! - �,T, Coleman was driving on the centre oi know if any Grit.can beat it.—Mr. Geo. , scratches. After dislodging it the . ation the following pu- son. which is in the rear of F. S. Scott's Thomas Gibson, M.- P. P. levied to raise the sum of $3,790-53 for v
� - � . :1 , , . �. tile street, and the driver of one of the Murray recently purchased a pair of very second time the cat (cat -like) commenced entrance examin . - I . I is I
�. I ;
I �
. 1. I
� , C . - - from the Zurich public school pre. place, and at once ran to Mr. Jackson's township purposes, and that rates I* y
I . I � - � " other rigs seeing him in time pulled. out fine draught mares from Mr. Oliver, of BrucelIJIld. le -vied for school purposes according tOl . his
e . purring and spitting and showing other pile
I . L .
.� t� - : L . -� a candidates, viz : and gave the alarm, also to the stable I .
. e � I - . Hibbert. Ele is working them on the signs of life when the youth, thinking sented themselves a WL
� � - � 1. I I � of the way, but the other,driver seemed d got the horse out. The fire a BuiEFs.—The Varna foot ba atior
I I I - I ,I team requisitions from the trustees of the I
I . -1 an a
''. . . I d This is his fourth team and all that'descretion was the better part of Willie Hess, Lydia Strempfer, Laura I I .
. . - i - ray.
o . � - I ��� so deeply engrossed in the fine perform � vil ge ast -several school sections in the townshiPs
7 1 li, . - 1� - Williams, Emma Johnson, John Kibler then rnnning up the wall, but by a few played the juniors of this grall
. �, -�
: I l y : - oblivious -of them as busy as they can be. —Mr. valor, made the best o ' ,
: i I N arices of his steed that he was f hie way home, —
Z! - r . We are pleased to pails of water which were near at band Tuesday evening, resulting in victory and that a by-law be passed to that.
I I t� -.1 m. Johnson. 9 �
- I I �! I a surroundings. He accordingly 'Livingston has had t6import a number inwardly resolving that the next time he and W
� , r of aIL-bi t ovt. Three minutes for the visiting club by one goal to none. effect. —Carried. Moved by M-r.Schu`014 - Isdh
- I : , r. .
..' � , - g more an t 0
� I dashed into Mr. Coleman's buggy, of hands fromMaden to pull flax, being crossed the bush be would either carry a hear that their teacher, Mr. Samuel J. it was soon Pu
� a . Would it not be- better for juniors to - seconded by Mr. Voelher that h ship
- , 1',
I � -. � breakin the dashboard and otherwise unable to get enough in town. He has "shooter" or go round the road. Latta, has received 6 certificates statin d the stable would have been I .
� I - . I '. 9 . A
- I , - 1 � injuring the rig. Mrs. Coleman, who a large gang arnployed now.—Mrs. D. GLENQUAICH XOTES.—Mr. G. M. that all have been successful. This doomed, ' The cause of the fire is not play juniors, and- seniors seniors; and Reeve and Treasurer be empowered W the �,
, - i! . I . man
. . I I
�: I � - I ir had an infant in her arms, also receiv peaks for itself. Not known, unless it might have been a not mix up clubs so?—Some interest is borrow the sum of $5W to meet current olck
� I - ed McIntyre, Mrs: 0. Neil and Mrs. G. E. Robertson, of North Easthopej teacher record a' y
- ,. 1. : -- and Mr. sch Ole sending such a large number up match in the bedding. being taken in croquet -playing in -our expenses. —Carried. In reference to # - -was
-1 I . . a severe Shook, but was not seriously in- Henderson, have gone on their annual in Section No. 3, Turnberry, 0
, . t .. 1, . - . . I i ie other . ceed in passing 100 CiviC HoLiDAY.—Civic holiday was village. Cannot croquet and lawn ten- petition from the trustees of School SO- half
I .. . . . � - . i jured. T1 two children were camping expedition and will spend a R. Dewar, - of Stratford, teacher at for examination sue credita'ble held on Tuesday. Nearly the whole nis clubs be formed? Lots of material tion No. 5, to grant $100 to aid in PAY- - g,rou
, - I
� . - . seated in front of the dashboard which few weeks on the shores of Lake Huron, Burk's Falls, Muskoka, are at present per cent. It is -all the more ,
� :
- . e of them being very young, their town took in the excursion arranged and and plenty of rooin.—Wesee an occas- ing their expenses.—Petition not grant- " four
- -
. was brokeny and it is almost -a miracle near Goderich.—Mr. James Fisher is visiting friends in this neighborhood.— beca.u§ ional display of fireworks. Some *say ed. The C djourned to meet . iinpl
I I " . I etion by
� I - . . that they eacaped serious injury. The here just now from Little Rock, Arkan- M�. James Morrison, junior, and his ages ranging from 10 to 14 years. The .carried to a successful compl . ouncil then a S� I
� I I I I as follows : Mr. , Rendal, our genial station agent, the full display will be at, the Royal again on October 18th, at 10 o"clock a- of 01
. - I
I . � - . I I driver of the vehicle which did the mis- sas, visiting f riends. He looks as if. the sister, ) Miss Nellie Morrison, of Listowel, marks made by each are jels to Goderich. At every Templare,garden party which is. to be M.---imlSAXUZL J. LATTA, Clerk. . - a M,
� ��, - t, I I I chief waa, of course, very sorry for his warm climate of the Sunny South agreed are rusticating in this - vicinity. They Willie Hess, 459; John Kibler, 420 ; from Brum held here shortly.—Mr. Henry Came- , 0 . r.
�: � . � , - . —Mrs T.O. Kemp and family; are the guests of Mra.-4 — Emma Johnson, 407 ; Laura Williams, station large crowds boarded the train 11 in t,
I �il �. - I reckles8ness and made every reparation with him. . hn Stewart. -
� . .
I I- ;, - I the
�� ; -_ , ; Lydia Strempfer, 400 ; Wm. from Brussels. When the excursion ron, of Winnipeg, -has been visiting his —A painful accident occurred on the
I . - - I possible, and he should be very thankful Are. J. A. Wilson and family - Mr -W. Mr, Alexander Swan, *ho - returned 403 ; .
. , �
�: I - that the consequences an' - leased to see reached Goderich there were thirteen parents here during the past few days. farm of Mr. Thomas Woods; Riverltoadt S80(
� - I were not more. W. Hoffman and family d oe-vI�ral from Washington Territory 'Rbout &* Johnson, 378. We are p did coaches, all filled with passengers, there His many friendi are glad to once more near Motherwell I ult. All- - Con
�, serious. There is too much of thizi reck- others have gone to Bayfield to rusti- month ago, and who has- been laid up that our ,school is in such a splen , on the 19th �
- � at it is still progressing being about 1,100 on �boardll This was shake his hand.—The wife and children young's Born
i- ; on of Mr. Woods was driving S
7 � I less and furious driving on our streets cate for a few weeks.—Tbe: many friends with a severe spell of illness ever since, condition and th ik
� t I I of Mrs. Kellam will be pleased to learn the after.effects as is supposed of sun- . under the management of the present the largest excursion going into Go,der- of Rev. H. Norris, -of Glenallan, have horse which was drawing �Ithe bay f�r - - last
� and it should be put a stop to at once. to been visiting bet aunt, Mrs. Alex Ross. A neighbor's pig startled the hor .
t ;11 — The above record ich this season. When the excursionis se., and V-ect
� I, If d -rivers have not sense enough to re- that she is- still progressing nicely. - stroke, is still lying in a precarious con- principal, Mr. Latta. . - I
. i - �cou,
'.. I ka well for both teacher and schol- reached Goderich they mostly made for —The pastor of Union church has need- in his efforts to prev;ent a runaway thOr I
I -
� . I frain from speeding their horses on the Miss Bacon, of Montreal, is spending dition. We sincerely hope he will have spea
� I --ed a
i ;. - I � -
� I � ag that the teaching has been the lake, where they sp-nt their time in ed to use his cane the past week little fellow was caught in the harness
: � 14, public streets, especially when they are the summer at Maple Hall, the guest of a change for the better soon.—Harvest ars, showh I
;: i ic�ic style. At two 'o'clock the balse -1 to a kick from a horse.—We are g7dintgo in such -a way that his leg was brokeu, I
I .
,- L
1. 1, 1, ;�, I;. � so crowded as Main Street always is on Miss Case.—Mr. Wm. 'Blackwell, of is now in full owing, and the click of thorough, and also that the pupils have p .
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