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The Huron Expositor, 1895-04-05, Page 3
I 0- I% *r , EN 13 4i . � a - I � I I I � � � , I L�---- �-_--_ . . - � I 1. I. /_ 11 _____ . . I -1 1. - I - I I -, � - __ . � �� . - . - -1 . - . . I I I . I A . : 1 - � � . . I - . . ; '. I I . I" - I I — POSITO-R-O I - APRILy 18954 . - MWC 3 I 1III Hong . N1 AN I FESTO. . . . --- r - I I I I : . . . . . )sang or Madras meditating a return to . I CLYDESDALE PRING TIME /�/ _/ // now be standing on the beach at Hong- / /�/, I IMPORTANT NOTICES. - / , , . I IN THE S' k /, / I Never Strenuous Efforts Will 13e Made to Boom . ' ' J. J. McKEINVA, Dominion and Provincial 'Land ,/ I I " I .# his father's house. Give him up? I g UU U', , � 'A the Scotch HiDrso. . . Surveyor, Atember of theMsoelatioof Ontario I * 7 I/ . give him up I Has God promised to bear � . I .. Land Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. f / I I It Is 00b, � ` j. , Alexander Galbraith, secretary 1 1336-62 //-. :i � Mr. A] I . .. . thy prayer only to mock thee? - . ' . . . / I t - of the American Clydesdale association, PEOT LE WELL. .- . SALE.—All buteher tools and rigs nece'saary ��� � P I - / too late. . �_. ftf`% I P. . - _��_ S.1p 1` I � % .., — , .. _. ited PkINE'S CE.LERY COMPOU1Q) MAKE,'FORtoomduct A butcher business—in Myth. Wouu Y)..IV /J 11) / / // - In St. Paul's, Lor)(Ion, there Is a wbig- . 01 - has issued to breeders of the United 11 I � .; ; F , —_ I THANKFUL PEOPLE EVERYWHYMOIK GLADLY EI�'DOR'-1 - THE (R,AT stand; terms easy. Apply to JOHN OLA,RK, Pro- // 0 1 poring gallery. A voico uttered most fee-. States and Canada an address from , prietor, Blyth, P. 0. 1423x4 � " Ill, " -1 I 0. 1 . bly at one side of tho galler Is beard dis- I / / I 1, _y which we make the following extracts: .N21 EDICKNE'. - . I I - % . i 1, r . tinctly I at the opposito side, a great dis- TWO TYPES OF PERCHERON. Inasmuch as the value of "pure bred '� . . - EDAR POSTS FOR SALE —The undersigned has I I , / 1/,.,l1 I tance off. So every word of earnest Pray- I .IT IS A BLESSING TO THE WHOLE CAN-ADIAN- DO-NIINIO.N. I C for sale on west halt of Lot 11, Concession 13 1 .f. - -,d in the . - McKillop, about 2,000 good cedar poets, s feet long. / , / /,.I y One Is an American Horse, the other Ts a Clydesdales will largely depot -d , / /6 _11 . - Ir V, er goes all around the earth and makes , - French One. future upon the value and Popularity Of ' - . will be sold Cheap. MRS. ARCH. McNAB, � . , " . . heaven a whispering gallery. Go Into the . PHYSICIANS ACK'N'0WLED*l:, ITS GREIAT CURZING VIRTUES. .a I Leadbury. 1423x4 7 work, we 1 - ften bring coughs --and colds, ark -not to'sit down, but to stand In the American bred Percberons are no the grades for heavy truck -G N -1) PURE BLOOD. - -"URHAX BULL FOR SALE. -Foe sale, a I /10 . . I . � - creature in deem it a matter of great importaDco to IT 1`11AKES STRONG I ERVEIS AN . door, and, ,call until all the. famil� cum© slouches, as the beautiful i _U thoroughbred Dur', am bull, roan color and 13 / - while in. Aged'Noah, where Is Japhoth?, David, the first illustration shows. In compari- the interests we represent to eDCOUTago . � I .. - In .1 IT CURES DISEASE AND L0_N'G-8TAXD1.NG TROUD-LE'S. I months old, with registered pedigree- Apply On lot where Is Absalom? Hannah, where is Sam- . soil with the other, an imported animal, in every way within our power the e,K- . c IL, Bayfield road North, Stanley, or address Varna PYNY — PECTORAL uel? I . es not suffer in th . e least 'degree. hibition of the best specimens of the AN ONTARIO MAN STRON(,LY TESTIFIES. . I P. 0- JOHN REID. � 1414- * he do . brings quick relief. Cures I . � A Fitting Simile.' He belongs ill an eastern state and is bieed obtainable at our county, district - I FOR 8 ALE. -Eight grand young Short Horn bulls L flanimation of the loronchial - On one of tho Inho steamers there were I with A I pedigreeb, f rom 8 to 14 months old, - tubes, throat or chest. No un- a father two daughters journeying. now about 6 years old. He is a very and state fairs. " I atri a living witness to the worth of I the healthfulness so necessary to make life . also a few pure Berkshire bears and sows of breeding certainty, Relieves, soothes, And it seems to us a duty we each Paine's Celery Compound." . Pleasurable for the suininer. All should bear I age, -11 at prices and terms to suit the times. Come heals promptly. They seemed extremely poor. A benevolent t I owe to ourselves that we begin prepare- This is the statement of Mr. G. J. Smye, I " and see them. DAVID MILNE, Ethel Unt. 1414-tf A Large. Bottle for 25 Cents. gentleman stepped up to the poor man to . - ., " - I in iniad the fact th,at PajiWs Celery Com- -4 - proffor some form of -relief and said - You P . " /.",., - tions at once for the grandest and most of Sheffield, Ont. I pound " makes people well." I I � :11, It makes people well ! . '. J. Smye, (AUAr,RY STONE. -The undersigned has for sale 09115 a RUM Co.: U0, seem to be very poor, sir." "Poor, sir," ' 1L.,• I I extensive exhibition of draft at I so ful1v The followinK., letter from Mr, G 1y &t h4,,4 (juarij at Granbrook a quantity of choice I � - , - , -wo horse show that has � This fact is so widely known ftn( � �e speaks of a wondrous, 4), . FROPRIETORS. replied the man. "If there's a poorer man . the next Chic. of Shelf. hl, Out., s I 8tutie, swtatyle for Corner stones, sill stones and � than Inca -troubling the world, God pity ' . 11 go.. - ._A�,, t3 [le At- borne out by thousands of magniTicent cures I cure after all ordinary means had failed to bridire none. Will b3 sold, at reasonable prices. MONTREAL. I /I •. ever been seen on this side of V - � .1, the simple stateinent. is in itself . : - . GEORGE BAKER, Cranbrook, P.O. 140S ti both of u�." "I will takoone of your . .fit, "I "• U., `,Cts_(,. I u, - lantio. Such exhibits, representing the that . do the Nvork: . . - . . I ,J-,� J_ "- , sufficient. - _- _ - id adopt -it if you say so. I 1. 111-1.4.1.. children ai "I % best specimens of the breed, would find it., ,�, , q4e The whole Dominion has been blessed by ! 1, It is with -real pleasure that I testifyt-0 I . -VOI-IN BEATTIE-, Cl,irk -f the Second Division ' think it would be a great relief to You." - .� Court, cou'rttv commissioner, of fluro C n 1" ne, Pai;e'S . . � , ' great years I *j Co - . a ready market at the close of the show the marvellous woik of the great inedicine, : the value of Your -reat mediei veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. nkunds YOUNG L A DIES "A what'll" said rho poor man. "A rolief! I ,I it f at fancy prices and at the same time do and an army of rescued and , saved men and I Celery Conipc�und- Invested and to Loan. Office -Over Sharp & ' Would It be a rolief to have the hands 11 I . - - I I A 1� ; ion, kidney arid liver - , en bless the noble discoverer, Prof. Ed- � -suffered from intli('est I Livens' store, Main street, Soafoith. 1289 h off from the body or the heart .- . i, I � � more to popularize the brbed and en- wom z11 I . -AND- I . .. -a L. Phelpbs, M. D., L.L.D. 1 troubles. Atter trying Several inedivines — - torn from the beast? A relief indeed! God -, , ,�i� t * -, . tj hance values than any scheme we ca ward. E S _t did not cilect. a . cure, I decided I to try . BUILDI,\G PUBLIC.-In,#w% I r .N,Taster minds amongst the me(lical men of that . XPORTANT TO THE. I...,-. - I ri ,�,.- q ,Z� ; I 1 , -. , S`,Y/� "Ills should in no instance I le�loek fj be good to 'Lis', What do you mean Sir?, 11 'I 'fl"IV ( t V1, -C - -le(IggElthe po- - it I was so I tj ii.� now offer. To- I -1 order to reduce our large stock of dry F E N T L E M E N I , , I - -_ k i9 the present day readily aeknoiN I your Compound. Before usin,, I iumber, we will offer special inducements to cash However many children wo have, we have .?1 .. I I . - weigh. less than 3,200 pounds, should tent and curincyviitues ,of Paine's Celery low ill health that I Could not cat or sleep. I buyers from now until July 1st. Bills for barns and .none to give up. Which of our families ., - - . have goo(I faet, be sound in every par- - at the shortest notice. Cooi� & Send 9 cents in stamps or to cents silver, and we 1A - Compound. Th"ev find that it makes strcm, i I eouEl not lie in bed owing to pain in nly houses filled out e�von? - : ,., �,�_ � . L, afford to spare out of h I , 't� . can we c lz"L" - titular, closely matched in size and con- nerves and p ; lieces- I bac'- ; it was only by resting, on elbwws and (;or -r7, D-isawood. 1424 tf will send V(,u by return mail the . ure blood, two essentials � - • Will It bo the oldest? Will it be tho . � formation, well groomed and properly sary for perfect health anti strength. I hilec's I ww; enal)led to obtain a slight de- TOGK FOP, SALE. -The undersigned will sell ten you.ngost,r Will it be that one that was GRAY rElICITERO'N STALLION. acid 1-1 Alad fuii:� taken S head of thoroughbred Durham cattle, cows or Perfect Letter Writer, -- Lon; -standing troubles aid diseases are I gree of case. Before I sick some time ago? Will it be the hus- heavy horse, but with such strong and harnessed. r) 0 when all i one b9ttle of your medicine I be - heifers, a herd of 22 to choose f ran., also eight young '� t' cured by Paine's Celery CompoQnd . bulls. All these are registered and will be sold cheap. A neat little book, being a perfect guide in the art'Of band? Will it be the wife? TNO, DOI WO long legs that he does not seem. un- Canada alone could make a showing . tel . 0 . k. gan to improve. I have in all taken . Con - Letter Writing. It cou,t�ins letters of Love, Friend. - other medical agencies fail in their,work I Time given if required. DAVID HILL, Lot 27 , must have them all in. Lot us take the t legs of this kiDd. that would be a revelation t. �406-26 ship, Business, etc., witH valuable instructionb and wieldy, as heavy horses with shor For kidney and liver troubles, it is the in- fourteen potties with grand results. Lana a I -3ession 8, Hibbert, Staff& P. O. mi. . - be fallible er-nedy. Nervous debility, exbaus- farmer and lani now tn working ,every day, advice. . Every young tu and wonian should have children 's hands and start now. Leave are bon n d to be. toourpeople ;and at thesams time r 1-3 ., I . WO FRES14 CALVED COWS FOR SALE. -The this book. Address, i one behind. Come, father! Come, moth- His beautiful dapple gray coat, his of great seTViCE) to the farmers and tion, sleeplessness and headaches are quickly Anyone inay refer to me in re undersigned has for sale on his premises, Lot ori Come, son! Come, daugbterl Come, I y ZD rs of . gard to these T mc-Kitiop. two of fresh tato- NOVELTY PUBLISHERS) I . graceful shape, his small, spirited head breeders in that early Clydesdale ter.ri- sire away 1) the curing powet Paine'�s statements, or to any of my neighbors - Come, sisterl Only one' -stop, � - 3 L, Concession 4, brother! nd'8heflield, where I am well known. I ed cow?. To those wishing good milkers, this offers Ingersoll, Ont.. and the mighty muscles that Show in tory. I Celery Compound. around a, good opportunity. Apply to JAS. SOME KVI LLE. . and we are in. Christ, the door, Swings 0 - For the purpose of encouraging the This is the season when the sick must, of ani a livina witness to the worth of Paine*s on the premi�es. 14320 1402X26 out to admit us, and it is not the hoarse- rump, neck and shoulder make him al Z3 1 t o ) 11�1& Celery Compound." I , I - ness of a stormy blast that you hear, but together one of the finest specimens of largest and best exhibition possible on, necessity recupera e lost strength . and gain C I I - I - I - - . ULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, two thoroughbred - tho voice of a 1OViDg and patient God that the Percheron family. He is such�an -the occasion above referred to, this . . . I BDurhjm Bulla, with registered pedigrees, one I . addresses you, saying, "Come thou and all warhorses 1. I if I 16 months' old ; both rf,d; with be soiJ at prices to art:." animal as the old Norman arborses ciation will offer the following liberal I . a w 'Apply on Lot 24, Concession 3, L R.S., S., Tuckers i - qvw a I IE Sests I nit the! times. Also a few improved Yorkshire Pigs. thy house into the arL And Were may were before the days of gunpowder. premiums: &VA KM uiiih the Lord shut US in I � In the second illustration is shown a . TEA31S rN HARNESS. It Pays to Att d 'he Brucefleld P. 0. WM. CHAPMAN. 14 - 17tf 3 i on of another Percheron family. First premium.... ............ $2C0 ________ I — ' . ___ - - - __ - . 11repared For EmergencleF6 S�ecim Second premium... 150 .i_ I — I undersigned has on lot _ARK - .'This horse - - Third premium.. ll ........ 100 , I ?Z ULLS FOEL SALE. -The ut was brought into the coun I . ,rX . 13, Concession 4, H. R. S. a -thoroughbred Dur- Once more had the battle of the OMO- 1; I - - - I B I lor and an excellent . Ihenny try from France when he was 2 years Fourth premium.. 75 1 C/1!4/.:�/_ I . ,/."�1'./A; . bani bull, 17 months old, red cc tions gone against Ma.calliStOr MCI 60 . V - , / j I , animal. He was sired by imported "Prime blinistei"; -1 old. He is as fine aal animal in his way Fifth premium... " I ... ��e�, j/, , / / /'/Z,�� - ,�<,�/� � s shield , 1>41 �Z�7 X also a six months old bull, red color and from Prime - I and ho was lying prostrate upon hi SINGLE INIARtS OR GELDINGS SHOWN TO HAL- I � , I ;! _�._ - --- - �� - ,�� bliaister. WILLIAX CARNOCHAN, E.-nioneville. . on the field of crimson carpet, metaphor- � TER. , 1, . . . I � .. . 1408-tf scally speaking.. . First premium ................................ $100 t!, 'O fl -r -I I I "And do you persist in your refusal?" , . . 'Second premium ............................. 75 Z. S rT _T Z, JnS_rP_R10TZ,1D 2-7 _1: - OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -On comer of ' ,,"I'll, 1 I I I I . . . . . . . I - :7 ... . Third premium. 50 H-eets, Seaforth,a frame POWDERS he said helplessly and hopelessly to the 0 i t"", " "';; - .. 30 . Crombie and Victoria Ett - I ,/:)- - �- Fourth premium ........................... house, containing 7 rooms, with good well and cistern Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgi•a victress. - �1, - t •, ,,, Fifth premi-am .......................... �..... 20 - and good stable. There is cne acre of land. Will be In 20 MINU'rEs, also Coated Tonguel DI*ZZI- "Assuredly," shereplied f1rinly. ,,�.;,.,� - E - I ain in the Side, Constipation, I -ducatifin is Ahe Corner sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply on the prem ness, Biliousness, P "Do you know what that means?" 110 "'. An entrance fee will be char-ed� in ,,.� , t� . Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and ,1 /', ��', , - -, �x I ises to N. T. CLUFF. 1423-4 Tot. ,�" , , ";A"�11, � , � - late the bowels. VERY N16E To TAKE. asked, with a dark suspicion lurking bo- 1A, I above classes. I , '11" " I - . . . % __ - . __ � , __ - __ ! regulate I � .1�11 �6, "I. thus .. eer. bind his trembling tones. I .11,;. uccessful Car V . ..., �� - I URIIANI BULL FOR SERVICE. -The und6r- PRICE 25 CENTS AT DRUG STORES, )F41� , . We make this announcement 1 Zi i - ID signed will keep for service on Lot 5, 'Conces- - -"It MeaDS that I'm not going to bocomo' , • . I. early in order to give parties who are . " � 11 I 1 I tion 10, Hullett, the thoroughbred Bdibarn bull, Mrs. Macallister iNjelilienny, I fanc.y,-" B110 �_�� if likely to assist our cause in this way - Valasco " 24th, to which a limited number of cows replied, ivitb a light sillile. . Educated heads and skilled liands are always in demand. Now is the Nvill be taken. Terms.-Grades,81.50; Thoroughbreds, elf " ' aluple time to prepare for the event, 1 i4 ;parable December 1st, 1895. J. RAPSON I Karn Orean & Piano -'But to mel" lie asked hoarsely. . which can be made the most impoitant best time to enter. I I I I f I 1423x4 to " Well, DO, I hadn't thought of that," .5;... - 1 01Y115-1 �_ - - the . I I I fOSH, Principal. SHAW & ELLIOTT, ProprietorS. f I I I . to the breed that has occurred on I was her indifferent reply. � - -._ .1 i• P. WIN I I " " . __ . SEED OATS FOR SALE -The undersigned has Company. "Then let me tell you," and thero was _ . continent up to this time.. ; I I - , �V::-__ - - -_ . 600 bushels of Salzer's Northern growicz oats you - .:,.r 'Vbile draft teams are not bringing . - I ,- desperation in his eyes and voice. "If y N n - for sale for seed. This variety produced from 80 to BLACK pERCHERON STALLION. ______ - - - . *11 b 9 . - reject Ino utterly, I swear to YOU that I satisfactory prices at the present time it 140 bushels to the acre this past year. They W1 . Freeman potatoes, the What we say is true, and a is I cold at 60 cents per bushel. -will do myself great bodily harm." as the dapple gray, but different H i ' . I - L . is confidently believed ,and predicted by . I - earliest variety grown ; Empire State ; Voiback blocks. He I Seedling ; the P'rizetaker, a new variety, xvbich Everybody knows it. "Not now?" she cried anxiously. shorter in the leg and more bloc the large dealers and consumers that, - "S lkmr& I . - d, thinking she was is as solidly built as.a draft horse could )/�, #1344 grew 740 bushels to the acre; the Early Priz,,, ; I "Yes," he aDswere k. within tlU .•15 C '100% L [33011)" ` the Early Sunrise, and other varieties. Apply to Our success demonstrates that business can be done frightened. "Right here and now in your TO years at farthest, there will ((� , I . I be. This horse is owned in the west and be an absolute famine for choice and de- - �) I I I I'll )III, I Lot 21, Concession 13, McKillop, or Walton P. 0. on a'fair, square bads and be auk-e8sful. . " vdth . lly getting the very presence. " is a popular prize Winner. Tho charac- I V - anti Burns are soofned at once JOHN STAFFORD. � � 1423-4 There'sareason for us continua � sirabledraft horses. With this prosper- I I greatest share of trade. Never has our master}` been Sho braced herself against the hardwood �_' � ') I �N em * I . # . - I teristic Pereberon bead and neck are five condition of things staring us in the I, W , I ('�, Into - No other concern can sell 'ov.w, --.0ijW I , SZED OATS. -lilt. John Afelville has a quantity Of so complete as it is now. mantel. -in animal. (� ( I -, -- I I I , I a new kind of Oats which lie offers for sale for at the prices we can and will ; none can give you the splendidly defined in this , i a] face it becomes -cis all to renew OUT in Z, - Perry MUM . I , zn — . 61 R . I 2, Hilibert. choice of so fl , -c a line of instruments as ourp in "All rjok, 11 she Said quite composed, I . on Lot 22, Concets"on it &L I have taken only toil ch of our breeding I tA a I They are a new variety which he got seven years ago squareI in Ejoine MUnin organs. lessons with the class operations and iota .. I MI iy Peas, and this year they turned out, () fleece on a Merino rain should be I , . the first time, - shoppers, one fi#-Id ovtr flfty All new organs aT-d pianos warranted for the term rococo with It. terests in this bran I (� /Z , I " I LL En R" a I or upright pianos, or for church or parlor P in First Aid to the - The '.Alerino Fleece. in our best mares for qkl I in spite of the gra - Injured, but I guess I know what to do. Th breeding purposes and use only the best PAIN %/ bushels per acre, an the other field over eighty of seven years. monthly, until paid. Anyway, it will be .111 excellent opportu- dense, well set and standing -well up . r� I - - •... �* .. stallions at our command.`; - ' . , �. .� t takes out the fire, reduces the bushels per acre. All t use who have spoken for seed TERMS -$3, $5 or �it) or more mon inducive, more pity for lite to put into practice what I under pressure, and if pressed down = I I hiflam.- I bad better call early as first come first served as What can be more liberal, more In neighborhoods wherA'Jr'good stallions .. ,.,. - long as it lasts. JOHN MELVILLE, Chiselhurst safe than to buy a KARN. have learned. "' should have sufficient elasticity to return - .. mation, and prevents blisterin - It is . . 1413.13 . This was too much, and Macallister Me- not be had farmers would do well to 9 I ? 11. O�� Oat. R quichly to its upright position. It can the quickest and most e5ectual remedy for . , Ilhenny picked LIP his broken shield and t2 -nown ' by - . Private fends to Joan. atlowest J. L.- DOWNEY9 be dense rather than long in staple. It or"an'ze a club and Send a delegation Keep IL 8 '300 F . other implq.ments and warlike parapher- to some of the large breeders or stallion pain that is 1, - - - you. , "I - should cover well all parts of the body, kn — - I 500 rates of interest in sums to suit '1423-3 1 MA-NAGER. ,nalia and fi�d from the crimson field In I owners for the 'purpose of obtaining the _' . * _� : the graatest, Idisorder.-Dotroit Free Press. head, legs and underneath the belly. Services of a stallion for the use of its .1 S 700 borrowers. Loans can be tom- � I I It is desirable that this last should have members. Dy adopting this course - -----I--- --- . - - B1,000 pleted and money advanced irst Suez Canal. the wrinkles running down on to and --- I . . . . . . I The F - 1 $1,500 within t o days. Apply to R. I I W as r, choice stallions can be secured at a com - JL , W , , � . I According to Herodotus, Pharaoh NLTO- across it and be covered ith lollt:) paratively Eniall cost to the individual. gair I .ster &c., Seaf orth. olio, 450 years before the Christian era, Waiting for So.m......hing Tto Tafrn Up. 62,500 S.HAYS,Barr; 1. and thick wool as the sides. The face I 3 the Of Size, I .126 im, - commenced the construction,of a canal with a heavy fOrOtOp In making selections in r it to turn un, and then Aot be able to . 0 should be covered 'WhaVs the good of :%vait' - for � ) I . I - with substance and quality combined, 6 0 - branching out from the Nile and travers t younielf iii shape by taking a coune . I 1 - of Wool, rillijued round broadly over the interval -e . - IF YOU WANT -AW- 0 e desert to the bead of the gulf of should not be overlooked. "illi the bill." " In the in I 8 Ing the . eyes. The model ram (1006 not have the . To sell, buy, encumber or release house or I vr Suez. When about half completod, and To those not fr.miliair with - the Chi- in the . .-A _ I ke I Wool running down very close to the -rs .1 - . . after the sago market we can .s,gy that exhibitors . -- 11111�11 I arm, call oil J - G with such a o . I , J. WAU('.1'rH, Land Agent, expenditure of an incredible - .11-11 . aforth. 0 ,,�Nl $3 T I PATI 0 N amount of labor, the wor'k'was abandon- end of the noso, but a ram can safely rely on r666iving from $430 4: — _. 11 - 31 Goderich Street East, Se, 9 ed, owing to an oracle which the king had face may bo very profitably used on a �- ,I - — - - - _____ ____ to $6 00 for such paii's as our proposed - i I . R I Ll 0 U SIM' E S S., consulted warning him that if the onter- flock if the ewes have poor faces. The . . - SERVICE. . I exhibition shall call out. These prices, L�BOARS FOR 8 c-�\- 0 YS3 P E P S I A-.�Q ' prise was completoed it would be for tho fleeces should be as even in length, _ 0 � I i . and added to the very liberal prizes we are I I . I SERViCE.-The and r- DA'��11 81 benefit of 1his enemies; the barbarians, , thickness and quality on all parts of the ement TAMWORT11 BOAR FOR &CK HEA V I ' r offering, should be ample induc : afgved,Y6 ill keep for sen ice, at, the Bruef-fleld, probably entangle the cation in fo citgn I . � body as possible. As to quality, a rani iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ZZy !!! I I (;hecF-e Factory, - REG U LAM THF_ LIVER. - to those -who caro to be -in active prepa- I I a thoroui,lhbred Tantworth Boar. complications. . � - 'able at having a coarser fleece than the owes iS tD w 'Aithregiattrudyiedigree. Terms, -'.i,l; Pa3 INS The was subsequently completed rations at once Nvith a view and dot r- I i , - I time of Service kith privileKe of retutning if neces- ONE PILL AFTER EAT . generally preferred, but we can see no ?I a% I gory. I-jUuH McOAIMNEY, Brucefield. - 1 7 by Ptolemy 1I and afterward To - Colby' - 1 - 1405-t! INSURES -GOOD DIGESTION. stored by jninatioi�i, to make this the greatest dr'ft t � I&-- am- - on why a rain with fine fleece mayhst Cityluslnes.s & bhofthand Collely's I � - . - __ _ - - EDOWN1 ED, C 0. LTD TrajaD. Tho Grand canal was stated as x6as r�de ever seen in any countryOFore :i I PPRI 0 E 25 CTS. I �l TORONTill superior to any other canal in not be equally valuable, provided the horse pa " I ERKSDIRE PIGS. -The undersigned breeder of � being far 11 'We hayd tljO raaterial in abundance, , C):P :E,(DMTIDC) W3 (DM -Tr -r- I I I B thorous:hbred-B-orkshire swine, will keep for _ I wool set, dense and stands wol . ' - McKillop, the priz,3 11 theknoWDwo*d. Its breadth such -it- is needed to insure success n our jr-a--tical course. See for proof our sue ., service on lot 26 Concession fit 'Protest." IN ■� that two galltys abreast could 'be navi- to the outer onds.�Exchauge- and all ill. -it ' We lay great emphasis 0 � I " Election " and ' -up public spirit, lOY- tewart hag received t4e position as trmvellino, winning Berkshire boars, with the priVil- d mor- . to the eut'L,rprise is a 1) cessful students. A. AT. S t2l 4 gated on it, and by it the riches an . I Tern,s $1, payable at tinte. of service, TKiMills nt, iDtel- Write UL-- for . number of young ,he ppen alty to the,interest's we represe n I n �; -, also a nu Sillier Than a Sheep. age of returning if uecettaar3 auditor with ihe ,McCormack Harvesting, Co., 'Wi Dip,g. . I I JAMES DORRANCE, Sea- chandise of the cast were 0011VOYed from n . b . pigs for sale. both sexes. the Red sea to the Nile, and thence to the ligent selections and careful fitting of College reopens on ; forth P. O. ied not akin. 1419-52 I should like to call attention to one t3 catalogue and particulars, addrassing carefully. ZD' Pairs furr)i--1 b I TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. Mediterranean. Strong Opposition was cut grievous the animals. Z5 . . , ' . premi- or tN,vo things. The *pres January 2nd, 1895. . IGS I PIGS !-The undersigned has at his raised during the construction, on the . . I I I . les, lot 6 Concession 6 Builett,several thorough- — . ground that, tho land �,�rough which it condition of the sheep industry is due Live Stock Points. . 1395.26 . i . W. WESTE RVELT, PrIncIpal. � I r eassnable at full blast and I to tariff legislation -WE) can, � 7 . cows and hogs for sale at r The Kippen mills are now running 1�-vel of tba Red Dot, Only I bred Berkshire L horse doctoriD-, notice — — -----_��=======:�, prices,also a 'itter of tboroughhred Tamworths ready are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortest notice, passed being below the (j trou- Concerning M — . . j sea, e al -vmule-6e the means of stand that; Do' Only to financial . ; to wean. He j,dso ba -4 a thoroughbred Berkshire and Dr. R. S. Howard, an expert ; . oar for service -terms $1 and most reasonable terms. In this way you get:Gooding it. To overcome this difficulty a * bles, which have affected all industTies this from . a A . I . a thoroughbred Tarnworth b the privilege of value for by the recent dis- vet0rinariam "I 'Went Once to 888 a Ift Is 01� r - I I payable the time of service with flour from your own wheat, and better v dam, or sluice, was placed across it, with more or less; not only - , 11 r it necessary, -5 F. H. oney than in any other way. Good ALK Cllaltq -1 $1.,? if booked. 1403x7tf the m flour doors which opened to give passage to the astrous drought, which is and will be horse that the local authority declared Long W I ,S, coust�bce P.O. . that the stifle SCHOALF guaranteed. ,�` which means . ------- � vessels, and then were closed again. Aft- the cause of far more calamity and dis. Was 'stifled, I ' - , . CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. er the lapse of several centuries this canal . is genbrally acknowledged, bone was displaced. The horse had been . . . I trews than I I - , ruin, but traces Of it 0 cast, and four strong men had pulled at Correct Shape f t by the united influence of all rhes© 9 Was allowed to 90 to an's Magazine. brat go T_j0G S- still remain. -Longm . cpaises aggravated by the insane action the leg as bard as they could while he - - ., -1 The highest 'price In cash will be paid for good e. of those—and their name is legion- attempted to replace the bone. I found i ��, . - . ogs, or they will be out to order. The ]Future American Typ nail in the foot." I Best Material, � . I . �.=---�: - - I . re for who have sacrificed their flocks, regard- only a n . . - . __ - Dean Hole, on the eve of departure because of the silly free Soon will come the time to plant highest less of cost, I I Our direct connections will save you � Tj-UM:B3MTZ_ , � home, predicted for America the, wool agitation, and many of these same summer ensilage for the milk cows. A Combined with the - best Ming in 1.4 . All kinds of Lumber for side, cheap. typo of humanity. He is of the opinion WO o .. time and Money for all Points- country Is asslinilating the various people bought their stock recently when mixture of 11�1 bushels of peas to 2%2 �f , JOHN WNEVIN, this oats planted to each acre - the world, makes the 11 Featherbone ian North West , foreign races Comprising its population in sheep was a word to conjure with. The bushels of t, Canad . 1357-t f - % Proprietor. a way that will produce a distinctive 8 makes an excellent ,filling for the sum- I .1 ! . sheep has the credit of being the most Corset " unequalled. I . Via' Toronto or Chicago, American type and one that will be Su- ' silo. It will make the cows Yield .4 A, British Columbia and California l . - I any of the old world races con- foolish of animals; there are bipeds who mer s I - I Br , . perior tr sto it. are far away more silly. To reason with milk and butter plentifully during the ry Mi "qsr ZL g points. We ba,, the -,n FOR MEN ,AND WOMEN. tributir, I distinguished Englishman refers such is about as efficacious as to endeav- months When pasture is dried up. Cut - � 4 ]EMILY-IMIS , ,Our rates are the lowest. I The stem the rush of a stampeded this ensilage fodder above mentioned , : to suit, everybody and PULI-ALAN TOUR- � THE back t the mixture of SaXOD, Celt and or to - I , commodation. 'Call In the British isles, resulting In mob,'and they involve others in the ruin early in July. _ for your ac - .1 Norma - i ------. r -- I . ve Influ- which they have brought on their own Our enterprising readers should try __ - i IST CARS — . for further jINformation. . - a type that has since had a positive - - Ticket Office. QWEN eMe u�on the history and civilization of heads. -Cor. Breeder's Gazette. raising some rapeseed this summer. An Station G. T. R � the world. In this new race the same 610- acre of it will pasture 20 sheep' Suc- St I Hoosier Drill. sheep' * , I — . �, ' I I Train Strvice at Seaforth. . Monts �are mingling under more favorable Effect of Sheep Dips on Wool. Ce�qgjVe SOWiDgS will keep green paster- � — - . ELECTRIauspices, together with others that will According to The American Sheep age for the flocks from the latter part of - t! I , I . "I I I . . ' lead, In Dean Hole's estimation, to a race Breeder, many westerners are DOW SC- June till winter. It may be Sown any __�_ ,-, %44 I - I . . 11 . Gre.nd Trunk R-P-il'"y• stions ab -•bettor,! more'energetic and. with a higher riously cogitatingeffect of dif- time from Alay 1 till the middle of Au- �� I - I Traing lesve Soxfor,th and Clinton A mentality than the hDglish. I - - - �• -, . . . I BELT* / I rids' for the b©- feront dips on the wool. Free wool has gust.'In about six weeks from the time - -_ -_ / I � . I , �. = � ; _. i I . S1 I Certainly there are grOU _ _ _== I follows: — . gATORTEL CLINTON. . a-1 Opened V this important subject, and of planting it will be ready for pastur- ) I 11 ()(),No WnST 07 P. M. 1.23 - v. fTradc,N1arkj.D1,- j .'�a%T-, , lief of Dean Hole.- He was not,the first to t3 1. I 1INf , A, � I 1�1 , , _ , - __ - - - 1 . _,_ - pq _ _- - - 'i. m. - " 7��!5 - �. cctrk' advance the theory. Some sciontlflc gen- the prodibtiou we have often repeated I ! I - i asenger 9.06 F. V. 9,22 1 ,; Practical El - ing. - I \ I.- _ ______ I I p.%MeuXer__ _- - - 10.16A.m. Tho 0111v Fc C-11LIlIQ _ -L(;CLI i - I . I - P 30 A. M. rM\: gelle t,jtl 11, 11111C the opin- I ;1��� - , .4a. prOdUChIg Z tleinan many years ago advanced that the lime and sulphur dip is doom -.- --- 3 P. 'N1. M. � Disease, I t iis some Patriotic horse i i . Mixed'rrat 6.20 F. M, 7.0 IL 111a,do: cure of in this a Wool ruiner is i high time s , - � P Mixed Train........ . Carront Of E,l0(-t1'i0it"_ fol� f`hc ion that the 1(niDgling of races ed to extinction as 11 � I . tjj�,,C. (,all I)c readily j'61t and yet,jilated both in in America should develop a . I 11 1 7�32 A. m. , - part. df duce a magnificent ho- breeders � - i I 0I)tao EAKT— ; t� - . 7-48 A X. ' Itild lipplic-d to "I'm country Would PTO sight of fulfillment. A closer scrutiny D . I p3gse,agar- __ -- -- (111alltitY alld PON" I, I i3, tinic aurin and horse. The �; o 53 P. 3d. 2.25 P. M - �' Nvaril at till , 2110golleoils race., Tho great natural ro- of wools is now taking place, and the lar -go an Z3 A Pws,�nger t lic I)OCIv. It ca -11 be � I -e, / . i � - - u '. X - I I '�. " ".- - -_ �.i5 F M. 4. j P. X. 9 hours or sleep, ancl. Will po,,iLiVeh' cul' sources, grand distances and otbercharac- . I n I O,c old world his the model draft horse, 11 I M,)c,3L, Tr,%l workhl s will be fixed by the quotations t might be price - - I . __ _.&� - eumatisin, itself mi,, hach-hey and throughbred, America has � -, 31111 teristidg of the country, . . o I _d Bruce. - \ r\1 Sciatica, similar wools abroad. It is thus easy I I I i W.jji-agton, Grey ar . v \� / t y expected to play apart in fori Mixed. General Debill � the model trotter, now let us M'D916 A - . Ej_ Passenger. , , !call typo little less important- to see that bright wools will now meet t trotting blood t , - i , Lumbago, great'Amer I some of the bust of that rz) I I i -!. Li t _ I GOMG KQILT� "O P -m- tl-op'm' 7 s Diseases a readier sale and at better prices, , uce the , I � � . 3.00 9'. N. 9,� C . V,thel - - - - - -- - 9,43 9.46 �U . c, ty . - jj- 87.' - rvou. Man tho blending of Original 0101nents.— ill such a cross that it will prod 4 �, I �� 313 . I IQ 1] --pepsia, . --... ,_ � �, �, I . '\vL , " - -A . - � - . _. . F,ras-3eltj - - - - - - - - I , 01 whereas din-yand inferior clips will be I . " �� . . , ) , � 9'27 - 9 67 10.10 . , . . Pittsburg Dispatch. rriage horse, _. .. - � Bluevit,10 - ... -..-. 8.37 , 10.07 � 11.20 - varleocele, o merly the dis- American model ca C) � � - - �Y I .- . 14 - - . . - . passenger. � sextial Wcalruess treated accordingly. For --perirnenteT Says lie bag fed half - - . -.--. - ___ - - _94)EF1 _01�1_ -] winglia,"a.. - - MiTed. � ��.ed � -1 , 0.25 A.M.11.20 A. u. 7.330 P.M. , 11111)otelicy. They Recognized Him. An e- t - _ , -_ Aic - I - - 1��_ :f�_ - - I ,ut now � - - - _ Fif - - , - . - :i��=, - . ___ __ . - 11 -_ -- . Golso sou'ru- " tinction was not very marked, b - - - I - - ; - . �._ , - I I , , - - 4 Winghain - - - - - 8.37 11.35, 816 � . jildn "cine DI scuse s, �Ar� Ohio man once landed in Japan to the light of the world is turned on, and a pound of cottonseed meal a day to .*1C. Z CO - - ! . - ------I-- � - - __� _ I - . _-Z . .1 J� � Bluamle .- w- 6.54 11.69 900 Lame, Bacic- I;e s s'me consular or diplomatic office. As 10 pure bred Poland China and Berkshire ' . I Bruwels .... -- 9.30 Urinary DIsca 1111 0 es the best. Take lj I � � na.tNo after native greeted -him' with the the b t wool will fare " eeder, Single - . E0:xel.. . - - - - - - 7.08 'a-14 . . , ! igs and got only good results. The cot- Combined Drill and Broadeast Z P I Jll ' I —.— iinactricit prone pr is fart U'1611f! tll(' salutation, ',Ohayol" or "hbnor- our advice and seek ,a dip that does no p W . Huron and Bruce, pb-tee of drugs for alf-Nervoil,; Rhe 'M) z' t if,'- 1�'(t- ;c07l1m()n sa wool or sheep. Lime and touseed diet was only continued a fe ( Drills,, Single Broadcast Seeders, . , Passenger. , I Troublu-,zlil(f i; ill (fl,e(-t (.1111O.; able early," his amazement grow until at injury to the mbers , I London, lie, i j weeks, however; not long enough to . . All others are �aek nu I P y and Urilm 0 while it is cheap rn there is only one ilooiier * . iGolso NuRTH- 8.16A.m. 4.40?.M in '�.,Ceniingly liopc,c.�_; o.,scs,where evelY Lll,": last he burst out, ,,How the dickens did sulphur do both, and w e may L. -other Drills ! Bout . I __ n iled. afford settle definitely whether it would finally Ther . I London, depart - - - - -- -- 6.00 kt 10N.;j, ,,,calls 1111s f, ,(I organ nvo- thes Japs k-aow I came from Ohiio?"- we tell you plainly that you can't a more Hoosier Drills and Seeders In. f ...... _' 9.�2 1 sluggish, Nveak or di4C,1,Z( . . the pigs. The proof is, there are - 11 6.20 be rouse, activity Ci uIrer. . to use it now. -Field and Farm. - Nxeiter ............ � 9.37 6.16 An), -1 to health} actiN ne nnati Enq injure * --- I an of all other kinds combilled. Ifensall.... -..--.-.- -.-::: 9.4-1 hv this 1110aw, . . I - •. -h use in Canada to -day than I . Kippen., - - - - - - - - - - _ 9.52 8.23 Lkj,orc it is too I,Itv- ,a Stark's Po,.i ders, each package of whic contains - medical i ca. I men ij�ze and rccol"I"Cu i ' isfie(I yet ' Why should tbeN be, when they have got the i . � - f . , Er.1cefield... - - - - - - - `- - _. 10.11-1 6 65 Loaditir,-- 11 wooden box, the 7 1 - G Clinton. - - . - - - - - -- - - - i 1029 ,7.14 0 owell Belt ill their practice., .; . MeKfflop Directory for 1895 twopreparations,one in a roundw . No purchaser dissat "llaralitee this. - . . the I best Drill ever made '? We (y % . ' asure for one dose, an im. � 0 01 , I.,ondetsboro - - - - --..••7 1 10.38 T.23 ATALOGUE, - cover of which forms a pleasure q Bl}th.. -'� .. -- -- - - 10.52 7.37 OUR ILLUSTRATIF4,13 C i I ,k alenu i ne euro' 1OHN BENNI-EwIRS, Reeve, Dublin P. 0. I �_ ii . Belgrav6- - •- •- •-- • •-- • -- • .. _. -egarding the �Ilrc for tha Tol)-acco mediate relief for Sick Headache and Stomach, also 'T. 4' stillforniation regarding I 11.10 8.00 Contivilis fullest i.,; disea�e,z, Price--;. .. PRICE'S jualtoil. yilist;ba JAMES EVAN'S, Deplity Reeve, Beechwoo& in pains, and an- 19's chronic and nervous r, Beechwood. _Neuralgia, and ni-arrive ... -- - - - -oi ' craving 7�n DANIEL MANLEY, Councillo ,�all kinds of nervous 4 - Wingh&. . Passenger. of acu to. FREE to - Tzblet NOXON BROS. Mfg. Co. L't'd.y INGER 0LLjON•11 6.35A.M. 3.25F.w. how to �ordcr, �ctc., mailed (scaled) lLg." WM. McGAVIN, councilior, Leadbury other in capsiles, (from 1 to .4 Of one is an ordinary - - I � GDrX9 S01rR0- form far t pod:et : Leadbury _____ ,I, W,inghaxa, depart - - -- •- - - 4.01 twy address. . T0BAC-0RE`,''Tu_5 (I WILLIAM 'A-BCHIBALD, councillor, - - I I I . - 6.60 Bance Q. Thousands of curer. dose which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach i ViVe .... - .. .. - - .. 4. a4 Guaranteed, $1.00 a box. druggists. Belgr 7.03 ) Allusall JOAN C.'MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. � , - -, � 7.10 1 SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthrop. complaints. They do not as most pills and so many .> r lal 'th .............. 4.28 The Owen EIRWO Belt & IPP - Beeohwood. lose their effect or produce after T 0 T. COLEMAN, A�ent, Sedo th. I LORL4�ro.... .. ... -, :: 7_3o 4.46 Will. EVANS, Aspessor, other medicines do, . M2 4A i I - Cginton! ---------- -- 7 40 4.53 49 KING Sr. W., TORONTOP ONTO . . - . . CHARLES DODDS, Collector, S09fOrth- ,1, ... - __ . 11 State St., Chicago, EL, Sold by Lumsden & Wilson , I . n, Druggists, RlGHARD POLLARD, Sanitary IDOPECtOr, Lead- ,Onstipation, they are nice to take. 25 cents a box, c I , Bruce4ld.. I 6- cc at all medicine dealers. if I il i 4.58 9-01 to 2 , Scaforth. I bury. , - it $Onbod Kippen � - -- - - - - -- - a' 6.12 - - - - Soli ME,NTIOZT THIS rAPER- I . : 8 ')- 3.4 7j � . -1 I ij I , - - . j - R i .. . zZaker . . I I t--_ ___ I A . f I - 4 � . I . - ! I � . �j - I - . .1 . . I . . I- - ; i A . . - . I � I , - I . . I I .., I I I . i - . I I i 1i - . � / I -- I I . - . 11 I I - , I - - I- __.. - .- �--,--e-.�.-"---,--.�.,--- -,------l..-"-----,----.�---.- - -1 �1-.---�L----�-,�,--".--.-,-,--k-,-------- . - .11 --1 __ -.-,-,- ---.,- - --- ____1__---_ _'--- . _____ .-