HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-25, Page 2F T� S�QFOf�iT17 POINT �l' CC�A1J A church iho sotrLlll That means Ven- S Who were merely the oat's paw and agents 1-8,95 IS T ezuela, Now Grenada, Ir'ctuldor and Be- : of bribery are struck with the lightnings US I It reminds me of a" steno in Iivfa. The south I That means the for of the aw. P, Musical I1Stiun�l�it I . '_ , REV. DR. TALMAGE AT THE NEW rid zone, with all its bleom and all its = Philadelphia when I was living them. A fruitage and all its exulierance, the red- ' poor woman lend been arrested and tries] YORK ACADEMY OF MUSK. olenoe of illimitablo "gardens, the music and imprisoned for selling molasses candy And Fust here 'as we stand on top of 1895, we wish to thank Our numerous. EMPORIUM. ',,j' - , of 'boundless groves, the lands, the seal on Sunday. Other lawbreakers had been J � ijtgll �. Re PreQ6?nes s Purely Gospel Sermon, ulat night by night look up to thq south- 1 allowed to go undisturbed, and the grog- Customers of 1$94. RIn crass tthieh .ill stars transfigures the shops wen open on the Lord's day, and ���� «- - Abouncling In Informer*loll and Fn!! of ' g p , P y FURNITURE.—Far 30 years we have been studying wood, -varnish, oil rL_._ �' ;s midnight heaven its you look up at it all the law ttkh its hands behind Its bank ESTABLISHED, 173. - i Eloquent Logic Few Remarks About the tr=ay from the Sandwich Islands to walled up and down the streets declimIng and upholstery, and workmanship as applied to furniture. It has taught i]l,� X V ! Australia. "The shall come from the to molest man of the offenders but we how to buy; we buythea and sell cheap—that's all, !_ a � .. - Po!ltical Reform. y y ' p , -46;- �-' �, south." o all rose up in our righteous indignation, 1 r�., NEw Youy,, Jan. 20. --,The hearty Wal- Religion In the Fast. and calling upon all powors, visible and UNDERTAIiIRTG.—Everything here that should tie here, The goods. Ow1�ng to hard times, the have eon , ��, � � � toihe accorded to Dr. Talmage at'the Acad- But I must- not forget that my text invisible, to help us we declared that the experience, the competency, with prices in your favor, eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at �1' ' cmy of Music, New York, SunMANUFACTURING be- takes in another cardinal point of the though the heavens fell no woman should NUFACTURI` G ANIS REPAIRING.- Here we. naa.ke you ,)Ome- ,. fore last, on the occasion of the eminent compass. It takes in the cast. I have to be'ellowed to sell. molasses candy on Sun- A • N. , �� . _ . slivino's introduction to the metropolitan report that in a journey around the world day. thing new of any design, or repair you something old without any design- - Reduced Prices, \., -s pulpit, was additionally emphasized by the there is nothing so much impresses ono A "Great Reformer." on your pocket. ��, _\ Immerse throng 'that greeted hila this as the fact that the missionaries, divinely A few weeks ago, after I had preached I afternoon, and . which filled every seat blesses], are taking the worn] for God. Tho in one of the churches in this city, a Inan PICTURE FRAIIIING—is a specialtywith us. You know cul' work- from orchestra to top gallery. The sing- horrible war between= -Japan and China staggered up on the pulpit stairs maudlin manship and prices are both right. Organs at $25 and upwards, and ing was lcd'by Professor Alis cornet, and will leave the last wall of opposition flat drunk, saying, I am one of the reformers I , FLUENZA the'services opened at precisely 4 o'clock I in the dust. \'r''ar is barbarism always 'that were elected to high office at the last Pianos at Corresponding pr cies. sl � � p : y � � ROBERTSON SON 'Or Lai Grippe, though occasionally epi- with the singing of the long meter Doxol- : and everywhere. We hold up our hanifs election." I got rid of that "great re- M idemtc�; is always more or less prevalent- [sly. Tho subject of Dr. Talmage s dis- 1 in amazement at the massacre at Port former as soon as I could, but dt(I 1 of The best remedy for this complaint course was "Points of Coinpas`s" and the Airthur as though Christian nations could get rid of the impression thaMh man like , rSEE us BEFO+RE PliRCHASINC. is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. text Luke xiil, 20, `'They shall colic froin ! nover go into such diabolism. We forget that would cure the abominations of New Warerooms—Stroll is Red Block; Main Streets "Last Sprhtg, I was taken down with the east, and from the wast, and from the Fort Pillow. We forget the fact that slur- York about as- soon as 'smallpox would g iLa Grippe. At: times I was completely pro$- north, And from the south, and shall sit ink the war both north and south rejoiced cure typhoid fever or a buzzsaw would 1`� � Q T �_ SCOTT BROS.,". trated, and so difficult was my breathing down." when there' wero 10 Oi_0 more wounded 1� -that my breast seemed as 1f confined in an r ' render Haydn's "Creation." Politics in ____= than cage. I procured a bolo of Ayer' au The man who wrote this was at one and slain on the opposite side. War, all our cities has become so corrupt that f p -time -a practicing physician, at another whether in China or the United Rates, fa the only difference between the Republican 11 Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began - y taking it than relief followed. Ieodidnotbe- time a talented painter, a -t another time -hell let loose. But one good result will and Democratic parties is that each is p'i Pi Ps s neve that theefectwouldbesorapidandthe a powerful preachor, at :another time come from the Japancso-Cbineso conflict worse than the other. But what nothing cure socompleto. It is truly a wonderfulmed- a reporter -an inspired -reporter. God -diose regions will be moreopen to civi- else in the universe can do the gospel can a n ess'.. icing: =�Y. H. WILLIAMI3, Crook City, S. D. bless and help and inspire all reporters) li,.ation and Christianity than ever before. and will accomplish. "They shall come =, , ° ' From their poll drops the health or poison When lUisiicnury Carey put before an as- from the west," and for that purpose the 'R S of nations. The name of this reporter sem of ininisWrsat.Lortbaiilptoll, 1<ng- - evangelistic batteries are planted all along Should be universal at the festive season of the year. •✓ 110 01J 1 was Lucanus, for short ho was called Luke, land his project for the Duan clization of 1 j g the I.aciflo coast, as they are planted all to��� and in my telt, although stenography had India, they 1Fiughed him out of the house• along the Atlantic coast. All the prairies, Gentlemen will ads greatly to their chances of happiness ,� Cherry Pec ■ .not yet been born, lie reports verbatim a From Calcutta now on the cast of India all the mountains, all the valleys, all the 1 Is the lace to buy our Ctlristmas paragraph S cities are under more or less gospel influ- by wearing p y y .� sermon of Christ which ill one to Bombay on the west there is' nota v gifts c c Prom' tto aet.y'suretoeure bowls the round world into the- light of neighborhood but direct] or indirect] tris New Year'g b its at right price.. g g Y Y cies, and when we get enough faith clic] , - the millennium, "They shall come from feels the gospel power. The Juggernaut, consecration for the work: this whole B �`�� �� �+ C' ®t h We s are showing the lar0est assort- the east, and from the west, and from.tho which did its awful work for centuries, a American continent will cry out for God. Bright, �7 meat ever shown in Seaford.. REAL L'STATE FOR SALE. north, and from the south, and shall sit few Weeks ago was brought out from the "They shall conic from the west." down." ' place where it has for years been kept un- The work is not so difficult as many To see is to buy our goods. We have what you 'want,, ` 001) FARM FOR SE.T-.E.-For gale, north half Nothing more interested me in my re- der shed as a curiosity, and tbero_was no suppose. You say, "'There are the foreign G Lot 31, Conceselon 2, F.ayt Wawanoah, foo cent'journcy around the World than to see ono reverentially to greet it. About populations." Yes, but many of thein are - and the price is always right. Drop in and have a talk WHY NOT - acrea' good fences, good orchard and never -tailing the ship captain about noon, whether on 8,000,000 of Christian souls in Indies are Hollanders, and they were brought up to o creek. Apply to Y'HILIP HOLT, Ocrdetich; 1278 the Pacific, or the Indian or Bongal or the advance guard that will lead on.,the love and worship God, and it will tako Lat about Clothing, riven if you don't want to buy. ere you can Save . y, - Moditerran^an or Red sea, looking through 250,000,000. `,Cho Christians of Amoy and little Co persuade the Hollanders to adopt ' Bu where money, and _AR -US FOR SALE. -The undersigned has twent! a nautical instrument to find just where 'Pekin; and Canton are the advanco guard the religion of their forefathers. Then y _U Choice Farms for sale in Cast ]Huron, the ban- we were sailing, and it is well to ]:now that will lead the 310,000,000 of China. foreigners so man Y ours for good clothes. at The same time have the largest and ner Cou-,ti' of the Province ; all sizes, and prices to there are among these y suit. iFor full irdormation, write or call personally. that,,phough 'tho captain tolls you there "They shall come from the east." The of the Scotch. They or their ancestors , best collection to choose from.. If you No trouble to show them. F. S. SCOrT, Brussels are 32 points of division of the compass last mosque of Mohammedanism will be heard ' Thomas Chalmers thunder and e F,0_ 1391-tf card ill the the marine's compass, there aro turned into a Christian church. The last Robert McChcyne pray. The breath of BRIGHT B RO 1. 7. ! would do as above, yeti nlu3� go to oil four cardinal points, and nl text Buddhist temple will become a fortress of t - ARlEi FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Conces9ion 8, y P Y P God so often swept through the heather of �T k 'th. t i 'n loo acres all cleared hails, hem—the north, the south, the east, light. Th.o last idol of IIindooisnl will the highlands and the voice of God Lias so The Great Clothiers, itIa.in Street, uc ersmi , eon a m g , S AF0:111 LT. f' well feno-d and underdraioed. There is a good bank the west. So I spread out before ''us the be pitched into rho lire. often sounded through the Trossachs, and t? 111 CC1l PPT SOK TORE barn with stabling underneath, and a frame house. map of the world to see the extent of the The Christ tvho came from the east will they all know how to sing `'Dundee," so `there is a good orchard and a never falling well. It . _.- =--R--_ ----- iq"within five miles of Seaforth and is well situated, gospel cantjlaign. The hardest part of the yet bring all the east with him`.; Of that they will not have often to be invited • SE H. It will tie sold cheap and on easy termg. Apply on field to be Laken is the north, because our course there aro high obstacles io be to accept the God of John Knox and Both-,o/1pllfl//ltlt74itliltF.1QL�G[tQQt7iE7ti/9Ha9CtQt(!IQ(ICIBGtQt:NlttlF.tt�.6rn-+•=- . ...__. . ���� the remisea or address Seaforth .P. O. JOSEPH is an emotional os )el and the na- overcome and rent ordeals must be asses p gospel g I, , g P' well Bridge. � e � 1 GIBSON, Proprietor. 1398x4 -t f. ions of the far north are a cold blooded through beforo the consummation, as wit- A Tired �Vor1r1, The f nest Reined j7 in t._Zc We invite inspection and cora- _ ), g y " Dia L amiol et t ,d s r.-„ - race. The dwell amid icebergs etch- Hess the Armenians under the butcher of Then there are among these foreigners - all A orison of rice 001) DAIRY FARM FOR SA E. -It is_ opposite nal snows and everlasting winter. Green- the Turks. May that throne on the banks , • tiVOrlct for 4 �"-�` w p l} so many of the English. They inherited Cures 1 G Brat -class cheese factory i. the township of landers, Lapiabders� Icelanders, Siberians of the Bosporus soon crumbles The time the wino len wane as we luherited-the = tions O file TlI2'O�t b ai• Lo 9 'oncesaion 9 cud bank barn; cod brick ' c - - . _ .. H -, t , g good orchard, -their vehicle is the sledge drawn by has already come when the tinned States - Colds hoube, I0 rooms, ., never failing wells, go o English in which Shakespeare dramatized, - ,Of f ,e:: HAND MADE, 10 acres good bush, school on next farm. Cattle reindeer, their apparel tho thickest furs govornntent and Great Britain and Ger- and Milton chimed his cantos, and Henry . � C011�I1S*yt P LHDg horses, pa," » and implements. Terms to suitpurchas- at all seasons, their existence a lifetime many ought to intone the indignation of � or. losseesiou siren immediately. For further par- , Melville gospelized, and OliverUliCromwell - tic rrlars anal to JUFIN D. WILSON,- Hensalt P. O. battle with rho"cold. The winter charges all civilized nations. While it is not req- prorottued parliament, and V4'elliiigton - Grippe, Cf'OUp, Am" } y . - [TU efitilt Boots and Shoes - upon them with swords of icicle and ulsite that arms bo sent there to avenge R - T ,. or J. BECK, Egmondville. 1408 4 p corllnlandeci his eager hosts. Anton„ these - Y� ho' o ince Col-lr h. .. strikes them with bullous - of hail and the wholeshlo massacre of Armenians, it - P M C �' N T Y R E foreigners are the Swiss, and they were o.Qttttllt/Utast■a1182ra lt■..�tuttQEtilttttlt![ltt[t//G7l/l■■tttt!■ll/lit/til//■1/tdtlt////1fII/IISCL D. FOR SALE. -Good farm for sale, Lot 15, Conces- pounds them with battering rams of gla- is rogtlisito that by cable under the seas rocked in a cradle under the shadow of the bion 12, in the township of Stanley, containing ci.or. and by protest that shall thrill the wires Alps, that cathedral of the Almi ht ill Has on. hand a large number of Boots and shoes of hie P r 8 y q 160 acres, 90 acrea cleared. Frame tern, sheds and Tlie Gospel In North, from. Washington and London and Berlin LUMSDE'N own make, beat maleic] and T' stables, iary;e brick house and large orchard of which All the dlements, snow and hail and -�f ti eplendld!truit. This farm ++ill be sold on very easy But already the huts of the Arctic hear ato Constantinople the nations anathema- tempest and 'hurricane, worship. Among Tarranted t0 > oe Satls aC ©n terns ao the proprietor Oshes to retire. No encum- the songs of divine worship. Already the tize the diabolism for which the sultan of J �� _.i Sthese foroisners aro a vast host of Germans, you want your feet. kept dry come and gat a p;}ir or. braises, eoevenient to school and churches, and well snows fell o]] open Now T este ants. Al- Turks is responsible. ale. 14lohammedanism 1 , 0 our bodto, which will be sold watered. Apply F on the proniises to RnBERT y • P and they feel centuries afterward the pow- , ready the warmth of the Susi of, f ighteousT is a curse whether in Turks or Now DELGATY, or Box 14 Bi field P.O. 1386-tt 3' er of that unparalleled spirit who shook 11 O H A':P FOR Cl A S H . 3 ness begins to be felt through the bodies York. *They shall conic froin the cast." the earth when ho trod it; -and the ]leavens —DIRECT Il1PORTERS OF Repairing promptly attended to, All kinds of Boots ARJi FOR SALE. 150 acre form for sale, 171: and minds and souls Of the hyperboreaus. And they will come at the call of the love- when he prayed -Martin Luther! - From and Shoes made to order. All r will who have not F miles from the Villagr of Brussels, being Lot 3, Down from Nova -Zembla, down from ]fest and grandest and best men and worn- all nations our foreign populations have eels their accounts for last year will please call and g P P Footballs and Football S and east half of Lot 2, ConcrFslon 12, township of Spit zb©igen seas, down from the land of en of all time. I mean the missionaries. come and the aro hotncsick, far Awa eettle up, , Y y Grey ; 1:35 acres are cleared, 12 acres good bardwond the idnight suns, down from the palaces DJssoluto Americans and Lnglishnson who from the pisco of theft childhood and the 1162 D. MaINTVRE, beaforth, bush. Tbie farm is well fenced, well underdrained, and in a good state,of cultivation. On this farm are of rystal, down over realms of ice and; have gone to Calcutta and Bombay and graves of tboir ancestors, and our nlorious two houses; two good orchards, two good wells, good over dominions Of.snoty and through hur- Canton to make their fortunes defame'the religion presented to thein aright will bank barn and otheF outbuildings. will be sold, to ricanes of sleet Christ's disciples are eom- missionaries because the holy lives and BRICKS ! BRICKS ! gether or separately. For further particulars, apply s , meet their needs and fill their souls and Price List Association Footballs Complete. od the preniises, or to JOHN or AARON bloFAD- Ing from -the north. The inhabitants of pure households of those missionaries are kindle their onthusiastu. They shall conic Parties intending to build please call and examine DEN, Brussels P. O. • , 1411x4 Hudson bay are gathering to the cross. a constant rebuke to the American and from amid the wheat shaves of Dakota, Sizes N.) s 1 2 3 4 15 our stook of Hue white bricks, the are second to The Church Missionary society in those English libertines stopping there, but the and froin the oro beds of Wyoming, and O 0 O �? ' none for durability, color and �uality, generally. ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—The 200 acre alar climes has, been grandly successful men and women of God there stationed go - Circumference niches ,.0 _2 - 26 8 Also a few goods tilew for sale. ,;r00 farm, being lots 11 and 12, eoucession 16 p from the silver mines of Nevada, and from , - - - r ^ - j,Dr :3 •-, J. and J. SPROAT,. Grey, is offe#ed for Sale. 120 acres are cleared anj •n establishing 24 gospel stations, and on gforious"ly with their work -poop lo the golden gulches of Colorado, and from 1st quality, price $1.25l.JOl. r ;J:, ��? 7 J :40&x4 Tuekersmith Brick works the balance is well tiarbered. Buildings first-class, over 12,000 natives have believed and been just as good and self denying as was )dais- the banks of the Platte, and the Oregon, 2nd quality, price - - - - - - 1.50 1, i 5 � ).25 Orchard, weN, &c. school hoose within 40 rods. baptized.. The Moravians have kindled sfonary Moffat, who, when asked to write and the Sacramento, and the Columbia. The Cea6r Horsehide, Waterproof ; - - - - I - - - ]3.25 Posaession given at once if desired. The lots will , y p I be sold either together or separately. For further the light of the gospel all up and down in an album, wrote these words: "They shall come from the west." . Rub Match Ball very superior - - - - - :;,(}(1 TRE FARMERS' )),articulare as to price, terms, etc, apply to MRs: Labrador. The Danish mission has gath- )Hy album is in savage breasts, But what velli they do after they corile? Rugby ,` - WALKER, Itoseville P.O., or to NELSON BRICKER. ered disciples from among the shivering Where passion reigns and darkness rests Here is something gloriously consolatory PRICE LEST OF SUNDRIES. r on the farm. 1299 tt inhabitants of Greenland. Will}am','Dun-, Without ono ray of light. a,n!k 1 10u;J�rl - -- that you have never noticed "The shall - - can preaches the gospel tip in t e Chilly To v*ritr the natio of Jesus there, y ' y Rubbers separate + 50C 60c 70 $�c �Oc �' conic from the east, and the west, and the _ : r co (i S a_'C)RTH_ ARM IN McKILLOP FOR SALE.—For sale the latitudes of Columbia, delivering one ser To point to worlds both bright and fair, Covers separate, first quality, �0c X1.00 �1.1ti ?W1.J.) 4.,-0 F south half of iota I and lot 2, eoucession 4, iso• And seethe pagan bow in gayer, north, and the south, and shall sit down. (In conneotien with the Bank of Montreal) Killo , dein �160 acres of very choice land mostly In mon nine times In, the same day to -as Covers ase arate second Utility, - - - J5e p g Is all my soul's delight. Oh, this is a tired world 3 The most of P r q � a good state of cultivation. There is a good houmc many different tribes, who liston and then People le are ke ton rho run all theft life The Cen`ttir Cover Waterproof, - - - - - - - >~' .25 and bank baro, a good young bearing orchard and In all tlto�o regions are men and women P ,. P P y L 0 Q A N & C O., plenty of neva tailing water. A conelderable go forth to build schoolhouses . and with the consecration of Melville B. Cos, time. Business keeps them on the run. Football:Boots per pair, - - - - - - - - $3.75 T _ portion seeded to grass. Convenient to markets churches. Trouble keg s them oil the run. Rivalries _ - _ - ^- PANKERS Al -47D FINANCIAL AGENT who, embarking for the missionary work P Shin Pads cloth lined two buckle 1 Jc per lair and schools and good gravel roads in all directions. Alaska, called` at its annexation Wil- �� of life keg them on the run. The aro p Will be, sold thea . A 1 tki the ro riotrir on the , y in Africa, said to a fellow student, If I tannin from disaster. The are running Shin Pads, leather lined, two buckle. - - - 90c per 1 atrT REMOVEL p p p ham II. Seward's folly, turns out to be V, MESSRS: DENT 6c xoDe1E, Mitchell, or at William B. S©ward's triulli h and it is die in Africa, eoin0 and write my eel- g y g Ttra HURON - EXPosrroR Office Seaforth.. JOHN P ' tz h:" "What shall I write for our epi- for reward. And those who run the fastest Shin Pads, chamois lined, two buckle, , - - - - $1,0 0 per pair To the Commercial Hotel Building; brain Street p 3" 1 - A General Banking Business done, draftE• is"sue and O'ii12IEN, Praprrotor.a _ 1298 tt hearing the voice of God through the taph?" said the student. "Write," said and run the longest seem best to succeed. Shin Pada, chamois Dined, ankle pads attached, - - X1,40 Per pair eglhed. Intereet allowed on deposits. American missionaries -men and women h "these words: `Let a thousand fall be. But i$y text suggests a restful posture for o r OR SALE,,VALUABLE FAR,1M AND VILLAGE as defiant of arctio hardships_. as the -old e' Inflaters Lrass Piston the Little Wonder 60c ' large Size 1.J0. Football �1QREY TO LEND F g . p.' " .all God's children for all those who fora ' a ' PROPERTl.-A good hundred acre farm in a ScottiA chief who, when ca# i in out in fore Africa be i : en u ' and how to l� . It b A. Keekel' 20e er CO P g lifetime have been on the run. They p Y P Py. Uu good notes or mortgagee. fair state of cultivation, being lot 16, in the 12th a winter's night, knocked from under his Christianity In the West. „ An article in above list mailed free on receipt of rice to all address in concession, of the to%n+hip of Grey.- A good Brick There is another int of rite eom ass shall cit down1 .Why run any longer? y r p p Y R4BE.P.T LAGAN, b1ANAaEF Hotel, in the Village of Cranbrook, !o the said torn son's bead a pillow of snow, saying that pO P When a man gets heaven; what more can the Dominion of Canada or United States. Send money by P. O. arxpress 1068 ship, known as "The Beck House", also a saw mill such indulgence in luxus would weaken that my text includes. "They shall conic and a good fr&riie store in said village. Anyone g y fron] the west." That means America re- he get? "They shall sit down." Not Ordfr, or, if these are not convenient, enclose the cash or StaII)ps and register g g Y and disgrace the clan.,. 7.he Jeannotto . alone but in inked companionship of thinking of investing would do well to examine this went down !n latitude 7?, whilEi De Long deemed. Everything between Atlantic - ' P P p the the letter, Address— The ddress— T hi e d ;Established property, whin% will be sold at a very reasonable universe; not embarrassed, though a s • price, in one or more• parse a to suit purebasers, and his freezing and dying men stood and Pacific oceans to be brought within graph should sit down on one side of you p W ILSON, Further information. will be tr: e!y supplied to anyy- watching it from the crumLtlfng and eras the circle oP holiness and rapture. Will it and an archangel on Ilse other. EiT 'r one addressing the undersigned, at Brussels. G. F� klin olaT ack`but the old shi of the bo done by worldly reform or evangelism? TT 111 �iiL �Xi, I FOOT SBLAIR, Solicitor; F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. g p P pr m lad that sitting Down to Rest. L v -1879-tf gospel sails as unhurt in latitude c7 as in Will it be law or gospel?I a g Plaiting #fill and our 40 degrees, and the :one starred flag a wave of reform has swept across this a There -is that mother who through all SCOTT'S BLOCK, - - - biA>IN STREET PUNDID-FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 26, Conces• floats, above the topgallants in Baffin's land, and all cities are feeling the advan- the years of infancy and childhood was sash and Door Factory, elan 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres � and Hudson's strait and Melville tage of the mighty movement. at the kept running amid sick trundle beds, now �1 -L 1���-L'� �'�_E t suitable for ¢rain or stock, situated two and a halt y cod wort: o on until rho last municipal to shake u the allow for that flzxen t7_.0=J :R _.L�__ E -A _� 0TZr2=_ miles from the tlarivinx village of Brussels, a good sound. The heroism of polar expedition, a it is est}rg ated. P bead, and now to give• a drink to those, Y - � _ gravel road leading' thereto; 128 acres cleared and which made the names of Sebastian Cabot P This old and well-known establishment is stM free front stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance and Scoresby and. Schwatka and Henry About 15 years ago the distinguished edi- parched lips, and now to hush the fright hardwood. B.ro 61x60 with straw and hay shed for of a \ew York daily neves )a , running at full blast, and now bas better•, facilities Hudson immortal , is to be eclipsed by the j per said to cies dream of a little one, and when them 4.0x70, stone atablir�g underneath both. The house + ?"T"TUT than ever before to turn out a good article for a is brick, 22x82 with kitchen 18x26`, cellar underneath prowess of the men and women who amid me in his Eiditorial room: "You ministers was one less Of the children because the moderate prier. Sash and doors of all patterns al- both buildings. All aro new. There is a large young the frosts of hi hest latitudes are this me- talk about evils of which you know noth- great lover of -children had lifted one out (�/� ways on hand or made to order. Lumber dressed on g WOOD orchard. School on next tot. The land hoe a good ins Wh don't you o with the officers of the crow Into, the eas breath ill OP short notice and in any way seethed. All kinds of went taking the upper shores of Europe, b• y r P y g .1Dti... natural drainage, and the farm !sin good condition. lumber for sale on reasonable terms. Shingles kept Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Tax Ex. .Asia and America for God. Scientists of the law and explore for yourself, so celestial atmosphere the mother putting OXFORDn constantly on hand. Estimates for the furnishing Posiwiz OFFicx, or on the premrsoe. WM. BARRIE, have never been able to agfeo as to what' that when you preach against sin you can all the more anxious care on those whoF COAL, of buildings in whole or in part given on application. Brusaele. 1336-tt sees]: from whet ou have seen with our were left. So wen of arm and foot and None but bhe best of material used and workwan• is the aurora borealis, or northern lights. y y .. FOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINCS.. ship guaranteed. Patronagesolicited. - 0 0 ��- _ - sale, I can tell them. It is the banner of tic- twn eyes?" I said, "I will." And in back and head, so often crying out: `'Iain o ^ A '21 a d �H Clo ceseio00Bac Turnberre farin r 2, m es tory for Christ spread out in the northern company with a commissioner of police so tired] Ilam so tired]" Her work done, (Zapacify from 1®,®®41 $O '8®r00 (ubic deet 1269 J. II BROADFOOT, Seatorth t �•+ frorn W ingham. Ttiis farm is in hood shape Co farm night heavens. Partially. fulfilled already and a captain of police and two elders of she shall sir, down. And that businessman having bean nearly all in pasture for the past ten m church I explored the dens and hiding for 30 40 50 ears has kept on the run 94 CYCLONE STEEL RADIATOR" N'T years. The greater part of it is well underdrained; the prophecy of my text, to be completely Y P _ €' > S p 70`00t has first-t'lass bu0(1inga and r4ever failing stream of ""fulfilled in the near future, "They shall places of all styles of crime in New York not urged by selfishness, but for the pur. WOO® FURNACE ES"PAIR' water runs across thq farm. Also Lots 3?33 and 34, come from the north." and preached a series of sermons warning pose of achieving a, livelihood for the HEAVY CRA,I,B� Ift Coneoa-ion 12, Tum berry, containing 3b3 acres. This young lien and setting forth the wort: household; on the run from store to store, bn$�y' Christ In the South, y t; g adapted for wood d histlt new land, well drained with Government that must be done lest the judgments of or from factory to factory, meeting this •-,.. .� drains, which . are nearly all paid for. A lot of vain- B`!lt my text takes fn the opposite point iea�Steel l?lsieFire Box Dort[te able timber on thein' A s ler, rd chance for a large. God whelm this city with � more awful loss and discovering that inaccuracy and an Radlator, which heat stock farm. Tlie above land is all connected but will through the compass. The far south has, submer ement than the volcanic deluge- suffering betrayal or disc ointment nev- through ,high temperaturE#, temptations elnlckerandaremorednrable fl 6 ' g y PP be sold together or separately to etrit purchaser. Also that buried I3erculaneum and Pompeii. ernnore to be cheated or perplexed or exas- RADIATORofModemConstruo- j a first -clans saiv iiiill on the 200 acre farm. A aiding to lethargy and indolence and hot Blood I received as nearly as I can remem her, Aerated -ho shall sit down I�ot f n a greet [I tion and Greab Heating Power d ,•= of the railroad rune through the lumber yard to the Which tend toward multiform evil. No LAI�(1B ASH PIT trill. It will be sold with the farm or separately. several hundred columns of newspaper aringbair of heaven, for the rockers of '- (.00d and sufficierit real,)ns for sellin A 1 . to have through my test got the north iu, ), g' pp y no.twithstandin Its frosts anti the same ,abuse for under aking that exploration. such a chair would imply one's need of GEORGE TligXI SON, Boz :._5, winghani. 1406.4 g Editorials of 3 denunciation, double leaded soothing, of changing to easy posture or IML GOAL FUR'NACF I ,+ ` text brings in the south, not ithstanding , and with enptions in gremt primer type, semi -invalidism, but a throne, solid as eter- its torridity. The fields of ]cast is, the „ ,,, LargeCOEFIItUBti0I1 GhalrBllfer entitled "The Fall of Talmage or "Tal- nity and radiant as the morning after a iong"Tmvel,encirclin radiator Grand Truni Railway. grange groves and tho thickcts`of magnolia g -ge Makes filo 14iistake of His Life," or night of storm. "They shall sit down." R..:rYo iiieatln Sui-isryo Lord Al -u .End er col to the Lod A I Trains lea a Sento to bo s c e ) v h nd Clintoni t Q rt a C In on stable= r s a.. Talmage," „ 1 Down With Talmage, but I still live I' notice that the most of the styles of F86d ®001r toltows: r: mighty. Tho outhl That means .Mexico 3 i�eOV0111al FIrS Rot " (}pnsre wRi,T- SSAFORTa. CLTNT0:4. ` and aIn In full sympathy' with all move- toil require an erect attitude. There are _ and all the regions that William I1. Pres Rotating Bar Dumping Grate Paaaenger _. -. _. _.. 1.(7 P. ns. 1.`.3 -. u. menu for municipal purification. the thousands of girls behind counters, T. .. - Passaugger..... _. - 9.06 P. X. 9.22 P. M. cott and Lord Kingsborough made faTall- But a movement which ends with crime (Continued on page 3.) +OXFORD WOOD FURNACE DEEP ASH PIT hfixe`d Traln.. -... 9.30 A. V. 10.16t.w iar in literature -Mexico in strange dialect .0IiI6 Mixed Train........ 6.20 r. si. 7.05 r. u. exposed and lave executed stops half rya,-. of thoAZtecs; 11lexicoconquorod byl3ernan y g g y DAg Fltll �uaran�eed �ia a�It _ Geixo E,isT- Na it stops ion before it gets half way. , Send for... Cortcz to be more gloriously conquered;ITIS A LEAP IN THf% Capacity • CATALOGUE and TESTIMOf� IAL SOL YOU Passenger..• _. -. - 7.43 A. te. 7.32 A. M. The law never yet saved anybody, never usual] when you set out . WILL CURE Paesenb*er .. .. _ .- '? �3 P. Y. 2.25 P. u Mexico, with its capital more then x,000 Y, ]fixed Tr' Wo.. _. _. _. 5.Y6 P x. 4.2J P. ,a. feet above the sea level, looking down yet changed anybody. Break up all the to get "something for your ...Manufactured by— We guarantee loot? ;'s K--.dnev fills to cure any `--�-upon the entrancement of lake and valley houses of iniquity in this city, and you blood• case (:f Ii6101t's Di,case, Itiabetes. Luniba o, only sand the occupants to other cities. Dr. Pierces Golden Med- The GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd. T0110NTOP g Welliiigtoll, Grey 8l�d Brune. and plain; Mexico, the home of nations ieal Discover v I)rapsv. I�l:cnnratr4rrr Itc:.rt Disease, Fcmalc Break. down all the policemen in New y gives you a Trr.nbies. Inipurc. 131ot-ldl -ter rnu,ney refunded. Goixe NORTH-, - Passenger. Mixed. ;