HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-01, Page 7-
�OUST 11, 1896. .
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A -� Worthy. Minister of Barly and fresh for a week or f- .4 :40 � � I f -
I .
� �
. .. . .....- 7'
y0y . I movedbyueing Burdock Bloo( Bitters accord- . � I - .
. Days. kept in a tin box or stone ja-r", well cov-- . I � ing to directions. It is er,,dort ed by the press, � 10 '
The Embro Review of last week sayll: ered with clothe � 1% .. L, I . I
- Never out bread I .I. � I � the public and the professio u,, i nd cannot be ex- I �� . V'ETER'N-ARY,
I - -
11 The massive -and handsome monument while it is warm. I' E ,&.. celled for the cure of conk tipation, dyspepsia I Cr A WhltnA V' --- �
I just ere - t only wastes it 001M PEP4* and all diseases arising therefit 0 31. - 1-fif - 8 OHN GRIEVE;, V. S., Honor graduateof
cted over the remains of the late and it is not healthful. I "got . ARE THE S � � - J Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases
F.,ev. Donald McKenzie, in the Ejnbro I wonder how cooks in paring'pota- 1 &MM . it. ORLY , I - — - � Of -Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly.
cemetery, by the few remaining friends toes, applefl, etc., take a paring a quar- W 'OJARA90 Messrs. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. I - . 7- -1. STOVE AND- attended to and charges moderate. Veterinary
15 � WD I Gents, -I have Used your MCN'ARD'S LINI-_ .. Dentistry a specialty. Offlee-At lVeles ROYS
ter of an inch thick, and .> , : Hotel, Seaforth.
and their numerous descendants, is a do -not take : - I ".. . � MENT in my family for some yearr, and believe- I W/ ,_
graceful tribute to the memory of a great any notice of the small ones, but throw 11 J 14P. I-,-- _. � 1112-tf ' �
� I I it to be the best medicine in the A iarket as it I I--- _�_ &I - .
---'-- - -_
and, good man, and a faithful minister of them into the slop pail with the pp,rings? I — does all it is recommended to do. '. C- DOAN. Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate
. . j, . �, Canaan Forks, N. B. DANIEL KmIMAD, I �'-., i� I FURIVI 'SH I N G H. of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto
the Presbyterian church, The Rev. D. ,It is not very cheap pig feed, when we ! 1 IfflIO" �, `%� - -
McKentie came to Amerlea in 1834 ;,he think of the many poor hungry ones ... I — / 711) % HODOMY Member of the Atedical Society
John -Mader, -Mahone Bay, info rms us L hat he I alls from a distance promptly attended i
. ,o.
I Yeterinary Medicines kept constantly on lmd.
was sent by the Presbytery of. Ross I who would be glad to have a peck of po- I was cured of a very severe attack: of rht, unia- Yr 0 _U S __Ei C
Scotland, to minister to the spiritual tatoes or apples once in a while -and it. .� � 4 1111 0, . . tisin by using MINARD'S LINIMENT. ,-,.___3.., _h'.,'�! I . 3 Offire opposite E. BoEsenberry's Hiotei, Hen. - -
necessities of the Highland settlers in does not take long to throw a peck � 11 k - Ball- N. B.-YeterinaryDentistry and Surgery
_-P IV, � , - a specialty.
this portion of Upper Canada, which away in quarter inch parings. I try to z . I ,It , IIW_6 .
* - 4 Party Politi S. . Seaforth, 0 ario. RANK S. Beattie, v� s., graduate of Dntarlr.
was then known as' the District of save every scrap, and my husband en- HEN partypolitics run hgh bad feeling
joys hash a* i As . . and bad blood are often Icausea, but all FVeterinary College, Toronto, X-enber of thi -
Brock, and more' particularly to the nd soup made of scrapF . . . . W . Veterinary Medical Societ
Highlanders of Zorra and Nissouri, much as'if they were all fresh. V I %, parties agree that when bad blood arises from We are offering Bargains in ,y, etc., treats aiidle.
I I � . I (-"'-es of the Domesticatid Animals. All cgile i,�
- ordinary causes the only satihfactory cure is 1-ne,mptly attended to either by dayorn1ght.
many of whom could only converse in Do you�know that the bones of a tur- Burdock Blood Bitters, nature's blood purifier. with Diamond Dyes .
their native G,elic and were entirel key or chicken'roast will make a splen. The only medici Charges modemte. Special attention given 60 .
.y nos sold by druggl" Recommended by the medical pr fession. veterii,ary dentistry. Office on Main Street, I
without pastoral services. did soup? Boil them in plenty af water Under a positive guarantee from their = Coal & 'Wood Parlor Stoue8. Seaforth, one door son
These townships, at that time, wer till the meat fills off the bones; then manufacturers, that they will do Just what at -e-- store. th of Kidd's Hardwm I
. e Is claimed for them -that is, benefit or cure The vicissitudes of clim a -re trying to most All Stoves Guaranteed. - 1 1112
almost unbroken forests, with small pick the bones out, and season the li- In all cases of diseases- for which they are constitutions, especially to people having im- - 11 � I
-openings here and there where the pio- quor with plenty of pepper, salt, and recommended, or the money paid -for them pure blood. For all such, (and they constitute t's safe to dye Witt] . EAFORTH HORSE INFUtRARY-Cornera
willbe promptly ref unded-are Dr. Pierce's the majority), the best safeguard is Ayer's Sar- A full. line of ks Jarvis and God6rich Streets, next door to th
neers had built shantiesand commenced chopped celery, and thicken with a lit.- World -famed specifics, manufactured by saparilla, the use of which cleanses the blood 'Diamond I Presbyterian Church, Seafe.rth,, Ont. An dig.
to subdue the wilderness, the only roads tle ftour and water, letting it simmer World's Dispensary - Medical Association, and, Btrengtbhens and invigorates t be syst em. . Dyes . . eases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any of the da. -
being trails th�rongh the woods ; the till well done, and you have a splendid Df Buffalo, N. Y. I inesticated animals, successfully treated at the
- Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disco -very - � Infirmary, or elsewhere on the shortest notice
smaller streams being without bridges, soup out of almost nothing. oures al.1 diseases arising from a torpid ot That distention of the stomach which many McClary's Famous Stoves Chargesmoderate. JAVES W. ELDER, Vetev-
i and the swamps in most cases did not How different the tastes of persons ! deranged liver, or from impure pnople feel after cating maybe due to improper - . mary
� blood. t', Surgeon. P. S. -A large stock of Veterin
have even corduroy roads through �hem. Mrs.A. has as D spepsia, or Indigestion, masticationof thefood- b t' t ary Medicines.kept constantly on hand
a small boy who keeps up a Pimples, , WiNin t1rios cases it in- For which we are So -le Agents,
st ,c _ fr
Tetter, weakness of di b ans, the best
continual 'fuss, the livelong day. She Erygipelas, and Scrofulous Sores and remedy for which is I ------- �
But the settlers had stout aighland Blotelles, Eruptions, Salt-rheurd, dicates a ge
bearts, prepared to contend with any can sit and seem to" enjoy such music as Swellings. Consumption, or Lung-scrof- taken after dinner. one of Ay6rs Pills, to be .
I �
difficulty they might be called upon to a.tm" pan makes when used- as a dtuni 'Ila, is also cured by this wonderful rem- - � � M LEGA-L
face. They brought -with th 5d , if taken in time. , --- Great Barc,ains in Table and Library
em. that but -holds her bead and says 11 What a, Wr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the There was a cook in our towr P amps. n —_ - _ --- ______
I And she was wond'rous wis -,, , , M
religious fervor and strong Presbyterian fea�rful rack t!" if her neighbor's sing world -famed remedy for all those chronic I alton, Insuranoe
devotion and honesty, of character .more than usual. -An Observer. weaknesses and distressing derangements She bought Imperial Baking "owder, 3/1 Agent, Commissioner for takingalfidavitt,
(which was the result of their early ' 0 lo common to American women. It is a, And caused her bread to ri,,; e ; Conveyances, &c. Money to loan at the lewed .
, Inost potent, invigorating, restorative ton- I And, when she saw,lhow nice it was, _SQ____L, dye, N rates. 31.31ORRISON, Walton.
on" training) which they were deter- For the Public Good. 1c, or strength -giver, imparting tone and,, Declared -with might and main . C-� K W�HITPNE (3 ---------- ,---
vigor to the whole System. I That Imperial was the only A P. M. BEST, Barrister,
pi� to establish in their new homes. , The family were gathered around the nervine it Js unequaled. See guarantee � ' She would ever use again, - Rooms One Door North of the Coznmer,�W
mined . - As a soothing I -Solicitor, &c. ,oflice-
Our readers -cam readily imagiiqe with . . I J.
, breakfast table in a pretty cottage in Printed on the bottle -wrapper Becausles-, ,their n ever MAIN -ST. - ,-SEAFORT11. _�Iotel, ground floor next door to Beame butcher
- what joy such men and women hailed and -faith- I I -_ ) -. -MBR,ON. 870
one of the suburban villages near New Pilly carried out for -many years. Minard's Liniment is used by Pl6icians f Ca i i 0 1 Snop. Agents-CAmxRoy, HOLT & CA__ ---
the advent of a pastor among them. I York. The circle was enriched by the Copyright, 18A by WORLD'S DIS. 31RD. ASSIX. � -.1 . . . — ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Sollat.
Mr. McKenzie had in a very marked presence of two daughters,one of twelve . . we Gtors, &c., Goderich, Ontario. j. T. GAglow,
manner those characteristics that would 'and the other of seven years. The father . � Minard's Liniment Cures Garg4 in Cows. ?I 013 Q. C-; WH- PROUDPOOT. ON
entitle him to and win for himself the I � .ou Ought -LL10 dye witl R 3 OV _.
- as a little late in responding to the call _ - __ --i- In ._. 1! �, W i=
----' . p I rr AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barriaters,
Minard's Liniment relieves Ne ralgia. .
confidence andrespect of the Scotch set- FC the table, and when he appeared tEe . = 11 = C Solicitors In Chancery, &c., Goderich, oni.
. . ___ � CWr 0 wir W;
� � - I- V_ 1
tlers. He was EL maii of good physique, youngest daDghter, in tones of - dis .. . Q P 1 = M. C. CAXERON, Q. C., Pilmn. HOLT� X. G�
. - � Alinard'8 Liniment Cures Distemper. ;ecause they are besto - uc �;P 0 CAMERON.
commanding personal appearance, in- gust, said, "There ! papa is going : �� 0 1 ,g �V_ 50
4omitable courage, kindliness of heart, )ION, �$500 OFFERED 0, 53,24 go
'' . ____
E _...a. " 1100-1 J. DOWNEY, Solicitor Conveyancer, bo
out again to -night ; he hati on his tail I . '-. �.,
- Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind, on :4 .0�00 0 - IM D. Late of 'Victoria, B.'C.
unbounded hospitality andlearnest'piety; coat. 11 for an incurable ewe o =00 a �*
. f t,51 ;
. Catarrh In the Head " S
' by the -pr . oprietors of Dr. Sage's Catar human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Our new book -1ccm';f'11 Home Dyeing "' givi" ;00 ONI--p-00" Office-o"r
in a word, he was a representative Scotch With a look of patient endurance, the rh Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. 11 d . rections for all uses of Diainuqd I)Ves, sent fre egri-4 rem 13 , BRnk of Commerce, Main street, Seaforth. I'll.
By its mild, soothing and heal- Sold by T. S. Roberts, Scaforth. ' 118G52 =01 & "� clip E.O. 03 vate funds to loan at 5J and 6 per cent. IM
gentleman. When Mr. RcKeDzie was older daughter looked up and asked, Remedy. I laplAication. Diamond Dyes are sold everywhere
Ing properties, it cures the worst casM no I - .0 ___
01"-A.P. j'a M:Lbb
settled in Zorra, the only place for pub- " Another committee meeting ?" matter of how long fftanding. . By drug- — : any color malled on 'receipt of price, io cenU 0 a F ANNING & SCOTT, � Barristers, Sollolsor%
I rists, 50 0eilts. EnglWh Spavin LiDiment removes 9611 hard, ck
lic worship was the Log Chui rch, situated " Pro bono publico ." responded the . . fICLLs, RiCHARDSON & Co., Montreal, Que- - - M Conveyancers, &c. Solijcqtors for the B&3k
on lot 9, concession 7, to which the peo- father. . - soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from :I P 121?n a 0 Of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to ,loan,
1 41 - 1, A 0 1-11, L . I . -horses Blood Snavin Curbs S linf- P;� P- � = P Em IEO%Gtdw�- n .
p e L� v every a at, , many com-
ing fourteen or fifteen miles through the
foreat ; and,when we think that their
place of worship- was without fire in
winter, we cin readily understand the
deep piety that characterized pastor and
people when they could sit through a
G.Tli-i and English sermon in mid -winter
devoutly drinking in the truths of the
Gospel from the lips of.their faithful
pastor. Mr. McKenzie not only minis-
tered to the spiritual wants of his peo-
ple in Zorra and Ni8souri, but visited
them in their homes on foot through the
pathless forest, attending to the sick and
dying and administering baptism and
; T, 4- 1, I : : 4. 11
The older daughter, proud of her
�knowledge of Latin,ltranalated the sen-
tence, to which the Younger responded-:
. "Yes, for the public go.od,� but the
family bad !" - I
How truly the small maiden had de -
Glared the conditions in thousands of
homes! -,where the public good dis�
places * the familyg'ood ; where the ek-
citement of attending to the public af-
fairs affords far greater pleasure than
the worker finds in attending to . the
good of that part of the public which
is embraced under the item of family.
11 What makes Mrs. Gadabout a
philanthropist ?"
94 - -
other horse you will meet with ou the
streets (of 4a city is either standing
I hitched �vibh his face turned up to the
hot sun,'the flies swarming about his
eyes, mouth, a6d.ears, with no power to
, defend himself, or moving along in per-
fect misery from his head being pulled
up to an unnatural position. If drivers
insist that their horse does not travel
wel'I, or is in the habit of stumbling, or
is liable to kick if his bead is not reined
up, would have the judginent- or a suf-
ficient supp�y of the mi ' Ik of human
kindness to throw off the check when
they stop, the cruelty and harm would
be greatly jessened, but very few of
' ) I I 'r I F, I
Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sbre and Swollen
Tbroat, Colighs, etc. Saye $50 by use of one '
bottle. Warranted tbemo8t wonderful Blemish
Cureeverknown. Sold by J. S.Roberts,Sea-
forih. 118062
- � ----.I-- __ ----..-- .- , - ... - - ___ .1
'X -'§A"
�__tT 0 rT 11 0:E1.
I I __ � � '�-- V3?M
I 411V11 ,,�R;�
The undersigned wishes t inform the
public that be has thoroug;ly re -fitted
his mills with a I
I - .--..I—
Combination Roller 1 System
I .-�WA*
Of the-'mogt approved kind and isnow
.4 .
Seaforth Dairy.
Having purchased the Dwiry Business
from Mr. Roderick Grey, I be,g to solicit a con-
tinuance of the' patronage which- he has re-
ceived in the pa8t. With the advantages I
have in my refrigerator and situation, I hope to
be able to give nly cuetomers satisfaction as to
quality of milk even in the vE ry hot weather.
Realizing that the cash System is the most
just afid satisfactory to all concerned, I have
decided to sell for cash only�
0F Tickets supplied at reduced rates.
1171, D. D. WILSON.
rucu r age, u u a so rn n .9 ere to the Her willingness ,to attend to evety, them ever th ink so far, and nearly ever k1&K-tJ-1V to UO WL CUSUOM ork with
y which he may be favored, guaranteeing
wants of the Scotch, settlers in other and body�s business instead of her own," is hour in the day one can. find scores of - - '
distant parts of Upper Canada, making a recent newspaper joke, and yet how, poor animals standing in the sun suffer- in every case, satisfaction,' as well as
the Flour ground out of their own
mission&ry tours from his home west-- many lives would seem to justify it! ing all the tortures "of the rack or pil- wheat. Flour is -sold at $2.25 per cwt.
ward to the Detroit River, south to Lake The energy, the thought, the time, lory while their master is within doors A trial is respectfully solicited. UMPTION!
Erie, and north to Lake Huron, organiz- spent for the public good -is often t1me, enjoying himself, with no thought or .
ing congregations, preaching, marrying interest and thought stolen from the care for the welfare of his mute and N its first stages,,canlVe successfully
and -baptising ; in doing all this our family. � 11 . JOHN AlcNEVIN, Kippen. I checked by the prompt use of Ayer9z
. fait4iful servant. : -� .-1156 Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later
readers must remember that the only Take it in the mat',er of public health. Many owners and drivers of horses riods of thaA, disease, the cough is
mode of travel was either on foot or on If every housekeep,-r would see to it .will confess that their animals work bet. . — Pe 'T
horseback over the most primitive roads that her own cellar, the street before ter when allowed to carr the head in 1�.._&.- A , wonderfully reh md by this medicine. -
How- her door, the plumbing -in her'. own a natural position, but they check them ) "I have used Ayer's Cherry rectoral
(mere trails through the forest). y . -� . "
I i�, V �
� �V �
I �_-` - � , " - with the best effect* m* my, practice.
when duty pointed out the way in the , , Mh"# I
ever, Mr. McKenzie never hesitated. house, the co6king d:)ue in her family, forlooks.. What a mistaken. idea! All I , , ,,,
iQ.'.-�,�� , This wonderful preparation once saved
were in the !condition demanded by ,men admire high style if it. ifl natural, � '! I " , . . I had a constant cough, . h
service of his Mas -ter ; his 'genial coun- hygienic know;ledge, a public good but when . _1 til� V ffi, 1; my life. Mg *
a hor�e' head is pulled higher .1.44, iff-, L�'�"'__-_1_7" ,:,� 'I
. . , t a�A a� � sweats, was greatly reduced in Ilesh,
tenance was always welcome in the home would be accomplish d which, by force than his forniatio� justifies 6e shows it . P . _!�"'V� and given u by my physician. One
of the early settler, and his grey horse of example,as well s by accomplished in every movement, and instead of %dd- - x�7-1- �, bottle and a Uf of the Pectoral cured
qetracts .� me."—A. J. Eidson, X. D., Middleton,
5 ---
I z - .
__: .
peninsula. Mr. McKenzie was pastor 'form the world thr ugh outside agit- frorn it in the eyes af every rillan who is _ cl- Z-141 '� Tennessee.
was well-known throughout the western effort, would surpass any attempt to re- ing to his beauty it greatly - Z..
- ,
i .4
= , . -1 ,
— :2 , .
. U ., . M 11 Several years ago I was severely 11L
of his only charge for thirty-eight years, ation. The public gcodaccom�liahed at a judge of form.—Wester" Sportsman. - ., ,�. '
- . 0
. .� - ly ;-. The doctors said I was in consumption,
- ily good is a very - � .- 1; -
and then only retired from working in the expense of the fan ! — __ rk ... . - I /",�,) : , , ,
�, _` '1�1� , ., � and that they could do nothing for me,
enforced I 'R N - F. �- .-' 11 � C�. ,
the Master's vineyard when incapaci- doubtful good. Th oas of. One S��indie Explained. Ek�A`A " *_ 1. , FARTAF
I Z_..'_ - k"� ��, I but advised me, as a last resort, to
tated by old age. The congregation in championship and interest in the home A drurnmer who travels for it, Boston I � J , r��, �ry
- . ". , ,,, 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After takin
,7=�_. .
Zorra prospered under his pastoral care and the circle within it, the result of grocery concern says that he se�es in �_ I= , .''. I i . . this medicine
I . .... � �. I I 1. Z� two or three months f
until four young and prosperous congre- overtaxed mind and nerves in outside Alaine some of the sharpest trickg that - �, �`. was cured, and my heall-th remains good
. .�.A �
gationa separated from the parent stock, service, is but sorry �ecompense. for.the are practised on his route. He vives . . � -�,A to tbe present day.11—James irchard
A IWI :4. 4 A , 4.1, 1 4- 11 . � I
— Ince-Milott, B
r &142 so Q 0 0 mill .lock, Clint<,)n, Ontario. A H.
k M . M. _ v
acrrn 11 .
tr .4. IFIA: P ,
1 .4
0 dW;
913,4.g 6 W -V I-
000 a 'MI P t 164
1 :%; 0 It M
- I 4 I �CI,i
to LIP Frr . I &*
L2P1 IF a Cap*
11% M
— .
&&%-,Lima,% - - ;��
I" 31 took Cold,
;- . I took Sick, -,
I -
.. goo 79
EN ,
I take N Mealag
I Me' Xy Rest.
getting -rat too., Fo th
's . W
Emulsion of Pure'Cod liver
Ift hit Oft
and Hypophosphites of ime
tent Comumption iBuT BuAT
13COtVs Mnulslon Is Put up only,'In-Salmon
color wrappers. Sold by &U Druggists " I
600. and $1.00. A
SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. I
, "Ns morr. 781
FHOLMESTED, successor to tht, ,ate 1IM&t
e McCaughey & 11ohnested, Barrister, So.
,licitor, Conveyancer and- Notary. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Moneytolend.
Farms for sale. Office In ScotiVs Blocir, Xglb
Street, Seaforth.
11) ICKSON & HAYS, fOrm(rlV with Messm .
Garrow & Pro,adfoot, doderich; Bar.
risters, Solicitors, etc., Seaforth and Brusselc
Seaforth Office-Cardno's Block, Main Street.
Money to Loan. 1127 ,
MON BY TO LOAN.-Sturaight loans at t pot
cent., with .the privile4e to borrower- �
of repaying part of the principal m6ney %6 &by
time- Apply to F. ]ELOLMESTED, Barristet
Seaforth. I , 850
FW. TWEDDLE Dentist, successor to W_ J.
. Fear. Office 'in Daley's Block Seaforth
ODtario. Nitrous Oxide Gas admiM'dered i3l
the painle,Es extraction of teeth. 1169
0 &D
3!i, L ll� S., Dentist, Graduate of
11) the R ge of Dental Surgwns.ot
Untario, and Graduate of the Toronto Unift.jr.
sity, successor tour. Bali. preservat�lon of
the natural teeth a speciality. Office in Mr.
Ball's old -Stand. 1164
___ ___ — --.----
- -
;'.R4-'_4!%, " - D.
,_, ', _.
, cIL, - ;_ S., EXeter, Ont. Will be at
__ �!
, ,�� ][f. KINSMAN Denthat, L
.:K� ��
I ,,, . Zurich, atthe Huron Hotel, on the
LAST T.uuxsDAY iw o,AcH mox,TjR,
and at Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the FrRm
AND THUM FRIDAy in each month. Teeth ex.
tractedurith the least Pain Possible. Al).work
first-class at liberal rates. on
cou 1� zerna ne 10 aiges an good accomplished. I the fofl.iwing specimen: - . .� � -A fl_4_' I —
I �Vj_ 14j", Darien, Conn. , S. FERGUSON, M. D. 0. M., Sea
. I - , .. . -F-)�. ., I forth,
,:.�� '' � . . I I A .0,� � I
- . - , \' ? -,
. wVe bustled into a store in - � - . . I., �;..-' '., . 11 Several W Office and residence, that formerly oc-
wealthiest country congregation in On- -Every family is such a large item A farmer's � I �1,q,�,,- - � X. ;-, _,v'k_"-!,N � I �jjj�. , � years ago, on a passage home THE B10 M, I L L S cupied- by Dr. Hanover, near doderich street.
L - " " f . , -
, ;,J, - �_ ,�.,, .1 . " F-
tario. When advanced years rendered for the public good. when orgauized Washivoton county the other day, and - I. 1'. N. , from California, by water, I contracted - I
him unfit for his pastoral work in C) )� �. --1: . � I , . .�Ji. %" \
L with. due regar , - '4k-� ' so severe a -cold that for some days I Calls night or day pr,omptl
. d to it"s public relati - �,(�. 1.5� '. ."..� " ; k, k
- C;,�-,, P "r, y attended to.
; Ions, went f6r the proprietor with : � I � f. . ;, �,� , �
-_ ', . � -.1.1 1173
Embro he retired to Ingarsoll, where he that a loss of power for good within it � L'�' t was confined to my state -room, and a SEAPURTH. I —
. " Nlr' B—, I bou,gght six pounds of _�� � - I 11-1 I - pliysician oil board considered my life I E. COOPER, M. D., Phy —
reaidad till his death in 1884 at the age resets against the pu�lic good. 8ug&r hore last week and wheu I got L . sician, Surgeon
of 86 years ; his mental faculties re- �, 7 -A- - -7 .;-F-_,, . " ,indanger. Happeningto have abottlo The above mills have now been thorough) It
- , � and Accoucher, Constance, ont. -11-.)7
, . . ,
ME61D . 1= I., - * , , . " ' q, of Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, I used it built upon the complete RS. ELLIOTr & GUNN, Brucefield, Moen.
. ,
Pro bono publico �s the justification home I found a stone weighing _�z � 1 . y
. two . -W� t". -i J " - ,f- - -.,-V:n �
. � � F(�,,, t, -t-` A ,�. . 1. freely, and my Jungs were soon restored � -
ed unimpaired, ind he was well of the many individuMs whose devotion POUD(38 in the package." I , _. ": ,;% '41 7 , - tiates Royal College of Phyaicians and
I �,y I :,�
J) I _ * , �.' �1_ ., I L--. ... to a healthy �condftion. Since then I PROCrSS. Surgeons, Edinburgh. B efleld, Ont. 986
read in the literature of the period, an to the public is not t4e reahlt of princi- " , � ,,� 11)
" Yes, ma'am. ,., �
I I --� ! % 1. have invaria . bly recommended this prep- . �_ ruc
although advanced in years his comp � u you e :plain the sw ��_ 11 �'�,_.-.,�," 7 , HUNGARIAN ROLLER
an- ple, but the antid�te of' ennui when ,, Ca I I--,"-
. . - � indle, air 9" ' , L--,�11`1 _11`1 � ,; . .
ship was sought afnd appreciated b�, private life is the limit of their activity. �i ",I)
. ion you . I think I ciin,-, was the proprietor's lUft,EST e';( I? �,z jij- C; 1. - ,I ' ' AMUOn-"-J, 1�. Chandler, Junction, Va. The Mfll and Storehouse -Buildings have been , Physician, Surgeon
the ng. Mr. Mckenzie was married .4 .w 0 _ r) , . 3,ES,
8 Were pro bo'lo d 0 e,s,tico the watch placid reply, �!' �Vhen I weighed your . greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied ri . and Accoucher, Seaforth Ont. Office and
in 183 to Miss Christina Cameron, 0� word in every house�o d, -it would be " - ht p I C 0 11.1 _1* I :*1_1 C� L, throughout. . residence South vide of Goderloh street, Second
. ei ye
, f I ounds of butter, week before last, , , * oor eastof the Presbyterian Church. 842
St. Thomas, a lady of culture, who was pro bono publico. . 0 1 Alum, �.mm�-n_a, j_ yn (-, YM-s!"llates, .
I a help meet to hi I m. in all his labors. She . 0 1, . and a tw" pouad pebble in the jar; OR At,'Y l!',P;1"� ", 1,'L'. ",T,',:,' E. A f 3 Cherry Pectoral, THE LATEST IMPROVED ROL --- ,
. I . and when I weighed your sugar the T It nN T. . LS W. BRUCF, SMITH, M. D , 0. M., Xemb�r
-died a short time before himself ; by ' All 0 -'-:",!,-:4 R.
slon-o intist have slipped: into the scales E.W. Gl�l..E'*, ._', L cl:; I C:,G 0, ILI FRNPARUD BY of the College Of Pbysicians and Surgeons,
t6ir marriage they had seven children, 'n f�,:�."" —A -ND— &c.,- Seaforth, Ontario.
young or old, or miMddr,l4e aged, who find somehow-. We are both growing old, ,; _ 1--:.-!_!1, V� . Offlee and residence
five of whom survive them, two sons' " 'r I " ' Dr. ,1. C� Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, same as occupied by Dr. Vercoe. 1 848
themselves nervous, welak and exhausted ma'am, and Pin sorry that our 'e'yesight HE CELMEATE'11' T`-'\:-,�'-�TA .*,_Jf�� T CLU o'dbyall.Di-uggh�ts. Pdce$1;sixboLtle@,$ �_—__ . ___
and threq,� daug-bters. Their eldest son, . y I k� & Flour Dressing Machines
-Thomas, �is a prosperous wholesale m er- who are broken down from excess or isn't to be trusted, �Nlliat can -I do for I . � — __= WE, M. D,, Fellow of the
overwork, resulting in' man of the fol- you to -day, ma'am ?'? . I A
chant in Toronto ; their youngest so,, JowIng symptoms : y I ROY41 College of Pbysici=s and Surgeons
-_ , 1. From the best Manufacturing Firms have beer. RiDgSt011. Successor to Dr. 31ackid. Offloe
-Alexander is the pastor of the first T�ental depression, For a moment the woman gazed at G. N. W. TelegTap'h CO. I i lately occupied by Dr. ad id, . . t
I premature old age, loss of vitality, lose the tradesman over her brass bound . r, t in, and everything necessary added to M k Alain Stree ,
Presbyterian church, Oswego, New of memory, bad dreams, dimness of spectacles. Then she recollect ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS. . . . � , , I rert to turn out flour ., enabl I e Seaforth. - Residence -Corner of Victoria Square,
York ; their eldest daughter, Margaret, . - ed herself . . . . . in house latWy occupied by L. E. Dancey.
. Sight, Palpitation of the heart,emissions and remarked that she h%d a d. � � . Dr. Alackid has gone to the Nor.thweet Ind ,
'is the wife.of the Rev. A. Rowat, of. 1,,ck of energy,. pai I in the kidneys 9 which she wished to exchangefor hooke Direct duplicateAvires to all principal points; r. I , I . � SECOND TO NONE Dr. Bethune has taken Ma practice. The
Winchester, Quebec ; their second _� - offices ever�,where ; prompt and reliable service; � . Doctor will be found in Dr. M-ackid's office
dau-,hter, Mary, is the wife of the Rev. headache, pimples OnIthe face or body: and eyes. -Le"wiston Journal. connectswith Western Union Telegraph Com- P �_ -- . _�=... _ , __.. In the Dominion. The facilit.es for receiving during the day and at his own residence during
. . � ..._ .. grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping the night.
-_ .., .. - .
.Geo' Grant, Inspector "of Schools in itching or peculiar sensation a6out the ___ ______ _:.�_ pany to all parts of United, States, and with . ...... - have also deen extensively improved. Grain can -'--- 1127xi-2
scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- GRAT cables to all parts of the world ; money orders
Parry Sound, and th(er youngest daugh - EFUL-COYMFORTING. by telegraph ; use the best. IGS A.ND DOGS.-Tbe undersigned bas on now k taken from farmers' wagons, weighed,
- te , 8 e eyes, twitching I I and bAded into care at the rate of 700 bushels —
.-I Lina, resides in London. ness pecks before t4 ' 7 1 P his premises in Harpurhey, a good, tbor- AUCTIONEERS.
of the muscles, eyeli 8 and elsewhere, onghf)red Berkshire Pig which be keeps for per hour, by the work of two men. -_
.* I EPPS S COCOAi CANADIAN EXPRESS CO. ,pervice. Terms -81 per sow, with the privilege
Wastoe-fulness. bashfulness, deposits of urine, loss of I of returning if necessary. -Also for sale a few J. P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the -
will power, tenderness of the scalp and I good collie dogs from imported stock on both A LARGE FEED ST 0 ri rz County of Huron- Sales attended in &I
Not long eince I made a few visits Offices at all railroad points ; forward mer. sides. ROBERT TORRANCE, Harpurhey. FOR- parts of the County. All orders left ut THy
spine, weak and. flabby muscles, desire " By a thorough icnowledge fif the natural laws chandise, money and packages of e�ery descrip- - ExPOSITOIL Office will be Promptly attended to.
which govern the operations of digestion and tion : collect notes, drafts, accounts, &c. Re- —.---- - - -_ --- 1142tf I
with friends and was surprised to see to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, nutrition, and by a careful application of the - —
� -the extravagance of some of them. One constipation, d-allness of hearing, loss of fine properties of well -selected Coq.oa; Mr. Epps mittersof moneysecured against 1pse, and the � () U 31 TOi M C.3%fl H C P P I N G.
that is always in need CHESTER WHITE PIG. --The undersigned W. G. DUFF
of money, and �oice, desire for solitude, excitability o has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate. charge for transmission is very low. Produce will keep during the present season on Lot Has been put In, and the necessary machinery for AUCTIONEER FOR THE Cou=, conve
it, w f , for merchandise requiring protection from heat AConce881on 2, L. 11. S. Tuckeramith, a Thor r y
can see no way to get astes gro- - temper, sunken eyes 11 surrounded with ly flavored beverage which may save Us many or cold, will have our best attention.� 21, handling chop and coarse gra,ins.
heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Jud cious use I A good shad haa been erected, so that wagons Real Estate, Life, Accident and Fire insurance
ceries to the amount of from ten t- i ough Bred Chester White Pig to which a limited ancer, Collector, Book-keeper and Accountant ;
- 0 LF,ADF,:-,,' CIPMR, 'Oily looking skin, ete't of such articles of diet that'a constitution may � number of sows will be taken. This '
twenty five cents a day. I can never are all 1160. W. SOMERVILtE, Agent. P19. was can be unload ed and reloaded under .c Agent; Money to Loan, Correspondence, &c.
� symptoms of nervous debtlity , b.e gradually built up until strong enough to re- , -_ I farrowed on May 16th, 1887, wias bred by 8 H. .
pity the poor whenj see them throw so that lead to insanity and death unless "18t every tendeficY to disease. - Hundreds of .1 � Todd, of Wakeman, Huron County, Ohio, one of . Parties requiring his services in an,
� . _V 01 these
subtle maladies are floating uound us ready to . the most extensive and reliable breeders S branches will receive prompt attention'. Omal
much away that 'could be made. into cured. The spring or vital force havin WHEAT EXCHANGE IN DALRY's BLOCK, (VT8TA1M),.MA
�good. dishes. Then there are many who to . 9 attack wherever there is a weak point. We 6ay in the United States. This Pig has also taken . , IN STkY.11T. SIA -
at its tension every function wanes in escape ninny a fata] shaft by keeping oursielves Seaforth'Roller 'Millse Alrat prizes whereever shown. Terms $1, pay Promptly attended to, and FORTU. 11,34
bake their bread so hard that the crust consequence. . Those who through abuse - . . __
� well fortified with pure blood and a properly able at the time of service, with the privilege of - _______________ .--- -_
is cut off and. piled beside nearly every committed in ignorance may be p rma- ,nourished frame."-,' oi,vil Service Gasette." EX returiling if necessaryz GEORGE PLEWES. -
� plate at'the table. When the table is ne-ntly cured. Send your addreses far Made, riAmply with boiling water or wilK. Sold Gristing, Chopping and _ . 1039-t.f. FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOUR HAND -MADE
- only in packets by -grocers, labelled thua: Change promptly attended to and t . - ._V . - ,- -_
cleared these scraps are thrown into book n all diseases to man. Address JAMESEPPS & CO., Homcoopathic Chemists, DIS1,7. , " ,I" �,_ A,
t1he slop. I once knew a lady who kept M. Vo London, England. __�' GUARANTEED.
- LUBON, 50 Front dtreet East 1041-52 best of satisfaction guaranteed. -,�tx , -W _ I . �
, , ,
. , . � � T ,
. 11 I :10 ,,,�. . S. r
� I �,�
�. � , .K... 0
all scraps of bread 'Books sent free Cash for any quantity of goo( ,� 0, ..% 4
a�paper sack, and 9
�;,,k, I �'.' I , t, 0 TT S r -r CD M __F _7E] M
-rOyOnto, Ontario. I Wheat 4. 111�' Boots and Shoes
Were put into il to wait till there were sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of A Child Saved. . and Barley. I . . .;&- , 'O L, 1,
� 11 . -� I VV
J . I . 1Y, -14 .* * , '
-enough to inake a bread pudding or which are' faint spells, purple 1i ' 'Aly little boy was taken very bad with Feed of all kinds for sale. Arrange- � T 1, 1. .. I ... .. Chopped satisfactorily and without delay. �
I ipst didrrhoea, he was very delicate and got so low a D. McINTYRE
eats, hot . I , P �
Stuff chicken, and I thought it a -grand numbness, Palpitation, skip, 'b we had no hope of his life, but a lady friend re- ments are made for regular arrivals of f,', . f
� I r .
Plan. You will never see crusts wasted flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull commended Dr. Fowler's Extract of W Manitoba wheat and very best . I , ) ' ffas on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes
at ild Straw- - of flour � . I t .f I ROLLER . FLOUR, of his own make, best -material and
my table, for although I bake my pain in the heart w't]a beats strong, berry, and although he could only bear a few can be obtained. ,-_,�1'.-I,
. - - -
drops at a time he got well. It saved my child. Z__-'-�je, . BRAN, SHORT% 'Warranted to give Satisfaction.
bread till it is done, and will not be rapid and irregular, M second haart Business conducted on cash terms. WiLL POSiTIVEU-i" CU'l-_ - ,�
AIRS. WM. STFWART, Canipbellville,'Ontario. 0 L_ IL 0
soggy, the crust- is as palatable as the, beat quicker than . I � '.
rest. the first, pain about . ,
the breast bone, e c., can positively be - Yours Truly, � -r , . And all kinds of Ifyouwant'your feet kept dry come n
, . t Cgq ,I 'apil . and get
1p55 p,
When I m ould the bread into loaves, I cured. No "MysisterandIftch tried a bottleof Bur- . I 11 I L, I ITI . [) a pair of our boots, which will be sold
cure, no pay. Send for dock Blood Bitters with great success for bilious I I N 11 I [i I 11 t U1, E .'.� A U 11.1 . CHEAP YOR OAS H,
I I Constantly on hand.
grease them all over with butter or lard book. Address M. IV. LUBON, 50 headache. We recommend it to all as a specific W. H. CODE & CO. Bowel CC-pl i , - . CHOPPED FEE
and then set them to rise i.nd perhaps Front Street I?ast, Toronto, Ontario. for headache." 1139tt . . . m I a r, f �� , [1: ,,:- � h ,-, r; a Repairing promptly attended to, All kinds Of
butter the tops again before placing in . I - MISS CARRIF SC1[F1W,Rj Baden, Ont&rio. .i �"__ .
the Oven 1181,52 . Boots and Sh,)es made to order. Allpartieswho
. This will -make the crust . -A:;'D .AM- 7. -E[ighest Market Price Paid in havenOt paid their accou
' lovely brown. I always ---------I*— _ I History of 15 Years. McKiRop Directory for 1890, 0 please call and settle up. nta for last year will
;_1. :, Cash for any Quantity of
- . 7/1 . ,
&r wet a cloth , Unhook that qheek-Rein fifteen yeai,s we have used Dr. I-'owler's S U �11'pl i112 E P� C CHEI �_ �_ A, I INI 11 42% iri .
I ge enough to wrap around the bread JOHN BENNEWIES, Recve, Dublin P. 0. - 1162 D. McINTyiitE, Seaforth.
. � I . We are not going to wage ii,di8crina Extract of Wild Strawberry" as a f&milY JOHN MORRISON, Deputy Reeve, Ward 3, *1 . -_
- lust Nvet enough so water does not run I - FOR - Wheat. ---
omplaints and diarrhoea Winthrop. 0 L - - �-. I .;--q � .
d goes as soon as 30-` -
Off, and in this the brea I � inate warfare medicine for sunirner c - . I
against the check rein ; ! and we never had anythiD. to -equal it. We DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Ward 1, Beech- KEEP A r .', " . � BARRELS MARRIAGE LIOENSES
for we knowtoo well its Usefulpess gen- bio,hly recommend it. T H 1.�, '_,`2 C 11 S L � APPLE
0 wood. . .
_____ _'.,�,
it le,%Vefj the oven and stays there until . orally, 'and under certain -circumstances, SAM1111, NVm3B, Corbett, Ontario. �_. , - -1 I., �. 1'�,C.! *,� , .- " , � --t-AND— . .
it is Cold. This bread his a soft crust . JAMES EVANS, Councillor, Ward 2, Beech- . .?-_.L,__-_--1-`7 12tr_ .
thatt a its absolute necessity, but for the hun - Trouble at Melita. wood. EALE F iE.��. F1 HE ISSUZD AT �
� ny one can eat, no -matter how dredth time record our --earnest protest Mrs. W. H. Brown, of Afelita, Manitoba, states f orth . ,
e teeth are, and will stay moist against its indiscriminate abuse. . In I that two of her children and two others bel " , FOR SALE.
& .- Ong _ JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. n hlvb V. "!
ninety cases out of a ing to a neighbor, were cured of the worst fo, PEN11YRIYAL WAFUS usedmo Th! ., , ii"ON EXPOSPOR OFFICE
�undred those who Z5 f� rill -
vVy. - f suminer complaint hy one bottle . SOLOMON J. SHA.NNON, Treasurer, Win- over 10,000 lacties- are safe P aaan Only first-class and obliging men will be kept 0
apply the side or overdheck to their bar- 0 r of Di. Pow- thr , sure, In effect; a Qyla ea en attend cust,cmers. Theflbera,l palrOngO Of .
.) .. . i le 's Extract of Tld Strawberry, nature's ape- RWKERT G. ROSS, Assessor, Winthrop. at home or abroad; 1 . #
,.?�.� ness cannot give an �ntelligent reas . 'fie for all summer complaints. . X ma
�V%N% L,%Nt%% a , � on I (A ADAM HAYS, Collector, Seaforth. or from druggUt. c mers and generaltrado respectfully sol cited - -*AAFORTIEE, ON7ARIO,
06J, I 1hor its use, further ban t .. . , 2c stamp. Address ed p -
i. hat it was I The Root of Evil. - DR. SMITH, Medical Health Officer, Seaforth. �
- Ila Z -111d 01 -fly reliable. with the harness when they bought it, I wM. ARCHIBALD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead .. I RUKKKA CHENICAL CG., DETIWIT, MCIN.
I C, - I A, W. OGILVIE & Me
- i Dyspepsia and constipation are the sources of I ur . Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Chemists aul
� -belvar 0 POor ,,mitatiolls. and it is fashionable to b.%ve it, . Every various diseases, but root and branch maybe re- . I H& Druggist:, Seaforth Ont. 1121-o2 - PROPRIETORS NO VVI-rNESSIES READUIRED
. -
: I
I . . . - I
r . I I
� .
I z .
11 I i . I I .
I ; I I .
I I . L
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----------- ... ... ----�------,.-.—,�,—,.----,-.,Z�--�-.---�__.___�—,--, . - -.-- _�- "ii_
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