HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-08, Page 8r; iP. QT HURON EXPOQATORe 8,9 18950 Jackson read a sermon: on Jeremiah 6, 28, on the'back, and sealed with sealing wax. will kill the willow. la9b.- Wilson"s Cash Grocery. It grows very! large... Carberry, Manitoba, is visiting at the home town, is visiting ir�latives in this vil in which he cited the moral condition of It is post -marked " McKillop," that being The seasons here are generally too dry, and of her mother, Mrs. John Ross, London Mr. C. L P t f Woodstock, represent- FRIDAY- We are still to the front with cheap Groceries,'06rock. Israel, and the dispersion'. of Ahe Jews, the designation of Hapurlie post-offibe at there is no -winter th w. W e are located Road. ape I o e ery and 26 lbs of g.miju ated sugar for a -�-Mr. John Cumming$ led the Sinyi ing the Canadian Mutual Loan and Inv A Syrups have not caused by disobedience to Diiine commands. tat time. A few -extracts from the i -letter 12 mile North of Blinscarth, and out- village in Uniori church on Sabbatti last %1r 'a. ment Company, of Toronto, was in Blue- 41, otheir scrades In proportion. , n! we can - '6en* cone down in price, wfthaugar but Here was adistinct connection between sin may be of interest to some of ol7 readers., has asopulation of about 250. Lumber is ieson and choir b in.Hills Gr where on spruce is they took charge of I vale last week, and successfully organizOd a 9,00d pure simar table --yrup at 4 -a per galfjolve Y.Ou a and its consequences, and this was in accor- He describes the sad event of which h' PtIle singing for the church I local board for the company in this village d A e was 'e r in this country. Comm 'hoict in fact c - new made mapli, yrup at vi per &:allen. in dance with the plan and purpose of God. riting as follows :' "It is with great grief )vZth e',�)210 per ihousand the greater openin Mr. Alexander Yule,' of Portage -'Messrs. Samuel And Alexander McGee, of teat we bfiVe the ohesp�st and best ; our fine Ceylon February 8th* The remedy was- the grace of God in the and heart felt sorrow I liburve totantiounce to prt of what one has to buy is very dear "rie, Manitoba, isvisiting fri uds and Battle Creek, Michian, were visiting rela- La, PI 21.- Blaek at 4 c, 6 c-qual to atty 60o or 60o tea. You oan -ai e buy out. new 141!uk. Green and.Tipan at 25c per lb, heart. Rev. H. , W. . Looke furnished. a you the death c;f my daughter Margaret, whereas all we have'to sell is very cheap. relatives in the vicinity. it is 2'4 years since tives here last week. They came by train rAtinot bq,bVat(n f,)r pwrequality. OurBr-urbon paper on " A Preacher's- Preparation for the who departed this life upon the fint. day of Wheat is now bringing 50 cents pbr, bushel, lie left the neighborhood to make a home for to Wingliam, and, owing to the storm, had `B10nd Of fit 0 ouffee Is gi Ing the be,4 satlefaction to Pulpit," ihich was noticed the physical, August, after four days' sickness. The Sub- b t it was all rushed out before New Year's himself on the prairie. He sees inany chan- to wade through the snow from Wingoam a0whoug­it Wt-arek-toingastriotlycAshbusin,as ary to rood,4 at cloner prices than and can give you the L menal and spiritual conditions nocess bah be -fore her death I walked with her fa 40 cents. Raising it to 50 cents now is, ges, ia-�flie neighborhood, many of ibe old to Bluevale.-2rhe infant son of Mr. Thomas anvo,te can afford to wbo'dnega cmiit tra(l.p. Flour & thorough preparation. - A pleasant and and her husband to and from church and said to be & scheme -of the millers to raise settlers have gone to their long home, while Cornell is dangerously ill. -Mrs. McIntosh, SPRING G010DS at sl.eo per 100 lbs and we piarantee it to give intis- profitab!e discussion took place on 'both the they took dinner here as theywent home, the price of flour. in Our fuel here is all others are filling their places. His. parents of Rlanitoba, is visiting her sister-in-law, ARRIVING. laotion., We hav, no coutbination price but sell all ser on and the essay, and the meeting ad- which was nealy their' usual way, as they poplar poles drawn about 14 miles - team$ Mr. and Mrs. David 'I"- I goods at tile lowest posalr-le price for cash or trade. u e are still living klr3. John Robertson. -On Wednesday last journed., to meet a o go after leaving my placi. make one trip a day aud bring about what near the Portage. They formerly lived on the thermometer stood about 30 degrees be- gain the first Monday in had one mile t G. WISON, Seafbrth. March, in the ain Street Methodist Her sudden death has caused solemn damp will make one cord. of wood. A' printer the 2nd concession of Stanley, ot; the farm low zero. I 1 37+ Bank of Comerce 1131polk. church. in the settlement. , She had g6od libalth came here last November, intending to start now owned by Mr. William Graham. Mr. since she came here and -was strong in.both a newspaper, but before commencing Yule's sister,'Mrs. Casky, of Manitoba, and Staff&. EGMONDVILLE NoTEs--We regret to. body and mind. She was a dutiful child to thought lie woul, take half a, days hunting. husband are also visiting in the neighbor- STALACTITES.-, Mr.F.D. Hutchison spent. I We are openin g up tis, learn that Mrs. S. Carnochan, who has been me , a loving wife to her husband and an He lost hims 0 TO, SECURE visitinl, relatives near Chealey,has . been suf -' affectionate mother to her ch elf ; was out &11 night 1 and got hood. -Many of our romis are now in it bad last Sunday in Mitchell. -Mrs. A: W. week several 'cases ildren, be. "back next day about; tell o'clock with both condition. Although broken: since the storm Hotbam retunted home last Saturday, after I Pro,MpLt DeSpa-L L f! ,or some time. from an attack of grippe' loved by her friends and respected by her feet badly frozen. He has been in bed ever a good deal of shovelling would be in order. a two weeks'visit in Blyth. -Miss Lizzie and s been unable to return home. -A neighbors. I feel the stroke very inuch-my- since and is likely to be all winter. Luckily -A meeting for'tfie purpose of gainin ad- Dalton, of Mitchell, is home for a shor6 NEW GOODS FOR THE gentleinan in this village possesses a bound self, but it is the will of the most High ; the the night iwas nqt.very severe or AND he would ditionalinformation coneirning the proposed vitit.-Theprotrafted meetings at Salem, OPL volume of the popular magazine, Leisure Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. aw�y, have been f rozen stiff, He has a wife and joint st _ cheese factory here, will be held couducted by Rev. Mr. Kenner, came to a Hour, for 1111, whie-h contains a picture re. blessed be the name of the Lord. child nd they are in very destitute circum- in Dixon's hall on FriLday next at 2 o'clock close last Tuesday eventil-g._Mr. F. A.- E ARLY Quich Repliert presenting five generations. Nothing per- I have had a very %%,arm heart for the Fr'e'e stances."� p. In., when Mr. John.MeMillan, P., will Hambly took unto himself, a. -wife last Wed - Send your Telegrama via has, uncommon, but the peculiarity Ties in church since the disruption took place, be- 0 deliver an address. There should be a large lesday, in the person of Miss Aagie Ketiip, SPRING TRADE. the circumstance tbatthegroup represents the cause of the stand the -ministers made for LOCAL Bitl—EM-Saveral mernbers of the attendance of farmers daughter of John Kemp,,'Esq., 7 Hibbert. C-P.R Teleg'raph. grandmother,aunt and cousins of the writer conscielice, to hold Christ the Kill and Presbyterian Chuirch Choir were billed to 9 They have moved into their handsome brick of these notes, who has a good photograph of Head of the church upon -earth. . I hope it sing at an entertainment at Constance on Hullett. residence, and. settled down to the sterner TV& lines eNtend around the World." them taken several years ago, the old t will be th' es 0 ineans of inerbasia the Redeem Tuesday night., bi-it the weather was so cold -Wiss Minnie Campbell, es six e' -SVIT m realities of life. at that time being 94 and the -,you er's Kingdom far and wide ov' Col , - MLTING.-The Hullett Council r the leiirfth and stormy and the roads so bad, that they met in Londesboro-on Monday. The mem. formerly a teacher near Peterboro, is The balanc'e of our Win— I S. JACKSON, Agent. months, each named Mary.-Tlieulev. 19. and breadth of the land. Last winter"we changed their minds and remained at home. bers were all present. -A Committee of the spening the winter at home. -A hair cut- ter Stock will be sold at. Cockburn, M. A.., of Paris, will conduct the made application to the Presbytery in Ham- They promige the Constance people it whole Council, accompanied by Mr. Ainle tile ting and shaving parlor has been started on AarTELEPHONE 32. 1404 church on the ilton to i�nd s anniversary services in our orne of their missionaries entertainment some time in the near future tile premises of Mr. Angus McDonald, County Commissioner, ii�et to examin; Wal� first Sabbath in March. -The sincerest syrh- to Tuckersniith, that we Inight%ave a chance for letting them off this time. -It imy be bridge, and found it in better repair - of getting a minister. The first one that joeresting to thorougribred steel-, men to than e-xpected, and concl ided, o a i e cutting himself and Thoilias Pringle is hired pathy of our people is extended to the sore I lace's -staffa Line West. Angus does the bair- A GREAT BIG DROP ly bereaved son tj�nd the brothers of the late came was a Mr. Scotti from Ireland. The I n the dv c 0 Mrs. William Campbell, of Tuckeramith, next mini know. that the annual sale of Short Horns of Mr. Ainley, to let.it stand foi- the pres- tar do the REDUCTION ster that came to its was a Mr. oil —it th� Maple Lodge Stock farm is to be ent. Tenders 1,6r the supply of elin plank whose remains were interred in our ceme- Graham, froni, Perthshire. He sto"ed in held on Thursd y, Febru�ary 28th --We un- were accepted from Ben Snell, 11. Sprung Stanley. Made-up Olothing. te on Wednesday. -Notwithstanding the our house eight days. I soon found hat a And' I ry him to derstand t A�r'. mw Grovenlock, of James Webster -J. T. MAT1111TO-MAL. � One of those pleasant For CASH all throu and James Yount, cold oil Sabbath last larie audiences gather. be a true Free ch arch minister. He pr�ach- Winthrop, has Id.ased his general store for a Garrow, Esq., was appointed Township So- events which caiise, two hearts to beat as We refer you to page live of thU paper for our big ed in our church and listened to very im- ed betweeii here and Gode'rich.six Sabbath i. terin of years to Mr. Frank Willson, for- diecount4 on wade -u clothit g in Meivii Youtha' nd pressive sermons from the pastor. The- We liked lijm. very well and were determined m licitor. The auditors' statementand ab- one, took place Xtbe Alanse, Bayfield, on Boy's Over( -oats and Suits; also for Ladies'and Child� evening discours . e was' -from Luke 14 : 22. to have hirn if he,would come. TN -.e town- erly cheesie maker at Winthrop. -_Hr. stract o the treastirer)s accounts for 1,894, Wednesday, January 30th, the occasion be- ren',-wintercoata. Read, k -aid adverdeeii-ent t)rrou�.h Willie Sutherland, who has been home for a were Submitted to th'e Council, examined ing the marriage of Miss Talbot, thirfl FEBRUARY. and ycu will find that, we, intend to make it an easy " And yet there is room," In it the speaker ship of Tuokersinith and Stanley joined to- few Weeks -under !medical care returned to in ter I or you purchase your winter supplies of Y an a owe . ouncil adjourne rorewly showed where am room for all is gether and subscribed 80 dantil call- --tlaughterof.Nmr. Edward T bot, Stanley,. p yearly to him London agan on Saturda last to resufne clothing, general Dry Gocdo, Film, &c. - We mean to be found who choose y ed by the Reeve. to Mr. W. M. 'Thirsk, also of Staule�. businea& to accept the gracious and -he accepted of the call and will be his former position as carver with the Lon- provision made for them.—Mr8. Simpson placed in --Aree weeks time. don Furniture Company. — It is an old The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Goderich. J. Olivant. The groom was supported by WM. PICKARD & CO'S& and Mrs. James.Cumining are both recov- Alexander McCart, and the school niaster saw" that if the bears can see their Bargain, Clothing and Dri Goods House, I roads arebeing broken Mr. Thomas Talbot, while the bride wm;as- ering from severe illness, and it is hoped came here last week. Jol n L— weiit�l shadow when they emerge from their lairs and blincis is reviving, aft is8 Sarah L. Edward .M.UcFaul have evidently un(lertal�en a heavy eoutrac� before he left Hamilton. 4, The old inen say this is the coldest spell in brid wa eautifully attired in steel grey, Seaforth. will soon be all right agabi.—The Patrons 0 meet his cousin and made a wife of her on the 2nd of Febi�ua'ry they will return to .er the big storm. sisted hy k1i 'inowdell. The *. 'Har�est their winter quarters and relpain for six 0 813 platfor-'( if twelve years. It will be a Week before much trimmed with cream, lace and rosettes. The if they carry Out the splendid n 3 commenced in this place and we have a weeki. Last Saturday was the day, and enunciated for the Dominion. Every hon- very heavy crop, I min afraid Jpo heavy to thei shadows must have been visible if the wood and bay can come in, so bad are the bridesmaid wore steel grey of a darker SEAFORTET. est, patriotic Canadian should wish them be gooq in the ear. We have�lyiad a good b roads.—Ice houses are being filled with liar- shade, trimmed with silk. After the cere- cars came out. So we may look for pro- orty, the young couples drove to the home success. By the way, why don't the Patrons summer for growing and plVhty of rain. longed winter weather and a late spring.— :bor ice, which looks good, but is pregnant of South Huron --trot out their candidate, Flour is selling here at five dollars per bar- Rev. Mr. Goforth the ivell-known mission- with disease germs. The men ought to be of the bride, where a nuniber of invited seeing the jo� that it affordvi;l Mr. Short and let us see it lie is worth a good Grit or rel and plenty of it. Peas and potatoes look ary,. f roin Honau, China, preached in the prevented from poisonin the town. If guests awaited them, when all sat down to. and his honored wife, and how it rought MATTEMS. us g us repast, after which the even- ;back their oldtinie life and those who cut'the ice, ed it, they would � sumPtUO spirits.—I DISTRICT Tory vote.—The ice workers on the pond well. The weather at present is rather oft Presb terian church last Sabbath -morning. get pure ice r ing was speub in music and amusements of Hotham, of Staffa, has been the guest of have had a terrible struggle with the piercing but if it dries tip now and frost keeps off a Mr. &fortli is home on; futlough for the fo' the town. —N] issionary ser- ices are to be preached in both Methodist various kinds. The evening following, a Mrs. J. if. Wren.—Nalrs, A. MePliergon-was- cold this week. They have been sto;�g little therc will be plenty for man and for benefit of his health, and e-%pects - soon to v OURL AGENT. frosb for summer us' -t -, t, ot beast. Mr. H. L. C— seems to be not return to his work,'where,i t is quite evident,.' churches next Sunday, by he%-. Messrs. number of friends assembled at the home of summoned to Glaaamis, Bruce count last� e a a heavy cos yy Un. J. P. of Sea-fortli, has uch comfort working in the open at from willing to start from Scotland again. I his heart Is. He is considerably older and Smythe, of Clinton, and Wakefield, of the groom, where a inost enjoyable. evening week, through news of the very serious fll- Dundas.—Revival services are still on. was spent in social chat and different ain-use- ess of her father, Mr. Wood;, who is hi 1,0 to 30 degrees below zero.—Mr. Thomas doubt you ladies are L afraid . to cro8s the inote care -worn looking than w1en here five ments, The many costly anti useful pres- his 87th yeir, and who very shortly after been appointed travelling agent for THE Daly biw purchased a splendid driver, one furious Adantic with him. But perhaps it finued in Worth Street Methodist Church, or six years ago, but he has losV -none of his ith increasing interest. ents which the bride receive(l, go to show, her arrival there, passed that bourne from- E'XPOSITOR, and is authorized to take, sui�,. of those stylish, speedy animals, *ft;ll of is not that which is stopping- him. In'these zeal and earnestnessin behalf 6f thecause the esteem in which she is held. Tju!,E grit, but gentle enough for the most nervous matteri it is bi x. which no traveller ever returns. The ide- zeriptions, collect moneys, and- transact est for everyone to please in wiljic�i he is engaged. Rev. Mr. Stewart, to handle. himself. I never cotila take much advice of Clqt Constance. POSITOR joins with their hosts of frIends in ceased was a most remarkably, smart man business generally for- Tui-; ExrosrroR preached in the eveiiing.—Mr. wishing them a happy and prosperous joar- for his age, and until within a yery short 0 in these things and as little I can give,' Jame; VIckard, of IfIxeter, fathgr 'of our Ni-nirsy NOTES.—Rev. Mr. Hamilton -A PFFrE,,7 ney over lifes troubled sea. time of his decease, was going around quite, To-Nic. —Dr. Clark's Improved town- nian, Mr. William Pickard, and his preached ver acceptably here last -Sabbth smartly, Mr. McPherson went on Sat- Iron Pills, eiirbih the blood, bringing oolor and viror TjYE COAIX�-i(, Hoam oi� TnE CURLERS.—As son Richard, from Duluth, were ill town on evening to a frge congregation.—Mrs. Mar- ay to attend the funeral. NN e extend A WORD Fr.oi.[ NoftTit DAKOTA.—A to the Vale and einacidtod. For -vile at LuxsDzq we announced last week, the two rinks from.. Monday.—Mrs, Wilson, sr., f ilver Creek, illage inthe Drysdale. urd former resident of WiwoN , s,seaforth. 1417.1 tin is going to move into our V 'e&forth now lving at ortif Carlin Mr. P. Durand, sr., is spending out- sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, the Seaf Club who played in the -slipped bti-the sit,lew'alk near her residence, near future.—Rumor says Miss ar store for the peop'e of SiVinth and vlolnity. Wism r arm near the elbow, on Mon- choales, who holds a second class cer Sheldon, North Dakota, in a private letter COMING ! Coxvm; !—A grand treat is in- Tournament at Gue ph came out viciorious and broke he tiV a few, days visiting friends in Stratford in their bereaivemeift, and particularly so in. -to a friend here, writen on January 296h, tb. and on Thursday ei� w of the fact that they recently 1081t Ada Gray people's favbrite,supporbad by Charles -ening they returned day last. She cate, has secured a school. Horse raciurr is now the order 'of the day is an aged lady and the She will be very "We are having lovely weather, just -F. rinvaVand an excellent co By will appear In fine and promising son in the Vrery, bloom of home bringing with them the magnificent cident will b and those Ao have no "goers " are simply ac e a severe trial to her. She inuch missed in our village, espeoially in enough snow for sleighing, and &.1d " E st Ly,,ne " Im ard. o'I, Thursd.y evqn. trophy for which *they had striven so hard will have the sincere sympathy of the Methodist church choir, where she is not in it.—The blacksmith in town, is kept inanhood.--The Rev. E. R�oy, f St, Paul,-% Ing the Uth inst. The Now York Dramatic News her anadians I ere -frosty. The are inany C, h "e: and'so successfully. This trophy is a beau- numerous friends.'- We notic busy shoeing horses as the race course is church, has secured the services of the Rev. 8*3 " En -t Lynne '-' was produced at Nibl.,'8 Gar. e in Manitoba leader, but what will be our los will be gain some in very good circumstances, and some' deu last n'ght before an tit tiful silver tankarjI. mtnse audience. Ad& Gray of immense proportions, D. Me- to friends where she has secured the seliool. very slipperoy.--Mr. Samuel Aoss, of Thed- H. Hector, the Black Knight, to give one� fL -ToboggAning is the pastime he yes pi it to our town last The Crops were very good appearinie in the dual role of Ladv Isabe;I %,,a standing about fofir feet high and has t' be Naught, has been delivei lid it flvin of his celebrated lectures in Coxwoth?& miserably poor. papers that our old friend, Mr ford. g here, last season, but prices were i -in a, number 0 re at ent among young people. �-Wc are sorry to so low 11-danietVine. She kept her audience fintereeted riot seen to be f tilly appreciae,(T. it is the Ogift able addresses at Farmers' week. A number of young people of this hall on Friday evening, February 15th. at the farmers are alit rather behind at t­uehes of coniedy and by her:excAWsite oornpleteue" ings thr6ughout the Prairie rovince. --Mr c continued ill health of Mr neighborhood attended the tea -meeting at tha Wh I al -ne by her mere trA0e acts, but as well by little of Mr..8leeman of Guelph. The comp n8titute meet hear of tR Mr. H. C. Brewer, of Clinton, will also $1, e- +T1 b- 1_- 0, 1) _etition ears. I - of by play. No perform -lice of 967ligh an orver his tor it i*.. open to all the clubs west of Toronto Robert Logan left here oil Monda for St. Bainton, who at one time did a prosperous Hills Green on Monday evening last, They a fine display of spectacular panorama view&. lately been iven at Niblo's. 1417.1 and it has to be played for apniially, the Johns, New Brunswick, to visit his sister daring the evening The proceeds Will be - business here in the blacksmithing line. A] rs. report of it being a rand success. -,'Mr. winners holdiDg it for one year without ad- Mrs. Sipprell,who is in very delicat Ro4s Johnston drove aid of the Sabbath school. BFLLs.-On Tuesdivy morning, S_,�Ow Siroj,,s._A,,new stock just to haild; I in e health. Bainton and her little son are at her moth- dirough thisburg last beKt value at LumSDIC-N & WiLSO8, Seaforth. ditional. competition, so that it will remain -The ice drawers di I not have a very (From an occasional Correspondent.) t. James' Catholic Cli-rch i th-is town, er's at present. We hope soon to hear of week with his fancy driver. _'Mr, iTobert Miss: Kate Devet-eux, daugliter of Mr. seesion of the Seaforth club until net enviable job on Monday and Tuesday last, his return and hope he may be restored to Lamont has traded off his gray driver for NOES.-Qnite a number from this viltag 1417-1 , - in po Robert Devereaux, -of Tackeran ith PROPEItT-t in E-moiidville for sale. -A , and.Mr. 0 winter,wben it will be ag,gin put tip for coni- but.they stuck bravely to it lid made their uth for d neighborhood attended the -cledicatory- XV., Burils,- 'hGuse and thre,) acres of land North and W 8f., of the . a perfect health, as he has now gon . e So somethitif faster, so leaders of the track an of Logan township Perth t petition. The other. members of ille club the benefi b of his health. -The Black Kill lhltt look out, or Bob is coniin%-Our niail driver services in connection e or - Y I Ezmondv Ile malise. A less quantity of iand than trips with the usual regul&�ity.-Mr. James had it pretty hard last wrk owing to the ivith th iening oU caunty were livide man and wife by Rev. three acres my be sold to.sult purebaser. W.3t. liere on hearing of the success of'their col- Cline, of Moose Jaw, North-west Territor will lecture in our villaae next ThursTLLV the new Presb Father Kennedy, in the presence of a large ELLIOTT, Seafortb P. 0. leaguei, set to work to prepare for them a �$ 0 terlai� church at Hills Green 1412-tf evening. rough weather;'but lie -says he cEi 0 stand it re will be a iviedding in the 9: I on Sabbath la;t. Tiie mornin-g and evenn 9-a ers ted by Re-,% Dr. Fiettle, as all account -4 must be, in. by the their Staplds iii going to change places shortly, guest Of -McDonald, of 8 I c the immediate friend of the � contracting near f titure outside the village.'_ -Mr. J. F. services were ably coudtw ,ourse of friends. After the ceremony, . _Tirosp OLVI,in ecou,nts will please call and fitting reception -and, although the time at W.- H. Cline. Mr. Cline says the sett now as he has provided himself Wnith. a pair one is bere just now visiting his brother, Mr. -The lab of disposal was so illoit, they had pre: in, -that part are having pretty hard of fur inits.-Miss Stevens was the parties drove. to the residence of the bride'a F(-brua,y. lliaaARMN & Seaforth. 1413 eaforth whie the afternoon pared for the boys a right roval welcome. times this ye4r, as the crops have. be n in- having bought the corner building. Miss Howard one day last week. -We are meeting was presided over with naarked nent un- MArLL Syrup made As they stepped from the train they were Jured by droulght for the past few seasons. "vish him, success. sorry to state tbat Miss Ellen Johnston, of ability by Rev. Mr. Henderson, of t father, where a pleasant tilille -was r a e We his til afternoon, w -ben the happy youn- couple ff"m in ple sugar, at A. Y4wvo a', Seworth, for 81 met by about half of tile citizens of the town The Firemen's annual ball take's place her departure for 1416 in' this place, has taken place. -The Society of Christian Endeavor phia, where she intends spending left on the cast bound trin on thel__r Nved- Per L who luad gathered at the station to congrat- Cardno's hall this evenin- -The storn Zurich. Philadel tour. On Wednesday norning anoth- VIOLTNN AND AcroItDu- 0--fs. -Direct of Carmel Church held -a verystiecessful I in'- ulate the champions and to welcome them spell of last week was follow`e*d this week blyy RIEFS.—A public meeting was held i the rest of the w'inter.—Mr. Harry Howard or I 9 a ii n y as er similar happy event too portatitins Jumt reveived, ttie b 8t value in ibe'coull- meeti o i � abb th eve i, ( h t. It b6i . place in the try at Lumsom & WitsoK*s, Sealorth. 14171 home a -gain. The curlers also had splendid the severest frost we have had for nuttly '.the town ball, last Monday night, for the is feeding five head of cattle for the spring Christloan.Bndeavor Day, 7 Ill sttme church, when Nlis Ellen Kcatiag and market. If lie cannot'make his own out of he meetin-g bad bon -fire, add the members of the club bear- vears. On Wednesday mornin the ther- 'purpose of forming a Joint 8tock Company some special features suited to the occasiqn� Mr. John Klein, both of this town, ete in tedt o*rches and forniingin procession, them at that time he i'atends shipping theni The ineetin- was led by Mr.s. (Rev. Y Ifender- Tim MASONIC OCIAL.—A very pleasant� i'norneter recristered 27- bel6vv zero at, seven to build a flax mill here next sunimer. W anited in the holy sacram-ent of m. headed by Piper John McDonaeld, marched up I from the port in conniiany witli Mr. Durand. hweddini, was a very quet one, and the social w" held in the rooms of Britannia o'clock'. Bruce, of Zorra, who has understand upwards of $7,000 is already son. The 'collection at the close wa h -;b - Masonic Lodge, Seafortli, on Friday evenin r, Main street in procession. They were fol- been visiting her sister, Mrs. P, A, cott, subscribed. If it should go on it. eral. The socity held is. regular b-usiess MAI'llied pair left on the aftern �11 - lowed by a sleigh carrying the trophy Oo- I will be a 00n last. The gentler sex are not, as a rule, of Hsrptirbey, returned home this week. hel to the village -and also to the f ineeting in armers. the vestry on Monday evening ast Saginaw, Michgan, perly guarded by men with brooms. Follow- last. The tim. e was principally taken train on a trip to P, frequentvisitorsofINTasonic lodge rooms; Wearp, sorry toletrn that Mster Harry, Nommittee was appointed. r. Daniel up - Hoi-4i, LoT royt S.iL,F._F-or Sale, a; afterwhich they -will settle don in Sea- indeed, it is said' that there was only one John McCormick and his wife celebrated their corner lot, pleasantly situated, pon whieh is builu ing th is, amidst the cheers of the crowd, cm6 eldest son of Mr. Charles Barteliffe, of. with the reports of the differeWt comnit- -oun forth to the sterner reatities of tife, -The feiiia.le Free Mason, and a large sleigh, drawn by four black horses-, street, is seriously ill, but we hope he will bi I I I � Saturday, February 2nd, and a good frame d welli rig house und 6t able, both nearly tees. The Treasurer's report shewed a. ve he beEt wishes of Ti -it. Forbes' best, in which wereseatedthecham- new There ij a good slid the lot ia neatly balance in hand of about $28. g people h. he diqd 11 long time ago. However, the Brethren of Brip- soon recover.—Mr. (31us. AlacLanchl�n, of 0'r�t 1i sainue 'day his wife presented him with fenced with wire netting. For particulars apply to A discussion pions, the adinived of all admirerg. After Wingliani, and Miss MacLauchlin, of New bouncing baby girl In f uture, as loncr as G, J. SUT11FR'LAND. Postoffice Book Store. 1413 aad hosts of f riends for their tannia liaA e made it- a� practice for so"me took place as to the pr priety of callin- -the f tituire happiness prosperity. doing the town in thiwRYthe PrOcession re- York,'have been the guests of Mrs. Ullen ey live, father, niother and child will roll of the associate members on consoera tirne to open their lodge room one night in SALF.—All winter goods to be turned to Flnnigan?s hotel, where tables Murray, of Goderich si,re ce tio nigts, and Mr. William Eldr gayeAo- ecirresDondent the year to their wives, daughters' and were neatlyspread and bearing a sumptuous week et, for the � past lebrate their birthdays on the same day- sold at cost during the month.i of February before t- f writes f ron-i Thornhill, on ille,28th sweetliearts, and enjo with'tbeni in the —The 0 " ter supper in the Salvation There has been more ice stored here than taking stock, Overcoats, Hatq, cap* and furs at cost, Ice 0 motion that at�tbe next regular busi- scre(l pre�,incts, a few social hours. But, it repast, -which was partaken of by the mem- Arin' Barract-811. on Tuesday eveiiing,i7was ever before. aide Teeds and Flannels. 26 pounds of granulated ness ineeting, be would move that these IT, coliveylilir, the foIlowill bers of the club and a few invited guests. y Cold drinks will be served in euvar for;8). Other groceries not included in sale. 0 0. sad In- - almost needless to� say, that on these very fairly attended considering th4�'ex- plenty next summer.—J. C. Kalbfleisch is names in fulture be not caled.—Losh ! man " telligence --,You will seldom have to is COAD & RANNIS, Hengall. special o4casions the tr�ditional goat lb The chair was occupied by 21fayor Cray nd treTnel cold -weather. —The Town Coll"Ilcil prepared to build a flax mill next summer. 14IC-2 but the. weatber's maist awfu cauld the noo' the vice chair bv ex- Mayor Holluestead, and a will meet on Tuesday evening next, at 8 He can put one into operation Very cheaply, Bltmns.—The weather contiue-s extreme- Sax ot eight, degrees below Caesar is owe'll d of never let loose or e.xposed t6 view. One of leasant ;ocial hour was spent. Anion o'cl p. In., instea 11onday, the as be has the power in his planing mill and muckle o' a gude thing. Folic niatin keep took place here nd bermved a he e at these decasions was on Friday evening last, very,P 9 ock ly cold here, the thermometer this,week Thornhill, Manitoba, on 8aturday the 19th when the lodge room Ni�as filled with a those who, in response to toasts, made cQn- regular meeting nightj oil account of the. will build there. We wish him success in registering between 20 and "'A' below zero. theisels weel bappit and tak, same internal 0 ratulato.ry addresses were Mr. W. Moeris, the Mayor beinj JLW�Ly from town. At this his new enterprise. —Miss Maggie Well —Our butchers botel-keepers and restaur- stimulant whiles, gin they can stan, sic The (1eLt)1L Of N-Irs. Thomas Cowan bri liter and prettier ssemblage than is ha� cast & gloom over this -is no gre&ter fvou rite aniona Preident 6f the club, who had oco npanied your will be filled, and disposed of. spring. — stay till tities of ice for summer use.—mThe m4nagrers &in Chesney, the 'Phere w, usually the case at the regular meetin manager of the Batik 0 Commerce and meeting the variods appointments for the came home last week, slid will . wit proprietors are laying in fine large quan- temperaturc-��-Mr.- Willi people than, Mrs. Tableswere'dis�ributedthrotig!h the room the rinks to Guelph and remained with them Keen r. Chris. Rupp and wife, from of Carmel Presbyterian church, with a vi genial assessor, for Tuckersmith, was here She was Just in and were surrounded by ladies and gentle- interest appears to be taken generally by Forest, spent last Sunday with his brother ew making bis.yea�ly round this week —Jallies tilic prime of life and had 'reittle, loving men engaged in various games, as suited untilthe close of the tournament; Rev. A. thepublic in this meeting, so we may took Henry.—Mr. Jaeob Edighoffer' has gone to new or of putting in a gan, intend extending Murray, Esq., Treasurer for the m. e others, who preferred iebigaii, to attend the funeral of h every one her. friend, She was never known to 4? (l their W. Hod- for a large turn -out of ratepayers on this oc-" Berne, M of Tuckeranfith, hras leased - the ne neW` diapositioll" aind consequen't numbereo 1). McDon�ld 1). D. and Rev. J, the pulpit platform and making the neces- a in this 9.,ins. Sonks were also sung by Messrs. J.S. casion.—Miss Edie Good, of Wingliam, was his grandfather. 1r. Jacob Schatz.—Mr. r. Jarrott, f this social converse, engaged themselve sary arrangements for the choir and organ brick residence of Nf r 4 I .,e y, with hs famil all she -way. During the evening there was all in- Roberts, W.O.R.eid, Janies Scott and others, visiting in town this week. —Miss Vaustone Win Schatz ha's just returned from a trip ill l�ik I make an enemy, but, was beloved by at the rea 7 A , the pulpit.—The Rev. Mr. place, and he w. .. Swan, ar-, was here last week, visiting his m. o-.- T umine in contact ivith. Site was 36 years of terval, in orderc' wa: hile bles�rs. Roger Roberts -and J. W. of Brussels, is the guest of 'Miss J. Buchan' 'to Michigan to see his sick father for the e here abortly.—Mr. (leorge Brown, of son, the Rev. Mr. Swan, jr. He also c -e prornise Worshipful IMaster Reid, and ho, after a tinental:duetts oil an.; --Many of our readers, and especially last time. The old gentl�mun has since d on- the firm of Brown & Clark, carriage makers, ge an d a -eek before her death ga s called by Jackson gave severid instrti 'Of a long life of useulness, but, it.was not de- few appropriate remarks, introduced (L tile violin ,and guitar. Although entirely those connected with the County Council in died.—iUr. W. ucted service in theMethodist church on tined to beremlized here. Inflainmationof the H. Trumner id wife have of thi place, has bought a corner lot oil short musical and literry progrmme, coil- impromptu, the demonstration throughout recent' years, will regret to learn of 'the been visiting Mrs. Trumnerso"parents, near abbath last.�Among those who returned London Road Avenue, from _Nfr. James Me- 1angs carried her off and waf ted her spirit to a sistillig of a vocal selection by Airs. Bright, was a success and -was greatly enjoyed by death of Mr. Mal oy, Reeve of Colborne; home froin anitoba to spend the winter loetter world whith' I Milverton, recently. Arthur, er she Nvas prepared to (to and he speaks of building a brick 0 .1 r. Briaht and Mr. ]Il anies Scott; a solo by all who took part in it: Th; , trophy has which took place on Tuesday lat. He ha(.'l Inontlis in this neighborhood, we inadver- house on it next slimmer.—A pleasant gath- tently failed to mention the name of Mr. ering of young people took place at the resi- After (ane weeks illness site passed eace- Miss ToNvn, and a comic song by Mr. George -been on exhibition for several days in the been ill for some time, and was unable to Winkham. fully amay, wi th her husband and fmily, ad Scott, iss E.Nving playing 'the accompant- win(low of,.,klr. R. Counter's Jewelry' attend the January session of the Council. William Bonthron, son of Mr. James Bon- dence of Mr. -John Steacy one evening la t. relatves around a), , her. One' of the largest nients. Dr.Campbell also gave a �ecitation, Store. _IVAIVING.Ii.—The members of the Loyal thron, Assessor of the township of Hay, fi-tneral procession4 tha —Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, proached ge Lodge, of the county of Huron, met -eek. The entertainniefit consisted of —9—, the Methodist church last 8abbath. The 0 t lias been seen in this ind. Past NImter Rev. J. IV. liodgins, a in Oran bo has now been home for several weeks. mu tteighl�ottrhood. followed the remilins to ti this week and decided not to celebrate —Mise Priestly, of Ailaa Craig who w sic, games. dancing etc. Those present T'r most interesting address planatory of WHAT A MAN 1.101ITY YEARS (�I� An,F pastor, Rev. Mr. Galloway, is not yet suffi- here as last resting place. 6he leares a sorrowing the 12th of July in Huron.—The Li�eral her6 last week,. the guest of Mrs.1-1. Arnold, say they bad tip-top'time. 0 the %vorkings and airM. a of, M5 ason�ry. This Tai-sKs OF ILIAMTOIIA.-Mr. Dontdd Me. iently recovered to be able to conduct the s' husband and familY of five little girls, the over,. refreshment% were served by the Int re, of this town, has permitted its to services every Sunday, although he is get- mass meeting, which wa to have been held returned home this week. She was accom- 14 years of ge 11,he bereatred ones d on the 2'9th of January, was postponed . tll ranied by Miss Cameron, of the same vil- Comarty- ;uan rest assured th, , , Lodge Stewards. The refreshments were m2le the following extracts' ;ter ting better.—Mis Ad& Gray, the celebrate Thursday, the l4th of Februarv. The who was also here on a visit.—W Osbert H. Kerslake anfl bs eyliave all kindky hutnan 0 from a let age *ympatily, as well as that of provided by Mr. J A. Clarke, and were written by Nir. Charles Thom, fornierly of New York actress, sup orted by anexcel- e re, NOTF. greater p speakers will be Wm. Patterson, 71. P. for gret to state that Mrs. J. Laing ha been bride have settled down on their farin oil, At-nd more rettssurig kind. The deceased creditable to his skill as caterer, and were Mitchell' . It was written from Rtmell, lent company, will appear in the well- a, oil the l7th of J the I I th concession. We Nvish the young, very nicdy served -by those in charge In Manitob' anuary. He known play, 'C-14,ast Lynne," in -Cardno's South Brant ; James MCMU'llen, M. P. for seriously ill during the past week, 'but we tady was formerly, a resident of If uliett. fac,t nothing was left und e b heic, i North Wellington ; Thomaa Gibson, M. P. are pleased to learn that she is now so,,, couple many happy ears in, heir liew Cho was then Miss' fficers rsays: ",will beMy6ars old on the 6th hall, here, on the 14th inst.*—The "At- e- Eliz!i Jalic Wells. Fif t cell on Y ' of. and brethre"n to make th vening bo, Nlarch next ; yet I feel quite ell, e - Home," at the Rectory, on Tuesday eVen- P., and Dr. McDonald, M. P. for East what better. —Miss M. Brownlee is -visiting home. r -L Alexander Campbell and Mr, x Nlalcolll years ago Tliom�is Ell,,to I former re- in my hands and arms, ing, was a,v Huron. An opposition p k r will be gi en McKellar, we are leased a, went to ery successful affair. Notwith- Charters to learn t4dent of Hallett, left pleasant and profitable, and it seemed *to be cepting rlicumaisill 8 es e her sister in Hamilton —Miss C. Ontario and inade thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The whichodoe prevent ine fro111 .-working standing the extreme cold outside, every- an opportunity tospeak.—The Misses Web. of Seaforth, bas,been spending* a few days are both Progre4�sing faora)ly.—Mr. Rich! ling gave a concert� in the Opera Hall on with relatives and friends in and ard Hoggarth is preparing to buid a new "i's happy sseniblge dispe6ed a� a seasonable hour, some and 8 not thing was cheerful and comfortable within. Tuesda eve -in 1k; h U - A 7 1. near here. houqe,,n I,-. r. 1',ride, and bt-ou-1-A her eat"ing plent;y. NeiWer time -nor P I— L A� Wlllptirtl3, lor[nlllg In an LeLtaustances will eflace my recollections of a programme nt.readings, music and i was a great, stic- — As. . o n8t"n is at present lit Park. L , IN c hedelypurchase(I the west, &ad since her a,rrivd it hits been a sing - cess. -Friday, February 8th, will be Horse visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. 13. arch around the room, had joined lian6 in _N21itGhe)1,, especially one spbt; in the Presby- ing occupied nearly the whole evening, and hfrom'Mr. Wm. Sil,lery. When Mr, Hqg- del and happ botne, but iiow elialiged to g , ul -bse pleas- 1. ,u :71 day here. -A grand dre ill Sbortt.-Mr. T..M . - t) 8� 'I Pk� d Lang Syne." Fair 111 _1 garth has it completed be ill havt '40�rrcyw A� ., f f I, I 0 Th terian ce'lleterv.- ince I thelar e cre-url resent I -1 8s carnival w r(lock has recent I Y V, r del) wtui e. ,ave 6 r V PY be held this (Tharsday)-evening in ilie skat- ed a fine pleasure sleigh to tile fi est farms in the l6cality.-Mr. . Vi.n. a d tvindy The findino, elitertainment. Over $17 was t annual re -unions fail to have L It d steady� cold an his already well- Hoggarth and his sister, Mi.9 n happy influence in ways; and * we snow about 8 inclies deep, an ing rink. An imitation of th'De 48th High equipped livery in(], to test it, the other m )11 Li the thermom- I adde(fto the Guild Fund as a result 6f the Vary An thly think they ii-ight with landers' band will attend and supply music. day -he took a large party of youngpeople have returned from Algoma. lalr.H,og protit be, held more eter ften 41) (le0Tcc25 below zero.. I have I ladies efforts. -Rev. H. C. Steele, of Kirk- f 9 w of the South, fluron Nlini arth iting at up to Kippen and back. It is needless to 1'resby- of which 't, Air. Alexander Rom.-Ailr. Robert Abra- they thoroughly enjoyed it. -*,%Jr. eb-aildin- held in the C, requently, aud possibly by other societies, 'lot seen any lia?l tornis or blizzards since I ton, will occupy the piilpit-oil Sunday ne -Miss Forsyth, of Seaforth, is wis reports times brisk and weather c ,eriatt clitirelt 1,�,xcter, on Mondy aftel.- we have so muny in town. carne here. The Orops Nvere not inj�ired by in St.. Thomas church, and on the say that that coantry.-The contraet, for i frost last year, except"ing on tile 111011liking of Monday evening wi following ham, of Manitoba, is home oil a visit.-'iNliss F. Rosser and Mr. K. Macarthur, of Ailsa school house No. was burne,7 - ii(X04 I vst, ReN'-. G'�-orge it' tile 'S. Dickson u, 11 give his celebrated Ketchen, the late choir leader of the Presby- Craig, were in the w down, has been award'ed to Mr. Win. D eek attend- in After re-w1ing of Lhe' e tith, when the wheat braird was'bactly lecture on the " History Principles and Con- ierian church, has gone home to Whitby._' Ing a, party, and report,0 in comm on wi nen, of Lumley. Alr. Djnnen is all holiest, I the l'ost-Master, 8eaforth, li-as shown its an in- frozen in sollie pizices. But fli.rce miles i stitution of the Churc�o'f Eligland," in the th The tilinuLes of tli'c teresting relic in the sliape. of letter, writ- West of -Mrs.Thomas Abraham is -visiting tier daugh- the rest of the guests, na trustwortliv Nvorknian and the reel.iiicr oil fee will be ost enjoyable �x and -father, Mr. Samuel Car- had a tell acre fielil of' -whet whiell yielded : cha�ged ; everybody welcome. -Next Sun- ter, Mrs. 'McKay, in Walkerton. -Mr. time. -A large number. fro illarre rest a&surc�l that a good job will be done. �a.,ft - Ve3d and adopted, after tell by his gr us t ' llci`L� no fvPst. One farnier it 1chool room. No admissi -hicli an In this v, for the tiochnn, fifty-one years ago. This letter was 40 bushels per Liel.e. Nl Kay, of Ripley, was visiting at Mr. W. and surrounding country attended the op Y -son, JameS, had difty is Elie nnual Ailissionry in the en- oligh- Oil illotioll, f�ev. addressed to his sister-in-law, Miss Mary over 100 avres (if Taylor's this week.-,Nliss Broadfoot, of of the new Presbyterian church ar, Hills Wroxeter. 'TNI.etliodist churcl The Dr. Will tv 1-fawthorne, I'ariali of Uirthon, Castramond, about 22 bushels pet Reafortli, is the guest of the Misses Cline.- eii on Sabbath last, 'and sol(I �or 4,() b.N. of.Listo'A-el, who is all able speaker, and the tea -meeting James Fox, our ser- bv gate -hose of Fle'e't, Scotland. Nliss cents per bushel, lie also hil(I Mr. (,eorge IN-lason is visiting in London this n the following if) S t.�ioa on 8. ]80 busbels of will preach,o the occasiop.-The Hockey -Monday evening. They mat, was in town on Monday -niglit last.- I week. -Mr. and Mrs. S. A. 2\'IcLean, of repott a very large attendnce, excellent wil' (41 tnoLioil it f-iawtliorneifterN%-,tvdsl)eeatiie Nlrs. 1),vid Potatoes. There are no bti(,s Itere, tut the match oil the new rink on IN ednesdaY eve'- liani Taylor 14,sq f-eneral Agent for the �4t_rret,it to put fUrth to a re- Duncan and is now residing with her son, Lucknow, were in town on Sunda Miss sermons, and a nio t!u-otion,of the nuiubvr (if ILty We are nine, last resulted in frx-or of Confederation Life In-'suranee Companv,-pent awl hop 2NIr. Dgnum, Seaforth. Potatoes are generally c' st successful tea -meeting. IS She is now greatly pestered bv () Bella'Maxwell, of Toronto, and Eyss Aggie Grant, of Thornhurst, who wa at I and Locke 4 phers. They by 4 goals to 2. The return iiiatch,will be two or three (lays in tbis district I tiely tMccuses. Rev. ,years of written by Maxwell, of the Bluevale roaAl, spent a few the -Manse for a number of weeks visiting the interests of -his col-,npally. lwt ifliAl. to isit the I some Fields ofi. grain entively, allJ tire os- played on Wednesdy evenina next at the 1"xetv" c(Aulcil ; Carnocliall, from bi,� horne in Tuckei;mith pecilly destructive in fields NT r surrounded by new rink. -A report'of the District Council left here AlcKerchr sr secretar for the Howi.el Ole Stephen coutwil, un(I itev. unoccupied lands, n(i 4here is it great dea-1 of the Royal Teniplars of Temperance, held U- -V is in a good state of of that here, altjiou�,,Jl this is said to be -a v at Holinesville, has been rej tends visiting relatives 'before returning nd 8titt to interview and is dated Augut 601, 1844. it is still this week for Thamesvill!e -where she in- Mutilal, is local agent Of the Confederatin ev. in town with friends her sister, Mrs. J. S. Henderson, pres- quite legible t it 4letell -I* nc last 'L%f onda Bluevale; 1 ""tt to A"'Lit IT() I tl)(' Usborne w v&tion. It announces to lNliss Hawt] -7The sellolars of the Methodist Sabbath -es th iorne very good r hOlne.-On Monday evenini. Mr. John ven a grand 1,t the death of the writer's daur) Mar- does not settle tip more IfIllicklY, but per- appear lie -\t week. ride Olt ominvit. It thomelit in ist"iet. I ni. surprikd it ceived, but'too late fo this issue. It will- Thonias ohn -Short, who recently ehoolwere gi leiall, Tuesday Lottie Brawn ha; Out of garet, the wife of tile late Alexander Broad- it is 11'eld son of Mr. Creorge King, of orris -was and became a resident of our village, was turnediroin atteDding tile t1lell:1til"frof licen Jitei . King, retire oin farmim, ZLIJ to titt- ht too I igh I especially footand motlier of _11r. J. If. Broa'dfoot, 8,6 per ac -re. A I struck by a falling tree in British Colunibid, very pleasantl Torouto ill the t of s yet there are fields Brucefield. Y Surprised on the- occasion of vatory of niusic. aftr haviiify pa. -i, t vry ainination.-isollic of tIlp oltl than ten foot of Tuckersinith' Mr. Win. Carnochall be (lone he"retafter, as unlier t to lern of. the 1�ooteuay hospital, where he died'on the and daughters, together with their wives time glor�y has returned upoll ottl where it was thi* town dild of ames nd uel Broad- on January 9tb. He was taken to the his -74tb birthday, ky having all his ons no ot fenced but i.nove felicill- Avill have to bltLVTT1FS -We regre creditable e,: linislied of t�Lis town is now death of eor,-.,e I'le%% es tereat (lea of Mr. Ccor e Ntwes of spine. The sad news -reached his age� -onie i in the way of surprise partY, and all before dieni and are the onl mviving on bout an([ destVO of Nloosoniin,� 15th inst., from: injuries received to his and husbands, who lived within. bounds, At a recent contest in r Curlers. ()f I)rutri- of r. Cartioclian, the writer of the letter. Manitoba, brothel' of � Barlied Nvire 6ost 'al) ]Of) pounds. this villafre.-.,NTrs. Janies Aikenhead nd father on the 219tli of January. . The syni- speat the evening i t Nlitil."' s out AN'liere -other Ile -was then, and hd been'for 13 erefore b-ille(I VOstsabolit feet longare puiuted ai'id driven' (1811r, U he old home, social or gulfs bet lrveti the difffer- resitlent of Tuckersinith, where be fi a liter Isabella, returned lionle on pathy of the play for tl Tankird at' London hortly— of ( U1 act - into thp groun(l,with a sled -e u I where the . y 0 community will go out to Mr. Cottarls. �aturday night way. With re- At thereoiu'elar ineeting of tbe inasoni�(, 1. , nd, by the easy -now been dc-a(I a ry. Ile hs isfgpiiler,,111�,-, soft all('I' spongy `1 wo attended the marriage of a relaii , ve -Lo' t. Tho-n-tas King w he District I)ep1l'ty !)Ut 14(le c tled wilen (;omin(t to this count grou the Sat'-da�last from -Kent county Kinc; and other relatives in their sad be- spect to all the loages and. societies whi li on night last, t Ycftrs. The lds o IV �c t a pole oil thi vers reavenien as about 38 now flood the country, we guestion if there Grand Mater, Dr. Wil.501), of Tara, was pre- frolii letter is written in a bold, gible hand and. P Of tile of skating are having g00d eas(lu for their flow of tul"u. great 111 stral of age, unmarried and ver�y much re- is,, bap the illullo'.'Ll t lec) posts is considered good fen 0 pier or more profitable manner for a sent and addre ina- covers nearIv the fo I ce. The aniusenients.-.vIrs. Bri-s Sr., formerly of spected here, where'he was well knoNi I sed the brethren a sheet Of blUfl*S 01- PtItClIeS of tilul 3 0 7 -n arg f Complillient- )er re all Poplar f amily to spend the evenin e,a were no wive our village, Ilied a -week ago in Nlanitoba, having spent his early life until he was in them high y on the elegant 1ppoint OT aound the family hearth, in 111atin- the ar� W all -inall poplar where sh'e, has been living with her $oil, _M r. ou ig talk ments of their hall,andfor the thiciel.1t The qtylv wai fas- fools- p i are lopes in thos ft"(1. dow, tuff. torial to t lie urpuges of e daVs and it was fi)ltle(l oc a, than su as to be addre,ssed 8tulllps so(ill rut, 1jut I ab t24years old in this vi6nity.-Miss and pastime, and, in the cae we now men- 1'dward Brig irs . p 1, _i;i i 7 ner in hich +b niall- I ff —_� Q -1-3 11 r rXi %U.. 1C."M oJ. usan ug o en , , illianis, near (ieorge- tion, the fmily were more than repaid b An oyster supper Nvound up th 0C2Cdklfrs pi. I I Fi