The Huron Expositor, 1890-05-30, Page 10tmerg deal witli timber linilts. efther ignorant or dishonest to odek party -gain th I hryou iA this WA�r- And. as I slAi of iron.' (Cheers.) Anf'� sq#An, onl� .(Tremendous applause.) I am askdd- to more I Ltho mowent atten- Augiist� 1888,,Ill ti.n artIt;IW`Ae80r_1p the following resolutioll:_ tlltt 01faro woro�*Morethan a hundre4 BOO *ai to the inat r betore the Oppd- Ad tro bst"O 0 oDenild their mout to brag upon 'WOrld bol K!"A The Resolution. that had In their XCU, NO ht I, 41, MoVed,by Mr. S. H. Blatte, seconded by Mr. �J o wa t �-(Iatlghter) — fr. Ross deter- IATork Is-#rb�rEf*aiuX,#Lt Us �Astr muc and drag- Milled in '85 Lo dQ614re tiat the groub Aliel park. n '01096 g -WIthrow —" That thig mass meeting of OWA 9("I back our lands fro.n- Conservative u* rea4y. -Now, as to� rsi�y tok* 0 tfio.4ib0a1gqt,,roronto doulares Its unshaKen III$ amendmout and Its #ObAltod I IlOrID were more than a hundrod Con. he 'Separate SchOol Act, I bellevo _U VERSUS _111 -A 1;.Me Hon. Oliver Albwat Ontarig's In staning b any bargain I "I'll is filassie and imposlug iktr.acturF6,.,s' e't 61 6F material w the congery 1k Ito -had in their pockoLm pToniises have mado. I believe It. a d shodest thing to Ing east -and W68t -650 140t'.tl a tiltdrests, the o1jampion of her legisiaLive -rights, the defender of her territory and Lhe of timberlimits in, tllatlall.(, to the ext.entor to 90t -rid of a barg .� u frooly an(A wil- txtendigg go pot t9. a flftY squate 111110.,% it, all 32,000 square miles. 11"91Y MA110. 1 am R.9 strongly oppoied to front lower, I! now advaned-te, such 1w, _ikfffiMIMx of fier M�EPt;_-UAJ1 Nowourcas traiton (Allfllause.) Theydon't like tl.ic way t the system of -Separate Schodis as tiny one that that some idea of its beauty and 4 Vithin abd foes without ; expresses Itic grati- ever lived. (Cheors.) 1 opposed it when It can be X-904041 . ThekstYl.8 (It tpdoter II4 gbte 0 I rdepril of %isoo-Vernmenti: qrvim , re)61ces iii the d0ftl NVILh Unibar limitst (Laughter.) was ProPosed in our synod. One reason why- Roulalbbsquk4 Is etalueottly" $I a It _,eJK� 6hd frp 01)(I Ygur poekets," s -aid Lklr. Blowlit, , open 'r - , L fit Ing in detldl.. Mr, R, A. b4ft"VesL_ ffiae I Did N Andiiir his hdinlriistrations ot Like Separate Schools - RuUkle, Your pockets and 91ve back to -Ontario its cauoe 1 Lhouight tilat aLft.Qr QStftbll Ill ttiq justlee;L tY square Miles." A-nd they ttn'Qa 11f be a ruff -vial) thalit.-Wati Im art V16dges Itself in. "Olk dorl"t 11 -86PIOKti2i 961loors n0ced by the Itainall pro ITI . &I Result of Dominion timber pollqy—j. 0. jneti lfliv- dil-AI)k afid- 661loottyuly to use every fair Result of Ontario fimber policy— or; deA cat4olic Obureb, Separate ScHools 0111d:310t, fit *16*44041 AinI, hondruble lde$US -taL V'Jeot JMn Tait and, I With Limbor lim in the its.,, (Lailgh. Improbably -be aslcod for bi . the Church On.gAll to sgpport h1url $14100010.000� I91441 they dou'L Of RU yislitfure, and ag h4i Libefalif 0 and I hope t,har L1 gland bleto(lists, the Preab -lansi OWA he� -ki- t t t Vey never tratiou Thore itever 1) t vv� Id tflus became it _b oufni _htwrlb to gl#iy thair thud Afid 1ndus6 of the HOD. I wi you every success,. al you are the I ttiixi; Under the ad So VVell atj 6efidf� tt 16w, ,it kly C o .1 r piloperty. olir Public 1ohoot. cystdm' Rijn. G16(irg, at blidil eb fe vand narity, 0 the cause of the e and true Equal Rights calididte.—Uarke Wal. bww" ambd Old Mail who Us led thetia tbrouh rLO r XI tilt mi triUm-ph, and JXd_ -a 11. 1�, -to AIr. C. IL Aluckintoil, Tory anated by tho Ontarlo. glad LQ see 0 so ftoen III Olt! memory of tho94 -84vo -W justice. — Rev. Dr. lac., beelt Tw the Knit Ilav(A Broivn�(groat oifeer-Ing),wh6a intiftwo I wa-' West4rol)v Id 'O fl- t4i Oliver blowat all denominatious have had lm rtial if You, tAtco din trotible of inal,4ng a litt4o elti. who Ilav 141140co yp4ra 94 upbroL pa VWJ -1 91tion. if the b0st gd _ OnL Will, 411A Wo L � 1XJJ.!ft t- - i o i 1yQd IQnjr euou111 to lu)o vogq ` 6 11 atielia Unthrio to t le Do w hi In. W43 0 andidate for Ottau.s. y u will Ilud tl miles of t it la� for overy' 50 equare P. staunch supporter oUall t iftt Was Pr6test&nf. which; thO S00A Crs s - OPP ' Q -t 1W iffod (�p th6 earth; two OUL ylihI6 b J10;k% -fA MAY rocoiVo, what ]he deser yes, tile 111,11t.5 sold by the Ontario Gov- Read hi8 spoeeh in the dobitt6s h1W 9 Aitl ' arnment we got S155,686 n 66 W �d at' approva4 of 0 a people will be tho and abovo what 11,nd see what Is sidd b a grand, str irraiftgod. Thty c1aWADfsv 161rott I hope Mr. mowat sustained. - You can't strengthen my onK MAA hands more is af thia-proV q the satllosivc, ts for it linliz of Nvith Vreconegivod notions, in favi?r qf 10 thoolrb _5oA10.WV4AQJ*X - 11 address* by Rev. (3. BL an way than by turnin oit M,r. )rlovvao 41)(C)iRloct thatv hen PubH68chools, desIxing what Iw-oul44VIrq Th6E-1ijpIre '' 'h rs,- ti6ri, was put, anA was cii 111ell who svere friends of ver"llidilLuaked I'll dff-to see rrfy clilldro)i e ucatod � itli 'W risli� 'r en Alcredith in his place.- theco yl - dte^ the Andl Milligall iAt Gentra(l resbyteriarl Church, slid puttinff A r. the UlovernnieilL 11poll 1,110 ON'O Of a al': Ot oLII6 �, � % j-6- ri9; tLnd beginning in Wh the lvftst efe-K *Ww1w8s hitu, limits oolsf - Lo relaX th'l- stl-ing"ey of its all(l 'Up f , -, Sir John Macdonalil. rules, thoy WeLl'o to the university. bif;,, Toosivai, - elophad*144 80*1 arts,wored by as honorable IL believe' it 1,) q good �hiug to ll&v� the It I -of* W TU flai- In �Iosela with - cheer's for the. CAI 0 its over the sill, Shollo on�ehe late lJoti. cor 00 0 144%!ur In wwat, I& mr. ake and for The me"ares's hu a1*9 per- its doptod in regard to F 9 he 'Alowat, Administration B- PArdee. (Great ppiltuso,) lie oai(,:: iiers rubbed ofT. I belle�,.e it in because 4 In TY. 11 renell ,afning tliat. I thinic its llilldh -or -Aly I Th# 0antild Selig sisted in maintaining alithorisation to tell it ti 4 bill � - . .1 O appA%r to be satisfactory, as does atl6tIon, Oil $11ch :el-til9 as 611all give - to Baptist frimids A I do ()f tho�v.of nly own 00*Vroi n QL if t1ft ke the legisbilitiou Of last session re,sPecti][19 the assessors othd linlits shz L �,lk - ll be sold tit Pteerbtcrian, Math6dist. Con graka r tonal and IfidW 624bez Uft: _JX"ff OM th li . . . . . . . . . . Ca 0 on, the-peor,10 Of Ontnrio the titroost dollar thar, Church. (Clierrs.) I am as jupoll Opoosed Ko. twl- 00 ullsowe Apn�.- IA ortera. Rev. Dr. as -Separate School aupporterz,-The Em. Can bQL 04Livinod, And, WhAtever happens, right -is- colfin'llsatolk on roeaefi; r Mulst be (toile *W t4 10 SUPA"4te hebools its a riiiih ciiii be oppo�bd t'd kick, are, 1j)..-ion16 Vgrt 7W 1I I- pire. stalbluilituftt 6r.;# -a el OT) ip AnYthirW - Ife does not , belldrfii i1b , W lir6iile; TA Tft - "iKIlL will L itittl I 'lit, b Anti (lie result ias that ift the real Worest of th cointnunityj pui'�p to staudttio, 6� '� bithe Nireitih- 1enefiers oit ri-excott and r cIllue I", - of Were sold, t 11 ey But"gentlemen. it Is many a yea .6iuce allkhA_ bek over U)ifjoft. Irfili was ovenell Ain the The do'cumentl recently issued by the The adri"a of Dr. Cavan and his AMU- or T2,800 a ra i I,e- i tbo_ jog ow K-1 over wild above jill That Batfle was Fought, Y01101 PaYnients. That is ig th' WIF, bb 4bi I il, *10nie 6r *Uutngbnet wit alin'tkiy 1-3, ates, with its plain, unvArnisli-ed truths, Hq�ual Iti4lits lKovorliment. No vest -Ights an 9qual Rights Association is not intended to to lly ed z d siAde by strong P i sk; T rotftmAtir it Wad thc)u1tht I.YeA0 Iiii *Ofoofl on 110 nli�Ltor whal. his wealth, no that a vdae. contlessi on was better than revoluw ltdt� be butit-1W aU �pffiUbI41W be, as in my judgment ib is not capallIs of was a virtup.1-tondemlation. of the owat 1YIULL his LJQ03-atle, tlj&t 15 his sit&&* 11j&tAl;tA tho very re- -Uuil and wrs and tliglttings�floud - appliU86)7-ro baing fairly, used ag4inst one party rather Administration. -The. Einpire,-Mr. Mire- i epa,rate Sclioar]4 are 6�t ro $1,00, then I.Lnother.- . V. 6fe wltl S WOO. i6tiket gt*,�U 'Verge of,W1111t is �011 9-t OURWA. And Ove re- find ge, t1iinioik wIlo are, now so very glixiolis in nAd � tfi* lro**- Bult QuLario izi that to.;d0j W4 to Re Dr. Caviiin. dith's olliefcorgan, 6 ti-rc of Limber 1111nati JO Cho VIVIUO overlovik the fit litedt ot tftt 10-daV LhVT'0'6t6 611i, 0�, 4 . 16 Andffitu.ad inistrit- cated in our Province of Ontixiio 50.000 Holhftni Irli- t1oll J"q 11 ie o qlfoit **oil* Ali raitbih; and I hi%�ve nd reApousiility for.,'the state -of Why, who opposed the cry of pepresetia- Ct whic-h (14h6lict children side by a! fto pro �Jr � " , &1UrtVJo!%; *hieh, bd held in tion. by- populadon but myself and my eg .bli yl b t "trIp the Separate cor, Le talit bo) -s and , e"" 0 Sdhool'lalw as it then stood. was desoribott at OURwa as "WseredUp _4o yiMl,ow, pri),- ifivi? T don't like a W 0111 e len N Zk r - 46fitlrt�ly in Molilt 33,(00 4n the I! Sephrate Sehoo1q. (Aj� rupLand se V14, wbile there (ire ouly YV0V Our nlothod Of dallAgwith titnbov Vhcusei) = 0 1 1, U__fire I should grdktly prefer, find haVe _11Whs i Party ? Who supported the Separate Schools 61 Uni go tdr *dv�i4 A ir.*" It Ill'our Cit Y of Tordlito W sWorb U�_ sdishoutiat. (Ohoors,) The sWord compolled-imli whan say by sw4d .1 wiw *bt in th4b oomm6u interest preferred, that the against the whole weight of the Liberal I 4lising, of t�ppoin�- UsLe tho woril advised.iy-to 0408fl N�,gwidomcri.ot)e of L j' 0 he 4pigbrtillidty 4 Utqjiflif Ohildrdnbf Ro Mau Citholics and Protestants party of Outario, head -ad 26t that time by :90 iiate $046016. it woa"14 not -*joitbdraV. one it , .- - . I its -118 st�ajldals 'P. t I r t U16 R I fr, 'I r the la d Of this 00untry was tile w1ly ill wIich the #W918 RUTOAll frdln thlit scpAXAte till. b 16 to !k k �T=Akli 'ktfAh_. br - �:L L shoiAd be ablic te Hon. eo. )3ro*n, bult yhy4d6l'f an e bdwd&ted togther in our I? were appoi (Oliperzi.) Ana the tiois, brecame vhey Wotild loupport W I d thwWo"PAftwiffiffitAl .Ula, GoverIll'114111. de�evvod t1'.0thil tiks of the couni ry 141790- filtlin$ of , Inoney juvve thetr owki dre =any_-*0a&6Js Jon AjjJkzwA1I&, Siaheolm,'ttk well as in our High Schools a ad. my party? -Sir 9 u Macdoald, Hausard,, when 1110V took the appoill Lillen t out of �117e sapap C dlwoill loyrt Sell WIS in 01ADIr .QWII JbilliVie C 1889. WAY,; 4ndt. URA98. W, Y, 1%, ',Kr..,Nowa(?A -covmiment Z olle bis.-Mir-31-oWaL -miserable,' log-rolijilk Ifluence which had oula edu 0 -to Lbeir T W ethawA sirAlesift to tueet thew it 13 flaid 'llotirl) I doh't blame V f tot, rery shocking -in want P6000 to have strong religious 'c6tv, 0 60D M& Alrbs 4C TenWernslee mew lis C leifs- This (prb-Prop*Ify.) h about the last The Catholics -of thloProvitioeeanuever tilt) 'AlOWAX GovernmeSt dmliniz with viotions... find to A'QL up to them, �(Applauseuy (WY 4400 , -of,. the copp-!' (14- W 'ft*6iFA61e Aw !VOMPOrzuec MfOrEmo charge I should bars expected ft 'no M14de have confideac iu Oliver Mowat. Hvi has the lie-enae Couinlissioners. 0onse va0vagi Dr. 4)&vIdson,- tho, I ij)al man - 0 )7 '; low, 14#01L orl that I Awsilii_� And h6w did wel coiltio. -vat t.ves Me It4tial' tic ProvIneb of Qde0eQ' tn6mAMn;0;7T thh th 0 agiiiinst irnyiftlf or tny ze6fleagnall, 'however eon their enmy. How ,di&rent L bWoft'crg in On tario I Aroto it ln(YA tkilmilit);r loftei t1i tlie- u4ual that fli 01W ILV rille 'tosank iLu*,'a=ejzd- IV ith licaliso OnIL111 6 .v" First �"xt the strattk of out o*ppon6n,tl1,or how. thia lnguage of W, X Maredith, the t1ley W311911t talre "Wa all the pawer Rig -flits pooplo-of Torotit% .81%).Vtng in .t 'tddo4omut Ifteiats W -4mit laws that "ke deemod 4W)%*()4lLl1rlObY1Ja,%s1NZ the Doininionlicamia " Easy for you to say I do uWay WiLb-'$eP8ratQ LAU Uft'tfs"tT* welliolwe beftised Wfir Misr ever desperate their politiext prospects. I der of the Local Opposition, the son of Awl, Lhen ip ve sp I llaviI19 tak-oli dio.powev, they 8choiols' ;. easy for you 4ii your strozW pwitq*�- wQU (U. tr,t tb -do KtI in WUk_#6w*t--to� stft#kUi1t4u th6jr 'ha' an Irish ProtestallL This man Comes of a 01, d p� ' ��&V -no doubt their lat�dery aud tretirspaper V.'FPQ1n* ed the coil) IllisSio 101,8 Llleln.selvea. And ant. ProVinbb of 01ILrieto. Wit as you tire f, IL;J f V& now Lh4)*y turn romid say ib'at what t11(jy-- oLrory be rhereffifl. 1toYnothberr y6idr v0eakw (OhlivW1, 961- hlt][Ws�- 11ii4k n6t to- 1* darrit-41 n"y, by fi-va hliudh amOugat them- liberal stock, His father bequeathed $500 vriters h did in WaWawaS rig4t, but thtt� Whia is done Frotestj ethrell In Quobbd." 'Gerit14- is L"� wboem 3tlal -my, #144d- �M LlIt L br #9r4Y PbUUd1ft%)4 Whs AtO full or twoM to the �Ilitsrz of Mount 11ope Orpliat Asy- In Torotao is quite IX'rojig. N 'his Govern- wen, it was by ali T�qua-1 14 9f as _6w, r T e T selves at their party usin' iiiand was (Appla ie ) thh1tt,4, w, 4A 1.1 ip Nuili **g- ur hall at blewoa abilaw'-600A wasisplat. ot gliter this do, 9 Inent has again atl 4 I 1Pp'qJiT§i _u lum, London. The son of sUbh a tnan mUJV a t6d Pui thr 1*860 rott dii 0 . At, ee their war cry against thii 1�resent Ontario n §6 Law Amended th6 Lice A El qual Rightet who poff Io Net out tire 258 Ripiltikil av4s br6*th4 trnoisl)hare of liberal ruay lye, able f Government, -Mr. U11iWA16 a an a Cavlioliti$epaaW Schools In the interests of teraDeraime.. It -is under this 1Z Xpesor,ts ortified opinions. -From ',F-aet* f*r Trish Electors." thaL t Ito tpqp1i Tes. Government 1%, W number of licensea luts k brloLtj,ig9t;t �ho 9 SvpaTars A 011, 6X-5 iu 1874-b to 2,485 ia -9, . 0 X9c,)tJt X III RATIt The French, shon1d, be driven frout this decreased fr ge" is PY SLa, It Yo t tll 14 III$ In Quo ev, 1888 �(_,ablo.6xls k poLe' III spiLe of tile 1116 11tre reaso ill population. (,&p foro. gobtleme, it Alad eney Y *dMis4iiii of fhi,plk�ftidb w th6 vhi�iods withthe question of th.; administration of the, nt, it I e6p,ap the 'tus,!-) Now-, I Wish to'deal for it few minutes for mo, who urn a Protesuhat and klidtin,as, a 0 1111,M) V11"t 1W wi B*tUt P"4itd Province, and the Ctholics, like gophers Prol;esLa itti-ted an -qI;atinneeriU1;_ ery� k- E daUOLtion Departulsilt. years ago: our to thro�_v lip nq bwt =4 say " Abolish, lieporl ' 4iU4Jf,qr of P bft say that is man or a pairty a country on therairle, beriven to their holes. - 0 0 _-e 'T ory schools had noLhiug to do %viL)j politicti. I tail dd1ing *1UA4 14,Aad campaigner in Nrth Bruce. ctte Schools. I would. '�o or A , 11 thi, differ, t TL false o - -1 I I I A like n, where w6 hays people of Su�erin%undent of Education WUS Llia Roy'. the terms on -which oilr Fk6iich Mid Istlen C b A1K9m4 A. Lyon 4nipb ws and aroads, who would raito a (no - Dr Wyer on, 'w'ho - had so large a �art in* o Roman Catholio entered And whah the,f) ipdsft,Ion:cAn1i0-bb14W'4_ oil ',so' A - - The C atholics Are all annexationlists Anil makini< of our school eygto-m- ps find who was into Confe4eration. I would be a breakdr! of, W, )ng, to. JA .How 4-r. Fr Voninee' 4.J1LXAc_doneU Po ry),cry of that kind, to not tood �hero su- Lroaties; I Would be false to rayself, false to iny OJ!4� dita W' Wo Goa. m sLaunch Protestant. Jfte*s lir. traltdrs :And rebels, And hate the 73ritlih y IA S� ka r d only to hii coutitry,'but to pteme, free frLyal polideal influence. Thera countr�, and 240- I Q I . I :10** - - h nt '& single 974 Jaiwo was sent to him a leaur of roMonstrance, conl- 3WR -1 L. .` - Plaillitig Of the aJ)1)Oit1tlIl False to my God. right. r ent of it teacher who Romku Catholio in all the volunteer force oculdveak no BA nglish. And his I -p -ply vvtta I ii .11a0V *A- to Porter John Gisorge �JJJCQ14 e 01 f I adopted such -a ory., 4Applausa) Illat, iL was simply useless to reguire' thac Let me say, *uother word upoA tb&L and of the IDominion of Canada.—Stmat' k1a 'glil fdr fl'� 1W. 4 Itack A. $ha,yr should -be Rughes, taught In ilLbLrIcLa then - I Will ass from th4p But - -et. I building. a P. o'coituir Dr. TO cousidtirstion butt# hat- were wholly French or wholly German. q alte agree Wit bat m y Iebd- AV, h V It h4a dt:1 Of his R fr at f tness, and -Al 0 a, OUL great wisdom Dr. 'Ryer ow the ullpojf(llhrit� a tadis t C I , o -any. allc soft looked sad upon this lsiibjeot� Okatio Oan if6t d frvim, doing tyllhtvAW�tiAlo,�" Jefie#r6j) The Cavens .and Charlton's, nd others 0" . arnmell As a 14 and & I?rote$t&at Mr. torward to the poriorl NvIleh both r, rencb and t1iing In the way of,doiny away with Sepitrate Schools. It is all v r of IAI Lb" st German would be to a lariso extent. blol.tod out, confidence. -401ta Charlton. A y woll for tile Equol of that ilk, may try to play that double' nnd lie said, "LeL its wait ul)til quieti. ok I out L119 Itt 0I4 9 �oliuca t4q� Lolkah Y and' Itii:hLerg of Ohtiirlo to qay. -11 o4 � h wan WM *ci 1as . i -)out, any'i h ii,,� and TAr, Owwt may tindeavor to 0 06*�riirnent'dde­ 13 With wid -evoluLinn, from thij influx. of SepartvieFichools [" Why, friendA, it ivdi gived 4 bund . ...... 6Z 5r;haiii . Wbiilwoi Ib were -a shgmless thing for either porty 9. -thl A English -spea king p lian"ht, buildifI96 iH 1% help theft on in their work, but, depand Di. A-17, r oople, they will'teel it to be by the britii)h North Amerioli, Att Min the 'V 16 mako the other respousiblis for, extend- In their iuwresL timt English ,�ahall be Lheir QrQ'WU Of L�ugianrl,-the fountain of JUSUbe-L-to Avd again in &su,lpbqdout- anguage "Theke, is , absolut; :11 �a . ply. nothint -all !a and we sha.11 not ne&r of French Ila. Quebac And 04,tario, NVe could not ititerf r ing of Separate 13ohoolk, ikiid UPO All their efferul will f schools or G*wlrnan , in - Gorman -iiairsbr6adth1witil that Where tfl - to end thmi ooyq ow. bp t to a _14r1lI#1r�6 Aliost equally shameless for the commu. As . That was a long-headed. wise -policy. lipmddone somethilig lia Klit -wily. 111 tife�, 9 "t0d th t their purpose. . Such Equal Righters as 1, verests o -he policy of a man iyho had nothing to do with dared to dolt, wKs at -Ottawk ' i4hey �Mlght 0011ntily-' It won1d2_hz0e.­ bedft Dft-Aaff ji.... T- 8, WADS, afty or.4n of ft to lay _* consi4erable -section the is ought riot to U able to decelve politics, the policy of a Illan bovedrawri up rsolutions rto� U16 1oot of -Will it to employ a Cianadilan, afthiteeth Anir Can1pb9# M Q10 responsloiliby exclusively 14pea, our any fair-minded elector. -Chatham PItnet Who Was a Strong Protestant Ozone, and asked s mistskeg by for hltorf�rena I �. � I I I - ba;aW..,W.T.T4ock but �wq,b Toroitto htive� nom,%.b't or p!Ywer to Willi iri-b il1% Qo legle atorn. Di Caven. (Conservative� the policy of a Tnan who wantod to ilea coh t - � y a &6rYbyItsAbtI6fi. dwin r. esion hitir's breadth ihii corlitiam hich, thli pr&. 'n our PubUic Sehools; tit)(1 he ljv6�t lip to 01st vitioe-outerod into w#h.xriothor1ft**1nm It iftift. D. XaC oil- -an acrol of land, not a stick of -pint, 1,.i3,a matter, torefore,-brought, in 04,4,,we policy. and the first ma w he niade the firiat At. PIlop, and tilivie To overthrow a Q*Y' iloant which bag At Not 44. 12 -equal, as tbt Prime at a pound of minerals in tut terrltory tial wave to endeavor to ralpe dlqtp�otlons land Oe 04tl UPoil t liaL poticy �� as th e lion. G. W. Ross, its b*Ad a man whoso n the year 1886. (Applause.) I cannot ima,gine h t burnihgo on -the- pitrV of dut. -Frotelstan; haw" ear a fil * I ,it - a P& Q' Fog ;rd-ly- belong to Ontiirlo.-411r John �!I" 01 tyale "W friqn43 awiill he R nau, iL more absurd thing -for people to cio catholl Mialistpr of. a Christi6a couatryli.iii ho will ovbr Ic ;hat take the trouble to look over blue Uuxh� 8144 books than to make thevArto obr oin'afi h too ba louu4, And which boa so ably sood Macdonald. attacko upon Reformers hts �PG9101# - rt, Riz Proidue known ag a� -Fri6nah school. 'Theap �w On KU&g& L Wag "t �poinv. It islst-AL044hup Ott ! wem 'Sixty-four soboals 411 -.011tioto , th -4it 7rig ienc(1ortli be taught In every .school in the t1) at e �Ist 11 very serious thing -t ecoWully vindicAted tho imperilled ;n that Matter. In.1885 Mr. Rmet, tho,1114nister oftimm I -su Education, resolved that UnLllsk should '18 40.pp4i C4t)401W P 1 .0 o -nd to pat in its kert Ig before the electors. ,aboliallthg2m of, the Prov%co, it Mr. Charl" Ry His kildt" -Star of k0*kb"& of -kagn who a tppears. !a The EvenitkS twhich the Bagliah lan Lot tzazllt� the" - sef4w, - Wiliil Grey S. rtiat numbar was by IM reduced to 27, and,in *Ud lli*f"6047- Mr.. Ryinwift I&RUCON for 4nd �tfgo. in; 00*6 Hh1d .of, Outfide so qwup-striku hint P, .. 4 A%rd of 04� vrWilkin" d &n and bero now. A0,11481 *to 1887 to eirht# and as w.e at MANX: Iterhi Ullevo& to �be goo& --ft Cath. to -day there is not a, isingle -on bAw was lur echool that elead &rib" 06rr"Pbadent of The Zutpkv. the English etT. -H. 00 nun t1i in Ole ProvinceJ in wbigh, dIftiubes 006PI4 did,110t; Undfis tit fob- me tell Sh q allegedgrouna that 'out Protaixtul0aft is not taught, (Applavlrse.) bore I'larsitl3f upon Inell who-widive, ka -b Oe d .ya _ft o astl is anger until vernment -in. IsforLU00 V%� r Pee ... JAB, H We g,48t Go Why I simuld he singled -out for- publia I Hpoftk to you by the book aind from the book Ives; �U�,w 8 dneor ,)),I 0,41 the- m 144 rights against t] and tell :You ft was the Refmmers, when I h� Tiihoheat agen- h - I " i haid 69 66 el' xervotly,"- W_jth t of. -Sir' Je4u sodoWd 9 4v =44 D110 0 X, Vernilly. at on time bad come when there was no more neces- stri-ngd-htiii't'hego'ieiptidtsaii4 ptiv *-V&hrU censure when ther* alre dozenis of members it -am gity for teaching French only in "these altand aftordfbgl�* NoW, HA46 art 11ifitAffs W. W. H. AlgRar O.,W. Qstr imud, imr-vubsorvisaaw toit, every sound and rightiL � AM �gdltkg 1j*0tdw1bds1y;1td, A in sho same House who sio* on] achools_ who resolved that our English ..i. T. OWOW J. X. plaboos y havv lip- 114"a W. - I tftst, to be ethoughtful Libera . I *111. plied ficit an tongue should there be taught. And, TM fteg]l OR n.4k W, A. H. Musgrove d obtained flowUnfac themselves, w or tivo 9 **A. Ushop T. Q. gentlemen, I hear a -voice ft-OTn the beInkaIvfd6d'1ntd�f , Ilk- 'fo.) the extrem4i of tally. OuriaterestatA Pro- i;itq 'not. Rolm but nit there day voting monoys into tkoir Eallery aboro me insisting that it onght to gubjijbt� btiffigag bod,A44 t@& tS6 " well M,Lour otber Intersipts, are, !�- . W.'.,,. bDr. ]MOPIlig Ji fJlanqy 44 ock ave been done long before. If he is a Conser- divisivitk tdbk ,phode, w14 WAV Vho*&4tfi#ttJt1t tiue'to 01WAHO; � be(wuift u4i hiLdl., 6bi own p sito, I Gannot undairsta" I (10 va,tivo ask- him. Why d1drit you tell X. Parrot Us Of It 7 had W-WU40 the 41zo 1,01 Mkii I have no doubt, Ja far "for hands thau r#ncIpq#pj, #Ad therein showO,'hUnt' (alleers.) I fippeach Tv1r..'Aered1Lh and I s,%y: �tle Aftme, reiistri that r4"d _of _CqU41 t XW kofffumh ziotishj however, to esoalm ba"Ame othorx d P 9, 40CAliss �hfj. 1*0-- A. ftttetsah 6 d4 d6d the niun Idip'a'l systolli . �U �d inqr tholob of thb moli *ho ure no* chOging -the -If ou knew it you were false to your coun 730e, 610, p e o 1 5 1 a 14i 00000 I n have offaud*d.-Mr. Ryktrfk MUress, o - A ­ I ment -with 'inaiffereno .. I;* them. - th- 0 8, tio i — I ­ XWgito ...... JJD.Thtei"oft J. IL MoUialft try not to have spoken of it before. If you We g6ritleidt' h bf thd laii. iWo-hifetXOT 4 of L-0641 -be it Gdvern a know of it and thought it wrong and yet kept with the regibm officoi Www -the ud-Vitifitisges his admirable draiag 11to, kis 64 r - iA*btft W I o ailecters of UnoobL allent, you ought t o be wjp0d- Oul. of o4stonce, as ttaL Would "OustLe fXOM 11 10 -Y. Dr. Middlemiss. - AV�Jng � qne 4a Of wimoke be' 11 T IM McGillicuddy — a public representative. (Cheers.) Thelatiment tIl an(l.pup oil the wejs�#. .1p It i nos ed tljq-iti�ic�pgj abibo tQ wornow Mr. Mowa* Government have always m o say was 9 actiloi.gre ij --siras ripe te step waA tllee4tor foe -6t, ' th0W#dry1sIb6--J V jilaube), Hohaspiibed 40A (T par�) it was sona that thellour em IS., J).- h]B;,rd I t Ilitf, ton mhownsidesfirsto mitiolk thswabin %adds - taken and I think the e was no harm lit walt. df thb .clran;i0 the city feAll 661 No d,6nbt vi�forking bl%Wsieih% Vor 25 yet-ro of my life I have iipent in' 2Ar. Meredith did not; like IL - NTo. doubt m&ny the F4otory* Atitc t , a- - Wdl*fty a U"*Ou Dr-pres ing. t ". � L I I IV. IAMB Us opinion of zhis oonv*ution diat --with. 7 vacaUon aniongsD Frouch-Canadian'Poman a �T y lip -was. gh A Wifilgeo Act(i IRA ba: -j mires of temperatics man In pisaing legial or the Wrk #Q imomi N. TdvLanaoan CaLhollico and friends. 'I am- as strong and ing,fortliatplUm. Howitwoi dhatet pit, :d3efV1I I -Q&_ latiorl in theom000n bi out inferfering with the laws regolatiag , Fie r* t1Qn favorable to temperance retorm, and staunch arotestant as stands in the Dominion piittis h wdy from ohnnie thl.�, atid: J_fM mB6 LhILF, anbe. I lie has ' prbiidod'fo�, -the- -,do a- ...OS.Ay jiworth, Dr..Meacham t1in liquor traffic, and I ths number �.Jl, u(I apliluge)-I wJIl give way to uone in' Ltnd I -red the otbar, thift, hfia - '00 � 611 ft�M b 'afid' ' th . Intja)ia�, Dr. Predion, on no occasion that we are aware of have biat(Laun0l, and si;rong as I in in my rigbt down throuaft he'alphabet. f their taken the -fittre.,street. ar4ba rom WiW'.' &J - - I . of liciiiamos, thak may be issued, the pew*r Ow, ft righm, I wqrlt Lo give I ho ftilleeD liberty Cbristiaa and, un-Cbristian name$.' Oil'. n#bl h booputar 9100 0I qs 1AJ*o9t6 th6y vtr refused to a y alnend- i of bly re do of i@BUIU - liCansell" Sad the lite* 0 114 -t in 0 ...... lawn that *e emed e, it 6yy r 7 i �4gfVS caulp � 09, 1�11 conscience to those wh diVer froin me. Aad did- tak' �nd6ed. aW6 14tulze t W., R_ eredith thentg jo our 9 standing before you. .1 �arn kl4d to be able L; rob atid laughter.) hon'; t TvLitipithek !Adilceh to AW_40rff wallut�hino necomwy. It thereforo becomes Our duty therefrom should be restervid fib the Iftunict- isay thIs:-1 have had a house amongthose maike aii latitik-eapien Mr. Meat In reffatit to oilAmitybfdttb6kthatlilbtitutfbtiL (A001 k ]Purdom ]�. Toolv t p(-aple for twenty years; I have it fur- ill thboil, niatten fie,,haa b4om. odo allinourpower to strengthen their Palftl*& Of 1Uea"rva1iv* Can- nishud, wirh wv�erythlng Ln&t the poor peQve The Shrievalty. John X0Vgq6A 1V,9 na osm". greas III, Ubor4 at Ujoialesix ikxud% and not to. ba carried awa by Ydu kl)V* fho iD ail other -Wit ter whic _ c abom ine want - and fOV Lwvnry years. turning dfda W i b1t6rdd to an 6drn omelp M T. A. Snj4er .09 and stinight Refrmer. He I *qII .Vety 14 cog 0 n. pe6,V1nbfS_ in � t1it VortildI61 16,. * P, wordy -1politidians, who ave full of prMw- the key in the � oor and being a been t for ton 8160i'lon r lie d to say -that the prisent monihs evpary yotir, I have never missed so not take.U6 -bu� there tie a miLl in 3�zlur cor D inieS. _Q L w pare itep a Ood, Templar of Inuch- as one single celit's worth, froin thht T1RU40 *ljo 4as,mqdo largor sapplAces Xor -debt. 1pstod : 4f: -a ae�bt,,4 N�Iftpsllhlr ...... Joh1n. bouse. (A'pplauge.) I.Wallt to know in Wllat I rovinbe- Lb'A wriy Man in Torouwa-a roan W,14101,vw took office, wDuld be pro - part of the Province of Ontario, with all its Wb6 hAS gyWh UP , flftbeh li� tit6hty 0 "' Mill apQ cliip)r, *ddi ... pared to wipe a the partisan oolumis- '"r WAY tlrIt boaared improveLlnentS, I could do Jhat. All thotig*lid-, --dollaft a 3'*Ikr to., ac"I)t � L, a u F Q U4'rk V1 0h MOW to U W Jhtj Irorotito *�rthum. 11h we OAnu9t 600apt r1ght_ earn. (JUbeer&) Jde , i%s r#pxrod U at though there th - paltry �itt,Rnce priven to the Attor. Althou thials Intended to show th, o bw'r- 11lay be it y y-GqAor L 41.1 Re said: -1 will go to 41r. on 1490:r-l'On the -Wbw bt. Wiliouskby @out absolutely vitty. license law, yet If we restore to the, people of tile Province th4 reat� deal of Oap-trap spoken for the no in, -otlon cry. when we Moviitt afid SCL'y You to Yourself purpose of making an eb., 01"Pt, 114 40-40 come tor loor, into this mi at ter as f3h;wn by the and Your*Mmily tb Q16Wthat offl.46- to be g1v61ft ft ThesQ,are ppWarful-r must tolerate voth* vue U the wim-_ rights they frmerly exercised. (Chseml e4s b Northurg Or Uil 4 w. . d C., Ilistorical facts that cannot lie, there Is a groat to your som (Lond liplh-uses) And ito he did -mil i i 'tiva re,gidator of An ovil tilt Vve canhave He w prtprod to ivei back to the = fti- b� i�4�a4 .1 - deal Of pral" to be given to the fteform party it. Why do Ideal wii:4� thAr-T 1-W8* R-01lig to Uds, J. as for d oing whp Dr. Nyerison 50 ye 6-Thotight say, in the language of Laurence thAt it -roke cipal Wiis too oy formerly *a- arsag e�U[U(Jlly to-: the 110601al '001260*0 it removed, wo must regard the C rights ths thi ProrhataA_ �A.iiv might bencoomTxlisl)edwitlinohi�rdfeerli-.Ygai)(I the act were 1% sin the 'A"n A tis Wo �To �]?fo Putario �rillek of , thL4 ff t A *Up- J 4T it 4s atate'd tha� wrote Ittlown dr000dd ato lb bloteed av sinthis eat iiistrumear, for thk ed. -M& Meredith. most imperceptibly. Now 116119*6 tfi4t n' fi t thit #i1f*r- Ahe most importwat q itoutforciver. Uwasavery ta uestion Is te Separate vsnial 611m kv cdkil p01*ou,bitWi$eb the i tO 16f preWou the Privinod of 01itarlo O"t b&dL School A ct, ancl I ask nli opportunity ad I would 4#4ve t.houghl; W the 4147- at-Tordluto-and-isdifte I - ob% JL&bor) 'W6 WOU14 'road a few MiDUWS ir� dealing vrith it. ea40quseryatvq,Ppt,irV-Y&oAn keft *1 d.,,UA I I " b or t deprid"I a4y That the bill be zot now a third A &Teat deal nity of LhO it e bf the plf Is eought to be made of this qdcatiml. 3 laub ke of their platfdrra. (AlPIAM1061) oktovd K.,...A_X6w*6 Qb*s. Wilson legislaition 40 wolii1d UnpAir. its- -atficleny, time, but be referred back to acommitt" ur Thlbve& xt,-tteThent that in 1863 there was a 0elftain. Ad iiow avdrd oxford S Dr. X�OKOY --oudwowatad respectfully rAcommendour of the whole House, and, to aluended &a -t d- enaethrent which did -not plainly say what Mr. A's to the Buil.ding8. 09T)II)AJ01111.) I RM 4 b0lie-Ofir In, 10clual h �Parrt8ound-..Jas.H-J5.barV G.5L14oCbrmick It ow -at said it incant., and that vVas that all I say thls,, I think it Lis Ono of the cruelf0t doti' ti�lldve ffi Villokytugli !Vr44,A- a people. where this law obtainsi tons* -their rovidis, that the celise commissioners persons were prima faco to be tit -ken 1113 SUP- things in the world the wny thb iarthitt6tir aoilAr and givillig-dWereil voice and ftnohlso too prefrnt the ooutral here be appoln*d ilk odunties by port;hrs of Public School$. Well, -the disciussian , t1butit have beeit treated, -not by the Refornierti bUt who has A tit Q gr,11 G. 14"s, Iore diasat- of thig Ifoonsevysteth reverting to the muni. :County cL&uno 0 went on for sojpo tinie� and sortie w 3rvative Varty, . All h -W we Ionged dh ,K); ;,Jri�, Wid Wdd i9fied. and the courts were appealed to and by the, Con#0 ttWr pro, t VGNVIA�ppl"s pefth BallAiltYne W. IL )uld have pasAB6,6ver quietly but for tho.m. and, . lougbter-) The T. Blazwd -A. IL KU they decidd that Mn Mowat's construction of w4 QLI� Peterbare)L *11 R? ciparities, wh ore the.. industrioua ward elected by, -the junaJ61pitl *46torsot .Nu& *Wd. have IeUbwil that You had t4k0!1 , t 1W L , * . - R , '-. .a. stiattool Jolm QLraosis V%ftlifticiamn I&.&& the Tobodyl hip. Ofterboa W. iiiiii tb* Interested Hanor doialar A -T,-+--lh Mndith TA, , Ot L Oftpttole -ILntL #,U JMUOKI T, pot-houbt2darpnOl. Me done have not 9 WAIA Was. Perfectly CoTrec. architect . s in the city. Then was the Zanada didtoni -does" *&AA flialwth bidisolf, Vd1h%g�,j'jM1',7' ptose o largely manipulate the olootim— sary tlint sorherbing sboVild be Ufe luzuran it wits nece lie 00ni any,,Aes�roqp of.doipg the as If he was .an hofiest gz& PrXdW&rd...J-.A- Sprague idbuson b6at, they eg d for Lylieir sh 'holflers. 01JU JLaft.), Wat . criaxos Methodist Coliferetiot. done to defirive us of thoower of taxing Sep- . nare. god (A-plAw IPA 16, AOt ItoufrowN ..,,ThosMufray X.Daul" ort of,the to seiidtQj Il d be oho arate Sabool su Pporters f6r the supp Ifillo for A - VV'alte. (Hear, hear.) tll:L� ters q4ou sl R. Leitch (N#*� Why, gentlemen ixt Tb re oohoi)14 of the'llroviiice. oaiIorn.PAny putp a soleudid creation land- but that whelp he can'os ' ?_ lWifr6w 13 .... Dr. DoWlift It is fose U say that our oWicy. b, or tbe-IaFt setsion Of the Ass(-rnblf,Itr orde� to that wits very wrongly called pulp tower, people should got hip to 146tuts utioil L� -at Alexandr1a, In kp quiol. peo lo who were ixinking tbese —(Iauhter)— and wi4. go andproprietyand de6oncy theamy. ;O� all RO4UIWA tyer ham been, to Idaidr the Acquirement Mr. Meredith spoke eon papy lit P the "me PIRUSq.) Bolpre thIs CrzaniI­ aftoa*bly 34. Drury M60AMPW of J; glbh,, ojr to retain " long ec A& UlouSarry Count, in the campaign I statements in order wcr6ata a. di-stil. to Buffalo for Mr. Witite ;r A. n of M, C�at,,,recrai: purpot;e. The Bank bf luommereb did impeacib thein all — 1lis poixiL is inade perfectly plain. Dr. _b - 1?4ton A. Ore AN the J)rw b ...... ac.4 - -4 -h, As possible the use of Frosolt. and hi -was r"Ad as 104ow by a Iq mail -*vho 'stawls as the gruittesi; niait of Llie tile same thing. The two- finest reVidentes in talkoril In the Iniquit5r -ot- _14 a Hood - Mae fd Equal.ftiglits movetnent. a man who stands so thiscity were from designs prepared ia.thii voibe"Ry-ki0irt' end the Qror6ib 11111Z I T AM 011ind Alcl.Uosesi The vsky reverse In our - policy. go far poper t Ottaws;, lie Canadioni—A"Thehigh, for ivLegriLy thatno nian daro impetten 1114 etk 0 Lalo% Say V Was C& U& UIP - "P V& wn froin hindaing or ditcouraging thii u" of leider of the Opposition for Ontario made him throughout the lonkth and breadth of tlie the 0o'nservative to .1nibligh before the Ane tha4 frippd#, w i he Thitc[Party) Coco land — (cheers) — wbat does he say as to Whole' DOtni11011 of Canad* the intIft. looklidine, I *DQW�110 0110 tillat :CW917h Tait Aid. MAI IE It) ish, As ie are falsely iLud absurdly a most happy speech. which was sym- the recent modification of the c8eparate clenvY of thi 4rchiteots of the oity. cypress in ftiourifing oV( Eogl ,6#� erp F;Ky� ftir thleyda, UbT IF. (3*rk* "iA toesir, t Goveruni#1lb h" dome patbiegg &11 through to our h '84hool Act 7 He says:—�-'Tliay are in sub. f0heers and laughter.) Now lot 'us see tol-ric an b zt#,naa what our platform demanda," (Renot;v- for a mluent What the Government thieves, bip"s, IL did. Th6yat,ked for plans and plans were sent- abominatim 'fps -ap - to. Wo Jobit Fall the Tory oppm Ron, the preasub Fzenoh-jad�Cathdlla POP11104104 U446id rA obeers.) I think Lbege words from Dr. tutss.m 041011 - r*L I - vlqtori# � -b — t S9do m- and 0 Min4m, wm -the 'hat to recommend or the true friends of the French and Catitolle Caveli 8hould ba suffIOQat, and I -WUI tro - 9 in. The building was �stirnsted tocosE119,600,- thong ano or omor I ubl W.. :br. PKAY you no f4ribor oil tbut iaLtor.. 000—a great deal rnore than was.vottid because -lidlebibit Out. I ftiMe the stkt*r*f1t_V_1'4r ylaw," - I take any action in- favor of English. Tbus pdople were t be fPU114 In U601tvatIT'lli it was thoqght LhEtth4lf a 'I did not lea.*eGon. bliddlet6ii 4o Ia. sul4pr 'O Go They are those who gave Oem A -voice Read L" amendment, answer for the cost of the btilldinW. TfCese cluded,tbos# who stand WY bim Write, L. 11, Moore A. *WMAN the very Govornmens which a d"pairing rnka. Y.r Blako—To Dr. Caven's letter I hba, became it Oe Win. Mcca"IT platia were gone through anti Lll'ey were ters tboup SoPF&IM Schools and r6c0galsed their Tofce----;To the Act. found to be so utterly beyond the mark 1110ja teblink f iffig land aAd ff6p'r ' 11's L Party chargo jwith haing changed an ex- oo ki a 1J.Dr. NaMahOU W. F. �Ucleihn shelf 6 crime when k has b0au pofUiMttM1fi16uj WCztw9;th Mr. 13lake—I'll shovir You a copy as. soon as tbat they were put on the a -go greAt isting English" policy for a French p4licy clajm� to a share of the ublia paVrOMWO the meeting W over, and give more of this, count of their enormous expeuoe. Fina ly-the midst,.4nd I thallY 00Y 114Von-thl* poft[ It, E�N- AwreY C, D- I Otte W CoLMaodapald did the very opposite. based' . on the fwnre Of their p9pulatiall, krig Lhat U is of iliLorest., Dr. Caveii f3ilyg "I Matter havina, been left to three peyoo'us 1. was U.Rj0git�J1n1_kte outoolne�of the "t &D, outhri What Are the pUb Ito to tkink of a party reduced to such The F4rench race bad doxLe gollan or -for desirer, therefore, to 'wy (I speak for decid'ed that the vrould taice trow Air. alto that qrer was ' Pon, VdAcoupwi—tho; WellingtIM.K.001. Clarkii J. Aamit6h aw k myself) that Lho measureg. adopt,�sd in wi estimate for ft building not to cost mord Soqn ------ And r." Ybti vilid n A. K AJAu WM 140119 In All - I Weill gtonw. misnd"iawl ways of att*ck ?—Mr. MowaL the presorvat u of British rule In t reirard to French schools appear to than $750,000. The plans came in from Mr. ttood L W&iLe, ant tr 'for honesty .Aia: IL tQ6 13. Smit)x John 'Rib" 10 be satisfavtory, as does the h��ilsfation I it was found Lhat they were Ur su- stood true - 0ountry, and -they are faaws in modding juld not now bays . pgra'd -a ...... F. J. QavI1 C.c. 310hinsion An to 'CuAtation by Roman Catholic or last susriou respecting Se�nr.%Le School sup- pLrior to any Plans tbat bad been presiented. ,116 wt York*$.. por�er,q. ViAioth(-r the ollLire proyisions of the X�, *Wch, u -tihe destinies of Canada. They hare b4on They conituenced thel Work wrolil ­ Y# york W ....... Dr. Gamour 1D.W. Clondswo AV, 0 bishops, if there ImA been an attempt or a staLuto on this lattor subject tire in the best and the probabilities are that these to thlbk th 1:647 given Separate SchoaJo by ttis:(Xr. Mre- I 17 out 3110,I)e 16 a p011it on which I aua hRrdly qualified buildings will only cost, this Province It is f6un claim to dietatog it *ould have boon resent- .1',100,000 of money nf�er Lhe Piece Of land where (Cheers.) I SAY the present e or the ftnabdolt ditiva) Party, and their iramuliftles and to offer an opinion." St"uditur nesty and integrity of that man the -present buildings -are erectea hits been dis. ment is. on . its Issail. YOU ad by us. But 6bore has besa� nothing of I say the ho . ........... privu IMuor, be slters(4 !a they aro evev hon(Lat; true,. cap 'bI n ^J4 rings out in strange contrast to tho dishonesty Posed'inf. I trouble you with t1iis 1� the kind to rosmi6 If I had in legialation of those who will iloL stand by hin sLatement. not because these are the Parliamentary build. baVe bee.11 Tor nome, tilmill 6100 -d Me tkp'l�ndttw" or the Itity of TO- rod sh,s aV.A. Mr. Uvrdifik aid (Applause.) What does he add further : "I but to give you a littlo inkling of the fact of the Governmen t In & vihay th ' E' On t6vio (populatloit Administration to yield to dictat" end sacred r4h* doseribing hat I sald In a totter which you that nor, a siagle honest charge can bo brought able. �Cheer&) Two- 6f Xbir. 011111pDparzo are 6f 0AULP10 - 1441L �, , a * must repeat w ag-alust those seven mcii, who form the G6Vbrn 1. wpll-�known "a Z"ibndlt (Peon- demands an the prico of whatever Roman, 0 ark of ilkis to*snsa werftgood,enowTh to publith on talt) 30Lh of now before you R Al,ril, that all attempts to make party ment. That little worldling. which tr6es need, uot ' blush - or a n -x' -OuCk ik A . ........... Gx�holia pr other support the Uberal. party ious hand could tonth. 'tal Sk.,ho6l by the n time of The World, LW6 years ai,o in Mhy, whether Ve tritbuss the jpirindl�lb* I_Ag�r I - oap. olit of -the Separate received, - the IsSH, says this -it presented tu y it their integrity th.Air Government 'woul,& hae an this' no question aro elther Ignorant or (116hono3t, and oU 'this picture repregOt The Fra,29 paper, commentitia -will be discounten&nce by every fair-minded very dilrerent from its lauguag�a to-dky-it als'" who ba CO It would have abilitY;, ThOY Rr* ve eA I Wisk yAm evsiry, Mageess, as You AV* the come to an end long since. speech editori in lae Samst issuet sented this pioture when there was no amongst us -WO "q*.thoM in these respe -Clark* WAA- any xuan wbo kno little of fQsnadian history.. PrO Ul be erb1Uts:bl6 4"o maimll. Atights cawadate# come to an end, because I would nos hold said I It worb a shameleas thing foi either- party to elootiou cry. nien that W Or � We have had . a French Sona - other responsible for. extend- tives Of the 61ty. 0h4b6ft) I 11 l*Aft1X*1r49t*7&r. 6. AL 11"OkbAllif, Telty make the Nci Boodle, I milk$ to 0 I.. *vice *a any ouch term& But if I were tor for Ontario from the ' Conserva- ing the privileges of ;'"'Parate Schools, them to IC pool caud1da" for Ottawa. bwd n tht �Torr _,;x so constituted." to brook dct*tiolft from and almost equally Pihamolm for 1he and no reason for causing It to gir a dis- to you and yet Mr. Idowab in k*eptux erable P(�ctiun 9fir, oes� aocoubt, and I will ask you. io of fear and proj u0ce. I would 40orn Po. do . t#4 the. Roma Jown French represeutatiou. He will 311011 rommunity, or ally consid n Catholic Hierarchy or from rclusively uon our look on this . picture an d oii that- I appeal to your roOitln. lAppeal to ydut, a AD wby, wbo opposed the cry of repreients. 11 JoIlay LbO responiAbility e Whkt I have b6im stybili, any other quarter, the Government *oUld bdialors. What has been done. whether '-We ate ebrivinced that the Proince is mak.' of the truth 6f tion by p6pnfation but myself and jay give us a represontstive in the Gabhutt, bII Ing it greatiislak�'in winir wooa ill the now PORI to dye 910-riOUS ft%dJr00nX0ftb0TlAst1kUdt0 An' end long ago,; for its uLure of the 'Liberal Va party we have the assurace that Mr. Moredith ft r good or evil, was done with r ? Who supported the Separate still have come to but " little critiolom, or rernonnLritnce." arlituii out. b uildtim In t h 6 park. A pilethat tile hopes for Vhq I (Choers.) I have ?,ivell You tile htets promises to be, Lfic Jinest in appearAnoe or tiny I appeal to each obe here u on "ar 191--hools ftainat the w1lote weight 0�r tha long existence has &risen from Our freedom (more 11boral toward ul) Will swear in Mn 0 _nK, on the continen L, that appearS in be built on responotlyt.11ties to your leadfirs. to yadr.coun- Uberat party of Ontario, heAded at that to consider aud do in all things What In before, and n w I have given you the ftdi the plan of et dug one. hundrod conts' worLh trY, t1a your Goil. I adjure you each otio to b time b the late ljorL. Gee. Browm, but ray- &L Wbit* the TUY first In bix C"Uwt M as I say. of the grerttetiL raind thery is in the e dollax, tha;t ought to be a monu- true,to theme pria onii� ine V is an the whole right and in RqUAl Rlglit$ MOVOMent- X have given you of ciplos in tboujjhl� in vr our judgmentp inent for denturog, is to be marred at iti I may, - having done all that nilan ck%n do, self and my party t -Sir John KatAonald, the general imituesk-mr. Mow" opre"AtMwe of ow Frowsk ei*�' tho -litteranoo of a mun who oannat be Im 'bLy he use of tinsimir 1-1.1M&UJOIn in saylv4ff God spe6d the right. HAnA&rd, ISM poached tor InteiritY. andhe 9AY's it W-OWA bill inOaption