HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-25, Page 6�. � I
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. HN GRIKV9, V.S,, honor fraduatevf Ontario -
� .
a - , JO Veterinary College. Ali diseases of Domestic .
" I Animals: treated. Calispromptly littended to and -
- � I � . rbarzes . moderate. Vete rinary Dentistry a speelixlty
�: .
�; ,; Office and resid4ince on Goddrich street, one door
V t �. MAST at Dr. Soott's office, Sesforth. 1112tt
I �
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I I I I . . i
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I z i�r
-- I Go H1. G1413.
I -
, - i Veterinary Surgeon ATtd Dentlet. Toronto College of
� Veterinary dentists, Honor Graduate or? Ontario Vet-
f:.- . 4arinary College, Honor member of Ontario Veterin-
oi - �
1�, - ases of. domestic animals
- I
�_ ary hiedical Society.. All dise
1�_* skilfully treated. All calls promptly attended to
P � day or night. Dentistry and Surgery a specialty.
: .
� I . i0filce and Diapevsary-Dr'. Campbell'ij old .offtee,
E � . �;
# :� Main street Seafortb. 140-52
i I . �
I �
i . I
; -
� .
I S. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyfincer and
. I It Notary. Public. Solicitor for the Dominion
- ,
� Bank. Office-Cardoo's block, Main Street, Seaforth.
. I . : 'Money to loan. 1236
. � � ATTHEW MORRIgON, Walton, Insurance
i . � kin affidavits.
� - I � At Agent, Commissioner for ts, 9
� 11z Cbriveyances, &a. Money to loan at the loweas rates.
: I U. 3(ovausoN, Walton. . �
- _
c .
� � I i M. REST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary &a
� .
I ?
I J. (itilco-I.tooms, five dooze north ofComiercial
. .
. 't . liotel, ground floor, next .door to 0. .L. PApst's
I . t
. ire, -Main street, Seaforth. Godrich
i � jewelry istc
� agents-Camerou, Halt and Cameron. ItI16
I i.
i_ - ____ __., __
r F
� . I
i Y'JARROW & PROUDFOOT ' Barristers, ffQ11(ttOr8,,
5 � J. T. GAzaow. O.;
� . kX &a.. Godaideh, Ontario. Q.
; h WN. PROUDroor. 4386
� I !�
z I . �,." -
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p 1. � �
1 7
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- ; . --vAxg.aGN, HOLT & HQ,LUPS, Barristen So.
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! I � f�l k1j" lieftors in Chancery, &b7.,Goderich, Out lk. 0.
,I. I 9
I 1- f -
z . CAxzRw, Q. C., Paw HOLT, DuDLET HOLMES
I � -
. I
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1� I .
a I I I I I
p � � , Solloltors for the,tBau% a'
a � veyanoers,. &a.
I i
a Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to lama Oflloa--
� - �_
i .
I . ? Elliott Block, . Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MANWING
� I
e "
9 I JAWN, 80Orr. M
i !.� .
5 -4 —
� � _.
! I 'F
� HOLKESTED, ibu=r to th4, ,Ate firm
I I a$
I � ,
z 11 McCaughey eated, Barrister, Ho
� . 4
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I - Iialtor, Conveyan"r and Wotary. Solicitor for the
z �
I . 2-
p - I ie. Money to land Farma
� ill Canadian Bank of Comm.era
I , .
;F � j� , - �,� - for sale. Office In ScoWa Block, Maim Street,
: I zeaforth.�
: 7 1
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; IqE -
� � I -
C r
� 'r, !
I 1
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1, .., � �
� . . -BAR RISTE R.
t, F
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I I I Solicitor of Superior Court, Commissioner fo
- .
I � .
q I I'll ta,Wng Affidavits In, t.he High Court
� I
; .1
J 0 - .` of Justice, Conveyancer,
r 11
: I
I . .
i . . I . Money a Lend
� , � �. - Can be consul" after office hours at the Cornmer.
% .
I .
; I ` .
� .4 I cialliotel.
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: I t.
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� : i R. G. F. BELDEN, L. D. S , Dentast. All kinds
; I
! . _.
i . Dof work done known. to Modern Dentistry
i specialty
7 * Gold, Aluminum and Porcelain Crowns a :
; �
1 , r -
; Door bell answered " at all hours. Office and resi-
i .1 . .
� .
i � I - -dance over Mr. Pickard's store, in rooms lately occu.
i I . - Ji piled by Mechanics' Institute. -
: � � I
� -
� TWEDDLE Dentist, Office over Richardson
: . '
� - I Mc1nne8'ShOe Store, corner Malin and John
; F - w.
; . . Nitrous Oxide Gas ad.
r , &tests, Seaforth, Ontario. .
I .
i thillisterod forthe painless extraction of teeth. IMP
� � R. H. S. ANDERSON, graduate at Royal Calls e
F 11), of Dental Surgdons, untaria, D. D. S of 70.
� ronto-University. uffloe, Market Block, Mitchell,
: I Ontario. . 1 1402.
I -
i %
. AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will
I .
I . 41* -R
2 . visit Hen8all at Hodgena' Hotel
� p
! � every Monday, and' at Zurich the
i -
� second Thursday in eaon month 1288
� I �
. .
. . i
� I
i 4& .,. ': 11. Ey KINSMAN. Dentiat, L. 1) S.,
� . 1 4- * 'It JLL. Exeter, On.t. Will beat ZurInb
z .,.
� �,: . ;,.".t.
� at the Huron Hotel, ONLY on the
� dv 1::'-�1:0 i,AsT THuxsDAY in each month, and
1. .
: I at Murdock's Hotel, Hensall, on the FIRST FRIDAY
I . .
4 i
; I in each month. . Teeth eiLtracted with the leW
. t�
L �. V .
7 imin Possible. All work first-olaw at liberal raies,
E �� .
� -
r on
; I
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� OXEY TO LOAN. -Straight loans ab 6 pe
� -1
T . M cent.., with the privilege to borrows, of
: I
; repying V*rt of the principal monev at an% time.
I 4
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: � . Oppty to F_ HOLMESTED, Barrlsi.!I, Seaforhh.
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D R. S. S,.- M U R RAY,
Mcmber Britibh Medical .&ssociation, late coroner
Dounty of Uiddlesex. Offl.,e-opposicb Town Hall
n. the Gady block. Residence -67 Victoria Street
Telephone No. 80. . 1400-52
DR, CAMPBELL, I -Tenor Graduate of Medical Fa -
culty of Toronto University, Physician, Sur-
geon, etc. Office�Zellor's Blc,ek; night calls-
lGreb's Hotel, Zurich, On.'— 1387
- -
IDR. ARMSTRONG, M. B., Toronto, M. D. C. U.,
Victoria, M. 0. P. S., Ontario,. successor to Dr.
Elliott, ofilie lately occupied by Dr. Eliott, Brued-
field, Ontario. . 1379x52
DR. McTAVISH, Physician, Surgeon,&c. Office
corner southwest of. Dixon's Hotel, Bruce fle?ld.
Night calls. at the office. 1 1323 .
_ - -
OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Methodist
Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricultural
J. 0. SCOTI!, M D. C. M., (Ann Arbor and Via,
toria.) U. C. P . S. 0.
C. MACKAY, bl. D. C. M., (Trinity,) F. T. M. C.
M. 0. P. & 0. .
- I -
RF_ COOPER, 31. D., M. B., L. F. P. and S.,
. lilaagow, &c., Physician, Surgeon and Ao.
coucher, � Coustance, Ont. 112T
_. - -.------
ALEX BETHUNE, M. D, Follow of the ROYRJ
Colleg.e of Physicians and Surgeon@, Kingston.
Successor to Dr. Man' -Id. Offlo. * lately occupied
by Dr. Kackid, Mair- Street Seaforth. Residenot
-Carrier of Victoria Square, in house lately occupied
by L. E. Pancey. 1127
Late resident Physician and. Surgeon, Toronto Gen
erat Hospital. Honor crraduat& Trinity Univerbity,
member of the College of Vhysicians and Surgeonk
of Ontario z9'OFFl.CES%n . te as formerly occupied
by Dr. Smith, opposite Public School, Seaforth.
I have much pit a, ure in i�ntroducin'.9 Dr. .BurrowE
to all ui,� former Atlent8 as a phybician, in every
way worthy of thuir utmost confidence.
TelaphonL-No. 48. I I i3d6
- - I
G. EORGE tAYLOR, Licensed Auctioneer for . tht
County at Huron. Salob promptly attended
ter; in all parts of the County. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Charges moderate. GEO. TAYLOR, KippeE
Fl. 0. 1357-t. f
JP, ge-INE, Licensed Auctioneer for 4 I hi Ooun
. ty of auror. Sales, attended, In a I parts oi
the Coutity. All orders left ski TAs F.1poarros
Offloo; wit; �io promptly attended to. I -1
— __ — I
Auctiortoorfor the 'Counties of Huron and Perth,
and Agent at. licii8%il. for the Masbey- Harris Mam
f%cturing Campt%rlv� '. Sales promptly attended to.
charges moderato- and sidafnetiqu wuaranteed,
!Drders by ui.id addreised to Hensafl Post Office, or
lett at his rosidenm, Lot 2, Concession 11, Tuek.
cramith, will receive prompt attention. 12D6- tf,
__ - —1
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� IL40ARQvm' ,
.,U,** STO W. A!
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� .01 BAD .B LOO Da I
. It Pur1fles and Stre,n,,gthens thq
. . entive System. � I
. 64 DOSES toR So CENTS . �
The best inedicine eTer tHscovered.
. 8"Ir.n Wy "W-Tw-Iffs .
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For 20 leats.
the formula for making Scott's
Emulsion' has been endorsed by
physiciansof thewholeworld. No
secret about it. This is one of its
strongest i�ndorsements.. - But the
strong�est endorsement possible is
in the vital strength it giv.s.
Scot..tt's �
I lff-4 L 0
1 1�4mufslon .
nourishes. It does more for weak
Babies and Grouving'Child ren than
any other kind of nourishment. It
strengthen s -Weak Mothers . and re-
stores health to all suffering from
Emaciation -and G --neral Debility.
For Coughs, Colc!3, Sore Throat, Bron.
chitis,' Weak Lungs, Consumptioii, Blood
Diseases avid Loss of Flesh.
sc.et & Bowne, Beileville. f.11 Druggists 50c. ' & $I.
THE It V TA. -DOG —Conti n.0 ed.
But Dick P,"`_�idge, having acquitted him,,
self of the suspicion Of being a 11 bounder,
having grovelled sufficiently, had thereftfter
no intention of " taking a back seat," as be
himself would have said. He had much
-too wholesoine an opinion of his powers of
entertaining; 'he wished to show this
-Stranger the familiar footing he held in this
household; and, above all, he naturally de-
sired to display a little,, with the eyes of
Beauty looking on. �
1 (No barrel organs to bother you here, Mr.
Summers," he observed, in his A.irpy and
cheerful fashion. 0 No 'Larnbeth Lotty.'
-nothing o' that kind to disturb you. But
I tell you it's very odd, bow quickly a comic
song that catches on at the halls-and'Lam-
beth Lotty' is the last -it's very odd ho
quickly it is laid hold of by the upper ten ;
it's ra�ther mysterious, as the sailor said of
the sausage§ ; but I notice that. there are a,
good many curtpaned ,.boxes at th6 halls
. nowadays. Wel�, why not'? Why shouVln't
. the tip -toppers like it bit of fun as well as
anybody else ; it can't all be state concerts
at Buckinahani Palace. I don't know
whether they still have midnight toboggan-
ing on tea-trays down.' the stair cases of
country houses-tbat was a high old amuse-
ment, and no mistake! -but- anyhow, last
I 'ranville Gallery -
Sunday evenin,g, at the G
.as swella gathering as you could get ill
I London-wben Jack Rintoul sang I rAm-
beth Lotty" they gave him a perfect roar of
a chorns. At least so I hear -, for I wasn't
there myself," the young man obseived,
honestly, 11 And why shouldn't they ? The
air isn't half a bad. one, and the chorus is
ripping. , Just listen to this," ,
He went 'to the piano, opened it, sat
down, and rafi his fingers lightly over the
keys. Clearly lie was quite a clever and
facile pianist; driving tandem was not his
- sole accomplishment. But avileill he hae
dashed off the air, which A'Vas a flimsy
catching kind of thing, tile temptation o
the. chorus was too much for bini-he burs
into Song : L. .
11 0 Lobty,
i . Now you're dotty,' I I
For carrots isn't in it with your hair;
� And vour borint.t's all aEkow,
And your nose 18 --athur blue,
And they'd run you off the grounds at Greenwich
I , Fair." ' .
"Then th-eve oonies in a bit of a dance
you know " be said an(I his fingers still rar
.1 I 0
up and down the keys, " though I fanC3
that would be left �ut at the Gran-vill(
Gallery. Bittc.%nyc)u-si-on(lerth,%t.thepeo I
ple caught at the chorus? It isn't half ])ad
you know." . . . I
And again be sang, with sonic additiolia.
' 0 '
touch of staccato emphasis - I
" 0 Lotty, I
N,iw you're dotly, I .
,. For carrots isn't in it wi*h your hair; -
And your bonreG's all askew,
And y9ur Dose is rather blue,
Any they'd run you off the grounds At Greenwicl
He did not youcl.safe them any furthe
rai about the young * lady of th
South side who �seemed to have been over
vadn of her personal appearance ; he left th
piano and jauntily resumed his seat; an�
-*%,,is presently eng-aged in proving that tb
very smartest people (as he called them
would Rook to tl Music Halls if only the3
had sufficient c rage, and that they onl3
went to see Sha espeare, as they went t(
church, because i -was considered the rigb
thing to do. I)ick had plelity to say fo
himself; lie was determined to shine -an(
he shone. . . .
Tea and eake and such things brougli
some little excuse for a further prolonlyll,
tion of their star; but at last both the
youn g men rose to cro, and Dick Errid f,e wa
0 0 . 0
. so kind as to offer to drive Sidney into th
town -an invitation .which, f6r reasons, Wa
pro in ptly avcepte�l: For hardly had tb6
got away from Crowhurst, making for th
- Oxford Road, when Sidney said, t'
" You seeni to havd known NW. Summer
Ior a considentble time." . .
11 Oh yes," his nei(yhbor answereil, wit]
.some pride. ','A goodish bit now -a. good
ish bit."
�_�('Wliat was lie "" .
A ,,-iniple question ; but Dick Erridge hesi
, tated. And then the siiob in him (or per
haps some fliml3�-felt generolis instinct: w1i
can tell?) caused him to lie. I -
11 Oh, a tvainer-a well --known trainer I .
he answered : and then lie quickly'went 0
to add : " Of course he has retired f roin at
that now. He has made his little pile, yo
know; a' warin inan, in his quiet way
And niade it fair and square, too. Holies
.Jim Summers, as Ithey use(i to call him."
. I ". Honest ,Jim Suniniers?" repeated Sid
nev," with a; 'trifle of surprise. V Tha
� sounds ra�ther�aliiilirw', doesn't it?"
, '
' ' 'In a fashion it dues, yes," observe
Dick 1;rridge, light]%.. "But it's Aothin
tosay agmilist it man,. don't you. know
Might be worse things said against a inai
0 ;.11
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earth, and bide in a hole there, and not' self to fa,ce the possibility of Nan's getting� I 1� � ,;
come out till the Day of Judgmeint." : married; nay, he bad persuaded himself - - . . Rob (-, . 1!
I - . ;
v Whether or not to re. that it was a desirable thing She sh6uld 11 -t__
Sidney hardly kneN 00 .- - ..t_. 1,
sent this tone; after all, there was in it. .make her choice; he bad told her that he d - 11
1. .
� .. I - ..
89me tjoneb of human nature, despite its himself would feel happier and better con- : 11 ?4 ROY �
self -sufficient flippan n . : I � tent it be saw her lift fairly settled. But �1 Iq A . IN I I t
. .
I 4 . � Cigar I
question he would ask. � be had been thinking of Dick Erridge and
64 iave been a of Dick's. polite re nest for " permission to - .
I Suppose her mother must f . pay his addresses;'7 he bad not been. think- I 'C a . I
v I ery beautiful woman')" he said. - inj of this other' Oung man, whose asso- . .. . in I S It's nobecatis,e I
1%.SoIliax-ebeard,"Abe young man ans with them Ke had just been pro- I - � 11 0
wered. " But of course there's Do speaking cia.ion . 9 m Scotch but
about her r,o Mr. �Suninicrs. There are some posing should cease .altogether. 'Not that - . 0 �,�� .
things too awf ill; I can see now that a sud- any . one was too good for his bright -spirited, i . . vt—(—:> 'eaLt are . . .
� e" �
den rai!l � ay whistle seems: to go through affectionate, laughiug�hearted ITan ; and in smoke a bett � �._ I 0
1him like a knife, just as if he were stabbed. other circumstiinces lie might have been
Come, got alon�J Tornmy "' This last in- pleased to See her provided with 0; husbaod I still..beMr When ' Cigar than �� . 4 - - I
terjection to hisleader, accompanied by the as handsome, and well-born,and modest, and . % � 1 I
lightest touch of the whip,for now they had good-bumored as this Sidney Hume; but ade wtHi I Y 11 I t. -_
entered upon thd broad expamse of the Fair his Schemes for Nan's future had never con- ft7 4108 no 11 I
Mile. . I . teinplsted her entering a social sphere where . 711ty cost 5C. 1 . 't
When at length they bad got into the she would run the risk of bein,r treated
I . I-) .
quiet little town, Sidney mWinaged to shake with patronage, if not with scorn. This - 11
off his companion, notwithstanding his r.e- midnight advenLure. L-howed him that lie L EM but I get sax -
iterated proposals and invitations.; -and, had resolved ,none too soon on dropping an of thern for a I
leaving Dick Erridge at the Red Lion, be acquaintanceship that haJ on one side at 0:: I? � -
pursued the rest ot his homeward way on least 'been too diligently cultivated ; the - quarter.
foot. He wished to be alone; he was un. - yonlig ,nan m ust betake himself else-whith- - , �
accotintably perturbed and anxious. This er to choose for himself a mate. ( for 1h Pva re. EmPIRE TOBACCO CO -v MONTREAL,
, "Ili
visit of the afternoon had left him a prey to
. .He passed an anxious night, an(t the
prehe . fram - H
. (I :f'R E E ,SF- W 'EN THE
eliensions. For one thing, Nan mornivig st-ill found him in grievous per-
-a' al) Would not the straightforward q I? E)q
% one alie
had ii�pe . troubled and concerned : all plexity. C � . I �
er ft Id 111 ybe to go (lire t to Sidney Hume, con- 0
h iei ess, ber light-beartedness of wa C)
the day before had fled ; he bad ha,rdly ever fess his suspicions and fe,%rs, and explain zh ct a re . 4ea s t!y di� SNOW COMES
encountered her eyes. And then, again,the why this brief c6nipanionship, abould a.t - f 7,i Horses and
. a I! 0 -,N,oul( iot 4 and I
familiarity with this household 'professed once said definitely cease r I I N.
by Dick Erridge. seemed to make of hin', that be in a I measure coillproniiSill(r 9 a Ste d, * rytft4. % � Cattle are taken
.NLan, I..i __�/ ,� I off grass they
Sidney, something of a stranger.' -At this whose naine hedid not even wish too men- f- 1 4 ro r I' . � should li a v e a
very moment he would *fain haNre gone away tion; then, a(rain ought lie to tell her of Ft en t all P, . ) -1 I
. out to Crowburst agadn, to assure hini- the inciden 3 : \�I; /� , tomed
to? the' ni('rlit before ; or inight orl -�51 artd / ; tonic until they .
self that the speed-svell eyes had no real not tbat be simply pu"i'ting fancies into her . . ,�( get accus .
reason for avoiding his. A dumb, unappease- li��ad? Young people were imaginative an(I 1cookinq .ku rp C7 -S CS . I A . . . . . to the change a -
able longing possessed him—a - in whimsical, and given to thinking over - - feed, or they will
yea�rn g� of k*_Of and
the heart that tortured him ;. the red and things; perhaps it might be better if lie losi flesh .
0 L Ex E-� ;;S be-wer condition very
,gray house among the beech woods seemed (zrro . quickly.
> held his peace.
now worlds. and worlds - remote. Books, "Nan," sai(l lie, -when. they had agreed to -_ -
when lie tried that distra ebion, were useless; stroll in to Henley together,"' I will bring .2L, h A To t e4lect this, may keep in animal poor all winter
. ' ,,.Purek* Aam lard.
the printed page crave him back nothing— an action against that coaoh-builder, if * IL and it may die in the spring.
0 le
t3 ro I . I Made only by the very
. not even the sto V doesn't Send home the phaeton at once. I can- I DICK'S BLOOD PURIFJER will be found
. - I , "told i not have you continually walking in to Hen- . _^� I best condition Powder to use its setim is quick
By a cavern wind unto a fort)st old." ley ever tinie you want to call at a shop or I The N. K. Fairbank and Fure and satisfactory results are guaranteed. Fed,
This tonic for He, ses and Cettle, if properly u
Hewent out into the garden. Itwas a tw T . �
. ,o.7)1 comp;lnyp will add FO per cent tothe seiiing price a; any animal,
placidevening. Th6tall popl-ars and the "ButI like the -walkina, Dodo!" she I and it cos's only 50C. nick's Biood Puvifier, hoe,
pendulous willows stirred and no more than made answer, as she was lemThic, the room. Wellington and Ann St&j D*ck's Blister, boo. Dick's Liniment � , 25c. Dicled,
' of oirstalent. 26c.
stirred: th " e smooth, oily olive green the " And I shall be ready in" five or ten (0 X()NTR-EAL. For sale by J. S, lRoberts, Se&forth.
river U. -as only -broken when a boat came minutes." . __ DICK & CO. P. 0. BOX 482, 'INIontreal.
shootim- along from 'Linder the yellow " Don't hurry—don't hurry," said hel be awxiously glanced along -,the road. " I -
arches o4nf the bridge. The hush of the twi- careful as ever of fier. "There's no hurry sball be all right ill a- minute- There'll be
light Was falling over the wide meadows and at all. You'll find me dawdling along the I I
' ' some one here directly—sbe must not be , I i
thlb wooded hills; voices sounded -distant; road on can overtake me wbenever' yo, � ft i
_y ' —
the coming night was not far off. Peace I;ke.11 told—sbe must not be frightened " .. i
" " If you would get into the dog -cart, Sir," 00 scoftodoot i
without, but no peace within ; rather am For be could not get these harassing ques- . - I
. the mail said, "I will drive you down to - I
ever-increasing and unreasoning distress, jiOns ans-virered. - Alit] yet they were nearly � C 9 OPAPOUND. i
"' �
. . Henley, and you could see a surgeon—Fin - -5 1.
that was none the less real that its origin all being answered, so far as be was con. very sorry --L" . A recent"discovery by aubld 1
was veiled. For this young man bad tried a cerned, oil this very highway, and that- " No, no !" said Summers, impatiently— , phyElelau. S=cessfutly -toed I
fall with 11 implacable Cypris, Cypris te � r- within ,a very few minutes of leaving the. though lie seemed to asp somehow in his . inonthlV by thausands of i
rible." and been sadly overthrown. *house. As he was walking aloho,, his hands 9 0 Ladies. is the only perfectly
' . 0 breathing. He struggled to his feet, with
The night that followed the dying out of clasped behind his, back, occasionally his friendly assistance. Out there, as he could (9 safe andrell'ablenic'Mcluedis-
the dayvva� still and calm, and, in these eyes lighted on an anitnal, some considerable see, in'the highway was the proffered dog- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggiiis who
river -side gardens, laden with scent. I't distance off, that. at first lie considered to o --c.- Inferior mediclUeS IU PlacO of t1ils. Askf,or
cart ; and near to the horse's head stood COOk,3 Cotton noot t,ompound, ta.1m, 7io substi-
inotherswan-thathad been troubled about be merely a large dog. .He paid little heed'; .two men, each of whoin. lield a thong of tute, or inclose $1 and 6 cents iu postage In letter
her. inattentive cygnet had long ago per- lie was plunged in reverie; but this was the the leash that secured the punia, while one and we w,111send, sealed, by return ma.1L Milsealed
suaded her gray offspring to. go away. home, only living creature in the solitary thor- Of them bad a heavy dog-Ni-bip in his hand. p,rticula:-.s In plain envelope, to ladies, only. 2
the two of them disappearing ,like ghosts ouglifare ?and natutall his glance wander- 49
P y Why don't you take. the beast away *.,' stamps. Address The Cook ComPan-3r,
into the shadows. The last -of the gossip- ed back to it. Then in a dim kind of fash- Nallis iatlier continued with another 'Windsor, Ont., Canada.
'*n villagers had left the bridge ; -the last of ion�gradually, not suddenly -it da-wried anxious glance along t I lie road. I'M For sale by Lumsden & Wilson, drug,gists Sea -
tee boats had been dra-wn tip on the bank. upon him tha,t there was something uncalin y � j
And fts Sidney, moved 'by sonie, impetuous about this beast that was approachin y daughter will be here directly -she must forth, Ont. I - 5
- ; not understand anything of what has hap-
aiid occult desire, passed alon mt, something unusual and Strange ; it - --- ly pened. Why (16n't you -90 away -e'l
empty street, and ascended the Griwel Hill, ,%vas no clog, whatever else it inight be? He " I don't like to leave you, Sir,'? the man If You Have a Roon-l. to
,_ - .
on his. way out into the country, a silver looked again, startled into a keener con- said. " You see we'Ve got the pnma safe *
half moon was shining eldar in the southern sciousness ; and now lie -perceived that this enough-milch obliged to you, sir-elon't IED
beavens,and in the interstices of the curdled was certainly' 110 clog. this tawily-liued know what might ha' happened -for be's a JU aper, Fail fall, (or Halsomin" B
clouds ovcrhead-in . the . deep Yiolet-blue creature with the round bullet head, with . � 40-- GO TO -0
I .
Spaces -here and there: was �isible 'in 01 -ca- white bristles at the month, cropped -look- nasty one when his temper's riz-" . I
. I -k I
sionaJ star. -1 - 11 . ifi" But why don't you go av v?" 8 In-
. ing ears, long body, and curved, down- 11 . F. WILLABR:
He did not know why lie bad come bitber, 0 t mers, said imploringly. "For Heaven a
I .sweeping tail that iiearly ouched the !
- 0 . . sake, inam, go a,way-ouly go away That's A First Clais Stock of Wall Paper,
f e'xCept throu'all an over-overning restle t
t , a 0 1 ss- around; nor bad it the Springy gal of a all I ask of you. Leave me to myself. I'm Window Sha,des, Curtain Poles-
ness. - As he wandered on, the voiceless "dog -it came along with a steal�hy, sinuous, all rig lit." I . . I
. ,beech wO"ods surrounded him-%vith their, slouchingmovementof itsinassiveand sup- 0 (To be Continued.) etc., always on hand. .1
mysterious glooni. ; tben again 'he emerged ple limbs. The next instant lie had guessed .. Pictures and Picture Framing
0 g a Specialty.
into the wan moonlight on the open heiglits. the truth ; this was some aninial eacaped - a. . RD,
Drawing nea,ver and wore near to Crow, from a travellinfr menagerie-sonie CAU F. WILLA
burst, he hesitated from time 'to time, un- of the punia 1ind -tb"at was now eyeing MAIN STREET *
certain wbetber to advauce or recede, and hiin furtively as it &ew near. Well, he , Seaforth. -
Yet eva ch -awn fonyard by this s6(,,ret and ilid not know what to do ; rather, be want- Death the Invariable Result of opposite JOHN 8 ., � - 1400
) uncontrollable magnetism. Wbat harin ed to do nothing, if the beast would proVe Neglected Kidney Trouble. I
- — —
could there be in some far-off glimpse? Or 'equally obliging and pass oil. lye stood - '
might th ere not be a red ray in some solitary still,Watching-ready to meet any spring as Lowi�m JORD.vx B.ky, N. $., January 21. - - — .
window ? Thouuh indeed the Nvorl(l ap- best be migl 't' -but sincerely hoping there -The maJority of human ailments can be
- 0 1 -
peared to be.all asleep now. would be nothing of the sort. Now at this traced, either directly or indirectly, to a .
y .Ili course of tiine be approac.hed the gzttc, Oint of the road the. foot-palli is bounded diseased condition of the kidneys. Kidney
I an(] he did so breathlessly. Ile was .afraid Ey a row of elins ; and behind these acrilin is disease may not be --suspected for the reason
I -111; S
of; his foot4alls on the bio-hivay, the ,s' pfdated fence; and as the punia., with
t) .!Rence a dila] that these organs have few nerves of sen- Xc'.rA", - I
bereseemed so intenae. Intense Aoivas itasilei.t foot -fall, and its decp-grooved,� sation,audIllaybeeven in a condition of TAW �
. I
thesilencethat bay over the slumberhig feline eyeg warily observing him, approach- advanced disea e before the true condition . :
I . 0 s
house; certain gables, with lattice -work- ed, it showed a disposition to slide off be- is discovered. Niiiefy per cent. oL- all dis- I
and roses, were palely visible in the moon- tween tlip trees and the fence. He let it eases may be prevented by using Dodd's
. light, th� rest buried in deepest shadow. ant -1 welcome; it was none of his business to Kidney Pills. Samuel Locke's case, which
N%or Avas there. anv faint crimson glow in stop it; lie- was not armed even with a stick caused such wide -spread interest throughout ,
. Im
r any one of the windows; lie grew a little He remained standing in the middle of the this 'Province, is a case in point. The price POWDERS
e confident ; he even advanced to the gate, highway.' The fawn -colored, velvet -footed at which Dodd's Hi Iney Pills ,ire sold Cure SICK HEADACHE and NeuraWa
ar. ere -'by the fence, pursuing
- ii.nd idly placed a hand on the topmost b, ature skulked in places them within reach of all. They may in zo wtjvuTmj.s, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
e At thi.s.very moment a fi(rure stepped out its st � eall,hy course ; lie was content to let be procured from all dealers, at fifty cents ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
from the blackness of the rhododendron it. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Take no Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and
e bushes and confronted him. And then somethincr like fire seemed to imitations. regulate the bowels. VERY WICE TO '7AKJff-
I .
� 4& Yes?" was the sin(rl6* wor(l of challenge, flash . through his, 0 �rain; lie suddenly �. I . PRirQ_E- 25 OENTS AT DRUC; STOR09,
). -uttered quietly. . 0 6 thought of �� Nan. Like a coward lie had --.&* 0. -
And for a second the sudden apparition let the beast go by ; Nan would be coming An Ingenious Shoplifter. —_ I - -
startled Sidney beYond measure -he iiiv6l- along; sliewould be terrified, would liesi- A gentleman dressed in a loose coat en- , �
t untarilyralised his arm, to strike or to de- bate,' and retreat, inviting attack ; and tered a ladies' outfitting establishment in .'r., . I'!" -
Paris, at a time -wheii the' I "-
r fend ; but the next instant lie perceived what then ? Froin that moment this man proprietor wai - I
I 1- I �
that this was 'Nlr. ,Summers, who was re- knew neither what he did nor what was alone in the shop. TI -e gentleman asked to V.111t 11
. . . ".. ` � " I � Q
gariling him calmly. And there had. been happening to him. He was governed by the be shown .some ready-made ladies' cloak.�, aa OF THE , - OAW.
0. n .
t .Simultaneous recognition on the other side one determination, that so long as the lie wished to give his wife Lt. little surprise. I I
. as well. � breath of life remained. -%vithin his body be After a careful inspection, lie fixed upon - � , .,---- —
" Oli, lNlr. Hume? � I, beg your pardon," -%�,,fpild dispute the way to Crowburst with one, and asked the salesman :
0 � .
8, Summers said. - . . dis aninial that bad just.. passed; there 11 Have you not a young lady at hand to �
e " No, I had no intention of breaking should be no dangre� for Nan, when she put on the cloak and see how it looks '1- I W
. ZD ! I
S into your bouse," Sidney rejoined, with less c-aine out, tru�ting to his protect -Lon of her. Tbeproprietbr regretted that none of the W
7 embarrassment thmi might have been ex- lie ran along the road ; lie could see the ladies of the establishment were in at the
0 pected. " The fact is, I came wandering tawily creatu�e making its way between the moment. . �
I away out on so fine a .night -and stopped elms and the fence; as he approached it , -Well, perhaps you wouldn't object to �.�
for a ininute to have a loolc-" obliquely, it turned slightly to regard him ; putting it on yourself ?"
s 0
� " And if yon are going on, I may as well and therewith he threw himself upon it, The unsuspecting shopkeeper slipped on F3 H
0. � I . d
I take a bit of a turn -with you." Mr. Sum- with both hands gripped into its neck, try- the cloak, buttoned it, and turned round in . ,O -
- iners said, openinct thle aa�t; and. itel5ping ing to pill the round bullet head to the all directibns. � n
0 L4 I , �1707.111(1. Ile had no wish to hurt the brute, - " illagnificent !" exclaimed the purchaser, W .�
into the bigh-way, tion't know whether 9 90 �
Nan is asleep yet-sbe might be surpris�d or lie might have hammered it between the 'with seentin ecstacy, but at the same mo- .
. I
- to hear voices. . " 'And then, wben they had eyes with his fist; there was but the one ment be mage a grab at the till, which be ,
- gone a little way, be resumed : " We rarel3� thought in his mind : "No, I you cannot go thrust under his iaoat, and bolted out of tile � I
0 have any one come along this road so late that wo.y._ Any other way � on are free to shop. �
go, but not that wa 8o low, as I can The bortified proprietor rushed afterlifin
at night; and I heard you some distance . . . Y. H
7 n pinion you down, I will take care, that Nan into the street, where, however lie was 91
Off. Yon see, Fin rather fond of loitering is sa,fe." . seized by the passers-by, who dragged him . 0 -
:1 about outside the house,., ju7st to inake sure � . t� N
tbat 'everything is ,Qafe and sound, I'm ' And now at fierce and appalling struggle back to the shop in the supposition tha:t t"
0 co"I'l t - the poor fellow bad gone mad, and before be M ;P0 W .
' bad begun -a struggle that at the very
if -N,Lii's bull -dog -so I fell her. It's my btisi-
Ild explain matters the rogue had dis- . I
. ness to see tbat iio stranger comes near -11 set had nearly ended ill for Nan's father, for cOl , =�
t , "It -woul(I be uncommon1v awkward for the)oose.fat folds of skin on �tbe allimal's 9,ppeared. 0 . 4-3 : ,
� the , neck vielded somewhat, and with a power- 0— L --.i . I
stranger," said-sSidney� "if. lie had any :
� �
- felonious intent." i � f ul backward jerk it had nearly wrenched it. Three Best Trees. �4 : 0 10 a
. ' -0 : I
C& i
t And I'm sure I ask Nt,0LIr pardon, .,Nlr. self -free. Nearly,but not quite ;,nay, Jim- The most ornamental tree is the dog -wood. : T .
Hume, for Suspecting you," Mr. Stiminers ,Summers managreci to better his grip,getting It , is it glorions bloomer in early spring. Its W .- H
.1 said, q u i te b u in bly. 0 - . . one liand well into the -windpipe; and this foliage is plumelike and beautiful- Its I
Cr " Not at all !-it"s the other -%vav I- resolute grip he stuek to, though the con- auttininal colorinc, is brilliant and varied, go :
C� �I ound " 9 a
. , " - -_ ourth :
the younger inan inade answer. I had 110 vulsive contortions antl -writbings of the anti its late red lierries supply its f I f -A .
business to be roaming about the coulitry at beast's body were terrible to -witlistand. phase of beauty. The best all round t 9 W
11 ree is a :
I I . T 11 __ 11`1 - �- 11 ; I - a I
LUR.11 L11MIP. 11MLLier it _ couiplinient, in its
way. It isn't every nioun who 1�as had to do
stic i an ioui. wom er if Tdim tiumi ers
quite understaii(Is how vigilant a, guardian
iere was no a soun -ne L, ier a roar nor
a groan ; but the long tail of the creature
the stigar maple. its form is gra-CCILII, 1L
foliage fi tie, its autumnal coloring the rich
with race hoi;ses leaves the same. reputation
0 1 Z:) �
she lit's got?" I
- �
curved and lashed in f nry ; the stroncr bris-
est of all trees and its sap delightful.
behind him."' .
11 I think Wan trusts ine," her father Sidd,.
tles f roin its gray muzzle stood out erect and
But the, monarch of the forest is th,
- I dare' say jiot. Md you know his
siMplV ; and then he added, as if by'-ivny of
stiff; and each round ball of afoot, that
white mk. It grows slowly, but Sturdily
wife?" Sidney procceded; lie was longing to
excuse. "'You see it As a k xi id of
bad formerly been ." velvet, now showed a
There are oaks inthis countrywbich wei,
. t)
. speak about Nan, but could not, somehom- ,
amusement for me. I like it. And"It does.
gaping semi -circle of angry claws, as it tore
here when Columbus landed, an6 thev ivil
" Oti, no," his Companion made answer.
not harm any one."- . .
and wrenched and fought. How long coult'
be here a thousand years after we are al
I '.'Before niy titne.* But I've b'eard, of her.
8o they went on for sonic time, chatting
.such a vontest last'! -this -povverful. brute
dead. Little attention li,,is been paid a!
A terrible busitiess-railw-av aceident-the
pleasantly enOLIgh, until theY came to
was so sinuous aud slippery! -the odor of
yet in this country to making the landscapt
mother and eldest child, a toy, killed --this
parting of roads, and here ,8'idney said good
its breath -was so over-whelinivaly fetid !
" beautiful with avenues �f trees. No ilia]
Olne, this girl, iamost an infaait,-saved. . It
night, for lie -was returnim, to Henley by
0 - 0
He'thougbt be heard a sound oFwheels ;
could leave a finer or more endurinc, Dionu
broke Jim Sit m-ii,iers all up, as I've heard :
the Fair 'Mile. Soon the last of his foot-
but he could not reason, or even hope. He
ment bebind him than several av'enues o
he went away to Australia for a while ; and
I falls were absorbed in the prevailincr silence
hung on to his vice -like *i despite the
our magnificent forest trees. Double row
then lie caine back, aiul simply devoteft
of thecbeech .-woods and rk. . An(L
tile, dc%
deep-laceratina claws, there were
of them of alcernating kinds make the mos
1-1 .,
. . - '_
hiniself to the refflil,1111110' child, having Iler
then Na,n'i bull -dor, made his , solitary way
voices near hini-hunian voices ; but he did
effec ti ve a venues. Oaks, evergreens and in ;tple
carefully educ-ited, and looking forivard to
, . .
back to Crowhurst.
. I
not turn, nor even think ; his'fingers .kept
aresomeof tliev-,Lrietiestliatiiiaybeii)adet,
the time when lie and &he could -start house-
: I
- .
their merciless inden'tation in the straining
alternate beautifully. A double row o
together- And, now they ,are at Crowburst
and tivi.sting neck ; it was with a mighty
evergreens and the great, luxuriant catal
thev seein to hit it otf pretty well, don't
grasp that Nau�s bull dog beld on to his
pas, with their gorgeous blossoms, consti
the;.? In mv rambles throw, I this va,le o E
. .t
l3n t althmigh Mr, f9un) iners had professed 1
or rather her -enemy. And theii-then
t tites it famous avenue at the entrance to 1
tea,rs I've seea proud parents fond of the ir
to treat.t1li6 0encounter with 8idney Hume
something -went wrong; lie seemed to chok.e
stately home in Southern Ohio.
children ; but the like of Jim Stiminers in
as an
, 017dillil,ry and triVial. 't1lillt'. ill reality
and gasp with pain; and if be bad any
But the oak is the grandest of all. I
regard to his daughter I have never seen.
it caused him profoi. ',jarn,. F �(j_
Ind, - (),�,t neL
-was of some vvgue
consciousness at all, it 0
* *oo( -
can withstand tree pests, stornis and ag,
Ile just -worship s ber--tbinks of notb'119
ed but little UN111aint,111W With human na-
G 1 -bye, !Nan--
ffi I.00(l-ljye
de re to say, I
-ee. -erk I
better than any other ti Its a% cge lif
else-eares for nothing else ; and she is as
ture to li�rceive that this aiii-iless night wan- `
good-kye after that he knew
is 1,4(JO years. If we poor mortals coub
much given tip to her beloved Dodo, as she
dering, this lingerilit- by the gate, was n�oth- I
notbing. I
have the years, stiength. and serenity of tb,
calls him. Quite refresbing,in these cynical
incr otllcr t1l 4D . -
all -the restlet�s -avoilizillo, `Vft*,trY
" Are yon better, sir
' ! �
oak, then life -sx-ould be worth 9-
tiiiie,,. There's one thinu pretty sut
0 -e ; if
0 2 'n Z> . i
of a lover ; ,ind here, intleed, was a c1iii)-tux i
This was the first sound that. reached his
--- 4, -1 --- - �
any nicut ever harnis that (rirl -he'd better
, ' 0
tllat had not been foreseen. Yet the A .
is- -
ears,after a vacant space of swoon : be opened
-One hundred employees of the Gran(
keep out of the reach of Jim 8111111,ners�s
filL-be'd 114!tter keep far, far
nia�y with wbieh lie re-arded this. discover
Z:) y
his eyes -and instinctively put his hand to
Trunk railway, in London, have ha(I thei
bettev tret. to the outermost edge 'of
bad in it no trace of ignoble jealousy or
li is heart. - It
workintf time reduced from ten to nine hour
" .
�Q ,.the
. �
selfislmc�;_,. He ha -etidy br lit bini-
d alt oug
Yes, yes," be -saiJ, with difficulty. Then
per di Ly.
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castor!aw
. .
- . . I .
. - .
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0-" a V-9
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'While thaukin � the people of the* �. ;
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33000U 1 ragement they have given VS in .� ,:1
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the way of very liberal patrona,&,e, W,e- .
- � . � �
Iresire to call their at,tention to -a few __ i . .
f '. �
racts concerning our business inethods� - �� �
0 � �
not geneplly knoWn. -It has been aud . , - 14
, I
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is our constant efideavor to turn out - � 140
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the Very best class of work, and this- __. �
. .
we succeed in doing by using notbing, . - 1 4
� � . . I
but the choicest materials and emyloy- - I I BTi
ing none but -skilled workmen. - - �
� � �ellas
While doing tbis, however, we wisL: � �- -'rigbo
� �
it distinctly understood that the prices, - - - 4 - -Iter th
char,,,red are much lower than thoser ��Ilesz 4
� �, : .
beretofore prevailinp,,. This.iii account-- ,� � . ,Mlapt
ed for by the fact, that doing, a much. I �.. ,,the zliw.
,.�Vne IV
larger business than our Competitors,. ,�',
we are Satisfied with ni-ach Smaller- . t laxat, �
� .
... .. remeA
margins. 'INfachine made -harness at4 -1 I . its�
any pTice is dear, and vhen that i -s- I : in til
couplicl with poor material, you caii - -alit t4 .
depend upon getting a harness that is .. � - bend �
absolutely Worthless, W6 m an'ufs,c- - altival�
ture the best harness from $10 up te- .-disj .
� W�
be obtained in the. Province,und to in- . --mid ,
- �
tending purchasers would extend 8,- .1 It h:a
� . let �
hearty invitation to call aod see Air- .. I . n
-Charles Aitzel or the undersigned, on, � -I)r( ,f46
- I . .� .11 I
the preinises, when their wants will b& I Qvs),
conziderate�y taken care of, � -�enillg
I I . �ever*l�
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4015TO-1,15 FURE 'W8111K 'BITTER bu, .. �
(PATF-,-M jr,T"y 11TIJ, 1893,) I .-,.L' iself, I
: U'&
New Process for 51aking Pure Ifilk Butter trom the . I
'54 le,
Pure Solids of the Milk. No chienuestis or Zx- - I it? i
tra Blachlinory Uequiretl. . _. , 11
� , Lt
Aml� —I This New Process will. - �
. _. - 80 Ift
I ake two to ibree timea. . I
. -
the amount of Pure Milk: _.�. __ ItIon �,
I I Butter that can be zuada- - � howk
I by any other method yet. �'�_ % . , , X I * the a
11 � invented. Therefore senclI 1"k , 5
.. _t �
_ stamp for full Particulars- I -1, fat, i
also CIMUlarS 'oil qU25tI011W , � . Worl
asked and answered. - we6
I Thurstaies Pure lullir, Butter Co., - � WT
53 King Street, 1:ast,Toron to, Cut. . L - - 1-1 lie ul ;
the .
-. %� thin!
.1 , -
The McKillop Mutual Firlso .. .;�_'50 4
� .. L
. . � 101W
� -
]Insurance Company. . . TV
I . vital
. I '. .
� .
. 11 m ;
I - . . � r
. 2
DFY611S, - .
D. Ross, President, Clinton F. O.; W J� . U4
Shannon, secywTreas., seatorth P.. 0,; y,dch5e_',* -1
Xf,"Al Ir _,�& , I fient
1, ..I, oro,.1r68ses.8ea,onu_r.v.
DIRMOro". .
I Jae. Broadfoot,� Seaforth; Alex. GArdilier, Unit -
bury; Gabriel Elllott,clinton; Goo. Watt. Harlock �.
Joseph Evans, Beeohwood; M. 14urdie, Seafortb ;.
Thos. Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos. Nellans, Harlock. Rnbt. MeMillim,'Seafortb -.
Janies Cumming, EginondvIffle,_ John o'Sullivo n and
I Gec rge Murdie, Auditors. . 11
Parties desirous to effect Insuraucen Or trats-
act other business will be promptly att,90ed to 0.1
a pplioation to any of the above ,)ffieen, addressed tco
their respective post ofp-,,S.
11ho -A
. Loan and Inrus'Unirent
� '0 a M:P-,A 2W-W�
This Company is Loaning Moiley O_,,�
� Farm Security 'art lovrest Rates
of Interest. I
I Mortgages Purchased.
3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Intereatt Allowed or--
Deposits, accordmig to amount and
time left. "
OFFICE. --Corner of Market Squ%rc- aud�
North Street, Goderich.
GoderIch, . Augu 9i 5th.1885. I XA!TA0V&$,
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