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The Huron Expositor, 1890-05-30, Page 6
I, a . . = 1- . I � .> .m. ,®.,� - I ____________1_"______ Wellington.; Glre� and Bl�nae• . TO ate within °tela so an army attraction were Staff -Captain G4onro Noai2�s Passenger. Mixed. I N �;, . Hn h or �I Horse -Women. grid cold, the g g... Mr, Robert Bonner said to a reporter . small that a chill saps the life and blood John Reid, editor of the Canadian War Ethel. , ........ 2,51 P.m. 9.81 r,ei, 8.88 P. . T Ii from their proper cells to assi$tinwariU- Cry, and Brigade Captain B. J. Good- Brusselfi.,,,.... 11.06 9.45 9.23 4. a eoutl -of the New York Sun No, there is Biuevale........ 8.21 10,00 9.60 *0 be held i- £` in the outward body; the result is all, who hese been recently an effective lYlngham...... 8.80 10,10 1110 no mason why women should not drive g member of the Rescue Home Staff. .-� Gemo SOUTH— Passenger. -Mixed. - a T7t trotting horses. I mean no reason based oath unless assisted. _ OF n upon hard logic. The trained horse is A Few Crumbs. -Every farmer's wife They stepped forward, and stood under Wingh&in..,... 6,39 e.aK.11. 2 4. >a. 7.65 P. any Bulmer p° .-has a few crumbs to throw away daily the. Army banner whili the Marshal read B1uovale ...... 0.02 11.22 8,55 ia Nmol, fel the gentlest and most. intelligent of ani- E !Ij Brussels, ,. 7.02 11.46 $•b6 1 • r which the prowling dog or cats get. A to them the conditions of marriage pre �. _�I ,1. ,#Y �7� .+ Ethel...... 7.14 12.D0 g,81 eke his ri�l'i X11 mals; and most appreciative o� delicacy hen will pay you back for such morsels, rented to every Salvationist, liev.John l 'l� t�. -' .{ - ;`. and kindness. Woman's nature is par- `u - the other scavengers ers will not. If the Salmon made the marriage legal with a fll z..> HiLa't?n SrtEI I$r11Ce, �; ice`} of Avo arl such as to appeal to the highBEALL g e words and'the audience broke into �1i . London, , tical y Pp keeping of a_few hens will prove a profit few , ,• ` =_ tie bred horse acrd there is no doubt of the P g i ,�. ' bto flap ' to the farther, can he afford to waste a fusilade of " Amen " volleys. A _ - `' - P GOING NORT11— Passenger, by- ��rI iking fact that she has natural! sufficient - �, Y j ......., .... .es. • ois uld such.morsels? Economy in food while generous collection was taken up f er �,' a % . ; Londsn, depart 7.66& 5.86r,n ienl strength to drive. She w e Home. Marshal and Mrs, - ' ���- Exeter.... Phys g n man inatancea is wise in the the Rescu 918 6 57 alt probably acquire much quicker than 1alawiAe i y li=' `>s:'- = i3ensail............ ...... 9..28 6,09 wel$ One hundred dollars Booth left for New York the next day. 4111 - � _ Kippen.................. 8.34 B•17 S chas Io of touch and hand- way it is used, s r - - ;nen that delicacy earned from a flock of hens in a year -Some time ago J. Clark, of Mala- _ - Bruceflold....... , ... 9.42 0.26 teal ling Haat goes so far with horses of :. . s� �` Y ....... 0.00 6.4 ooze g 8 a e dollars less taxes to meet. hide en a ed a man to move a • house " u' Y Clinton., .. ,,,.,.Orin dsya rneait." means few hide,: g_g ,.. o .. The clothing and table necessities Inst for Nita, from Copenhagen to Aylmer, .Ktiy ■03 I.ondesboro .............. 10.19 7.12 But the trotting horse is not so exelur ...- „ ., 2 7.12 delivered as 1 � Blytl, .. . , . 10.8 Mr. Bonner rightly chars some portions of Chip sav- sand -going across a bridge a plank gave t --- ,,,�,, v,�-,,=.. - Bels�xavo.,•........ ........ 10.42 7.27 tc-611 Ing, It is worth the thought and con- way, and the . Tiouse toppled over Into t aively a man's animal as M . g _: V ® w.r' ~• • �` Q. zing mi arrive.......... 11.00 aase7. r 0 I ng over 01118! seemed to suppose. A vast number of g amara itsadmircrs, sideration, or a dead letter to you, my the creek. Clark retuned to pay the,C_ SIR numbered g ' err res and lac has brought an s ser _ _ i T` 1�"inghani,depart... is d.50e.i>cli h'e receives! women are dear reader? Dont throw away the mans ch 1, g o ......., t_ / Belgrave,.... 4. __ 7 05 00I'MM �• ,-.�, Liviri€�eto1 i='E•'omen who drive are -asserting them- crumbs to eat or do again when b°idd , action to • recover. Going across the _ selves more strongly every year, and g again, Y i _ ' • a y:,,•,Y. as-,- _� Blyth.,...,..,. ?.IS 4,16sttawel u the hen in the barnyard, needs them Michigan Central Railway track tele- _ Londcaboro..,.. 7.28 4.26 - v�a 01164.6$--i one doubling or trebling their numbers with graph wires were torn down, and Clark _ _,,' Clinton .. .... 7.65 4.46 tithe old' each succeeding seasnn. more than they. g - _ ________________.9-_ - 13linton .. 8.16 6.04____ - �id8 and tbn Good Articles For Nest Lining.- was fined2 for this by Police Magis- „ - - 2 It is impossible to speak of women i liippen.......... 8 24 6 1 rDa Have you ever thought of drying the trate Glover. The Michigan Central - • ' IIensail.. 8.32 5.19 ,{;. livid 1 8.b0 fi.33 Jr lffvde �j ; '{j{r ... t - e trotting _ Exeter... u Ti who love trotting. horses to tr g onion peelings thrown away as worthless, Railway and Great Northwestern Tele -:1 .s .-- sharps around here without at once hear P , g hen's ra h Company entered action againsttest reef den using it as a linin for the g p p Y . t. © =� on Thnredal, in of Miss EdithVan an Buren. She is g g C =,ti Grand Trunk Re iI� ay. g z neat? They ars the }peat possible thing lark for damages, being detention of ===� - _ the daughter of the late John Z an B urea, "1' =' PIN -;•:;'- --- `ndBE3+ 1€ays -general for several ears to Ja an, for this purpose, as the heat of the hen's trains and tearing down the telegraph Txains���re Seaforth and Clinton station v€d,iendl consul g t m V4ialter Phel a body brings forth an odor from the wirea. Thisi suit has been settled by follows: i and a ns_ce of Willis P + o is anal a cod round tlora�cs Wa:ex- s$apcarn. Cvirr•€aN = F CS itslligei v� s o f lark a in c s u s ab u C g Passenger . 103 P. 1.21) at i."I known fermi Though only 26 or 27 years of age, Miss onion atlas that makes the b g paying g , her c�hen there are any,remove to other sum in damages, Passenger....... .. 9.10 r. ;K- �•2j'• � 'j r" „�Mr•, F. A Van Buren has been breeding horses on : Mixed Train......... 9.20 A. M. 10.05 a,x, arta for shelter. .Cedar twigs and __� fol: Stratford her father's place at Teaneck, New Jer- P Mined Train.. 8,15 P. M. .6.40, - set, for a number, of years, with the re- shavings are used as well with good - GOING Ensr--• ' els and di# efforts against Ileo. You know the Passenger......... 7.59 A. M. 7.43° A. h•tey suit of havingproduced some ver creel- g P Wall Papers, bine to h P Y season's hot weather means a oro of Passenger , .. .. 2.43 P. >�. 2:25 P. obliged f itable horses, She has been a student lice and which do you prefer, chicks or . , ;tfixed Train., ,, ,.., 5.30 r M. 4.55 P. u T of the trotting horse since a young girl, - +. A' j �� bask too lice? Beed the warning and be wise; CFreight Train ...... 4s0 P. M. 3.30 r. and, tactically, is a thorough horns �� - -A- _The P you will be lad enough for this sugges- �T T� g DUNCAN woman, On the Van Buren and Phelps 9 g WI1�DOW SHADES C. - c eb`urch' places at Teaneck she speeds her horses tion when you find yourself about to t _ give up in despair ,because the vermin 0 .evening, did sfl .{ to her hearts content. Away from want to displace the flock of "springs," •- t r pert t Wt home, however, she will not handle the and et the comforts of living from your ] Montreal H O u s e , _ e a 1 o r t h, • � AAli faileit d to w reins. But wherever she is she will loss g These little attentions are those Baby y Oarriages, � y d was no chance of inspecting a finely bred hands. I which - we naturally overlook when all _.• jam; �j j was turn Co. horse, and will leave a ball room any our efforts o toward those we see in nuNU ES , day to talk records and breeding,theoriea g CARPET FELT �.. Hot with an exert, magnitude before our eyes. Are you i• (� ���� CUR R �"� a, 1' looking after your chicks, or breeding Leado n Dry Goods Dealers®s �+ * a sgeutlAlias Van Buren is described by her g The sail 0said one g friends as ver attractive. She is of,good vermin, which . - ,. figure and very active, Her complex- Feeding Fowls For Eggs. Wfi know O H E A P THIS WEEK - � " . m u� hora� of s progressive farmer who catered to�oiir licirs ion is fair and she has dark brown hair, P g �" (� �, bought this hor and large, dark, thoughtful eyes. In the egg market who last season obtained AT t �-t• N {.rou didn the privacy of her father's and uncle's over 1300 do-aen eggs' from iiie, flock of _ i We offer a few specialties in Dress Goods, Prints, Embroideries, _�� �+ 0 � � Teaneck she lives an 265 chickens. In the morning a feed of j� - . P CD W .. a. s ttw I bast m great grounds at Tea hot -mush steamed clover and b�ran,with Papst S Bookstore. Towels, Tablings, &c. _ W lam - active outdoor life, every hoar of which � - �:'i I�tt two year t has something life, do with a horse. Miss a change to stewed pumpkins and veg r so Most IoncoeesfaI RAmedF ever discs WThe 'conve;rs&# stables with barle ` and brat► added ; DRESS GOODS.—A very pretty line in new shades at 1210 �, a• it is certain in its effects and does ; . � , � � far^spreading 6a - Van Buren superintends the raising, and Y per yard. Checked Black Grenadines, excellent value, at 12;�c per notbltate>. proof below. I--+ Pj breaking of her horses herself. She is thio makes a change that suits them. t-Fj ern Democrat.. say Boiled livers in the water mixed with Headquarters for Sporting goods, yard. A magnificent ran a all wool newest colorings at 25c per yard. ! W, h1s h perfectly capable of doing it, I y I b g' ' b P y (ENDALL S SPAVIN C E. ca O c•,- P t b- horse l barley and bran was iven once and Mian Van Buren got her first good Y g new and second -hand Bicycles, and riddi bores Norma before she was 20 years sometimes twice a week. A free range pR,jN'rS.—�iVe have heretofore never shown a -more extensive osioa orosasass A. sx:Dsa, � � (D � }�- i--+ yam, old. ,She has, been he Van Bure rs of twentyfive acres brought many good DR=MX OF t � egide�ttly }iatl b results • the hens laid often and the Croquet, Foot Balls, Base Ball stock of the newest and prettiest designs in the market in. specialties. cZavarA]M eat atm Ts+or=%bssza Hosaigi t" th. After a principal brood mare. Miss Van Buren We offer a big line of light and dark colors at 9c and 10c per yard, 13auwoeD, Irl.. Nov. �o, sasd 1-+- P y a. IL J. XMWAM Oa Cr.. mer p- the not has raised five colts from Norma, all of eggs were fertile -was certain of a good _ D•ar Sirs: I have always puro aced taK" F -'j- z which have roved capital stuff. She hatch when the hens were est, 'simply Goods, Lacrosse Sticks, Lawn den- �g� �, ,mow by the half down tom, ss -€d = E� p p EMBROIDERIES.—A very pretty line of narrow wicltl�s at 2c, rouldMW prioestolawrquandty I think ,3 mount, u:nsadd because the eggs could be counted on to g tie3ofthebest �n tson earth. Ihave WWI s owns the Hambletonian - black stallion gg ilia &c, at hatch in almost an instance. Some > 3e and 4c a yard, and an extraordinary line at 5c. Skirt Flotincilios e►MYstal "fora three yeas. P � 9) � � al it t go to tb Prosper. .Her bay mare Thorndalia by Y - Yont+a trn, Csea A. 4iowri, to 11 farmers understand what fowls require from 50c u E � � � M walkThorndale, aired by Edwin Thorne, qp' � li t find 'water2,16 , out of Norma, she is using for .for profitable keeping, .while others do y (ENDALVS $MIN CUREC'�breetn ur ossa. Miss ti'an Buren hoe not. The aim in keeping fowls is to Pa, St S Boostore, TOWELS.—A big assortment bought at job prices have •been lis $ well, end gi t lou been coiiaiderin the problem of inn- make them pay. What about your r placed -on the bargain table which you can secure at almost ou own 19ssio3zTr. X. Y,Nevember8, saes. �-+,i ��y r bleu- will g g P flock, are the profitable? P a ' y y s'A.T ZaMA tW. C'1` iwt e•" 441 roving the American coach horse. She Y P S E A F 0 R T Ii . rices. Dear Sirs s I desire to 6(ve n twttmonialof �t if as been casting about for some cross to P - ooAopinioaolyourEanda>�e8pavinCure. Its♦ '�+ �'ou he d" Leaving (®®Bge• sed it rot �ea tit Joints as ` (A � - � - .Q Tahoe, and lWli produce a cob made chunk coach, with ss. =• -► For summer wear we show a f all assortment of I1luslills, Cliallies, i R&*itis, and I have and it a scare Cure, Ioore} bd 3' c c V V O 1A retA end it t0 allhoreemen. o arch neak big stride and great endur_ I came pretty near leaving Georg© c$dlrsd i g + g ;c a �. 0111struly A: $. aizassr, before I was married to him a month P, is () Flannelettes, Ginghams, die. when the isorsi ante, Not lou ago her ,'attention was , . f[iasgerTroy LalWdry $gable! +" g 13 H (� ,j t�j #en0e; let down d rested to the broncho _ as a marvel of confided a peachy -looking looking woman in a CS r. a- - W C a , y� - m . _►egt to the we] snap and endurance, The broncho was South Side car. � s-� ., `4-'-�---�4-----a-'-_ . CENDALL S SPAVIN CURE P1 CD 0 smaller than she wished, and possessed '/ It was the third week of our honey• �0 o o ," m M- N let ths bucket d sAAT Whet w count, Oslo, De& Ik IM of bad habits to boot ; but she deter- moon, and I was as happy as ever a ,girl ua � Cr 0 - > 0 ! W. H, J. Kstinar.L pa M � }— X l head left hflm could be. I knew George didn't like c. R "� What O You.. h k ! t (lents Ifeelitm7 toa� w�>bstZ haveQeat !-+' f-� , to this old stab!mined tc try the experiment. Her ex- $ - r•rith your Keadau's $Pavia Qure. chive car• essal i-� r the trick periment is looked upon with some vocalizing, and before we were married I CD .I m 0 QQ ° aenty-ft�e horses that had 8 tri ten a W1'r doubt b some horseman who think the was mighty careful not to make him � `w• a c - m : tins B nny�e, nine atifffeted with t one in v o horse. u t Y , even or �i JJaw Since I have one or yo>ij y� a tired in this way, but on this articular m '"' oohs and Followed the directions, I have neve C't• who ` attest broncho will predominate in the get to a Y+ P � zs j� degree to soil a coach horse. Miss day it was rainy and we had to stay in ." c o '' U Cl�,N N C A 1Y set e, case of any bind.M opt It ham g p o a. V n f . Yours truly, Airnsatw Tau. - ,_... Van Buren herself is very hopeful of the doors. I happened to be in a soulful, , Oig to y 0 Norse Doe" � - f� W What iE result. The cross is the result of a good mood, and, feeling a little more -bold �' �, h� C °• ! I"'i- g than I did before we were married I sat 0. '••ti C o M. �' KENDALL S SPAVIN CUM 1✓ � deal of careful study on her part, and ,, , m o � � This leading furnishers of Seaforth, have secured another large case of �.+ Birt, some r she is confident the"t it will be produe• down to, the piano and began humming ro H m w rMoestp� bottle, oretxboUlesforS,lUDrui > 4 � PIMyou call a some little bits. George was sitting a W o � ' 00 th se satin lined Neckties at 35c, worth from 75c do 1, and will be tots havelt or can get it for you, or it � be aea� 910 tine of ood. g ;x ip �, „ _ o• n Ln g CO3, a � r pared for rand necktie sale this evening, to enable the male pot- spay sdflreeeoai receipt of price by the rt ( mix. One of the beet known of horsewomen over by a window reading a novel, and I * m 0 , m i P P y g o , ire Dai. s. a. Hamar Co., $noebBrghF1 ,$t " � it A gid hup is Mrs. John M. Clay, of Lexington, noticed that he grew pretty fidgety, but ■ g K o c -0 O -7 do of Seaforth and vicinity to wear, on the celebration of the Queen s> :You. - I g '' I didn't mind. Then I began to sin B'° " d a n y ' +OLD �� ' L DRUGGISTS ® �}. � -- a. Kentucky, the widow of Henry Clays g g I m o o - o," B` hda one of those love! satin lined neckties. Stich a varlet of — One tri wbe :� ser Y: y y ' Iowa* the dark side o son, and the owner of the Ashland Oh, Shall I Join the Choir Invisible'� n, "'m p r � p �' ne kware *as never shown in this before. Don't miss the 02 — thorou fibred stock farm. Mrs. Clay's one of George Eliot's poems, you know, W :n o. cr W Z ` „ a' �' county' The Great English Prescriptiot7 .Ct- One that Iran! efforts are b no means confined to trot which I have set to music --and George v ` " , •�"'� ch ace, come earl this evenin and secure the one ou fanc best. Re- �Veakneas s ermatorrhay tb o ►� . a fD Y $' Y Y, ptt t ,,_iQ 'tlte s€rtall vetern, She has a number of famous broke in in his great strong voice : �° c Pr l_ . 9 p �' m. mber the price-35c—worth from 75c to $1, You can :choose fromgCures Emissioxas, impotency and all a - } able are the 9r; ca c : C 4 C ... o diseases caused by self-abuse or X F-1- CD thoroughbred running horses. and raises Fes, dear, and inaudible, too.'- o P �d n . th window if you see an ono you think you would like. 1 ethat 101 „ W er p �. w y y y y indiscretion. One package 81, a c' as good stock as can be "had. The whole Of course I had to get awful mad at % b 0 a p m m e aleix $5, by mail. Write for Lea t--+ uorin man - world knows Henry Clays love of good this, and threaten all sort of things, 5 d, , m m C One thousand pairs of i1'Ien s Fine Braces to be offered -on the same pamphlet. EvxEise CaisasioAi, �' � CD One tri whirl Horses. His son inherited the tate, and and weep, but it didn't have the slight• ap K r+ g Co., Detroit, Mich. For $ate by LUMSDEY ac ( - Iand the wicked est effect on George. e . � m ev pin at rices that will surprise those who want a air. �' ` ( �,_, . made of his father's stables a teat stud g . ii said he liked ro C V b P P P WILSON, Chemists & Drug; lets, seatorth, Ont. - #_ g c C ip � fering, by 11e farm. John M.Clay died two yea�e ago. that a heap better thair'the singing, and •+ 0 .a _ Then his wife at once picked up the . that made me mad in earnest. But �. 4 - m Our furnishing department is filled with all the latest novelties in-0siselence--pr O NT -ARI O reward f business, and has been carrying it on he picked me up in his arms as though A C. 01 a Q0 th trade. Four ply Linen Collars at 10c- worth 25c, in every style. i proni%sed for t sines with marked success. She is -..push- I were baby and kissed me and laugh- o, W 0 C' C 'S 'Summer underwear in all shades from 25c up. Hosiery, five pair for M T ' Ha � Steal '(�� Dne which ing her way boldly, and is booked by ed, and I concluded not to leave him. �, 0, n Mutual Liv_ a Stock. world bi fill Kentucky horsemen to become a famous after all. But I don't sing now except ° a iso 0 n 25 °, worth that for one pair. B�.l#TKER►S horse a ser. She has got out an attrac- when he is out." � . wOne t aa�� � % Cr .1 HATS AND CAPS. --If ou want the latest in a Stl$ Hat call I N S U R A :NCE C O . ' _ One that brE tive catalogue of the brood mares at her - N o y W N y ' JoseliJl tie street. Wingham,{�at ,of a,Crbator, a farm for 1890, In the announcement at News Notes. �. "m "� to on! us. Three cases of American Soft Felt Hats from 75c up. Call ernin laws, ± F Head Of�'i c e : S e afo rt h . J• A• HALSTED, Mount Forest. g the front of the volume she modestly -Mise Mary Jane Hotton, daughter and examine them, and it will pay pou. _ J. W. SCOTT, ListoRei, One that mei nays : " The management has now fal. of Dr. Button, of Forest, has secured THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance Company fig real people len into not very competent hands ; but THE BI M I L.•�.._+Sc�' , , In our Ordered Clothing Department Scotch and Canadian Ta eed an Ontario Navin a Government c Deposit and Deposits received and _ Interest a thou his e the degree of M. D. this honest effort which sometimes sup. . Galt's population thio year is 7,250, $ &EAF;.•i'�-4. Su'tin s from $12 up. Pants to order from X2,90 up. Sprint Over- being duly licca ed by the same, Are now lowed. ' A ocid bofll plies the place of 'ability will be used to an increase of 64 over last year. The carrying on the business of Live Stock Inseir- Money advauced to Farmers and 20- g . I Y co tizlg in every shade, from $15 up. Mothers, don't forget that Dun- -once and solicit the patronage of the importers pees Men, w�'4b. ple'"Jitet, keep the stock, a• least approximately, total assessment is $2,608,870, an in- and breeders of the Province. at its standard of excellence. The above mule have now been thoroughly ca>i &Duncan keep a fine selection of Boys Sults III all shades, and a On long or short time, on endorsed notes of twine you can crease of $684,215. built upon the complete For further articulare address collateral security. Bale notes boa ht it a tag lf] that there Mrs, John Stiner, of Detroit, is a wo= -The wedding dress of Mine Tresaa sp cial line of Corduroy. We will be pleased to have you call and look p ala.tion. i+Ianey remitted to algl Pae a - man often spoken of as a proof of wo Fair was imported at a cost of $20,000. , th ou h. JOHN AVERY Sec.-Treas. Canada at reasonable charges. €. have moat Ht9t�GAlA1'J R9llER PROCESS g wlicrhre yetol man's fitness to own and manage and . She will marry Herman Oelrichs, of 1164 Special Attention given to colkclig tie on; ,breed trotting horses. She is a very New York, on June 8th. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been Notes and Accounts. trod boo] pretty woman of em -01 erect figure, with -Mise Lettie Youmans the temper. y machinery pp good ggreat! enlarged, and Kew machine s IIed Agents in Canada --The M8it3l#1ih� fair -complexion, fair hair, and bright p ihro hout. i u n c an & Duncan S e afo r f or . �. ��h, the p : g ante advocate, though confined to her 'ig ( a _z Bank of Canada. for e blue eyes. Mrs. Stiner has a farm at bed at Picton continues to take the , OIHce hours-From'9 a. m. to b p, m. - Indianapolis which she visits frequently, ' THE LATEST I NINIOVED ROLLS ,. 6es not qu€�t and where she personally raises a good greatest interest in temperance work. A. E. sAlIrl, Agent:tiiiserit af: P Y g -Fifty ears ago Alvin Adams" be an —AND— '�"'1j . N T O Y GOOD HEALTH. A�, T H 1164-62 Y Y g g • • • j,�j V ,][, j, _ :� . �tii :au l�np many fine trotters. It was she who first with. a carpet bag the business which -- brought the great pacer Westmont, Flour Dressing Machines .•: whose record is 2.13 to the front. She has, sin .e grown into the great corpor• j - (dj'i, e A good, to ► ation known as the Adams Express From the beet Manufacturing .Firma have been 1 LLA THE FARMERS when we o owned Westmont, and rade and drove put in and everything necessary added to enable S E S S A P AR BITURS I ? Company. The Company pays hand- g n' - - Banking tbat eve men r him. her to taro out flour iJCa k 1 i g HOne of the best known horaewarnen sot® divide�a on its $12,000 of capital, , N ��liatwetauYI -Rev. Dr. Cochrane, commenced the '', - ��# its give 11 after Mrs. Clay, is A1ra, Rhodie Patter- t 29th year of his pastorate in Zion Cures ever kind of Unhealth Humor and Disease willvnl son, of Lexington. It was the death of In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving i S�A_,FORrX� only church, Brantford, on Sabbath, 18th of g row. - a husband in her case, as in Mrs. Clay's, gssinfromfarmersandforelevatingandshipping Caused from Im Impurity Of title Bloc d.. 'P ti'R :not May. The services were marked by lave also deen extensive) improved. Grain am p � I . r - ° (In connection with the Bwk of IiontreaL) oktg, int a that sen„ bar into the buaineas of horse Y • P large congregations and much enthusi- now k . taken from .farmers' wa one w breeding.Her husband made his re u- g "� hat is a repu- and loaded into ogre at the rate of 700 bushels i j L chert are i tation as the man who brought out Belle `.+ . g -Tho Grand Trunk and -Canadian per hour, by thei,work of two men. I s Brassfield, who trotted in 2.20. They .- BANKERS AND FINANCIAL A-Gi ► Pacific railways _announce that in cones- This.valuable compound cures Kidney and Liver Complaints, Pim- were a Pittsburg `family,. lived there. A LARGE � FEED i�`iT®� � P y P ' gushes of frauds which have been Now in heir own remises on %arketl3* always until Mr. Patterson'a death, _FPR, plea, Eruptions of the Skin, Boils, Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, p i�$Y �D �, practised upon them b rain shippers, P P Y g PP + 8eaforth, opposite A. Strong'e ofilm. when Mrs. Patterson went to Lexington, S'ek Stomach Loss of Sleep Neuralgia Pains in the Bones and Beck L0 all grain in future must pass through , > e5 General $&akin Business done Vir8�S.0 Kentucky, and began. to raise trotters. , CUSTOM STO �/ THE HAY TOWNS T P g . drattset ;the companies elevators, ss of Appetite, Langour, Female Weakness, Dizziness, General � andotahed. Interest allow ed on deposits. j `#Oh I I wi She now owns a good farm near the P -The Picton firm of W. Boulter� & Hae been put in, and the necessary nu►chlnery !tor t =deny = city,, and is doing a large business. I handling oho and oosrse grains. Debility. Farmers Mutual girl to �' Sons has in the last three years shipped p MOHfY TO LEND - re rt Miss Nannie Smith, of Lexington,_ A good,shedhoe been ereoted, so that wagons I �/ V /� reporter, as s to the Pacific coast twelve car loads vas• be unloaded and reloaded under cover. 1 V Firs; Insurance CoMpany, On good :notes or mortgages` one long Tao Kentucky, is generally spoken of as the . of canned goods, vegetables and JOHN WEIR. WM. LOW, � the ez uie' luckiest woman having to do with trot It is a gentle regulating ur,ative as well as a tonic ossessin - _ - g fruit. One day lately, says the WHEAT' EXCHANGES b regulating P b > > P. g ApurelyFarmers Company. Livestock also 106s - Jks great el ting horses. She was the sole owner of � Picton Times, this firm abipped two tl e peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Conges- insured when in the fields or on the, road In They're Iov Red Wilkes, the famous son of George charge of owner or servant. :carloads of canned goods to Winnipeg, Promptly attended to and b Alan, White Star and � wial* he'ou Wilkes. She sold a half interest in him ( tion and Chronic Inflammation of the Liver and all the visceral organs. r , and.one car load to Vancouver, British I Also manufacturer of the - Asa lifted 'out y g FIRST-CLASS ROLLER FLOOR - United States &Royal Mail thsin with th �u: G. W. France for $12,000 several , °.Columbia also on the same da a large - ^^ Improved Surprise Washer years ago. _ I. ;consignment to St. John, New Bruns- B L O V D i P Atlantic Steamships, tie eleasti wick. �'tiU�►ITiti�• AND WRINGER MACHINES."tewl. Poultry Pickings. F —The two days' special services - --- 11' This valuable preparation excites the whole system to a nes' and nCabins, o to $100 ; B.eturn, wo to l a, ,b kh Dr Chicks. -We* hear re orts from the Salvation Arm in Toronto led b c-USTOM SEED vigorous action givin tone and strep th to the s stem debilitated b Ag intermediate, �3Q, recurs $40• Steer&ge, f y 3' P YI , y g , b g g y. y en for TOM and the WATSON return $44. All classes of passage to and trc eked the Ile some sections of many of this seasons Marshal and Mrs. Ballin ton Booth COMPANY'S all ants in Great Britiain to any int! g + Chopped andwithoutdelay, disease, and affords a great protection from attacks that originate in i� y #i@ fhiehe c"Amps having died from wet and ex- -'were closed with the beat meeting of the I �Z �, M]M&H11MWrrS_ Canada. If you are sending for your friendsli . b posure, owing in err ' changes of the season -of climate and of life. The best Spring- - Medi- not fail to secure` one of our re id tioub ?iy ;` g part to the very wet j 'series on Wednesday evening, 14th inst. g ' ' p g MNDERTAKING promptly attended -ter a see =t spring, and imperfect shelter and dam ROLLER FLOUR, cine sold. Full directions with each bottle. Price 50c and $1,00. moderate rates. clear through and ovoid ailtroub e, n g, p p i A hallelujah wedding was the drawing Canadian Pacific Railway and Steffi oktioeQthe tie. ness in many cases.. For this reason i card of the occasion, and it drew wall. BRAN, SHORTS9 Refuse all substitutes. Prepared by G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich, Ticketatoallpoints- Speewrates to 'ice+° twit -net' principally we have always advocated', The temple was packed to its utmost 1118 and Pacific Coast points. Through I P P And all kinds of secured free. Best connection to all .0 s raitcl =w 11 a wood floor for hen houses, it being dry ' capacity. The happy couple who were ^ - - `"A" - -___ - - _.- • .. --- the United States, Australia and China. Nis � 0 a this and warm. A layer of coarse gravel or I willing to make their marriage ceremony .0 H O P P E D F E•E D u . • agency for the best stock and .mutual ice" a go fnoBgj I H. S enter Case Hamilton, tarso. P ver io,00dies. aused mor►thiyb m�►rues. Monet loaned on all ciesree 1 i ssnci scattered over the i3not once a ' -- . over 10,000 fes- are safe, eaeun war acerae e Constantly on hand. • p ' sure In p security at lowest rates of interest. No week, after removing that «hic,i lass ac , ; K1, a y a greatest fries of a gift to cuanuIated the revious week keg s the ,' } �,4�,yS >_�• athomeorabroad,siperboxbvmaii toTeinfarmation. Rexiestate and In C 1? ' p `tii4 :a �� J-�, or fromalta st. a ea particuln*s OfSce-MARSET ST. Ticket, Bte&mboa f wc' tiTetl_ . � floor as it should be and a material that i � . w (� a slam Address Telegraph 4filce.All�; 3.D hstl f A W. O�I�IE V® ' f�� 1{UASK�i►LiIIL'AL�t,. yF,'I:1oiT i1iI�B. fowls require.always within their reach_ J:iyiri,ii a,n-a ;t,:y" rpliaJle. '. 't ' A. 'STRON01, Es The': 't wee Ile Sold by J S Sealorth Sold b LUKSDE,N' & R ILsoN Chemists and PRO PRIETOKS Roberts,} 11 AAFORIIL €l Costa a A tender chick can't exist long wet ' � �„•�.- _ ,1 ;,, a, ;?• ;''_.t � •.: � t°1' . - Drug, st=, SeAlorth, Ont. 112I•o2 11 ,:.LA 0 A 0 _ -_ -,11 P2