HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-15, Page 7Drs.
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FEBRUARY 15, 18959 - —1 @ ;1 C. r I 1.
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I very much. It is not go sh Dry as a plank that youl.ve bouffbt thi's ere beast 'for IrL,--.e i1'L.'w:iys---w—_ake no ot'.1er IS .
� , - -
_&r. Occupation That Up -quires Nervo #A � �� floor, and by using a lib�r4zpply of straw, Granny Harrison?' demanded the drover,
be no inj ry the horse"s- with dilatoed eyes.
WeU as SkIII. Is � Ilbink there will ry to I
feet or limbs. " Yes, indeed, I have," replied the -i For Couo-hsand Colds Happiness I
� . .
I .
I never felt worse in my life than I did . This is the third winter our cows have other. I .
I .
I .
-for a handsome young tiger whose van . . stood on cement, and it bas -proved all right. The drover left his cattle in the care of ' 9
L�d been left by some oversight during I . There were 756 square feet in the horse. his son and drove the Durham in the direc- G,ray S lZed I Should be universal at the f.festive season of the year. .
I the night too close to the he, 5
ye a S CaLeo. . � I ... stable, and we used nine barrels of Portland tion indicated, beguiling the tedium of the
-'The tiger's tail hung out Mween the . Gentlemen will add greatly to their chances of happiness
I -
bars. "That's ray chance,,, yelled the . . .. cement. We used a greater portion of ce- way with friendly chat. " I am a Demo- . - of Spr4ce .
. ll . ment in the plaster than in the barn or cow crat myself," he volunteered, " and voted
hyena as he gave a vicious snap. Then I . � stable. ' i - I I for Van, of course, but the other da,y at the r viap M,k .
-there waF- a tiger -with only the. stump of .I.- The first coat, which'is about two inches i2auN uration, I'll be doggoned if I didn't I !��y U U —,-
. 9 '
-a t8i'l. It was suggested that a sham a - . thick, contains about one part of cement to throw up my hat and hurrah for Granny ,----'
Pendage -might be adjusted p -.111, k ' B
2, � six parts of coarse gravel and sand. Tile Harrison with the rest." THL OLD STANDARD REMEDY � - right's Clothing.
b usiness, butthe tronble was to find any I I " Thank you," said the other. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA 'fo see is to buy our goods. We have what you waut.
I upper coat is about one part cement to two
.,one hold enough .. or three of coarse sifted sand, and is t on Oh, you are a Whip ; but I might have
... .
tail on to a tlgQr. I .... . . about th ree-fourths to one inch thick, Pb:fore kngoswn that, for of course you have a sitn- I and all Affections of the Lungs. . .
. I
Beca�isc wild animals, when In captivi- , the first coat sets. and the price is always right. Drop in and have a talk
- I . The first coat is pound- ation in the White House. " 'Be SUrC YOU &Ct GRA's-'s Syrup. 'Tis Gray,s 0
. ty, are dcprk�cd of exercise there are many 1.0" ed down with tbe.back of -a shovel or " Yes." that cures. r5c. and 50c. a bottle. Sold about Clotbing, even if you. don't want to buy.
mishaps. Under the best conditions mon- wooden ounder, made on purpose forthis " Wa-al now, what be you ? Gardiner *�" everywhere.
-key mortality is very large� - business. 'Vo. " .
X"k'ys Brings comfort and improvement and ('.7 . "
,4, Usually die from What is believed to be There is ten feet space from the side of the " Coachman or body servant ?" KuPPRY 1AIATSON & CO., PROPRIETORS
. consumption, but It is tile want of exer- tends to personal enjoyment when barn to the rear of the stalls, with two " Neither. I suppose I may call myself a (2 . M ON 1rrz1711A T_ Yours for good clothes.
- else which brings on various complaints. rightly used. The many, who live bet- inches slope to the floor. The center line of general servant. " ' � .
The claws of tigers and lions when they ter than others and enjoy life more, with the stall is from three-fourths to one inch " Oh, yes I know ; run errands, wait on
1! 3) I came prepared to shovel his way through
live in cages grow to extraordinary length. less expenditure, by more promptly lower than the sides. It is hardly perce ti- the table and answer the door knocks ell . BRIGHT BROS,
p "I I the banks of snow. He got there and was �
and these claws ' require constant watching- adapting the world's best products to' ble, but the drainage is complete. " Something not very unlike that. Ile- � ji
-and clipping, and the manicure .or pedi- At the rear of the stalls is a gutter about sponded his interlocutor, with a smile. i n time. A goodly number of the villagers The Great Clothiers, Ifain Stree4
ouxe businesr:. is ratber troublesome. the needs of physical being, will attAst one inch deep and fourteen inches wide,each 11 Wa-al, now, do you see much of (2,ranny I were out, but tile village was by no means SEAFORTE1. I
Strong cutting pinchers like those used for the va,lue to health of the pure liquid side made with a gradual rounding slope. Harrison ?" - well represented in chu"rell, which is always .
I severing telegraph wires are used. laxative principles embraced in the Between the gutters there is an alley or 11 Quite a good deal." the case on a -stormy da,y. " .
It sometimes happens that a new ani- remedy, Syrup of Figs. open space about six feet wide, the floor of 11 How do you like the old fellow?" . -Robert McAllister, of the 4th conces- - - - - � I
. mal, say a tiger, has to be introduced to Its excellence is duo to Its presenting which is crowning about one and one-half or 11 That is hard to sa ; too well, most sion of Culross, broke his leg in two places
two inches. My son Harley bossed the job, likoly." y a few days ago. . He was helping to load
other tigers, because three or four tigers in the fdrrn most accept,ab'a and pleas- saw logs, and the skid slipped, letting the .
in one den, if it is large enough, get along and as he very particular about it, it is well By this time they had reached the White , ��
ant to the taste, therefreahingand truly' d I log roll on him. 10 -
- better than when they are separated, one. House, and the purchaser opened the gate a* . . %
-the seen, to enjoy each other's com' for beneficial properties of a perfect lax- -John S. .McDonald M. P. P. for Centre
y pany. We have 100 rods of the Michifan hedge that leads to the stable. Severaf' men ser- I - � ..
When such an ii-itroduction takes place ative ; effectually cleansing the system, fence, and thirty rods of hedge o our own vants came forward, touching their hats. Bruce, haE a tliorouga�ed calf which he - . I
� a �
f dispelling colds, headaches and fevers setting. They �vere both set at the sanie " Take care of this cow and attend to . . .
-theA the claws of all the old occupants o' purchased from .Mr. Jimes Steele, of Lyn- '
ip ation. concession 2 , 0 1 0 I . , � V
This calf is only nine months old, and he bad a pain. Von can grin and ban- 11 / .
the cage are clipped short, and for this and perjimneiitly curing colst; time, about eight yearF ago. The Michigan her," said the purchaser, alfd then turning dale Farm, Huron township. Had to as Grin and en he "
Teason-there is certain to be a row, but It has given satisfaction to millions and hedge cost one dollat per rod, besides the to the drover, lie asked him to come into the turns the scales at 1,000 pounds. once by using PzRRY DAvis,
the new ani mal, having long claws left met wi . � board ano bother. It is a good fence, but house and take some breakfast. I
Ilim, can outscratch the others. Just as th the approval of the medical costs too much for the average farmer. The 6' Thank you. I don't care if I do. S -Mr. F. W. Stone, of Guelph, the well- '
MY . .
soon as he has settled the business the profession, because it acts'on the Kid- thirty rods of our own setting is just about could you get tile a sight of old Granny known pioneer importer and breeder of 1111 I I 1___�5�1_99_ I I . I
i whole party Ix,come friends. neys, Liver aud Bowels without weak- as good as the other, and did not cost oqe- Harrison ?" - short horn cattle, and subsequently of Cots- ?aih)(iller - W . . . . . - I -1. 4
Carnivorous anrilials suffer at -times , enii ig them and it is perfectly free from fourth as much. - 11 Didn't You see him at the inaugur- wold and Sotithdown sheep, Berkshire and I '_ - ' I
-from toothache, and . they sh6w it. I 2 every objectionable substance. The plants were set six inches apart, and ation ?" I I Suffolk pigs, Hereford cattle, and Suffolk Soid and used everywbere. Awhole medlcine chest
not likely to he very amiable with a ju. am - Syrtip of Figs is for sale by all drug. in about- three years were as large as -a " Law, yes, but not nigh enough to know horses, died recently. The Province owes byltself. Kills every form Of external Or internal pain. 1w"ar%MWF coni vOnlent).
. mp- , much of its improvement in the breeding of � DosE-A teaspoonful in half eass of water or milk (, -_
ing back tooth. and we are not tG emp gista in 75c. %ottles, but. it is ,tnanu- ])room handle. 'The were then sawed to' what he looked -like. I would like to (,.et - �
I ect a y 0 stock to his exertions. - -_ - k;;��
lion with an ulcerated jaw to show much -Zactured by the California Fig Syrup within three or four inches of the ground. another squint at him, anyway." -Mr. A. A Euticknap �
Gradually they were trimm !' The� come in, friend," and the stran- ., of Drunibo, is -
A- -c,weetness of tomper. Lately there was w Co. only, whose'name-is printed on every proper licigkt. ed back, until of 0 the possessor of it pair of spectacles two I I
lion who in feeding forced a splinter of packagQ, also the name, Syrup of Figs, It makes a good fence, but ger ushered him into the family breakfast Suffered for Twelve Years.
room, where breakfast was . standing ready. ' Mr. George H. Williams, the extensive inanufac- 1 or,
t worn by Mr. Entickna,p's great -great -grand- t
bone betwee� his Nick fangs. The bit of and being well informed, you will no requires about six year's time. hundred years old They were owned aud The Huron Exposft
I � Here were more servants, who, -%vitli deep - C) urer of fruit baskets, Thorold, writea : 11 I suffered
bone could pf6t be rc-mo-rca -with a' tooth- accept any substitute if offered. � - We have something over forty rods of the father. This gentleman also has in his pos- very s verely froni nick and nervous headaches and SEAFORTK ONT.
pick-. It was gotting' to be. a; very serious - I . Russel fence, made from an old worm rail bows, placed chairs at the table. Tile drover " f the New Testament , -
t5 - - - session a copy o one biliousness for over twelve yea s and had tried all'the
:matter- The lion was tied tip securely, is "" fence. The fence is straight, -with four began. to be alarmed. . I hundred and eighty-two years old, whicb, advertised pill4, powders, and other medieffies, but .
" Look a -here," he cried, . '- &in t obtained very little relief, u ritil about two years ago,
are suspended by wires attached to the taking on great liberties ? Granny ar- . a � ,
CID. riaen 01 ell from the typographical appe rance, prove
,chisel and a inallet wuro used, and tbo t5erlilan, the latter 11 W01111 stakes at ea6h end of the panel. The rails
-wedge ot bone. was driven out. these, hns his and her k itchen respectively. A S I beiran to�use Stark's Powders. Thev Ove finuiedlate
, - stakes. ' quite an interesting relic. It, is still in a relief." Price, 255c a box ; sol(f by all medicine .
The former supciffitcaident, of tile Cen- Their dutiesalternate,. so none is retained We have something more than 40 ri6on woulda't like this 'ere,, now, Would de:ders. .1
tral park zoological collectf6n, in New - - rods too much of -the Russel fence. I do ' I good state of preservation. ADVERTISING RATES.
-it his post for lore than 12 hours within , � -Mrs. Win. Whitmore, of the: 10th con- 40. .
I , n � he.'!' -
York had to act. as dentist for many lions ('very 48, except oil state'occasjo.fis, which not care for any more. " Oli, ves, he would." sion of Minto, is the owner of a lien that NVarning fo Women. Contract advertisements, matter changeable at
I One hundred and eighty rods of the picket But still the drover hesitated. ces ()Ir Will.
.andtigers. The risk of chloroforming the in Baden are of rare occurremee. A for- brought out a brood of chickens oil the 23r Ladies who appreciate the high quality of Priest- PER INCH
an-illials was considered too great. The Mg , eign(ir visi ting at the Carlsrulie court is and wire fence is all I want of that. There - " Now, just look a -here." lie said,-. of January, which are doing well. The old 'ley's D ess Goods shoul(I inake it a point to see that I Year a Mon. 9 moa.
Priestley's name is stamped on every five yards. 11to2linches,tinclusive 0450 4250 $1 6-G
bruteswere strapped down, and ,the for- sure to havL, his mcals, either in his apart- are thousands of rods of this kind of fence " ain't you tojo fresh ? Who 'be You, any- lien located herself in the catt e stable - 6. 1. I
eeps wv�re usad. Tba last caso was that of nricuts or with their ro in Michigan that will soon be an aggravat- how ?" I ) Initances are not unknown where Priestley's trade 6 to 10 49 5 00 2 76 1 65
yal higlinesses, which is quite wariu, and there accomplish- niark "The Varnished Board " has-been used the sto 6 11 6 60 Soo 1 75
the largest tiger, who had a bad tooth. It served in the style of his own country. the ing eye -gore to the owners. [True Ed.] " The people call me N�Iilliam Henry Har- second time with interior goods wrapped 11pon it. I to 2 - ' " 6 00 - 3.25 1:65
. 'I his spring we had forty rods of the Page rison, and have made me President of the ed a feat not often effected oil tile 23rd of
took a dozen men with ropes, pulleys and grand ducliess always managing to aseer- January in Canada. 401- If the advertiser elects to chanve not oftener tha;-t
-a windlass to telelde him, and kin 1111conl- tain his favorite dishes. I wire fence ere(. -,ted. It is a prime fence, but United States," quietly replied the other. once per month, a reduction of 20 per cent. will be
one hardly feels like standing the price� " Lord a -_11r. Charles Craig, son of Mr. John After La Grippe.
inonly strong innia extracted the fang. In Tile grand duchess has only ono foible-- � � i -mighty?" cried the driver, and After Ia Grippe obstinate coughs,lung trouble,ete., made on the above quoted prices.
� year-. A,C,10, carried on Rates for special position can be obtained on appli-
these bard times. � lie bolted from the house and never stopped . Craig, -and who, some L' frequently follow. There is no remedy so prowpt, cation at this OfHce.
a week tho tigor was quite well. Did lie she wants her, coffee praised. tsbe makes the tailoring business in Harriston, and re
�exli!Utany gratitude? -N.)t a bit. Maybe - the coffee herself in a Russian' coffcepot. The rest of our fence (there are miles of until he was off the grounds, -where lie sat . - and at the same titne� effectual and pleasant. as mil. , Business or professional cards, not exceeding three
I ought to -feel very kindly toward my den- The' it) are the ; old-fashioned rail worm fence, down on the curbstone, and, as his wife ... oved to Manitoba about six years ago, * Is burn's God Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and i quarters of an Inch, �84 to $6 per year.
� grand dilke, on his part, asks each - down on a visit to his manv - old friends. HYpophosphiteR, which is the latest and best com- I Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, efkc.,,not ' -
staked and wired. This fall we had'a siege afterwards de_--cribed it, cursed himself bineflon of anti -consumptive remedies- Prices 50c. ' exceeding one Inch, One mouth $1, each subsequent
tist, but I ain sorry to say I do not. �-, guest how the wine suits him, remarking . . Mr. Craig says that lie is -
now workino, a
of three or four weeks repairing fences. gray. d,�1.00 l3er bottle. . .
The giraffe when in captivity has hoofs that he. grows it himself, and' that be is half section of land, and th Pas � month 5ft - I
1�ome were t&ken up and others repaired. ___* _____ I Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale.
,which grow out of all proportion. Ihave his own head cellar master. Lentil soup, . four years has had ood crops -and is doing Signs of Worms are va-ria-- Netite, itching at not exceeding 1J inches, one mouth S1.5o, hisuu-
We will make no more new rail fences Lovers Still. 9 ?n ble ap eaod
been toid by a great African hunter that made tasty by a drop of vinegar, Nvith (haven't for fifteen years,) but many years I . fairly well. He likes the country and is of the nase, etc. Dr. Low's Worm yrup Is the best sequent Month 76b.
in following. giraffes and noticing their frankfurters , is tile grand duke's favorite � Hi@ hair as wintry snow Is white ; opinion that the farmers of 'Manitoba have worm expeller. Advertisements on local page, ten cents per line ,#
�eculiar rocking gallop they woro, their dish. Ifis wife is extraordinarily fond of must elapse before the old rail. fence is a Her treniblingstel)s are slow; - seen their hardest times. . - each Insertion, with a di@count of 25 per owt. to
0 , thing of the past. Her eyes have lost i heir werty light; - parties who also have regular contmtpwe.
hoofs down very close. . sNVeetmeatr,, as was her inot,ber, the late We have Tiea,rly bome to the conclusion Her oheeks their rop, glou% -The Princess of Wales returned to Lou- The Velain Truth Tells. L<mal advertisements uq_&or townsillp or viliage
Youilg clt�phants aro prone to inflam- Empress' Augusta of Gerniany.-New York that iii'the future, unless times materially . , Her h%ir has not its ti�tii of gold ; don on Tuesday, 5th inst' * , having been ab- Constipation, Headache,.Biliou8nef;s and Bad Blood heading, 5c per line each insertion.
miation at the base of their tusks and A�urld. 11 � Ilis voiee no joyous trill; , sent in Russia and Denmark since a short are promptl cured by Burdock 1316od Dittera, which Trunsient advertWments, ten ceofts per line for
. I change f6r the better, we will make our own . a,cts upon t�e Ptomach, liver, bowels and blood, fint InsertionAhree cents per line each subsequeSt
-4 -sometinies have trouble with their grind- . ' And yet, I hougn feeble, wrey, and old, time prior to the death of Czar Alexander ti
England's Faviorite Autlioresq. fences, using galvanized wire, out nine or I They're Ldthful lovers st 11. . ring all their dipease8. inser on, n(fiparell measure.
ing-teeth- It is by -no me,ans easy to play � P� . III. Her Royal Highness was met at the ou AdvertWn: ents wittiout specific directions wLR be ,
11 nurse to a sickelepliant. lainsorryto Charlotte Mary Yonge Is one of the ten strands, with No. 9 wire alkhe top, and ' - Since they were wed, on lawn and lea, Charing Ccoss Station by the Prince of -0040. inoerted till forbid, and charged s000rd . ingly.
say that I am one of those who ph most veziemble figures of literary Eng- the rest of No. 10 or 11 wire, with posts Oft ,lid the dait-ies blow. Hiagyard's Pectoral Bal --am cures Coughs, Colds, Births, -Marriages and Deaths inoerWdgratie,
-tee. -no thirty oil forty feet apart, I think we will - And oft across the trackless sea Wales, her daughters the Princesses Vic- Asthnia, Bronchitis and all Thro-At and Lung Tan ExrojuTox goes into 4,300 homes every week-
.cQnfi(lencra in an ele-p-hant. Endowed With ],in(], writes Frederick Dolman in The � . toria and Maude, the Duke and Duchess of Troubles. .
� Ladies' Home Journal. The titl put slats every - three or four feet. The Did swallows couie and go ; _4W which means, on a conservative estimate. that it hat
zmazing intelligence, he is utterly defi- ' es of her clats made from inch boards about one and Oft were the foren branche8 bare ; Fife and a number of uther relatives and - OD,000 readers every week. It is the best -advertialing
cdent iw arniability. An anim al may be books occup'y eight of'the capacious pages And oft in gold arrayed, friends. The Princess was heartily cheered ' . 13eyond Dispute. wedium in Western Ontario.
_ one-half inches wide, stapling the wires to Oft did the lilies vcent the air, bv
vi�ry clever and exceedingly treacherous, of tile catalo;igo of the British Museum the slats. The rosea bloom and fsde. - ti.�elar�,,ecrow(lofpeople,%vholia(lassein- There"i-4,to better, eater or more pleasintcough
znd that is my idea about the general ruil' library and in addition to fiction belong -lumber is well seasoned, they are bied at tli� station. remedy made than Hairyard'a Pectoral Bala4m. It
of elephants. I even advise those of you impartially to history, biography, science If the cures RoJe, Bore Throat, Coughs, Colds,
riot as likely to spring out of s w�,�e a; t # - a - - -
thin They've hPd theTr rhare of hopes and fears, ,Veis,
-who in ay go to look at the big brute ne�vcr and belles lettres. . Their share ol'bliss and bale, . ' Bronchit all throat and lung troubles. HORSES
slats. We have never made any of this Since flrgt he whispered in her ears -Mrs. Robert Durston, No. 4-2, Austin -40040.
-to go too near him unless his keeper is Her books have been written, with but fence, but there are thousands of rods in A lover'ki tender tale , a,venue, Toronto, says : " I have used Dr. Xorw,� Pine Syrup strengthens the Lungs and
few exceptions, at a picturesque old fash . ', . -AND-
�prcsimt.-Barilct Phillip-,, - ' Full many a thorn swid the flowers Laviolette's Srrtip of Turpentine in my cures all Throat Troubl9s, Coughs, Colds, etc.
� . use in this country, and those that are - -
ioned nianor house in the county of IfaLi)p- properly erected give the best of satisfac- Has ],-in upon their way; family for coughs, colds and bronchitis, and �60 . .
Ho�,pita,uty of the Hwwauans. sbire. JiNderfleld is the ancestral scat ofa . . They've had their dull Noveniber hours,
-Nlicbi(,an Farmer. - As well as days of May. � Skin Diseases.
tioll.-I tD I must certainly say that it has roved it- a M CATTLE
"I know of no more hospitable people branch of the Yonges'of Puslinch, Devon- 0- � , self to be the most effective renieT, Skin diseases are more or les's occ.%sioned by bad .
y I have
. shire, a family which lays high claim to -'- But firm and true through weal avid woe, ever used, being pleasant to take andl doing blood. B.B.B. cures the following Skin Disesses: I - -
in the world, " said Captain A. 0. Alex- long descent, and which about the middle HURRAH For DIAMOND DYM. 1hrough ebabze of time and scene, its work speediTy and well. It affords me Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching RzAhes, Salt Rheum, -FED ON-
-ander of Washington, "than the common I .. Through wit-ter's gloom,throuirh summer -'s glow, (, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples and Blotches, by
.people of Hawaii- If you ask for lod J , s I of the seventeenth century provided Plyin- ' Their faith and love have been ; �5 reat pleasure to speak of it as I have found removing all impurities from the blood from a com-
--at nightf. ,ging I outh with a meniber of the house of . Am : HURRAH FOR CANADA. Together hen d in hard f hey pass I 1L. . 7:S
ill at a native hut, you are re- I ,L Pimple to the worgt Scrofulous Sore.
ceived as if you were conferring a favor. Coll) 111ons-Sir Thomas Yonge. William Htirrali ! hurrah for Diamond Dyes, Serenely down life's hill, -Those who have been coughing for years mon - 0 - FEAR
Cranley Yonge, the father of the autbor- ' So honest, fast and pure ; In hope one grave in chu-chyard grass -
Frequently tho whole house, which has , * 31 Ly hrild them lovers still. should know that Dr. La,violeLte's 8yrilp of Biliousness and Uver Complaint, Headache, etc.. I
- es's, Was a Waterloo ].ere, ail officer of the Hurrah for dyes the ladies prize ! are cured by Burdock Pills.
but one room f is set apart for you, the peo- Fifty-secondregiment, who, before ffidulg- ('rand colors that endure. . . -3lagdalen Rock. Turpentine can effeet a complete a,n('1 radi- . _�*�
ple going olsewhere to sleep. A chicken . " —*----- Cal cure. I MP , , I
� k- ing in the leisurely case of a country geii- NO other make with them compare, -----------*---- -_ i Obstinat�e Coughs.
is slaill in your lioner and for your exblu- , - It is Still Unsettled.
tleman on his estate, saw Eoine hard scry- - None used with so much ease : 1
,sive supper, and you are serived by the � Wit and Humor. Obstinate Coughs yieldtothe grateful s6otbing co IT ON
3nast(-r of the house himself. irrho native ice ill the Nvar with France. I They work with wonders everywhere, !' Humph !" ejaculated the eNchanfre 11 How are sandiviclies quoted iioN,.-',*' said actionotNorwayFine Syrup. The rackiy-,pergls-
I Charlotte Mary was his only'daugbter, . They never fail to please. editor, making a jab with his shears at aon ' tent cough of consumptives Is quickly re eved by
-�grws house., whero it has been well buUt, and for seven years his only child. Miss - .- � one rail wky passenger ta another, who was this und"ailed throat and lung remed�. Price 26c.
is a very couifortable stmeture. It bas , item in a scientific ex. cliancre " Why does eoming from a lundi counter with a couple and 60C.
but on(,, room, calico curtains .serving as . . 0 -0 it .
Yonge believes that in consequence an Hurrah ! hurrah I for Diamond Dyes, a cat always alight n ms'Aet ?" That's in his hand. -dwo-0-
' unusual amount of care was lavishNI A million voices sing; . too easy for anything." , POWDERS
_*, partitions by night. At onjo end -a stand- " Firm to hard at ten cents," was the No Equal to It. .
ing bed plact-, rauning across the house, upon li�r 'She could read at the ago of The " Diamontl " brawl,so say the Nvise, " A mt," slftld tile financial editor, " al- reply. .
L ^ As a cure for Front Bites, Chilblains, Burns and Always look slick and fat, and thrive
4, and in her sixth year actually read To housewives pleakures bring. ways falls on its feet because of the claws in Ladv---" Has that surbuban house
Long may these "Diamonds" live to . -you Scalde, Chaflng, Chapped Hands, Inflanted Breasts
provides accountiodations for the entire aloud to ber mother Rollin's '*Ancient bless its constitution tllat-" . i on their food. I
family, no iiiatter bow numerous. This ,. I speak of plenty of closets '!" Spre,ins, Wounds, Bruises. Hagyard's Yellow Oil to . .
Ifistory" Nvith sonle understanding of what With re-creating po,wers ; I 11 Seat !" exclaimed the other. CL if Agent-" Dozens, ma'am. All. the up- the most reliable reruedy on tne market.
bod consists of ina-ts, and the covers ,ire ei- she was reading. Long ma3' they show their usefulness . you can't treat the subject ' with. gravity st
� ther tappa clotli, which is as though you I 1� I In this Can'ada of ours. drop it." . I 6 airs bedrooms will do for closets. It was -
- were sleeping under newspapers, or of In I built for a, sammer hotel." Notice, ,.,-
- A Good Hiding Place. . - .. 11 That's exactly what I was about to do. " Hi, ,lackson ! See that mesgenger boy .1 � �
olankets. The niore prosperous people I School Reports. I was going to drop it on it's' feet." . . - I I 10 , I �
have offi-i besides this an enormous bed- , 'The licait of a big city is about the running. Let's stop him and ask hini wh'y SIGN .. 01FULAR . .
safest hiding place a man can seek, " said No I0 NIcKILLor.-The following is the " A cat," resumed the exchange* editor The ,greatest care
stead curtained off and reserved for stran- . . lie does it, j List for full. " I �, ! is exe
gt�rs, and you may see the women go to the proprietor of a leading up town hotel. standing of the pupils of School. Section No. raisin�.. his voice, " always Ilights oil his 1, .
I � .
"If I want,ed to keep out of the clutches 10 McKillop, for the month ending January feet-- , 0 " All right. Hi, there, boy ! What are OF THE 0 AW* . rcised in select- � I . I ; �
chest-, W11011 you 11-Sk for bospitality and "Because it, has a right to take its you running for ?" - . ing the ingredients I
take out h1ankets, sheets and ally numbor of the law for a specified time, I'd go to .Rst: First class -3\1. Henderson, C. DoP I "So's I kin set longer -when T has a mind - ---. -_ from which this val- �� . .
of little pillows for the bed and often a New Yorkand get board at one of thopriu-, mage, ,E. Smith. llar�t 2nd -G. Eaton, M. tuim-" ter " said the boy. . �
I I " Paws ! You don't tumble to it at all." I � uable - is . I �
* I cipal hotels. I'll wager every cent I pos- :Horn, 1'. .1ordan. ,8'e�ond class -8. Me- A fi nancier- " 8ay n) is ter, sai d h e, con- compound
bril.1liaut s1lh coverlet. The -use of the . . -' .
down or sa pillows puzzled me until I I sc,,; 1hat no deteollve or policeman would Spadlen, 'R, Allen, 'J. Campbell. Junior Thefinanci.aleditoi came to the scratch fidentially, as he overtook the pedestrian, prepared, 8,3 that we .
everlIndine. Sonic years ago aNew York- 3rd -.\I. Horn, A. Dodds, V. INlurdie. again- &A hev' ye noticed that India bas gone back L� are willing to pledge
found that thr �y were intended to tuck or Mall wits wanted t6 testify in ail inipor- Senior 3rd -1 lklcSpadden, C. Horn, Af. di How do you know that a cat always oil free coinage of silver?" 0 W I
-wedge nic, in so that I should not roll �% them strictly pure. .
arouild in . tho big bed. On taking your twit sidt ill which Jay Gould was largely Dodds. .1 unior 4th -H. Blanchard. Senior does light on Ws feet '!" . cc Yes. " .
n I " That hasn't anything to dowith it. The . . This explains, in a
departure the next morning It is not well interested. lie came to the St. James and 4th -INT. Govenlon,k, R, hanna, M. Murdic. . 11 This country*8 goin ter repeal the . . .
to ask the cost (if votir accommodation, -is wbis1wred to ino that lie had importai)t Fifth class --NV. (.ovenlock. - - question is-" Shernianlawjes' as (juick as it can be I � measure, their gmat popularity an(I
No. I H1:1.1,FTT.-The following are th 11 Whose cat are you talking about any -
the llav-aiian bas vague ideas of prices. reasons for wanting to keep very dark Tor c. way "" . r.� ,� done,.," I H unparalleled success. Full directions
Ife might, tell you $10 o . r $20, Nybere-as-if ten days or two weeks. I fixed him out in names of the'three pupils in each class who - I I Certainly." tj on every package. Price -25c per
you hand clegant quarters, but not a bell boy in tile obtained the highest number of marks dur- 11 Why does a, cat- when it falls always " Silver is gettin' it in the nevk all around.
hiin 715 cents for yourself and hir, the month of January. The' . names are aligbt, on its feet ? If you ean*t answer it ain't it *!" 0
guidebowill beabundantlysatisfled."- I'0"'O IvAlls 11warc Of his PTCSCDC0. Detect- in :n order of merit: Fifth class -T. Irwin 8av 80-)' 11 , go 0 d pouDd, or three pounds for 50c, at
. ives hung around the place its they did I I I I t. appears so. 7' WS Drug Store -
�St. Louis Gloho-Democrat. . about every other hotel in Gotham, but in AL !�owler, B. McMichael. Senior 4th- "' NVell, -%vby does it '.,'- dema,nded. the 11 (,ettin' to be a regular no -count metal'!"
Rlie Heard ThieIr Comments. valn. lligh and low, all over the United W. Dale, _.N1. Irwin, J. Dale. Junior 4th- linancial editor, the real estate editor, the " Perbaps." t FEA Y'
, ; F. (Xibbings, 14. Bennett, M. E. Irwin. railway editor, the Obitu,"T editor and the & -
: States, search was made for this 3inan, who 'Well, say, mister, don't ve want a
One ewning, a number ot.,young wom- was spending a luxurious but rather Third class - C. McMichael, W. Good, 1-1 answer -to- queries editor rising as ope man chance ter git rid.of what ye ha�e on hand � Hq . 9D
c- and standing over him. I
44 . vn, all near neiglibors,were discussing the monotonous lioliday in ODO Of our best Spooner. Senior 2nd -V. Dale, G. .'M " 49 B before yo have ter pay an asbman ter oome H ___ ---------
�wsofthvirlocality. The talk turned to Michael F.Fowler. Jnnior2iid-T. Dale M round an' haul it amay fur ve *.,"
ne, f,nits. After the hunt for him ceased he - ecause it is a cat's nature to get it's t� - U 0 1
. 1L� S1111111011g 111) Of various neighborhood I ' back up." , -GODERICH
E. Beilett, A. Pryce. Pax� 2nd -L. - - -------.O- i
pianos, when a invok little wonian said: I came out of retirement, and Mr. Gould, I -T-will, J. Good, G. Dale. P;wt Ist-H. Whereupon the meeting broke up in great
aft,orward learned, gave hini a very ,,ub- " The Modern Invalid a)
� I I had no idea that sound traveled so far. , Mofitgoniery, C. W. Gibbin confusion, with the question still unsettled.
I gs, .J. Freeni-,�n. �' W 18team Boiler Works.
atioi 0 � b —*------
ar(i any ozie playing 'The stantial rvco�giiitioil of his appreci, I of .- *_ Has tastes med icin ally, in keeping with other
Ifaye you 1w, I the seclusion act. 11 -Washington Star. , - luxuries. A,rernedy must be pleasingly ac- 0 . �-3 : (ESTABLISHED IM.)
'Niflililett-, " A NEW ERA. Obituaries Come High. : I
li'verybody groaned , -1, I - - ceptable in form, ptirely wholesome in com- I a
"Well. bavon't we?" said one. "I've . i)eiivering Goods Sold. . . I was ordering OW Wivertisement i n a position, truly benefici�l ill effect and en- 14 0 1 A. S. I 0 H RYSTAL
. just ahmit. nindo -up my mind to throw a Tl)(,r(, is hardly anything more impor- In the History of Medical Practice Melbourne daily newspaper office one &ay tirely free from every objectionable quality- � a I
' -
. when a tall, lanki, countryman walked ii I
, tant in trade dian the prompt delivory of . .i If really ill he consults a physician , If con- I 'am H
dynt'llilite. bouil) at itas soon as.l. li.avo I(>- inaug,urated by a Recent and said lie wanted- ail " in memorlain -, I 0 w 4 S11(magor to Chrystal & Black,
goods to the purchaser. When prol)erty stipate,l lie uses the gentle family laxative, : t -d Manufacturers of all kinds of 8tationary
cated its place- of collevalnient " Cure of Bright's Disease. notice in the obituaiy column of the paper. ,,��.rtlp of ,,,igs. :
-I it certainlyiq the most execrable. nolso has passed hy purchase from (,no to an- , , 1, I , 0 0 gagine, Upright & Tubular,
. .. My Ole g1w7nor Jied a year ago , lie P : : I
attle(l Wi th, " F Other, the latter, as a rule, has an inde- ,%J()-\�ritym., February Iftli-Althouggh ,Z, '? .0-- -
111at I c�ver b. mid someboLly explained, "and 1, should like a bit o' -No, - 1.1 : W a .0
- , some weeks have elapsJ1 since the first des- poetry in the paperaboat him. GRATEFUL-0011FORTING.
(.ISO. scribal)le impatience to get hold of the a a
"Any one that, makes sucli vile music, � ry is patch eoneernil)g Dr. A. G. _NlcCormack, of " Allright,"' answered the clerk, " have S7S � . BOILERS
jail I I came froill a stern . _ COCOA :� : I 't 0) Stilt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Works,
xvarvs whicli are his. If the deli a :
I proml)t, a customer h; geiierally rcv(� �0 Ca I
,sliould be sont to " ) t"ined; Richmond, -was sent out from this cit�y, the you 1wought it with you '.", -
if it is shiftless, then the custonierbo- � EPP : et.o.., ate.
3ooking zgitl. . t public interest in the man a-nd his recovery 11 No," said the rustic. " Can't voll fix I a 0 P> -.. 0
1,01,10 wouldn't bo so bothered," said (,()111(.,,, disgruntlefl, and veryofteii tha- from Bright's disease, ba,s not abated. Do' R.
e- me up a bit?" - : tj .
� 93 I Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
another, "if the, ,Iqpiring musician would ivill be 1ho Inst purchase made of tIlt.'Of- tors have investigated the report of this tt H -2 cogines. Amtornade o-ut,W Engines* specWty. All
" Certainly," replied the clerk. " (hir "By a thorough P1 : (.0 z -6
ly St p to re�,t herself occasionally. " feD (I i i i - d cal e r. -11 ard ware. , . knowledge of the natural laws Ue4 of pipe and 1pe-fitting con"ntly Oa hand.
, �Dfl 0 t, . wonderftil cure, and ha_�Ilve satisfied them- clia,rae for ' in memoriam ' notices is six which vern the operations of digestion an a i
. r) ,
selves of its truth. As �' ominent physic- , shillin(rs an inch." 0 b3_ (D : !� 944natoo turn an short notice.
The nieek little wonlan who spoke first t, ,gd a careful application of tho fine proper- =
A pr 0 ion, a : Worim--Opposite 0. T. R. Station, Goderick.
ties of well -selected Cozoa. Air. Epps has provided for a
su(Idel)ly exoused herself and went homi�. . uniiealthiest city in the 'worid. ian remarked to your eorrespondent to -day, , ' A took of intense amazement passed over our breakfast and supper a delicately flavGured bev- a � - --- ---
Tho il(�xt morning a few torn sheets of This is the city of Amoy, in China. The " Dr. McCormick's case Marks ,L new era. the countryman's face. erage which inay save us many heavy doctors' bills. - �)o CD
ayed tag around the back city isa relic of tile past. Itiswalledflic in medical practice and Dodd's Kidney , - - % ... !
-The Milll.Wt PI L I - I " Good gracious !" be cried, as lie made It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a ca - I
-, S w cured him cannot fail to secure a constitution may be gradually built up until strong 4
,yard belonging to that saine meek little s,11110 as it, was in the time of Confucin. . Pill , I i hicil _' for the door, - I cm't afford that -my . Brucefield Saw Mill.
' enough to rebibt every tendency to diseam. Hun- CD : z �0 ,
,,-, -clacago Itecord. it ims no se:wers whatever. The str(wts wide recognition from the medical profes- auv'nor was six feet high."' dreds of subtle maladies are floating around as ready
- - ,vowan. - - `:, . C) i
___ vary from two feet to six feet in ,%vidtl). sion.;' Local druggists report a heavy sale __ _*_ to attack whetever there is a, weak point. We may 1"t . ' The unden. igued having leased ther
A Siberia. -No wliceled vehicle call use -ibein. Ail of these pills throughotit the city eince this � escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves wen 0 tj :� )I
A graphic idva of � the tnimenso-size of ' equestrian would experience great difficul- eure was first reported. I I News Notes. fortified with pure blood atid a properly nouri.shed Bru.oefield Saw Mill from Mr. Alex.
! - *_ -The receipts of the Ottaw;t carnival fraine."-Civil Service Gazette. 1:r
.4i,be�i.a maybe -gleaned from the following I ty ill turift" it corner. 11cre wid there. is MMe simply with boiling water or milk M Mustard,is now -prepared to do all kinds
--oniparison: All of the BMWs, kingdoms, .11, open space. or plaza, dug out so enly in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus: P '. ,
r5 as to How a Drover Made the Acquaint- amount to about .513,000. 1 - S t -i W . , Of CUStOM sawing on the shortest notice
� ts The Canadian Pacific Railway I
principalities, exi'l-pires, etO., of EllrOPe, bealingeoPencessP001. Intoitthe9tree 'as ofl'er- JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., HOM(DOPATHIC CffXXl8T8, N � and 11108t- Teasonable terms. . �-
ance of "Granny Harrison." . LONDON, E.xGLAND. r- . .1
. ed to carry seed grain for'Manitoba farmers 1398-26 P> ,
- *%-cept it " ussla, find all of the TTnited States, di,,cbargo their 111th. -Peking Correspond- Dilring-the brief administration of Presi- at half price. 0 -0 C+_ - � . - I The hi,gliest cash price -will be paid
in(4tiding Alaska, could be Placed side by , ent. r dent William Heiiry Harrison -who was -During the year just past the total out- Effects of Tobacco -What are Ca , - for Bass wood, Rock Elm, Hemlock
- L
6ido' ill Siberia, andyetthe uncovered spf" . -.------- -*-- familiarly kno,A . n to the Whigs as the ptitofern(fe oil from Petrolea -amount.ed to � � They. fto
,would 'beelatial ton countrY qtontaffiing Cement Stable Floor -Fences. I - Cincinnaus of the West," and to the 1,078,826 barrels. � ' H - -an4 other salable timbers.
. . L Tobacco.is a slow poison. it's Mcotine ent,eebles i i
ail area of 300 000. soilaro mllc�- Lumber, Shinales and draiiiing Tile
! . Democratsas ` G'ranny Harrison "-a plain- -The Embro Courier, remarking (in the digestion. and troduces general d(-billtv. Tobacco b
Several vears since I made u my mind I , ,
'_ - to eventu�lly do away with pfank'floors, ly dressed man, lookir�g like a solid, honest, church attendance on the stormy Sabbath Heart. Tobacco 'arve and tobacco I I blindness "are m always on han(L
- I ]Proud of ]EKer Coffee C?11 esults of tobaeco poison. Tobacco " kill@" men.
. I We have iiow no farnier�, appeared oil Saturd;ty at the horse of January '26th, says : " One would think " 0
Ors hoth in ba6is and stables. ' Want to (�,ult it I Mcela Tobac-Cure will help you. OH,OPPING- .
I it Ia.-,is been said by diplomats and oth plank floors oil the farm� Earth and cement market in Washington, where drovers are last Sabbath that the rnajorit�V Of those who. ,Q I a b ix. W
- �� I - . -
..well posted that of all the Courts In Ell- have been substituted. I _ I used to come in from the country to sell attended the �hurcbes would be villagers. - - Chopping"elther by stone or grinder
Top6 that of Baden furnishes the best ta Upon diligent inquiry, borth near and far, theireattle. Here lie purchased a fine Dur- Butin our church in particular such was Buckwheat Straw for Fodder. " z � done promptly and Satisfaction 9UST-&n- �
* -
ble. " The grand duchess," said OPO old T could. find no one who could give me any hani from a1lontgomery countv drover. not the case. There were perhaps 201) pres- Not many of our breedtr8 have much ewfidence . I
rl,&r after the I - Where sha,11 I drive it "' '�nquired the ent, and a large majority of theni came long . in $bukwheat straw as food for Prize animal& et, ca teed. Chopping done on Ttteads)ra -
gc,,wrniet, "is not above lookil , . -ire to . . I f
0 may not inforniation relat cement floors for � . . o Yet many beasts would thr4ve WeH oil
1.dtqhcn herself, and while Sh .- horse stables. - For two or three years our drover. . distances. One family came a distance nd buckwheaf straw and what they can pick upon W (h -,I and Fridays. A trial is respectfully
-actually take part in the cooking her pres I fToLund. - To the White House. I will sho,%�., you seven miles through the, snow drifts ' a th riven Dick's Blood Purifier. because , solicited.
Jhorses have been standing on the _1_ . a barn yard, if 6 4
,,L,j1ce saTilces to procu,re the best resikIts. " z - lie way." . severftl more five and LS'X Miles' One ma -n it gives good health, good appetite, good digestion. .
s This summer we coviered the whole business t 41416- JOSIAH WATSON-
. sleigh and Try a box on your horse which is not thriving. I
chief cook don't rnean to say, fri . . I 0 %
'I't - grand duoliess _1148 three " AN'bY, YOU end, started out with his family in a
, c with cement, and up to thiSL t_iMe i�e like it 4 -
-.-all E jighshm an, a Frencli-Itallau aDd & . : . . ; r
11 � I I z
W t
N � I
W H t�
CD i
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4 � , I �
. . - 1 I � -1 .- I 1 3 1�_
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