HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-15, Page 2I .
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,�, I � . 411E HURON EXP(hSITOF.
T 2
- I FEBRUARY 15, 1895*
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Leap Into the lirebbat. Tivink (,oa, no is 1 nave *hiian are not tar * -?3 roi(L
. .
saved! So there are thope Irt-re today Hope For AIL .
I . I -
I I 1-i OOD FARM FOR Se L&: sale, north half . -- -- I 1. who are safe on the shore of (;tid's niercy. I Again I remark that I-Iin beavonly shep-
z kX loot 81, Conowsion 2, East whWanosh, 100 will not spend any time with dinin at ail, herd Is going to find n -* 't-vAL "..1;,-,y sheep
I Musical - Instrument noires . d fenose,good orchard and n0ar-tailing REV. DR. T,ALMAGE'S ELOQUENT CRL1_ but I see there are some who are froczhig
g000 "
ores!. Apply to PRI161P HOLT. Gaderloh. 1278 - among those who baw', vu flung of evil
L I L a
I TO OUTSIDERS. in the rigging of sin and surronndod by I -hrisdan
L � I . . habil It makes Inc s- ro Fop ( I
I � perilous storms. Pull away, my ladsl Ijet people give up a prodI1,,..l as lw�t There
I . EMPORIUM. ARMS FOR, SALF.-The undersigned has twent, � What is
L I - FChoiee Farms for sale In East Huron,, the ban- Three us reach them. Alas, one Is washed off are those who talk as though thiv grace of . .
. mar County of the Province ;-all sizes, and 'prices to Iftousaud Persons Turned Away and gone. There is one more to be S11'ed-L God were a chain of 40 or 60 links, and --
suit. -For full information, write or call personally. From the Academy of blumic In New fork. Let us push ou-t for that one. Clutch the -
No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOIT, Brusseli � after they had run out I 1-ro was nothing
� ESTABLISHED, 1873. P. O. - 189t-tf r. "Other Sheep I Have 'Which Are Not of rope. Oh, dying man, clutch It as with a to touch the depth of a v( ", bad case. If
--, - I
. GOOV FARM FOR SALE. -A 160 acre farm This r, old.", -1 Steady, now, on the slippery they were huntingand gut.`off the track of
- . placesl Steady) Therol Sivvodl savedl the deer, they would look - longer among -
. ' Af or sale, 3� miles south of the village of wrote- NEW YORK, Feb. IA. -Three thousand just as I thought, for Christ has declared . -9
. Owing to hard times, we have Con- ter, beinz south parts of lots 8, 6 and 10, coneemlon persons warn turned away from the Acad- that there are some still In the broakers the brakes and bushes r(;r the lost gaino . -
A township of Turnberry. There are 140 acres clear• than they have been louking for that lost I
I -
eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at ed, good bink barn, frame house, good orchard and emy of Music this afternoon, being unable who shall come ashore. * Other sheep I
I I two never falling well@. For further particulars ap- to gain admission. A few minutes after lave which are not of this fold," - . . soul. People tell us that If a waii have
. So ply on the premises. THOMAS POPE. ' 1414. the doors were opened the widitorium Christeonim.mds Ills ministers to be delir , lum, tromens twice he cannot be re- - -
GrEalantly Reduced Price ", .claimed; that after a woman has sacrificed -
I - ROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Palo, cheap, a com- and gallorics were densely croutled. Rov. fishermen, and when I go fishing I do not her Integrity she cannot be restored.
d. The - I -
IP fortable Imine house on South Main Street, Son. I)r. 'Palm sermon for the day was want to go among other churches, but Bible has distinctly 'Intimated that the
. . forth, near the'Railway station. The house contains 'A Call to Outsiders,." the text chosen be- -
seven roonis, wood 4hed and all necessary conveni- ' into' the wide world, not sitting along Lord Almighty is ready to pardon 490 times
Organs at $25 and upwards, and euceo, al,io two good lots. The house is on one of the Ing John x, 16, - Other cbeep I havE') which Hohokus crock, where- eight or ten other , Castoria Is Dr. Samnel Pitcher"s •presMption for Infants
' .
; - . . late and the property will be sold together or sepm 'an not of this fold." persons are sitting with book and line; 1 -that is, 70 times 7. There are men before either OPIUMP Morphine not
Pianos at Corresponding prices. ,;rely Apply LD R0110L ' ' the throne of God who have -wallowed In and Children. A contains neither �
L , ply on the premises to RICHAII There Is no monopoly in religion. The but, like the fishermen of Newfoundland, .
r . SON, Seall,orth P. O. . 1. every kind of sin; but, saved by the grace - It Is a harmless substitute
I 100 grace of God is not a littleproporty that sailing off and dropping not away outside of Jesus and washed in his blood, they other Narcotic substance
; ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, west half lot 11 I. - we may fence off and have all to ourselves. 40 or 60 miles from shore. Yes, there are stand there radiant now. There are those for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups,, and Castor 011.
SEE US BEFORE PURCUASUNG, F cession 18, Grey, containing tO acres, all clewe It is not a king's park, at which we look I nohichurchgoors here who will come In. who plunged into the very lowest. of all
p and in a good state of cultivation. There Is a fr ': Its guarantee is thirty years" use by
It Is Pleasant.
7 , -,,through barred •gateway, ,wisfi-ing that we Next.Sabbath they will be here again or the hells in New York who have for the - -
. barn and log house and gjxA orchard. rl t t-
-- ar i,, 'zneaZ.t0s , might go in and see the deer and the
I water. It is conveoiently, situated I in some better church. They are this mo- tenth time been lifted up,.'andfinally by Xillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
- . schools, &o. It will be cold tatuary and pluck the flowers and fruits iment being swept Into Christian-associa- the grace of God they stand in heaven glo- VOMIting SOur Curd&
I I AMBALEV DUNCAN- In the royal conservatory No, it is the tion ' ' C
remises or to Walt4n P. O. AR % .Their voico will bo heard in publi riously rescued by the grace promised to feverishness. Castoria prevents
Father EON, Walton. . --1 .141U8 's -orchard, and everywhere there- prayer.- I They will die in penco, their bed the chief of sinners. I want to tell you cures Diarrhcea and I Wind Colic. Castoria relieve&. i- -
9 ' re bars that we may let down and gates surrounded by Christian sympnthics arid AR&I FOR SAL'9.�For vale, part of Lots 29 and. a I that God loves to take hold of a very badig 50 scres, that we may swing open. teething troubles cures, constipation and flatulency'.
F 30, Coneession 1, McKillop, cont%inir to bo carried out by devout nien to be ease. When the church casts you off, and I* ; .9 -. S all cleared, well feuced, and in a good state of culti- - Dog In the Blanger Spirit. buried ,in(] oil their grave be chiseled the when the clubroorn Casts you off, and Castoria assinillates the food, regulodes the stomacht
- i vation. Buildings fair. There is good orchard and : words, "I"recious in the sight of the Lord I . .
plentyofwater. This farm is within two Iota of the ' In my boyhood, next to 'tho country when society casts you off, and when bassi- ' - healthy an I natural sleep. CaS-
�i I corporation of Svaforth. It will be sold cheap and is the death of his saints." And on resur- and bowelsi, givin.
�, 6choolhouse, there was an orchard of ap- nese associates cast you off, and when fa-
- I
on ea,qv terms. Apply on the premises, or to Sea- pies owned by a very lame man, who, al- rection day you will get up with the dear ther casts you off, and when mother casts toria is the ChildrexVs Panacea -the Mother9s Friendo
I . forth P. 0. DAVID bORRANCE. Proprietor. children y I
� - )4154 though there were apples in the plam per- ou have already buried and you off, and when everybody casts you
. — -...— . petual)y(locayingand by scores aird Scores with your:Christian parents who have al- off, your first cry for help will bond the '
Is the place to buy your Christmas ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Concession 8, ei bushels, never would allow any of us ready won the paint. And a.11 that grand eternal God clear down into the ditch of Castoria. - Castorim -
I s FuckMnlitb. containing 100 acres, all cleared,to touch the fruit. One day in the sinful, and glorious history begins this hour. �
-in -lew Year's gifts at i -ht prices. well fenc, d and underdrained. There is a good bank . "Other sheep I have which are hot of your suffering and share. A C&storla Is an excellent medicine for chil- 11 Castoria. is so well adapted to chfldren that
, .dN ri,f,,, barn with stabling underneath, and a framp house. nese anature inl�arjtcd fromourfirst The Good Templets cannot save you, al- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its I recommend It as superiortoanyprescriptiorL
. I
2 t There is a good orchard and a never failit- well. it
I ng _ parents, who were ruined by the saino this fold- " though they are a grand Institution. The good effect upon their children." known to me."
- We are showi the largest assor is within Ai�,e miles of Seaforth and is wellsituated teirr.ptation, some of us invaded that or- Free to All Who Accept. Sons of Temperance cannot save you, al- - DIL G. C. OSGOOD, . H. A. Ancuitit, ?L D., -
- It will begod cheap and on -easy terms.. Apply on chard, 'but soon retreated, for the man l remark grain, the heavenly Shepherd though they are mighty for good. Sign- Lowell, Bass. III So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
� ment ever shown in Seaforth. the prexpi8es or address Seaforth P. O. jolgEpH 9
- .. GIBSON, Proprietor. 1398x4 -t f. came after us at a -speed reckless of mak- is going to find a great many of his sheep Ing the temporanco pledgo cannot save .
I I n - " Cwtoria is the best reniedy for children of "Our physici =-s in the children's depart-
- - . . Ing his lamonoss worse and cried Out, among those who aro pos'itivo rejectors of you, although I believe in it. Nothing but
--i OOD DAIRY FAR31 FOR SALE. opposite "Boys, drop those apples, ' which I am acquainted. Ihope the dayisrot highly of their 'experi-
- . I -It is or I'll set the
Christianity. i do not know how you the grace of the eternal God can save you,
I WHY NOT k far distant when mothers will consider the real encs in their optside practice with Castoria,
_T first- lass cheese factory in the township of I
. do- oil your" came to rej-cc,t Christianity. It may have and that will if you, will throw yourself on
' hav, Lot 9,joncession 9, good bank barn; pod brick a3 interest of their children, and use Castoria in- and although we only have among our-
, hom.c, 10 rooms, 2 never failing wells, goo orchard, Well, my friends, thero pre Christian been through bearing Theodoro Parker it. There is a man in this house who said
I Isteadof the varlousquack nostrums which are medical supplies what is known as regulx�
' 10 acres good bush, school on next farm. Cattle men who have the church under sovero preadb, or through reading Ronan's "Lifo to me: "Unless God helps Die I cannot be L
Bu guard.' There is fruit in this orchard for of Jesus," or through the infidel talk of delivered. I have tried everything, Sir, . destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, products, ret we are free to confesil that ,tj� #I
I y where you can save money, and horses, pigew)d implements. Terms'tosuitpurebas-
er, Possession given immediately. Forfurther,par- - morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won us to took -nit"d
. at the same time, have the largest and ticulars apply to Jo H N D. WILSWI, Hensall P. 0. k the whole world, but they have a rough some man in yourstore. It but now I have --got In the habit of prayer, down their throats, thereby sending favor upon it.
or J. BECK, Egmondville. 14084 and unsympathetic way of accosting out- have beon"through the trickery of some and when I come to a drinking saloon I Apnts 0 -
best C011eCtiO,D to choose from. If you el - . - - 1-1 them to premature graves." UNITED Hosprr,&L AND Drspmay.7,
. I siders, as though they had no bilsirlOss professed Christian man who disgusted you pray that God will take me safe past, and *
I . I
I would do as above, you rDu,gt go to OR SALE. -Good farm for sale, Lot 15, Conces- here, though the -Lord wants thein all to ,,Viih religion. I do not ask you ho . w you I pray until I am past. He does help me." DR. J. F. RINCRELOR,' Bostoric AfaAML
, F eion 12. in the township of Stanley, containingcome and take the largest and ripest fruit became so, but you frankly tell me that For every man given to strong drink there Conway, Ark. I ALLEN C, Surra, Pres., .
I lt 0 acres, 90 acrea eleared. Frame barn, sheds and F
on the remises. Have you .an Idea,
I stables, large brick house and large orchard of you do reject It. You do not believe tl;.it are scores of traps set, and when he goes
; * The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, Now York Cft,
; � splendid fruit, This firm will be sold on very easy because you wore baptized at 13 mouths Christ is a divine being, althongh you ad- out on business tomorrow he will be in - -
I a Arlik . . M I-1
PAPSTYS B0611(STNE teims as the proprietor %N,i8he8 to retire. No eneum- of ago because you have all your life mit That he was a very good man. YOU infinite peril, and no one but the every- ' I
- - am
brance, convenient to school and churches, and well . i . * -
watered, Apply on the pre-mises to ROBERT been under hallowed ' influonces, that do not believe that the Bible was inspired where present God can see that man .
- . . m q I
I .1 . I I
I H. DELGATY, or Box 14, 13*3 field P.O. 1386-tf therefore YOU have a 1'iOlt to ono wholo of God, alt,iough you think thero are through. Oh, they talk about the cata-
I side of the I,ord's table., spreading your- some very fir.6 things in it. You bellevo combs of Naples, and the catacombs of --
; .,
We i> efts inspection and coal- ANITOBA FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- self out and taking up tho ontiro roonift I that Scriptural description of F.den Rome, and the catacombs of Egypt, the .
. I
I At West half Section 24, Township 2, Range 14. tell you. no. You will have to haul in was only an allegory. There are 50 things burial places under the city where the
par son of Prices.
mere are 6 acres broke, 12 plowed and ready for I �
I - - crop ; 200 acres more could be broke. The balance your elbows, for I shall place on tither . that I believe that you do not believe. dust of a great multitude lies, but I tell
I . is good hay arid pasture land. There is a frame Z.
I side of you thoso Nvboin you never expect And ypt you are an accommodating man. you Now York lies its catacombs, and Bos -
I house on the place ;the outbuildings got burnt. ed would sit thero, for, as Christ said to Everybody that knows you says that of toll its catacombs, and Philadelphia its 1895 IS 11 us
Plenty of timber at Rock Lake, four miles distant.
11 The Dr, Rourk TreatmentCartwright station is 6 miles away- Can be got for his favored people long ago, so lie says 1,0 you. If I should ask you to do a kindness catacombs. They are the underground M 7- -
. I--
. less than $4 per acre. Apply to JAMES A. FOWLER, you and to ate, - OthersshcGp I have which for me,or if dnyono elso should ask of restaurants, full of dead coon's bones and. 1011t .
-FOR- Hillarnev P � O., Manitoba. . 1415x i are not of this- fold." .
, you a kindness, you would do iL Now, I all uncleanness. Young man, you know And just here, as we stand on top of 1893, we wish to thank our numerous
. . ,
. . . I MacDonald, the Scotchman, has four have a kindness to ask of ),oil today. It it. God lie) you. There is no need 6f J I .
; ARM FOR SALE-Foi sale,,L,ot 28, Conectsion p customers of 1894.
I ad of shee.p. Some of tbeni is something that wift cost you nothing going into tho art gallor to See, in the
r , ASTHMA, F4, township of Bay, contain'ing 160 acres, 7,) of or five'dozen lie,
I 7 -
P'Ll .
which are. elcared, the rust is well timbered with are browsing on the heather, some of tile"' and will give me great delight. I want skillful sculpturethatwonderful represcri- FURNITURE. -For 30 years -we have been studying wood, varnish, oil
I .
I CHF01-4C BRONCHITIS]! ma le, ash and cedar; good frame barn 4Ox6O cul are lying down under the trees, sonic of you, by experinient to tr7 the power of tation of a man and Ills sons wound
I try houve IU40, a good log house and other out- and upholtitery, and workmanship as applied to furniture. It has taught us
� I buildings also it good orchard, a never -failing spring them are in his yard. They are scattered Chyist's religion. around with serpents.'
.1 . C
. .
; AND Ce"IS UMPTIN creek two wells. This farm is good for grain around in eight or ten different places. - If. I should come to you, and you were IE:elp In a Struggle, how to buy ; we buy cheap and sell cheap—that's all.
. ; I =
I re positively the most rational and MOST SUCGES . growiriz or pasture. It js only two miles from Kip- iCamcion, his neighbor, comes over ar. . -1 �
s pen and ttirre from Henuall, and one mile from a ' very sick, and doctors had given you up There are families represented In this UNDERTAKING. -Everything here that should be hpre;� The goods,
I FUL treatment ever devised for these troubles. it school. For fur -the, par.icular@ apply to GEORGE says. "I seo you have 30 sheep. I ba-ve and said there was no chance for you, and bouso that are wrapped in the martyrdc'n
; . t'
- cons,16ts of combined local and constitutional treat- E. GREENSLADE, Kippen P. 0. - 1417x4 just counted them." "No " says -Mac- the experience, the competency, with prices in your favor. .
. I should take out a bottlo and say: "Hero of fang arid scale and venom -a living
meat, which not ouly speedily relieves the local ' ' I .
. ----.
. trouble, but Lhorou_,(hly eradicates th cause as well, ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, a -good 1M acre IPR onald, "I Pave a great many moro sheep is.a medicine that will cure you. It has Laocoon of gha.stliness and horror. What MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING. -Here we make you Some -
thus iosuring a perfect and permanenq cure, evin in , than that. ' Some are here, and some aro cured 60 people, and It will cure youill are you to do? I ani not speaking Into the
apparently hopeless cissa. � F farn, on Ba field Hood, ba"I a mile west of -` thing new of any design, or repitir you something old with
: elsewhere. They are scattered all aro you would say, "I bave no confidence in air. I am talking to hundreds of men who 0 0 _
. IF YOU FEEL WE x K, WRETCHED. DESPOND- Varna ; 85 acres oleared, free from stumpe, and in a around out any design -
good stats of cultivation; all uqdefdrained and ex- about. I hav 4,000.or 6,000 in my flocl,.,. it.,, I W()ulLi say, "Won't you take it to must be saved by Christ's gospel or never On Your pocket. -
I. ENT, if you have Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis, Lung tea well fenced with cedar; a brick house and frame
I Other sheep I ha -:e which are not in this
Trouble or any other chronic diaeme, and WANT To barn and shy d. An extra good well at the house, I oblige me? " " We)), " you would say, "if saved at all. What are yoxf going to do?
RE cured, call or write at once. and auoth-. r spring that gives water the year round ; fold. " it's any accommodntion to you, I'll take Do not put, your trust In bromide of po- PICTURE FR&AIING-is a specialty with us. You know our work-
DR. ROURK is widely and favorably known good bearing orchard. Thle is a good place, and The Text Explained. It." My friend, will you be jest as accom- tassium or in Jamaica ginger or anything inanship and prices are both right. . .
throughout Canada, being a graduate of Queen's will be sold at a reasonable figure: ten. miles from So Christ says to us. Here is a knot of modating in matters of religion? There that apothecaries'ean inix. Put your trust
. University and of the Academy Terra, Maria. Licen - Seaforth, and the same distance from Clinton and
fiats of the Royal College of Physicians and Sur. Hensall, all good market towns. ANDREW DUN- Christians, -ands there is a knot of Chris- are some of you who have found out that only in tlio eternal God, and he will see & 80* T
. A they Tnako up a.small part of this world cannot r,atisfy your soul. You you through. Some of you do not have
I - geons, member of the College of Physicians and Sur. KIN, carne. 1416-tf tians, but Be ROBERTSON N I
Beans of Ontario and: Quebec, LATE MEDICAL the flock. Here is the Episcopal fold, the are like the man who told me one Sabbath temptations every day. It is a periodic - 9
SUPERIZ14TENDENT OF LONDON (;VqER-aL ARM FOR SALE. -A 160 acre farm for sale, 11 Methodist fold, the Lutheran fold, the after the service was over: "I ,have tried temptation that comes every six weeks or
I HOSPITAL, etc. � Fmilr,s from the Villag of Brussels, being Lot 3, � .
I Thirty years'practice. and -east half -. I Lot 2, ConctFsion 12, township of Congregational fold, the Presbyterian ' this world and found It an Insufficient por- every throo nionths, when it seems as if Warerooms—Strong's Red Block, Nolain Street,
Consultation free and confidential. Grey ; 185 acres are cleared, 12 acres good hardwond fold, the Baptist and the Pedobaptist tion. Tell me of something better." P You the powers of darkness kindle around 0
Call on or address: bush. This farm is well fenced, well underdr.aiaed, fold, the only- difference between these have Como to* that. You are sick for the about your tonguo the fires of the ■pit. It
and in a good state of cultivation. On this farm are I S7-11 A :FOT�rT -
DR.- FRANCIS ROURK, two houses, two good orchards, two good wells, good last two being the modo of sheep washing, need Of divine Medicament.. Now I come IS Well enough at such a time, as some of .
76 WOODWARD Avp-vt?p, bank barn and other outbuildings. Will be sold to and so they are scattered all over, and we and tell you of a physician tubo will cure you do, to sock medical counsel, but your
. I 1367t-520 DETROIT, MICHIGAN. gether or separately. For further particulars, apply come with our statistics and say there you, who has cured hundreds find hundreds first and most Importunate cry must be to
I .
I k od the premises, or to JOWL or AARON MoFAD- are so many thousands of the Lord's who -were sidk is you are. "Oh," you say, God. If the fiends will drag you to the
� Brussels P. O. 14144
; I WWI& DE,M, Br . . sheep, but Christ responds: "No, no. You "I have no confldrinco in him." But will =slaughter, maho thein do It on your knees. HATIRALM WAGON
t HANLJ -MADE have not seen more than one out of a you not try him? Accon-imodate me In 0 God, now that the paroxysm of thirst 'IT-- — .
I F south halt of Iota 1 and lot 2, concession 4, Me- thousand of my flock.. They are scattered this matter. Oblige me in this matter. Is coming again upon that man, help bln.l�
. Killop, being 160 acres of very choice laud mostly in .
I B o o t 1%s and Shoes- � all over the earth. 'Other sheep I have just try him. I '� Fling back into the pit of boll the fiend
. a good state of cultivation. There is a good house rim very certan he will nq
1. and bank barn, a good young bearing orchard and which are nut of ,this fold. ' " � cure you. You reply, "I have no especial tlu4 assaults his soul this moment. oil,,.,-.
plenty of never tailing water. A considerable Christin iny text was prophesying the confidence in him, but if you ask me as a my heart aches to see men go on in this
D I McINTYRE portion seeded to grass. Convenient to markets - conversion of the gentiles with as much matter of accommodation introduce him.) J fearful stfuggle, without Christ.
and schools and good gravel roads in all directions.
Has on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of hiE Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on the ' confidence as though ,they were already So I do introduce him -Christ, the pby- There are in this house those whose -
� awn make, best material and � - I -.'t, I IM ... . .
� . Itis -
. premises, MESSRS. DENT & BUDGE, Mitchell, or at converted, and' he is now, In the words of sician who has cured more blind eyes, and hands so tremble from dissipation that ... � I .1 I s�, I
Varranted to give Satisfaction. Tny HURON ExposiTdR Office, Seaforth. JOHN my text, prophesying the coruffig, of a healed' ghastly wounds, and bound they can hardly hold a book, and yet I - --. z
. O'BRIEN, Proprietor. � 1298-tf � 13 .
, _ y arts than all the doo- ypreach-... I ..:
I you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair o, — -,.-,----------- / great multitude of outsiders that you upmore broken lie, - havp to tell you that the will yet
. our boots, which will be sold I - never supposed would come in, saying to tors since the time of 2F,sculapius. That the gospel, arid on communion days carry
0HEA1P FOR CASH, FPROPERTY.-A good hundred acre farm in a you and saying to me, " Other sheep I bavo divine 'pl physician Is here. Aro you not around consecrated bread, acceptable to � . . , .
; , I f,
� , . -
. fair state of cultivation, being lot 16, in the 12th which al;e not of this fold." � . . ;, �-- . V
. Re trin promptly attended to. All kinds of Boots ready to try him? Will you not as a pure everybody, because of -their holy life arid
I ri 9 concession, of the township of Grey. A- good Brick , -1t;, � - ,
bu Shoes wade to order. All parties who have not Hotel, in the Village of Cranbrook in the said town. In the first placc, I remark that the matter of experiment try him and state their consecrated behavior. The Lord Is � '
. paid their accounts for last year will please call and I heavenly shepherd will find many of his .. I- ; ":
I chip, as The Beek House', also a saw mill your case before -hini this hour? Hold going to save you. Your home has got to �;-1-,
I settle up. s
I and a good frame store in said village. Anyone sheep among the nwichurchgoers. TbVTO nothing back from him. If you cannot be rebuilt. Your physical health has got
thi=nking of inventing would do well to examine this I I
1162 D. MaINTYRE. ,Seaforth, are congregations where they are all Chris- pray, if you do not know how to pray any to be restored. Your worldly business has
. Property, which will be sold at 66 very reasonable � -
I .
. tians, and they seem to be completely fin- other way, say: "O Lord Jesus Christ, got to be reconstructed. The church of .
I ce, in one or more parse a to suit purchasers .
P Krther information will be fr. ely supplied to any: fished, and they remind one of the skele- this is a strange thing for me to do, I God is going 0 rejoice over your d1sciple- I . I
THE FARMERS one addressing the undersigned, at Brussels. G. P. ton leaves which by chemical prepa,�,atlon know nothing about the formulas of re- ship. "Other sheep I have which are not
- BLA I R, Solicitor; F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer.
- ..
� 1879-tf have had all the groOD11CSS, and verdure ligion. ,.Theso Christian people have been of this fold."
� 13als-%iking .- House, * - - taken off- them and are left cold and talking so long about what thou canst do Hope For Outsiders. I I ,-. - ..". .1
I . - " -
I -
.1 . - --
I - PLENDID FARM FOR 25, Conces- white and delicate, nothing wanting but for mo 'I am ready to do whatever thou While I have hope for all prodlgalg. -. = ..- - - - 1�-E---- -- - lv"f 11 -
7 m I .
- - . �, --� I t�- - --
S M -A- -P (--) TZ M-11- S slon 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres a glass case to put over them. The min- commandest me to do. I am ready to take there are some people In this house whom -' �. � -... - - .7 - , - - - - --- -�
- (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) suitable for grain or stock, situated two and a half -� -� - . .-
.. - -=- - - -- . - -- - : I -
Ister of Christbas nothing to do with such r thou conamandest me to take. . � -- - in 1- - � ---;= - - , �..
miles from the thriving village of Brussels, a good ch I give up I mean those who have been . --�-- � - - . -,- - . : -
. whatever -�. - �.!!�� , . - .1 , % . Zie-�-7�-,7 .- . -
'. . "---- -W -.- � .
gravel road leading thereto ; 120 acres cleared , .. I 1 2 :- ��, � . - - - -1 ::,
- A-mr--a - - �
- --- : , - —5�� -- . I - ��, ---
- I a heir life, who have 77 �_ 4�- -
- . . I - . -- -1
I red and Christians but to conio once a week, and If there be any power in religion, as tb�s6 churchgoers kill t - .1. '.-��...,- . - - -
. -
. -
- - . - '-� - ------- - -
- - -- - -1 --- . -=I---
- - �- - -
.. z �-- ��- �. . - - Z�!. - -� ,� t-
[ LOGAN & 0 0.9 free from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance with ostrich feather dust off the accumu- people say, let ,lie have t1jeZ, dvantage of maintained outward morality, but who, . - �'- ;�I&L- V. . - -
hardwood. � Barn 61x60 with straw and - - -- I - �---
hay shed lation of the last six (lays, leaving them jL11 Z�.� nL�-Z.Z!-! -- ---- ----- . .
' BANKEB.8 AND FINANCIAL AGENT 4WO, stone stabling underneath both. The house notwithstancling 20, 30, 40 years of Chris- . '�. - . . -1 -
- I . � . �
underneath ..--..- - - - -- --
is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar un bright and crystallino as before. But rho A Clarion Call. tian advantages, have never yielded their . .� :-.1. - -- -, �-7" - -
� I - - I 1111 ---- -- .---
. 1-- - - -
- I -- = - - �-J,-�
- " . - I � --' -!�- �- � — �- - --__- - ��. -�q- - -
I - both buildings. All are new. There is & large young other kind of a church is an armory, with Will you try that experiment now? I heart to Christ. They are gospel harden- iif- 'I ;.":�1111 .. ---- - - - - - - - -
REMOVED orchard. School on next lot. The land hag* a good perpetual sound of drum and fife, gash- do not at this point of my discourse say ed. I could call their names now, . and it -I I - - 1 . - - I . . I I - — .... , -
To the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Stieet natural drainage, and the farm is in good condition
. y reasons 0 6 ering recruits for the Lord
A General Banking Business done, drafts 19hue and Satistactor rea on far selling: Apply at Tug Ex." Of 1-10sts. WO that there is anything in religion, but I they would rise up they would Ase up in The only farm and teamiD" w,,icron that is or can be equipped Nvith
: cashed. Interest allowed an deposits. POSITOR OrFicH, or on the premises. W2. BARRIE, say to every applicant: "Do you want to simplysaytryit-trylt. Donottak-emy soores. Gospel barden'edI A sermon has 0
. Brussels. 1335-tf VanAllen's Malleable Giant OArms, Simpson's Malleable Adjustable
I MOKEY TO LEND , . - be on God's side, the safe side and the counsel or rho counsel of an clergyman it 110 Ynore effect upon them than the shining -
----- happy side? If so, como in the armory . .
: On zood notes or,mortgages. GOOD CHA'SCE-200 acre farm for sale Lots you despise clergymen. - Perhaps we may rnoon on the city pavement. As Chrlsb -Stakes, the Acme End Gate, arid with boxes grained to represent
. A21and 22, Concession 11, TLrnberry, 2f','mileEl and get, equipped. hero is a bath In which be talking professionally. Perhaps we says, "The publicans and barlots will go some fancy woods, instead of bein., painted the old time fad green, because
ROURT LOGAN, MANAGEP from Nvinghaui. This Tarin is in good shape to farm to be cleansed. Here are sandals to put ,Day bo prejudice(] in thematter. Perhaps .into the kingdom of God before them.,, all these invaluable improvenients are secured to us by letters patent, makhig
. 1068 . having been nearly all in Pasture for the past ten upon your feet. Here is alicnilot for your we may be hypocritical In our utterances They have resisted all the Importunity of -'
years' The greater part of it is well underdrained; this Wagon 2.5 per cent. more valuable than the old timers. The best certificate
` has first-class buildings and mever failing strearn of brow. Ifere, is a breast plate for your Perhaps our advice Is not worth taktug, divine mercy and have -gone during these 0 te
I water runs .cross the farm. Also Lots 3�, 33 and 84, heart. Here is a sword for your right Then take the counsel of some very respe,6. 30 years through most powerful earth- hold of this is the highest award at the World's Columbian Exhibition -
ms"ON'T DESPAIR Concession 12. Ttirnberry, containing 383 acres. This arm, and yonder is tho b*attlefleld. Quit able laymen, as John Milton, the poet; as quakes of religious feeling, and they -are A GOLD MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, and thousands Of Commendatory
. is mostly new land, welldrained with Government yoursolves like men." William Wilberf farther away from God than ever. After letters frow users all over the Dominion.
. . drains, which are Dearly all paid for. A lot of valu- - orce, the statesman; as
able timber on them A splendid chance for a large There are some here who say, "I stop- rsnao Newton, the astronomer; as Robert awhile they will lie down sick, and ,some
. .. ato2k farm. The above land is all connected but will ped going to church 10 or 20 years ago." Boy,je, the philosopher-, as Locke, the *ay it will be told that they are dead. No THE CHATHA)f 3fANUFACTI-RINCIr COMPANY LDRTEI),
� . be sold together or separately to suit purchaser. A1.9a My brother, is it not strange that you mBtaphysician. They never preached or hopel
, I a first class saw mill on -the 200 acre farm. A siding CrihIATHAi1T ONT.
of the railroad runs through the lumber yard to the should be the first man I should talk to pretended G° preach, and yet putting down, But I turn to outsiders with a hope 1416
i,iill. It will b- sold with -the farm or separately. loday? 1knowall 'ourcaso. 1knowit
I . y one his telescope, and another his parlia- that thrills" through my body and soul.
I Uood and .waffivient reasons for Belling. Apply to very well. You havo not been accustom. mentary scroll, and. another his electri- "Other sheep I have which are not . of this
. . GEORGE THuMPSOIN, Box 225, Winghani. 140" ed to come Into relig,ious-assemblago, but clan's wire, they all declare the adapted. fold." You are not gospel hardened. You
For sale by HUCH GRI EVE, Seaforth
- . . ,,
I I I have a surprising announcement to ness of Christ's religion to the wants and have not beard or read many sermons du,r-
. Grand Trunk Railway'. make to you -you aro going to become 0 --
. , troubles of the world. If you will not Ing the last few years. As you caino In
. - Tricins leave Seaforth and Clinton atatlor s as one of the Fords sheep. "Ah,"' you say, tale tho recommendation Of. ministers of today everything was novel, and all the IIIA to asslasest"s I as to Mm as mottoes sms aspens XF112023AX& a a a Ia ALD it I. zk�
follows: "it'IS 11-UPOS',W101 YOU don't L-13OW 110W- the go el, then take the recommendation services are euggestive of your early days =
. I gospel, - �*
.9 I GoirG Wasi- SlEAFORT11. OaNrwq. far I am from anything of that kind." I of highly respectable laymen. 0 men, How sweet the opening.hymn, sounded in '- - 9
o I
; -
Paw6nger .. - - 1.07 P. w. I 2.L, ?. W. know all about it. I have wandered u skeptical and - - e $ The finest Remedy ia t'::ic
, - p stuck through with unrest., your ears, and how blessed is th I : - ;
F&&Reu er... 9.06 P. x. 9. 22 P.
m * a is t hourl Drlaviolett
i Mixed �raln.. ..,. and down rho world, and I understand would you not not like to have some of (Continued on page 3.) �- ,
i 9.30 A. V. 10 16 AL. V
, Mix ed Train........ G. 20 ),. m. your case. 1 have a still more startling .- Cures World for all A -,r, -C--
; 17.05 r. )d. the peace which broods over our souls to. : 3
.. --- : - �
mmaa� --- — - - - 1
GOINck EAST- . annoUDCOMeDt to make In regard to you day? I know all about your doubts, I have Colds, tions of the Throa't & -
Passenger:.. - .. - T.4R A. V. 7.119 A. M. " .W .
; - M ::
I - you are not Only going to become one -o GOOD SPIRITS
Passenger .. .. - 21 5 3 F. X. 2.:�5 F )d f been through them all. I have gone : Of Lungs.
Mixed Train...... .. b.,-,6 P X. 4.2i P. id. the Lord's sheep, but you will become one through all the curriculum. I have doubt- follow good health - Coughs, * f
WILL CURE YOU - .*- ---- today. You will stay after this service ed whether there iso God -whether Christ while low spirits, : Grippe, Croup, --
We guarantee Dorld's Kidnev Pills to cure any Wellington, Grey and Bruce. to be talked with about your soul. Peo- is God. I have doubted whether the Bible . inelancholla, Impair- :
- GOTNG NORTH- PaBeenger. Mixed. ple of God, ,pray for that, man. That J9 was.true, I bave 9 , ed memory, morose, : VG poo Cocyll. til! en ifte:
, .-
case (If lirtrht's I)i"easv, Diat-t-tes, 1.1.1111'.1go - doubted the Immortality I Z -V t> :
, a' vihel .... .. -r Irritable temper. vgEs;
Driopsv, R ieumatiFni, Heart Di,was(, Fellial 3. 00 P. Y. 9. 30 P.Y.Pm9.(jo p. it. the only utio for you here. I shall not of the soul. I have doubted my own exi6t- . fear of Impend- -
Troubles. Impure Blood- -t.r morsev refunded Bruseelb ...... - 8.13 1.43 9.46 break off so Yu'uch as a crumb for you, ence. I have doubted Qverything, and yet Ing calamity and & .
Sold L-ly 211 (kakr'.; in medicine, or tv wail on Bluevale.... - 8.27 9 V 10.10
receipt of price, 5uc. per box, or Six I 10X( S $2.50. Wingbam. . Christians, in this sermon, for I am go A thousand and --
, " - 8.37 10.07 11.20 0- out of that hot desert of doubt I have come one derange- -
DR. L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto. G01110 SOUTH Passenger. Mixed. Ing to give it all to the' outsiders. "Other --- . - raents of body.
Wingham.... - 0.25 A. N. 11. 20 A. H. 7.30 P. x, sboop4 have which are not of this fold." Into the broad, luxuriant, sunshiny land and mind, result '
---- --- -- - ---- ----- -`{,-i
- -- - - - - Bluavale.. .... 9.37 11.36 8 V, I
Bruwels...... .. 6.64 11.69 900 - � Seeking the Lost. . of gospel and peace and Comfort, all(] So I _ , from pernicious,
. The Old EStabliShed. Mel.... - - - 7.08 12.14 9.30 , have confidence, in preaching to you and litary prac- It Pays to Attend the Bests
. - I When the Atlantic went_ to pieces on asking you to come ill. 11'� flees ten indulged .
. *— Mars rock and the people clambered upon however often I .by the young. - .
I BROADFOOTIS London, Huron and Bruce, . You 111flY haves poken against the Bible, or ug ignorance of
. I Goina Noam- Passenger. the beach, wliy did not that heroic minis howevi,w Much You 11lay.have caricatured comae- I/ //0 -
ter t ruinous c I - � -
Plah ing Mill and London, deparl.. - - 8.16A.M. 4 40r.V whom we have all * It . uences., Nervous debil- .
I Exater-................. - 9.22) &-00 read, sit down and take care of those iner? religion, step ashore frorn that 'rocking . 11y, and ion Of urknly .
I Heneall.. .. .. .. - and tumultuous Sea. If you go home to- power, net infrequently �-;
Su-sh and Door Factory, 9.37 0.16 on the beach, wrapping them In flannels, day ndhering,to y6ur infidelitles, you will result from such unnatural habits.
. � - .
Kippon.. .. ........ -.._ 9.44 6.20 kindling fire for them, seeing that they To readb, reclaim and restore such unfortu-
- S -E1.A-M`01z.'r-V1=-E- ' � Brucefteld..... - 9.62 6.28 not sleep one. wink. You do .not want mates to health and happiness. Is the aim Of an -P(D�1=�]D ,
Clinton............ *--:.. 10.12 ,,66 got plenty a food? All, bo knew that SMIR A rU
. Londesboro .-... - � your children to cuille up with your step- fissociatJon of medical gentlemen. who have - N -r
: -- 10.29 7,14 13 Oil T- I
. This old and well-known establishment is st'll -- there were others'Iwhn would do t Parekl a treatise, written In plain but chaste
Blyth.... - - 10.38 7.23 �11 b"It- He ticisrn. You cannot afford to die in that languagn and tm.iWng of the mature, symp- a a
running at full blast, and now has better facilities Belgrave .......... - 10.62 737 says: " Yond.er aro men and women free z- midnight darkness, can you? if you do trims and curability, by home. treatment, of
.. -
than ever before to turn out a good article for a Wingh%m arrive.*-"-**-.*.'.'- Ing u( that,wrebk. Boys, not believe in elrie, you believe
moderate price. Saah and doors of all patterns al- Go 11.10 8:00 r, web diseases. Education is the Corner Stone of , a
ways ori hand or made to order. Lumber dressed on We SOUTH- Passenger launch the boat." And now I see the (jar In love -a father's love, a mother's love, a 0 A copy of this useful book will, on receipt I I
WinglIAM, depart...... - - &35A;x. &25p.m. f this notice, with 10 cents In ItRltnph, for
I . short notice and in any way desired. All kinde of Rolgrave.. .... - - - 6.50 4.01 bLades, bend under the strong pull, but wife's love, a child's love. Then lot me e. bb mailed securely, sealed in a plain ucce
lumber for sale on. reasonable terms. Sbingles kept Blyth.... ..... _ _ _ before they reached the rigging a woman ssful Careers
7.03 - 4. OR tell you that God loves you me epno= le 11
constantly oa hand. Estimates for the furnishing Loadesboro...... ,. - - )re than J, pe. Addres& WORLD'S DisPENsARy
- ' chuton........-..." - - 7.30 4.46 off, poor thingI But be Ws, "There Is a will come in. The groat heart of Christ *
of buildings in whole or in part given on application. 7.10 4.28 was fro7en and dead. She wAs washed them all. 014 you must. Como int
I : Nona but the best of material need and workn3an. Bruoefleld .. .. .... .. - - 7 41) 4.63 —
I ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited. Kippen .. ........ __ __ 7.h7 468 man to save, " and lie cries out: "Hold on aches to have you come in, and Jesus this -It may be'that'the reason Methuse" Educated heads and skilled hands are always in demand. Now is the
1 1269 Remeall .............. - - &06 6:1 2 five ininutes longer, and I will save you. lived so Ion Was that some young woman best time to enter. .
I J. 11 BROADFOOT, Seaforth . -- - very moment-whetber you sit or stand- 1 1171 0 1
it lot nln I
� Xzoter- -..... - - - - - &i5 3.47 .9teady'l Stead -vi -Give me Your hand, looks into your eyes and says, Pothershee.p had married for his money. P. WINTOSH, Principal. SHAW& ELLIOTT, Proprietors.
- .
I i -
I I .
- *
* I
* I
� -
- - -- - - - - . I _I I . - "I"