HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-25, Page 8% THE HURON EXPOSI TOR JANITA RY 2 Wilson'. diner and M. Hurdle were, elected directors lowing ar$ ibe amounts contributed by the Elliott d R. Hicks were re -appointed O'Connell and John McElro 'th the Sund at SeFitftwth, the guests "of Mrs. s Cash Grocery, an wl' le tT I Me le for McKillop. A resolution was passed, several auxiliaries Manchester, 37-60 -; auditors; Messrs. D.McInto h, J cob reeve and clerk, will compoe Boarit of Powl& sister, Mrs. J. Abel.—News reach- 'W"a are still to the front with cheap Grocert k- recommendin ' the directors to discontinue rucefield, $62 ; Smith's Hill, 24 ; Sea- Health, with Richard Pollard as sanitary ed here on Friday Ink, from Colo tbit Gee and John Latta, together with the reeve FRI DA Alls 2-5thu vry and Glaeows rado �,cvr g _re. 25 The of granu ated i r o the extra pa, ment of 25 cents to agents for fogth, $239.25 ;; Egibondville, $63 Hensall, and clerk, ere apointed loc I lu's a a. I I -other grades... in. proportion, $yrups ha�,�Snot o rd of inspector. The clerk, collector and printer Mr. Henry Sweet, a atep-brother of Mr. J. each new Nicy obtained. At a meeting of $1929.07; Dufl7a 'church, $9.45 .; Bayfield Health. Mr. Win. Chesney was re-app6int- were paid in full, with some other items, T. Weitcott, was seriously ill at Slaghts, cone down in pried with sugar but we can give you a good the new Crd of directors subsequently. roa'd, $15, Thames road, $87.50; Clinton, 6d assessor at a salary of $80. he clerk aniotiiitingto$244.39. The plans and apeci- Colorado, with consumption, and was beir4,, pure euvr table syrup at 4i.6 Before up our Irew Spring- Co. new made nisple myrnp at $1 per callen. - in held., Mr. D. Ross, of Stanley, was re-elect- $132 ; Blyth, $192-2.84; Londeaboro, $37 ; was instructed to notifV Wm; Bubolzowner fications for drain, by J.' A. Bell, civil en- ten we have taken care of �y kind friends. Mr.* Sweet was the ohespe8t and best; our fine Ceylon ed President; Mr. Greorge Watt, Vice- Kirk -ton, $38; Godericb, $80.3l.—Total, of lot 11, c' Black at 4 c . i- f quak to any 60o or We tea. You ca oncession 4, to lower a rail fence gineer, in the eastern corner of the town- formerly a resident of this place and of Cen- n President; Mr. W. J. Shannon, Secreta $1,07 7 02. The several Mission Bands con4 purchases, which will be coming to.- buy o 15d per lb; . owned by him, and which stands on the ship tra He served his apprenticeship with ur new glaoir, Green and Japan at ry, were laid before the council and the lia. cannot be beaten for ptire quality. Our Bourbon Treasurer, and Mr. M. Murdie, McKillop, tributed as follows :--�-Seafortb, 33.20 ; side of the Kippen road, so that it will not clerk authorized to notify all parties con- Mr. John Treble, harnessmaker,Main stieet. Blend of fl,,e ecilee to gi, ing the b ot $%t gattata ion to Manager and - Inspector.. - Messrs. George Brucefield $16.25 ; Hensall,$10. 1.0 ; Tbames cause the snow t all who use it We are doing a strictly cash busin-es 9 ovaccumulate on the read cerned to appear at next council m'eetini,. —The North Middlesex Liberal Conserva- handhortlyp we w, h�- to ldlftr out th*-- Murdie and James Evan were' re -appointed road, .$24,50;'?Goderich, McGillivray, $100 ; and impede public traffic. The clerk w C and e.AD give you the best good at olo*er prices than as Council adjourned to meet n rawford s tive Association will meet at Ailsa Craig on an v one can afford to who doesa. cred it trade. Flour auditors. at SLOG per 100 lbs and we sru%rantee it to wive 9-sti i Goderich, Young Women's, $39. 11 .: Clinton, also instructed to write to the saw mill hotel, Dublin, on Monday, February 25th Tuesday next. Several delegates ill at balance of our wier stock.of $67.-­-Totai, $290.15, making -a grand 'total owners in the vicinity of the township and tit 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to receive tb' tend from Exeter. —'-.Several feet of snow fell faction. Weave 'no coniNnation price but sell all A C0,1;GRE?3ATI0_'KAL MFF.Tl.v(..—The an- of,,q,l,367 18 by auxiliaries �tid MissioiA invite them to tender for the supply of tim. auditors' report and take into con8ideratione on Tuesday night lait.—Mr. George Dan- goods. at the lowest possible price for cash or trade. nual congregational meeting of the First Bands. In addition to this clothin to, the her required for township pur'poses. the ten- engineer's report on drain. bury, hosder not the,Central hotel, received 0. WILSON, Seaforth. Presbyteria4 Church, Seafortli, was held In i value of $262 88 was sent to the I g ndians of ders to be of the a -severe kick in the bead on Sunday last FURIS the basement of the church on Mond pened by a committee' Bank of Commerce Bfpck. &Y the Northwest. council at Kyle's hotel, on -Monday, Febru- Winthrop. while he was attending to his duties as 13 7jt last.. Considering the unfavorable ar 4th, at 2 o'clock. y there was a good attendance, b0th LoC.VL Bitns. Messrs. E. Lusby, ESTE RTTINMENT. —The young people of hostler. He will be laid up for a time.— __!e this neighborhood have been, for some time Mr- John Ha, kins and his bride returned nibill - 31ANTLES f rom tqw.n and country. Mr. R., -Com 9 W. N. Watson and W. 0. Reid are now Hibbeir t. from their honeymoon trip on Friday 14t BIG;, DROP of McKillop, was �*ppointed chairill'an, nd preparing for an entertainment which will' the th ree oldest continuo'us business real - Mr. Jaifies Watson, secretary. The ul GOODLA-i� .�Mr.'Dun d will resid in the beautiful mansion on IDS I can MeLarelf, of take place in the school house of Section o. an eet- (tents of the town, taking preced e in the Hibbert, delivered to�fvlr. J. O'Keefe, cattle 12, McKillop, on the evening of Frid the L bildon road not th of this place. They ene n a" opdried by the pastor, Rev. ayy ,order named,—The East Huzon Agricultu- MILLMERY Made. -up Otothing. bona, d. There -om the several corn dealer, Dublin, on 8aturday last,'. 27 lambs F6ruar Ist. The managing sited friends in St. Catharines, Buffalo 'have fixed -tile dates of their Fall y committee -ports fi ral ocie and other American cities.—Mr. Harr mittees and associations engaged in the that averaged 116 pounds apiece, also five will place into the hands of tlie -chairman, Show for Thursday and Friday September yearlifig-sheep that averaged - 185 pounds. Mr. R. Common, of Seafoith, -a very inter- Jones had a 'very successful auction sale Of church's work ere of a most encouraging 26 and 27 at Brussels.—Mr. A M We ref or you to page, five of tbit paper for our big disco.untg. ou wadt.up clothing in Men's Youths' and cutters, etc., oil Satuday last. Mr. Job,, nature, showing not only an increase of Mr. MeLaren is a good feedef and the esting programme, w1iich will -commence at DRESS GOODS Boy's Overcoars and Sults; also for Ladies'and. Child- dy of the Goderieb Signal was in town oil ren's winter costs. Read raid advertisement through -every Satu r -of Gill was the auctioneer. —Mr, Fred Rollins, zeal, but increased contributions, in of buyers are always willing to give a 7:30 p. in. Mr. Floody, ` Blyth, has be�n (lay. Although he still bears some of Detroit., is visiting under the parental department. This especially in view.of the good price for such stock. engaged to render some of his best comic and ycu % ill find. that we intend to make It an easy the "love marks" m er- a-, roof. suatter for- you to purchape your winter supplies of. very depressed times, is. most encouraging songs for the entertainment of those pre ich bully who assaulted him a couple of SHAWL clothing, general Dry Goods, Furs, &c. We mean and must be cheering to tl e astor as it ent, while the local talent will'be aided by 8 Ashfield.. weeks ago, he is not much the worse for his- I Ile menibershi DoTis.—A large quantity of snow has creditable to th i people. T Ip unpleasant experience. --Messrs. Hudson, Master Willie Hays. A real ple-asant even= Zurich, WK� MCKARD & 00S. of the church islarger' now than at any Anderson, Logan and Hill,. were in town on fallen, and, consequently, the sleighing i� Ing ay be expected. i 117ANTED.-100 CU ion and hard tired OVERCOATS all Bargain, Clothing and Dry Goods House, rious period in its history. It wpLs de- Saturday last purchasing chairs, lamps and' very hevy. The quantity of stove wood Bicyoles, to turn into Pneumatics. Good work cuar- pre' cided to engage a student fZr the summer d saw logs -that re b-aing drawn to Luck - Bluevale. anteed- and orices reasonable. Appty to A. Guim Seaforth. other; art�ieles for the -new church at Hill' an All orders left at T. W. Uess' Jewelry store wil I be 1383 six months, to aid the pastor in his work. Green. We understand theywere well plea S1 now is immense.�The revival services that promptly attended to. 14 1.4-2 Of - ITEMS.—Miss Ritchie, of Wingham, spent After appointin managers and other officer edwitlithemahner in which they were are being hold on the Ashfield Circuit are Sunday at Mr. R. McPherson's. Mr. R. N. Cor-NerL.—Our towAship fathers met in UNDERWEA, iFX: TUAt Y for the year, anLl, the transaction ofbuiness trea;ted by our business nien.—The usual ood.. A great number Duff went to Manchester on Monday:—Mrs. thd council chamber last Monday for the OUR 0, productive of in D via P, Re of cong.reg9tional iRteresta most harmoni- 'January tha;w'came on Monday last and of first time in the new year. Officers were TICKETS REA er8ons have beengbrought into the fold, Kaake of Lucknow, and Mrs. Young, of ous and pleasant ieeting was brought to a an(Yothers have been spiritually quickened, M - Plum Creek, Manitoba, were the guests of Send y6ur telegrams to all points via -,ed by a furious close. was. folto aappointed f r the ensuing year as follows re day and Wednesday. The snow is now ae- Mrs. Ira Etcher this week.—'v%tr. and I Xred Hess, Clerk : L. Kibler, reasu. r on, were via sor. STICRIIY-NIF_s.�We have bad sent to holes and snow drifts will be in order til NEW NoaE. —Miss Bella A-IcKibbin I . Ls Air. William Messer's this week.—Mr. W. BiRiFFs.—Joh Deicbert and H. L. Peine ranged in bunches And from this out pitch Walton. J. J. Messer, of Hamilt iting at James Bontbron, Asses C'. P. R TELEGRAPH. Ru un s Big ndusto CASE - us by Mr. James Smillie of Bruiselsi a ) IEL Stewart is teaching in Shine's school, old Sol makes a grand clearance for spring. visiting under the pa attended -the funeral of Mr. 14. Willert at uld gb via Your pu.ce18 4 little book of poenis by his own hand, en- rencal roof. She' will —Mr. Jhn Weir having been'elected a returno Grey.—Traffic to and from the village was Dashwood on Weduesday.—A Baptist min- titled, �t,,Ruoic Rhymes," the perusal of to Toronto soon,—INIrs. R. McCom- member of the town -council of Seaforth, he very limited on Tuesday and Wednesday of ister from Park Hill preached in the Bap- N EXPRESS VU. --which gave us a very pleaiant hour and DOMIN10 mins and daughter, of Blytb, were visiting us many an er era —M this week. The'8now diifts were several tist church here several times this week. may give otb '. Our read had to real n his posoion'as Liciense Com- at R. Ferguson's this week. - r. and. Mrs. feet deep and there was so - little comm"'ni- The ag(liences,were sinall on account of the missioner for South Huron. Mr.' D. D. Z..A. Leech, of Tilsonburg, are visi in in J. 15. JAC 10-8.0, Agent. will doubtless remember Mr. millie as the Wilso4i has been appointed a his successor. Walton n cation between the houses that 'they were storms and blockade of roads.—I'VIr. Fred. Edward McFau author of those delightful Australian letters ow. Their many friends are With this exception the Board will be the -pleased to see. ihem.—The Women� more like isolation ospital§ than anything Witmer; of Exeter, was in town I a*st Sun- RaMELEPHONE 32. 1404 which appeared in THE EXeOSITOR a few, �same 94 last yea. 8 -Mis- e se. There is no change in sionary Society, of Duff's church; intend 41ay.—Jacob Merner has left for Oil Springs years ago. Mr. Smillie has the true poetic the Conimissioners fo n 11- holding a social at Mr. R. H. Ferguson's oil SlEAFORT111. warmth of imagination and breadth of sym, ron D. D., is to Tuesday evening of ndxt week. Stephen. ental roof.—Mr. D. .8. Faust has sohl a again, after a week's visiting under the par- -h the dedicatory sermons in the new be served, after which it good programme Tirr, COLINCTL.—The first meeting of the -calk to a person near New Ham- Von lepositio pathy,. as well as' -no little constructive ski�l. preat, Tea will �r ; .—Rev. A. D, McDonald- Lettheie- two verses from To an Ideal" ersey heifer Presbyterian church: Hills Green, on .�.ne will be given. new council was held on the 21st inst. All burg. It a goo(lanimal and brought a longi. ng to the town. Still, theres inor to,- speak for themselves: week from next Sabbath.—Mr. Donald lba;l- f, the members were present. The follbwing goocl price. fit may be well to sometimps W. DISTRICT MATTERS. dwell ]as, a former Tuckeramith boy, and who folio —',13ome of our over -zealous citizerm BlAke. township officers were re -appointed. at the same salaries as last year, viz.:—C. Prouty, Etensail. who have been agitating for scille -.time t,(>- -With ideal@ pure and hii.rh, taught- school in this " inity -for some years, Tivs.—The soft weather spoiled our fine vie Approaching in dome manner ewpe-t, has, we are glad to learo, secured a position cl�rk ; C. Brown, treasurer ; J. Guinan, Hol -SE AND LOT FOR'SALE.—For Sale, a have the Board of Tralil-, building and the-- OUR AGENT. The robed in white we hope to meet, sleigbing, but the Sri i'weigh-scales removed from their pr�sent!DO'- In ivory paved or Jasper street, as teacher in one of the city schools in Vic: W", storm has fixed I assessor:;�L. Walper and W. Stephens, corner lot, pleasantly s.tuated, upon which 1 righ t again. —We are pleased to note that sition, have. we understand, colilmenee& When travelling by -and -bye. toria, Britisholumbia.—A Chinese La�un- John Shafer, jr.,whose leg was badly broken auditors. The treasurer was instructed to a good frawe dwelling house atid stable, hoth nearly legal ceedings to have their demands en- J. P. McLARES, of Sqaforth, has ct new. There is a good well, and the lot is neatly ie e grandlitrie, I'd cling to you, umber of months ago, is now able to get Twen agen, Tut, So, dry has been started in town, where il tal to the*Hay council the amount colle _ fenced with wire itetting. For particulars aPp1v ta apointed travelling it for a 11 C. P. R. Telegraph office was formerly to- forcesro This seems to us a small piece of In every thought and prayer, out of bed. ed in respect to the Hay swamp drain. G. J. SUTHERLAD. PoStoffleellook Store .1413 business. The weigh -scales are almost a Exrosx.ToR, and is authorized to take sub- Assu�red by graces to divine caed. The boys say-thisChinee wears high After passing a n STILL umber of accounts the That every touell Will more refine, ANOTHER.—Ross, Baker & Co., LoCAL NOTES. —The weather has been ex- public necessity,, and from their position seriptions, collect ioneys, and transact heeled shoes and smokes cigarettes, so council adjourned to2meet again on the first he And help me upward like the vine, were again successful in capturing another ceedin I cold and tr rm'y this week and they interfere inno possibl e way with public husiness: ty generally for TaE EX110S.1TOR Through fragile waves of air., must be uite ain old tir�er.—T.here is to be wild -cat last SaCurday. This one, though Monday in March. traffic as been Almos"t at a standstill, owing traffic. The same may be said of th Boarcl a Fancy tress Carnival at the new Rink not so large as the first, was still a very to the roads running north and south being of Trade building, as it occupies almost no, evenin this g, ae. well as a three wileakating formidable looking aninial, a "cat" of which Farquhar. badl�v blocked with snow d-rifts.—An im- room and is a convenience to the grai. buy- SAL MKN� —The Lond5n TfTFBA7TAL10.VB.v,_NI).—The thirty-third any farmer might feelproud and which,judg- AT'THE COUNTY COUNCIL.—Our R mense quantity of wood and logs were ers as well as to the farme' Advertiser of last week says - " Thei race. When Mr.Mosliall had the old open Rink on (4oderich Street East, years ago, eeve rs. Our grair.- producers of Western Ontario met agutintat battalion band held a meeting in its rooms ing from appearance, would have been quite brought to the village while the sleighin merclifints have largely �foi th was famous for its Carnivals, and the Tecumseh- house Mr. T. M. Kay, and Deputy -Reeve Mr. ;W' plade the village- was so good.—INr. R. J. Carlile has retu yesterday, he' capable, without any extra, effort on its Keddy, are attending the County Councii rnel what it, is, -and A manifestly savors f in Oft Thursday evening, 1 he says he will have just as. good a one this folloing officers were elected: President, representation was slim compared with the rt, of cleaning, out all the mice and rats-. at, Gdderich thib wee gratitude, for those who, a home from visiting friends in St. Catharines tim�. —Miss Dora Wilson has returned from th pparentl ctuat-- m eeting of Saturday %ieek. Among those McLeod; Vice -President, W. Freeman apbaout any barn, and a couple of bell ro sts SUDDE n an a visit to Toronto.—Miss J ekson is 'o s DEATIL-On Saturd%y morning an Ingeisoll.—Mr. and Mrs. A. Ddt, of ed by no hi her motive jealousy seek- presentere: Rev. Dr. Armstrong and S. can Di Secretary, T. Murray - Treasurer, James A. to boot,in a sinkle night. It measure(] four last, as -,Lily, eldest daughter of Mr Mitchell, and Mrs. Palinerly, of Charlevoix by such un air means to hamper them n visiting friends in Sarinia.—G6od things al- David rz -erson; N.anauin­ Commitee -8. Wat- And A. Armstrong, Moore 01ohn McGarva, Clin- feet two inches. in length, and weighed 22 Brown, aged 9 years an 8 in Michigan, were in the village last week vis' tfieir work. —The man rs arm 0 0 onths, was its- ways ton N. H seem to come in a bunch -,in Sea -forth pounds. iting relatives.—We are pleased to leam' 3, this weeTe for subscriptions -.4on, F. Franks, and J. Campbell; whpp er- Yotin.g, Bl�,th George sisting her mother with her household dut- are c in, D. Campbell. Me" On Wednesday Bishop Baldwin lectured in* anvassing 'wen, H n"sall;'Williain INI. Ora thatMrs. William Bell is recovering nicely y, Sea- the t -own ball on " Palestine and E ies, she dropped dead. The supposed cause towards the organ fund.. Theyare meeting f�rtb, and John Ransford, Clinton. The gypt, proceedings -were private, and at the close this evening. Mr. 11". W. Baer giv Centralia. of her sudden death was the -bursting of a from her recent illness.—Misg Sweet, of -with great success. es an TfrF, Tows FATHERS. -A meeting of tbe bloo'd vessel. The little girl attended school nounced for a day. bin witli CLI(W.S. Edgar Pym has got a position C an adjournment was an. illustrated 16eture oil British Colum rediton. is visiting friend here this week-. gilt on Friday and was in the best of bealth,hav- Those interested aill returned to their homes ednesda next Mr. new Council was held. in the Coune"il clian' Mr. ai;(I rs. James Taylor, of this vii- stan1ey- r bt fine views and W on the Grand Trunk Railway as ni A e and all declare emphati- operaor at Belle River. Jas. rell, ing gone to the well for a pail of water two that night. 'Of eig lage, were recently visiLing relatives in ber on Monday last, wheu measures, we e Aikin lectures in the Methodist Gor Tut Cov,xcir,.—The Stanley Council met taken to get i�ii shape for the cofuting of Crystal City, Manitoba, bas been visiting linutes previous. The ftineial took place Church on "South Africii," also giving a fine Winthrop and neighborhood. —Miss Urner, on Tuesday, in the Town Hall, Varna, with Elliott was re -appointed cally that the report which h4s gained our- —We are On- , Monday last, to the Exeter Uni' year's work. 1 rency that the price of salt would be in exhibition -of views of that 0o if ntry. —Reeve' her brot er, Rev. W. H. Butt. on cenfe- of Stratford, Nvlio was here visiting, at' Mr, the -members all present. The following- an(l M--.essrs. J.. 0. Rose and 'W. Som- creased .35 per cent. was incorrect. I We runn and Deputy Reeve Watson are Ahi likely to have a new harness shop here in terT and was very hirgely attended. IN -f �. Taylor's, has returned boille--11r. and officers were appointed; viz : J. T. Cairns, t�rville� atulitors. The Mayor, Reeve, Deputy- Goderich this week attending. the Counfly an Mrs. Brown have the sympathy of the Dobson, of Souris, Manitoba, are here are here,` said a leading producer d uring the the near future.- -Mrs. J. Campbell,'of clerk ; John Tou , assessor ; John Reid P feeve and Councillors Weir and Gillespie 0 91, itf ternooll, ' simply to try - and form an or- Counei.—We understand that,, despite tile IStanley, wa,, here last week Visitin her whole community in this their sudden cal- on a visit, and spending their honeymoon Treasurer ; Wilson Cook., caretaker,. Of ball ppointed a committee to draft the �dulltinies the Coleman foundry in this brother, James Delgatty, principa of our arnity. at thesabie time. Theyare both former e. compettion ,ersary res Peter Campbell, andi- ves, as men in ap 1%, ling Committees fo� the year. The town, lind'er the efficient managgement of Public scbQol. —W. R. Ell ott has been Tit.vNiFs ROAD Clit-Rcit,—The anni tors ; J. J. McKenna, township engineer. f-�tan( ganization t6 prevent an undu George Baird, and tim. the producers flienisel idents ofnear this village, Mrs. Dobson e for returnin., the roll - was exte. ndled to services and tea -meeting in connection with being well and favorably know,, as Miss -ebruary Is 411y lilie,of business have a right to. We Mr. James Irvfile, has its resources taxed to pointed delegate to the County Sabbath The salaries to be the saine as Ittst yearr. t, and- Council, adjourned to the,utniost'fo supply the demand for the School Convention at Goderich.—Tbere is the. Thames Road Presbyterian church will 1`0113'Stoneman.—Wednesdy was a great The follow are not likely to increase the price. We ay for weddings in this section, ing gentlemen were appointed to. facet on Monday evening next, at 8 P -m* have not even forni root. pulpers, grain crushers and other im-. talk ol organizing a new temperance society be held on February 10th and Ilth. The there be- ed an organization vet, act with Reve and Clerk aiBoard of Health ay lilbinents tfirned out;. -,t this establiabment. to take the -place of th6 Royal Templars.— Sunday services will be conducted by the ingo less than three happy cotiples joined not be able. to.' Although the viz:—Thomas Fraser, John ohnston, and; crease in price, is denied, r; t lie coli i z v spite of —Mr..John O)Keefe, cattle dealer, Dublin, O eorge Windsor, one of on * store Rev. A7. J. Clark, of London. _LN1 Clark in and near this village, while as many John Manaon, and Dr. Armstrong, Ntedical�� and in -a bility of an in -keepers, V. -md very sormy weathe�r, th6 town PG si ot th was in town of). Tuesday last delivering a has moved into the house acated by Mr. more were married within a compa the fa is one of the most eloquent and able of Cali- ratively C. Wilson, '-which lie, evqaing, the er had bought through the country. Mr. him will miss a rare treat. A brilliant e 9.50, Edward- ganize makes it appear that ti ey coliald , of Stockers to Mr. W. C. Vail, station agent.—A large nu iber ear wereaid McKenzi o wa,i completely filled 'on Wednesday at the Mit men fire trying to or- lot 11 acWs divines, and those who fail to 1) short- distauc6 of here. The three couples Heahoffier. Thefollowing gra-%�el acco u.nt--- occasion of Bishop Baldwin's of removals and changes have taken place in and near here to which \we have made the present price too low." Glen $6.16, John Alexander $6.W, A. Couch� lucture. oil Egypt And Palestine. The lecture O'Keefe is n reference, were-: Mr. Riebard Jones, of $6.60., Mrs. McDougall $5.04, 11. Ransfor(j, O's-shippin aloadof cattleev- here of late. array of speakers fire expected oil Monday 9 -it most interesting and instructive one ery week to Toronto market,. He has bourrht i Usborne, and Miss Anna C.. arrbtt BOY WASTED.—Al'anted a good, sharp flight, viz.: -,Rev. Mr. Clark, of London; H v Of antl for two houxs he held the audience and shipped 41)e hundi a 82.40, A. NATbittingliam $1.44, Watts lad frow 14 to 1�6 ear -ed head to that ni`,%�- Hullett. r 3.30. The clerk was instructed tb sk for Rev. Mr. tewart, of Clinton; Rev. Mr.'Alfred Taylor' of Exeter, and B of age, to learij the printin Henderson, of Hensall, and the nei he det ed his * experiences in tese 'burltiness. Must be a good reader. lf k t - ceXe ' Years; he also has yet 145 C01 -NU -11, MEE' ,.—The council elect of Iministers. it-liboring Miss Isa Bell, of Hensall; '.,Nlr. Andrew end 'e. sin Apply at TuL, . w I)Ougall, of Hay, and Miss Tena, rposes. J. T_ Ori( c 'POSITOR Office, Seaforth. 1415 fat sheep and lambs feeding at b is farm near Hullett filet in Zil� Judging from the greatoirepara- Paterson, Garrow was appointed Township Bolicitor. nds. The ' olection, which Ex t ers for cedar for ioad pu on Ir hall, Londesboro, of this village. It is needless to say that rnted to about $14, will be used to pro-- OYSTERS.-'rl-hen 3-011 want oyst�rs don't Dublin.—TheCanadian Order 'of Foresters Monday, and -immediately after making tions that are being made, we predict that The following accounts were pres4ted an(T vure clothing for the Indians of th foreet Haxby of th;2 Imperial gestaurant, wher I x hearts beat as three. We heartily unite paid: Municipal world for printed form. s. e Noct1l, e you- of Clinton, paid the lodge bere it frater' this one will be the best occasion ever held in ". li their inany well wishers in- wi s Le�-. lie will also wit -p in aH sty -lea or by the quar visit on 1onday night. 'There -was a small business of the meeting commenced. .78, J. T. Cairns, Express on same -40 cents, west, the BisoT,y giving his services a ca%n have them served u nal their several declarations of office, &c., t turer free. The Ladies of St. Th R. HAXHY, oppmtv Imuk of Commerce. 1414-2 By- the Th ames Road ell urch. -A social sbing 9 xomas church but enjoyable Assembly held in -Cardno's be held oil Tuesday night, for whi - them long and continued bappiness.-'-Mr. No,rrvm-All accounts must be settl laws were passed fixing the salar' ch an excel- vre. t,l I— ;ongratulated upon the success of ed ies and ap- F. G. Xeelin for gir hall, on Friday evening last, by some of the lent programme is being arranged. Freeman Brintnell, of this village while en- Ltig $29.7%7 wilriam, their effort ash ar note by Feb-naty 2nd ; as after that Carnie was refun ed $1.00 dog tax john,. c d!� or -pointing the township officers for the year. gged in cutting wood in the bush Piz -ht -per cent interest ill be chariced all all youn people of the town. -Miss' Clark of The local Boaird -of Hallett will consist of Y Chapman was paid $10. 00 for kee Alai- over- !roroo dueaccounts RonEiT\1v Cady 's Block. 1414-2 rito, sister of ex_'Mayor Le Clark, the Reeve, Clerk, George Watt, Thomas Wroxeter. rpeently, met with an.- accident, which has colm McGregor indigent to F. A (,roal) C0 -1-_T, -Mr A. Charleswortb,' confined him to his rooin. We ho e he will Tate- The - t -The I tinclies, as served at Ha- w uest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Somer- Corbett and John Sprung. Dr. Agnew, was RIPPLES. -Owing to the inclemency of the p Cil the Reeve and- Deputy coun lie fixin of Chat vlle'ol��eg soon recover. -The Rev. Mr. Hunt, of the Reeve to defend suft -of 11 e ton, is mak !1LJ_J'.ite a reputation for 11ini should be tried to be appreciated. Rewember the Plow did a rs. Iffallidav & Brownell, of tNis y's Imperial Restaurant, are just the tbin.gand -The corporation Snow appointed Health Officer inst'ad of the late weather on Tuesday flight last, the carnival Trl%itt Memorial church, will conduct ser- plendid seftice durin ' a the late Dr. Young. Application for relief from D. 'was postponed. -Wroxeter has now two against elf ILS iL breeder cif thoroughbred horses. A price, 10jI5 or 20 cents, inctuding tea or coffee. Open vie i township and to draw on - T�eaznrer stormy spell in the way 6 e in St. Paul's church here on Sabbath f-10111 8 a -MI. to IL p m. Oppobite Bank of Commerce f keeping the 'E. Munro and 17 others on behalf of Mrs. butcher shops, and is also supplied daily next. for funds necessary to defend the case, The The Rev. Mr. Hodgins, Rural Dean, Clerk was instructed to have 500rAssessment Int- Week or two: ago lie hail letter from a mim side- walks open for pedestrians. This -use- Stf son, of blancliesrer, was granted,and with -meat frony the Gorrie meat market.- of Seafortb, reeently preached in St. Paul's 1414-2 view' to pl.'Jj-chasincy. This week lie Slljppe(l in Austria, about his stock -with a Tim L.tT ful implement was never inore efficiently she and -three other indigent persons 'will itizen, Ir T omas He i p- notices printed. The Treasurer w" paid ,,�,ST.-See those shells and aliell- Our'energetic c church, with 'much acceptance. Special bark Kernels, the latt-st thing out in Butter Creaws operated than this winter. -On account of receive nearly $6 per week. TenderSL will bill, seems to be remodeling the town ac- for posting up financial statement and'Lothe"I�- the fine pacing colt, Direct.- Texas," to a at llaxbyls imperial Restaurant. 1414.2 ' the severe storm and the drifted roads the meetings are being continued in the Metbo- be'rceived at next meeting of council for cording to his own ideas, throughout. He extra work. Council adjourned ntletrivai in Sandusky, OhiQ, who had pur- dist church and are being fairly well attend- _111'e to ineet Brussels stage Harlock Ex- the supply of rock elm plank for township has now a gang of men en- ed in moving ;Fa,,,,, on MondayFebriiary i8th at r-cloch- 0 ag him. This colt is sxteen A FAI�JIFI'i. OFIFCTAL.-We n6'tice in -press were unable Xo'rpach eafot of ed. The Rev. Alessri. Butts, Barker and th on Wed- purposes. A circuli,- was read from the building, near the ureigh- the Ferguson p e -er theixty-first annual re' ort of nesdy, but blie 13ayfield �mail made close Secretary of the Good Roads' Association, scales, down on to a part of the old Royal all(! other ministers are expected to take Old, and was bred from, "Texas Jack, Jr.," looUng o% Fear have been addr ssing the meetings, zind out of apaciligmareby Gaateer. Th the o connections as usual. The trains were not St. Thomas, asking the council to appoint hotel properti1r, where it will be fitted up as Bayffeld. e Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book of the Association a dwelling ouse.-Rev. Mr. Perrie, of price is away up in the tbree figures, and Society, the following "tribute paid to the much flelayed.-AtIrs. E. C. Coleman. visited a delegate to the meetin -part in tlie future. -Mr. G. IVICE wen, reeve Shows what we, have so of ten said, that first- zealons, able and wotthy secetary; who, by at the parentalionie in Goderich du of Hay', is in Goderich TirL Best local paper published is tlie ing the to be held in Toronto onothe 7th of F�ebru- Wingham, occupied the pulpit of t attending the In- elas hurse, either thoroughbred or. Clyde, the way, i he Pres- augural meeting of the County Council. HrRoN FXPOSMOR and the I.rit,-e i's now oo 13, Sla v and lavurab!ly 'knowif to past week. --The heating of a journa oin the ary. No action was taken. A certificate dva ce. F , Ed Ivs preparato _,I,, wards isur agent at Bneld_ n, ftable prices. This colt is moq,t 'of our readets. The r' icandescent. dynamo -at the electre light- from the Deputy 'Registrar General silo ry dervice to the Communion.- s is making ery will yet bn" g profi byterian church on Saturday last., at the in a eport says . (R -roman Occasional Correspondent.) v. thorout,h1ed ptcer on both s6des. 2%] r. Y(Ai r Directors would further report that 18tfitioll, oil �1'ednesday night, ca 0 ed the that there were registered by the Clerk f Our curlers played in Bru�sels last -f -wee, anniversary services offeringlin all departments for cashduritig his stock k e. He will be grea ly obliged if ihope who lug t a, Charleswurth stil has ei,,ht other thorough- the Rev. Dr. Moffat i addition to all his stoppage of the machine and there: was, this township during the past year &4eat ng the club of that. towil, and at the 0 I' X1 0 in connection -vvith Carmel church were held in Tor ti h e not Yet settled their account -s "Ill do so by 'e, noigbt from tha source. The births, 14 marriages and 33 det i'val the Wro'xeter skaters sustained the February 15th; office work onto, travelled over 6,000 lerefot carn on Sabbath last, and the meetings both tths. Coun: miles, preaclied 87 times crave 80 addresses, lamage, bowever, was repaired yesterday^, cil adionrned ulioil Monday, February 4th, reputa' I morning and eveni 1415-1 4, tion of this place, carrying off severa ng were well attendedt n tl -E 8Tu-K o.�F Tiail,.ER.-For several and held other 63 public' meetings, to keep 1 lil1gs made all rialit.-The officers of Tuesday, A L�uw a d 'at 10 a.m.- prizes. - M rs. Robert Gibson,� of 'N The services were ably conducted by Rev, January 15�th, A lait.land e vears -0ere has not been anythin clone in our churches fully informed concerning the 1 the 33rd Battalion hold" their annual dinner Brae," is at present in Chesley, being called Mr. McKay. B.A., of Toronto, assisted by 'Rev. Mr. Olivant perform d ceremony at the reside -nee of %1r the a -v of shipping square as there importance and necessity of our man-,, aided I al the Rattenberry House, Clinton, on Fri- the pastor, Rev. Mr. Henderson. 4111( Kippen. there to attend her sister, MJohn Dobie, M r. Me- eemc( -enr 'mission%vork. By b (lay evening next. Will. yeo, Bayfield roid, Godeil T, Town- -1 to be nG deniand for it. Tb�s 3 is pulpit services and -Mr. W. Logan of Car- who is seriously ill. Kay took for his text in the morning, Luke however, the work has been resanedz and ' abbath collections lie fully paid all his Ma. C-,tRR1A(,E WOP-1-:8.-A bargain in ship, when Miss Regna Yo th a nitoba, is at present here Cutters it few left. Repairs of 2:49-11 Wist ye not that I must be about trood deal is beillg taken out and brought in beavy travelling expenses, and, in ry all kinds promptly daughter, a 9 ei secatcb, nd Mr. John YcO Of Russeldule f�fren4 Mr. Logan 'says that u attended to. C.',Ric my Father's business.*' His text in the were united in the holy bon addition, -a p tolie KER. 1414'2 Hills Green. 11:1 passed over 8412 -to the general funds of e, in evening was da; of matrimony. x latter clause of these verses bein- taken mong those in attendance froi a' distance -itick was seen passhic, down Main street. the society." Such work as this woutcl ta - in Manit . oba.-Miss Aggic INIcIntyre, who the hall on true lay ev�liing last, in connee- Presbyterian church in this place, which -is Matthew -95:40 and 25:45, the ere J. V. Crocker and wife, of (),shawa ?(-;r shiment. On Friday last ense time he left, they had very pleasant weather SPARROW IEITL�T 'Tb eeting held in Cfiritcu OPE_Nr-,(..-The handsome new A tion witl ti special emphasis. This formed oan appro- 'it was taken from one of the farins al Mr. to the u1niost the best energies of our graduated?as a trained litirse at Toronto, in I le for w n r in Moore of Mitchell Miss R. ye t 3m�lated sparrow match, now nearly completed, will be Thomm Pridbam. and wife and Mys.. A. J'.- ig man, and forinally priate and very impressive double text' " Dickson, postmaster. It was 32 feet strongest and most vigorous you 1 Xovember, has-been looking after a patient was very -eagere; attended, the fellows all opened on Sabbath, 3t:d of February. Re' which the intimate union of Chr'ist o and Miss_ Ioa 2 feet 8 inches squstre. when we consde that Dr. Mo&t is rfo�v - in Orangeville since Christmas, and during crying death to these injurious birds. A A. D. McDonald, A D., of Seaforth, will and I r it the abled him, toitecompliall. NA- an e hope'be may erson, the treatment which thev ace Own attended by her sister, Miss Minnie Zt4J-1:d, althoutdi the roads,were tit thei Huron blood shows in our young ladies as the number of these villains, are requested of Hensall, will preach in t ord ed , to d was, I t�illop. It required two teaois to dral%% at,what his indomitable energy has ell- 11 services from other places. fixed. All interested in the diminution of evening at 6:30, and Rcv. Mr. Hend people is set forth, and the attitude of bride. was be - A was oft elta and was grrwwn in well advanced in myears Ne,may well marvel - that time has had six applications for her match was ar anged, sides chosen, and dates preach in the forenoon, at 10:30, and in the CGMingly attired in cream ere on" r best) It seenis that rig bteous and -the wicked to-Ch'rist is sh he afternoon, at b.� yeo, they hadJust load enoxi-li. Thre -are not be long spared and that stre earth.' Both sermons who worerose colored silk trimmed witht, '111 0 ngth will' e ' well as in our young men. -We are sorry to to help; in.ake this match a success. The 2:30. The choir of Union church, Bruce- their fellows while on la;ce. Mr. IF rid, am., of A, e, mzy such treasures of the forest left iri vouch safed hi m to continue iii the good .learn that Mr. John Copp hats been confined- hunt, of . one week's duration, will close field, will were of a- decided y I Missionary character . . P b itchelf, per- these parts now. Dickson has abipped wori evidently so congenipti to hiy.h. to his' lead �he singing. On the follow- formed the duties oon 42 stick residence for nearly- two weeks.by ill- ! promptlyz at 8 o'clock Thursday �venink, ing Monday evening tlicre will be a dedica- characterized by clearness of cas-' an. T-,h,e oc- and were of gr ism and eloquent simiilicit;r of expres- Ion was more interesting on 4 at of _s and several of his ness, but is flow rReover See lists of sides in public tory tea -meeting, when addresses 1.7 irn muel thought ecou ItCh,hbors are also shipping. The timber is. Londesborough no%%. of P. Sa anuary 31st. -will be its being the 42nd anni to I River, Dakota, places of our village. sion.. The sermons made apowerfulimpre- - ersarY of tfie bri(Ws annual ' delivered by a large numl-wer of clergymen, parents marriage. The many gful and valif 1juint- tken out bN a Qiiebec' firai, and is meetin of the Huron Presbvteril Women's v us if I . (.f formerly of I uckersmith, sa. a lie has taken &RiBs.-I'he big storin of this week hs and musical -selection's will be given by tli� sion and will not soon be forgoten by thoge able presents show the high ta bie used as flool for vessels, 1)% 11iP 'Fore I'dis ionary Societ the iveekly Wobe regularly for fifty years, had a bad effect on busin' who heard them. -In connection esteel I tht ign S Y WILS held in Car- ess in ourvill -go Brucefield' choir. This will be a most wih the n in -which buil(lers in the Old 'U0_1111utrv. and has always paid for it. in advance. It is the bride is held andh niel chu giving our 9 er many friends join in. reh Hens�ll., on Tuesday 15th inst business men -an opportunity for pleaant and profitable occasion" to all i Rev. Mr. wishing Mr. and Mrs. Yo a I no'%$ onder lie has prospered ; any man wit vbo Anniversai%v services, ay P;very uxiliary under tile a a 1101 . sell apices of the -miss Sarab McClymont, of Lon- attend, and we are sure the new delivered his popular lectue, "A v isit to life. g and happy the Art Galleries of Europe in the audi- -R F record deserves iday�een called home to attend to her will be crowded both on Sabbath and'on Bmmzs.-Reeve Buns Wns ;at Toronto, Tau AN , Colt v.--- society ws well represented and there was such prosperity. don, has ellurel allatial es, a large attendance of ldi _q of the niembers of the besid' es. Th'e' mother, Mrs. T. McClyinont, -w-ho is under Monday evening. toritim oMrniel church on Monday even- last week. -Mrs. lklcKiltop Mvitual Fire Ins�ifr&nce Coinp Tuckersmith. A. Grainger and Aliss, ni tueetint was presided oveby the President-, the doctor's care. -Mr. William -Cooper ing last. The meeting, from a financial Cruicksbank of IL Was -1(1 ia t1te Ton Hall;'. 8eforth, oii Coli1iFletGhei` andanuni-berof excel- LoNvi-.P, 1- d Mr. Samuel Thompson are the captains stand -point, was not as successful as could Clinto spe EDIT011 : , J ,It Stinday in Fri(lav lst. There Exeter'. . . . . . . C2 I 'Ripley, are -was not a very larcre at- ieiii�'papers, bearin'rf' in tile sparro vv- b tint, with 25 armed men oil be desired, the atteiidance being to'%n--- -r. and MTS. Af,cLeod of passed off v, read b etcher nd otliers. -The recent tbaw on onday last This was, no doillif, partly to be accounted Mrs, nts Mr. anri tho 011 Mission ix;ork were looking over the last financial statement for ea b side. The losing side is'to treat all The the "' sthal" vi8itin" McLeod's pal -e township of Tuckersmitb, I find the n- c o vleasantly and The reports otf Iatlics was frozen up on Tuesday by a blizzard for by the f has r.(-- f Ifensall treafe�d their �-iSitincr vestments of the township fl, mortgages the Indies and gentlemen to an oyster sup'- act that the nialit was somewbat tu. James Thoinon.-A. ee from tile Northwest. -The Rev. W. H, ftIld auditors werc, adopted friends most liospitabl�y, while those of Car six per cent interest. I think pub- per in the ball. The ladies are lo;king for- rough and the roa& soft J. 8 o er of fai po il but those,wbo these reports we learn fifel chureb left nothing undone -to make the lid opinion -%vould endo -Larg 'I- Clinton, has been '--isitirig-at her brot j( U111 I Butt, of Centralia, and his sister, Mrs. ed to be present were the greates bers, Ard for a good time. Supplies of rse the action of 'the rom tie t 11'. t tile st- occasion as pleasut it"s possible. The re- U ice have been renio% Jam' t losers.. E. Swartzi Riverbotel- the past were ent rates, say five per cent. to keep the beer The reverend gen- were the guests ilIc" and John King and so", Gordon Of gh in prop co 'ncil if they -%vould reciuce� the interest to -ed ie mill dani. es Gorell, of Crvstal Citv,J%1diiitoba, The lecture was a most able, interest we wit. ibe There are now 1,878 ports fvom the various auxiliaries were most curr during the -last few days the guests of th�ir cousin .J. T. instructive deliverance. With all illhut'alj�-e (if not f mm spoiling riner days. -Mr. Robert tleman while modestly disel a'ad the t06,1 contributions for Iis Westcott, on Monday last. -Reeve. McCai- of Mr. KiII01*8 fathe 01111111 aimng any pre- t1all t r here for justice to borrowers to extort more than I, 'Ilso'n, of Seforth, paid our villacre a visit lum and Deputy-Reive Carling are attend- tensions as an Ar a few d,Vs this eek. --`John and NN7111 n during it trifle less than last year, which conside�- Hopilig t6e 001111eil -will gi�,e it t Co Si last,week, looking up trade.* -Five woeddings conception of ideas and by his equally fine in 189� here Avel c Ore vear aniolated t041,367-18,:being only current rates in this period of depression. ing the County Council in Goderich' this t critic, sbowed by his fine Jo%vett, .John Ge lie, il oh g a of inir the stringent tinies, is more thi dnesday last week, rt' J n t lie vt ui -was ation it deniands, I renlain, took place oil We43 M. J. White, of the mei hit A A RATEPAYER. within week. -Mr '-xeter descriptive powers that, he, could at least and James Marks attended the carnivk�! move at expected. An open I'lecting was held in the WEST END NOTES. wradius of seven miles. Times, spent p Clinton Ott Thursday iiight of last Week. -Th Who Nvouldn?t like art of this week at (4oderich. convey ill choice Ian ag tint ri,sk now than thvr e auction sale of gu: e to his hearers, Arthur Peck is visiting Win. Dowson, to be preacher these hard thues ? -Mr. Thomas Ha-zlewood, of Usborne, has some of the 440).-L - e ISO. Th. evening, li-hich Was lari_,elv­ attended,and oil H. Cudniore, he]d 01 Weduesda -of , thoughts of fliose Zurich. -At the hrst meeting of the y purel'ased five acres. from Mr. AN -in. Daw- masters in art whose' wo thc veal. whivil occw,ion Rd -v; Clark, rf -Lou- last week, was well attended. The 0 — . I mium uutus taken dur i noblest near Uill, stock ks be has studie(l. council oil Monday, H. W. j'rwin was den, of the.Samwell property, and will erect The lecture was throughout. of an uplifting Pointed clerk-, afl_�l most able i0dress oil li cattle brought fair prices considering their *cKillop. a fine brick dwelling thereon in the spring. moral tone and was much appreciated by ohn Pollock, auditors for of'the don, delivered r premil-un notes held more than ion -%vork. A resolution %vas unanimously coll4ition and the present market pric' e'. -A Thomson a -all 8EPAR.,%-T0uW-R-,ED.-A grain separator -Mr. Ed. Christie is movingfrom hi f r t ios' in I9.3. The reveipts for the. yvaraillount P'l-SS(ld thankim, Lyon -for her past !�ev*6re cold or,'a form of I a a in eprasent. There was alsospecial mi pre_� y Wesenberg, of the to this village this week, into W. 11cre ed to Nvet grippe, is to1\1r` Henr' were three applicants Mr. Ceorge by the church (ftiartette. for colistable, Will- I of and ex�)Iressitir the deep yalcut alno, g Ur citizens. a t�ownline, in th Wbiddon, John 11 u Elcotw Ferguson and, -1e vem.lv is township, -was bi�rned on Hodgins' cottage on Carling street. We -NOTFS.-The meeting of obn Falcon- er. PEdd to ive her valbable sev be Cbristian er. These and the appoilitiijig of other oth- k1ted by 0 611 01( I regrut felt on account of her ng- unable intends, to enlrge his barn next sumn, Friday morning last abouf 4 o'clock. It is welcome -Air. Christie and -family back to Endeavor Society of Carmel church was cers was leit an popu JUF arn. vices in this )1r. Robert Plewes is also prep6rina to not known what caused the fite, but some the village. -Mr. Richard Piekard, soil of largely ttended on Sabbath— evenin last. lar m 1111olluted to till next meetig,__(), The following ave the officers raise and build stabling undel his b think that a �quantitv of oats iviiieb bad Mr. James Pickard, who - has b ail carrie fcurrent _r, W. Co-lin INIr. RobertWhiteis sufferingfrom blood een at St. Clrk, has A special feature of the meeting was all in- from, his recent indi1po81it1-o1I­()I.l 411 ill-iftection of been left in it ma ha�e heated and started 1:aul and Duluth, Minnesota, the past four terestina and very practical addrew-, by Rev. day next, at the. sa, y President; 'Alv. poisoning, which lie contracted'from poison the machine burning. At ny rate it is a vears. has returned to town to reside. He Mr. hatioll Arn), A., of Toronto. -.11 r.'Robt. there is to be a farewell supper. T lfelli;all, Ist Vice --President ivN Cutting Albert Dus B heavy loss to 111r. Wesenberg is accompanied by his wife and famil lit, 2nd Vice-Pre-sident: t he Ofb erson, Jr., ow, of Belmore, is at present .-- Patt will have his new house cers nf)Av ill char.cre are expectin t, lm� !; fal t visiting rela- COUINVIL M.F. I ETIS(,. =Coun"6il met in Jones' The concessions in Usborne aiitl Stephen readv for the painters this week. -Mr. 8. removed, and hJ to be soon Grad gon ecretry; tives here.-Mr-J.'eorcre kN is -laid up hall, Leadburi, on.Monday, 21st-inst. The to,wiiships are badly drifted with tbe severe Smillie. the worthy ex -Clerk eet their niany storni of Tuesday last. -The skting earni- lilesday niglit. COIT - piLN111vilt of loans, 0 Reeve and Counrillors took the declaration -of Tucker- friends on N,x,e( Ope to 11) Treasurer; 'Miss Aic- -vvith alsever-e ,ee anti. Clinton, ,�ecrctary of Supplies - CO USCT i_ -The gentlemen elected as mem- of office an smith, ])its bouglit, hne buildi g ite o th pie will be served, A iii usical prog. .&V tile The tit tilt. d onth of (lualification before the val on Wednesda night last m If S ramine. Wilson, eafoih- -as a decided London Road, (McArthur's -Survey) and in- vvill also be pr Secretary of bers of the council board for the current ovided� Adjutant aild all"Ititit t(I aml the Literaturv. clerk. James Evanswas elected Deputy- success. -Mr. Robert Pickard- will. build a tends to build a nice brick house on it next Tkylor ae to be' prese t. Admissi- e n iL fol- TUt-kersinith it, of ifie, our uptown cents. 1) on I 1) 21st, -as direeted,by statute, and inch hav- 6,lerk; Solomon J. Shannon, treasurer; Wni. J. -'Westeott, typo at the TI'Dies I ice the �fficers. J. W. Lyon,' the ear niet at 13rueefield on INIonday, anuay. Reeve. 'John C. Morrison -was re- ppointed. aster urnmer. We congratulate to liu acted since the a fisae new residence in the spi,in-.-. Jklate of ON 101in Ifamiali, who resiin"ql. Wm. Evails, assessor Charles Dodds, col- spent last Sunday at Seafortli, the (ruest of a neighbor such a 9 s0eich positively de- ing made and su�scribed the necessary , de. friends on the prospect of their seciirinL, for lille I IT UPPOilit"Ielit, to the very tri,eat re.- claratious of (julification and of office the - "I ood citizen All' , r - V� A 7A:_1_ o�L al - r1(L o all huerested if Mill .son and I homas e ings -, tlic� ork his uncle, Mr. �i illiam Westeo n —v re(I Barrett, the celebrated Eng- tt. —.If rs. are the rapre this vreek thera being four i lia joe -ey, di I at X. wn Messrs. '11-M. Hays,. auditors. Thomas urrav,, Bernard Stephen Powell and son, Willisi spent last this inin4diate vicinit' W The fol- entered upon their duties. y and two of them be- �on arket