The Huron Expositor, 1895-02-08, Page 3V t` I 1.1 __4 11 A' if " - f - - __.--_-�.-._..�,..�..-a....... 1 'FEBRUARY 0 1895, .. Slhort Horn 13erd Hook. Tears, $1.25; payable on January 1st, 1396. JOHN CUTHILL, 1 Winthrop. Ot TORN BEATTIE, Clgrk ^f the Second Division Court, Countv Commiasioner, of Huron,Con. veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds inwvested and to Loan. Office—Ober Sharp & ens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 TOCK FOR RADE.—The undersigned will sell, ten S head of thoroughbred Durham cattle, cows or heifers, & herd of 22 toeboose fr .n., al -o eight young bulls. All these are registered and will be sold cheap. Time given if required. DAVID HILL, Lot 27, Con - zession 8, Hibbert, fitaffa P. O. 1406-26 ULLS FOR SALE —The undersigned has on lot 13, a,)nceseion 4, A. R. S., athoroughbred Dur barn bull, 17 months old; red color and an excellent animal. He wu sired by imported "Prime Miniatei"; also a six monthv old bull, red color and from Prime Minister. WILLIAM CARNOCHAN, Egrnoadvilie. 1408-tf staff, the ;nicidlo aged throwing off their burdens as they passand the young to 1\ORTUFRIN JACK. I have their present joys augmented by ing. The two jacl;;s in the illnstration more glorious satisfactions. Forward into the kingdoml As soon as you pass the might be own brothers, so nearly alike dividing line there will be shouting all up are they, Set one is an Illinois product, and down the heavens. The crowned im- the other a 1�lississippi one. mortals Nvill look down and cheer. Jesus The northern animal is 4 years old ' of the many scars will -rejoice at the result and 14 hands high. He is a quick trav- of his eartd]ly sacrifices. Departed saints eler. Ho is catalogged as a "black will be gladdened that their prayers are jack, 14 hands high, mealy points." I answ@red. An Order will be given for the His sire Svcs an imported Spanish jack, spreading of a banquet at which you will his dam a ore bred Kentucky jennot. be the honored guest. From the imperial p gardens the wreaths will be twisted for The southern jack does not seem to your brow, and from the halls of eternal have quite such long ears,butiu all other ` music the harpers will bring their harps points of asininejt beauty he is fully up and the trumpeters their trumpets, and all to his northern; brother. He, too, is a up and down the amethystine stairways of the castles' and in all the rooms of the - . ILLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. — For sale two house of many mansions it will be talhed , Tthoroughbred Durham bul's one year old, one The- Huron Expositor, over with holy gloo that this- day, while thoroughbred two } ear old with registered pedigrees, one plain man stood on the platform of both roans ; also a lot of young Poland China boars S EA FD RTH, O NT. about four months cid and a Poland China bear for this vast building giving the gospel call, service. Inspection invited. Apply on Lot 30, con an assemblage :made up from all parts of cession 6. Usborue, or address Lumley P. O. THOS. the earth and piled, up in these galleries CUDMORE. 1404-tt McLEAN PROS., - Publishers chose Christ as their portion and started EED OATS.—Mr. John Melville has a quantity of for heaven as their everlasting home. Ring a new kind of Oats ahich'he offers for sale for ADVERTISING RATES. all the bells of heaven at the tidings! the first time,. on Lot 22, C,)ncersion 12, Hibbert. Strike all the cymbals at the joyl Wave . They are a new variety which he got seven years ago Contract advertisements, platter changeable All the aim branches at Cho trill]I]ph i in some Mummy Peas, and this year they turned out, will. P I in spite of the grasshoppers, one field ov.r fifty PER TSCH Vlctoryl VictOryl bushels per acre, and the other field -over eighty 1 Year 6 mos. 8 mos. � bushels per acre. All those who have spoken for seed 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 $2 6o $160 Catholics and Secret Societies. had better call eariv, as first come first served as 6 to 10 `• 445 00 2 76 1 65 . long as it leets. JOHN MELVILLE, Chiselhurst 3 to 6 "- .. 6 60 8 00 . 1 75 We are asked by a "Roman Catholic P. O., Ont. . 1413.13 1 to 2 44is 600 s 26 1 86 Odd Fellow" whether he Is compelled to If the advertiser elects to ehanire not oftener thanleave the order of Odd Follows under the West Y 'moi r $ 340 Pl'ivate funds to loan at once per month, a reduction o[ 20 per seat. will be `.. -glade on the above quoted prises. recent decree of the pope against it. As �. �� 500 rates of interest in sums t0 suit Rates for special position oan be obtained on appli- an American citizen bo can take his eholco cation at this office. between the order and the church; but, as T 700 borrowers. Loans Call be Com- Business or professional cards, not exceeding three sOIITIIERi� JACK. $1,000 plated and money advanced quarters of an inch, 84 to $6 per year. a Boman Catholic, be has not any choice, black jack with mealy points. His sire Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, eta, not, The decree of the -holy offeo Is of supreme $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. exceeding one inon, one month $1, each subsequent authority, and .be must cease to be an Odd was a largo Spanish jack. He is not so month 60c, being $2,500 S. HAYS, Barrister,&c.,Seaforth. Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale, Fellow if he would remain in the church. tall as the northern specimen, g 126 not exceeding ij inches, one month $1.60, each Bub- It is his ''imperative duty to withdraw only 13 hands high, but he has nimble scquent month 75e. from that order, under penalty of being cation and a long, muscular body. ARMFOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Composed of Advertisements on local page, ten cents per line , denied the sacraments." He can'nOt,con- 100 acres half way between Clinton and Sea- each insertion, with a discount of 25er sent. to forth, in thr• township of Hullett, two -and -a -halt parties who also have regular contract space. coal his membership, or esetipe the judg- About "Cottonseed Feeds." -miles from Kinburn, about 40 rods from No. 1 school Local advertisements under township or village went pronounced againAt it, or Offer any Within the past year a new feeding house and one and a half miles from church. There heading, 6c per line each insertion. plea In favor of retaining it. Rome has ., > > is a good dwelling house, a barn 100 feet long, and Transient advertisements, ten cents per line for stuff` called cottonseed food has been other out buildings all in good repair. One well at first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent spoken in wards that are irrevocable and , otic extensively advertised. This fend the house and another at the bairn and five acres of a insertion, nonpareil measure. the voice of Roane is the fundamental lase q good bearing orchard. There is five acres of fall Advertisemeut+ without specific directions will be of Catholicity.the world over. purports to be a mixture of one part cot - wheat on a good sun,mer-fallow and looking well ; Inserted till forbid, a:,d charged-aecordingly. , - , there is 28 acres of fall plc a ins done on the place Births, Marriagor, nd Deaths inserted gratia. There aro three societies condemned in tOn58ed meal and five parts o cotton and portion of feed enough to do any amount of Tag E posiTo]t goer, into 4,300 homes every week. the , new decree—tile Odd Fellows, the 11u115 by weight slid is sold in carlots at stock. It is a fine roll ng farm, well drained,and well which means, on a cour,,lrvative estimate, that it has Knights of Pythias, and the Sons of Tenn- $11 50 per toll in bulk. It is specially adapted for cropo. Possession can be had at any 20,000 readers every week. It is the best advertising time. For further particulars apply on premises. medium in Western Ontario. perance—as other secret societies bac! been recommended for fattening purposes, I� RANCI8 KETTLE, 8eaiorth P. 0. Ont. 1410-tt condemned in previous decrees. but is also claimed to give good results This does not involve any limitation of in the production of milk and butter. BOARS FOR SERVICE. . ' tr .l . the political, civil or natural rights of our Ill a bulletin the Pennsylvania experi- 8 1 Roman Catholfo Odd Fellow" corre spondent. It is purply a matter of religion meat station gives file details of some ({lAMWORTH BOAR FOR .CERVICE.—The undtr- R and of ecclesiastical discipline. of religion experiments carried out to test the val- 1 signed Hiil keep for sorrier, at the I3rucefield establishes the terms of church member- no of this feed. The feed has been ex - Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. tivith registered. pedigree. Terms, $1 ; payable at ship, and these terms are inflexible. amined as to its chemical composition, time of service with privilege of returning if neees- Our correspondent's rights of .American its digestibility and its 'actual feeding sory. HUGH MCCIAItTNEY, Bruceflold. 1405-tt V t j citizenship aro in no way interfered with G F P y value for dairy cows. The results of --`I �+ T by -the papal decree. Asa citizen he may ERKSHIRE PIGS.—The undersigned breeder of ®� `��� IPATI �+ thea© experiments,we're, in brief, as fol Bthorouvbbred Berkshire swine, will keep for S, Ll 0 US N ESS' Join any society h0 psoases, but not A9 a lows: sert ice on lot '?6 Concession 5, McKillop, the prize Roman Catholic. -Now York- Sun. The chemical composition was fouled, winning Berkshir.t boars, " Election" and "Protest." a,,,,- DYSPEPSI�►,� Terms $1, payable at true of service, with the privil- C ^ �r N �' Is Venus Without a Moon? on the whole, to correspond very well to age of returning if otcessary, al -4o a number of young SICK HEAD V pig for sale. both sexes. JAMES DORRANCE, Sea- The question as to whether Venus, the composition claimed for the feed. forth P. O. RST' Pairs furnished not akin. 1412.52 REG U LATE THE LIVER. i1glQrious goddess of the skies," is really a Its digestibility was comparatively low, - - ._ ------ ONE PILL AFTER EATI N O moonless world or not has never been sat- the total amount of digestible food Pres - IGS ! PIGS i -The undersigned has at his premi- INSURES GOOD DIGESTION . isfactorily settled among the astronomers, ent in the feed being somewhat less Pses lot 6,concession 6, Hullett,several thorou h- PRIG CTS.THEaODO MED, CO. LTD. some Of whom claim that there is evidence than in clover or timotl--- bay and some - bred Berkt•hire sows and hogs for sale =at reasonable TORONTO. which points to her possession of a sates- what -calor than that found in good prices,also a 'atter of thorough- red Tatlrworths ready g to wean. He also hat, a thoroughbred Berkshire and lite, others that there is not. Within the a thoroughbred Tamworth boar for eervice—terms *_l ;' corn fodder, although the proportion of The Kippen � limits of -bat is called the solar`system rotein is considerably higher than that Vayable at the time of eervice wit the privilege of there aro 80 known moons—tiny planets P ,returning if necessary, $1.25 if booked. F. II. which are held in position by "giants of in dither corn fodder Or timothy At 8C1tOALES, Const'nce P.O. 1403x7tf TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. the skies." of these 20 Saturn Claims the price named a pound of digestible eight, surely enough to divide. up with food in the cottonseed feed was found Best Remedy ed ` poor Venus If she is really without such to cost about 34 per Dent more than in Th' e e s y The Rippen mills are now running at full blast and an attendant. Jupiter has four, Uranus timothy or clover hay and 20 per cent are prepared to do ORISTING on the shortest notice, four, Mars two and Neptune and the more than: in corn. FOIL R1+,CP1IvTT and most reasonable terms. In this way you Ret . earth one each. Hod Venus a moon like Two experiments were made with ('� ('� jj flour from your own wheat, and better value for that, which is in constant atendauce upon lair Cows to test Its val'ae as a feed for ZJ O U V( 11 S the money than in any other way. Good flour. our world, no two planets perhaps in the y guaranteed. whole universe would be so strikingly milk and butter. In the first experiment . CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. similar as that orb and this globe. Indeed, a ration of cottonseed feed and bran pro- AND— as hinted above, it is by no means certain duced 18 per cent less milk and 10 per C O L(] G S_ that Venus is without a moon. lion- cent less butter than one of corn fodder, taigne, Rodikier, Herrebon, Monthanen mixed bay, cornmeal and cottonseed The highest prise in cash will be paid for good y cgs, or they will be gut to order. and many others distinguished in the meal containing the same amount of -IS THE- _ several branches of astronomy claim to dam, matter. The estimated not profit per T-j'UMBL� EL have seen a body near venue which pre- cow r da was 17 per cent less on, the rented a phase similar to that of the � 3' ONTARIO CHEMISTS All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. planet, precisely as a satellite would do cottonseed feed ration than on the hap BALSAM 0 'peri- , JOHN WNEVIN, Herr Beccar, in June, 1898, said, "There and fodder ration. In the seaondeabra is much strong evidence pointing to the ment a ration of cottonseed feed, bran SPRUCE &TAR. 135 f -t f Proprietor : fact that Venus is not only babitable, but and Buffalo gluten meal produced 16 that she possesses a moon, something per cent less milk and 6 per cent less FOR MPrN AND WOMEN. tronomical.-lights. hitherto denied by some of the leading as butter than aration of clover hap, corn- ghts."---St. Louis Republic. meal, bran and -Buffalo gluten meal, It is especially recommended for the THE Proper Glasses For wine. containing 21✓ pounds more grain and use of those w'ho are susceptible to On the proper sezvke of wines Sherry, three-fourths of a pound more coarse H '$ OWE��i the caterer, trays: "Colored glasses and fodder. The net profit per day and head BRONCHITIS those of fantastic shitpes are no longer in this case was 4 per cent less on the `... lined on elegant tables. Pure white, and clover bay ration than on the cotton- LARYNGITISELECTRIC t perfectly plain style, is preferred by .seed feed ration, but it is probable that HOARSENESS . many people. At most there is a delicate the cows on the clover bay ration were tracery of gold about the rim, and the somewhat overfed. And Loss of VOICE. . BELT, shape preferred resembles alf an -egg- The general conclusion drawn from FOR SALE B� t &bell, set with the roundingend upon a these investigations is that cottonseed 'rude'\lark] i)a. A. owr x. sender stern. Thio, in regulation goblet l size, is placed for water, a somewhat low- feed is too expensive in proportion to 't'lle Only Scientific and Practical Electric ins to R E RTS Rctt. rine- do for general use, producing aGennine or and more rounding one for Burgundy; the amount oeom etch on 1t naltaterms J. 7 a taller glass than that for Burgundy and successfully p Current of I+;lectr>clty for the cure of Disease, thalt eat.11 be readily felt and regulated both in shaped precisely like the goblet for water, with ordinary dairy feeds at average DRUGGIST qu tntity and potiver, and applied to any part of the hely. It teal be worn at any time during but a third smaller, is. for champagne. prices Main r :et Seaforth. Nlorkiug hours or sloop, and�villpositively euro Sherry is served in a glass of the same N! al n �t e , Iil>teumatisnt, shape, b11t much smaller, and yet a little Clydesdale Association Prizes Awarded. _ _ . _ - _ _ __ . �� �� , Sciatica, larger than the smallest of all glasses, The American Clydesdale association General Debility - - �., � y tht]'so for the liquors. The liquor glasses 'has instituted a fashion that may well READY for WINTER. -� rr �� I,err-lbago. but are passed ' T' AUG•l6.8R Nervous Diseases aro not set upon the table, be imitated. It last year o$ered'thret: Fa..,�l �, f . Dyspepain, after the coffee is served with the deean- prizes o_ f 50, x30 and $20 for the first, ran , Varicocele, ters, each guest helping himself from the P a - --AT THE Sexual R-ealmess decanters he prefers. It is oftenest of the second and third best essays on the r '' 1111potency, J IiLhlney Diseases, shape of a clay pipe bowl, and but two or Clydesdale horse. Tho essays were o Sea forth Carriage Shop, Laine Back. threo times larger than a thimble. Where unusual merit. John A. Craig of .glad. Urinary Diseases icon, Was., won first prize; } %t champagne is served, and no other wine Mrs. i Dorsey's Old Stand. 1?lt,rtricity properly applied iR fast taking the a small plain tumbler is often used, one Rockwood of Flint, Mich., second, enc _ place or drugs for 11.11 Nervous. Itheelnlntic, Kid- W. W. Hunter of Buffalo, Pa., third. nc.)' enol ('rirlal Troubles, and .vill effect cures with straight, sloping sides, without stem. L. McD.hTAIa:D in �cclnin ,ly hopeless cases where every other It is no longer thought to be `good form' The essays Svill be published in the Heal Ilas rio•t • •}'y :r nice assortment of HAND- kno`vzl -nuns has failed. to-- load a tablo with glasses. Three or S41if:-i. of"T'] RRS of various styles. Also Any ;rlug;riAl, weak or diseased organ may VOlu>zle Of the American Glydesdalt four are put on at first, and others are or - by this lucanns Nle roused to hetilthy acti-vitt' tiered as th, I ate wanted."—`t'able and studbook. - Sh1;lUtl�. b th heavy bud light. bcrore it i, too lute. I�eaulin,r nlc�dieall men use and recvn]tne°d Cuisine Journal Waking baby beef !las not yet become Ther'`- % h A >,'ere all matte at his oven the 0%1-cn Bolt in their practice.. ` establi-l- .-_wd are guaranteed to be of OUR II,LESTRATED CATALOCT E � Our CostlieOt Painting, popular. 11�OSt steers sent t0 market art the v°rn h • t in,Lt�rial and workulanzihip, 2 ears old and over. . But the making 0: Cnn(.,in fullest information regarding; the euro The costliest painting in America is y d �-`- of acute, ellronic and ner�;ous di:catie�, prices, 4;1807," painted by 1�ieissonier for A. T. baby beef, rightly managed, world n11 THEY A: - 7' DURABLE, Ilow to order, etc., mailed (scaled) FREE to Stewart. IIenry.Hiltonp "d $66,500 for It. doubtedly pay. ' r<'-'LI,iH AND CHEAP. `'ny address. � . -, - r i The :Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. — IF YOU WANT McXillop Directory for 189€ Why bit ,, '`.r}>ntar'e stuff when yon ern �9 KING $T. W:,TQRONTO,IDNT. r ' get hon • . a ebieles for the same n}oney Co sell, bus', encumber or release house or JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Dublin P. O. that 1-, 1. i •' as well and list twice as 201 to 211 State St., Chicago, Ill. farm, call 'on J. �1'AUCTI3, Land Agent, JAMES EVANS, Deputy Reeve, Beechwood. long. 1113 NTION THIS TAPER. :31 ( �oderich Street East, Seaforth. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. A call is :ort to ata tfy intending purchasers. _ _ __ _ _ -__ .__ -_ WM. McGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbur t ;= O N A L D . ° Placeiothe World Secufor a Busmen Town Ol Officers. JOHN C. 140Et 84 N, Clerk, Winthrop. Dand women to Secure a Business SOLOMON J. S)ANNON, Treasurer, Winthro 410� L. , Education, Shorthand, Etc., is the WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. Detroit Burinoe�s University, De- Applications will be received at the Clerk's Office CriARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafortb. EiF�R2'H. troit,Mich. IltlustratedCatalogue u to MONDAY, FEBRUARY lith NE1f for the ti E Free. References: All Detroit. P . RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lea 1401 W, F. JESVELL, Prcaideat. P. R. SPENCER, Secretary. N arious Town Council appoi - Ments. bury. 1416 `? - WAC. N;LLIOTT, Clerk. I! .. I ?I I. - I - ` I . _ j I. r "W IMPORTANT NOTICES, "'�"� NOT , Quoted the psalm: "The Lord Is my shop- I herd. I shall not want." "Yea, mon," said the shephvrd, "I was, familiar with that before you wa %e born, but I am a -go- C , 1 • _ .4 . t 1: f, - ,. � t+` J. J. MCKE2aNA, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveyor, Member of theAasociation of Ontario Land Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1336.62 iA, and I alp afs t rel is dee." Then said � - - '19TRAYLN B.—Came into Lot 11,Bayfleid Road last, Ewe . ills pastor, "YOU ls!]aw that the psalm says, 'Though i wait-, through the vaboy 0, 1 = v %:: a t u :North, Stanley, about September a have the on , `shadow death, I fear no E Lamb. Th owner can same proving -property and paying charges.. JOHN REID, Varna V. 0. . 1,414x4 " THE �� N A DA Of the of vOiI1 evil.' " "Yes," " said the d in shepherd, Y g P , "I knew til+tt bt fore you were born, but NORTH AND SOUTH. t `_ i RHAM BULL FOR s4LE.—For sale, a 'thoroughbred it does nut help me." Then said the pas- A .Tack From Each Side of 51ason and t Dur' am bull, roan color and 18 4uontbs old, with registered pedigree. Apply on lot Bl�S NESSCOLLEGEhen tor; "I?un't you knOW that sometimes were driving the sheep down S P I7ixgn's Lino. c has beeh dispute as to It, Mayfield road North, Stanley, or address Varna you 3' °through 'ravines There somo t P. O. JOHN REID. 1414- the valleys and there whether the north, if it tried, could Chatham Ont (would be shadows all about you, while equal the south in jack and mule breed - q I OR SALE.—Eight grand young Short Horn bulls t there was plenty of sunshino on the hills with A l pedigrees, from 8 to 14 months old, also a few pure Berkshire boars and sows of breeding Is stili far -in advance of its competitors in thorough work, and its students placed in choice posi• �boveP Yon are in the sl�adotivs now, but 'then i . age, ,.11 at prices and terms to Butt the times. Come getting tions.. It is sunsbtuo higher up. said the i and lee them. DAVID- MILidE, Ethel Ont. 1414 -ti A. E. Yates, from Washings on, Michigan, graduate dying shephbrd: --All, that is good. I i �STRAY SHEEP.—Cama into the premises of the E lot 1, Concession 9, f3ullett, about of Shorthand Department, has been placed by its as stenogra her with Col. Hadley, New York City. Business Department, never saw it that way before. All is well.. , Tbo+igh I pass through the valley of tllC 1 undersigned. the last of September, 1 ewe and two lambs. The David `Pallor, graduate of (a former teAchor) has seenred an excellent ppoosaition shadow of death, thou .art with me.' 1 owner can have the same on proving p operty and pa4ina charges. G9ORGE WHKATLEY,.Constanee. with a firm in Defiance, Ohio. Fu'l pa tion -!ars not yet to hand.. One of these receives $�0, and the Shadows here, but sunshine above." So the dying shopberd got peace. Living and f % y i ;� r E ' 1412x4 other 865 per month. dying, may we have the saute poaoel - � I UARRY STONE.—The undersigned has for sale IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. ,rte Dom- i (--)LIat his quarry at Cranbrook a quantity of choice for corner stonet�, sill stgnes and School will reopen after Christmas vacation on wednesaay, January 2nd. For further particulars O rtunit l Under the arch of that i `' etc,nc, suitable bridge sto,te. will b, sold at reasonable prices. and catalogue, address splendid word let this multitude of my I GEORGE BAKER, Craribrook, P. 0. 1408-tf hearers pass into the pardon and hope and I . — D. McLACHLAN, Chatham. triumph of the gospel. Go by.companies .1 ULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned hie for 10, McKillop, a 1408 i of a hundred each. Go by regf.]nenta of a `. I '_ 1 �-� Service on Lot 30, Concession thoroughbred Durham bull, regiatered in Dominion thousand each, the aged leaning on the y �� s_ Slhort Horn 13erd Hook. Tears, $1.25; payable on January 1st, 1396. JOHN CUTHILL, 1 Winthrop. Ot TORN BEATTIE, Clgrk ^f the Second Division Court, Countv Commiasioner, of Huron,Con. veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds inwvested and to Loan. Office—Ober Sharp & ens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 TOCK FOR RADE.—The undersigned will sell, ten S head of thoroughbred Durham cattle, cows or heifers, & herd of 22 toeboose fr .n., al -o eight young bulls. All these are registered and will be sold cheap. Time given if required. DAVID HILL, Lot 27, Con - zession 8, Hibbert, fitaffa P. O. 1406-26 ULLS FOR SALE —The undersigned has on lot 13, a,)nceseion 4, A. R. S., athoroughbred Dur barn bull, 17 months old; red color and an excellent animal. He wu sired by imported "Prime Miniatei"; also a six monthv old bull, red color and from Prime Minister. WILLIAM CARNOCHAN, Egrnoadvilie. 1408-tf staff, the ;nicidlo aged throwing off their burdens as they passand the young to 1\ORTUFRIN JACK. I have their present joys augmented by ing. The two jacl;;s in the illnstration more glorious satisfactions. Forward into the kingdoml As soon as you pass the might be own brothers, so nearly alike dividing line there will be shouting all up are they, Set one is an Illinois product, and down the heavens. The crowned im- the other a 1�lississippi one. mortals Nvill look down and cheer. Jesus The northern animal is 4 years old ' of the many scars will -rejoice at the result and 14 hands high. He is a quick trav- of his eartd]ly sacrifices. Departed saints eler. Ho is catalogged as a "black will be gladdened that their prayers are jack, 14 hands high, mealy points." I answ@red. An Order will be given for the His sire Svcs an imported Spanish jack, spreading of a banquet at which you will his dam a ore bred Kentucky jennot. be the honored guest. From the imperial p gardens the wreaths will be twisted for The southern jack does not seem to your brow, and from the halls of eternal have quite such long ears,butiu all other ` music the harpers will bring their harps points of asininejt beauty he is fully up and the trumpeters their trumpets, and all to his northern; brother. He, too, is a up and down the amethystine stairways of the castles' and in all the rooms of the - . ILLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. — For sale two house of many mansions it will be talhed , Tthoroughbred Durham bul's one year old, one The- Huron Expositor, over with holy gloo that this- day, while thoroughbred two } ear old with registered pedigrees, one plain man stood on the platform of both roans ; also a lot of young Poland China boars S EA FD RTH, O NT. about four months cid and a Poland China bear for this vast building giving the gospel call, service. Inspection invited. Apply on Lot 30, con an assemblage :made up from all parts of cession 6. Usborue, or address Lumley P. O. THOS. the earth and piled, up in these galleries CUDMORE. 1404-tt McLEAN PROS., - Publishers chose Christ as their portion and started EED OATS.—Mr. John Melville has a quantity of for heaven as their everlasting home. Ring a new kind of Oats ahich'he offers for sale for ADVERTISING RATES. all the bells of heaven at the tidings! the first time,. on Lot 22, C,)ncersion 12, Hibbert. Strike all the cymbals at the joyl Wave . They are a new variety which he got seven years ago Contract advertisements, platter changeable All the aim branches at Cho trill]I]ph i in some Mummy Peas, and this year they turned out, will. P I in spite of the grasshoppers, one field ov.r fifty PER TSCH Vlctoryl VictOryl bushels per acre, and the other field -over eighty 1 Year 6 mos. 8 mos. � bushels per acre. All those who have spoken for seed 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 $2 6o $160 Catholics and Secret Societies. had better call eariv, as first come first served as 6 to 10 `• 445 00 2 76 1 65 . long as it leets. JOHN MELVILLE, Chiselhurst 3 to 6 "- .. 6 60 8 00 . 1 75 We are asked by a "Roman Catholic P. O., Ont. . 1413.13 1 to 2 44is 600 s 26 1 86 Odd Fellow" whether he Is compelled to If the advertiser elects to ehanire not oftener thanleave the order of Odd Follows under the West Y 'moi r $ 340 Pl'ivate funds to loan at once per month, a reduction o[ 20 per seat. will be `.. -glade on the above quoted prises. recent decree of the pope against it. As �. �� 500 rates of interest in sums t0 suit Rates for special position oan be obtained on appli- an American citizen bo can take his eholco cation at this office. between the order and the church; but, as T 700 borrowers. Loans Call be Com- Business or professional cards, not exceeding three sOIITIIERi� JACK. $1,000 plated and money advanced quarters of an inch, 84 to $6 per year. a Boman Catholic, be has not any choice, black jack with mealy points. His sire Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, eta, not, The decree of the -holy offeo Is of supreme $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. exceeding one inon, one month $1, each subsequent authority, and .be must cease to be an Odd was a largo Spanish jack. He is not so month 60c, being $2,500 S. HAYS, Barrister,&c.,Seaforth. Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale, Fellow if he would remain in the church. tall as the northern specimen, g 126 not exceeding ij inches, one month $1.60, each Bub- It is his ''imperative duty to withdraw only 13 hands high, but he has nimble scquent month 75e. from that order, under penalty of being cation and a long, muscular body. ARMFOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Composed of Advertisements on local page, ten cents per line , denied the sacraments." He can'nOt,con- 100 acres half way between Clinton and Sea- each insertion, with a discount of 25er sent. to forth, in thr• township of Hullett, two -and -a -halt parties who also have regular contract space. coal his membership, or esetipe the judg- About "Cottonseed Feeds." -miles from Kinburn, about 40 rods from No. 1 school Local advertisements under township or village went pronounced againAt it, or Offer any Within the past year a new feeding house and one and a half miles from church. There heading, 6c per line each insertion. plea In favor of retaining it. Rome has ., > > is a good dwelling house, a barn 100 feet long, and Transient advertisements, ten cents per line for stuff` called cottonseed food has been other out buildings all in good repair. One well at first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent spoken in wards that are irrevocable and , otic extensively advertised. This fend the house and another at the bairn and five acres of a insertion, nonpareil measure. the voice of Roane is the fundamental lase q good bearing orchard. There is five acres of fall Advertisemeut+ without specific directions will be of Catholicity.the world over. purports to be a mixture of one part cot - wheat on a good sun,mer-fallow and looking well ; Inserted till forbid, a:,d charged-aecordingly. , - , there is 28 acres of fall plc a ins done on the place Births, Marriagor, nd Deaths inserted gratia. There aro three societies condemned in tOn58ed meal and five parts o cotton and portion of feed enough to do any amount of Tag E posiTo]t goer, into 4,300 homes every week. the , new decree—tile Odd Fellows, the 11u115 by weight slid is sold in carlots at stock. It is a fine roll ng farm, well drained,and well which means, on a cour,,lrvative estimate, that it has Knights of Pythias, and the Sons of Tenn- $11 50 per toll in bulk. It is specially adapted for cropo. Possession can be had at any 20,000 readers every week. It is the best advertising time. For further particulars apply on premises. medium in Western Ontario. perance—as other secret societies bac! been recommended for fattening purposes, I� RANCI8 KETTLE, 8eaiorth P. 0. Ont. 1410-tt condemned in previous decrees. but is also claimed to give good results This does not involve any limitation of in the production of milk and butter. BOARS FOR SERVICE. . ' tr .l . the political, civil or natural rights of our Ill a bulletin the Pennsylvania experi- 8 1 Roman Catholfo Odd Fellow" corre spondent. It is purply a matter of religion meat station gives file details of some ({lAMWORTH BOAR FOR .CERVICE.—The undtr- R and of ecclesiastical discipline. of religion experiments carried out to test the val- 1 signed Hiil keep for sorrier, at the I3rucefield establishes the terms of church member- no of this feed. The feed has been ex - Cheese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. tivith registered. pedigree. Terms, $1 ; payable at ship, and these terms are inflexible. amined as to its chemical composition, time of service with privilege of returning if neees- Our correspondent's rights of .American its digestibility and its 'actual feeding sory. HUGH MCCIAItTNEY, Bruceflold. 1405-tt V t j citizenship aro in no way interfered with G F P y value for dairy cows. The results of --`I �+ T by -the papal decree. Asa citizen he may ERKSHIRE PIGS.—The undersigned breeder of ®� `��� IPATI �+ thea© experiments,we're, in brief, as fol Bthorouvbbred Berkshire swine, will keep for S, Ll 0 US N ESS' Join any society h0 psoases, but not A9 a lows: sert ice on lot '?6 Concession 5, McKillop, the prize Roman Catholic. -Now York- Sun. The chemical composition was fouled, winning Berkshir.t boars, " Election" and "Protest." a,,,,- DYSPEPSI�►,� Terms $1, payable at true of service, with the privil- C ^ �r N �' Is Venus Without a Moon? on the whole, to correspond very well to age of returning if otcessary, al -4o a number of young SICK HEAD V pig for sale. both sexes. JAMES DORRANCE, Sea- The question as to whether Venus, the composition claimed for the feed. forth P. O. RST' Pairs furnished not akin. 1412.52 REG U LATE THE LIVER. i1glQrious goddess of the skies," is really a Its digestibility was comparatively low, - - ._ ------ ONE PILL AFTER EATI N O moonless world or not has never been sat- the total amount of digestible food Pres - IGS ! PIGS i -The undersigned has at his premi- INSURES GOOD DIGESTION . isfactorily settled among the astronomers, ent in the feed being somewhat less Pses lot 6,concession 6, Hullett,several thorou h- PRIG CTS.THEaODO MED, CO. LTD. some Of whom claim that there is evidence than in clover or timotl--- bay and some - bred Berkt•hire sows and hogs for sale =at reasonable TORONTO. which points to her possession of a sates- what -calor than that found in good prices,also a 'atter of thorough- red Tatlrworths ready g to wean. He also hat, a thoroughbred Berkshire and lite, others that there is not. Within the a thoroughbred Tamworth boar for eervice—terms *_l ;' corn fodder, although the proportion of The Kippen � limits of -bat is called the solar`system rotein is considerably higher than that Vayable at the time of eervice wit the privilege of there aro 80 known moons—tiny planets P ,returning if necessary, $1.25 if booked. F. II. which are held in position by "giants of in dither corn fodder Or timothy At 8C1tOALES, Const'nce P.O. 1403x7tf TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. the skies." of these 20 Saturn Claims the price named a pound of digestible eight, surely enough to divide. up with food in the cottonseed feed was found Best Remedy ed ` poor Venus If she is really without such to cost about 34 per Dent more than in Th' e e s y The Rippen mills are now running at full blast and an attendant. Jupiter has four, Uranus timothy or clover hay and 20 per cent are prepared to do ORISTING on the shortest notice, four, Mars two and Neptune and the more than: in corn. FOIL R1+,CP1IvTT and most reasonable terms. In this way you Ret . earth one each. Hod Venus a moon like Two experiments were made with ('� ('� jj flour from your own wheat, and better value for that, which is in constant atendauce upon lair Cows to test Its val'ae as a feed for ZJ O U V( 11 S the money than in any other way. Good flour. our world, no two planets perhaps in the y guaranteed. whole universe would be so strikingly milk and butter. In the first experiment . CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. similar as that orb and this globe. Indeed, a ration of cottonseed feed and bran pro- AND— as hinted above, it is by no means certain duced 18 per cent less milk and 10 per C O L(] G S_ that Venus is without a moon. lion- cent less butter than one of corn fodder, taigne, Rodikier, Herrebon, Monthanen mixed bay, cornmeal and cottonseed The highest prise in cash will be paid for good y cgs, or they will be gut to order. and many others distinguished in the meal containing the same amount of -IS THE- _ several branches of astronomy claim to dam, matter. The estimated not profit per T-j'UMBL� EL have seen a body near venue which pre- cow r da was 17 per cent less on, the rented a phase similar to that of the � 3' ONTARIO CHEMISTS All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. planet, precisely as a satellite would do cottonseed feed ration than on the hap BALSAM 0 'peri- , JOHN WNEVIN, Herr Beccar, in June, 1898, said, "There and fodder ration. In the seaondeabra is much strong evidence pointing to the ment a ration of cottonseed feed, bran SPRUCE &TAR. 135 f -t f Proprietor : fact that Venus is not only babitable, but and Buffalo gluten meal produced 16 that she possesses a moon, something per cent less milk and 6 per cent less FOR MPrN AND WOMEN. tronomical.-lights. hitherto denied by some of the leading as butter than aration of clover hap, corn- ghts."---St. Louis Republic. meal, bran and -Buffalo gluten meal, It is especially recommended for the THE Proper Glasses For wine. containing 21✓ pounds more grain and use of those w'ho are susceptible to On the proper sezvke of wines Sherry, three-fourths of a pound more coarse H '$ OWE��i the caterer, trays: "Colored glasses and fodder. The net profit per day and head BRONCHITIS those of fantastic shitpes are no longer in this case was 4 per cent less on the `... lined on elegant tables. Pure white, and clover bay ration than on the cotton- LARYNGITISELECTRIC t perfectly plain style, is preferred by .seed feed ration, but it is probable that HOARSENESS . many people. At most there is a delicate the cows on the clover bay ration were tracery of gold about the rim, and the somewhat overfed. And Loss of VOICE. . BELT, shape preferred resembles alf an -egg- The general conclusion drawn from FOR SALE B� t &bell, set with the roundingend upon a these investigations is that cottonseed 'rude'\lark] i)a. A. owr x. sender stern. Thio, in regulation goblet l size, is placed for water, a somewhat low- feed is too expensive in proportion to 't'lle Only Scientific and Practical Electric ins to R E RTS Rctt. rine- do for general use, producing aGennine or and more rounding one for Burgundy; the amount oeom etch on 1t naltaterms J. 7 a taller glass than that for Burgundy and successfully p Current of I+;lectr>clty for the cure of Disease, thalt eat.11 be readily felt and regulated both in shaped precisely like the goblet for water, with ordinary dairy feeds at average DRUGGIST qu tntity and potiver, and applied to any part of the hely. It teal be worn at any time during but a third smaller, is. for champagne. prices Main r :et Seaforth. Nlorkiug hours or sloop, and�villpositively euro Sherry is served in a glass of the same N! al n �t e , Iil>teumatisnt, shape, b11t much smaller, and yet a little Clydesdale Association Prizes Awarded. _ _ . _ - _ _ __ . �� �� , Sciatica, larger than the smallest of all glasses, The American Clydesdale association General Debility - - �., � y tht]'so for the liquors. The liquor glasses 'has instituted a fashion that may well READY for WINTER. -� rr �� I,err-lbago. but are passed ' T' AUG•l6.8R Nervous Diseases aro not set upon the table, be imitated. It last year o$ered'thret: Fa..,�l �, f . Dyspepain, after the coffee is served with the deean- prizes o_ f 50, x30 and $20 for the first, ran , Varicocele, ters, each guest helping himself from the P a - --AT THE Sexual R-ealmess decanters he prefers. It is oftenest of the second and third best essays on the r '' 1111potency, J IiLhlney Diseases, shape of a clay pipe bowl, and but two or Clydesdale horse. Tho essays were o Sea forth Carriage Shop, Laine Back. threo times larger than a thimble. Where unusual merit. John A. Craig of .glad. Urinary Diseases icon, Was., won first prize; } %t champagne is served, and no other wine Mrs. i Dorsey's Old Stand. 1?lt,rtricity properly applied iR fast taking the a small plain tumbler is often used, one Rockwood of Flint, Mich., second, enc _ place or drugs for 11.11 Nervous. Itheelnlntic, Kid- W. W. Hunter of Buffalo, Pa., third. nc.)' enol ('rirlal Troubles, and .vill effect cures with straight, sloping sides, without stem. L. McD.hTAIa:D in �cclnin ,ly hopeless cases where every other It is no longer thought to be `good form' The essays Svill be published in the Heal Ilas rio•t • •}'y :r nice assortment of HAND- kno`vzl -nuns has failed. to-- load a tablo with glasses. Three or S41if:-i. of"T'] RRS of various styles. Also Any ;rlug;riAl, weak or diseased organ may VOlu>zle Of the American Glydesdalt four are put on at first, and others are or - by this lucanns Nle roused to hetilthy acti-vitt' tiered as th, I ate wanted."—`t'able and studbook. - Sh1;lUtl�. b th heavy bud light. bcrore it i, too lute. I�eaulin,r nlc�dieall men use and recvn]tne°d Cuisine Journal Waking baby beef !las not yet become Ther'`- % h A >,'ere all matte at his oven the 0%1-cn Bolt in their practice.. ` establi-l- .-_wd are guaranteed to be of OUR II,LESTRATED CATALOCT E � Our CostlieOt Painting, popular. 11�OSt steers sent t0 market art the v°rn h • t in,Lt�rial and workulanzihip, 2 ears old and over. . But the making 0: Cnn(.,in fullest information regarding; the euro The costliest painting in America is y d �-`- of acute, ellronic and ner�;ous di:catie�, prices, 4;1807," painted by 1�ieissonier for A. T. baby beef, rightly managed, world n11 THEY A: - 7' DURABLE, Ilow to order, etc., mailed (scaled) FREE to Stewart. IIenry.Hiltonp "d $66,500 for It. doubtedly pay. ' r<'-'LI,iH AND CHEAP. `'ny address. � . -, - r i The :Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. — IF YOU WANT McXillop Directory for 189€ Why bit ,, '`.r}>ntar'e stuff when yon ern �9 KING $T. W:,TQRONTO,IDNT. r ' get hon • . a ebieles for the same n}oney Co sell, bus', encumber or release house or JOHN BENNEWIES, Reeve, Dublin P. O. that 1-, 1. i •' as well and list twice as 201 to 211 State St., Chicago, Ill. farm, call 'on J. �1'AUCTI3, Land Agent, JAMES EVANS, Deputy Reeve, Beechwood. long. 1113 NTION THIS TAPER. :31 ( �oderich Street East, Seaforth. DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. A call is :ort to ata tfy intending purchasers. _ _ __ _ _ -__ .__ -_ WM. McGAVIN, Councillor, Leadbury. WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbur t ;= O N A L D . ° Placeiothe World Secufor a Busmen Town Ol Officers. JOHN C. 140Et 84 N, Clerk, Winthrop. Dand women to Secure a Business SOLOMON J. S)ANNON, Treasurer, Winthro 410� L. , Education, Shorthand, Etc., is the WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. Detroit Burinoe�s University, De- Applications will be received at the Clerk's Office CriARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafortb. EiF�R2'H. troit,Mich. IltlustratedCatalogue u to MONDAY, FEBRUARY lith NE1f for the ti E Free. References: All Detroit. P . RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lea 1401 W, F. JESVELL, Prcaideat. P. R. SPENCER, Secretary. N arious Town Council appoi - Ments. bury. 1416 `? - WAC. N;LLIOTT, Clerk. I! .. I ?I I. - I - ` I . _ j I. VERY bvUND COMMON SENSER� a! AT THE e Ra -armany Had Real Reason to estrict . - __ American Cattle. The fact is that no people on earth re so careful as to what they put down - . heir gullets as the Germans. Their gov- - roment is paternal enough to euforce ' he strictest laws against the sale of un- vholesome and adulterated food prod- acts of every kind. We are too "demo- + - : ratio" on this side to pay any attention I - o the adulteraters of food products I vho are swindling and poisoning us . aixly at their will. Germany for years - chednled our pork because it was liot — ___ inspected for trichina', as all German fork is before allowed on the market. +fiS e blustered about in a manner gnitel in -A_:F0:Rr_r1=_E:, I :eeping with our reputation on the other ide and charged "discrimination," `protection to Germ n producers" .and R EAT SALE C 111 such stnff, but bpd not the sense to nstitute an inspection of our own so hat Ivo could guarantee the wholesome - less of our products to a people who eat �;. I )ork half raw. Finally, after Tho Ga- ;ette had preached such inspection for rears, it was instituted, and immedi- ►telt' the German barrier against our fork fell The fatherland has ached-_J-.TTLT lied our caul©, and again the cry goes = & SIJ2 1_U : . ip of retaliation against us. The weak- ings who niter this cry do not seem to SUCCESSORS TO R. �iAi1TIESC);\T. mow that if Germany had wanted to •etaliate she would first have attacked _.'_ --� __"_ . _-`," - )ur pork and not our beef. Our exports if cattle and beef are comparatively in -STOCK m significant. As a matter of fact, the _'G - TAK I. N xerman "vets" have found some disI . - 3ase in our cattle. They would not dare leclare it if they had not. What this lisease is we do not know. We are cer---�- —` - fain it is not pleuro. It is not claimed -� is 6_1 . 1 ]} o be. Possibly it is Texas fever, as they \� Say. If so, they simply have yet to I learn thoroughly the nature of this petal- 0_F �� iar disease, for it will not harm them. Now comes the warning about the zinc . in dried fruit. No man wants to take zinc into his stomach in unknown quan-STOVES aT TINWARE Cities, and the German government was lei doing its duty by its people in discov- Bring the presence of the harmful min- eral in the dried fruits which we send abroad. ,At AWAY DOWN P -RICES The remedy is that suggested by our _ il I . I consul -greater care and honesty in the . . . preparation of our export food prod t nets. It is rank folly to yell "retalia- tion" and urge President Cleveland to :1 use the big club in his hands in return. I st If pure and wholesome products are,, —0 i sent abroad, eve shall bear nothing of t such complaints, WB have almost eter- I - j nally ruined our reputation for export cheese by sending over the abominable axle.groase "filled" cheese and the car wheel "white oaks. " That our seeds areSeaforth adulterated does not admit of dispute. LET T � JACKSON9 On the floor of the senate Mr. Paddock made such an exposure of the adultera- _--___ - tions of food stuffs and drugs in this • t as should have startled the na• Waiting for Something Turn Up. country g � _ tion into an exterminating whirlwind ' no of "waiting for it to turn u and thele not be able to of wrath against these thieves, but the What's the good b Py , pure food bill still slumbers in the com- At fill the bill." In the interval get yourself in shape by taking a course J mittee room, put to sleep by judicious in the i lobbying. -B'reeder's Gazette. ,`E React and Eleed.t Keep your harness sof' a and clean par- 'i , p �. titularly the inside of the collar and 4 saddle, as the perspiration, if allowed P • to dry in, will cause irritation and pro- �_ �` _� r 1 duce galls. _ The collar should fit o moo a with snfr` Forest Cit Business & Shorthand Coale e l ficient space at the bottom to admit your y � 3 hand. A collar too small obstructs the s0IP TrQMT�(D3_V Q1"gr-r- . breathing, while one too large will We lay great emphasis on our practical course. See forproof our sue- I cramp and draw the shoulders into an cessful students. A. D°L St art ha.9 received tie position as tr»tvelling' 1 unnatural position, thus obstructing the auditor with the McCormack harvesting Co., Winuipp.g. Write us for 14 circulation. catalogue and particulars, addrassing carefully. G.:.lebe reopens on Never allow your horse to stand on Januar 2nd, I895 hot, fermenting manure, as this will 9 , 9 soften the hoofs and bring on diseases of 1396=26 J. W. W ESTER'VELT, Principal. ' the feet, nor permit the old litter to lie , under the manger, las Lthe gases will . taint his food and irritate his lungs as well° as his eyes. ,FURNITURE � - Do not keep the hay over the stable, as the gases from the manure and the , breath of the animal will make it un- �- s>p wholesome.FU-.RNILTU Kindness will do more than brutality. Therefore do not use harsh language to Cali and see our stock of Furniture. We cannot tell you here ill we your horse or lash, beat or kick him. Bear in mind that be is very intelligent have got, but drop in and see for yourselves. , and sensitive, awilling servant, and de- We Can sell better Furniture cheaper than any serving of your kindest treatment and _ i thought. other Retail Furniture Store in t:he West. Renlember thathorsesare made vicious ,I by cruel treatment; that more horses are lame from bad shoeing than from 6 . all other causes; that a,careless applica- Furniture of all . Kinds at all Prices. tion of the whip has blinded many - horses; that more fall from weariness I, than from any other cause, and that no Also Undertaking in all its Branches, animal should ever be struck upon the Residence of Funeral Director, next to Drs. Scott & M-cKay's office on . head. -Massachusetts Society For the Goderich street.Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. BROADF'OOT, BO & CO, Live stock Notes. BROADFOOT, . Breed more size and more q lity in- Main Street, Seaforth,'Porter's {old Stand to the carriage and coach hors - -- - Mix your animals' rations scientifical- ly and.weigh them carefully. .Nothing O • is more important in mixing foods for MJ .l, N - live stock than to mix them by weight,. �I,S00,�0. ;Y Timothy hay is poor stufffor cow CAPITAL, (PAID UP) ' - feed. Clover hay is the thing REST, ' $''IrS'Q' When you buy new bogie, sheep or �EAFOI�TH BRANCH cattle, turn them into a pen or yard by . - themselves until you ascertain whether MAIN STREET - - - - SEAFORT�• they have-not some infectious disease. This precaution is especially necessary . A general ranking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, novo when. European governments pre- Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit klaueri, available in all parts tend that we have swine, plague and of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same pleuropneumonia among our live stock. at lowest rates. SAV1N'G8 DEPARTMElk,T After you have shown animals at 4 fairs quarantine them to themselves Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at 1]i¢hest current ��k awhile after bringing them home. It is rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of June and Deceember. uta ions diseases among No notice of withdrawal is required for the whale or any portion of,a deposit. easy to catch co g W. K. PEARCE Agent. your live stock at fairs. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor."', - In some Counties in Iowa half the - wheat crop will this year be fed to � 5 � THE stock. In the northwestern states the CANADIAN BAND OB CQ-MNIERCE, whir of the steel wheat crusher is heard in the land.ESTABLISHED 1867. Where your ewes are insufficiently HEAD OFFI'C'E, TORONTO. sheltered from cold, breed them so that they will lamb in April or May. CAPITAL (PAID UP) S!X MI`LLIO'N DOLLARS $1,2$6000,CC0 Keep the breeding ewes in good con- REST - - - - - " - - - S 'DO,ODO WALK dition. Many ewes are lost by having B. E. ER, GENERAL MANAGER. 1 them start in to winter in poor condi- '. tion. Such ewes, when they themselves SEAFORTH BRANCH. dead or weakly ' n, Business Transacted. Farmers' rotes discounted, Drafta _ do not die, produce A General BanklnM lambs a - issued, payable at all pointy in Canada and the; 1:r;nc:ipal cities in -Mrs. H. M. Brown, Galt, Ontario,sa.yR : . the United States, Great Britain, France, 13r 1.111ud3, i ;'�Iy children had croup, and I find that T r Lavioette's Syrup of Turpentine gives SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT - s speedy relief ; therefore, I take pleasure in Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and cu. t ent rates of interoA P y public. theprincipal at the enol of May and'Novenl- recommending it to the pub � allowed. Interest fdded to h -If everybody only knew how effective � bet in each -year. ` Dr. Laviotte's Syrup of Turpentine is for $ ial attention given to the collection of Oommereial Paper and l'�►s' P the cure of Colds and Bronchitis, they ' l . would never take any other remedy. It is mets Sales Notes. d by far the most efficacious Of all known F gOLDIES`I'ED, Solicitor. X. MORRIS, �Manf ww. preparations. .1 Jk ,. r VERY bvUND COMMON SENSER� a! AT THE e Ra -armany Had Real Reason to estrict . - __ American Cattle. The fact is that no people on earth re so careful as to what they put down - . heir gullets as the Germans. Their gov- - roment is paternal enough to euforce ' he strictest laws against the sale of un- vholesome and adulterated food prod- acts of every kind. We are too "demo- + - : ratio" on this side to pay any attention I - o the adulteraters of food products I vho are swindling and poisoning us . aixly at their will. Germany for years - chednled our pork because it was liot — ___ inspected for trichina', as all German fork is before allowed on the market. +fiS e blustered about in a manner gnitel in -A_:F0:Rr_r1=_E:, I :eeping with our reputation on the other ide and charged "discrimination," `protection to Germ n producers" .and R EAT SALE C 111 such stnff, but bpd not the sense to nstitute an inspection of our own so hat Ivo could guarantee the wholesome - less of our products to a people who eat �;. I )ork half raw. Finally, after Tho Ga- ;ette had preached such inspection for rears, it was instituted, and immedi- ►telt' the German barrier against our fork fell The fatherland has ached-_J-.TTLT lied our caul©, and again the cry goes = & SIJ2 1_U : . ip of retaliation against us. The weak- ings who niter this cry do not seem to SUCCESSORS TO R. �iAi1TIESC);\T. mow that if Germany had wanted to •etaliate she would first have attacked _.'_ --� __"_ . _-`," - )ur pork and not our beef. Our exports if cattle and beef are comparatively in -STOCK m significant. As a matter of fact, the _'G - TAK I. N xerman "vets" have found some disI . - 3ase in our cattle. They would not dare leclare it if they had not. What this lisease is we do not know. We are cer---�- —` - fain it is not pleuro. It is not claimed -� is 6_1 . 1 ]} o be. Possibly it is Texas fever, as they \� Say. If so, they simply have yet to I learn thoroughly the nature of this petal- 0_F �� iar disease, for it will not harm them. Now comes the warning about the zinc . in dried fruit. No man wants to take zinc into his stomach in unknown quan-STOVES aT TINWARE Cities, and the German government was lei doing its duty by its people in discov- Bring the presence of the harmful min- eral in the dried fruits which we send abroad. ,At AWAY DOWN P -RICES The remedy is that suggested by our _ il I . I consul -greater care and honesty in the . . . preparation of our export food prod t nets. It is rank folly to yell "retalia- tion" and urge President Cleveland to :1 use the big club in his hands in return. I st If pure and wholesome products are,, —0 i sent abroad, eve shall bear nothing of t such complaints, WB have almost eter- I - j nally ruined our reputation for export cheese by sending over the abominable axle.groase "filled" cheese and the car wheel "white oaks. " That our seeds areSeaforth adulterated does not admit of dispute. LET T � JACKSON9 On the floor of the senate Mr. Paddock made such an exposure of the adultera- _--___ - tions of food stuffs and drugs in this • t as should have startled the na• Waiting for Something Turn Up. country g � _ tion into an exterminating whirlwind ' no of "waiting for it to turn u and thele not be able to of wrath against these thieves, but the What's the good b Py , pure food bill still slumbers in the com- At fill the bill." In the interval get yourself in shape by taking a course J mittee room, put to sleep by judicious in the i lobbying. -B'reeder's Gazette. ,`E React and Eleed.t Keep your harness sof' a and clean par- 'i , p �. titularly the inside of the collar and 4 saddle, as the perspiration, if allowed P • to dry in, will cause irritation and pro- �_ �` _� r 1 duce galls. _ The collar should fit o moo a with snfr` Forest Cit Business & Shorthand Coale e l ficient space at the bottom to admit your y � 3 hand. A collar too small obstructs the s0IP TrQMT�(D3_V Q1"gr-r- . breathing, while one too large will We lay great emphasis on our practical course. See forproof our sue- I cramp and draw the shoulders into an cessful students. A. D°L St art ha.9 received tie position as tr»tvelling' 1 unnatural position, thus obstructing the auditor with the McCormack harvesting Co., Winuipp.g. Write us for 14 circulation. catalogue and particulars, addrassing carefully. G.:.lebe reopens on Never allow your horse to stand on Januar 2nd, I895 hot, fermenting manure, as this will 9 , 9 soften the hoofs and bring on diseases of 1396=26 J. W. W ESTER'VELT, Principal. ' the feet, nor permit the old litter to lie , under the manger, las Lthe gases will . taint his food and irritate his lungs as well° as his eyes. ,FURNITURE � - Do not keep the hay over the stable, as the gases from the manure and the , breath of the animal will make it un- �- s>p wholesome.FU-.RNILTU Kindness will do more than brutality. Therefore do not use harsh language to Cali and see our stock of Furniture. We cannot tell you here ill we your horse or lash, beat or kick him. Bear in mind that be is very intelligent have got, but drop in and see for yourselves. , and sensitive, awilling servant, and de- We Can sell better Furniture cheaper than any serving of your kindest treatment and _ i thought. other Retail Furniture Store in t:he West. Renlember thathorsesare made vicious ,I by cruel treatment; that more horses are lame from bad shoeing than from 6 . all other causes; that a,careless applica- Furniture of all . Kinds at all Prices. tion of the whip has blinded many - horses; that more fall from weariness I, than from any other cause, and that no Also Undertaking in all its Branches, animal should ever be struck upon the Residence of Funeral Director, next to Drs. Scott & M-cKay's office on . head. -Massachusetts Society For the Goderich street.Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. BROADF'OOT, BO & CO, Live stock Notes. BROADFOOT, . Breed more size and more q lity in- Main Street, Seaforth,'Porter's {old Stand to the carriage and coach hors - -- - Mix your animals' rations scientifical- ly and.weigh them carefully. .Nothing O • is more important in mixing foods for MJ .l, N - live stock than to mix them by weight,. �I,S00,�0. ;Y Timothy hay is poor stufffor cow CAPITAL, (PAID UP) ' - feed. Clover hay is the thing REST, ' $''IrS'Q' When you buy new bogie, sheep or �EAFOI�TH BRANCH cattle, turn them into a pen or yard by . - themselves until you ascertain whether MAIN STREET - - - - SEAFORT�• they have-not some infectious disease. This precaution is especially necessary . A general ranking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, novo when. European governments pre- Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of credit klaueri, available in all parts tend that we have swine, plague and of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same pleuropneumonia among our live stock. at lowest rates. SAV1N'G8 DEPARTMElk,T After you have shown animals at 4 fairs quarantine them to themselves Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at 1]i¢hest current ��k awhile after bringing them home. It is rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of June and Deceember. uta ions diseases among No notice of withdrawal is required for the whale or any portion of,a deposit. easy to catch co g W. K. PEARCE Agent. your live stock at fairs. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor."', - In some Counties in Iowa half the - wheat crop will this year be fed to � 5 � THE stock. In the northwestern states the CANADIAN BAND OB CQ-MNIERCE, whir of the steel wheat crusher is heard in the land.ESTABLISHED 1867. Where your ewes are insufficiently HEAD OFFI'C'E, TORONTO. sheltered from cold, breed them so that they will lamb in April or May. CAPITAL (PAID UP) S!X MI`LLIO'N DOLLARS $1,2$6000,CC0 Keep the breeding ewes in good con- REST - - - - - " - - - S 'DO,ODO WALK dition. Many ewes are lost by having B. E. ER, GENERAL MANAGER. 1 them start in to winter in poor condi- '. tion. Such ewes, when they themselves SEAFORTH BRANCH. dead or weakly ' n, Business Transacted. Farmers' rotes discounted, Drafta _ do not die, produce A General BanklnM lambs a - issued, payable at all pointy in Canada and the; 1:r;nc:ipal cities in -Mrs. H. M. Brown, Galt, Ontario,sa.yR : . the United States, Great Britain, France, 13r 1.111ud3, i ;'�Iy children had croup, and I find that T r Lavioette's Syrup of Turpentine gives SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT - s speedy relief ; therefore, I take pleasure in Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and cu. t ent rates of interoA P y public. theprincipal at the enol of May and'Novenl- recommending it to the pub � allowed. Interest fdded to h -If everybody only knew how effective � bet in each -year. ` Dr. Laviotte's Syrup of Turpentine is for $ ial attention given to the collection of Oommereial Paper and l'�►s' P the cure of Colds and Bronchitis, they ' l . would never take any other remedy. It is mets Sales Notes. d by far the most efficacious Of all known F gOLDIES`I'ED, Solicitor. X. MORRIS, �Manf ww. preparations. .1 Jk ,.