HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-01, Page 7- -
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� FEBRUARY 1. 1895* ' .1 I
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/ . . ,` a single telephone ,was used one hundred or to mix it With oats or corn, grin' �
- d coarsely and eveninw. The next day Mrs. G. pro. . ; .
� more times in,a day, the busy or unavailin and sprinkfe the mixture , over moistened posed a rid- I What's the time? It Pays to Attend -the Best, I I
. . . e after her ponies tip the creek
calls for the line were- very largely causeN , cut hay or( straw. This will prevent its for buffalo berries. So, loading the little 1-1
- . �
. I by the habit of the subscriber in originatini ' forming an I inert mass in the stomach. C.'s and little G.'s into the buggy, we start- , : i
10 - ;
a -large number of calls � consecutively, an 'Wheat will &under a horse more quickly ed off in fine spirits, Mrs. C. handling the .Tf YOU .have a Cong-h � I
. in that � i
I way blocking out, during a period than Any other grain,, so rations of it , hould reins. Arriving at the bushes we found I - I
� C 1. I often oi one hour or more, all of the calls be small, and always mixed with some other that we untiat leave the buggy and cKoss the it is timc you ive.re taking . � , / PIP
. I .0 . I
-..* which had been made for his line. People food. The diseases to which horses fed creek as best we might. I had come in my - / . I
.,�.` . RED - . ____ -
AN who wanted to talk with the subscriber largely on this grain are liable to arefounder, house slippers but I plunged boldly into the GRAY'S of i I
I .11
" . were knocking at his telephone door, find- colics, indi tion, and imn cold water as did the others, Mr. G. carry- : I
.. I-- * _rT_
. . _paction of the. -F0_-R,T_) .
. ;.1.. ing it biisg,, agaln and again, and finally, in stomach. TIT. Randolph Hun�ington, who ing-the little ones. Spreading a sheet, on SYRUP SPRUCE . SrTIR A T I - :7 01%1_ � .
I z
'. .f undoi ly very many instances, gave it has been a breeder of horses for many years - the ground Mr. (-',. cut the twigs while _Nln�. .Ift�cjum I
� . t., - up entirely or took their business to some gave his experience with wheat to an east- C. �n� I played squaw, sitting on the I
, ,
." ... - n I I
'.. . %
�,* Education is the Corner Stone of a
- 4t. , , - one elsQ. The door meanwhile,'had bee ern exchange. It seems not to have oved grotind 4nd whipping the berries off 1,vitb THt, OLD STANDARD CURI,� .
. -1 s... i I
I �
� I ...... blocked by th6- voluiitary action of the sub- a side'feed with him, judging from E! ( FOR COUGHS, COLDS, -,I .
. __ -, "', . C, wtrat he sticks. I
___ � - , e i
" . �� - '� - .., , I . Returning we found that the water had ASTH-11A and all L11ING AFFI�CTION-S. I I
11 . �_ � I .-.-..-..N scriber himself, just as much as if he had says : I '.
, I 01`1'1�1`1`�`_, , � -ance into his place of ' " Twenty-seven " year ago I s6ld the risen and the wind also -we always have
. I .- - Ili Succ ssful - Career.
� _ � lo'cke'd the door of enti 9
. I _. business and refused admission to all parties. handsomest pair of oung coach horses that wind here. The wind taking my apron and Cray's Syrup has been on trial for more than - .
This record of telephone traffic upon the 7 .5o years and the verdict of the � .
I OT 0-7-V UF� D rul DID - - were seen in New N ork that year. I got alarge dish-pa.n which I carried for sails .people is that Educated heads and skilled hands are always in demand. Now is the .
I 0 it is the best remedy known. 25c.aud.9oc.
subserfbers' lines is showing clearly every $ 2,500 for them. They passed veteri sent me flyinf the creek instead of across. I best time to enter. - ;
nary u per bottle. Sold everywhere. � I
'Bringn co-.nfnrt and improvement and day that the final completio of T i I
a A telephone examination as sound ih every way. .inside Splash, splas , Twent in the cold water un- I I
::�ends to personal "enjoymclit when call depends not Wholly upon the telephone' of two weeks one was condemned as having til I brought up against a steep bank and KERRY WATSON & CO., PROfPRIETOR3 PMcINTOSH, Principal. SHAW & ELLIOTT,- Proprietors. I
1.1c compa ' I .
� - � - . navicular disorder. Without a word I took I I
I � izhtiv used. The many, wlio live bet ny or its agente, but very largely, and climbed out to find that one, poor faint heart (5)
, ter than otbern aixd enjoy life more, wit!] in many cases almost wholly, upon the in- him, rematchingfithe sound one, It cost me yet remained on the other side and I must I . ,_, I
. .
- � I telligent use of the telp�hone by the sub- 81,500 to do it, and I was out of pocket $1 - go back,or leave him, 86 back I went; but set to work with renewed energy to repair __ i 0
to ,less expenditure, by more promptly scriber. I - � ( 'I the whole matter was so ridiculous that I 011 --------- il-, �
Adapting the world's best products to - _W, b�t said nothing. The horse which - the waste places. By perseverance, econo- _____ .
In looking at the telephone as a door or I 0 1
i+bhei Ileoda of physical being, will attest entrance for business, which it certainly is, I took back was the 'handsomer of the two. I almost had to stand still right in the creek, my, and a Iong pull together, -we have sur- I
fully, making no com- overcome with t, ' C I
investigated care laughter.-�TW6 arrived at mounted diffiezu'lties, almost, forgotten that Priesth�y is ravenette ... . . I
the valtio to health of the pure liquid the user must understand that if his busi lainVs, and found that the grower (a good the house safely, climiged our wet shoes. ate cruel war, paid all our obligations, educated , � � �
- ""' is extensive in volume it can no mor6 farmer in.Livingston count ) was a strong . our children, and look with pleasure into 10 � I
iaxativo principles. embraced in the - y dinner enough for a regiment, and were all . (in Mytt awt triedlum-welght Iroods) .
renictly Syrup of Fi-s. enter by one door or one telephone, which is feeder of wheat, and the horse in question in good order for an expedition up the can- .the beamin . sweet faces of four grand- Are not only rain -proof, dust -proof and porous to air but are extremely stylish &act �Come : I
, I 0 limited in the extent t4i whibh it can be 8 I yon in the afternoon. In this afterno in the following shades: - - i
I �
ii -I C_xCel'unce Isdue to its presenting wa grain-foi ndered. If heated up in a on children, f have rearned, first, that I �
t) used, than it is possible for an extensive he would ride I will only say that it was just splen- contentment brin(Ys happiness, in what.- Navy, Myrtlo, Brown, . k. : �
.. C, i
A -d pleas- trade represented by customers to enter one be -as stiff as a stake the next day.. He was (lid, with the wagon jumping over rocks a ever position or condition our 6 lot A I
in tho forin n! )%t accaptab'a an drive, and then chilled by standing, Grey, Castor ancrStat I
-71wt to t! I.o tagt.L.% the refreshing and truly narrow door. There must be doors enough, only six past, I have seen many horses good deal lilee' jumping off from the dininc- in life , may fall. Let us do our Cravenettes are uni- . The Priestley trade : -
. 0 i
�_ _* .
. ;bcnc1'L;,-,,l pro,,crties of a perfect lax- ,and there must be telephones enough and condemned by New York city veterinarians table over the corner. Here "crags, knolls - duty, whether in war -or peace. Invoke versally' admitted to : I .R AD E I . �
�Ilti`VC ; efrOCIU.I.-Ily ClMDSin- tlie System, -people enough employed to handfb the ' MARK -mark is always aguar- I I
".1 for navicular diseases when it was simply and mounds confusedly hurled, the frag- the blessing of God on our lives and work. . . .
% I be the only satisfac- V4 E � �
telephones to accommodate the business and Inents of an earlier -world " greeted our cyes e antee of ood wearing . .
� `1diSp,.,!'11r colt"S. headaches and fevers wheat founder. Horses conditioned on . ) B cheerfinil and col.t . � �
1� �the trade which enter in that w ,deted at all times. 9 � �
-11.11d 1-t�--m-Liw Lly curing constipation. q . wheat will - sell themselves. The fat lies in every direction. We returned to supper Study the interest of '*'your husband and tory porous waterproof : RNISHED I I --
- In a number of instances the lock* f quality. Always ask :
evenly, and the coat is as bright as if ,�
' -
1t hc.sp: lveri s_,b;faction to millions and business by the subscribers wits 2ulnrw 0 fed on. and to sleep, awoke in the morning as good family, keep out of debt, keep away from goods on the market. OARD -1 I �
to flaxseed, ivit-h-out the slu, notwithstanding our wetting, for for Priestley's. __
ki ggishness 'from , as new, V, those "societies" -which promi.�e so' much ICH THEGOODS � ___ t
I i
mict w".11 the e,,-_i,-_-uva1 of the niddical have been c'a,used by unwarranted and un- umminess after perspiia-� such is the climate of Wyoming one seldoni for the liuinzin family, and, so little for WRAPPED!- . 4
13 0 , 3
1. - vroft.*.�:oll, ber-��,.�;_, it acts on the Kid- necessary use of the telephones by employes, tion." . takes cold. poor, disconsolate husband at home. Read '%'"� -- C i C I C C A 00 0000001111. .4� ___ c�_, - �
. �
- 0- .
I �
lie�-a, Liver A. d Dowells without wenk- the " deadly offied boy " once again figuring With such ;in experience as the above Mr. good, sound lit )
-_Inil�fr flir,,-Iii al I it is p-1 as an especial stumbling block. In other . Self -Reliance. 1,erature; burn tip trashy " See that the goods you buy are stamped every five yards with Priestley's nanio t
t� .. -y-fectly free from cases the blocking was found to be o . Huntington very naturally has a strong novels. Cultivate music aud the fine arts, No others are of their manufacture." I .
I . .
every 01) ' -lectio able subsituice. ccasion- opima regarding the ii,alue of wheat as a A perspii with too little self-reliance is and make your homes attractive and bap- - - . 1� .
- -1 I ed by the habit. when a call was received,of feed or horses, and it would be a safe mea- * much more enjoyable than one witi-h too py. - M. VV. L. ' . - f
. S3 'up of Fi ;s is fur sale by all drug. instrudting ,the calling party to " hold the . , . I :
.� � I
gists irl 751c. oob'les, but it is majiu- sure for those of our read4s who are raisin�, much Yet it is something we all need at -------*- --- I
, line," whereupon the clerk who �ad ataswer- I * if we do our work in the world suc- .
,;,actur(id by t :0 Califoriiia F, Syrup horses to be very cautiomfi` how they fee iinies 'Varieties. - I .
. . .
cig ed the telepl�one would hunt around for the . Waiting for Something to Turn V a I
, -
Co.o,,ii.,I,,r.,Ii(;s.n,i,iieispi-inte one,very ' this grain, now that its ch6apness has placed cessfully. The person who has plenty of -P I
alled for, andiperhaps at the end -The makinc, of water pipes out of paper �
individual e . it in the list of graini for feeding farm stock. confidence in self, need not read these I �
ack.-wo, -:ib3o, -.,'. _- r,.Li-ne, Syrup of Figs, of five minutes or more bring him to the " � attention, And is said What's the good of waiting for it to turn up, and then not be able ti) .
p I- 0 . _1_1 i words. Thi8 is to yon who have wa pulp is receivino much - 6
chigan Farmer. C>
c' I
aTId ',,,--J),- iv-'; il,f-vcyned you will aot telephone. �_During this period of time per- to be successful, even in the crude manner - 11 fill the bill." In the interval get yourself in shape by taking a course -
0 7 .. - - much to fit yourself for something different � � - .
� 1. which all first at empts are undertaken. . .
* icce�;, Y sul ztitul,u if offered. h.aps twenty-five o"ther correspondents de- - THE PROPRIETORS . from what yon are doing,lbut for some in in the .'.-,
. u
-----------.---= siring to talk either with the subscriber - . - . reason you cotild not go to school as much They are said to be as durable as iron, and . I
� .
. originating the call or with the offiep. t Make a Few Pertinent Reiiaarks to as you woald like to -have done. Perhaps the process of molding them is about the _�,a - - - __ __ __ I I
a " - .
Hay Council. which instmetions.had been given to "bold same in both cases. - . � I .
- their Patrons. iihire was the mortgage on the farm or _. . �
� .
couneil met pursuant to statutes in the the wire,",%vere entirely blocked out. They . . mother needed y4u so much at home. Then -The 1893 wine product of the state of - .
town hall, Zurich, on 'I b, kno kiig t the two telephone Toi,oSTO, January 28th -Dr. L. A. Smith too, young people r%rely value as much as Cali fornia, was equal to a little more tbaii , 0 11 .
January 21st, at 11 hm �en a I a 0
llowincr men subscrib- , a ach man woman and child in I
o'clovk, a, in. The fo, P doors, but found them blocked in this fool- & Co., of this city, whose name has become tiheT ou(yht the advantages of a thoroucth one q u, .rt for e, J N
' C, � 0 ID .
. e(I to the 8tatutory declaration of office for ish -way. 16 is impossible to make a general. a household word throughout the Dominion education. The thought that you were not the United States. . . . .- B , 1: �
C3 - and in many st:atek of the Union, in Oil'- fitted to do the work vou would like to do 0 ,
the year 1895 :-(.',',eor(ye' AlcE wen, meve . rule, or to advise in one general way in re c �Oflsprin (y born -of mothers under twenty �
Robert Turnbull, Ist deptity ; '_kJoses I (T,ei' gard to the needs of all telephone , sub- Bequence of the wonderful cures effected by has ir�ome to you in 'a way that seemed so years old do not have -as good a chance of .. - - � Pr e,% .
ger, 2nd deputy ; Win. Battler, Au scribers. There axe a few suggestions, how- hea-Ithv life as those born of mothers over
n - gust ])odd's Kidney Pills, desire to thank their hard to beax. Are you sure you cannot . �
:1, . T ."AM
E'lines, cauncillors. The foJ10whir, salaries ever, whicli -will undoubtedly apply to all-: make yourself ready for the work? Samuel thirty. , - 0 us, n . ort i
I&I'lou " . f any. -value- patrons for the good words. theyhav69poken -_ F rest City Blist �ess & Sk hand Collebu
I were9fixedbythe courwil for thoe N s If the inward business is 0 for this remedy, During the pastfew(months f9milessays : "Daily experience shows that INfIrs. E,rnest Hart, is a lady -who has .
-offices :-Clerk, .$110 ; treasurer, $75 ;,as-' that is, if it is of any value to you to re- these expressiohs have been wired to nearly it is energetic individualisin which produces been around the world. She says in no C:):P T-iOMT]DOW, OWrr- I I
,s.essor, `.,60 ; collector, '860 ; auditors, ,%i - ceive calls -do not black them out and every paper in 'the country bygratefulpeople the most po\�erful effects upon the life au(IZ other country of the world are family jars - We lay great emphasis on our pTactical ciourse. &e for proof our suc- . . �
;"aretaker, .';,20. The members of the board- make it impossible for them to.. get aV Ild squalls so prevalent as in E'ngland, and �
. . On by whose lives b 4 e been prolonged. These action of others, and really constitutes the a cessful students. A. 31. Steivart has received, the position as travelli I
-of hea-Ith `412 ?, ginatina a lot of calls cousecti'tively, : by . I in no other country are families made so 'Ing
4 er (lay of actual sitting. The *or' 0 � expression honest beA practical education. Schools, aca- I
I ,1,are straigbtfoiward and I
resigna,tion 0 Ir. S. J. Latta, as clerk, was " holding your wire" or allowing anybody and shouldi'convirice any unprejudiced mindi �emies a �4 colleges give but the merest be- -lish . M� -
_ constantly�wretche(l by -them. The Eng auditor with the McCormack Harvesting Oo,, Winnipeo, Write us for I
accepted, also the resignation of Mr. Fred � else to hold it, which iner6ly means to tie you ginnings of culture in conparison with it. are ,he greatest meat eaters in the world, 0
� . 0 * of their sincerity and truthfulnes�!. catalogue and 'particulars, addressing carefully. Calleg,e reopens on
Hess, sr., as treasurer. Gei(yer-Turnbull 1.1 it up and'inake it unavailable during lot," and her observations on her travels have � -
0 . know now, reader, that Dodd's Kidney pills Far more influential is the life education led her to put the two together. ,She say5 January 2nd, 1893.
That Fred. Hess, sr., be Zppointed clerk. periods. I � ,will do all that is claimed for them. They given daily in our homes, -in the streets, be- IM : I I
Battler -E ,hnes-That Fred. Kibler be ap- Answer the telephone just as promptly as ,-at eating causes bad temper. Too much 1395-20 � � I
I have stood the tipt. � hind counters, in workshops, and at the 4:3 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
. -
�, ,
poinitid treasurer. Turnbull-(,'eiger-That possible. . , ) at, inakes a cat have fits anyhow. , .
0 -4- __4._ plow." Still f urther he says: "For all ex- me . _ - .
*- . -
James Bonthron be apponi�ted assessor. If the party wanted is not near the tele- I Not Too Slow. perience serves to illustrate and enfofice the Skin Diseases. I " , �, - z I
, ,
Battler-Ehnes-That Wendel Schmidt be pholle or is not in the office so that he mav lesson that a an perfects himself by work, -Mr. John .McDonald, of Kankakee, r
� A lawyer was cross-questioning a negro P1 Skin diseasas are more or lees oce.isioned by bad I' . I
;Lppointed collector. Geiger -Battler .be called at most Nvit,hin a minute, get the Illinois, was visiting friends in A r last L Ce SMI-TH & CO, �
-That more than readino-that it is life rather y blood. B-B.B. cures the following Skin Diseases: I
Jonathan Merner be Appointed auditor. The number and narne of the party callincy. and witness in.on6 of the justice courts the odh'er than ,it 0 week. He is now a prospprous blacksmith shingles, Er�ysipela-,, Itching R"hes, -Salt Rheum,
. reeve a.ppointed 1). Urquhart as auditor. say tha,t the'.person who has been called for day, arid was getting alongy fairly well until erature, action rather. than study, in that city. He was inuch. taken up with Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples and BlotcheR, by '. :I3_A.MT_-K::M1RS_ .
_\-Irs. Reinhardt was appointed caretaker. will be infortned. and will call tip as soon as he asked the witness wl�at his 'occupation and character rather fiian biography -which the beautiful cemetery at .Ayr, and paid t1 e removing all impurities frintri the blood from a con�'- - --- � I
. . t. tend perDOUIIally Lo renovate mankind." mon Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. --' A 6�neral Banking business transacted, I
, lv"8, - Experience is a hard teacher sometimes, I
'Furnbull-Battlen-2rhat the following be possible. Watch the use of the telephone last tribute of respect to his late father, � .
ay be restricted to your busi " I'se a carpenter, sah." - Farmers' notes discounted.
- :a,ppoin.ted the Board of Health ;-Dr." Bu- so that it m , ness , , et it is a very needful one. We never William McDonald, (shoe-niaker) one of Dr. Low's Pleasant worm Syrup removes worms of Draffabought mud sold.. -
,(:hanan, Medical- Health Officer ; John -Scott needs. . & . What kind -of carpenter'!" �_noAv what we cam' do till we try. It is like Ayr's early citizens, by buying a lot in the all kinds from children or ndi;lts. Interest allowed on deposits at the rate - . .
Iq - )'our line, during a � long business day, They calls me it jack -leg carpenter, cemetery, and ordering the removal of Ills - 0 ON
and Ifenry G'reb, sanitary inspectors ; Jos. sa this : A few weeks ago the writer of these of 5 per cent. per annuin. :
. I pencer and Wni. Stonei " h. " � I
Snell, David 8 nan, may be made to satisfactorily handle per- words sprained her right hand. Of course father's remains from the old cemetery Beyond Dispute. __ � I
haps eighty calls if they are evenly dis- " XVbat is a jack -leg carpenter." thereto. : . SALE NOTES discounted, -or taken for I I
Members of the Board of Health. Turnbull for some time she could not use it much, I: There i@ ro better, safer or more pleasant cough collection ' -
- tributed. " He is a carpenter who is not a fust -class -------------- *_�_ reiiiedy made than HAgyard's P�etoral Balsam. It , �
('T.eiger-That the treasurer be required If, however, your telephone caxp ' - but she wa4 exceedingly surprised . to' find I enres Hoarserseze, Sore Throat,, Cougho, Colds, I
to give snAtisfactu 'I>onLIs to the amount of work is conaested into three or four hours, enter, sah." I h hn her, left hand could do n Olden Times -_ - _. �
ry I "lVell,explain fully what you underst Bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. i
.'�12,0W-. Turnbull-Ulaigur-That the con- it. is not post'sible to handle any such nuni- . ' and which she had supposed impossible for it to People overlooked the importance of perma- - I .�i . OFFICE --First door north of Reld A - I
* � .
tract of printing for the 'year 1895 be award-- bet- on one telephmie. ,a J k -leg carpenter to be," insisted the I , , 40001 Nilson's Hardware Store. �
a_ I 0- do tlibse - I . .
'r v accomplish when it did not have t nently beneficial effects and were satisfied that Hacking Cough can be quickly cured by Hag- I
,ed to Schnious & Canipbell for the sum of If one telephone is not enough to accom- - ., e,. things. Then let those 'Who are timid and with transient action; but now that it is Yard's Pectoral Fralbain. Price 25o. SEAFORTH. - v �
-536.50. ( modate your business, use two or more. If "Boss, I declare I dunno how ter splain - �
-S 4eiger-Battler-That the follow- . - t
. lack courage " launch out " and see whAt generally known that Syrup of Figs, will . -0 * __ I- %
o' 'cept to say hit am jes' the same � _� .
-tinounts be paid :-Wenidal Sclunidt, J. I - .
ing . this arrangement is not profitable, it would a."y "' they can do. .Not in their own strength permanently cure habitual constilJation, - The Plain Truth Tells. I
be well to intrust� cot -respondents whose diffunce its Itwixt you an' er ,fust -class law- I i
Knott's do(-, tax, $ I - Johiy Keys, secretary- 37 though, but always remembering the words well-informed 0 ConstipatioR, Heudaehe,BiliouianeFs an&Bad Blood
1:3 I business is not of import, Macon Telegraph. . pe ple will not biiy other ..! M M
treasurer ; tTilion 8ebool Section No. 9 ; %nee to avoid calling Y"- - of Paul :- "I can do all things through laxatives, which a are promptly cured by Burdock Blood Bitteraj which HORSES. I I
I 0 . � ct for a time, but finally - . .
taxes on lots'25 N. -B. and lot 27 . you by telephone. ' * . Christ who strengtbeneth me." " 0 'njure the system. I aets upon -the stomach, liver, bowels' and blood, � . 1
, concession L ., .
33, for tile year 1893, $20.64, and taxes on SuAli an analysis of the traffic will be of The General's Cow. ouring all theii diseases. - �
. - _ - . -0 I- . -0 . - . .
benefit to every busy telephone subscriber. � 00. I I -AND- I
lot 26, concessions 12 and 13 for 1894,,$23.09; 1 ,Some years ago the commanding officer of He Was a Beautiful Horse. -Mr. W. B. Beeten, No. 205- Bolton ave- Norw y Fine Syrup cures Coughs. - .
,_ :
-Mr.s. Zininier charity .M; Silas Stanlake, and his own action in relieving the pressure a military - �1- r
) 1, , otation, 'desiring the grass around He was a beautiful lio*rse in his youth. nue, Toronto, Ontario, says:-'_Nly wife suf- Nor a - I
. way Pine Syrup eures Bronchitis. �
. 'secretary-treas'urer U. 8. 8. No. 13, balance on his line will benefit him moreand enhance the quatters to be protected while it Norway Pine S�rup heals the lungs. - a . . ;
was His long tail added much to his beauty, and, fered for five weeks from a severe, hacking - - . -.000- . - CATTL11 I
,of general school grant for 1893, 945.25 - the value of his telephone more than any- growing, gave striet orders to the sentries I cough, and tried several remedies without � I I .
John H. ,Schnell, secretary- treasurer U. � th * he can do. f . I I that none except the cow should be allowed was a sure defence against tormenting flies. 0 After La Grippe. .
S. 1111-11 � A rich man in the'eity bou lit him to match avail. One 50c. bottle of Dr. Laviolette's I I
I �
I .
8. No. 1, taxes on lot 29, N,. B., for I Iro-day the telephone exchange is a great tostep over it. . 9 , After la Grippe obstinate coughs,lung tronble,etc., -FE'D ON- � _� � 1
8.94, 0 Syrup of turpentine effected a complete and �
another horse, and the two 'were attached � . . I
and important factor in the transaction of The next day the general'g-wife called frequently follow. There Is no remedy so prompt, - 1
-S11.51 ; H. L. Pein�!, harboring tramps UP' to the fainily carriatre. permanent cure. I I
1i and at the Pame time effectual and pleasant. as bdil- �
75c ; Alex. Munn, Canada Company'statute business in larger cities. It is no long6v a on some ladies, and wishing to make a short I I
� The tail 'was cut" off, because, strangely ' � - bum's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and .
(labor, -$ atter of one line to an exchange or one in- cut, went across the grass from one patch to 117) * - I
-I'- may be true tbatyquhavebeencough- Hypophosphitep. which is the latest and best corn. .
$7,20,; Daniel AlcColl, Canada Com- enough, the bobtail, cut square, was norc FEAR'S I
,pahy atatute labor, K).40 ;treasurer of Tuck- irunient in an office or warehouse ; it Is a aDother ina for -Many months, perhaps years, but 13e. binglion of anti -consumptive remedice. Prices 50c. I I
eano of doing business which must be fitted I , pleasing to th6 owner than the tail given by, b and,$1.00,per bottle. . .
ersmith, half of Jfay for culverts, ,$5 ; S. j. in I I No one to pass here, mada,in," said the nature. foIrlebelievingyourselfincurabletr3, Dr. Lavio- # 0. - I
LattAt, balance of salary, &,3. Turnbull- to the business itself -not to the.business of Sentry. The botse (lid not at first miss his tail lette's Syrup of Turpentine. -0 T .
E'lines-That this council do now adjour the tele-plione companv but to he busin6ss Burdoc� Pille,small, safe and 6ure, regulate the - `
n to ) The lady drew herself up. I � �
' brush for he was a rich man's horse and Uver and cure Constipation. . - �
- It must be made ex- ' ' Do you know who I am'?' she demanded -------"'- � . -
Meet again on Monday, February 25t,h, 1 89,,. of the telephone user. . wore '-a net in summer; he was Caref tilly GRATE FUL-COMFORTING. 40. #1 CO�DITJON 4-1 - :
J�np.r). 1-fts!4, sr.' Clerk. ten8ive enough and broad enough to meet of the sentry. � " .
J I his uses and'derriands, and it must be used 'No, inadam' responded the impassive goomed and kepI in - good condition. But 7 Obstinate Coughs. . �
. . - .
i I ' " -occasionally his owner drove the horse to Obitinate 0ougt% yi. Id to the grateful soothing .
44 by him in a way in which it will best meet soldier I I do not know who you* ElLre, but 1 his box buggy, and as -lie was a hard driver, EPPS S - COCOA action of Norway Fine Syrup. The rackinT. persis. I �
,� these demands, It is being shown thr6ugh- . know ;,ou Zia not the general's cow, And he was overdriveit, spoiled, and, of course, BRE AKFAST-SUPPER. - tent couuh of consumptives to quickly rel eved by . �
__ , .
- this unrivalled throat and lung remedy. Price 26c. POWDERS �
-1. - I
I . out the country that the telephone ex changes nobody cls� is pertuitted to walk on' this sold. , I
F..1CTJ1A(_"r,S FROM A PAIVII-11LET JR- A.NGUS 8- do and will adapt themselfes to the needs of' _-,rass ' � " By a thorough knowledge of the nattiral laws "d 60c. .
- � 9 - �. -
� .
HIBBARD. -_ The1iorse then ca,me into the possession which go%,ern the operations of digw-tion and nutri- __ * . . Always look slick and fat, and thrilver- �
. I
`1 the business of their patrons. Telephones ! 0 of a grocer, who had some compassion and tion, and -by a -careful application of the flne proper. .
are now being fr ! . I . No Equal to It.' :
. irnished in large exchanges I Pleasantries. ties of.well-selected Co�,oa. Mr. Epps has provided for on their food. I I
Tke record made of the traffic of various to accommodate the lightest and most in- provided a net to keep off the flies. But at our breakfast and Pupper a delicateiv flavoured hev. As a cure for Frost Bitesi- Chilblains, Burns and I
-exebano, . r -Cireat Lawyer (in cross examination)- length the horse becomes too slow for the erage which way save us many heavy doctora' bills. Scaldp, Chafing, Chapped Hands, Inhavied Breast@ # . w 11
- -
,,es has led, du ing the past year, to frequent user as well as the heaviest, in one " Huh ! You consider the prisoner an honest grocer, and then began the downward -road It Is by the judicious use of such articles of diet th&t Oprains, Wounds, Bruimm, Ilwyard's Yellow Oil is I I . . -
n - � - 5
-another record which has been of interest, case a ,single instrument,in theo'therpossibly . . a constitution way be gmilually built tip until stmng - the most reliable remedy on the'market. /'A . - - I
.more especially to the users of telephones. main, do you It" Witness -"An hone.ster man that end:g'always in misery and torture. I Notice. I %N(,A, - - I
. aln d enough to resist every tendenev to disease. Hun- 14" 41" 1 1 - - I
a large private br ' ch exchange operatedbi nev,er lived," 0reat Lawyer (superciliously) Last summer this horse ifas seen attache I I � I
I dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us -ready I have used Dr. Camn's Bitters for twelve months, .
This is a trathl record of the, subscriber's the subscriber. The determining quantity is ---"Will you kindly state on wh&t y4u base to a fruit hauiker's dilapidated wagon. It to atfack whet ever there is a weak point. We may I yw . .
telephone, showing Just how many tiaies it the telephone traffic which the subscriber ,-I . and cap, say that they are, for an ,appetiser, purm The areatest care ,� �:
mt remarkablb opinion ?" Witmess (1� 11.) I � �
lotlyi wits a hot day, and the horse was standiva escape wany a Mal shaft by keepihg ourselves well tive, and nerve tonic, the beat I ever use&- � . -
I � . . .
.. �
. 0 ,ortifledwith pure blood arid a properly nourished J. MARTI.N. Notary Pu I , I - � �
is used each day on outward calls, and how wishes to handle. On it depends the null" " 0a the fac"t thax lie once tried to be a law- in front of a -fruit store while the owner was t blie. is exercised in select- I I - � �
I �
- . � ;
. raine."-Civil service GFizette. Toronto, Ontario. i .
Inkiny times the line has been called for ber and kind of telephone "doors" nece6gary ver and failed ....... G'ood News. ng the ing-redients : . �
others anJ forand busy, showing also wheth- within buying his stock in trade. A more Made simply with boiling %rater or milic. Sold �
for his exits and entrances. An appreciation - � -_ * 0. I
I cr the " busy " calls were on account of the -"`Whutyohdone,%vhupde boy foh?" pitiable horse -sight was never seen. The only in packets, by Grocers, lAbelled,thu8: from which this vaI- -_ I I
, of the facts of telephone traffic by telephone asked Uncle Eben, as lie came into the Having been troubled with biliousness and Mad- . . C
fact that the telephone wits being used for ill thus be of im flies swarmed around him and drove him JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., 110MMOPATHIC CM111STS, Rehe ,A,i uable compound is . _� � :
0 I users w mediate benefit to I th lose of appetite, I was advised to try Dr. X �
n ' cabin wA.th a sable youngster whbnpi�ring at nearly frantic ; he twisted, kicked, turned LoNDON, ENGFAND. 1398-26 Carson's Bitters, and found great relief after a few I -
. out,going or incoinin,g, business. I the Chi- ' ,
n them and to their correspondents. It wi.11 I . prepared, so that we I . . , .
ca-ci exuhan-c the records of a-botit 3,000 his side. " I whup 'im ca'se he (lone stole and bit hiinself .till the blood had started. .0 * 40 doem .
. 0 C, make the telephone door swing more easily i) " Stark's Pomders, each packsige of which contains W. F. CANINS �
lines have been kept in this manner. In one er mushmillion f'oni do freight .train, re- There was a fresh bruise on one hip on t . . are willing to pledge r
preparations, one in a round wooden box, the Toronto, Ont.- I
.,lase a firm of packers, having sik. liines con- and inore frequently, and not of ten be found plied Aunt Chloe, with a glan"Ce of indigna- which the flies settled; the sboA hair of wo them strictly pure, � - I �
I Lover of which forrns.a measure for one dose, an im- =t- -_ - I -
o in that unsatisfactory condition, "Busy now, tion. "He done stole er muslitnillion! the tail was not, long enough to reach thii, mediate relief for Sick, Headache and Stornach,.silso . ,
Ilected with the Yards exchange in Chicago, please call a(rain." - This explainR, in a .
0 Dtl.t's what he done. It's tscan'lous ter and lie was robbed of all doefence' Neura! ia, and all kinds of nervous pains, and v, I �
was found to use the telephone an average . � . n- I
g -
I ot,ler � I
0 n capsules, (from I to J of one is an ordinary measure, their great popularity and . I . �
of 802 tim es in each day. It was. found, - - think ob dat boy whut we raise so keerful 'The horse was little more than *.9kin alld dose which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stornach Dr.- McLellan, Lon'don, -
%lso, that this firm was called for many A Sure Cure. . stea,lin' mushinillions !. An%" slie added, bones, but lie may have had food enough. complaints. They do not as iiiost pills and so many unparalleled` saccess. Full directions I
The merchant was rather blue, and his . 9-34 Dundas Street, Specialist on the . # I
tinies when all the'Jines were' busy. with increasing feelin-, " dah waz I on every pmkag,e. Price-2be per -1 ... . - . I
The 0 watah- *His condition might be due to this continual other medicines do. loFe their effeeb or produce af.'er . - �
I wife, 110tiCiDg it, asked what the niatter millions in de ni�x' kyah !"-Washington worry and fighti constipatioli, and are nice to take. 25 cents a box, EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT pound, or tbree pounds for 50c, . �
inatter of this telephone tmffic was taken I nar,of flies. If the manwho at all medicine dealers.- . at I � .
up with the people in charge of this part of was. * I . Star. caused tile tail tole (locked could have seen -000. Graduate of the New York �,ye and Ear Hosp!tal, . � � �
1) - I .
-1 iNlatter enough" lie sighed. " I've .--* the horse in his present condition he would " i
the firm's Ii.vusiness, and it was faund that . - 98.9. Post Graduate Coiwse at the Now York Post - j
Would Quit but ThE,y Can't. Graduate Medical School and Hospital on the Eye I z . J 1
been looking over my books and I find , Ranche'Life in Wyoming. have regretted the part lie took in it, if he I FEAR'S Drug Store, I �
frequently all of their telephones, or nearly 0 .1 . . I
k I've lost money every month, for the last to -day, if Ear, Nose and Throat, 1891 Eyes Teeted. Fu I
, . ' Thousands of men would quit tobacco R -
all of thewt, Nvere engaged by. their own , . " Whitt do you have for fuel? My im. ,had any compassion. Let evety man re- theycould, The3've tried, but it's no go. priees Rtock of ArtIfteal Eyu, Spectacles and Lenses. Will . - ��
0 ar. , . . ' SEAFORTIEE.
]lien a,t oxfd time in niaking outward calls. ye,, pression of Wyonning is that it is a treeless member, who cuts off a horse's tail cuts off Tobacco Cure makes them quit; it kills the craving beat the I
It Nvas sho,wn tha,b the telephone lines re- Now (lid you lose it "" she enquired. � desert. " 0 . n6t only the hair, but also the stunip of the for Tobacco, Tobac Cure streugtheas the Nervous : -.--------- _____ __ . - 1,
" 0h, I don't know," he said, iveari]N - System and makes weak men strontf. Tobac-Cure i 3 RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON, i
. .presented business entrances or doors for 1w.king his head. . The plains are treeless bu't cannot -so far tail, that another stump will not grow in a guaranteed cure. St a box. Sbld by Lumaden & . I I
its place, and that the horse ,%vill be prac- I 11-1 I
business to tho firin's office, itist as tnuch, in 8 as I have seen them -be- called desert, sup- Wilson, Druggists,. Seaforth. ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Ist, 1895. GODERI 07 H - I -
- 0 . L' Nor 17 where "' porting as they do great lierds of cattle tically tailless the rest of his,life. Horses ----d* 0 0. - Hour@ 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Ch3irges Moderate. 9 .
a way, as the actual doors ie�.ding from the ( 4 No.. � . '
street or hallway, and, in Lbet, more so, be- which muke finer beef in the fall than do were given tails because 04 need them, REISTLEY'S Cravenette8 are really the only oat-
�,ause more people 1�rocured an entrance Then she thought a minute and remplinber- sta.11-fed cattle in the east; sixty pounds of and it ought to be a crime, punishable by P i4aetory goods for ladies' waterproof' .garments. 1364x52 Steam . Boller Works. .1
j f They come in Navy, Alyrtle, Brown, Grey, Casto and I (ESTABLISHED 1880.) - � �
through their telaphone doors -if I may use ed what she did when she lost her pocket- tallow has been taken from a steer that law, to mutilate a horse at the cornmam o Black. 'I he name of Prie�tlev is so well known as a �
t hat turm--than in any other way. It ,was book, and her face brightened. never saw a stable nor tasted grain. '11, soulless-od fasbion.-The Biggle Horse manufacturtrof high grade'dress materials. that .
i lion shown thut if th'ese telephones were 11 Why don't you advertise for it?" she Many of the mountains are heavily tim- Book. 0 00 . Gravenettoo bearbig this name and rolled on the C J
Illocked by the out ng work of the firm!s asked, innocently. , bered with different varieties, of pine. I-Ve __0___ - Varni8hed Board inayalwaytq be relied upon. - r. A. S. OHRYSTAL - I - �
- goi . . .- # . �
" By George," lie exclaimed, " I nev : Prepared. - -------.o * .0- I
� Buccessor to Chryst4l & Bluk, I
vin-ployes, it was naturally 'impossible for ' c, burn pinion pine fbr cooking, because it is A clearino, sale is now going on at - I
ZOly one desirin(i, to do so to tiet, in at the thought of tbat;" and tbe.uext day lie had a Clean and pitch pine for thoe heating stoves. We once knew an old man Nvbo believed Buckwheat Straw for Fodder. ii) . Manufacturers of all kinds of Stfitio,UL&Ty 1. -
0 0 . I)i('f display ad. in the paper, and th I A. G. Ault's store. Before taking I I .
saine tiTne. In away, it was as if, in a ' ne'x t, The pitch pine -*%,ill grow on 6 too y moun- that " what was to be would be." Ile Not many of our breedtrs have much confi'd
0 L . in buckwheat straw and what the can __,enee Mairine, Upright & Tubulax
a d the next, and the next, and in th ee pick p on stock I will give to all cash buyers, j
iie ti , - lived in Missouri, and was one (lay going I
lanre retail store, at tJ -me it -was opened .� et with- - I
. I ta-in Side to a height of 60 c . I loo Ptirifier, because
,_ months tiiiie tie was in clover up to, his the barn yard, if given Dick's 8 .
for business in the morning, .tin order' should out perceptible soil or moistdre. 'S'uch-a, out seveml miles through a region infested i gives good health, izood appetite, good digestion. the I
I)e criveti to the shipping departments to ship Chin. tree is an interesting study ; a cone will fall by'very savage Indians. He always took ty a box on your horse which is not thtiviDg. IN BOILERS I
0 " - __ - - __ , I I his gun with him, but this time found that I . -00 � I ;
the goods out. of the front doors,filling theni into a crevice in the rocks, ,sprout and send - bffl� �S Salt Pam, Smoke Stacks, -ghost ItQr Work% � I
' - - Greatestm Bardya . n , .
Wheat as Food for Horses. one of the family had it out. As he would - Suffered for Twelve Years. etc. etc. :
Nvith boxes, trucks and men. This, it is tip its tiny shoot. If protected from the I '. I
T ,
,,.MP,_7' - I " , _-, Vy '
�; , ":
!.. ,� , _
� _ � ,
��' _. � ..
I -
, �
be thc 'T �
torypc , X
goods 0N PH
_��v ?a _10 "! N -i
. -evident, would immediately paraIN ze the re- The q Uestion of the desirability of wheat wind while small and tender, it will con- not go without it, some of his ftiends tan- Mr. George H. Williami5, the exteneive mamiifac. . �
g'power of ere was no danger turer of fruit baskets, Thorold, writeii : " I suffered Ever ,ot in Seafortb. r4 and Hbd=t&1 Slide Valve %
tail business, because no one desirin to as a food for horse.-, is being quite generally tinue to grow until by the liftin talized him by saying th % I Also dealers In UT, ' ht I
9 0 very s verely from sick and nervous headaches and 0 Itngines. Aut0ma.10 Cut,')ff Englnft &,"oWty, Alt �
trade- with the firm could gain admission discussed, in the agricultural press, and the plant life the roqk is rent, and rock and tree of the India.tis ; that hie would not.die until -usness for over twelve3ea s and hadtried all the I . Ises of pipe .&ad x1pe-fittin& conetairtl on haod.
I 0 his time came, anyhow. bilio �y .
tbrough the usual entrances. 8uch a pro- discussson is bringing to the surface a good come dasbi6a down the canyon side to- advertised pi)N, pou,ders, and other- medicines, but 34) tbs. vood Brown Sugar for $1. CaVrastee'turnishe on short notice.
0 M ' - '
1 d6al of testimony which shows the necessity gether. And tho wood fron " Yes," s&id the old fellow, " but suppose obWned very little relief, uy til about two years ago, 25 lbs. good (2ranula,ted Shigar for $1. workeoppov'34� G. T. R. St&Uon, Godericb. .
ceed-ing -would naturally drive away the -i it will be so . I beizan to nee Stark's. Powdem. They vive immediate I
iqlstonl and very,much interfere with the of exercising great caution in its use. An - full of piCch that when a piece is thrown I was to meet an Indian, and his time had relief." Price, 26c a box ; sold byall medicine 3 lbs. of the best 50c (ireen, Black __._____ ___1 - .
busine,is of the retail store. This point be- alysis shows wheat to be nearly a perfect into the'stove the tar *ill just run from it come ; it wouldn't do,- nollow, not to have dealers. and J apa,n Tea for .51. .
-Illustrated Good Things. -'
L . 11.1" illustrit-ted, it was arranged with the foo -d for anirn�als, and in the 6ase of hous in streams. I my gun." 3 Bushels of Potatoes for 8 I
__ I ZL� 0 . . . 0 - and,s new Raisins for 25c I
�' . th-11ilL and cattle feeding results show the t1keory -Where did the tree get its richness? L
t A of packers that they should not allow ,
their own people to rise ECII of the telephones of its feeding value to be nearly correct. All that is needed to make the plains a very Lessons From Old Virginia. 6 .� 6'U rbs. new Currants for 25e YOUNG LADIE8 __1
.9i ni ultaneously but endeavor, in every way, - With horses, however, this arain has not garden for anything suitable to the climate During my girlhood days in old Vir inia, - 6 lbs. of rice for -')-)c . . I -
) 0 proved a safe, I or desirabl' L� 9 (; lbs. of figs for 2.3c -AN'D - ,_
to leave at leaat one line pen and available , e food, if not given is water. AVhen the State or the general social weekly gatberings prevailed. It was '
� for the entrance of calls to their offices. in small rations and mi�zed with other feed government shall solve that problem the re- a continuous round of social enjoyment. It, s lbs- of sulphu,r for 25) c I -
tD . Every-,vhere- ,5 I b s. new Prunes for 2.5c. 1 LG E N T LEMEN
,rhi, simple arrangen-wnt, ,which was merely stuffs. If fed whole, it is dangerous be- sults -*611 be incredible. Coal is very plen- , was a culti vated habit and acquiesced in as
. 0 . Sold Everywhere. 5 lbs. Tapioca for 2.5)e .
an r-ppreciation by the subscriber of 'what muse the horse will not masticate 7it' suffi- tiful in the State, being found in every the custom of the times. Yet our religious .
I In Grown Eve where. 4 I bs. bon-eless fish for 25c Send 9 cents In stamps or iTeents saver, and we _-
the telephones really could do, led. to an im- ciently, ,and its tendency to swell renders it county. It is believed 1�y good autho 'ties duties were not overlooked. A young man -
0 % 0 4 lbs. Sea, Biscuits for 2.5c will send y(,u by returu mail the L
inediate relief iii the tra-flic. The 800 and liable to do the animal great damage through that the coal measure of the State exec eds 11 over the mountain " called frequently, and - .
More coffis were baindled as before, iaid the inciting diseases of the stoma�h, such as 30,000 square miles. V finally I decided that his request was 3 boxes of Eddy's best matches, '-):)'c 0
Truniber of busy or unavailing calls -was colics. But even if masticated it is unsafe, .Life is not till pros6 on the ranch or we reasonable, and I shared his mountain home. Rut, D %3 piece, colored wilet setts, 'worth Perfect Letter Writer, - . . I L
0 our dealer.for them. nd r $2.51) for $2.00 - . A ne-At rittle book, being n perfect Ruide in the jA of -
laro-ely reduced. The record uf the traffic as it contains so much gluten, the gummy should become like Jack the dull bo . The Then the war. He went, and my prayers y9s Seed AnnuiLl for 1893. -
0 - . y � .
shown and illimtrated. in t1lis manner, ,with- part of the grain thlit; it forms -a compact other morning wb decided to I 'hit f he trail" wentwithllim. Hereturnedbytbernercy Invaluable to all planters and lovers . Best $2 parlor lamps for J$ 1. 050. Letter Wtiting. it contains letters. of Uvel Friend- I
of Fine Vegetables and Beautftl -.> mblp, Burinew, etc.. with vafuAble Instruetiono A'ad I
ou-b the addition of other telephones, but mass -in the ston1ch which is vory difficult for'frien(l 0,.'s -our nearest neighbor on the of God, unharmed. The old plaec had - Flow -em Write for it- Free. Conie one, 'Come all, and secure some advice. Every youngman and woman should halvic � � -
- merely by bringing about a co-operation and of digestion, as the gastric juice -cannot act west. The ride is a little matter of 'thirty changed during these four years of war. V. M. IrERStY & CO., this book. Addrem, I � I
. 0 . Winiffloo of.the ppod bargains, -
' �!yoming miles, over the plains, and -was Briers had grown up i1i the fence corners, v, Ont, - 0 1 1
better use of existing faidlities by the sub- upon it as if it were porous. If grouhd fine V 0 NOVELTY PUBLISHER& -
scriber, res,111ted not only in great benefit to it is nearly impossible for the horse to eat deliahtful in the crisp October air. We and the' whole surroundings presented a -
" - -
him, but in the convenience of his oustoin- it, froui this same charaiateristic. The best made it in five hours and 'felt fresh and shipwrecked appearance, btit with grateful - � I A. G. AULT3 C4th. 1402x2ri - I Ingersoll, QnL L I I �
-ers. In other c",cs it Ivas fountl that where and safest manner to feed -wheat seems to be ready for a (rood visit during the- a-feemoon hearts that our lives had been spared, we � I
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