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rou SEFORTH, FRIDAY, Jan. '25th, 1895
The South Huron Protest. The Exeter Tinjes of last week says TheSouth HarGit election petition against
ALL Y. McLean, P. P., has �een with-
"dra,urn so far as tl,- petitionee, '11r. 1).
and Mr. Wesmiller are concerned.
'kThe reasons for the withdrawal are vari-
ous, thouggh nut owing to the evidence be-
ing instiffi but principaly because of
overtures by the opponents ; and Mr. Me-
-1 be the undisturbed represena-
Lean wil;
tive for Smtthffitron, at .least until the
expected early dissallition of the Lcgiaa-
ture." --The Times is generlly recognized -
as the chidf mouthpiece of the Conservative
party in; South Huron, and, no doubt,
speaks by'the book from, that point, of -view.
We may be permiitted to state that we
thnk Mr. Weism;ller hav
ta.k-enacom�mendaliylecoti,r.ge. Their action
will be gratiNing to the orm party, and
-we are sue, be equally approved of
by a m, -iijori ty of the ConservaLtiv&s of th, e
riffing. For, had the petition gone to trial,
no niatter which side would have bee Stic-
cessful, an aniount of bad blood tund' kiecri-
111071110112 feeling -,�ould have been engen -
dered between parties and individu#1S,
which years wonhl not wipe out, nd Which
ld certainly not tend -to the well b ing
of t1le corninunity. Now' all this wi` be
voided. Both sides %it ford to fo get
axid forggive; to let by-rones be by-gol NS
e nd allo the sperities incidental to., the
recent cainpaign. to die out, and a joil
once more in harinally and fellow:ship,
irrespective of the varied political views
which all, no doubt, conscientiously possess.
A General Election.
There is a ,C�re�tt dof talk just now
abotit a general clection. frrfr the. Dominion.
8evera of tlic Reform papers asserl:'
positively that there will not be another
Session of t1iis and that dissolu-
-tion will take pace nd the elections be
held in 'Vlarch or the 'April. The
Conservative.pa.pers, on the$t1ler laud, do
not positively deny �this, and, what gives tb c
statement m are probability is, Minis-
ters have resurned their campaicyn tours,
Which were broken off by the deth of ir
Tkonipson. It is s�ated, lso, tbt
there is a division in Ministerial ra.tiks on
the subject. of the f6llowers of the,
C,.overame nt are opposed to a dissolution,
and nGne of them, are really enthusiastically
inavor of it. Taking everything into con-
- f, 0
sideration, o far as tha outside public' can
see, the Goernm, eiit have nothing to gain
ncl good deal to lose by bringinq oil the
cleetions at ottee. Tile present depression
and distress in the country ,vould, laost as-
saredly, militate against the Government
while nother session would nican one thou-
sand dollars in the pockets of each one of
their supporters in Parliament. Menibers
of 11'arliauient, as a rule, are not wealthy
class. To may of thein a ses'� I indeni-
it is a ver importnt consideration.
y E'specially is this the case on the eve of a
general election. M -any of the more ini-
pecul-�xious were depending on tbi.q next ses-
iudetnuity for funds to defry their
election expenses. This being the case,
there is 'no doubt but that the general feel-
ing of the ruenibers will be opposed to dis-
solution before a session is beld, and it is
scarcely likely the Government will go so
dir4ctly contrary to the wiahesand interests
of their followers unless there are wei,,,-,,,hty
party wby they so.
Of course there are soine troublesome
25, 1895*
reystone tULrilips, thou tor in viving sister. About three years ago Mr-
roblems which the Goverknitont would. have lantyne is remarkable that during e Maine town in which there was no church, possible, without meal, If you want to and gh the lat
Ith and Mrs. Stevens celebrated their koldn.
he Shoulder ed an axe, out enough timber, feed grain, feed whole oats and let the calf small quantities. The cow is the best friend face if another session wer6 held, and period between 1854 and 1866, when the 80 ich weddi�n bftilt his church and preaclsqd in it. do its own grindin thus saving expense. man has, and he should treat her as at - & She was for many years a ilicin-
hich, in the absew session, -they Reciprocity treaty between this country STARVATION-nN NEDRASkA.—The distress In spring put on t A good cater ber e church of England. te grass gradually, so as Feed a cow all she will eat. -N.Xr. Thomas Hazelwood, of Winebelsea,
)uld avoid conintitting themselves oli. The and -the St 'operation, and the around Greely Centre, Nebraska, is said to to prevent scouring, for an animal scouring is generally a good tnilker. '1he Holsteins rincipal one of these, is the Manitoba school States liad.a'free market here --Jor cheese, he appalling. No picture of the suffering either on the grass or in the stable is losing are good 'feeaers, anti that is one of their has bought from Mr. Win. Bawden, of Exe-
eation. Itisalsostatedt at there will 'Canada had,only twelve Cheese factories has been overdrawn. Hundredsof families you money. When you get ready to feed strongpoints; they will eat almost any- ter, five acres of land,partof theSamwell
have nothing toeat and no fuel, and chil- for the winter, cattle will do as wellbegin- thing. A dairy fariner mut consume every- property, at the rear of Mr. W. G. Bissett.
ind 4ve millions" and that as Gaon as the t aled en��. Mr. Hazelwood intends� ereeting
e a deficit of between four �y reaty was repe I is farm. A man can �reaid
I ' I dren are so nearly naked that they are kept ning Oil turnips and such like at first. thing lie raiaes on W y '% a, residence oil the same property, and f dollars. If this is the case it would -have an a protection of three cents a pound 'from school. It is impossible for the people Chi e the food about once a mouth, and, eep easily from. twenty to thirt co i's on Lug ing into 11,xeter. o be made known to Parliai�ent and new or given Canadian mandfacturers, there was a to care for the destitute, and, unless a large above all, keep them growing- Mr. Currie 100 acres. Pig raising aild feedinz (roes -John Pletzer, the old- mancTiarged witl* noreased taxes would have be - rovided ra . pid increase in the number of fIctories un- amount of otitaide assi8tanbe is received at has found that crosses front Devon and with dair 11119. He has found a cr;sstDbe- unnatural offence- in Blyth, was up before p once many farmers and their families will Hereford bulls are good grazers, and do. as tween a Mkabire sow and an improved an
meet it. Thisould nop be A taking tit they now total one thousan five him- �,igS to hand i adge Toms -at Goderich, on Monday of last.
perish. well generally as the Durham grades, but it Yorkshire boar the best le. an week. His el deenfed it wise to again
ard for an election. But Whether, or'not dr' ed and sixty -eight." Diditriever strike ig only the first cross that does as well. ..The Mr. John C. Morrison followed with colins
hese are . sufficiently ,. weigh� considerations The Empire that Mr. Ballatityne is much key to the whole matter -of feeding is to address on the profits of the farm. In the i,change the plea, which had been "guilty"
EAST HURON FARMERS' IN- mature at the least �xpense. The discus- efore the magistrates' trial, and was after -
I % � to "not guilty." The crown
o indiice the Government issolve Par more deeply interettedin cheese manufap- STITUTE, sion which ensued was. to the tards changed
turing thanit is, and.tha consequently, he taken. part in by a session was held, which, own agreed to aeCept a plea of indecent assault, iament now and make an 11illnediate appeal $ Messrs. Armtrong, J. McMillan, M. P-) R. storm, was not so well attended as it would A very successful and profitable meeting I rather1han go into the disgusting details,
o thepeople, it is impossi le'to determine. is hardly likely to "oppose protection if it of the East Huron Farmers' Institute was M. -Millan and Hojii. .otherwise have been, though the- ball Was 'a sentence of si X
XTe venture to -say, tliA to come :to a, de- helps that industry? Or that,. the' ma&t I beld..at Brus . sets oil Friday last, in the Town THE 13REhDING AND FEEDING OF 11008 well filied. The programme consisted of d His Honor imposed as introduced by Mr. John C. Morrison, music by Mr. and the Misses Stewart, Mr. months' imprisonment at hivrdabor.
Sion on this point, is one f the most diffi-' for'Canadian cheese being Great Britain, hall. The delegation aent. tip was a Strong w -Regular meeting of the - Hurdii 've . be- the only d - uty that could aid the Canadian One, consisting of Messr a. Wark,'of Wait- of McKillop, in the absence of Mr. T...E. A. Strachan, land Professor Hawkins, -of Association was held in Seaforth, on Tu"-
ult questions thle GoVernm nt now ha stead, and Cleland, of Listowel, on dairy- Rays. Mr. Morrison explained that lie was Brussels, and Speeches by Messrs. A. S. day of last week, the following members
ore them. indiketry won be a duty imposed by Great Mr. Beadle, of St. Catharines, on fruit not a hog breeder, but has been feeding cLean, J. C. Morrison, John 'N"llan' being present - Doctors Campbek, Mackay,
' I , Me'
All ths talk,and uncer ty about a dis- Britain on ch,yese coming from other coun- lenlure, and Mr. John McMillah, M. P. for them for twenty years. It is profit we M. P., Wark, Beadle and Cleland. A very Bethune, Turnbull, Sha, Taylor, Smith,
olution simply serves to mphasize what tries than Canada ? -South Huron, on general agriculture. Mr. must look to,'an(T yet he has not -iced that, enjoyable eveuing,was spent. This close(I a Wood, Graham and eTaviall. Paper.-;
Currie, of Wingham, and Mr. John C Mor- though fo ten years five cents per pound or very SucCeSSfUl and interesting day's pro- were re& by 'Doctors Campbell and ackay-
P11F. EXPOSITOR has repea edly advocated, can �a ot for hogs, li weight, from ceedings of the Institute.
rison, of Winthrop, also addressed the In- over ve There were interesting discussions on'Medi-
4z. That the date of diss, lation should be The Liberal campaign was open�d in Mon- at to 6ctober lat. most farmers pe- I I
stiWte, 2.n to i of interest. May I eal Ethics and the Medical Council. The
IPICS Huron Notes. following officers were elected for the year lefinitely fixed by stattite nd not be left to treat on Tuesday night, when speeches were THE MORNING SESSTOX sist in feeding their hogs in the cold weath- ,
)e decided by the caprice' fa pjkrt� leader delivered by Mr. -Laurier,Sir'Oliver Mowat, began t ab&ut 10:30 and was opened by er, when it takes more feed to do the same William Willis, of 'Dashwoe4, *drew a, President, Dr. Smith, itchell; Vice, Dr- !r the necessities of a parV. 1VVe heartil� Mr. Patterson, of Brant, and, other Liberal the 11sident, Mr. Thomas 8trachan', of work, and thii pork brings less money -per load of lGga,mounting up to 2,300 feet, to the Bethune, Seaforth ; Seeretary-Treasurer,
Grey, by a Short, but pithy address, in pound dressed than it would alive in'the sawmill a few (lays ago. i Dr. X11cKay, eafortli.
aidorse the following froi a contemporary: leaders. Great interest was attached to which he referred to the death of the late summer. What buyers want is a long hog, -Edward Speiran and Wilson 'Evans, of -Mr. G F. Ellierson, of Clinton, has re- Ir.
There should be a fixette for the dis- the speech of Mr. Wilfrid Laurier, ast was one that will give twenty pounds of break -
President, Mr. Uriah McFadden, ho had fast bacon from each side, and good hams. Grey, have a contract of getting out about turned fro. -in his.tri.p to Chicago, and he feels
;Olvin*g of Parliament andl there should be -expected he would outline the Liberal policy J been such it large factor in promoting the They don't want hird and fat. In England 6 acres of cedar for the QuereliLgesser content to remain in some place not quite so
, , I 'Mr. Laurier an- large or wicked a t at -it -. The ro bberie�,
iodi�solution be -fore t ate &rrives, un- for the coming campaign. success of the Institute ; to the benefits to they want pork I-& inclies thick on thethe -The contract for Alex. Bryaii's new bank a ]I c, 3
'hat, be derived from these farmers' gatherings - barn in Nlorris, hasbeen let to Peter J. c- that are openly con m- itted there in broail
ess in the event of all advierse vote in Par- �ounced that the Liberal policy was the tothe condition of Canadian farmers - to shoulder, and any -thing over that they won't Donald. It will be built near the site of the day light are amaizing. Mr. E inersen h"I, -
iament being carried, ag Inst the Govern- same -as thab adopted at the Ottawa conven- pay for. The feed that goea into the mak- their general characteristics, and to the ad- old log barn. pened to go along a street on Sunday rnorn-
nent. Take the present ase. Noonepre- tioninl893. TheLiberalparty demanded* vantages they enjoy as to Governinent, ingoflardand fat is'practically wasted. -Joh�n Greenslade, of orris, had his leg ing, about eleven O'clock, just as a robber
;ends that Sir Mackenzie Bowell has , not the adoption of a sound fiscal policy which education. etc. Pigs, to be profitable, should be ready for broken by his sleigh upsetting in the ditch washolding tip a turning bi-, re -
market in six nionths and 'should then last Tuesda afternoon. He will -be Iaid volver on George, the robber ordered hill) The first speaker called upon was ufficient backing to enab. e him to hold an- will promote domestic and foreign trade, Weigh froin two hundred to two hundred Tohn AlciMillan, M. P., who took up the, and twenty-fi've pounds. Have two batches aside, from work for some time. to move on, -�r he'd blow his brains out- other Session of Parliamer t, thus letting it that,tbe tariff be reduced to the needs of an subject of I -r. James Terry, blacksmith, at a request that it was not necessa to ma,e ive out its natural term. The only- ground honest economical,'and efficient Govern- NDERDRAT-VINc. a year. Twenty pigs per year 'a not too Molesworth, has just undergone ain opera- a Secod thne.
on which he could desire i dissoltition is in ment &�nd that it should be "so adjusted as III opening the Subject Mr. Me'Millan' re- many for one hundred acres. Yorkshires tion for the removal of a carbuticle,and so is. - -Over fortv vears ago, 'Mr. Robert Por-
ferred to the altered condition of the far. and Tamworths seem to give the. best re- all invalid at present. ter, Postmast�r, of Clinton, taught his hrsl, order that he might stren then himelf by to bear as light as possible upon the neces stilts. - Whey and skim milk are t cheap-
mers of this da , and said that in these '�" Mr. Gavin Wilson of Exeter, has sold school in the township of Whitby Ontario
y at food for hogs and should always be fed 77
ecaring a larger num ber of supporters in saries of life while promoting free trade, times of close competition and low prices e his farm being lot 37, concession 14, East county. Residing in the section was X
heHouse. Butwhatis hattothepeople? with the world, particularly wiUll Great the.fartner intist do e� erything lie possibly sw - eet. Young animals are easier to feed ' Wawanosh,'to Mr. Robert Shiell, late of young mail by the nanie of John Kjett-bem
as an aid bog requires more food of support can to increi,se the production of the re itoba, for the sum of $4,000. Theyears passed and forgot ' about eaelt
�bey elected the pres rit-Parlialftent for Britain and the United States. The Liber- - and therefore costs
souroes A his disposal. One way of doin more to fatten. At the Postlethwaiti-, the Inall who the other other, until MontJUV nlast week, 'wheilt
ive years and its tim h not yet expired, gils believed in a maximuni of revenue for a 9 close of this address, it lively discussion en- I - I
e 'a this is to increase the fertility of hi's farm, sued- as to the relative merits of the Berk - day, assaulted Mr. 11 McGilleud(ly 0,4tbe accidentally m. eetin'tr at it Supper in Stanley.,
ior will it - antiL 18L;' For wliat reason minfifitim, of taxation. Protection, he.- de- and one of the chief azents to this end is Croderioll Signal, was fined ten' dollars V Porteiwa one"of the speakers and 'Air -
shires and Tamwortbs, but the weight of be!f� -ort A dis- clared, had. been the bane and curse of thorough underdraini�g.' The prime re- posts by the Police magistrate. -n in:Stanley)was ellair-
Ketchen (so well knoiv
�hould its natural life out sh the evidence seemed to be with the latter. quisite is a proper outlet, so as to carry off -The contract for the carpenter wo man, they renewed the aequaintanceshipp
�oltltion cannot be bad M ithout the consent Canada. The next subject taken up was I the water as speedily, its possible. Use a I furnaces, etc., in connectin with obn forined so long Since, never having 7net i
'D " a een to of the Governor-General, but in_ Canada . a plow and a sermper instead of a spade. Dig CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL FOR ROOTS AN Outt's new residence in Gr ha b et the inerval. The Ontario Dairy en. a leading drin into which smaller drains GRAI" CROPS. Tovernor-General has lox g since cease to R. G. Wilson. There were tell tende il �e anything but a figurel Lead and would not The annual meeting of the Ontario Dairy- empty. The object of underdraining is to This was handled in a masterly manner for the work. last 'get the water to percolate through the land by klr. R. McMillan. The . chief points -On Wednesday morning of last week, Sunimerbill. -efuse his. consent.' Si � John Macdonald men's Association was held in Stratford F. Yonngblut has yo,.ut 1 -ii
a e went that the nimonia and nitroo, n which it, brought out were that sod Should be plowed when Rev. A. ear, of Hol I
week. It was a most successful affmir, In crusher in Mr. H. Wallace a barn, and does
xad no difficalty in gettig a dissolution contains will be left in the soil. The lead- in the fall for all crops iaxcept corn and. to his stable lie found his fine cow dead I
i custom work for the fari-ners, on Tuesday.--�
�Nvo years ahead of time )n the flimsy pre- fact the most successful that has yet been in,, drain should have tile large enough to peas. Other land should be plowed in the having be'en strangled by the tie in an effoxt I 0 Tridays.-Mr. George W. Hill has gone�
car and I
:ense that, the Yankees ere: dying to make held.- The attendance throughout Was ry off.the Witter in twenty-four hours. fall for all crops. After ploughing, harrow to turn around in "'the stall. N 'uel,
i to G -roh to take a course ait the Ontario
Drains should be not more than two or two well; we use the harrow too little. In us- -Mr. Lack Keniiedv has sold his trotter, 1 L
L reciprocity treaty witl Canad the fact lare, and the, audience? embraced a good A' ricultural College. We wish lilln and.a half feet down in heavy land, so that ing the cultivator run it the same way its Lord Tennyson, to g1r. J. E. Swi6rtz,. of George Glasgow of )eing that they were t dying to (16 any, many who are actually enga,g,ed in the the wat6r can get to the tile. Hard, heavy the plow. In starting with black ground Witigham, for the suin of $475. By -the- 1ingof thesort. Th is not lone 'valid fotindtion work of dairying, the produc- land must be broken up, but lighter land in qpring, use harrow fitrst. It land is clean way, Lack expects to go into business re ino her relatives in- this ,eason for not boldil,10., other session of the tion of the inilk. Nearly all the prominent needs. fewer drains. A level bottom is re- go bn -with seeder, if not use broad bladed long, btit has not yet decided in,wht line Jennie Wallace has gone to Detroit to work
P quired for tile. Where there is a quick- cultivator. or roots plow in the fall, and. it Shall be. ' at her trade, that of taileress.-Mr. ,)resent Parliament. dairymen of the Pr&ince and several front a- NLIcIlvecif of this place, has been - electe4
and bcottoni it dryseikson is required for out- if you have manure put, it out then ; if not, -Oil Thursday afternoon last, the farm District I Alaster in connection with. the *Vnited States were also present and de- ti�ng 'the ditch. The outlet should have put oil and pread- in winter. Instead of and farm stock of John McDo-agall, lot 9, ill
The County Q�ouncil- livered addresses or read papers, on gratings to keep out animals. Tar paper is ridging the land for mangolds leave level concession 8, Grey, were offered for sale by Orange Association, and Mr. J S.- Ali, er
ive sometimes used 'to cover the joints in tile and Sow with seed drill. Also sow corn public auction. Mr. .11cDougall Who is was e d The Countv Council net at Goderich on '&all of which intei6ting nd Z5 )
where quicksand is common. ,The advan- with -seed ilrill, leaving rows from 30 to 36 well advanced in life, intends retirilILa from Annie Tyner has returned from her visit to
discussions took place. Such a meeting can .- 0 Lmlbnry. Puesdt'Ly afternoon last. There is-niore new to do a of underdraining are that the crop can inches apart. There was considerable dis- farniin
is 'age r ctission as will is our riful duty this week
Aorod in� the Codricif his year than there scarcely fail od, �nd will give th be got'in earlier ; the teniperature is higbe to the best time to put out manure, I �e Editor of the Brussels Post to chronicle the di of James Waldn,
tas been for several y ars. The first and now all-impoftant industry an L impetus in thle s�oil'; tillage, is easier ; the land is the opinion of most of the speakers favorip present 9. gold dollar to the pupil in each second son of Mr. James Laithwafte, whie-4
t whiall it would not otherwise have had, and healthier both for min And crop. Draining the winter. � Green inanure when plowN department of. Brussels publi school who �nost important busines of the firs, I III I sad event took ce in California on the
VN pays for itself in a few years by saving the in has a tendency to cause a ferme tatipti takes the highest percentage fif the mon,thly aft pla
Ta�ran in this way secure the interest of many ill I I th inst., er somewhat short illnci8.
ways is the election of it, t Was hilnid manure to the soil. It even pays to which pulverizes the soil. It is theref6re examinatibils between Janukry Ist and the He -went to that place about a year ago and
I it who, but for it, would itill pursue the old borrow money to drain with. At the close best for heavy land, but well rotted manure mid -summer vacation. 1auglit, that the princi A contest for this: about two months ago his motlier went on,6
and Nvorn out path of exhaustive cropping of the address an interesting discussion en- is best for light land. Emphasis was laid -Councillor Carling, at the close of the ),osition this year would be - between the to see the country and to visit; her son, autl
of the land, The several papers read, and stied, which was taken part in by Messrs. on the point of harrowing in the spring to council meeting the other might, entertained ?.eeves of Clinton and urnberry. But the McLaughlin,' Spie Landsborough, C. prepare -the seed bed, , his brethren of the council board to an ditrinc, her sojourn there lie was seized ivitlt
'dark lioi,se," in the person of the Reeve the addresses delivered, will be published Nilichie, G. A. Dead art. Following this topic came oyster supper. A pleasant time was spent. lever7which resuled as state4 bvH e
11 received his early education h4e, and wasliL
gh he did in due course and will be distributed The subject next taken up was Mr. Carling will occupy the position of
)f Howick, Stepped in, d, althou TIONV TO DAIRY FAR1 INT ONTARTO young man of exemplary character and re -
M, through the Farmers' Institutes and other HE CARE, OF AN ORCHARD, AND MAKE I% PAY. deptit -reeve in the council of 1895. lot come to the front, he made a'-. ight r. E. E. Ward has bee ap specied,b all who shared his'acquaititance-
like channelt-. 'Auch of the success of this by T, . pointed y Mr. Beadle, of St. Catharines.' Mr. "T
a anding- KePlierson E\ He was a o a ver muchsteemed member
,,,00d see6nd, the vote a The first Speaker- was Mr. Wark, of Wan- i manager of the MOISOWS eter !.3 - Cook, 24. Two th inbers, Messrs. Me- ineetin'g was due,no doubt, to the good Beadle said that one of the great enemies of Stead'.' He said the key to the matter is, to 'Mr. Ward has held the posi; 'on of sub- of the Good Templars'lodge here. His re-
anagement, zeal and enthusiasm'of the the apple grower was the fungus or scab, inains were brought home ana internetl it
qurchie, of Clinton, �nd Malloy, of Col- M : the nature of Which he- explained, and that i feed the beaL food to the,rigbt kind of cows manager since going to Exe r, awl'bis Clinton cemetery on Monday ast. The
We energetic and clever President, Mr. A. Pa- ' to make the most profit. W, hat We want to abilities and genial manner have earned for )orne, were absent lt�rough illness. the way to get rid of it Was by spraying '! him this rapid promotion. sympathy of the community is extended to
1 do in Ontario is to restore the fertility of 10 tullo;.of the Woodstock Sell tinel -Review, with Bordeaux mixture and Paris green. I f the bereaved family. ngratulate Turnber a venerable and i the soil. This can be accomplished by: (1) -The following license commssioners or and the Associaion -did well in re-elictin(f Spray thoroughlyL when the blossoms are Worthy Reeve on theli-I nor' conferred upon In ; Underdrain3i, (42) The application of the county havec"been re -appointed: West. him to the Presidency for another. yea�. opening, and again after the blossoms fall. lint by his fellow co, cllors, - and we are He then Cook up the Codling moth or worm, manure; (3) owing, down clover. This Huron -James Steven, Sa�wtiel Sloan and Greenwa-y; aire be will fi, 11 the [Speaker's chair with is an unexcelled way of restoring the ilitro- Huh McQuarrie. South Huron-Rbert C. IEL �Vikon delivr-
which is so prevalent, explaining its habits. 0 .Ine dignity ; to the er I dit of bimself and WE have' recently heard much of the The way to.get rid of it'is by spraying with gen to the soil, and also tends to keep a Spicer, Peter Douglas and John Weir. East ed a load of bay in Shipka list week that
�lay soil loose and porous. The- essential Huron -Thomas Gibson, G�orge 1,cortune only lacked a f;w �ounds of wo tons,-,Nll--
princely income received by the Registrars Paris green. Another help is to take �he satisfaction of the �ouncil. report of pieces of brown paper and tie them around points of a dairy barn are warmth, plenty and George Murdie. Reuben Wilson sold to Ai. $nell, of Exeter,
'he proceedings will of the city of Toronto. Th Toronto Sta of light and plenty of air. The ceilhig -It is our sad dLnty this week to chronicle L V R
a6pear ext week, the trees with a string, in the middle, leav- the heaviest horse ever -no,% n i 'this part -
of a recent date says.: should be at least ten feet high. I A cow� is the death of Stewart Armstrong, the only He turned the scales at 1,765 potinds.-Irbe.
Ing a sort of funnel -shaped projection, in the stable the greater part of her life and child of Mrs. -NI.Armstrong, of Molesworth. public installation of the ofi�cers of U4ni'
Quite a Diff�ret Matter. Mr. Peter Ryan, Registrar, has sent to Then when the insects go up or down the I Oil
the Cit Treasurer a itatement of tli6 re- 'trunk of the tree they are caught and -pre- there must he plenty of air. Breathing the The little fellow was in his& fotirth year, and Tent No. 48, Rnights of the;A1:&ce&heeG,to(.)k
y The Conservative p4ers (the Empire in turns for. the eastern division. The City'S vented from going further, and c&n. be de- Game air over and over again must inevita- a very bright child. After only two weeks place in W. J. Wilson's hall last Tft"day'
share of the fees amounts to $2,814.72. The stroyed. bly produce disease. Get in all the windows of suffering from an acute form. of inflam- nightl the hall being well Ved. The bi_
?articular) have a abit of periodically disbursements are $3,865.76, The net in- In answer to a uestion by M r. W. - H. you can without weakeninir the wall, and Illation of the lining of the brain the little lowing officers were duly installed by eiiior
warning the people of Canada against w, h�t have them especially on-tbe, sunny Side. sufferer passed away.
Awy call " tariff ukering," and point come of the Registrar was $-2,488.76. McCracken. about t%e curculio, which lit`ys Fresh air should be brought in at the bot- -It is Said that a few d v Past commander, Mr. I bon I ,as Mollard - C.
If the office disbursements are correctly its eggs on ihe plum fruit, Air. Beadle said k 8 ago a gel.'Ltle- H. Wilson, Commander ;'J. Brown 3 Lieu - that one cure was praying with Paris torn. Use single stalls ; they are more con- man of Clinton, who had $1,300 oil deposit tenant ; J. Love, F"mance Keeper ;;Jwne-,
�he m , to show its di �e res.ult% "to the de- stated, and we presume tbey are, the share green. .. The habits ofthe our I venient and comfortable. A clay floor is at one of the banks there, at 4 per cent., Young, Prelate -. Philip Baker, Phsician ;-
Dression in the Unit d. States during the falling to the Registrar does not seem to be culio may also the beat if you can keep it dry. Have a withdrew it, and re -deposited it at Blyth, Robert Englisli, Master at , Arms ; Stepheil
0 be taken advantage of to get rid of it. For ?ast couple of years. Now, what trouble unduly large considerilig the importance'of instance, if the tree be slightly jarred the gutter four or five inches deep and twelve -where he was to receivd 6 per cent. A few Webb, First Master of Guards : James Pol-
1ere *as �A the U ited State or thirteen inches wide for the droppings. days after the Blyth bank. closed its doors, Iock,- Second Maste C a a was not insects will gather up their legs an(l tumble r of : uard the office and the respinsibiliti6s attaching Always water &ws in the stable. Turning and lie will be likely tolose a portion of it Bloomfield, Pickiet,
to the grour.d. praince, Sentinel; Wm.
Cut off the end of a limb, laused by the chang-i g of the taiff, but by to such a position in a place like Tor them out in the cold to drink cold water is in the settlement.
After the installation Sir Knight C. H. Wi-
%e length of tii Took to change -it. onto* being careful not to let it die, and by hit- sure to diminish the flow of milk. Besides, Deputy Game Warden Gill, of Exeter, very interesting address, show -
It., 'In fact, the Legislature hav been whitling ting this sharply with a mallett you can �on gave a was the fretting, weallring uncertainty hang- if you chill the cow by giving her cold had Air. - SWal1L0W of Woodliam, before Ing the growth and Strength of the- Orr -
at these incomes Lr, until now send the insects tumbling to the ground. a over the busiliessi men in the country e a C water, she requires more feed. Groom Charles Snell, J. P., on Wednesday, last The entertainni'ent after this consisted of
.ng they have got the most of ihent down to Here hav oupole of pieces of cotton 8 -
I your cows -it adds to their health and colu, week, and fined him. $25 and $6 costs for music by a fine tring band, son b W
made the troli�jle. But that trouble spread'for them to fall on, and' when you i , f: y A-.
about what they should be. : But, although fort, and that always means a mon ly re- shooting a deer out of season. The (leer have got all, you can gatber them up and e -Wilson, and adesses, by Re-% H. Chaill,
[,ias been 'very gre�tiy exaggerated. Be- the rem uneration received by all such Offl- destroy them. " By putting a slat or lath at turn. In feed, the first consideration is was in a swamp near Woodliarn, and bad and NA7. It. Taylor, M. P. P which were
succulence. Grass is'the beat food -next to been seen several times by I)ersons in vari- loudly appluded.-Mrs. te "
Ila I Settle, whu,
3idles, -We in, Canad� -do these things in a cials, under the -fee system, is not in many each end of your cotton, you will be enabled In builAin a silo, make it high ous parts of the township. has been visiting friends and relative.-, ilk ratich batter -.vav f, in the coming elec- cases exorbitantly lar e, we still think to handle it more easily. In stormy weath- I ensi 9 '* ni-party is victorious, 9 also hide under any- rather than broad, as you. thus kee your -A respected resident of Exeter, in the Clinton and Bayfield during the past twf*,
don, the Taiff Reo. that �the salary system of reffitinerating tb�'in er the ouroulio will silage in better condition. You Lilnot person of r. Wtu..Sution, died on Mon- ay. importers will kno, just exactly how Ion thing that is handy, and advantage may be make a cast iron ration for cows. No two day, last week, in the 54th year of his age. weeks, returned liere last Suiid -'-NJ r.
9 would be the best and moak satisfac6ry to taken of this by placing Shingles r some- Tho m -as Sinson, of Bayfieldl is visitill),
bhey will have to o business on., the old' thing of the sort on the ground for Ahem to cows require just the same, but the Lropor- He had been ill for some months from the the public. p friends here. -A 'lumber of our young Illen
tion should be one of flesh and milk forming effects of a sunstroke received last year have decided to start a - nig
basis, and govern �hemselves accordingly. hi(le tinder, and then you call gather them lit school an4
to seven of beat and fat producing food. A while shingling.- He leaves to survive him take a, ourse in reading, W�ritilig, aritlinietio
rhere will be no haiassinig uncertainty. L-tmr in any form is a pretty costly bus- �ip and. destroy them. The secret of success healthy cow weighing 1,000 pounds, re- an invalid wife and large family, who bave A 3 ra
in an orchard is to keep. aI it persistently, and grammar. Ir . G, ce Al. Wilson ha.-;
As. to tariff tinl�ering the Conservatives iness. The'bill' forAhe Toronto boodling and begin work early. The time to jar the quires about twenty-five pounds of dry ori the genuine sympathy of the community. been engaged its teacher. This is a p):01it-
have done more Of that than the Reform ganic matte I -On Wednesday evening of last week, hivestigation amounted to 56,702.45. Judge pluin trees is early morning or late after- � daily. That is, food'after &I able wily to spend the long winter evenings
C1,overnnielit is likely to do, if it gets in In the heat of mid-day tile insects the water is' deliucted. Mr. Wark begafi the members of the Clinton town bad were and no doubt Our young in enwil. look back
I I McDougall charges the snug sum of $600 noon., - with a herd of grade Durhama'and weeded entertained to an oyster sup er, at the home in after life with leasure and tbankful-ness
1)0wer retnans tlier� a quarter of a, will unfold their wing,s and fly away. I for his services, and Lawyer Nesbitt, the out by means of the -Babcock ' Mr. W. Harlar pent --au ex -
There ha's been E-carcely-a session prosecuting attorney, assesses the city 6ne Air. urrie, of Brussels, called attention 9 8 to those who took- an interest in helping
ceattiry. to the frequency with which young apple up with a thoroughbred Jersey bull, raising cee4igly enj%able tili-te. In addition o them. when they were willing to help them -
I , 8 cl,
Cof Parham ent that bits not seen some change the best calves from the beat cows. The music by the and, the leader, Air. S'llunk, selA e .-The ; a e - mectinlo,
hundred dollars per day for his *ork. He trees in that neighborhood were sun scalded, ( o pel T mperance
hi the Tariff since the defeat of the lcKen- was'employed 47 days, bringing his bill up and advised the placing, on the sunny side model dairy cow is wedge shaped,. with gave a song With as great proficiency as he nd entertainment will be beld nex _ . t Turs- AIL It C. Wi
long, fine neck, fine head, prominefit, well plays. a horn. Mr. R. Downs als . o give one day, Jantiary 25tb �Mr. yet we have 'lot to $4,700. No doubt the investigation was. gether in th 7 ie Adi of a shade made of two boards nailed to developed spine, short, fine legs, fipe skin, in his infinitable manner. returned to colleg' ast Tuesdav,
hea,rd our Gonserva,Cive friends condemn the' e shape of a trodgh, and sharp- and large, winding milk veins on th belly. -Roger Allin, a former resident of Col- e I thorough and did good service, but it,,coist a cited at the end so that they can be driven But cows with these 'overninent for it. Their ideas of tariff good round sum, and this, augmented by into the ground. The' same was a good oints are not; a, Lakelet. lways borne township, has been elected Governor
You must use the tester and the for the State of N
tinkeritirf are much Similar to their ideas of the am' tints stoleti b the boodlers and the thing for plant and cherry trees. good. Yorth Dakota, on the Re-
a y I scales, and get good individual Give publicn ticket. Also Tames Dobie, a for- Orn V,
The Institute then adjourned until after- ILLACL.—For the informatioll of
loyalty bsequent costs of prosecuting them, will plenty of good, fresh water, and ut salt mer resident of East Wawanosb, has been those w`110 Su noon, when p not be.acquainted wit], ur
Make Toronto's loss bbrough loose 'Munici- THE ELFCTIO'-*4 OF OFFICERS where your cows can always get it. Keep elected Senator for No. 2 District, rembitla hamlet, -and -;ho may read Some of the itenit;
Notes and Comments. pal Goventiment, figure up to nice sized pile the cows, in winter and Summer, a�'id feed , County, North Dakota, oil the Populie,t about it in. future, we Shall try to Size it 111),
took place, and resulted as follows: Presi- you calmot succeed if you depend on pas- party ticket. The said James Dobie was a. It is rally situated in tbe to,wnship of
as . trachan ; Vice -President, T. Me- I cent
Mr. (41adst(me h announced, hs inten- of txes. (lent, T ture. OnIx let the cows out at in pupil of the Manchester public school some Howick. There is one general store, an,�J
Millan; Secretary, A. Hislop. Directora� tention of eeturnin(, to Parliament and tk- summer. ]'here -was a lively dise'"'ssion at yearsago. 'His father lives near Manchester. postolfice in run by Mr. A. Dul - ing part inthe discussion of important News of th& Week. 0'rey, R. Dilworth. and James Ferguson; the close of ir. Wark's address, When the _iVord was received by telegram 'ft-oii) lilage, who has held away here for some - 14 r1tiestions. The Oesions lie is -likely to J al o 8
I Howick, R. Edgar and W. McKercher; following points were brought oll: Grey- Toronto, by Mr. George Blatcbford, of E xe- year -9. There are two Shoe I p , one own -
IMPORTED HAY. -During the year 1894 Turnber v nd R. Black; stone turnips and corn are equ , to une, ter, on Tuesday lilorning, last week, all- ed by A. W. Halladay, the other by C. - to grass as food for cows, in the' 4inion of nouncing th�,de�tli of his (elaughter, Mrs, E. ton; two black sinith shops owned by Messrs -
speak on are The Irish Land Bill, The , Ar- England imported from Canada 28,, 1 1 us Morris James Smillie and C. Michie ; Hul-
nicnian Atrocities, and the . Anti -Lords of hay. Jett, G. Stevenson, James Hinchley; Mc- some, but even the white turni,38 aould be Roberts, in that city on Tuesday. , Mrs. Gowdy atid Burnett, I respective y; a Wagon
NEARIN-P. THE K.N-D. -Reports froni Lord Killop, A. Gardiner, T. E. Hays; Brassels, fed in small quantities, while Swede turnips Roberts, with her husband, resided in Exe- and paint SlIo
'P, superintended by W. A.
Randolph Churchill's bedside are that lie is W, H. McCracken, S. Walker ; Wro xleter, should never be fed to a milk cp'w; keep ter a few years ago, until they moved to Cook ; a saw mil, with A. W. Rallada,
da,ily growdng weaker. A. L. Gibson, T. B. Sanders. )r Repreenta- pulling awa at your cows and get them in Toronto, where '�%Jfr. Roberts conducts a cit proprietor, and two chopping inills Mad is actully gettilig RRICANE r,T Fmi.-Advices from the mas McMil- the habit o . f milking right along; within grocery. Deceased died -unexpectedly . in and attended to 1)yM. R_ -Scott respet-
The Toronto - Hr tives to Central Institute,- Tbo y witty. It "If r. Harty's prospects Fiji Islands report the' occurrence there of a ]an and John C. Moirlson. four weeks of calving is -soon enough to dry confinement, at the age of 38 years �;d I tively -, a Methodist chIlL
hurricane which did great damage to Ship- This institute is a very flourishing associ- o reh, in which tb(�,
Of Success in Ki4gton were never brighter. - cows. montlia. She leaves a small family; who Rev. A. Potter, f Cliff rd? preacbs every
ping, and pr6perty oil shore, and caused ation and the financial statement for this the I Mr. -Cleland, of Flina,was.the n�xt spea- together with her husbd the Gym' Sunday afternoon at 2:30; a sebool about lu
Both Archbishoto Cleary and Principal (1rant, loss of many lives, The cocoanut planta- Year shows a balance on hand of som� $1-24. r. Mr. Cleland b�s a Cheese Ifactory in patliy of a host of friends here. quarter of a ini Out of the b rg hot,el, are keeping qui�t. ti6na are ruined. At the afternoon session the attendance was Elma, with 27 patrons, and keep$` &L large -11r. George Baird has been engaged in One Of the most useless and iu
RIOTINO i -N BELo0Ki.Yq.—Tbe very laxg6, showing how deep an interest tutio jurious insti-
re is serious 'the farmers of East Huron take in the study number of cows himself. The �oatrons o teaching, at Baird"s school house, 2nd con- ns a small pace li -e tl can riotincr in Brooklyn, New York, in connec- their own drawing, and average nearly $600 cession of Stanley, for 34 consecutive years. Then there area nuniber of dwelling hettse.rj
The -Al anitob,,i delegates, Attorney -C. ener-. tion with the street car strike. The mob ottheproblems of their profession.' They profit per . year from the factory, while they During that time lie has kept the school in all about I 00 of a population, al Sifton and T�'casurer McMillan, have had hurled bricks, stonei, and whatever they showed tjoo that they are I)Hnging to bear inake about another -$400 per year out of fully abreast of the time, awl many of bis NoTES.-Afr. Robert
Ferguso, cattle
a satisfactory ifterview with Finance.Ali could get hold. of. A number on their work earnest study and keen re- pigs. n- are seriously injured. of p9liceinei earch. 'Mr. Clelandthought Jersey grades pupils are now filling some importat and buyer of this district , is "around buyixig
ister Foster, and it has been rranged that Nearly 8,000 soldiers were all right for butter, but for � cheese be responsible positions. The standing of the cattle among the farmers, but has rather it,
are under 'arms to preserve order but the The first topic of the afternoon session mucb preferred Holsteins, which heand his school lias never fallen behind, in any re- hard time of it, as he wishes to.g.et the.. t
the subsidy to Manitoba sliall be -paid until striker a till hold the inastery. 3 -111 a
a was patrons used. The great difficulty for or- spect, and is a decided credit to his pa- prices that do not suit the farmers. Cattl,,�
IS96, on the baSiS of a popula tion. of one . SEF.10�,�.BLONA' TO CATTLE ITOW TO RAISE A STEER FOR THE EN-GLISH dinary farmers is to get good cow; a. About tience and industry. AV e,doulit if there is are so low that buyers cannot give the Sarno
-inety thousand, which will Thel-fam urg authorities have I forbidden MARKET, the only way to get a good dairy� cow is to another teacher in -the whole Dominion who as formerly Paid- We see by the T
hundred nd n the inip6r�ation of cattle and swine from opened by Mr. R. Currie, of Wingbam. ! --ribuno
breed it. Almost everyone has) however, has remained with efficiency so long in one that Will Hinde, of Harriston ' bou ht,
give the Provinice an increase ofbout thirty England d Ireland. Inasintich as a large Mr. Currie said that those 'who use the meat two or three good cows ; get a pure male section, and the indications are iiiat Mr. ear load of fine cattle betWeel L
thousand dollars it year. proportion of the American cattle entering i;,Drg 'erina have certain prejudices and tastes, which and keep the calves from tbese. Keep Baird Nvill remain there for a considerable Lakelet'la-st week_-Alr. of Lii(-k-
-ny go through England, this will be must be considered if success is to be won. weeding them out. In a dry eason Mr. number of years yet. now, District Chief Jc
alliother severe blow at American cattle f triplar of tile 111f1j.-
-terests and trade with continental Europe. more sought after than a heavy one. In re- oats and peas are good to begin all, but soon of Hullett, received word a few (lays since ed here this 11 S
The criticising a speech bY H011 n- A square, nice anima!, of medium weight, is C eland begins to feed corn in July. 0,reen -Mr..W. Stevens, of the 9tb concession peLndent Order of Good Teinplars i expect-
rie ripen. n ure in coil -
ay'. s INT. Gill 1889 Yale's football captain and said that they should be sheltered and well it the beat after trying many other kinds. Devonshire, EnTland,at the age of 74 ears. inembers in this ldke is not as large as for- I Mr. B - FoR E,,iFRcE.1,CIES. —M r. gard to the treatinentof calves, Mr. Cur He uses White Flint cor and finds of the death of his mother, at Barnstable, nection. with the -work. The numberf
:'bonias Bllan,tyne, says:-" It is natural A GOOD MA, ionth to give a 1,Ect'
allaiit�,ne to speak that -tv A in opponent of protection it is inctinibent oarsman, has applied to the board of foreign cared for. It doesn't pay' to expose a calf In sowing corn, sow with seed drill, in rows i Mhe lei an(I an(l eleven chilZien- inerly, being ab Out -and -Mrs.
ever it ed e
Lipoll hini to d 61cry tile principle wher inissions of the Presbyterian Church for em- and perhaps lose it in consequence, but he 30 to 36 inches &part ; if for silage sow 7 boys and 4 girls-Afr. Stevens being the Scott, who were in, rri on th 26th
ployment as a missionary to either China or does not believe in giving it too- much '�milk. I thinner than: otberwise-about bushel to only one in this country. Mrs. Thomas ult., have settld own here, where all wis
as solon as the acre. Feed plenty of roots, mangolds Fear, of the gravel road,'is the only sur- them a happy 4�(l prosperous life.-Tinies
netwith. But -does it not strike M n Bal- Africa. He was recently ataying in a little Be in to feed it on root and hay ta NO
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rou SEFORTH, FRIDAY, Jan. '25th, 1895
The South Huron Protest. The Exeter Tinjes of last week says TheSouth HarGit election petition against
ALL Y. McLean, P. P., has �een with-
"dra,urn so far as tl,- petitionee, '11r. 1).
and Mr. Wesmiller are concerned.
'kThe reasons for the withdrawal are vari-
ous, thouggh nut owing to the evidence be-
ing instiffi but principaly because of
overtures by the opponents ; and Mr. Me-
-1 be the undisturbed represena-
Lean wil;
tive for Smtthffitron, at .least until the
expected early dissallition of the Lcgiaa-
ture." --The Times is generlly recognized -
as the chidf mouthpiece of the Conservative
party in; South Huron, and, no doubt,
speaks by'the book from, that point, of -view.
We may be permiitted to state that we
thnk Mr. Weism;ller hav
ta.k-enacom�mendaliylecoti,r.ge. Their action
will be gratiNing to the orm party, and
-we are sue, be equally approved of
by a m, -iijori ty of the ConservaLtiv&s of th, e
riffing. For, had the petition gone to trial,
no niatter which side would have bee Stic-
cessful, an aniount of bad blood tund' kiecri-
111071110112 feeling -,�ould have been engen -
dered between parties and individu#1S,
which years wonhl not wipe out, nd Which
ld certainly not tend -to the well b ing
of t1le corninunity. Now' all this wi` be
voided. Both sides %it ford to fo get
axid forggive; to let by-rones be by-gol NS
e nd allo the sperities incidental to., the
recent cainpaign. to die out, and a joil
once more in harinally and fellow:ship,
irrespective of the varied political views
which all, no doubt, conscientiously possess.
A General Election.
There is a ,C�re�tt dof talk just now
abotit a general clection. frrfr the. Dominion.
8evera of tlic Reform papers asserl:'
positively that there will not be another
Session of t1iis and that dissolu-
-tion will take pace nd the elections be
held in 'Vlarch or the 'April. The
Conservative.pa.pers, on the$t1ler laud, do
not positively deny �this, and, what gives tb c
statement m are probability is, Minis-
ters have resurned their campaicyn tours,
Which were broken off by the deth of ir
Tkonipson. It is s�ated, lso, tbt
there is a division in Ministerial ra.tiks on
the subject. of the f6llowers of the,
C,.overame nt are opposed to a dissolution,
and nGne of them, are really enthusiastically
inavor of it. Taking everything into con-
- f, 0
sideration, o far as tha outside public' can
see, the Goernm, eiit have nothing to gain
ncl good deal to lose by bringinq oil the
cleetions at ottee. Tile present depression
and distress in the country ,vould, laost as-
saredly, militate against the Government
while nother session would nican one thou-
sand dollars in the pockets of each one of
their supporters in Parliament. Menibers
of 11'arliauient, as a rule, are not wealthy
class. To may of thein a ses'� I indeni-
it is a ver importnt consideration.
y E'specially is this the case on the eve of a
general election. M -any of the more ini-
pecul-�xious were depending on tbi.q next ses-
iudetnuity for funds to defry their
election expenses. This being the case,
there is 'no doubt but that the general feel-
ing of the ruenibers will be opposed to dis-
solution before a session is beld, and it is
scarcely likely the Government will go so
dir4ctly contrary to the wiahesand interests
of their followers unless there are wei,,,-,,,hty
party wby they so.
Of course there are soine troublesome
25, 1895*
reystone tULrilips, thou tor in viving sister. About three years ago Mr-
roblems which the Goverknitont would. have lantyne is remarkable that during e Maine town in which there was no church, possible, without meal, If you want to and gh the lat
Ith and Mrs. Stevens celebrated their koldn.
he Shoulder ed an axe, out enough timber, feed grain, feed whole oats and let the calf small quantities. The cow is the best friend face if another session wer6 held, and period between 1854 and 1866, when the 80 ich weddi�n bftilt his church and preaclsqd in it. do its own grindin thus saving expense. man has, and he should treat her as at - & She was for many years a ilicin-
hich, in the absew session, -they Reciprocity treaty between this country STARVATION-nN NEDRASkA.—The distress In spring put on t A good cater ber e church of England. te grass gradually, so as Feed a cow all she will eat. -N.Xr. Thomas Hazelwood, of Winebelsea,
)uld avoid conintitting themselves oli. The and -the St 'operation, and the around Greely Centre, Nebraska, is said to to prevent scouring, for an animal scouring is generally a good tnilker. '1he Holsteins rincipal one of these, is the Manitoba school States liad.a'free market here --Jor cheese, he appalling. No picture of the suffering either on the grass or in the stable is losing are good 'feeaers, anti that is one of their has bought from Mr. Win. Bawden, of Exe-
eation. Itisalsostatedt at there will 'Canada had,only twelve Cheese factories has been overdrawn. Hundredsof families you money. When you get ready to feed strongpoints; they will eat almost any- ter, five acres of land,partof theSamwell
have nothing toeat and no fuel, and chil- for the winter, cattle will do as wellbegin- thing. A dairy fariner mut consume every- property, at the rear of Mr. W. G. Bissett.
ind 4ve millions" and that as Gaon as the t aled en��. Mr. Hazelwood intends� ereeting
e a deficit of between four �y reaty was repe I is farm. A man can �reaid
I ' I dren are so nearly naked that they are kept ning Oil turnips and such like at first. thing lie raiaes on W y '% a, residence oil the same property, and f dollars. If this is the case it would -have an a protection of three cents a pound 'from school. It is impossible for the people Chi e the food about once a mouth, and, eep easily from. twenty to thirt co i's on Lug ing into 11,xeter. o be made known to Parliai�ent and new or given Canadian mandfacturers, there was a to care for the destitute, and, unless a large above all, keep them growing- Mr. Currie 100 acres. Pig raising aild feedinz (roes -John Pletzer, the old- mancTiarged witl* noreased taxes would have be - rovided ra . pid increase in the number of fIctories un- amount of otitaide assi8tanbe is received at has found that crosses front Devon and with dair 11119. He has found a cr;sstDbe- unnatural offence- in Blyth, was up before p once many farmers and their families will Hereford bulls are good grazers, and do. as tween a Mkabire sow and an improved an
meet it. Thisould nop be A taking tit they now total one thousan five him- �,igS to hand i adge Toms -at Goderich, on Monday of last.
perish. well generally as the Durham grades, but it Yorkshire boar the best le. an week. His el deenfed it wise to again
ard for an election. But Whether, or'not dr' ed and sixty -eight." Diditriever strike ig only the first cross that does as well. ..The Mr. John C. Morrison followed with colins
hese are . sufficiently ,. weigh� considerations The Empire that Mr. Ballatityne is much key to the whole matter -of feeding is to address on the profits of the farm. In the i,change the plea, which had been "guilty"
EAST HURON FARMERS' IN- mature at the least �xpense. The discus- efore the magistrates' trial, and was after -
I % � to "not guilty." The crown
o indiice the Government issolve Par more deeply interettedin cheese manufap- STITUTE, sion which ensued was. to the tards changed
turing thanit is, and.tha consequently, he taken. part in by a session was held, which, own agreed to aeCept a plea of indecent assault, iament now and make an 11illnediate appeal $ Messrs. Armtrong, J. McMillan, M. P-) R. storm, was not so well attended as it would A very successful and profitable meeting I rather1han go into the disgusting details,
o thepeople, it is impossi le'to determine. is hardly likely to "oppose protection if it of the East Huron Farmers' Institute was M. -Millan and Hojii. .otherwise have been, though the- ball Was 'a sentence of si X
XTe venture to -say, tliA to come :to a, de- helps that industry? Or that,. the' ma&t I beld..at Brus . sets oil Friday last, in the Town THE 13REhDING AND FEEDING OF 11008 well filied. The programme consisted of d His Honor imposed as introduced by Mr. John C. Morrison, music by Mr. and the Misses Stewart, Mr. months' imprisonment at hivrdabor.
Sion on this point, is one f the most diffi-' for'Canadian cheese being Great Britain, hall. The delegation aent. tip was a Strong w -Regular meeting of the - Hurdii 've . be- the only d - uty that could aid the Canadian One, consisting of Messr a. Wark,'of Wait- of McKillop, in the absence of Mr. T...E. A. Strachan, land Professor Hawkins, -of Association was held in Seaforth, on Tu"-
ult questions thle GoVernm nt now ha stead, and Cleland, of Listowel, on dairy- Rays. Mr. Morrison explained that lie was Brussels, and Speeches by Messrs. A. S. day of last week, the following members
ore them. indiketry won be a duty imposed by Great Mr. Beadle, of St. Catharines, on fruit not a hog breeder, but has been feeding cLean, J. C. Morrison, John 'N"llan' being present - Doctors Campbek, Mackay,
' I , Me'
All ths talk,and uncer ty about a dis- Britain on ch,yese coming from other coun- lenlure, and Mr. John McMillah, M. P. for them for twenty years. It is profit we M. P., Wark, Beadle and Cleland. A very Bethune, Turnbull, Sha, Taylor, Smith,
olution simply serves to mphasize what tries than Canada ? -South Huron, on general agriculture. Mr. must look to,'an(T yet he has not -iced that, enjoyable eveuing,was spent. This close(I a Wood, Graham and eTaviall. Paper.-;
Currie, of Wingham, and Mr. John C Mor- though fo ten years five cents per pound or very SucCeSSfUl and interesting day's pro- were re& by 'Doctors Campbell and ackay-
P11F. EXPOSITOR has repea edly advocated, can �a ot for hogs, li weight, from ceedings of the Institute.
rison, of Winthrop, also addressed the In- over ve There were interesting discussions on'Medi-
4z. That the date of diss, lation should be The Liberal campaign was open�d in Mon- at to 6ctober lat. most farmers pe- I I
stiWte, 2.n to i of interest. May I eal Ethics and the Medical Council. The
IPICS Huron Notes. following officers were elected for the year lefinitely fixed by stattite nd not be left to treat on Tuesday night, when speeches were THE MORNING SESSTOX sist in feeding their hogs in the cold weath- ,
)e decided by the caprice' fa pjkrt� leader delivered by Mr. -Laurier,Sir'Oliver Mowat, began t ab&ut 10:30 and was opened by er, when it takes more feed to do the same William Willis, of 'Dashwoe4, *drew a, President, Dr. Smith, itchell; Vice, Dr- !r the necessities of a parV. 1VVe heartil� Mr. Patterson, of Brant, and, other Liberal the 11sident, Mr. Thomas 8trachan', of work, and thii pork brings less money -per load of lGga,mounting up to 2,300 feet, to the Bethune, Seaforth ; Seeretary-Treasurer,
Grey, by a Short, but pithy address, in pound dressed than it would alive in'the sawmill a few (lays ago. i Dr. X11cKay, eafortli.
aidorse the following froi a contemporary: leaders. Great interest was attached to which he referred to the death of the late summer. What buyers want is a long hog, -Edward Speiran and Wilson 'Evans, of -Mr. G F. Ellierson, of Clinton, has re- Ir.
There should be a fixette for the dis- the speech of Mr. Wilfrid Laurier, ast was one that will give twenty pounds of break -
President, Mr. Uriah McFadden, ho had fast bacon from each side, and good hams. Grey, have a contract of getting out about turned fro. -in his.tri.p to Chicago, and he feels
;Olvin*g of Parliament andl there should be -expected he would outline the Liberal policy J been such it large factor in promoting the They don't want hird and fat. In England 6 acres of cedar for the QuereliLgesser content to remain in some place not quite so
, , I 'Mr. Laurier an- large or wicked a t at -it -. The ro bberie�,
iodi�solution be -fore t ate &rrives, un- for the coming campaign. success of the Institute ; to the benefits to they want pork I-& inclies thick on thethe -The contract for Alex. Bryaii's new bank a ]I c, 3
'hat, be derived from these farmers' gatherings - barn in Nlorris, hasbeen let to Peter J. c- that are openly con m- itted there in broail
ess in the event of all advierse vote in Par- �ounced that the Liberal policy was the tothe condition of Canadian farmers - to shoulder, and any -thing over that they won't Donald. It will be built near the site of the day light are amaizing. Mr. E inersen h"I, -
iament being carried, ag Inst the Govern- same -as thab adopted at the Ottawa conven- pay for. The feed that goea into the mak- their general characteristics, and to the ad- old log barn. pened to go along a street on Sunday rnorn-
nent. Take the present ase. Noonepre- tioninl893. TheLiberalparty demanded* vantages they enjoy as to Governinent, ingoflardand fat is'practically wasted. -Joh�n Greenslade, of orris, had his leg ing, about eleven O'clock, just as a robber
;ends that Sir Mackenzie Bowell has , not the adoption of a sound fiscal policy which education. etc. Pigs, to be profitable, should be ready for broken by his sleigh upsetting in the ditch washolding tip a turning bi-, re -
market in six nionths and 'should then last Tuesda afternoon. He will -be Iaid volver on George, the robber ordered hill) The first speaker called upon was ufficient backing to enab. e him to hold an- will promote domestic and foreign trade, Weigh froin two hundred to two hundred Tohn AlciMillan, M. P., who took up the, and twenty-fi've pounds. Have two batches aside, from work for some time. to move on, -�r he'd blow his brains out- other Session of Parliamer t, thus letting it that,tbe tariff be reduced to the needs of an subject of I -r. James Terry, blacksmith, at a request that it was not necessa to ma,e ive out its natural term. The only- ground honest economical,'and efficient Govern- NDERDRAT-VINc. a year. Twenty pigs per year 'a not too Molesworth, has just undergone ain opera- a Secod thne.
on which he could desire i dissoltition is in ment &�nd that it should be "so adjusted as III opening the Subject Mr. Me'Millan' re- many for one hundred acres. Yorkshires tion for the removal of a carbuticle,and so is. - -Over fortv vears ago, 'Mr. Robert Por-
ferred to the altered condition of the far. and Tamworths seem to give the. best re- all invalid at present. ter, Postmast�r, of Clinton, taught his hrsl, order that he might stren then himelf by to bear as light as possible upon the neces stilts. - Whey and skim milk are t cheap-
mers of this da , and said that in these '�" Mr. Gavin Wilson of Exeter, has sold school in the township of Whitby Ontario
y at food for hogs and should always be fed 77
ecaring a larger num ber of supporters in saries of life while promoting free trade, times of close competition and low prices e his farm being lot 37, concession 14, East county. Residing in the section was X
heHouse. Butwhatis hattothepeople? with the world, particularly wiUll Great the.fartner intist do e� erything lie possibly sw - eet. Young animals are easier to feed ' Wawanosh,'to Mr. Robert Shiell, late of young mail by the nanie of John Kjett-bem
as an aid bog requires more food of support can to increi,se the production of the re itoba, for the sum of $4,000. Theyears passed and forgot ' about eaelt
�bey elected the pres rit-Parlialftent for Britain and the United States. The Liber- - and therefore costs
souroes A his disposal. One way of doin more to fatten. At the Postlethwaiti-, the Inall who the other other, until MontJUV nlast week, 'wheilt
ive years and its tim h not yet expired, gils believed in a maximuni of revenue for a 9 close of this address, it lively discussion en- I - I
e 'a this is to increase the fertility of hi's farm, sued- as to the relative merits of the Berk - day, assaulted Mr. 11 McGilleud(ly 0,4tbe accidentally m. eetin'tr at it Supper in Stanley.,
ior will it - antiL 18L;' For wliat reason minfifitim, of taxation. Protection, he.- de- and one of the chief azents to this end is Croderioll Signal, was fined ten' dollars V Porteiwa one"of the speakers and 'Air -
shires and Tamwortbs, but the weight of be!f� -ort A dis- clared, had. been the bane and curse of thorough underdraini�g.' The prime re- posts by the Police magistrate. -n in:Stanley)was ellair-
Ketchen (so well knoiv
�hould its natural life out sh the evidence seemed to be with the latter. quisite is a proper outlet, so as to carry off -The contract for the carpenter wo man, they renewed the aequaintanceshipp
�oltltion cannot be bad M ithout the consent Canada. The next subject taken up was I the water as speedily, its possible. Use a I furnaces, etc., in connectin with obn forined so long Since, never having 7net i
'D " a een to of the Governor-General, but in_ Canada . a plow and a sermper instead of a spade. Dig CULTIVATION OF THE SOIL FOR ROOTS AN Outt's new residence in Gr ha b et the inerval. The Ontario Dairy en. a leading drin into which smaller drains GRAI" CROPS. Tovernor-General has lox g since cease to R. G. Wilson. There were tell tende il �e anything but a figurel Lead and would not The annual meeting of the Ontario Dairy- empty. The object of underdraining is to This was handled in a masterly manner for the work. last 'get the water to percolate through the land by klr. R. McMillan. The . chief points -On Wednesday morning of last week, Sunimerbill. -efuse his. consent.' Si � John Macdonald men's Association was held in Stratford F. Yonngblut has yo,.ut 1 -ii
a e went that the nimonia and nitroo, n which it, brought out were that sod Should be plowed when Rev. A. ear, of Hol I
week. It was a most successful affmir, In crusher in Mr. H. Wallace a barn, and does
xad no difficalty in gettig a dissolution contains will be left in the soil. The lead- in the fall for all crops iaxcept corn and. to his stable lie found his fine cow dead I
i custom work for the fari-ners, on Tuesday.--�
�Nvo years ahead of time )n the flimsy pre- fact the most successful that has yet been in,, drain should have tile large enough to peas. Other land should be plowed in the having be'en strangled by the tie in an effoxt I 0 Tridays.-Mr. George W. Hill has gone�
car and I
:ense that, the Yankees ere: dying to make held.- The attendance throughout Was ry off.the Witter in twenty-four hours. fall for all crops. After ploughing, harrow to turn around in "'the stall. N 'uel,
i to G -roh to take a course ait the Ontario
Drains should be not more than two or two well; we use the harrow too little. In us- -Mr. Lack Keniiedv has sold his trotter, 1 L
L reciprocity treaty witl Canad the fact lare, and the, audience? embraced a good A' ricultural College. We wish lilln and.a half feet down in heavy land, so that ing the cultivator run it the same way its Lord Tennyson, to g1r. J. E. Swi6rtz,. of George Glasgow of )eing that they were t dying to (16 any, many who are actually enga,g,ed in the the wat6r can get to the tile. Hard, heavy the plow. In starting with black ground Witigham, for the suin of $475. By -the- 1ingof thesort. Th is not lone 'valid fotindtion work of dairying, the produc- land must be broken up, but lighter land in qpring, use harrow fitrst. It land is clean way, Lack expects to go into business re ino her relatives in- this ,eason for not boldil,10., other session of the tion of the inilk. Nearly all the prominent needs. fewer drains. A level bottom is re- go bn -with seeder, if not use broad bladed long, btit has not yet decided in,wht line Jennie Wallace has gone to Detroit to work
P quired for tile. Where there is a quick- cultivator. or roots plow in the fall, and. it Shall be. ' at her trade, that of taileress.-Mr. ,)resent Parliament. dairymen of the Pr&ince and several front a- NLIcIlvecif of this place, has been - electe4
and bcottoni it dryseikson is required for out- if you have manure put, it out then ; if not, -Oil Thursday afternoon last, the farm District I Alaster in connection with. the *Vnited States were also present and de- ti�ng 'the ditch. The outlet should have put oil and pread- in winter. Instead of and farm stock of John McDo-agall, lot 9, ill
The County Q�ouncil- livered addresses or read papers, on gratings to keep out animals. Tar paper is ridging the land for mangolds leave level concession 8, Grey, were offered for sale by Orange Association, and Mr. J S.- Ali, er
ive sometimes used 'to cover the joints in tile and Sow with seed drill. Also sow corn public auction. Mr. .11cDougall Who is was e d The Countv Council net at Goderich on '&all of which intei6ting nd Z5 )
where quicksand is common. ,The advan- with -seed ilrill, leaving rows from 30 to 36 well advanced in life, intends retirilILa from Annie Tyner has returned from her visit to
discussions took place. Such a meeting can .- 0 Lmlbnry. Puesdt'Ly afternoon last. There is-niore new to do a of underdraining are that the crop can inches apart. There was considerable dis- farniin
is 'age r ctission as will is our riful duty this week
Aorod in� the Codricif his year than there scarcely fail od, �nd will give th be got'in earlier ; the teniperature is higbe to the best time to put out manure, I �e Editor of the Brussels Post to chronicle the di of James Waldn,
tas been for several y ars. The first and now all-impoftant industry an L impetus in thle s�oil'; tillage, is easier ; the land is the opinion of most of the speakers favorip present 9. gold dollar to the pupil in each second son of Mr. James Laithwafte, whie-4
t whiall it would not otherwise have had, and healthier both for min And crop. Draining the winter. � Green inanure when plowN department of. Brussels publi school who �nost important busines of the firs, I III I sad event took ce in California on the
VN pays for itself in a few years by saving the in has a tendency to cause a ferme tatipti takes the highest percentage fif the mon,thly aft pla
Ta�ran in this way secure the interest of many ill I I th inst., er somewhat short illnci8.
ways is the election of it, t Was hilnid manure to the soil. It even pays to which pulverizes the soil. It is theref6re examinatibils between Janukry Ist and the He -went to that place about a year ago and
I it who, but for it, would itill pursue the old borrow money to drain with. At the close best for heavy land, but well rotted manure mid -summer vacation. 1auglit, that the princi A contest for this: about two months ago his motlier went on,6
and Nvorn out path of exhaustive cropping of the address an interesting discussion en- is best for light land. Emphasis was laid -Councillor Carling, at the close of the ),osition this year would be - between the to see the country and to visit; her son, autl
of the land, The several papers read, and stied, which was taken part in by Messrs. on the point of harrowing in the spring to council meeting the other might, entertained ?.eeves of Clinton and urnberry. But the McLaughlin,' Spie Landsborough, C. prepare -the seed bed, , his brethren of the council board to an ditrinc, her sojourn there lie was seized ivitlt
'dark lioi,se," in the person of the Reeve the addresses delivered, will be published Nilichie, G. A. Dead art. Following this topic came oyster supper. A pleasant time was spent. lever7which resuled as state4 bvH e
11 received his early education h4e, and wasliL
gh he did in due course and will be distributed The subject next taken up was Mr. Carling will occupy the position of
)f Howick, Stepped in, d, althou TIONV TO DAIRY FAR1 INT ONTARTO young man of exemplary character and re -
M, through the Farmers' Institutes and other HE CARE, OF AN ORCHARD, AND MAKE I% PAY. deptit -reeve in the council of 1895. lot come to the front, he made a'-. ight r. E. E. Ward has bee ap specied,b all who shared his'acquaititance-
like channelt-. 'Auch of the success of this by T, . pointed y Mr. Beadle, of St. Catharines.' Mr. "T
a anding- KePlierson E\ He was a o a ver muchsteemed member
,,,00d see6nd, the vote a The first Speaker- was Mr. Wark, of Wan- i manager of the MOISOWS eter !.3 - Cook, 24. Two th inbers, Messrs. Me- ineetin'g was due,no doubt, to the good Beadle said that one of the great enemies of Stead'.' He said the key to the matter is, to 'Mr. Ward has held the posi; 'on of sub- of the Good Templars'lodge here. His re-
anagement, zeal and enthusiasm'of the the apple grower was the fungus or scab, inains were brought home ana internetl it
qurchie, of Clinton, �nd Malloy, of Col- M : the nature of Which he- explained, and that i feed the beaL food to the,rigbt kind of cows manager since going to Exe r, awl'bis Clinton cemetery on Monday ast. The
We energetic and clever President, Mr. A. Pa- ' to make the most profit. W, hat We want to abilities and genial manner have earned for )orne, were absent lt�rough illness. the way to get rid of it Was by spraying '! him this rapid promotion. sympathy of the community is extended to
1 do in Ontario is to restore the fertility of 10 tullo;.of the Woodstock Sell tinel -Review, with Bordeaux mixture and Paris green. I f the bereaved family. ngratulate Turnber a venerable and i the soil. This can be accomplished by: (1) -The following license commssioners or and the Associaion -did well in re-elictin(f Spray thoroughlyL when the blossoms are Worthy Reeve on theli-I nor' conferred upon In ; Underdrain3i, (42) The application of the county havec"been re -appointed: West. him to the Presidency for another. yea�. opening, and again after the blossoms fall. lint by his fellow co, cllors, - and we are He then Cook up the Codling moth or worm, manure; (3) owing, down clover. This Huron -James Steven, Sa�wtiel Sloan and Greenwa-y; aire be will fi, 11 the [Speaker's chair with is an unexcelled way of restoring the ilitro- Huh McQuarrie. South Huron-Rbert C. IEL �Vikon delivr-
which is so prevalent, explaining its habits. 0 .Ine dignity ; to the er I dit of bimself and WE have' recently heard much of the The way to.get rid of it'is by spraying with gen to the soil, and also tends to keep a Spicer, Peter Douglas and John Weir. East ed a load of bay in Shipka list week that
�lay soil loose and porous. The- essential Huron -Thomas Gibson, G�orge 1,cortune only lacked a f;w �ounds of wo tons,-,Nll--
princely income received by the Registrars Paris green. Another help is to take �he satisfaction of the �ouncil. report of pieces of brown paper and tie them around points of a dairy barn are warmth, plenty and George Murdie. Reuben Wilson sold to Ai. $nell, of Exeter,
'he proceedings will of the city of Toronto. Th Toronto Sta of light and plenty of air. The ceilhig -It is our sad dLnty this week to chronicle L V R
a6pear ext week, the trees with a string, in the middle, leav- the heaviest horse ever -no,% n i 'this part -
of a recent date says.: should be at least ten feet high. I A cow� is the death of Stewart Armstrong, the only He turned the scales at 1,765 potinds.-Irbe.
Ing a sort of funnel -shaped projection, in the stable the greater part of her life and child of Mrs. -NI.Armstrong, of Molesworth. public installation of the ofi�cers of U4ni'
Quite a Diff�ret Matter. Mr. Peter Ryan, Registrar, has sent to Then when the insects go up or down the I Oil
the Cit Treasurer a itatement of tli6 re- 'trunk of the tree they are caught and -pre- there must he plenty of air. Breathing the The little fellow was in his& fotirth year, and Tent No. 48, Rnights of the;A1:&ce&heeG,to(.)k
y The Conservative p4ers (the Empire in turns for. the eastern division. The City'S vented from going further, and c&n. be de- Game air over and over again must inevita- a very bright child. After only two weeks place in W. J. Wilson's hall last Tft"day'
share of the fees amounts to $2,814.72. The stroyed. bly produce disease. Get in all the windows of suffering from an acute form. of inflam- nightl the hall being well Ved. The bi_
?articular) have a abit of periodically disbursements are $3,865.76, The net in- In answer to a uestion by M r. W. - H. you can without weakeninir the wall, and Illation of the lining of the brain the little lowing officers were duly installed by eiiior
warning the people of Canada against w, h�t have them especially on-tbe, sunny Side. sufferer passed away.
Awy call " tariff ukering," and point come of the Registrar was $-2,488.76. McCracken. about t%e curculio, which lit`ys Fresh air should be brought in at the bot- -It is Said that a few d v Past commander, Mr. I bon I ,as Mollard - C.
If the office disbursements are correctly its eggs on ihe plum fruit, Air. Beadle said k 8 ago a gel.'Ltle- H. Wilson, Commander ;'J. Brown 3 Lieu - that one cure was praying with Paris torn. Use single stalls ; they are more con- man of Clinton, who had $1,300 oil deposit tenant ; J. Love, F"mance Keeper ;;Jwne-,
�he m , to show its di �e res.ult% "to the de- stated, and we presume tbey are, the share green. .. The habits ofthe our I venient and comfortable. A clay floor is at one of the banks there, at 4 per cent., Young, Prelate -. Philip Baker, Phsician ;-
Dression in the Unit d. States during the falling to the Registrar does not seem to be culio may also the beat if you can keep it dry. Have a withdrew it, and re -deposited it at Blyth, Robert Englisli, Master at , Arms ; Stepheil
0 be taken advantage of to get rid of it. For ?ast couple of years. Now, what trouble unduly large considerilig the importance'of instance, if the tree be slightly jarred the gutter four or five inches deep and twelve -where he was to receivd 6 per cent. A few Webb, First Master of Guards : James Pol-
1ere *as �A the U ited State or thirteen inches wide for the droppings. days after the Blyth bank. closed its doors, Iock,- Second Maste C a a was not insects will gather up their legs an(l tumble r of : uard the office and the respinsibiliti6s attaching Always water &ws in the stable. Turning and lie will be likely tolose a portion of it Bloomfield, Pickiet,
to the grour.d. praince, Sentinel; Wm.
Cut off the end of a limb, laused by the chang-i g of the taiff, but by to such a position in a place like Tor them out in the cold to drink cold water is in the settlement.
After the installation Sir Knight C. H. Wi-
%e length of tii Took to change -it. onto* being careful not to let it die, and by hit- sure to diminish the flow of milk. Besides, Deputy Game Warden Gill, of Exeter, very interesting address, show -
It., 'In fact, the Legislature hav been whitling ting this sharply with a mallett you can �on gave a was the fretting, weallring uncertainty hang- if you chill the cow by giving her cold had Air. - SWal1L0W of Woodliam, before Ing the growth and Strength of the- Orr -
at these incomes Lr, until now send the insects tumbling to the ground. a over the busiliessi men in the country e a C water, she requires more feed. Groom Charles Snell, J. P., on Wednesday, last The entertainni'ent after this consisted of
.ng they have got the most of ihent down to Here hav oupole of pieces of cotton 8 -
I your cows -it adds to their health and colu, week, and fined him. $25 and $6 costs for music by a fine tring band, son b W
made the troli�jle. But that trouble spread'for them to fall on, and' when you i , f: y A-.
about what they should be. : But, although fort, and that always means a mon ly re- shooting a deer out of season. The (leer have got all, you can gatber them up and e -Wilson, and adesses, by Re-% H. Chaill,
[,ias been 'very gre�tiy exaggerated. Be- the rem uneration received by all such Offl- destroy them. " By putting a slat or lath at turn. In feed, the first consideration is was in a swamp near Woodliarn, and bad and NA7. It. Taylor, M. P. P which were
succulence. Grass is'the beat food -next to been seen several times by I)ersons in vari- loudly appluded.-Mrs. te "
Ila I Settle, whu,
3idles, -We in, Canad� -do these things in a cials, under the -fee system, is not in many each end of your cotton, you will be enabled In builAin a silo, make it high ous parts of the township. has been visiting friends and relative.-, ilk ratich batter -.vav f, in the coming elec- cases exorbitantly lar e, we still think to handle it more easily. In stormy weath- I ensi 9 '* ni-party is victorious, 9 also hide under any- rather than broad, as you. thus kee your -A respected resident of Exeter, in the Clinton and Bayfield during the past twf*,
don, the Taiff Reo. that �the salary system of reffitinerating tb�'in er the ouroulio will silage in better condition. You Lilnot person of r. Wtu..Sution, died on Mon- ay. importers will kno, just exactly how Ion thing that is handy, and advantage may be make a cast iron ration for cows. No two day, last week, in the 54th year of his age. weeks, returned liere last Suiid -'-NJ r.
9 would be the best and moak satisfac6ry to taken of this by placing Shingles r some- Tho m -as Sinson, of Bayfieldl is visitill),
bhey will have to o business on., the old' thing of the sort on the ground for Ahem to cows require just the same, but the Lropor- He had been ill for some months from the the public. p friends here. -A 'lumber of our young Illen
tion should be one of flesh and milk forming effects of a sunstroke received last year have decided to start a - nig
basis, and govern �hemselves accordingly. hi(le tinder, and then you call gather them lit school an4
to seven of beat and fat producing food. A while shingling.- He leaves to survive him take a, ourse in reading, W�ritilig, aritlinietio
rhere will be no haiassinig uncertainty. L-tmr in any form is a pretty costly bus- �ip and. destroy them. The secret of success healthy cow weighing 1,000 pounds, re- an invalid wife and large family, who bave A 3 ra
in an orchard is to keep. aI it persistently, and grammar. Ir . G, ce Al. Wilson ha.-;
As. to tariff tinl�ering the Conservatives iness. The'bill' forAhe Toronto boodling and begin work early. The time to jar the quires about twenty-five pounds of dry ori the genuine sympathy of the community. been engaged its teacher. This is a p):01it-
have done more Of that than the Reform ganic matte I -On Wednesday evening of last week, hivestigation amounted to 56,702.45. Judge pluin trees is early morning or late after- � daily. That is, food'after &I able wily to spend the long winter evenings
C1,overnnielit is likely to do, if it gets in In the heat of mid-day tile insects the water is' deliucted. Mr. Wark begafi the members of the Clinton town bad were and no doubt Our young in enwil. look back
I I McDougall charges the snug sum of $600 noon., - with a herd of grade Durhama'and weeded entertained to an oyster sup er, at the home in after life with leasure and tbankful-ness
1)0wer retnans tlier� a quarter of a, will unfold their wing,s and fly away. I for his services, and Lawyer Nesbitt, the out by means of the -Babcock ' Mr. W. Harlar pent --au ex -
There ha's been E-carcely-a session prosecuting attorney, assesses the city 6ne Air. urrie, of Brussels, called attention 9 8 to those who took- an interest in helping
ceattiry. to the frequency with which young apple up with a thoroughbred Jersey bull, raising cee4igly enj%able tili-te. In addition o them. when they were willing to help them -
I , 8 cl,
Cof Parham ent that bits not seen some change the best calves from the beat cows. The music by the and, the leader, Air. S'llunk, selA e .-The ; a e - mectinlo,
hundred dollars per day for his *ork. He trees in that neighborhood were sun scalded, ( o pel T mperance
hi the Tariff since the defeat of the lcKen- was'employed 47 days, bringing his bill up and advised the placing, on the sunny side model dairy cow is wedge shaped,. with gave a song With as great proficiency as he nd entertainment will be beld nex _ . t Turs- AIL It C. Wi
long, fine neck, fine head, prominefit, well plays. a horn. Mr. R. Downs als . o give one day, Jantiary 25tb �Mr. yet we have 'lot to $4,700. No doubt the investigation was. gether in th 7 ie Adi of a shade made of two boards nailed to developed spine, short, fine legs, fipe skin, in his infinitable manner. returned to colleg' ast Tuesdav,
hea,rd our Gonserva,Cive friends condemn the' e shape of a trodgh, and sharp- and large, winding milk veins on th belly. -Roger Allin, a former resident of Col- e I thorough and did good service, but it,,coist a cited at the end so that they can be driven But cows with these 'overninent for it. Their ideas of tariff good round sum, and this, augmented by into the ground. The' same was a good oints are not; a, Lakelet. lways borne township, has been elected Governor
You must use the tester and the for the State of N
tinkeritirf are much Similar to their ideas of the am' tints stoleti b the boodlers and the thing for plant and cherry trees. good. Yorth Dakota, on the Re-
a y I scales, and get good individual Give publicn ticket. Also Tames Dobie, a for- Orn V,
The Institute then adjourned until after- ILLACL.—For the informatioll of
loyalty bsequent costs of prosecuting them, will plenty of good, fresh water, and ut salt mer resident of East Wawanosb, has been those w`110 Su noon, when p not be.acquainted wit], ur
Make Toronto's loss bbrough loose 'Munici- THE ELFCTIO'-*4 OF OFFICERS where your cows can always get it. Keep elected Senator for No. 2 District, rembitla hamlet, -and -;ho may read Some of the itenit;
Notes and Comments. pal Goventiment, figure up to nice sized pile the cows, in winter and Summer, a�'id feed , County, North Dakota, oil the Populie,t about it in. future, we Shall try to Size it 111),
took place, and resulted as follows: Presi- you calmot succeed if you depend on pas- party ticket. The said James Dobie was a. It is rally situated in tbe to,wnship of
as . trachan ; Vice -President, T. Me- I cent
Mr. (41adst(me h announced, hs inten- of txes. (lent, T ture. OnIx let the cows out at in pupil of the Manchester public school some Howick. There is one general store, an,�J
Millan; Secretary, A. Hislop. Directora� tention of eeturnin(, to Parliament and tk- summer. ]'here -was a lively dise'"'ssion at yearsago. 'His father lives near Manchester. postolfice in run by Mr. A. Dul - ing part inthe discussion of important News of th& Week. 0'rey, R. Dilworth. and James Ferguson; the close of ir. Wark's address, When the _iVord was received by telegram 'ft-oii) lilage, who has held away here for some - 14 r1tiestions. The Oesions lie is -likely to J al o 8
I Howick, R. Edgar and W. McKercher; following points were brought oll: Grey- Toronto, by Mr. George Blatcbford, of E xe- year -9. There are two Shoe I p , one own -
IMPORTED HAY. -During the year 1894 Turnber v nd R. Black; stone turnips and corn are equ , to une, ter, on Tuesday lilorning, last week, all- ed by A. W. Halladay, the other by C. - to grass as food for cows, in the' 4inion of nouncing th�,de�tli of his (elaughter, Mrs, E. ton; two black sinith shops owned by Messrs -
speak on are The Irish Land Bill, The , Ar- England imported from Canada 28,, 1 1 us Morris James Smillie and C. Michie ; Hul-
nicnian Atrocities, and the . Anti -Lords of hay. Jett, G. Stevenson, James Hinchley; Mc- some, but even the white turni,38 aould be Roberts, in that city on Tuesday. , Mrs. Gowdy atid Burnett, I respective y; a Wagon
NEARIN-P. THE K.N-D. -Reports froni Lord Killop, A. Gardiner, T. E. Hays; Brassels, fed in small quantities, while Swede turnips Roberts, with her husband, resided in Exe- and paint SlIo
'P, superintended by W. A.
Randolph Churchill's bedside are that lie is W, H. McCracken, S. Walker ; Wro xleter, should never be fed to a milk cp'w; keep ter a few years ago, until they moved to Cook ; a saw mil, with A. W. Rallada,
da,ily growdng weaker. A. L. Gibson, T. B. Sanders. )r Repreenta- pulling awa at your cows and get them in Toronto, where '�%Jfr. Roberts conducts a cit proprietor, and two chopping inills Mad is actully gettilig RRICANE r,T Fmi.-Advices from the mas McMil- the habit o . f milking right along; within grocery. Deceased died -unexpectedly . in and attended to 1)yM. R_ -Scott respet-
The Toronto - Hr tives to Central Institute,- Tbo y witty. It "If r. Harty's prospects Fiji Islands report the' occurrence there of a ]an and John C. Moirlson. four weeks of calving is -soon enough to dry confinement, at the age of 38 years �;d I tively -, a Methodist chIlL
hurricane which did great damage to Ship- This institute is a very flourishing associ- o reh, in which tb(�,
Of Success in Ki4gton were never brighter. - cows. montlia. She leaves a small family; who Rev. A. Potter, f Cliff rd? preacbs every
ping, and pr6perty oil shore, and caused ation and the financial statement for this the I Mr. -Cleland, of Flina,was.the n�xt spea- together with her husbd the Gym' Sunday afternoon at 2:30; a sebool about lu
Both Archbishoto Cleary and Principal (1rant, loss of many lives, The cocoanut planta- Year shows a balance on hand of som� $1-24. r. Mr. Cleland b�s a Cheese Ifactory in patliy of a host of friends here. quarter of a ini Out of the b rg hot,el, are keeping qui�t. ti6na are ruined. At the afternoon session the attendance was Elma, with 27 patrons, and keep$` &L large -11r. George Baird has been engaged in One Of the most useless and iu
RIOTINO i -N BELo0Ki.Yq.—Tbe very laxg6, showing how deep an interest tutio jurious insti-
re is serious 'the farmers of East Huron take in the study number of cows himself. The �oatrons o teaching, at Baird"s school house, 2nd con- ns a small pace li -e tl can riotincr in Brooklyn, New York, in connec- their own drawing, and average nearly $600 cession of Stanley, for 34 consecutive years. Then there area nuniber of dwelling hettse.rj
The -Al anitob,,i delegates, Attorney -C. ener-. tion with the street car strike. The mob ottheproblems of their profession.' They profit per . year from the factory, while they During that time lie has kept the school in all about I 00 of a population, al Sifton and T�'casurer McMillan, have had hurled bricks, stonei, and whatever they showed tjoo that they are I)Hnging to bear inake about another -$400 per year out of fully abreast of the time, awl many of bis NoTES.-Afr. Robert
Ferguso, cattle
a satisfactory ifterview with Finance.Ali could get hold. of. A number on their work earnest study and keen re- pigs. n- are seriously injured. of p9liceinei earch. 'Mr. Clelandthought Jersey grades pupils are now filling some importat and buyer of this district , is "around buyixig
ister Foster, and it has been rranged that Nearly 8,000 soldiers were all right for butter, but for � cheese be responsible positions. The standing of the cattle among the farmers, but has rather it,
are under 'arms to preserve order but the The first topic of the afternoon session mucb preferred Holsteins, which heand his school lias never fallen behind, in any re- hard time of it, as he wishes to.g.et the.. t
the subsidy to Manitoba sliall be -paid until striker a till hold the inastery. 3 -111 a
a was patrons used. The great difficulty for or- spect, and is a decided credit to his pa- prices that do not suit the farmers. Cattl,,�
IS96, on the baSiS of a popula tion. of one . SEF.10�,�.BLONA' TO CATTLE ITOW TO RAISE A STEER FOR THE EN-GLISH dinary farmers is to get good cow; a. About tience and industry. AV e,doulit if there is are so low that buyers cannot give the Sarno
-inety thousand, which will Thel-fam urg authorities have I forbidden MARKET, the only way to get a good dairy� cow is to another teacher in -the whole Dominion who as formerly Paid- We see by the T
hundred nd n the inip6r�ation of cattle and swine from opened by Mr. R. Currie, of Wingbam. ! --ribuno
breed it. Almost everyone has) however, has remained with efficiency so long in one that Will Hinde, of Harriston ' bou ht,
give the Provinice an increase ofbout thirty England d Ireland. Inasintich as a large Mr. Currie said that those 'who use the meat two or three good cows ; get a pure male section, and the indications are iiiat Mr. ear load of fine cattle betWeel L
thousand dollars it year. proportion of the American cattle entering i;,Drg 'erina have certain prejudices and tastes, which and keep the calves from tbese. Keep Baird Nvill remain there for a considerable Lakelet'la-st week_-Alr. of Lii(-k-
-ny go through England, this will be must be considered if success is to be won. weeding them out. In a dry eason Mr. number of years yet. now, District Chief Jc
alliother severe blow at American cattle f triplar of tile 111f1j.-
-terests and trade with continental Europe. more sought after than a heavy one. In re- oats and peas are good to begin all, but soon of Hullett, received word a few (lays since ed here this 11 S
The criticising a speech bY H011 n- A square, nice anima!, of medium weight, is C eland begins to feed corn in July. 0,reen -Mr..W. Stevens, of the 9tb concession peLndent Order of Good Teinplars i expect-
rie ripen. n ure in coil -
ay'. s INT. Gill 1889 Yale's football captain and said that they should be sheltered and well it the beat after trying many other kinds. Devonshire, EnTland,at the age of 74 ears. inembers in this ldke is not as large as for- I Mr. B - FoR E,,iFRcE.1,CIES. —M r. gard to the treatinentof calves, Mr. Cur He uses White Flint cor and finds of the death of his mother, at Barnstable, nection. with the -work. The numberf
:'bonias Bllan,tyne, says:-" It is natural A GOOD MA, ionth to give a 1,Ect'
allaiit�,ne to speak that -tv A in opponent of protection it is inctinibent oarsman, has applied to the board of foreign cared for. It doesn't pay' to expose a calf In sowing corn, sow with seed drill, in rows i Mhe lei an(I an(l eleven chilZien- inerly, being ab Out -and -Mrs.
ever it ed e
Lipoll hini to d 61cry tile principle wher inissions of the Presbyterian Church for em- and perhaps lose it in consequence, but he 30 to 36 inches &part ; if for silage sow 7 boys and 4 girls-Afr. Stevens being the Scott, who were in, rri on th 26th
ployment as a missionary to either China or does not believe in giving it too- much '�milk. I thinner than: otberwise-about bushel to only one in this country. Mrs. Thomas ult., have settld own here, where all wis
as solon as the acre. Feed plenty of roots, mangolds Fear, of the gravel road,'is the only sur- them a happy 4�(l prosperous life.-Tinies
netwith. But -does it not strike M n Bal- Africa. He was recently ataying in a little Be in to feed it on root and hay ta NO
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