HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-04-05, Page 5L.!
APRIL 5, 1895.
! -
olosely contested, and several time there
was as much interest centred on different
'AShots as on winning the game, and the gen-
tlemanly conduct of the Seaforth club will
riot be soda forgotten.
News Notes.
—A short time ag6Mr. Andrew • Robb, of
.1flina., had -an operation performed on his
eye by Dr. Rutherford, of Listowel, which
alas resulted very favorably, not even a
moticeable scar remaining. The swelling
proved to be of a tumorous nature.
—One of the oldest and most respected
residents of Wartburg, in the person of Mr.
F. Chimer, passed away a few days ago,
-after rather a short illness. The funeral
took place to the German Methodist bury-
ing ground at Rostock.
—Grippe and bad colds are causing a
-ereat deal of sickness around Cromarty.
Rev. P. Scott, wife and child are very ill,
_and owing to his illness there was no ser-
vice last Sabbath in either the Cromarty
,ehurch or at Roy's Station.
—Mr. A. J. Keillor has disposed of his
residence at Newry, and five acres of land in
eeonneetion, to Mr. Wm. Holmes, of the
12th concession of Elma, for $825. Mr.
Holmes has leased his own farm to Mr.
Morrison for three years.
—Mr. R. R. Roger, late student in Win-
„nipeg Medical College, and who has lately
beea ill of fever, is so far recovered as to be
:able to return to the parental home at
Motherwell-, where he hopes to re-establish
.his health.
----At the assize court in Stratford last
week, in the case of sheep stealing against
James Shean, of Logan, the jury brought in
Iv verdict of guilty, and Chief Justice Ar-
mour sentenced Sheen to five years in King -
.ton Penitentiary. No bill was found
• against Hs father.
—The very critical operation perform -
on Miss Beattie Boyd, daughter of
Mr. James Boyd, of Mitchell, recently,
4or malignant tumor, was a success so far as
the operation itself was concerned. But
the doctors hold out no hope for her perma-
nent recoverv. -
—The Young People's Guild in connection
with St. James' church, St. Marys, have a
most prosperous society, with :Mr. Albert
Johnston. as president. A vigorous debate
aon the &object, ” Revenge versus Love,"
was held the other night, in which ladies as
well as gentlemen took an active part.
—Mr. Hayes, who resigned his position
a)f teacher in the Mitchell High school a
few weeks ago, and went to Colorado on ac-
-aount of his health, has the offer of a posi-
tion in a school out there at $100 per month.
-The climate is helping him very much, and
will likely accept the situation.
SIAFORTE, April 4, 1
Fall Wheat per bushel.new ..... . 0 02 to
Spring Wheat per busbel,new. 0 02 to
saratate per buehel 0 34 to
:Pears per brothel.. _ 0 57 to
Barley per bushel 0 42 to
Mutter, No. 1, loose. . .. 0 13 to
Butter, tuba. .... 0 14 to
Eggs per doz.... .. .. ....„ ___ . 0 10 to
Flour, per 100 net 2 00 bo
Hayper ton new 7 00 to
Hides per 100 tes 3 00 to
-larr.b Skins . .......... 0 60 to
Wool.. ...... ...... . ..... 0 18 to
Potatoes per bag, 0 60 to
cait (retail) per barrel.. .... 0 85 to
Wood per cord (long) 2 76 so
'Wood pee cord (short) ......... . 1 10 to
#Apple!' per bag. 0 76 to
%Clover Seed
6 00 to
'Timothy Seed 3 00 to
,...aaoric, per 100 le 5 35 to
faailow, per lb. 0 06 to
0 63
0 63
O 35
0 68
0 45
O 14
O 15
O 10
2 00
7 10
3 10
0 20
O 00
O 85
1 75
1 00
6 60
3 25
5 50
O 00
Tozoaro, Apia wheat, $0.69 to 10.70;
sprints wheat, $0 081 to $0.€81 ; crate, 41e. to 42c;
peas, per bush, 661-c co tate '• bar.ey, 98e to 99c; hay;
per ton, /9.00 to -411.50: butter. 16e to 17e ; pota-
a';aea, Pea bag, E075 to s0.75; eggs, per dos., 130
to ; dressed hone, per cwt.. $5.15 to 46 25.
Poultry in Toronto.
ToRoNTo, April 2nd.—The offerings are
-small, there is a fair demand and the mar-
ket is firm at 12c for turkeys, 8c for geese,
- and 60e to 70c for ehickens.
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, April 2nd.—Butter—The sup-
niy of butter is liberal, the demand is slow,
and the market is easy, with large rolls at
12c to 14c, but other lines of dairy butter
are slow and easy. Dairy tub is quoted at
12e- to 13c and low grade at 7c. Dairy
pound rolls are steady at 16c to 17c for
:twice new made lots; Creamery is steady
at 21c to 22c for rolls and tubs. Eggs—The
receipts to -day were More liberal and the
inarket was rather easier at 144e to 15c.
MONTREAL, April 2.—Cheese—There is
nothing doing and prices are purelynorn-
inal. A cable says the stock of cheese in
Liverpool is 86,500 boxes. Butter—The
market fails to show either change or fea-
ture. Holders of western dairy are prac-
tie,ally selling it for what it will bring. Rolls
meet with a fair request from a certain class
of buyers and prices are well maintained.
eUrearnery, finest late made, 21e to 211c ;
townships, 15c to 17c; western, 10c to 12c;
rolls, 140 to 15c. Eggs—Fresh eggs are sell-
ing at 1.6e to 16.4c- Receipts are light. .
Live Stock Markets.
MONTREAL, April 2.—There was a little
buying for export account, but the stock of-
fered was rather undesirable, and the prices
realized were consequently low. The butch-
ers were present in lafge numbers and trade
was fairly goodrbut prices continue about
the same as on last week's markets, prime
asEtttle being a trifle higher, while common
stock were a shade easier in price. A few
of the best beeves were sold at about 4c per
ib; pretty good animals sold at from 31,c to
3.;%c per ib; rough and half -fatted beasts
sold at from 2!ac to 3c, and some of the lean-
er ones brought very little over 2c per ib. A
- few of the best calves were soh( at from 85
to $8 -each., but common veals sold at from
$1.50: to $3 each. Mixed lots of sheep sold
at frora 4e to 4e per lb. Spring lambs sold
at, from $2,50 to $4.50 each. Fat hogs are
easier in price . or from 5e to 5e per lb.
BUFFALO, ApriI 2.—Market fairly active
and steady; Yorkers, $5 to $.l0; light,
$4.% to:$5 ; mixed packers, $54.0 to $5.20;
good medium, $5.20 - to $5.25 ; choice to
heavy, 55.30 to 55.35; pigs, $4.70 to 4.80;$ -
roughs, $4.25 to- $4.75; &tags, $3.25 to $4.
Sheep and Lambs—Market ste,ady and firm
fiat good lambs; sheep lower; good to prime
lambs, $5.75 to- $6.10 ; fair to good, $5 to
55.65; cults: and common, $3.50 to $4.90;
mixed sheep, fair to good, $4,25 to 54.90;
eulls and -commons, -52.50 to $4; export
wethers, $5 to $5.30. Hogs closed &Glower;
market weak .and a -good many unsold.
-.Sheep and iambs closed steady but quite a
number unscid„
ToRoNTO,. April 2.—Prices paid to -day for
fattle were from 3c per Ib for, common
butchers' stuff up to ne per lb for choice -
butchers' cattle. Butchers' Easter cattle
.sold at from 3V -c to ve per lb, one 1ot of ex-
sleptionally choice steers and heifers fetch-
ing as high as 5c per Ib. Some sales were :
• One car load cattle, 1,100lbs average, 31c
per lb-; 18 cattle, 1,250 lbs average, $53 per
bead; 20, cattle,picked out of two car -loads,
1,165_ ibs- • average, 4e per lb (these were
ohoice steers and heifers) ; 19 cattle, 1,100
tbs average„ $3.90- per cwt; cattle, 1,050
tbs average, $34 each; 10 cattle, 1,150 lbs
average,. 540,50 per head Export Cattle—
There was some buying in this line to -day,
but the market is purely nominal., One
two choice steers brought 4ic per lb, but
Most of the sales were made in the vicinity
of 3c per lb for bulls up to 4c per lb, for
good cattle fat enough for export. Really
ehoice cattle are wanted. Stockers and
Feeders—There was only slow buying in
this line to-d:ay,buyers being not able to get
tattle to suit them:. Prices are nominal, at
front c to 3c per lb, according to quality.
A couple of car -loads of good feeders are
" wanted. Mileli Cows and Springers—There
were about 15 head in to -day, and all event-
ually sold, but poor prices were paid in
nearly every instance. The top figure can
not be. put above $35 per head. Common
cows bring only from $20 to $22 per head,
and are • not -wanted. Some choice newly -
calved •milchers are wanted, Sheep and
Lambs—Offerings were very light to -day,
and the result Was that lambs were firmer,
making an advance of about f c per lb.
Sheep were quiet. There is no buying for
export. Butchers are buying a few sheep
at from 22e to 3ic per lb, or about $4 to 5.5
per head, according to quality." A few grain
fed lambs are wanted, for which from 5c to
5in per lb would be paid, averaging from
90 to 100, lbs weight. Most of the sales
to -day were made in the vicinity of 5c per
Ib for good. Calves—Offerings were not
quite so heavy4o-day, only about 50 head,
and the feeliug was steady. Ordinary to
good calves sold at from $3 to $4 per head;
choice veals, $5.50 to $6 per head. - There is
a good inquiry for choice veals,but very few
of the right kind are offering. Hogs—There
was another decided advance in this market
to -day. One car load of choice- long lean
hogs was reported sold at fc per lb, and 5i.e
has been paid in the country for hogs to be
delivered next June. Several sales were
made at $4.90 per cwt. weighed off the cars.
For the best long lean bacon hogs to -day the
general range was from $4.75 to $4.80 per
cwt., an advance of about 5c per cwt from
last Friday's prices. All kinds of hogs are
wanted. Thick fat hogs are stronger at
from $4.60 to $4.75 perocwt, weighed off the
cars. Stores are also in -better demand, sell-
ing to -day at from $4.25 to $4.50 per cwt,
weighed off the cars. Sows are scarce, and
fetch about $4.50 per cwt.
Local Notices.
MAN WANTED.— A good reliable man
wanted at once for the organ and Plano business, at
the alueical Instrument emporium. SCOTT Biros.
Rooms TO LET. —Over- Thomas Daly's
store and also a good comfortable dwelling and stable
on William street, East. Apply ,`;ct T. Daly, grocer,
Seaforth, Ont. 1423-11
Piallos and Organs at half price.—We
have a few Instrunients which vae will sell at halt the
prices usually paid. The Seafoith Musical Instru-
ment Emporium. Scorr Bears. 1423-3
ed honey, 13 pounds for al. Red path eugar as cheap
as any house in the trade; Estate of H. Robb. -
1423 -ti
We are selling all kinds Of Crockery and
Glassware at greatly reduced priees for cash. Ex-
amine our goods and prices before purchasing, our
stock of Groceries ill be found as complete as any
in the trade. Redparh aware as cheap as any house
in town. Estate of H. Robb. 142341
A Good Investment for your Money. If
yon want a suit of clothes we ca.n Sell you the cheap-
est of any, place in town. The reason is we buy our
goods for cash and our expenses are very low. Show
roams over Good's store. STARK. Biwa , Merchant
Indere, Seafurth. ' 1423-2*
Have had of late so many dif-
ferent kinds of goods, and so
many apparently low prices
talked into your ears, that you
are probably all mixed up as to
where yon ought to go to get
the " best and the most" for
your money. You
Think that we haye a good
deal of nerve to make the asser\-
tion—that no matter what
prices are quoted, we are as
cheap, and in a great many in-
stances cheaper. We say this
because the fact has been
proven. In order for you to
convinced that suph is the case,
it is only necessabr for you to
come and look inio the matter
in earnest. Go right into the
"comparing business." Do*
be influenced by what you
hear—see for yourselves. It is
by saving money that people
and as economy is wealth, if
von follow our advice we can
help you along the way. Ve
are dealers in Dry ( ods,'
Millinery, Clothing, Touse
Furnishings, &c., and it is a
part of our business Jcreed
never to be undersold We
are prepared to meet ank corn -
petition, either in qu ity or
price, and we will con inue to
sell cheap—at least, we'll not
a nit just
• Dry Goods
J)LITCH SETS FOR SALE.—for F ale, a quantity of
good onion eete (yellow). Write or apply to D.
STEWART, Henson, Ontario. , 1425-2 ,
-0ARM FOR RENT.—That desirab'e grass farm on
,r the 7th conoestion of Morris, lot 15. Seventy
'acres of first class pasture with spring creek„ninning
through the farm. Apply to JAMES SEAW' ct the
Clinton Marble Works, or JOHN DOUGLASSon ad-
j:Aning farm. 1424-6
pARCEL LOST. -Lnst on Saturday forenoon, about
half past nine, between Seaforth and Grieves
br;dge, a parcel of baby's clothes. The parcel also
contained a pair a gold _spectacles. The finder will
greatly oblige by leaving at 7128 EXPOSITOR OFFICE.
BULLS FOR SALE.—For sale three young ahort
Horn Burs fit for Service • one Roan and two
Red, gooaryireals with good pedigrees, prices and
terms to snit the hard Unice. DAVID MILNE, Ethel
Ontario. 1426
law is going to work the Coher farm which I had
rented, 1 intend to make an auction sale,on Tuesday,
April 16th, and.Will sell all the stock at present on
that farm, inchlding a lot of choiee Shorthorn Grade
cows and heifers, a few Thoroughbred cows and
heifers, pure Leicester sheep, good young work
horses and a few Implemente not needed on my own
farm. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. - 1425-2
/undersigned will keep for service at his premises
one mile and a half south of Beucefieletthe thorough-
bred registered Duroc Jersey hoar -Enterprise". Ile
is bred from imported and prize winning stook, and
was purchaaed front the most successful exhibitor of
Jersco swine in Canada. Terms 81.00 payable at time
of service with privilege of returning if necessary.
WILLIAM R. SMILLIE, Kippen, P. 0. 1425-2
-DULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will
DI keep for Ferric° on Lot 3, Concession 3,Hullett,
the thoroughbred Shorthorn bull "Lord Rosberry,"
No. 20062. Lord Rosberry is of a roan color, was
the pick of Mr. D. lifilne'er last year's herd of ten
young bulls, and is, without doubt, one cf the best
stock bulli lr the county. Pedigree will be sent to
any address on application. Terms—Grades, $i.50;
thoroughbreds, 46; payable January 1st, 1896. W.M.
AITCHISON, Seaforth, Box 110. 1425x4
CATTLE, &c. -11r. J. P. Brine has received
inetructionafrom Mr. Thomas Feeler to sell by pub.
Ile Auction on Lot 31, Concession 3, H.R.S.. Tucker-
ernith, on Monday., April 8th, 1896, at 1 o'clock p.m,
sharp, the folloWing property viz. 'Horses. -1 mare
rising 8. one mare 9 years old, 1 gelding rising 3, one
filly rising 3, one gelding rising 2. Cattte.-1 cow
with calf at foot, 3 caws in calf, 1 two 3 ear old steer,
1 heifer rising 2, five year-old steers, 1 two Year old
heifer, 1 calf, 1 brood sow, seven ewes in lamb, 80
hens, one pair ducks, one pair turkeys; also some
hay. The above will positively_ be sold, as the pro-
prietor has rented his farm. Terres.—All gains of
$5 and wait r, and the hay. cash: over that amount
12 months credit will be given on furnishing approv-
ed joint notes. Six per cent. per annum will be al-
lowed for cash on credit amounts. THOS. FOWLER,
Proprietor ; J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. 1421-2.
SALE REGISTER. 1 In the High Court of Justice.
0 Monday, April 8, 1895, at 1 o'clock
shar on Lot 31, Concession 3, H. R., S., CHANCERY DIVISION.
Tuckersraith, Horses Cattle, &c. Thomas
Proprietor ; J..P.Brine,Auctioneer.
STOGDILL has moved her Dressmak-
op to her Mother's residence, James Street,
doors West of the old 'shop, where she will
n dressmaking in all its branches.
WEB 1ER.—At Devon, on March alit, the wife of
Mr. John Webber of a son.
DAVI, Wingham, on March 261h, the wife
o Mr. John Davidson, of a daughter.
BRO N.—In Henson( on March 23rd, the wife of
r. George Browb, of a daught-r.
PAR HOUSE.—In Ethel, on March 24th, the wife
o Mr. J. Parkhouee, of a daughter. •
GRE R.—In West Wawanosh, on March 25th, the
w fe of Mr. George -Greer, jr., of a daughter.
McK LLAR.—In Blyth, on March 22nd, the wife of
kir. Duncan McKellar, of a son. --
FOR —In Exeter, on March 28th, the wife of Mr.
m: Ford, of a daughter.
LEA HERLAND.—In Tuokersmith, on April 2nd,
illiam James Leatherland, raged 43 years and
1 months.
ARM TRONG.—At the parsonage, Bayfield, on
A ril 2od, the wife of Rev. T. L. Armetrong, of
a son.
GIBS N.—At 62 Boswell avenue'Toronto, on April
d, the wife of Mr. Thomas W.Gibeon, ot a son.
DEN,. IS—ROSS.—At the residence of the bride's
rents, on March 27th, by Rev. P. Musgrave,
• r. John S. Dennis, to Miss Mary Ross, both of
LAM IE—HUNTER.—In Hensall, on March alst, at
, . t e parsonage, by hey. F. Swann, Mr. William
' trMIP, to Miss Aggle Hunter, both of Hensall.
THO NDYKE—FLEET —At the Methodist parson -
e, Brupeele, on 'March 22nd, by Rev. G. H.
0 bblediok, Mr. James H. Thorndyke, of Elm,
?dies Harriet Fleet, of Glenallen, Wellington
c unty.
MAS N—JOHNSTON.—At the residence of. the
b ide'd:parante, on March 27th, by Rev. J. W.
ring, kr. Ashton Mason, to Mess Mary, daugh-
. t r of Mr. George Johnston all of Morrie.
licL , UGHLIN—COUSLEY.—it the residence of
the bride's parents, on March 96tb, by Rev.
John Ross, B. A„ Mr. Neil S. McLain:11111n, to
Miss Maggie a., -eldest daughter of Mr. John
Cowley, all of Brussels.
KEM,P—ELLIOTT.—At the residence of the bride's
pnrents, on March 27t11, by Rev. James Hamil-
t n, Mr. David William Kemp, of Teeswater, to
les Eliza C., eldest daughter of James Elliott,
sq., of Turnberry.
McC LLOUGH—HOCKNEY.—In Palmerston, on
arch 19th, by Rev Mr. Aull, Mr. Hugh MeCul-
1 ugh, of Brussels, to Mrs, Hockney, of Alma.
ROB RTON—RILEY.--At the residence of the
ride's father,en March 20th, by Rev. H. J.
air, Mr. Wm Y. Roberton, of Mullett, to Mies
annah M., third daughter of Mr. Wm. Riley, of
ROBIIondeaboro. ,
NSION—STROSG.—At St. Stephen's parsonage,
orrie, on March 20th, Mr. John Robinson, of
lilowiok, to Miss Maggie Strong.
VOG 4N—LEONARD.—At St. ,StePhen's parsonage,
,orrie, on March 27th, Mr. John James Vogan,of
Carrick, to Miss Isabella Anne Leonard, of
lowick. .
EGG ESTONE—PAX3fAN.—At the residence of Mr.
lexander Horton, Stephen township, -on March
3th, by, Rev. J. Holmes, Mr. John Egglestone,of
tephrn, to 311ss Louisa Paxman, youngest
aughter of Mrs. James Paxman, of Parkhill.
HA it1S—CAMPBELL.—At the residence. of the
ride's 1 arents, on April 3rd, by Rev. T. Wesley
' aerie, arr.John Harris, to Alias Flora Campbell,
ughttr of Mr. David Campbell, all of Grey
AN E1180N.—On the Thames Road, Usborne, near
-xeter, on April 2nd, John Anderson, aged 82
.ears 3 months,
McLAREN.—In Bibbert, on March 31st, Jemima
atterson, beloved wife of Mr. Duncan McLaren,
zed 58 years, 2 months.
Y.—At the residence of her brother, Mr. Ac-
rew Wilson, Pickford, lelichigan, on March 29111,
irs.W W.Gray, Oster of Mr. Dani&l Wilson, late
Maple Grove, Stanley.
McsORKINDALE.—In Belerave, on March 24th,
• Ire. Robert MeCorkindale, aged 66 years.
BR MACOMBE.—At Logoch, Manitoba, on March
21st, Richard Brinvicombe, formerly of Usborne,
Huron county, Ontario, aged 42 years.
RO S—At Melville manse, Brussehe on March 27th,
Alexander Watt 'Ross, only surviving son ol Rev.
John Roos, aged 14 years and 13 days.
KILPATRICK.—In Ashfield, on March 20th, Joseph
ll{ilpatrick, aged 61 years and 10 months.
REEDER.—In McGillivray. on March 16th, Japheth,
loon of Mr. Moses Reeder, aged 15 years and 9
C0ATES.—I-1 Usborne, on March 25th, Roy, infant
son of Mr. Richard Coates, aged.5 weeks.
FOOTE. —ln Stanley, on April 2nd. Ann Reid, wife
of Mr. John Foote, aged 43 years,
FLETCHER.—At Fletcher, Kent nounty, on March
281h, Catharine, wile cf David Fletcher, in the
40th year of her age; also infant daughter. The
deceased was a daughter of the late Rev. John
Logie, of Hensel!. ,
1 -1"1Y -
Should Buy Your
Dry Goods at
One Price
Because we are the or-
- iginators and promot-
ors of low prices.
We have all the latest
We show many designs
that are exclusively
our own. I\
We think a pleased customer is
the best advertisement and we
please ourselves by pleasing
We think of the quality first,
then the low price, to make
The Great Bargains
advertised last week are
not all gone yet.
Notice is hereby giventhat Alexander Ellis, of the
Township of McKillop, farmer, has made all applica-
tion to the High Court of Justice for °titan° for a
certificate of title to the above rrentioned property
under •' The Quieting Titles Act" and has produced
evidence whereby he appears to be the owner thereof
in fee, free from ali encumbranoes •, wherefore any
other person having, or pretending to have any title
to or interest'in the said land or any part thereof, is
requeoted on or before Monday, the sixth day of May,
now next ensuing, to file a statement of his claim,
verified by affidavit, at my Chambers, in Osgoode
Hall, In the City of Toronto, and te serve a copy on
Francis Holmested, Esq., at his office in the Town of
Seaforth, as Sollcitor for the said Alexander Ellis,and
In default, every such claitn will he barred and the
title of the said Alexander Ellis becnme abeelute and
indefeesible at law and in equity, euttject only to the
reseur2v511.3tions mentioned in the 26th section of the said
Dated this first day of April 189rferee of Titles.
To the Electors of the South
Riding of Huron, Greeting.
As there is to be a great battle fought soon, I have
made up my mind to take a hand in it, and ask the
Electors of the Riding not to pledge their vote to the
present membert nor to the Patron candidate, but
say to all Audi Altreant. I am prepared to meet all
the electors 2nd, the other candidates and show cauee
why I ask the suffrages of the electors in the present
contest. When the Tocsin is sounded, I am in the
field, or if the other candidates please to notify me,
I will meet them before I say Audaaer Fortuna.
Yours Respectfully,
Mullett, Constance P. 0. 1425-1
Notice of Dissolution of
Notice is hereby given that the partnership hereto-
fore existing between the undersigned as Hardware
merchants and Tinsmith's in the Town of Seaforth
has been this day dissolved by Mutual consent. All
debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to
Mr. Mullett, and all claims agatest the said partner-
ship are to be presented to the said Hr. Mullett ))3T
whom the same will be settled. 'Ihe business in all
its different branched will hereafter be carried on in
Kidd's old stand as formerly, under the firm name
of S. Mullett & Company.
Dated this 28th day of March, 1895.
All parties indebted to the above firm will kindly
settle their accounts on or before 15th of April next.
Mortage Sale of a House and
nineteen twentieths of an acre
of land in the Village of Egmond-
ville, County of Huron. '
tinder and by virtue of a power of sale contain-
ed in a certain mortage bearing- date the fifteenth
day of February, 1894, (which will be produced at the
time of sale) there will be offered for sale by public
auction by Thomas Brown, auctioneer, at the Royal
Hotel, in the Town of Seatcrth, cn Saturday, the
27th day of April, 1E95, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon,
the following house and land, viz: Parcel . All
those parcels or tracts of land, bcing in the vii age of
Egtnondville. township of Tuckersmith, con aining
by adineasurement, one fourth of an acre of land,
more cr lets, and being composed of village 1 t No.
11, north side Stanley street in the village of Eg•
mondville, township of Tuckeremith, ate' esai0 and
being part of farm lot No. 11, in the Std concession,
Huron Road Survey, of the township of Tuckersmith,
in the said County of Huron. Parcel 2. Aliart of
farm lot No. 11, in the 3rd concession, H. R. S., of
the said township of Tuckersinith, containingseven
tenths of an acre of land, nriore or less, and may be
better known and described as follows: Commenc-
ing at the north easterly angle of village lot No. 11,
on the north side of Stanley street, in the said vil-
lage of Egmondville, thence south eighty degrees and
thirty minutes, west one chain and twenty-five links
to the north westerly' angle of said Village lot,
thence north Dine degrees and thirty minutes, west
five chains and ninety-four links to the southerly
bank of the Hayfield River; thence south seventy-
two degrees and thirty-five minutes, east along the
southerly bank of said River ono chain and forty
links; thence south nine degrees and thirty min-
utes, east five chains and twenty•six links to the
place of beginning. Both of said parcela containing
together ninteen twentieths of an acre of land, more
or less. Tnere is a frame house and a good sable on
said property ani
d a good well. There s also a good
cowherd of twenty fruit bearing trees. TERMS. -
850 down on day of sale and the balance to be paid
within one month thereafter without interest, seciir-
ed to the satisfaction of the vendor. There will be a
reserved • bid. Further particulars will be made
known on day of sale or may be had from J. M.
BEST, Seaforth, Vtndoeir Sclicitor : T. BROWN,
Dated 26th March, 189. 1425-4
The public have swooped down on
our stock of Spring Clothes and Fur-
nishings, and the number of ordeis
already placed with us for an outfit for
Spring, demonstrates our superiority.
We were expecting a rush, and were
prepared for it, and, although the
selections have been so numerous,
there is still a host to choose from,
with fresh ones arriving
Don't place your order till you see
what we have in Suitings, Overcoat-
ings, Trouserings, fancy Vesting, Hats,
Caps, Shirts, Waterproof Coats, Um-
brellas, Collars., Ties, Gloves, Hand-
kerchiefs, &-c.
Waterproof Coats made to order at
DILL & SPEARE'S, Seaforth.
One Door South of Expositor Office
All Pictures and Picture frames going at cost for the
have the finest assortment to choose from in town.
Remember this offer won't last long, only two weeks.
First come gets best choice.
Remember the !place, 13AUSLAUGH'S Ground Floor
Photograph Studio •, all the newest things, both in
style and finish, known to the -Photo trade to be
found here and as cheap as elsewhere, so why not
have the best. 1424
The undersigned,on account of the stormy weather
was not able to dispose of all his etock at his auction
sale, so has still left a number of thoroughbred Tam-
worth and Berkshire pigs, including rime fine sows
with pigs and two good aged, one Iderkahlre and one
Tamworth. Now is the time to get a bargain. Ap-
ply on Lot 5, Conceseion 6, Mullet, or Constance P.O.
142611 F. H. SCHOALES.
Mortgage Sale of Farm, in the
Township of Mortis,
County of Huron
Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained
in a certain mortgage made by one James Harrison
to the vendors (and registered as number 4669) now
in default and to be produced at time of sale. There
will be offered for sale by public auction at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Blyth, on Thursday, the 18th day of
April A.D., 1E95, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the after.
noon, all and singular, firstly the north half of Lot
No 4, in the 7th concession of the township of Morrie,
containing 100 sores excepting two sores used for
railway purposes and frecondly the east half of the
south of Lot No. 4, in the said 7th concession con-
taining 50 acres. This desirable property is situated
about 41 miles from Blyth. About 85 acres are clear-
ed and about one acre in orchard. A log dwelling
with frame addition, also a frame barn and stables are
upon, the premises. The property will be offered
subject to reserve bid. TERMS.—Ten per cent. of
the purchase money will require to be paid at time of
sale and the balance according -to favorable terms
and conditions to be then made known. For further
particulars apply to BEATrY, BLACKSTOCK, NES
131TT, CHADWICK & RIDDELL, 58 Wellington St.
East, Toronto, Solicitors for Vendors.
Dated at the City of Toronto
this 14th day of March, 1895. 1424-3
House Cleaning.
••••••••••••• •••••••••••
Think You'll Want a New Car-
pet this Spring?.
We do Carpet prices right here. We do Carpet display and
carpet stocks right at this store. New patterns, new colorings,
new designs, new prices. Never such a stock to choose from.
Don't buy a Carpet till you visit this house.
Tremendous display of Lace Curtains in White and
Ecru, all taped and bound, from 35c per pair up to $10.
We are showing some beautiful patterns and
colorings in the new designs of Floor Oil
Cloths and Linoliums, in all widths.
lirrWe sew and put down. all Carpets free of charge.W2
The stock of Smith & Steet is being slaughter-
ed at Bargain Prices to make room for
1\1-17cr G-OODS..
Our stock is well assorted, and our -prices are away down.
!Having purchased ,t-h/je entire stock of the firm of
Mullett & Jackson, hereby solicit the continu ed patronage
given to the old firn3,-and by close prices and strict atten-
tion to business, trust not only to retain our present cus-
tomers, but to add new ones also. Our stock of
Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, House
Furnishings, etc.,
Is complete, and in addition we have added a line of
TINWARE at prices never offered before. For instance—
One 14 quart Dish Pan, two Pails, Pudding Dish, Dipper
and Match Safe for FIFTY CENTS.
Or one covered Bread Pan, three Pails, Dipper, Pudding Dish, Skim-
mer, Dust Pan and Wash Basin, for ONE DOLLAR.
We shall alto pay 8-potial attention to FURNACE WORK,
AND GENERAL JOBBING as before, at Xidd's old
MULLETT & CO., Seaforth.
And you will see some nobby Spring goods.
Go inside, and you will see a great deal more.
Simply to look over our beautiful line of
Suitings, etc., is a pleasure. When you want
anything in the line of gentlemen's wear—
want it good—you can't. make any mistake in
coming to us. That is our boast—good goods,
best workmanship, entire reliability, right
If U ant 2 C
Where you will really see the 1895 patterns as cheap as old goods are offered
at. We have also purchased for this Spring's trade a big lot of papers at a
special discount for cash, and are offering one of the largest general assorted
stocks of Wall and Ceiling Papers at prices ranging from 30 per roll upwards.
the nicest and cheapest in the market, at
Latest Designs & Colorings.
2,000 ROLLS
Arrived this week, to be sold at
Special Prices
All Wall Paper bought from us will
be put on the wall or ceiling for five
cents per roll.
Remember, we have a larger stock
than any threea dealers combined in
the county.
C. W. Papst,
Right at the Front.
Just received another car of those very
choice new Fruits, Syrups, Sugars, Teas,
Coffees, Buckwheat, Flour and Maple Syrup_
A few half barrels first-class Lake Superior
Herrings left, at 5-3 per barrel. I will quote
a few of the many bargains to be had for
28 lbs. No.1 Granulated Sugar for $1.
30 lbs. good Coffee Sugar for $1,
33 lbs. Yellow Sugar for $1.
34 lbs. good Raw Sugar for $1.
8 lbs. Sulphur for 250.
6 lbs. Rice for 25c.
6 pounds new Raisins for 25e
6 lbs. new Currants for 25c
5 lbs. of figs for 25e
5 lbs. new Prunes for 25e.
-5 lbs. Pearl Tapioca for 25c.
.5 lbs. boneless fish for 25c
3 lbs. Epsom Salts for 10c.
Best 50e Tea for 40c per pound, in
Green, Black or japan.
Best 35e Tea for 25c per pound, in
Green, Black or Japan.
A very fine pure Sugar Syrup; 38c per
gallon. , The best ",Silver Drip Syrup.
48c per gallon.
Lake Huron Herrings, 20c per dozen.
Wanted—Eggs, Butter, Apples, Potatoes
and Maple Syrup, for which the highest
market price will be paid.
A. G. AULT, C4th.
Has Conquered,
And made it possible to restore defec-
tive eyesight to normal vision.
Having taken a course of studies at
the Detroit Optical Institute, is pre-
pared to fit aU defects of vision.
Astigmatism, Hypernaetropia,
Myopia, Presbyopia,
Or any Compound Defect.
Astigmatism is due to irregular shape of the eye,
and is usually congenital, but is often caused by im-
properly fitted glasses. Many school ohildren with
this defect are called stupid, but with properly fitted
glans* they nay become the brightest of scholars.
This is quite a common aud dangerout defect. !Tape
metropip is a malionnstion which keep* the ciliary
muscle in constant use, whereas in the normal eye it
is street when looking at a distanco. Ibis defect, if
neglected, may result in _nervous depreernon and
pain, and even prostration. Myopia Is a diseased
condition of the ea e, which should be very carefully
fitted to prevent an increase of the defect, and pee
haps ultimate blindness. PresbasoVa is; lose of ac-
commodation in the eye, which may cause cataract.
unless corrected by artifieial aid. Frequently nervons
or sick headaches, and &leo serious illness, are
brought on by one or more of the above defects. Re-
member no charge for testing your eyes.
J. S. Roberts, CHEMIST AND
Cardno's Block, Seaforth.
Eggs - Wanted
—AT THE --
New Egg Store
B. B. Gunn's,
Mr. Alex. Stobie has made arrange-
ments with one of the largest produce
firms in Montreal to supply them with
eggs and is prepared to pay the highest
market cash price for FRESH EGGSA
A. $tobie, C4th.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised
Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, and Amending
Acts, that all persotte having claims against the es-
tate of Rarer& McMichael, late of the Townatdp of
McKillop, in the County of Huron, yoenaan, de-
ceased, who died on or about the 17th of February.
A. D, 1895, are required, on or before the Arstelay or
May, A. D. 1895, to send or deliver to John MOMillara
or Thomas McMillan, of the Township of Mullett,
executors of the agate of the said deasased. A
itatement in writing, oontaining their names, ad-
dresses, description and full particulars of their
claims duly venfied, and the nature of the acuity
(if any) duly held by them. And notice is hereby
further given that on and after the Find Day
May, A. D. 1895, the Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the aerate of ths said estete =On tho par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard to the clams et
which they shall have notice. and they will not be
liable for said estate so distributed, or ser Forgets
thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims
they shall not then have notice. JOHN McMILLAN
AND THOMAS McMILLAN, Executors of the estate.
Dated at Mullett this lith day of March, 1606.
Sealed tenders will be received by the Directors of
the Brucefield Cheese if anufactunng Company up to
the 10th day of April, 1895. for the erection of a brick
of frame Cheese Factory building, (to be erected in
the vicinity of Brneefield). Plans and spocifioations
can be wen at the residence of Mr, Alex. Mustaaaa_
Brocaded, on and after the first day of April.
Brucafield, 26th March, 1895. 1424-2
• 4