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The Huron Expositor, 1895-02-22, Page 3
11 t !tow E - i Af I I a �1, 1110 A a a 4 A 44 FEBRUARY 22SIMONSON, 1895., THE HURUav EXJrVoANEMONES -1O1�I.11 -- II1tIPORTANT. NOTICES. � r FEEDING A SICK HORSE. DISAPPEARANCE OF THRONES. I V �� � J.J. MoKENNA Dominion and Provincial Land ` �� ..� What Are the Best Articles of Diet to C}iva3 A Bit of Royal Bric-a-brac Which is Prow�C✓E-. ZNL. 11 +.`.r�,E . Surveyor, Member of theAsnoclation of,onterioWEAK r ISim? seldom Used. l - lAnd.Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1636.62 ` i , ) r " �', i. McMahon, vetorivary ser eon Among the most curious indications of I _ -- — f' -�'--- the evolution of democracy in old Europe I ' DURHAM BULL FOR StLE.-For sale, a _::t_S : T g P I to the Chico o fire de artment, comma thoroughbred Dur am bull, roan color and 13 m : '= is the gradual disappearance of rho throne tuanthsold with regsieretl pedigree. Apply on lot `" nieates an interesting article on the ! 11, Bapfiel� rand North,,Stanley,oraddressVarna -meaning'not the Institution of mon- •" AR_` OFFERIN A A treatment of sick r5aor5es. free specify- arab but the actual a1 7at710 chair of Yy �f ' P.O. JOHN REID. 1414• KFAMOUS HACKNEYS. :Ing the principal substances from which state, preferably of gold embellished with ' 1. LINt, to select articles of diet for the sick u OR SALE. -Eight grand young Short Horn bulls Two Noted Eastern sires of This Fashion gems ad libitum, whish ova used to hear 'I with A 1 pedigrees, from 8 to 14 months old, �'_ �� hors©, such as bran, carrots, Oatmeal, 5o m ich about in fairy tales. Tho throne, �! A� also ra few pure Berkshire boars and soww of breeding able Breed. linseed, etc., the writer continues: till recently a palpabi0 reality, is today age, 1i at prices and terms to suit the times. Come The haakne s ars perhaps the horses 1 only a symbol. The newspapers tell of a and see them.. DAVID MILNE, Ethel Ont. 1414-tf is OFTEN y P P . Bran stands decidedly foremost as - ---- A NEGLECTED -GOLD that have attracted most attention at the food most generally in use for the monarch's accession to` the throne of his >rARRY STONE. -The undersigned has for sale wH1OH o■v.a.are the New York horse shows in the past invalid horse. It acts as a laxative, is ancestors, of carrying popular complaints W. at his quare} at Cranbrook n quantity of choice Finally into Consumptloq. three ears. The head uarters of the ¢ t0 the throne, of speeches from the throne.;W,INT.ER GOODS' stone, suitable for corner stones, silt stones and _ y q frequently tempting to the appetite and bridge stone Will b sold at reasonable prices. DREAF( UP COLD IH 71M{E drafts, ori the other hand, is Chico o, This throne 3s said to be IIrin, that to ba " GEORGE BAITER, Cranbrook, P. O. 1408•tf � g easy of digestion. There is uo part of tottering, but these aro only metaphors. -,- — ■y USING although the western city is also fully the general treatment more Universal This is so true that if a man were asked 1 THOROBRED BULLS -FOR SALE. -For sale, at _ Pyny• Pectoral alive to the beauties and graces of tho than offering this substance as a change to describe the pisco of furniture in ques- Lot 26, Concession 4• H. R. S, Tuekersmit•h, hl h Ste In Yarletle6. AmOn the ani- ���°�� two Thorobred Durham Bulle,ten and twelve months THE QUICK CURE g stepping - ' Of food. Is the horsy very weary and tion he would Lo seriously embarrassed in I �SNW old, solid red in color, will be sold, on reasonable PON his powers weakened in . consequence? his efforts. terns. HERBERT CRICII, Seaforth P. 0. - OOUGHS. COLDS, It is true that there are chairs of state --- 141a-4 - We induce him to take a warm bran BRONCHITIS, mash, which comfortably distends the every sovereign has several -that are spo- . 1 i,STRAY RAW. -Came into the premises of the / I HOARSENESS, XT0. 1 ken of as thrones. But they are so only for �! } stomach and satisfies any craving for �A undereigued, Lot 29, Concession 14, Hibbert, ]Lane Battle, 2b Cts. I the moment, while the naanaxch or his about the lst of October, a Black Ram, The owner - food, thereby enabling him to lie down spouse occupies them, whereas the verita- -ean have the same, on proving property and paying .� -_ and rest his enfeebled system- until ro- ble throne, that majestic raised seat made ( � char -es. TOBIAS RYCKMAN, Cbiselhurat P. O. J WM, PICKAR11) Axl I 1bCO., 1416.4 ,1 pose restores its wonted vigor. Does he of gold and incrusted precoussiones, YOUNG.LA�1lES 1 + show slight symptoms of cold or fever? seated on v�hicl7 the monarch issued hisOHN BEATTIE,'C1,irk -f the Second DMsion, Count, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- moi' 1:: A warm bran mash is a convenient plan edicts and rendered jostles, the throe© of veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds -AND- k which the ver feet were saturated with of steaming and consequently of sooth- y invested and to Loan. office -Over Sharp & C w, . I : ino, the irritable mucous membranes of majesty -this throne lies disappeared. Livens'store, Main street, Seaforth. 12$9 G E N T L E M G 'v "� - ," Franco has amused herself by abolishing COB,\TER MAIN AND IARILET STREETS. -*.W-;"; ���j;- ; •*`"� the air passages. It is a substitute for and then re-establishing the throne at in - TOCK FOR SALE. -Tho undersigned ti�itl sell ten z�� the more stimulating dit;t he is ascus- i tervals. But her ally, the czar of all the ___ __ Tl- , head of thoroughbred Durham cauls, covey or Send 9 cents id stamps or 10 cents silver, aifd we - tomed to and gently promotes the activ- 1 Russias, has at least a dozen -that is to ,, heifers, a herd of 22 to chooae fran., also eight young will send gc,u by �eturn mail the , hulls. All these are registered and will be sold cheap. • ity of the digestive apparatus; it is also r say, his majesty l�.*icbolas III owns quan- Time given if required. DAVID HILL, Lot 27, Con. Perfect Letter Writer partaking aeseion 8, Hibbert, Staffs P. O. 1406-26 MATCHLESS OF LONDESBORO. a COI1V8niellt medium for 1110 artakin titles of decorated armchairs that are al- Aneat little book, being a perfect guide in the art of mals that have won fame annually in of certain simple remedies. A lower ternately designated by the name of throne ( , STRAY EFVE.-Cama into the premisca of the Latter Wtiting. It epntaine letters of Lore, Friend- diet thou that with Which he iS indulged though no -,single one can claim the dig C 1�SCALDS; , � �j Xj undersigned, Lot Ili, Parr Line, Stanley, during ship, Buainesa, eta., with valuable instructions, and New York none are 'more familiar to nity exclusively. �� I)y advice. Erery- young man and woman should have when in full work is judicious and brae Iasc aaatumn one E,vr. The owner can have same on g th0 showgoers than the two hackney, The most expensive of all is probably prc+inq property and paying charges. CHARLES this book. Addre•�, %/ '4 3llfl BLIrI1S are soothed at CI1Ce Li'lt}3 pions re resented below. is selected. the chair that belonged to his majesty I i `) '�I .� LOGAN, Varna P. O. 141;x4 eta P "Is it necessary to administer purga- Ivan the Terrible, which is now at I1Ios- � � � ' � ---- NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, The first is the renowned old Match- �' ((t _ ���>>; � I Perry Q�vis - t -LLS FOR SALE. -For sale, two- thoroughbred tine medicine? A bran mash renders the cow in the treasure chamberof the Krcm- I //- 'BDurham Bulls, with registered pedigrees, one Ingersoll, Ont, less of Londesboro. Matchless, who e iG months' old ; both r, -d ; will be sold at prices to 1402x28 , sire was the famous Danegelt, is now 10, bowels more susceptible of its action, lin. This precious piece of furniture is t % •� suit the times. Also a few improved Yorkshire Pigs, and a smaller portion of the drug is composed entirely of turquoises into �`` , 1, PAIN - r miih years bld. 136 was bred by N. 8. Brough, „ d to reduce the de- each other like the stenos of a pavement• �� 1, Apply on Lot 24, Concession 3, L R.S., Tucks a - therefore require p 2lrucefield P. O. 6v;4i. (;ILLER. HAPllfAN. ,At7H England imported by Henry Fairfax of The back alone contains 10 000 of these ULLS FOR SALE -The undersigned has on lot 13, concession 4, H. R. S., athoroughbred Dur- bain bull, 17 months old, red color and an excellent animal. He waw aired by imported "Prime Ministet"; also a six months old bull, red color and from Prime blinister. WILLIAM CARNOCHAN, Egmondville. 1408-tf TEED OATS. -Mr. John Melville has a quantity of } a new kind of Oats which he offers for sale for the first, time, on Lot 22, Concession 12, Hibbert. Thev are a new variety which he got seven years ago in some Mummy Peas, and this year they turned out, in spite of the grasshoppers, one field ov,r fifty hushels per aore, and the other field over eighty bushels per acre. All those who have spokon for seed had better call ea,l,y, sa first come first served as long as it *lasts. JOHN MELVILLE, Chiselhurst I'. 0-, Ont. 14,13.13 $ 300 Privl�te funds to loan atlbwest f ` t ' to suit Virginia and is now owned b W. Sew sired effect, and there Is, at the same _ g y time, less risk of painful spasms accom- precious stones, which zero picked out - It takes out the flee, ieduces the inrlalxi and Webb. from the most beautiful specimens known matioll, and prevents blistering. It is The house fairly rose to Matchless panying its operation. Bran mashes may to those times. when he was led into the ring at the be given hot or cold -cold are perhaps y -pkat is the British throne? Is it the the quleh�t and most effectual remedy dor New York horse show with a score or quite as grateful to the horse -but the stone seat of Edward the Confessor at pain that is known. Keep it by you. . . . I more ou- more of his colts, frisky young things nibbling of the hot mash in catarrhal Westminster abboy, which has served for full of grace and fire. Matchless is kept affections is particularly beneficial, from , a thousand years as the coronation seat of _ _ - -- - --� mostly at Dr. Webb's country place, the necessary inhalation of the steam. the sovereigns of Britain? Is it tl�o suanp- Shelburne Farm, Vermont. Matchless Of all the roots with which horses tuous chair of state in the house of lords, are tempted, the carrot, as a rule, is the or the seat occupied in Buskin ;ham pal - won the challenge Gap of the American favorite and perhaps the most benefi- ace, or the gilt armchair on which her Haekl�ey Horse society, in 1893`and 1894. Britannic majesty sits at Vi indsor when oral. It is said to be somewhat diuretic she gives audience to foreign envoys?STOCK = TAKING i - I in its effects and t0 exercise a salubri- Certainly no one of her chairs claims the ous influence on the skin. Certain it is title of throne exclusively. The English , that a sick horse may be coaxed into give it generally to the stone seat of (%est - eating carrots when disinclined to par- minster abbey, though that is occupied ��_� `' 'ill take of other nourishment, with the only once by each monarch. �'`;`�� � C 500 rates o luteres 1Il sums r �� _ greatest beneficial results. For the ailin ; Thanks to the love of Louis, king of (��- L $ 700 borrowers. Loans can be corn- h 5 !' l I • I Bavaria, for all that is sumptuous, that $1,000 pleted and money advanced W h I t e Poland and \ horse, then, carrots are most valuable country possesses more than a dozen chairs I as an article of dint, and a_few may b© wonderfully carved and covered with gold OF ---""r#,-- $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. Siberian .Seed Oats. given .with advantage to a horse ill a and precious stones. They are distributed 8 ,500 S. HAYS,Barrister,&c.,S.eaforth. - ', healthy condition, among the numerous royal palaces and . _ 126 farmers wanting to procure seed o[ those varieties "Oatmeal is extremely nutritious, and chateaux that bave cost that country such -� ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Concession 8, I wish to state that 1 have a quantity of the same on as a food for the Convalescent horse is prodigious sums of money. -St. Louis �� T �{ (1 TINWARE �Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, all cleared, hand. I procured the seed from the Model Farm, v 1 � D0 well fenced acrd underdrained. Thera is a good bank Guelph and have no hesitation in recommending the ti _ _ most valuable. The bruising process the Post -Dispatch. leen with stabling underneath, and a frame house. same to you. You can procure them from Mr. Robt. gram has undergone breaks the husk There is a good orchard and a never faailir•g well. -It Scott, Seedsman, or Hinchley & Lamb, of Seaforth, t FASHION• and renders it more easily acted upon by A Affferent 1llratter. is within flys mikes of Seaforth and is well situated, as bout those parties are handling them. Call and i r " 'Miry Saunders i9 an awful smart ft will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply on ace them beture purchasing. PETER DURAIVD, Another elle of the short backed, long the.digestive organs. It iS Usually given en the premises or address Seaforth P. O. JOSEPH Drysdale, Ont. 1418x4 legged hackneys that won great favor in the form of gruel, and in that form gal,'r' said Mrs. Abijah Wilson as Cho WAY DOWN PRICES GIBSON, Proprietor`. 1308x4 -t f. --- - - - - -- -- among the admirers of modish horse- it is one of the most essential arCieles of folded her shawl in its regular creases on Wo�:ia WANTED. diet for the infirmary. It is also a read her return from the High Bridge academy . GOOD INVESTMENT. -For sale, at a bargain, $eSl1 was I'ciShiOn. 3r � >> �� A_ TY• exercises. I must say it, if she is my Aa fine 2 storey .brick block with good store- Wanted, 100 corm of long wood, either green or His cropped tail stands up like a mode of supplying the tired, thirsty niece, that I consider she has real talent. tiouses at rear and all carved with iron railing. This dry. 'Apply at th, r'!ine in the Furniture Factory. plume upon a hearse, his neck arches horse with nourishment after exertion tr_ t as smooth as if block coirprJ-ea three fine stores with dwelling rooms 1380 A1)1' O()T & BOX t Her composition v; as , abore, and all rented to good tenants. The growth up like a drawn bow, and his legs stretch when he returns to the stable. she'd wrote for the W ,c.s all her days. and prosperity of Hensall, surrounded as it is with 1418-2 - 1� Furniture Co., Seaforth. afar fore and aft. He is now 1G years "Linseed is decidedly to be included Ber ina set there, ,-%* .lhu a bump on a FOR YS, the finest farming country, makes this an a No. 1 in- log, an didn't appear Lt, know what was 3o . . vestment for ani o,e having oapitai. Satisfactory Old, and be belongs to Mr. Prescott Law- in the sick diet roll. It is nutritious, pP reasons for selling. For further particulars apply to rence of Newport, R. I. Fashion is well and from its oleaginous nature s00t11_ bein read. It must 'a"been real disap- either J. P MARSHALL, owner, or G. J. 81.ITHER- p'lntin to 'Aliry after the way she's LAND, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Hensall P.O. . ® i named. ing to the frequently irritable mucous . 4)naario. I41S tf11 worked over that composition." Fastening Animals In the Stable. membrane of the alimentary canal, and 11 What was the subject of her writin?" a o hence is particularly to be recommended inquiredIr. Zti ilson. r With regard to live stock, the merci. i- treatment of sore throats. Nor is +. ' BOARS EOR SERVICE- in the re It was a graduatin `.essay,' " answered f fol man Will make Sven his stable com- its bland effect local only. Its more en- his wife, "au it showed a ood deal o' AMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- ■ y g g & JACKSON9 8eaforth' • fortable. Horses, cattle and sheep Must influence is articnlarl observable thought in a 16 -year-old gal, fast hnisdlin v' the Brucefield eral In$ p �' , MULLETT signed aa,ll keep for service, at Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. Civ �F T' not only be fed and watered, but they in affections of the kidneys. It may off her schoolin. It was called The Stern �_^ with registered pedigree. Terms, $I; payable at ® N Ct'`'rl PA must be housed, whether in barns or Duties of Life Upon Which We Are About —� . _ - ____— a time of service with privilege of returning if neces. either be boiled so as to form when cool _ .� Entexin.` That was the caption of it, an eery. HUGH bcCAKTNEY, Brucefleld. 1405-tf I�•13I LI 0 US N ESS1 folds or stables. a gelatinous mass, and then mixed with __ _ __-_ }, ` ��� P��� ���� Valuable horses are kept in single, the idea was well kerried out." ERIT3HIRE PIGS. -The undersigned breeder of roomy stalls and generally are n.ot con- bran, or the liquid, after boiling, may "Well, now it's sing'lar how gals is ■ ■ ■ thorouuhbredBerkshire swine, will keep for �I `•�EA�A�H�5" be offered as a drink. made, ain't it?" inquired AIr. Wilson. Waiting for Something to Turn Up.. service on lot 26 Concession 5, McKillop, the prize fined by halters. Others ars tied Up, t 1Grass, hay tea, etc., are also very "Now, I sh'd never've expected' to bear winning Berkshire boats, " Election" and °`Protest." REG U LATE THE LIVER. sometimes in single or double stalls. useful in the treatment of disease and 'Mir ,boldin forth on est that subject." T g " tr Terms$1, payablo at time of service, with the privil- f good disposition can -bo made y 1 Z hats the „00(1 ci waiting for it to turn up, and then not be able fo age of returning if necessary, also a number of young O N E PI LL A FTER EATI N O Mates 0 g P should be used in connection with other "Why wouldn't you, I'd like to know?" t1 fill the bili." In the interval get yourself in shape by taking a course pigs for sale. both sexes. JAMES DORRANCE, Sea- 1 N S U R E3 GOOD DING ESTLoN . comfortable in double stalls. r I demanded the gifted essayist's aunt. II forth P. O. .�' Pairs furnished not akin. 1412-52 HE DS MED. CD- LTD. Ten1ed18S. lII the PP►ICE25GTS.T Q�� ronoNTo. Brood mares should have a single "well,"said141r_��Ilson,`=Isome�vayor pIOS l PIGS !-The undersigned has at his premi- stall. Live Stock Points. 'nother didn't think 'miry was jest pup - 3. ses, lot 6,concession 6, Hullett, several thorough- Sheep may be put by fifties or hun- A calf is a calf till it is a year old. pared to tackle that subject. For yist'day -- -- bred Berkshire soave and hoga for sale at reasonable afternoon while I was Over to her pa's, ~` hr d Bee t a'i ter of thorough red Taniwortas ready dreds in a single fold, but this should Then it becomes A yearling- r Fn wean. He also hay a thocuu hbred. Berkshire and The Kippen ' �'� be so lar a that all and each call get at All horses should be broken to drive 'Miry she lay in the hammock readin a 0tog a thoroughbred Tamworth boar for service -terms $1 the feed at- the same time. paper novel, while her nag did up rho din - payable at the time of seraice witr, the privilege of -i-0 THE FRONT AS USUAL. in either singl© or double harness before ner dishes an all the rest o' the work. But returning if necessary, $1.25 if booked. F. H. Cattle, especially the milky mothers they aro offered for sale. then," added Air.Wilson, "Ireckon comp'- SCROALES, Const.nce P.O. 1403x7tf of the herd, should have a full share of sitions is one tbing, an kerryin out of - Put female animals near the time o! .> �,--.. The Iippen mine are now runniwg at full bleat and, the farmer's care and attention. They the idees that's in 'em i another thing." ■ ■ i Best are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortestnotice parturition away by themselves. The —Youth's Companion. Forest City Business & Shorthand Coff�g Best Re m ed 1 cannot be herded together in a fold like P The j y a most reasonable terms. In this way you get sheep. They can, however, be mads event throws the other animals into a fl�ur from }our own wheat, and better value for state of nervous excitement. Pope Leo at Eighty-five. O:' LOMT=)C)W, CANT- comfortable in stalls without extra par - FOR RECENT the money than in any other way. Good Rene titious. A horsy dealer says that a carriage pope Leo XIII has authorized his phy- We lay greatemphasis on our practical course. See for proof f)tllr -sue- guaranteed. In fixed stanchions, which are still in animal broken. so that he is entirely safe sician, Dr. Lapponi, to communicate to cessful students. A. M. Stes;'art has received the position as travelling ff� CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. use in most dairies, the cow puts her for a lady to drive brings from 25 to 50 the medical faculty such information auditor with the McCormack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write us for . 1J O UGH about himself as ma be of interest to head through a V shaped stanchion, the Per teat more money than one that call- y g P them. Dr. Lapponi says that the pope's catalogue and particulars, aalrlrassIIg carefully- College reopens on -AND- baa S- not thus be warranted: health at the present time is perfect, as ft January 2nd, 1895. The highest price in esah will be paid for good right hand Upright Of «'hiCII fastens at S oge, or they will be out to order, the top, and the whole assumes the shape The Iivest and most paying branch of has been for nearly the whole of his long CL D Li ___ - of the Roman II when the head is in. I stock raising at present is the hog-busi- life. Ills eyesight is so good that be can 1305.20 J. W. WESTE.gVE .T, PrInOlpal. 41 -OBER- have favored a single pole with a cattle ness. The high prices of a year ago still read without glasses. He looks fragile, _ -IS TSE- tie adjustable to the size of the neck. prevail to sone, extent, but is stronger than might be imagined. All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. He needs but little sleep, not more than JOHN McNEVIIV Recently I have seen what may be When you are educating a colt, lead three or four hours anight. His mind and ONTARIO CHEMISTS ' called an improvement on -either of the him up to baby `wagons and make him memory are in the best condition. He is1) % A f I N 1 .0 N - B A N e . 1357-t f Proprietor. given methods. The stanchion consists smell them. I3au1 them about where an indefatigable worker, attending to the V 1. 1 BALSAM OF of two upright poles of even sins and can see them. Do the same with um - details of his worldwide duties avert' day smoothly rounded, fixed on a round disk - 1 SPRUCE &TAR. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. brellas. Let him see one closed. Then of the year. - made of plank above and below,. which open it and let him see it and smell it. what Dr. Lapponi says about the pope's CAPITAL (PARD UP) - _ $1t�1000, - allows the whole stanchion to turn or Then wave it open before his eyes. Then habits of liv.ng is very interesting. He Is s 3 It is especially recommended for the THE revolve at the will of the cow -that is exceedingly abstemious in his diet -for 11, use of those who are susceptible to_ open and shut it in his face, gently at breakfast, a cup of coffee with bread; for REST, ' e 'i,0000. P to say, she can turn her head by her first, then suddenly. Walk around him � OWEN side, the general natural position- with it open. That colt will never after- dinner, soup, t;, modicum l meat and - BRONCHITIS P vegetable, with a small glassful of Bor- while lying down or while standing ward scare at an umbrella. A horse eau deaux wine; for supper, soup with bread SEAFOETH BRANCH. LARYNGITIS ELECTRIP turn either way to lick herself or rid also be made familiar with a train Of and the same quantity of wine. For a U - - HOARSENESS herself of a fly. With the old stanchions cars so that he will not mind it at all. man 85 years old, or indeed, for an Intel- MAIN STREET, - - SEAFORT . she could not do so, which was and is When you give ground feed, mks al- lectual man at any timo of life, there • And Loss of VOICE. ��11��,T the principal objection. ways a little chopped hay, straw or corn ant note a better dietary. Itis pleas- • - E+..LT. Warmth more or less is needed by ant to the taste; it is nourishing; it is A general banking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, 1 b warm fodder with it. This gives the fins food wholesome; itis satisfactory; it is good for Creat Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit it;sued, available in all Farts FOR SA . LE B�V tTr,rle,t,r�:l l)r..k.0++'r-�- — all animal life, more directly y _ the proper balk and roughness and keeps the mind. His ozample, in this respect, is of Europe, China and Japan. Farll7ers' Sale Dotes collected, and advances made on safe The only- Scient-ific and Practical Electric blooded creatures. When it comes to it from packing in the animal's stomach. well worth copying b Catholics, Protes- IJ . S R Q B E RTP Ruit ina•d0 fnrgencral use, producin ; a Genuine Health and thrift or growth, it is pro- P g agnostics, y at lowest rates. • i' ('elt ina .of I'lleencraly Lonrho cure of Disease, Do not feed sows very heavily imme tants, Jews,. agnostics, atheists and pa- thatcatn be readily felt and rel; both in duced by food which is as fuel to aifur- rliately after farrowing. It stimulates gans.—New York Sun. SAVINGS D'E.PARTMEN'T. DRUGGIST, quantity and . power, tend apphcd,to shay part of nace or stove and husbanded by SF arin t lac b-ody. It , cath be .+urn it anti- time durini; the flow of milk so that this Sometimes its, Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at hiehest eurrent3 working hours or sleep, and willpusitively- cure; stables.becomes congested in the glands and Ants usually appear in the pantry or fates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of dune and December. Main Street, 1afo rth. Cattle, horses and sheep will consume, y pp Rhenlllatisln, dries a partially. Begin light and No notice of �ti'ithclrt�+'al is required for the ;Ilol or any portion of a clepOsit. sciattea, _. _ _ - - --- - - - �\+� - �� and need it also, from one-third to p p y '' cellar�vay and invade everything the; General Debility one-half more of feed during winter un- gradually increase the quantity: final. Sugar, flour, etc., so affected should W. K. PEARCE, Agent, WINTER. , 1 " ' Nervous ew il(�O. -- Nem Gus Diseases der open sheds or �vit11 no shelter over The _uunabcr of hacliney horses in he scalded with plenty of hot water to kill R. S. I3Ai 5, Solicitor. READY for PpT-AUG•I6.87•� Dyspepsia. P tbosa already there. Then everything '_ of head than live stock well- housed ill America is rapidly incl.easino, incl _ _ __ __ - - I Vuric•neele. should be rcluloved from the shelves and - ------ _ _- ------ `= �"- . ,----_ _____._r-- . _ -_- _ � _� . AT TAIL**' ( Sexual Weakness barns or stables. Hence -it is true econ- the collection at the New Yorl� lIorse scalding water poured over. Corrosive _ � _ - Illtpotettcy`, Omy to provide these. i\�othiub laolcs show was the finest over seen in this sublimate solution Inay then be roared THE hltlney Disease,,, Seaforth Carriage Shop, Lame Bach. more pitiful than to see cattle and sheep couutry. It is said t0 be one of the bi3sG around, and when the shelves are dry j3A�jl �� COAME- IC ` - ,(y Urinary Diseases CANADIAN .E) i i 3 j• Shivering on the lee side of a rail fence ever displayed in the world. The fa l�It,�v with a ponder bellows reel pepper in D'OrSey'S Ord Stand. t,lcetririty properb- applied is fest tal:inr the in a snowstorm. A man who will sub- mous old 11 atchless of Loudes'aoro ,%v, as avert' crack and crevic©. It is unlikely_ ESTABLISHED 1567. { pl;wu of dril-g� for all Nervotl , Itheun,nttc. Ilial- ,. s aley and Crinal Trouble , anti will cfl'cct cures ject his animals to such treatment is the hackney that attracted most inter they will return. -Philadelphia Ledger. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. . '. MCDONALD iia:Ser>aniu�ly laopele�; c'<1.�ca �vhcre e�'cry otl,ei not a farmer, for he does not oven study est. itiiaicrless is I1ow 10 years old. known 7l7can� hay tailed. Past and Present. -869000,000 Itas now ready a nice assortment of HAND- ! Y _ cl s,;• _n„ „,n}- his own best interests. -G. INr. M. is Likd molt st;tllions, his temper does not . 'I of carious styles. Also _fin}' �1aa,.,,,a,h. .ve;ik or dia•ea e g - SCria175 and Much Married Man -My CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS SOMI �, CL'TTF, cS a improve with age. fie is still, however, - - s SLER,11S, both heavy and light. b}- thi. me ave; be ruuscd to health}• activi`t St. Louis Republic. P door friend, 1w. astonished to hear of REST- - - - a $ Is�O�yCCC before. it i.,tn0-Ittic- the best 1i110jCn hacku�y S1Te In Ameri - 11 Leading- meclictil men use and recommend .. your dining at lime. Troisetoile'sl A B. _ AI+AG R These vehicles were all made at his Gun the Otveu IielC Tri their 1>raetir-e. _ When ho shy at Cars, umbr411as or ca. - orae of his own, colts are pusulllg ,• woman with a past," you knowl E WALKER, GEN 14I eatablishmentandare guaranteed to he of iT ILLUSTRATED ClATALOGi:E baby ZvagonS or are generally skittish, him hard itI this respect, tl7c7ugh, One I The b'riond (bachelor `'Unattached")- SEAFORTH BRANCHI, the very beat uaaterial and workmanship. CIC Kling fnlle :t information rcgarcling the cum it is a sign not that the animals are of t17e� being Euthorpe Performer, who i Veli, you see, old Ivan, she's got a first C. nt r and zationus da ding t 6('11 . � they re not more won the blue ribbon at the Nuw York I roto chef, so e, isn't her "past," but her A General Banking Business Transacted-, Farmers' 11Totes discounted, Drafts THEY ARE DURABLE, Of w to der, read scared, but: that hey a OO,v to order, etc., nnory (sealed) FREE, t0 y Showy.``reyast," that I care a)aaut:-Eschantte. issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal clues in STYLISH AND CHEAP. ally- addre:s„ tt�au half broken. — barsr.I-_ ------: the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. The Owen Electric Belt -&.,appliance Co. — - MeK llop Directory for 1895 Stork's Powders, each package of which contains lt'hy buy factory Inane stuff when yon can 'r RONTO, Qrt1T. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTiVI'ENTo Yet home-made vehicles for the wane money 49 KI NG ST. W., jpH�l BE*lI+'E�FIEs, Rccve, Dublin P. O, two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the I, - w�enu-nc+ t urr, cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an im- Deposits of y1.00 and upwards received, and Current rates of interest that look just as well and last twice as 201 to 211 State St., Chicago, Ill. PRICE'S for th" 'IIobaceo JAMES EVANS, Depute Reeve, Beeebw•ood. long- MENTIOr THIS PAPER- IBatbit- sllls tbn DANIEL 11AXLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. mediato relief for Sick Headache and Stomach, also allowed. •Interest added to the principal at the end of �Iay and Noveli>�- A call is sure to satisfy intending purehasers. a ra v i n e: aiid WM. W(-OAVIN. councillor, Leadbury. Neuralgia, and all kinds of 'nervous pains, and an- ber in each year. TO BAC CURE ' hnnicrisag." Table-, WILLIAM ABCHIBALD Councillor, Leadburj . Placein theWorhl for Young Yen torm&rrsrstpo�I:et 1 other in capsules, (from I to l of one is .n ordinary Special attention given t0 the C011eCt10I1 Of �COnlmerel'al I�1TpeT :a31t� 8? ALD anal R'omen to Secure n Bueuaees Thousands of cu;sR JOHN C: MORRI90;•T, Glerk, Winthrop• dose which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach F. L. M C D O N t an(i tton, Shorthand, Etc., is the O»sisnteed. $1.00 a box. All dnigsiats. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthrop. complaints They do not as most pills and so many mere' Sales Notes. WK. EVANS, Assessor, Beeohwood. lel,iORJfS, 1�181Itf><�g8_. Detroit Business University, De- CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth. other medicines do; lose their effect or produce after r + SEAFORTH. 1&d. troit,?lfich. Illustrated Catalogue Sold b Lumsden & Wilson, Druggist, Seaforth. y pe constipation, and are nice to take. 25 cents a tax, Ft , HOLMESTED, Solicitor. Free. References: All Detroit. y RICHARD POLLARD Sanitary Inspector, Lend• at all medicine dealers, 1407 W. F. JEWELL, President. P. R. SPENCER, secretary. bury. . - ° c- " . - \ ' - - .- - _ _ - - _., SSSS -•-_ _ ,. _. . __._ ..-- -.--