HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-05-30, Page 22 ININNset • TilE.HORON EXPOSITOR. THE LADY OF THE AROOSTOOK, BY W. B. HOWELLS. Tx. (Continued from last week.) Staniford frowned, before he added: "Bat I object to Hicks and. his drol- leries. impossible for that little wretch to ebink reverently of a young girl ; it' e shocking to see her treating him ae if he were a gentleman." Hicks' behavior sexily geve no greunds for reproach ; and it was only his moral mechanism'as Staniford called the character he constructed for him, which he could blame ; nevertheless, the thought of hitn gave an oblique cast to Staniford's reflections, which he cut short by staying: " This sort of worship is every wo- man's due in girlhood ; bat I suppose a fortnight of it will make her a pert ancl silly coquette. What does she say to your literature, Dunham?" Dunham hadalready begun to lend Lydia books,—his own and Staniford's —in which he read aloud to her, and chose passages for her admiration; but he was obliged to report that she had rather a pessive taste in 'literature. She seetned to like what he said was good, but not to like it very much, or to care greatly for reading ; or else she had never had the. habit of talking books. He suggested this to Staniford, who at once philosophized it. " Why, I rather like that, you know. We all read in such a literary way, now; we don't read simply for the joy or profit of it ; we expect to talk about it, and say how it is this and that; and I've no doubt that we're sub -consciously harassed, all the time, with an auto- matic process of criticism. Now 'Aur- elia, I fancy, reads with the sonde of the days when people read in private, and not in public, as we do. She believes that your -serious books are all true ; and she knows that my novels are all lies—that's what some excellent Chris- tians would call the fiction even of George Eliot or of Hawthorne; she would be ashamed to discuss the lives and loves of heroes and heroines who never exited. I think that's first-rate. She must wonder at your distempered interest in them. If one could get at it, I suppose the fresh wholesomeness of Larella's mind would be something de - quality like spring water." He was one of those men who cannot rest in regard to people they meet till they have made some effort to formulate them. He liked to ticket them off; but when he eould not claseify them, he re- mained content with his mere study of them. His habit was one that does not promote sympathy _ with one's fellow creatures. He confessed even that it disposed him to wish for their less acquaintance when once he had got them generalized; they beeame then collected specimens. Yet, for the time being, his curiosity he them gave him a specious air of sociability. He lament- ed the insincerity which tat involved, but h could not help it. The- next novelty in character wati as irresistible as the last ; he sat down before it -till it yielded its meaning, or suggested to him some analogy by Which he could inter- pret it. • With this passion for the arrangement and distribution of his neighbors, it was not long before he had placed most of the people on board in what he Call- ed the physicology of the ship. He did not care that they should fit exactly in their order. He rather preferred that they should have idiosyncracies which differentiated them from their species, and he enjoyed Lydia's Wag a little indifferent about books for this and for other reasons. "If she were literary, she would be like those vulgar little persons of genius in the magazine stories. She would have read all sorts of irnpossible things up in her village. She would have been discovered by some easthethic summer boarder, who had hap- pened to indeatify her with the gifted Daisy Dawn, and she would be going out on the msthetic's money for the further expansion of her apirit in Eu- rope. Somebody would be obliged to fall in love with her, and she would sacrifice her career for a man who was her inferior, as we should be subtly given to understand at the close. I think it's going to be distinguished by and by not to like books as it is not to write them. Lurella is a prophetic soul; and if there's anything comforting about her, it's her being so merely and stupid- ly pretty." "She is net merely and stupidly pretty !" retorted Dunham. " She never , does herself justice when you are by. She can talk very well, and on some -subjects she thinks strongly." "Oh, I'm sorry for that !" said Stani- ford. " But call me sometime when she's doing herself justice." "1 don'tilmean that she's like the wo- men we know. She doesn't say witty things, and she hasn't -their responsive • quickness'but her ideas are her own, no matter how old they are; and what she says she seems to be saying for the first time, art4 as, if it had never been thought out dere." That is what 1 have been contend- ing for," said Staniford; "that is what I meant by spring water. It is that thrilling freshness which charms me in Lurella. ' He laughed. "Have you converted her to your spectacular faith, yet?" Dunham blushed. You have tried," continued.Staniford. "Tell me about it 1" _ • " I will not talk with you on such matters," said Dunham "till you know how to treat serious things serious - ':1 shall know how when I realize that they are serious with you. Well, I don't object to a woman's thinking strongly on religious subjects: it's the only ground for her strong thinking, and even there she had better feel strongly. Did you succeed in convincing her that Archbishop Laud was a saisst incompris, and the good King Charres a blessed martyr." Dunhatn did not answer till he had choked down some natural resentment. He had, several years earlier, forsaken the pale Unitarian worship of his fam- ily, b.ecause Staniford always said, he had such a feeling for color, and had adopted an extreme tint of ritualism. It It was rammed at one time, before his -engagement to Miss Hibbard, that he was going to unite with a celibate brotherhood ; he went regultirly into re treat at certain seasons, to the vast en- tertainment of his friend; and, within the bound o of good taste, he was a zealous propagandist of his faith, of which he had the practical virtues in high degree. I hope," he said present- ly, that I know how to respect convict - tions, even of those adhering to the Church in Error." Staniford laughed again. "1 see you have not converted Lurella. Well, I like that in her, too. I wiah I could have the argumentsnpro and con. It would have been amusing. I suppose " he pondered aloud, "that she is a Cal- vinist of the deepest -dye, and would re- gard me as a lost spirit for being out- side of het church. She would look down upon me from one height, as look down upon her from another. And really, as far as personal satisfaction in superiority goes, she might have the advantage of me. • That's very curious; very interesting." As the first week wore away, the wonted incidents of a sea voyage lent their variety to the life on board. One day the ship ran into a school of whales, which remained heavily thump- ing and lolling about in her course, and blowing jets of water into the air, like so many breaks in the garden hose, Staniford suggested. At another time some flying fish came on board. The sailors caught a dolphin, and they prom- ised a shark by and by. All these things were turned to account for the young girl's amusement, as if they had happened for her. The dolphin died that she might wonder and pity hia beautiful death; the cook fried hersome of the flying fish; some one was on the look out to detect even porpoises for her. A sail in the offing won the dis- coverer envy when he pointed it out to her; a steamer, celebrity. • The captain ran a point out of his course to speak to a, vessel, that she might be able to tell what speaking a ship at sea was like. At table the stores which the young men laid in for private use became own - mon luxuries,and she fared sumptuously every day upon dainties which she sup- posed were supplied by the ship, ---deli- cate jellies and canned meats and syrup - ed fruits; and, if she wondered at any- thing, she must have wondered at the scrupulous abstinence with which Cap- tain Jenness, seconded by Mr. Wetter - son, refused the • luxuries which his bounty provided them and at the con- stancy with which gtaniford declined some of these dishes, and Hicks de- clined others. Shortly after th,e latter began more distinctly to be tolerated,he appeared one day on deck with a steam- er chair in his hand, and offered it to Lydia's use, where she sat on a stool by the bulwark. After that,as she reclined in this chair, wrapped in her red shawl, and provided with a book or some eort of becoming handiwork, she was even more picturesquely than before the cen- tre about which the ship'spride and. chivalrons sentiment revolved. They were Americans, and they knew how to worship a woman. Staniford did not seek occasions to please and amuse her as the others did. When they met, as they must, three times a, day, at table, helook his part in the talk, and now and then addressed her a perfunctory civility. He imagined that she disliked him, and he interested 'himaelf in imagining the ignorant grounds of her dislike. " A woman," he said, "must always dislike some one in company; it's usually another wo- man ; as there's none on board, 1 ac- cept her enmity with meekness." Dun- ham wished to persuade him that Int was mistaken. "Don't try to comfort' me, Dunham," he replied. "1 find a pleasure in being detested which is in- conceivable to your amiable bosom." Dunham turned to go below, from where they stood at the head of the cabin stairs. Staniford looked round, and saw Lydia, whom they had kept from coming up; she must have heard him, He took his cigar from his mouth, and caught up a stool, which he placed near the ship's side, where Lydia usually sat, and without waiting for her concur- rence got a stool for himself, and sat down with her. " Well, Miss Blodd," he said, " it's Seturday afternoon at last, and we're at the end of our first week. Has it seem- ed very long to you ?" Lydia's color was bright with con- sciousness, but the glance she gave Staniford showed him lookingtranquilly and honestly at her. "Yes," she said, "it has seemed long." "That's merely the strangeness of everything. There's; nothing like local familiarity to make the time pass,—ex- cept monotony; and one gets both at sea. Next week will go faster than this, and we shall be at Trieste before we know it. Of course we shall have a dorm or two, and that will retard us-ein fact as well as fancy. But you wouldn't feel that you'd been at sea if yotehadn't a storm." ' not go on, and the words fell again to Lydia. I'm going to visit my aunt, svho is staying there. She was where I live, last summer, and she told us about it. But I couldn't seem to understand "N� one can understand it, without seeing it." "I've read some descriptions of it," Lydia ventured. "They're of no use,—theebooks." " Is Trieste a strange place, too ?" "It's strange, as a hundred other places are,—and it's picturesque; .but there's only one Venice." "I'm afraid sometimes," he faltered, as if his manner in regard to this pecu- liar place had been hopelesely exclusive, " that it will be almost too strange." "Oh, that's another matter," said Staniford. "1 confess I should be rather curious to know whether you liked Venice, I like it, but I can im- agine myself sympathizing with people who detested it,—if 'they said so. Let me see what will give you _some idea of It. Do you know Boston well ?" "No ; I've only been there •twice," Lydia acknowledged. Then you've never seen the Back Bay by night, from the Long Bridge. Well, let rnp see "— " I'm afraid," interposed Lydia," "that I've not been about enough for you to give me an idea from other places. We always go to Greenfield to do our trading; and I've been to Keene and Springfield a good many times." "1 am sorry to say I haven't," said Staniford. " But I'll tell you: Venice looks like an inundated town. If you could imagine those sunset clouds yon- der turned marble you would have Venice as she is at sunset. You !mist first think of the sea when you try to realize the place. If you don't find the sea too strange, you wont find Ven- ice so." "1 wish it would ever seem half as home -like 1" cried the girl. - "Then you find the ship—I'm glad you find the ship--home-like," said Staniford, tentatively. "Ob, yes; everything is so conveni- ent and pleasant. It seems sometimes as if I had always lived here." "Well, that's very nice,' assented Staniford, rather blankly. "Some peo- ple feel a little queer at sea—in the be- ginning. And you haven't—at all ?" He could not help this leading question, yet he knew its meanness, , and felt re- morse for it. "Oh, I did, at first," responded the girl, but went no farther; and Stani- ford was glad of it. After all, why should he care to know what was in her mind? "Captain Jenness," he merely said, "understands making people at .hotne.” "Oh, yes, indeed, assented Lydia. "And Mr. We.tteraon is very agreeable, and Mr. Mason. I didn't suppose sail- ors were so. What soft, mild voices they have !" "That's the speech of most of the Down East coast people." • "Is it? I _like it better than our voices. Our voices are so sharp and high, at' home." It's hard to believe that," said Staniford, with a smile. Lydia looked at him. "Oh, I wasn't born in South Bradfield. I was ten years old when I went there to live." • "Where were you born, Miss Blood ?" he asked. "In California. My father had gone out for his heal*, but he died there." REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. DUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—The under- • signed has a number of fine building Lots on Goderich and James Streets for sale, at lew prices. For particulars apply to D. D. WILSON 908 He knew that his tone was patronizing, but he had theorized -the girl so much with a certain slight in his mind that he was not able at once to get the tone which he usually took towards women. This might not, indeed, have pleased sonte women any better than patronage; it mocked while it caressed alt their lit- tle pretences and artificialities; he ad- dressed them as if they must be in the joke of thernaelves, and did not expect to be taken seriously. At the eame time he liked them greatly, and would not On any account have had the silliest of them different from what she was. He did not seek them as Dunham did; their society was not a matter of life or death with him; but he had an elderly - brotherly: kindness for the Whole sex. Lydia waited awhile for him to say something more, but he added nothing, and she observed, with a furtive look: "1 presume you've seen some very se- vere storms at sea." "No," Staniford answered, "1 have- n't. I've been over several timee, but I've never seen anything alarming. I've experienced the ordinary seasickening tempestuousness." "Have you—have you ever been in Italy ?" asked Lydia, after another he said, " twice; I'm very fond of Italy." He spoke of it in - familiar tone that might well have been discouraging to one of her total unao- quaintence with it. Preeently he add- ed of his own motion, looking at her with his taterest in her as a -carious study, "You're going to Venice,' think Mr. Dunham told me." Yes " said Lydia. "1,Yell, I think it's rather a pity that you shouldn't arrive there directly,with- ont the interposition of Teieste." He scanned her yet more closely, but with a sort of absence in hie look, as if he ad- dressed some ideal of her. Why ?" seld Lydia, apparently pushed to Borne self-assertio,n by this way of being looked and talked at. "It's the strangest place in the world," said Staniford: and then he Mused again. But I iuppose"—He did "Oh !" said Staniford. He had a book in his hand, and he began to scrib- ble a little sketch of Lydia's pose on a fly -leaf.. She looked rouncl aud saw it. "You've detected me," he said; "1 haven't any right to keep your likeness, now. I must make you a present of this work of art, Miss Blood.'. He finished the sketch with some ironical flourishes, and made as if to tear out the leaf. . "Oh !" cried Lydia, "you will spoil the book !', "Then the book shall go with the pic- ture if you'll let it," said Staniford. "Do you mean to give it to me ?" she asked with surprise. 'That was my munificent intention. I want to write your name in it. What's the initial of your first name, Mies Blood ?" "I, thank you," said Lydia. !Ilford gave a start. 'No !" he exclaimed. It seemed a fatality. "My name is Lydia," persisted the girl. " Wnat letter should it begin with ?" Oh—oh, I knew Lydia began with an L,", stammered_ Staniford, "but I --I —I thought your'first name was "— " What ?" asked, Lydia sharply. "I don't know. Lily," he answered guiltily. ' "Lily Blood !" cried the girl. "Lydia • is bad enough; but Lily Blood ! They couldn't have been such fools !" "1 beg your pardon. Of course not. I don't know how I eould have got the idea. It was one of those impressions —hallucinations "—Staniford found him- self in an attitude of lying excuee to-, wards the simple girl, over whom he had' been lording it in satirical fancy ever since he had seen her, and meekly anxious that she should not be vexed with him. He began to laugh at his predicament,- and she smiled at his mistake. "What is the date?" he asked. • "The 15th," she said; and he wrote under the sketch. Lydia Blood, Ship Aroostook, August 15, 1874, and handed itito her, with a bow surcharged with gravity. She took -it, and regarded the picture without comment. "Ah !" said Staniford, "1 see that you know how bad my sketch is. You sketch." "No, I don't know how to draw, re- plied Lydia. "Von criticize." "So glad," said Staniford. He began to like this. A. young man must find pleasure in sitting alone near a pretty young girl, and talking with her about herself and himself, no matter how plain and dull her opeech ie ; and Staniford, though he found Lydia as blankly unre- sponsive as might be to the flattering irony of his habit, amused himself in realizing that here suddenly he was almost upon the tering of a window -seat flirtation with a girl whom lately he had treated with perfect indifference, and just now with fatherly patronage. • (To be continued.) TA( OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—The sub. scriber offers for sale the Muse north of the Egniondville Inanse, together with three acres of land, • euitable for building purposes. On the front are a quantity of young fruit trees commencing to bear. WM. ELLIOTT. 1116 TIMM FOR SALE.—For sale the north half of X Lot 26, Concession 2, DicKillop, one mile from Seaforth, containing 50 acres, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There Is a good frame house, a new bank barn and two good wells of water. It is one of the choicest lots in the district and will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. O. SAMUEL LUFF. 1157t1 FARM FOR. SALE.—For eale, Lot 31, Con- cei3s1on 5, Molilllop, containing 100 acres, about 90 acres cleared and all in a good state of cultivation. It is [well underdrained and well fenced. There Is a good brick house and good frame barns, stables, sheds, &c. There is a large bearing orchard" and a never failing spring well. It is situated within three miles of Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN McCLURE, Porter's Hill P. 0. • 1168t1 T1ARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber offers for 12 sale his farm, being Lot No. 41, conces- sion 13, East Wawanosh, containing fifty acres more or less, situatedtwo and a half milts from Wingham, all cleared and under a state of good cultivation, well fenced and watered. On the premises are a good home and bank barn with outbuildings and two good orchards. For par- ticulars apply to the owner, THOMAS K. LINK - LATER, Wingham, Ont. 1141 LIAM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale X cheap, the East half of Lot 20, Bayfield Road, Stanley, containing 64 acres, of which 62 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. The balance is well timbered with hard- wood. There are good buildings, a bearing orchard and plenty of water. It is within half a mile of the Village of Varna and three miles from Brucefield station. Possession at any time. This is•a rare chance to buy a first claim farm pleasantly situated. Apply to ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth. 1144tf FARM FOR SALE.—Undersigned offer fo sale- the farm of 100 acres, being lot 30, 11th concession of Hullett, belonging to the estate of the late Richard Cole. On the place there is a Iran: e house, good barn, stables &me young bearing orchard of one acre and first- class wells. Situated about one mile west of Londesboro. About ninety acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, Posiession lst of April. Apple on the premises or to either of the Executors. JOHN COLE, Belgrave ; H. RADFORD, Londesboro. 1139tf FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 12, conces- sion 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, 85 cleared, 63 seeded to grass, 8 sown to fall wheat. The farm is well-feneed, well under -drained and well watered by a never failing spring which runs through pipes. into' a trough. There is a brick house and kitchen, frame barn, stable an -I driving shed. Good orchard. The farm is' situated within two and a half miles of Seaforth, with good gravel roads leading in all directions. Will be sold on easy terms. For further particulars apply on the premises or to JOHN PRENDER- GAST, Seaforth P. O., Ont. 1136tf Savages expect to imbibe bravery by drink - lag the blood of their bravo enemies. A more enlightened method oi vitalising the blood is by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It braces up the sena:and gives strengtta and fortitude to en- dntre the trials of life. FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, the south half of Lot 23, Concession. 6, Morris, containing 100 acres, about 90 of 'which are cleared, well fenced, about 70 free from stumps and well underdrained. The balance is well timbered wittardwood. The cleared part is nearly all seedee to grass. There is a frame house and trams Darn, also a small orchard. This is one of the oeet farms in the township and has no broken or bad land on it, and is good for either grain or stock and will be sold cheap. It is within three miles of Brussels and within a quarter of a mile of a school. Apply on the premises or to Brussels P. 0. 'WM. or JOHN ROBB, Jr. 1144t1 FARM FOR SALE.—Containing 119 acres, being parts of Lots 1 and 2, on the 8th concession of Morris, 100 acres cleared and 6 acres chopped. The .ba nnce good hardwood bush, fairly fenced and w 11 underdrained, good frame house and kitchen with woodshed attached. two frame barns and frame stable, good orchard and three wells and a soft water cistern. Within two miles of Blyth, where there is a good market for all kinds of produce, school within five minutes' walk from the house. Would take fifty acres in part pay. This is a first class farm and parties wishing to buy would do well to call and see it. Apply on the premises or address Blyth Post Office. NICH- OLAS CURING. 113941 • FARMS IN TUCKERSMITH AND STAN- LEY FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 21, Con- cession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, of which 85 acres are cleared, free from stumps, all underdrained, well fenced and in a high state of cultivation. The balance is well timbered with hardwood, There is a good brick residence containing all the latest im- provements and conveniences, a good barn, stables, driving house, sheds and other out- buildings all in good repair. There are three acres of orchard and garden containing all kinds of large and small fruit trees and the whole farm is surrounded by maple and other shade trees. It is close to school and is con- venient to markets, railways, churches, etc., and good gravel roads leading in every direction. *There are three never failing wells. This is one of the best farms in Huron and will be sold cheap as the proprietor desires to remove to Manitoba where he has purchased more land. Apply on the premises or address Brucefield P. 0. GEORGE PLEWES. MEW r MAT 80 1890, He also offers for sale for the same reason his farm in the Township of Stanley, being Lot 12, Concession 6, Stanley, containing 100 acres, about 76 acres cleared, free from stumps and in a state of good cultivation, the balance well timbered. There is a comfortable frame house, frame barn and drivinr house and stables. There is a good orchard and plenty of water. It is within three miles of Varna and 'con- veniently situated for markets. Apply On the premises or to -either of the undersigned. WM. T. PLEWES, Varna P. 0.; GEORGE PLEWES, Brucefleid. 1127tf HAND -MADE Boots and Shoes D. Mc INTYRE INTELLIGENT PEOPLE Do not feel flattered by the methods of those who seen to think -ihey can bully them into buying. Most people Know What They Want A great deal better than the merchant knows. They know, too, what their means are Has on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of his own mute, best material and Warranted to give Satisfaction. If you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair of our boots, which will be sold AND WHAT TO PAY For their goods without extravagance. Knowing all these things perhaps THEY DO NOT KNOW The place where they can trade to best advantage and would be glad of a hint CHEAP FOR CASH. Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds. of Boots and Shoes made to order. All parties who have not paid their accounts for la.st year will please call and settle up. 1162 D. McINTYRE, Seaforth. Flax for Farmers There is yet a lot of Flax to be let out for the Seaforth Flax Mil. Parties desiring to sow it this sea- son should a,pply at once at Grieves' Seed Store,Seaforth 1165 J. & J. LIVINGSTON. WHERE TO GO. We can only say we do our best by all and invite buyers, when looking around, not to overlook Pickard's Bargain Dry Goods, Clothing and Millinery House, Seaforth. WM, PICKAR-D5 Corner Main and Market streets, Seaforth. 'IN DARKEST AFRICA.' HAMILTON & MINNES s_A_PIOIR•1111-1, For Cheap Boots & Shoes. We are still keeping to the front in the shoe line, and as we have purchased a -very large stock for the spring trade, we are prepared' to sell goods which will suit everybody, both in style and price. Our stock is complete, and any one wishing to provide themselves with anew pair of shoes, will do well to call and see our stock aid prices. We do not confine our bargains to three or four days in a month, but we will give you goods for thirty days in a month at .prices that cannot be surpassed by any one. rpHE PUBLIC are hereby notitled that the 1 title of STANLEY'S NEW BOOR is " In Darkest Africa," and anyone representing any other boox as containing an account of the Relief oif Emin Pasha will be liable to prose- cution. Any one subscribing for any other book on such false representations is not bound either Isgally or morally, bo aecept such book, or to pay for the same when presented. The Presbyterian News Co., Toronto. D. T. MeAINSH, !tanager. - 1169 We have just received a few lines of goods from New York, manu- factured by Nathaniel Fisher & Co., that are extraordinary good value. Everybody should see these goods, for when you see them you will buy them. We have a very fine line of Ladies' and Children's Tan Goods, also Olive and Coffee color, which are very cheap. Men's, a Bos' and Youths' goods in abundance. As we must sell • v these goods in the next two- months, the prices will be made right. TRUNKS AND VALISES. We have an overstock of Trunks and Valises, and we will have to dispose of them in some way to give us a little more room, so this is a splendid chance for any one wishing to get a trunk. Call and examine our goods at the RED FRONT SHOE STORE HAMILTON 8c McINNES, Latimer's Old Sand, Opposite William Pickard's, Seaforth. 0-, THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES 31" -, GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. .9 gm• When I say Cure I do not Mien i:al merely to stop them for a time, and ther tave them return again. 1 MEAN A R A D /CA L C U R E. I have made the diseale of Fite Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study. I 'warrant my. remedy to ours tiu rorst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Seed a: ince for a treatise and a Free Bettie of my Infallible Remedy. Give Explass an ?ost Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :—H. G. ROOT 11.0•1 aranch office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. SPRING CLOTHING. • Our success in selling our Winter Clothing and Overcoats, has in- duced us to buy a very large stock of Men's, Youths' and Chiidien's Suits for this SPIZI1\TC+'S We have bought the nicat, neatest and nobbiest stock of goods this spring that has ever been offered for sale in Seaforth. We have fine goods, elegantly made, almost equal to custom work, cut right in style, and the prices are right. You must certainly come in and see them. To the ladies we will say that we can outdo any bargains ever offered in Boys' and Children's Suits. In our Custom Department we are not •excelled in nobby styles, perfect fits, or first-class workmanship. Our prices are always the lowest. We keep the latest styles in Hats, Caps and Gloves.— Ties from five cents to fifty cents. Braces frora 20c up. Our large stock of Straw Hats just arrived. New Music Store IN SEAFORTH. Parist & O'Connor. HAYS opened outnext door to Jordan's Grocery Seaforth, an ORGAN AND PIANO DEPOT. DEATH TO HIGH PRICES NOW. They have tile agency of the THOMAS ORGAN, with Scribner's Resonant Pipe Combination. They have also Tiolins and other small instruments. tifr Please Give them a Call. CARDNO BROS., SEAFOR,TH G. N. W. Te1egr4h ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS. Direct duplicate wires to all principal pointe; offices everywhere; prompt and reliable service; connects with Western Union Telegraph Com- pany to all parts of United States, and with cables to all parts of the world; money orders by telegraph; use the best. CANADIAN EXPRESS CO. Offites at all railroad points; forward mer- • chandise, money and packages of every descrip- tion : collect notes, drafts, accounts, &c. Re- na itters of money secured against loss, and the charge for transmission 18 very low. Produc* for merchandise requiring protection from heat or cold, will have our best attention. 1160 W. SOMERVILLE, Agent. P1aning Mill,Lumber Yard - AND SAW MILL IN CONNECTION 1181 DEMAND POND'S EXTRACT. AVOID mil n ALL IMITATIONS. ALL PAIN Influenza Feminine Complaints Lameness Soreness Wounds FeijgdsiariF, B•rakes Catarrh Burns • Piles It will Cure. -Chilblains Sore Eyes Frost -Bites He- rseness -Son Throat :filieumatism TETZ: inflammations Hemorrhages The subscriber would beg to call attention to the laege stock of dressed and 'undressed lumber which he slways keeps on band, at the very lowest Vices. Bill Stuff cut to any order on Short Notice. Good Cedar cut into timber or posts. A good stock of Hemlock Logs at Saw Milt, Lot 29, Concession 16, Grey, which will be cut to any order on shortest notice. Lumber delivered at reasonable rates when desired Osders by mail promptly filled. Address BRODHAOIN P. 0. Charles Querengesser, 1105 Concession 8, Logan MADE ONLY. BY THE POND'S EXTRACT Kippen Plow Shop. •04a"'t Plows for All THOMAS MEWS Again getting ready for the benefit of his many customers, and all farmers in need of Plows Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Cultivators, Har rows, which are all genuine, and sold at 'bottom prices. Why, farmers, throw your hard casn away, when yon can save by calling on me for your plows and implements Plow Repairing— Farmers, now is the time to hunt up your Plows. A larger stock than ever of plow repairs on hand. The best American mould boards for all kinds of plows on hand, and put on every kind of plow& Genuine plow handles, plow bolts, plow cult - ings, gang castings, in het everything in the - plow line, to be had by going tothe Kippen Plow Shop. Good work and small profits leads us to MOM& hereby return thanks to my many customer for their large share of patronage during the past, and also for their prompt payments during the bard times, and wishicg you all better sue- oess this year. 1161 -if 1. MELLIS, Kippen. John. S. Porter's' Undertaking and Furni-1 ture Emporium, EAFORTH, - ONTARIO. OUTSIDE OF THE COMBINATION. Funerals furnished on the shortest notice and eatisfaction guaranteed. A large assort- ment of Caskets; Coffins and Shrouds, dce.,1 -always en hand of the best quality. The best of Embalming Fluid abed free of charge and prices the lowest. Fine Hearse. S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director. ResH dense — GODERICH STREET, direetly op- posite the Methodist church in the house : formerly °coupled by Dr. Scott. andinnin' 11.17 OTTON ROOT COMPOUND.—Com d of Cotton Root, Tansy and ennyroyal—prepared by an old phy- iCiSD. Is osecessfully 'used monthly by thousands of women, and has been prescribed in a practice of over thirty years. Prioe, V.. Will be -mailed to any address in Canada and United States. Doctor's consul- tation hours, to 11 and 1 4. Diseases of women treated only. Sealed part:culars, two stamps. Ladiee only Addrese P0.1-8 LILY COMPANY, No. 3, Fishe Bloc 131. Woodward Avenue, Detroit Michigan. 1163-13 GODERICH Steam Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED 1880) Chrystal & Black Manufactusers of all kinds of Station erg, Marine, Upright& Tubutar BOILERS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc. Aleo dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve Engiees. Automatic Cut -Off Engines specialty. All sizes of pipe and pipe TtfThg constantly on hand. ,tiireates furrdshed at short Reties. Works opposite G. T. R. Station, Godetich. • Rao ereislots' Thar; pre; There s peel And even' And all 'then For I'm 0 But Je es, itU And rim There's Mar That look But speekle Like the Tlaere's Dee Like inusi But Jess, And I'm . -There's Su. Gosh. bu -And litaggie A Whole There's Ilal And brow, But -Jess, -eh And rim h a Now Jesse Eut quitel Seer feet caTI And her b Tier slas.pe Her teeth But then, fl And Pm 1 fier hands! 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