HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-08-01, Page 3I - a ,_ - , .
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AUGvsT 1,.1890. j- THE %7URt11T$POSITQR. '
_.._--- ___—— _ _. _
ti Of course. it isn't, 'Henheaw i" said How a Ciow'Went Through the low. I overheard one of the chamber. IMPORTANT NOTICES j — Si
is;wife. _ r. maids, whose sympathies were aroused T f j ,
You've been a great while out of the When the veleta Sherman's. favor of the fall .ear. " REEDING MARES FOR S ALE.—T'Ro good m E
1) 0 TTt`J 111111 .0ne W hat can 1 Vo R E M f Gen. Sherman s , .
eoulitry; _ my dear, suggested H_
Mr. Y B Breeding Mares with foals at feet, fealed
marched along Pennsylvania ave- you expect from a man who washes out April 2nd, will be sold cheap. JOHN SCOTT, ��
Erwin. . nue Washington,' in that memorable his own socks and leaves them han#iag Roxboro, 1168 S a oom faint from which 713a:1y gufftr
"Not so long,se not to know thajt parade that marked the close of the war in the basin to dfy ?" The best oke I P
your Americanisms are enough to'make a placid old oow� tied to the rear of an wits?, that the troy had to take the joke
BLACKSMITH WANTED —wanted, at once, and few are entirely free. Its Cause
one wish tine had held our tongues ever ambulance became burdened under a quer,to the young lady's address, with B a journe)mqu Blacksmith for horse oboe- . OF A Is indigestion and a sluggish laver, fha
since we were first discovered, or hard constantly increasin weight of sr- the gentleman's card, but aasin the in g and Ireneral jobbing, -Apply to THOMAS _ - _ cure for which is readily found in the
Y g $ g P g ]TELL-- Kipp,n. idfiSt[ iwe of A errs Pills.
never been �i9covered at all. I want to Metro olitan O pera House on `hie way) -- - ' -- Y '
- lands and towers piled upon her by the p [ Y,
ask Lydia about her voyage.- I haven't enthusiastic 8pectitors- along the line `of he picked out -the choicest flowers, sold -VOR SALE-BARGAIN.—One large Taylor s I have found that for sick headache,
heard a word yet. Did your aunt march. She bore: her honors meek them in the lobby of the Opera House, _U Safe, combination lock, double door, just caused by a disordered condition of the
Maria come down to Boston with �'� as it left the factory. Also, 250 acr, a on bank $4y6OO BAN KRU PT STOCK sto�h, Ayers Pills are the mostfor eke had won diem by a :steady de- recouped himself for his lose, and oar of Lake Huron ; 160 acres cleared. E. N. liable remedy, Samuel C, $radbur
you'�� notion to the union cause through the ried the diminished bouquet to the LEWIS, Solicitor, Goderich. 1168 - �POrthington, Mass.
"`No, grandfather brought mez" Vicksburg and Atlanta campaigns and Young -lady - in question.—New York
'`And you had good weather -coming in Sherman'@ march to the s"ea I OTS FOR -SALE.—Two building Lots on - - "After the use of Ayer's Pills for
Truth. practice and Tamil
over?' Mr. Erwin told me you Were not � L corner of Chalk and (;Eo€iinlock streets, ad- of many years, in my p 3'�
Y She belonged to! that class upon whom joining Victoria Square, Seaforth. For further c I am Justified in sayingthat trey ata an
seasick." greatness is thrust for she was drafted The Two Glasses: particulars apply to A. STRONG. 1117 tf
41 , excellent cathartic an liver medicne—
We had one bad storm, before we into the arm for no nobler purpose There were two glasses, filled to the brim, eiistainlng all the ciaimsma deforthem."
Y P P On a rich man's table, rim to rim, ULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will �• A, Weatthe claim
D•, V. P. Austin
reached Gibraltar ; but I wasn't sea- than to be transformed into beef,butfate One was ruddy and red as blood, ` _ B keep on Lot 28, Concession 6, McKillop, Q� �• c �! t� D., V.t T Austin
sick."reserved her to three years of campaign. And one was clear as the crystal flood. - the thoroughbred Durham Buil, " Jeff Davis," Boots Shoes,.11 VA7 VG1� 17 Wlld' W Rmlway Co , ,t `` L��ere the other passengers ?" ing and a soldier's burial at the end. -- registered in the Dominion Short Horn Herd ! i _ `'Ayer's Pills are lite hest bo eine
" One was-, . Lydia reddened a little, Said the glass of wine to the paler brother ; Book, No. 13019. This animal was -bred by Mr. - klr own to me for regulating the •bEewei8:
Early in 1862 she ',was picked up in some Let us tell the tales of the t to cash other. Ieaao Hostetler New Hamburg,and is one
and then turned somewhat paler than at pas + _ Groceries and for all diseases caused by a dis-
P quiet pasture of the north and sent with I can tell of banquet and revel and mirth, of the Beat bred animals in the Province. Ordered stomach and liver• � sufiere3
first.. many of her kind to the. army of the And the.proudest and grandest souls on earth Terms—To insure, 81. GEORGE LOCKART.
" What is it, Lydia?" hor aunt subtly Tennessee, then ratio Fall under my touch as though struck by blight, 1170 for over three years from headache, In -
Where g _ in western where I was king, for 1 ruled in might; • digestion, and constipation:. I bad no
demanded. Who- was the one that g ONEY TO LOAN.—Private and company appetite and was weak and nervous
was sick ?" Tennessee.. - As the commissary of Bub- From the heads of kings I have torn the crown ; _
sistenee surveyed his herd he discovered From the height of fame 1 have hurled them M funds to loan at lowest rates. $10,000 of most of the time. By using three boxes
" Oh,. a gentleman,. answered Lydia, one new mileh cow among them that down.' I private funds have been placed in our hands BOUGHT AT 556 ON TftE .:DOLLAR. of A er'.s .Pills, and at the same time
Her aunt looked at her keenly,and I have blasted many an honored name ; which we will loan in sums to suit borrower. isatin myself, I was completely cured."
even to his official, eye a was unfit for beef. Loans•can be completed at once if title satisfac- _p LOekwood ,Topeka Sazl$ais.
Y I have taken virtue and Raven shame ; p
for whatever reason abruptly left the He reported the matter to Gen. M. D. I have tempted youth with a si a taste tory. DICKSON & HAY- Cardno's Block Sea- P '
subject. 11 Your silk," she said, " will That has made is future a barren waste, I - - ,,I was troubled for years with ltd
�� Leggett, who was in command, and forth. 1143tt
do very well for church, Lydia. asked him what to do. " Wei h her .Far greater than a king am I, OTEL FOR SALE.—The undersigned otters ®scion, constipation, and headache. ;!!.
„ g Or than any army beneath the sky. g° few boxes of A er s Pills, used in small
Oh, I say, now!" cried her husband, out to me said the genera] who had H y _
, � for sale on very reasonable terms the Drys-
`' you're not going to make her go to been` reared in the daft regions of " I have made the arm of the driver tail dale hotel property, in the Village of Drysdale. - flail doses restored me- t0 health -
t" Y g The hotel will be vacant on the 1st of May. It They are Prom t and effective.' . W. H°
church to -day!" _ northern Ohio where the cow is the And sent the train from the iron rail yy pp
' is well situated for doin a lar a and rofitable T T� ''�/� `'�''� �p'' Btrout Meadvil3e, Pa.
4 4Yes, I am ! There will be more eo „ I have made good ships lost
down w sea, g g p T. _W 1V_T .L_J �I _ . I � '
P chief purveyor of the household, and I And the shrieks of the lost were sweet to me business, and is in a condition to obtain license. .. PHIS, ple there to -day than any other time will s ou her value for beef. P Ol to JOHN BRESSON, Johnston's Mi is a�3P y y The For they calf behold how great you be ! pi; y. this fall. She must go. transaction was officially completed, and Fame, strength, health, genius, before you fall,
"But She's tired, to death,—quite , For your might and power are over all. ERSEY BULL.—The undersigned will kee
,--q Molly was a member of the generale Ho! Ho !pale brother," laughed the wino,�� J during the present season on his farm, 2nd I Walt the Stock Turned into Money p>�pARZn--$=
tuckers you know," family thenceforth. Can ou boast of deeds as eat as mine 1
c } „ Y concession, H. R. -., Tuckersmith, a thorough -
Oh, m rented, now, said Lydia. Uncle Joe, the colored cook, took her bred JerseyBull aired b Canada's John Bull. J Ci Ayer & Co., Lowell, MILSs.
" I shouldn't like to miss going to aid the water lass •" I cannot boast y �t
3} g . t personal charge, and the comradeship glass, Terms—gl-sge f etupayable ng the 'tune f service JOHN
Inside of Sim. Weeks. -
church. thus formed was evered 0 1-• b th �t a king dethroned or a murdered host, with privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN Hold by all Druggists and Dealers in 1!€ediciae+
"Your silk," continued her aunt, n y Y e .But 1 can tell of hearts once sad, HANNAH. N. B.—Also for 'sale a Jersey bull .,
dramatic fortunes of war, to be related By my crystal drops made light and glad— calf eleven months old thoroughbred. 1164
`` will be quite the thing for church." further on. She was tie4 to the cook's Of thirsts I'ie quenched, of brows I've laved, - ' I - -
She looked hard at the dress as if it Of hands I've cooled and souls I've saved; m0 PIG BREEDERS.—A large Berkshire pig '
wagon, and so easily y ads ted herself to I've leaped through the valley, dashed down the Twill be kept the.+pA lar season it the - -
were not quite the thing for breakfast. soldier life that ' a few days the rope mountain,
Mrs. Erwin herself recta a morning- Winthrop Cheese Factory. This is a registered By actual count there are 2 900 pairs Boots, was cast off ; yet a e still held her ata- Flowed in the river and played in the fountain, d 11
dress of becomingdelicacy, and an Slept in the sunshine and dropped from the sky, hog, bre by Charles Young, two years old and
V, tion and seldom allowed the wagon out shown at the Western Exhibition in 1888.
airyFrench ca • she had a light fall of And everywhere gladdened the landscape and
p S of sight. She was generous in her yield, eye. Terms, 81 for one sow and 75 cents each for Shoes and Slippers; 623 Hats and Caps,
powder on her face. What kind of a portion of which was always reserved Y r more than one. JOHN C. MORRISON. 1188
overthing have you got?" she asked. for the sick or the wounded, an arr ' e- " I have eased the hot forehead of fever and and. $1,000 worth of GroCer'ieS
" There's a sack goes with this " said m 4.4-1. t d h 't f pain ' i
, en a secure er .tmmunt ,y tom I have made the parched meadow$ grow fertile requiring lots or owing for any alrea y - .
the girl, suggeetiwely the fate that befell nearly all army cows, with grain • :q, selected will please call on Mr. Geo. A. Gray,
"That's nice! What is your bon- as her milk was never stolen and no I can tell of the powerful wheel of tl` mill near Cemetery, who will give all the neceessry P ' � W � M
net?" ' That ground out flour and turned at my will : information and who is also authorized to re- The marked price of which is $6,000. • We are busy re -marking down,tj
effort was ever made to confiscate hered ceive moneyand tie receipts for same. 19th ►� rte -
"I haven't any bonnet. But my best for beef, even when the men were in the That I lifted up ancan tell of d circ named anew�u� p
• bat is nice.. I could "— June, 1890. - WM. M. GRAY, Treasurer. 1175-8 so that if we get $4,000 for the $6,000 worth of good-, I will be salla- ® �, ,.� P, �`
s. worst stages of beef hunger. She . be- I cheer, I help, I strengthen and aid ; REWARD—COLLIE DOG LOST.— fled. DO not make the IT1L4take, the fatal mistake, of delay. At all tti C�
No one goes to church in' a hat - came so popular with the soldiers that ' I gladen the heart of man and maid ;5 00 O V
> > p°p - I set the wine -chained captive tree, Lost in Hensall on the Nomination sales of this kind the best. goods, the cheapest goods, and the most sale -
You cant do it. Its simply impos- when forage was scarce the boys would +- Day, a black. and tan Collie Do long haired ►•,_
,, g Y And all are better for knowing me. tan or brown legs and muzzle, lona; tail, stands able sizes go first. _ Why then delay I You must have Boots, you � Q )=' a W e* �•
Bible. glean for her whatever could be found �.�.c =
`` Why,m dear," said her husband These are the tales the told each other high on his legs, no white markings, answers to must have Groceries. and . you cannot ve well do without a Hat. -T p - >•-+ '� _
y , also the line of m%rch and .bestow it y y very W
cc g The lass o[ wine and its a18 brother— the name of Rollo. Any person giving such
I saw some very pretty American girl's upon her when sett.led in camp. Gen. g information as may lead to his recovery will re- Why should you put it off and pay one-half More for the Very same - � � (D ,r+
„ As they sat together, fills to the brim
in hate at church, last Sunday." Leggett always kept horse lase than • ceive the above reward. G. E. CRESSWELL, y.+.
"Yes, and everybody knew the were gg Y p On the rich man's table, rim t rim. cods `� _
Y y k Y the regulations allowed, and the extra Atlanta Constitution. Egmondville P. O. d17b g I � }-"d 0 e CD
Americans by.their hats . retorted Mrs,- ration was drawn dailyand turned over • '�� t -j g
� EACHER WANTED.—Wanted for school This is the greatest opportunity for securing cheap goods ever ft! r„i � � ►�
Erwin. to the cow. A Tragedy of, Dates. T Section No. 2 Da and Kirkwood Union
"I knew the were Americans b' y offered kn Seaforth. The sale o ens on SATURDAY the 19th Inst.
Y Y Much traveling made Molly footsore, I once read a slot in which the mainSchool, male or female, with second or third � P ? , � Qi � �'•''
their cod looks, said Mr. Erwin, "and and she was taken to the blacksmith Y cease certificate. Apply, it by letter, statin i
g incidents were traced out. by a person on salary, to ROBERT SWINN, Secretary, Sowerby and will continue till all i5 disposed of. 94
what you call theiret stylishness. as = �0+ O
y y and fitted with as neat a set of shoes the_opposlte side of the street, by means P. O., Algoma, or to Robert Swine, Day town.
Oh, ilia all well enough for you to were worn by any horse in the army. of the shadows on the windgw curtains. ship. 1179-� � n � �{
talk. You're an Englishman, and you The second day 'out from Atlanta, on In like manner I evolved a pathetic C Q C) -
could wear a hat, .if ou liked. It the march to the sea, an aged confeder- OTICE TO BREEDERS OF GOOD STOCK. _ �?
Y g story of real life from a aeries of dates N- —The undersigned will keep during the ��R�� S c�..S=_ r , P
would be set down to character. But ate with patriarchal mien came to Gen. in an old,family Bible, which lately fell season at Leadbury, a thoroughbred Holstein- P 0 (p P
in an American it would be set down to Leggett and complained that his wen under my notice, The first date was : Friesian bull by " Lady Collins Nepthune," *1
greenness. If you were an American, had taken his last remainingcow, the 'c Januar 1 1730. On this, happy No. 15667, sire, "-Maud Hanning's Neptune," i
y pp p New Year's Ds I, No. 5870: dam, " Lady Colin," No. 3734, Wilk r.4= (ti
you would have to wear a bounbt." sole *su ort of two invalid and depend- y, Adrian Bloss took record 85 pounds per day ; butter 2111 pounds M ►
I m glad, then, I m not an Amari- ant grandchildren: The general told to wife my beloved Katrina, daughter of in seven days. Terms, $1.50, payable on the let 1 '��jj�� '�/�
can," said her husband ; " I don't think him that of course she had been killed John Wagner.'' of January, 4891. J. T. McNAMA1IA. 1178tf GE ®R GE G O O..BvJ r 11) ^ 'a
I should look well in a bonnet." . for beef as soon as taken, and that there The bold handwriting, the impulsive % •
" Oh Stuff Henshaw ! You' know TEACHER WANTED. -Wanted, for School -
was little chance for redress. The man style, the m ny flourishes of the pen; Section No. 18 b[cKillop, a male or female *-' t-+•
Khat I mean. And I'm not going oto replied that she had not,been killed but seem to brig vividl before me the teacher, olding a�second or third class ser- � � '+ � t'*'
have English people thinking we're w even_ then bein ' driven aloe with emilin bride �oom h� to hie new tigcate. sealed applications stating salary re. SEAFORTH -AND --RU S ►.SEL S. in � yr"',.
R P P n decencies of g g ' PPY ' quired will be received
by the undersigned up ! rn r'♦'
ignorant of the comma e . the procession. When asked for a de- joy, to the evening of August 4th. Duties to com- 0 t`S'
life. Lydia shall not go to church in a scription, he hit Molly off very neatly, Turning the page, the entry was in mance atter the holidays. THOMAS E. HAYS,
hat ; she had better never o. I will and when the eneral rode back with deep contrast, and in a delicate,feminine secretary,,Seaforth P. O. 11'19-5 "� .
g g - E-NJOY GOOD HEALTH. �- � °�
lend her one of my bonnets. Let me him until they met headquarters, and , handwriting :
see, which one. She gazed at Lydia in the cow was seen, the claimant pointed " August 15, 1730, Died, by falling r%ECUTORS' NOTICE,—All parties having 0) 0, '�
critical abstraction. " I -wear rather her out and declared positively that from a ladder Adrian Bloss aged 25 E claims against the estate of Edgar Ralph
„ cc ' ' Evans, late of the Village of Hensall, merchant J
young bonnets, she mused aloud, and she had been confiscated from his barn- years." tailor, deceased, who died on or about the 14th CASE- S SARSAPARILLA BITTERS 'D 'D
we're both rather dark.. . The only diffi- yard. By falling from a ladder—perhaps day of July, A D 1890, are hereby notified to � go }"� .
cults is I'm so much more delicate "— Willing tb see how far he would go, while engaged,as was customary in those ti
send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to
She brooded upon the question in a ail- the general said: �' Examine her close- days, in building with his own hands a boItath
Augustus McIntyre 1, d stusexec Ronnie, � CD a
ultra which g both of the Village of Hensall, and executors of ,Cures every kind Of Unhealthy Humor �iid Disease � M � � �'
ence, from which she buret exulting. ly,and see if there are any marks by who dwelling for his bride. the last will and testament of the said deceased, a 0 )".
e`The very thing ! I can fuse it up in she can be identified." He.did so, and The next entry, in the same hand- at the said Village of Hensall, in the County Caused from Impurity of the Blood. Q � 1) N 9
no time. It won't take two minutes to recognized several minute marks that writing, is more touching still : of Huron, on or before the fifteenth day of Z _ O {p
get it ready. And you' 11 look just kill- made him positive she was his, even {, November 21, 1730. Born, Adriana� andssurnaw A.
dress their descchririptions,
names 11 to
addressee and descriptions, the � U R I F Y � � '�
ing in it. She turned grave again. pointing out some scratches she had re- daughter of Adrian and Katrina Bloss, full particulars of their claims, a statement of � W
"flenshaw, she said, "I wish you ,eeived from the brush a day or two be Agsin on the mortuary page, their accounts and the nature of their Be- � 0
thio morning !" ore The general they lifted one of « camber 25 130. Died• on this curities (it any) held by them, and in default This valuable compound cures Kidney and Liver Complaints, Pim- O psi
would go to church g f g De , 7 ' thereof and immediately after the said 15th day
I would do almost anything for you, her feet, and showing her shoes, :asked the Nativity of the blessed Saviour, of September, A. D.1890, the asseta will be dis- pies, -Eruptions of the Skin, Boils, Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, M � " 00 9D
Josephine; but really, you know, you if his cow was shod. Adrian$ Blose, daughter of Adrian and tributed among the parties entitled thereto, Sick Stomach, Loss of Sleep, Neuralgia, Pains in the Bones and Back, M - c+ .
cc �� » having regard only to claims of which notice CD
oughtn't to ask that. I was there last Yes, I always keep my cows #hod. Katrina Bloss. Loss of A elite Lamour Female Weakness I}izziness General • i Q
Sunda • I can't o ever Sunda This. was too much for the general, shatihatiebeen given as above required. This pp , 9 , ,is
Sunday; g y y• g After so brief flowering the little poo- notice having been given under the previsions Q ` 02
It's bad enough in England ; s man who had held to' the possibility of the 'thumous blossom sank to sleep with her of the Revised statutes of Ontario, Ch..pter Debility. 0 A)
ought to have some relief on the - Con- man's being honestly mistaken. The father. After this a long interval. Then 110, the said executors will not be liable for the Y O U R
tinent old man was laced under guard, while said assets or any part thereof to any person of M
p g , comes another record in a different hand- whose claim notice shall not have been received
" Well well. I suppose I oughtn't a mounted squad was sent to the address writing : at the time of such distribution. Dated this J t is a gentle regulating purgative, as well as a tonic, possesSi 9 W. Ul ��
to ask you," sighed his wife,—' he had given with special instructions to •January 1, 1780. Entered into rest, 15th day of July, A. D. 1890. RALPH AUG- p, t"* (
a suite going with us to- look after the rand -children. The de- widow of A3rian Blocs aged U-TUS McINTYRE, and EIkAASTUS RANNIE, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Conges 0 ).dn
especially s y g g g Katrina, ' g Executors. N. B.—All strias owing the estate ►� kW
„ p g tion and Clhronic Inflammation of the Liver and all the visceral organs. 0 to
night. tail soon returned :and reported. They seventy years, of the said Edgar Ralph Evans, merchant tailor
" I'll go to -night, with pleasure," had met an old lady, and discovered Seven months a wife, one month a deceased, are hereby required to make prompt . _ - - ' o
said Mr. Erwin. He rose when his the man was her brother, that he was a mother, fifty years a childless widow !— Payment on or before the said 15th day of BLOOD _ � ¢?
wife and Lydia,left the table, and open- bachelor, and had! therzfore .no grand- Isabella McFarlane in Wide Awake. ptember, A D. 1890. Ralph Augustus � 0 O+ �
McIntyre and Erastus Rannie, Executors. r � ¢ cl-
od the door for them with a certain children, and that the whole scheme � 1180-8 This valuable preparation excites the whole system to a new and 0
courtesy he had ; it struck even Lydia's was an endeavor to divert old Molly to Diary of a Liquor Seller. vigorous action, giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by () 0^ ID C3
uneducated sense as something peculiar- the use of an individual portion of the Mond&y c—Took Ragged Bill's last REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, }`''
ly sweet and fine, and it did not over- 'confederacy.The old. man was - cam- + - disease, and affords a great protection from attacks that originate in CD 0
dime for whisky. '�
s'we her own Simplicity, but Seemed of palled to march with the troops for two TuesdayHad a visit from Charlie OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—The sub- changes of the season, of climate, and of life. The best Spring Medi- C�
kind with it. days, on short fare and carr the kna
Y P' Piper who swore off throe months ago scriber offers for sale the house north of Clne 8t)ld. Full directions with each bottle. Price, 50c and $1.00. P- !'+'
The bonnet, when put to proof, did a ks of feeble st ldiera ; and when he and signed the pledge ; gave him three the Egmondville manse, together with three all Substitutes. Prepared b
not turn out to be all that it was vaunt- discovered, even to his own'satisfaction, acres of lona, suitable for'building purposes. P y
ed. It looked a little odd, from the that Moll was a rt of .the conquering drinks a tick. On the front are a quantity of young fruit trees
Y � q g Wednesday :—That poor fool,. Dick commencing to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 • • � L LA N LINE
first • and Mrs Erwin when she was host with her position and duties well Pi t ho eta wild and ner®oua after C H It 0 t r10
Ir I
. as er, w g H Spencer ase ami 011, n a
herself dressed, ended by taking it off, defined, he was cast adrift and allowed one drink, came in to -day ; sold him a FARM FOR SALE.—Bain north • ! ROYAL MAILSTEAMSHIPS,
and putting on Lydia ,the hat previously to go home. quart. P. S.—Hear he killed - his wife �4,��� halt of lot 22, €n the 6th scores•
condemned. `` You're divine in that, Sion of Morris. The farm contains 100 acres of CHEAP' 'EXCURiIONS TO EUROPE.
When peace came, General Leggett in a drunken rage, choice land, 90 cleared and balance good hard- _
ahe said. " And after all, you are a felt that Molly had earned her ease Thursday :—John Slogan's wife. beg- wood. The farm is in a good state of cultivation, • Sold b J. S. Roberts, Seaforth.. MONTREAL OR QUEBEC, '
traveller, and I can, say that some of for the remainder of her days and de- ged me never to sell another drop to well fenced, a never failing spring creek runs TO' DERRY OR LIVERPOOL.
1 orchard brick
t a first claw u h the farm, ,
'n over,
— g �
your things were spoiled coming , terminad to take her home to Ohio. him. She cried till I promised. P. S. house and good frame barn and other out- - - - FIRST CABIN, $45, single, $95 Retum.
people always get things ruined in a Ilia command was niustered out of Sold him enough this very day to make buildings. The farm is within 3 miles of the r . �- - - RATES $4b, 450 .and $60 -single. $95, #180 and
sea voyage,—and they'll think it was service at Louisville, Kentucky, in him am furniture and beat his child- vill�e of Brussels. Title perfect and no es• 4115 Return. according
- your bonnet." Jul i8ti, and he was ordered to ren. Ha ! ha ! ha ! Business is business. eumbrance Qn farm. For further particulars - is"'It� Above rates do not apply to
„ y' apply to H. P. WRIGHT, on the premises, or SS. PARI -IAN, or June voyage of SARDINIAN.
I kept my things very nicely, aunt proceed to his home at .Zanesville, State Friday :—Phil Carter had no money ; Brussels P. O.- 1175x13 NO CATTLE CARRIED. •
Josephine, said Lydia conscientiously. of Ohio, there to wait for further • took his wife s wedding ring and milkX() INTERMEDIATE, 430. Return, moo.
. `` I dont believe anything was hurt. orders. Transportation was furnished dress for an old bill ; sent him home ARM FOR BALE OR To RENT.—Be€ngg cV ED Steerage at lowest rater.
" Oh, well, you can't tell till . you're him for three horses, and when Tom, gloriously drunk. F composed of: north half o[ Lot 26, andnorth R� 4 Appply to H. k A. ALLAN, Montreal, or C.
unpacked ;� and we're net responsible his colored servant took the order ,and Saturday:—Young Sam Cha took halt of Lot 27 (adjolning), in the 4th concessionTO THE EDITO r BETi3UNE or A. 'STRONG, Seafor
tiL for what people happen to think yon ' Y g P of the Township of Hibbert, containing I00 acres Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy icor the above names! 118$3 -tit
P p ,� ' PP , Y went to the steamboat landing with the his third drink to -day. I- know he likes more or leas 96 acres of which are cleared and disease. By its timely ose thousands of hopeless cases hwe )±seen permanently cured. I shall -
know. Wait ! her aunt suddenly general's effects, Molly was among them. it and will speedily -make a drunkard, in a good s$ste of cultivation; the balance is be glad is send two bottles of my remedy F� rs : /t of our readers who have cos•
cried. She pulled open a drawer, and When he led Moll u the an lank but I the him the value of his mono timbered with hardwood. There are on the sm on if the will send me their Express .nh Poat Office Address. Respectfulf� Removed I Removed
snatched two ribbons from it, which the officer of the beat bold him he order His father implored me to help break premises a good frame house and kitchen, frame T. J6 swoux M.t..y 186 West Adelasdb 811., TORONTO, ONTARIO.
she pinned to the aides of Lydia'sit,hat, am and stables, two never failing wells, a good (. C) xi"Vv 31 IV 0'.,
did not call for the transportation of a up the practice before it became a habit, orchard; is five miles from Seaforth and tour
and tied in a bow under her chin ; cc " � � from Dublin good ravel reads in all direo• S'EAFORTHY
cow. Yee, asks said tom, it calla but I told him if. . I - didn't sell to him + g • R
she eau ht out a lace veil and drew �, tions ; is convenient to churches and schools.
g foh so many bosses. come 'one else would. For further particulars apply to JAMES MONT- LIONY�E����H' The Old F.etablished ButeheY hoe removed to
that over the front of the hat, and let it " But that isn't a horse."Sunda Pretended to kee Sunda GOLDEN
hen in a loose knot behind. "Now," a c Y :=Pretended P � GOMERY, P. O. box 703, Stratford, Ont. 1179-4 new premises immediately apposite his i}ld
g ' A brevet hose, sah," quickly re- law today, but kept open my back Stand, Main Street, Seaforth, wbere he will be
she said, pushing her up to a mirror, spondedithe boy. door. Sold beer and wine to some - . pleased to meet all his old patrons and as many
that she might see, "it's a bonnet ; and - boys, but they'll be ashamed to tell of HURON AND BRUCE - new ones as may see At to favor him with thefr
I needn't say anything." - The Economical Milliona re. it. Bet my till is fuller to -night than patronage. .
They went in Mrs. Erwin s gondola - the church baskets -are. � Bsmemberdhe place, r�etwhoo Manderson'
to the palace in which the En ]fah ser- There area couple of millionaires at Loan and /nnestmelnt V U
8 9 O M ; Harness Shop, and McIntyresShoe Store, ]I
P g- N. B.—My business must be respect- V v v street, Seaforth.
vice was held, and Lydia was silent, as the Windsor Hotel. One of them is a able, for real gentlemen patronize my I 898 GEORGE EWING.
she looked shyly, almost fearfully, director and the biggest stockholder in 00MP�.N�-_ . • '
round on the visionarysplendors at a big southern railroad. He is a bath- bar: And yet,. I guess I won't keep a -
P diary, for these facts look very queer on
slot, and his name, which I assure -.you Planing M� Laim7eT Yard
Venice. is one of the commonest' in the world Paper.—Selected. This Company is Loaning Money on
Mrs. Erwin did not like to be still. Farm Becurdt at lowest Rates '
" What are you thinking of, Lydia?" begins with a capital S. Lash winter he —Miss Jennie Simpson, of the 10th y �� .h ��e Some Special 1 Lines l�i AND ,SAw MILL IN CONNECTIOI+1
contracted with a little flower boy for a concession Elma received a valuable of Interest.
she asked.. , , The subscriber would beg to qaIl attention- to
bunch of choice Gut flowers to be sent to
"Oh ! I suppose I was thinking, that silver medal -in the Montreal Witness _ - the large stock of dressed and undressed lumber
the leaves were be in'niii to turn in the the daughter of a friend of his, a well Prize Story competition recently Miss which he always keeps on hand, at the v+
g g Y P Y• mortgages Puchased.Slowest ritsem.
sugar orchard," answered Lydia faith- known banker, whose name begins with Ida Pelton, sister of the editor of the _ d !! p .
full "I was thinking how still the a K. When the boy came with the Atwood Bee, also received a beautiful DRE SS GO 01D 1, Bir! StufFcut to any order offY• g SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. .
sun would be in the pastures, there, flowers and asked a reasonable price for silver :pedal for her literary contribu-Short NotICE•'
this morning. I enppoBe the stillness them, the old skinflint dickered with tion. Both young ladies are to be con- 3, 4 and 5 per Cent.Iaterest Allowed on
here ut me in mind of it. One of these him until it was too late for the boy to ratulated ea eciall ao when it is un Deposits, according to amount and Good Cedar cut into timber or posts A good
p g especially time left. stock of Hemlock Lo At Saw hill, Lot 2+8,
bells has the same tone as our bell at sell them elsewhere, and until at was deratood that several hundred cornpet,I "WTU H e RIE VERY
CHEAP8 gsUVJ .C1 .LJ ♦ -+-Concession 16, Grey, rvh€chwillbocuttouiy„ -only too glad to get rid of them at half 11 t f C d f d` dorder on shortest notice. Lumberdelivered :at
1 T1(To
be continued.)
price. The boy happened to be a , fa-
tors from a par s o ane a WA 448, e
their productions to the Witness office
OFFICE. --corner of Market Square
North Street, Goderich,
It reasonable rates when desired Orders by mail
promptly filled. AddressBsoraaes,x P 4-
S Sheen Iro>
oke Stack =
—The first sod of the Calgary and
vorite around the Windsor Hotel, and
loud were the denunciations of the mil-
Bonaire, when it
and the severe criticism each production
was subjected to.- Only a very few out
Charles Querengesur,
M I E 0 N
Edmonton railway was turned at Cal•
was discovered how
of the multitude of;aspirante to literary
1-06 Coneesston 8, Lassos
R J `S 1.-
'prtaht and Ilor€zontal Slide !
shabbily he had treated the little fele
fame succeeded in winning prizes.
Gloderteh; August bth,188b. �!
aromatic Cut -Off Engines. -
nd-of Est tue and x aRg
G. T. R, Staticta. I oderidb-I
_ �
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