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The Huron Expositor, 1895-02-01, Page 3
M e" 1a I I I It l � off. Z the instep of both the feet with «l::cb na 4 accompanied by very unfavorable symp- III k _ `� „-,------ __..- __._ ____ -.�,, _, ," '&' .tj4,, ' Virginia a icultu.:al ` ea eriment sta-blCOCK-icaKin *aie j�1,STRAYLAMB.—CameintoLotil, Bl#yfield Road /� tifu! and rtatUanb and blissful and trftmm i; '���` 41W.,._ .�=a;-"a.,' b' p _j'j North, Stanley, about September last, a Ewu _/ . pliant thing for yourselves, then go home • ',•' ^ tion, says: Lamb. Thr owner can have the same on proving ���, I ' - ro art and telling all your neighbors on the Pacific, � In the colt the u,c:i or and first thzw property y paying charges. JOHN REID, Varna I .- - t T U. 1,414x4 or In Nova Scotia. to Louisitina,or Maine molars on each ja .v are always tempo- , THE CANADA YOUNG GALLOWAYS, 1 or Brazil or England or Italy or any part of -�T gars and renlacetl by permanent teeth ( . REAM BULL FOR: SkLE.—For sale, a the round world, that they,nlay have it, too; mese Two Belong to a Herd of Beautiful some time (,-ring thb animal's life. The thoroughbred Duet -am bull, roan color and 13 i have it for the asking. have It now? Mind , wonths old, with registered pedigree. Apply on lot , Prize Winners. + last three molars al'e always perma- It, Bayfield road North, Stanley, or address Varna BUSINESS'COLLEGE. you, I do not, start from the pessimistic , WILLIAN��J! P. O. JOHN REID. 1414 standpoint that, David did when he got From a fine picture in The. Breeders Hent incl are Hover rc.l�laced. The teeth Chatham Cant mad and Sald in his haste, • All men are Gazette we reproduce the following por- ( make their appearallco as follows: The FOR SALE.—Eightedigregrand young 8to 1crt Horn bulls t liars]" or from the creed of others that ev traits of two young Galloway cattle. t two middle incisors and the first three - with A 1 pedigrees, from 8 to 14 . months old, Is still far in advance of its competitors in thorough er than is •as bad as he can be 1 rather v also r1 few pure Berkshire boars and sows of breeding Y bey belong to a prize winning Herd in molars make their appearance beforo or work, and gutting its etudente placed in choice poli• age, »ll atprices and tecma tosuit the times. Come tions.. think from your looks that fou are dotn[e Mtullesota. some days after birth, the first laterals , and see them_. DAVID I11ILN1;, Ethel Ont. 14.4 tt A. E. Yates, from Washington, Michigan, graduate about a? well as you can In She Circum ON SATURDAY,DECEMBER 29th., - - of Shorthand Department, has been placed by us as stances in which The fine woolly coats of the Galloway four to six weeks after birth, second STRAY SHEEP.—Came into the premises of the you are placed but � stenographer with Col. Hadley, New York City. doddies have never been seen in a pie- laterals, or corner teeth, six to nine E undersigned,lot1,Concession9,Huliett,about want -to Invite you up Int heights of . David Walker, graduate of Business Departroent, 1' ture to better advantage than the are months after bixth, the fourth molar We commenced our Great Annual Stock -taking Sale, which ]rill th1,3 ti eme eom- the last of. September, 1 ewe and . two lajnbs. The (a former teach% -r) has secured an excellent posttlon safety and ,satisfaction and. holiness. &s . o y I owner can have the sante on proving p operty and with a firm in Defiance, Ohio. Fu'l pa titulars not much hi'bher than those which the worla , here Shown. Why some people go to so (first permanent One) is cut at from 10 pletely Out -d0 any previous attempt. We llaz'e lige] n ;cod ,seaSOtl'S trRd,'. paying charges. GEORGE WHEATLEY, Conatance. yet to hand. One of these receives $50 and the 1412x4 , affords as Everest, the highest mountain � much fuss and bother breeding a cross to 12 months of age. At 2;, years the Now the knife goes in deep, and we will place before the vublie our immense other $65 per month. 1n all the earth, is higher than your front ` between the civilized cow and the -wild middle incisors and .the first and second UARRY STONE.—The undersigned has for sale IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. 8 stock of Dry Goods and Clothing, Millinery and Fur Goods at 'such prices doorstep buffalo just to get either a curiosity or .'molars arcs replaced. At the same time as will astonish everybody. Remember," this sa'.e u ill Itis only until at his quarry at Granbrook a quantity of choice School will reopen after Christmas vacation on dere he comes now Who is itf f might t' _ - stuac,_ suitable for corner atones, sill atones and Wed nerda * Januar 2nd. For, further articulare an improved hide it is hard to under- the fifth molar is cut. At 3,.2 the first ; Stock -talon which will soon be and parties buying early will have a bridee stone. Will b• sold at reasonable prices. and catalogue, address P be alarmed and afraid itvI had i no, seen lateral incisors and the third molar are g, ' �'�_ ; creat choice. To an of our customers at a distance we will mail samples of GEORGEBAKE1t,Cranbrook, P.O. 1408•tf � him before and bed his cite thought ';%�- replaced. At 4!�2 the corner teeth are b y ' D. McLACHLAN Chatham. he would come before 1 got throbgb with -, 4 an line of Dods. Just drop us . ZbL FOR ST✓1tVICE.—The undersigned has for t this sermon. Stand back and make Kay �,' 'r replaced, and the sixth molar is cut In P - t line for them, statim kind. service on Lot 30, Concession 10, McKillop, a 1408 i¢ case Of a male the canine teeth are also thoroughbred Durham bull, registered in Dominion for him He costes with scarz all around - i g t 1, replaced at 4 V- ( xcoats 15 to 2� per cent. Ladies' 1'Vla (leg U 2r cent Short Horn Herd Book. Terns, $1,26 ; payable on January tat, 1896. JOHN CUTHILL, Winthrop. 1405x12 OHN BEATTIE, Clerk ^f the Second • Division Court, Countv Commissioner, of Huron, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & Livens'store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 STOCK FOR SALE.—The undersigned will sell ten head of thoroughbred Durham cattle, cows. or heifers, a herd of 22 to choose fr,.n., alsb eight young bulls. All these are registered and will be sold cheap. . Time given if required DAVID, HILL; Lot 27, Con-* vesslon 8, Hibbert, Staff a P. O. 14u6-26 ULLS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has on lot 1$, c,)recession 4, H. R. S,, athoroughbred Dur- ham bull, 17 months old, red color and an excellent animal He was sired by importted "Prime Ministet"; also a six months old bull, red color and from Prime Irtitliater, WILLIA1A CARNOCHAN, Egmondville. 1408-tf his forehead: scab In the center o hot hands stretched out to greet you, scar? on I ..' . ` Dentition in young colts is sometimes � off. ; ' off. the instep of both the feet with «l::cb na js':� 1 ��%;" ��� accompanied by very unfavorable symp- - - . advances, scars on the breast antler which •, � '�" toms. The most serious trouble arising . `200 Ladies '�� liitii'S, Capes t131t1 RL"kPtS� throbs the r:eat heart of sympathy' which , ;"�' � � from faulty dentition in young colts is ��' e havp. on hand about 11Ie11�;, . 30 per cent, Off. About two hundretl feels for you 1 _announce hila i Intro duce (tin, tC you Jesus of Bethlehem and s -,)- ' b. ' indigestion with diarrhea. III this trou- ' ' rte' In all sizes Youths and boa a Overcoats , <''Irments remain in this department, Olivet and Golgotha Why comet alae 1. - 4" 1 t 9 � bre both the molar and incisor teeth If in all kinds, in all styles ; all init5t go � ,vllit•11 Ive _Nvisll to dear chit crtllli]letely- hither this winter day, thou of the spring He � fr �s' may be at fault. the` molars alone rise to the trouble, the cause of theIn duTing this Sale. Ch lclrc'll's zlid bllsscs' Ltt13sY Coats and time, and summery heavens'r answers' To give all t•,ts audience pardon for guilt. t , ' ' - give diarrhea maybe overlooked, but upon a L'lsters ill all sizes. . about seven -tenths , Men s, Youths and Boys condolence for grief. whole regiments of eb 1N1, ' careful examination of the mouth the of tliefit- l;ttocls were bulli lit at spt�eit.l help tot day of battle and eternal life for w . ;> - gums will be seen to be swollen, in- g r Suitsy 1v to 25 per cent. Of (rices froln n1t11mlafticturer`; anti, as ti- l r the dead' ri'hat response shall I gimme hltn� a R s flamed and painful to the touch. Should consequerice, you Nvill "t"t then] at very In our behalf anti In'm own behalf Z ( the incisors also be involved the colt lour ]flees. Come ill alit] l�tOli tllrou<gh 1 hallyhim with the ascription. " r: nto him frotzl .1 �-"•__._, will refuse to take its nourishment, ow- Now in stncl:, over 600 strife of this department, who hatb loved us and washed us hath Q . `-'� �' ing to the painful condition of the gums splendid Iieav goods in Men's, j outlls our sing tr. his own blood and mad. us kings and priests unto God and his Pa. GALLOWAY CATTLE. covering the teeth, which have not, at and Boys'sizes. Rein:eniber, every Suit Dress (roods minter weio,hts - ther-to him bc• dory and dominion for- stand. If they want a dime museum an- this time made their appearance will be sold at the above discounts Hili- �, b 3 ULLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. — For sale two ever and ever. Amen " imal, perhaps they should be encouraged through them, If the gums are freely illy this sale. thoroughbred Durham bul a one year old, once The Huron Expositor, t0 g0 On. But if they want a cow that lanced, the unfavorable symptoms soon 25 per cent. '01�. thoroughbred two year old with registered pedigrees, r Tradition of the Horseshoe. 18 full Of delicious beef, full AS hard -- both roans ; also a lot of young Poland China boars y y pass away, and the colt is restored to its , r about four months old and a Poland China boar for SEAFOR'1rH, ONT. !n 1•laro�co Iron la considered a groat as a buffalo and with hair as fine thick Ladies Fur Goods 25 per Collsi` '�- normal health. Diarrhea, however, is , ting of lieges Ay ollals, service. Inspecrlon invited.. Apply on Lot 30, con- protection -against, demons- who are the and soft As that on the back of an non- cession 6. Ursborne, or address Lumley P. 0.14 HOS. lineal representatives, atter all. of the hos y not constant in these cases. The writer cent. Off. C1leriots, Serges, Tweed,, Icor- Cloths, ccDuoxE, McLEAN BROS•, - Publishers descript creature produced from mired has often been called in in cases when Ladies' Cloth Illeltons. There is a rare . ills spirits Says The Cornhill Magazine milk cow and buffalo blood, here is the the only symptom present -'was the re- All fur hoods &nsistinrr of Muffs, snap in these nood�, as the styles for. 8 cEED OATS.—Mr. John Melville has a quantity of ,E'ilence, it Is usual to place a knife or dag 3 � g a a new kind of Oats which he offers for sale for A'DVE�RT�S�OG RATES. ger under a sick man's pillow, his illness, beautiful Galloway cads made. In the fuss] of the colt to suckle, which it did Collarettes, Capes, Gloves and butts, Spring etre of the Tweed effect designs. the first time,-. on Lot 22, Conceesion 12, Hibbert. g They are a new variety which he got seven years ago Contract advertisements, matter changeable at of course, being attributed. to demoniacal northwest its breeds g will 'pay well be- in a vigorous manner after. the lancing Caps, Boas, Gauntlets, etc. All will in some Mun,rAy Peas, and this year they turned out, will. ' possession. In India thel mourner who cause oY the doable valve of flesh and of the gums over the incisor teeth. in site of the grasshoppers, one field over fifty . PRR INCH g - be cleared at gttatter off regular price. i, c p R pp s performs the necessary but somewhat don fur We have stated that the replacement I'1aI111e1.$, 'every kind, �0 per bushels per acre, and the other field over eighty 1 Year 8 mos. 3 mos. bushels -per sore. All those who have spoken for seed 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 $2 60 $1 60 gerous duty of putting fire into the dead The report of the American Galloway of the, temporary teeth 'begins at 2;2 Thad better coli early, as first come Brat served ae 6to10 600 2 76 1 66 man's month carries a bey or knifR In his Breeder*' association shows that organ- years of age and continues until 4y or Ladies' and Gents' Celli. Off Under- longas it lasts. JOHN UELVILL;; Chiselhurst 3 to 6 " " 5 50 3 00 1 76 hand to keep off the evil spirits. In short, prosperous 6 years of age. Daring this, there I', ., Ont,. ' 1413.13 1 to 2 " 600 3.25 1 86 ization to be in roS erous condition. All -wool If the advertiser elects to chance not oftener than a bit of trop 'ls a -very useful thing to have Its president is Mr. S. P. Clarke, Do- is frequently more or less cough, which Wear, 20 per cent, Off, , union, Fancy Shlrtillgs in once r month, a reduction. of 20 per cent. will be about you at any time -if you desire to es- „ scarlet wliite Inilltary. Canton iii 300 Private funds to loan atlowest , ver, Ills is known as dental cough, due to made on the above quoted prices. cape the unfavorable `attention of the � T white *nil tolOiS. S1rCe'tillns—hOiile- ,I 6 500 rates of interest in sums to snit Rates for special position can beobtained on appli- ghosts, the trolls. the fairies and the de- the irritation of the mucous membrane Ladies Vests in all -wool and itnioll, r cation st Chte office. — Horses in the Show Ring. i00 borrowers. Loans can be com- n three mons generally 'Phis 1s a good reason for , lining the month and throat, as a result Ladies' Combination Suits, all wool; iiia -, and white. I)ruggetc, etc,, Business or professional cards, not exceeding t re and mune advanced quarters of an inch, S4 to $5'�per year. buying a p0�it:etknlfe I6 is also a reason It is concoded that to be ellt,lble to of the teething process. This cough isll at file tlLore discount of 2O. per J1,000 pleted a y Ladies Knitted Underskirts rskirt§ and COCr- Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, eta, not for -nailing }tp a horseshoe. win a prize in the show ring a horse never of a serious nature and needs no cent, $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent "But why a horseshoe in particular," should be absolutely sound. To this end set Covers ; Men's Shirts and Dra1ti'CIS $21,,500 S. HAYS Barrister, &c: Seaforth, month sot. special treatment. The eyes are also > � � Advertisements of Forma and Real Estate for sale, you ask, "more than any other odd piece inspection by a qualified veterinary sur- ill all -wool and union, ribbed or plait 125 not exceeding 111 inches, one month Estat each cub•- Of lfi in?' Nell, primarily. the good lucii sometimes affected through reflex irri- _ g eon is.indis ensable, and if horse shows knit, nlacle in Canadian, English orMillinery, 3U i cent. 0 - - aequent month 76c. g P tation, which usually passes off when p� ARM FOR SALE OR. TO RENT.—Composed of depends more upon the iron as iron than W to take in America the lace the Scotch lamb's wool—this lot will in - P Advertisements on local page, ten cents per line � P y dentition is Completed. , It not infra - F 200 acres half way between Clinton and Sea. each insertion, with a discount of 26 per cent. to on .,he special shape ,or function of the field'- in England of France some rules r ' ' r• forth in the townshipof Hullett, two-and-a•half parties who also have regular contract space, horseshoe as a horseshoe But there are Quently happens during dentition that tCTest you; Ladies and Gents' Winter A 1€irge asSOI'tulellt yet t0 be fO11I1ii guiles from Kinburn, abut.40 rode from No. 1 school parties advertisement gund.-r townshipor village rovidill for such examination must be house and one and a half miles from church. There g elan many reasons why tho superstition P g the temporary molar is not properly G1UVes, 1 J per CIIIt. 0$'. �^ ill this tlepai't111el1t. - A_— heading, 5c per line each insertion. should happen to fi's itself more articu formulated and put in force. The regu- is a good dwelling house, ai barn 100 feet long, and Transient advertisements, ten cents per line for pp p shed. In such cases the animal eats -- other out buildings all in good repair. One well at first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent laxly upon horseshoes. We must romem rations of almost all the state fairs and with difSculty, frequently turning the Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats at immense discounts. Ail lines of Woollen the house and another at the barn and five acres of a iueertion, nonpareil measure. i 'Der that in Europe at least it is the cat Other shows held in this country pro- g y o0 per cent. off:, :cod bearing" orchard. There is See acres of fall Advertieerrent- without specific direotione°will be 'tie the horse and the domestic beasts in ]lead to one side while masticating its Hosier r wheat on a good sum -mer -fallow fallow and looking well ; inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. , vide for the inspection by veterinarians food. The bones of the face enlarge a in there is 2acres of tall ploµingg done on the place _ Births, �farriagre and Deaths inserted gratis. general that aro specially liable to the of the horses entered but they are t0 g This sale is genuine, and everything will be carried Out t0 the Very-�e�tet` . and portion of feed enough. to do any amount of TnR ExeoarroR }toes+ into 4,300 homes every week. I hostile attacks of "the little people.' ' s the region of the faulty tooth, and pus th8t is bete advertised. - xtock. It to a fine.roll ng ]arm, well drained and well which means, on a cunrervative estimate, that it has . speak plainly, Hover lived up to, and as frequently forms in the sinus immediate -95 therefore the elves and trolls' are most �1 y AlAlen's Cloth Caps, 2'0 per ct,nt. off', all knitted Shawls, �o per cent. off'; adapted for eropg. Possession can be had at any 2%0Q0 readers every week. It is the beat advertising a result many an unsound horse has . time. For further particulars apply on premises. medium in Western Ontario. likely to be dreaded on farms or to the ly over the tooth and the adjacent facial all woollen Shawls 25 -per cent, oil'• IOc and 12: c Prints for 6 c and 80 per been placed at the head of his class. bones, producing an offensive purulent ' , ' FRA KETTLE, Seatorth P_ O. Ont. 1410-tf country, whero horses and cattle most do b P and • 300 air of Diens Pants to be sold at $1 per hair Mantle Cloths, _ • ooh rc ate Now, If you want to nail u A show is. intended primarily to be y P g g y p discharge from the correspoudiug nos - BOARS FOR SERVICE. I a bit of iron as a protection against the educational, but nothing desirable can tril. . Coatings and T7,� terings, 25 Inver cent. discount. a 1 fiery darts of the evil ones on your stables possibly be taught by the aw rdin9 of All other lines throughout our entire store, from cellar to arret, 10 per 1 h lace where n to a horse that is not A gorse Tread Power. cent. off. The whole tock of over $40 000 worth of goods subject to yolir �AMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- 4 Or Cowhouse5, which s the p the blue ribbon � n � �. , g signed will keep for service;, at the Brucefteld one oftenest sees them, nothing is more sound, and therefore not entitled to a I can grind feed either fine or coarse, approval at Cheese Factory, a -thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. likely to conte handy to your purpose than position in the prize list. It is natural consequently as well prepared for feed- with registered pedigree. Terme, $1 ; payable at a cast horseshoe. Besides it has obvious � time of service with privilege of returning if neces- enough that managers of shows Is should ing as if ground by a regular miller, PIC sory. HUGHMcCARTNEY, Brucefield. 1405-tt �R= congruity for the place and object, and It be averse to injuring the re utation of I save the time going" t0 mill as well ��• 1)A COV _ � � can be readily picked up in the-roalla al- - __ -` C N STI PATI O }'� most anywhere. j any horse that may be yexhi iced, and as grinding OII (011, as quite often the i � � y BRERKSHIRE PIGS. The undersigned breeder of pp�� ,, oo ww,, c - this feelin undoubted] accounts for rindin is done when the weather is thorouviabred Berkshire swine, will keep for t1 I L' O U S N 'E S S service on lot •26 Concession 5, McKillop, the "prize Some Kansas women. the superficiality of the vetIrinary in- unfavorable for working out of door& winning Berkshire boars, " Election" and "Protest." G�, ' �p�IA9/7) The management of Kansas farms and spection practiced at the most of -the If a farmer or dairyman keeps and feeds CORNER, MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. ag of et payable at time of service, with the young SICK C K H EADAC H E9 ' age of returning if t ti eery, errlso a number of young p ranches is not confined entirely to Ines, shows held hitherto iu Am riCa. If, as he should ten head of stock, he can • -^- - plga for sale. both sexes. JAMES DORRANCE., Sea-. �G�+� �..�'1'E"�E LIVER. for there aro some eery shrewd and cape however, it were known that ach horse afford to have a mill. With this num- forth P. O. gat' Pairs furnished not akin. 1412-52 tLl ble managers among the ladies One of sent forward would be sub; ected to a ber, and even a greater number, a good ---- � --- ONE PILL AFTER EATI N O these is Miss Kittle D. fa Master of Gard IGS' PIGS!—Theundersi undersigned his premi- INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. Johnson court Miss Master goes rigid examination by a boa d of well sweep mill, COSt1nR' but a trifle a8 Com- g Her, Y B UR ees, lot 5,concesaion 6,ilulIett,several thorough- PRIG E'25 CTS.THE��©.V`S MED, CO. LTD to the Live Stock: Exchange and attends to known veterinarians, own ire would pared with other outf3te, may by used. bred Beskrhire sows and hogs for sale at raasena le TORONTO. g keep the unsound Ones at 11o�n e, and a If circumstances will permit the pur- lerices,also atitter of thoroughbred Tamworths ready the financial part of the business In per P to wean. He also ha4 a thoroughbred Berkshire and son. "I have been engaged in farming, " marked improvement in the I quality of chase and management of a mill having R,l a thoroughbred Tamworth boar for service—ternis $1 says the lady, "for the past six years, on the exhibits would be noted in a short a greater capacity, then this kind should _.J__.T ! a FT R ��� payable at the time of eertice Rit, the privilege of The Kipeen Mills account of the ill health of my father, who time. I be used. Dray I3111I grinds from 8 to 15 tJ returning if necessary, $1.26 if booked. F. II. SCHOALKS, Constince P.O. 1403x7tf to Incapacitated for work on account of The London method of in, pection is bushels of shelled corn, oats, wheat rye TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. rheumatism, which goes hard with him at the most simple and conse uently the =or any shelled grain, separated or mix- Call and see our stock of Furniture. We cannot -tell` 11 you Here all we (,, j� lits age, which is 73 years. When my most Basil managed. The horses eII- ed accardin to fineness and condition, have ryot but dro iTl and see for ourselvet�. 1 1 Best Remedy e�•j mother and myself took -charge of the y g g got, P y The 1.1 y The ICippen mule are now running at full binet and farm, .oI OVOr 800 acres, every one predict- tared in any class are shown in the ring. in one hour. In my business a two are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortest notice, ed we would be failures, but we are very , The judges select their "short loot," horse tread power and c0- nsl ler it the VI/e can sell better Furniture cheaper than am FOR RECENT and most reasonable terms. In this way youget well satisfied with the result. Our corn the animals inwhich are then taken to cheapest, safest and most satisfactory Other Retail Furniture Store in the West. fioui from your own wheat, and better value for crops are very fair, but I have found that inspectors who examine thele, give cer- where this amouiit of power is sufficient • . OU G H S the money than in any other way. Good flour it pays to feed wheafr' to hogs. I- feed tificates to those they pass ! and reject to run the mill in use satisfactorily. I V ii Lr guaranteed. crushed wheat, soaked 24 hours before those that are unsound 1n any particu- can grind corn and cob at the same - -CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. feeding, mixed with corn, half and half. lar Those to which certiflpates have time, but my mill is rather small and • —I-- '1't►e soaked wheat, I think, does much bet- been given are then returned `to the ring the power hardly suffigient where the Furniture of all Kinds at all Prices. COLDS LOG s_ tee as teed than dry Corn is worth 40 The highest price in cash will be paid for good cents and wheat iib cents at Gardner. " and placed by the judges in their order corn is large and hard. Sometimes I se- oge, or they will be out to order.• of merit. Those that and rejected are lett small ears and grind without shell- Also Undertaking In all its Branches. Of the other Kansas ladies who are pa- -IS THE- trons of the .Kansas City live stock market led to their stalls. Of course a horse ing. 1 grind and use .corn, oats, rye, t - 1 may be mentioned: y1 r9. I. D- Harkleroad, thus condemned depreciates in value the wheat. I believer it is economy and a Residence of Funeral Director, next to Drs. Scott & McKay s office on LiTMBER- Silverdale, Cowley _county; Mrs, B. D' moment he fails to reappear in the leet; satisfaction to own and use a farm Goderich street. ONTARIO CHEMISTS � All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. Freeman, Aladison, Greenwood county; but, on the other hand, it is known that mill, depending, of course, upon the �R AI.�FOGT BMX & 00. BALSAM 0 ' JOHN WNEVIN, Mrs Mary A. Dowling. Chapman, Dick- the prize winners are absolutely sound, amount of feed to be prepared, upon the lnson county: Mrs. Mary Nurgessen, Le which guides breeders in making their capacity of the mill eta I use a feed th Porter's Old Stand 1357-t f Proprietor. f� g P y � Main Street( Seafort, , SPRUCE & TAR. _ Cygne, Linn county, and lairs. John Stack, selection. Placing, then, together the mill, run by a two horse tread power, v-_ - Rossville, Shawnee county. There are de reciation mentioned and the great which also' rens my separator, a chars _ -- - FOR MEN AND 'V�%OMEN. come ladles who manage large cattle P ranches.. Mrs. Lucten Scott, widow of good to be derived from using only and butter worker. I expdct to run a _' ' It is especially recommended for the ) THE Judge Lucion Scott of Leavenworth, Kan., sound hotses, it will be found that the corn Sheller and feed cutter by it soon. BANK. d her ranch in the panhandle -lf latter very much outweighs the former, -H. T. B. in Rural New Yorker. DOMINIOlase of those who are susceptible to manages 1 I 0 11 E Texas, which consists of ::80,000 acres, all and the advantages gained by enforcing _ $RO'N'CHITI'S lv fenced.' arid on which there are between veterinary inspection at shows becomes Live Stock Points. . . 6,000 and 7,000 cattle. -Topeka Capital_ at once apparent to the most casual ob>- The meatshops during the holidays CAiPITAL, (Pall.? �%�) $�'�;000, LARYNGITIS - - server. —Horseman. presented in many places an appearance REST, M 811500,0W. ELECTRIC The Chines* Pharmacopcsaa. as attractive as if they contained fruits n r� ��ry* - 140AR'SENESS A eciumon belief is that Chinese rnedl- Clydesdale Advice. and vegetables instead of meat, Every SEAF�JRTH BRANCH. . And Loss of VOICE. BELT olnes consist almost entirely of mineral Retain for breeding purposes all Te- ear the taste of live stock breeders and _ _ - Eubstances.. the vegetable kingdom being g o p P q y 9 p g y MAIN STREET, SEAFOR�TH. FOR SALE BY little drawn upon But the opposite to the corded mares of good averse ualit meat dealers is improving. Later it 1-rr,tic ,%Ltrkl DR. A. Owr_.N�__ case. In fur R. Braune work. ' A List and suitable age. has become the custom among those A general banking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, �' Scientific and 1?racfical Electric of the Chinese Medic Exported From Invest in good grade Clydesdale know how to do the proper thing to Great Britain and Europe bought and sold, Letters of credit issued, available in all parts R BERTS 1 L only sc e J. S. - � V Tlcit n]atic forgcncial use, producing *Genuine 1'3ankow and the Other Y angtze Ports," mares having a sufficient number of re- cover the. Moody stump of a dressed of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' :'sale Notes collected, and _advances made on same Current, of Electricity for the cure of Di, sa e, , vrhlcr contains the Hamel.: of most of tht p P P P at lowest rateI. 11 DRUGGIST that; can. be readily felt and regulated both im corded crosses to entitle their produce over 's neck with o er Tuned or tied , gluLntity and pow or, and, applied to any part of medicines. In, use .in the central part: o� rtorecord. over it in the form Of a cap. It adds b0 SAVINGS DEPARTM'ENT� the: body. It can be n•orn tit tut} time daring _China. there are ll_ meed -]cines, classed e Spare no effort in advertising the per cent to the looks of the carcass. v Y hours or ales , and cure - aI; roots t 13; barks' and P Deposita of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at highest curre>ais Main ' Street Seaforth. all.►il� p under: Insect, t Rhenroatisltt, twigs tlr.d leaves. t Se Bowers. merits of the Clydesdale on all occasions The various breeders' associations re- rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the .end of Juni and December. __ . ��4' . Sciatica, husks. 20, g _ _ _ . _ .__-_ _______ lit 2l, needs ani fruits, 93; grasses, t a31 tan- by word of mouth .and through the local port tsjnost universally lowered receipts No notice of withdrawal is required for the «'hole or any portion of a deposit. Generlll Debi y b on account of hard times. K. . 1',' Lumbago, dries, 117. The sundries may be subdi- press and the live stock and a gricultur- R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. W _ __ ' CE, A. READS dor WINTER PrAR gest • ppT•AUG-I6•�7. TeI'cous llisclsce vided Into 31 herbal products, Ila anlr3:at al gapers. Jerusalem artichokes that grow so __ _.__ _ _- �I - ; Dyspepsia, oducts and 61 mineral products. Advertise our surplus stallions in _ �- -- -� b par Y P profusely in many parts of the south Varicocele, _�T THIN . - '� SeXU.11 wenhness Now, taking the roots, barks, etc.,' and the live stock aigd agricultural papers. are a good food for swine, but care ' 7tH Ioteney•- adding them to the 34. herbal products, w, Contribute in all possible ways a full must be taken'` not to let them spread THE - liatlney Diseases, have 330 medicines `obtained from the Sea forth Carnage Shop - - LIn1le Back, ( measure of enthusiasm to all matters too far. �rheu they get the upper hand, CANADIAN BANK OF �t� MME�,�E, �fl Uri:nar� Diseases . cegetat le kingdom. Then to the F Insects pertaining to the breedin and sale of ' . add the 32 animal products, and we have P g g they are as pestiferous'y :-as yellow dock. , Dorsey's Old Stand. Tat•rtricity properly applied is fast taking the ; P plai.e>e. of eirugs for all Nervous, Ri,e nlatie. Kid- i 41 mt diel nes obtained from the animal pure bred Clydesdale stallions and Hogs will root teem out and detour ESTABLISHED 1867. naytind 1'rin:11 Troubles,trnd avid etfert cures kingdom, and, as already mentioned, there marcs and make the most of every op- teem, however. L. fVIeDONALD I11 seemingly hopeless easeswhere ewer}' other ' aretbut 5i Mineral products \`early aU portuuity to promote the interests in HEAD ���FI"CE, TORONTO. a icn assortment of HAND- kuo�t n tncttins has failed. Never buy dealers' mixed foods. Buy Has now read} n Any - sluggish, -veal: or diseased or, n,ny the medicines I have classed as -mineral breeding grade draft horses. •uyr4 CUTTERS or various styles. Also }. -� �-• acti�-itr ,..r-•� v re arattonsof iron doubt the fact the materials and do your own mixing. GApITAL •fpAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLAR'S � iEi,000,000 5 lay tlrt� ruc�a.ns lac roused to hc,tlth.. . products are simpl, p p � Never entertain a do „ _ _ SLaiII IIS, both heavy and }ig11t, before it is too late. A good mixer is invaluable on a live _ _ _ _ _ _ - $ 1,.200,000 Lea ding mt'dical men useland reC0111DICIld mercury, lead, zine, etc., counterparts of that there is no branch of live stock REST medicines to be found In.. any European stock farm. B. E. WALKER, GESERAL biAxAGER. These vehicles were all made at his own tltc Utven Beit in their practice. laboratory The curiosities of the Chinese breeding that promises more certain and - An intelligent horse loves music. establi.bmei-tt and are guaranteed to be of OUR II.LIlSTRIITFD CAT_iLOG1 I,: satisfactory -returns than the breeding g the ver • best material and workinanship. lilt r 'U (•tire pharinacopcela are to be found in the ant } Contain. fullest information regarding t S g .• .., ta1a1 department. but ever: then it must tie of Clydesdale and grade Cl desdalo To et ewrs into thrifty condition SEAFC.)RTH BRAN` - -`— of Ii.cuic, chronic and nervous d1t cases, ]nice. • P crass. -Ex. -Com. Am. Clydesdale As- feed them half a pound of oats a clay A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts THEY ARE DURABLE, . llo« to order, etc., mailed ,(scaled) FREE to remembered that they ar. only the.cart• h I for sonic time. issued, payable at all points in Canada and the ;principal cities in STYLISH AND CHEAP. atilyaddress. ri ostdvs.—Chinese Imperial Customs. sociation. The Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co. I — ' - the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &e. �i'hv buy factory mate stuff «'hen yore can fiONTO ONTO _ NOTICE. McKillop Directory for 1895 The Modern Invalid SAVINGS SANK DEPART'MEi�DT� e hides for the save mono} �9 !Cl NG $T. W., TO . Notice is hereby iven that the 19th Annual 3lfeet- l;et home -ma 1e e e of the tisborne and Hibbert; IOEIN BENZ;FWIEB Reeve Dublin P. O. z4 o Chicago, Ill. I ing of the members Has taste: medicinally ,in 'keeping u i t11 ether Deposits of X1.00 and uliwards received; and current rates 0€ izlteret that lot k just as well and last twice -Ol to l State St , aK r , s P , farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Con,vany, will to , JAKFQ EV N9, Deputy Reeve, Beechwood, luxuries. A remedy must Ice plea5sin y tIC- allowed. E `Interest Bedded to the principal at the end of May grid Nover long. MENTION THI held in Gardener's HallI Farquhar, on MONDAY, V DANIEL 'MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. 1 call is sure to satisfy intending purchasers. Ce table in form, purer' wholesome in Coln- ber in each year. 4th of February, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur• WM. McGAVIN. Councillor, Leadbury. P y World forYoun Men ose of receiving the Directors' and Secretary- WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbury, position, truly beneficial in ef%c't and en- Special attention given to the collection Of Commercial Paper and Ft31r PLcein the W 6, N A � D and Women to Secure a Business Treasurer's annual reports, election of directors, and JOHN C. MORKISON, Clerk, Winthrop. tlrely free from every objectionable rluahty. l� F I L M C D O t Education, Shorthand, Etc., is the other business in the interest of the Company. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthrop. If really ill be consults a phi°sician • If con- mere' Sales Notes. ' Detroit Business University, De-. JOAN ESSERY, THOMAS CAMERON, `WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. SEAFORTH. troit,Micb. Illustrated Catalogue President. Secretary. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafortb, ctipated hP uses ills gentle fainil�' laxative' F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. 155. MORRIS D anag$r, Free. References: All Detroit. 1413x3 y ` RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector, Lead- Syrup of Figs. 140i W F. JEWELL, President. P.R. SPENCER, Secretary. bury. - • - . - - . -- -_ .-_ __ _: :,-.: - ..-___� ____.. wt_._,--_-- ._ _.,_...,_,_..._..-- -- _ - -- _ - u — I _ _ - ' 1. .