HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-22, Page 1Cr up this -
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- . . ( McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
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11 -
I TWENTY-SEVENTIR YEAR. I - 189-50 �, 11
I . I . SEAFORTHY FRIDAY9 - FEBRUARY 27Z9 i $1.00 a Year in Advance..
__ OLE NUMBER, 1,419. 1 r - I I � a - _____ —7 - - * --------- ___ .
__ .
I I - . " ' -
- . This pool, by the way, is the largest, in something which is to gold even as bread plete the tracredy he drew the revolver oil labors. In '1857 he was appointed re(Aor of N�orway, butof the character, customs and
0 0 0 0 AN ATHLETIC �A,Ulg. tire country. It Is 100 feet long and 23 Is to a stoDe. This something is the solv- hirnself� the lullet peuetrating the skull. Ancaster an�(I.Dundas, and labored the'Irl., un- b i -story of the Norwegians us well. The ex-
- . 0
feet wide and gives a man all the nata- Ing of that problem of problems—how H(, was alive at latest reports, but no hopes til failing strength. forced him to retQ hibition of time-li "'ht views was well r,elect-
,e in Z,
* A 0 tori 11 al exercise that he requires. General best to live. Mind you, I do not mean to are entertained. of his recovery. No i�ea- 1882. eaQn Osler leaves a widow an�l six ed and well show -n. A hearty invitation.
THE FINEST GYMNASIUM,'OF ANY Thomas L. James, once postmaster gen- say that the people here say or even know son can be assigned for the rash act. His sons and -two daughters. Thereare-nioniore was extended to it number of the children of I
- �
CLUB M THE WORLD. eral, and William Allen Butler, the fa- that the latter is really what they are wife is a fewyears youi)rrer and they seem- distinaiiished Canadians, so far as native . tbe Protestant Orpli-tils, Hoille, which was -
I n . 0
. mouis lawyer, never let a week go by with- after, but It is nevertheless. They may ed to get along well and -were very comfort- . merit confers &stinction, than Mx. Osler's accepted, and they -were mucli delighted at
. out iptmjoying it. One of the best photo- mistake the counter, gold, for the tbln�g ably situated, having retired from farliling soils' They are A,Ir. Justice Osler, Mr.B. B. this rare treat.
GOOD A Itemarkable Statement by a Phygical 0 . - �
graphs ever taken of this pool shows it represents or tries to represent, but thl§ many years age. They have been in rather Osler, Q. C.;, Mr. E. B. 0sler; Dr. Wm. -The Exectifive of the Presbyterian
Culture Instructor-Tlike Art of Learning among other figures the bead of the ex- P. is because they have not the time for anal- poor health for some time, '])lit were im- Osler, the enlinent professor of I ohns Hop- Foreign 'Mission Board met in. Toronto a
� -ins, whose, �ervices were recently sought -its few days ago, and discussed the question of
to Laugh -Easy Way of blaking Sando vro M., G. bobbing tip like'a small round cork ysis of themselves and their motives. proving. They had po children. L - -
, '
- INVESTMENT. L and Sanisons. - .4� on tile surface of the water several feet BAUT KENNEDY. --Wm. Brookmeyer has been sentenced President of McGill; F. L. Usler, of Win- sending Rev. J. Goforth and Rev� J. A.
--*-- — �b
. � - - I ': ,- back olf andy, Conolly, the swimming i to two months in jail in Barrie for scalding niper, ; Mrs. A. M. Williamson, of Toronto, Slimmon to China. Both - gentlemen are -
[Special Correspondence.] ___ master, , The Central Farmers' In�titute- Ilis wife with hot tea. He at one time the d"aughter with whom be lived, is Presi- eager to return to tile mission field, but the
. ' NEw YouK, Feb. 19.-"Givo me a man Afte: C%man has been put through the (Written for Tijp ExPOEITOR.) . served nine months in Central Prison. 'dent of the Women's Auxiliary of the Board considered it advisable to defer de- .
Is $1 in a perfect fitting and durable who has been bedridden for 20 years. POnly I free -11loveinerlb in the "gym" for three or ' Some of the readers of your pa�er wbo - -D. J. Garbutt, a Kingston blacksmith, Church of England in Canada. The other parture until the country becolues ii . lore .
" *
- shirt. To close out the balance of our let him be able to walk, and If lie has Po four weeks lie is �ut on the machines, and sent delega,kes to Toronto to the Central has in his shop an old-fashioned anvil with is Mrs. H. C. Owyni of Dundas. There are tranq-Li.il.
� 28 and great-grandch.ildren __________,>-- �
winter goods we are offering all our 'out of him. po then his fun begins. These machines give Farmers' Institutejon February 5,may think vice attached. Apparatus belongs to the -grand children , Z7 0
0 disease I'll make a strong man I �
bik a chance to do things with his newly they should hear something for theirmoney, anvil by which iron can be drilled. The an- of Canon 0sler resident in all parts of the I Perth Items.
That Is what Professor Sam Gordon, acquired strength and nimbleness. They and as one of them, 1 will try and give some vil was patented in 1680. Dominion. . .. -
Fancy Flannel Shmifts ' , , , 'k ute, a,car- The proceed,-, of tile late tea-lileeting at
. gymnasium instructor in the 3�evv Man- let him show'off -what he has learned, items of interest to farmers. Mr. James .-The McKenzie farm in Eas-t Nissouri -Mr. William ,'-, -elton, of Bro K ID I
battan Athletic club in this cify, said to and from 4 until 6. In the afternoon the McEwing, President. and a resident of this was sold to Will. McKenzie, son of Murdoch penter working fov the Magee -Walton Ice nox church, .Monkton, netted $13.25.
0 1. -
. .
� Fancy JKnit Shifts. Ve yesterday, and I . believe him,, gallery of the gymnasium Is thronged locality in his youth,'gave all able address _McKenzie, oil the adjoiniDg farm. The Company, Hamilton , met with a severe ac- -The Orangemen of Wallace township, I
rt - � n the condition of the majority of farmers. - price paid was'.' -,'4, 0 10, whif-li is considereAl cident friday. He was walking up the in- have decided to celebrate the l2th of July
%xivey Berge SlAirts. The athletic fad is one of the - queerest with conservative members of sedentary 0 ZD
of all the hc ical . ly attack habits, who watch the youngsters and re- He said that men investing their all, say low. ' Cline, _when his foot slipped and caught in in Harriston.
I ayter the gearing of the elevator. Before lie -'Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson, of Moose
Blue Flannel Sh'ifts. and convulse this-wetfVolis. The open- late stirrIng incidents of their younger $1,000 or $1,500 in farms,fifteen years ago are -Mrs. Isabella Tweedy, of 79 H
'D ' 01 0
days when they could "skin the cat" like losing it now on account of the deprecia- street, Toronto, hits been taken to the hos- could draw )ack the foot the heel bone was Jaw, Nlanitoba, are visiting relatives in and
I tion in the value of land, and all thd farm pital suffering from frozen feet, the calamity torn off. Skelton was removed to the City around St. Marys. .
� Ing of th6 Now Manhattan has given a, re- winking and could turn double somer- . I i - Aloilie �5mith and Agnes Gal-
. � products have fallen on an average thirty coming upon her owing to her destitute cir- Hospital. -Misses T
Varyin- in price from $1. 50 to $2 at markable impetus �;to the most rati saults backward without half trying. But L, 0
per ceiA, while the salaries of bankers, law- cumstances. -Mrs. .Young, widow of the Rev. S. A. braitb, of St. Marys, have -One to -'Mary-
c3 form of exercise. It gives an opportunity they never go on the- flooi and illustrate - . Z:1 .
. - $1 each. . The cheapest and best line for acquiring strength which iiever before their stories. yers, ministers, civil officials, teachers and -The distress in Newfoundland was con- Young, of Hamilton, while walking on land, Uncle Sam's territory. I
. ever ofiered. has been afforded to a great number of Still it is a very delightful, very ra- bired help have not decreased. Tile first sidered. at a public meeting in Kingston a Upper Janles strept, A I vith her daughter, on -Abram NVIAtestone of Lakeside lost a
0 . . . �
. . e would be athlete.bas tional and altogether healthy hour or two even n - few days ago, and it was' resolved to ask Saturday morning -- valuable mare, caused by iiijilries received
0 ,,.ynts taken suddenly ill .
I i . - ' 1doorstep near by. She b getting fast in tile stall. ,
I been forced to join.one of the old line ath-- h a� of the meeting some of the speak &o .
- . that the members spend on the floor mak- ers sore throats and were unable to at- that collections be taken in the churches and sat down on a . y
letic clubs or go to a gymnasium. One Ing Sandows and Gordons of themselves, tend, but attended Hon. Air. Laurier 1 8 and private subscriptions be solicited. expired almost imi-nediately aii(I before a --Nl r. 1. Al eade of Lakeside, - 01-1 a fine lot
Men's. i � meotilig with about half the delegates, and -Thiec new post-olliees were establisbed physician could ;irrive. Death is supposed of porkers to the Ingersoll packing house a
Flannelette. plan has always been very expensive, and and if you happen to have a reoen tly bed- Irits in Ontario on February, -viz : Rhineland, in to have been caused by heart failure, -Mrs. few clays ago. I .
he other, for obvious reasons, has never ridden friend who wants.to' b000me-a veri- I do not vish your readers to think the G � - - -)n the championship llock-ey
been popular. it is the first large pro- were worse than the Tories in this line. As North Norfolk ; Williamsport-, in Muskoka Young was 67 years of age. -Ayr club w
Night Robes ' I tab)e Samson I have suggested a way to ) rgan of the match at Stratford, on Tuesday night- �f .
. � prietary club over organized In this codtr- in all politics I think they were about equal, and Parry Sound, and Widgand, in Al- -The Endeavor Herald, the- o .
- gratify him. BE-NJAMIN Nor.THROP. . 0
try on the English lines, and It has bd'- 1__ wanLlUg pay for attending to tile people�s goma. - " Christian Endeavor movement. hits been en- last week, by a score of 10 to 4. .
, . - w typo of A-litebell, de -
Full size heavy weight and well made, - -Veterinary HUtchillffS
) come wonderfully popular. It now has A STUDY OF CHICAGO. business, and then looking after their own -Doctors J. Cav'en and A. J: Johnson larged to sixteen pages, and is no 13 I ,
former price- $1.50, now $1.20. more than 5,000 members, and the list and a good time, and not willing to express are making the post mortem examination on graphically and in every other respect an horned over fifty head of cattle for different. .;
. .
ontaffis some of -th-o best known names Close .Obserivations of the biost Remark- any opinion on the questions before the the body of Wm. C. Wells, the alleged vic- excellently gotten- up,, j6urnal. While de- parties in Downie one day last week. "I
If you want reliable shirts, we are the c I � able City on "rth. meeting. It would be useless to tell you the tim of the Hyams brothets, Toronto, but voting the great�i part of its space to the -Thomas Nairn near Whalen's Corner, �, . i
in social and business circles In New York. � �
house you want to buy from. its out of town membership comprises . [Special Correspondence.] delegates of East Huron -:were not of that have not reported yet. work of the League, it furnishes it great bad a paralytic stroke a few da,yrs ago and . I i
. ., -
I wealthy gentlemen In almost every large CHICAGo; Feb. 18. -All great towns of class. John A. Hobson gave an able ad- -The total number of business failares deal of good inisufflaneo-us reading of a high lost his speech. He is nearly 70 yearsof age, I
ality peculiar Iose reported from the Dominion during last standar(l. � and recovery is doubtful. � i :
� . city in 'the central and New England the world have an Individu, dress," Why farmers should be in ( . V �
. 1. -
- states. I to themselves which either attracts or re- touch with the Experimental College and week was 39, compared with 51 the week -When Premier Bowell was in Essex last -'.Messrs Polley & Hicks, of Mitchell, I
We are Leaders in Our Line. In the Gymnasium. pels or is neutral, as the case may be. At make visits there I during the summer and before, 4"T in the same week a year ago, and summer, among otber places that he visited shipped 32) horses to 61asgow a few days _71 "
The ebi6f feature of the Now Manhattan least this is the conclusion I have arrived- send their sons there." There was also an 44 two years ago. were the wine cellaTs of _'Mayor Giardot, of ago. .Mr. Hicks' son, Willie, took thein � � -
_� - .
' � . w
. - " 11� XV . .1
- is the gymw�ium, and the chief feature at. It is very much like meeting a nian. address by Mr. Gould, who had just r�e- -At Tilbury Center a shocking accident Sandwich. ,, lien the Premier visited there over. 4 _,� A
turned from London and Antwerp, on "Beef occurred on Thursday, last week. A young he was Al inister 'of Trade and Commerce, -Mr. James Shean, of Logan, has se- _�, I
of the gyii3nastum is Professor Gordon. You either like him or don't like him, or � I
. Alayor Girardot has named cured Mr. B. B. Osle* as counsel in the aI- - . �
if you nd Sheep for the English market." All our child of Mr. Charles Grant fell on a hot and in his honor I I 7 1, I �
i I
I � I . rls Miss'� Trade and ',Nli.is Com- letyed sheep stealing case against him, which i .
Jackson & Greig, The *'gym" is tbo finest and �est equipped you don't care a rap for him. are a
of that belonging to any blub in the of a philosophic turn, however, you will be beef cattle should be sent before July, as tile stove and was terribly burned. Slight hopes hi C, -1. �] �
world. Th,o piofessor is a short man, apt to study him, whether he. calls 'out Irish cattle came in after that, and they are entertained for its recovery. merce. ' ikilayor G Arairdot so wrote the- will come up in the spring. � I � .
' . I Mrs. Ja I i
SEAFORTH. I with square jaws and clear bluo,eyes. On any feeling in you or not. And'so it Is send more cattle than Canada and the United -Bank clearings at Toronto, Hamilton, Premier and received a suitable reply. -� cob Becker, of Shipley, (lied on --- - I
. . ' Our sheep that are sent Montreal and Halifax ag iegate $15,563,000 -Mr. Charles Eggard, of Palermo, a Wednesda,y, 6th inst., and was buried at i �
- States together. . � �
the street lie looks like a bank clerk In a with towns. A man of the aforesaid turn, 9 I �
- 'ery on Sa urd �
. tremendous hurry to get somewhere. His will study them, whether he Is charmed are all old ewes; better feed our lambs and last week, compared with $19,699,000 the highly-esicemed resident of the county of the Third Line ceme, -t ay, 9th - i
Notice to Creditors. shoulders are set back, and his step Is as or disenchanted with them, just for the ship them between February and May. Mr. previous week, and with ,515,167,000 a year Halton, died the other (lay. His death re- inst. . _�]
. Elliott, of Galt, said he is feedincr between ago. sulted from being hicked.by a horse some -The ice -road oil the river, is in excel- .
_ li
IN THE 31ATTER OF JAMES HORNEY OF THE springy as If lie bad rubber beels on his delight of studying. This is my case. -I'm M � .1
sixty and seventy lambs this winter, and _Lady Henry Somerset is obliged through time ago, on the spine. Softening of the lent condition, affording a safe and fast � -i
TOWX8,111P OF MoKILLOP, IN THE COUNTY boots. It is only when be has stripped studying Chicago. It Is a big job, but I'm , N ys r -
OF HURON, FARMER, DEBTOR. for work in his little office and steps out hammering away at It just for fun. I they are sold now for 5 cents per pound,and illness to cancel her engagement in toronto brain set' in, which soon culminated in ' highway from Motherwell- to SL T tar o. I
. I
Notioe is hereby given. that the said debtor has into the gymnasium that you can fornf a may know less about It I after I am through be has the wool, and considers that for 04A on the 26th inst., under the Women's Chris- death. The deceased was only 21) years of .Mitchell. -
niade an a8signment of all his estate to me, the farmers to feed their lambs is more profitable tiau Temperance Union auspices. Her phy- age, and was a neut membe� of the -The Rev. Mr. Fisher of Atwood, b&s ��
than I did before I began, but a little thing proll'i I
undereigned, Robert I.ogan, in trust for the bent.fit correct idea of tbo champion strong man Of Od Le v,es .1 .
. I
1� . the than cattle. Black faced sheep sell the sicians command absolute rest for the Canadian Order dfellows. He' a been laid tip with the grippe but is grac ually
I �
of his creditors, under Chapter 123 of the Revised for his weight in the world. From his like that never phases a scribbler in best as the butchers leave the head on to present. a widow and two young children. " improving. Aw1r. R, B. Hamilton filled his, . �
Statutes of Ontario, (1887) and amen(iments thereto. waist up to his cars the muscles stand out giving forth of his know all -report. The 0
A nieeting of the creditors of the said debtor will be . less be knows about moro things concern- show the breed. Rev. Dr. Jackson, Galt, -Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Crossley & Run- -A sad accident took place on -the morn- pulpit on Sabbath. -
held at the office of J. M. best, Barrister, in the gave an able address oil the fifth form in the ter, the well-known evangelists, has written ing of the' 13th inst., about three miles -'.-\Ir. Awty, a Mitcliell, milk vendor, de- _,�
, 7 I .
ing a place the surer is he of his general , �
town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, thd 27th day of public schools, showill by statistics that the Mission Bo ard of the Methodist church from Wellington. Israel Tripp and bis livered his milk- on snow -shoes on' ,iundav, � . I I
� .
. Ti
I Febru&6�, 1695, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., for the . . analysis of It. For example, the subtle, 9 . - _e 1 , I �
I a ra
. .
lAirpose of appointing inspectors Wid giving direo- __ � knowledgeable KiplIng passed quickly more leave school now at the end of the saying he is willing to .0 OR the Japan Mis- eldest son, Samuel, aged 17, were engaged 10th inst., it being impossible to get ho . ; ; . I
I -five years ago. - in cuttina down a tree,when a (lead branch through the snow -drifts. ' .
tions with reference to the disposal of the estate of -1 fourth form than twenty sion geld if desired. ZD I .
thei3aid debtor. Allparties baving claims against through this town one day, dreamed about And the education of the masses was no, -Herchmer Aylesworth, Napanee road, above them- became dislodged and fell, -On Monday last the employes of the -
the eatate of the said debtor are required to file the - it the next night and know more about it I' - . ' unk hailway shops, at Stratford, I
;or, on or be- I equal to that in times past, while Prince Edward County, is the owner of a striking them 'both. The father was Grand Tr .
same with -the suJd J. M. Best, niy solicit . the following day than any police captain �
fore the date of said mecting, verified by affidavit, - . the average cost of pupils was $7 strinc, of bells which are over a hundred knocked down, but sustained no serious in- commenced to put in nille bours per day of
- in It. 0 .
atath ig the nature and aniount thereof and the secur, I I -go or not Is a thing each in the Public schools, in High years old. He has placed them on his team juries, but the son received a heavy blow five days per week, and have Saturdays, off. I
ity (it any) held by them. ROBERT LOGAN, E8q., I *11....... � Whether I like Cb1ca Schools it was $32. And in 189-2 when the this winter and the noise they make requires on the head, breaking his - skull badly, of -The trustees of the Trowbridge Presby- �
I'anker, Seaforth, Assi,gnee ; J. M. BEST, Seaforth, ...... I cannot tell even for myself. I only know ed iiv about- two hours terian church have decided to sell their pro- " :
bolicitor tor Ass',gnee. . .1'...-..... 11 thatlamr,tunnedbyit. Itissobigand. High School teachers prepared the ques- no comment. which injuries lie Ai I
� Dated 18th day of February, 1896. 1119-2 .. . ... everything is so much on the rush. JQom- tions, examined the papers and selected the -Mrs. Margaret Hunter, Canadian b without regaining consciousness. � perty in Trowbridge which has not been in .
- . LZ � - .
. pupils for examinations for third class cer- birth,and a miser, was found frozen to deat -*Ur. 11. M. Onith, of Port Huron, has -use for some years. I
I w
. I 51% pared with It Now Y6rk is almost Phila- - I
. I al . delpbian in the ease of its gait and manner. tificates, two-thirds failed, while most of in a miserable hovel in Newark,New Jersey, collected statistics sholvilig that 10,056,381 --Jaines Manton, concession 18, El-nia, �
. Everything Is nolse and bustle aiid wide those from public schools passed. He also the other morning She was worth $17,000, pounds of fish of vLll, kinds were caught in cut his knee badly 4 few days ago, by falling Pf �
en: living on c -e Huron during, th"6 past year. Of these off a load of hay. - A doctor is attendi,lig T e
COMING! - � said the tendency of our educational system and has be ,harity. She is said LaL
11 streets along which people rush and tear . " I
I is to produce the middle class -lawyers, to have several relatives in Canada. 2,514,455 were 'herring, 1,7, 17,628 -perch, the case, and tfie wound is healing up � �
� .L -i I
1-1 I as fast as they can. They look as if they doctors, shop keepers and speculators, in- -Alrs. Roberts, wife of a clergyman, ar- 1.505,619 trout 1 483 072 pike and sturgeon. nicely. .
- - ! , wouldn't stop even If old Captain Death stead of producers and manufacturers. The rived recentl from Liverpool, died suddea- The catch in L'a�_e ' . -.Mrs. A. W. Knox- is removing from '8,t. 111, .
. y � - $t. Clair -was 2,994,37 1 � Z) 11 �
. - - I �
. I -W, - came uD to arrest them. They have one hile her husband was ab- pounds, Whitefish an trout have diulln- Alarys to T e a daughter and son ' �
a . Doctor got a hearty vote of thaikks, and a ly at Winnipeg, w i .
I 9 e of death ished in abundance'. while berring, sturgeon. reside, and has rented her house to �,, �
. Chamberlain. I I � � . . it, � , od, wl�ich is Chicago, and this god is his motion was carried unanimously requesting sent at the post office. The c&us ch , ' ' Mr- D. ' 1, �
� . 111111 .- own prophet. This must be the greatest the fifth form in the Public 8chools. This is not known, but it is supposed to have pike and per have increased. The total Maxwell.l.r. A large circle of friends will re- ff I .
C ii 111111"111�ll,,, . _t . .
I I 1111 I I . __ - town in the world, because everybody in, - I
�� : i !: � , , � 1 . brought on a discussion, as some thought been apoplexy. value of the catch in both lakes was about Vret her departure from their midst�
- : : = !! _* it says it is. I am Impelled to make this - $3 ! _W"ifliani Tobin of Stratford is in tile �
aft ... ::: --- third class teachers could not teach it. Mr. -Eight young men of Dresden contrib 00,000. - I I
Eye. Spec"144.1 isty �� - � .. :, -, ,z . I -,.- -.--� statement In good faith by the remem- John Dearness,'of London, followed with an uted $25 to the C'finances of that town last -Mr. Frank Joseph,''Wbo was killed in. hospital suffering from fr9st bites received y .
� - '. -1 - . I
- - branco of some proverb or another which while drivino, from Rostock to Gadshill on I
I able paper on Agricukturc in Schools, show- week for violation of the liquor law in buy- the recent railw=dent at Weston, war, Z, ., .
Of 87 King Strect, East Toronto, will be at _ , stormy Friday- Uis hand may have to .
0 7 7 . I believe says that the world values men ing that Manitoba is ahead of us in this ing drinks on Sunday. The proprietor of an enthusiastic or" -of, and a reliable the
; ) 'ON ) 8-I)RUG STORE, . � . . - I 9 , :,
IA '11SI EN & wILS � NEW,.%11N_-1TATTAN CLUB HOUSE. and their possessions according to the es- line. With the temperance people wanting the hotel was also fined. Under the new authority on Britisli-war ,medals. It is be- be amputated. I 2 I
SEAFORTH, ONT., on . Eomo tim-ate which the men themselves put upon Thomas Carrol, aged 7 1
all over him in pink and rod ridges, . temperance and hygiene and so many other law the buyer and seller are equally guilty. lieved that his collection, was in every sense - 6 years, who haa :
' __ .
Wednesday, MAROH 13th, only. spreading out like ribs and others rising them. I - )rl,- I 'ubjects, Agriculture was pushed out. Pro- -Chairman De Gurse, of the Windsor the finest on the American continent. Be- been anold resident of Lakeside, died dur- 9 .
� - in unexpected places In great bunches. If I bad never been in Now Y( , fessor Robertson gave a good address on sobool board, has resigned because the board fore his death he tried * to dispose of the col- ing the week- of the storm. His, remains I I
. lit whose researches would have thought tbAt that tow, ,a, I
Experience is worth everything. . To the Young art stude Dairy Farming, showing it was the oatmeal refused to discharge Miss Benning, of Paris, lection to the Government. He could have were interred. in the, E ,ngliAh church ceme- a �
. Knowledge gained by consulting 'With and In anatomy have been gained from mani- a sort of slow, up the Hudson- village food and rice food that made the di$erence who, he claimed, had not the necessary cer- obtained a high pri�e for, it in the United tery. I -
critically examining thousands of Persons of kins the professor's arm, with its muscles where everything was out of gear and sev- between the Scotchman and Cbinaman, and tificate. De Gurse has serve(i writs on the States, but was so - thoroughly a Canadian -Mrs. W. C. Alescrip -and Miss Nellie I I I .
I k,very age sex, profession and. occupation, set, would be a bewildering and awe In- oral hundred years behind the tlmes-�-that also the feed made the difference between the other members of the Board to. restrain that be would ha,ve,preferred to sell it at a Sharp were the St. Marys passengers on the iz, -
. , 0 , - in o nto which
atificted Nvith every -presentable forin and spiring puzzle. Is, I would have thought this If I were the good cow and the poor cow. John Mc:- them from employing her. I I low figure tothe Canadia�n ,or English Gov- Saturday afternoon tra, from T ro
sta, , .. became imbedded ,-ill night in a snow drift I �
, ge of disease of the eye,enables Professor The gymnasium opens at 8 a. in., and guided by what the Chicagoans here say Milian, AL P., gave a good paper on meat -McDonald, the man who was sentenced ernments. :
- I
Chamberlain to assure those suffering 'with . - about it. According to their terse way of .
, . on certain mornings of the week the jun production, and if lie would publish in the for a ten-year term along with Freddie -Application will be made"by John Kerr, near Baden. They reached liome on Sunday .- I
itiatadies that he has succeeded in restoring lor members of tbd club, soils of older -putting It, Now York Isn't In it at all papers the number of cattle and sheep in Shultz for burglarizing a safe at Calgatry, ofPetrolea; H. H. Hunt, of Wyoming; afternoon. - ;i I
Wyoming: W. -One of the pioneers of Perth died at her I .
perfect eye si-ht or improving it, even after members, come In for Instruction and are with Chicago.- They have higher buildings each county sending them to England it and who has spent the past three years in- Joseph W. Smith, of last, in the person I I
- offievs, -led and energetic occulists had fail- and can ki1 more pigs In, e� day than the IV I . I
kil � taughtmoroin aweek than theygetin .1 o, Id be interesting to most readers. prison at Stoney Mountain, Manitoba, was Humphreys, of Park Hill; W. Milne, of home in Ellice on Friday
the ` ' - i I
ej to effect any permanent change for their,schools iu a quarter. - . whole of New York' lation could ' A resolution was carried, recommending pardoned on Saturday and liberated from Wyoming; E. L. Mott, of 11, � of Al rs. Mary Campbell, reliet ofAfr, Stewart - .
Prof. 014mberlain, during the past 01b.. It -yoming ; H. I. ,
better. . '- .'d - 1. inty of I
. It is a sigbt i�bt soon to be forgotten, think of In a year. A goes. doi, away with Deputy Reeves and giving custody. Hunt, of Alvinston; . Thompson, of Campbell, who was clerk of the Coi I
Perth for many yleais, and who was one of ' I
_() years, has treafei I'Leve .cumulative voting powers, also -The mai . I
1 more patients in ea& these men of the narrow, cobblestoned They evon laugh at the Idea of its being a the ,tv friends of Rev. R. N. Grant, Wyoming; D. Sinclair. 4 Alvinston - W. I
. � t ' -known men in Western Ontario. .
rival of their town. . in the Newell,M. D., of Wyoming ;
week than any ordinary eye specialist will streets of busy down town at play in this ' the reduction of the salaries Of Government of Orillia, one of the ablest reachers Salem Smith, thebest apen in pos- 4 .
J a one year. Having thus -unusual oppor- . T - -Among the other court p
up town club. 'It Is such serious play to There is ono thing, however, that this official,:, as W would buy as much now for Presbyterian church, :an the popular of St.Thomas; Auther-Hunt, of Alvinston;
tallitics for otservation and eNtrience it is most of them. It is estimated that it town possesses above all others, and that family keep as $100 would some years ago. " Knoxonian " of the Canada Presbyterian, Rev. J. Gunn, of Wyoming; to Parliament sessiolf of Mr. J oseph, who was killed in I
. ,
not str�an,ge that he has more t n o�dinar_y - thing is soot. It is here, there and every- . be sorry to learn that he has found it next session for incorporation as the Cana- the Weston accident, on Friday, Stli inst., : I
111411ccess take -8 an ordinarily light hearted man three If you put a clean collar on in Al motion to send only one delegate from will Bermuda for some months adian Benevol�nt Society . vrith power to were the min -Lite books of several Patron -1
weeks to learn to laugh In a natural man- where. etch electoral district, instead of two, was advisable to go to 'P, r .
Call it the drug store an&get paper. con- ner in his gymnasium clothes. If there the morning and wear it through the day, , insure the members of the They were likewise I .
.1 o passed. A motion for the Institute to for the benefit of his health. , society in sums lodges in this county. .
. taining valuable information on the eye, were pier,glass mirrors on the walls so you Will find it to be almost black when di6band was brought forward, but this was -Mrs. Richard Simpson, --- I of Toronto, not exceeding $3,000; ,,- � destroyed in the wreck, which took' fire. I I
Jeree. R.em ember the date. . y that a man could see how lie really looks night comes. I, asked a Chicagoan the like asking the House of Lords or Senate 'to died a few days ago at Steubenville, Ohio, -Mrs. Win. B. McKp,y,.an esteemed resi- -J. W. Boyd, of Elma, ,$old to Scott & -
i fo rteen years, is dead. Jones, of Atwood, a few days ago, a tVro-
I . instead of only imagining, it would prob- reason of thJs, and for answer be gave me vote themselves out of ekistence. Aly own from burns received. Her dress caught fire dent of Embro fo'r .0 � tped the seAles
- - ably take three months If gymnasium a reproachful look. We bad been arguing opinion is,more good could be done with the from a rate, and she ran into the vard, Deceased was born in 1911. Sbe emigrated bred Berkshire hog that tip . I
suits were wearable at 'public balls, there about the merits of Chicago and demerits money by spending it in local institutes, where sTe rolled in the snow. Neighbors to this country with her , husband in 1841, at 535 pounds, live weight. This bests the �
- would be no need of masks at these merry Of NOW"York, and he seemed to consider letting them send their requisitions to the tried to extinguish the blazing clothes, but and settled then on lot '.6- 7 town linc,West !log sold on the Stratford market the other I I
"rs her hospitable day by Mr. Ullerich, of Carling -ford. I
ON functions. A pair of worsted ,knicker- khIs an unfair question. When I added Advisory Board and Minister of Agriculture. failed. � Zorra, where for 40,� y6a
bockers and a sweater disguise most men ibatit . v�as a pity perfection should -have . JOHN 0; MURRI�iON. -The other day at Montreal, revenue home was well knom�n W the Scotch people -The youngest son of Mr.William, Attig, A* I
beyond reebgpition except by the man so dark a blemish, bb told me that be —0 . officers arre8ted a farmer from St. Jacques of Zorra and the mcounty 6'f Oxfoid. Three of Newton, met with a painful accident the I
. ree "liters i4irvive her, The other day in the saw mill. there. The -boy .
$1 , who rubs them down after their Turkish didn It see the use of. bringingsaroasm Into Canada. Lachigan, named Leblanc, with 400 pounds sons and th d Ve' . I
d to the romdrka2 'an argument. He was offended. I had Several horses have gone through the of tobacco. He was fined $50, or two sons are: D. B. - Zy -,and Win. B. Me- happened to come in oontact with one Df
0 i - baths. He is accustome sts ; and the tobacco, worth Kay, of town line, West Zorra, and A. B. the steam taps, which opene4 and, literally
ble metamorphosis tbat'this-dhange in cos� touched a tender spot. ice and been drowned in Toronto Bay. months, and co, f Embro. The .,daughters are cooked one of his legs. I .
tume makes in men. . To be serious, however,, one must,admit -The amount now to the credit of depos- 45 cents per pound, with the pony and McKay, 0 -
e ,A bank president, a doctor, a lawyer, that Chicago is indeed a great town.. Tre- itors in the Dominion Go' s sleigh, were confiscated. Pretty hard lines Mk Wm. Kennedy and'Mrs. Donald Suth- Mr. Thos. Pascoe, Treasurer of 1,-ogan, " .
mendousness Is the dominant note of Its Banks is $17,072,028. . for the poor habitant. erland, of West Zorra, aiid Airs. James Cal- got snow -bound in Stratford on S&turday, - I
AVI.NLG determined to adopt, as a broker, three fat young men with very personality. Power, -The Royal hotel at Brandon, Manitoba, -On Friday, 8th inst., 9, cow belonging der, of Winnipeg;arl ' 9th inst., and on Sunday_ he walked every I
jolly faces and very rich fathers and the _power Isevery-wbere. � -When the y train on Thursday inch of the road 'to Mitchell. Although
Hnearly as possible, THE CASH thinnest ,,,an I ever saw outside of a mu- It is shown In the monstrous buildings, was badly damaged by fire on Friday morn- to Mr. James B&ird, of the boundary weat . . ars
D i ing last. I , storm by morning of last week had gone about a mile well advanced in ye , 'he appeared none
SYSTEM we have resolved to reduce seum, were going through the Gordon free the marts, the mighty gra arles and store- of Lucknow, celebrated the big . I
J Ling birth to three m ped and and a half south of, Lucknow, the axle of the wors � I
I � saw houses and In the long, wide streets along -There are now in circulation Dominion V ,ell de,�clo e fo his tramp. .
thesubscript-ion price of TjiE ExPOSITOR movement yesterday afternoon. I which people crowd and crush and pass one and two -dollar notes to the amount of farge sized calves. One of the calves was one of the drive wheels of. the locomotive -The members of the Epworth IAague, - ;
if- them all afterward at- dinner and in the -
to ONE DOLLAR per annum , .
billiard room, and I shouldn't have know,, and repass. A great boom and roar Is all $6,486,330. - dead at birth, aiid a second only lived a few broke, and the w-beel flew off at the side of in connection with the Kefhodist:ehurch, at -
. hird one is still alive and the track. Fortunately 'the train had Nlonkton., purpose holding & W11ing match . .
paid strictly in .advance. one of them if they had not been pointed aT011Dd you. It seems to come up from -Charles Dec, cheesemaker, has been days, but the t scarcely reached the I top' -of tlie bi- gra(le in on Tuesday, February 26th. The words - I .
. out to me. Professor Qordon relies chiefly the earth, to fall from above. You are gazetted postmaster of Dorchester Station doin� well. . when "the whZ-el . are to be taken from- the New Testament,
.If -not paid until the end of THREE f,, n seized with awe, for you, are facing an -at a salary of $400 per annum. - he other evening, -its Mr. L. Bassette, the road at the time, and
1M O-NTHS, it will be $1.25. on this free iijovement in makIng m . r growing thing Incalculably virile and -D. Beattie has leased his fine farin of a farmer of Ancaster township, was going flew off, the train almmtr .immed me in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and � �
. strong. It is on this that be bases his as- eve a stand still an(I no further Jama(,e was John. __�Y"
, It is inighty, a thing of a myriad possibilities. 100 acres on the Ilth line, East Nissouri, to home from Hamilton, his horse ran away on to ) - 0
sertion which heads this narrative. 0 e'nt occurred a short -The Literary club at Kirkton, held an
ff'nbt paid until the end of SIX . road, near Binkley's Hollow. done. Had the accid n Monday evening last week, I
. a plausible theory because it i�.sosimple. It is as a Titan Hercules with the hundred- tile McKellar brothers for $300 a year. the new distance further ahead thi� whole train would open meeting o I
i � I
MONTHS, it will be $1.50. it requiresno apparatus except a small bands of a Briarcus.i And the roar and -At the Toronto assizes Miss Mary Ar- Bassette was thrown out and bad his nose . .
i .
. . ' -r other painful in- undoubtedly have been derailed and possi- when An animated competition came off be- �
. I I . boom swells up as you listen and dazos nold was -gi.�,eii a verdict for $800 for injury broken, besides sustaining I
-No subscription AN -111 be 8ent for a , pair of dumbbells and can be practiced as . . The horse ran into a wire fence and bly loss of life Nvotild - have occurred. The tween two programmes to he decided upon,
- ell in a bedroom as in a gymnasium. , you. Before you lies the problem, at once to her an - e aliahted from a juries.
kl,l �ecei.ved as sh 0 ,erees its to correct rendering. WAh �
lonarr, pe-riod than one year wit terrible and grand, of the great modern street car. I I . was cut severely. 10.48 train took th6 coaches,an'd passengers by ref
11) Good Health For All. I eir way south. . , - coin petent referees such an exercise is cal- I
aid for. city. Where will it lead to?" What. shall -]Juncan3 e -year-old son of -Mr. E. H. Whitmarsb, of Aferrickville, on t1i . salt. I
beI110, p This is the way ho taught it: Ile drew -Mr. Archibald McPher$ofi, one of the culated to have a good literary re
r.1 his class up in a line aDd faced them. be its outcome? you ask. There is no one Adani Graham, of Toronto, accidentally is President of the Liberal Conservative As- -
. � I
These terms �vill be strictly adhered to answer you -no one so keen or subtre took a dose of carbolic acid the other day, sociation of Leeds and Grenville, a position early pioneers of Dumfries township, died -Mr.. Joseph McKay, who some years ago - I
Then, taking-tho bells in his baDds, he or piercing enough of vision to solve the and (lied a- few hours later. which he has occupied for the past twenty- at his. -homestead, near Galt on Monday I I tb carried the maiLs between Atwood and 'Mit- I I
to without respect to persons, so tbat twisted his wrists, with tbc.arms olit- .9. Although 86 years of age, he is inst, at the great age of 93 years. He was a chell, and who was very popiilar with the
if ally subscribers are required to pay, stretched, and the muscles around his up- problem. -1 The unraveling of It belongs to , the Hamilton woman five year y, ana takes as keen an inter- native of Perthshire, Sciotli-nd, but came to travelling public, has returnedf from British 1. .
found (rnilty of passing counterfeit money, hale and heart I
blame them- Aer arnis and shoulders moved up' and itself. it is even as a vast genii escapIDg 0 York- State with his parents when 4 Columbia, where lie has spent the past four a ,
the 10131" price, they must . bottle. The onlooker is un- was sel4enced to two years and six months est in politics as ever. He was in Ottawa New ry and I ;
0 down, in and out, like separate pieces of from a magic lay, interviewing Premier Bowell. vears of age. Mr. McPherson came to Canada years. He has embarked in the roce � I
' .
setvc�; and not us. . mechanism. Then lie stretched over right able to analyze. He has no time . for aught in the Penitentiary. the other c 1824, taking up the homestead on which confectionery business in Atwool- I
I !� I save wonderment at, this increasln,-,, escap- -The Paris Star-Trauscript has changed -At Aginco'art Friday, the jury in the in
and left, ba&kward and forward, threw . thing. . hands. The new proprietors ar� Messrs. inquest on the death of Engineer Rigg, he has ever since r�sidc&and on which be --The serviu, of subpeonas'in connection . I
his arms in and thrust tbciu out, lield ing - - ed during the recent railway died. His aued wife survives him in her with the Alme a Chattelle trial for the inur�
. keener of feature Featherstone & Spriugate, of Fergus, and which occurr, ZD ic mind
them up and poked thoni down. Then lie The men I see here ard . g ir naarrie'd life extended. to der of Jessie Keith brings to the publi .
AVe have now between five and six worked his logs in,, sinlilar Inanne.i. until and more set of face than the men of any they take possession on the first of -Alarch. accident, decided ihat Station Agent Weig- 87th year. The- 63sizes opening at the ,_
-The Travellers' ball last Friday night hill, at Unionville, was negligent in his the very unusually Jong term of 68 years. the fact of the Spring 1,
thousand dollars owing us on our sub- he was thoroughly limbered up. After mther great town I have been in. They - and- one Court-bouse inStratford on Alarch-26th, be -
Z5 refilled with that terrible energy which was the social event of the London season, duty, also that .the 'rules of the Grand Mr. McPhersen leaves tw'd sons Armour. Since his con- I 2.
this lie lay down on a mattress and strotch- )k . - Trunk were not specific enough, especially daughter. A brother-in-law, of deceased, Mr. fore Chief Justice I
,scriptioli list. TJiis must be collegted e
I ed a long, satisfactory, 7 a. in. in bed Springs from a lust for acquisition. They mid in point of splendor it rivalled the I'ad L' .
; low -ploughs. James Scrimger, of the Toll -gate n ear Galt, finement in the gaol the authorities have
- � - . in re-ard to the use of sy I
at once. All ar�ears over one year on stretch. This wits sub'sequently added to are intent upon conquering and acquiring. ing balls for several seasons past. it) me to' 6anada- with I him, still maintained the utmost secrecy as to the
Conquering and acquiring what?- I might -One ofthe most horrible trarredies that -Rcv. Featherstone Lake Osler, one of and who ca *
tht- FIRST OF MARCH NEXT, by a score of different kinds of stretches Z3 b is 0' prisoner, no one being permitted to see him
J say that they were intent only upon the bas ever occurred in that part took place in the most eminent of the Anglican clergymen survives and is now in I rd vear. he order of County Crown At -
will be placed in the - baDds of our and the lesson was over. it was precise] v getting and acquiring of gold, butif I Tottenham, Simcoe County, on Saturday of the past generation, (lied athis residence, ' Saturday's Globe says.: , " The . large except upon t I
-do - - Saturday afternoon, and appreciative audience that assembled in torney Idington. Chattelle has not so far
�jolicitors for collectioll. what every healthy ]ad in his teens ' es said this I would be making the mistake morning, about 10 o'clock- Robert New- in Toronto, on � � inclination to deviate from the
I when he wake,', LIP in tile morning, only it of tho shallow, superficial scribbler who bury a C3 man of some 75 years, who has lived in his 90th year. The deceased was born at West Association Hall 1"', night to hear shown an erers. he
ence at any was reduced to a system, with a certain ; first pas- Alr. Frank Yeigh, while he took them on a well -beaten path of former murd .
X�-�, , � a with his wife and neice, shot his wife in the Falmouth, England, in 1805. His . I s tb ree meals a day, sleeps well, and . -
-,,- The year may Comm humber of stretches in each dlrectlor?� buses this town because he thought it back of the head while she was arranging toral charge was at Tecumseh, Simeoe trip through Norway, were well pleased. eat . him. He has
I tinie and the f -Lill year -will be given for easier and smarter to abuse than to try to During his residence at Tecum- Mr. Yeigh is a forcible and � admirable nar- seems as if nothing bothered
I and it brought into play every muscle in some clothes in a dressing case. The bullet county. Ider-ably more flesh than when I
ONE DOLLAR. thebody. Whentho class had finished, understand. _NTo, it is not gold that these . 0 ut at the forehead ethMr. 0sler did much toward- church ex- rator and lecturer. He made the lecture so developed cow �1�
r- as coming o e gives the auth-
the men went to their drcss�ng roox s or People are really rushing afte . To them p sed through, hes through- interesting that the audience Act a very fair he was first incarcerated. H
MC -LEAN BROTHERS5 `11 the yellow metal is but the counter which and killing her instantly, He then fired at tension, and many of the churc uble whatever. -1 , .
. took the elevator to the baths and big � . �
PUBLISHERS. '_ - - niarks'� tho extent of the ur-Q—in- -9 the girl, but only wounded her. To com- out the Simcbes were the direct result of his idea not only of the - marvelous scenery of critics no tro _�
1:) -
I I .
. 1DoQ1 _Qa the kkround floor. - - � .
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