HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-08, Page 1P11 I C -E a
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TWENTY.THIRE� YEAR. I - I . . . . i - � - . McLEAN BROS. Publishers.
- - vMOLE'NUMBER-1482. � , SEAFORTH, FR�DAT,- AUGUST 8x-1890,.. . $1.50 a Year, in Advance. - .
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101 a EXTRACTED HONEY Let me mention several essential points spirit. It was represented to him that ; weeks she suffered considerably., She ment in 1854, thirty-six years &got who thus combine, and the uniform I
I . I to securing a large crop : . . he was the only man who could'- carry was a stout, healthy woman, and when always paying in advance. This latter e of 12 cents to be paid for butter
earing Sale . 1. Colonies should go into winter - taken ill weighed over 200, while at her- clause, always pitying in advance, in Kridc eggs until further notice. No but-
, - (Written for Tus XXPOSITOR.) West Huron, and most nobly did he re ter will be taken on account after the
- - I HOW TO SECU.M. ' ' quarters with plenty of young bees. spon-d to the call of duty. He gave up death she weighed only 54 pounds. doubtless the prime reason for the
. - 1 2. See that every hive is supplied his certain chance of the soft seat in the -Dr. Barnardo, the great child res- I gentleman's adv need and active life, 30th of November of each 'year by the
-AT THE- There is a beautiful story told of the a his Board of Trade.
with young and useful queens, I Dever South e(nd engaged in a dreadful strug- cuer of London, England, has been in 1 keeping his conscience . clear and his niembers of t
I Grecian poet, Pinder, to thb-effect that keep a queen beyond the 2nd summer. gle in the West, and for a time reclaim- Toronto. He has crossed the Atlantic mind easy. - -It - is expected that the prices of
the Muse was ahy with him until a t Montreal and To- novels' story books and other light
n" swarm of bees 'lit upon his lips. In 3. Bees should be protected from fall ed that constituency for Reiorm, but as to visit the various Children's Homes . -It is stated tha . 9 . nder. the seale of
CheCLIJ Cash Store and spring winds, by chaff hives, or every person knows, at the last election, in Ontario and Manitoba. routo capitalists are about to incorpor- literature coming u
I 1. England, even yet, among some of the . I ate a company for the purpose of inain- 12mo., will be advanced from 25 to #50
. . ro,dents it is customary to. notify the their equivalent. through no fault of his, he was defeated -Lightning struck tbo Canadian during the coming month.
. 4. Drone brood should be prevented in West Huron, and since then the Re- Pacific depot at Winnipeg, and about taining a fast and cheap ferry line be- per cent,
- -OF- bees of a death in the family; to - obtain by using combs built from full-sized form party and the country have been $20,000 damages was sustained before tween Detroit mud Windsor. 'It will be 'This is due.to a s,yn3icate which has
. frbin them their continued honey favors. beets of foundation. . deprived of his able services in Parlia- the flames were subdued. More dam- run in conjunction with and under the just been formed iD New York by a
How often in past ages superstition be- a 5. Large hives should be used con- ment. � age, however, was.done by water than charter of the Canadian Pacific Rail- number of prominent book publishers
. dimmed the precincts of the',unknown I taining a space of not less than about - Now, Mr. Editor, - I say that, in by fire. . road. Two fast iron ice -crushing steam- with n a ead, who -
HOFFMAN & -CO-1 But with the present age has ,come .a have purchased the Seaside Libraries ,
new era -an era of unbelief. What is 7,000 cubic inches. view of these- circumstances which I .-Professor Saunders, of the Experi- era will be used.
' not understood is not be" 6. During honey harvest combs should have related, and you know I have not mental Farm, reports that the -The ' numerous "honey locust" and other 12mo., publications. .
CARDNO'S BLOCK) lieved, and r. In - hedges which have been set in the neigh- -A tramp carrying a large pack on
. when bee-keepera talk of.obtaining from not be placed nearer than two inches overdrawn the picture, I think it would the eastern townships are very fai his back endeavored to cross Fish creek,
I from centre to centre. only be fair to our old and valiant the Sussex Valley, New Brunswick, and borhood of Sweaborg, Oxford County, at Glendale, Middlesex county, -the
&---EA F 0 RT HE a colony of bees from 50 to 150 lb.s. of 7. Unless you expect to benefit your champion to offer him the representation other more fertile pa is year are not progressing as favor -
0 honey, the uninitiated dispatch it as colony never open your hive. In other of the present South Huron, so that A& v,ince they looked very well. able as they were supposed to, and other evening at the point where the
- -- . " One of the little elves, that hang � ter all the bard battles he has fought -The Latter -Day Saints inSt.Thomas, farmers who made calculations on hav- bridge was lately burned down. He
About the portals ot the soul words avoid meddling. - . are boarded a plank and pushed out into
. -
To snare it into error.,' 8. Working qualities in bees are more and won for us as Reformers, he might who number about 75, are erecting a iDg & fine hedge in three years , the deep water. The pack overbalancecl
- -WE ARE GIVING-�- But, in a good, season, and with the essential than temper or color. - have in the decline of life a few years' -brick place of worship on the corner of somewhat disappointed. him and iDst.3-ntly he struggled between
' latest improved methods, 75 lbs. is 9. The removal of the queen at the occupancy of a seat that could fairly be Balaclava and Malakoff streets. The -A runaway couple froni Ireland
' It would, I think, be a work is being dc,ne by members of the were discovered at Montreal on Friday- life and death in the water. Fortunate -
within the reach of those ,who are bee.. - begi4ning of a honey flow will greatly considered safe. � Kate Higginsi age 19, and , Richard ly there was an eyewitness -near at hand
. Great -Bargains masters as well as bee -keepers. - incre . ase the yield. , graceful act on the part of the Reformers denomination themselves. elebrat- Kelly, about twenty years her senior. who rescued him from what would
. . What a w . onderful little lady Jshe is 10. The removal of -the queen i when of South Huron to do this. It would-be -Fifteen hundred Icelanderac a t 13 have been a watery grave.
honey is scarce is apt to incite robbing, an acknowledgment that they do appre- ed their national holiday at Winnipeg The girl is well educated ; her comp n- eel, si lY
-IN ALL KINDS OF- really a female) the worker bee isi t his wife and two -'children at -The death of the infant daughter of
� 44 aiaking food upon the summer's velvet therefore use discretion. ciate and are willing to reward sacri- on Saturday. The orators .of the day ion lef ),Yo The girl John Williamson, of St Catharines, was .
. buds," and getting her load from only I 1, The ow.irming fever, or discon - tent fices made in behalf of the principles expressed their. greatest satisfaction Ballaghader, county Mi . . caused by recklessness on the part of a
DRY GOODS"I one kind of flower at- a time. Follow from any cause, greatly lessens the which they profess to hold dear, and it with the change from Iceland to M,%ni- refuses to leave her lover. a Mrs. Williamson
I would serve as encouragement to others toba. - -The "old churn" racket is still going i couple of bicycli ts.
her while the Bwarth is white with amount stored. ' itern bill a few
MMLINKRY's FaTC. clover, and, as she is gathering the 12. It pays to provide shade from sun who have the ability and the pluck to -Mr. A. A Hodgins, of London, has the rounds of the press. The I Wood- was on the Great Wer -
- encounter the hard places, to use that in his possession a quaint old voiume stock Sentinel -Review announc6s that days ago with her baby in a perambula
-- � honey drop, count -the flowers visited ! and shelter from winds. BoMBYX, ability as Mr. Cameron has done, in the containing the first five chapters of the Mr. J. Tacket,of Ratho,bas a pine churn tor, when the same was overturned by a
Watch the internal labors of a colony of - .0 dean Bible printed in the ear 1622. The which be has used for 56 years." It is couple of riders, evidently racing, and
Our stock in all lirLes will be bees by means of an observation- hive ' interests of the principles they hold y good yet, -and it was an old churn when her child thrown violentlyon the walk,
. how carefully each cell is prepared. for . The Representation of South But if I On the other hand, we pursue % type is an old English, andthe language He thinks striking on its head. Brain fever en -
f und very con,lplete at the Cheap, . Huron. - selfish course, and allow plentifully interspersed with Latin. he bought it 56 years ago. old then by sued, and the little one died. .
0 1 1 the reception of either honey, pollen, or To the Editor of Tux HunoN -ExPOSITOR : I miserable, - -Mr. J. G. Allison, Tyendinaga, it must have been 20 years
�.� ()ash Store of the eggs from the queens. With what purely personal considerations and a county of Hastings, Ontario, is the look of it at that time. -The fiabing has . been very poor at
. tender care the larva are. nursed toward � DEAR SIR, -1 noticed in your paper a bitions to dictate our actions, all such owner of a ewe which gave birth to a - -Mrs. H. Delahunt, of the 8th line Gaspe this season. For several weeks ,
.HOFFMAN & 00.- maturity, and how regularly the gentie- few weeks ago a letter signed " An Old men as Mr. Cameron will soon be foun I able Mar � t with � a- bad accident a, the catch has been barely sufficient for
- Cameron Man," in which it was recom- tanding in the rear. - They will con- lamb in February and, most remark . yboro, me was in the local consumption. The rain is almost,
men drones and the royal but slavishly 3 . While she
worked queen receive the attentions of mended that Mr. M. C.. Cameron should clude, and justly too, 11 there is no use to state, gave birth to two more about few days ago. that the fish can only be
NOTICE. --A,gents for Butter- -vay, . be again brought forward as the Reform in our sacrifidinir our time, our energit a two weeks ago. act of milking a cow, another in the yard ceaseless, so
- Lblica- the dictatorial workers. By the te for the Dominion Parliament o win battles for I -Mary Ann Whaley, an old woman made a race -'at the one she was sitting dried with great difficulty. Fish are iio
iick's reliable patterns and pu no blue blood or tinselled uniformlis candida, As a rule I am and our means t . apprecia ,- who bas lived on the charity of the by, and the - animal, in trying to get scarce that merchants have come from
' -
. tions. � �5 recognized here. The queen lives only in South Huron. not. In- formers, because they do not e people of Streetsville for many years, away, threw Mrs.. Delahunt down and Halifax and other central c parts of NO-
, favor of publicly discussing the merits our efforts and we had better attend io
I I while she conforms to the wishes of the i died recently and:P2,000 in gold, silver tramped'on her, hurting her consider- va, Scotia to buy all they an'. find. On �
sovereign subjects. It has been eati. of probable candidates before they are our own business and let politics go, as and paper currency was found bidden in ably. the north coast, or Canadian Labrador,
-A summary of the number of sam- mated that while nurse bees are caring brought forward in the regular way, that it is all a thankless business at. best." her bed. -Last Sunday.nigh t heavy rain flood- the catch has been a complete failure, I
plea analyzed by the Dominion analYot, foi one infant bee they could gather ist by the convention held for that pur- In this way great injury will result to -The biennial session of the Associ- ed Mr. Edward AfcKeown's drygoods and most of the fishermen have return,- l-
1889, ose. But there are always exceptions the P - ed already from sea, with hardly enough
foL the year ending 30th June, three cells of honey. - These observa- p Leform party and the country. The ation of - Americi*n. Educators of the store, Yonge street, Toronto. It over
shows baking powder of 150 samples, tions teach us that to secure a good in every rule, and South Huron is, cer- safe constituencies will be represented - 1892. flowed the troughs and came through fish to keep themselves and families
- 102 adulterated ; butter, 24 - by fossilized self seekers and the close Blind will be held in Brantford in 8,000 worth through the winter.. -
45 genuine, yield of honey we must centralize every tainly, an exceptional constituency, in
' .
genuine, 7 doubtful; 'cheese, chewing effort of the bee to the gathering in of somuch as the nominee of the Reforin constituencies by Tories and the country Principal Dymond, of that city, took the roof, damaging about $ -Mr. J. W. Brayley, one of' the fore-
_ ion recently held at of dress goods. It was nearly two feet
gwn canned lobster and fertilizers were the luscious nectar. With this object convention is almost certain to be the' will continue to be corruptly and ex- part in the convent " deep on the floor when Mr. McKeown most fish merchants in Newfoundland,
2 Jacksonville, Illinois.
all genuine; aream-of tarta r, 79 sa eral me.thods are practised representative of the Riding. The says that from an acquaintance with the
in view sev - ' travagantly governed and the taxes of -Miss Florence Carlyle of Wood- came along and cut a couple of holes in
genuine and 63 adulterated; milk, 164 by spiarists. great battle, therefore, will be fought in the many will go for the good of the stock, a YOUDg artist of great -promise, the floor, allowing it to escape. - 'whole colony many of the people express
40 adulterated ; vinegar,' 62 . , the conventionp. and such being the case few. Whereas by a little self sacrifice, -Patrick McGuire, of concession 2, themselves as strongly in favor of an -
7 genuine, Method I : t out of place to discuss will sail for France early in September, nexation. with the United States, if .
genuine, 28 adulterated. Whiaky, 6 The tiering -up' plan consists of plac- I do not think 1 and the exercise of a little genuine p - when she will enter a Parisian "Ette- Blenheim', recently killed a large blow -
genuine, 6 adulterated. Of the 38 . econd storey filled with the merits and claims of those who are triotism, the powers that be can t e acknowledged ing adder, fully as large as a man's arm, there is not. a satisfactory settlement of- .
- -sted 3 ing on a a - likely to be candidates at the Conven* least be kept reasonably L in check, ev n lier " under Constant, th the question wh-.ch is Dow causing- so
specimens of Canadian lard te . empty combs at the. beginning of . best teacher of painting in Europe. with scales as large as those of a moder- .
were found adulterated. Of the 60� the honey harvest, and when, the bees tion. Thus far, the names most promi- if the Reform party ii not' � raised o -The 63rd annivers�ry of Emancipa- ate,gizedfish. Thecreaturewas found much anxiety on the island. It was an
samples of Ameriean lard only 1 sam- are beginning to cap the honey in this, nently mentioned are those of Mr. John power I . L - ailed English man of wa:r which closed up
eL tion Day, August Ist, wits celebrated in in the" Swamp of Death," so c
pie was found genuine. Memillailp th _. present representative, This, at all events, is the view tak n - i pulation of , Baird's lobster factory on the French
. raising it'up and placing a third story and Mr. M, C. Cameron, who by your correspondent. I would like o grand style by the colored po from being the scene of the Benwell coast and the Englifjh vessels are re- �
-Mr. Wm.: Smith Deputy Minister of combs beneath it. It is usual to not Western� Ontario. Celebrations were tragedy.. This is the third of this kind
ion, were put forward by your correspondent, hear wl�at others have to say on t e spoDsible for most of the acts which are I
of Marine, is in Europe on a vacati shut off the queen fKom thq top storey,as 44 An Old Cameron Man." Both are I am somewhat surprised, M . held at Berlin, Hamiltong Dresden and killed in that vicinity lately. . iing the present trouble.
and in a letter from Rome to an Ottawa she has plenty of room below. Do il�pt subject. other places. . -The late suit of McLellan against can'
gentleman describes an audience he had delay too long in raising up the top good men, but as both cannot get the Editor, that we have not heard fro -At the Elgin House of Industry the town of Sarnia has resulted in a ver- Mr. G. W. Schneider, proprietor of
with the Pope, Mr. Smith procured an storey as swarming will ensue. A good POlition it will not be out of place, I yourself. You are not usually bac ..- wheat threshing is finished, the crop dict againFit the town for about $225 the Schneider f4ms at Dorking and also
and was there think, to discuss which of them is the ward or afraid to make your opinions of a saw and chopping mill, Wellington
invitation to the Vatican, rule, well worth observing, is. to always )I yielding 28 bushels to the acre. The of costs. . McLellan wanted several county, bada logging -bee, about three
I . paintings when his best entitled to it. I bave nothing known on any question. "Speaknow .
looking at some havesome empty comb in the hive. . average yield in Elgin will be 25 to 30 hundred dollars from the town on- a weeks ago, on one of his farms and
Holiness came up to him, gave him a One extracting may be done at the end against Mn McMillan. . I voted for him and speak out. Your paper is the lew I- bushels per acre, in some places the claim that he had broken his leg on a succeeded in having about ten acres
cordial greeting and took him into'hia of the howey harveLst, leaving enough for in convention when he was first brought ing organ of the Reform party in this yield being over 35 bushels. defective sidewalk, towards tile north .
- -te room where he asked Mr. . ; out, and I have voted for. him twice county. Its utterances have immense . logged. Intheeveningavery pleasant
priva I winter. !. � -Robt. Carruthers, of Ayr, was com- end of Front street. He was beaten in ing people,
Smith many. questions abont Canada Some modify this plan by using only I since at; the poll@. In common with a weight with us''all. We usually look mitted to Berlin jail by magistrates asuit, and it seems impossible to collect time was spent by the yot
and its Government, having first placed good ma,ny other Reformers I did not to it for inspiration and guidance on A who numbered about two hundredand,
the one top storey, and extracting when admire his course at the time he was knotty -questions of this kind. We Wyllie and Watson. for thirty -days, on from him the costs. fifty. Music was afforded by Messrs H.
Mr. Smith in a chair close to him. In it is well-fil-led and two-thirds capped. asked by Mr. Blake and Mr. McKenzie, know that you have always been true to Tuesday of last we( k, for wife -beating. -A Brantford despatch says : The and W., Schneider, who are La&id to be
r his Holiness, Mr. Smith says,
following By this modified method I have secured the two honored leaders of the Reform the Reform party, and have done yeo- As is usually the ( xse whisky was at electric light company have closed a the beat violin players in Perth, Water -
he could not help nOtiCiDg how smartly 80 'tbs. of clover honey from one hive in ' .. the bottom of the tr ,ubl'e.
he walked, although he is 81 years of the middl� of July. When extracting, party, to retire and make room for .Sir man service in the good cause, Wh t -The gas well b tu Kingsville, Essex contract with the Thom pson-H ouston loo, or Wellington.
' .
age -the I same age -by -the -by, as Mr. the queen may be removed by lifting'out I Richard Cartwright who was required have you to say now? county, still keeps up its deafening roar, Company to place in a plant for 1,30,0 -A sensationallelopement took place
-- incandescent lights. of sixteen candle- ie other day, the wife Of
. .
Gladstone. Mr. Smith adds' that the a good comb of hatching brood and plac- in Parliament in the interests of the � Hoping you will give this letter a and it is reported that the force is power. Thiti is likely to prove the first from Guelph tl e mother of four
hn'Macdonald that -12 party. I thought his course then place in your columns, and a'ologisi 9 Joseph Brydges and th
-Pope is so like Sir Jo ing it in a hive adjacent, In about red a good deal more of selfishness P ace I greater t1lat when the vein was first step towards a largely im proved system, children eloping with a young man
he might pass- for his brother, and that (lays open the-queenless hive and remove 85vo for taking up so much of - . struck. It will be piped immediately including electrical street- cars and the named Jas. Henry, a base-ballist of local
afterwards Lord Dufferl, now British all que�n cells except the best,to prevent than patriotism, and that, perhaps, he amp 'I ' 'to Kingsville and probably to Leaming- - er lo- .the fsc- repute. Henry became acquainted with
Ambassador at Rome, agreed with him seemed to place more valde on the inter- Yours, etc., . furnishing of moter pow r I I .
, swarming. If there has been in the 12 ests and ambitions of John MeMillan Ax� OLD RISFORMER. ton. I one tories. I Mrs. Brydges about two years,,ago and
as to the remarkable likeness. days a good honey flow you will be able -Frank Nicholson, of Parkdalep -There is some dissension among the had boarded with th-3 Brydges' until
. . than on the interests- of the Reform -
-Says the Lindsay post of last week: to extract a portion of the hive' again party, and I felt then, although I may L . of a party of Toronto ]ads camped in good citizens of Brantford over the last September, when the husband, who .
. I
A few daya'ago while pawing Dr. Ken- and be well repaid for your trouble. It T Canada. nd, Stoney Lake, was accident- I ^
have been wrong' that he would not . Fish Isla building of anew Central 8chooL The a respectable citizen, became suspic-
fine, 'not 9. _ t6rin in Southern Manitoba n 11 I 1.
ny's infirmary we were shown a is a mistaken notion that bees will A fierce a ally shot Sunday by a 22 calibre rifle i plans drawn up by Architect. Stewart !o dered Henry out of the house,
. have -hesitated to cause a split in the n
I blocky specimen of the Percheron fam- work without their queen. .Having no last Friday destroyed -100-,000 acres of the hands of a comrade. The ballet for the construction of the building in- but he hat been an almost regular visi-
ranks of the Reform party could he have - , C�
ily that has fallen a victim to E6 rather brood to attend they will store during a advanced his own personal interostas wheat. " entered the flesh of the thigh. � � volve an expense of $15,000 additional tor during the day when the' husband
peculiar ailment. This animal belongs good honey flow enormous quantities in even at such a cost. However, I have .Diphtheria is ravaging the parishes - -John Dodd, of Yarmouth, near St. above the $40,000 voted by the people. was at work. Mrs. Brydges took with -
to Mr. Magee, of Fenelon tOwnship,and �a short time. But, remember that bees long since forgiven this little unpleasant of Lange Q%rdieu and . St. Joachin, Thomas, has a black tborn laden with The trustees are in favor of this extra her the youngest child, an infant.
. .
has been 11 wrong " since March last,and without a queen, and without eggs or incident in his political 'career, and Quebec. - berries, -, the tree having -. grown from a outlay, but there is a marked feeling -A number of accidents .from light-
deapit6 local treatment ever since has brood from which to raise one, will not would not now urge it against him as a - . Toronto was beaten by Ottawa a ad seed taken from berries picked. by Mr. among the citizens against it. Ding ire reported fr O'm the storm of
gradually became worse, until a couple work. It will be observed that this � . Montreal by Cornwall on Saturday at Dodd 28 years ago on the banks of the -Rev. M. P. Telling -was I&A Friday Thursday last week. The barn of
I n it was placod candidate at the forthcoming election lacrosse. . Fraser River, in the Rocky Monntains. .
. of weeks ago whe i method curtails swarming. He has done good service for the Reform - . � . inducted into the charge of St. James Daniel Williams, of Athol, was struck -
�- -
in Dr.. Kenny's charge for treatment. Method I1 '- party, and he ha's represented the con- -North Bay im soon to be incorpo- -A -resident of London, Mr. Anson Presbyterian church, London, on which by lightning and burned, with contents.
The ailment is a complete. wasting away The one swarm system consists in tak, stituency very -creditably in Parliam6-nt rated as a town. The population is Paul, 90 years of age, had a difficult occasion Rev. W. J. Clark, recently in- Loss, $700. Tb- barn and stables of
-of thi muscles of the ceural region -10- . - ' now 2,000. . . the other ducted into the pastorship of Pa axwell, Grey county,
ing one swarm and pre-venti!ag after out he has never -fought any hard. bat, surgical operation performed rk W. Hayti, near M
cated between the haunch and stifle swarmsby the extractionand the removal ties for the party, nor has he eveD made -Newfoundland fishing vessels report d y by which he was relieved of a .avenue church in the same city, preach- were destroyed by lightning. Value,
joint- he animal presenting the ap- if ul on both the northern �nd y .
. of surplus que 19
t . that en cello. To do this, it i any severe personal sacrifices in its 'in. cod plent =cer from the back of his head. The ed an eloquent sermon; Rev. W. S. Ball with cont ' cuts, about $700. John
pearance of Only skin and bone in well to place the swarm on the parent terests. At the close of the present central shores. coal from 6e patient stood the pain of the operation addressed the pastor and Rev. Dr. Me- Smith,- living in the township of Mill-
quarter, while the right hiud leg is in an stand and the parent hive at right I Parliament he will have represented the -It is expected soft without the aid of an -,esthetics. . Laren, of Knox college, Toronto., ad- mer, near Shelburne, had his stable de -
almost total paralyzed condition. After ingles, a la Heddon, to the swar M' for constituency for seven years. In this Deloraine mines will -be laid down in -jam. Couch, Teeswater, has a aingu- dressed the people. stroyed by lightning and one horse
. a thorough diagnosis of the case - our I xt winter at $5.50 per tpn. lar freak of nature in his possession, -A despatch from Niagara says : killed. In taking out a horse it kicked
two days, then at 45 degrees for another he has had what the boys would call a Winnipeg ne
dk the restors- -It in said that the late ' lerl sy ut of a chicken a son of Mr. Smith, in the face, injur,
worthy " vet " underto now has two days, and alongside and facing the "soft snap." He has not been requited 1. !ed at a out consisting of a fragme Two ladies were drowned Friday last in
tion of the affiicted paxt, and . ;yasted same WILY as swarm for two days more, to make any extra expenditure of time, left behind him an estate val prob in hatched from an egg which at the same the river at Youngstown, New York. ing him badly.
strong hopes of restoring the removing it to a new stand on the 6th energy or money to obtain and retain $400 000. The will will be prob time produced is live chicken. The odd, Mrs. Reesor, her sister, Miss Anderson, -On Friday eveniug last, an Mrs. D.
museles to their wonted vigor and size. day from the day it swarmed; This his seat as most members have to do. a fe; days. *ty consists of two well developed legs and Mr. Reesor, were bathing, and the J. Lynch, of Hagaraville, together with
While not wishing to divulge any of the Banglinasn, of B - '
makes two good colonies of. about equal This was not due to any virtues within -Rev. F. W ;o Stone - L e, and feet and part of the body well cov, two ladies got beyond their depth and her four little girls and her two sisters,
hidden secrets of the profession- it will strength. I prefer, on the 7th day to himself, but simply to the construction manville, was d wned at y . ered with feathers.. lost their lives. Mr. Reesor is a school the . Misses Murphy, of Cayugs, were -
not be out of place to state that the extract the parent hive and to .remove of the constituency, it having been near Peterboro, while batbing last ri- . Mr. Joseph Martin, Attorney -Gen- teacher near Woodstock, Ontario. They driving into town from the last named
ct a cure riling. Ig Ottawa for A .
nisin treatment adopted to effe 11 the queen cells except the beat �wo 44hived" by the Tories to hurt neighbor. day m*o i eral of Manitoba, is visitir . were visiting Mrs. Reesor's father 1 t placei the horse, becoming frightened,
I � shied quickly to one side, tipping the
Aied by a a -Miss Annie Howell, of Anes ter,
in this case is electricity,, apf or three cells on one comb, and leaving ing ridings. For the soft time Mr. Me- . a holiday. He says in regard to emigra- Youngstown.
Volta -Faradic battery. When the Millan has had in the - South, Mr. near Dundas, is suing ' her a "n' tion that it had n;t been active. Prob- -A young married man named Mell carriage over into a deep ditch. The
dent has the fol- that bomb not extracted. - Reding, of the iq=6 vil ge, se be- �
-A Berlin correspon . swarm was 10 or 12 days off, -if it Was Cameron and Dr. McDonald have had Charles E . ably 6,000 or 7,000 had come inl but Bradt, aged about 26 years, belonging horse, finding himself unable to A ,
lowing interesting notice conoerning the Rlaced on empty combs and the honey to suffer in the West and East Ridings. for $2,000 for breach of promise. ure they were nearly all from Ontario and to St. Catharines, came to his death by gan to kick. Mrs. Lynch and two of
Shoemaker f amilY .- Mr. Jacob D. Ow wasgood,you willfinditroady to Under these -circumstances, therefore, I -The Department -of Agricul, 9 other Provinces, Practically Do for- drowning at Hamilton Beach Saturday. the little girls r6ceived severalmarks
. I Shoemaker, father of Mr, Alexander extract.- During a good basswood flow contend, Mr. Editor, that Mr. McMillan Ottawa, has received information,con eignere came in this year. Young Bradt went bathing in the lake about the bead. One little girl, Seits,
-Reeve of Waterloo . om ews respecting the disiress- -T. B. Baine, a well known grocer,. with Contractor ceived a severe kick
Shoemaker, Deputy � . it will pay to remove the queens fr has had all the recognition from the Re. firming the u tern Dakota. Nicholson's soa, aged three years, re �,
township, will be 91. years of age In both swarm and parent hive. This form party that his past services entitle ful state of settlers in Wes � who resides in the southeastern portion Neither of them could swim. Bradt just over the left eye, and died1n a few
� as vigorous and healthy -A tandem bicycle, having two [seats got out of his depth. and was drowned minutes. The rest of the party, al -
November, aind is method will secure an abundant yield of him to, and that no injustice would be � a led two Syra. of Hamilton, known as Corktown) tried � l in a a � '-
as most men would'be at sixtY.- He re- honey, but. entails more attenpipu than to commit suicide Friday by slashing'.hie before any assistance could be given though badly shaken up, -are f ir
. . . . done him, and he would have no right between two wheels, c rr � i
tains the full. use of all his mental f acul- the previous one. : .1 . to complain if the 66 soft" spot be has cuse men, Geo. Penn and H. Cilapin, throat with a razor. He will re- him. way toward r-ecovery. -
- . -' Kingston, in eight . James' Fresby
ties, not showing the slightest effects of to . from Cobourg to w � Baine has been despondent, and o ' Monday night, last -The pulpit of St
Method Ill: %- occupied for seven years were given cover. . -At . Paris, n ke terian ch - d
hisgreat age. Ile has always been a ists in ehutt some other deserving person for a term. hours on Friday. ,9!a, drinking heavily. The commis- week Albert Capron attempted to ta urch, London, was occupie
hard working man and more than This cons ing off the queen erving, in South xford sioners had revoked his liquor license. his life by a dose of Paris green, while last Sabbath
� 'f -of -The raspberry crop by Rev. R. Johnson,B. A.,
usually successful in acqiLiring I a com- by means of perforated zinc either at And I know of none more des 8 seems to,be.inexhaustible, new erries -W. Henderson, who has taught the under the influence of liquor. Soon of Lindsay. In the morning the rever-
. the back or front of the hive. Better recognition at the hands of Reformer )n the b slice. -selected as his text
petency. His family are all well to do, give her at least 4 or 5 Jones frames.' . than Mr. Cameron. He went into old continually ripening ( been picked Chesterfield, county of North Brant, -after he had. taken it, a little girl, the end gentleman
he - Thousands of quarts bave erson in the house, gave him an Mathew, i, 21: He affirmed that Jesus
and respected. , We might add that This plan will give most satisfaction in South Huron when it wag a Tory pre in that section this . summer. school about eight years very successful- only p L
has always been an exceedingly exact ns when honey is rather scarce and serve, and when no Grit dare hardly intends emetic, Lwbich abted 'Promptly, and in , Christ was the central - figure of the
� rainer ly, has resigned his position and " last world's history, From him there
and careful man, and for more than half seasO It is also useful show his head above water. He fought --Cope Stinson, of Brantford, t .to v cine. Mr. Henderson is all probabilities saved his life. At
swarming abundant. ock study ,medi
acentury-kept a diary of every day's - -ttle. Sometimes he and driver for- Miller & Sibley's at I Is doing as well as could be emanated an influence which had gone
t of the kind of in the fall after the main honey harvest a life and death ba r � anktin Pennsylvania, has driven a man who is popular everywhere and reports h'e w and war, still going into every depwrt-
I - doing, giving an accoun is over. I . was successful, and sometime ' s he was farm, F n. sixteen races, winning as a physician his abilities should score expected. chants continue -to feel ment of life until it would so -permeate
WA. the work he performed and . � . -Country 'I . Jesus was
a,ther, V defeated, But, all the eame, Cameron this season i mer
that Method IV : I -. With true Scot- nine and getting second money in five for him a big success. : e it that all � would notice it.
any other matter of importance ere every time. -During the late hot spell Toronto thepeed of organization to overcom
' , -
If those diaries are This is the old method Of ex'tracting was th �hroujh evil and third money in two. , . osition or the the Saviour from the power of sin in
occurred that. day. will from the brood neat throughout. It is tish pluck he stuck to it I FeVallibiere, wifeof a was more fortunate in the matterof the difficulties of their p
still in the land of the living they as well as through good report, uniil at -Mrs. Roderg weatherthan many other places. For aBomalieB that have crept into trade. this World. Man looki - ed upon salvation
� not the same as Method II, because the by aid of the Doble band who resident of Tecumsehi near Windsor, rchants of North Water. as something to come, omething for a
� be of considerable value when a history instance, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago The general me a
of this country !8 properly written. brood is never extensive, and if becom- last, m up, and I am proud to say is - dead, after having fasted 43 days. suffered a temperature of 96 degrees, loo have orgaDized themselves into a death -bed, but when Christ preached
% this aged gen- ing so the queen is removed. Method backed hi She was taken ill January last, and o hip sermon on the mount be did not talk
The struDge part is that IV. is resorted to by bee men in ii3di- I *as one of that band, he won South f while even Port Huron and Detroit Board of Trade, with a membership If
. tleman's brothers . and sisters are also I - form, and medical men said it was a case o 92 -two degrees higher than Tor- twenty-two, and met at Wellesley vil- of things to come but of things then and
J hn vidual cases. If a person is desirous of. Huron, -irrevocably for Re .a. dyspepsia, and nothing serious would had . lage on the.23rd ult., for the purpose of there with them. What a sensation it
.1 . noted for their very great age. 0 go ould have held it fx om that day to thi � . . Id create if Christ preached that
D. 'vihoemaker, of. Breslau, will be increasing his stock it will work favor- w . he Tories, finding they coul ult. She was better at times, but onto. at week says : giving the merchants of Tavistock and wou
een had not t r 1 wing, and -The Picton Times of la in the fashionable churches or
gA D. Shoe- ably, ss you clear the space for the qu (I Me disease seemed to be gro, opportunity to'become sermon
years in December; Geor t defeat him in any other way, gery* I Cherry Valley, Shakespeare an
maker, Natches, 87 years ; a brother in to occupy. . no him out of it. -- for the last 43 days she refused to take a Mr. James Ketchum, 0 era of the board. This board was the money .exchanges of Canads, and
- e -mandered ' I part '4e only thing she made us a call the other day. Mr. memb 6id down bythe especially Mathew v. 32, to the people
the W`6atern States and a sister in Penn There are in ny modifications of thes icle of food. 1. ' nths of organized on the lines Is
- 'a' The Reformers of gerrymandbrec Ketchum is 93 years and 4mo ' amilton last of ChicAgo, If He saved men from sin
� both over 80 - and the late plani,,'and I h ve used this tabular form was water. . to' Convention.'at H
sylvania are � . South Huron would gladly have selected could retain on her stomach a , , and in quite active for a man of his Merchan
Abraham Shoemaker, who died by acci- simply.1 or ,convenience of - description� a a o
y applicable to Mr. C - meron. as their representative She drauk,a couple of gallon day, and a - year. All egg -peddling waggoDs are to in this world they would be saved from
a . xperi- % vanCed years. He has been a sub
- J
. This is a re- Method I.:is speciall, for the for the fijet two weeks dianot e . mmence" be stopped at once by the . merchants the penalty of sin in the other.
dent, was aged 78 years I but again -his patriotism ber to the Times since its cc I)
'think is hard farmers, -*a one extracting could be done then,
cord of old age which we, Afte I Reform party was shown in a most noble ence any pains, but for the last four Ict', . . . - - .
, e
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