HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-02-01, Page 1- _ - - -'----'_.,!,-. . - , - I - - - I -1. ,_,.,__ ___ - - - -.-,-.- I - - - '. I
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"I - I , 1,416. 1 . . I . I SEAFORT1111 FRIDAY FEBRUARY :1 18950 MCLEAN BROS,, PublishierS. I .
. - . , ; I 5 4
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- . ___ i - . I I $1.00 a Year in I I
sum hunter will 1-indle a fire rikli't there . ---------.---- . i
. ! - ___
I - - .
I . t - 'OY-THE PLAXT ' 'Township of Morris, was read. and referred by . I -_
I - I . ATION. In tbeFwamp, within a few feet of' some the Education Department " I .
. for each .,2L40. The financial slateinelit of the 'wall under, not to exeeed in Cos I i
.. CLEkR I NG I . . . . black, sluggish looking, winding stream, to Finance Committee. Report of Gaoler pupil who passed this examination to the Treasurer h t S7001,antl 11 I
I . was read and referred to the County Prop as been laid, before us, -and we a pitr an(,I bei,, 11 use not exceed* : ;
Ing In ,cost ;
I and go to.. sleep,. depend Ing on the voice of - school.in which sue], pupil was educated. find the Bame has been prepared with great $ I 0 0 I I
I THE FARM NEGRO AND HIS LOVE OF erty.Committee. It was as follows : I 00, anti that your committee have the ; I !
i .
I his dog to rouse him when that alort and Thirty-three out of 34 teachers in training care,and recommend that the same be print- power grranted th6i to advertise for andre- I ;
. -J& . - . - . I
I tile crec .
1 PRICESE SPORJr. faitilf al animal shall have 11tr' GAOLER'S REPORT. at the Goderich Model school were granted ed in the minutes of the Council. As to ceive tenders for .ti I
. - ,T . . I- . . eed." The . I
I -1 I " . .1 __ . -.-... ---.---. Permit me a &in to draw att on of .such build- .1 i
: - I
I i . young negroes, as a rule, -go hunting In condition of ention to the third class certificates. The West Huron the claim of John Knox, for balance of $,M ings all il a -ward the contract for construction ! :;
I - Remarkable Habits or Close' t e closets, It is absolutely Teachers' Institute held two meetino's, one 'for arresting a horse thief, 'we recommend thereof. Your cOmIllitte- further recoiiimend
A general clearing, out of the bal- - Observation. company, reveling In the full Of , a merry necessaty that something be done 0 1
l, .. CP I - to them at Goderich, the other at Exeter. One that the S 4 ;
. '"
I .... reoullar Superstitions - TIV F o8sum party, but the older heads often . ame be paid. We recommend that the farm be rented -for the coi i I
. ning sea- t ;
ance Of Winter Suitinaa and Pantin-, -go totally as so sets in. One may be hundred and eirfht i-eachers attended one or that John Butler be n ot paid for balance of son, rese ;.
A 8 . on as spring
I . 0 L4 Hunt-Fishinig In the Old Millpond -S usl g about five -acres of land,aLbout , i
II'll, ----- . . . . I
L I . . aeasoLn. Quick- Tnaces . - to- I alone, spending night after night, in the totally unfit for before that. time. Two both. Each sc'h'ool was visited tN,,-ice by stationery account as preseiite(l. In refer- the b.ildiv,i,1'1,i't., aS'VN_ell as the road lead- i
: .
. .... L after a su&L essf li, I rles Told at the lsrill- .Ocl^l Amenities. dense swamps that edge the fields, their of our drains became eboked tip, the one the Inspector, who found the teachers in ence to the payment of debelltUreS t) I I .
o. .
I to reduce the a . C maturing in- theret 4
. tock promptly, and make , dog their only comPanion, undeterr -d by leading from the gaol kitchen, the other most inscances doing excellent work, though in I 0 o, and ander such other restrie. I
I I . a
I ... If d - ' .
: .896, we recommend that whatever suin tions as your committee may deein advisa- - i ;
way for Spring, goodr3. Styles an ' f Special Correspondence.] the presence of owls and bats and myriad. from the wash room. I had them opened some are unfitted for their profession. I may be required to retire the same, over and ble. In' reference to p
,N[ISO' ;
. .
alitie, - . -epared by-law A
I 4tu 9 aN. - _,I I
; . V I I
are satisfactdry every w JA _\"LS. C., Jan. 29. -The first time crawling reptiles from enjoying their by prison labor, anti the -cess Twols in which A motion that the several Mechanics' In- abox e the amount Be -ured by mortgages to to authorize the ppointm. ent, pay- . A L ;
.. - In his life that it nogro boy has anything fascinating pursuti. On a spring evenIngL thp.V
i . I
: - .Notbing.wrong -%Lth any line, sim. terminated emptied.' They con- stitutes in the county receive fifteen the Coiinty, that suell sum- be raised by nient and duties of a I d
: an inspector, keep- d
; I'll 0 ply .-which lie can call his own be swaps it for or any time after tile fish have begun to tai ed nearly two wagon loadi, of dollars, -was referred to the Executive issuing debenturespayablein loyear a T
i 11 - Prices are COL
I time to let, tbem go. Il- a dog that can run rabbits and squirrels run tip stream, one will find all the dar " S,th tille er, inatron and-pbysitiail, and for the i ;
r ,
- I
P . I . - most offensive matter. This I had Committee, axid a motion that ten dollars county debt be consolidated and a special superinten,L.I.ellee, Care and Iflana,frement of !
t) Z
I siderably less than such goods usuall He trains. the dog to bring these rabbits kies fixing their nets, fishing canes, lines wheeled outside the prison walls. There beL granted for flowers to be planted act for that pilLrpose be obtained in 1896,and the I
I . . -
- and hooks, hunting up ans for bait, House of Industry and .
I I and squirrels to binl when they are caught, -esent, in the jail -14 arouna the CQurt House, was referred to th ' I 21
t 1. . If you desire to save dolla _etc., ar6 18 prisoners at PLI
sel I for. rs 1? to prescribe . :
I no 11latter how much the dog might like. to set out L for the' adj at this committee further report on the rules an(l regulations for the . i
acent. ponds- and - males 4nd four females. Of the females, the same committee. A motion expressing question at the June session. the same, wa would recommend that so - I
T ' 4
; .call and exatnIELe the following J . L .
. C
. 1, . the taste of fresh meat himself. When tiler ; greeks, there to spend the greater part of two are under sentence for street walking, the grief of the council at I k
I 11 .
. I . the serious illness It was decided that the claim of jolin soon as this conlinittee have
7 I'll negro boy has attairied tile importance of the night angling for the fish- which the other two are committed as vagrants of two of it completed the J ;
Z s old and valued members Knox be not paid. The report was then revisioii thereof, that tile same shall be t - ,
L .
1. . MeWs Tweed Suits to- Order, being able to earn a little Ill'oncy by hoe- abound In the southern waters. A' J yiz., Elspeth Shepherd. Colborne, 4 months, Messrs. A. McMurchie, of Clinton, and A' adopted, as amended r'epor .
-F n(.l this
I i
Ir . , Ing or picking cotton, gathering peas is a pursuit in which tile women join with and Mar Jane Donaldson, of McKillop, six . . The f, of tile printedarld the clerk shall circillate them ; I
- Qv& $1,e_1 %V& . shucking corn, driVing a wagon or othe'rl the men. All, along the banks of tile months. y Both were re -committed by Chas. Malloy, of Colborne, and the hope that they COMMITTEE. aniong tile inembers of this 4colineil not I 1 4
L . I .:
rM M. - 7XV W would soon recover, was passed, and the I I
. ;
; creeks and ponds it' later than 'May ist I)Lext, a,,,(..I that the same I
. occ,ppation, be buys a gun, usually a chea ghts are gleaming and Seager, Police Magistrate. They are aged e was read and adopted, It was as follows : - I .
L Clerk Ord red to transmit a copy of it to
. . .
; .
. This line contains Suitings that were .3111 n- . e night 11sher -
. . .-
3, with a single barrel and pId fashio torches flashing where thes and unfit for work. Of the males, one is each of the g ntlemen named. ' We have examined tile jail anti found may be finally passed at the June session. ;
F . collincil then adjourned until -.,-30 p lll r
L ed-111/ Ihjpulations. This weapon is lik-niv. man are seeking to Inveigle the innny under sentence for indecent assault everything clean.and in good order, and the ;
; formerly sold for $18 and $20 and .. , one is 4 ;
; On Thursday worning the council re- At the I
I a, Va I a_n .' tribe. If the plantation be sts mmit- .
L _1ULe. Nothina wbatover to expl6de when not'expected to do so d a a ne, and the other twelve are all co number 4 himates to agree with the jailor's .
L 1" are gran I n . EVENINo .zq-.,,q-,i,1oN,- I
U . . I to six months, as fbll ws: William King,
is slig;hted in making or trimming, and ar'theless-it is a gun Precious beyond com, . j
- mill, as. most plantations do in tb-'at well ted for vagrancy, for terms of from three A. McDonald, of St. Helens, that be be closet beerected in reach of the four S I
not to explode when it ought to, but nev sumed its session. A request from Mr. J. report. We also recommend that a wate'r- A eommunication froin theOntario Rifi,e A -
1 3 , , . - watered country, and If that water mill is I 0 0 corri- .
. 15 I . ri Initiated as county student at the Ontario dors of the jail, also that said clos sociation, asking for a grantof $11), waLs re- .
I a perfect fit given. . . Paro ill its owifer's estimation. it is kept not only for grinding corn and ginning Seaforth ; Moses Burling, -Blyth; Thomas ets be flertle - I
. . . tip in th0 loft Or In some secret corner of cotton, but also for sawing log.9, then the Ryan, Blytb; Robert wallace, Tucker- Agricultural College, was sent to the Edu- completed by June l5th nela, the work to J d to the 14,'xecutive Colninittee next L.
L .
cation line. I
. . _. the cotton house, where thieves may not fishing Is Particularly sednetivi),,for then smith ; David White, Seaforth ; Chris Dul- al Committee, and a petition from the be under tb s ervision of the County Coin- The ieport of tile *
I * Men's Worsted Pants to trustees of Bayfield public school to haveBay- missioner and RtIpeeve M cLean, o I ROAD AND BRIDGE COMITITTrE, .
. .
.... .
I'll . . .. f . possible t'. 4 Z l f Goderich, I I
I - : br I eak in and steal, and as often as whole parties can go "gigging - mage, Goderich ; George Constable, Sea- field named as a center for examinations, was -and an Wbi4_-h was as follows,was read an(_Ia lop I
. . the ov"Der visits it, rubs it up, examines The m tiler is persuaded to sbufy off near. forth; C',eorge Wilson, Stratford; Thomas bject to the approval of the Inspector t,d t .
- Order, $5.00 referred to the same committee. A number of prisons. We have examined tile Count :
0 L It over and over again, alins it at various ]Y'all the wat r from the floosing or sheet- Clark, London; Donald McLennan, Dur- In'munication of tile I I
Re the co , _V Coin-
d orders .and found I
Contains all pat"t erns and CLO1 of accounts were read and referred to the Inspector of Registry offices in regard to in- missioner's Report all n
[nore t&- 11 Z ors, and Imaginary objects and otherwise delights Ing just below his mill gates, and on this ham; John McLean, Wingham. Five Of Finance Committee. The clerk was instruct- evervtliing correct except tile clause re fer_ I
0tizens. . werie formerly sold for $8. No better Ili ]its darl ossession. Every Sattirday smooth surfacO the Unsuspecting fish are these a;re quite unable to earon a living. All creased shelving accommodation for the .
time t-(> .. L .. after tho ging ed to proctfre a copy of the Ontario Stat Registry office, we recommend that the . th I
L v . value ever shown. ameplaws are -out" these fire- gigged -that is', speared -thrust through of which is respectfully submitted. - utes ring'to ejailelosets. This committee bav- .
0 1 1
. - I
I The reports of Inspectors for West and ,operty of the respective municipali ties. rooms. it to the County Property Committee. We .
ad the- " . and through with a miniature pitchfork for each Reeve and Deputy -Reeve, to be the boxes now unused be removed to adjoining niv no power to deal with that would refcr .
:;ent po- I I . I . whose pronge are sharpened for- the pur East Huron were read and referred PL Your committee has niade a very -
. . -- I
mence & . Men.'s Tweed Pants, $3. - . I I . - to the The names oflKessrs. P. Holt, G.'_'McEwen careful examination of the roof of the CouA recomilielid that 4
. pose. . Educational Committee.' They were as fol- and W. H. Kerr were added to thL the Commissioner's re
I I , ,_ . e poet .
ads ell- We again offer a bio, raiwe of ,Tweeds build- House, and would recommen(I that a new be printed in tile minutes and that. no d,ele- I
t5 6 , -1 I . , . Social Sports. lows : ( - Ing committee ii lieu of t1lose dropped" Out roof is absolutely n - L gate be sent to the- Good Roads Associji.t,ion .
nece of i 0 i .. . .t', REPORT OF INSPFCTOR FOR EAST HURON. ecessary, and that a COM. L COUVentioll. I
I 11 at thie price, and those wh in former , I t ZrZ.- - - . When one watches a group of plantation at last election. The proposed by-law in mittee c . Your c)'ommittee bas exiL
[most a I .;A-. .S111 r I -J, 11 negroes, many or' ,%vhoin ore middle'aged Mr. Robb, Pub onsisting of the County Commis- anined
__ seasons purchased our $3 linel will -.. . '.. lie School Inspector for reference to rules alid regulations for tile sioner, Ree-ve and Deputy -Reeve of Code- the tenders recive(i for the following brifiges q
mailtion :: I .. I men or even, grandfathers, assembled tit East Huron, reported as follows: During House of Refuge was referred to the Buiild- rich, and James Buchan, which will be erecLed (JILI
'I public I hasten to take advantage of this line- ,::'. I the mill, where they have taken their corn the year 1894 the total a -in be appointed to H _ring this year viz _- L 4
. . . 11 ll ount expended ' Committee with instructions torevise ascertain the probable cost of different Brid
11 -Roaxa, -well worth. 65 a pair. I I to be ground on a winter's evening, their for Public school purposes IT' olmesville bridge, Bluevale Bridge and . -
` I I in East Huron, tl!e sa&e durina, the session Of this council kind's of materiai, and , ge On lue We re-
DSt RO I "...'. marvelous vitality, unequaled good nature was $57,204. report to the June the 9th h of Howick. I
. I Of this amount, the - '. I
in buv- I 0 - ... 1i .. Buin of and after revision to have a sufficient num- nieeting*of the County Council. We would cominend that the Tender of Mr. L. Hardy I
I i . I
I - Boys' Clottihin-va. ' r. . . . and measureless contentment with life $43 8-0 was aid in salaries to the 123 teach- e
esville bridgth,, ,%t,1,;,3,-, - . 0; t . I
. C7 * .. . "' b r printed for circulation among the meni- aiso recommend that the Goderich Police fortbe Holin ,50.0; 4) at,
. :,-:,,
.t . I
,tr gyrair-, . is jus. ..;" 11 impress the beholder. Two stalwart ersQplovey From this it will be seen bers of this council before the June meeting. Alag trate occupy the Grand Jury rooln to (libson & Hai-ligtock's tender for
; I " is IN
vifumm- Our Clothina Department I Iesars. I
. ? . Bluevale BridgLe be accepted tit -
.. ;men will get to'wrestling to entertain the that $35;1 is the average salary paid per The Treasurer was instructed to open a save the expense of heating the , 8345.00 and.
P 7 I L ,
r Of in- another narne for L economy, and you I onlookers, r else a balf dozen will under. annum. The average salary of male teacb- separate account for ,all moneys expended rooms. We also wish , upper that Messrs Silytler Shafer, Stroine anti
I ,
I .
. . .. ' to express our up- - .
ractuat .1 tan always rely on sa_ving money. St -.e Z1, .. I take to surpass ea'ch other's agility in ers in the rural schools is $395 ; of the in tb erection of the House of Refuge and pioval of the way in which the caretaker has Adair*s tender for Howiek Bridge be accept- I
; e
r seek .., I , " I I
IL 4DUr $2.25 Boys Suit we 79re now sell- I jumping long distances, and before tile female teachers, .$12297. The highest salary any other expenditures in connection -with attended to his duties. at,$240-00 Providing that, the parties named - I
- I . i
- . -i- party breaks up some well known local. paid to any male teacher in tile rural dis-- the same. Motions that examinations for - in each,case gire security to tile sa:tisfaetion
Lem, m, I I .
- I
z I
. I
. . . ' 0 i
- . . . I I 9 h, The 'follow * I
. . . .. - - with tile $405. The highest salary paid to any pub ing report !of the County examined t1letenders received for the iron. L . i
iptiGns law prices a so
. church, 6 iii a, A,11 our Clothing goes at,Qqut .1 ly I I "schuffler" will mako the bare rough plat- tricts is $500, and to any female teacher Hi h Schools be held at St. Helens, Blyt f the County Commissioner. We la ve al
L - I . . forin over the mill race resound - Kintail, Crrand Bend and Fordwicb, were Treasurer was read and adopted : - ;
-_ - I
P, I . . - . measured patting and kicking and tocing I bridge to be erected in thevillage of Blyth I I
rieetino, I I I . . . . . . . lie -school teacher in this ditision is v%25. referred to the Educational Committee. A I ha-ve the honor to present. the financial
I,ā ... , Shirts, Undexwear, Gloves. - . .in and out of his nimble feet, some one of The qualifications of the teachers fqr 1894 motion that. the bridge known as the Ban- and found that the tenders of the HLamifto,,a .
I . . LLL , 'If report for the year 1894, comprising detail- d " - .
it :- the bystanders 61apping his, hands in that were one first, 61 second, and 61 third class, nockburn bridge in Stanley remain under .Bridge Compan an(l ,Stratford Bri ge , nd I
. - .
: .. Are such -ood values that no house . _
... -111, " - peculiarrhythmio fashion which tbO dar- and one Old lCountry Board second. Ten the jurisdiction of the coun ' ed statement of receipts, detailed statement y . I
. ; e. . until rebuilt, Iron -Works are for the sa,nle.aliao , .t, N_iz. . ;
. : schools changed teachers at mid,summer, ty , un , . _..
4 I '
A inet - I 1, approache., us. See our gfeat $1 shirt, ' . . kies have. Many will be tile tales of "Jack lf was submitted to the Road and Bridee of expenditures, comparative statement of $4-25.00. We would recommend hat , I
L . , 11 . . t. , the, i
-,with * LLL . . * - 0'mYlanterifs" id "spirits," sworn toas atidtwenty-sevenattlieeiid of the year. Committee. Amotion. thatt,wovaluat- estiniatedand actnalreceiptsand expqridi- ender of the Stra tfordCompany be accepted -
6, - ... :1 On this we defy you to get. better - " I ai' . ors t
, ' .- . Many of these changes were caused by the . . tures statement of ledger balances atend R di I e motion of ,Al2.8gra. R&tz an I .
, wingo, , __ 11., - true, told round the blazing lightwood expi be appointed tinder the municipal e i in t i . I I .
. -_ .-*a .
140 I values. See our Ubderwear at 50c . - - .-, act, to of th'e year, statement of collections, sta:te- I . d . I . 3
v , logs, and later some one will co ration of certificates. During the year value all the property, real and personal, in Eli Der 0`1! %eceinber hast regarding the G
rairris, - . ; -- I 11 See our Gloves and Mitts ,_11, . ...1, .; L me up 79 students received training at the two tile county, such val - ly
I . per sui t. . , -_ ,; POSSU ment of investments of sinking funds, s 11111
L I "I , .. ', with a rabbit or in or perhaps a tate-
! Reid, - I . 1v I f nation to be used as a Bridge in Ste.phell-, we recommend that the I
I i ment of debenture liabi!ities and asset :
. t, 3 to b idge be assdai-ed by tile CountNr Re ,th
I - NT1 \ i
. . - . I . HV_ .-G THE POSSU.Nf. .r . e I
f hall -- - at 7 5c a -ad 81 -a pair. . - newly acquired ration of meal and Inen Model schools. Of these, 76 obtained cer- basis for equalization, was sent to the meet same. Yen will notice that there L- .
I - 11 and cook It right thero on that open fi-re tifioates, About half of these succeeded in 1yecutive Committee. A inotion that the was motion of MeBsrs Ratz and .Nklel,, Vell- elaini-
- .
F audii- . .1 . . I
I . ;.. . -arms are PbP-,)fii,p, and cracking in every ' obtaining schools. The, time has come expended on general a S1,659-46 ing.81 00 for the Townships of Hayu-ndSteph- .
,pneer. ... . 19--eckwear. - sharing.ib readily with any who are.hun- House of Refuge Committee receive tenders more thanwas e ecolints . I
'I vear .1 t- . direction on the plantation, and, dogs ai-o gry.. OLIvE F. GUNBY. wheu no teacher holding lower qualification for the erection of suitable farm buildings stilliated, also the sum of en. Ili co I I
. __ 11 . - li this barking and running hitherand thither I . .- IllieAi011 with the H -ay swamp . . I .* :
- . We k;ell the greatest 25c tie in el C3 . - than tha'V of a second el - $3,187.48 on account of the -Industrial drainage Scheme, 'we recommend tilat it 'be .
. 7 '
; .
Lted t(,- __ ' 0 ' ass certificate should for the Industrial Farm, open such tenders Home, as yet unprovided for. That tile left over till tile June meeting and .
. w _, sertion,L ati-d at all Eeasons have a well' in pursuft of rabbits, squirrels, 'partridges THE COUNTY COUNCIL. be given charge of all eii6re school unless and award the contract so that such build .
Ffealtlr - 11 lee . or doves. All the boys on the place are on . the average attendance is less than 25. As ' N. C. R. debentures, amoiantina with in,- I . -that the - ` ' . -
1. . 1: t ' y , I
8 terest to $21,200,were paid on ' Count Commissioner examine tile -road Una . .
L _ the first of bridges said to be, benefitt6d,and report ateala -
.. I
'ex band, for those, net fortunate onou'gb to The members elect of the"County Coun- . e of Refuge, war, sent to The House July, thus relieving the I I I
[I, - and sel ted Htock ,See o,Ar window n in be completed at the same time a
assistants and principals of thesinall schools Me"ITcauys
ledica-1- Saturday 4or a display of Abis prico of possess cruns themselves are almost as de-' cil met in Opurt t1 ese beginners usually do very well; and county of $2,200 .
. LLL M .
cwmt i room, at Goderich, on Tues. 1 of Refuge Committee. A motion was pass- ' meeting. Regarding I.be moilon Of Messrs. . I ;
, lighted to attend the lucky all it is in these schools that they should gain yearly burden'in interest and sinking fund. ..
t 010ods, it Will aStof-,JiSh YOU. MufflerS2 . . o'elobk p. In. I ed that in consequence of the present ten- eq N , Ilveen and Err&tt asking that the lirtilge I
... Z5 sportsman who a y 22nd, at 3
Award i I t Me
. -
a . .
. I ; - is to bring down the gaine day' jai' " r I the necessaxy experience to take charge of der for county'printing not being satisfac- %P38,lbo was invested in mortgages and known as the Banuo L
I , I all colors. 25c to 81.50. . 4 negro boy be ng pre ei except Mr. McIltircilie, of .
conch li . - C i 8 I ek burn Bridge, in the
ars knows tb.e- peculiar noto or toll, a d IV r. Malloy of Colborne, -who .
I t t f 10 yef in n I an entire or larger school. Unless sonle tory, W. H. Kerr and the Clerk be in- $30,824 of investments previously made re- Township of $tau.lLey,remaili under tile I
aisf on't, 0 i . Never at any tim. e have goods been 0 , J I
: funded during the year juris
-T .. I, . i whistle of every- bird tt lt inhabits ]its nA. were absent on account of illness.. chinge is made in the present regulations, structed to prepare the total invest- .
, iVat ts, ... _- : . . So chpap as now, and shrewd buyers tive woods ,Ind swamps. He knows th The first business was the . . many experienced teachers will be driven ments being $169,496, with Si%338.79 sink- diction of the Countv until rei uilt we re- -
! . J collime . -
ok for L . will iiot bo sl -w to notice -'our low nature of these birds, whether they*remain I ELECTION' OF A WARDEN', ! 00 of the profession, as tbere is such a dis- A -NEW TENDER ' fund uninvested. As the sterling de- nd that nouc7l lonbetaken. Rfe motion I
. ; , '
. ""' Messrs. Burns and ,NicIlveen, asking fo :,
- I of '
. J, T - .. t pa rity -between demand'and all for further use, the same to be presented at belitures mattire August ist, 1896, 1 think . r -
4 . trices for strictly first-class goods. In the neigl borllood All winter, whether which resulted, ad we stated last 'Week, ' fencesacrosatheapproa,webes totbeoldBayfield
I I I pply that
Reiter. I ... L - I ill teachers' salaries must ultimately be re- the June session. The Warden nominated it would be advisable for you to take iLntO Bridge L
.. I Xlv. John Burgess, g
n I the male ind female of a certain species the election of Mr. McPherson, Reeve -of. duced to a point not inuch in advance of of Turnberr as County consideration now, and determine the.inetb- Colin ty E'rigineer have the same (Jolic,as Soo
4 - aad . I I . . have tile sa - I , We would recommend that the
L . - . nie note or cry, what kind- of Turnberry. The next business w ditor. - . yy od of retiring them.which wou I
1 , . as the
LL .. : - - that of the ordinary farm laborer. Not All n
Cents, -fix r e - I I
form., - .... We are Leaders in Our. Line. ,.: ri6stA they have, whether they build them election of a Selecting'Committee,to th: Id give the a, possible. i
, h1ear to tho ground or in more inaccessible widistauding this gloomy outlook, the The Council then adjourned until 3 o'clock most advantage to the county., The balance . I I I
t I stand ing, coin in ittees for th
Iffjaal i . . I ------- . he year, all(] re-- P. ill., when the report of the carried over from. 1893 was $7,183.86 ; Re- I MR. AINISLEY'S RElq)RT I
- , . piaces. I -le is familiar with the appear- teachers, as a whole, are doing good work, I
; 5
. sulted as follows : Messrs. Moone , Kay, a8 in addition to tbose'sent-'up to the ell- . eipts from all son - Accor(ILin I
. John !, ... .
. I , I ance and habits of theso.q1ittlo songsters 0,irviu, Kerr, Cox, Holt and McEw y EDUCATJON I.L CwNnyiTTEF, C rces, $154,852.51. The g to your instructions I have pre. I
.. i .
I , _.
- ! . . i
. .. I I 91 trance and public school leaving examina- Ni total expenditure was $159,-01.70, leaving a pared plans And specifications for rebuild- _;1 .
Ml a, I - and calls thein by names Indicativo of' Messrs. Baird ar . -
I - - -1 Jackson & - C,re.,,. ., of Stanley, and Clurkson, -as read,wbicb was as follows : .
4 T he - I 116 Or ]Its fa_ I tions, the public schools of til division balance oil band of 1$2,,334.6 . ing the Holin6ville br dge, also the bridge . 1
4 - . 1%-F 7 certain Peculiarities LWhich of Seafortl, were appointed on the Board Of We recommend that the reports of the In- I
. -, I I
epat, .1 Z ; thers before him have discovered, without I . I :
. I - ' .
! E xaminers of school teachers for thi passed 25 candidates at the primary exam- specters of E ast and West Huron be adopted A motion that the Council pay to the at Blue -vale ai id the briA.ge on the 9tb ton- 11 . . .
'Lllidav : I THE LEADING CLOTHI-EAS 8 year, . .
I ,
: cession of Howl - They have been -i
, ick q
inations in July, 1894. Four bundied and and printed- in the minutes as usual. In re-
- , regard towhat ornithologists way dcnom- Mr. William Conts was appoint;d townships of Hay and Stephen the sum of .
. 0 auditor Auly - :
rLsitrer - . advertised, and I have a number of exiders I
. .17 itla to them. eighty-two candidates wrote on the entrance gard to the communications asking ,ld have - .
. I for 1895, and Messrs. P. Holt and $550 each, being an amount that sho-v t ,
. . . W. Lane for the _ I _
, The 10 and public school leaving examinations, of establishment of new centres' for I been assessed to the county by fr bridge contractors, which will be -sub- 4
- Bird Lore. 0111 q
, ivere appoin -tile Hay r
. . ted on the Board of Criminal Entranee . .
swam ion I I
. . commend that no the q
(L.IL $ 7 - . ation. The bridges of :
"Dere g no of a Audit. A motion that Messrs.' F. Jordall, 49public school leaving. ' The papers ate action be taken. Road and Bridge'Committee. Af essrs. Eil- tfi'e county appear to - .
sment ., oes a shirttall!" calls o which 405 obtained entrance standing, and examinations, we would re p drainage scheme, was Be initted for your. considerat a -ad -examin-
, 7 - . nt to
, . . .
ai grotip of sinall darkies, defiling along a Thomas Kidd and'K Plumsteel be trustees, .
. -
. other % ; pine woods lane, each crowned with a in their respective Collegiate Institutes at read by fire examiners, and, as there tire on- On motion it was amended making Blyth, ber, McDonald, Cook and McMurchie were be in Nrcrygo6d repair at present and b.re L .
m(let . I
- Goder' ly 17 days to examine them, the examiners ,fit re likely to-renn inso during the pr'esent win- - .
i weighty sack of meal, white In contrast ich, Seaforth and Clinton was referred Helens, Kintail, Bayfield, Fordwi -appointed for 1895 on the Hionie of Re- I
ClOCL . . have frejuently to read papers until two or . ell and f uge ConinAttee. A Motion L ter,' uless sorhe more tbanordiiiarily violent - :
. . . . G rand Bend places for holding Entrance ex- I
- to their dusky faces, eac'h looking with to the Executive Committee. A ' tion be- three -o'clock in the morning in, order to at of Refuge Committee be requested to make I have examined Me-
. - ONLY I 1110 that the House freshet should occur.
. 11 . .: . eager in tereSt after the 'bird that h"a's flit- ing made to the eiffect that a by -lam for the r work in Aime. Nearly all ninations and w ad ted as amended. - iL L
. . .
. . ted across the way in front of them, The apoointinent of officers and the ' complete thei The report of tas C op nt oil in the by-law so'that any inmate Lean's bridge, between TUrnberry arid Cial- L
11 . general he Property Com- provis .- . I
I I most co:nspictious feature of this bird as management of - the schools take the uniform promotion ex- mittee was read. It oil y olmt-y ross, situated on the County Roundary line, 1. I
, . I . was sent back to the sent from any municipality in this C ' I
- ;
z # . . .
to such House, that the municieality send- . 7
1. I
be flies is the decided glint of white Ili hls TILIE HOUSE 0 aininations and find them useful in many Committee that they might confer with the be maintained by the county,. It is twenty I
. t1le . . F INDUSTRY L and found it to Lbe of the length required to
. , ,
A Vear L S wing; t ,e
:. 1 1 0 L ways. The enrolled attendance at public engineer as to t'he best -kind of roof and the ing the person Shall Pay for keep and I
I - ;
hence the homely appellation with -and Industrial Farm be laid before tile cOull- schools has fallen off 020p in five years, but maintenance thereof at the rate of 81 per feet between the abutments, a new ,cedar .
*Aeld. . _ I I I 6d. L . 1. probable cost of same, the committee to re- I v
,- eciat I . which lie has been christen e-il for the consideration Of the members. the percentage of avera e attendance h . eek, and that the balance of expense of bridae in good repair. I have exaimined the . I
I . 9 as port again as s6on as possible. A motion w ;
I "Dat dere's a t'rasher!" these small The bv-law was left on the table. risen five per ceTit., anti is now 5K per that the engineer e instructed to place such persons shall be borne by the Cotinty , , I
stock ' . 0 jail and found that eloSbta can be erected in. o
a . ,
1. who . ; I . woods craftsmen will - declare.- -L'an dere's At iO o'clock a. -in. on Wednesday - the cen ..N The su,in of $3,327 was spen the corridors, four, one in each corridor or ;
. . L . AVING determined to adopt, a's his -waitin mail, " indicating a . t in fence or other protection across the ap- was referred to the House of Refuge Com' I
sG bv . . modest ap. Council re -assembled, when the report f building and repairs. Thr6e, new school mittee. . - to rebuild the old clo,seU i -
L . .
. pearing
_15.1" . . gbrown bird, Such ft9 13 often seen 0 preaches to the old Bayfield bridge wag re- I n the wards would
. Z
-c-itil, . Ili company with the thrasher, and whi . - .o'clock To do either, accord- I
I ell The Council then adjourned until 4 ing to the sairitary requirement, w. ,
- nearly as possible, THE, OAS R houses were built, and several 'others im- ferred- to the Road and Bridge Committee. cost about the saine.
- , . I
. - , ill not I
, I
SYSTEM, we have resolved to reduce was received and adopted. The report was proved in , arious ways. During this year A mot -ion 1hat the usual grant of $3 006 be in. On resuming, the motion re County estimate, $300., including I
asil _ t It is I nststed tile thrashermak-e-3 wait upon as follows :
-N-1 rs , .4 the subscription price of Tim ExPOSITOR MID. . I . I two new brick, school houses; will be raised by the county for boundary li9ne a VO*or House rate was taken up and sent to all necessary drainage. I also have a iru . 9
- . .
I : - ' . REPORT OF SELECTING COM NIJTTEE. built. All the schools of this division wer portionment, the amount to be paid p- ., L I
own- -to ONE DOLLAR per annum if "De t'rasher oversee do job, but he wait- . e House of Refuge Committee. L m. . ;
. . to the The Execu- ber ,of _ ;
- .
I - visited twice by your Inspector, once in tenders for rebuilding Blyth bridge. 1 ,
-con(L- in man got to -do all do flyin 'bout an EXECUTIVE. -Messrs. Ratz, Mooney,- Me- treasurers of the .v' ions municipalities was tive Cgjnmmittee's report ,which was as The orders LiSSued by 1116 during 1-804 ana I
. f paid strictly in advance. each half year. P
, ar
date, L fetch i n ob do stieks an straws for me],- he E' wan, Kerr, Cook, McDonald, Sanders, Me- . . sent to the Executive Committee. A) -me,. follows, was read : *
. -
I .
oliv, -;. - .1 If not paid Until the end of THREE house," explain the little naturalists Callum and Cox. . REPORT OF THE INSPECTOR FOR WEST HURON. tion was passed that blessrs. J. E. Toni and EXECUTlVE COM1611ITTEE 9 REPORT. January of 1895 amount in all,.to $7,99-5.14, ;i
I . I. _,,.-a n d 7 : .
an(-(-. - I - 'thell .they will go on to tell you that no- FiNANCE.-Messrs. Eilber, Sparling,Stew- Mr. Tom, Public School Inspector for D. Robb, inspectors of Public Schools, be A motion that this Counr4l grant Dower - I
I -
L .. ,a,. L -, TN-10NTHS, it 'will be $1.2.5. body ever sees a blue jay on Friday, and art, Sotberon, Holt, Carling, HisloP, Wat- West Huro' We would recommend that motion of to the Seaforth Collegiate Institute ;, -
Bsrs board $ L - I
- I n reported the total receipts of instructed to makeup and deliver to the Me . McLeanjand liolt re flowers- fot to place the matter 4' -the alltied arrear- I
I i1X die'reason of their absende is that on that son and Girvin. ' I 'tile schools for 1894 as follows : County Clerk before 'the first day of the Court House be adopted. Re motion of ages for 189,9 3 before Judge . 'I Oms for a . . : d
J. - If not paid until the end of S .
% . . - . . I
. LL IS -Ir - 11 - -day of the week they,are obliged to -go to EQUALIZATION. *1N1essrm.Shephevd, StraO- - Balan-.3e from 1893 ..................... $12,308 75 June meeting a, statem nt in detail, s,hr,wi7lg Messrs. Holt and Watson in regard
I ANIONTHS, it will be $1.50. . .
; - toappoint- friendly settlement, was referred to the . .
. be- 1, I .. -bell. ban, Evans,, Sherritt, IdellVeen, Graham, Municipal Grant. ................ *.... the atnounts for Bala ` Xp residlng ment of Colt6giate Institute Trustees, we -
. . I . . 2,998 96 ry, e enses, P1
- ,
it -No subscription -Will be sent for a "Blue jay am, do debble's own bird or N_ H. Young, Cruikshank and Kenned . GovernmentGrant .................... 18682 53 at examinations, ex E'xecutive Committee 1
4 wa. I &mining pa,pers either I , and that Committee .
; School Taxes oil Property ............. would recommend that the perso, us nainedin recommended -no action be taken. A ,
. L - they say. "He an all he tribe done gifted 45,142 77 for high, or public -schools a h that - I
Veo,, ROAD AND Bia DOE. -Messrs. Gibson Ln- nd all other t e motion be appointed. We would re- motion amending
, .1 langge'r period than one year . vithout . All other sources ............... I .... 6.838 62 moneys received by each ore'itber of the the Y-law of 1887 re- .
... 401. * an gtv' ober to de ole boy neweisi Erratt, Keddly, Geiger, BriXm, - I
I A4 - . ,, dat mek dey . in commend that a grant of $15 be made to Xecting Hawkers and feddl I "
. .
. - i I being pa,id for. neber mix wid no uddOr kind ob bird an Kickley,, McKay and Pattdreon.. I from any and every source by virtue of their ' , . 9
. , . . 870,871 63 are, cli an . I--
-- I ' EDUCATION. -Messrs. McMurchie, Kay, The expenditures were.: le e for same from to $50.
,per , . always fightin and cutt'in up.,, said offices during the years 1893 and 1894. each of the Mechanics' Institutes and that t fe $Z . Was 02t. I I
, I
i 0 ( - ' These terms: will be strictly adhered Iry ' . $10 be granted the Pri8oners'Aid Association. By-law8 appeintiu$ the County auditors - . 11
! . -
1! ,k. Young, Churchill, Holmes, R. Turnbull Teachers' salaries .. .......... $43,055 57 .. , .
. t Of : - Eve bush and shrub of the numerous - A motion that the usual rants of $300 be In reference to the correspondence from the and audi6rs of criminal justice accounts .
2. 11 to without respect to persons, so that .I,i and Burns. made to the branch agricu tural and horti. 8eaforth Collegiate Institute we would re- were read and pwwed A inotion to me- f
I de",4 . nds in the southern. woods has its Ind!- - Purchase of Sites, Buildings, e't ,:,. - * 5,273 24 T -
. 1.. - i . if any subsicri-ber.4 are. required to pay vidual nicanin' Messrs. Kirkbv .. cultural societies was referred to the Eaecu- commend that the matter be placed in t '60vernment, to the . .
* alu ; . g for the negro, and- be - COUNTY PROPERTY. ) Maps. Prizes, eta ........... .......... . 740 48 . he morialiye the Domi.ni
.11tic ; ("'Illin, McKenzie, Miltoy, J. Turnbull, Me- RepA-ir@, Fuel, Lighting Fires, ete ...... .10,SL7 23 tive Committee. The clerk was instructed on
1% - the hyng price, they must blame, them- I knows the nanies of a] I the various species L I same position as it was lit at tile last Janu- effect that they dredge a hole under B z
1. I . I
. . ,Lean &ud Brown. to have the by-law passed at the December .
111111 Of trees, all the differen t k 1 nds of oaks a ud' ary session. We i I recommend that a field, and blow that ente rising port up i
selve,4 ar-d not.us. 5.458,386 52 &Y -
:.. I what they are -go:)d for. WARDEN", COMMITTEE. - Messrs. Kay session of the Council, for the plirpose of gran .00 be made the West Huron with dy" 47 . I
1 : .., . t of $25-
. - .. , $11,485 11 raising a loan of $12,000 mite, provi a p an or so doing
. . ___ "Ify baby will be a year ole, risin two, Kerr, Cox, R. Turnbull and G irvin. ' B.1ance on hand at close of is%.... to ereet a house of, 'Teachers' Association. In reference to th6 could be arran ded i f
. . .
11_ . . ,ged thatwould not injure
411. : when de maple tree blossom red," some ,SPECrAL C031"INJITTEF. - Messrs. Holt, In 1894 there were 95 Betio 'emplo i industry,publiabed for three months accord- County Printing we would recommend that rieighb . . .
- t I 'PT buxoni mat Y and, Me- Ols, yin ing to the Statute, and also to call a specia oring municipalitiea, was ruledout of
fis,, ! 0 Of these, 60 were
TO: DZILINQUENT13. I ron will say as she displays he,r Mooney, Sanders, N. H. Youn(' 129 teachers. males ang Council to be b the tender of -F. G. Weelin be accepted, it order and the council on motion adjourned
I in .. I I . . I Sturdy offspring, or she will date his birth Ewan.. : - 1 69 females. The rural schools employed 56 mpeting of the eld on the b the lowest. We would recommend t6'111 '
. . I 6th da,y of June, 1895, at the I eing eet on the first Tuesday irl.iun-
71 al (- . I 'We have now between five and six Iroin -de time de gessarnine fust come, " - The following communicationg were read males, at an average salary of $391.15, and Court House, that a grant of 8,3000 for boundary line ap- . . e next.
. awl placed before the CounciL. From the ;-,I fem ' re Godericb, at, 3 o'clock in the after PO . -,*-- - .
I noon. - -
rttlltl , thousand dollars owing us on our sul)- " Bay, "Dey begin to baul cotton to do gin I ales, at an a rage 8alary.Of $283-70 * rtionment be made, and that a grant -of -,
I(.- when .he Was two day Ole. P) . nspector-of Registry Offic,% re better shelv-, Fifty tehchers bad received Normal school - Council th"en adjourned. Council resumed 8300 be divided among the several - There are in the county of. 'Kent 22,501 - I
. . - scription list. Th, is;iujiat be collect(A -Ing accommodation in the Registry office at 10 a. in, on Friday. Agrical- .
r, 0I ; " a ( . Out For the Possum. - trainind.. Four teachers held first class pro- The report of the tural and Horticultural Societies. In regard horses, being an incremse of 4YOOO-over the .. I
eC.,-, . I n t roe. . All arrears over one year on Passim, the a' sent io Comity Property Committee ; from fessional certifitates, 48 second class, and - Special Committee, which was as fOlIO1%'s2 to the appointment of valuators for the returns of 1890. I .
I . n ve-rago Degro house at dusk . il
. . I If . . . --The, late Alvin E I I
__ - evening one County of Grey asking the co-operation of third class. At -the end of theyearforty . County we would recom m6nd that no action i . ilmmer, editor of
- ticd Fflt-S'l` OF MARCH NEXT,. 0 aWiDt(-r'S was read and adopted:
will be placed in the hands of au Will fill(' tile this Council to memorialize the Dominion scho6ls or departments chanke'd. teachers In reference to the circular from the be taken. Re i-eiltiest of J. C. McDonald to the Alvinston Free P ss, was born In . I
Uill, largo ajid.iin,ill boys Of the family, often 'County Council of Grey' asking this coun- be nominate(l it 'County pupil to the Agri- - To- .
, r Government to amend the Railroad Act so Several experienced teachers resigned thei route in 188340. He arned his :trade as a
.. 11, I
, ,_
1.1 oliciturs for coltection. the suber father himself, engaged in sele6t- 11 ) 8 . ) 1. -
-ell by cil to m:-morialize tlie Dominion Parliament cultural Colle e' as there is no vacaneV we followed the OcellPation of spinner or a
8 ' ito to make it compulsory on the part of positions, and their places were tak wof)len manufacturer at Georgetown. and
I '
I lit. - ' I Ing Choice Pieces of '.1iglitwood" to do . 'railroads to provide bett'er accOmmodation beginners. It is to be - gretted that 6e as to ct, ttle-guards and railway fai (I recom. e - .
,' ':v.' The year may commence at 01titY as -torches for uso oil a Possum re -es, would woul, . .
larl . - , , , ao y -or, os (, d no appointment. nunlber of years. .
- __ _ r and cligmper rates -referred to Spechd Coin- majority of our In t-eilertreti, teachers are recommend that no action be taken. We He was married 42 vetirs
al aad the full yearwill, be giveD for . cooll hunt.. Tho -negro r rely takes a gun 0 Sabel Bedford - I
- - 0 - 'AO - forced to leave the profession on account of Would recommend that no action be taken " e0rgeWwn,
titne , mitt6e; from the Ontario (" od Roads As It was amend d by striking out the efause ago to Miss I - , ., of (,,
_ . 0,NLE, DOLLAR. I with hif)' .011 '11 possuin trunt. Plenty of sociation asking that this Council send one (Y a referring t6 the 'eaforth Collegiate Institute and letaves four soils JI'md one daughter-_-Avil-
P;tj I . lightwoo.d to aid Iiiiii Ili looking out for the low salary paid them. The number of , in reference to the circular .cone6rniii 10c I and inserting the following : In reference to ii I .
;.., . __ qg, - pupils entered on the registers for 1894 was option in t Lxation. All of which'Ols r 11,111. Of Huttonville Simeon, of Albany,,
I snakes and a good sli,irp ax with which to or more del ates to attend meeting in, Tor . e- correspondence from the Seaforth Collegi
1 V% 14 onto next February -sent to Road anti 7 527 a decre e , spectfully submitted. : ate N. Y.; Freil and Osear, of tile Free Press,
I . . froln
, I I - , ase 189.3 of 19. Th .
I -
,;b 1. - i : McLEAN BROTHERS' ft'll the tr('0 ill which the gairto takes ref Bridge Ccimnii 7 I Institute, we recommend- that tile Exet-ij_ an(.1 1.,tla, of )Sutton, -
, I .1X 3 ttee; froin the Shiale .
:I "if Tax a . .
't I G. 11011 lit, haPs 11 Stolit, stick t ' Ass ' avera.6 attendance was 4,674, an increase The report of the ' I
o help bini tive*s report of December, 1894, bea"Iend- --A unique newspaperbaliquet took plaort .
. i PUBLISHERS. lj' ' r ociation asking that municipAlitioes have of 449. The number of pupils in the fourth FINANCL COMNITTTEE ed by striking out all the words in I
vtf . I I rV,1k dirollLlfll the thicket, usually coni-
'n . (A a u .,; e S last Fridav evelling at the House,
I.. . the power of lodal option in ta.Xatio -re- and- fifth readers siows considerable in- wag read. It was as follows: of sn'Ch report after the word rescinded. w- hen the staM of the (flobe und. ...
hi. . ____ A. E, . I . Walker
-();It :,_ . leewd . crease orer 1893. This division is well sup- We recommend that the accounts certi- - This,will put the Ili tter in s, ell T o
: -1 Plef his hLilitilig outfit.' Tile night se- ferred to Special 'Committee; letter from ronto,
is aINvis)-s oil "the dark of the the 8ecretar , of Clintol' a u sbape that Empire dined to,,, ' .
'Ah f inoon.- 13ossum's cute,- they Collegiate Insti- plied With good school houses, and the fled be'paid, with the exception ' gtether. The ,(,'Jobe has . -
Bay, and of that of the Seaforth Institute will receive tile cur- lice ever since .
tute Board abandoning claim for arreaVs buildinas and yards are as a rule pretty -John Gill for arresting a lunatie, amounting rent year's grant of $2,710.19 uncondition- th - on f 1 8 prermse'S by fire ,on . . ..
IPIP Dr. McLellan., London 9 kDOW'; N701 ellOugh that his shadow will been printed in the Empire of
z I " . due from county, and a letter from the Sea- " . C e de.,jtril(ti 0 it
A . ept. Ili a number of -sections, bow- to 53.30. In r cc to the claim of Mor- all , and may take what action they s,e fit ,January 6tb, and t1his banquet was, in tile ,_ I .
It..i 2:14 Dillidas 14nvet, Kpeei&list oil the betray hiiii on a niPonli t night, so lie stays . .1 well k eferen 'D
i - . . . y
it, I ill hidinl. Tis only ill the dark that lie Y. ance committee at the De- n regard to any arrearages they believe to words of the menu card, intended to mark- ,. i. I
. forth Board, accompanied.by a letter from ever the closets are utterly neglected, and ris before the fin, I - (
. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT tile County 80liCitor4-referred to Executive are in a shanieful state. This should be cember'meetincy we recommend, I __.,
. I 11 01 in view of li due them. The report was,thell adopted. the hospitality extendedbytbe Rinpireto the . I .
ii,, walks -,fliruad. Lenient landlords, With an- Coninlittee ; fron t "President of the West more carefullv looked after, as the modesty, the opinion obtained from the CoiintN- So- The report of .
Q raduate of the New York Eye and Ear llosp:tal, , . e,
. . - i
z 1.fll . , - Globe after that disaster. Mr. Robert Jaf- .1 -1 _.
litii- I 1 IbUtIL1,1110e of tinibered hind, do not pro- If uron Teachers7 Association asking for. tile purity anil highest self-respect of pupils are licitor, that the claim be not paid, anif that T1,11'. ft0tSF OF REFUGE VOMNITTTi%E fray presided -
. ,F9. llo,,-t Grad tiate Cotirse at bhe --N'cw York Post '
Gradtiate Medical School and fiespital on the -Je ;('% hibit 1110 cutting dowil of troes for the . I I I
% I . , and 150 gimsts wtre present, -1
. usLiivl grant of $25 -referred to Executive surely second to no school life interests. Two the 8olicitor act in the matter as, he thinks was read and adopted. It Was as follt)'Ws: I ineluding Sir Frank Smith, W R Brock, -,! -
11, , Ear, Nose and Throut, 1S92. Kyes Tested. Full S,11 (! ()f ., t'eurhjg a possuin or two, and Committee. . Tenders for the county print- uniform promotion examinations were held best. IStatement of County Clerk for sta-
&!I g ,took of Artifical Evt s,Spcaaeles and Lenacs.- WRI * .
ft I 1111til V 11Y10 and q Your committee have Wnsidered theo afl- lion. 1;. %V. Ross, Joseph Tait, W, B, Me- . I . p
I . beat the I I I - - ble pine, ,talwart sweet gum inty Were placed before the Executive Com- during the year, and nearly all the schools tionery supplies for Court . House, is as fol- I -
; '_
;J11v I fall Prostrate ill the watches of the night mittee. A number of ac' visability of erecting a barn and other out- 'IN'lurrich, 13arlow,Ctimberlaud, ACreigh oil, I I
. . . C* :t - -
I - . Y counts were 1ai,1 took one or both of these examinations. Ar, lows: Clerk's office, $12.52; - Treasurer, buildings oil the premises during this surn- ,1. ,g. Willison and others A feal arre of the- - ___
z Iti, . . Fin SE,, CLINTON, "I'lid the Nelping of the dogs and the . -
I . -- ff-A TTENSURY ROB, before, the Couikil an(I referred to tile the High School Entrance E in $4.03; 8heriff, $17.50; Judge Toms, ,.R:), ; I . I 1, 1: .
- I 11 , , ible hunters. .xanlin On In ner, d we would recommend as follows, I w I r
. shoutsandeahs of tbe! , Fina.nce Coniluittee The reports of the evening uns the presentatiion to Mr. Creigb- - z
. - - ;
I .
. -
- ?
ON FRIDA,Y, FEBRUARY Ist, I&95. June, 25.1 pupils wrote in this divi jon, and J u dge Doyle, $12.60; 8. Malcohnson, A. IL 38; That 'Donald Patterson, Iteeve of E'ait Wa- toll, as In. anager of t.be Empire, of a ]land- . -
. I . . Angling. Countv Clerk and.Treasurer Were read and 154 passed. Twent' I I . -
. ,
Kowa ,q a., m. to 4 p. w. Cb wges Moder t y-seveu out ofJ69 sue- County Attorney, $13.78; 1). McDonald, m- _.
- .
I - . anosh, and James Gibson,Deput),-Reeve of so -me marble "clock from the Globe stair, ill I
, e i oceasi,!Ilally, when gaine seems to be referr&I to the Finance Cgnimittee. A' let- ceeded in passing the Public Scho0l Lear- $106.32; Fo . . v -1
lt .- - . 1 _a . 0 - - ,
136-1x52 r school examinations, $76 '20; Weit Wawallosh, prepare plans 'and Peel- recognition of Ili-, kindness 4luring their . -.1.
% . .-
Uld . . . - . . . . .1
i r"y - . - ter from the County 'Soli6tor re claim of lug Examination. The sum of $5 was paid Jailer, $10.35; Division Court ,qupplie arn -00x5f) S I .
- ,111(t thC hL111t I . 10t . bromisina.'tbe Do,s- S, fications; for it bank li, With stone '.stay ill his oflice. I - I
i. I - 11 . . . .1 , .
. -
I .
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