HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-01, Page 54X 0101111111_�__
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Xlirmad with a handsome
aur lug in the
I I pathos: The surgeons atood arnund him; although tihe prices of cattle were higher i
treasury. The total membership is cJ6. It was most of them= men who had embraced • a all round trade ` WILLIS' SHOE Sion -
.decided to put a new feu was fairly good, as the re- CAUTION STORE—Est �18LiSlYff3 ISSN
de, w ere needed, materia view of human destiny. die ceipts are ex expected to be Lght for some timeD.1 DUNCAN -1
11 round the cetriery,and to do sme leveilitlg yours tnan's face was contracted
E so as to make a arger portion of the ruid � under fife owing to drifted roads. A considerable pro- �
pain a angered ;his manly f was mutil- portion of the cattle and more than hal of -o M �T
. available. It was also decided to adopt the %ted beyond- remedy. Nervin�himself for the sheep and lambs were held 'over from
plan of standing during the public service the announcement, he said in a dee steady last week's markets. A few choice cattle At this season of the year the papers CALL SPECIAL )MENTON TO THEIR .
sof praise, and of sitting with Mowed heads voice : " p' WEAR SNOBS
during prayer. Mr. Adam Elliott was Clare myself for Christ begged
never'o de- were sold at about 4c done cod stock at from 3 to3rc lanwith d the pretty `are always well filled .with artnouiice-
ttnannrotisly ehoaentoleadtllesingngdarin so. rough- menta of merchants offering their goods Ant1 you might as well _ -
g I regret it beyond what I can express, er animals at.from 2c to 2e per lb. Good GREAT — CLEARING —
Kn the year. At the congregational meeting of and .I wish here and now to .declare myself lambs were somewhat higher in price to -day, " at and below Dost duringstock- SALE buy them Where pn . 1i
Knt>eh, Londesboro, which is under a soldier of the cross and tLl
o express my selling in lots at about 4e per lb, with .mix- ,i y
the gttme pastorate, there Wt#s also a very faith in Christ and what He has wrought ed lots at about 3e.' There were no ship taking. And What dors it all amount
can get the
:satisfactory showing as a result of the sea- £or us, lifting.up my heart to Him that he ping sheep sold here to -day. There were to l Sim 1 this that the have an Now going on and which will be continued until the
ion's operations, The total receipts for the may prepare me for that which is preparing fact many fat hogs at the yards to -day, and Simply y e Best for t'�
year amounted to ga6(1, and of this amount for me, It ie needless to say that among -prices are about 4 e per lb. accumulation of old, dusty, shop-worn ,l
y ai
. I _� I
�f?0 was devoted to mission purposes. The all (hose men of science and the world there BUFFALO, January Mn�, ■
year was closed with a surplus in the was not one whose eyes did not fill with were as follows: For extra fancy209.--Cattle—Prices goods that they try to palm off as new,,
,treasury. ,$;3.10 V� OF FEBRUARY.tears at the ours man's to alt to the to sad when you have used them but a If you have any regard
y g y $5.25 ; choice export, $4.80 to $5 ; good
greatest principles and were of which we shipping, $4.65 to $4.75 • foie` health end comfort, €
po Pp g, roughs, $3.50 to short tim , you find . that they are o1 t
Heiman. know —God and his mother.—Union Signal. $4. stockers and Feeders—Fair to, choice . cc , ,r
$ot-sE AtiIJ LOT F01i ►�?ALp;:--For Sale,'a stockers; $2,40 to $2,75; feeders, $3 to
dear even as a ,gift, as of -course 1.
you have,
corner lot, pleasantly situated, upon which Is built A New Remedy For Sea -Sickness- $3,50, "Fresh cows and* Spri-tigers—Fair to We have none of the above mention- T � . :,, �
-new. here dwelling house and rihe l troth nearly fancy cows, $32 to $48 ; springers, $2o t� VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS Try w�iIIS
.new. There is a good well, and the lot is neatly Anyone who has suffered from a severe - ed goods to ofl'er to you, but we have
•fenced with wire nettin For 1 $45. Sheep and Lambs—Beat wethers,
J. st3THERLAI�D; Porto. Fgook rtcular$ apply
8to, attack of sea -sickness, will be grateful for $4',15 to $4,50; fair to good mixed sheep, decided to offer the balance of our WILL BE OFFERED IN
any means which offers 'relief. The follow- h oS■
CLEA1tI\c: SALE.—Ail winter goods to be ing remedy, suggested by a Russian Ph to $3.60 common to fair, to .PS2.45 Winter goods at greatly reduced plicas
sold at coat during she month's of February, before Y- choice lambs, $5 to $5.a0 ; fair to good, The will keep your f
taking sleek. Overcoats, Hate, asps and to eat coat sician, is guaranteed to be an effective. $g,90 to $4,40. Bogs—Meclittrrls, heavy and rather, than carry them over, consisting y p y feet warm, not tom
also Tweeds and Flaugeli. 28 granulated means of curing the worst cases of sea -sick- g warm but ,ust )Ll ht j
pounds of choice Yorkers, $4,50 to $4.65 ; rottghs, Black 1 J $ .. The balance of
I- sugar fort, Other grocerie& nob included in sale, ness, and avoiding it when the symptoms $3.5U to $3.75 ; stags, $3 to 3.50. of the following lines : OvereoatingS, Black Blankets, D -antle Underwear
g $ our winter stock is put in agape to ga
COAD &Beasts, Heneall. 1416.2 first begin to make their appearance. The r and and Guilts Mantles Me11'S at .RIISH S z1LE .d7lrir_: Fehr
' BRIi;.—Our snow norms and severe Suitings, Fur and Cloth Caps, L oder- g carp.11
remedy consists of making long, deep,in- B'a c
. nveather are staying right ,with us, and the spirationa. About twenty breaths should SALE REGISTER. wear, Sox, Mitt4, Gloves, Cardi an , Colored Colored. Flannels Cloths Furnishing b reductions On all leatrier oods to 1
S ) Urn slung' make g
toads north and south 'are filled up even be taken each minute, and as deep as possi James Horney's Sale, in McKillop, near Jackets To Shirt w' r room for lar a spring tin
p g ( ith and without Dress Dress o Skirting, 'cloves, Handk chis p g purchases.
with the fences, and in many places higher ble. After thirty or forty inspirations have Winthrop, which was to have taken place -I
than them.—Trade hria been somewhatquiet been taken, the symptoms will be found to last Monday, was postponed on account of collars), made from the best English Silks Goods Hosier Fur- Rnbliers Overfih e 1i i
t. S, ate. , sand Knit . f
in our village, owing toi the roads being so abate, and in a few minutes will disappear the storm until Dlonday next, February 4th, flannel. Socks and all Felt Goods at
badly blocker p with snow drifts.—Mr. J. altogether. If the symptoms re appear, the at 1 o'clock p. m. George Kirkby, Auc- t
Nothing dusty, sl.lo -worn or faded, prices the lowest in the county: _#
Iuefde, our en rprising shoemaker, has re- deep breathing should be resorted to. If tioneer. p +
Gently been aking improvements on the the testimony of the dozen or more persons In every department will be found the great variety of seasonable cods at
-- Everything new, clean and.stylish at Y g A ShrewdJU buyer V1flli
entrance of s shop anI Having it nicely who have tried the •rethedy can be believed, Local Notices. $qch extremely low prices, and should lip taken advantage of by every close y '
.painted.— ss I. Sut� erland is visiting p y relief can be obtained. '_?
s sed c� f buyer. Remember, this great sale is only from now until the LAST OF take Advantage of
friends in Forest.—The !revival services are PROPERTY in Egmondville for sale.—A DILL & c)PEARE�[�, Seaforth. FEBRUARY, g
-still being continued in the Methodist house and three acres of land North and West of the J as our spring stock is commencing t0 arrive. f ,1.
News of the Week. Egmottdv.11e manse, A lees gitantifiy of land then Q (;� r R V A R 1 f
-Church with good attendance and increasin three acres may boo
e sold to suit purchaser. war. {
g STOR\IS VISIT BRITAIN AGAIN. —Again ELLrorr, Seatorth P. o, 1412-tf One Door South of Expositor Office
interest. --The Rev, Mll Roy being unable disastrous gales with loss of life are reported Tucci owing accounts will please call and Tile gre�te$t CilanCe the Seaforth people ever had SALE. 1
to get out to: Staffs and bublin on Sabbath p p
last on account of the mpassable state of from Britain and the continent. , settle, as all accounts must he in by the ]at of t0 buy cod- Oods HEAP. Prices are of ria aeeotzll — i
Two HUNDRED VICTIhis,-A dispatch February. RIaHARDaox & Mo1rI FIs, Seaforth. 141a y g � C t that is p4?t€ [
the roads, held service both morning and from Teheran says that about 200 deaths ?1IIss MARIE KIDD is prepared to take l will fi11ci a fYreat many things
Brumfield Saw M�11. 9 h nbf3 youleecf
evening in St. Paul's churr'h here. ---Mrs. music pupils in both Seaforth and,lluhlin. In Dub. 11]'d get thelll at prices Ott C&11 afford _'
-Captain (xibson of CT were caused by the recent earthquake at p Y
p , odrich, who was ?rare hitchan. q lift on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 14!3x4
visiting Nlr, and hlr& 'Moir has returned Fon SALE.—A good second-hand two - to pay,
home.—Mr. H. N. tic Ia art ostmaster PUBLIC MEETING.—A crowded nreetina
T a horse tread power ; also n good power Straw Cutter 9
gg , p was held in Melbourne on Friday evening in at o. C. WILLSON s, Seatorth. 1410 -_
and merchant, of Chise�hurat, left this ata- favour of Australian federation. The undersigned having leased the ;�
lien on Wednesday, a compar ed by his o D U N C AN & D U N C AN ! 0 o r
grandson, te; visit his son, Dr. J. L. McTag- `m anLOIt7 e MEDICINE s bout —A colored Births. Brucefield Saw Mill from illi. Alex. vv �
n woman in i�Tew Orleans is about to take her Mustard • �
kart, of Detroit.-ziss' E. hlacarthur, of DAVIS.-In Mitchell. on January 15th, the wife of ,ls now prepared to do all kinds ,
degree in medicine and will be the first
Ailsa Craig, is here risitin her brother llr. b1r, E. F avis, of a daughter. of custom sawing on the shortest notice CAR,DNO'S BLOC$ SEAT T -P4
g tivoulan to practice in that city with a degree WATSON.-In Hullett, on January 19th, the wife of y oR,1 g,
.l. Macarthur, and Tvlis� Cameron, of Ailsa won in Louisiana. Mr. Wm. Wateon, of a daughter. and most reasonable terms.
-Craig also, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H, PFLEGEN.-In Auburn, on Januar 17th the wife S, FA , `
Arnold.—'Miss Violet�'hitesdes �vho re- DEa4'-3t1. de (niers, the Russian Minister Y The highest cash rice will btu aid t!` i
of Foreign Affairs is dead. He was seventy- of At r. Joseph Megan. of a son., a p BL()CIi
Gently resigned her duties as assistant school BROWNLEE.-At St. Stephen's Parsonage, Gorrie, for Beech wood, Rock Elm, Hemlock - CAI)Y S
five years of age, on January 14th, the wife of Rev. W. F. Brown- - ,
teacher of this village, in order to attend rI'ARIFF YORTs Now.—Panama and Asp' 1ee, of u daughter, and other salable timbers. -
�the Normal School at Toronto, had the this- pp GELLER -In Gorrie, on- January 12th, t e wi[e of • a `,
wall coaled to be free ports on the 1st of Lumber, Shingles and draining Tile , A T THE •
fortune Iately, while descending the stair- h1r. Ramuel G.uer, of a daughter.. -
nary. (roods are now taxed 10 per cent, ail PICKERiNG.�-AtShipka, on January 18th, the wife always on hand. Bookbinding,
way rtt her boarding house, to slip a.ncl valorem. of 61r.John Pickering, of a daughter. �,,�,_•F a
break her arm, but we trust she will soonRAILWAYSOUTHCOZT.-In Exeter, on Januar • 20th the wife � f
'Co`cREss.—Representatives of 3 C H ®� �� �} �'.
recover and be able to resume her studies.— 2 of air. Win. S••uthcott, of a daughter. � � 1t!
lr, Bernard 1`lroinaoti and family, who are r railroads are expected to attend the In- HAIST.-In Stephen, on January 23rd, the wife of
ternational Railway Congress, to be lreid in Iter. Feed. Haiat. of aeon. _ •e see pleased to a��� �� n#
among our oldest and most respected reef - LOCKHART.-In lloKillo on Januar 20i:1r, the 1+ H
p London next summer. P, Y 4 t® 41r Subscribers
:lents, ititAnel leaving here this week for - Ife of Rev George Lrfckhart, of a daughter. - Chopping either b stone or grinder � , or friends
1)EATII OF A Fmttors DOCTOR.' -4r. Al- pp. „ y ,�
Rose City, Michigan, where Mr. Thomson � T BO McKillop, on January 10th, the wife of.
(recd L. Loomis, the eminent Id ew York phy. Mr, Robert Boyd, of a son. . done promptly and satisfaction guaran- 1
-has taken up` a section of land near his sician, died on Thursday morning, 25tH that vtl a have lc`ai,de arrange_
slaughter, Mrs. Fisher, -who recently settled Januar , - --- teed. Chopping done on Tuesdays
in Michigan, and intends engaging in farm- y Marriages. and Fridays, A trial is respectfully . ments for Binding Boos or
I)F,A.TH OFA FA1iOLT8 STr1TE5AIA\.-I'OI'd STE�'E�S-LONGlIA;�T.-At the residence of lttr
ing, and while we regret their departure, we Randolph Churchill died in London L+'n solicited.
wish them all success health and ha faces• o ' , g Air. George Longuian, on the 10th January, by WATSON.'Rbagalsr les' a� $1Z,to ,'
pp land, on the ..4th of January, after a long Rev. J. A. Hawilton, Mr, George Stevens to Miss 1416- JOSIAH �•4 t Dov �� 1i
an their new home.—Miss K. Hodgins is Plat �a toms ' * `M� `T&
illness. y Longman, both of Hullett. �1�
visiting, friends in Dayton, Ohio.—Mrs. Dr. MILLS-ROBINSON,-At St. Augustine, on January -
y I OREIc.x FI,Ars PROiiIBITED.—M'. r. Laic- 7 (th, by Rev, G. Bu�•gin, Mr. John Mille, of West
Lion, of Detroit, has purchased the milli` son's bill prohibiting the display of foreign •Wawanosh, to Doss Fanny Rohinson.- t,
nary business of 1liss Sturgeon, and assist — _ _ 0 Yther I
g flags on public buildings has passed JOHNSON—DIGNAN.—At he Methodist arsona e _ rParticulars
p the - .�•
c ;, P - J
sib -
her daughter, o pp gg
Y g ,intends carrying on the Ne%v York State Assembly. Ayes 83,nays 13, Hensali, on January loth, by Rev. F. $wanri,Dtr. ' : _ _
business in- the premises recently occupied ��7AR o CIG:IRETTES.—The School Board Johnson, of Varna, to Miss Elizabeth L. Dignan, r ;;+h, - y i7Qlfltt? a$ this nm e.
11 .1by Miss Sturgeon.—Mr. C. A. McDonell re_ of Fannav—JAR itle. •, Ill
'` of St. Joseph, Missouri, has decided that JONES-JARROTT -In Kippers, on January 23rd,
turned thi k f F n�vniu
s wee - Tom crest, R here he at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. �� ^ ��� U�
had been for several days visitin friends. no pupils using cigarettes will hereafter be James Walker, Mr. Richard Jorree, of Exeter, to U,�/
g admitted or allowed to attend the Public l[iea Annie, fifth daughter of air. John Jarrot, I
:4lisa t�'alker, of Heal Brantfoi d, is visiting schools. An active war against the cigar- Kippen, - we are ! ,
at e Mr. �Ym. Cha man'sdi Miss Shepherd, of GREAT SALE �F pleased to announce that any i
p P , ettes has been waged there for some time DOBSUN-WILLIAItiSON.-At St Stepphen's parson• - - -
near Chiselhurst,is spending a few d s with sae, Gorrie on Januar 7th Mr, Wni. Dobson o[_ - = -
p Books or Magazines theft with us for 1
Clifford, to Miss Adeline' Williamson, of. Ford-
Miss. E.- Ba,llantvne, �AAessrs. Cook Broth-
On, BEDS IN RIiSSIA.—Rich oil beds with. 3 binding, will have our prmistatter]tion>
ars, of the Hensall Mils, findingtheir boil- PADFIILD-DANE.-At the residence of the bride's
have been found at Sarai, in Southeastern Cash Buyers Prices in bindn in an st .le will beer would not furnish the reeluirecl 'steam to p„rissia, father, on Januar 18th, by Rov. J. Greene, air. u g Y y
Properly run their mill and furnish the eve: John Padfield to Miss Barbara J. Dane, daughter � :. ___ -_ _ .___
of Mr. Thomas Dane, all of Howick. • given on application<
increasing demands for electric lights, are BRONN—LAMONT.—Atha residence of the bride's
(lids week,with eommend�bleenter rise ut- T$B' MARKETS. — _ --___
P ,p - mother, on January 16th, by Rev. Dr.°McRae, of n
ming in anew' and first class boiler theft ssaroRrH, Jan- Al, 1BF6. Callirrgwood, Mr. T. N. Brown, merchant, of Lea f i ro�7•
roil'! fill the bill, and hope to have it in run- Fal ]wheat per bnehel,new, • „• , , , 0 56 to 0 fi7 Collirtgwood, to Miss Jennie Gamont. Harness Rock
ning order about the end of this week. In spring Wheat per bushel,new........ 0.56 b 0 57 FALLI3-BLAIR.-At the residence of her grand11 I
Oats per bushel ................ . 0 2k to 0 28 Parente, on January 30, by Rev, D. L. McRae, ���� EXPOSITOR O FIC {°?
the meantime we have to forego the pleasure peas par tbushAl.......... .. .. - .... 0 63 to 0 48 Air. Thomas .January
of Grand Bend; to Misa Alary o mPrices. ��T �°�^
=rad convenience of the T;lectrlc lights, but 19arlPyperbnrihel .................. 0 36 be 0 4n Blair, of Cranbrook, tonnerly of Varna.S..i..�.,.i-...R���� JC'T_ �� E-•0 : f�•4 g '� Seaforth..
gill appreciate them all the more with the Butter, No..l, loose .... .. .. ........ 0 14 to 0 16
additional power they will have.—Quite a Butter' hib.............. • • • • • • • • • • 0 16 to a ]5 Deaths. SUCCESSORS TO R. JAMIESUN.
E��cfie Per doz.... .................. 0 74 to 0 16
large number of delegates attended the Sab- Flour, per l0ofae,,,-,•„ .,,,,,,,,,, 1 60 b 1 86 D01VNF,Y.-In 1ticRillop, on January 26th, Thomas !fusers will do well to get my prices
- hath School Convention held at Goderich Aayper ton new .................... 6 60 to 700 J. Downey, eldest don of Mr. Stephen Downey,
the first part of this week, among whom we Hides per 100 tae .................... a 00 to 3 to aged 86 years and 1 month. before purchasing elsewhere. - . 4
noticed Mr. A. 3'i'esloh, ler. James Briarle Lamb Skins ....................... . . `.0 60 to 60 MOIR.-Near Oil Springs, Lambton County, on • . 0 25
Y, Wool...,..... 0 18 to A 20 January 18th, Entily, beloved wife o[ Mr. George
Mr. Wm. Elder, Mr. J. C. Stoneman, Aliss Potatoes' per bag,,,,,;;,;;;,;,,;'„ 0 5010 0•g,► Moir, aged 3S years. -
B: `Filson, Miss B. Ellis and Miss R. Smal- salt (retail) per barrel............ 0 75 to 0 75 MADGE.-In Usborne, on January 24th, Ann GIbson,
Wood per cord Gong) ................. 2 76 ,� $ �] r PRICES away down.
lacombe.—Mr. Samuel Smillie, the worthy wife of Mr, Samuel Aladge, aged 411yeam.
Wood per cord (abort) .._ ,, ,, ,, ,, ... 1 50 to 1 "r5 NAY, -At Nin a
ex -Clerk of Tuckersm'ith, who filled that g , Manitoba, on January 14th, W114 Applea per bag......... 0 50 to 0 76 liam Jaines Nay, eon of Mr. Wm. Nay, formerly •
position with credit to himself and satlsfae- Clover Seed ................. •......_ 6 7b. to 800 of Howiok, near Gorrie, Ontario, aged 20 years - STOCK - TAKING P]�R
I _. .
tion to the rate -payers, but who, on account Timothy Seed ....................... 1 75 to 2 00 and 2months. ! C]�NT-
Pork, per 100 The .................... 4 60 to 4 60 \lA\;N.-In Hullett A large stock of everythini g '
ear to wl,tllei:ra�v himself
it neces , on January 18th, Robert liana,
of weakness of his eyes,
found Tallow, per lb ..................... _ 0 ob to 0 00 aired 81Iyearo and l0 months. y g
y mself from _ __,_ - R'ILLERT.-Near Dashwood, on January 19th, On hand usually found in a first-class `
;,� sere ice, was recently presented with Lrvr.Rrooi,, Jan. 80. -Spring wheat, 6e 2}d ; red William Willert, aged 82 Ceara.
. a beautiful arm chair, in recognition winter, 4e 8id • California No. ] 6a ]id BEAVER -In Stephen, on Januar 22nd tate wife of Shop. T -GT��.
,Peas, 4s _ P , Y '"_'� At. f
9d' pork, 678 06d - cheese 60 Mr. _Nicholas Beav OFF, I .
e d er a ed 2
of his services as executor of the este •� Po 06 • 4 ears, •
to of g 3 7e ,5�
the late Wm.. Elder. The presentation was 1416-tf JOHN WARD. � �4 1
Tcttox7a, Jan. 3l. -Fail wheat, p.61 /0 110.64 �fI
made by Mrs.�'Vm, Elder, widow, arid her spring wheat, fw,00 so 10.00 ; Date, 360. to 38c IMPORTANT NOTICES. OF iii
family. Mr. Smillie, though completely peas, per bush, hoc to 61c ; barley, 450 to 48c.; hay! _ .4W I
taken' by surprise, feelingly tendered his Per ton, 110.00 to'$32 CO; butter, 20o to 22c ; pots: STRAY RAN. -Came into the remises of the S PLE N D l D .
thanks for the handsome resent, M. per bag, 10 55 to $0.60 ; eggs per dos,,. 24c P
p to 25e • dromod ho g6. E undereigaed,-Lot 29, ooncesslon 14 Hibbert,
hogs, per cwt., 2v to 16 60. about the let of October, a Black Ram. �he owner i V ve, ' �� ��, ' .- 1� j,
11 I
(From an Occasional Correspondent.) --- • can.,lave the same on proving property and paying ` �'A R M for SALE
iOTI S.—The North and South roads, British Clraii� Trade. charges. TOBiAS RYCKHAN, Chieelhnret P. 0,STOVES'AND TINWARE
•1418x4�-�•- L� which have been bacdly blocked -since the The Mark Lane Express of last, week, in IM rX.e1jM _ all oods in stock '
recent storm, are again passable, and large its weekly review of the British grain trade, f� o
• quantities of wood saw los pork and says: The l�unglisp wheats have fallen Gd OOT! FARM FOR SALE. -For Bale, %t 18, Con.
1 logs, p Y , oeesicn 8.3icKillop, containing 100aores,about Township Stanley, j
- other country produce continue still to pour American and Russian Is, corn and barley -E0 acreo`cleared, rree from stumps and well under y� th'e balance l ance o this
into our market.—The thriving condition of , (id and oats 3d. To -day wheats are in bet- drained.;Tnere is a good frame house and bank barn,
. this village may be inferred from the fact ` ter tone. California on passage has sold at ng water d bearing
gis orchard
eeh of on plenty
e corner of the of COUNTY OF HURON. +
3d. Feeding bade is 6d dearer. Loin and it is also convenient to ohurche•, pont otiice,milie At AWAY DON PRICES and Y1eX month. that there is scarcely a vacant house within ..4s g y
the village limits at present, although sev- is easy, American selling at 18s Gd. Flours cc., and within seven miles of Seaforth. There are-
.oral new houses have been built recently.— dropped 3d. Cotton seed is quoted at 1s about 3h acres plowed and ready for cap, and 12 The undersigned offers for sale that most desirable
acres of fall wheat. This Is one of the beet farms in farm on the lake shore Township of Stanley, recent -
Some of our Citizens' are talking incorpor- 3d• Oats, beans and peas are quiet. the township and will be sold cheap as the proprietor ly owned by Mr. Daniel Wilson. Y,
<ttion for this village. What it is hoped to wishes to give up farming. Apply on the premises. The tarts is coca, ore McOOSH & - I
gain by incorporation is certainly a mystery Dairy Markets. or address, Winturop P. O. JAtues Horney. p d of lot No. 11, Lake Road
1418x4 Concession, Stanley, and contains 129 acres, 111 of
to the many. The village is prospering TORONTO, Janrtary 29.—The best dairy which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation.-. D,4 YS. __ i
pretty well under the protecting wing of tub is quoted at 14c to 15c, and low grade The whole is tree from etnmpa and well fenced. jFO)? JEFFERY
- the township of Hay, and it is time enough from Sc to l lc. Lar e rolls are IF YOU- WANT There are 60 scree fall plowed ; there are 18 acres of 3O -
g g steady at first-class Ember and not a toot of waste or wet land - '
for the infant to think -of setting up for it- 12c to 13c. Dairy pound rolls are quoted at To sell, buy, encumber or release house or on the farm. There is a small orchard. -
self when the township talks of bouncing 15c for choice new lots, Creamery is steady farm, call on J. �YAUGH, Land Agent, There Is a handsome two storey stone residence CAR�MICIIAEL S BLOC,
the said infant- The baby is strong a_nd at 21c to 22c for rolls and 20c for tubs. 31(, Street East Seafotth, and fair outbuildings.11 -
11 I
.-- Ji lustyforits age, and, no doubt, is daily in- Eggs—Are drtiet boiling eggs are quoted _ _ _ It id convenient to schools, churches, &c., and is
f.reasing in stature anti wisdom, but it evi- at 16c to 17c and limed at 11 c to 12:1 c. within tonr miles of Ba •field, rt 1.1
y g 14IOTREAL, anuary , 9.—Butter Fresh Town Officers.3 y
4lentl has not yet reached that stage of J 2- It is one of the best and most desirable farms in Q T
1 _ H
• developmen which i�ou d warrant it ui rolls sold from 14?,e to lot and 13 c to lac is uron and wit, be sold cheap and on easy terms of M T N (�
A hcationA will be received at the Clerk's Office payment; For all articulare apply to .L1� �L�J��T W Cl A �K .I` \. "'' e� ort
taking upon its shoulders responsibilities of considered a fair range. Late made cream- rip MONDAY, FEBRUARY. itch Iv*EYr, for the P 9
serf government. It is said that al'l things cry sold moderately well. Creamery, 19c- various Town Council appointments. T v RUTLEDGE -
come in time to those that wait," and if to 20c • townships, 10c to 17 c • western 12c . E T• LO G A N • >!
some wouldbe Reformers would only take a p ' ' 1418.2 WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. 141 J- f -
y to 13c ; rolls, 13c to ISG. Eggs—There is Seaforth P. O.
leaf from the experience of some neighbor- very little doing in the market at present. TENDERS WANTED.1.
- —Fol�—
• ing villages, they would waist for incorpor- Montreal limed eggs are quoted at about Tenders will be received by the tittdersigned until ' 11
- a.tion. 13c to 14e ; western limed at l0e to Ile, and February .16th, 1896, for tate erection of a Brick BOTS11111. T
Y p Jield fresh at about 14c. NotlCe to Creditors
`1:YTRI iONIsLL.—A vast pleasant event School House in Section No. 8 Tuekersmith. Plana . CH-'E,4P
A �Vi
and speoifications way be seen at the residence of the
took place at the manse onZi'edneaday even- - — �d� ���''undersi ned on and -after February 5th. The lowestt9. `w �t�� --AND-•-
in Januar 23rd bein the •marria e of 11 r. g In the matter of John L. Smith and John _g, Y � fi g Miscellaneous Markets. or anytender not neoeesarily accepted. WILLIAAS.� -
Alfred Taylor,of Exeter,to Miss Iso Bell, of o G. BROADFOOT, Secretary -Treasurer, Box 100, sea- Steet, trading under the name and style '111 '4 F — _
Hensall. bliss A ie Kerr acted as maid of 7 oRa-NTO, January 9.—POTATOES— Are forth P. 0. 1418 2 of Smith R Steet, of the Town of Seaforth, SH O ES11
dull • cars on the track here are quoted at — - i Count. • of Huron Dr '
Honor, anti Mr. Ezra Roedding, our popular l y Goods Merchants,
46c. Potatoes out of store are selling at Insolvents, OF
boot and shoe makers best man. The Gere- , N(3T'1(.+'E- GOOD AND {.r+,,�EA,P
l)3c. ) ouITRY,-Turkeys are selling at 7Lc A meetingwill be held in the Winthrop Cheese Notlpe is Hereby iv -
ton. was performed by Rev, J. S. Header- to 8c, chickens at 40c to 50c for choice fresh Factory on ATUI(DAY, February 9th, at 2 o'clock solvents have made n s ignment of above
estate to -
son. After the ceremony the happy Young stocks, ducks are not offering and are in the afternoon, to let the milk routes for the com- we, for the benefit of their creditors, by deed dated 1�I1
iitarted to drive to Exeter. The processionnominal at 6Uc to.r5c, ease are quoted at ing season, also to sell the whey for the benefit of the January 23rd, ]895, and thi creditors are notified to Dress Goods, Mantles, Mantle Oloths, Flannel's,
meet at ni I ata selling BOOTS and SHOES
was led by Mr. E.Iioedding and Miss Aggie fisc to 7c. BALEiJ HA—Dull •cars on the patrons, and it not sold, to make arrangements for Y office, No. 18 Wellington Street East, b
. Kerr. It was a very stormy night and the seeding. JOHN C.. MORRISON, Secretary. Toronto, on Flannelettes, Underclothing Fur Capes, p
roads drifted. But after a couple of upsets track here are quoted at ,5.75. BALED 1418.2
011 Frid& Febrtt 8th 1895 at rices never before herd �f in
STRAW—Quiet ; cars on the track here are �r a i , Setl►forth. ,
they arrived safely, feeling none the worse noted at $">.50 for oat and s far wheat. AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M., FUZZ' Collars FU r a
for theirjaurney, After partaking of thl q Notice to Creditors. , 'V'Iuf$, FUr Cap$,
DRESSED Hors --There is a good demand For the purpose of receiving a statement of their Come in and see ; my prices Will do
good things which were provided for them, and cars of choice weights are noted at affairs, and for the ordering of the affairs of the •
g q IN THE MATTER OF GEORGIri, FRANKLIN BEL• estate generally. All persona claimin B I a n kets� Shawls and all kinds of the rpt'
they enjoyed themselves with games, etc,, $5 15 to $,5.20. Smalrlots by rail are quoted DEN, OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH, iN the estate of Abe said losolvent, must file their claims I t
Our greatest surprise was to see the brides- about 5c higher. `There were no hogs of- THE COUNTY OF HURON, DENTIST, with me on or before the 16th day of March, 1895, Men's Shoes C up. i -
aiaid and the grodmsman returning the next DEBTOR. atter which date I will roeePd to distribute the
fared on the local street market here to -day; P
•flay on the train, havin left their horse - Notice is hereby given that the said debtor has assets thereof, having regard to those claims only of ■ Wo111en'$ Shoes Che
and cutter behind_ VN e wish the`newly prices are nominal at X3.15 to 40,35. made an assignment of all his estate to me, the under- Dry odndg which I shall then have received notice. Go s a M'' 1, n e r Children's Shoes ,rine$, - sigtted Jeremiah Belden, in trust for the benefit of- inwt recd couple all the proapert3 of afar- J. I', I, 4\T(1 LEI ,Trustee, ■•
Live Stock Markets. his creditors, Hader Chapter 124, of the Revised -
1416-2 18 Wellington Street East.
y I
r zerl life. Statutes of botario•(1887) and amendments thereto: Sto
_ (Y'LASGOW, January 28th. --Market for cat- A meeting of the creditors of the said debtor will be —' All 13121(1'8 Of Felt BOOf's, Rubbers Zile ,
tle steady. Present price for best, l I• to 12c. held at the office of J. M. BEST, barrister, in the . It will be of interest to every One to call and inspect the goods and prices Oz ershoes.
A Young Man's Declaration, LIVERPOOL, January 28th. -Cattle -Re- Town of Seatorth, on Cedar POStS for Sale. .
A ours man who was- run over by the ceipts of American cattle light. Prices in FRIDAY, the 8th of February, (895, — - a
young The undersigned has on Lot 18, Coneeeston s, Euerybou— - gets - Bargains.
. e,ars and taken to a hospital was told that cents, computed at $4.80 to the ,%, are as At the hour of 2 o'clock p, ni., for the purpose of Morris a lot of good cedar
appointing Inspectors and giving directions with re. g P�� which will be sold '
broth kegs must be amputated, and when he follows : Finest steers, i l�c ; Good to erence to the diepeeal o[ the estate of the eatd for 7 cents each, WM. and GEORGE JACKSON. $ale every day at the CHTAPI
asked what was likely to be the result the choice, Ile ; Poor to medium, l0c ; bulls, ebtor. All parties having claims a ainst the estate 1414x6 HOFFMAN & OOMPANY 1A
surgeons were obliged to a[lmit that Pia re- 9c ; inferiors, rc. Sheep.—Receipts are of the said debtor, are required to fie the same with STORE.: 4�
coverST was improbable and if he had any- heavy, but prices hold steady. Best_ are the said J. M. Best, my solicitor, on or before the M ILK ROUTES.
date of said meeting, verified by affidavit stating the �
thing in particular that he wished to say, quoted at 13c ; secondary, 1lc to 12c ; : me- nature and amount thereof and the security (it any) The milk routes e)f the Walton Union Cheese and r - , "
this was the time to say it. He was lying rinos, 10.�c to 11?rc ; rams, 9.�c and inferors, held by them. Batter Factory will be let on Friday February 8th at CHEAP CASH STORE, C A R D N O S B LO C K, Cot h
T. v. t� TLD ,
on the operating table, and it was just be- 8 cents. JE13EM1AH BELDEN, Molesworth P. O., Ontario, one O'clock, P.m.; in Fieher'a hall. Partes wishlng _
Assignee. J. M. BEST, Seatorth, Solicitor for Ae- to draw milk will lease
_ fore he was put under the influence of chlor- I1ioNfiREA+, January 029th.—The butchers signee, iogty, R. A. FEt�GU302gr,ivSecretury themselvesaccord
*� 11�
• oform, The scene was one of infinite were present ,1n considerable numbers, and Dated January 28th, 1418 F•ADLEAN, President. 1416-2 ' W W HOFFMAN, Manager. 31AI-N tSTRE'ET,' SEAFORTH.
W _ 1 r ,
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