The Huron Expositor, 1895-02-22, Page 5* 1 -
enjoy the happiness of that honor ble eetate - it. Inferior hos are not wanted.. CAUTION! into which you are now enters g.', Asa FOR THIRTY DAYS. i Sheep and lambs Shipping sheep were IMPORTANT to the PUBLIC,
neemento of our re and for 1 Glearin u1 of 11 t' d of 10-4.. ec shoes at coat d b 1 t rl 1 -.1" er
g yon, p ease ac-
sept this copy of the Word of Clod, and it is
_ -
=8888 _-..
8888 ., . _ .
-- -
_- -
our sincere pray*er and hope that at all
from 3 to 3c per pound,. the atter for
Rates lower than any other safe method'
_ .
% i, _
choices Lambs were firm, selling at from
At this season of°the year the papers
arid the guide of your life, and oust sup-
port'and comfort in the dark day of athlic-
are always well filled With anilounce-
- tion, should that day ever come." I
straight ones ging 3c per pound.
menta of.merchants offering their goods
I '
- ---s
We intend our prices to be the lowest
I . , . . - _
.t -
taking." find what does it all amount
, I
I -
ALLAN —In Egmondville, on January 29th, the wife
of Mr. John C. Allan, of twin eons.
_. ._ . _
* 1 -
enjoy the happiness of that honor ble eetate - it. Inferior hos are not wanted.. CAUTION! into which you are now enters g.', Asa FOR THIRTY DAYS. i Sheep and lambs Shipping sheep were IMPORTANT to the PUBLIC,
neemento of our re and for 1 Glearin u1 of 11 t' d of 10-4.. ec shoes at coat d b 1 t rl 1 -.1" er
g yon, p ease ac-
sept this copy of the Word of Clod, and it is
R e a rn s o
and under All accounts mina be paid on or before
the bth of March. D. McINTYRE Seeforth.
!hila& an are y .a e.t _y, on y o e ty
operating in this line. Prices aid were
our sincere pray*er and hope that at all
from 3 to 3c per pound,. the atter for
Rates lower than any other safe method'
Take a Daily Paper and Kee Your -
- - times it may be the man of your counsel
good shipping,
choices Lambs were firm, selling at from
At this season of°the year the papers
ills and your new Spring Hat. Just now we are not BO bury as
arid the guide of your life, and oust sup-
port'and comfort in the dark day of athlic-
Nc)TICF.—All parties to -us will
4 to 4: c per pound. The demand. for them
p p
was arctive. Stockers and feeders -Nice
are always well filled With anilounce-
- tion, should that day ever come." I
please call at the wareroome, Main street and settle
on or before March 16th, as we require funds very
straight ones ging 3c per pound.
menta of.merchants offering their goods
mHch indeed. Yours respectfully, BROADFooT, Bot: -
& Co., Seaforth. 1418-s
We intend our prices to be the lowest
" at and below cost during stock-
Liakelet. .
Lac`AL IAi`i'P:`I*I(:Sel The sudden 'death
PROPERTY in Egmondville for sale.—A
taking." find what does it all amount
of ;Vis. Daly, of Clifford, has cast a gloom
house and three acres of land North and West of the
Egmondville manse. A less quantity of land than
ALLAN —In Egmondville, on January 29th, the wife
of Mr. John C. Allan, of twin eons.
to! ,Simply this, that they have an
to redu
over the entite neighborhood. Since a was
three acres may be sold to suit purchaser. Wal.
MORRITT.—In Hullett, on February 4th, the wife
wxY _ :NT oT
appointed postmaster about two months ago
ELLIOTT, Seaforth P. O. 1412 -ti
L of Mr. Benjamin Morritt, of a eon.
JOHNSTONE —In East Wawanosh, on February 4th,
accumulation of old dust shop-worn
, yr
Gentlemen s wear. Remember, we have built u a reputation
he has prowacimself a ver obli i aril
y $ ng
the wife of Mr. Win. Johnstone, of a daughter.
go.odfk that they try to palm off as new,
tion gu
trusty young man. He was a man wlto had
UIDLEY.—In Blyth, on February 8th, the wife of
Drs. S
never known what a day's sickness was un-
til ('edneschay, when, five he
.. - --
SutozTw, Feb. 21, ism -
Mr. S. H. Gidley, of a daughter.
KEYS. -1n Stanley, on. February 6th, the wife of
and hen you have used them but a
about o'clock
slid not feel well and left the office for home,
Fall Wheat per busbel,new........... 0 56 to 0 6'7
Spring Wheat per bushel,new........ 0 66 to 'O 57
Mr. James Keys, of a eon.
MOFFAT.—In l tanley, on February 6th, the wife of
ahortl time, you find that they are
but being unable to walk to his home he
oats per buebel.................... 0 29 to 0 3o
Mr. John Moffat, of a son.
" dear even as a gift."
went into Dr. Elliott's office, where he died,
Peas per bushel ..................... 0 53 to 0 63
Barley per bushel .................. 0 36 to 0 40
IRVINE.—In Morrie, on February 8tb, the wife of
Mr. Samuel Irvine, of n son.
we have none of the above mention -
metrical aid could be reached: The
` clause of death is not known. He leaves two
Butter, No. 1, loose................ 0 13 b 0 14
Butter, tab ........................ 0 14 to 0 15
FINLEON.—]n West Wawanosh, on February 9th,
the wife of Mr. Thomas Finleon, of a son.
ed goods to, offer to you, but we have
what get here is right, and the
16rothers,one sister and his mother to mourn
FFan l - per doz.... .................. 0 14 to 0 16
Ftanr, per 1002*._.... 1 60 to 1 85
BRUNER —In Egmondville, on February 18th, the
wife of Mr. John Butner, of a eon,
decided to the balance of our
his loss. It"e are sure the stricken family
.. ..........
Hay per ton new .................... 8 60 b 700
McTAGGART.—At Clinton, on February 16th, the
Price is Right,
order to reduce our large line of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Parlor
Lounges, Easy Chairs, Extension and Centre Tables, etc., before stock -
we will offer special inducements to cash buyers from now until April
Kindly call and inspect our goods and compare prices, as we are bound
ce our stock before the above date.
very nice stock of Undertakers' supplies always on hand, and satisfac-
aranteed. S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director; residence, next door to
Cott d; Mclsay's office. .
Main Street, Seaforth, Porter's Old Stand
have the sympathy of all.-'vir.J.McConnell gig per loo IDs .................... 3 00 b . 3 f0 wife of Mr. G. D. MoTaggart, banker, of a winter goods at greatly reduced plices
TO 1
and his cousin Mr. -Job, left today for Dakota. Lamb skins ......................... 0 60 to so daughter. R UT
They say we don't need to talk aboutllakota wool .......... ...... .• ..---,,., 0 18 to 0 20 MILT,EK.—At lll4 Hornby Street, Vancouver, rather than carry them over, consisting WHAT 1l
potatoes r bag,................... 060 to 0 60 British Columbia,'on January38th, the wife of
or Manitoba scorms after what the have of the following lines : Overcoatings,
y sdt_ (ret ) per barrel............ 0 76 to 0 75 Mr. Iaaac S. Miller, formerly of Harpurhey, of a b -
seen in Canacra, , Wood pe cord (long)................ 2 75 to 3 00- son,
- .. NOTE.;. -This burg is fairly boominSthese Wood reord short 1 50 to 1 7.5 MOR.R.ISON.—In McKillop, on February 2nd, the Sultings, Fur anis Cloth Caps, Under-
wife of Mr. Joseph C. Morrison, of a eon.
flays. The grain is coming here from beyond Apples Per bag ...................... 6 60 to 6 75 P wear, Sox MittQ Gloves Cardigan
Clover Seed .......................... 6 60 to 800 TURNER.—In ruckerewith, on February 19th, the r r a
other towns to get chopped. The 3 cents TimothyBeed.................... 2 76 to 3 00 wife of Mr. George Turner, of a eon.
COWAN.—In Sarnia on February 11th, the wife of Jackets, Top Shirts (with and without
per bag catalies the farmers and the; work pork, per Ioo )fle.................... 5 00 to 600 , y
cannot be done better malty part of Ontario. Tallow, per lb. -.. ,' ................. 0 06 to 0 00 Mr. John Cowan, barrister, of a daughter. collars), made from the best English
Then our stole, shoe shops, blackshnith shops flannel. 1 N
and in fact every one doing business is Ilene- Tonoievo, Fe 20—Fall wheat, 40.63 to 00.64 ; Marriages.
spring sheat ,? .
to SO.00 ; oats, 350, to 37c; McDOUGALL-HORTON.—In Exeter, on February Tlitted.-The 1 <ttrons of this section! have eae er busho 64e • bane 45c to 480 • ha 1\(othing dusty, shop-worn or faded.
peas, P Y• y. 2 th, at the residence of the brides father. At r.
had a wonderful revival recently. For$ three per ton, $1I.00 to $13;00 ; butter, Iso to 200 ; pota- wm. Horton, Andrew Street, by Rev. E. W. Everything new, clean and stylish at
years previous to this only 5 orb belonged to toes, per bag, $0 60 to $0.70 ; eggs, per dos., 4c Hunt, Dir. John McDougall, of Hibbeit, to Miss
to 250 ; drewred hogs; per cwt., 06.25 to 05.63. Hettie Horton of Exeter.
Lakelet Lodge. Sometimes the had meet- , ,
b y BELLY—SMALLACOMBE.—At the -Manse, Thames DILL & SPEARE S Seaforth.
ings,.but oftener they sat on the steps teach a Road, on February 7th, by Rev. Culin -Fletcher, r
Poultry in Toronto.
smoke; a friendly talk, and then went home, Mr. Hermai Belly, to Miss Ellen, daughter of
During the past two weeks their number FEBR:1-ARY 18. -The receipts to -clay were Mr. J. G. S"Ilacombe, of Exeter. One Door South of Expositor Office
has increased to :'2. Last Thursday night small, tjeere was a . fair demand and the CUNNINGHAM-WELLS.-At the residence of the .
the had. a «rand oyster supper at the resod_ market is steady at 10c to I I c for turkeys, bride's mother, Saltford, on February 12th, by
y y PP Rev. H. Irvine,31r. D.R. unningham, Colborne, SCHOLARS
ence of Mr Charles «'right. We hear4 some i c for geese and 35c to 60c for chickens, to Mise-larion C. Wells.
of the old ladies and gentlemen say they _' SLOAN—KRAHLING.—In Morris, at the residence
never had such a time.—Mr. Robert Fer- Potatoes in Toronto• of the bride's father, on February 13th; by
the Rev, George Bu, to s Blyth, Mr, A TTENTION, Mush
*uson of this place shipped from Clifford FEBRUARY 18. -The higher prices quoted Thomas Sloan of Blyth, to afiae Johanna eldest ?llusli
station a car load of cattle on Tuesday, and here for potatoes have lett to the receipts of daughter of Dir. George Krabling.
A # one of pigs on Thursday. We hear the farm- quite a number of cars, which are lying on RID DELL -WOODMAN. -At the residence of the
bride's father, Air. S. Woodman, Loodesboro, on
*rs growling consiclerab. y over er the prices re- the tracks here and held at :MSc, with S Ic February 7th b.• Rev. H. J. Fair, Mr. Howard
ueived.-lir. T. B. Shearer, of Orangehill, bid, but local dealers are holding off in the Y. Riddell, of 'Hallett, to Miss -Mary J. Wood -
and Mr. J. Darroch, our teacher,attended a sexpectation of the offerings by farmers' DICK—WINman.
'ER. -At the Manse, Egmondville, on ` 4
tneetin r of the E?.tecutive Committee of the wa ons increasin . Potatoes out of store To [ner S Improved b g inuan 31st, 11r. Gilbert Dick, to \ties Mary p
Fast and Fest Huron teachers at Clinton on are quoted at 60c to 65c. Winer, both of Seaforth.
Saturday last: The elate fixed for the next '— -` Scholars Carr alt■ Our 1
iteeeting of the Association is flay -22nd and British Grain Trade. Deaths. P
_':3rd.= -Some say that numerous weddings Lo`t)oN, February IS. -The Mark Lane ALLAN. -In Escmondville, on February- 14th; ileph-
are a sign of hard tithes. We'think it must zibah Wright, wife of Mr. John C. Alien, aged 31
be the case, for everyone is getting poorer grain tin its weekly review of the British years 6 months and5 days,
grain trade, says: English and foreign years
McKillop, on February 18th,,
round here, and ti -e weddings are altogether wheats have been 6d clearer during the Robert Mellichael, aged 61 years.
1'too numerous to suit empty purses.-_l1r. week the prolonged period of frost assisting HACHATH.—In Goderich, oil February 14th, Chris-
shearer, of Orangehill, purposes leaving an the advance. California March shipments atina ed ss years' wife of Mr. Samuel Mac -lath, Book Clams,
examination in about two weeks. There sold at, 24s and No. 2 red winter at •21s 6d. ST aged
—In Goderich, on February 8th, Ottvay Pencil Case
will be a grand concert at night. This is Corn, barley and oats have been firm, To- C., son of the late Christopht,r Stewart, aged 19 and Rubber Combined
. mvithout ext•e (tion one of the best schools in years and 1 month. v
1 clay there was a good business at generally
astern Iluron.—(_)n Wednesday nightsome FITZGEEtALD.-In Goderich, on Febrnary 10tb, .
steady values. American reel wheat was a James Fitzgerald, of Chiselhurst, aged 28 years. Will save many times their
f or 4(( of those inteststed in the Methodist turn cheaper ; flour was firm and barley and HL:. TER. -At Cranbrook, on February 7th, Francis cost in W ear and tear Of school
ctltnrche here, assembled at the residence of oats were steady. There was a good inquiry Hunter, aged 79 years and 11 months. CAR
11r, Myles ~colt, and resented 'Ira. Scott FOCAL,—At Henfryn, on February 6th, Rosetta, Books.
p for linseed, cotton seed and rape seed, but dauehter of Mr. Henry Fogal, aged 4 years.
with an address and a pretty well filled buyers refused to a • higher rices. Corn' -
1) y b P CUNNINGHAM.—In Hullett, on -February 7th, Sirs. — ,—,
purse, as a leco Ititiote of tyre excellent ser- cargoes were. steady for round and 3d lower Agnes Wight Cunningham, agetl 75 years. .
vices rendered the church by her as leader of ROSS,—In Tuakersmith, on February 18th, Janet .
y for flats. +
file choir for rears.—llr.De,nie ing w'lto has _ _ itleKay, wife of Mr. William Ross, aced 73 years. I 30 cents --
xi- -I- place west of lie re, MURPHY.—In Seaforth, on February 18th, Clara
reed t the air sea last «eek. Dairy Markets. . Jane, daughter of airs Dliehael llurphyl aged 1f
1 TuRoNTO, February 18th. -Butter -There years, 6 months and 12 days. AT
Perth Items• is a good demand for 1arg;e rolls and the mar- Cf W. Pa p St' s
kat is steady for them at 13c to 14c. .The WILLIS' SHOE STORE—ESTABLISHED 1581
-One of the wealthiest farmers of the best dairy tubs sell at 14C to laic, and low
t6 nship of Downie, Mr. William McEwen, grade at IIc to 12c. ' Creamery is firm at
1 1 (lied at his residence on Friday, after a short 18c for June make ;-rolls at •'2c to 23c, and HAVE YOU L'00IiSTORE) . SEAFORTH.
illness. The deceased leaves an estate of ne-,,v-Itiacle tubs at 21 e to 22c. Eggs -Limed
personal and real property variously estim- are now quoted at 1'2c to 14c ; held fresh at , Co.aced froni one hundred to one hundred and 14c to 17c, according to age, and new laid FALLEN Canadian Express C
twenty-five thousand dollars. at 22e to 23e.
--Some one pointed out the other day a MONTREM., February IS.-Clieese-There
cireurnstance that does not often 'occur. is absolutely no feature to the market and MONEY ORDERS
. The Mayors of Stratford, 'Mitchell, Seaforth values l;emain nominally the same. The DOWN THIS
.and Clinton are all Methodists, while the cable is likewise unebanged. Butter -The D
defeated candidate for the salve office in current arrivals at the moment consist prin- The Safest and Best
. ixoderich was of the same persuasion. This cipally of early made creamery and rolls. -
takes in the whole range from Stratford to There is a fair quantity of desirable stock W I N T E R
tloderich, on hand. If anythirig, the feeling is _ , • Medium for sending
-'lr. Hector, the `Black Knight," lee- alittle better. Creamery, 19c to 20?,c; 7 Money in Letters by Mail to al-
.•urecl in the _l ethodist church, Milverton, townships, i5c to 17c ; western, Ile to 1'lc ; most an Iace in
to a good crowd on Monday evening of last > > If so, you can sympathize with the y i thonsat
g, y b rolls, Le to 13c. Eggs-) rices remain about y
week, and his lecture was enjoyed by young the same. _Montreal limed quoted at 13c to prices at Willis' Shoe store this month. 7 T •r STATES.
and old. On Tuesday evening he delivered 14a, and western limed at loc, up -•aids. Spring goods are coming in and de- ('' - A ani UNITED SATES.
his lecture, " The Devil in a `Vhite 1hobe•" -
The choir rendered several selections on Live Stock Markets. mend room and we have therefore re- . , RATES :
both occasions. duced the prices on all kinds of Boots, - .
Bt'FFAr o, February 1S.--Cattle—'larket T $5 and under, • 5 ets. Over $20 to $30, • 1'2cte
-Dr. ,Steele of Tavistock, formerly of yr Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. o ( ,
Over $5 to 10 5 ets. ;Over $30 to $40 15cte
Downie `was thrown from his cutter whilst was lUc to 15c higher for good butchers and bankrupt goods but good goods at over Flo to 2o to cts : !Over 4o to k5o 2oets
UN CAN & DUNCAN, Seaforth, are opening out their first inscal-
D meat of -' l'R I_N G GOODS in alL leading lines chew %r than ever :—
b cheap
Prints, Caton Goods, Shirtings, Cottonades, Table Linens, Art
Muslin Lace Curtains, Spring and Summer Underwear, &c,
" I suppose," observed the tramp, bitterly, " you
would like to have me net off the earth. But I cannot."
" Have you tried soft soap'.1" asked the woman in .
the blue:ginf;ham dress, dispassionately.
. t- -
ints will stand soft soap ; come and try them.
Butter and Eggs taken as usual,
ce of Winter Stock at the lowest Rock Bottom figures,
DNO'S FLOCK, - - - - SEAFOR r..
Aect and. Adorn Your Head.
Prof. Dorenwend,
Is coming, and will be at the QUEEN'SMOTEL,
With a large stock of Ladies' and (lentlemen's Wigs, Toupees
Bangs, Switches, Waves and other hair goods styles. livery
lady or gentleman who is baler, or whose hair has become thin,
should take advantage of this visit and consult hilt. If there is
any chance of re-
storin g the
growth., he will
advise those pre-
parations best EN lh.
adapted in each ZOR NQS,
tse. His goods -IQUP EE S, i' ,
are worn by I (
ids with gratifying results.
We have decided to sell all our
present stock -of Boots and Shoes,
Overshoes, Felt Socks, Rubbers, &c.,
Away Below Coag
You can save dollars by buying while.
this Special Sale is on.
lien's and Women's Shoes worth
$27 sale price '$'I.
Children's Shoes worth 50c to :FIs
sale price 25c to 50c.
Goods bought at half price enable;
us to give bargains.
Call and see goods and get prices.
T. V. R U `TLEDGE, '
Brucefield Saw Mill.
The undersigned having leased the
Brucefield Saw Mill from Mr. Alex.
Mustard,is now prepared to do all kinds
of custom sawing on the shortest notice
and most reasonable terms.
The highest cash price will }Its paid.
for Bass woad, Rock Elm, Hemlock
and other salable timbers.
Lumber, Shingles and draining Tiles
always on hand.
Chopping either by store or grinder
done promptly and satisfaction guaran--
teed. Chopping done on Tuesdays
and Fridays. A trial is respectfully
- driving into Stratford one day later, the
handy stock, but slow and barely steady
for heavy shipping and export steers. Good
bank bankrupt )t rices. There's a vast differ-
1 P
- Over $50 at above rates. —
horse running through Stratford, and'upthe
Huron road, being; caught a mile and a, quar-
'to extra export steers sold at $4.0O to'W4.25;
heavy 1,300 to 1,4(X) lbs,
encs between c}leap shoes and good
Rates lower than any other safe method'
Take a Daily Paper and Kee Your -
out in Ellice. The cutter was broken,
good shipping,
-shoes cheap. ,We know how to get
Absolute security against loss.
ills and your new Spring Hat. Just now we are not BO bury as
fiat neither the doctor nor the horse was iii-
$4.f,,i to . 4.85 ; fair to rood, 84.60 ; light to
good butchers', $3. /5 to $4.25 ; mixed
good shoes an( , how to sell them at a
Money orders can be purchased at this oftiee at any
self Posted.
t?th lust., Money
-Un Sattthis
butchers' stock, ;3.40 to extra fat cows,
price cheap shoes are usually sold at.
hour of the day.
is a pare bred Cruickshank, and an extra good *tock x
Itirkton, on his iretuin from London to his,
$3.41) to $4 ; common X2.65 to $3 ; bulls
We intend our prices to be the lowest
]Ionic, abandoned horse and critter at 'Pros_
scarce, active .and higher ; good sausage,
R2• r5 to $3.-.' choice fat,3.oU to
and always the lowest .on the same
Telegraph and E=prase Building. 1418
Peet Bill, and set out on font through stortl
last of
, ,;t4 ;
oxen, common to good, ;2.50 to to $4,50 ;
duality of goods We }lave shoes for
and drift to travel the eleven miles
his journey. The thought of a sick wife at
fresh cows strop r • rime $4) to $:i5 ; fair
every man, woman and child, and
the best. But
wxY _ :NT oT
home was the incentive w the perilous
to go l, $l i to .$4U ;' yeals $b k cobm-
valises no matter: what..
Gentlemen s wear. Remember, we have built u a reputation
-undertaking. mon, ,•3. io to ,,5, Hogs -liar et s ow uv you read, come and see for yourself.
-John Gorsalitz and August 34cFarlane steady ; good Yorkers,$4.'20 to $4.25 ; stags . l
r few days ago cut a fine ash tree for' ?ter. and light, $4.25 to $4.30 ; mediums, $4.30 _ FOR ESTER
William I-;rown, of Elma, which measured to $4.35 ; choice heavy, 84.35 to $4.40 ; A W o rd about Spring p u r(?
roughs, $.3.50 to $3.7:1 ; slugs, $3 toS.2:i. _ Price one year. Six months. Three months.
vwro feet in diameter at the stamp, and eut g chases
ride 1.2 foot logs and one 10 foot. The tree Sheep and Lambs -Market steady to strong - 5 THE , GLOBS6 00 :3 00 $1 75
measured 1.1 inches in diameter at the top for good grades ; slow for ettlls and cont_ 7 1 Dung men and women who brachiate at THE GLOBE, (evening edition) 4 00 - 00 1 00
MO" ; cod to rune lambs, $5.15 to $li ; fair' ' e want i o irilpress upon you in ad= THE A N A D A- THE MAIL E', PIKE 6 00 3 00 1. r O
elft. It was o.'er 100 feet in height. If g p
anyone has a tree to beat this let us ear to good, $4.:10 to , i ; culls and common, vance, the good things in store for you. it: 7r ct (evening edition) 4 00 2 +i0 1 00
X3.25 to $4.40 ; common to fair, $3.25 to ...
from them. 1*;lrria forever " $ I i Our buyin; has been on a larger scale THE WORLD 3 00 I -5 O
-Five young then started from Mitchell .$8.15 ; culls, $ to ..:.75 ; good.mixed sheep, BUSINESS COLLEGE
to X4.40 ; common to fair, 83.25 to,$3.,5, "than ever and big quantities mate THE NEWS 1 00
„ early on Monday evening of last week; on lowest rices ossi n . Of one thin -
snow -shoes, to take in the tea -meeting at 'IoN;REAJ,, February 1,q. -A few prime P P g Chatham, OCIt THE FREE PRESS 4 00 2 00 1 00
Mount Pleasant, Hibbert, and did not ar- beeves were sold at about 33c. per lb, but you may be sure, our leadership for n 1'Hl•` ADVERTISER 100 '' 00 1 00
Are exceedingly fortunate in securing good positions, ,
rive at their destination until after ten the general price for pretty good stock was Spring can be taken fora anted. even during times of depression. Mies Clara Old, of
(i c ock, wlten the doors of the church wane in the vieinit of 3?c pet- lh with some as Carberry, Manitoba, graduate of the shorthand De- Either mailed to your post office or delivered daily at our atol e. Sub -
1 y t p partment of this school, has just secured a good '
locked up. A friend hitched up his Learn low 1s 3t; : rough and half fatted stock solei position with the Calgary Herald as stenographer and Scriptions, at best rates taken for all Canadian, American or foreign news -
and drove the hungry and sore -footed sno-•- at about 2;c and the leaner beasts and hardwo
• • book-keeper. It pays to attend the best. Write for
shoers home. bulls bro-ught about 2c per Ib. The calves catalogue if interested. Address papers Or magazines at
-.lir. W. Kerr has been taking the 'ma- were a rather indifferent lot, and sold 'at ' D. McLACHLAN, Chatham.
,•binary out of his old tannery ato Mitchell, from $2.50 to $8 each. Shippers are paying; 1. 1419.2 M WILSON'S,
and shipping it, off to ex(-hatig e for sawmill about, 3-c per lb for good large sheep ; good — LU ■. ■ SDE N & • • ILSON VI
tnacl}iuery. 'ter. Herr has a splendid water lambs bring from 4c to 4Ic per lb and mixedEPAFQRT FOr sale, Registered Poland '
i( power and mill privilege in Algoma,, anti he lots from 3 c to 3;;c per lb. _a spring lamb; SCOTT'S BLOCK, - - -f - MAIN STREET
CADY'S - - - BLOCK China Pigs.
t, prittitrg ftp a saw and carding mill This the_irst of the season, was sold here for SG.
mill will be run in connection with a store Fat hogs are ]uglier in price, and bring ---
-that he irate ds to open. IEe leaves this vl'eek about'_'!,c pqr lb. A number of choice Sows and Boars from 5 to 10
1. IMPORTANT NOTICES. months old, sired by Elect, 496, and out of such
for Algoma. TORONTO February 19.--hut chet's' (;011ie noted sows as Huron's Pride, 639 ; Pride of Horn-
-`hhe reception te►ttlered rI'. P. Roe altd ___'Trade ~vas (lull again to day, and the castle, 814 : which sires are in the leading Poland
lrtide, of llilvert4n, on ,Prigs evening COLD OUT.—Having sold my business to DLr..'J•. China herds today. I can also eupply.pnire or trios .
y os prices - realized continue to be v(. low'. S Donaldson, who takes possession on March not related.. If in need of young boars nr sows six
February 1st, at tree home of his parents, t,'onimon anch inferior cattle were harsh to 12th and until that date I will sell Harness. Trunks weeks old in March, April or May, write me, I YOUNG
, r T .
itias a veryerej0yable afF:tir. _About i:) iu- sell at any price. Rough cows and bulls and general stock at the lowest price ever offered in can give you No. 1 Poland Chinas, eired by Fent O IN THE SPRING A . OL i\ G MANS FANCY LIGHTLY 1,UIt,1 t 5
vite(1 guests participated in the evenings and light inferior cattle. sold for '2u to 2 "c Seaforth. R. M. STOREY, Main Street. 1819x2 Duke, 4fti, which is now at head of herd; and weighs,
in thin breeiing condition, over 500 pounds ; Elect, To THOUGHTS OF CLOTRES."
Itterrimelet. The maty (lance was kept up per 11)x; medium, 2'c to 2;i c per lb ; good to GO(aD IN 'hSTME\T.—For sale, ata bargain, 496., and other noted sires. My rices will be found
until the night -•<ts well spent, ; when the choice, 2 c to 3 i c liar lh. (hie or two pick- A a fine 2 storey brick block with good store- according to the hard times, and very low consider-
gav party broke tap after wishing the $)ride eel head sold for nearly 3.1.c per lb, but these houses at revr and all covered with iron roofinrr. This ins quality- of stock. For particulars or any infor-
and grootii a prosperous future. Among the cannot be consideretl as any criterion of the block con frises three fine stores with dwelling rooms mation, write or call. W. W. FISHER, Renmiller,
above, and all rented to good tenants. The growth Ontario. Farm 'r miles from Goderich, 9 miles from SPRING
relatives present from a distance, were tl. A. ]highest price paid. Some sales were : Two and prosperity of Hensall, surrounded as it is with Clinton, and 1; miles from Benmiller. 1418x3 IT IS NOT
4 1 l nor 1 0 th Aneat f min country make sthie an A No 1 in. 9
V oe., . S., and wife, of _ t•w oo< -
-An almost fatal accident occurred in
( gar balls catt c, , , potin s -11-61, crags, -.,
eents per pound ; one car load eattle,'9al)
a les ar g
vestment for anyone havinz capital. Satisfactory
reasons for selling. For further particulars apply to
Winthrop Cheese Factory
But, nevertheless; IIOW n3 the time t0 $elP,C: your Spring Cloth-
the. neighborhood of %ion, Logan township,
lbs average, $c2.,0 tr cwt, less $.t an the
g P
either J. P. MARSHALL, owner, or G. J. SLTHER-
M. Broderick,
',.oft Frtdas, 8tla inst. 111r, and Mrs, 1'.
ileal : one car -load caGtle,1,U(i0 lbs. average,
LAND, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Hensall P.O.
On account.of stormy weather, the meeting which
ills and your new Spring Hat. Just now we are not BO bury as
, - in the da '
• B -ti ns -ven.t to -Mitchell early S,
leach nearly reached the residence of lir.
;;alter Ib ; one car -load cattle, 990 lbs aver-
ag;e, •4!,e- per lb ; •21 cattle 1.thu► lbs average
Ontario. ` -_ 1418.11
was to have been held on Saturday last, for the pur-
pose of letting the milk routes and selling the whey
we will be in a little while ; then file earnest customer gets the
l ill am Yapper, on their t "ay ltortie, t'hen
, , ,
:1„c per lb ; one car -load cattle, 1,101 lbs
for the Winthrop Cheese Factory, has been post-
untiITCESDAl, FEBRUARY ath, at two
is a pare bred Cruickshank, and an extra good *tock x
one of the horses stumbled in a snow drift,
Mr. Betrns
average, 3;c per ll) : tell cattle., 98(1 lbs aver-
hxpcttt C•attle.—
McCloy has received instructions from the under-
signed to sell by public auction, on Tuesday, Feb-
o'clock p. m. JOIiN C. DiORRISON, Secretary.
anti beim, unable to ret tip, got
,all(1 He
it,re, 8.2.6,1 per crit.
` " few
rusry 26th, 1595, at I o'clock p. m., on Lot 4, Conces-
— —.—_ __, — -__—_ ,---_,-- —.—
t,ttt fUitnd t11aS horse tti lx dylnrr •
it from the other and came to help
Messrs. Dunn (E Thom sots bon hG a
p g
cattle to snake ftp sone loads for export
,ion 8, Hullett, the following property, viz-: Horses—
1 horse 8 gears old, 1 horse 4 years old. Cattle° 2
his wife out, when lie found her so badly
to -walk.
to the old country via Halifax. _Mostly
4(; per lb.
cows supposed to he in calf to a thorobred bull, 1 fat
cow, if not sold previou, to the sale, 1 farrow cow,
You should see the beautiful new goods we have in the line of
frozen incl chilled as to be unable
the top figure paid was although
little hi('her han
heifers rising 3 years old and supposed to be in calf
Gentlemen s wear. Remember, we have built u a reputation
Ile ran for assistance to 'fr. I caper, and
(r o . 1
one choice beast brow(,ht a
to a thoroughbred bull, 3 steers rising 3 years old, „
It ` between theta, they soon had Mrs. liIII-Its-
that a few ago. 1 l'.rt••loatl of bull,;
steers rising 2 years old,, 3 he.ifete rising 2 yeare old,
dead' thall alive -in the house. Oat
boug;ttt in twos and threes 1111011,ght, front :Jt'
4 sprint: calves. Sheet—bine well bred ewes and 1
relttrnin r to the sleigh they found the horse
f, b
; .
to o,c er lb : sone oxen sold for 3t per Ib :
ram. Implements -One lumber wagon, 1 Democrat
wagon, with pole and chaffs, 1 single buggy, 1 set of
Meetings under the auspices of the South Huron
tread and its mate nearly so. It will Ise a
taco or three extra cholic steers uratic 4( per
bobsleighs, 1 cutter, 1 Deering binder. 1 Patterson.
Farmers' Institute will be held at the following places
lank time before Mrs. will recOV(T
lb, -%Neovered all the deals of the day.
Sprague mower with . pea harvester attached 1
drill 1
on the dates named :
frotrt the effet•t of lter freezing.
_lliloh cow's an,l s trin"ers—I'l•ices realiz&l
1 ''
from SQU to .1; ) lsewl, a little
Beaver and seeder consbined, 1 fanning mill;
sulky hay -rake, 1 horse hayfork 1 set of iron bar
i11.>~ _1L1., ('u rH'1)N>: SD Y,
l 'I:I)N 1?S1) Ai", Feb. ' ; Gr.
what get here is right, and the
. - _,
were per
for hest. On.
rows, 1 gang plow, 1 single ,1oµ•,:1 root scuffier, I set
-weaker for poor and firth the
lv ones are --anted. Hots-- -The nlat•-
weigh scales, 1 set of team.Urness, 1 set of single
barness. Terros-The tat cow and all euma of $a and
1?IC;H Tint Hall.
Price is Right,
( }ti 1 t lescl.ty hebruai - 2(;.tlt- - <(i 0(•k
, y
under, cash ; of er that amount t.1( months credit
L a on
•p. on Lot 4 Concession S. Hullet, pal -ill
l -et held its own faire ' ,well. (•h0ice
. ,.iil be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A
THL RSD.;\) , FO). 2-sth.
In. , ,
: toc-k amyl Implement. llrx. S. Martin,
loltg; lean huggs tt( cut a __ilio lean slap of
baron brought _ •) to $4.3r I pet c yt.,
discount of 6 per cent. per anouin will be allowed
for cash on credit amounts. Everything- will be sold,
Ea(h meeting to commence at to o'clock a.m.
liroprietress : N` . ,Me(:lay, au etioneet•
February' , 'ZGth at 1 o'l•lock
()n'I'ttesda- Fclruary
-•eighed off the cars. Store• xml light }uiLs
1 f ' nt '3 ^ i to 4 )ef
as the proprietress has rented her farm. MRS.
SGSA\1AH-1AHT1N ►o netress; WILLIAM Dic
' P P 9
Each of the a5ove meetings will be addressed by
1). m., sharp, on f.ot •26, C4oelcessiotl . 1,J, were shgltt, y tirmet at ro -, . (• 1 CLOS , auctioneer. 1415 John McMillan, M.P„ South Huron ; C.M. Simmons,
f4:tS Faun Mock and Itatplentents,
Henry wwt., weighed off the cars. Stats and other RT
— - - - --- Esq., Lobo ; H. EAber, Esq., Crediton, and others. B.a.Vi. H 1RR n R
I>ic tz, f'ruprietor; E. Y tssenI .. - . au,,- rough hogs were stow of sale at 2c to •-' c iF YOU WANT j V .LVV , -
tictteer, per Ib. Sows for breeding; sold at from 3:ic
February 'lath, at. ) inlmrn, to 4c per lb. Thele is Ir pretty fair tlernand To sell, bud•, eneuntber or release house or ll An evening entertainment will be held at each The Great Clothiers, 'lain Street,
(hi :4ltxnclay, F emod ho_s, but the heavy receipts fariu call on .I. `VALUH Land -(rent v n
harness, (`utters, ke. - . l. Hugill,' f'ru- for i 1 JOHN KETCHEN, R. bicMORDME, 7EAFllRT H,
trictur (-`. Htitniltoa, altctiotreI— of to -day I1,t e fail l ell supplied 31 ( oclerit h Street East, Seafurth• 1418.2 President. Secretary.
4,r I jg
`%v 0 F '
.err sir < a. tt
7W --if V* 7,w
Over 22 ) per Cent. off
all goods in, stock for
the balance of this
and next month.
Notice to Everyone
A, G. A U LT
Has just received another very large
consignment of those very cheap goods
which he will sell for cash cheaper
than the cheapest. Come one, come
all, and get some of the great bargains
that are now going.
30 lbs. good Brown Sugar for $1. .
-'8 lbs. (toffee Sugar for $i. .
25 lbs- good O'ranulated .Sugar for iii_
Best .-Ae Teas for 40c per pound.
Best 354, Teas for 25c per pound.
6 poulids new Raisins for 25c.
6 lbs. new Currants for 250
6 lbs. of ri oe for 25c
5lbs. of Jibs far'25e
5 lbs, new Prunes for 2,5--.
5 lbs. Tapio(:a for 2 3t
4 leis. of sulphur for 15o, or 8 lits_
for 2 5(:,
4 lbs. boneless fish for 2:5)c -
4 lbs. Pilot Biscuit for 225,,
Matches Wo. per bot, or three for -25, :
Wanted, for which the highest mar- ,
ket price will be paid, fresh eggs, green
apples and driod apples.
A. G. AULT, C4th
Just a Word
We are -I ving the best value in
Harness ever offered in Seaforth, macre -
by skilled workmen, and oneYfirat-class
material used. -
Repairingpromptly attended vu.
Bring along your old Collar, and we
will make them work. -
Light Harness a specialty.
M. Broderick,
Corner 'Main and John Streets,
The undersigned µ-ill keep for service on Lot 30, ,
Concession 7, Hilbert, during the cotniug season, the
. 0 orted bull " Defiance," This bull took first prize
and diploma at Brucefield when two yezirsold. He
is a pare bred Cruickshank, and an extra good *tock x
getter. He was lately owned b} Mr. D. D. wil, n,
by whom he was imported. Mr. Wilson' has been .
4 -
one of the most 8113celfful prize winners with
thoroughbreds in the Dominion. TERMS To in-
sure, >5 for pedigreed Bows, and 4.1.60 ':..r grades,
payable December 14, 1895.
1.417 u
. t'