HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-03-29, Page 4WITY 29, ILS950 MA THE �URO EPOSITOR9 iwhi.-1 e 'he f d by the members of rug and hung on for some time�meau court the case went to the Judicial CommW News.of the Week. had 1, jame interest in the money as in the be given for lecturers for farmers' institutes contrticting parties, an Df the rig giving them the full is bri AT e has the OCCupant 4 land�, The bill made a provision for the in 4onsequence of the farther steps to im- Union church choir, of which the brid LOOK YOUR. LABEL. t —_s of the Privy Council. Tiie light in OuR Qu.EEN.—Queen Victoria is at pres- benefit of the whip---�bat ivith this, as in the, ent sojourning at Nice. Her health is said, wife having this right. prove the system. He further 'noted the for several years been organist. y did not succeed in Tobias whch this body considered- tlieqitestion Aratich needed easure is thatintro­ extra $1,000 voted to the experimental fruit —Ferguson Brothers, of Teeswater, have- former instance the to* be in & very precarious state. their -pur&se,'whereupon they - howere(I duced by Mr. Dryden to prevent fraud in stations, and the ex hondred and fif ty OR will be shown by the followin colloquy, The Subscriptiori price of the Expo, T 9 RETUR"NEID TO GEAMANY,-The Empress cellent, Work done al- leased their fine ick bate at their victim, one striking him tgLI r the sale of fruit. It provides for the rading ready by these 6ta 2 G-rey br t1le; if paid. strictly in advance, is ONE taken from the record of tile hearing: Frederick left London Saturday. evening for ions n cre farm, concessions 11 and I , _,UL Cran- on the head and- inflicting a, severe wOull(l- DOLLAR. of apples and pears that are =ed for sale the latest departure of the department, the to ' ship, to 1). McDougal., 'of The Lord Chancellor—It is not before Germany. wil ans were caugt next day and Into two classes, and the maitin The new The ruf If �on do not renew within thrf;� months us what should be declared, is,it?. LABOR CR-us.,tDF.. — Chicago labor, organiva- lflof the re- - vote of $1,800 for practical instruction n brook, for a term of five i years. ver to keep the peace. Bptacles cent ing Buell grad ruits with fruittrying by a travellihg operator. He tenant takes possession on 'April Ist. bound o -ice will be "Mr. Blake—Ne ; what :Is before your' tieps have commenced a crusade against Of the (late on your label the pr res t —An old' and wortliycitizen of the Court - $1.25:.; if you (To not renew within six Lordships is whether there is a case for ap- prison -made goods. the name and add s.of the packer, , Pen- said �rqe deputations woul 1 be sent Marvirk How, of moleswofth, died on . the per- altigeare-to be imposed for selling fruit out, who, The deceased ty died orl Monday, 18th in8t., in inonthg of the date on your label the price peal. THE INFLUFNZA EPIDF1%11d.__The epidemic in the very short time in which Still a morning, 19th inst. son of Mrs. James Potter. The Bad event, forging a mark ; sprayinj is possible, are expected to visit 30 bad" Y without marking it, or for b en in poor health at times for years, will be;�1,50. No. paper will. be sent longer -"The Lord Chancellor—WhA is before of influenza, which has been causing so any t e took place at the family residence, East than one year before being paid for. us i9he functions of . the Governor -Gen. deaths throughout Great Britain, is decreas- also for the packing of fruit in such a man- elec. Ora districts in this first year. but death,- resulting from congestion of tb of the swanosh, adjoining Blyth, cancer ner We concea ity. The report of the fees commission has been lungs and bronebitis, came very une ing in strength. as I -defects in size or qual ixpect- W Send renewals directly,, to this office. eral -Every porson re4vin*g fruit of any kind for laid before the Legislature. It is a �ery edl' liver being the cause of her death- i 11-9 be, 4C.11r. Blake—Yes, and not the method in _Ionv RosEBERY. — Lord Rosebery is y- as 'born in Westmoreland, England, sale in bulk on ommission must, within a voluminous document, containing th Tingliam, Potter w PUTA . I?A Money sent by registere& letter, post -office e evid- —Joseph Breckenridge went to N% money or Which he shall exercise them -not the dis- still suffering from insomnia, and it is un- -week after the sale -of such fruit or any per- ence taken by the commissioners and a most one day recbntly with a grist. After re- in 1834. . In 185.7 she martied Mr. IaMes money order, express der or draft, cretion which he shall use� -but whether a derstood that he refrains from resigning the [rig year they inigrat- tion thereof, mail to the consignor a written exhaustive report based on that.evidence. his flour he drove his team into Potter, and the followi. em 4 f is at our risk.. A post -office order up to $4 cue has arisen on these facts, on which he Premiership at the personal re i at of the attling near Brampton, int II I ..que notice of the 311'ces received, and neglect to The decisions arrived at by the commi*sion = hotel driving shed. Between. three ed to Canada, 84 ained for five fail, OX Queen. liat has jurisdiction t, intervene, That is all 0 d for Peelcounty, where t1ley rem costs only two cents. that is before your Lordships. A SCHOLARLY BRTGADF.. - Commander' do this is mase punishable by fine. Persons are in substance, as follows :-An endorse- and four 'clock some person confiscate to the farm in the vitz trying to defraud the purchaseis by placing ment of tke present system of payment' of his owit use one of the three bags of flour. years. In 1863 they moved ied Wber* fro The change on your label will notify you Lord Shand -If the appeal is before Ballington Booth, of New York, is organiz- Eas.t Wsw&-nosh, on which she di -cry sudden and unexpected de&th ing a brigade of the Salvation Army com- good fruit on the top of a pa-Axpe and in-,. officials as to all administrative offices ; the % of our receipt of the money. If not Changed the Governor-General, would he be en- mg girl she Was confirmed by the ferior underneath are also subject to a ; payment of salaries to all judicial or quasi- occurred on the 2nd in8t., 'when Mina, just br( to posed of scholarly and refined mem S yol in three weeks drop us a Card and we will titled to take political conaiderations in, bers, who A of Bishop of Carlisle and identified herself .!ast a, will hold meetings for the rich andeducated penalty. The same gentleman has also in- judicial officers, such as local masters,county youngest daughter of Mr. John ills, - $ 7 T,he fui trace the mater ilp, view? h Trinity church, BI th as soon as ser- troduced a bill wfiich will have the effect of- attorneys, and clerks of' the peace ; the Weat Wawanosb, died, after an illness of a wit classes. Address all letters and make all cheqnes Mr. Blae-Doubtless. ;y of the vices were established tiere. By -her death erfect black abolishing the A riculture and Arts Asso- systematizing of the expenses in connection fewil hours. duration, with drOP1 chief workers Lord Watson -I am prepared to advise BLACK PEARL. -A singularly p .9 I he to, and orders payable to McLean, Bros. the cbuch loses one of its the Governor-General and . decide on the pearl has been discovered in Tasmania. It ciation, except to allow them to hold their with offices which come under the system, throat. e. is three-quarters of an inch long, and wi --- 1 -While feeding a straw cutter on Tnes- and supporters, as all' was at all timesil When remitting money do not fail to give meaning of this clause, but I am not pre- 11 property until January lst, 1896, for the with a view to uniformity; a decision to aid in the ood,work of her Master. public uses of the Province; at the end of against the elective system, uch -as is in d of last week, a young son of 'Mr. Leon- ling rif, post office address. - pared to relieve him of the duty of consider- shortly be exhibited in London.' o mourn. her, leafs, a, this time their property will come - nder force in the United States.; an endorsement ard Hunter, of Usborne, got one of his She leaves behi her t When notifying us of Chane of address ing bow far he ought to interfere. I the control of the department, and til, - copy- :'of the principle of appointment by the ban'l caught, in the feeder, getting it badly loving husbandq five sons and two� dagh- WAS ami do not fail to give both old and new post Mr. Haldane -That may be. Lord Watson -That would be trenching THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. inig of the pedigree books and otb -;r duties Government; and the consolida-. iin -)f certain cril �hed. The ends of three of the fingers ters. office, addxess. w -Tile followi.nk from the ArgUa�, upon very dangerous grounid. be discharged by the department. officei outside of the county of York, under bad,, to be amputated. onsin refers to lished in Beaver Daniv Wise The Attorney General on riday last in- a graded scale, in establishing Which the -,"NInJoeph Kilpatrick, an old a -nil higli- &It for I d I E - Scott, Look at Your Labe The trend of the judgment of the Privy [BY ANX ON-Lq0KER.] f mes T. W. an hour of b was found a brother o srs troduced his" law reform ill. � It is a bulky basis of population -is suggested. Certain ly esteemed resident of Ashfield Myth -Dr. J. L. Scott visited Detroit, of I OBITr in Mr. Blake's Council will be shown by the following ex- The p"t week has been a -comparatively document. A Cursory examination of its suggestions are also made as' to minor. lyiug dead near his sleigh and while passing Michigan� last wpek, tract: provisions leads one to the opinion that, changes in the amount of maximum net in- woods, about six o'clock o Wednesday Id west uneventful one in the egislature. It was through Chicago was treated to a wi ased I NE W ADVERTISME-NTS. while - some reforms of present grievances comes to be retained by officials. The re- evefiin� of last week. Deceased was oil his et than to talk. The was al Their Lordships have decided that the devoted more to work ad by port also ontains an elaborate treatise on %vay to Lucknow with a load of saw logs demonstration. While in a bas, going fr and evils are unquestionably extendi C 0- one depot to the other, one other man being Me iMThe figure between the parenthesisl at -ter each Glovernor-(Tenera in council has jnrisdi opposition brought up their weekly want of tile billi it may not go far enough to satisfy tlie subject of the payment of officials, and when death overtook him. one denotes the. page ot the paper on which Vile ton, and -that the appeal is well founded, is- in the'velifele with him, he was. requestect confidence- motion which, after a brief dis- bublic opinion throughout the Province. deals in detail with the arguments pro and -James MeArter, of Brnssels, has d I be found. but the particular course to be pursued raph, and ca8tin- h5acre farm, being to look at a PhOt6g Obviously the subject is not one to be ap- con. in each question submitted to the com- posed of his 11 _lot 17, ng American Wall Papers-Lurooden & Wilson. (5). must be determined by the authorities oussion, was voted down. The pubject mission. y- ds from the picture on paper to he T"ivi -tile serr' preached - in a reckless spirit of change. ey 4 north half concession 8, Morris, to Deput New Goods -Frank Hill on. (5) to whom' it has been committed b the chosen this time was the system of in frou of I ived a large- y "PPO"'t- That, therefore, the Attorney-Grener�l Re ve George Kirkby, for $4 000. There picture iiin, he perce Look into our window-Brigbt Bros. (5) u;e proximity to his face. - By le The new remedw�-Pine Mxlt C 3. (5) ing officials. Dr. Meacham, the member for should iii so important a piece of legislation Huron Notes.;, are good buildings oil the premises and a revolver in cle, be seen quite plainly tha.the Lennox, moved that it is desirable that a11 desire to feel his steps carefully is a display There is talk of an incandescent 61ec lark clearance. Angus and Gilbert Mc� one, dexterous and fie lays. -Special valued in Hardware -Johnson Bros. (5), It will thas rce blo�v the doeter Auction sale at, Xforses., Cattle &c. -T. FoNvler. (6) odked thee Weapon from the mau7,8 balul Ell an 1: 'u, have the farm rented for a term of kn Butter and Eggs wanted -opera house grocery. (8): Privy Co I neil absolutely refused to relieve county officials such as registrars, sheriffq of ckution which lay minds, no less th tric light plant being operated in Brussel. lid grappled with. him. With lightning a, One prtee-O-era house grocery. (8) the Do 1lion Crovemment of any resonsi- professional minds, may understand. On -At the recent horse fair in Wingliam, years. j w dnothr, but, velocity the highwayman re Haddie at -clbrvera house grocery, (8)o etc., should be' appointed by tile county the other hall(], it appears to -us that, as the -4The Women's Foreign Missionary oci- Mortgag Sale-Beatt, glackstoo-k & Co. (1) bi _ ,7the matter by saying what cours horses sold at from $60 up to $110. contains ex�-- the doctor was bound to go fi -uri e �ee if possible, Councils of the re�spective inunicipalit'eS,L 'fl- risks and inconveniences of a disturbance lie made oo. Sealed Tenders -Alex..3fustard (ii) -Mr. Andrew oddell, of Godericb, has 'tv letter leaflet of -hen, (5) they should or should not take. When the tracts fron-�i a letter from Mr. Neil Gilmour) and with his life in his hands T E: -John Kew stead of by the Lieu teriant-Governor. in- of the present systen have been it ufted, received dipl6ina from the Kinstpri took the remaining pa�t afe) Shareholders mpeting M - use of them, nd f Dominion Cabinet had heard the appeal, 4t the- compensating benefits are more limited foriiierly of tbe 2nd concession of Stxnley. Farm to rent-Jaes Seale. (6) ohnson Bros. (8) Cauncil as now. This was voted down by a School of Mining. a arsenal from hm and bld him a prison- Empire milk cam -J than they- might be. The bill adinits,sthe lie is now teaching in the Indian school at - Ili -_ - in had carried oueverytbing tha canbe consid- -Nearly $2,000 has been subscribed to- eached the depot, where be Spring goodo-Jackson & Gre-itt. (1) majority of 36. The'Patrons, with the ex- er until he r �irtle, Manitoba. Ill it be describ with- a, riush-Dill & Speare. (1� necessity for granting relief- to liti-anti in wards tile new curling and skating rink in es the turned the cuprit over to the police, aiitl Street C Wall Paper -James Graves. (5) ered inand ato . ry in the judgment. Beyond ception of Mr. Gainey and Mr. Kidd, both many of the directio'n's ir �1,%vhich theD Joyof the Indiana on receiving the gifts Goderich. inued on his journey. le -A: Banslaugh. (5.) that it m ust be guided entirely by its own t aree� of Conservative origin, voted against the sion of law reform has p in'ted. In several frol-P the friends in the east. Cont I NIrs. Albert Ford, of Exeter, 'You Inay as well -Gilroy and Wiseman. (5) -Mr. andi Removal Notice -Frank willar(l. (5) Opinion Its' to -what. is best for the interests amendme IS r. Jonathan Brown, electric light e- at and with -the Government. instances the relief pro 'sea to be effective, celebrated their silver we(fdin- on Monday, -7M 31'L � ginoer, of Clinton) happened with a severe a wh 11iinery Fye Opbnem--A. E. Pentecof4t. (5) of the whole count '. Nothincr can be These gelftlenien were not in the House, but and for these clauses of the bill the ttor- 18th iiist. I ry 0 Exeter. Elcotrie Soap-upe�fa house grocery. (,q) acef(lent the latter part of last week. In if 'they had been they would have voted ney-General will receive general acknowled - -.Mr. John 0ranger, 13th concession of ainer than this. 9 (i -we] 1, we re sure, as for the def 4sual work the thumb of his right hand FiRi-,-.-On Sunday morning last about Plows -Thomas: Me, pl Were with tile ow osition. ments, as his Dog Lwit-Wrn, Rrdke- (8) Hullett, shipped a fine young Durbani bull The Dom. inon Government (lid hear the -was a motion U-blic requirements hich under- -was caught in the shuttle -valve of the en- 3:45, it was discovered that the Main street, The next division by erence to p -New Tweeds-ff,.JF, Edwards. (3) made to Port Hope one d my last eek lies all the provisions, e gin, several to) -ethodist church wason fire,a;nd bythe time 1mf.,orant­Cook & Goetz. (9) eal'of the Manitoba rai Ly, represent.- Whitpey, which had been on tile votice ven where too great 3s pressure, and the top T 0 -pp - Colin -Ca nipbell, tile seven year old son Fruits lreets�T T. Coleman. (S) v a ed from the the fire brigade arrived the chnreh -was, one M orrii, ilice the commenceniz;nt of the ses. caution senis, to diminish the reform imed prt of that member va sever ed by Mr. Ewart, the Manitoba Govern- P�LPe-r 8 of -Mr. Ancrus-Campbell, of Brussels died I 0 Biceles--T. T. Calaman. (8) 0 I -n nd the fire breaking sion. It as to the following effect: at. The'weakness of the bill, where, in our bone. ass of flames,a the cold x W&verley Scorcher -T. T. Coleman. (S) inent bein g represented by Mr. Daton MC- oil Sunday, 17th inst. the re ieved 1 of. The fire brigade was powerless to That this House havinr, re a�rd to the opinion, it is weak, is that after confessing Charles Carlille, who has been in �A] -A-1r. Al. Vincent, of Exeter, broke a the fire had gained such a, save the church as Carthy.. After considerable delay twd sev. butter trade in this plovince and Ule depress- tile ekistence of certain evils, it leaves it Clinton for a quarter of a century, and in liell's egg the other day, and found in it four overed, but they everal meetnrs, an order -In -council was ed condition thereof, hs observed with too -much to the discretion of the judges to the, boot and shoe business for about 18 headway before being diw familv h -isfae r complete yolks. Os - prevented the fire from 9preading. It had re sat tion the announcement of the inte I- emedy them. nvin of '.1N -wry, has rented tb Fers, has disp, ed of his stock and busi .0 ly passed which, after reoitin g the his- -John It e ness to l J. Clff. The latter is an been set on fire as there bad been no re in, ill- to tion of the Government of Canada to pro- Mr. Howland has introduced a bill hich toty @f tlie ease proceeds. a� follows fam and- stock of James Cunimins, of Grey J old blintonian and a practical mall, having the building since Friday. There is no vide for the immediate shipment of fresh- will creae a good deal of interest among township, and has taken possession. &It s hereby ordered and adj udged, that I . nade creamery butte!r toGreat Britain, and horse irien. It is designed to put 1i stop to tjle learned his trade there som6 twenty years doubt that ilt wa the same person -who trie(I presence 11 -A gentleman from London is consider- 1895, EAFORTH FEIDAY, 29th, the said to burn, it dowu last, year. 1;6ss about party wa kopeal be and tile same 'is hereby to purchase at twenty cents per pound ,Ill now very fashionale "Practice of docking ing the advisability of starting a tile -and O insurance A5 200, Everythillg rediii.sofarasitrelittei to rightsac- creamery butter of fin -'e quality made be- horses. Although the bill has received its b? k . ----:About eight o"cloel-, C)n Wedneda $10,0010 ; ) � I i allo In � 0 ric vard. in Brussels or vicinity. 7 - " - I this quired by the Roman Catholic minority un- first reading, it is very doubtful if it �ever night of last -wee, two boys entered the was consunied they woll I and the north and south Parliament Called. tween I'st January wid, Ist April, -1895; and -Ar. Richard Green has disposed of his der legisiation of the Province of -111anitoba, shice the 6 bearin- in mind the expenditure alredy in- becomes l&w. Tt provides that wboever cuts interest in the S' andard furniture factory, boot and shoe store of Good Brothers, iti, walls liave fallen down re. ley are Thel)odinion parliament is to ince't On th Wingliam, by means of a key which fitted. - Lo!�IMBitiFms,.-There has been nother passed - m-ibsequent to the union of -that curred'5by the Governments of the Province e bones of the tail of any horse for the Winglini, to TNIr. George McTavish, jr. April 18th next, nd froin wha mn be Province with the Dominion of (3'anada, and purpose of docking, or allowing, or consent- tile front door. They stole some goods and yourtcr winter the past few days. -On Friday and Dominion to improve and foster the -A valuable cow belonging to 0 we afternoon last Airs. ElizabAh Littlejobn� his Excellency the Govertor-Oendral. in 'of tie ountry, respe or being pres- Alichie, of 'Morris, swallowed a nail one day late] gatliered from sources likely -to be reliable, dairy interests �Ctfully ing, or assisting in any way, re trying oil their pinder in -.a 'bus in the rear, when they were caught, and the was attending to household duties at the cot.-mcil was pleased to adjudge and dearare, urges upon tbf- Goverrinlent of Canada the ent, shall be liable to a penalty of not less -ntly, nd death resulted. we that there is little probabilit that reCe y a -d it is hereby adjudged and declared, a6isability an necessity of providing such tb all $ 100 all d not in ore th an $300 ; bu t if a stolen property was restored. residence Mr. E. R. Ward, of the -d until 1896. -1r. W. M. Sinclair, who- operates the general lection will be hel that by, tile two acts passed by� the Legisla- horse is f�ilnd with its tail n Friday, 150i inst., Miss Lizzie Bar- i son's Bank, when she fell ad broke her In further or other aid as i�ay be found to be so out, and the -0 Brussels electric light plant, has refused the lrnett, of rs. Rollins and Amos set the inju&d limb- necessary from ]time to time, inorder that cut unhealed, the nett, dauhter of Mr. George Bt Mackenzie Bowell has not been Premier ture of the Province of Manitoa on the - -it wound resulting froin such iies of any person, such. fact town's offer for power. He will remove ownship, had the misfortune to and the patient is doing nicely. -The roadi; day of May, 18910, intituled respectively-: the producers of f resh-made creamery but- upon the prein � Goderich t dviiamo to the Rofiald engine -works. lon, bult he. has breyk-eii the record already at respecting the Department of Eda- should be p get her leg broken. he was comin- home in 'this vicinity are in a Very bad state, -The benefit of such ex- ma; facie evidence that the per - for selfish,prtizaaship and utter disregard 0 _-While,%valking on the verandah at her cation,' and 'An act respecting public from school, and had got oil a blind sleigh infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates, -lie V940. penditure." This elicited quite an interest- son who occpies or has the use of the horne one day recently, Urs. Edward Shan- of the best interests of the country. He.has schools,' the ri(rbts and ileges of the ing discussion. Those in favor of it con- premises on which such horseis so found has to ride do-wn a hill, when the sleigh ran of Edell, died oil Monday night last, after loderich, slipped, and fell, breaking lion, of G A shown chi,arly a -aid ,un-iiiistakaly that his RomawCatbolic minorty ZrIii"e said Prov- tended thiot, the creamery interest bei committed the offence. The same provisi. n against a fence, fracturing the leg between a brief illness, aged 2 months. The furieri ith i 0 two of her ribs. -11 hazards to the e ov- w ts tail so the knee and ankle. passed through this village on Wedne_sday J ince in relation to. education prior to the lat its infancy, should be fostered b th Ina " is made if the horse is found Wawa- care is to hold on at a y -Mr. Samuel MeBurney, of East day of May, 1890, have been affected by de- out, and the cut unhealed in tile custody of -The young men of Blyth have been at- to,the Exeter Cemet&y. Mr. John Willis spoils of 0fice, Nothing coud be more ernment and that if a market. were estab- nosh, has purchase(] the property of 'Aft. MT. is having an auction sale of farm stock antl -minority of the lished in the old country, the business could any person, such facts will be prima facie C. McIver, in Wingliam, and,intends taking priving the Roman Catholic tacked by the long hair fd, and resemble -nd e village, on Satur- following rights an(I privileges which pre- be made as prosperous as the* cheese indus- evidence that the person having the charge very much in appearance a Rugby football 34 acres of I& near th molly ins en Or iliore oposed toltbe'spirit been We,; day �f May, 1890, try now is. It wa§'4rgued oil the opposite or custody of such horse has committed the up his residence in that town. player. To such an extent is the fad be day -next. Mr. Harry Eilber, of Cred-i-ton of our Con, stitution than the actions of the vious to and until the Ist ing h -M.r. J. B. Wer -and fam�ily, of Clinfon, h minority had, viz. ses carried, that recently a young man was will wield the hammer. -Mr. Tboums O�ke i where left on Tue Dominion (Iroverament since the begi,611,ing� side that even wer�. i w1visable to give offence charged in secbion 1. In ca sday of last week for Souris, 4 It is evidently -the st��dfa' (A) The righp to build,maintaim, equip, G overnment aid in this way it would not, be. the proceedings have been taken upon the M anitoba, where lie goe to wo k on"shares made the recipient of a package of hair pins will field an auction sae no Wed;.ilesflay a this, r.. a r brnia at. ye -Br information of complainant, of officer or by some fair maiden unknown. So says the next. Mr, Harry own Wwield the manage, cond-n6t and support homan far or just to select'one particular indus- a, farm belonging to Air. A. Innis. jorn. AW oplatan of Our Cabinet Minister �t -Oath at/ th agent of a society for the prevention of Standard. hammer. -The South end barber shop bas lirmly he s tha1 the olc schools in the manner provided for try and. aid it e expenaeof others James Cameron recently brought people of anada exist merely for the pur- by the said statutes, which were repealed -equally important and deserving.. Alsothat cruelty to.animals, or humane society, one7 -Mrs. Moffatt, of Clinton has sold her been closed for a time. -Mr. Bob Abralianx all egg to A. McNair's 'store, Cranbrook, 50 acre farm at Ba6eld, to. Mr. Charles" gave his lecture in tile James street Churh - by the two acts of 1890 aforesaid. the best aid that can be given the butter in. half of fine is to bb.paid over to the society which, weighed M ounces, and measured was stem p 0a e at proviim, them aml there friends, in aid of the benevolent objects for which it Parker, for the sum of $1,000. Mr. John on Wednesday night last, subject, " 1 6 years (B) The right to share proportionately terest is to secure cheaper production by "and with a, liveklloo I and the gratification of their _7-1x6 inches in circulliferenne. in any grant ma e out of the public funds reducing the cost of he necessary machin. L was incorporated. Any person having rea- -J. P. Fisher, hotel -keeper, of Walton, 0 4`k of Clinton, has rented his farm on of dissipation�'. Bob -formerly lived in Exeter iitead�N% mbition ;e st n, miorlk the "greakones" the esilaitland concession 0oderich town- and was a member of the Exeter fire de - for the purposes of education. ery. Improved quality, increased quan son to believe that a horse is upon any has ma'de an assignment for the benefit of Mr. George Partin, on Of 8U ship, to his brotherRenry. ent.-11r. John Campbell, the veteran, of the earth. (C) The right of --exempti oh ty, and a decrease in the cost, of pnduction- premises with it' tail eat as aforesaid shall it to be 0 his cred ors. His liabilities are said Gordon. has bought the cottage in Clinton carritage builder of London, spent last Men- Roman -Catholic schools from all payment by ascertaining thd cheapest and best milch be entitled to obtain 'a search Nvarrant and 75Q, with assets of $360. da in the village o n business- triution to the support of any other producing foods and the best breeds of cows bave the premises searched, in the same 'e" - led by Mr. James Werry, paving there and Tuesday i The Mard-toba. Sdh6ol Queation- or con 0 I -Miss Millie Campbell, of (loderich, owl hare the three leading essentials to be aime& manner as search warrants are now executed. for the sum of $450. -Wood bees are getting very nuumerous- while exercising in the Collegiate Insitute Fal I Wbeal t _T Lapting Wh Them � er popala known as the'Alani- "And his Excellency the Governor -Gen- at and, these attaitied., our butter Will make. Another bill that will arouse a great deal gymnasium, last week, fell and broke a bone he other day Constable Wheatley, of There were no less than four onMonday and e erl in council was furtlier pleased -to de- for itself aL name in the markets of the of interest and, no doubt, opposition, is the Clinton, arrested two small boys, and gave, three on Tuesday last. toba Schol Question, is on of the most in in her left arm above the elbow. Jum per �d medical bill, introduced on behalf of the �hem a short thne in the lock-up for steal- clare and decide, and it is hereby, declared, world, and, dairying become a profitable in- teresting, and at, the.sae time one 'of the' M -Mr. Ainsley, county toad commission- Barley por that it seems requisite athat the system of dustry. In each of 'these directions the Patrons by their leader, Mr. Hayco-1k. This er, has been measuring up the bridges in ng,whips. They had gone to the driving. Mutter No uravestpro,blemsthat has confronted the shed. of the Baptist church Sunday even- CrecUton. Butur, *U1 education embodied in the two acts of 1890 Ontario Government is now giving aid. bill practically does away with the medical Tuckersmith, as some of them are to be re- af&esaid I � gs er id Canadan eople since confederation. --hall be stipplemented by a Pro- This view of the si u ion w pted by coun( k t built this suminer. t at as -ado -il. At any rate, it ta es from ta ing, -and also to tho'se of the Commercial 'CoxeF.RT.-One of the finest e'ritertaa- r, Per vincial act or. acts which ;6111 r by a majority of 39. The Gov- body the examining power and places it in hotel, and gathered in nesily all the whips men.ts ever given in .At the time the Provinces ivere 'uni*ted ohn McDonald, who keeps the Union Crediton was held at I mayper to there was I in Quebec a system *of separate Roman Catholic minority - the said rights erni'ment forces were, this time, supplement- the hands of a board to be appointed by the hotel 9;t Kintail, has; lately takeft the con.- they couldlay their hands upon. tile Re H -Wes per' -yal Templars' hall last Friday even - and privileges of which such -minority has ed by all the Patrons except Mr. lCidd, and Lieutenant -Go -*,&nor -in' -Council, thus. re- tract of carrying the mail between that vil- -Some time ago Mr. Peacock, of Pros- ing. I Before the hour of commencementhaa lairb skin W06 1'. .- .4� Prmestaa� schools, and in Ontario a systen.1 been so deprived as aforesaid, and �rich by the two P. P. A. members, Megars. Me- taining the principle of a unif6rni exammia- lage and Goderich. pect Hill. secured some mould from the. arrived the hall was filled to oer-flowing, of Separat Roinap Catholic schools, When, will modify the said acts of'1890 so far, and Calum and Card, of Lambton, while Mr. tion. It will be bitterly opposed by the wood, uitable for flower potting. in the and the committee had spared neither ti "i -Mr. Fred Godbolt, of Prolenta, Cali- -Salt (retal therefore- by the British North A so fair only, as may be necessary to give Haggerty and r. Biggar, of Hastings,, the profession, and' there will be, lots of fun fornia, in a letter to friends in Exeter, says cours6 of some weeks the plants manifested nor cost in preparing the pro ramme an.41 wow per -I nierica effect to the provisions restoring the rights two independent members , one a, Grit and 'when it comes up before the committee for signs of being devoured b insects. On in- mak' woba per act, the ii�omiilion of Canada was given a that the prospects are,"good for an abundant y ing the meeting pleasing an rrefita-ble Appled per eo�l ric I cen- 'This is the consideration. Dr. Ryerson in an article ill vestigation it was discovered that the pots Mr. Win. Stevens. select t i or, o privileges in paragraphs a, b au'd c the other a Tory, did not vote. fruit and wheat yield in Qlat state. .0over Sea. constitnti u, although complete control Of hereiarbefore mentioned. first time that the P. P. A. members ''Voted the Canadian Medical Review character' ere alinost filled with a young generation pied the chair ver bly. The eloquenti-ad- mwotby a Ises -Messrs. Alcl%lann & Archibald, of Sea- public education was vested ip the various against the oppogition. A feature of the it as a '4 measure Which would practically grasshoppers, which were using as food dresses delivered Ky, C. Proutz,of odom, "Whereof tbe'Lieutenant-GoverqOr of forth, &lid John Howie and HarryDay of of 7911OW10 Pei Provincial Legislatures, provision ws mad debate was a vigorous speech by Hen. Mr. mean free trade Jn medicine, and a retro- Gorrie, were in Lucknow one (lay recen' all vegetable substance within their reach. and Rev. J. G. Litt and. Rev. George Baker, e the Province of Manitoba for the tim e b "n tly, el 9 Ross. . He said the poliCy contained in the gression to a state compared with which the b ying horses. The purchased* twenty fine -The comfortable and commodious resi- of this place, were applauded a all(1 that this i igh of religious minorities A oul a the Legislature of the said Province 1. y gain resolution was a "lubricating policy," by condition of , the profession prior to 1850 was u dence of Deputy -Reeve Turnbull, 3rd con- The remainder of the p-ogramme Apring Wb be contirlded and.guarded in the t-wo Prov- and al persons whom it may concern are to which it was intended to use the but,ter of order itself." It would mean, he says, ces tak.e notice and crovern'thernselves accord- -M. Flannery has removed from. the . lion of Grey, was a scene of activity and consisted of recitations by Miss Hall Miss pem, per I laces muealrioneJ so thait the priiple of ing ly the Province in greasing the axles of the Do. " that the competition and pressure Morrison farm- near Walton, to his recently jollityi on Wedilosday, 13th inst., when up- Bailey and Muster Aubry Bakr ! two, I" 11001 A of to- I wards of 125 guests assembled to eelebrate mass ' 7 too. ver separate s4hools, in so far as they a million Government wagon, while engaged day will, if this bill becomes law, be re- purchased 150 acres neat Beech -wood. Mr. choruses b each of the lodges ; two.. y :to lop 40 This order has een. transmitted to Mani- in orking up,votes for the N. P. at the ap- doubled. A calling which has at all times the warriaae of Miss 'Mary E., eldest solos by Mr. ilas Stanlak and 1*1 iss -Han- Reid his successor, who bought the farm tv cerned, is part of the Naional constitu- toba, a,nil it is presuine(l that the Provincial preaching Dominion elections. required much self-sacrifice on the part of daughter of the host and hostess, to George last fill], has moved in. nah Lewis, and a reading by our worthy tion. In Olddition. to this, subsection 3 of The next matter of more than ordinary its practitioners, will*cease to retur an in- , McFarlane, a well-to-do young gentleman of scho-ol teacher, Nichois. After the Goernment will refuse to take. -One day recently the three-year-old son �owan of East Wawa- section 93i of the British. North Americ any action interest was the introduction of Dr. Jacob come for the tinie and labor expended." Dr. of Mr. William McG the 2nd concession. Rev. Miller, of ram, me, refreshmenti were served by the -j in the matter, and will tb:en appeal to the Baxter, the newly elected member for Hal- Ryerson's reference to those who have been Brussels, performed the ceremony. tbe tratl act, proi3led that Where, in. ally Prov' nosh, tripped while crossing the kitchen fadies, after which the meeting clo.%,ed ll electorate for confirmation diman& - He was not long i I A of their course. n makina hi n ntroducing the bill is inter- 9 -ov system! of 'se-pra-te or dissentient -wav to -Toronto after the peop es n floor of his father's house, and broke his -A correspondent writes: Two Leeburn feehil that it is good to dwell togeule'r in le gavechini t' . It is as follows: " Could profes- d h y outcasts and exiles seize a more fa- erich. in a cutter, and,while driving had a Lo -Ar -s. -Rev. George Finkbeiner, jr., i. tShould this be tile case the Dominion Cab- collar bone. bachelors were recently returning from Go U, it chools exists by law at ' the Unioll, Or is inet will. be obli I aed to apply to Parliament- uthority to occupy his seat in the Legiala.- siona -D. Connell was charged before the thereafter established by the Legisilaure of ture, ,whiah had, been set aparb for hirn at' vorale opportunity to wreak vengeance Goderich police magistrate on Saturday, little chat on their honackeeping e at present under the p arental roof, after,an xpeft- MK)NTIJ for reniedia-1 Should Parlia-: tu6 opening of the �-session, and,which has upon an hen 1� ? At ,, time when 160 in$'t., with stealing a trunk from Car- ences. Their little conversation was radely nc . Mr. Finkbeiner is, the Prov ince, n-Lppca,l shall lie to the G'ov- Orable b or ecline to pass tile required legislation nientd been awaiting his arrival ever since. It ig a set of i -den liwse i�g ance is only equal- rol's hotel, Saftford. He was found guilty, brokef by the, shafts breaking in a pitch- preaching in the Illinois Conerence, and is ernor-Grencral in from any et or de- the 6oernment will have to appe the front row and lie is a deal,- mae of led b their lack of 4delity to the princi- but was let off on suspended sentence. hole, and the sudden jerk landed them an now home oil his wedding trip. Many of al to, the y !� it. Fine cisio in of any Provincial authority affeating A r. Thomas (;ibson, of East Huron, so that plea they were electedito support, at such a the road. The bor8e meanwhile sped aong his old school mates will be glad to renevir 0 Country. The peopl�, of Canada will., -One evening recently, a shorthand class any rig -ht or privilege of the Protestaut or no the two veteran members sit side by side. time the enemie's of oriler inspire these ien until caught by �n energetic youtig bach- acquaintance with him. being taught by the Rev. D. Miller, of Br He Will also preach doulA, wait dicevintereat tbese- fur- Dr. Baxter has been a member of the Legis- to attack our vested interests, to, destroy as- Ilutter- minority of tbe, sels, presented their instructor with a ban(, - elor. in the ,Methodist church aext'Sundav even- tber developinents., In tile meantime they. lature ev6r since Confederation, the oil our time-honored rights." We are not ,present. ly X n Lawson, of Liaeburn, bad the mis- in ee-ting of in relation to. some carved secretary, as a mark of their -Jell g. -The semi-annual business m- should consider the question calmly and interruption being the short interval be- sure, but the learned doctor's denunciations n o Alliance w In 1871 Mnitoba. joined the con-feder- tweell%he general election and his re-election of the bill will serve to, popularise it with ppreciation of the service don6them. fortune to have a runaway when going as held, oll there is 11, Creameri quietly, without political or religious preju- Irey, and oad was'bad, tile ensuing six months, resultiri as oil the l9th inst. He was introduced'by the many. It allows that it cuts just whereit is -61reorgel".Speiran, of G L Alias home the other night. The r Tuesday last, ind elected tbeit, officers for tioa. fix 1890 a law was- passed 1)y tbe nd the cutter took a slide, star1ling the 9 dice, and be ready to act wisely when the Premier and Mr. Gibson and his appearance intended to cut. Although the J)ill Coll- Mina, Watts, of Walkerton, formerly of President, Ali townaln . I iss M,ary G eler ; vice-preai- 11anitoba Legislature aboishng sepatate horse and causing a sudden upset. -John time cat'lles. It is'siniply a'question of what in the eba,iliber was the signal for great a`P4 tains some provisions -which sbould be Henfryn, were united in marriage by Rev. ary rolls, 14 sehoolsi and catablihing a systeivi of unde- e'a, Air. Watts, father of the bride, on,Wednes- held the reins for a dent, Mr. T. Oesreicher ; secretary, is best for our try�. If the, Government plause, 'which was joined in. as ll rtily'by struck out, it has some which are in the ome time, but the cutter E. Brown ; treasuer, J. II. rather Iii coun I struck him on the arm causing him to let nomiaational schools throughout, the Prov- the opposition as by the Ministerial imeni- public interests. day, 13th� inst. go. The horse went hdine, a (listance of corresponding secretary, Samuel Brown-; little riev has taken. the wisest -course they will, 110. bers. The Patrons, however It en- The' t-wenti6th annual repoft of the Ont, -F. J. C. Haldane, barrister, of Wind- librarian, Alary A- Beaver ; organist, Lizzie- will be Ic iiice,� The Roman Catholic minority mp- did 110 rio -known rresident of about a nile, and when Mr. Lawson ar- doubt, be sustained in this action, if not, thuseabiband therewas'de'ad sileuce in Agricultural College has been laid before sor, formerly a,,%vell God- Worth. -Mrs. Jacob Finkbeiner sr., is at to pealed against this act on the ground that ived Was standing by bhe stra-w stack C, they will have to make way for a govern-, their. corner of the chaniber. Dr. Bxter is the House. It contins a vast amwAnt. of erich, has recently been appointed a pecial r To it was tiltra, vies of the Proincial (I'overn- having left a badly broken cutter in the Present on the sick list. -Mr. Triminner, a robust,mell preserved in technical information in the f6i ai iner i the.ftigh. Court of Justice of 0 �ecipts al went which will better represent the will of all, for his *ears -in of reports ex n 11 I o�Petrolea, is again making his rounda.-- I from the heads of the various departments. Ontario. yar(. amol the I laent. The easp was carried to the Privy th people. and lie must have a. very firm place til the' Mr. Ezra Faist is engaged -wrkin for r, t 'Mr. Robert 11cGregor, of Wingliam, -On Monday of last week, John Cookson, 9 tions of the people of Hal-dimand, as it The total number of students in attendance - & Council, and that body decided that, as affee of Stephen, was before Squire Snell, of Ex- John ',Smith. - Mr- Sweitzer has moved in takes all exceptional nian to hold a, cc;,nstit7 is 290, of Miorn 41 axe free county students. bad one of his fingers badly crushed at W. with Mr. Tricks where e will resie in the there were no separae schools ill Nlail4oba % ter, oil a charge of taking forcible posses- ne. There are 12 students from other provinces J. Chapillan's'tannery, gn Tuesday of last e at 12C to Rr.)ioRs of Cabinet troubles t Ottawa, uency as Ion" as he -has 10 future. -Mrs, Ralph, of London township, prior to, 1ri 1, the Manitob& schools ct of There areseveral very important bills be. in the general course, and 25) from other ,�eek, while assisting to brick in a boiler. sion of a horse. Cookson visited Seaforth *22c for recently and purchased a horse from Henry 'a the guest of Mr. G. eiser.-Miss Bertie was constitutional. are rife. It seems a settled fact that Sir fore thd Legislatu'le this session. can countries, the average age being 20 years. -Mr.' H. E. Snell, of Wingham, has sold Trevethick isen tbe�sick.list.-Mr.l)j'Lerialilyn., Pyper, agreeing to a certain bargain. Pyper Charles Hibbert TiLppe has resigned and only, however, refeit to a few oi them. The The repor6 indicates that the different de- his stock of groceries, crockery, glassware, of Stratford, paid our town a flying visit on The minority then appealed to the (.'Ov- delivered the horse, but iii settling, Cook. --the mart Saturday last, taking Orders. for tomb stona, r Alr. I.N-al Attorney Ueneral has oil son would not a eport has it that Mr. Foser and e respectind, con- partments of tile college have made very etc., to an Owen Sound firnij who have re - I ettle as agreed, Pyper was ernor-General in (oucil-etherwise the Do- aspires to Victions under municipal by-laws. Wl�en it sati.�factory progress during the i ear, de- -moved the -same to that place. lace will follow him. L� a�nd crayon -portrait work. -The saw* 8i r Hibbert was up for secolid reading. lie explinecl t iat tails of bie Zork done in each being about to take his horse away, when Cookson Ing con- ininion Cabiaet - under the subsection -Mr. Peter Scott, of Lanes, while band- test between Air. John Eilber, jr., the Prenliersbip,and probably thinks he has it.was introduced at the a employed forcible means to_ prevent, him, and lr. _N quoted already, and subsection 2 of section,, a better chance out -of the Cabinet tha in- J ' tice Meredith. uggestion of Chief en, A significant staement ip',the pre- lilig logs on Wednesday of last week, met and as a result had to pay costs of court be- George Eilber son of Mr. Fred Eilber was aIt had been - found that sgii,�e a report, considerin wih a wa's not painful accident, one of the logs roll- held in. Mr. A. HiPs yard., an than oil 2: of the act of Union, which reads,: " An id a returning the animal. d result -'ed in -vpp it. The imuedite eause of his ctign. is inicases of conviction under municipal of the students, is the llowing:2"' The ing on him and bruising one of tbe cords of 'a 1 e The remains of Charles Barbour were favor of the latter. -The jewelry Shop is eal shall lie to the C',overnor-Oleneral in , la,A" fortnal proof Nvas emitted becaus� the' greatest trouble- which we bve with out, his ­leg. than said to be the.calliuL together of Parliament, fac the attraction of Many lately, owing to tile 9 t . students a -rises f ron-i their lack of preparation -The other (lay, _Xlr.'A1cCrae, of Clinton, -vv�ere-f Lilly understood by both pahies interied in Dungam�on cemeter oxi Mon- so], Council from any ut or decision in tile Le iy 0 aad this often -led to the conviction 1�eino, in the f6idamental branches of a public sold to W.. 8nell, Hullett, a fine Durba day, I 8th inst., Rev. D. Rogersyerfornig the 4rood sto 9- lie holding that a. dissolution and appeal t in sweet strains of music delivered there from islaure of the Province, or of any Provin- time to time by the proprietor. -Your cor- the country should have taken place instead. quashed. The bill provided -that upoll a " school education. E'ven those who bring grade cow and. pure-bred Jersey calf, at a burial services. The decease was 777 -was 11 ha p- 0 of years respondent greatly please(1- to notice a. affecting. any right, -or priv- plication to*quasli a conviction under �uch' certificates of having passed the enti old, and wagr�ne the pioneers of West T Vance (food figure. He refused an offer of $8o for correspondence in Your valuable paper per ilege of the Protestant or Ronill Catholic circumstances the court might dispense With examination for admission to the high Wawanosb. A few years ago he sold his few weeks ago, by one of our ei�_J Cr�li_ thein wo his fine Jersey cow. Good stock pays. TuE Lindsky Post thus. neatly puts the roof of the by -la -w, and allow tile mn schools ae often gros4ly ignorant of ahth- farm and retired from farming, locating in f winoritv of the- Queen's ubjects in relation ton residenters Mr. Chris --he farmers in the neighborhood of topher Rib- lEe established bya,flidavit. Dungannon. He had been for some time ler of Dakota, and we wish him futher atter of our natioiial (lebt:- metic, Enlish grammar, &lid Composition. Kintail have decided to build a new cheese calvts to The Dominion Cabinet old at h The Attorney 0'eneral has another Theyhave been taught g,ranimer to no put,- trougled with an affection of the heart, to bealth and prosperity through life. factory half it mile north of that village, on heard the argument Of the minority through �'Tbe net debt of the country is now ai(l tnt bill for which be secured the se'ond -pose. The� do not understnd tile first ich he succumbed the Saturday pre �1) to the gravel road. The materials for building Kibler would make things lively were lie He was highly respected as an honorable their counsel, 'Mr. Ew&rt, _d Winilipeg,and, to be 8246,000,000, but the gross debt is reading ald in doing so lie explained that principles of the subject, and they cannot are to be brick and, stone. from Xi� ,R,351 0811) 396. There is nothing small about in Our village at election time- The as larlitoba declined to -be repr cases had frequentky0occurred where a ivife spell the ordinary words which tfiev have -Mr. John T. Harland has disposed of Citizen, quive unobtrusive in his deportment, Iambs Till! esented at Reformers have lost their strongest mail in the debt -contracting qulities of the Otta-wa, executedadeedor a mortgage whielt ton- ,been using since they began to speak." Tile nR honorable in his deaings, industrious in i his neat cottage property o attenbury and around Cedit6n, in, the person of 3sl r� per 11). -eas financial statemene�of college sho%vs a satis- street, Clinton, to Veterinary -Surgeon Kibler. -Alias Mary Ifaist is n tile affair, holding that in view of the de- 0overnment. The Ministers ae determine(I tained no stipulation barring dower,whei habits, and was much esteemed as a citizen. Thomlinson, for a good fifure. The latter -On Sunday night, 17th inst., while dress maker 0 Mis; Ra-li's.-M.r. 1!ahner is cision Of tile 1'rivy Council any such pro- to build a lasting monument to themelves. the object of lier joining in' the deed %�vas factory co' dition�', of aifa-irs. The report as y e ,ts Idim, wws racrel farce, Chris- Did you ever op to think wb,t a stupend- for th purpose of barring dower. Thellbill inentions the need of it large building for ex- has occupied. the property or some time. Richard Treble and George Harness, of Ex- at present very low. -Air. Albert3 wh h vft st as the senior counsel of sil er gradrs ous sum that debt is At the cu rrent price of made it clear that in suelicases the wilfe's periniental -wot k and several dwell' houses -In (.oderich township, at the residence eter, were on their way home from Credi- been -working in Vaborne is now the Ontario bar, wit-, detailed by the� Do- pack-er, it would take nerly 22,300 tons o ' f (lower Was barred. Anotliew,elai�seprovided. for members of the staff. on the evening of Wed- ton, they met with rather all unpleasant ex- home. -The Sabbath -School members ill of 1). JeBTien, sr silver to pity it. Piling silver dollars one for the'case of there beini, a tiiortgaa6 ill When the -estimates for the Department of nesday, iSlarch l3th, occurred one of those n perience. It appears they were drivi connection with the -minian (loverninent to represent the Mani- upon another, five to the inch, to represent which the wife had joined'for Cue pult'Tose riculture were being considered the other Methodist church ill- to �4,4.185 bt happy events,which prove a,like interesting leisurely and peacefully along, accompaniel tend toba. (1-overnment, The Ctibiilet, however, the sum would require a stack over 1,014 of barring her do"vev. The property -was (r , lr. Dryden explained the fact that to oM and young. The occasion was the by one each of the fair sex, and when a giving an entertainment on Faster T �Z) Monday, and* it promises to be a good one. miles high. Even the counting of au -b a. afterwards sold by the wortgagees,and after the vote �f &SOO for che Central Farmers' marriage of iNliss Annie cBrien to Robert short distance out of the village, the former took no action other than to refer the ques- 0 The ssessor has again ma suin is an anorthous work. And this year the latte�r's interest and c", ts had been paitt Institute is dropped, the usefulness of de his rounds.-- y The Patrons of I�dustry had a very success- 11lixed sh . tion of their power to hear- and that Davids'ell. The cerenion , which -was per- was attacked by two desperate and daring 1.00 to act Will see many millions dded to it. a baL%uce was left.' Liti(,ation had freqtlent- oranization having,lie thought, ceased, and fernied by Rev. Dr. Ure, of Godericb, was claaracters, who attempted to upset his rig. fill meeting in _tfie town hall last Weilne,,_ aPPe41 of tha Supreme Court. F h 'nin 0 ealls to rGin t is do the people propose (loin" about it' !" �y takenplace to dete1-i e whether the wife that ins ad of 3,000 as before, is to' witnessed by the immediate relatives of the Finding this ineffec ual, they grabbed the, day --,11r. Alexander Clark is working for to 5.44) n