HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-01, Page 4___ - __T_ _,_._.____ - --"-----,-,-,. , _ - � � '--- I I - � -1 I - � ; "I `6- __ ,-- _ .. ...... - -,-- ,-". . � - - - , -.___,____. 7r- ... i -I 1. I.. I . . , I --- - �_ -_ - - . �= -_ -- --- -- - - -4 � --- - - I , 1_-__-_ -1 � --,-- - - I -_-_1_____,__ .11 - -_ . . I _ . - ,.- -_ . I . � .
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!I' . - . . FEBRJARY 1. 1895*
r AT .
1 . any emolument or d fr ___ _—,
. . -
I ai oni the Government over that amount 2 cents per pound. It following items will be of interest: Number the work anion the women, and impressed came into the city that day on the diff rent taker. About $63 W gi- en - f r mi ionary
.. LOOK Y01VR LABELE shall be eligible for'-elbetion to the House of was decided to send the whey home aa wag of families in the congregation, 120 ,-- names g c as v o gs
, I f such conditions shall oc- done last seamon. There was some talk of added to the roll of members (luring 1894, importance of the *or 141001-
- � - . Commons; and i upon the large andiene-6 of women, the railway lines. urposes, and *30 to the Sabbath
11A - I our in th ' ease of -a member already elected, makin k and the great need esides this
The Subscription price 'of the ExposrrOR, his seat shall be declared vaca�t. . y Alpena Michigan, lumbermen have t the Women's Foreign A,11,wi�ftion-
- 9 ,% bubter in the factor in the winter 35 ; removed from the roll, 19, leaving a y —_ I P
- net of lad missionaries. Mrs. �Hossack, of ade a big deal for Canadian pine, with ary Society raised the sum of _83L99. Tlii.%
id- strictly -in advance, is ONE It shall be declared a breach of the Inde- definite was done. e close of Luckn, was re-elected president.. The even- which to stock.Alpena mills. The deal in- coiigregation, under its able and energetie�
. I i if Pal andL c eese in the summer, but nothing gain of 16, and a membership at th in
.,)OLL,A�R. . the year of 272- The amount rais -
I 1 ed was ing meeting was open to the public, and eludes the timber limits of the Blind River pastor, Rev. A. Y. Iff-mrd is, evidentl, ,
�1_ I . pendence of Parliament Act for any member —Mr. Jbli.n Shurrie, of the 4th line, Mor- $2,221.19, of which 85545.10 were contribu- was largely at -tended. -
� -If you do not reliew within. three months of the House of Commons to acce
�1� . pt fees or ris, has aiYorkshire bred sow t1hat has paid Lumber Coinpany,--of Georgian Bay, The in a prosperous condition,* Ith finaneLd'?y,
; I tion8 for missionary and kindred objects. —St. X-farys had an unfortunate day last price paid was $0,000. Gen. Alger'offered and otherwise, and is'doing a good work-
! -, of the (late on your label the, price will be L emoluments other than his yeaIrly salary or her owner well. In the past eleveh months The ordinary revenue met all obligations wee�, having no fewer than four or five e same property last year.
. I , $1.25 ; if you do not renew within six sessional indemnity for . erform- she . igs, 12 in February, 1894; $125,000 for th - - .— __
. � � months of the date, on y � any services p has had 40 p and left a balance of.$14.46 in the treasury bad accidents within its limits. --Josh Hal- —A big Arctic exploration is on foot, and Leadbury.
. I our label the price ed for or on behalf of the Government. 13 in July of the same year, and 15 on Jan- —As an evidence of what industry and den, barteneter at the Office Hotel, sUpped .Mr. J. B. Tyrell,of the Dominion Geological Miss Mamie McEwen, daughter
I 'will be 81.50. No paper will be sent longer No.member of the House of Commons nary 15th, 1895. skill can accomplish, we may say that Miss and fell on the sidewalk and dislocated one Surve
- NoTEs.—
i - than one year before being paid for. - shall receive a free pass f rom any railroad or —11r. R. C. Hays, barrister, Goderich, I i e, y; who has j ust returned from an L ex- of our esteemed post mistress, has beelt
� . i�cLean, 13 years of age,, -daughter of of his arms at the shoulder.—A ten year ol -
� tly� t steamship oompany ; and the . sent of any .who is all enthusiastic n d ploration of the n6rthern barren lands of
� ----� -_ , ) ' taking lessons in music from ,Nlr8. Dunlop,
Send renewals diree o this office. horticulturist,�;bas all C ' aizzbi a Alex. McLean of Goderich, was daughter of .Mr. Frank Standeaven, Church Canada has been asked by Professor
L '
I I �' t � member so receiving a free -pass shall on almond,tree in.bloom at his office. it was given one cent the 22nd of January, 1894. street, 8terns, of Seaforth, for some time. Mamie is it,
I , c from an ordinary almond nut, and is was coasting on the Jiill at the west head of the United States Geological Stir-
� . Money sen by registered letter, post -office proof thereof be immediately deelare(I , . �
� With this she first made pen -wipers, get-- ward school, I o lead a party to Ellesmere Land. bright and clever girt, and in learning ba.%
; -
� is at our risk. A post ting smal of bright cloth at home, enerallgv been at the -head of 'her class—
. money order, express money order or draft, ant, and the person so offending shall -be d four feet high, with blossonis of and had her eg broken in two vey, t
.� -office order up to $4 i,palified for membership in the House of considerable beauty and fra#a, I I places near the ankle.—Thos Conley re- —The act debarrifig non-resi lents, not 9 �
. __ - - __ — Commons or for an nee. then iron=, grocers' aprons, grand- ceived serious injuries in his face by a gun citizens of the United States, from pen-sions Mr. Robert Coats, who ha'a been in �Mani-
,� - costs only two cents. ,y position in tlie gift of —.ilr. John Young of the Town line, be- mother pen -wipers, taffy, sachel, I)age, paper a ' toba, for a considerable ength, -of time, is�
I I � the Goveoment for a space of five years. tween Hullett and M' i . ecident.—While Mr. and Mrs. R. T.Gilpin for servioe in the American Civil war, has I d
- . The change oil your label will notify yon, I I orris, has awarded the owls7 toilet mats, etc., etc., and also maple and Miss- Gilpin were out driving, their been repealed. The re cal. of the act will spending th6- winter un er _the parental
p rOO'L here. He looks as il the air of Mani-
� . . - . RIGID ECONOMY. contract for the efection of a new, residence crea�, chocolate and cocoanut candy, anti spaii of borses was run into by another team be Lhe means Of placing a large inumber of *th him.—We regret to say
I .
- of Our receipt of the money. If not chan � The Government House at Ottawi 0 has on the 17th of November 1894, had earned knocking one, horse down and damaging Canadians upon the pension roll of the toba agreed wit
w in ged .. % shall to Mr. � S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, wil
: . three weeks drop us a card and we. will also the contract for a new brick -house for the full ' 3
. be abolished, and the bar -room in connection n of V25 as' pro'fits from her sales, the cutter considerably. Mrs. .,
trace the matter up. - Mr. James Gibson, of Morris. Gilpin sus- United State' .1 that Win. Grigg, son of Mr. George Grigg,
!� with the House of Commons and Senate - I which aggregated $40, thus earning $25 in tained a very painftif injury, receiving at is suffering from a severe attack- or inflam-
� rs shall also be abolished. —Georle �iliott, of Parkhill, iviffle out watory rheumatism. We hope to soon hear
k Address kill letters and make all cbeques Chambe . es —During the -past year there were regis- less than ten months from one cent. This large scalp -%�ound.' Mr. and Miss Gilpin hunting t ie other day, had a narrow escape of his restoration to health and strength. —
- McLean Bros. The system of superannuation, gratuiti -ith Town Cle�k Coats, of Clin- money wits earned for and donated to Knox .escaped with a good shaking up. from being ki d. He was standing wid .
i and orders payable to T 'L tered -A � �
. . ton, 466irths, 34 marriages and 20 deaths. Church McGillivray Mission Band, Code- —General Booth arrived in Listo'wel from the butt of his gun on the ground an whe 1 Two .'McKillop writers have been trying
_. k When remitting money do not fail to giv - e . and pensions, except for military service, During the same period there were im- rich. . Ile n their hand at giving an aceount of I -and deals -
post office address. shall be abolished. I Palmerston, on Wednesday J
I The Mounted Police of the Northwesi pounded In that town 40 cows, 12 horses, 2 - I evening last lie lifted it a t caught the haminer, and in this section, but neither succeeded in
-address as a I pigsandlalicep. Nhey evidently enforce I week,thettain being several hours late. the hammer ig up, the gun was dis- . .
When notifying us of change of � wit
Territorie h 11 be abolished, 'except in un- . I I . beii giving the right uanleS.
8 n as Y -law in Clinton. All tile afternoon crowds of citizen and peo- charged, the charge grazing tile side of his Well, Mr. John-
- do not fail tQ give both old and new post organized district : i which c e the ex- the cow b ple from the country crowded the streets, ! head. 0 ston Kinney has purchased the farm of .:Mr.,;-
� office address. —'Mr. Robert Mann- of the 8th concession There are three Conservatives and eight . �
L . pendittire, shall not exceed P.,200,000. of Hullett, and fathe'r'of Messrs. George Reformers in the Mitchell council. Anxious to procure a glimpse of the general. I —Albert Turner, of , Georgetown, the Dora Kinney, and Mr. Win. Pollard has
I The Military College at Kingston shall be . . 113
K When the train arrived thefirealarm whistle ' Young man who was roughly handled at 0
1 & an Jain�s Mann, died on Friday, 18th of ght the farn� ;of Mr. G'eorge McKim.
Lool at You'r Labe a -Wished, andthe expenditit're on the militia d —',Mr. C. H. Merryfield, of Monkton, has ')Oil co
,.- '
I c and Alr. Pol-
- . force in the Dominion in time January, Lin his 82nd year. .He was one of been mad L,oa Justice of the Peace. was blown and all th4 town bells rang a,w,el- i4lenwilliams oil a recent Sunday night- We ngratUfate Mi. Kinney
' I
11 - - shall be Ii imited to $300,000. a of peace the first settlers in that part p own- —A] rs. Hammond has sold her fiftv . acre conic tothe gencral. The eneral was driven wbilcescorting a young lady lioniefrom lardonthis evidence of prosperity.-Sonit-
farni� at 1' from the depot to the re8i( ence of ex -mayor church, is in a very precarious c9liditi n.
ANOTHER BIG DROR The 1ranting of subsidies and bonuses to ship. A man -of good physiqu� he en'oy itaffa., to L Mrs., McTaggart for f 0 people maintain that the Canadians al -(-
I ed . . . � I
;, exec up to within a week Oi Ilia ,$1,200. � . 1(..a,l one. .Ing
L ailroac and steamship companies and other William Bruce, where lie met with a warm The doctors say hi,s case is a critl amount of ,alminutive ready-made suits foi-
- , . r l Ilent health reception. Ili tile 'Methodist Church the Joseph McMaster, Taylor's alleged assailant, retrogradi in stature, and that the lurgti
. corporations s -hall -be abolished. death. .- -�-Andrcw Falk, deputy reeve of North V men to be found in the clothing store.%
mperance in - ' -based the 100 -acre farm' gen ays to ',\] ilton
Two Papers for the Price of One. -The Royal Templars of . Easthope, has pure eral delivered his lecture on the has been remanded for 80 d
, � ��
I - . The number of civil servants at Ottawa To piritual and social work of the army to an : jail. . � gives this a semblance to truth. -At any
— il all(,] their salaries shall be reduced.' Cranbrook, h o rey, disbanded lot 17, concessioll'9,'of his township, for $4,470' a
. The publishers of THE ExPOSITO-P, have'. The High Com: '_ ' , I some little time ago. Contrary to ,the ex- �Ijr. Arnistr0g, of Fullarton,,had a bad audience which packed the building to tlie r&te, their are exceptions. For instance,
. mi8sioner Ili Great Britain runaway L tile other day in which his cutter I �
I made such arrangements with the publish- shall receive a stated salary -without an perience of most societies, they bad $33 in doors. Morris. . young LSolomon Bell, .who, at seventeen
. additions for assistance or perquisites. - y . their treasury, ,which amou- -Mr. -John G. Scott, of Trecastle, was years of age, stood six feet and two inchom
ers of the Toronto Globe as will enable nt they %,cry was badly wreek4a, but no other damage Tifi:,- GREAT STORM. -The snow blockade - and his neighbor, John
lZEDUCTION I kindly voted to the Upper Canada Bible '*vas done. � up before Police Magiistrate Terhune last I in his -stockings, - .
them to give TuF ExPOSITon and, Weekly ' OF THE MACHI-NERY OF , is a bad one; in fact the worst ever kno-%vii Irvine, jr., at the same age, bronglit dawn
week on the charge of - aving his bar open I
. . . (-OVERNIJAENT. I Society. -While attending to her household duties 4 in this county. Railway trains are behind the scales at 170 pounds, and wbat is still
. Globe, for one full, year, for only ONE] -Mr. Christian Walper, of Dashwood, ,Mrs. 0-eorge Frame of�Avonton had the rnis- after hours on Christmas eve. Mrs Dixon I time, and in many places stuck fast. On better, they are both industrious and well
. The number of Cabinet Ministers shall has purchased a farm. oil the Mollard, : fortune it fbw (lays ago, to fall andbreak �cr and her husband gave ,evidence to prove Fr . day litst the farmers turned out and behaved young fellows,-Notwithst din
: DOLLAR AND FIFTY'CENTS, be reduced, and tf�e Canadian 8enate shall township of �St . -line, that the bar was open until 3:n
. paid strictly in advance. . ephen, nea;r Grand Bend, and arm above the wrist. I one o'clock " 'I 4_�
I be abolished. L intends movin _-Mr. 11offineyer, who started a sboe al in the�morning, and that their so I made roa,ds for inany miles, but the storin the low price foi nearly everything tl
I thereon some time in Feb- 11, a young : on Saturday filled them all in again. .Still-, fariners have- to sell, there will be colle-
Thev thus offer the best weekly paper in L . 19P lad of seventeen, was in the bar lintilth ,2,
, . - TA . RIFF AN�D REVENUE. ruary. Mr. Clper is a good citizen, an(I alTrowbridge three months ago, is moving - at, , day wasthe worst day so far this year. A ht-
Canada, and the best local paper in Ontoario, Luxuries shall .be taxed to the fullest- the people of Das . hwood regrxt parting with to Carthage. Tfie Trowbridge people are hour. Mr. ScOtt's witnesses, who were fainine for wood and provisions will take siderable building done in this section 't
im� other young men in the bar at the time, 1 coming seaso bou�ght.,
, folio i J se so good -a mail. � tD i place if the storm continues much longer. ,:>
for t.be price of one paper. revenue producing-". tent, and the hi ,- but all Will oin in wishing him success sorry to lo" a. -Mr. Wni.Smith has
I n I -The specia-lineetingsat Trowbridge col - swore that it was before eleven o'clock the farm of Mr. Henry Irvine. We have.
-roan shall be admitted free into Canada, viz. :- I No one got to the 8unsliine�church on Sun- not learned the exact price, but it the way
New subscribers to either pape com- . win(' in his new home. 'vviien. M rs. Dixon came- for her son. .
Cotton, tweeds, 400llens, workmen's -On Wednesday of last week,'. -Judge cl noted by the Rev. Id r. Robinson, assisted Crow" � day last. A good many bave sold live
Ii ence at any time, and they will get the I tools, Toms, of Goderich setaside the election for by the Rev. Mr..Qhown, of Guelph, are still Attorney Idingtort acted for the land is selling in this section, we believe
fa,rm implements, fence ivire, binder twine, I . prosecu- out to town with
full year at the ab I � . tion, an I stock, but calIDOt get Mr. Smith has made an excellent barg. iii-
, ove price. - school trustees, held in E ' d. Mr. Morphy for the defence. The I I -1
coal oil, iron and corn. . .1 � . I- - 'xeter, anj a nrew in progress The meetings are bieing well magistrate gave his decision oil Thursday either cattle or horses. There was no Owing to the snow blockade our n -
tir Parties ,who have paid tile full 'price . I - I . election will now follow. The trouble was atten-d',d. ' . school. in school No. 5 the last few (la,ys on ews Avas
L morning, convicting the defendant, and im- not forwarded to the post office in tinle far
of $1 forAhe Globe, can have. 50c refunded - tile closing of the poll at 4 o'clock inste-ad -D. H. Farrow, the popular manager of posing a fine of $10 and costs, in all $22.60. account of the bad state of the roads. - last week's ExposiTon, which makes ,the
. � Political Notes. of fi ve, th offi- the Bell Telephone Con1pan , Stratford, be- �
on a-p.plication at the office. , e returning cer apply,inff the -S. Xfr. Win. Newcombe has* -One batch all thelarger this week. -Mr. Thomas,
I rule for rural school electid' . y --.John Heppler, of Listowel, ,wilo drives NOTE —_ 0
The following. "ears in the Court re- ns, instea ' new charge in Orilliawas a rsey.-The 'weather
'Aic-LEAN BROTHERS, Publishers. app, d. of f6r fore leaving for his tile stage betweenM itchell and Atwood, ap- Davidson, of this vicinity, had a brood of
L incorliprated villages and towns. I Z3 prophet who sai(I that we would ha'
ports in the Toronto ,papers . of Wednesday the recipient of a gold headed cane and all Lred before Judge Woods tit Stratford L Oil c all chickens hatched out on the l3th of Jailtl_'
-_ � ' -A partnership has been formed between address, given by the employes of the local ' 'e v
I last c I I No tice of an al)plication for lea CaL ri open, mild winter had better stand "P-- ary. The chicks are all lively and doing,
-1 v& to George rdiff &lid George Best as general agency. D;-�'day to answer to the charge of assault- Theauction sale Ile , Id oil Mr. Baines' farm, well so far, but Mrs. Davidson will have to
. I .
1, NEW ADVERTISE-NIENTS. withdraw the South Huron Provincial agents in connection with the -Massey-Har- -Tile primary curling game in gro tip lug a d Mand Alerryfield, of on Thursday of last week, was well attend-
— . . election petition (Mill v. McLean) lia _ ris g Company for Brussels three in the Western Ontafto tankard L, com- J'almerston. Young He pler is married nurse them carefully if she gets thein safely �
MT e figure between the parenthesis after each - a been and locality. I petition %%,,is playe(I at St. 3farys -Friday, an(]- has one- childo Ile P is a son of one of ed. Implements sold well, as also (lid cat- through this severe weather.�Ow to thc�
. one denotes the p ige of the paper on which the lodged with the Registrar of the Co' Mr. George Kirkby, the well- tie and sheep. Horses were hard to -sell, as storm`3 of last week tbe Misses in Glavill,
- advertimement ill bo found. 0 urt of known' auctioneer, who has been associate,rl between Stratfordand St.Marvs. St. -Marys themostrespectable citizens oJ Listowel. tile country is over run with this kind of lvfc
? You Must wear Shoes -k. wmig. (5) Appeal. � with Mr. -Cardiff for a number of years, re- won by 14 shots. Scor'e : ,�tratford, 37 ; Tile prisoner was found guilty of Conlin I Oil ' Miss Rathwell. and 2%1r. John McGavin wore
Bracefle-d -Saw Mill -Josiah Wation (5) . - - tires from the firm. St. Idar s, 51. . assault, but. as no violence had been used, stock. Mr. Georcre KirkhY conducted tile stormstaid at their un-�ele's, Mr. Win. ,Nlt�- ,
y '
11 vme4la Cheap for Jash-John Ward. (5) A despatch to the Toronto Empite, Lfrom anle ill good styleL-The timber for 'Mr. R. Gavin, of Leadbury-
-ondet Arrivinir-E. meFauj. (8)
. Spring C -Mr. William Lyons, mail carrier from -Tbe sudden death of ,Mrs, J. Blakeniam, and, as the prisoner has a family to support Blair's new frame barn was liewed last
Maple Sozar-A. Yourig. (8) . Port Arthur, says that Comilee is un'doubt- Lucknow to Langside, started out on Tues- of Virden, Manitoba, formerly Uiss Addie the sentence was not heavy. He will be week. It appears that Win. Thuell & Com- . .��
At doine-L G. St. TholnaSL Chnrch. (8) da of last week with the mail, and al- Stone, eldest daughte of Mr. John Stone confined in the county jail for three days, ,
' edly elected by over 200 majority. y 9 - and a fine of ,$50 was ini �' -Vany have tile job of tile stone work.- Exet e*r. 1.
Piettxr,.s (.f ,ll Kinds -A. Baii8lanih (8) - thou h the distance is onl seven m "., whowenrt,westa young bride'
latest Styes of Pr otoo' A l3auslaggh. (3) . -1 9 y ileg it �f Harmony, . posed to cover -the Misses M. and A. Agin are home at present
This is another case of downfall L" fonday night last about '
I was near midnight when lie arrived ov on" a. holiday visit. -,Ur. T. liall. is feeding 9 O,cIOck_
Notice to Crelit,rs-j. P. F�angjey. (5) .-,\fr. W. If. Hutchins, 1\1. P., the present . oil � about ten months ago, has cast a gloom er costs. A FiRi,_-On ,',N
Cnation Wednesday, when returning, the r ads the village and vicinity, where she was 130- caused by liquor, as Heppler was under its Z:) p. ni., fire broke out in James - H_
Clo-iring Price8-Jackon & Greiir (i) I . -. were impassable, and he* was obliged- to well known. I itilluence-when the assault was committea. four line young cattle for the market. At Cx'reive's tailor shop, Main -Street, and gutted
Di I & Speare. (h) men,)ber, has been n6ininated foi- the Coni 0
l . Many of
- Middle- leave his horses at a farner's and walk . . . -2 thebuilding. Considerable stock to etle-
Good Fa in for Sale-Jarnes florney. (5) rvatives of ,North I — present cattle are low in price. 0, I I
Town I iffli ers-%Ivni, Elliott (5) . I . -Tile E'Ima Fire Insurance Company held our farmers are going into winter dai * y ,2n
- G. Broadfoot, (5) '. L _' IT111'g with Sewing Machines, e"te.L, fell a prey t o,
Tenders vanted-Wni sex. At the last election -Mr. llutchins home. its annual meeting at Atwood on Tuesday, Canada. viery strong, and this", like every other 'in- -the flames. The firemen (lid noble work in
Not'cc.-John C Morrison. (5) I- . was elected by a maio rity of three. . -Tile Edst Huron Fariners, Institute has ,January 22ud, when ill the old officers were (1-ustry, will soon be over done, as already
Notice to Credritors-J. Belden. (5) 11 There are 200 Indian names oil tile confijiing the flames to theburnt buil i -
- - a balance of unused funds, in �the treasury re-elected. and secretary Cleland's salary in butter is getting too plentiful, and, as - d D g I w S
Mo-jel to Loan -Varna P. 0. (s) - . - North Bruce voters'list. a other frame buildings in closepro imitv-%vere
- Sir Itichard C wright and Mr. John aniountincy to $125. The Brussels Post sug- creased from ,$60 to $80. The meeting w consequence, will conic down. -Some of the
Estray Ran,-Tobid,4 R9,chtnan. (6) . art C, - " . as -
. -Tile Salvation Army self denial week in immediate danger. Mr. Wiliia,in -Gri,gg
— ,ests that as the object 'of bhe Institute is -a pleasant one, �nd the report showed sub- 6t4 line farmers have been selling cedar I ,, ,in
- Charlton, M. P., addressed a large meeting " realized $23,000, $5,000 more than last year. sr was owner of the b iild ,a,. INI.r. (-.f'
. . a a,t Waterford on Tuesday. . .the encouragement of agriculture, that it stantial progress.d u ring the past year. -The Dundas Ba posts and taking -them to Seaforth.-The ' " rieve's
. - . - its surplus for Oil Thu'rsda, �L I&St week, Thomas Conley, 0 artly covered by
appropriate a portion of 11 . ,Vtist Church has de- Harrison lirothers have been cuttincy str loss will be heavy, and nlyp"
__ , . . - .
couple of liberal prizes to be offered for coni- of the west ward, St. �Iarys, whilc.sho,ti, cided to extend a call to Rev. A. P. Mc- . . aw insurance. Part of the Tweeds were sa-ve(I
c' he Alan &-pos I to , , - 9 . and grinding grain aniong the"fari "
. _Z15 1 t# Th.6 Ministerial meeting in St. 'Marys on petition at the East Huron�Fall Fair.' Tile Donald, of 'HoMaster Uni'versity, Toronto. Ders this and moved to other buildings for safety-
- - - — 0 in the neighborhood of'Kelly's Siding, lost with amd. buvers don't ca-r'e to take an I' X as -
four teeth, had his nose lacerated and face year is $25 155,02-0, as compared ter for s8,1000. Mr. Win Grig h3,d an Ili -
Tuesday afternoon sug eqtion is worthy of consideration. The total assessment for Hamilton this' W'nter.-The wood inarl�et is now C,JULtt&J,
was largely attended by 09 Mr. Grieve's Stock, was insu'redintheLaw:'
) 2
� I J . y more at
the farmers of tile dist6ct. . . -It becomes our sad and painful duty burned by gunpowder. He had placed too ;L..) 20 last ye . of $463,3(X). present. The price is very low, like every- surance on building of 84'00,. i1r. 6'rrioro'%
SEAFORTH, FRIPAY, Feb. 1st, '1895 � this week to record the'death -of Mrs. heavy a charge of powder in the rifle, and ,,24,69.1,72 ar,an increase thine else. -Mr. G. Armstrong will move on L
-MaYor Kennedy, of Toronto, was to the 9th line in March. Mr. Howe will
Nich the breech wits blown- out with the above Friday notified of proceedings to unse0ant LOCAL BRim.-Mr. John Muir Jr-,
� — The West Bruce Liberal Convention at 0as Beaver, -which took place aC tile . - loss will be considerably above the In$ ,
I . . ' - family residence, lot cession 4 � - result. lira'115-
_1y The BY -Elections. Kincardine on Tw�sday, had to be post- 15, con him. go to Blyth, to live retired. -Mr. X1. Healy &
Stephen, on Tuesday of last week, at the' -Alrs.j P. White, of Goderich, has lately . nd Mr. Jonathan Man * of, this place ill -
. poned on account of the bad roads. age of 42 Deceased had recently . ' al, fails is c L, � tend to embark in the
Two by-elections fo- . -years. -N11'. William Walslie, of Montre littin-wood. with Reilly Brothers, oil the n
. r the Legislature took b6en the guest of Mrs,. John Livingston, at' 6th line. --'%Ir James Michie, of Spey_,Side, U J n0greantile busincs.
i - ,/— beir to X20,000 by the death of an aulit in next month i Mr. . McC
ay last T1 � ie first was tllz�t Mr. W. Prid I y val one of her Halton county, iied a few days ago dy's old stalld-,
place on Mondi been confined, ind was thought to be doing Staffa. Shortl after,her arri' �
. new firm great,
� and children was seized with diphtheria, but ceased had been ailing for some time, but L I
in Kingston, where Hon. Willia ' hani, M'.. P., the present nicely, until a sudden. chinge came, tile old country. . De- Kirkto,a. We wish the ur
m Harky, member, was nominated for the Common death claimed her. She ves a husband -Belleville had 28 fires during 1894, with success. -Mrs. Thomas Allin, who -formerly
L and eight small chil6en. covered. Proper care has been taken to pre- . OuElY ill. resided on the Thamearoad,Usborne, andba.; -
by the Conservatives of South Perth, at , loss of any 'previous year. Dropsy was the cause of his death. He was the pitstjew yeais resided in Winnipeg, is
Commissioner of Public Works, was being a , lea under the care of Dr. Nasmith quickly re- a total loss of $76,468, being double the
opposed by Dr. Smythe. At the gener c' -M�- - William Willert, . Of Dashwood, vent the spread of the disease. - an
I - al their convention at St. Marys on" Tuesday. who recently purchased the Yager mills, -The anniversary of the Baptist church The beavy ice in the Detroit River ,h uncle of Messrs. NV. and C. 2\1ichie of visiting bersister-in-law, Mrs. JamesFansom.
elee,tions in June Mr. Smythe was elected — . � I "a Morris. -ThL- auction sales - advertised for
. I 1� west of that place, died on Saturday, 19th Listowel, was held on Sunday, Januar 13th. so impeded the car ferries that for the pres- -Mr. -William. Thomas, London south.,
L THE Toronto Mail is becoming alarmingly , ent freight goes by the Sarnia tunnel.
by;� majority of one over Mr. Harty. The inst. He had only been ill about a week. Tli� Rev. l%f r. Dack . this week will' have to be put back until visited friends here on Monday last. -Mr-
. . of Simeoe delivereTthree 1 e' total number of communic ' better roads are to be had, so that people Charles Perkin senior was in London ol
can attend. -We understand that a grantI C
iere is anoth ,e B '% %,
very fine sermons, and the collection, which the roll of Knox Chuich Galt, is 1,228. No Afonday last to hear . ooth. -.11 I r. � 1.
election was protested and Dr. 'Smythe un- witty ill its old age. Last week- we gave a He leaves behind to mourn his loss a widow Th ants on ,,
e--\ 0 sample of its wit, and I -and six small children, together with a success of neral . ]r
seated, hence the election of -1-Tonday. , a er ,- it is a rather important factor in the entertainment will be held in the school i
- - large family connection and a -large num- an anniversary, amounted to over 8150. The fewer than 214 were adde'd in the year. In J. Hogarth of Stephen, has purchased thfi
I . - says: ' " section No. 3 about the first of 'March. Fur . ht of Stephen. and Hay Town-
,",Ilo congregation though' not old, consists Of builder of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, d that a ships, for the sale of the McGill fruit tree
0 ber of personal friends. A. T. Hay, of Burlington, Iowa, the - T6%,118hip rig
Mondav the scales were changed in the ' There ought to be a hot campaian ) He
up in South Huron. � At all events the Lib- ,was honest and upright in al� 2 oung farmer on the 6th line cleaned tell protector, London.- Severallloya].Teniplans�
� different direction, and Mr. Harty was ther particulars later%n.-It.is sai
� 11, ;"i sa dmeaanl i n g a energetio�lieople. is dead, aged 69 years.
elected by a majority of 432. In one poll- erals there have cho L sen as their president and was greatly respected. a death is a �Mr. William Dickson, of Atwood, ad-
. * 8
has 0 W from here intend attending theDist ictconji-
momr ; query : had the machine too much Holmer
dressed sixteen Farmers' Institute meet- been reported to tile Provincial Board of . cilwhich will be held at sville oil
ing sub -division ,where Dr. Smythe had a ,A, 3\1ustard." loss to the community where �e was so well A serious outbreak of diphtheria Cas of oats that he shook out of the stra
illai__ and favorably known. . I- ings in the counties of Norfolk, - wind ? or did tile, grain carrier upset -a few Tues,day next. -The fune I f Irs. Sam. el
ority of -5 in June, on Monday lie',bad The decision of the Privy' Ox Health from the northernpart 9f the coun-
i Council in the -The 22nd annual meeting of the mern. ford, Elgin, Kent and Essex, L 6 A u
only a majority of two, and so on all round. ' bers of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance com- ties of Hastings'and Renfrew. -,; boxes on the straw carriers ? Anyway, it 'Mailge, Usborne, which troaok place to the
Manitoba School question, was delivered in . mencing on January 2nd and closing on - -The entire public 8ubscriptio-n' to aid the was a big pile of oats. Exeter Cemetery onfiaturdayaf ternoon,last,
. Company, was held at Gorrie, last week. the 212nd at Thameaville. Mr. Dicksori is 20,000 men out of work in Montreal - was very rge I ly attended, considering the
It was the general expectation that Mr. Canada on Tuesday. The appeal of the The number of policies i§sued _- during the well informed on his subjects and is a clear amounts to $1, 150, not enough to give the .
Harty would be elected, but no person ex- la
pected so sweeping a majority, as lie had Catholics is granted, the remedial legisla- I year was 878, and the number in force at and convincing speaker. � unemployed a dime each. 1,00 Goo L Constance.- very stormy Weather. -Mr. and.Mrs Rkhartl
the end of the year, .2,972 ; insuring, $4- -While Mr. James Boyd, - of Mitchell, -Lord and Lady Aberdeen visited the � T) TO BE LOST. -During the recent anning are confined to their respectiveroonig
tion being left to the Governor-General i �M *
opposed to him one of the best and strongest Con n 409,991, beiqg an inci--ease of $16,981 in the was driving out to Kirkton with his hearse municipal elections in Hullett tile D ty through illness. -Mr. Isaac Carling, who for
� ncil. - The feeling in Ottawa is that one ai i . Royal Victoria Hospital at Montreal oil r in -the past few years has been nearly helpless -
9 paralysis is, we are sorry to learn, gra4l -
� - mounted to�$14,721.46. Of these, the loss proaching team and getting too near theside wards. I places not a hundred miles nt ually n
The second election was in West Al p- "
niendn Kingston. effect of this decision will be to precipitate amount at !risk. The losses sustained the other day he turned out to pass., an a Fr�day afternoon and inspected the sick Retu ning Officer at one of the peollin from
b� I from sinking. His brother, !Ion. Job Car-
nnington, ith him. ling, of London, was called here on Tuesday
- 'I lamps, $2,972; unknown, U1,491 ; other but owing to the quantity of loose snow no has a contract to supp ,on which to swear voters. He according las
,"Orna. Ili June, the recent member, Mr. 46 ; coal of the road upset the hearse into the ditch, -Mr. D. MIcCorquodale, of Be Constance, forgot to bring a bible w
the general election. y lightning: amounted to $6,140 dista
—_ ol
CGmnee, was defeated by Mr. Savage. Irx A despatch to the Empire, from causes ly the Hays Company, ly t to see him. -Mr. Win. Cottle, who, has
0 Ottaw !t, , 81,118. The retiring directors, damage was done except the breaking off of Woodstock, with despatched two well known young in
turn Mr. Savage was unseated by the e;lec- says that the Premier., ,8ir .Mackenzie James Edgat and William Douglas, were re. one plume. - 60,000 feet of elm in tile , en to a been a resident of Sibley, Iowa, for Vie pasi, .
i elected. VN log. . neighbor's house to borrow the needed ar- 14 years, has moved his family to this pjw.e
-1 Toronto. oil Thursday , ticle. The neighbor's qood lady, takin .- -
. tion courts, and he decl' ned again being a Bowell, will be in - -Mt. George Sbebach � of Sebringville, -Win. Brown, of Comber, aged 40, has 9 i1i andwillopen a Harness shop 1�
edild-idate. SPL One night last week a goodly number died on Thursday 17&h ult.,, from n Carlin -'r;
The Conservatives put tip a , morning for the Pres - the situation, and deciding to have a I b
y a banquet. A de atch- of the meAers of Hill ,just been married to Margaret Ellison of ittle old store two doors north of the Ceiii.ral
a Greon Methodist the effects of injuries �eceived from a ,South Woodslee, aged 14. Brown's �rst Jun to herself, gave to the young men a 13OPY Hotel. -Mr. Robert Barnes Veterinary Stir-
. Mr. King against Mr. Conillee, and the has been sent out from Ottawa stating that ,church gathered at the residence of Mr. bucket of bricks which fell on him while en- of the well known " Pilgrims' ro I
home, Poplar Hill.,
- himself and his gaged in bricking a well some two weeks -Mayor Stewart, of Hamilton has re- . last week, by telegram to e Ili$ sister who - I
election took place on Monday Joseph Foster, taking ,%vife (lied in November last. P gress " in- geon, was called to his
. . The poll- .the Premier had met with an accident worthy family by surprise. They were, ago. Deceased was promi � nent L. � stead of the sacred volume, and on this the
, . ing places in that cons bitueney are so far tillrough the overturning of a sleigh . In in musical signed Ilia position as chief ga.ne" swearing of the day was done, several well- was I I se
0 . however, made none the less Welcome, and, circles being a member of the band and choir. warden, known residents being compelled t * seriously ill. Word was
this report there is not a tittle of truth. It after the greetings were over and all bad He was a steady, industrious young man, antl '-&lid has applied for the position. .now made o -sub- -on'Monda I tthat8he had sin '
apart and <,o dliffl cult of access at this season - received ber(t
0 ' . eracity by kissing ' '41as
I ton. this Air. Jc 11. tchell brickmaker of Crcdit�on
D - much Ii by his associates. book. A wag excusing the young men for has leased his brUyard.toMr.Wil-liam He('
of the year, tha,t it is'lalmost i-lylpossible to is ,one of the canards some irresponsible cor- g t settled, Miss Letitia Foster was present ked vacant, of chief of police of Hamil stantiate their v )h ,ce, d.ie(.I.--
I ed with a well filled purse accompaniei on of the t
get correct returns until they are afficially respondents are dealin . �The first Dominion conventi . - ]_
i I by -Mr. J. W. Scott has px4chased the Steven-, Canadian Young Women's Christi the mistake made, says they are not to den. for a term of years.
an Asso- ,- ,
'. rnade to the"Returning Oflicer. However, — : ' a complimentary address, thanking her for son farm on the 9'ravel rob,d half way be- ciations was held in Ottawa last week, and blame as they did not know the difference tclI.KIs Moving int ' Mr. Mitebell in -
her kind services as chur�h organist. tween Listowel a'
. '- John Senn is to remain Ili � A nd Palmerston. It confains villiage shortly. --NJ r
. ember for . I o this
it is reported that Mr. Conince has been �, Patrod pleasant social tile attendance was ,%,cry large. between the two books. But, of course, (3e6rge Motz is delivering the bri _
evening was afterwards 100 acres with capital. buildings and fine this is not so. ick for th�t
L Haldimand. His election was petitioned . -At Toronto on.lVednesday of last week, Itilty ]louse of Refuge, to this placei whenc(!
elected by something over one hundred, and spent, and, at an early hour on the inorl6w, orchard. and is unquestionably one nf the for assault, NOTES. -Tile recent storm has pu Co
i � -
it is probably the case, as, his 'present, o.p- L t against orr,account of his -having been an Is- the company Separated, all'feeling that they finest farms' in the township. The price Agg ln his 14 year old daughter roa( s I t the they will be reloaded 'and taken to Clil-,,t(,,)_
slier of '_%larriage Licenses a,t the time he bad spent a pleasant and salisfactory even- paid was &I-) ie, John �.. Mitchell was sentenced to I in very bad shape. -Miss May Soole -Our village council met for business ,on
I ponent, was 'lot -,i-upposed to be nearly so . ,500. Mr. Stevenson intends seven years in Kingston Penitentiary. � has been visiting at Mr. R. Arnistrong�s, Tuesday evening last. -Mr. Daniel Woo(I is
' ' -
-m cr one. This will i�ake e(l. He owned tip, filed adisclaini-' Ing. Th' , e Rodgerville Cheese. Co moving into Listowel shortly and Mr. Scott -It is supposed that in , and has been storm -staid. --Mrs. Canierpil confined to hishome with inflamm
I strong as his foi was -elect I- oney communicated
er aballdonii),, his r mpany held will place the farm on the market.
o 0 ight to the seat. Mo the disease to the am has been on the sick list for'the past week, hope to hear of his speedy recovery.--Thcra
three supp rters -'vlr. -Alowat has gained � L a,tion. We
r, all pox patients in but we hope .she will be around again soon. - is scarcely an empty house in this Villa I
st their annual meeting on Wednesday of last -At the Count Council meeting, held (hielph and Aylmer. Every due precaution M g(� -
since Lhe general election, ail(l tile expecta- people thought that this would be the end week. The, business of last season proved last week in Stratfoyrd, Mr. Tom Co,,reney of has been ta'ken in the Guelph case. r. R. Armstrong was in the Queen City
__ " .
` at there would be a new election qu warden, without opposi- this week on general blisilless.-Mr. James pped a car of fat cat tl,e
lovern- T -Mitchell Brothers received at their mill Monday last. -The train froli.,
tion is that the strength of tlie ( of it and th ite satisfactory, though the amount of Logan,'was elected INJr. John WOO(1,911i
_ cheese made was coniparatiyely small, ow- tion. Mr. W. Davidson was re-elected in Lucknow, during the past two Rapson had the misfortune to cut a bad the,Soilth W
morWa support will be increased, rather sure. , he Patrons held a Convention and . to Toronto on
than dinlinished as time goes oil. again sclecLed �Mr. Senn its their ca' Ing to the dry weather. The old officers clerk, and A., Monteith, treasurer. Among over 33,000 feet of maple weeks, gash ill his foot one da last week which as forty minutes and fron, ihe I
' logs, and they y North two hours late on Mo
. cat theykaveever im in for a while. Edward to the severe snow blockade.
tile Robertson, D. McCo-lr,,p. Moir, James so ted high school trustee for seen'. Jerman Viield, a very successful wood bee -L�rge quan-
The Resoriners also selected Dr. Baxter, - . nd.ay last oAv,,)g
_ adidate. were re-elected, as fQ1IowV: Directors -Al other matters of business, Mr. F. H.Thomp-" pronounce them the fin will kee hi - Mr. '
,- _____ Moir, P. Ryckman; President, Jas. Mo itcvbrll appoin ,last titics Of 'wood are being shippe(I t,,�
A I Grand Platforna. defeated candidate and former representa- Secretary ir; Mn w , and Mr. Thomas Pascoe of Logan -Mrs. Braman, of Broadview, Manitoba, Yriday, and gave the young people a party
. Wbatev�_-' L aking" prepara- Salesmen. George in the evening. -We are sorry to a number of
and Treasurer, James Murray; one of the county auditors.- Dr. Dunsmore, and two of her children were badly burned tate that prominent Conservatives from this place at
tfvc. Both parties were Ili London from here every day. -A
. r else the Patrons of Industr MeTa�ggart and James of Stratford. was appointed jail surgeon, the other (lay by a fire which destryed the, AT,rs. Farnham. -is not progressing as favor- tentled the Conservative -
_t'linly, , deptS c and McPherson & Davidson, 4ounty so- )louse. A lamp upset in one of t e bed itb�y as her many friends would' wish. -Mr Conventioll al.
may be good for, y tions for a vigorous contest when the an- Moir. The company re
they are, c L
,ol -enga,ged George'14,1. �
I abconstructing political platfornis. t Soll nouncement is made that as no action has M Taggart as cheese maker for the coming licitors.- . � . ' rooms and started , - B. 8nell's bouse is almost completed, and - Ailsa Craig oil Tuesda la-st.-Mr.
season. The prospects are much -the blaze. y John E'_
le been taken 1) 1*1r. Senn's opponents fixing better' -T a Barnes, who' has been laid up withasprained
time ago Tat Y be social event of last week inl%f itchell -The Rev. Father' Morin has j.ust re- weddingisexpecte4in the near future.-
-, P,XPOSITOR pu4ji8be(I than for some years past for a large increase was the in- rriage of ankle for the- past week is, we
commended: the platform and the d te for tri I Miss O'Leary, only turned to Winnipeg from Kansas. He sa a Breakil�._ roads is the order of the lay, and pi ar(I
Micbell, that 200 families from that State int y � t1lat eased to learn, able t,o be Oil the etreeb
- & a: ,within tile time required of make, and the company garnestly solicit daughter of.'L?vlr. D. O'Leary,to Dr. I they were so badly filled on Mon('1a
prepared for the by -statute, the petition against him (I tile patronage of all who arein range of the of Dublin. The marriage was I end again bythe aid of a walking .stick
ID rops
guidance of the I'4tron members in tile and Ile Ivill rp* , celebrated in mo our stage could not get through.. -Mr. Geo. --Nfr-
r7 cat. _ - y ving to the Canadian Northwest in tile . illiam Cottle has moved his fami:ly'to dw,
main in undisturbed possession . factory. the Catholic Church b Rev. Dean Murphy spring. Knox'crot storni-staid for three days a mile , rooms over the bankrupt store.
Legislattire. 'I lie Vxecutive have now pre- of tile s -The"other day a couple' of ladies4rom of Irishtown on Wednesday morning, in the ancl a -('Djuarter south of this place last wecl.z IV -Mr. (3corg(-
pared and published a platform relating to - ______ - � the vicinity of Myth, drove into _NlLe-Killop, mesence of a large grathering of friends. -Morris B. Pike, who for years was chief � _ . 8a,lnwell is visiting relatives at Ingersolit)" '
Dominion affairs. - It is even all . e -
� I 8 (lull time 'we k.-Tliemeetin,yforSeboolTru,�%teest ]1�'
th, ,puta. The married couple ef on the afternoon )ee arre ted in Cincinn'ati for embezzlin Cook,- our
0 to interview a lady who bears the re clerk at Prospect House Niagara Falls, has Our store keepers report a very
better . f t I n for the last week. -Mr. NJ?-. ook
that adopted for the f'rovince. Ever Huron Notes. I . � tion of being a successful spiritualist. on train for a tour through the United ,States. 814,(M from the I 9 blacksmith, has taken plaee in tile Town i1all On Wednesday last
y tile wa home, tb nternational Cement oil an apprentice �
y eir horse, wbich had - vi- On thei . ,at noon. -Mr. William Bawden has several �
. 'I e r return they will go direct to tile Company, of which he was vice president, rt young fellow.-' five acre lots of th4� ropertyforsale.
4atforni were (-a ias dently entered into sympathy with them, doctor's home in Dublin, where he enjoys a k KnightP will lec,- --Nlr. Joseph Cobbledick is buying clover -
plank issoulit-1 an(I if this I The Summer hotel ati Crand Bend I ,-vho seeins to be a sma
'- been purcha-sed by IN,Tr. Bossemberry, ,�-ho for it was in good aledonia Springs, ture hereunder the a Samwellp
, pirits anyhow, became large and lucrative practice. Ontario, I -ad both feet badly crushed at tile T
ried out, the taxation o,f the Doininion will run it ca e . a Archibald Levitt, of C The celebrated 11 Blac
, her , ft r .',%Jr. Bossenberry unmanageable a;nd ran away, .,throwing bath uspices of the Cood geed forsbipment.
, L
would be decreased by .,�everal 11"liflioll (.Iol_ will ma,ke a good and popular landlord. ' lace on Thursd Union station) Toronto, the other . Templars, on Thursday evening, Februar -Mr. Alfre,l Taylor an(I
NV � r y Ino his bride have taken up their res'idence on
lars a year. ladies out and injuring them somewhat,:but January I 'Ith, of Will Rogers, son of mal, when attempting to "Ing, 7th. -The Young People's Entertairim Y 'idley street. -Mr. Ike J. Dearing, oill-Ile-,.-
c -1vollhil bc as well or - __-Al - John H. Grain,,er Of HI'llett, has the wonder is they were not rno're seriously cross a train which e
- �D. I
nmv, stood between him and the South platform. of which the proceeds go towards the orgail tonsorial artist, reports loil.,,, a rushim,
better governed t h&H Ive ar(! the contraet of SuLpplying about 10 000 feet burt. The cutter was broken, anti the and Mrs. Thos. Rogers, of St.Marys, and fund, will be held in the Metbodis Ilt, 6
* of henilock for tile SUmmerhill Ch' grandson of`7 ' ,Ar.Wm. Yule, Downie. ffe -R. W. Robinson, of Montrest, a niusi-
and none would be ltvoll.,�Cl off except eese fac- borse ran five miles before it was captured. t church 1)ujilles ( 11)
r .6. - . 0
. e 13th the accident whilein her trance, be should, ay, February 5th. These enter- — . MEUENMNMW� . -
ring. If the spiritualistic medium had foreseen employ of A� H. Lofft & Co. during the prising lads and'lassies deserve the hearty
%, boodlers, �1,11(1 barna- --Ar. Thomas Sbobbrook, of th' (lead on the street ;t 4.30 Wednesday morn -I
the contract jobber, tory, which is to be erected -this sp " was in his 2IAt year and had been in the cian Iiitterly employed in Buffalo, droppe( on Tuesd
concessioi I - ball . support of their elders and a full attend- Hullett.
n at least, have cautioned the ladi:sl of what becauee oi bis amiable disposition and Cause of death', heart disease. � , ance will be apprecia�;d by them. A Prj,,-XSAXT EvvxIN(-0n Tuesda
cles who live and thrive and .gL-o%N, fat 0 i of Hullet,t has let tile contract past three years, and was a general favorite, ing last week, while returning from .a
wha,t theLy receive froin the ptll)tie pu ,,.qc all(l to31r. Thomas McKenzie, of Clinton, -
foi whi , , ne b .. for a Wds coming . cheerful, obliging manner. - 'y -
ch they vive no w1equate or le(r -At the F�nniial Congregational meeting While assi�t_ -11r. Baynton, teacher at Youngsville I evening of last week a couple of sle* h I ad,
C� L-ili- --'.%Jr. Abe Fisher, formerly of the town- of ing, a week previous to his death, in carrv'- has been fin�d $5 and costs on from ifarlock entered I Irr. I 0
Melville chur , Brussels, refreshments ing go of I 0 '11 -us -
Liberal lichigan, 11 w . ode into the store, be fell on the i�y nndul punishing Mamie Kent, daughter of -SP McMichael, on the 2nd concession, where it
m ate return. We woutd tike to see ttvery ship of Colborne, but now of .',N ch Bluev e. the honle � f �
as ere served in tile basement, tinder the T Tim PIZE ,VTFR1A'X CTruJu,,jr._XJ1e noti
,Z � ce
. .
member elected 1 to PiLrba-ment, T)LIrcliased Mr. John Wise's homestead, and management of the Social Committee of the pavement and sustained what eventually 'Mr. N TesleyKent. Mr. Baynton has taught that the authorities of the Bluevale presl niost, pleisant evening was spent., dancim,
pledged, to this platforni. intends moving back to Colborne proved to be fatal internal injury. the YOUD(r vilhe school for five years, ).Y- singing and otl
The tast is -site of it, the Christian. Endeavor Soci 08 I
sprin(n I an church have had the list of
the Farnier's Sun, the otficial 01.(r Lil of tile , ,_ ety, after which the -The twelfth annual meeting of the -Menno teri the- ier alnusements being in tz=��
* business -was pro Bean, of the township of Wil- der. After all had enjoyeff. themselves 74*�
i . n, - . ceeded mi'th in the body of church and Sabbath school office bearers, the utmost, the (,'OmPany at an early bou,-
qwned ing in the chair. ? rys, on bers steps 110111
. I'lic annual meeting of tlic pa�troiis of the church, the pastor, Rev. John Ross, be- Women's Foreign Mission Sipc,iety mot, has sold his fine farm of A acres to together with the c-Dritributions of mem began to retrace 3heir
1'atron3, �ays : ) ,t)1,i,e,__%1orris and Grey Cheese-fact-Gry was held in Knox church St Ma * Amos Creasman, for the sum of $7,500. and adherents, and the r . ts and dis- feelin
� At tile late Ineeting of tile CI I W a Reports were submitted * eceip eward all
Toronto, ;tile foil- ,g highly Satisfied with I
-and Boal - essr.s. Harris & 1-NIcLaughlin, 'a Wednesday 'Januar 16th be Menno Bechtel, of the same township, has bursements for the year 1894, neatly printed entertai the evenill,r,,.
ing Session L morn -
1 the Session, Board of -Management was devoteyd to hearing reports sold his farm of 100 acres to C. Cristiner for in Inment, and
.11 in held fron . T
owing was prepared fol* ill 13,1118sels last week. The Auditors' re- Sabbath school Christian Endeavor Society' parnphlet form, and distributed allio deeply grateful t -o "' *
publicatioll, in the press of C'allada as all (mt PIrt howed t1lat from the different auxiliaries the sum of $7,000. II t fie
line of the (It. - s 47-7.� tons of cheese had and the 2\fissiolla' of the , C I members, 9 worthy host and hostess, who left nothilig
u ast season y L . It appears that the inindone that would Qd
-niands made by P, ry Society, b the Pastor Presbyterial which was largely represented, -The winter carnival at Ottawa last total re"ceipts for the year amount to tile evenin '
Ltrous i ii con- 1)eell illade diring the p- . The old (1. F. Blair, Alexa' 1� tile chil - I
THE PURITY AN li INDE�11,�NDENCI-.' or r state of affairs. The leading feature of the from outside the city. ;q2z), and the disbursements to - 1, -) .8(,
nder Ross, J. H. Camer and the reports showed a very prosperous week was attended by thousandsof people ,' ed to " _f S
nection with Dominion ,ifrairs, 14MV(I of Management was re-elected, viz: on ,and .' Nlrs. Tufts, respectively', the Pasto' pleasure.
Janies Ferguson, James Turnbull and -John adding a brief statement on behalf of t R 0. 5 i I I I
----------------------------------�—�� - H. C I C.3 V I I
-I I
Cardiff, 0 It was the grandest; leaving a balance of $90 in th tr m ur annual congregational meeting of Burns"
'T. ochrai -appointe(I Women's Foreign -A afternoon session was an earnest and in- spectacle et,er witnessed in Canada's capi- the close of the year. Of the receipts - at _S ION �
I'ATtlJ.A,1lE\ lie ,was re he -P -
A e I)ROS"" 'o' (� - (Utl'GATION.S.-At th(t
Auditor. fissionary Society. All structive address given by Mrs. Goforth tal. The storming of the ice alace, and , -'�486 1 Presb n, Hul.lett, of which T�c,%%
- I " - h through t e city on ,8',2 1 4 i s pastor, the annual report,
' The tirni agreed to make cheese these reports were of an encouraging char- missionaryof the Canada Presbyterian Chure ' the alle orical drive was raised by annual subscriptions, and
Nodiret-tor or stockholder of Z4W rilill'Oad Oil yterian churel
or other 'corporation aski it, for or ' tile following terms for 1895 : '21 cents acter sho that the past year had wit- la 9 E b Sunday collections. I J. A. Hamiltoll
- b boriug among the Chinese y
Obtaining' tip to 45 tons: 21 from 45 to 3-5 tolls;� and . nesse, anwi'�'ance all along the line. The in Nortberm Friday, were perhaps the most exciting bursenients, is the n tile dis- shows that the,total revenue for 1894 was
. L d ad China. -Mrs. Goforth spoke particularly of - events of the week ]Nfinister'� sitipend, '14525 ; $833, of which ,S-218 were spent for inisisi-oll
- . . . I . . I I I . - Ten thousand . people ��21J to the organist, and _"�) to the care- and other church "Penses. The year W,1%
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