HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-05-30, Page 190,
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. 377110LE NUMBER 1,172.
Cheap Cash Store
—OF -
A Plea for the .Much Abused
DEAR EXPOSITOR. —I was Somewhat
amused in reading the letter of C.Michie
of Sunshine, which appeared in your
issue of the 16th inst., in reference to
the growing of turnips, and especially
at some of the arguments he adduces in
favor of the discontinuance of this too
much abused crop. It has been said
that "to err is human," and the writer
of this letter is, in my opinion, very
human. He is evidently wearing blue
spectacles, and consequently he sees no
business ability or tact in the average
farmer, and very little in turnips but
water. As the public have been invited
to discuss the question raised by your
Morris correspondent, I will, with your
permission, make a few observations
upon his letter, trusting that they will
be received by him in the kindly spirit
in which they are written. Taking his
letter then figuratively as a turnip, we
will put it into one retort and see if we
cannot evaporate about as much water
from it as is usually contained in one of
the juicy biennials, leaving the remain-
ing 10 per cent. for the benefit of your
readers. Mr. Michie alludes in the first
place to the slipshod, happy-go-lucky
manner in which most farmers manage
their affairs. They raise horses, cattle,
sheep, etc.; thep keep cows and patron-
ize the dairy, and grow grain of all
kinds and yet he says they do not seem
to know which of the branches is the
most profitable, or "whether there is
any profit in any of them." Nov are
these facts ? We leave the readers of
CARDNO'S BLOCK, THE ExPOBITOR to judge. Are there
not in the county of Huron, as well as
SEAF0 R-r-Hnumher of successful farmers, and does
a it not require high business ability, skill,
and tact as well, tit run a well regulated
farm? The fact that when the black-
smith leaves his anvil, the merchant his
counter or the mechanic his bench, and
gets behind the handles of a plow, his
-farm soon *goes under, vould seem to in-
dicate that the farmer, to be successful,'
requires a higher business ability, a
keener intellect, and a wider range of
knowledge than is required in any of the
callings aboye mentioned. There was a
a time when the farmer, by simply stir-
ring the ground with his plow, and
scattering in the preciou8 seed, could
coax the soil to bring forth by hand-
fuls when his wants were fewer, when
better prices could be realized for all
kinds of farm produce when he was bet-
ter governed and taxation was light,and,
when without an unjust tariff he could
sell and buy in his nearett and best
market. In these good times almost
any novice could succeed tn farming.
But how different is the farmers' condi- -
tion to -day in. this country. To secure
a good crop so many conditions are re-
quired, that the good crop is often the
exception and not the rule, and even
when the farmer does secure a good
crop he has often very little for his
labor on account of the very low price
of cereals, and the high _price he has to
pay for labor-saving machinery with
which to raise and harvest a crop. And
when we add,that the Dominion Govern-
ment of to -day is the most extravagant,
the most corrupt and the most reckless
that ever governed a great and free peo-
ple; that its policy discriminates against
the farmer, practically shutting him
out from his nearest and best market on
the one hand, and on the other taxing
him for everything he buys, even the
necessaries of life,—does it not speak
volumes for the skill and prudence with
which many farmers manage their farms,
when with even these deadly odds
against them, they not only hold their
own, but actually lay by a competence.
In answer to his main question, "Is
it profitable (all things considered) to
grow turnips ?" which question, he says,
not one in fifty can answer. I will say
yes, and will give my reasons further
on. He seems to take for granted that a
'farmer ought to know how many dollars
and cents it costs to raise a fieid of tur-
nips, "all things considered," and how
many dollars and cents said turnips are
worth when fed to mixed stock, taking
into account exhaustion of soil, value of
manure and increase in weight of
stock, that is "all things considered."
Well, these are deep questions and
when the scientific agriculturist
or professor on his experimental
farm, with all the necessary appliances
at his cornmand cannot fully solve these
puzzling questions, one can hardly ex-
pect the average farmer to help him
out. As to his assertion that cattle can-
not be successfully wintered on "straw
and turnips without a little grain," I
would say that they cannot be brought
out fat, but they can be brought out in
fair average condition, if the strew is
good and the roots are not stinted too
much. I might say, also, that I have
fattened stock for the Exeter market on
turnips and hay alone, although I admit
it took longer than if grain had been
used in addition to the roots.
In conclusion, the writer, after say-
ing that he had large experience in
feeding stock, sums up his objections to
the growing of turnips in eight counts,
some of which I will only touch briefly.
First, he says that " all or nearly all the
manure about the average barnyard is
needed to enrich from three to four acres'
upon which to grow the crop. "N ow,I grant
that land should be well manured for
roots of any kind, not simply or alto-
gether that the growing tubers should
be sopplied with abundant nourish-
ment, although this is necessary, too
but that the soil may be loose and mel-
low, thus allowing the small seed to
germinate quickly, and get into the
rough leaf, escaping the ravages of the
fly. But after the tubers are gath-
ered in the fall, has all,
or nearly all the manure that was
put upon the and . been removed by
• the crop? I answer, no. The effect
will be seen for years to come, if the
manuring has been liberal. In his sec-
ond, third, fourth and fifth, he objects
to the crop on account of the great
aer.ount of labor required in preparing
in every county in the Province, a large
NOTICE.—Agents for
ick's reliable patterns and
the land, sowing, cultivating, gathering
in the crop, &c. These objections are
well put, and rather tell against the
crop. But still with improved methods
of culture, we now get our seed in
earlier, thus leaving more tiine for the
root crops. This year, we will have the
elections for the Local Legislature early
in June, and if spared will make it a
point to be at the polls, turnips or no
turnips, to cast a good solid vote to
sustain the wisest and most economical
Government that ever governed a free
people. In his sixth count, he says
that the farmer must have a large root
house. This objection does not tell
very much against the crop, as most
farmers now have bank barns, and in
building a stone or brick stable, a part
of it is generally left for roote, as a
matter of course. Seventh.—He com-
plains that the roots should be harvest-
ed when the farmer is busy plowing and
preparing things for winter. The force
of this objection is only apparent, as in
harvesting three or four acres of these
juicy bulbs he is making one of the
best preparations he possibly can for
winter. Long after, when the winter
has set in, and the Btock has been for a
time upon dry feed, how they will relish
the much abus?,d turnips. Is it the
water they contain that makes the cattle
eat themwith such avidity? No it is
because they are green food and largely
• take the place of the succulent grass in
summer. But it is to his eighth objec-
tion that I wish to devote special atten-
tion, for in it he makes the astounding
statement in one breath that "the crop
is exceedingly exhaustive on the land,"
nothing being left in the land, etc.,
and in the next breath he says, that we
are told that "after the crop has been
carefully housed that the whole pile
contaihs 90,per cent. of Water," Now,
if as he says, the cup is very exhaust-
ing on land and the bulk of the crop 90
per cent. is water, • then perforce either
the abstraction of water from the soil is
an Ochausting process, or then the 10
per cent. solid matter remaining must
be onolof the most concentrated foods
known. If the former is true, then our
lands must soon become impoverished
for lack of moisture. , Will the rivers
ever cease to roll their volumes to the
ocean, will the ocean itself ever cease to
exist, and will the sun ever cease to
shine, and by his evaporative power to
raise the countless billions of tons of
water that .are daily raised from its
broad surface to be caught up by the
clouds and wafted by the -winds to the
remotest bounds of the earth, to de-
scend again in the refreshing showers
and thus water the thirsty ground. Till
these conditions obtain, and. this will
not be until Dr. Wild's "New Earth"
comes, so long will these be invested in
the soil. But if the latter is true, then
this remaining 10 per cent. must be
very valuable for feeding, as it contains,
according to Mr. Michie's own state-
ment, all the elements that are contain-
ed in the manure which is scattered so
liberally upon the land for this crop.
As to his objection that there is no
Btraw left upon the land after the crop
is removed, we would simply ask:
Where in the name of all that is won-
derful does the material of which straw
is composed come from. We answer'
partly from the soil, and partly from
the air. We understand that when we
burn straw the white ash or earth that
remains is the part that -was removed
from the Boil by the grain while grow-
ing. Now,when we return this straw in
the form of manure or stubble, we are
only returning a small part of what was
taken from the soil, the bulk generally
on very many farms going to market for
low prices, thus impoverishing the soil.
Now, turnips do not grow straw, at
least the first year of their growth, but
they grow tops or shaws, and these are
generally left on the land, but if eaten
offit is all the same, as they then
pass through the body -of the animal, as
alao do the roots themselves, and thus
they sooner or later find their way
back to the soil, in the form of rich ma-
nure. Again, if turnips do not grow
straw, then the material of which the
straw would be formed is either left in
the soil, or comes back in the form of
manure. In conclusion, I would say
that -my reasons for growing turnips are,
first, that they furnish an abundance of
green food during* winter, thus putting
stock in a fine natural condition, and
enabling them to assimilate more dry
feed ; second, they futnish water for
stock in winter in a warm and mild
form third, and last, they are easy on
land, nearly everything coming back to
the soil. Thanking you, Mr. Editor,
for so much since in your valuable pa
per. I am,
• Perth Items.
• When the St. Mary's tax collector
returned the roll $370 remained uncol-
—The Yormg Men's Christian Associ-
ation, Stratford, have organized a foot
ball dub.
—Mr. Gus. Goebel, of Mitchell, lost
the best horse in his livery stable last
week. Its leg was broken.
—George Merrill was sentenced to 30
-days in jail -for prowling around Mr.
Keeler's residence in Mitchell:
—Rev. Mr. Chrystal has handed in
his resignation of the charges of Avon -
ton and Carlingford -churches.
The annual sermon to the Foresters of
Fullerton village will be preached by
Rev. M. Alaxworth, of St. Johns, on
Sunday, June lat.
—Mr. J. B. Dinkel, for many years a
respected, resident of Listowel, left a
few days ago to fill a situation in Den-
—Mr. Jacob Sehellcnberger, proprie-
tor of the Rhine hotel, at Kastnerville,
died very euddenly on Monday morning
last week, from the effects of a paralytic
—Dr. Rutherford -was thrown out of
his buggy the other night in Listowel
by his -rig colliding with another rig.
The doctor was thrown with such force
as to dislocate his shoulder. • _
—The young people of Avonbank
have organized - a Young People's So-
Ciely of Christian Endeavor, and Imre a
merhabership of over sixty. May their
efforts be crowned with success.
— Going home about 10.30 o'clock
Saturday night, Mr. Albert Herman, of
St. Marys, loat a puree containing $19.
Early Sunday morning, while in search
for it, he found the purse lying open
and the money taken therefrom.
- eommercial traveller and a citizen
engaged in a_pitched battle on the priblic
street, in St. Marys, Sunday evening.
They were before Mayor Poole and R.
Box, J. P. on Monday, and were each
fined $5 and costs.
—Mr. Wolfe said wife, of Wallace
had a narrow escape on Thursday of'
last week, as they were returning from
church. Their horse took fright and
ran away throwing Mr. Wolfe and wife
out, but happily without injuring them.
—The German Methodists, of Wal-
lace, had a monster bee on Tuesday of
laat week, Imilding a fence around the
grave yard. Rev. Mr. Harrell, succes-
sor to Rev. H. Dierlamm, seems to be
getting along well with his new charge.
—The councils of North Easthope and
Ellice townships are considering the
propriety ohopening a large drain in the
low lands of these townships; It is
proposed to begin the drain at Topping
in North Eastbhpe, and end it on the
town line near Gadshill.
—At the annual 'fat cattle show held
at Shakespeare on the 14th inst. There
were 92 head of cattle exhibited, weigh-
ing 133,940 pounds. The cattle were
purchased by Mr. Waddell, for the Eng-
lish market, and in return for them
nearly $7,000 went into -the farmers'
pockets. They filled five cars.
—Two St. Marys residents met with
painful accidents last week. Mr. Wm.
McIetyre was employed in the carpen-
ter shop at the Maxwell works when a
knot flew from a bard, striking him in
the eye. And on :Saturday, while Mr.
Cooper was engaged on the sharper he
had the end of his thamb taken off.
I3oth will take a rest for a few weeks.
—The other day in Stratford a piece
of paper flew in the face of one of the
horses attached to Tune & Robertson's
delivery wagon. The horse was fright-
ened and started to run away. Mr.
George Tune happened to be at the
horses' heads,and in eudeavoring to hold
them back was thrown under their feet
and severely bruised, narrowly esceping
with his life.
{McLEAN 13R08. Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
literal interpreation may be, has changed the loop tightened on Mr. Norris' foot,
the law but that the matter was before and he was thrown down and dragged
the court at the present time for deci- through the field and an adjoining bush
sion," while on the other hand the On- till he was shockingly cut and bruised.
tario Government always declared that When found an hour later he was dead.
the law always was and still is that Mr. Norris was a very respectable man.
every ratepayer by law is a Public
School supporter, and the court has
since decided that the Government was
correct. Butt° put doubt or difference
of opinion out. of the question,a Bill was
passed last sesiiion declaring this very
proposition, a copy of which I enclose.
views concerning the use of the ballot
in elections for Public and Separate
School Trustees?
ANSWER. —I am in favor of making an
optional law for all. But you will no-
tice that the ballot system in the town
of Brussels has been tried and found
wanting and the people there were
anxious to return to open voting and
Mr. Gibson got an amendment put into
the enclosed Bill to that effect.
THIRD QUESTION. —Are you in favor of
making English the language of instruc-
tion in all the schools supported by the
people and the only language in examin-
ANSWER,—Yes, as far as it is
practicable. I need not remind you that
English is taught in every school in this
Province at the present time receiving
Government aid.
FOURTH QUES1ION. —Are you in favor
of requiring all teachers to undergo the
same examinations for certificates before
being allowed to teach in Ontario.
ANSWER. —Yes, that is the law at the
present time and always has been since
lams QUESTION.—Would you ailaiSt
an agitation in favor of the abolition of
Separate Schools?
ANSWER. —Such an agitation would,
in my humble opinion be useless, and to
say yes, would be only trying to deceive
both myself and my friends. You will
notice that Mr. Meredith, the leader of
the opposition has laid down as his plat-
form i
n his speech at London, "that we
had implanted in our constitution the
decree that there shall be Separate
Schools and that we cannot alter that if
we would." Mr. Meredith has never
said at any time that he would abolish
Separate Schools. On the other hand
Mr. Mowat said in his place in Parlia-
ment "that the matter of Roman
Catholic Separate Schools in Ontario
and Protestant Separate Schools in Que-
bec was one of those things which there
was to be no power on this side of the
Atlantic to change to the injury of these
schools." Do you mean by your ques-
tion to abolish only the Roman Catholic
Separate Schoo)s. If you mean only
Roman Catholic Separate Schools where
does the Equal Rights come in ? If you
mean all Separate Schools I draw your
notice to this fact, that while you would
abolish 240 Roman Catholic Separate
Schools in Ontario you would abolish 9
Protestant Separate Schools in Ontario
d 980 Protestant Separate Schools in
ebec, making in all 989 Protestant
Separate Schools against 240 Roman
Catholic Separate Schools. That is the
destroying of four Protestant Separate
S-chools to one Roman Catholic Separate
School. Surely there is food for reflec-
tion here. Would that be fair to our
Protestant friends in Quebec; and if not
in the one case, why in the other.
with Prince Cararnan-Chimay, made a
settlement on the Prince of $100,000.
—The Catholic School Board in Set
kirk West, Manitoba, has complied with
the new Manitoba school law without
the least sign of a grumble. The Separ-
ate school ceased to exist on May first,
and the young lady teacher therein was
at once engaged by the Public School
Board. Her Catholic scholars are now
in attendance at the Public schools.
—At the inquest on the Longue Pointe
Asylum fire Dr. Duquette expressed the
opinion that 70 persons perished in the
conflagration. He condemned the high
building for asylum purposes, and said
it Was a great mistake to have placed
the violent patients in the fourth story.
He also said there were no ladders avail-
able. If there had been, more of the
patients could have been saved.
—John Allan, i a Toronto machinist, -
had been shooting rats with a small rifle,
and after killing one rat reloaded the
rifle and stood it in a corner. He went
into his shop, and while gone Maty
Allan, a 7 -year-old child, picked up the
rine and pointed it at her 2 -year-old
brother James. The little girl accident-
ally pulled the trigger, and the baby
was shot in the head.
—The marriage ceremony of Miss
Martin, daughter of E. Martin, Q. C.,
of Hamilton, and Mr. Baldwin, of To-
ronto, has been set for June 5, the elec-
tion day, and this has necessitated a
rather novel mode of going to church.
As all the cabs have been engaged for
carrying electors, Mr. Martin has been
obliged to charter two street cars, and
in these the bridal party will ride to
Christ Church Cathedral.
—Mary Jane Hutton, M. D., is the
name and title of the latest acquisition
to the medical fraternity of Forest.
Miss Hutton enjoys the distinction of
being the first native of Forest to ac-
quire the title of M. D., as well as that
He leaves a wife and three children. a
—Mr. Thomas Hodgins, of Lucan, has
purchased the Atkinson estate in that
neighborhood for $5,210. The farm con-
tained 114 acres, and Mr. Atkinson re-
fused $8,500 for this farm some eight
years since.
—A woman named Maggie Smith is
under arrest at Chatham for making and
passing counterfeit 10 -cent pieces and
nickels. The latter are very clever imi-
—Mr. Gavin Fleming, ex-M.P. died
at Glenmorris, Brant county, on the
19th inst. In his decease ended a life
of great industry and usefulneas, integ-
rity and honesty.
—At the Brantford races on Friday,
there was a dog race between the cele-
brated trotting dog Doc, of Brighton,
and Peter Gerrie's dog Con, from Elora,
and resulted in Con getting to heats
out of three.
—In consequence of the Windsor
Record leaving the market bylaw out of
their last issue, the voting on it cannot
take place on June 11, and another elec-
tion, occasioning considerable loss, will
havelto be called.
—One hundred head of cattle belong-
ing to the Liste Kaye ranche at Bal-
gowie, Northwest Territory, started
south during a snovvatorm last winter,
and the remains of 54 head have been
—The late W. Marshall of Kingston,
left pm estate valued at $55,000. He be-
quathed $15,000 to his wife, the re-
mainder to betclivided between his sister
and brother.
HIBBERT, May 20th.
Yours, etc.,
—President Wilson, of the Toronto
University, received a letter from the
Marquis of Lorne regarding assistance
for the restoration of the university,and
stating that he has written to leading
European universities on behalf of tthe
institution. re -3t -o
—Mr. Charles Askew, for twelve
years clerk of the Division Court, St.
Thomas, and for five or six years prev-
ious Division Court bailiff, died Friday
at the age of 76 years. He was a resi-
dent of St. Thomas for the past 30
—The jubilee anniversary of the Up,
per Canada Bible Society was held Wed-
nesday night last week at Toronto:
The largest revenue in the history of the
society ($33,444) was reported, and an
eloquent address was delivered by Rev.
Dr. Little, of Syracuse.
—The statistics of the Methodist
churches in Hamilton show the follow-
ing membership: Gore Street, 395;
Centenary, 536; Weeley, 650; First
Methodist, 471; Zion Tabernacle, 329;
Simcoe Street, 213; Hannah Street,262;
Emerald Street, 135.
—A young man named Miller went
into the Eagle knitting factory, Hamil-
ton, Friday, in search of work. He fell
in a faint on the floor. It was elicited
from him afterward that he had walked
from Galt, and had had nothing to eat
all day. He was taken to the hospital.
SIXTH QUESTION. —Are you in favor
of having all Inspectors of Schools both
Public and Separate paid in the same
way and whether are you in favor of
paying them from funds of the Province
or of Municipalities.
ANSWER. —I an in favor of the law as,
it is at present.
I am My Dear Sir,
Your Humble Servant,
To Mr. Alexander McPherson, Hensall.
Over one hundred carpenters have
left London, Ont., for British Columbia,
to work for a railway company.
—Mr. Henry Lemmon, for 50 years
proprietor of the Brantford Courier, has
retired. His nephew, Mr. Reulle, takes
teachers' convention at Kingston
last week condemned the text -book on
history and calling for a better !work in
its stead.
• —The deposits in the Dominion postoffie savings bank for the month of
April were $498,428, and the repayments
—The Hamilton Street Railway Com-
pany is considering the advisability of
using electricity to propel the cars. The
plant is estimated to cost $250,000.
—There appears to be no prospect of a
settlement of the difficulty between the
cotton weavers of Hamilton and their
employers. Fifty of the strikers have
Questions and Answers..
The following are the questions sub-
mitted by the Equal Rights Association,
of Hensel', to Mr. Bishop, and his re-
plies thereto.
To the Secretary of the Equal Rights
Association of Hensall, (
DEAR SIR. —The questions submitted
to me for answer by your Association
have been received, carefully considered
by me and I forward you my answers
thereto, requesting that you will kindly
make such use thereof as the duties of
your office may demand.
FIRST QUESTION. —Are you in favor
of a measure providing that all ratepay-
ers in Ontario be assessed as 'Public
SC11001 JillIppOrterS hnd the notice in
writing must be given the assessor if
the ratepayers desire to be assessed
o t hAe tftswliveEe R.
.—Yes. No doubt you will
have noticed that the leader of the Op-
position has never stated at any time,
so far as I know, that the law if proper-
ly constructed had any other meaning.
He is reported in the Free Press of Dec.
17th, 1889, to have said in his London
speech, "that the result in practice of
certain legislation, whatever the strict
left the city.
—The annual camp meeting of the
London division of the Salvation Army
will be held at Forest this year. The
camp will open June 25th, and will hold
the fort for two weeks.
—Bowmanville has been scourged by
incendiary fires lately and last 'Sunday
morning another was started which con-
sumed several thousand dollars' worth of
—Over 5,000 people witnessed the
lacrosse match between the Niagaras
and Athletics at Niagara °Falls on
Queen's Birthday. The Torontonians
suffered a defeat.
—Rev. D. Gordon, of Hakrington'has
resigned the pastorship of the church
-there and intends removing elsewhere.
He is selling offi his household furniture,
books and other belongings.
—James Norris, of Howe Island, near
Kingston, met with a shocking death on
the evening of the 21st inst. He went
to a pasture field on his farm and caught
anolt which had been sick, with a view
to examining its wounds. The rope
halter which he used had a loop on the
end which lay on the. ground. In this
loop was one of Mr. Norris' feet. After
the halter had been placed on the colt's
head the animal bounded away, when
.—Mrs. Large, the widow of Rev. T.
Large, who was m urdered in Japan re-
cently, is rapidly recovering from the
injuries she received when she and her
husband were attacked by bee -ears, and
is now able to attend to her household
duties. Mrs. Large is expected to leave
Japan for Canada on July 17.
—The body of a young man about 20
years of age was found on the pilot of the
engine of Friday night's express by the
engineer on its arrival at Waubaushene.
From papers found onhim his name was
probably Wm. Burrows, and he had evi
dently come from Penetanguishene the
day previous.
—Mr, and Mrs. Henry Torrance, of
Galt, celebrated their golden wedding
on the 21st inst, Fifty years ago, on
the 21st of May, 1840, they were united
in the city of Dublin. To -day they are
still hale and hearty, and have the pros-
pect of several years of happy wedded
life yet in store. ,
—In Fredericton. New Brunswick, the
Canada Temperance Act was put in force
against hotel keepers, and one of them
is in _prison for a third °fence against the
Act, and another has left the limits to
avoid a like punishment. As a conse-
quence, two. of the leading hotels in
that city are both closed to the public.
—A Kingston correspondent says :
Sir RicLard Cartwright,with his family,
is now enjoying life at Ai The Maples, '
having vacated their town house, hence-
forth to be the residence of the Bishop
of Ontario. Sir Richard has not decid-
eodttwawheat.her be will live in Toronto or
—Hon. Samuel Chipman, who will be
100 years old in October next, went in
company with Richard Kidston, aged
84, to the polls at Kentville Nova
Scotia, on the 21st and voted -Webeter
and Harris. He can probably claim the
only vote 100 years old that has
been cast in the Province in its history.
—Mrs. Julia Brown, who was over
90 years of age, died the other day in
Toronto. Mrs. Brown was a cousin of
the great Irish reformer, Daniel 0 Con -
go to a monastry, but he could not stay
away from his wife and children.
—Dr. Scadding, of Toronto, has weft -
ten a pamphlet containing a letter
written to Sir Joseph Banks by Lieuten-
ant -Governor Simcoe, in 1791, prior to
his departure from England, for the
purpose of organizing the new province
of Upper Canada. In the pamphlet are
also five official speeches delivered by
Governor Simcoe on the opening and
closing of Parliament in Upper Canada.
The publieation will be read with a
great deal of satisfactien by those who
are interested in the earlier history of
the country,
—The Duke and Duchess of Connaught
and party visited Banff National Park
on Saturday, and departed for the east
in the evening. While at Banff His
Royal Highness was out at an early
hour in the morning, and walked, ac-
companied by Gen. McNeill and Hon.
Mr. Cochrane, to many places of beauty
and interest in the Canadian National
Park. Bow River Falls was especially
admired by His Royal Highness, and
the cave and basin were among other
attractions visited. The royal party
arrived at Winnipeg Tuesday morning,
and left the same day for Montreal.
—Mr. Dennis Scully, of Emily, near
Lindsay, a well-known stock raiser, sold
last week to Mr. J. Atkins, of Port
Hope, some twenty one he -ad of cattle,
receiving good prices therefor. -More
than half of the number sold had been
fed on ensilage corn and straw, and Mr.
Scully is highly gratified at the result of
his enterprise in building a silo, as he
considers his stock wintered much better
on the ensilage than in previous years on
roots. He is strongly of opinion that
farmers should sow more ensilage corn
for fodder whether they have a silo or
—Eighty-two years ago, or on the 21st
day of May, 1808, Colonel Thomas Tal-
bot landed at Port Talbot and cut the
of being the first female practitioner in
the county. She recently took her de- 1 first tree in Elgin county. Throughontthe
grees at Trinity with honors, and has greater part of his lifetime each anni-
decided to practise in Forest. Her versary of the day wes celebrated by a
career will be watched with interest by grand banquet and ball, when, after the
her many friends. Her father was the toasts were drank, the Colonel always
first doctor who located in Forest. led off in the first quadrille with the
—The Woodstock Sentinel Review of youngest lady in the room. For many
last week, says: Mr. E. R. Aimee, years these balls were held in St.
Oxford street, has visiting him at pres- Thomas, but after London became a
ent Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stover, his millitary post they were held there, till
father-in-law and mother-in-law, of Ten- finally the dissatisfaction of residents of
aker street, North Norwich. Mr. and Port Talbot, Fingal, and St. Thomas led
Mrs. Stover are aged respectively 86 to their,. discontinuance.
and 81 years, and are as hale and hearty —The Paris correspondent of the Boa -
as two persons of fifty. They drove in ton Herald, writing of the Salon pic-
a wagon all the way from their home to tures, says: "1 find also the names of
Woodstock, 16 miles, and that, too, several Canadians in the catalogue.
before many younger people were out of Perhaps the best of the lot is Paul Peel,
their beds. of London, Ontario, who shows two
—Major Henry A. Gray, of Ottawa, canvases, "After the Bath," and a por-
engineer in charge of Dominion public trait. In the first he depicts the deli -
works in Western Ontario, met with a cate and nicely -modeled backs of two
bad accident the other day. He was on naked little boys who are warming theta -
his way to his hotel in Ottawa, having selves before the stove after their bath.
spent the evening with Mr. Perley, the The reflection of the fire lightens up
chief engineer of the department. When their little outstretched hands with a
in the act of stepping from the sidewalk golden tint, and shows their tender flesh
on to the road crossing, his foot caught superbly."
and he was thrown heavily for- —Mrs. Alexander Johnston,of Ottawa
ward, breaking the knee cap of his left enroute to Waukashaw, Wisconsin„with
her 6 -months -old baby,was a paseenger on
—One of the oldest Canadian pioneers, a Central Paoific Railway train from To -
Joseph Pilkey, died at his residence in ronto last Friday. At Toronto Junction
Brantford on Monday of last week. The her pocket was picked, her purse, con -
deceased was born in Little York, To- taining all her money, some $8 or $10,
ronto, on August 4th, 1804, when there and her ticket, being taken. The puree
wai3 but one other house in the place. was afterward -s found on the platform
j.When a child his father took up a farm there, with a five cent piece in it. The
in Scarboro, where Joseph lived until woman arrived at St Thomas without
1863, when he removed to Glanford and money or friends, or a ticket to continue
later to Brantford. Deceased had a her journey, but was advanced a suffic-
family of thirteen, eight of whom sur- ,ient sum to continue her journey by S.
vive him. H. Palmer, Michigan Central Railway
--The London Advertiser of Monday ticket agent.
says: On Saturday,Rev.Dr. Armstrong, —Frederic Archer, the distinguised
of Moore, sent from the Grigg House to organist, appeared at Kingston the
their respective places a party of farm other night, and itt the opening event
pupils who came out by the Lake Huron surprised himself. Shortly after eight
and Vancouver steamships. Special ar- o'clock he walked to the organ in the
rangements have been made this year in Queen Street Methodist Church, mount -
England for farm pupil immigration the ed the bench, shoved himself back, and
farmers are now receiving the benefit, toppled over the landing to the floor
Another party left Liverpool Friday beneath. For a few moments there was
last. The weekly syatem gives the far- a waving of hands and feet, and slowly
mere a Chance to make their applications the mountain of flesh (for Mr. Archer
and to place dependence on a supply. is corpulent) arose. Re was consumed
—According to the Revised Statutes with merriment. The episode was
of Ontario, chapter 202, section 2, it is most comical. Mr. Archer was not
obligatory to cut out and burn all black seriously hurt. His right leg was some -
knot found on plum and cherry trees, what bruised, but he was able to resume
each and every ye r as it shall appear. his trip westward next day. He said
It is the duty of all overseers of high- that such athing never occurred before,
Ways or street inspectors to enforce the save in Brooklyn, where a *air on the
provisions of this Act, under a penalty platform broke under him. When the
of $10 to $20 fine. After persons have accident happened various ladies cried
been warned by the inspector and do out and men started to their feet fearing
not cut and burn asedirected by Statute, that the great king of the organ was
they are liable to a fine of not less than hurt. One girl in her excitement cried
$5 and not more than $20. out, "Oh Gosh." This set the People
—A St. Thomas despatch says : Mr. laughing.
Neil McCollum, a farmer liviug near —A correspondent writing from
Gladstone, in the township of North Nairn, in the county of Middlesetasays:
Dorchester, left his home the other Another old settler, Mrs. McArthur,
evening to attend a political meeting. mother of Dr. McArthur, of London,and
It was a dark and stormy night,e.nd Mr. Mr. J. McArthur, banker, at Hensel',
McCollum did not reach Gladstone nor has departed suddenly from our midst.
did he return home. Nothing was For the past two or three weeks the
thought of the matter, however, and deceased had been suffering from la
Friday his dead body was found on the grippe, but wee' recovering, so much that
she was attending to her ardinaryilutiest
On Thursday night, 15th inst., however,
she retired to bed as usual and slept
quietly. Her daughter, who slept in
the same room, called to her early in
the morning and receiving no answer,
looked at her lying with her hand under
her head, cold in death, without any
signs of a single struggle. Her hus-
band, Mr. James McArthur, was elder
in the Presbyterian Church at Nairn,
and died two and a half years ago. In
the death of this estimable rady the
church loses one of its most faithful
workers. From infancy she taught her
family to attend Sunday School and
Church and yet, although they are
young men and women, they still follow-
ed her into Sunday School, in which she
had charge of the infant class for many
years, a post for which she was emin-
ently fitted. Among the sick she -was
welcome visitor. In the Woman's
Foreign Missionary Society she held a
dietinguished place. In short, in every
good word and work she was a "mother
in Israel."
road not far from the village. Heart
nel, and she had in her possession a
disease was evideptly the cause of death.
prayer book which contained the auto-
graph of that great man. She resided
in Toronto during the past thirty years.
—Mr. Win. Reid, of the North Gore
of Chatham, near Wallaceburg, -started
the other day on a visit to his old home
in the neighborhood of Kingston. He
drives all the way in a two -horse car-
riage, Mrs. Reid accompanies him. The
distance is over 400 miles, and he ex -
peas to be two weeks on the road.
—The .marriage of Miss Clara Ward,
of Windsor,Ontario, and Prince Chimay,
took place in the chapel of the Papal
Nunciature, at Paris, France, on Tues.,'
day morning last week, in the presence
of a select but brilliant congregation.
Hon. Whitelaw Reid, the American
. minister, and Lord Lytton, the British
Ambassador, officiated as witnesses for
the Canadian bride, and' the same
offices were performed for Prince
Chimay by his countrymen, the Belgian
minister and the Duc Femensac. Miss
Ward a few days prior to her marriage
He was 65 years of age, and had a large
family connection in the township.
—The ex -Priest Rev. Lewis Martin,
of Montreal, who some time ago desert-
ed his wife and children, has come back
to his family. The ecclesiastical authori-
ties issued a statement after Mr. Mar-
tin's disappearance,in which they admit-
ted that he had made his departure with
Archbishop Fabre's sanction, adding
that in the eyes of the Roman Catholic
Church, the marriage was no marriage
at all, that Mr. Martin had been receiv-
ed again into the folds of the church,
and had retired to a monastery to do
penance for his grievous offence. It
was generally believed that the ex -priest
would never be heard of again, but his
wife remained faithful through all,
assertingthathewould come back to her.
She was right for Mr. Martin re-
turned the other day and is again with
his wife and children in Montreal. He
says he was tempted and advised by the
church authorities to leave his wife and