HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-03-22, Page 4Am 95 4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR.' MARI-Iff 229 18 get the necessaries of AT member of the Osgoldcross division of sion, and after -several caucuses decided to not seem disposed to questiox many of the time, although they were well aware no the -usual form, after which the sisiers, of tance of 255 miles, to divide, the leader, Mr. Haycock, who was ex endittifes iw this department. election could bT held before May, and said the Order made preparations for the " inner life. The subject f this notice was up- sion LOOK Youn LABEL Yorkshire, Liberal, as being in posses w to do right and honorable in all his dealings, and formerly a Liberal, voted nat the Gov- rhe next department taken up was that of that under the - circurn tance the people w&nts," which the� always know ho' of the House during the Speaker's absence, wits much reap, as i ected by all wh6 knew him- ernment, and Mr. Cavan, first assist- the Minister of Education. The Opposition were quite justified in believing that the in good style. This being the nineteenth i bat on returning the Speaker found that In religion he was -a Presbyterian, and in The Subscription price of the Exposrr ant, who was formerly it Conservative, vot- opened out here as if they expected to have Government were, for some reason, afraid to ai,:iniversary of Hullett Grange, a short en eni- a g I reat field to exploit, but the explanations give an account 'of their stewardship, and poli ics a staunch Liberal, although a rela- if paid strictly in. advance, is ONE Sir John Austin' was the only member pres- ing with the Government. The other in tertainment was held, whe r. Brewer, of t nad. He a a be tive of the late Sir John A, McDio ent, and he was talking direct at the Speak- Mrs of the. party, however', voted exclusive- of the Minister were, in each iiistance,given were, therefore, unworthy of confidence. the Molson's Bank, Clinton, 9 ve a n in r 'he last five years of If you do not renew within three months ly tn'accordance with their previous party so fully, so plainly and so satisfactorily that Many people, he said, were of opinion that of excellent stereoptican view of the was in poor health for t ers empty chair. wouL his life, and was a great sufferer for the last, dilectio 'a. The Government carried the the evidently came to the conclusion that a change Id do no good, as'one lot of World's Fair. of the date on your label the price will be ge, n y ecially. On -the 28th of Feb- $1.25: ; if you do not renew within six v by a good majority, the vote being 49 there Was no peg on which they could hang rliticians was as bad its another. This is -There has been a great amount of ice two years esp months of the date on your label the price The Dominion Government has passed. &n fo� the Government and 33 for the Opposi- a n e of any size, and so they aban- ntirely unwarranted ; the Liberal party, taken off our lake at Lakelet this winter. ruary he took a paralytic stroke, . and from Will be $1. 50. No paper will be sent longer order in council granting remedial legi tion. doneie7tohee hunt. Mr. Ross is, iia the fullest when in power, had given the people an The fa * ers in the vicinity have stacked up !"that time he gradually sank until death rb- sia-, rin He leaves behind him four sons than one year before being pa -id for. st and economical 'government, and heaps of it, and for a. c I pl,e of Past lieved him. There was a hot and somewhat exciting 'sense of the term, a model Atinister. He hone, OU weeks tion in regard to the Manitoba Schools A'4. half hour in the House on Wednesday af- is thoroughly conversant with the smallest would do so; again. He contrasted with the teams have been hauling it to Clifford. two daughters to mourn his loss. nd Send renewals directly to this offie. and the order has received the signature of tein6on. The occasion was the division on tai of his department; can tell all about administration of Ron. Alex. McKenzie, -David Smith a student at Clinton Col- -Joseph Watson, a foriner Brusselite, de I The Free Money sent by registered letter, post -office the Governor-General. It has not yet been Mr. Haycock's motion to do away with Gov- it W hand, and is always ready to give the the methods of the present Government, legiate Institute, na;rrowly escaped aerious lied in Winnipeg last month �y, February 297th, says Ymney order, express money order or draft, the-� fullist expianation in the most pleasant whose policy as to expenditure was to spend injury while exercising; in the gymnasium Press of that cil made public, however, and will not be,until ernment House at the expiration of is at our risk. A post -office ord r u to term of - the present incumbent. Mr. manner. lie w6S a revelation to many of the inoney where it would do them most recently. However; he got olt wi-th only a, A large number of people gathered t, the formal paper, making that demand on Mowat moved an amendment to the effect the new members, as the minuteness with good, with little or no beed to the welftire prained wrist. Zion church yesterday afternoon to atenit he vices of the late Joseph Wat- costs only two cents. the Manitoba Government, is signed by that the whole Government House question which hE As an instance of this be -Mr. Spaulding, of Fordwich, who has t fulteral ger could e,plain the smallest detail, of the country, The change on your label will notify you Lord Aberdeen in council. be referred to a select committee of the on the spur ofthe moment,and eisplain how pointed out how now post offices wiare given been ailing for Some time, passed away on son,, who for many years was a fa itliful eni- House composed of members from each of and why it was (lone, was inost 'plemin t small towns represented by Consorva- Tuesday morning last week. eased 'Ployee of of our receipt of the mone. if not, changed I The dee the. Canadian Pacific Railway and brought fort IV in - Cartage company. Re. W. G. Henderson, in three weeks drop us a card arid we will, Hon. Aithur Wellesley PeelL has resigned the parties in the House,,and whose duty and satisfactory to -all, t? es, while larger towns or even cities, re- lived there for so' e til;�e, and was known as u8sisted by Rev. Alexander Gant, bad it would be to go thorouifily into the ques- commendatory remarks, in private, of Eregented by Grits, could not secure such an honest, upright citizen. trace the Inatter up., his position as Speaker of ihe Imperial Par- tion and ascertain what arrangements can uil I re of tbe services and the centre por- course even from Opposition members. One ings. He gave the history of the Tay charg- .1 Address all letters and make all cheques liament, and the greatest interest, I -Mr. A. Wyness ' has purchased the , n of tbeediAce was occupied by Nortli ers pavale to McLean Bros. is being be made with the - Ottawa Go�ernment to ,noticeable feature was, that although the canal, showing that the revenue from it house an([ lot in Fordwich, occupied by Mr. tio and ord taken iti the affair, as the eelection of a suc- get a title to and possession of the Govern- Opposition bad a few days ago made such a during the last year, for which there are J. Wilson, fromMr. J, Hanniblirg, and in- Star Lodge, Independent Order of Odlfil- er ment Houee property,and consider a scheme l� fuss abouttoo much, m6ney having been ex- returns, amounted to just one -fortieth of one tends to erect a handsome residence on it lows, members and their brethren from oth When remitting money do not fail to give cessor will probably necessitate a change in n in fronit f the post office address. that might meet the views of all parties in- [pended for high schools, when consideri 9 per cent. of the investment. The way in next anDliller. lodges. The easket rested Ithe Cabinet. Although several names terested, and perhaps be more ad vantage ious ite� s in detail, they not only which Hon. John Haggart Justified such an George IV. Stewart, - of Chehalis, al r. arld placed upon it were numerlous When notifying us of change of address Ous ithe var in ta do, not fail to give both old and new port have been mentioned, probably the next to the country-tban if action were taked as �failed to poin� ut any savings that. might iniquitous act was by saying that no public I'Vasbington State, who died there recently beautiful- floral offerings. incumbent of the office will be. Mr. I Camp-, hurriedly as Mr. Haycock proposed. Mr. be made,,but in some instancei thev seemed money had been spent in big constituen of typhoid pneumonia,. was a brother of Mr. .-A very pleasant evening was spent at office ddress. cyl iden bell -Bannerman,' Secretary of' State for Mowat explaned that -the Province at pres- .to favor even a larger expenditure. and it was only just that they should have John Stewart, of Blyth, and was for mially the res ce of Mr. A. McIntyre, Loefialsh, ent has no title to the property occupied by The next department taken was that of a share. This is but a sample of the iniqui- years a resident of Hui�ron county. township of Ashield, on*WednesdayAlarch Look at Your Label.. War, who is acknowledged 'by all to be the Lieutenant -Governor; it was set apart the Provincial Secretary. Mr. Gibson' has a tous corruption and mismanagement of the ' -A panel is to be placed in the ch6th, by a few of the immediate neigh bors eminently fitted for 'the. positiom� Mr. -by the Dominion Government at Confedera- large field to go over. The Central Conservative Government. The great ques- window of the 14,piscopal church, Wingham, and friends.. The event was the mGadstone has intimated that be will make tion for a residence for the Lieutenant -Gov- Prison, the sylums arid kindred institu- tion, however, is the trade question- in memory of the late Rev. W. Davis, who of his eldest daughter, Kate, to Mr. W. 47' - NEW ADVERTISE&ETS. ernor, and-Sandlield Macdonald accepted of tions come under his depairtment, and con- whether we shall hav6 a ievenue tariff or a mas for nine years pastor of -that parish. 1offattl of Newfield farm, Teeswater. The his appearance i Parliament on the oc- it on -these terms a -nil erected the building. sequently -it is not possible . for him.� to keep protective tariff. III 1878 the Conservatives The expense is to be borne by the five sons -ceremony was solemnized by Rev. Mr. Rose, The par- ig&The fig'aft between. the parenthesis after each casion of Mr. Peol's resignation, The Province, however, can not use.it for such close, track of every detail. But, al.- --had proiiiised better prices and better of deceaeed. t of Ashfield Presbyterian church. of the paper on which he y other purpose, or dispose bf it in -any though he could not tell off -hand the exact times to the farmers if they would support -.Hr. G. rie of ties who held sec' -Mr. :Stobo, advertisement will be found. an terling,� of the 4th li c other wa, without tile cousent or approval number of caws or pigs kept t certain in- the National Policy. p,- A on of Teeswater, and Miss of Para- ome Pointers --R. Wil33. Discrimination. y Well, farmers were Goderich townah %lisges M. Cantel ave %one o Alictipa Sale, of Farm Stock, &C-V�rion Donnie. (5) of the Dominion. The. property is I now a stitutions, he defended himself very sue- then getting $1. 11 per bushel for wheat and S. Sterling, of te'6th line, h t mount. After a sumptuous N;idding sup- One of the stock objections which the ver valuable one, worth probably $300,0 cessf ully against a severe criticism and- show- 84 cents for barley, and 34 cents per pound Manitoba. They were accc Bulls for Ssle-Thos Cudwore. (5): - 00 y ir. per had been dispensea the Voting CODPA�- A Good ln(4stment�Stark Bros. (8), National Policy people urge against an un- or more, and before Legislature committed ed that lie, too, is thoroughly conversant for wool ; hoW would they like to have E. H. J. -Morris and wife and Mr. G. (I"Freen, left for their ho -me. The remaining PaIrty Somervillo. (6� Cowa for Sale-Ja-. J itself to any particular course or entirely spent a ple"atit evening until the wee stna? Seed: Oa'ts for Sale -John staff ord. (5) restricted reciprocity treaty -with the with. the interests under his charge, arid he these prices back again ? This point was of Colborne. Cedar Post@ for Ssile-lfrs. A. McN&b. (5) abandoned this Valualke property, he gave much valuabI4 information of the greeted with rapturous applause. Mr. -At the Grand Lodge of tbe Sons of Frig- hours. The presents reeeivetl were band- For Sale-Jobn Clark, (b) United States, is that it would discriminate thought an effort should be made to secure great work bein doit in the various insti- Charlton then showed up the Conservative land, held in WoodAo-k .last week, iNlr. some and useful. Not;ce ta Creditors -John MoVillam (6) the'-Niother Cour-try, and tha, they it for the Provilice so that it could be util- tutions. The e ;mks of the o ri --Mr. Thomas Newcome, of Brussels, has. against 91 I Given Awa�y Free -A. E. Pentecost.. (5) - disloyal. But they do not ized in some other way if it st ould be p position were 'Reci ro-.ity Commission, which went to Thomas Jackson, sr. - 6f &nton, was o e of New Spring G.00ds--Gilroy & Wiseman. (5) say, would be devotpd largely to trying to prove their Was lington �resujnably to obtain a teci- those selected for the purpose'of recommen- a busy seon's work ahead of him in barn able to abolish Government contention that much of the supplies for procity treaty, -but really as a blind to cover dation to the Grrand xecut' as District buildng, a�s follows -. Hugh Fulton, bo, und- 31i'liDery Opening -E. Me-Faul Dry Goods'CO. (9) often tell us that'trbe present tariff aisbrim deemed advis ive Aproposition hadbeenspoken of, these � institutions, no,", purchased'; ill the up an infamous trick played upon tile Can- Delinties for the year. Pub'ieSale-Wrn. White. (5) House. ary of 6rey and MeKillop, new bank barn, Millinery Opening -W. W. Hoff -man. (8.) inates again3t the Mother Country and ill altbough-not definitely made, to tile(,' open murket could be purchased more profit- adian electorate. He concludd by showing -One day last week, as Oscar Forester 48 by 59 feet ; M-c,Don&ld Brothers, Wal - Take Notice-w-ni. Pickard & Go. (9), overn- Riojcle for Saile-F. Frank& favor of the States.- In unguarded mo- ment, which he-�was led to believe would be ably by tender. the benefits that would accrue from cul ing some f6gs into the mill, at ton, extending and improving barn Dresowakirtz Shop Removed -Mies Stlog.dili. (8) ments, however, some of them will tell the acceptale to the Dominion. This- wasthat the The Public Accounts C rs instead of Holmesville, the harness on the bo Rooms, to Rent -Mrs. S. W. Cady. (5) - Wfirnittee are busily vating a mark . et at our doo rse in Smilliej concession I.- Grey, extendimr gl Doininionwould give theProvincea cloartitle Karn Orgarva­J. L. Downe3'-. (6) truth. An Am erica Senator, in a recent at work raking over the accounts of the wasting money in trying to stimulate trade some way became disconnected, -allowing one ving barn ; Win. Taylor, 9th line, Political Meetings -R. Com.inor. (5) on oondition that the Province would dis- several departments,but as yet.the members with iar distant countries wbich eould not, end of the whiffletree to fly back against his =a, improvementsto barn ; John Ewen - article in the Forum, charges -the Canadian pose of it to the best advantage, . purchase a 16th.concession of 0;rey, splitting barn au(l Right at the Fr.ont-A. G. Ault. (fy) have not got, up to fighting liea,t. The Op- in LDY event, ever be �rofitable. knee,. hurting it consf4erably. -iond-F.. lip -Paul Ca. (6) cr feet ;_ Robert Carrie, 4th line Retutiful Select, �G�overnment With maintaining a tariff which small parcel of 'land ob b about an position re looking up material with which i in the eve i meeting wa held, -Mrs.'McCullou h adding twenty nin a mass gb, -wife of Dr. cCulloug' 7 Spri quita­--Jackson & Greig. (1) 'y 'was crowded, Addresses and only daughter of he. late John Wynn, of 14orris,extendin and improving barn FinK , acre, near the Parliamepnrt b ildings, erect to lath; 9 In por�ant Satle-hIrs,-M. Gilchrist. (8). discriminates aganst the United Staes. r'� the (3overnment,and the clerks, When the hall' Ro The Ottawa C iizen, - the 1eading orgar: of on it smaller and more suitable house for. of th 'ell� given by r. Charlton nd 'Dr. '.Nlc- an ok-1 and well known citizen. of Brussels, Oliphant Smith, fourth concession of onig to Let --Thos. Daly. (8) e departments tire busy furnishing the w Politic3 and Temperance -W. W, Cooper. �i) the Lieuteriant-Governor with a port asked for material. We will likely hear Donald, and music furaished by the Young has itist passed a most sacceifsful exarnin- Grey, new bank barn, 50 by 66 feet ; Harry ion of the Government, indignantly denies this. the put -chase money for the old site,and inore from this ,oni in ittee later on. Lil)eral Glee Club. ation at the Philadelphia Dental College, Speii-aii, 1 -0th concession of Grey, extndinig Pianos and Oryans-Scott Brcs (8) t, 11 It Don'G Mais it -A.. E. Pentecost. (8) f Sugan--4red Davio. (8) It is not true," it says, " th%t Canada the balance be unded and* the:. interest usrd Privae bills lof every conceivable nature obtaining the degree of D. D. S. and iniproving barn ; George B;ttin, Logan, to drafray the cost of Maintaining the resi- -of I Wall Papers-Jameg Graves. (9) discriminates aganst the United Stat still pour in at -every sitting, but it is not -1�idwardl Jenkins! son Mr. Robert new bank barn, 50 by 66 feet ; Richard and es* (tence arid -&rounds. By this scheme the likely that more thin half �f them will ever HurJn N otes. I I; f �),rey,. T mReducel-Fred Daxis. (8) Jenkins, of Turnberry has purchased from Thomas Alcock, 14th encession e On tile contrary, we i 1) StartliDg-Fred Dvis. mported from that Province wou51d li ve what benefits accrue get past the committee stire and possibly A Young Liberal Club has been founded Mr. John WilsoR -vements to barn ; James Walfkner*s E Sugar ],)own -A. Young. (8) the south half of lot 21, impro For Ladits--U.. F. Edwrds. (8) country last ; year goods to the value of. from Government House, and there are the country may be the gainer if they do in ClinCbn." concession, 10, of tile, same township, con- carriage shop, Brussels; new front- - )1,976, of which $29,659,926 were ad- some, and there would be no cost or ex- not. The first s�ssion of a Parliament is now taining 50 acres,for the sum of 82,200. The Crockery and Glass--vare-estate H. Rob. (j&) The Clinton Baptist church is C'bevp,Honey-Estatell. Robb, (8) lighted by electric.light, mitted free of duty. Fr,)m England we im- pense. to the Province. While not expreis- always most prolific in this kind of lecyisla- C3 new proprietor takes possession on the first lie tion as budding politicians who are pu'iting of April next. Exeter. ing an opinion on this scheme There is a likelihood'of the Brussels ported goodsAo the value of $45,925,422, of th�ought --it worthy of consideration, an,4 in their first sessions are anxious to let their -The residence of Mr. J. A. Stewart, of ])and being re -organized. LOCAL BniFs.-Sleighing in this village ich only $13,226,000 worth were ad- for this and other reasons he asked constituents see that they are doing some- -The average attendance at the Clinton the Standard Bank, Biussels, bad a. close ast. t: e is a thing of the p -Mr. A. Cottle will 01540TO Out of their o%,,�n House not to adopt the precipitate cour e i have an auction sale of land rollers, gates, mitted free of duty."' thing to earn their money, and have their' publ c school for,the past inorith was 399. calf from fire on Thursday inorning last sed by Mr. Haycock's motion until naines' written on the book of fa -Mr. James Walkinshaw, of Hul-lett, is -factory, on Thursd etc., at big turning week, from the soot taking fire in the stove - me. ay inouths do we judge them. Mr. Clirke Prlio they had time to look fur6er into the ma;t-. leaving the farm, and willahortly move into t, 0th inst. Mr. William ilcCloy, of pipes and threaening t1ae flooi through Wallace and the other members of the I I I ter and ascertain all the facts. Thiii seem- Clinton. which tile pipe ran. Mr. te,%vart had both, Hensall, has been. engaged as auctioneen-, SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Mar 22 ble also, as the reso- News of- the Week. --Sneak- thieves have baen. plundering the hands burned.. pack," as Sir Richard -calls them, should ed all the more reasona Mr. William Folland,. an old an esteeme(I t' lution, -%vhile committing the House to a barns of farmers in tile' neighborhood of look after.the Citizen or it will spoil hoir CLEVELAND's BYRT11DAY. -President Cie.,-- -A monarch of the forest has been cl, resident of Exeter, die -a at his residence on tan course, did not propose that the Londesboro l4tely. Aidreiv street, on the 14th inst., aged 61 cer The Haldimand Election. eland was 58 years of age on 'Monday, l8th down on the fat -in Of W. Sterling, of the 6th political caes. - change. should come into effect for four or -While chopping wood one (lay recently, was ye rs, and Was buried iu the Exeter ceine- inst. concession of Goderibli township. It The be-eleGtion in and couty, five years, while all the information he de- &. George Potts, of Clinton, cut a nasty 5 feet, 10 inches. *in diameter on the stq p tery FATAL MINE EXPLOSION'. -About 50 per- on Saturday sdternoon last.- ood sired could be procured by the committee, sons- were killed by an explosion of fire gash in one of h is fd�t. and 4 feet, 6 inches at the limbs. thrty On Tuesday last, *to fill the va- THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. bees are all the rage, this. wei a4vays, and a scheme could be'�-matured during the Samuel MeBurney, of East Wawan- blocks of it I wind up with a. general hop in the even' Ing ev caused bv the anseathia- o Mr. Senn, (lamp in a mine at Tr�piau, Austria -Silesia, nade twenty-five cords of stove eall . - 0 - present or at latest the next session, and the other day. call, has purchased . a lot in Wingham,, and wood. --Mr. J. Dalry, of Enegn, attended tfie resut ed in a victory for Dr. Baxter by '282. (BY AN ON -LOOKER.] members could then d�cide, on the facts be- GOLD BARS. -The steamer Luqjinia, from -will erect a house onitv -On. Wednesday, last. week, as the after- f uncral of the late Wiisin Folland on Sat- . Serin is a, patron, and! at the general There is an a using by-play in progress fore them, the best course to take. As, by Liverpool, at New York oil Saturday -Mr, James Hoov4r.' has rented 'Mr. J.- noon train was coming into Hohnesville rday last. -Mr. Alfrect Sheere and M.r- between Her Majesty's Loya Opposition in voting for his amendment, members did no election he aefeated Dr. BaxL -ell George Bawdn,brcklayers andcontractors, uer by some t brought f,262,000 in gold bars, .and the H. Hoover's farm, at Westfield, for a terni valuable cow belonging to Mr. John Ford, of live years. or twelve votes. He it -as uable. however, the Legislatu. commit themselves in favor, of maintaining steamer- Gascogne, from Havre, brought was seen on. the track, but not in time t -o have entered into partnership, nd have al - re and the Patron contingent. Government H use in w hole or in part, lie -One day lately, 'Mr. and Mrs. D. &ott,of ready secured several building contracts. ta retain his seat, on accoutut' of being a During the Provinicial 'elections, when the 4,000,000 francs. stop the train, wliieh varne on and threw the asked1r. Haycock to witildra big motion. A GAMiaLEn's Lum-Jaek Kerry, a East Wawa6osh, celebrated the 30th ani- beast some distance down the bank, killing 'Mr. Harry Pyper and wife, of Seaforth, Issier- of m3vrriage licenses. Mr. Senn was Patrons were likely to be 'a thorn in the This gentleman, however, declined to do so gambler, of Sioux City, Iowa, had received versary of their wedding. her instantly. spent a few days this Week. in the village.- again a-canddae, but his old opponen, Dr. flesh of the On�tario Government, the Con- and the Opposition, of course, backed him r. James Scott, of East Wawanosh, -The KintaiI correspondent of the G Mr. Robert Leathorn, who ha� been -visit- notice that b the d;ath of his father lie ode - y and a division was inevitable. As two had the misfortune to fall in his barn the rich Signal is responsible for the ig relatives and ffiends at Lond-on the past Baxter, was too swilft a, runner andas serva,tive politicians patted them on th�' up falls heir to an estate of 960,000 in Ireland. following or three members of the Government side Kerry ran away from home fourteen years other day and break three of big ribs. One day last week, while a farmer ear few weeks, bus returned bome.-The Royal elected oer him, by the aoe large major - back and encouraged them as much as pos- were absent without pairs, it was extremel -Mr. W; J. Hoover, of Weetfield, has here was taking hay from an old barn, he Templars of Temperance hela an open meet - y ago.f _NowaVs ma- sible. They, the ervatives, were then doubtful how the division would result, and 'Q.T)-Er,,N.-The Qdeen, accompanied ity� This will inctease Mr. Cons THE ,bought from Mr. James Tabbs of Colborne dug up a man whd was buried about ten Ing in the basement of the James Street in the house by one more. n ron platform. In the situation was, for �a time, exceedingly by the Princess Beatrice, has gone to Nice his splendid Durham bull, Puzzler. church, on Monday evening last._� i0rity feet in the hay, and who had evidently in - interesting, and the Government put in the for a time. Ex -Empress Frederick' will oc- -A base ball club has-been organized for tended -to sleep in his cozy bed until the G�eorge White, manufacturer of steam en - fact they were on it, so to i;peak, with both ostanxious ten minutes tbeybad a on Buckingham Palace during the Queen's toe coming year in th in Clinton, whil,ch expects the Forest City, ,was in this place pent gines in Dominion Pahtics. feet. Now, however, that the Provincia py pring work started. No wonder they clean out ever thing in the county. oil Tue!day last, ori business. -Mr. Tomas. for some years.' The division list, however, absence. grumble about hard times." elections -are over, and the, Conservatives showed a majority' of seven for Mr. Mow- -Mr. George grooks, who has purchased Willis ison the sick liat.-Miss Annie Vin- JudgeMcHugh has deelinf.d the offer of I)Rkl).-Robert William Dale, the cele- -Mrs. John Peacock and on, of Boigse- theL Robert Dickson farm, Brussels West, cent is confined to her home through at's amendment.� This was the closest di- ain, Manitoba, who h , liave no further'use for the Patrons in the rated preacher,. author and lecturer, is ave been Visitill, the Conse�vative nomination for NorM ears. visi on that has been taken for several y dead. relatives and friends in Morris for. the past; direction named, and there --is a probability will go into dairyincr ne8s.-The many friends of Mr. Wilian')_ Essex. -Sir Donald Smith. has finally. 1con- that they may become- an - important factor The Government side voted solidly for the Missio-i-ARY, -A cabl two or three months, *started for their home DFATH OF -The frost has cracked large plate glass !)empsey will be pleased to learn that he is amendment, except Mr. Taylor, of egram, windows in the stores of Messrs. J. Down- improving in health. -Mr. John McCallum, sented to be a candidate in, the Conservative in the Domnion elections , to the detriment North announces the death of the Rev. George on Tuesday, last week. Winnie Johnston Middlesex, Who voted for the motion, ing and James Irwin, Brussels. who has been spending the winter in, intarests in St. Antaine division, Montreal. of the Doininion Government, those who while Cushing Knapp, at Bitlis, Eastern Turkey, and Harvey MKinney', of Boissevia m, who rned. iwere so friendly to the Parons when they the Patrons all voted for their leade'r's rnom where� W. H. Palmer, the evangelist will have been visiting relatives in Florida, has retu -Mr. Aqu'l., - a Snell, The Liberals will put up a candidate to o he had lived s a missionary for forty Morris*for P_ hoped to use them against tbe Mowat Gov. tion, except Mr. Pardo, who went with the years.,` sbortly commence a series, of revival 'meet- some time returned home with Airs. of Sarnia, is visiting under the parental pose Mr. D. R. Ross, of .lenbro, has erriment are now diligently engaged in a not in TuE ings in Clinton. . N . roof. -,Mr. A. R. Kinsman, Who has beerk ajority, and the ranks of the Opposition A�STRALIAN STRANIS11111 PROJECT.- Peacock. cleclined tile noinination of th.e Prohibition- very commendable effortto create dissensions were, unbroken, except by Mr. Howland -Mr. John Wightman, of Essex couti f ur th his studies at the Dental College The Colonial Office an� Treasury V, -Mr. Edmond Westlakeof the lake sbore V V_ has purchased the Mitchell estate at West- road, Stanley, who owns a couple of excei.- as in their ranks. The press of the party is un- who 'oted for the amendment. The Go are con- 'Aas returned home. -Mr. Thom ists for the Commons for North Oxford.- sidering James E. Huddart's project for the Toronto, ceasing in its statements that the Patrons are ernment no, doubt felt considerably relieved new Canadian Pacific steamship line to Aug- field, for the sum of $3,02W. lent farms on that line, has rented- the one A- Pearce, of Mitchell, spent Wednesday. Mr. Bowman, -N-1. P., having declined the when the result of the vote w in becoming a Grit organization, and7are doing, as announced, tralia, and will give a decision soon. Miss Nettie Cc' be, of Clinton, has been on the West side to Mr. Chas. Seraney for last in this place. -Mr.. R. H. Collins, bar- Lib.eral noinination for North Waterloo, it as it would have been a great triumph for FLOWER COSIPETITIO'N. -The battl elected assistant editress of Varsity, the a te in of year, at a good rental. It 'Con- what they can to defeat the Dominion Gov THj,, e r rister, was in the County Town on business has been unaiftm ously tendered to Me E. ernmerit. and they adjure the Con servative the Opposition had they been out -voted. of flowers, which' took place at Cannes, paper issued at Toronto University. tains 100 acres and is in good condition on Wednesday last --Mr. James Seale, of France, the -other d)ky, was a great -Mr. Gregor McGowan, of East Wawan- Mr. Westlake has b, oon a h r W. B. Snider. -Hon. Wifrid Laurier and members of the society to come out from it, There has been a lot of work done during success. a, d worker fo; the Clinton Marble Works was in the vil- as they are being led away and fooled by osh, has purchased a fine Dur�ham bull from years, and intends to take life easier for his W d day last, o� business—Mr- I the past week. as the House has now Among those who took prizes for t ge on e nee his friends have been bolding most suceess- fairly he beau - their Grit brethren, or rather their brethren tiful floral decorati6n. of their carriages were the herd of Mr. James Smith, of Maple 'remaining da a.. Edward Bruce and wife, of Portage JR. settled down ici work. I -may say here that y fa meetis in Qpebec.-The -Bothwell of (v'ritantecedents. The Opposition in the the ork of the legislators can not be the Prince" of. Wales arid Mrs. Cornelius Lodge. -During last week, two popular young Prairie, Manitoba, left Exeter station for Conservatives have nominated Mr. Janes Legislate, ever since its opening, have evi- -Last year Mr. Wm. Weir, o peopl,�,,of West Wawanosh., departed this gauged by the published reports. It is the Vanderbilt. f near their home in the Prairie Province o Tues- Claincy to opposc L, Da-vid Mills. -Mr. dentlybeenworking in accord witil the general impression outside that when the JOHN A. BROADLIS­ DEAD. -Dr. John A. Clinton, commenced his sprinl plowing on life. Miss Rebecca Durnin, youngest daugh- (lay nighi last. -Miss Cann, of Us'borne, Conservative press and to make ftdder for Rouse does not meet until threc o'clock in Broadus died at Louisville, Kentucky last llfarcih 12tb. This year it wii probably be ter of Mr. C. Durnn, sr., who has been for who has been visiting her sister, Airs. 'mil- T hGMas Bain, M. P. hs consented to be ttaeks on the afternoon and possibly has a session of Saturday. The death. of r. Bro us re- in a poop state of health, them with which to keep up their ad' May,12th. some time past ler, at IsCancardine the past few weeks, re - the Liberal standar(l bearer in Wentworth. -Mr. G. Elcoat, of Tuckeramith, sold, a diedon S turned horn. e on Tuesday evening last. the Patrons. The Patrons, on tile other only an hour, that members have all the moves one of the most celebrated divines of 'aturday, 9th inst., aged 25 years. -A Prohibition ConVerition has' been, called hand, have been playing their cards to avoid rest of the time to themselves, *arid that his day. He was well known both in this splendid ten months old ball calf to r. Robert, son of the late Richard Wilsonj re- to ineet in Woodstork on gatn,rday, to nonl- these stricture of the Conservative pregs, or they have, conse(juently a "soft sn country and Europe as &,scholar and oator, IV. Kerslake, of Croniarty, for which he got cently came back from Dakota, owing to to falsify them. The a good figure. Wingham. inate in the Prohibition inter manoeuvring of the This is a great mistake, bowever,as most of and has several times lectured before Yale iii_h�ath, and gradually grew worse until BTaEF,9.-QtIie a number -of our towns- two parties is, therefore, very amusincr� the members are really hard worked. ',11her n-Hopki . ns Universities, and was -Alr. Jonathan 'Miller, former proprietor Saturday, when he died, aged 32 years. eats and North Oxford. At a re- to the disinterested on -looker. � 0 f the Albion H - neople attended the Reform meeting in is scarcely a day that, there are not some considered one of the best Greek scholars in 0 otel, Godericb, has pur- -Mrs. Thomas Dickson, an old and re- brussels on Tuesday. -A convention of tile -ek the Opposition moved an matters to be looked after in some of the chased a lot in that town, and purp9ses cent convention for a simiar purpose, both Last we the world. He was born January 27th 1824) ere tii ig a livery stable. spcted resident living in Goderich was Woman's Christian- Temperance Uio., llel(l mendment to the m otion to go into com- departments for cons found dead in her bed on Tuesday n ' - candidates riG111.1nated resigned. -Hon. J01111 tituents,and besides, 0. and leaves 4 widow and five dhildren, His iornin ; I 99 in the Presbyterian liurch on Tuesday -was Costigan bus accepted -the Conservative ficers -mcb as regis�rars, sheriffs etc., should nous correspondence to be ness in Alildmay to Mr. A. J. Sargeant, of friends the p "he had complained to erne largely attend&�_ -Rev ival services are bein ni-ittee of supply, to the effect that all of- post volujili kept loss will be �especialy felt -by tlie Baptst de- -Mr. A. Ala -gee has disposed 6f his busi- last week. S up ; and added to this is committee work. nomination" to which he belonge(l. revious day that she Was in his old consttuency'Nicterria. be paid by salary ibstead of by fees! This, Barrie. - 11r. Sargeant will not take- pos-. jug unwell, but it was not thoqght tha f'cer- held this week in the con�regationa church, In fact, the bulk of the work of the session t the conducted bv Rev. A Sas I explained las week, was ma ion ol is (lone in We commit -tee', an( it hij f does session until May Ist. - great messenger was so near. She are also bei:�g held. in the Salvation Army ew Rruaswick. vv,aiit ot confidence in tile G,overnment, and East Huron Reformers. -Mr. David Birks, well known in Clin- ently passed appar- Mr, Peter lNfcKenzie, of 1�inloss, was not show to the public. I ventu the as- away during the night, after barraeksbylvIr. Viner, of Owen Sond.-- e & ton and vicinity, is supplying the pulpit of taking some medcine. according to the" rules of the, House no sertion that th re , re few membe 8 Who do The annual meeting of the East Huron Rev. W. W. Baer, in Vancouver, during She had lived alone- The juvenile peratta '-'-Little Red Riding notaiiiat&I by a, large of West a,il,lendment could be made to the amend- not work on an average from eiqll'# to ten Reform Association was held in Brussels on -for some years, and was very comfortably a, Kincardine, on Tuesday ment, aid - conse(luently members had to hours every -day tor five days a week duri the latter's trip to Ontario. Hood" will be given in the town ball on last,-- Mr. James Rowand, P. Nvilose face the issue squaely,'�%-hich waq either to rig Tuesday af�ern_oon last, in the town hall. -Mr. George Baird, of C�inton, has situated. larch 292nd by thelN�l�ethodist,9ui)dayS',-�bool, thesession, and strange as it niay seem, it There was quite a large gathering of repre- se- -Fire - broke b t in the lien house and t) . ou asisted by Che Orchestra. This will be vote want of confidence in the Government cured a position with NoxoV Brothers, of health is nat perfect, the noi,111111- is absolutely true that some, meibers who sentative ReformerA ffoi�i the various parts f r. G. Manus, Hullett, the rare treat and no one should miss i. -The Ingersoll, arid will remove his family there pottgeor-rTyalvol arid it had nd to vote them out, of power if there, are seldom ;r ev6r heard in . debae in the of the -riding., President Hislop occupied made such beadway in the spring. teachers and scholrs of tile Presbyteran atiain,-At a second convention of the orth erevotes enough or else vote against the Legislature, are the �nost ll�eful and hardest the chair and gave a short opening address. anday School ejoyed a very pleasat in 3 before it was discovered that the whole S (��rey CGuservatives the noinination of Mr. proposition of the opposition, although they working members. But if the work is hard The Secretary-Treasuizer, Mr. 1V. H. Kerr, -Mr Alex. Ellis, of the l4th concession building was consumed, together with- a; Jaines lyfasson, -T. P., was reaffirmed. night approve of.the p I rinciple. This mo- and constant o- of McKillop, has exchanged his farm for the brood sow and eleven sleigh-ri�e and supper on Thursaay.--A n ordinary -members, it is of Brussels, reportred that the revision of other pigs, a sheep large erbWd attended the montbly borse fair The Parons of Industry of East Dkrrhain on was evidently made for the express dolibly so on members of the Government. the voters' lists had been concluded and town property in Brussels belonging to Mr. and the whole of Mr. INI-ann's ponitry. The held last Frida,y.-M6ssr. Homilth' an(l R. M. Dickson. purpose of makirro, the Patrons show their Ebey have not only to attend tox their de- was most sa�isfactory to the Reformers.' The fire is supposed to have started from a stove Bowle have commenced business in the store da Taesday at MlllbroGk and, selected They, however, voted solidly against partments and oversee t4' -Mr. David Inglis,* brothcr of Mr. Rob- which they bad in the building, nd in e work done there, total cost to the Association,of this revision Mr.' Samuel Grandy as, their candidate. the ainendinent and in favor of the Govern- e�rt Inglis, of the "Jth concession of Grey, latly occupied by Qrr and Hiscodk-g. fl%ey but they have to be in 'their placqs in the -is $315, which sum is to be raised by assess- which they had put, a good fire beore retir- have added a millinery department, ude The Conservative papers at once House while in session, take part id the de- ment'in the various sub-diviions of the (lied at his home in Addington county, on ing for the night. Jumped. upon thern nd gave this vo Thursdav, 7th inst., after two days' illness. the management of Miss Sinipson,of Toronto. Notes and Comments. te as all bates, attend committee meetings and have riding, according to the Reform vote at f lie -Rev. D. G. Sutherland, formorly pastor -Miss McPherson late of Brussels has open- Wonlen's Suff-rage ha -s received a decided additiona evidence that they had sold out also,daily, numerous deputations on almost last Dominion election. The election of -Charles Thom, near St. Helens, 'has of Rattenbury treet Methodist Church, e(l a milinery business i -ii Nirs'. Herdsman'g to the Grits. But the -injustice done the all conceivahle subjects to meet and consult officers for the ensuing year was the,, pro- leased from Win.Wilson, the property form- Clinton, died at his residence in Toronto, on old stand�-Miss Kyle,of Toronto,is visiting Patrons W. ill be ppreciated When we say with. -In addition to" -all this, they . must ceeded with and resulted as follp%vs : Presi- erly known as the Leddy farm, .5th conces- Tueda, last week, in hi 56 y ar. A t set back in Noa coti. A bill to confer 8 th 4- bou Mrs. T. H. Rose. -Aliss Henderson (f White- that at the Veryopening of the session, keep in touch with all the nlembers on both dent, A. Hislop, Grey ; First Vice-11resi- sion, West Wawanosli, for five years. a year and a lialf ago Dr. Suterlan& 1. J ) eon- church Is the guest of Miss EllaDean& the franchise upon widows and spin3 ters 1NIr. Haycock-, the -leader of the Parons, sides, good -natured IV answer innumerable dent, Thomas Gibson, Howick ; 8ecoud -Mr. James 8omerviile, of Luck -now, has tracted a severe illnese which ileveloped in- Nellie 'McDonald is visiting in London. -- with property qualifications, was given a said that oil this question the Patrons woul questions, listen to 'complaints, stave off Vice -President, George Hood, Morris ; been appointed clerk of the eleventh divi- to a fever. ince then he had been troub- What might have proved a, serious accident d hoist in- the House of Assei- not express an opinion until the report of hungry applicants for office, and the niem- District chairmen -Turnberry, Jaities El. sion court of Bruce, and Mr. W. J. Little, led with a continual series of fevers, which happeried7on Wednesday While Mr.David the commission ppointed on the. subje eated lyy it) njority of on- statenient the Patrons.could not have done' it is by no means a sinecure to be a member A. C. Daines Cranbrook ; Brussels, A C. 1. laid before the Legislature. In view of tbis same time keep every one in good humor. Fordwich ; Wroxeter, M. Robertson; Greyj -A joint stock company has been formed tion. A widow, three daughters and one Canadian Pac Railway with a loa '61 V, by vote of 2I to. 1"" Last year t be ct is bers who are urging their claims, and a the liott, Bluevale kowick, A. NIcLaughlin, bailiff of the eleventh division court. gradually kept pulling down his constitu- Robinson of V�Tawanosh was crossing the Lih was def in (,,oderich, for the purpose of erecting a son are left to mourn his loss. Of logs, his sleigh stuck in a pittli-hole- ly. three. It isi'bdicre I t t1' S will pir ac- otherwise than vote as they did. Hence 6f the' Governinent, -at all events during Ross;. Morris, R. N. Duff, Bluevale building suitable for holding large gather. -The tenders for the new cheese factery The afternoon train coming along atbe time ticaly end the mov �, �tf many years they ae not deserving of the censure being session. Wingliani, James A. Cline; Blytb, N. H. ings during the sumnier,and as It rink in the that is to be erected on Mr. Robert Mar. L heaed upon them by the Conservatives. Hullett, Tbouia Me'-Nlillan ; Me- sball's lot, on the 3rd concession of East ran into the load and smaslied. logs Smytia is 'O� e d. Tile so fr as Nova 'rne This, however, is a digression. What Youno, winter. an(I -Albert Hualies, of A The next vote brought tip by the Opposi- I intended to say when I started oli - thi g y Air. Robinson antl p, Alexander Gardiner. f orri8, ja the p Saturday, 9th team escaped uninjured. %ted tion for the beriefit of the Patron,was that strain was, tha the work is aready well When the business had been finished the chaser of the thoroughbred Hereford bull, inst. The contract was given to contractors adverse gpeealtes of the members ere, s Killo ur- Wawanosh, were opened on nnuGh indignati(in ntong the lady pec- moved by Mr. NIarter on Tuesday, again* in advanced, and if the session is unduly pro- President, after thanking the members of Commercial, sold by Air. S. D. Wellwood, Cowan & *.HcGill for a brick buildin 32x:70, allielldni6t, to the motion to go into com- longed, it will 'not be oil account of the the Association for the honor they had done by public auction, recently. The animal is for tile sum of 914. Mr. R. all was Staf fa. tators. M inittee of, supply, and hence a motion of business not- being well ke- ec 5 t tip, but b 6ise him in re-electing him, called upon Dr. Nlc- a last year's calf, but bro ight 0.2 elected president ; C. Stewart Secretary -The concert in -the towp, want of confidence. This motion was af of increased private legis'lation or lengthy Donald, of Wingliam, the member of Parlia- -A citizen of Clinton, in a letter to one J. Potter, Salesman ; the directors are as hall last week, under the uspices of the Mr. 11. Mder the celebrated firinative of the principle that all supplies discussions. Good progre3s has already ment for the riding, who, as he stepped of the local papers, objects to proposed mew follows :- R. Marsball, N.- Cuming, list and author, will eiltt�r into politi C n lian Order of Chosen Frie 9 nove for the public. institutions - should be been inade in committee of supply ; tlia�t is forward, was greeted with a round of sidewalks, a town clock, additio J R a( rid� I w" W nal electric Hoover, W. McGowan and J. E.Ellig. Mr. attended. Friend Wm, Campbell addree purchased by tender. As has already been He has been selected s Conservative mem- in passing the* estimates for the expenditure 0 hearty applause'. In a short, pith speech lights, etc-, on the plea that the public A McKellar, Zetl . and, has been engaged as ed the meeting on the workings of the Or- explained, of the $740,000 expended all- for the current year. In committee of 9up- the doctor held up to view the unfulfilled chest won't stan& the expense. eheese�maker. Robert Norrig, of der. Proceeds $12. -Mr. ber of Parliarnent, to the district nually in these supplies, al are -puedhased ply the proposed expenditure for each 9de-. promises of the National Polic proinoters. -Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Austin, of Morris, -Another old pioneer of Grey has cro y ssed Tilamesville, is'visiting friends here at pres- o North Norwich. The eniiiient uthor by tender that can be purchas' ed, practical- partnient and eivery.itein in the whole lis; t, He also explained the policy of the Liberal illaiiitoba, 'who have been spending their the bourne from whence no trav, is taken up separately and considered, and party in regard to reciprocity -*v oneymoon wi to ought to be able to invent some wonderful ly, except some $70000 worth,., and thi ell --r re- ent,-.Nfr. A. R. McLaren, of Toron , ith the 11 th friends at Dunlop, have turns, in the person of Robert McDonald visitinghis uncle, Mr. Ferguson, last week. arnount is expended for -Ing up in and kitartliiig-clection.Rtoi-ie.Q;. rticies which the the ministers in cli&rge of the respective de- United States, and.closed by AONA' returned to their home in the Prairie Pro. who passed away on Thursday, in t. Susie iebols has returne(l to her Uovernment affirm can be purchased more partments, are inade targets at hich the a scathing manner the criminal negligence vince. Mr. McDonald was born in the Parish of * * home in Fullartoril, after e Wk economically and satisfactorily in the open opposition members fire all illa*nner of ques- and ill -doing of the Conservative Govern- -It is stated that a brick block will be' Rogart, in Slitherldndshire, -Scotland, in with her sister, Mrs. T. C, If one is to judge from t1le following inark-et than by tender. But the opposition tions, usincy their utillost inge Mrunity to hec�le ment, which had led to the scheduling of built between the stores of Mr. 1). Ross August, 1821, arid with his deceased part- William C9Mpbll is in amendment, if carried, would not allow for and corner theill. These'di 0 in6dent, which occurred the other Tor' Onto this week h'�­ Canadian cattle in the Old Country mar. and Mr. A. M. McKay, in Brussels, next ner emigrated to this country in 1855, first attending the Granl Council of Chosen 'irifling, in any other way than by ten- onlookers in the gallery,'as they are carried Mr. John Charlton, member for -,North Ox- to two stores. day, the menibem in the Imperia- the purdiase of any supplies, no matter ever, are not usually very interesting to kets. Dr. McDonald then gave place to summer, the new building to be divided in- settling in the village of Doon, near Galt, Friends. -The foll wing taffa t' lent took bow where be lived for about two years, when 111C111t re not very. ttentive to the speakers, der. This, to some extent, involved 8, on niere in part at the Foresters' concert in Fullarton: a. conversational tone than in the ford, Avho was received with enthusiasm. -Hullett Grange No. 393, held its regu- lie removed to the Ist concession of Grey it re r and mi,,ht take a, lesson from their 1-yrotl.er principle adopted by the Patrons ad the way of discussion, and Miss Robbing, 'Messrs. AlcDoug 11., 11� a Hu it seldom occars Mr. Charlton a very able speaker, and lar meeting on Monday night, last week, at then a wilderness, where after years of tod loving 1 illay- i-'�peaker, Arthur Welle egg of Mrs. Ferguso n. , The ers ley Peel, Oil possible to keep track of %vhat is g6ing onj over an hour, frequently eliciting bursts of meeting was through with, Mr. George self aided by his noble partner in fife. Dur- form held their annual meeting in tile them. by causing t�em to divide, or else e 0 a of tlw ocean. The it to split that enough can be heard to make it, held the close attentioii of the- andience for Londesboro. After the business of the and bardabip, he hewed out a home for him- th seri u inclubers on thin ;ide Opposition hoped by n I ison and Del t -We are sorry to hear of all make thern discredit themselves by again The estimatep, for the Attorney -0 eneral's applause. He condemned in unsparing *Hood, of Sunshine, gave a very interesting ing the first few years he had to go as far town hall last W�dncSday, Mr. 1). K. E rb, lew.-ing the chair at 2 O'clock for the usu voting Solidly for the Government. The department were taken tip' first, and these terms the aeVion of the Government in not but short address on' the benefits of the as Galt to procure his flour, and in severp.1 together at the proper 0,range Order. The Grrange then closed in instances bad to foot it to Sefortb, a dis- dressed the meeting.. Mr. Erb is half-hour interva, nainetl Sir John Austin, Patrons, how�ver, were equal to the occa- were soon through, as the Opposition did the Reform nominee was present aild ad - calling Parliament 18-outh young M 'Cur a very" fantast 'NTr. W suit be gettiul %ixty-- peg, A I'll --aveninj 7 brothq, hour Leitch the orA, by thei partal-J by the oBIT tleath 1,1�.ie Ch, art , wai Blytb, Hulleti hat few Lull unopincei on. the WS a Cal Wis A, �b>, the friuds Rock. nnpresE B, W if eircle o ipecte�l $y-nipat in Brt is hom( And Aft roy tb F'ilad; 1wesent Air. A. presetit __1rom hi 4,14y elvi To- spel ar.- 10mes Wedue A num -dent C -!.aage in- -, Au luteres ess lit _T11 public, Till from a -34 yeax_ joined. _T] Tri ell lito iof bis d_T has 3( sold 11, a hai: �soo;7 riage n ey bi -wli:o 1-1 ing hi Town'. spiccs . �011