The Huron Expositor, 1895-03-08, Page 88 HE�MFRON EAr OSITORO MARCH 89_1vv0* W. M. M �rti the followed with a ermon 0. few days a9b -for Minnespolial' where 6 Wh-json's Cash Grocery. a n lk Mrs. Robert Fulton, formerly o
on James 4 - 14 What is. your life ?" He TO 'OUR SUBSCIBICAS' pu f Egmond- the remainder of his village lots, known as We har-c- a pure brand of Tarter Baking Powder "Poses remaining for 'some time—Mrs. ville4 She died a. number of years ago, Mr. the, and embracing some 0 1A said while il�e text bad reference to p�ysic. (Rev.) A Perrie, -of 'Wingham, arid littl e- Telfer was a Reformer in politics, and a lots, as well as a Park lot on the London SPEC _LX -ell it up in re- guaranteed. equal to the boot put up, which we are arlife, by request be had tak On the first of January we reduced the daughter, spent - last Sunday Selling -at leal thsR bafilthe combination price, try It. with Mrs. faithful member of the Presbytetiall. church road, corner of Richmond street. These We arb delilmr- the be#t Tubs, Pails, Wiw&;bofirds, Isition to spiritual life. The Cbriatian'te't Subscription price of Tim ExposiTon to O.,m. Perrie's mother, Mrs, Kneelitel, of Goderich at AN"alton. ssed & clay -from the 8th day of Brooms. Matches and woodenware at less -than the was inpvin a all and bearing fruit in the treet west.—Mr. Robert Burns Ferguson, church service, lots are all well situated for private dwell- On Fridav morning., Our sales of Teas and. Coffee are in- life. 0 tj ack.slider a a if it was possible for him to ings, and vvil�.fto doubt . be in good demand. March the ji'lestabliste -xeg.ular prices I d sinner, the DOLLAR PAYABLE rx ADVANCE or within d Dry Groods and
son of Mr. Robert Ferguson, of Buffalo,, and attend. He'wits an honest, generotis-heart- —Miss H. Su�herland, who has been vis- Millin'
ereasing every month ; we ha4 out the prices right question came with still greater empkasis. TFIREJ,, MONTHS after the date ]lad expired ne bew of Mr. j, If. * Broadfoot, ery business of dowu so it will not pa you to buy from the peddlers Both the pape . r and sermon were freel dis- t p Was visit- ed, earnest man, faithful in all his doings iting friends in Forest for the past month ing friends iiitowii this week. . I or to. Lend away for diem. Ifyou want to get the y O which tb subscription had been paid. He intends and respected by everyone who knew him. has returned home.—Mrs. Wren, Miss A. bftt value fo'--your mone give us a call, we are 6?Y- cussed. The next meeting is to be held the isiting Wingham, Brussels and Listowel The funeral took place on Saturday, to the Murdock and Miss Hotham, of this village, --lug how eheAp we can sell nods for' cash We are glad to say that a large number have 9 or trade first Monday in April, in the James Street wa
only, We have a first-class stock and can safely before returning home to Buffalo.—Mr. T. Brussels cemetery, and was largely at- attended the Christian' Endeavor Convell- Ed rd McFaul, roniiser.the goods and prices Methodist Church, Exeter. taken advantage of thi's offer. There are, Richardso
will please you n has moved into Air. A Charles- tended. tave a-pti-esugar ayrup at 40c per gallon ; a e oice however, a good many who have not yet worth's house, near Beattie's grove.—The tion held at Clinton, on Tuesday evening Will open its -doors to theubli as
,, We
now ma le syrup at 81 per mllon ; best flour at $1.65 F-Ro-.%.t Iow_&.—Mr. Moses Gardiner, of done so. To these we 'would say tht in Grand Camp, Sons of Scotland meet at last, taking part in the musical part of the per 1001bs,; Crockery and laasware at the lowest 'M,orrisonjowa, in renewing his subscription, y Hullett. prices. Cali and see sroodabef ore buying.. No trouble manv cases the time is Sirop.T. Niagara Falls on April l6th. Air. Andrew FARNt SOLD.—Mr. John Clark programme, with credit to themselves and to sh ads� says: "We have been constant readers of has sold pleasure to the audience.—The Misses Hod- O -W go The highest prices paid for al; kinds -Scott has been elected representative for his farm of 100- acres being lot 6, on the gins, DeLion and Smallacombe w of produce. ur valuale paper for nearly fifteen* year' We do not ask subscribers to pay 'ill ere in Lon- YCI a ad - Seafo ith C4m p, and J. R. Aitchison <er- 7th concession, to r. 'John Britton, for the (Ion this week attending the annual meet- C. WILSON, Seaforth. and could not thi"nk of getting along without viance if they prefer the.credib terms, but il�te.—Mr. Charles So'ole, foreman of J ohn- sum of $5,000. Bank of Commerce Block. it. It remn& ussveekly of our Canadian Mr. Britton now has a fine ing of thd Ladies-Anxiliary of Missions, in Edward W, Fa,U I 1374-1 we warn all once -more that our terms will son Brothers'ttinsmithing- department, and- farm of 800 acres. Mr. Clark is going to connection with the VpificDpul church. home and all our old friends living there. A an old resident of the town, has let, the con- Alanitoba, and will 11 be STILM-TLY ADHEREM TO WITHOUT RE.,qrEcT sale of Us �artn Airs. Clegg, of Xippen, the President of the great many of our old acquaintances in % ave a tract for building a second storey and other stock and implements oil the 19th of this He'nsall Auxiliary, also attende1 —Sugar All Sbansible Pople V anada have pa-ssed aay since we came To I'Emo-Ns. These* terms -are $1 if paid extensive improvements onjiis residence on month. making is now the order of the day in this JLIJJL here. I -am very sorry at present to. hear of within TuRrim KO-NTIIS; if paid within John stre'et.—Mr. John haw, formerly of my.0 nele, Walter Gardiner's death, which Six months, and $1.50 if not paid until the H I arpurbey, and Airs. S. Deem, formerly of neighborhood, and our villagers have al- are this town, but now of Toronto, are here ir si.�' months have expired. Subscribe I
Travel by tookplace the end of last week. Times there- Ashfield. ready been giving the' orders for it, both 00-Vl:p very -dull here at presOnt,on account of their tl�is week attending the f Lineral of the late DEATIT.—There diedat her home oil tile in tbeliquid and solid'for-m. being only about half a crop last season, I- fore, who are cliaraed the credit price must Al 8. Thomas Sbaw.—Tbekfarks Brothers' l2tb concession, Western division on the For the purpose of condueting business upon. thouall there is plenty� of feed for stock. A blarne themselves and not its, as all have had Comedy C 071 th lilt., an old and highly esteeted resi- Varna. 0 OlIlpally Will open: a week's ell- the Most a)proved method — SELLINIk great dent, in the &rsou of' lm. Eli7abetli deal of the corn was cut and shocked fair warning. gagement in Cardno's ball, on'Alonday even- Birown, relict of the late Richard Brown. FitA.Tj,,-I-,NATVisi.T.—Aiiuinber of'the mem- LARGELY POR CASH. for fodder last fallbut feeding cattle -for tile 1911 � ' Free Faotq, Farms and liepers contains full market has not been l, profitable busliess A large number ill arrears have paid up, Joseph Brownell left for 'Chat- Deceased had reached the advanced age of bers of Varna and Brucefield councils, Royal The business has, since its commnce- infora I iation about travel. Secure a copy free. lain oil Friday last, to -"attend the fun;r f Templars of Temperance, paid a fraternal y. isit ment, been carried on successfully with - a. this last season on account of corn beinc, a but there a -re still it good many who have not 'I 0 85 years an'd 5 months, and death came to to the Kippen Council last Monday evening her only sister,tbe late Mrs. Wrn. Merritt, of steadily increasing reputition for first-class hiall It sells from' forty -fire to fifty centoapl' done so. As times are hard and -we do not that place, who (lied vqry suddenly, having her as a relief, after a long and painful ill- and spent a very pleasant tithe. Asplendid goods at moderate prices, and the proprie- C.P.R. ExpreSS, bu-sli-el. ' We have had a nice -winter here; all f' ness. The remainswere interred in tl� I. desire to lift."ass any one we have deci&d to been ill only a short tinie.—Ab the meeting Kincardine cemetery. 4e I.&ogramine, of Solos, readings, tor wishes to personally thank his friends but two weeks of very hard frost. Sow Is, on Wednesday evening of the Women's recitations speeches &c.. wits rendered. -A feature of those fraternal visits is 'beral support in the past, and hopes that MCKillop. -it is too soon to seed. Theweatheir OF MAY, bn�,'af ter that date ev �ubscrip- and Mrs.- James Wa(gon. ted. they will continue to be as loyal to the new but think i oil Society, Mrs. J. R. Lyon prominent'
C P.R. Telegraph. all gone, andsome ]lave commenced plowing extend the time for payment until ther' IRIT Foreign Missi and many patrons for their generous anil
e ere appoin the development of the mental and social S80 is nice a arili, the,roads are good. -o yeiil-s and over in arrears -will be a u --)f rs. William Dominion Expre id w tion ti% deleg tea to attend the Ann al Provincial Johnston, of'the elements.
concern as thev have been to fhe old one. BUSUNESS CHANGE —.Of placed in 04,liands of our solicitors for coilec- Convention to be held in Toronto tb concession, McKillop, is lying -very low LOCAT-S.—Mr. aiid Mrs. Torr'ance and liite� many rnonth.—.Word has been received from at present, and it is feared she will not re- Miss G'race Torrance, of Zurich, were visit J. S. JACKSON, Agent. changes have taken pla:'ce in busines4 circles tIon'withoat further notice. cover. Mrs. Johnston has been in failinr ing anionn their old friends here oil. Satur_' The Mayor Dug;,an, of Butte, Montana, by the in Seaforth. The latest change is that in AlcLEAN BROTHERS, relatives in Ghis town of Miles McDonald, health since Ne -w Year's, and nothing* @lay last. 0 Mrs. James Wanless, sr., return- AWTELEPHONE 32. 1404 the firm of Durican &.Duncan. For a nutff- Publishers. that, so far as lie can learn, there was no seems to give her sti-engtli.—Mrs. Beattie ip ed home oil Tuesday last from Seaforth, Edward McFaul 4
ber of years past this business has been con. such person in the town at the time of the reco I vering from her late illness. where Elie has been visitin, her dau Itter ducted by Mr. Julius Duncan, who has now 9 -y - GoodS Company as annisig addresses. The mu; powder ekplosion there, and that no such Mrs. Haxbv, for the last week .—Miss Har- Di BIG DROP.- sold out to Mr. A. E. Pentecost, of Toronto. t pleasing of' the progrllitne,, however, in on Thursday In ulaking its first announcement, desires to ken charge of and injured.—Again this week considerable cEnT.—The 8tanley I Mr. Penticost has already ta feature name appeared in the printed list of killed Stanley. rieVKeyes �eturried to Toronto
0 the opinion of the" majority, was the loc I In tt Cho last. state its priNilees and its purposes. the business. -and promises t be a valuable a a er is crowded out. Unfortunate- Branch of the Brucefield Sunday a ol in- recitations given by Miss Blanche DeLacey, M:ad.e!.;u Olothing'.,itionto the town. Mr. Duncaiiiisun- P 'lytheamountof news that evenTiii _X- tend holding a a IT'S PRIVILEGES— of S ocial at the residence of ir. decided as yet as to what he will do, but mithville, who is at present Brussels. We refer you to page live of th!3 paper for our big his manv friends will bo e that he will not visiinPOISITOR will bold is limited.—Mr. George Peter Cameron, 4tb concession, Stanley, on BitiEFs. —There was another snciw block-- It is possessed of sufficient capital. Its in Egmondville. Alias DeLacey has a full) Ewing, of Toronto." is at present visiting Monday, March litb. discounte oo made-up clothing in Men's Youths' and leave to;vn. —Mr. J. F. Kk, who h ts pur� mellow voice, which she uses admirably, A good programme ade on Monday last. —Council met last, Mon- facilities for buying are- the bes. Its Boy's Overcoats and Sults; also for badies! and Child- -and has also fine dramatic tal his parents in town.—We are sorry to learn is being prepared for.* tile occasion, and a day and passed a number of accounts Ic
chased the stock- of the late firm of Smith & ent. Site is a knowledge of business is thorough. YCU re ren'4 winter coats. Read gaidadsvertisementthrough that Mr. James 14oCann, of the outh pleasant evening will probably be spent by principally for charity. They also decided and will find that we intend to make It an easy Steet, is now inaking i ready for busi iliarkably gifted entertainer, and ws lis- t
iness, very great pleasure by th6 Ward, wits taken suddenly ill 'w to a ITS PURPOSES— Monday. The on j
matter for you to purchase your winter supplies of nd will open up his store on.' tened to with ith pleurisy all. dvertise tbe property known as the clothing, general Dry Go64s, Furs, &c. larue audietke Saturday last,and for a' time matters MORE GOOD William Ross, woollen mill for sale, either as a -woollen It purposes keeping in stock the newest business, We mean business will be under the able I�ianage- aircy) Servic e. Altogether the Anniver- looked ver unfavorable but we are pleased of the 2nd concession, has purchased from ment of Mr. John Steet. Mr. Steet i a es this year were a. decided sue- y mill or for other manufacturing purposes.— and beat of everything. It purposes selling 8 a to hear that lie is slow y improving. H. Geor e & Son, of Compton, Ontario, a TbeToronto dailies say tbab Rfr. J. D. Ron-- cess. The proceeds ambunted to 127. Bargain, Clothing and Dry Goods House, Mr. Clark is fortunate i' Another social was held in tbe church oil est WX MOKARD & GaS. most obliging and able business man, -a4d $ largely for coh. It purposes selling upon n securing young "lam*worth boar, four months old. aid has sold an engine to that city at last. the 11 ible margin of profit. It 4
iTuesday evening, at which Alias DeLacey Ethel. �his hog is from imported -stock oil both The last fire seems to have opened t �is vices for his Seaforth, store. Mr.. Clark has jhe ey0efs purposes tharall"Is a er emet-s thall be S -ea -forth. also took part. sides, and his sire is the grand boar, "'Short of the city council.—The political ubs S1
also ii, large business in Port Hope. Should No'TES.—D. Richardson and J. Siernon are gennine. It purposes be the people's
Nose," that now wei Mr. Clark- decide to take up his residence in home from Muskoka.—Mr. J. C. Reffern glis 748 pouds, and Brussels have decided on having a 1113110 store, and the store for p t e people. In
"' his dam -was the first prize sow at the Royal debate in the course of a week or so. There our town, he will make a most worthy citi- LOCAL BRIEF-s.'—Alr. Clapperton,'who was �Lnd fhmily-intend leaving for Muskoka tills allow in England, in 1892. This animal will be three speakers on each side, and the short, it purposes being a WIDE-AWAKY, zen, as his business abilities re well here from Cbic,%-go attending the weeli, *here Mr. Reffernan has purchased UP-TO-DATE business concern, -funeral of
will be a valuable acquisition to the stock question will be " Resolved that the pres- known, and he is an ardent -church. and Still- the late property. --Mr. R. Nichols, of Chisellitirst, and Mr. R. McMichael-, of McKillop, of the township. ent Dominion Government no longer de- day school worker. P Mr.C. 1�obson, of Souria,visited friends here n to -that city on aturday.—Mr. last week.—Rev. W. J, Waddell STOe NoTEs.—Mr. A. Dunkin, of this serves the - confidence of the people." It There is now a large Spring stock to hand, G'111.1, WAN d eway. Weex-. 6 Archibald Scott, of the firm was in township, sold a fine heavy drauglit gelding should make an interesting debate, and will, an moTe consignments on tf
DISTRICT MATTER TED.—Apply at the EXPOITOR Brothers, left he' of Scott Toronto last week, attending the Epworth, OF -Flop. 1421-1 re on Monday on a business League Convention. —G'rain is coming to our live years old, to Mr. T. Berry, a few dsy"S' in a wuy, take tile place of a political meet- tend a hearty iiivit�tion to every one to trip to Manitob. heriff Benson, of acyo, for $120. This is a good price, but ing, now that the elections are drawing d —A good frame lio,use Regina, is at present visiting her inothey, Listotvel. r Atwood and Z. Dunkin says the colt was the best he 'near.—Dr. McKelvey had a with determinatin Hous -F, TO REN -T. torehouse from farmers lie, call and see oir NW Spring Groods, -which
runaay witli IENT. with cellar and woo sbed,:in Searorth. Apply to F, Mrs.� Dr. Coleman.—NATei deeply re ret to ever raised.—M'r. George Baird sold five his horse on Tuesday evening. No dama that no establishment, whatever its preten- OUR ACT HOIESTED or MRS. Joni Tijoiirsox. 1421-tf I learn of the death of M - 9 10 gre are being marked tile MR. J. P� of Seafortli, has EYES tested free of charge, and the glasses rs.'Merritt, formerly thoroughbred Shropshire sheep, Mr. Mal- was done. —Messrs. Kirby & Parker *shipped tions or statements inay be, shall udersell Miss Nellie Charleswortil, youngest daugli. Leadbury. which ar,sold at a reasonable price, are guaranteei even, this station for the been appoisi-ited travelling Wgent for THE 8 colm Mc]P,wen eight, Air. A. Dunkin a a car load of horses from at J. S. Rouslurs'Drug 1421-1 ter of Mr. Miirtin Cliarleswortb, of this A PLEA,AN-T EIVENT.—Oiie of the nicest and Air. McFarlane 20, recently, to a buver English market on Wednesday last, this be- liveddings we have attended for some tinie E KPOSITO, and is ' authorized to take sub- Oup. Misses She!!�ard and McDougall town, Tile sad event took place on Friday , I from Maryland, at a fair figure.—Alr. gle- ing their first -venture in this line. --There scriptions, collect moneys, and transact have returned -from tbe.� Eastern'cities where they last, at her residence, in Chatham. The tookplace at the residence of Mrs. Stimore, Farlane lias- also -sold since; to a buyer from were fifteen horses changed hands at the THE b'Usi ally e r T#E have been rLleaning the ne�,Qsb ideas in the Milliner sincerest sympathy of all will be extended oil Wednesday pvening of last week. It Wisconsin, 32 of last year's lambs, of the last I Ress gener, 0 y horse fair. T ie thaw m ade the roads art. Wif. PioKARD & Co. 1421-2 to the ged parents and other friends. —We was the occasion of the marriage of her same breed, half rams and half ewes, get- so soft it was difficult for people to get but Edward WcFaul 2�
and Slings, different makes rearet to learn1hat Airs. William McGill- daughter, Alias Mary, to Air. James Bell. ting the snug figure of $15 each for tile, with their horses, or the fair would have d, iron and steel tracki. sold at the finest cash loch met with nother accident a few even- The ceremony was -performed by Rev. Air. rains, and $11 for the ewes. been a good one. There were plenty Tuesday evening, the pwroioees. Any quanbity (I wood, lomr or shorb, taken Moyer, minister of the L�vangelical Associa- Christian 14,adeavor Socire tb.e'f' ings ago, which has confined her to bed 0 RY C0994A coff r�sby_ as cash. Every machine %�&Lrfanted to give satisfact. buyers. The next fair will be held on the 'y o� tion. TuoxAs BROW, Ma6 Street, Seatorth. since. She was going to sit., down Wit a tion, or -what is terme(t the German Metho- U8
terian church celebrated theit anniversary, 1421-2 chair, nd, missing ito fell hevily dist church, anil it. the Tuckersmith. 4th of April. SEAFORT11. in the basement- of tile church. There was ROOITS TO RENT.—The Cad�, block to the . presence of a select pas - floor.—Aliss Whitney, of Woodstock is vis- lumber of the relatives all(] i he ad- ccupied by tne utimate friends
quite a larce audience present, and t ite the Commercial Hotel, lately r `P A HARD h4w,.—There is a certain young )t Hibbert. dressL of the eveiiag was given by Rev. Mr. Ifases Berrie, drese-mikei.s. Six well fitted rooms, 'In 0i, town. —.Nifr. R. Mercer has now got of the contracting parties. Mr. John bachelor in this township. He doesn the best wishes of a -large circle of friends- newly painted 'and %pered. These rooms can he timore, brother of the bride, acted the keep liens. The other dmy be went over to A DouRLL ARRTAar,.— Anderson, of Gcodeori P settled in his iiew quarters, in the Kidd On NVednesdaY, Mr. and Mrs. 'Dale treated tile -wedding. in Knox a neig to get some fresh eugs (r Every man the arch ifted for offices, Apply personally to Mrs. Cad February 27Gh, a double weddin -was cele- ich, his subject being : rented In whole or in part at moderate rates. well litchell, a student fro a as- guests right royaly and
Atect of Ils own for- 81 on M r. A part of groomsman, and tit(-, bride wit libor's place brated in this township, when did everything in the premises. He had probabl tune." Tile topic wvery ably hndled 1421-1 College, occupi`6d the pulpit of the Presby- sisted. by!Alliss Annie Gray, of Hibbert y had visions of delicio"us* two daugh- their power to e an enjoyable time for terian. church last Sabbath, both. morning Cousin OU! I tile groom. Both voting ladi ters of _11r. John Fulton left the parental e one.—A-r. R. Bell, of Lon nd the address liAened to with deep Inter- Tim Kingston Daily News, January 27th, es' bam arid eggs, (lelicate omelets and tooth- very desboio,paid
1895 has thiti to say about the Marks Bros. Company and ev-enillg.—At - the Grand uncil of were very -prettily dressed. sornescrarribles. He bulited around, but home to go to homes of their own. The est. Rev. Dr. lcDoliald presided, and Co Aher the mar- our village a visit last Sabbath afternoon.— A
which opens at City it second daughter, 'Miss aggie, will musical $elections were furnished by� tile Hall to-night:—The Marks r Kansat, held at Topeka recently, riage cen�inoliy the guests sat down to a could find only one ega. He took M reside Mr. Robert quires, of Ham iotk. Manitoba, Brothers' Came o in Tilckersmitli,as M dy Co. hair eceived better patronage Rev. H.'C. Dum-1more, of A16Pheraon, Kli;u. bountiful repast, the tables being home with him, but on reaching the house, rs. Doligherty, and the and Miss. J. Squires, of St. Al-arys, have Choir, ander the leadership of from the people of Kipgstbn, since the opening of sas, and it, on e ecl, loaded wit) cacies fairly he found, alas ! that it was but a China Alias their engagement, � han any other s.jmilar combins. n% ol(f. Hur boy, was el ct I the choicest deli of the fourth, Miss Mary, goes to Portage la been.the rfuests of Mr. W. B. Coc�k for a tion ca season. The Rifts pi nest eg. If Ile would go to the nearest Prairie as the -wife. of Alr. Edward Bruce. fortni it. that has ViAted the city daring'the ourren G'rand Chaplain., Ili a communication re- resEnted to the bride '91 in61
Bon. At each of their perfoirmances they hqve:�Ia ceived from klv. Frank O'Neil, of Napinka, were numerous and, wisely selected, and ister and ask advice, -tire think, however, The i-nterestiiig ceremony was performed by 6, 1, we or the be held in St. Thomas' Ch, trah'each Thurs- ivill continue while they remain in - town. � Cardn The bride is one he would learn of a sovtreign babli f party was afterwards he d at the residence services will ed to full houses, and the indications are tba Manitoba, and formerl of Herisal consequeiitly very useful. Rev. Mr. Coupland, arid a grand reception
Opera House, March ii to i o. -learn that Mr, O'Neil 'is whom t8`know is, to disappointment. day evening during Lent, at 7.30, a sp Admission 10 and 15 just recoverincr admire, respect and Creditbn. preacher havin b c' I e cents. 1421xl from an attack of typhoid fever -o NOTIN.—Cutting feed and crushin of the bride's father, when. a large number Hi )r esteem, and she has got a husband who is - grain
cen secared f" is man t, - 13RIFvs.—The Rev. G. Baker pastor of. Or cac;ll ser- - Roovis to LET.—Over Thomas 'j)4ley's friends in t7his %;icinity will be gI to learn- seems to be the order of the (lay of frien(Is assemble to do the newly mar- sthe Me thodist church, has started a series vice. Rev. Mr. Fairlie, rector of ad. A industrious, well behaved young man in tills Listowel store and also a good comfortable divelling and stable that he is now ill a fair way to complete re- in fact, a gentleman in the fullest sense of 6-ghborhood.—Messri.- S. AlcKenzie and ried couples honor. There was a - inem0r- W sermons an the Lor&s Prayer.—T-Hiss' Conducted the set vi ce last eveti i ng, anij� Rev. dh William otreec, East. Apply to T. Daly, grocer, J. Patterson intend goin to the Old Land p ipped 'Mercy Sweet, who has spent the past few' i fr Sea,fortli, ont, c6very.—N11r. Jacob Weber, of Egmond- the terin. They will take up their resi- able su per, and the young people tr
A - Roy, of Hensal, be the preaelier 2421.1 p t e car -load of in days. -weeks at Mr. Win Weiner's, in Fairfield Tile vector will ilj�o coni. . Attention is called to tile "Special Ad- Mr. McNaughton, a foringr resident of this was a inost enjoyable occilsion, an(I a next Thursday dence ill the -township of Peel, followed by i1101, gs in a, few
ville, has urOiased th 100 acre se the light fantastic until an early hour. - It
vertisement 11 of the E. bleFaul Dq Goods Company o 9 a. mence a, special course of sertnons dii next T) belongin to I'VIr. Thomas Burns. the best wishes of it large circle of friend b0st has returned'—Mr. Weiner, -who hxs' ilo neig if colt wbichwill befound on this page, 1421.1 C. Cole- o ples been ill for the past few weeks, is jmproj, 8,'unday evening, the Christian's (,.11ity to be The pricc paid vi -as 4, 150. -thborhood also goes on it like mission.— of fri, ds join ill wishing the youn o essrs. Alonteith & Allan are busy killing Ion- life and happiness. man has old. his Kentucky breq trottino Zurich. CondtletLd during the unday evenifirrs 11.1 LOST. —A Paisley shawl, between the .—Business has been almost at a stanii- residence of X Tnomas emmill and Mrs. shipping fat stock and poultry. There Lent, i the followim, order stallion, Terre Haute, to a gentlemn in. 8 �nd 911"DDEN )EATH.—Much surprise and pain The Chri's'tin WilmLoc�;ms,—Rev. E. Schuelke, pastor 'of the still of late owing to the bad codition of is more money in fo-wl raising than any as felt at the very sudden and unexpected the roads.—' Co *1 meeting was held -i) Friday even-. other bran rming at preseit.' death of Mr.- Walter Gardine unci ill tile family—in souiety—business—poli- er will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the Post H. Collins, of Exeter, who was to have bewl ing, and was well ell of fa r, of the bolin- the Town Cheeney, sr.. en Tuesday, Fubruary 19th. The find- Marys. —bis tvict Dep u ty(rand N.1 aster, R. Lutheran church, arrived last c received by the congrega- hall on Nfonday-) March 4th.— ties and in the p,%rish. Offi.ce, Egmondville, or at th" -EXPOSITOR Office. day'line, onaturday morning last. in attendance at the Masonic ineeting oil ti A Fisi--, Alex. Monteith, Gardiner bad risen about five o'clock, and itzer is very lw at present- 1421xl on, at ti ie parsonage. Tables were spread jr. of Kippen, has purchased, through Mr. Mr- Mrs. Henry Swe- N. INim- style' of Rubbers for ladies and Monday night, was unable to attend, —The infant child of the. late Airs. Beaver conse- with all kind s of good eatilbles. Watinly -%vel prior to waking the other members of the gentlemen, als'o a new stock of trunks and valises at qnently only the regular meeting wits held. -' Alired Stone, the extra-' fine youn Here- died (lied o ies- her come speeches -were made, to which Rev. 9 household, was sitting on the bed dressing, Monday Mornig, an YE oes at esoh of' our storeq. Is of the Without AY warning Tuesday afternoon. —Mrs. atientirelydifferaritvariety of boots and arrantrements for the re -appearance of Mrs. was spent, and all went; home well pleased. " Moreton Lodge " lierd, and is a first-class he fell over oil the floor dead. Heart diZ' the guest of her daughter, Airs. Jarnea day last, after an illtitessextendincr over fve we keep 0i A bull Cherokee," (17,188) E. H. B. e e
n Weill the new Shoe Store, Carivichael's block. Be -mew he Methodist Chur foi d th remains Ain
ell Ch ir ohave mde Mr. Schuelke replied. A grand evening w r interred in tbe Crediton cemetery -on
�ars, daring the last two of -which slie was �11 R. Willis, Cady's block, z5 He was one of the reserved bid when suddelil-v and L
is our o"th.4tore ; Carmichael's block is our north Caldwell, of Torontoj the himous soprano, I eas . e was t Westcott was
constantly conlined to lied. AIrs. McjNljc�h_ store. 1421-1 for a evening Eliene Dobrer has been to London animal individually, and as re ards his lie cause of deitth. D' I eceased ael, whose maiden uaine was ary Birchall, of social song. The enter- this week"onbusiness.—Mr. Schweitzer Hill, 011 Sunday last —Tile ilifflitLers Of this of nduce t . o always been in ood health, nd was a most place attended the in illinery opelli gs in aud cartle to ti is Country when. t youncr -next Friday evenin, March: i5th. experi- - Cork Ireland., in 1,43(), . Alptmi.u-u will deliver hi't, lectnte -ell on wits the guest of Mr, 'H. purchase* a Hereford bull fr bigbly respecte(T and -well known pi :neer uring the past week, _Ivali born in count� Rap., T tinnierA will be lield in the chur breeding. Mr. Monteith wits enti 0
tied "' 16 yeard�bf dissipation,, in* the Town Ifall ad 0111 Ilia resident of the township. He Thomas Mr. Abraham teresting. programme is being prepa, 9 Trevethick was in Sharon on Sun&�_y last
ill Merrickvifle, and %8 put the price Wednesday evening, March 20th. An in- chro er l'a'st Sunday. —Rev. D H. Bratuid ence in feeding lialf-bred Herefords alon was borli in London d 8lie first isfies every one to hear him and h red.— will conduct quarterl"y meeting near New Stirling,shire,. Scotlaiiid, in 1833, and was 61 31 wed to tile township of of adminion. down to 10 cents so tha ay attend. There die'd at. her home on William street, Hamburg next side other breeds, lie finding them to feed renewmg old acquaintaileeships —Quarter- afterwards rein� all m Saturday and Sunday, con- to better advantage. years of aae. About forty years ago lie left School Orchestra will ge in bert. ve*s arto she was inar- attendan ly meeting services will be condcted ill the The.Afethodist Sund1j, on Tties(IE6y, Mtild Hothimi, relict of the sequently there will'be no service in the his native land and emigr epper has ated to Canada, Evangelical church, In this place com- ce and will give so(Ile choice selections dur. late Thomas Shaw, of (..x'tlelpll, aged 67- Evangelical church here next Sanday.—The been con filled to the house with a severe cold Settling oil the farm where' lie lived coutin tied to N, -1 nd removed to ing the evening. Look out for bills they will call- years. The funcral took place oil Thurs- YoUncy People's Alliance give all enter- but is now recovering.—.1, ously until the time of his deatb. nieneing to -morrow, (Sturday.) Th Pre- Hsi
fr. -1 C*Ilidlaf WEST END NOTE-S.—Mr. R. P
tit Killop, where she has ever since resided. au something interesting. 1421-1
dy� to the Maitlndbank Cemetery.—Mr. taintrizent in the Evangelical church on Tues- fr. G.Crich intends His wife siding Elder, Rev. A Go - e Scheme.—Poverky and sl day evening, the 19th of this ill nt house next summer.— four daugh - The Patrons of Industry met in the school the le wAs a faithful ineiriber of the Episcopa BOOTH'S '� Daxkest"! EnfrIand Alex. Stewart left for New York on'Tues to erect an impl�eme andeight children four sons and fh' ciate. riend, respected Army's work amon- the poor chur(At from childhood. She was a, kind- lir life in London a�d other ontli. The Mr. Charles Averywill remove his family ters, all of whom. are at home, are leftotO house here last Friday niglit.—,II' . Ezra licarted worna awl % good f great cities, and the day, with a cmr-load of horses for Mr. James Hensall, niale quartette will be in attend-, r by all who knew her. trated lecture by Captain Scobill, in the Army father and loving husband. The fune newbutcher shop in and criminal classes will b the subject jf an 1juq- ArohibaId.—M`r.`Harry Dickman, who has ance, arid it big time may be looked for. the farm of his. brother, John, wbere lie ,ral� tow i back to the London Road and will reside on mourn the loss of a kind. and indulgent Faust bas opened up a
rday, March 9th at 8 p. in. ,trying atthew Finkbeiner jr., fit!rring spenes be t ne years pat, gramme has been prepared.—Mr. Benj ground, Fullarton, and, despite tile sto ove
Over 100' Furniture Company for soi took place oil Monday to Roy's b
racks, on 8abu Bar- been enlploy�d with the Broadfoot & Box Everyone is cordially invited. A good pro- will assist to work on the are pleased to MIS hrown Ron he convass. Ad I - has gone to DUroit, where lie has secur' `mln Jackson, of Clinton, visited relatives here d on -to his new farm this week 'it be, AM
sioij 10 cents. The " Good Samaritan Beigade' Gei erlaft to -day,' Friday, for Cavalier, Da- weather, was very largel attended. 'I - ed g "Ily ing the homestead of Mr. Mattliew Alu-10011,
note improx-eatent in the beath of rs. wil assist with the special meetinvs all day Sunday. P-111 loyment. Mr. Dickman will allortl this week.—The' *
1ri p contract far buildin
the an
ing at 8 P. in. een let tto M ssrs. elsh - -0 -ere sufferer- n Assembly 11 )vil be held on Sunday even. remove his family to tha,teity. —Mr. Duncan Haist.—Mr. Bn. Holtzmarin ell, who has been such. a seN A " Solem' y kota, wbere lie intends to stay this summer. new school bas b e d was lately occupied bY Mr. Joseph for a long tirne. -- Pebrtiary, lia rrone 1421-1 all 3
a and Cudmore of Hensall, their tender of $850 d wife of 1
jr - ieFuIane an old Huronite, 'writing from Centraha. E'lkton, �at last, leavin an illdellible iiiii,preaso on Grndin, N'Qrth Dakota, a few days a o, Walton. being the lowest. I speta few days in tow, the minds of ottor people as well as on inittly A. F. Asi) A. Al. LODOF CLICKS.—The home of the late John Afur- the guests ofir. Holtzmann.—Mr, William OF we Finlibeiner is going to erect a says - " This is by far the best winter g SOCIAL. —On Thur�day evening, last -week, ley is being offered for sale by the executors fine brick of the estate. —William Down, of Deven dwelling o' ut their Persons.—IN-1r. Will. Allan was --Right M'o�thy Brother R. H. Collins� of have'llad during tile fifteen years I have a large company aisembled at the residence Usborne. n his lot this corni-ng 811111mer.— ta-kea suddenly ill on 6a,bbath evening last, Exeter, Distiiet Deputy (rand Master, of lived in Dakota. 'Fine, clear, cold weather of Mr. J osiali Hewitt, of this village, where ..has moved to Thomas Handford's fa ' Mr- Albert Hooper, -while �;orkiu r FRIEND.-Mr.,8amuel Sargent, rm, tjg at ;96 but we are Oad to, learn J.� now oil No. 4 Distri4 called the brethr t of the time, and no violent storms or lately owned by Robert Walker.—Our pas- straw cutter on SaturdAV last had mis- a fair ell from jilos 411 were co diallywelcomed by the obliging A-,- OLD
Bridge, Essex county, writes till- an
afternoon aid evening., where be held a host and hostess. The cause of the gatber der date of Yebrury 26th. tor d the Rev. T. B. Coupland exchatiged ger of his right way to recovel;v_.Miss DeLacey, sister of lot to Stratford on Thursday blizzards so far."—Mrs. James Pringle, of fortune to have the first. -fin South Hu of North Alr. L. T. l3eLacey, book-keeper in the Stratford, spent Ing was a social under the auspices of the Huron and hank.1 torn off. Wei lodge of i 1 Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Huron friends are dear to my heart as of pit -esent the gu est of Instruction, with-the'obje6t of per- this -week a -b the residence of ]ter DEPA.TE. --At the anniversary of the D-1-len factory is at pt a couple of days 1pits last Sunday morning.
Mrs. L. E. J. 8. Porter fecting the brethren under'bis Charge in tile father, Mr. J. H. Broadfoot. — The chureb, and the populaimity, of these social old, aiid I hope to be with them -again soon- Centralia Royal, Templars of Temperance, ------------ has been couffine(f to the house for a Alasonic ri tua-1. - The invitations to attend 1,101
ladies of the �Wome`s Christian Temper- gatherings Wa§ fully established by the MY inother, although past 84 years of age, were responded to in such numbers that the -ecently colletted and sent in or two,, but we hope to see him ance Union j on Friday evening last, a most exe t- Lak-elet. again soon. large an '*a active and smart, and able to attend to - g debate- took placd betwe'en sonle (Intended for last Ued-
-valuable Paisle Stratford bre . thren wa desti- number of young and old who sat down to house work more or less every day. She- members of the Sodom Council week) Nfrs. Thomas Gommill lost a, d commodious lodge room of the away two large bales of clothing fol. the tables, of which, to say that the spread y -n her own and NEwsy NOTES.—The soft weoith silawl betee 8.taxe(i to its utmost tute people in one farming -was delicious and bountifu reatly enjoys reading TuE EXPOSITOR� er of tbeq district of'Ne. 1, would give but r , members of the Centrali Past few days has left ihe� roads- residence and that of Mr. Will. Chesney, capacity. The work done was of a very high braska, where- crops have failed for three a faint conq'eption. After the repast was 11'almage's sermons in particuIV. he often 'a CounciL The in very bad ii� sr. I one dav week before last. order, and it was conceded suj as - Resolve(l that condition. 'On Friday there was scai6ely a IS
concluded, Mr. David Campbell was speaks of her friends and fello"%v pioneers in nien 'tea m ill the bt�rg, b by all present successive seasons, and thd people are 're� exercise a inore - b�neficial influence on that it has never been excelled at a previous unanimously- voted to the Usborne, and hopes to a e hein once more ut 04 Saturda there lod e y d ticed to the most abject povet-t3 --A lady . chair,.and a e society than -women." For th was a crowd ill for ch 9 of instruction held in this district. silver pin, splendid before she dies. e affirma- op. T6r" and four programme -of music, readings regular Tile officer's of Britannia lodge, Seaforth, with three obinpendent was recitations, and speeches VERY IrT,.—Mrs. A,A tive ' Rev. W. 'H. Butt, James Delga hundred bags is generally the number -ineeting found some ten days, ago, on Main street followed. Special ,drew tewart has, Wilh'am Haggith and Jesse Elston. - tty' h ed.--7Anotbe for some time past, bev suffering from. a r f�r the ' IPP n wrier at Tim ExposjToa nega ris and the residence of'Mr. AdTew very severe illness. Recently an operation ars from Clinton Brin,. Silas Stanlake, jr. on Wednesday evening - Baden lodgetthe second arid hose of,'-j'trat- office.—A number of.Forest� dress by the chairman, entitled The of the South Huron Ministerial As conferred the first degree, the officers of and awaits the o mention, hovrever, muAt be given to the ad
80(datiou was held in the Main Street Aleth tive, C. Pro'uty, William
odist oil Monday afternoon. ford lodge exemplified the third. Each' speaker was al- O'clock, fu the absewm of tile President, Rev. If. IV. Each attended the futeral of the late James ting uplof Children, in which, amid a was performed by Doctors Amos and Rol- lowed ten minutes, and the negative- when Ilia s�eond da last, officer, as . he concluded his work, was Cave'n in a body, on Fj stream of wit and humor that kept the lins, of Exeter, and the old lady is now pro- side 11ghter, :'Lizzi,e, Locke was voted, to the chair, and after warmly o the excellen -iday last.—Mr. T. audience in ioars of laughter, several timely ressing favorably. Thou It at one time wa given an additional tell m intites owing united in marriage to 'Mr. William Yer- t man- 0. Kcnip is-colifine(l to his residence through 9 uson, of Howick WloPtinng tit(,- Minutes of the last tneetincr, ner in it was pr and sensible hints as to the government 'Of. f, she is now on a to the absence of one of their speakers. J. The nuptials -were per- �rl'allcMlrlents were rn(le for the May nj*ecit' epared, and on the illness. He was- taken sick oil 'Monday, ter life was despaired o P. Clark, -of Exeter, occupied the chair wit formed by the Rev. Mr. Green, of Gorrie. tqfhe electit)ll ofotlioe�a for the �n., - high state of perfection to -bich Alarnry and has since been seriously in with strong �be young were given.' Though mueh of the fair -way to a speedy recovery. Her many his accustomed ability, while W. R. Ellio A rich wedding tea; was then partaken of by suing has been brought in o.. 4 district. 11 r symptoins of inflammation of t invariable success which attends Mr. Camp friends will be pleased to learn such com- tt a speeches may be attributed forting news. ferees. pearly two hundred invited gueats. ye, resulted w fol:l(m%-3: President, Rev. attendilig froni 'Seaforth were Right Wor- The South Hut -on Conser he bowels.— bell, to tile in' andilas Stanlake, sr., acted as re The U.- s1iipful Brother, Re vatives held their The debate was a most spirited one and presents Were nuerous an(i Costly, and V T1
Fletcher. v. -�J- W. "'Hodgins. annual meeting at the Queen a hotel, on imitable manner in which they are deliver- were an evidence of the esteem n which. th e ed, yet the good advice given added greatly both sides presented such- strong a.rgunielits e 13tift r M1 a paper 'Alessrs. J. H. Reid, R. Scarlett, An�ent, Tue I . No business of any importance thttlie referees declared it a draw. bride is beld b llastov nlou(, Ili.-, People.*' a-( a i
The Rose Hays, Cheswrig to the interest of this address. Ifensall.. her many friends and ae- obt, Sampson, R. itransacted, and the inectin- w . post- Re- ws froi-ii the Latin, Jack -sol, -R. Wilson and A. C. W g I Us —0— Bitim,s. fresliments m -ere then served, and a short (I 'lain tan ces. The young "l'iliff sviionyious brethren e enterta-ine( inter. Tl�e poned for three weeks, whell —Tharecentsnow fall has'made 0 -iL nd the advisabili- programme of music, etc., followed. very popular here couple, who are 111('Z o I to a ban4uet after ty of Z-i"_g Oil t a Call d id&tc will be con - the sleighing pretty good again, and bus- After are going to live near and a %hepherd feeds his regular lodge was e Wil tGrey. iness is quite brisk in our village.—Mr. 0 -losed, and departed high sidered.� votes of thanks, etc., the meeting brake up Lak-elet.—Las 0 hi their pea es of tile 8tratford bre 0merville has rent t Sheare A
Of' tll(,' 11"t so the' past - Il.1_ , at the mid -night hour, all expressing then,- teacher of Orange Hill 1 L 0 a ar:sorry to learn that James Blair, of the Lojidon road, near, this '-N'O- 5, Howick hel 0 1.3 5 ell- exaniiii-ation, ait Inect, sorry to part, anxious to street, and will Aortly move into it.—Mr. his house for a couple of tertainnient. 0 wbich there was (I threft. ed the residence of Mrs. Armitage, Ann Thomas Clder, 10io has been confined to village, has sold his 10 acre farni to Ili ul li�
'WEL3 to feed his people oil tl. Ivo -rd of Life. kfppy, t selves a delighted ith thd evemin a very successful p Isolitlide, medittion i-Ticet months past neighbor, Mr. Robert AlcLaren. We be- a by The e %cry 10'1`9P attendane. Walter Gardiner, who (lied very sti(ldenly, severe illness, is not in I Lie] xamination, to a wit" PfVer tl'L' StUly of -od's word aking i i i progress lieve Mr. Blair intend'� buyilig a 100 acee ay the least, was first of heart lt his home ill Hibbert, oil towards health, an _Werfl for Tin.,, AsN d his friends are feeling farm in McGillivray._'Among those who Ciass, tile ditferent I C, a
'IVERSARY.—The Saturday last, Constance. the n vas an uncle Of Mrs. Adam very anxious bout the result. have been here lately on a visit from Dakot, prettiest ti'O 'S IRIt to tile while Ina, -wedding of way that proved that No. M In it ,t vvith flis peo )Ie. 110shotild be so- anniversary of the Empoildville Presbyterian CrozieV, of this town.—Tbe regillar ineet- A_,q0T11ER PIONEER I)EPART,,,.--This to-wn_ we inadv many searching latitinin(r it cer- church was cclebr&t� ed oil Sunday anti Alon- erteutly omitted -the narne of tilt, season took place at the residence of r. a foremost ailo h 13.
it It Was ilia of 2NIalloch Chapter ivill be held to- ship has just lost one of i"lost worthy William John Carlisle, who is one of the and Mrs. Dale oil Wednesd g tile sollools of not nee- dy last. )ffil 81111dav Re -t-- le, Cockbl irn, niht, at 8 p. m.—AIrs. Hodgins and Miss ay last. It was Huron. Tbe Wel-L and nitich. in- Punchard are ttendin'g ,exantilled essary to iuduh,e in to gain of Paris, preached to' larke and highly respected early' residents, in the employeds of the Northern Pacific Railway the marriage of their daughter, �Ivliss thv respect of the nor h a meetin of the persoil of' -Mr. Thomas Telfer, Who died on G(n-npanv. ary, Alessrs. Waters, 8potlell aild by He likes tile country, very well to Mr. Benjamin ninge around terested udiences, both inorilina and even- Women's Ang,licn Mission Associ Snell, a prosperous youll roell. shops to be populacnWith. the ing, and on Alondav eveiiin(r tion at Friday last, at his residence oil the 16th I and is gettinc, Ili the 'I tea -meeting London Lb is week.—A along nicely.—Mis; Kate fariner, -week from ceremony was perforrileil by Rev. Fair, ed, thein,'4t rned home this 4RIge held,
-le, Sol if the old saw is years. Mr.. Telfer' was a na as held. 'The edibles were more than or- in vbry lamb like st3 age of 81 Hodgins retu at which he (list in "llisil CM lie 111ust be one NI-ith his wo larch did not come in concession, near Walton, It the 6f Ifullett, - near Kinburn. rielit was
People, He oilglit to dress ill bee0llliug cos- dinarily abundant, varioits and too tive o�..Rox- 1) ton, -Ohio, where she had been visiting' of Londesborough ti"Vir filut mel till gr d�(l 01 thsolne, true, we may expect fine spring weather b ay The amiable young their ssary to id social converse flowed even thore freel�y fore the tuuie� Thon-li it iniq t not be ne,.ce e- boroughshire, Sobtland. He was in rried :relatives anil friends for the past couple of i bride was becoming attired in a han�jsonit the I Ile wcz a plug hat, it white choker and b ly ar , close of the nionth.—Monday's there, to Miss Isabella Cowan, sister of the inontbs. She reports the weather there as costtime of garneb" "111,Vd to �241 vvilit storin -%vs pretty severe, 'but no blockailes late John Com -an, of McKj satin. The bri(le was deroied to,), - 11 will be thali tea and cof6ee. Aft�r spending an ex proceeds anio
imv ad llop, andwho sur- being beautifully- -%yarm and spring like.— assisted by Alias Lottie Cook, llifte of the couple of isebool,—A, e_
cloth uit, he appear N-L-ry unseeluly veedingly pleasant time down -stairs the on the railroads in thig-.. section resulted. vives bini at the advanced age of 76 years. i MAlacarthur, of Ailsa Craig, who has bridegroom, who 'was attired in an attrac- cen live tile tlerk, -hurcb,,to euj6y the in- has, hoRever fi-eshened up tile ei� incr their,way to the Huron tract, settling at and other relatives, retur'e" n w in y tive suit of cream cashmere, trimmed with o ,%l0ttell 11,Lt. In his recreation4 lie was to, b auditor:' in of the lent da a They came to Canada in 1854, and 'made been here for soine tirne visiting her brother -1vith falled vloth pants, fustian jacket and colilp journed about 8 o'clock t� the The snow fall on that ana subse(li (lid' in Clifford re-
eartful what lie indulgc(l in , I 13 'lot _go tellectualpart of the feast -i Theprogn Thethermoineterregistered 10� a' 10N�� n d , home this ribbon and lace. Mr. Jms Dale, brother closed. —Mr. R&Uiday, our reno-wried. mine where lie couldnot. take his �aviour with -Was a good one, music being furnished by be ze�o once on the 16th concession' of (,,,rey, on week.—.Mrs. G'. Hart, of Exeter, . is -visiting of the bride siner, was not able to attend tj Iie asisted the bridegroom. con,�c'ert at Orange 11i.11 on ]Friday night, ow- hint. on Tuesday niorning.—S."Iratford and Sea- which they have resided for 40 years. De- her daughter, Mrs. LL Ellwood. — The ' About one hundred antl thirty guests sat ing to illness.—Mr. Wil. In his pastoral visitations lie should deputaions from tile Aletbodist and Pres- forth hock-evists played a match in the rink ceased leaves one son and three daughters. _Nlechani& Institute of -t is -village has dowri to a sumptuous weddin lianx Htibba�rd is ell- . f g feast, to gaged in taking o giv(� Ilia finst ttention to the . sick nd byterituiChurch Choirs of Seaforth. Miss last night.—� The 333rd Battalion Band in- I Tile -son Willia-m Telfer, resides on -the niade another addition to ts already fine which all did ample justice ut tim ber for a trouble(l, oil others as opportunity Getn"lill, of Egillondville, also gave a well tend li�ldina tiieir second annual ball on ad. The only surviving (laughter library.—Mr. James Pett the founder of arn wbich be inten-ds n 11 - There was a b and crounistnces Inigilt allow. In business rendered solo. Rev. Mr.- Cockburn was Frid, c, — - f r Ili fl� homesterig next suill- S presents ; anar- mer.—Mr. and Mrs. P and ulturch societies hewits to ot abi n rank is rs. Jarnes Me onald, -who resides in Hensall, and who made and sold off the first ray which has never becii surpassed in the MCE'l-wain ill- e to be present at the tea-meeitincy AlcDougall, son of Air. A. G. McDougall, f h Charles ayl ling Friday for Barker Creek `Oullsf-'l and aid,striving to be"' aewise but Rev. Messrs. McDonald and Callow e same neighborhood-. One daughter, 1 survey of village lots, and who also had sev- neighborhood. - The festivities were kept tended lea Michigan, but ow- ln- to the aknost impass.a Virdren, Afanitaba, who has been visitingr t�'essie, who had always lived with lie� par- eral other survevs made, has decided to sell I up until the wee sma' hours in the morning. ble state of the roads, could not and luarailes aso a dove.-.-' Rev. of Seaf�rtb, gave very intecesting," well friends liere for a ebuple of nionths past, left eats, (lied last May, the other was the late by public auction, on Tuesday, March 12th I The n'ewly married couple begin life amid ford. re ach Clif-
. .. j