HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1890-05-09, Page 6• t "C. t e t, • Fearful of Consequences. °nM net resist the cries of the hung? A ointeoilperson has said, foolishly, kitten ; so, by degrees, she grewfrien- 'that the ethics evil connected with wrong- doing is that of being found oat; a statement which might come appropri- ately enough from the mouth of a savage, and which finds apt illustration in the following anecdote taken from the life of JoluvOr. Paton, missionary to the Island of Tonna, in the New Hebrides One morning the Tsetnese, rushing towards me in great excitement, cried: missi, there is a god, or ship on fire,or something of fear,eoming over the meta We see no flames, but it smokes like a volcano. Is it a spirit ?" One party after another followed in quick succession,shouting the same ques- tion, to which I replied .: cannot go at once., I must dress first in my best clothes. It is probably one of Queen Victoria's men -of wat, coming to as me if your conduct is good or bad,if yoti are stealing my property, threatening my life, or how you are using me." They pleaded with me to go and see it, but I would not The two principal chiefs came running up, and asked, Miesi, will it be a ship of war ?" "1 think it will, but I have no time to speak to you now ; I must get on my hest clothes." "Mimi, only tell us, will he ask you if we have been stealing your things ? " I expect he will." " And shall you tell him ?" "I must tell him ahe truth." Oh, Mini tell him not ! Everything shall be brought back to you at onceeand no one will be allowed to steal front you again." "Be quick," I said. " Everything must be returned before he conies. Away, away, and let rne get ready to meet the great chief of the man of war." Hitherto no thief could ever be found, and no chiqf had power to cause any- thing to be restored to me ; but now, in an incredibly brief apace of time, .one came running to the Mission ouse with a pot, another with a pan, an - ether with a blanket,others with knives, forks, plates, and all sorts of stolen pro- perty. The chiefs called me to receive these things, but I replied, " Lay them all down at the door ; I have no time to speak with you." I delayed my toilet, enjoying - mis- chievously the magical effect of that ap- proaching vessel. At last, the chiefs running about in breathless haste, called out to me, " Missi, missi, do tell us, is the stolen property all here ?" Of course, I could not tell, but, run- ning out, I looked on the promiscuous heap of my belongings, and said, I don't see the lid of my kettle ?" • No, missi," said one chief, " for it is on. the other side of the island. But tell him not, for I have sent for it, and it will be here to -morrow." And the -next day it appeared. -Youth's Companion. A Child Sent by Express. The ear was hot and dusty. Half a dozen frisky children chattered and romped, forgetful of their own discom- fort, while a few of their elders -a very few -frowned at their noisy play. ` There was one little creature in- this load of human freight to whom " the time was out of joint." A little. girl of six or seven years, making the long ourney by herself, neither asked nor tempted companionship. Upon her resat was tightly sewed a card like this: MARGARET WAYLAND, TO BE SENT TO MISS ANN HINTON, STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA. Not once did the ghost of a smile flit across her face, and her manner was for- bidding. Naturally, the other children wished her to join in their games,and to that end practiced many a childish art. which was lost upon her. Even the offer of an orange orsbit of "sample eancly," which the railway sutler -drop- ped in her lap failed to tempt her. Late that summer afternoon a home- bound train ran into the station and stopped beside (tura, so near that it was easy to see the passengers. Instantly the child sprang to her feet and began tugging at the window. Finding the heavy sash stubborn, she cried out: " Oh ! please, please open the window. There is my teacher! .Don't you see Mr?" • Somebody hastened to help, and im- mediately a window in the neighboring train was thrown open and signals of loving recognition were exchanged. "Oh, Mims Helen, I'm going way off out West -to live with -auntie 1" wail- ed the child. I am very terry, dear; how does that happen" came the gentle reply. "Ob, because I must! I have. no mamma now, nor any home -nor -noth- ing." Her voice was lost in tears. Surprise and pity struggled in the teaoher's face. Her answer reached only the ear of her little pupil, whose next words betrayed its spirit. Oh, Misa Helen, I do try; I truly do. But I am very naughty. I feel so hers "-putting her head over her burst- ing heart "If I could-" -Before the sentence was Oniehed the two trains had parted company and the dear teacher was lost to flight. With a wild. cry the little one stretched eut her hands toward the tying train, then flung herself upon her face and sobbed piteously,. There were no dry eyes among those 'who aaw her. A sweet-faced elderly women, who had entered the car at the last station, and now occupied a seat in the section with the child, wept in silence, but no one • dared to intrude upon a grief so sacred. So Margaret oried hereon to sleep un- comforted. With flushed and tear- • stained cheeks she lay crumpled in the corner, like a crushed rose. We hoped her unconscious sighs were lightening • her home -sick heart. At length she etirred. The sweet-faced woman softly placed a basket with a Maltese kitten In it close to the child. "MewI Mew !" began puss, patiently. Margaret sat up, rubbing her eyea. " Mew !" and puss poked out a claw. "Kitty is hungry,dear " pleasantly • explained the woman. Will you not give her something front your lunch basket ?" "Yes, ma'am." • "I thought so. Puss likes eheese," lifting the cover. "Will you give her some 9" Heart -sick though she was, Margaret ly enough with both puss and its mis- tress. When bed time came she let her new friend make her. ready for the night, and seemed .00ntent to know that puss would purr until morning in the very next berth to hers. But when she awakened, a sense of her forlorn con- dition once more took possession of her, and she confided to her companion her dread of her new home, which was now very near. - " I had only my teacher and you. She is gone, and now I am going to lose you, too." "Well, Margaret, what made .you love your teacher so ?" "Because she loved me," was the ready answer. , " Then aren't you going to love your auntie, who loves you well enough to give you a. home, though she has not even seen you ?" " I don't know." " Oh, yes ! Even puss does as much as that. You feed her, and she purrs her love in return." "But I don't know auntie. She's an old maid. I. suppose she's awfully cross." " I hope not, dear." " Must I love her if she is." " She is your dear mother' i sister. Could you not love her for that ?" "Change cars ! Next station going to Stockton !" shouted the brakeman. Oh, dear ! Oh, dear 1" cried Mar- garet, seizing the woman's hand. " Try to be brave, now, don't cry," drawing the trembling little figure closer. "1 think you are begiuning to love your old. auntie already, for it is she who haa come a long way. with pussy, to meet her little girl. Are you glad, Margaret ?" She sat up and looked through her tears at the woman, her face brighten- ing. "Are you Miss Ann Hinton ?" " Yes, dear," " Are you an old maid ?' " Yes, dear." " That's funny. I love old maids." - Parish Messenger. Our Hannah Jane. Our Hannah Jane was thin and weak, And ashy white her lip and cheek, We of ten thought -and thought with pain, " We soon must lose our Hannah Jane." With change of doctors, change of air, She souicht for healing everywnere. And, ahen our hopes were almost past, ' Favorite Prescription " tried at last. It gave us joy, it gave us .hope, She ceased to pine, she ceased to mope, [Pierce's remedies are sure and true] Now Hannah Jane is good as new. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, Under a positive guarantee, from the itianufaaturers, that it will givd satisfaction in every case, or Money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faith= fully carried out for many years. Dr. Pierce's Pellets -cleanse and regulate the stomach, bowels and system generally. .One a dose-; purely vegetable. easy Matter. Takik together at the edgeie two ribliona •of equal width in pretty 'contrasting shades. They should be a little less than half a yard long. Gild a spool of fine linen thread and fasten it at the middle of the ribbon, With two or three leaves of flannel for a needle -book. Form each end into a lit- tle bag for the buttons. These bags should be two or thre inches deep and should be drawn tip with narrow ribbons from which the whole may be suspended. Cause and Effect. Many things which seem mysterious, and serve to puzzle the wisest men, might be, if the cause and effect were understood, as easy of solution as the question in the following incident,which is related of Buffon, the great natural- ist. One day he entertained a company of distinguished savants at dinner, at the conclusion of which they all went out into the garden. It was a very hot summer's day. In the centre of the grounds there atood on a pedestal it large glass globe, which one of the guests happened to teach with hie hand, whenhe found, to his astonish- ment, that it was warmer on the shady side than on the side turned toward the sun. He communicated this discovery to the other guests, who at once proceeded to verify the statement. What could be the °muse ? An animated disoussion ensued, in the course of whibh every imaginable laiv of physics was made to account for the strange paradox. At length our scientists agreed that it must be so ow- ing to the laws of reflection, repulsion,or exhalation, or some other law of physics with a long name. The host was, however not quite con- vinced, and, calling the gardener, he said to him, "Pray tell us why the globe is warmer on the shady side tha*on the side turned to the sun ?" The man replied, "Because just now I turned it round for fear of ita crack- ing with the great heat." in - Original an only reliable. Beware of poor imitations. [e God Here." •A •youna, man had been extremely profane'and thought little of the matter. After his marriage to a high-minded, lovely wife,' the habit appeared to him in a different light, and he made spas-. modic efforti to oonquor it. But not until a few months ago did he become victor, when the glowing evil was set before hint in its real and shocking sin-. fulness by a; little incident. One Sunday morning, standing before the miror shaving, the razor slipped, in- flicting a slight wound. True to his fix- ed habit; he ejaculated the single word " God ?" and was not a little amazed and chagrined to see reflected in the mirror the pretty picture of his little three-year-old daughter, as laying her dolly hastily down she sprang from her seat on the floor, exclaiming as she look- ed eagerly and expectantly about the room, " Is Dod here ?" •Pale and ashamed, and at a loss for a better answer, he simply said, " Why?" "'Cause I thought he was when I heard you speak to Him." Then noticing the sober look on his face and the tears of shame in his eyes as he gazed down into the inuocent, radiant face, she patted him lovingly on the hand, exclaiming assuredly, Call Rim again, papa, and I doss He'll surely come." Oh, how every syllable of the child's trusting words cut to his heart! The still, small voice was heard at last. Catching the wondering child up in his arms he knelt down, and for the first time in his life implored of God forgive- ness for past offences and guidance for all his future life, thanking Him in fer- vent spirit that he had not " surely come' before in answer to some of hie awful blasphemies. Surely "a little child shall lead them." HOusehold Hints. CARAMBL CAICit. -On e cup butter; two cups anger; one cup. sweet milk ; one and a half clips sifted flour ; one cup cornstarch; whites of seven eggs ; three teasoonfuls of Royal baking powder ; bake in a long pan. For the caramel, take half pound brown sugar: quarter pound chocolate; half teacupful milk ; butter size of an egg ; two teaspoonfuls vanilla. Mix thoroughly and cook until - thick enough to spread; glaze in the oven after spreading on the cake. Cut in squares. FIG CAKE. -Two and a half cups sugar ; a large cup butter; one cup sweet milk ; whites of sixteen eggs ; three pints sifted flour ; three teaspoon- fuls Royal baking powder; gine pound -and a half figs, cut in strips end well floured. No flavoring. SPICII Came -One pound butter and two and a half coffee -cups sugar ; -two cups sweet milk; four cups flour ; six eggs;three teaspoonfuls Royal bak- ing powder a three teaspoonfuls cinna- mon and two of - mace; three pounds seeded raisins; one anda half pounds citron, cut fine. No NAME CAKE. -Two cups brown sugar ; one oup butter ; two cups flour; three eggs ; 'three tablespoonfuls milk; teaspoonful soda ; half cup berry jam, or molasses; one pound chopped raisin. Pretty Trifles for Christmas • Gifts. A. novel work -bag is mule of the crown of a straw hat, which may be dyed and varnished, painted-- or left in the nat• ural state. Line the inside of the crown with silk of a harmonizing shade, con- tinuing the silk beyond the straw suf- ficiently to form the bag. Finish with a hem wide enough to admit double run- ners of narrow- ribbon with which to draw up the mouth of the bag. Feather or thorn -stitching; or other decoration may be used on the silk, and an em- broidered star is pretty on the crown. Wooden -Spoon Cushion. Hanging pincushions are exceedingly convenient, and wooden spoons are mow used for this klurpose. Paint or gild the spoon and fill the bowl with a pincushion se- curely glued. Decorate the handle near the top with a pretty ribbon bow with epds from which tQ suspend the apoon. Economical and very pretty doylies may be made by buying the linen, cut- ting it the desired sise,fringing the edges, and etching little pictures or appropri- ate quotations with indelible ink. When doylies are bought already fringed, there is often a very pretty pattern which may be effectively emphasized by going over it with etching silk in Kensington stitch, or with4ten and indelible ink. A Sponge -bag is indispeasible when travelling, and may be very pretty when made af butcher's linen, embroidered in raw silk or linen floss, and gathered on THE- BIG MILLS SEAFtdRTH. The above mills have now been thoroughly built upon the oomplete HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. The Mill and Storehouse Buildings have been greatly enlarged, and new machinery applied throughout. THE LATEST IMPROVED ROLLS Flour Dressing Machines Away Down, Terribly Down. Soaps for which you have paid 15c or 20c a cake, you can now buy four cakes for 25c at the From the best Manufacturing Firms have been put in, and everything neceeeary added to enable her to turn out flour SECOND TO NONE In the Dominion. The facilites for receiving grain from farmers and for elevating and shipping have also dean extensively improved. Grain can now k taken from farmers' wagons, weighed, and loaded into oars at the rate of 700 bushel, per hoer, by the work of two men. draw -strings of white braid. It should be lined with rubber sheeting or oiled sake A braided Rope -Basket is easily made, and, filled with bonbons or flowers, is a pretty gift for a friend. Use quitesmall rope, wind it around and around until a circle is formed of the right size for the bottom of the basket. Sew it firmly together. Take three strands of three or four ropes each, and make a plain braid which will formithe sides of the basket,, and must be seoarely sewed to the bot- tom. For the handle, make a braid of three single ivies. Conceal the joining by a graceful little knot of rope with fringed ends, fastened on the aide. Shoe Button Case. This is a 'contri- vance designed to make th q sewing on of a shoe button, at a minute's notice, an e Corner •Drug Store, Seaforth. Call and procure some before they are all sold. R. DOWN, Manager. Remember the place -J. Logan's Old Stand. Wellington, Grey and Bruce, Genie Nous-. Paesenger. Mixed. 2.51 r. at. 9.81 r.K.S.88 r. Brussels.-- 8.08 9.45 9.20 Bluets's. 3.21 10.00 •9.50 Wingham.. 8.30 10.10 11.10 Ge_go Smut- Paseenger. Mixed. flghsini ... • 6.89 A.n.11.10 A. H. 7.25 r. 11 Bluevale .. 8.48 11.22 7.55 Brussele........ 7.02 11.45 8.55 Ethel7.14 12.00 9.81 London, Huron and Bruce, Gloucs Nous- Passenger. London, depart7.55A.N. 4.85r.n • Exeter • - 9.16 6.57 Hensel.... 9.28 8.09 Kippen. 9.34 • 8.17 Bruoefield - . .. 9.42 8.26 Olintort.... . • 0.00 -6.4 Londesbom .. 10.19 7.03 Blyth.... . 10.28 7.12 Belgrave... - 10.42 7.27 Wingham ;rev° 11.00 7.45 GOING SOUTH- Passenger. Wingham, depart . 6.50s.x Belgrave. 7.06 4.00 Blyth.... ... . 7.18 .4.15 7.26 4.25 Clinton' 7.56 4.45 Brumfield ......... ... .. 8.16 5.04 Kippen.. ...... .... 8.24 5.12 Bengali ..... . . 8.82 5.19 Exeter 8.50 5.33 Grand Trunk Rail -way. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton station follows: GOING Wser--- ' SNAPOVIII. CLINTON Passenger - .. .. .. 1.03 P. 24. 1.20 P. M Passenger... .. .. .. 9.10 P. M. 9.27i'. Id Mixed Train.. ...... 9.20 A. M. 10.06 A.M. Mixed Train.. 6.15 P. M. ,6.40 Gents EAsr- Passenger. - .. - 7.69 A. M. 7.43 A. Passenger .. .. .. 2.43 r. M. 2.25 P. Mixed Train- 5.30 r ii. 4.55P. lt Freight Train.. .. 4.30 P. x. 3.30P. KENDATES SPAVIN CURE LUMSDEN & WILSON'S FOR WALL PAPERS AND opEILINC+ DECORATIONS. We have bought a large stock of new Wall Papers at •a great sacrifice, and with,this addition to our already large purchases for th e Spring trade, our assortment is, we believe, the largest ever shown in the County, and the public may rely on getting the benefit of our bar- gain, as we are bound to make them go quick if low prices and the best: goods will do it. WINDOW SHADES. We have purchased a large number of new patterns in Decorated Linen Window Shades, and can guarantee the best goods -and lowest -prices in this line. Call and see the new styles at LUMSDEN & WILSON'S, SCOTT'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. N. B. -We have made arrangements with the best manufacturers of Children's Carriages to sell these goods from Catalogue only, as we have no room to keep them in stock. We will sell at closer prices, and goods will always be fresh and in perfect order. Call and see the styles. • A LARGE FEED STONE -FOR- CUSTOM CHOPPING ENJOY GOOD HEALTH. Has db5 ebon and the 481E:Y8 1 n haer„ a g ee r f:: CASE'S SARSAPARILLA BITTERS can be unloaded and reloaded under clover. WHEAT EXCHANGES I Promptly attended to, and FIRST-CLASS. ROLLER FLOUR GUARANTEED.. ClaBrTOM 32'MMI.D Chopped satisfactorily and without d.elay. ROLLER FLOUR, • BRAN, SHORTS, And all kinds of CHOPPED FEED Constantly On hand: Highest Market Price Paid in Cash for any Quantity of Wheat. APPLE. BARRELS -AND-- FINE, COARSE AND LAND SALT FOR SALE. Only first -ohms and obliging men will be kept attend oustaners. The liberal patronge of farmers and general trade respectfully solicited. A. W. OGILVIE & CO., PROPRIETORS Cures every kind of Unhealthy Humor and, Disease Caused from Impurity of the Blood. PURIFY • This valuable compound cure&Kidney and LiverComplaints, Pini - pies, Eruptions of the Skin, Boils, Constipation, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Sick Stomach, Loss of Sleep, Neuralgia, Pains in the Bones and Back, Loss of Appetite, Langour, Female Weakness, Dizziness, General Debility. YOUR II is a gentle regulating purgative, as well as a tonic, possessing the peculiar merit of acting as a powerfulagent in relieving Conges- tion and Chronic Inflammation of the -Liver and all the visceral organs. BLOOD This valuable preparation excites the whole system to a new and vigorous action, giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease, and or& a great protection from attacks that originate in changes of the season, of climate, and of life. The best Sprng Medi- cine sold. Full directions with each bottle. Price, 50c aid Refuse all substitutes. Prepared by • H. Spencer Case, Hamilton, Ontarior Sold by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth. fbe Hest Successful Remedy ever disce end, n it Is certain in its effects and does not blister. Read proof below. CENDALL'S SPANK CURE • OFFICE OF CHARLS8 A. SNYDIR, BREEDER or °twat:LAND BAT AND TooTrzeG Burn nonage, ELMWOOD, ILL., Nov. 20, 1688. Fa. 13.3. ICANDALL 0o. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your Kee alPs Spavia Cure by the half dozen bottles, rould Pare prices in larger quantity. I think itt ,ie of the beat liniments on earth. 1 have usedi a my stables for three years. Yours truly, CHAS. A. SNYDER. 1ENDALL'S SPAIN CURE Recoxynt, N. Y., November 3,1888. tr. B. J. KMADALL Co. Dear Sire :I desire to give you testimonial or rood opinkm of your sad it for lasstaussik _SIM Joists an heaving, and 1 have found it a =recurs, I cora Uy recommend it to all horsemen. Yours truly A. H. Guam% Ammer Troy Laundry Stable! (MALL'S SPAVIN CURE atom WINTON 000NTT, OHIO, Dec. 19,2888. et. D.J. KINDALL CO, Gents : I feel it my duty to say what I have don rith your KEndall's spavin Cure. I have cure wenty-tive =cram that had Sit.m.l. v, Ur e an Ung 431311:',Ja4. a&nee I have= one of yo* ooka and followed the directions, I have neve )st fir. cam of any kind. Yours truly, Aimenw Teems, Home Doctot KENDALL'S SPAVIN - CURE Priee $t per bottle, or six bottles for $8. Al Bryn ists have -it or Gen get it for you, or it will be sea any addreas on reoeipt of price by the prow* rs. Du. B. J. ICANDALI. 00., Enoslumgh FalU, Vt OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Great English Prescription Cures Weakness, Spermatorrhe Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by self-abuse or indiscretion. One package $1, sirsdisisix 15, by mail. Write for lova pamphlet. EMMA CIISMICAL Co., Detroit, Mob. For sale by LUMSDEN WILSON, Chemists & Druggists, Seaforth, Ont. 01\71'.4t3.1R,I0 Mutual Live Stock INSURANCE CO. Head Office : Seaforth MAT 9, 1890. Hello! Hello I.. HAVE YOU TRIED Totem of Health TOILET SOAPS? THE ONLY Live Stock Insurance company in Ontario haring a Government Deposit and being duly licensed by the same. Are now carrying on the business of Lire Stock Insur- ance and solicit the patronage of the importers and breeders of the Province. For further particulars address JOHN A.VERY, Sec. -Tress. 1184 IT IS EXQUISITE. 1155-52-2 Halsted & Scott, Josephine street, Wingham,Ont 3. A. HALSTED, Mount Forest. J. W. SCOTT, Listowel. Deposits received and Interest al lowed. Money advanced to Farmers and Bast. Ilea Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes 01 collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parte e Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention given to collecting Notes and Accounts. Agents in Canada -The Merchants Bank of Canada. Moe hoars-Frora 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. THE HAY TOWNSHIP Farmers' Mutual U54-52 Fire Insurance Company. A purely Farmers' Company. Live Stock also insured when in the fields or on the road in charge of owner or servant. Also manufacturer of the Improved Surprise Washer AND WRINGER MACHINES. /igen for TOMBSTONES and the WATSON COMPANY'S M L M.1.01M WM'S- urSDERTAIEING promptly attended to a moderate rates. G. HOLTZMAN, Zurich. 1119 0 r 0 0 PENN TINA WHIRS used monhlyby ever 10.NO Mau_ are mak pleasan sure in skeet; a ladEgreateot Men at home orabroad: 1 rbox by mail . or from druggist. ed partiosdare to stamp. Address EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., DSTROIT, KICK. Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Chemists and Druggists, Seaforth Out. 1121.62 NOSNHOr 3 xis ov) m 11.1.110A113$ 0 0 0 171 VI • 0 0 0 P -A 103j0 0 "solaa KOSK fa" s• • THE FARMERS' Banking House, (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) • LOGAN & CO., BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGM& Now in heir own premises on Market Street Seaforth, opposite Strong's office. General Basking Business done, draft. brie* and oinked. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgagee. JOHN WEIR- WM. LOGAN. 1058 ALan, White Star and Inman United States &Royal Mail - Atlantic Steamships. cobisszkto to $100 ; Baum, *100 *0 intenneoia $80, return 180. Steerage, aliet; return $40.1' All classes of passage to and in 'a all points in Great British' to any point 1 Canada. If you are sending for your 1r1einA not fall to secure one of our prepaid olear through and avoidell trouble. Canadian Pacific Railway and 13 Tickets total points. Special rates to and Pacific Coast points. Through secured free. Best connection to all the United States, Australia and China. agency for the beet stock and -mutual companies. Money loaned on all e security at lowest rates of interest. No to ivo information. Real estate and I Ofloe-MARKF.T ST. Ticket, Steen:boa Telegraph Moo -MAIN ST. • A. STRONG, " The Agle• 11 - = telt PC.°11 of p, ?rem that awl tolA sod to it seat 11 tier. for sremi NoW went Mutt 4g war have hall nine. zosY 0 yolif i100.1 eels gagl this -00111 aI8 the prel war gear set( tux OIL Zha cer one Wi for. wo4 atto the erh to floe tee out to 12.124 sal Nr To " 1 Iii = s.0 u1 fe -4]