The Huron Expositor, 1895-03-08, Page 3i ire ,us _. kit - , _. _ _ _ - Our first lar a conal. anent of Dr g Goods `.14 can be done in winter. One can easily Is, TJ .le- � t ®peneCi `Ir- jj,,��' out tj1,' We°s i 4 AD I A A 4 4i IMPORTANT NOTICES. J-:ONENNA, DOWInion and Provincial Lan Surveyor, Member of the Association of Ontari LandSurveyers, Dublin, Ontario, 1398.62 DURHAM BULL FOR SALE.—For sale, thoroughbred Dur am bull, roan color and 1 months ofd with registered pedigree. Apply on lc 11, Bayfjel, road orth, Stanley, or address Varn P.O. JOHN REID. 1414- R SALE.—Eight grand young Short Horn bull with A 1 pedigreed, from 8 to 14 months old also >. few pure Berkshire boars and sows of breeding age, Al at prices and terms to suit the times. Com and see them. DAVID MILNE, Ethel Ont. 1414-t UARRY STONE.—The undersigned has for sal at his quarr3 at Cranbrook a quantity of chola atone, suitable for corner stones, sill stones am bridge stone. Will b • sold at reasonable prices GEORGR BAKER, Crah[brook, "-- —.--- 1408-t THOROBRED BULLS FOR SALE—For ale, a Lot 26, Concession 4. H. R. S , Tuckeremith two Thorobred Durham Bulls, ten and"twelve month meld, solid red in color. Will be sold on reasonable terms. HERBERT CRICII, Seaforth P. J. ' 1418.4 ORN BEATTIE, C14rk ,f the Second Divislor ITCourt, County Commissioner, of Huron Con veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Nndi Invested and to Loan. Office—over Sharp a Livens'store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 1TOCK FOR SALE.—The unamigned will sell ten +t head of thoroughbred Durham cattle, cows or heifers, a herd of 22 to choose fr.,n., also eight young bulls. All these are registered and will be sold cheap. Time given if required DAVID HILL, Lot 27, Con- ueselon 8, Hibbert, Staffs P. 0. 1408-26 BULLS FOR SALE.—For sale, two thoroughbred Durham. Balls, with registered pedigree@, one 16 months' old ; both red; will be solei at prices to suit the times. Also a few improved Yorkshire Pigs. Apply on Lot 24, Concession 3, L R.S., Tuckersmith, Brucefield P. O. WM. CHAPMAN. 1417tt -DULLS FOR SALE —The undersigned has on lot 13, concession 4, H, R. S., a thoroughbred Dur- ham bull, 17 months old., red color and an -excellent animal. He was aired by imported "Prime Minister"; also a six months old bull, red color and from Prime Bliuister. WILLIAk CARNOCHAN, Egmondville. 1408-tf §h'e FED OATS.—Mr. John Melville bac a quantity of a new kind of Oats which he offer@ for sale for first time, on Lot 22, Concession 12, Hibbert. They are a new variety wbieh he got seven years ago is some Mummy Peas, and this year they turned out, in spite of the grasshoppers, one field ov r fifty bushels per acre, and the other field over eighty bushels per acre. All those who have spoken for seed had better call earl•, as first come first served as lonz as it lasts. JOHN MELVILLE, Chiselhurst P. O., Ont. - 1413.13 $ 300 Private funds to loan at lowest 8 500 rates of interest in sums to suit 8 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. 82,500 SHAYS, Barrister, Ike,Seaforth, `— 126 BRM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 8, Concession 8, A Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, all cleared, welt fenced and underdrained. There is a good bank learn with stabling underneath, and a frame house. There is a good orchard and a never fai11• g well. It is within five miles of Seaforth and is well situated. It will be sold cheap and on easy terms, Apply on the premises or address Seaforth P. O. JOSEPH QRBSON, Proprietor. 1398x4 -t f. TENDERS WANTED.—The undersigned will re- eeive tenders up to noon, Saturday, March 9th, 1895, for the building of a cheese faetory,either frame or brick, for the Blyth Cheese and Butter Jo., (Ltd). Plane and specifications can be seen at the farm of Walter McGowan, lot 39, concession 3, East Wawa - nosh. JTenders will b" opened at the Commercial Hotel, Blyth on Saturday, March 9th. ROBERT MARSHALL, President, 1420.2 ARU TO RENT.—The undersigned wish to rent their 200 acre farm in the Township of Grey, for a term of years. The farm is 1 miles fcom Brussels and only k mile from a good school. 107 acres are seeded down ; 12 in Fall wheat, and 65 -acres of fall plowing done. Good young-brehard For further' partieul-irs, as to rent, terms, &e-, apply to FERGU 5Or BROS., Teeswater,: or JAMES FERGUSON' - Brussels P. O. 1420-3 IF YOU WANT `I'o sell, buy, encumber or release ,house or farni, call on J. WAUC4,I3, Land Agent, 11 ( Toderieb Street East, Seaforth. BOARS FOR SERVICE. ITAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The under - 1 @tgned will keep for service, at the Brucefield Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, $1 ; payable at time of service with privilege of returning if neces- sory. HUGH MaCARTNEY, Brucefield. 1405-tt ERIiSHIRE PIGS.—Tbe undersigned breeder of thoroughbred Berkshire swine, will keep for service on lot 26 Concession 6, McKillop, the prime winning Berkshire boars, Election" and "Protest." Terms $1 payable at time of service, with the privil- age of returning if necessary, also a number of young pigs for sale. both sexes. JAMES DORRANCE, Sea - forth P. 0. Q$' Pairs furnished not akin. 1412-62 PIGS ! PIGS !—The undersigned has at his premi- sm lot 6,concession 6,Huliett,several thorough- bred Berkshire sows and hogs for sale at reasonable prices,also a litter of thoroughhred Tamworthe ready to wean. He also has a thoroughbred Berkshire and a thoroughbred Tamworth boar for service—terms $1 payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning it necessary, $1.25 if booked. F. H. SG1fOALES, Const.nce P.O. 1403x7tf The Best Remedy FOR RECENT COUGHS -AND_ 1 COLDS I -IS THE - I 11 ONTARIO CHEMISTS BALSAM OF SPRUCE & TARr It is especially recommended for the use of those who are susceptible to BRO'NCHITI'S '� LARYNGITIS - HOARSENESS And Loss of VOICE. FOR SALE BY J.S. ROBERTS.;, - DRUGGIST, M1ai n Street, Seaforth. READY for WINTER. I , AT THF. Sea forth Carriage shop, Dorsey's Old Stand. McDONALD Blas now ready- a nice assortment of HAND- ac)1f... CUTTERS of various styles. Also StA_'(GIIS, both heavy and light. These vehicles were all made at his own I t•stahlisbment and are guaranteed to be of r the very best material and workmanship. i I THEY ARE DURABLE, I STYLISH AND CHEAP. �L Why huy factory mr►de stuff when yon can tarot home-made vehicles for the same money- i( that that look just as well and last twice as - ton,. .I 1 A eilt is sure to satiety intending -purchasers. �v r L McDONALD,i SEAFORTH. 1407 � i i - i ������� ..." , s,. _.1 , 11 �- I ko-<� , With a cougb, sold or e L sore throat Me a [ v � �remedy that relieves 'H%f%51from thestart, soothef 9 and heals the inflamed j1 tisanes al the larynx or I bronchial tubes, , PYNY-PECTORAL ! is s certain renledy based on a clear know. ledge of the diseases it was created ,to cure. ' ' LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS. 1 C I - -..- _ n 17i _ —T - _ .. tea.-,.. �,.__. , . ,rt ,)r.�T,. . _ _ i - THE HtTR,O N EXPOSITOR. t 3 earnestly to God for help he will go oub to ` ,� . . FEEDING HORSES. deliver such a one. If it were necessary, V F God worAd come down from the sky, fol- .10- (I The Bight Kind of Ration -and What It lowed .by all tbe'ertillery of heaven and a a ^',✓ �, - Costs, i PICKAR Con million angels with drawn swords. Get r. `�' g � - � ._ Professor Roberts of the Cornell ex - 100 such redeoiilod men in each of your ;, 1'_ periment station writes: .For horses Wish to thank their many customers for the lame patronage they have re - churches, and nothing could stand before heavily At work, either sulilmer or win- ceived through the Fail and Winter trade. them, for such men are generally warm ter, 15 In of grain end the same hearted and o heartless . Nofosinging n pray- FRENCH AND GERMAN. amonnt of hay is a very lair day's ra- 1N-�W FOR 17PR_1_� -_ era then. ' to heartless singing than. No tion. When the animal his at rest, re- told conventionalisms then. coach Horses of the Two Nations That VVe are preparing for you one of the finest stocks ever shown in Seaforth, (let to Work. duce the grain and hay 4o 12 pounds P P g Hate Each Other. each the Furthermore, the destitute orildren of grain ration to be composed of The first illustration shows one of NEW (y OODS ARRIVING, the streets offer a field of work compare- , 12 pounds of corn and 3 pounds of tiveIy unoccupied. The uncared for ohil- the Oaklawn stud a most famous prize bran, oats ormiddlings. t these prices dren are in the majorityin most of our winners, an imported French coaching, stallion. The traveler in Paris observes a day's rations fora orae at work Already to hand our CARPETS in Brussels, Moquette, 1111 -Wool, cities. Their condition was well ill hen be would cost -12 pounds of ora, 11 cents; Tapestry, Union, Axminsters, Hem . s in woven and printed designs. ed by what a boy in this city said wlisn be that the common hack and carriage 3 pounds of oats, 3 cenits- 15 pounds of p was found under a cart gnawing a,bone, horses there are the handsomest and ap- hay, ri cents; total, 2�a c uta. If one of ,and some one said to him, "Where do yon patently the best cared for of any he has the other foods mention d be used in- P�.IN�S PRIN TS. live?" and be answered, "Don't live no- Been in Europe. Those of Italy are the where, sir!" Seventy tbousand of the obil- stead of oats, the cost world be one-half Worst. cent less We handle the best makes to be found in England and America. 'Already dren o! New York city can neither read per day. Whenf not at work, b nor write. When they grow up, If unre- The animal in the pectate is a first the daily cost would be i18 cents. AI- these goods are moving nicely. Such elegant patterns, beautiful shades and formed, they will outvote your oildren, class type of the horses the French have lowing an animal to �e at rest four colorings will certainly tempt any lady looking at them. %nd they will govern your children. The been breeding and training for genera- months of ,the year an4 working the whisky ring will hatch out other whisky tions for coach animals. The blood is other eight, the average host per month _ rings, and grogehopa will kill with flair well distributed houtthe country, woIIld be not far from $'. Stade Goods are all to hand—Cottons Shi t:' Y ^ UNt horrid stench public sob ith f unless the The six university fang horses, weigh- Linens,GottGnadeS, aitl'1a�ettE'S, $ (/ J/ /j LADIES church d God reaps up with outstretched in on an averse 1 arms and enfolds this dying population in �- g g , 360 �oIInds, during -AND- G ENTLEME Send 9 cents in stamps or 10 cents silver, and w will send yc,u by return mail the Perfect Letter Writer A neat little book, being a perfect guide in the art o Letter Writing. It contains letters of Love, Friend ship, Business, ate., with valuable instruotion6 an advice. Every young man and woman should lav this book. ANOVELTY PU'BLISHERS1 Ingersoll, Ont. 1402x28 . her bosom. Public schools cannot do it. Art galleries cannot do it. Blackwell's is- land cannot do it. Almshouses cannot do N e _. the winter draw upward of 6, 000 tons of coal and do the heavyfarm and other , _. _ _ _ - Our first lar a conal. anent of Dr g Goods very bad'"for teacbers to pour it on c,ur . can be done in winter. One can easily ..J TJ it. New York Tombs cannot do it. Sing Sing cannot do it. People of God, wako � t ®peneCi . jj,,��' out tj1,' We°s e up to your magnificent mission! You can ESTABLISHED 1867. `' l help. The full blood steers, 3 years old, _-__.__ do It. Get somewhere, somehow, to work, The Prussian cavalrymount b y pollen used in medicine for purgative purposes. seven tripe of two mile each per day, and each load exceeds tw tonsnet. Each i their right1oot into the stirrup, while the Caustic soda is Alsed as a summer drink. Quicklime is made by li�iiring water on animal receives on an av�rage 17 pounds arrivals. f American cavalry mount by putting their slacked lime. �Ve can ant this substance ri ' • , • ,� 'f ` i !/ timothy_ hay, which frequently contains a little plover. Four of !these horses are t f . . ������� ..." , s,. _.1 , 11 �- I ko-<� , With a cougb, sold or e L sore throat Me a [ v � �remedy that relieves 'H%f%51from thestart, soothef 9 and heals the inflamed j1 tisanes al the larynx or I bronchial tubes, , PYNY-PECTORAL ! is s certain renledy based on a clear know. ledge of the diseases it was created ,to cure. ' ' LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS. 1 C I - -..- _ n 17i _ —T - _ .. tea.-,.. �,.__. , . ,rt ,)r.�T,. . _ _ i - THE HtTR,O N EXPOSITOR. t 3 earnestly to God for help he will go oub to ` ,� . . FEEDING HORSES. deliver such a one. If it were necessary, V F God worAd come down from the sky, fol- .10- (I The Bight Kind of Ration -and What It lowed .by all tbe'ertillery of heaven and a a ^',✓ �, - Costs, i PICKAR Con million angels with drawn swords. Get r. `�' g � - � ._ Professor Roberts of the Cornell ex - 100 such redeoiilod men in each of your ;, 1'_ periment station writes: .For horses Wish to thank their many customers for the lame patronage they have re - churches, and nothing could stand before heavily At work, either sulilmer or win- ceived through the Fail and Winter trade. them, for such men are generally warm ter, 15 In of grain end the same hearted and o heartless . Nofosinging n pray- FRENCH AND GERMAN. amonnt of hay is a very lair day's ra- 1N-�W FOR 17PR_1_� -_ era then. ' to heartless singing than. No tion. When the animal his at rest, re- told conventionalisms then. coach Horses of the Two Nations That VVe are preparing for you one of the finest stocks ever shown in Seaforth, (let to Work. duce the grain and hay 4o 12 pounds P P g Hate Each Other. each the Furthermore, the destitute orildren of grain ration to be composed of The first illustration shows one of NEW (y OODS ARRIVING, the streets offer a field of work compare- , 12 pounds of corn and 3 pounds of tiveIy unoccupied. The uncared for ohil- the Oaklawn stud a most famous prize bran, oats ormiddlings. t these prices dren are in the majorityin most of our winners, an imported French coaching, stallion. The traveler in Paris observes a day's rations fora orae at work Already to hand our CARPETS in Brussels, Moquette, 1111 -Wool, cities. Their condition was well ill hen be would cost -12 pounds of ora, 11 cents; Tapestry, Union, Axminsters, Hem . s in woven and printed designs. ed by what a boy in this city said wlisn be that the common hack and carriage 3 pounds of oats, 3 cenits- 15 pounds of p was found under a cart gnawing a,bone, horses there are the handsomest and ap- hay, ri cents; total, 2�a c uta. If one of ,and some one said to him, "Where do yon patently the best cared for of any he has the other foods mention d be used in- P�.IN�S PRIN TS. live?" and be answered, "Don't live no- Been in Europe. Those of Italy are the where, sir!" Seventy tbousand of the obil- stead of oats, the cost world be one-half Worst. cent less We handle the best makes to be found in England and America. 'Already dren o! New York city can neither read per day. Whenf not at work, b nor write. When they grow up, If unre- The animal in the pectate is a first the daily cost would be i18 cents. AI- these goods are moving nicely. Such elegant patterns, beautiful shades and formed, they will outvote your oildren, class type of the horses the French have lowing an animal to �e at rest four colorings will certainly tempt any lady looking at them. %nd they will govern your children. The been breeding and training for genera- months of ,the year an4 working the whisky ring will hatch out other whisky tions for coach animals. The blood is other eight, the average host per month _ rings, and grogehopa will kill with flair well distributed houtthe country, woIIld be not far from $'. Stade Goods are all to hand—Cottons Shi t:' Y ^ UNt horrid stench public sob ith f unless the The six university fang horses, weigh- Linens,GottGnadeS, aitl'1a�ettE'S, $ (/ J/ /j LADIES church d God reaps up with outstretched in on an averse 1 arms and enfolds this dying population in �- g g , 360 �oIInds, during -AND- G ENTLEME Send 9 cents in stamps or 10 cents silver, and w will send yc,u by return mail the Perfect Letter Writer A neat little book, being a perfect guide in the art o Letter Writing. It contains letters of Love, Friend ship, Business, ate., with valuable instruotion6 an advice. Every young man and woman should lav this book. ANOVELTY PU'BLISHERS1 Ingersoll, Ont. 1402x28 . her bosom. Public schools cannot do it. Art galleries cannot do it. Blackwell's is- land cannot do it. Almshouses cannot do N e , ' - N � •", the winter draw upward of 6, 000 tons of coal and do the heavyfarm and other , _. _ _ _ - Our first lar a conal. anent of Dr g Goods very bad'"for teacbers to pour it on c,ur . can be done in winter. One can easily work daring the aumm�r, They work TJ it. New York Tombs cannot do it. Sing Sing cannot do it. People of God, wako � about 290 days each year, often in the ®peneCi "Soda is formed by heating castor oil jj,,��' out tj1,' We°s e up to your magnificent mission! You can ESTABLISHED 1867. `' snow and rain. They afire now making help. The full blood steers, 3 years old, _-__.__ do It. Get somewhere, somehow, to work, The Prussian cavalrymount b y pollen used in medicine for purgative purposes. seven tripe of two mile each per day, and each load exceeds tw tonsnet. Each _..___ _ _ ____-_ - ._ - - - -___. _. _-_ _. Call and see us, and we will take pleasure in showing you through our recent their right1oot into the stirrup, while the Caustic soda is Alsed as a summer drink. Quicklime is made by li�iiring water on animal receives on an av�rage 17 pounds arrivals. f American cavalry mount by putting their slacked lime. �Ve can ant this substance of corn and oats and 17 tie 19 pounds of ' left foot into the stirrup. I don't CAPS how you mount your war charger if you only into this battle for God , • ,� 'f ` i !/ timothy_ hay, which frequently contains a little plover. Four of !these horses are pT u -D-1-1 & wim* KA C0.9 get- and get Chore soon, right stirrup, or left stirrup, , Y -- ., c j �,��,�� yet somewhat immatu4 yet all are fat, J. iC -"'`z. or no stirrup at all. The unoccupied fields ,.,y, ;' , .�'r ;,;'y �� - _ : ,✓"L--" sleek and vigorous ori this feed, as SMI A Rg are all around us, and why should we build on anothor man's foundation? - FRENCH. sT�1LL1ox. . might be expected frim the slightly more liberal diet that tas been recom- CORNER MAIN AND MARKET TREETS. I have Beard of what was called the and the livery stable horses that draw mendedabove. the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. "thundering legion." It was in 17g, a the traveler so merrily, their heads up Oats are the best of gall grains for a t f th R and full of spirit alon the beantif I Axenuine cure' PRICE >' ter the Tobacco Habit. gals the ". —w-laY N O'2' ..7I Young men and women who graduate at THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Chatham, Ont, . Are exceedingly fort rianate in securinIF good positions, even during times ofdepression. Mies Clara Old, of Carberry, Manitoba, graduate of the Shorthand De- partment of this school, has just secured a good Position with the Calgary Herald as stenographer and book-keeper. It pays to attend the beat. Write for catalogue If interested. Address— ,,"_-I, D. McLACHLAN, Chatham. 1419.2 , I r ka I OU Re . ca. 0 NSTIPATI0NV �BIL10USNESS, G` DYSPEPSIA,/,z SICK HEADACHE', REG U DATE THE LIVER. ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION- PRICE25CTS.TNEpODD'S-�"oRON O. The Kippen Mills TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. The Rippen mills are now running at full blast and are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortest notice, and meet reasonable terms. in this way yon get flour from your own wheat, and better value for the money than in any other way. Good flour guaranteed. CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. _ Logs_ The highest price in cash will be paid for good op, or they will be out to order. LU'M&BER_ All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. JOHN MCNEVIN, 1357-t f Proprietor. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. THE )WEN ECTRIC BELT. The only Scientific. and Practical Electric lclt madc for general use, producing aGenuine iureut of l+lectiic;its for ube cure of Disease, hat can be readily felt and regulated both in luant.ity and power, and applicrt to any part of he hotly. It can be Nsorn at any time during vorking hours or sleep, and will po- itively cure Rherimatisin, ��C Sciatica, General Debility f s `. Lumbago. ppT'AUG-16.87• Nervous Diseases Dy �rpepsla, Varicocele, Sexual Weakness Inipotency, I,Ziciney Diseases, llama Bach. . f Urinary Diseases Electricity properly- applied is fast taking the &tce of drugs for all Nervou . Rheumatic- Kid- rcyan('Urinal 'lroublc�,and will efl'ect cures ii,camingiy hopele" ca -;e where every other _noivn nlcanq hay failed. Any sluggi-Mi, weak or (Incased organ may -y thls means be roused fo h0,ilihy� aetii ity-- efore it is too late. Leacliog medical men use and recommend he OW011 13c1t ill their practice. OUR ILLUSTRATED CAT.kLOGUE 'ontains-fullest information regarding thn,'cure f acute, chronic and er-s-ons diseases, prices, ow to,order, .etc., whiled (:scaled) FREE to ny addross. le Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. 49 ICING ST. W., TORONTO, ONTj ;201 to 211 Stato fit., eClric.Wo, RL MENTION THIS PAPER* M par o e oman army to which some - f g II horse, but are not economical. If I had . Christians belonged, and their prayers, it drives of Paris have their share of it. ELECTIONS. P y all the feed to buy a d corn were at AR COMING was said, wore answered by thunder and The reader will see in this horse not cents per bIIshel, I w nld feed wheat 0 li htnin g g ,and hail and tempest, whish a little resemblanoe to the hackney type. bran at $14 per ton mast of the time. It .- overthrew an invading army and saved In fact, be looks like a rather refined would prove cheapest nd most health - the empire. And I would to God that you type of hackney. ful, especially if straw or timothy hay j, • F Your - could be so mighty In prayer and work Ta a Def ty ��e' ad YO!U'a The second picture shows a prize Ger- were fed. At the same that you would become a thundering le- prico I would m coach stallion of the imperial take bra glop, before whish the forces of sin might . n in preferelilce to middlings. self Posted. be routed and the gates of hell made to Trakehner breed. It will be, found good economy to feed a tremble. All aboard- now on the gospel The German coach horse, as one might mixed grain ration, say one-half bran, SUBSCRIBE AT ship! If you cannot be a captain or a first exPeet, seems taller and heavier than the the .other half Dorn f or oats Good, mate, be a stoker, or a deckhand, or ready French carriage animal. The Trakehner bright corn fodder is t e best of all rough ,, _ at command to climb tbo ratlines. Heave is, in fact, adapted to -the boaviest style feed in winter for idl� farm horses, but - ( ; away now, ladsi Shako out the reefs in of carriage horse, the great family heavy it is not an economic °1 feed to buy. LUMSDEN "" WILSON the foretopsail! Como, O heavenly wind, swell carriage or the equally swell four- � � y 3 and 811 the canvas! Jesus aboard will as- With timothy hay t i$12 per ton, I �?�R �,_'�'���+ Ri sure our safety. Jesus OD, tbo sea will in -hand, with which the rich amuse would buy good, bri�ht clover hay at beckon us forward. Jesus on the shining themselves in warm weather. Trakehner $8, or even a little niore if the horses Price one year. Six months. Three montls. shore will melpome us into harbor. "And is the name of the imperial German do- THE GLOBE 6 00 ^r were idle or if them work were slow 83 00 1 a so it came to puss that they all escaped main on which these horses are bred. work. They will eat4ore of it, but they THE GLOBE (evening edition) 4 00 ') 00 100 safe to land. r The farm is eight miles square and oon- will require much legs grain than if fed THE MAIL EMPIRE'• 6 00 3 00 1 75 tains sometimes over 1,000 horses. They timothy, and have less colic. Where r` ri It (evening edition) 4 00 QO 1 40 Shot gses Brom Cigars. are divided into brands, according to - good, bright whew,,; or oat straw is THE WOItLi� 3 00 1 50 "5 During the iecdnt visit,of the committee their color -black, bay and chestnut. abundant, as here, ii31e horses may be THE rjEwg 1 40 of agriculture at the Pennsylvania college � Germany the division between saddle an unusual incident occurred which fur- and harness horse, which the en saddle wintered well and cheaply on it and THE FREE PRESS .. 4 00 2 00 I Of) nbhed considerable amusement for the bran. The straw opuses constipation, TgE ADVERTISER 4 00 2 00 I Q0 members of the commAtteo not participat- but if bran be used bs a grain ration it Ing and displayod exoopdonal nerve and ' -will correct that. I have tried oilmeal Either mailed to your post office, or delivered daily at our store. Sub - confidence on tbo part of the actors. % , ,, as a ration, but valise it only. as a tonic. scription$ at best rates taken for all Canadign, American or foreign. news - M. N. Masher of Bradford county, one i, The greatest economy is in perfecs papers or magazines at , of the studonts in, the dairy school, who yy �6 health. All food will then be assimi- o better known bank, cowboy sobriquet lated. LU �%� D�j1 WILSON'S, of "Winchester Frank," is an expert shot i 1� ,�■ a ■ • i with the rifle, acquired through years of I would pay $NO ter ton for bran to i practice in tbo west. Being acquainted feed work horses in winter to balance SCOTT'S BLOCK, - - _ - MAIN STREET with a few of the legislators, hewas asked corn and timothy bay. But why feed by them to give an oxhibition of his skill. much $12 hay? Whbat or oat straw can S A�o T o lie acquiesced by offering to remove from generally be purebasd for $2 to $5 per a lighted cigar the ashes at a distance of Iton. This can be fed in connection with 50 feet. == ,,, wheat bran, and hbrses will really do Chairman 141ogre of the committee, who _ �- - _ better than when fed on timothy hay II�'01�A1T �O the, PUBLK0 is a m©robot of the same county as 'the cowboy dairyman and had previously wit- and corn. I would. not bother to weigh nessed.some of bis fancy shooting at home, GERMAN ded i STALLION. the straw fed. Give what they want of placed himself at the chosen distance ions have succeeded in breaking down, it and measure the grain ration. For smoking a cigar. At tbo signal from him Is kept up with military strictness. The horses at hard work give for a day's In order to reduce our large line of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Parlor the rill,! ball knocked the ashes from his animals trained to saddle are not allow- ration seven pounddof ear corn or coarse Suites, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Extension and Centre Tables, etc,, before stock - cigar as neatly as if it had been done by ed .to mingle with tho harness horses. cornmeal, seven pounds of wheat bran, taking, we will offer special inducements to cash buyers from now unfit April hand. The Trakehner horses have been bred two pounds of liusaed meal. That may Representative Baldwin of Delaware with great mare and purity upon the be pretty carbonaceous for a balanced let. Kindly call aald inspect our goods and comparQ prices, as we. are bound county, not to be outdono in nervy deeds, same lands for 170 years. One great ad- ration. Yet in olr coon horses do to reduce our stook before the above date. had a cigar broken in half by a ball from vantage they possess is that they are the westerner's gun. These feats were most of their workon pure corn and get , roundly applauded by the members while heavy enough to serve the farmer as in a corn habit, as it were. Avery nice stock of Undertakers supplies always on hand., and satc- cowboy returned to his work as if general purpose horses, while he breeds tion guaranteed, S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director; residence, next door to nothing out of the ordinary had happened. them for large carriage team. Feeding Cdttonseed >lleal. Drs. Scott da MCKa 's office. - —St. Louis Globe -Democrat. McKay 's Robes. "- This substance is obtained from cot- . Tyrolese as Artists' Models. Just having killed an immense ball ton seed after the cotton pia has been "Q T'�'1 (`1 Tho Deutsche Revue gives an amusing buffalo and sent the meat to Helena to squeezed from it. It is a very concen- B.ikt,®A1/.L.' QOTi Bo <JO. Crated food eonsopating in its effects account of the troubles of Franz von De- be sold for Christmas dinners makes me , fregger in obtaining models. Thefamous think- more forcibly than ever that the and liable to der4nge the system when Main Street, "Seaforth, Porter's Old Stand art professor of Munich gonerally chooses Galloway is to tai ke the place of the ex. fed too heavily to;'eattle that are unused his subjects among his own special land's tinot buffalo. Having in the ten years to it. At the south cattle eat large quan- folk, the Tyrolese. Finer modals it would . between 1873 and 1883 tanned nearly tities of the whole seed with little ap•DOMINIO N be hard to get, but they have one 'fatal parent ill effect. � For our own feeding K., superstition -that whoever allows himself '200, 000 buffalo hides into buffalo robes, -to be sketobed, painted or drawn will ob- or more than any other man, living or we would never; feed over 2i2 pounds tain a speedy immortality through the dead, I think I know whereof I speak per day to any al inial and never unless grave, whatever may be his fate on can- when I say the Galloways and their ensilage, pasture,, or some other succu- CAPITAL, (PAID UP) = - - I- sismos000. vas. Thus, in 1873, when painting his grades furnish robes that are equal to lent food could be fed with it. Fed in "Letzten Aufgebot" ("Last Levy") and the famous buffalo robes of years ago. this way it is a valuable food, but when REST, - - = M - $Ic500i000. other pictures, he spout inontha in a conn- Anyone can tan them equal to the fed injudiciously, it is one of the most try el, an use before he could find a likely best Indian tanning. The squaws did dangerous food we have. Its effect model, and when he got the man into his that work entirely. On the plains whet- inion the butter s to make it too hard, SEAFORTI BRAND. studio it was all in vain, for no sooner had but this may b overcome b f ever the hent was cin on the squaw y � y @edea he seen the javelins, darts{ pikes and a going q g complete suit of armor than.heshied back, at Once stretched out the robe on four linseed meal wir.h it. Never feed it to M1�IN STREET, - - - -SEri SE11 AFORTH. professed a faintness of stomach and fled pales quite tight, and in freezing weath- horses or bogs. 'Rural 1�Iew Yorker. I down stairs. With his second model lib' er they were allowed to freeze over A general banking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, 1 advanced a little farther, but as soon as he night.. Then in the morning early the Live ?stock Pointe. Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit issued, available in all parts ioras clad in armor and brandishing an an- squaws. would stand on the hide with Edgae F. Wbatman of Nantucket has of Europe,, China and Japan. 4, Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and a;dva aces4made on same cient bu`,ttleax a stout country woman their chipping tool and_ with aeaanre cartes a and is at lowest rates. rushed in: "Wast Du willst mit dem PP 1; quick built a steam g g , $AVIN'GiS D$PARTM'EN'T. Landsturm gebenP Das sollst du nie and sharp stroke make the chips : fly besides of the opinion that steam pleas- - nimmer." And seizing him, armor and like a carpenter , with his plane. urecarriageawi; l in time supplant those Deposits of One Dollar and a wards received, and interest allowed at highest current 1 all, she ran him down the fatal stairs. In about one hour the hide was drawn by horsed. At any rate, this will rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of June and December, Outside she held him fast and stripped off ready for the grease. , They smeared not come for sdveral horse generations No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any portion of a deposit. his armor piece by piece; then, leavtn the ou an kind on, flesh side. Then the g y y pet. But it behooves horse breeders to S HAYS S disused panoply lying in a heap, she hur- :moistened over with water and rolled it improve their stock all they can, mak- , olicitOL W. K. PEAROA Agent. 3 rigid him home, a mo el husband, but not i a model hero. up for an hour or two. Then they would ing the horse sb valuablo and so intelli- k fasten a green hide rope on a stout stake gent that be will not gu out of fashion, I Queer Answers. driven in the ground, or a tree, about A larger nuMber of "ringers" swin- The uncivilized nations are like children font fast from the ground, and fasten it dled the coup ry fairs last year than 5;CMtCb-qS.*1 in their simplicity and gentleness. Every again at the bottom, making the rope ever before. What is a "ringer?" A adult knowp what odd questions a child tight. Then grasp the hide with both fast horse that its taken to county fairs , I . 0 will ask and gvhat curious explanations hands and saw back and forth for a and otber plactls, his name changed and C? r{ {-TopmIrpsthey are in the habit of giving. Nothing him®; then stretch and hold over afire - could equal the childlike simplicity of the bis speed car 0ifully concealed till the - f gad ins, external in the lodge for a few moments; then at race comes off ` nd he then going in and or internal, are instant-' replies lately given in an examination in the rope again and so on until perfectly winning all tre prizes from the local f, f chemistry hold --in au Indian university: g P ,. �, -.� fy relieved by "Sulphur is a smellful gas. Nitrogen �+ soft and white. talent. . I; PERRY DAV r Is a remarkably lazy gas and is good for The Galloways, like the buffalo, are 1, - The czar of Russia has tho finest sta- 1 nothing. Carbon always exists In a dark prima for robes only in winter months, . ,a h'' blas in the would, PaiaKiller..room. There is no living being in the being best in November, December and " , . A writer in !rhe Horseman favors set- , .whole world that does not contain car- Januar or u to the time the hair be- - /���., s January, P , +Fi Th.s old comedy l lcno�rri used ; bon. Gas is mado by fllling a poker with gins -to loosen in spring. The better care ting aside a celitain portion of each colts and sold everywhere. petit and I .IF keep ft by you. coal and heating it. Chlorine gives both- and richer feed the better the robe. That first year raoi;lg winnings for the breed- eration to the tbroat. Hydrogen is a color- Galloway cattlemen can grow and make er of the colt. - less invisible gas and burns itself without" own robes I know, and at,no great- The Rider 4nd Driver, organ of the an hod 's lel 'gilt- 'd ' d ' h J y p. 1 1c acl Is use In t e preparation of 'current elc,ctricity. It is er cost thau a few hours' work which kid loved hose fellows of Now York g � THE -, very bad'"for teacbers to pour it on c,ur . can be done in winter. One can easily speaks of one of the best livestock jour- T CANADIAN BAND OF COMMERCE, hands. make one robe iu a day. I can make teals in this o4 any other country as "an "Soda is formed by heating castor oil from five to ten in a day with one boy's obscure western sheet. " Those eastern ESTABLISHED 1867. `' and potash. Caustic soda is used in the manufacture of soda water, and this is help. The full blood steers, 3 years old, city gentleme who underrate the west, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ,'' used in medicine for purgative purposes. kills in - d season ou ht to mak rhes g e o worth $25, and the grades, according to or the live - a ve st ck of the est are mak w ing the worst; mistake they ever made CAPITAL tPAiLD UPti SIX MILLION `DOLLARS - $6,000,000 Caustic soda is Alsed as a summer drink. Quicklime is made by li�iiring water on G fineness.and amount of pure blood they in their livej,, No part of this country � 1 - - - - - - - - - M $ 200 000 ; REST . i slacked lime. �Ve can ant this substance carry, say, $10 average. That they can can sneer at pother. The people of all B. E. 'Pt ALKER, GENI✓RAL b'rAGF,13,11 (Ca ft it has the powor of digesting food. add that much to the profits of the farm parts of it orb wise, well bred and good "Lime is used as a kind of gum for and occupy leisure bours there is no looking. The sooner those who fancy SEAFORTH BRANCH. builders to stick bricks together." -Cleve- doubt. -F. B. Clark in Breeder's Ga- themselves sp' perior recognize this factBanking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted; Drafts A General , land Plain Dealer. tette. the better #off themselves. - " issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in McKillop Directory for 1895. Stark'@ Poadeis, each package of which contains the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. - two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Axenuine cure' PRICE >' ter the Tobacco Habit. gals the 30HN BENNEWIB+B, Reeve, Dublin P. O. JAMES EVANS, Deputy Reeve, Beechwood. corer of which f6rms a measure for one dose, an im- for Sick Headache and Stomach, also Deposits of :$1..00 and upwards received, and current rates of interes p .S . Craving and TO BAC CURE f'ankering,Tablet tofmLorvest o sec DANIEL RANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. VIM. YoGIAviN, Councillor, Lesdbnry. mediate relief Neural-ia and > 11,kinds of nervous pains, and an- e + to 1y is allowed. 'Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Novem- '' her in Thousands of curet Guaranteed, $1.00 a box. A11 druggist■. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbury. JOHN C. NORRI90N, Clerk, Winthrop. other in capeuleo, (iron } of one an ordinary dose which aett on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach each year. ; Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Fair A I e SOLOMON J. .SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthrop. wM. RVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. complaints. 71 ey do not as most pills and so many medicine) do, lose their effect or produce after , Tilers Sales Notes. i- - Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Druggists, Seaforth, CHARLES DODDS, collector. Seaforth. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary inspector, Lead- other constipation, "d are nice to take. 25 cents a box, dealers. F. HOLAIESTED, Solicitor. M. �IQ�RI,S' Manager. a bury. at all medicinJ III: I' I` . v - ii _ . . , .