HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-22, Page 4--- I 1-1--,
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I - � I 1�- . - e n 8 a represent- I
- � n. in r turn to a c?u; try whose annual exports if Premier Greenway will end
� il � e,we have respo � .
p I . ures! during the present week. What ernments. Thank Providene
! , �- I ta
i � . of farm produce" alone exceed the entire, ex- tive, owing to the -attitude . i
. . : . �
- f ; IM10011KAT YOUR, LABELE aV'h'�'c'ec'sult W'111 be can not be foretold at the' sible Government in this Canada of ours. The ports of 'CaAada : WNICII JIB HAS ALREADY TAKEN, I I
,I .1; ,'and that is separated
I � ; I
� 4� � d . .
i� :- �1 present time. The Government, it is under- -provincial Government's an Legislatures are by causing -a paragraph to b6 inserted in the )
�P � - . : That* the legally responsible to the people of their respective from him, by 3,000 miles of railroad
T- W� The Subscription price of the ExPOSITOR. stood, take this position . I speech'.of the Lieutenant -Governor from the
� ! � and 8,000 miles of ocean? In 1893 , I
� 141- � . if paid strictly in advance, is ONE constituted authorities -of the University Provinces for their conduct. � They are re- . . ' 'I hrone, saying that his Government would '
I � �, � . we sent just $30 worth of farm products to refuse to pass any remedial legislation, if "
I - .�, ; +- -DOLLAR. must be obeyed by the students ; if the quired to account to their constituents at I J I
1�1- � If you do not renew within three months . their Australia; to the United States, despite asked to do so by the Federal power. The J
:,- I i .
, `L'�!, , ��,, 0, the date on students ha,ve any -grievances or charges to least once in every four years for , hearing of the appeal would be preliminary '
i � your label the price vill be
i' - I � , a the the McKinley tariff, $8,OW,000 worth.
I " lay before the Government, that so soon as stewardship and if they are as guilty a to thii� step.
I renew within six Which is wiseri to spend large sums in '
� I I $1.25 ; if you do not .
I , i; , d The date of the election will not be given
. ,-
. A :. - the price the are properly placed before them they Mail points out, they will very soon beforce I - `
I I � months of tfie date on your label y _ � � � building up the thirty -dollar '
I . trade or to before the appeal is heard, and probably not �
� 4
�- � r . Will be $1.50. No paper will be sent longer will be thoroughly investigated, either by to make way for others more honest. In
�.. . . � �
I , '
i:, : k I - than one year before being paid foi. nion Government are make an honest *effort to secure a fair and for sometime afterwards. The more time .
-t I
� , - t-
; - � w commission or otherwise, and that Professor like manner the Domi whichi'the Government can gain in not le
J I �. honorable , ip ,
�A ! � rec rocity with the States 9
- i Send renewals directly to this office. - -
, , 1,
� ; �� i� IL _ - Dale, having been dismissed, will not be re responsible to the people of the whole Dom ting the Opposition know foi certain that
� I
I i . .
11� �,,�- 1, I I
i �� ,istered letter, post -office instated. It seems to us that the Govern- inion. On their own merits and not on their is to be dissolution, the better it will
rl- - � , � Money sent by reg '
. -11 . , . News of the Week.
--- � �, -
1 -. 4 1 . der express money order or draft, be for them. There are always certain
� f �, .- money or I ment and the authorities are taking the on- the merits of the 'Provincial Governments,
4- �'- ; things which a party leaves undone, until -
� I � ; . is at.our risk. A post -office order . T.,,xi-N(, BICYOLTBTS.—CIliCagO City Coun-
.� - � I up to $4 -hat the they know that the *rits have been issue�.
.11 I , . ly course open to them, , and that the they must be judged. That appeal must
;1 F _ cil has ordered t � 10,00 bicyclists be � � I
- r -i I - It will he a disa poifitment to the peop
. z, . oats only two cents. .
1�- � i � - . � students, to say the least I of it, have been now soon be made. If they can convince the each taxed $92 per year. * �e
'I - . E Rd -,z. George Wallace, once of Ottawa not to Eve a session until the
I . I His R,w I
� t I ill-advised,� and .that they are taking a people that they are honest and judicious . . , —
t: � I The change on your label will notify you he summer time, but at present there seems iio
I ,
t � - I of our receipt of �he money. If not changed y Big- champion sprinter of the world, died on t -
7 i , ' course which will be more injurious to and their policy is the best, - the will be i 15th inst., at Newcastle, England. chance of there being one before then.
- .
�;, ."L - in three weeks drop us a card and we will �
Fz themselves than to any person else. tained. If they fail to do this they must ILLNESS Il N PALACE-,. —The Pope's health
� � . trace the matter up. - . It is true they have built up around is much improved.—The King of Spain is I �
�, I - - go. . S.
, — .
I - The Manitoba Mennonite
1� . . Address all letters and make all cheques � t , U —F#n-
� � The South Perth Germans. themgelves various fortifications which will suffering from ;an at &ck of rhe m.
� An Ottawa despatch says: It is not often
� -
� I - and orders payable to McLean Bros. . :. peror William is ill with a cold,and confitied any
� � r - . One effect of the South Perth protest trial prevent in some measure the free and em —The last sacrament was ad- that praise and high commendation ,of
.n - I When. remitting money do not fail to give will be the loss of the German vote to the barrassed verdict Of the people being given, to his room. ' community or set of people are to be found
. . I ministered to . the Archduke Albrecht. of .
% I post office ad -dress. Reform Party for sonic years to come. The - even with these we believe that their Austria, the I Emperor's uncle, on the 17th 11 an. order-in-coundil. On the report, how-
� ,
� � but
I I - . When notifying as of change of address ,, t ever, of the Minister of the Interior an
e � I re a class of eiti7ens who -will no .
I � r- ermans a . " .
I _, inst., and he died on the 18th.
� -
�� � do not faill t nd new. post " order -in -council has been paseed reserving
I- � I ,,o give both old a be fooled with. A Patron or Independent I'llsdeeds will overtake ' them. This,at anyratp AT THE IRISH LOYALTY CLUI3.—The Alar. -
I I-
� 2 - �- I office address. candidate they may support, but they are is the way �he Mail - used to talk: a few quis of Salisbury was the guest of the Irish certain land inlklanitoba for settlement by
z � '.. not likely to support a straight Reform call- .months ago" and -it makes a right sharp Loyalist Club at their inaugural banquet at the Mennonites only because of the fact
: .- � .
: . . . �
t Look at Your Label. didate for sonic years. . that the two Mennonite reserves in that
� rns and sails in the different the Hotel Aletropole, London, on Saturday
� m curve when it tu
I i � I � . Province are now overcrowded, owing part-
; �t- i
I -- The above is from the Mitchell Y.,ecorder. eVening
� �, I -
i . - � - direction, as it is now doing. I ' ly to the influx., of their fellow -countrymen
- -
I Ll - HU.ZINE LAW CONFIRMED. -The highest
; I We notice also that the Stratford Herald,
I I .
� �. I — from the United States and Europe., and
� 'I- � NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tribunal of.the French Court of Cassation. , �
- . the leading Conservative
., _paper of Perth, ,
; z r - . . Notes -and Comments. � has confirmed the decisions of lower courts partly to the natural increase which has
. -_ � . .
� 1, . � 11 C nelty taken place since,their first settlement in
I -
. 11 he figure between. the parenthesis after eaeb seems to be trying to make political capital ai -fighting in Franc .
I e r
r I MT . Tins is the way the Toronto Telegram ag not bull .
z I one: denotes the page of the paper on which Lhe - 6basis of the decision. Manitoba. Mr. Daly states in his report
� ; for its party along the same lines. We to animals!' is the
I - .
- advertisement will be found. - ED puts - it, and it is about right. " If - the - M ISS ItY.-The I that the MenDonitea have prospered to a re-
� � � What to think A -bout -Duncan & Duncan. (5) think-, however, that ' in coming to such a
� (I I . Government meets Parliament, the coun- . Rev. Andre Al. Garin, 0. M. I., died on mark%ble degree since their arrival in Mani-
. I Coming to Seaforth-Prof. DorenwendL (5) ' . d with singular good
- conclusion, our contemporaries do the Ger-
. 11 �Saturday, in St. John's hospital, Lowell �
� toba, and have fulfille
� : I Elections are Coming-Lumoden & Wilsen. (5) try will know the worst,, and if the Govern- )
. � I faith all the obligations undertaken by
. :
1 � It is not Sprinir yet -Bright Bros. (6.) - man electors of South Perth an injustice. ment goes to the country without meeting Massachusetts, at the age of seventy-five.
I i � . . r them, repaying the advance of money made
K .- I Prof. Dorenwend'a visit to Seaforth. (8) ' During his early career lie was a missionary
. . . Somerville. (5) We presume they are pretty much the same .
e 1i Aloney Orders -Wm. Parliament, the country will think the . 11 the Canadian North- to them with interest to the last cent, and
� � 1
7 Zi Special Announcement-& McFaul. (8) ag- their compatriots in our own County of .
I - among the I dians in
� It- worst." � fully colonizing �heir reservations with the
� ,, i Scholarg'Attention-G- W. Papst. (4) west. - �,
. � . � . T -*
I � McLachlan. (5) Huron and other -counties in the Province. . - ' The lighthouse at Smith's most desirable settlers. It is now, their in -
7 � Why not go the best -D.
� 11 � CARRIED OFF, -
a i Sold -Out -R. 51. Storey. (6) * * -awa cor . he pot- tention to assist with their o,%vn means their
, ng to Seatorth-Prof. Chamberlain. (1) If so, we can assure the Recorder and Her- As will be seen from our Ott res- Point Viiginia, at the entrance of t
�. Conlil )
: ��
'. -R. Wiffi& (6) � session oin'ac River into Chesapeake Bay, has been fellow - countrymen in Europe and else-
, Have you fallen down ald that thev have as firmly grounded poli- pondence, the momentous luestion, . Manitoba, '
7 � - I Jackson & Greig. (1) where to remove to and settle in
: � A gpod Investment- - '�
� - i
e � tical convictions, and can give as intelligent or dissolution, has not yet been. decided by carried away by the drifting ice.
� Notice to Creditors -R. Logan (6) ' and fifty families, whom they expect in the
; � 10 -
I c . Timothy
. ; ; Clearing Sale�%v. H. wifliz, (8) . a reason for the faith that is in them, as the the Ottawa Government. There seems, DEATIE - F A GOOD MiA-- . -Rev spring, will go direct to the two townships
L � .1 I Shoes Found-F-y-positor Office (8) � Hunt a retired Presbyterian minister, died
� I- .
- .; Taking Stock -W. J. Wilson. (8) electors of piny other nationali owever, to be a prevailing opinion at Ot- ,suddenly at Whiteboro, New York, last west of.1he third nieridian,which the order-
. a � . ty. We li .. in council grants them. .
. - � Whattbe People say -It. Scott. (9) � think it was a mistake of Mr.Ballantyne or of tawa that there Nvill not be a session before Thursday., .-aged 76. He was one of the I
I i Notice of Removal -R. Mercer. (8) . . I .
I ! . I - .
1 7. . -
; I � - those who had charge of his petition, to ob- dissolution. The Government should adopt pioneer missionaries to the Sandwich �
. I � . I Islands a,nd organized the first church in Huron Notes. ,,,
I . I . I ew h t (w, .. ject to these voters, but to say that because some means of taking the -country into their Californiii in 1849. -Mr. Allan Lamont, of the 5th cdnees-
L11 � , �� - t n n o ave some DuKE GBo-RGE CyRows WousE.-Crand � sion of Grey, intends giving up far-ining and
� ,I
" ,r J,JOV. an individual member of a par y makes a confidence, a (1, letti g the pe ple h
� - 4 U ou &P&g! �, .
� ,;-1 JVW . C5
� 7 ;�
i � � � , mistake that is annoying or offensive to kno%vledge of what their intentions are. The Duke George, the Czarewitch, the brother will take a� situation on the Gradd Trunk
I I , - C5 ' . . `1 I
. - � -
� - I I them, that, therefore, the whole German present uncertainty is having a very un- of the - reiguing Cza,,-, who is passing the Railway. i. .
. . tD I
. I I winter at Livadia in the Crimea, is daily -Mrs. Coiling, wife of Rev. Mr. Collin
I . ' . ) 97
. . -
� SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Feb. 22nd, 1895, electorate of the Riding, or even any coil settling effect in the country, and is making . -worse from I the publionary disease we
. �,
I r I growing ' of Exeter, has been left a leg, y of $15,000
. 7 1 � -nes very much worse than they would it d
i I nber, Will reject their prin- bad t4i cted. The unusually by the death of an aunt in the Uni e
. � � ! � siderable n,ut with which be is affli �
. �� �
� vere weather has had a bad effect upon 8itates.
I � ., P Be
� - I
� - %� tl I General Pooth's Plan. cip,les and go contrary to what they believe otherwise be. . .
5 � , � ,1 -* the royal suffere,r. nment of the banking
, - . 0
: ;_ k (,ov- to be right, to avenge that iodividual . I .
. � I * * I
; . Several mem-bet� of the Dominion � DE.J% D' - General Neil Bethune, Of firm of - Lucas, Tanner & Co., of Blyth, has
. I I � . 'e fancy that Many Ontario people will welcome With ,,
� � ,
� - � I I � -tier, and other wrong, is simply absurd. IN I
� I Georgia, who was the owner and for many been made to Mr. C. Hamilton. The firi i
7 � ernment, including the Pren
I -� ? I - .
. * " �, pleasure ille return of Hon. Mr. Joly, the anage,
. � I )fficera were invited to meet 0.eneral Booth should the German electors of ,South Perth, . years the in r of "Blind Tom," the suspended payment several weeks ago.
I - I . .
: -
-, � ; ; c - -i, feel it well ader, to pub- f negro pianist, died at his son's resi- Principal' of Knox
t �k. I - idemi Hall. The or any considerable number of then -known Quebec Liberal le, ailious -Rev. Dr. Cavan,
I - ay last week, at R . ce at Washington, aged 91 years.
. . I
. � t one d ,
- , i- .1 1� . 0 cy den College. Toronto, preached the anniversary
� - t � I G,ovemor-General presided, and Lady Aber- their duty atany time to, change their par- lie life, &§ he inten& seeking a constituen -CE -The
. i . . ' . EVIDEN OBTAINED By ToRTURE. services in the Wingliani Presbyterian
9 � � � � . - I ty or their principles, they will be able to at the copling election. The old Huguenot
: �� �. deen was aJso present. General Booth, - ' chief evidence, upon which the Hawaiian Church last gunday to large congreastions.
7 � I I crive vastl more wei,,htY reasons for so do- is absolutely without stain, and his wisdom (4overnment relied for the prosecution of -Mr. Charles'A. Howe, for a ntAiber of
. � � aced 1 v Lady Aberdeen, ex- t, y n
1 41 who was introd, )3
� I . . n the questioning of their is equal to his -honesty. We cannot li �c the conspirators in the recent uprising of -ris, has rented
� '� � I a, years Deputy -Reeve of 'Moi
� . - I .
; m t . 0
I I � plalned his scheme for the formation of ing than sil P13 I -; the Royalists was obtained by torturing Mr. George Parmenter's house on"Drum-
,- - � ote by an individual, even 0- � o many men of his class in public life, no
; t t L( ritylit to- v GO Captain. William Davies, of 'the steamer mond street,and will at once become a resi-
� F I Over theSe., Crolonies," for those rescued 0
� . f
. I I I tlaoug,li be belongs to the same paxty that matter which- side they inay, happen to be- -
� � i fram the submerged tenth of the population . � i Waimanolo, a citizen of the 11nited States. dent of Blyth. '
7 I I I
� � : 1� he
� . t of the Old Country. He suggested that the they do. . lonc, to. I He wit -Tile pipe organ in St. I'latil's church,
I 0 . -,s strung up by the thumbs unti
. '+
: -: � -. gave all the information that the Govern- Wingliam, is now clear of debt. The organ
. � .
I . . . � Dominion Glovernment should make a grant — - -*k * ment required. was purchased by the Ladies' Aid and
. - I Hon. Mr. Foster and Sir Richard. A correspondent of the London Advertiser . ' .
: - � I of land in the Northwest. to the Salvation DISTRES-3 IN, NEBRASKA. -At Kerney, Young People's Guild, at a cos
1 1 f Army -which would place upon them set- While Mr. Foster was receiving the says : " Mr. A. Bishop, ex -M. P. P., will Nebraska, fifty farmers broke into a car on about sixteen nionths. acro.
i I - _ , . . I
� ! � tlers. who wou.14, upon their ,arrival, find s nomination of th�e Conservatives contest the South Riding of Perth in the in- the Union Pacific track and helped them- -The barns and sta.Wes belonging to Mr. �
I � of King's, New Brunswick, Sir Richard 1. selves. They and their families were- in a Richard Leishman, of the 9th concession of
, - terest of the Reform party, against Wil . � I
: I tliemselves provided with l�ielp towards be-
� Cart-wri ,it was engaging in a fierce struggle starving condition and reduced to despera- East .'Wawanosb, west of Marnoch, were
� I � 91 C� Pridliam, M. P. Nlr. Bishop has recuper-
� coming use -f al citizens. At the close of the for his political life in South, Oxford. tion by want. burne�A to the ground early Tuesday morn- .
. .
I . . ated after his serious illness, and is full of &NOW IN THE SUNN-Y 8010TH.-SnOW was. ing of last week. �
z . addreax a vote Of thanks was moved by Sir So says the Toronto ]Nla,il and E'rilpire, 4 �. ,ad -Arrangements are being made for the'
� . '. ' -enzie Bowell, who spoke in high terms a, 0 1, C-11 IS his pld-time vigor, and no doubt will lie general throughout Florida, Georgia and , 0
. .,Nla�ck the combin ti n by wl i the new .Co I er- house in the newly
I I . the poll when the general election comes. .other Southern States last week, with cold erwAl'on of a school .
I I I of General Booth's work. Tile vote was vative organ in Toronto , is . -known. It. � . unprecedented in the history of the coun- formed school section oil the - boundary be-
. , � secoll,led by Sir James Grant, and Qarried might, ,,vic.h truth, have gone a little fur- * * try. Great suffering to both people and tween East and West Wawanosh, two miles
. -
I Mr. Wilfrid Lai -trier, leader of the Lil�cral beakt.9 was a result. north of Aubdrn. -
� i
I unanim ously. (,eneral Booth also laid his ther, however, and told its readers that Mr. . 4
1 . � art in �he Dominion, addressed a Liberal -Mr. Martin Cummings, of lot 26, con-
, � scheme before the Attorney-Grencral and Foster,%vas afraid to accept the nomination p y I I
I : meeting of nearly 10,OW people at Sohmer The Manitoba Legislature.. cession 5, West Wawanosh, has sold his
I -. b.ers of the Ontario (-overnmellit, at for 'King's on account of the hard and
I melli. , farm of 60 acres to Mr. John Anderson, of
. i 0 I .
� � lark, Montreal, oil '.Mondky. night. Mr. ' The Manitoba Legislature ope
� . Toronto. Of eourse no definite promises doubtful fight he would ha've to make, and * . Blyth. for $�2,200. Mr. Anderson takes pos-
I I Laurier spoke in French - and dealt with the Thursday of last week. The Hon. Thomas 'se;
- � S e S a V " e to �, ssion on the first of March. .
- were made by- either Government, but, no told hi fri nd th, t he wo ,ld ha - look ' �
, I -- r (loubt, the matter will be considered by for a safer constituency.* It i* a very easy .issues before the electors, covering the siLme Greenway was unable to attend the opening -Mr. Wm. Tacker, of 'Wingharn, who-
, , I � . . ground as already covered in his previous on account of ill -health. with this exception had one of his feet amputated la,st summer,
� .? both. thing some times to receive the nomin 0 .. .
� � . - ation is lying in a very low condition at present.
I � . . speeches. He scored the Government for, all the members were in their places. There His leg is the cause of all his trouble, and it
: I - --- -- of a convention, especially when the wires .
� � 1 not announcing its detision in regard to the was a laxg� attendance of spectators in. the is to be hoped that lie will get some relief
� - ,
� . The University Em�roglio. can be pulled in any direction by a few -
r . . ge linis. galler and the usual ceremonies were wit- I
, neral elections, and challenged theIN soon. � A
� There is trouble at Toronto University. henchmen of the person nominated,but it is ' nes,eNith interest. Lieutenant -Governor last week says:
I I terM to make some announcement of its -The Wingliam Times of
� I The Students have gone on strike and refuse often more difficult to get the people to I ' Schultz opened the House in person. The Mr. Alexander Ross and bride, of Bruce -
r . pl4ins- Mr. H. G. Joly indorsed Mr. Laur- speech from the Throne referred to the new
� I to attend lectilres as a result of a conflict be- back up the candidate so chosen, and that . - field, were guests of Mr. Alexander Ross, of
,, . - judicature act, 'which will again be present- .
� .
� I � f . ier, and speeches were also delivered by this town, on Wednesday evening. A num-
� � Lween themselves and the authorities. The seen -is to be the case in Mr. Foster's present
�. ]I ' Messrs. Tarte, Devlin and others.. 'During ed ; to the increase in the subsidy obtained ber of other friends were also present, and
� ( i trouble has been brewing for some time and constituency. But, Mr. Foster is an able by the'Ministers initheir recent trip to Ot-
' the meeting what nearly proved to be a Z an enjoyable evening was spent.
�� Legislation ,-,waa suggest
-, , � - - from a comparatively small beginning, -has man, and a man that any constituency taws. - ed looking -Mr;. John A. Farnham, of Hallett, last
- . - - f
F . took place owing to the breaking of levelopment). Of dairyl*Dg and other week received a cheque for. $1,(M from the
- , -
- � rea(:bed troublesome proportions. The dif- might feel honored by having for a re- . panic a to the � "�
- fi6ulty first arose in this wise : The students prese'ntative, and the difficulty lie finds in window. Thecrowd rushed on the plat- industries, which -go to make up mixed Canadian Order of Foresters, being the- en-
- I - forAl, and it was only after a strong apDeal farming, as apart from -wheat rowing. dowment on tbe`lif� 'of her late husband.
. �
y -obtaining a seat owing to local ambitions . I - hemes
have a Literar and Scientific Society; fro . m Mr. Laurier -that quiet was restored The school questioit and railway Be We are sorry to state that Mrs. Farnham
. they also have a weekly paper, known as and other like causes is not in - any wav to � were tour,hed upon briefly. What has been herself is in very poor health.
- . .
: . 7 the " Varsity," which is published by the his discredit. We only make mention of and tile speakers were able to proceed, and is being done with regard to -the freight -Mr. Angus AlcDougal.1, formerly of
I I - * rates in the Northwest was noted. Grev who is teachim, Behool in Algoma,
I I �
I atu-dents themselves, and deals with Uni- the matter to remind the Mail and Empire * * . . ' ' c`
. 1 . : I and is also the owner of a farm, had 310
1 - '. � Dr. 'McDonald, M. P. for East Huron,
� I - : versity affairs. The Literary and Scientific that those -who liye in glass houses should - . bushels of off one acre of land.
. Societyliai'lengaged'Ale- Alfred Jury and . not indulge too freely in the pastime of opened his campaign by a splendid mass Isthereto be an Immediate Mr4 Peter 3,1=, a ,brother of the for-
� meeting at Wingham, on Thursday night of .. Election ? mer, has 150 acres of land in the same local-
- . Mr. Feli-,%�Thonl-pson, two of Toronto's free throwing stone& , . 1 C5 . - - A . well informed Ottawa correspondent ity, five and a half miles from Sault Ste.
: lances, who deal with scientific awl social . I - last week. The hall was packed to over- - thus discusses the probabilities :-The result Marie.
� flowing by a highly intelligent audience
I subjects in a Trianner that most people do Falling Back into its Old Ways. . .1 race ing o
- , of Sat�rda ' t* f the Cabinet is almost -One evening of last week, while a, horse
. ' many being from the country. The meet- certain to U that dissolution will come be- belonging to MI r. John Frayne, of Usborne,
1-10t C0118id',eV to- be orthodox, to deliver a lt is, somewhat wonderful the case and apt- . � . .
. , Ing was addressed by Messrs. Patterson, fore a session. was standing in front of H. Spackman's
couple of lectures in University Hall. rhey ness with which the TorontoNfail seems to - NI. P., Brant ; MeNY I Vlleh, Ar. P., Mount This has not been officially given out yet, hardware store, Exeter, it became restless
11,11:11ou.need these leatures on their pro- adopt the ways of its wicked other half, the but there is a strong reason to believe that and walked upoR the Aidewalk. The walk
. . es without consultin- the University I I Forest; Thoillas Gibs6n, M. P, P., Wroxe- the Government I came to an understanding .
. gramin 0 . Empire. . The following ma be given as one being slippery the horse fell, its head going
. I Y ter, and the Doctor himself. The addresses at the meeting, that such waa to be, r' ate glass window. The
authorities or asking*tberii for the use of the of the many examples of the corrupting in- i. the through a large ph
� hall. When theauthorities got wind that fluence of evil associations. In its issue of a were good, and will be,%" fruit when voting case. animal's head was severely cat.
I I dav comes. Alr. James A. Cline, President The Cabinet sat from two o'clock until six. -At a recent meeting of the Wingliam
- "
. these lectures were to. be held, tl,-iev 'nolti- (lay or two ago it says: I of the Win'ghalli Young Liberal Club, pre- When the meeting adjourned, the Premier town council the Chief of Police was
I fied the students tha,t they could ii.ot'permit This is3.the confession that conies from the . I 0 said that lie had n'oo announcement to make. selected by ballot, and in answer to a ques-
I . it. Varsity took the matter ul.,) and pub- I Montreal Witness: -"The Lil,eral leaders sided on th - e oc r casion. * ThiR is -held by the political experts to' mean tion as to the legality or otherwise of such a
I - have seemed a little lax about denouncing 4 * I -P 0
� , that dissolution is on. If the Gov6rnment vote, the London Fr &Press states that, by
- - . lished all article reflecting very severelv on 9
the corruption of the'Ottawa' Government." The Ontario Legislature, which opened on decided on a session, then there would be no resolution, any co3ncil may decide as to
.1 � the conduct of thea,titliGrities in the niat- reason for keeping.it from the public. In whether it shall take an open or ballot
- ter. Naw, iL so happens that this college Many of us have noticed this. The explana- Thursday, has no fewer th'an 45 members, fact, the sooner a . session is announced, if � .
. - 0 tion doubtless is that their leaders have dis- . vote.
, '
. 14111)er is edited VV one of the students covered that they have no monopoly of.bon- either farmers or closely connected with that there is to be one, the better for the Govern- -One day last week, while Mr. T. Bell
; � - . dustry. The other members comprise six- nient, as it would at once settle the uncer- McAndrew was at work in Mr. Thomas
,-. who was appointed by his fellow":". The esty. Prominentilmong the Liberal leaders in -
- � I - tten lawyers, nine merchants, seven lumber- tainty which prevails in commercial circles Bell's furniture factory, by some mishap his
are the f Viend s of Mr. Nlercier, who exploited
� I � editor -.it the time �vas a young . nian ,, . I
� . - 0 14uebee,and provincial Premiers in the Mari- men, six pbysiciatns, four newspaper men, over the whole matter, and would have the rig lit hand came in contact with a saw and
iiamed Tucker. The. College authorities tinie Provinces, who live in a constant at- - effect of improving business. Thc�e could, his first finger was nearly taken off. It is
dem%nded an apology from Editor mosphe,re of scandal. There is this difference, two contractors, one real estate man,an alle- therefore, be no reason for dela ing the an- thought the:finger may be saved, but it will
� I 1.�. � . y
. Tacker for ill var however, between tile Liberals and. Conser- tioneer, a land surveyor and a miller. nouncement,if it were intended to have a ses- be some time before Alr. McAndrew will be
; his article I- I
I sity. �
� vatives, which the Witness failed to" point. . -IV I - sion. On the other hand, it was not expected, able to resume work.
7 Tacker ref Lvicd either to rUract what lie li- 4
.1 . out. The former lionize the boodlers, while � if dissolution was decided upon, that the re- -The fo�arth annual convention of the
� had sai(l or to a,,pologi7e for iL, and lie was the, latter punish them and drum them out LoRD LANSDOWNF, recently Governor- . sult would be yet given to the press. Tile Auburn Unibn Sabbath School Association
- I - � -
� - 'overnment is not ready to do so
I baeked up Ly the other students, ,who valled: of public life. (;eiicral of Canada, 1 ill a ,public address in 6 . If 6-ey will be held"in the Presbyterian church,
it meeting and passed resolutions upholding What would our Conservative friends do the Old Country a few days ago, ma(le 'the were ready, it would not be good Policy to Auburn, on Tuesday, February 26th. An
� do so. In the first place, the date when it excellent prograinnie has been arranged to
his coliduct, and binding themselves to had it not been for the slips of poor AIr. following reference.,to the Canadian Se . nate. is possible to hold a general election cannot cover three sessions, and should the weather
.. . cc stand ,it his back." Tuvker, persisting Mercier who is now (lead and gone. 1161 He said : I . be fixed, owing to the condition of the prove favorable, there will be an interesting
"I in his ref usal to inake ainends in tiny way Alail kno,,vs'very well that A] r. Mercier's 11 Those conversant with the British col- voters' lists. In the second place if it were and profitable gatheringt
11 ies would be able to tell them something possible to fix the date, it would not be given -it has been officially announced that
� �, � for his refractor conduet, -was dismissed .tramsac,tions, crookedand, bad as they -were, 0n le- to m
y . d Senates, Rev. Mr. Fairlie has resigned the pastorate
. froni the College. Iri the mealitillie, the paled almost into insignificance in compari- about nominate . He saw son
. . ' - thing of them (luring the four years he had T1IF PRESS) OR TO TPF PVBL�W of St. Paul's church, Cli;i-ton, and the Bisli-
� I RewswLpers Lot bald of the matter, and by son with the doings of the Chapleau-Senecal the honor of representing the Queen in Call- op of Huron has appointed Rev. J. F.
. n until the Premier had prepared,his. election
. publishing s-ensational reports, anonymous gang NAo preceded him, and et the -leader ada, and, he -said �unhesitatinglv, that the manifesto, announcing the grounds on which Parke, of Listowel, formerly of Trinit
tn I y y
0 letters and such like did not. do anyti.,;ng to of this marauding crowd was taken into the House of Lords occupied a beiter Dosition he was to appeal to the people. The sane- chu.rch,-Blyth, to tile Clinton rectory,whose
. - -
. I . = � in the confidence of the people of this conn- tion of the Governor-General to the whole duties will date from February 24th. Rev,
.1.11110oth ma.tters over. Aniong the letters Dominion Covernincilt and was ,afterwards try than the Canadian Senate did in the con- proceedings was also necessary, before any- Mr. Fairlie has been appointed to the Lis-
, �
written and pubtished iii the city pa,pers, made Lieutenant 6overnor of the Province fiJence of the people of Camada." . thing could be said on the matter by the. towel cliarge.
I � . 'Air. John Berry, of the 12th concession
waB one froin Mr. Dale, a professor ill the lie helped to phinder. This is the way That may be and still not sa$ very much Premier or his colleagues. . . -
University. This gentlenian siashe(l around the 'MaJI's present friends panish wrongdoers for the Lords. It is a fact that both tile Before giving out the date of an election of McKillop, has ptirchmed the fifty acre
0 it will be necessary to do something with tile farm of Al r. James Nicholson, who liv . ed
- him most recklessly. HeaccuseallisfelIow an,.Ydrive tbeili :out of publie life. They English House of Lords and tile Canadian Manitoba school question. There are now across the roa(l from Mr. Berry. The pric7
Professors of being incompetent -, the cov- ,"punished" Sir Hector Langevin, and Sir 'ienate are out of date. . two points before the Cabinet in reference to aid was $2,350. Mr. Josepli Berry, who
c-rilment with favoritism .1a making ap- AdolpliCaron ,LISO,bv defending them in ,� the Manitoba schools. There is, in the first flas been in Alanitoba for the past fout
I --- 6 0 � C) .I- * I years, will make his future home on the
� I)aintments,andasserted thall the institution Parliament and keeping them in positious .of TnE .kBSURDITY, and absolute wasteful- place, the petition presented on &L,turday by
� C) Archbishop Dubaniel and R,ev.Fatlier Allard, Nicholson farm, and we axe pleased to know
generally is going to the do -S. ' his letter ness of the policy of the Dominion Govern- asking the disallowance of the clause in the Ahat he will continue a resident of this
-- , " .r honor and trust,andthey punished McGreevy
� I . geems to have brought affairs to a k-ulniinat- and Connolly by driving them out of g'(101 ment is thus very clearly pointed out by Ala,nitoba. Act of 1$94 amending the School locality.
I - ** - �
in-, point. Mr. 1)a1e was asked by the au- after the courts had placed them there. Oh the Globe: We are now givin(y '$125,0()O a Act of 1890,which prevents any municipality -Tile Sabbath School Convention of tile
. ?1.1 - . 0 Methodists of the Exeter District -%%,as held
I- thorities, to rc�si . --nil drive theiii year to a Pacific stearnship fine d ' collecting funds for other than public school L
. gn, and, refusing to ,i,, so, yes, ,.rhey "punisb boodlers a. - , a_p Alessrs. -
I purposes. on the 5tb inst., and though the thermo.
. was dismissed- The students thorcupon out of public life" surely. Can the .Mail iianic Bowell and Foster think favorably of help- The principal matter, however, before the meter registered, below zero, vet there was a
L es 1�oiii Van- (lovernment is the question of remedial leg- -
- held anothex niass-tneeti-nu and jpwised reso- one"boodler` that has been driven out of pub- hic, to lay and main tirk cabl good turn -out. 'Representatives from both
� 0 Z> I 0
1 le by the Conservative party '! We. don't e er�
I lutions dez,aandilig, -. (]') A cominission to liell I I couver t6 AustralitLat a heavy annual cost. islation. Some action is necessary in r f English and German churches were oR hand
. . 'I ' to welconle the strangers. The afternoon
� - ence to this before an election is brought on. .
� investigate University affairs ;'('2) That. the know of one. By thus bonusing- their transportation
- . I
� Hav ing this in view, the Government decided and evening sessions were well attended.
dismissed Professor be re-instiLted, and (3) It is .i strikim, evidence of how sadly the I routes and allowing thein'to bu C&nadian- to appoint Tuesday, February 26th, to hear Rev. George Jackson, chairman of the F,x.
- In 0 y -
I --
� - Pledging thein,�elves toabstaill from attend-. Mail has fallen from its recent, high position made implements on more favorable terms the appeal of the Roman Catholics for re- eter district, presided. The first subject
L, b 7
. itig lectures until their deiii,alltis are coin- of i ndepende nee, when it resorts tothe simple than the Camadian farnier;we cam doubtless "ledial. legislation. The appeal will be heard taken up was " Sunday School Entertain.
I ,
� pliedwith. And thits affair.-; ' at eleven o'clock at the Privy Council Cham- ments." The Convention was in favor of
- I -est at the subferfage of trying to hide the misdeeds of 1)oOm Australian trade with Canada, but
I . . Z, I . I— rllh- XT. -;4--'k. 0—,,-----+ 1- +1 ---- PnfPrf.niT1?T1Pnt.q fn?' thP nhildrpn nnil ,-nfc-v--
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. �
� FEBRUARY 2219 18950
A --
�p I sk
I -
\k .�
* , �
� *
,�,; �
- -
I -
I - ques- �
iberality" brought out the old,old, !
L �
. I
into "
�Ion: Is it right to give a tenth ? Other 1
BItiZr%The Assessor is now. oil bi , -
iubjects were also discussed, and the ineet- T
rounds.—N-Jr. John Piper visited relative6
.ng was a very pleasant and profitable one-
at Seaforth on Sunday lmt-�Afr. William
—Sunday might, loth inst., about twelve
infant dangliter,of
B-allantyne, of Seafbith, Licepse Inspector
for South Huron, paid thi*yla6e an official
- I
)'clock, , Mary Isabel,
Wr. A. G. Dickson, of Detroit, died- at the
visit on Friday last. —It jis rumored that
I . � .
and t:
port I
iom . e of'her grandparents in Brussels, with
fAr. Archibald Bishop, of Usborne, e
P. P. for South Huron, will oppose Mr-
t4on, %
whom the little one has lived since her
Arth. For a time she was very weakly, but
Pridh, am,, Mi P. -for South Pe rth, at the
3y good care and nursing she had developed
next general eleit,ion, in the interest of the
I �
, �
a comparatively healthy child. An at-
Reform paTty. Mr. - Bishop not lost
11 I
,nto I .
-ack of bronchitis turned into congestion Of
any of his old thne A -Igor, and he will, no
-of M,J
5he lungs, resulting in death after a, few
doubt, head the polls on election 4ay. - -N1r-
Alfred Allen, who runs the green -house, is
�Over I
lays' illness.
offering his property' for sale. It. contains
be hq
-Mr. A. McGowan, who for some ,ears
an acre and a half of land, which is well
,,arried on .a very successful Inercantiletuai-
[ifin Kirkton,. has purchaued the dry
T. 'J.Gould,
lanted with small fruits and plum trees-
Wis place would 'suit any person wj]O'L.
. I I
til W.
, in
, .,
4 ous Uock and business of Air.
that bright
wishes to retire, as it is just Outside th1--
Brussels and has rginoved to
.) v�
m7d prosperous '!Ijage- The good people of
corporation. -Mr. T. D. Finlay, of '83t.
Mr. Allan McDonell, of
but li
Brussels and viciniLy will find Mr. Me-
ri',owan an enterprising, straightforward
Thomas, and
Exeter, purchased & car -load of very fille
last, they
* - ,-�,
business man, in whom they can place tile
horses here on Saturday whicl
d to Scotland -Messrs. MeTNIamn &
shippe . .N
1 . �
Muse -
Litmost confidence.. Brussels is fortunate in
Archibaldf of Seaforth� also purchase&sev-
- . -
'his lo
securing so worthy citizen.
eral fine animals the same day. -The streets .
� have 1
-The following particulars are gleaned
were lined with farmers on 'Saturday. last,
and h
from the Auditor's statement, of the town-
as it was Horse Market -day and the buyers
Th8y, -
� �
ship of Stanley, for the year'1894 : The
were numerous. -Mrs. Elizabeth Cadnwre,
or )VI -i
total assessment of tile township was $I,-
a �reat aunt of Messrs.. John and (3'eorge.
- .
Seen. 11
063,380. -County rate, $3,493.555 ; township
Cudmore, of this village, 7died at London on
. �
. XO�
rate, $2,661.46 ; general school rate, $I,-
Thursday last at the age of 94 years. -Miss
Aays- -
140.74 ; special, school rate, $3 048.02 ; do
I , 9
is visiting her
Alary Welsh, of Brantford, -
tax, -S-244. There were paid for roads dur-
parents on William streeet.-'Mr. and Mrs.
-per bA
. , the year $1,770.65 ; -for gravel, $428.04;
ing .
John V. Crocker, of Mitchell, are visithig
� -
for salaries, $5772.10 ; for printing, $51 ;
friends here. -Mr. A. Porter, formerly typo
� -�- I � I
charity, $38.50, and for sundry minor pay-
of the Times office, and son 'Of Mr. Robert,
�. .
and it
ments 862.651.
Porter, ex. -M. P. for West Huron, was re-
-At the quarterly meeting of the official
newing old acquaintances here last week.-
- - - I
had a
Board of the Londesboro circuit, Metho-
Mr. George Forsythe, of McKillop, ,%vas the
� . .
� years.
digt church, the reports from the treasurers
guest of his brother, Alexander, the pa,st
of the different'trust funds were in them-
,week. -The ice harvest is- now completed
� --
selves evidence,14-of progress. About $2,500
and the villagers have got in their usual
- I .
have already'been paid in cash toward the
sitipply.-Mrs. Hugh Oke is at present ther.
new church at Kinburri. ,Mr. Alexander
(,ue4 of ber daughter, Airs.. James (3L 31at -
has in
Rapson, a young inaii attending Albert
et'i'a, in Constance. -.Mr. and Mrs. Walter-
�iley I
College, was recommended to the District
(4r&�am, of London, visited relatives here-
�enee �
meeting, to be received for the work,q-,', the
the beginning of the week. -Mrs. J,obn T.
"Of th�e
ministry. A hearty invitation was extend-
N'Vestc�o'tt is the guest of her sister -i -n -law-,-
�- i�
ed to Rev. H. J. Fair, to remain for a: thi rd
Mrs. James Hill sr., of Crediton.-Nlr.
. -
George Hoskin, of St. Thomas, is visiting:
4 i;
-4 � I
-The Holmesville Patrons of Industry
relatives in Exeter north. -Mr. Frank Oke,,-
I ; I *
- �one �ol
have decided to discuss the follo,.vincr sub,
of Toronto, is renewing old acquaintance-
I .
- era
ject at their meeting oil the 7 th Of March :
. lins-,
ships in the village. -Mr. R H. Coll
i -
. �
" Resolved that women skould have the
barrister, was in Goderich on Friday last on
7 1
aud A
X-ight of the Franchise." Tile following
business. -Mr. G. Penhale.iB attending the
sides have been chopen -. Alfirrnative� J. W.
' '
Grand Lodge of Royal Templars of Temper- ,
Yeo, leader ; D. A. Forrester., AIrs. Elford,
anee which is in session at Woodstock this-
. .
S. Sturdy and A. J. Courtice. Negative,
week', as the representative of Huron dis-
i I
Lf, A. Ferris, leader ; J. Connolly, J. Tre-
trict.-The contracts haive been let for- -
; �
- 2*,(U'
w�rtha, G. Gould and J. 3.4arquis. The
twelve new brick build mgs, which will be-
i .
.are- &
speeches will have to be sliort and to the
'erected in this -village in the spring.-Tbe-
. I
point, as only 50 'minutes are allowed to
North End hotel 'Property will be sold at a,
1� I
each side to thresh out the subject.
bargain. -Mr. H. Bishop & Son, llardwaro.
. .
too n
' -rier between Ex-
-Alr. B. Spicer, mail cal . �
inerebants, received a. car -load of ca;rriav,e-
goods supplies Oil Saturday. last. -The B ,x-
eter and St� Alairys, has had some pretty
eter skating rink is being� well patroDized
I .
will I
bard times durifig the recent stormy season.
On that memora'W Friday he left St. Marys
every afternoon and evening. - There is
-witiu I
at the usual time, but was unable to get any
some talk of forming a Young Liberal-
Dramatic Club in this village ; a step in the
.30 or,
further than Woodbam, where lie stabled
the horse and started out on foot with- the
right direction. -A Snow-Sboe Club lias
� 1
� ' chliv
mail on his back for E'limville, reaching
. Z5
been organized, and snow -shoeing has
, ,;
the popular pastime during the e),-.
� .
.Mr. .' :
there after much difficulty and person al fa-
tigue. On the following Alonday lie again
- - .
-Mrs. Thomas Clarke, Andre�v street � ;, is -
tried to drivethrough toE,xeter but -w -as com-
seriously ill. -The annual Anniversary Ser-
vice in connection with the Carmel Presb y-
� � ;
the �c
pelled to return and again strike out oft foot,
arriving there in good time. Phick and per-
terian church, -was conducted by the Rev-
severance will overcome inany di-fficulties 3
'J. S. Henderson, of Hensal.1, on Sunduy af-
. mov4el
even snow blocked roads.
ternoon last. There was a large congrega-
-Another of the oldest and niost highly
, tion present. -Mr. Charles Meyers. and 31r.
S 1, a I 14'X
6rarnet Smallacombe, of Hen al p i( , -
I .
respected residents of the township of Hul-
eter a flying visit on Saturday last.-Avood,
towr .
let, in the person of Mrs. Agnes Wight
bees are very numerous in a,nd around this
* ,4
Cunningham, relict of the late George Can-
village. -Mr. -J. T. Westcott, fruit tree
ningham, passed away on Thursday of last
agent, is doing a rushing business ta-hing
week, at the age of 70 years. Deceased
. .
r " the Abundan,ae Plum " and
orders fo -
came to Hnllett from the township of North
spruce trees of all sizes, for the Caver4
Dumfries, Waterloo county, in 1850. Her
Brothers' Nursery, Galt: -Mr..' K eii neth Me-
husdand (lied eivht years, agro, and onle s�'n
(4regor and wife, who have been visiting
died Ia,st N iler. Her family all live '
Mr. George Manson for the past few -weeks,
the townshipi.with the exception of one son.
left for their home at Highgate last week,
- - -
and 71
in 4�alilornii, one in Minnesota, and "
They were accompanied by Mrs. George
. :
other in East Wawanosh. Her ,relatives
Manson, who will visit relatives there .% feiv
� and friends have the sympathy of coin-
munity iu their bereavement. ,
weeks.-AIr, Thornas Rowe is getting the
brick drawn for his new brick residence oyt
-An effort is being' made to have tile
Main street.-Daine rumor has it tbatar-
- i
Kirkton creamery run next year. Mr.
rangements are being made for a, number of
. turei
�Nl eager who owns the building and plant
weddings, which will take phv2e shortly--
I 'to a
agrees to put the machinery and building in
Mr. George Bedford, of Crediton, paid 'Lis a.
proper repair, and also put in a separator if
'flying visit on Sunday last. He was the
Auld I
the patrons wished it. The patrons to -have
guest of Miss Emma Vail. -Mr. William
his I
full control of the creamery, engaging but-
West4way left for -Brantford on llowlay
ter maker, milk drawers,. diSPOSillg Of the
last, where be has secureel a r4tuation. in the
I botb
butter, paying . all expenses in running the ,
Verity Plow Company's works. -Mr- IL L.
creamery, and all Mr. Wenger asks in re-
Billings, of Brantford, is visiting relativ�es
turn is si t cent. on the money investeld
here. -A Public School Trustee meeting
- -
in the buixiTienlg and contents, amount not- to
w" -held in the Town bull on TvIonday even-
exceecl-$-2,000, and probably under. Aconi-
ing last. -Mrs. John Harris, of Usborne,
mittee was appointed to canvas for patrons
who has been suffering with a cancer in the-
4 1
ter �
and if a sufficient number can be got, Mr.
stomach, is, we are glad to� learn, much im-
rous offer will be accept.
proved in health.-IMr. John Dearing, solit
ed, and arrangements will be completed for
of Mr. William Dearing, sr., of tbc3rd
the running of the creamery. .
concession of Stephen, was �burnt out at
A - A,
-Three lawyers, a dozen doctors and si
Marlette Michigan, during-. the sev,erer
storm of ,a few nights ago, and lost every-
or eight litigants occupied the Court Room,
thing he possessed. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
at Goderich, for a day and a half last week,
I)unsford, who have- been visiting relatives
hi J
before Judge Toms, the case be' inj.a, dis-
here for the past month, left for their IlGrile
pute over the' will of the late ichard
at Marlette, Michigan, last week. -'Yr.
Green, of Hibbert. Deceased had willed
Auhry Roswell, of Listowel, is visiting rela-
all his farm and property to one daughter,
tives in aud around this place. -The funeral
a fei.
Mrs. Robinson, and two others, Mrs. Old-
of the infant daughter of� Mr. and Mrs.
fieldp of Tuckeramith, and Mrs. Hill, of
Thomas Handford, of Centralia, passed
Goderich township, sought to upset the will
through the village on Monday afternoon
on the ground that their father was men- .
last, enroute to the Exeter cemeLery, where
tally unsound when he made it. Tile evi-
the interment took pla,ce.-Division Court,
. ,
dence was sufficient to show that deceased,
was held in the Town hall! on Monday. His
. I 1,
who was somewhat erratic in his liabits of
Honor Judge Doyle presided. A few' lilinor
late years, was suffering from senile demen-
cases were dispo;ed of.
- ,
tia, and on.- - Wednesday morning,
-- I
� . -
after a suggestion to that effect from His
Honor, the litiglintg arrived -,it iul aniicable
- - . Stanley.
settlement,by which each (laughter receives
C01' 'N ('IL MEETING.-8tanley council met, -
a share of the estate.' .
at one o'clock p. in. on February 18tb. All
-On Thurs day evening of hast week a
the members,were preseilt. I .
- The tender of
- 0'elt
laroe company assemble(T at tile Orange
James McDonald to furnish cedar for town-
Hal, in Molesworth, and after due delay
sbip, purposes at-, $122 50 per thousand, dc-
the im�osiiig procession marched with
livered, was . The Auditors' re-
energy (own the snowy street to tile home
port was accepted, and they were paid tbeirl
of Mr. Win. Wood, of which they . uncere-
salary of '85 each, and $I- each for extra
' '
moniously took possession. After all were
work. The Clerk was instructed to notify
made comfortable all address was read by
the pathmasters, poundkeepers and fellee-
Mr. W. T. 'AlcKee, and Mrs.Wood was pre-
viewers of their appointment. Collec-
sented with a very retty silver pickle
tor was paid his salary of $-j5, and $1 extra,
is P1
cruet, while Mr. Wood was asked to accept
for postage and $2 for uncollectable- t.UX,
a handsome gold watch chain, as a token of
Treasurer's bond was accepted. The coun-
� for
the good -will and respect of the directors
cil approved of the course taken by the
and patrons, and their appreciation of his
. Reeve and -Deputy -Reeve in the suit of 'Mr&
�ast fifteen years of faithful service in the
against the township. A number
� .
Aloleswortb cheese factory. Mr. Wood
of accounts were passed an(! the Coi:.neil ad-
. I
thanked the company on behalf of his wife
et again on Monday, April
and himself al
, after which a pleasant soci
Ist, at one o'clock p. m.
� I
evening was spent ; specelles5soligs and sup-
. --��-
per being the order. �
'-fa .
� -Th�,- people of Cranbrook and vicinity,
H ", I EN -The commodious resideime,
in the township of Grey, were sadly sur-
I 0 rris
of Air. Ceorge Kralilincr, of Mo -* , was the
prised on Thursday of last week to hear of
of a 45 - I appy gathering oil We(l-
the sudden demise of an old resident of
nesday evening o last wee&, when bis
Cranbrook,in the person of Francis Hunter.
second daughter, Miss Johanna, w" nllneil
It appears deceased, who has been troubled
ill marriage to Al r. Thomas Sloan all es�
,<)a :
with his heart for some time, left the house
timable young farmer of the same tow,liship.
about nine o -clock a. ni., for Afro. Robert
Rev. George Buggin, of Blytb, was the
- I
Brown's bush, intending to secure a piece of
officiating elergyman, The- groom wa-- 6up-
axe handle timber. An hour,or thereabouts,
ported by Mr. Edward Krahling, brother
after, be was-�,seen on the sideroad by -John
of the bride, while .Miss Maggie Slow), sis-
Dilling, by whom his body was fout;d sub-
ter of the bridegroom, assisted the briij,e,
sequently. Death appeared to be instantan-
who was. beau' ' ifully attired I.,u crearn easll-
te nold when dis-
mere, trimmed with lace; the bridesmaid
t ered on the roa(L Mr. Hunter w,u born
P. cov -
wore cream cashmere,
also Aft3r the ,.,ere-
at Edwardaburg, Quebec, and was united in
. ( 111 party 1 and the invite
mony, the wed Ii I -(I
marriage to Miss Eliza Mitchell, his now be.
guests to th I
Der of �about sixty, par-
i� .
reft partner, fifty years ago,or niore. Their.
took of a sumptuous wed,ding supper. The
surviving children are Alexander Hunter,
remainder of the evening was devoteil to
Division Court Clerk, Brussels ; Mrs. Fred
games and social amusement, and a llic)8t
I I.` .
, ea
Price, Toronto ; Mr. John Hunter and Mrs.
enjoyable time was spent by all. The bri,ie�
J. Osler, of Cranbrook. Decemied was a
was the recipient of many costly an d- be,tli-
stybng, hearty mail, erect, good head, of
tiful presents, testifying to the eeteem in
bair, did not use spectacles, quict and un-
which she is held by a large eir I , of
C e
assuming, of old United Finpire Loyalist
friends. She was alliember of the Blyth
stock and was widely known and respected.
Churph Choir, the members of
'p. I
He was about 80 years of age. N1 r. Hunter
which were all present, and one of the 111ost,
belonged to a long-lived generation. His
pleasing incidents of the evening was t lie
brother died a short time ago ill
presentation bv the choir of a magnificent
aged 95 years ; another brother in the
Bible, accompani&l b-
jr the following ad-
- -�
1). I
States was 90 ; and Mrs. Sharp, a sister,
dress : " DEAR FRIE-�D AND 81,44TER--We,
living at Ethel, has attained her 85th year.
the members cf the Choir of the ,Nletbodist.
- �
Dif I
.Mrs. Hunter is about 74 years of age, and
church, Blyth, desire to extend to yoll our
. .
ling linf. bpAyl ;in fba MA51t. rewbilQf. lionli 1, Ql
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