HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-15, Page 8OF
THEHURON )EXPOSITOR411 Wilson's Dash Grocery. ened up on onday, after considerable ma years postmaster at Bandon. He �lied accident was caused through the breaking 'smouldering all night. It was noticed just Hamilton,, where he had lived for man3
lomr, and most of oar -people have been in wamilton on Monday of scarlet fever.' of the platform connecting the tramway in time to prevent a serious fire. The dain- years, and'bad gained the love and esteerr.
We have a pure brand of Tarter Baking Powde . r able to burrow their way out of their-diYel- r. W. H. Willi�, has now got comforta- 'with the car, while- pulling in the -truck age was slight. �Two of the Messrs. Kemp of the family. Mr. MeXenzie died OL con,
E, hich we &to :bly4ocated in
guaranteed equal to the beat put up, w lings. Nositiob cuts thro4h snow -banks his ijew and c-ammodious store '10ILded with 1,000 pounds of -flour. The full were chopping wood on the Hitchcock farm, sumption. .—With commendable energy out
sellink- at les- than halt the combinatiern price, try 04 were ever seen in this village before. —']!he 'in Carmichael's new block.�Tvliss' Carrie ve
'We aie eellinv the best Tubs, Palls, Wash -boards, la ight of truck and flour fell oil ihe young near Stapleton', on Friday last, when' the reeve -and councilmen attended to the open�
Broonts, blat,ches and. woodenwaxe at -less than the usual monthly meeting of_ tho; Womens Hoffman, who has beenvisiting friends here n ns.leg, breaking it at the ankle as well snow storm set in. -They were lost, for sev- ing of the streets and thoroughfares aftei
regular prices Our sales of Teas and Coffee are in- Foreign Missionary Souietry was held oil for the past tbree inoilths, returned to her as seriously bruisin it. He was at once eral hours, butinally found the road with- the blockade of Satur"y and Sunday last,
I rpt,- 1nma ;71 rp ..A I T I :
�ereastng ever m3ritb ; we have out the pric right rr A #4 .11 9 &S 1D .1 I -you t Uva MY ebu xV LV4� 0 13. MOV. LQ. V I" k;V14 � VL) V 10 e, an eULAjal. alU suninioned, out serious results. —Messrs. Smith & RainsItaW,4.0f
4do.wn so. it will not pay o buy from the peddlers this place,
ortolsond away for them. Ifyou want to anitob bit we fear it -will be soine time before Iget the subject for discussion was Japan, and sev- Warwick; Si., arrived I;ere from Af. a .1
beat value (or your inoney give us a call, We are I Y. eral interestin pa; era were read. The on Tuesday last. She is at present the heirill recover from such serious injury.— liave drawn out plans and specifications foi
Fordwich. a. new Presbyterian manse to be built al
ing ho che*p we can sell goods for Ci8h Of trade meeting wE Viss Graham, who,
st of her son, i%1r. John Warwick, Sea- Mr. John Buchanan, who is attending the A.,; INVITATIONT.—At, the February meet- i Fordwich next surnmer.--Messrs. Ramiltoi
only. We ha..ve a 117nit-cla8i strwk and can safetv 'are pleased to see,'bas lately -been apoin forth. —Business pretty !early at a Agricultural College at Guelph, has been
Mromise the goods and prices %,III pleass you Wle of the official. Board of the Fordwich Metho- & Sanderson continue to ship great Rum,
A a pure sugar syrup at 4ec per aullon Presbyterial Secretary, a position she will stand still in town on Friday andSanrdav home on a visit to his parents.—Four youn a oiloice bers of cattle and'bogs to the easterr
new niaple syrup at 81 per gallon ; best flour at $1.65 efficiently fill. This society is doing an ex dist Circuit, a cordial and unanimous invit- last, but the country people commenced t'o pien from this village braved the storm markets.
of ation was, extended to Rev. T. Wesley i
PE�r 100 Ib$.; Crockery and Giwqa-kare at the lowest clallent work and it would be very encour- dig themselves oub on 211onday, and since Friday evening last, in order to fulfil. a soc-
priceg. Call and seegoods beforabuinw. No trouble Cosens, of Walton, to become their Pastor aging to ilt members if more of the ladies of tben'the townhas been quite lively,—.Mr. ial enga ement at a partv about three miles to.showgoods. The highest prIC08 paid for &I; kinde at the close of the present Conference year. BelgTave. ot produce. our church would attend its meetings. Murdie Ross, Bayfielcs fish kin was in distant f, 9 rom here', and, nothing daunted 15N; riday. He brought in the tem- the weather or roatis. they- got there, had 'a Ir. Cosens has accepted subject to the ap-, olne person, whose posi
town on rvio No A 9
C. WI;LSON, Seafrt.h. proval of the stationing committee. ollice seems to be Belgrav, from the post
D-E.&Tji OF AN- OLD A. C. perace Crusaders, who have been giving good time and teturned home in good
Bank ofCommerce Block. Forsyth, of Greensboro, Narth Carolina entertainments here this week.—Oti'v citi- spi ark on the envelope, was kind enough t(,
t yitis, feelingthat they would not be afraid
1974 Ashfield. reinit us his subscription in a letter date�l
writes lis its follows I beg to acquaint zens will, no doubt, be glad to learn that the 0 join partiy in search of the North Pole.
Oil -%viththedeatbof my rand -mother, Airs. Ancient Order of Foresters of this town —Th ilibers of Court -Ivy Oreen. lodge of —James Brown from Cavalier, North I February I Otli. He, however, forgot to sigr
e nie DOT-;.
-ange-d for an entertainment oil Weil- Poresters, wave a TO SECURE tavid. MdKenzie. She 4111 be remembered have ari grand oyster supper to" Dakota, has been visiting friends in this his narn� to the letter. If the person whc
900 olis Misses their fai an rie er all had
by some of the older residents in and around nesday,February 2 ],by the fain nilies d f nds, and aft section for some days.—We are orry to sent this nioney'will kindly (Irop us card,
Brucefield. She came South with my&tber Webling, of London, England. Probably done ample justice to the good thing learn MEdmund. Andrew I giving his name -wewill glalaly give Mir
Prompt Despatu n! 1, an ias been I
and mother 21 years ago. She,was the wife no entertainers ever came to Canada more excellent literary and, n usical prograt' seriously ill for some time. We hope to soon credit for that aniount.
I nme of David McKe highly reconimended than these talent- was carried out, which was very much en. nzie, whose family lived on bear of his rTcovery.—Alr. Charles Ritcliie,'
the London Road, two miles out from Bruce. ed young ladies.—Rev. Mr. Hodgins left joyed by all present. l3th concession had his len, broken while re -
r3 - —Mr. G. C. Petty, one 0 Bluevale.
field She was one of the first residents in home oil I hursdav of last week to hold a of our Jldest and most enterprising citizens, ing from a wedd a few days ago. He Nj.-,%Ys Lottie Fell, of Tor-
Qukh ,9_wplies, turn a narrow escape in freezing to death.
the County of Huron, having settled there series of missiqnary meetings fjh� Biddulpli, gave St. Paul's church choir and the offi-' 1 1 in onto, is -visitinfe her ister, Mrs. GeorgE
lad f r90 Send your Teleggrams via nearl seventy years ago. , 9he has one son, Kirk-tonnd other places, bu storni- cers of the Sabbath School an y oyster.supper Haney,
of this place.—Mrs. Roberts, ol
Alexander M cKnzie, living in Clinton, and botind a Lucali, and was un;gble either to at his residence on lFriday evening last Cromarty.- B rfisels, is spending afeiv davf with hex
CAR Telegraph. anotherJanlescKenzie,in Dubuque,low fill his apointments or reach home. Messrs. Air. Robert lOir, son of the late Oreorge BiaFFs.—F riday last waa the stormiest. sister, Niliss Wynne.—INliss JoneE
Kemp and Holine
also a daughter living in Wroxeter, besides sted supplied the Pulpit. \Ioir, of the township of Hy, and who I'
ias dav in the inemor of the oldest inhabitant. has returned froi;i 'a visit to Manchester, —
11a lines extend around the World." Thonift y
my mother, who lives in the County of I s�'-,cburch on Sunday, Rev. "kir. been teaching in Xlanitoba for'sonie time G�eat difficultywas encountered in getting Mr- in Do,
and Mrs.Jol ;man, of Rat Portage,
Steele, of Kirk -ton, being unable to reach past, is home on a visit. —Nifiss Louisa Moir, the scholars home from school, some of the,,, are visiting relatives nd friends in -.Nlorris.
6uilford, Kansas. She was born in Scot -
J. S. JACKSON, Agent- land and was 92 years of age wherishe died.,' here.—Mr. 3'. 8'. Cole, Provincial Secretary youngest daughter of Mr. Win. Nloir, is —Miss Jennie Campbell, of Turnberry, and
being nearly paralyzed with the cold. The
of the Young Men's Christian Association, visithic, in Wiligham. Miss Lizzie and 'Mr. James Robert;on, of
SaMELEPHOTNTE 32. ..a mail (lid nit go out either Friday or atnr- 1404 GoOD PREACIU�R.—The gentleman re. -will visit the local association here. this week A day, on account -of the block'a6d state of this villge, -were -visiting at. r. alcolin's,
ferred to in the followifig paragraph, which and the coining one. He will lead.the Bible Bldke. the roads. —The house of Malcolm Lamont, in Kincardine, this week.—Leslie, the in -
we take frotil the Carleton Place Herald of class next Sunday morning when. the sub- Dt son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Tbonias Cornell,
BIG DROP PROPE-RTY PURCHASED. Mr. Charles Oil the l3th. Concession, wag I)urned down oil f last Week-, is a native of this county, and is ject Will be The call of Moses' at the
Moir has purchased f vom Mr.r John Weir Friday last. The tenant, Mr. died oil Wednesday inorning. Hicks, of -Well known to nany of our readers. The burning bush. Minnie Hicks, of Seafortb, the residence in which lie now
very little saved from the house.—Mr. and ------------ Herald says: " Rev. A. A. Scott exchanged Harpurhey, who has been on a visit to
lives. It s a very comfortable and ple4s- Mrs. Neil Gillespie, of this place, were visit- Made -u P Clothing. pulpits oii'- Sund4y with Rev. D. M. Buch- friends in Stratford, returned 'home last 'rey last week. SCITOOT, PROTFST.—Thia case was ar
anan, o ntly situated place. . In addition to the inu friends in ued
'is a compara-
week.—Miss Susie NICINIallon, of Stratford, f Lanark. . The latter - house and out -buildings, there is an acre 6 before udge Doyle last Thursday the pe -
We refer you to page live of tbia paper for our bi 0 p -_
tively new man in this Presbytery, and was the guest of Miss Minnie Hicks last and a fifth of land on *hich is a nice fruit Hay titioner dropping all his charges,and
discounts on madv�up clothirg in, litews Youths' A a
Boy's Overcoats and Suits ths was hiq firs visit to Carleton Place, He week.—Rev. Mr. odgins, of this town, a] Bo for Ladle8'and Child-' orchard. The -as $330. ir. 11. k P P Ii., zv I 1. S, be allowed to file all affidavit,
yrice paid -.i
ren's winter coats. Read said advertisem is a fluent speaker and delivered two very drove thirty-five miles in the recent storm Owincr to the recent storill askiDcr to
enttbrough IMoir has secure a nice home, and we hope the roads are terribly i5ocked at present.— showing ]low many inarried wonien. bad
and ycu will find that Ave intend to make it an easy. fine serm, ons on this oec'asion. His text in and bears the marks of the encounter on I"$ himself
and his estimable wife may be Ion-, A pleasant time was spent at the residence
matter for you to purchwe your m inter suppIlis of voted, which was granted and tua the ques-
the morning was from Job- 15 : I I, " Are the face still.--Tlle� bretren of the local lodge 0
clothing., general Dry Goods, Furs, &c. We mean spared to enjoy its comforts. tion was a new one the judge' reserved bis
of Mr. John Hawkins, of the London road,
solations of God sinal with thee," and of Loyal Orangen-len are inaking prepar-
decision for two weeks to look into the mat -
from this verse a good illustration of prac-- atiobs for a big celebration in this town oil Hay, on Wa(,Iiiesday evening last. The
WK PICKARD & CO'S. tical Christianity was outlined" In the ille 126 of Jaly next.—Tlie Kickapoo In- Drysdale. company was composed of a number of young t.er, btit when the ffidvit is put in it wont
chan e the niatter, as only one
Bargain, Clothing and Dry Goods House, evening the text -was from Deuteronomy than Medicine Company, which , has been A Gooi) Ttim, Coxr-�,-(,.�The young peo- ladies aiiLl gentlemen of the immediate
pie be neighborhood and also a number- irom E Seaforth. 3: 25, " 0 Lord God, Thou hast begun to holding forth in the town. ball for s6me Catholic church, Drysdale, intend xeter vo and that was proved at the first in -
holding a grand concert and literary enter- and Hensall. After a, few hours had been Vestigation. It initylit.also be well to en-
shew Thy servant Thy greatness." The -time, left on.TuesdT Mornilir, for Blyth. subject was the greatness of God, and as On Monday night tb;y resented it lady's tainment in the Separate school ill this spent in dancing, games &c., they all part- quire where the subpoena that was served
w ed Lit An early hour or as we should s
ay ill on witnesses compelling their attendance
'place, oil Monday evening, February - 25th.
'dealt with in such a mariner as to elicit the Jold watch, which was drawn by Miss B. I Alay was got, as the Clerk of the County court
Some oftbe best local talent in the rieiali- the -wee small hours of the niornin appreciation, of the large congregation ones.—Thie Crusaders, under the auspices 9
00 borhood has �'een secured, and no effort will says none was issued. There surely has not
djoc present." of the Royal Templars, are drairing ])limper i Air. and Mrs. Hawkins long be spared to
be spaed to make the afflair a grai enjoy the comfortsoftbeirfine newresideice. been a forgery committed.
Ihouses this week. They. are fi id sue -
_41— ne singers I ess. The proceeds will clo to aid in re Brussels Curling OOT.13 and Shoes 'at Bankru B t, pric6s -all and give a interesting entertinment.—To- 1 I` Arthur Coxworth has disposed of his
DISTRICT MATTERS. this mouth at T.V. RvTLxwr,'s. 1118.1 bo driving m*iLre for a handsome suin to �qr. ed a friendly game with Wroxeter club, in
building the parsonage, which was burned
gganing at ." the mountain " seems to be-'
Rickert, of Hensall.—Miss Fraser of Steph- Wroxeter, oil Thursday of last week, -whih
during the past summer. All are cordially
a favorite sport at presdilt the youncy peo-
NoTIGE. —I shall contille to practice den- of resulted in draw. Wroxeter will play a, -
en and INIrs.- A INfck and* Miss ack, tie ry as before, and h%ve no Intention of leaving invited, and a real enjoyable and profitable
amping there and back oil snowshoes.
OUR AGENT. It -ening call be promisJ1. There should be ay,Nvere the guests of Mr. William Camp- forth, as rumor would have it. All unfinished e -ieeting of the Women's Be, �'-`Thr regular n e% H. other match here at an early date.—Mrs'
bell,, of 2nd concession Hay, a few days last �oug has sold her 0 aer fi
work will be completed according to wyreeinent. Cliristian-Temperance Union will be held -in an overflOWillg house. e irm oil the I I th
Mn. J. P of'sSeaforth, has Bridge and Crown work will be a- speciality in the t6e usual place, on Wednesday next, at 3.30 week. concession of C'erey to a Mr. Hey(I for $2, -
future. G. F. BF.LDx*T, Dentist, Sea -forth. 1418-xl 00.—John -NIcDougall's sale, which bias
been appointed travelling agen for THF, p. m.—Nearly every farmer -who comes into Constance.
'xvosiToir, and is authorized to take NOTICE.—All parties indebted to us. will Blyth- been postponed several. times oil accotint of
sub- please call at the* warcroome, Mai tre t nd settle town these times has the mark of frost bite SELLING 017T.—Mr. F.'Scboales, having BREVITH's.—Exi,osiTop readers -,%-ill the weather, had t6 be acrain adjourned last
ee a
on his fa-le.—We are sorry to learn that purchased a farm in Algoma, near Port
seriptiens, collect m. oneys, and transact on or before March 15th., as -we re . lir� funds very -est
-riday to onday of neo
please pardon your correspondent for not xt week. The old
m-wh indeed. Yours respectlaII3, BROADFOOT, Box Miss Clara Murphy, of this town,.4s se
Ji.mainess generally for Tap, EXV0STT0P..&Co rious- lay intends removing there early in settler pronounced last week tliec6ldest
Seatorth. ' in 'writing news for the past few weeks, and 1. 1418- ly ill, uhope soon to hear of her recovery. spr -
.3 the ing. With this object in vieu lie is reply to t6e Bayfield corres ondent,s ever felt here and last Friday afternoon the
CLF,vnLN.(,, sale. of boots and shoes at the dispose of his thorobred pigs and
new shoe store for S5 days lestion of last Nveek, we are pleased, to stormiest day.—There were no inails on
.0ing to
directly oppobite the TuckersmAh. other stock by auction, on Thursday next, �111 it , it we are not frozen up yet.—Ow- TKE FERF..Nri.;-,'s BATl,. The harric ExposITOR OMCC.�W. U.'WiLms manager. 1418-1 eitherFridayorSaturday on account'of
ane on tlell I ni th,
QIst inst. He has -a lot -of good stock, and,
Br(, Woin�. —Messrs. John and William fiig; to the big storin of Friday and Satur- the storm, and the roads are almost Friday evening spoiled, to a considerable Pnopigp.Ty' in Egfillondville for sale.—A impass-
no doubt, his sale will draw a large crov.-d.
extent,, the iirenlen's Ball in Cartino's hall house and three aer Martin, of Tucke'rsmith, did good stroke (lay, Rev. INIr. Battisby, of Chatham, could able ---A number of Reformers attended the
the es ut land.North and Wust of I fr. Thomas Browii will wield the auction- Wingliam, n
on that Of course it was impossible Egmondville manse. A less quantit of land than of work recently. They began , with. the I not get here to preach the Reform demonstration t
y eer's haininer. anniversary ser -
three acres may be sold to suit purchaser. W
for any to come f r6m the country mid, i 3-i. standing tree and manufactured into stove nions in the Presbyterian church.—ev.Mr Thursday evening�—Tbe Reform appeals in
ELLIOrr, SeafOrth P. 0. n, 1412-tf I 20scords of wood in thirty-five hours, &tt).—Word has been received here fl'olll Becker, of Colborne, assisted Bug.- Howick,decision on which was reserved,hav,q
fact, those who atteaded from WOO(
town ("is- RE;.,%ioA-Fi).—We have removed from T. r. Charles Oran er, formerly of this played rfood to turn. ont in slich a This' is prettygood work, and the boys . libis services on Sund ornilig ill been decided in favor of the Reformers,
t -nd to c�ur new store in the Car- place, to the Coventry's.L Id sta �ffect tfiat his son, E ay- of 1.1.
the making all dditional train —The in-
t storm, W'e understand here out michael b1bek. R Willis, the oheAp boot and shoe p now lying at Sarilt Ste Marie, ba i
were ab couldn't have stopped very often to spit oil NIetbodist church, also. addmressed ' lie
forty ladies and seventy genlerlien present. W. H. WILLIS ilanager. their hands. ving one fant daughter of A. G. Dickson died at the
14181 -Sabbath school in the afternoon.—Busines.
there to under,go a surgical operation 0 it
Thia, of course, was kind of lonesome for, NOTE:S.�_)-Ir. Andrew Patrick, of � flibbert men report trade %-cry dull during the past seems that two years ago he got one of xis residence of her grandparents oil anday,
le (refttlemen, bilt all present of congestion of the Itins. Her mother
tI township, has-- purchased fifty acres on the AVeek.—_*,N1r. AV. W. Sloan spent a few days
To,%vx COUNCIL.—The town fathers bad toes badly frozen. It has Oever healed up, ill our midst this week.—Our inont (lied -very suddenly here about a year ago.
hly, of it and spent a very enjoyable Cvenlllcr. quite;-,, busy session on Tuesdayt evening sixth concession from Mr. NA %in A' and at length got 'so troublesome tliat lie Had tho weather b Naughton for the suin of $22.500. Mr. Pat- . 0 s was held on Tuesday last. The fther, who resides in Detroit, arrived
seen f �worable there wouf(i Re pri'llcipa item the appointment Of had to seek ni Hi doctor in- Quite a lar,re
edical dvice. crowd -was in town.—The Kickapoo here ollIN-Tonday afternoon.—Messrs. Clegg
have been an imitnense attendance, and the town officers, the following gen,tlen*? en bein, rick has got a grood. farin.—Mr. llan Alc- foellied him that the toe nd portion of
Kinnon left last week for St. Josepli*s- cine Concert Copany re boldirig concerts and Dames s))ipped a carload of tock zLffibi-r would have been a r-trand success as the stlecessf ul applicants : dlerk and Treas' the�foot -would have to be niputked,- and, s on
our iremen catulot regulate land, where be will reside, P�Irnianentiv._ every night, this week in Industry 1-1:111 Tuesday. Theycouldnotget car - oil Mon-
'lliott ; - I -
ulrerl Win. 14, Town. Constale and no doubt, the operation has been performed
e, 'illespie ; Assessor, Wtn. Tidings have arrived from Buft' before this. We hope it will prove su. They, are Ilving lare crowds.—Mr. W. H' (11 so had to hold thelli O er Collector, Wilt. CC' McDonald, a,well I of the death of Mr. Miles I ess- Haninion(l, station agent here, luu, -we see, Balan, ne; Waterworks Enginerar, R. S. known resident -of the 9th concession 15 ack from his holi
ty fill,' and that lie will soon get all �ight
hRoberts; fenceviewers, James McCulloch, "Ot) day trip, and is oil Centraha.
scries of meetins under years ago. He was killed in -the fatuous lility a-ain.--Mr. Thomas Dolierty, of
m e, Thomas.Hurphy ; Town CLICKS.—Mrs. Hill -is still suffering from
,pices of the Soutli Hawn Farmers7 - Engineer J ohn Betvttie ; Market C'Ierk,- E. powder explosion there. Clinton,0 was in our town thi week.-- lingering illess.—Mr. Witter is quite low,
3 Ethel.
tate, hve been arranged, for. 'Xilese ineet- Lusby. The salaries and ditties pertaining WEST E'_ND NOTES.—A sleighincy party Rev. Air. Hotten, of - Ripley, will preach and z'his friends are very ings -will be -held- at 6o_xWortb's hall, Hen- to the various offices are the same as drove to the residence of 2A] r. . Thom -as Me- 1AIATl11.110.N1_kT,--A very interesting - and missionary sermons in the IN-14hodist eb arch .1%-.ennedy and -eniucr, Ist inst., enjoyable time -was spent at the residence liter, from Eden, near
Mr. and.Mrs. Fero.
(lay eN next 8abbath.—The concert in Londesbol-O, Ti1scnbu'rg, arevisitiDgl
:!(Ytll, ayear. . The market clerk reported the -
ou Wednesday, Febrt latMichael, Hullett, Fri
nd had a v - enjoyable time�Vlr. 0. of \1r. John Whitfield, of Grey on the 60� which the Methodist church choir -was to as -
the hall, Zuricb, on Thuarsda , Feb- weighing fees for the year to be 334.95 " er, V —Avilliatu. Ha-critil, wlio attended the Sab�
ly Watters is still confined to his bed !With a inst., the occasion being the ularriacre of his sist oil i I (I, y
be ad- blrtWm. Sleeth was paid fifteen dollars for 1\ o 1, bt last,has been pospolied bath School st
Convention at Crediton 1.
(Iressed by John A severe cold. ---The church opening services -aluiable -and accomplished daughte'r, Miss to a later (late. --
eChristian Eideavor 8oc- week, gave a -full. report of the proceedillars
ext'ra work- on town hall steps, and Mr. IcMillan, . 11., South Tf C. M. Lobo ; Hell, in connection -with Turner s eburZi will be L;tura, to T\fr. FIEtcher Roe, a prosperous iety of St. Andrews church is to have a -visit to the Sunday school here ol
ry Credlitoti, and Others.' There will 1 -th. inst. he afternoon service P, Lyon's account for inspection' durin the
9 lield on the I young farmer of McKillo son of Thomas from the Christian E rideavor 80(ie�y of Ali- noon last. —Between fifty and. sixty -attend-
milding of the town hall -was paid in. full.. also be an entertaintinrit t each will be cond ucted by the Rev. xNf r. Stewart, Roe, Esq.. The ceremony was 15erforined burn in tit Mr. Will" in Crit -
The amn-tial rebarte of taxes was -allowed the e near future.— la ed the E'pworth League Prayer meetinor last
ptace, for Th e sum of fif. Clinton.- � Theve will also be tea meeting by Rer. J. W. Wadell, Methodist minister, tenden, of Nl uskoka lumber wo6du, arrived Tuesday evening. be proviilevl. e'ld on the evening following. Of Etliel.
which a t-ood 1-liusical nd literary to -sal e It was ably led bv
-,vbieli will bei Miss Phoebe Roe acted s bome oil Monday.—Mir. 'R. E. Jamieson is 'Misses Mrtliia Hillri(I Mary Handford.—'
%Ve hope' teen hundred dollars was placed to the t - 'bridesniaid, and Air. William Whitfield
these ineeting x ensive preparations are beinc, inade and in Leyden oil business at present.— The isEdonary ineeting, wits -to
s- will b c Iar�ge)y by credit of the Collegiate Institute Board C 3 a CrOO I interested in the respective nehollbor- d tin e is expected. performed the duties ot groonisman. Miss
in accordance with their request. A report 0 have been held oil, Sunday last, has been
Roe, of Morris, plaved the wedding march.
by the Fire and Water Committee' in regard Morris, posbponed for two. weeks, ow to the
0 Hibbert Com,ratulations over, the largre company in
to the alhortage of time on electric street NoTES.—March the 8th is the (late of the severe storm of last week which hFocka-ded
sat down to _a, suluptuous repast pnivided lights, was lad over until the n —Kr. Joseph Wells, of the LY tAM-116. 13 the roads so that not a solitry rig was to
Mr. W. A. Waugh for- ext meeting. chool entertainment in School ection 2�'o.
by th� gonial hostess. After tea, a very en- be seen in the church slied. 'The" evening
-1 In accordance with the report of the coin- Nth concession, has a. ewe, which on the ziterly of of the flem of )onell A grai ramme is being prepared,
-as spent ith music and
& W,uoh no mittee appointed 'at the last session, it was )2nd of January last presente(.[ him with a joyable time N% doing prosperous basiess consistina Of �Ieroaoiings, recitations, congregtion, ho,wever, -was large the peo-
.1 - frill cr lusements. --The dialogues e town account with ti I I... Vells did ot ap_ sin, . and other si-thple an
decided to leave t1h ambs. nd instritmen niping acro
in E.-Pkri:,(,I:re fm-tsas" writes on the Feb ie pair of fine 1. tal music. _Tb is -will be a good pie tra ss fields and sil-07wbanks as
esteem in which tlib bride is held was shown rEtEtry. as fo llo ws Dominion Bank. number -of accounts were ear to give his e -we ny particular credit if they enjoyed tM fan.—John Barry and
ies regu- winter. Mr.
oar paper con �Iace to spend in evening in
or the addition by the largeumber of costly presents she P. .AkIeCasey has sold histouse and 10 acre
larly every week I can it is passed -and council adjourned. F, uth -of the
8 to is flock, until be hbard i sister, who live about a mile so
of a simi wasthe recipient of. The entertainment
hi,ighly esteetile(l. I know of lio paper that ila event occurring in another : lot near Belgrave, to Mr. Wm. Wightinan. Vill ge, had- their house destroyed b fire
ter date. 0 ,r ti � s re ag y
man's flock at a 1, having ended, the g I t tired, ie r. Thursday
Tim, (IRPAT T01-M.—Tbe winter of' 189.5 GoOD S,ro(.'KThe writer bad tl . appy coup el
give me more information concei the 1i itous and pr'osper-
g 'v'sh'" TI price paid was $400. M MeC�tsey in- between nine and ten o'clock, on
liative courity, ('00d Old Huron, ie , priv- tends oing to live with his son I lit of last week. The fire oriainated in
ous journey through lif . ill tile 1119
-;pcilt aly boz will long be remembered for its severity. ilege, few clays ao, of visiting the exten- UniteN States.—J. Parker had his face ?n alarmin cy
0 the.woodshed, and spread - with
,vilood t4vs, iwd iny ilirind often The mildness of the earlier pat of the sea- sive feeding s6tbles"Of Messrs. Thomas Hog- - I 0
last, rap dity, until the whole structure Was con-
wandets,'back to Ifinsall, wh�relivas et- son has been more tha ' pensatedfor by arth & Sons, near Ceortiaty. The -Messrs. pretty badly fro2en oil Friday evening in the hardware busiuess nearly I I com coining from school.—It was twenty-two be- sumed. The greater part of the furniture,
an the extrente severitv of the weather since 7' vears."—Mr. Woggrartli have gained for tl�emselves all en- Thows, Jones, of the low zero oil N1 ednei day e0c, however, was saved, bu it was an awful.
0 morning last w
her Old NewYear's. ' But aft the storms and bliz- viable 'i6putation for feed' port LeaAbavy hotel, had social party of 1 and in sunshine at that.. now banks would ff uronUe, writes fron-1 Hrtfod, _34 g prime e-\ roung night to be driven our, of house and home
zards heetofore were left in the shade by cattle in forni9'3-ears, but,11noni appearances eople pay him a visit one evening recently. be a good name for some of the country y
follows - " We are a litice wititer by the fier element. They found shelter
no not too U apparent- Th'ey- were welcomed and entertained in a for the night at James Oke's, their nearest
that of Ffidavand, Saturday last. There at the time of -bur visit, they Aid 0
lat cold, b,ut, I . Places now judging by the attendance O*f
has been noth'ing like it in these parts during 13, out -do themselves this seasoll They are PIQ.asing and graceful nianner by Mrs. and people at church of late. --We are sorry to. neighbor.—IN11r. Eplraim Butt, of Clinton
deep tf, hin(ler trvel. TF1E Exf-os,rToit is the past quarter century at any rate. Friday" now feedin 19 head for the ay ii -i Miss Jones, and there was a very enjoy alwt�y��welcome, as it seenis *,o 9 -.%I -arket, able learn of the illness "of L\f re. John Dotiolas is visiting his brother, Rev. W. H. Butt.
Inorning, idthough frosty w 0
6r honic V -y read the news ill it.- its bright, clear besides a like number for the grass I this week.—Mr. Clegihipped a 'I -r- I .
hese'� time spent, all. round.—We are pleased to car loa(�,of ie and cail. Aboont eleven o'clock the' wind gentlemen have latbl - adde(l to th' ir labor 'rei, who was at cattle o Tuesday of t is week. 0: 3 learn that Mr. Ailliani (1, commenced to riseand inside of fifteen min- savillet implements, all aerniotor, which the point of death, is now recovering. We Hy-.%.tESEAL.—A correspondent from How- East Wawanosh. ToBACCO ().N grood story utes it �%vas blowing a Perfect hurricane and they t3use for pumping water for their trust that with the adveii� of spring he -will LocALS.—The severe storm. of' Friday and
which was fou,nd floatill ard, Kansas, writes :—There was married at
e road-,.
ii a iiebulou' the atmosphere,%vas filled with snow. Some- l'i-ater i,sz'conveyed - through be fully restored to heath.—Mr. Alexander her father's residence here on February fitli, Pioneers say it was the coldest and most se -
stock. The uturday has again blockaded tb
(-ondition in the apper at mesplierb, has thnes it was impossble to distinguish ob- the stables 1) means of pipes l, coll- Ross had the misfortune to cut his tlitiiiib BessieH. Lee�Q,to tbeRev.D. McLeod,N]. 7been
trikthered it, by otir alcdote. editor. It jects a rod away. This.'continued until late vere storm they have- ever witnessed.—Mr.
trivance which we are certain would be ap severely one (lay lately. Mr. Ross, how- Victoria, Balmoral,11i'lanitoba., Mis
s Le eorge Taylor had a pt-cessful. sale on Wed-
ceins tbat the �vilfe of a proinient citizen Saturday night: Indeed on Friday after- preeiated by mail , of our friends during tbe- ever. is one who does not r the third daughter of Mr. Andrew Lees; for'
neiglibotillcl tawnship -wa away froin noon or evening it was scarcely safe to ven 3 give way fo I nesday last.—Mr. John Anderson plirpoes
- almost unprecedented storniv -weatbeor of trifles, and is to be found in the shop as many years a resident in Morris, County of having a sale of farm stock. and implements haine when the recent big sno y d o e the past few also utilize,the usti-al.—Some young fellows who were call- Huron, Ontario, but removed to Kajisas shortly.—i'vIr. James Porterfield. from
w storia canle ture out an is were induced by the plesat morning same power for cutting straw and crushing ing Onyoung lady friends to the west of bout ten years ago. Rev. Mr. MeLeod is Uncle Sam's domains, is visiting under th6
ou, and he Nvs oed up ,nd lef L dewlate. Pi weeks. They A neighbo surnusing thab his grub had to come' to town hadgreat difficulty grain,. making their ample barn one of the Inight, hid their robe r, gettihg Leadbury the other
prubably I'll 11 sh ort , donned sno-w -i hoes rau boin a native of Ross -shire, Scotlan&,and a grad parental roof.—Nlr". Thomas Irwin was vis-
e again. The aountrY roads were all best �tluippcd feeding stables in this part. devoured by bogs. We bear they coluglib uate of Aberdeen University. - He came to iting his brother Richard last wee.—A
took a basket of I)rovisjoils ON-er to tke completely blocked and great mountans of cold on The return trip, and their Ma's have Canada about eighteen months 8 C. Unfortualiatelv ho-wever, the lat- snow were heaped up on the streets - in va ince, and sleighloadof youn peoplefrom. thefourth
1�eeii dosing them -with paregoric and ginger (lid some mission work in the territories
ter's, saply of tobac�o' bd run out a nd Ile rious part Etensull. 0 9 I 8 of the town. The stages from tea., — John Burrows, one of the early line of Morris spept a pleasant evening at
hard put to for a silloke, but is now settled over the congregation Of . I lfe couldn't Brussels,Bayfield and Hrlock were delayed Holl -SE. Am) LoT FOP. SALr.—For- ale, i neers of the Leadbury line, has been ill Nlr James Cumining s Ipt week.—Mr. Al.
Wade out, and didn't like to gi% here until corner lot, pleasantly situated, upon which is built NO the Presbyterian church at- Victoria and -e his neigh- Monday, -while dhe trains rere a good frame dwellinK house aud stable, both nearly' at his horne, to the west of Walton.—When Dundas, Manitoba. The wedding as a H. Harrison was in Wingliain last week
ki(y bavk with a bit"of also, b6oked-up. The 'track-, howeyer, was . i we t putting up some of his celebrated wire
new. There is a good well, and the lot is neatly old people that February would make quiet one, only the family and a few intimate fencinu.—INIr Ken. Ed -wards has gone to
tobaecto, so lie neighbor cleared otit on 8Aday, and the trains were. fenced with wire netting. For particulars apply to up for the mild December, as a rule tbey friends were present. After the cerem
hould take the Orly, Owen t8'ound t*o attend the
Of a hal of twitte, and runiling nearly oil time oil Monday. The G. J. SUTHERhAND. Postoffice Book Store. 1413 sad Oil ! its going to be all. open win cefully perfortned by the Rev. Mr. 8teel,
when lie got hometia a phig of o-1)acco to it. v t business College
ea her since has been considerably milder B-RmRi. — We a -re now enjoying mild ter.'! lVe wonder what tbey thought oi -in tha -place. We -wish him success. —Soine was not towork 43 i esbyteria a minister of Howard, t lie guests of the young folks from this vicinity attend -
d traffic has been resumed on ill the roads, wedther, a most agreeable cliang� from the last -week—pretty open, wasn't if 12—Tbe af- were entertained to a splendid, ahnost a 0
cantl the 1'. hd tO wil.hout his but there ill be no inore real good - roads recent --severe frost" and storills.—With the ternoon of Friday, February Stli, ed party on the sixth line of Morris last
sinokc a while 'Will ba' sumptuous, supper. Miss Lees endeared her- a
until spring. It was a hard Ukrie on wood o ening up of the snow blockaded roads, memorable as being one of the cold week. We aie glad to state that Mr. John
and coal, but those Who had plenty have p s is renewing est and self to all her friends here, by her kindly Fells and also Mrs. Fells, who have both
busines i its -wonted activity.— roughest e%er seen in IN -'et Ontario. ways and her loving christian disposition,
-NJr. Shaw callise for thLunkfulnemg. Further than sev- Quite,a number' of our . villgers attended Near , everyone Ave ieel , �tern
been confined to bed, are, improving niteely,
13 IVIO as exposed and is followed to her new honie by the best -N C5
ac- serious casualtiq resulting from the storm Londoii road, married to less ftost-bittert. was more or �vislies of all who know her. r. and as his friends would Wigh.—Owing" to it's
tit', of on Sabbath , few ininutes' -Oving as fast
e limige pulvits with Rci' eral frost bites we have' not heard' of any' the lionse warming paty at 1A1r. Hawkins', ,
.x(. 0 to the storm for James Henry is not illipt
union Illoc 111) in this district. It was general all over Miss Jane Chpmau, and just 1licely settled McLeod left for Manitoba on unday I I in town, no --a, being quarterly meeting last in
tif our lield thisProvince and the west inst. in his fine new home.' I'licy report hav- lllai;�hester church, service was not behl.
oin(r spent :a, most enjoyalAe Clinto. 0 until evening at Westfield, —Quite a nunt.
e' the annual meeting of lVilliani Buttery, of Ethel, -was here last Lo, -.xi --The ice harvest has begun lier intend taking in the distriet'inectin(T of
0f hollic Nvoik evidently tend to wea,kon th Wrometer.
Ilic 0
the Independent Orderof Good Tmiip"Iars
hwhich is the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' Assoc-ia- week visitim, relatives nd frieu(Is it thi,� church, and Mrs. Fairlie were invited to and flu ' titie C101`11nodity Ire to le he
MIVII 11) I)e W111111 an s of the cool i 13lyLh oil Friday.
of (.,ol 9 order " the Wigwam the residenee of th bcin�6 stoi*l away for 90 in the shade. -Our
nd Rob- tion held last week in Torontoithe follo-will neighb6fliOOLI.—PartiCS IlaN-e bCell tl1c 0 e _ld it
.11111,11t., left 'for lionle oil breeders from this appointed of the evening in the village and surround- 'Misses lI'viday eveniM, last, C u 1, r tftvr havin- 0 le s leave for London this -week to play
spelit, a vet -1- oil (lie 1�,xeeiltive Coinlijittee: H. '�Smith, ingy couittry during the pat ew weeks.-- nd pvesentetl by the Ladies'Anxiliry of for ille Tankard. ---Mr. Albert Donaldson, of Wingliam.
(;f Trav; AV. . Rip'this 8�tanley 1). Wil-' r a . -A, r. W. undy of ("oderich,
C3 N% -as in the vil- the churell With it et of table cutlery 'antl Blyth, isvisiting friends in town. The Foreclosure of the
o.f the outer warld influe'nee SMI, T. orrison son Inge this I).- Macardiur, of plate, and tNi-o fine pictures. A very ples- & Haiwitock have been awrded the con- 'Mortage," large piebire eight by tell feet
of tile fi of Mr. J. C. Morrison clerk of ' ill, 8, V - cl�illop, A Crair, ill the village part, of last nt evening Nvas �,pellt —Mr. Todd, 1'al:
0 tract of building the Bluevale bridgre.-- If. painted by one of Caiiada2s greatest artists ()f who has �ceil pending the Christinas holi- week and this, visiting his brother, 'Mr. J. Count i
4)f tliv I;Lle, Nev. Neelthill, Master of tPe Loyl Orange Order -8. Smith & Co. are laying in a large stocK
days lie parental honie, returned to _A1acartbiir.1N1iss Chapina, of Bratford, Lt the annual in I - orge A. Reid, is on exhlibition a
alt t of 1r. Ge
% ilbL1(-. �ttr(l V,L111(' this JVV N of the South lumber in anticipation of a, busy season's 'elden's photograph gallery. The pi(Aiire
his andable Dravton, Dakota, on onday.—' J,
A" niectin who was here for several -weeks on a visit, Huroll 1,od , z'
9 C., appointed a delegate to�-nje Black & Barnrd 2% have just was' shown t the World's Pair, Chicago. oil of ihose desirous to have the Seaforuh. liasreturneilliojiie.—Ttietiiana,,ei�.� of Car- (1rand - Lodt,e of British America, which replaced a roll iif their oatmeal mill here, A splendid barn, built about two years ago
righteois creamery run next season as a creainei�y or a inel 1'resbyterian church here have pur- ineets in the City of Halifax, Nova Scotia, ndre s well qualified as eer to turn out belonging to r. Richard Leishman, in
elteese Pactory,will r be lieldat the Royal chased a fine orgn, from the Karn oil tle last Tties�lay in next.—Messrs, the high grade meal for which the ni'
11 is Fast Wa,wanosh, was destroved, by fire ou
(;oil- H( tel, oil ThurstlaN next, ,it ,' o'clock. Orga and Piano Coniptmy, of Wooditock, Jame8 -IleVarchie, on 'of Reeve Me- I Inorn .
There should be a larcre turn -out. famed. substan'ti&I addition has I cen Tucsda3 ing about 6 o'clock. Air,
throtigh Mr. William Mcfer, of this villag�. Murchir, and Mr. If. T. Rau6c, formerly in inatle to the library in the Presbyter'iaii
(I o N () I)ickson, the proprietor io anxious to meet J. Berry re(-Qtitly returned f'
lit. IV -ill s Leisbinan. was feed'ing the stock and atrain witt-it tliv oppornillitN r0ni Favran & Tisdall*s bank, have - taken over �abbatll chool, some exceedingly interesting dentally up,tet the lantern on the barn iloor'.
lits itself. the iews of the patrons.—Mr. �IrVillialil isl)Osin:4 Of a car load of 1101-su across the the banking business of Lucas & and instructive -books being 'in the (.o*
Yet 0: - Virtuous knight C, I- Quite a few implements and -feed of all kinch,
1"Ilts till the ni- Chesney, assesor of l'ackersmith, (Irpvc lines. Thomas Cameron was Tanner, of Dlyth, anil, s they are both lection.- -The -whIstle of the train that ar- were burned. There is an i ran e o
hit o Heliadto -visiting relatives and friends in theneigl� good nau c n bns, en, -e it -Ito is (It-tecteil defced leav qines!� in, tliev are likely to mak rived oil -Mondayinight last was hailed with. barn.—Anniversar 'ces will be hel 7n'
c his horse in Seaforth, howevEr itild borlioc�d of Ethel and Wingliant. servi
re;' 4i Mur , (lay next
Vuln-1 - Caven, Of I�
r e timb At the'township Sabbath School Convention Toronto, Will preacb.—Tbe masked carnival
oil (.'rei( , of this too,Nvn, was it passenger oil. the have rented froni Mr. Jmes) Jrrott, if of his riht hand so badloy frozen that lie held in Belmore on Tuesday last, Wroxeter held in the rink last 'Thursday _� I is s jNLIr. G -eig of the firm of Jackson & intend moving into the dwellim, AN-hich they cars and nose, and the fiiiry rs and � th is Iten vty Unpunished in this world. -had ll - Ilaper since the previous Thursday. — when the -Rev. Dr' llOx (�011ege'
g tt snow shoed it the rest. of the way hoil'ie.— aines rtv and famil-\, of Tuckersinith, bush to to,wn, the other da-, " dail)
a succe-,s of it.—W; Foster, in -walkino, from delight by those who had been without their the I-regbyterian church on Sun
t -coin parijef I by matrain to Toronto that pitched into the this village, about niaht was a
-- �s Pullman, cars on the Chicao express oil March.—Mr. Cornelius Cook son of -Nlr. som rs
the second �veek n has since been laid off work.—Tbe residence was represented in the personsof Rev.'-Nfessrs. great success.—As e of our councillo,
.—Many of -Our r�aders will re- . Henry Cook, ot th� Herisall , Flour mills, �( Robinson,
last it eek. v% ithofviends Friday last 1 of Mr. . 11. Tisdall came near being burned Kerr and _ Anderson, Air. W. M. retired, another nomination ba been held.
in the lo-wn on Friday morning last. It seenis Robert D )1,%ck and others.—A much respect- The following now fill the vacancies a d
Itill-S attend- gret to learn of the death of Mr. . MeL met with very painful and Seri n
Ous cci- that the tile in and aronnrd the coal grate, ed vouri(r man has passed away in the per- were e
0 lected b
son,of Mr, Andrew.McKenzie, wbo (lied on in Ward No. 2-; John Hanna and Robert' c
new ville, a native of the township of Hullett (lent on Wednesday last while en�ed in i -on the upper floor, had conveyed fire to the NVm. Dore t
elit n acclamation road wits and iou of the late La* loadill" floill, Oil a 'lutes, n.
irlic, 0
-wreuce fol -ftilway car. The joist under the flooring, and it bad been Friday last, at the residence or John Willson, in Ward o -A-1 Gordon in
Edwa-rd McFaul,
Ward No. 4.—Afr. Joseph Bullard has been
reappointed chief ofpohee.—A large crow,&
was expe�ted at the grand Reforin- m e6tig .
in - the Town Hall last night. — Afr�
-Will Nicholson has secured the wholp-
contract for 1LIr. Alexander Ros' new
bouse.—Miss Emma Bell has -started a
aluting class in town.--2Tbe wife of Mr. D.
lgltewart, cattle buyer, who has been serious-
ly ill, is improving.—Th little t-wo-year-
old boy of Mr. Nicholls, the baker, i's verv,
sick. —Pearl.'Roore, the little daughter ;f
Mr. Win. Moore, who has been il nearly
all winter, is not getting better " fast as
her friends would like to see.—TU. Riebard
H-erdatnan is some better.—The N'lisses Gil-
christ5 of Hensall, are the guests of th
INJisses Johns.—r. Preaton has gone to
Hamilton to reside.
Perth Items.
Ralph Hicks -second son of Mr. W. AV.
Hicks, of Mitc�eii, met with an accident at
,the High seboel gymnasim on Monflity'last
week.. While swinging at full It �o eight P,
the rings, which re exten from the-
ceiling, one of the. astenings broke,jetting
fall t the boy o the ground wilth terrjble-
force. No bones were broken, but -the -
shock was Severe and the bruises very
—One dav lately, on the 7th concessi if Ion
of Wellsley, near 'Mill-bnk, one of -A%r_
Butler's dau'ghters, a young woman, while
standing near the threshing triaeltine crot en-
tangled in the gear, and before the machille
conTd be stopped lia-d her. art,)-, twisted,
around, breaking it in several places. It
was a very severe and painful acciden and
ads 'raculous escape from worse. m is s, o a mi
Butler is likely to reco:v-er tlie use -of her
—A young Stratford lad, named W- Rlie
MurPh , who went to Bualo last falmet.
with a � ad accident the other day. On Sat-
urday evening lie was oing home' from work-
and boarded a irollev car. The car struck-
a switch. and he ;vas thrown off., fallin 9
partly tinder te car. His lef t let, was ter
ribly mangled and had to be miplitad at
the knee. One of his artus,was alsomago
gled, nd his head severely injred. It is
not likely that he willecover.
—Mr. and Mrs. Claude Durismore, of
Neepa,wa, Manitoba, tire renewing :old Re-
quaintances in the neihborho'd around
Poole. They find inany chan(ies bere since
they,went west about 14' years ago. They
speak well of the part of in w1lich
they are situated. Mr. Dunsmore had
blish-els of wheat last season, and is selling
it now t 55 cents p�r bushel. He bad RISZ'
it large qualitity of liarleY and O.9ts.
—One of the fir t teartis that managed to
pull through the drifts on the Wallace road
to Listo-wel on Monday, last week, was that
of Mr. Joseph Woods, of Shipley, with
little child, a lad of two years, who was
complaining of a severe paill ii his leg.
This proved to be caused by a needle which.
bad ra. into -his leg whie creeping ab. out
the floor, and which was removed by tbe
doctor by cutting into the flesh and takinTr .9.
out the whole needle)(1-iscolored with havilij
been buried in die flesh three days.
—11r. Thomas Kelly an o1a resident �of
the township of Ellice,"Was found dead on
the floor of his house on Saturda:� last. Mr-
Kelly ws 84 years of age, and lived with
his mi'valid wife on the second concession.
Mrs. Kelly has been an ivalid for I'll n
years, and it was found necessary when'sZe
was not in bed to keep her s trapped in a
chair. And this was the. position neighbors
found her in that day, while the husbad
lay on the floor cold i death.' He had on
his cap, coat and raitts. Owing to 11rs
Kelly's mental condition., the nel hbors were
,unable to tell how long lie had dead.
It is certain tha she lacked -neither food
nor fuel.
—On Wednesday ev January 30thp
the ho me,of Mr. 101111* of St. Marys,
was the scene of a gay assemblage of friends of, the fainilv
when one of tite ck,ughters of
the house, Miss Susie Keen was United i�n
marriage tv Tholn as P. Roe, a proini-*
nent fariner of Elina,
officiatin,, The bride was attired in art elegant dor'ess of fawn broadloth all,d
Very pretty. She was-attende(I I)-,- ler sis-
tor, Miss Mary' V. Keen and tli�e iroom. by
Dr. Barr, of Milverton. presents to
the bride were man and of a - liseful al�jjl y
costly ebar-acter, among them bein, -ilver.
service fronithe grooi.ii:s fam- i1v a-
attl1eirbomein Elma the copIc.
found an arry of present.-, awaiting theni,
and were given a reception at
100 guests -svere present.
--The Ne -wry smallpox itnit, Artbill?
Peebles, is convalesceilt, and Dr. Alexan-
der, the attending Physician, left for Tor-
onto oil Saturday, ah inst. Ile drf�_w thit
S7111" suin of from tile 1-13ina tresury
prior to bidding them adieu. ![is bill was
made up of ile following iterils; cal attendance tAventy-five dvs,
railway fare, wearing apparel d- the stroved, to prevent Possible .spread f
the 11isea,se To*this 276 may be
added : E�d of Health two special ii�cet-
in Dr. Dougla 6' account for niedi.
car, attendance, niedicine suppli-ed Dr,
Alexander, and for placarding the- house,
sundry accounfa for provisions, wo, o d,
Ac These aniolint.s added to retber ma -e *375, which maybe taken s
he total cost of the Newry smallpox
ase- to be paid by tile municipalitv- Of