The Huron Expositor, 1895-01-18, Page 8INFA JA THE HURON EXPOSITOR9 Monroe, are visiting friends in this vicinity bursements for the year amounted to $462, home to spend the remainder of the 'winter IDAY, JANs 150this letin, No. 45: i a air san.ple, it stated Still there was a fair audience. In resent ital roof. -A house warming FR I 000 acres under ing uch choice selections, Miss Smith is Mr. -Monroe has been living on leaving a balance of $9.76 in 7the treasury. under the arei BIG DROP that there were 1,010, renty-four At the fall show there were 6a7 entries, and dance w4 given by Mr. John wheat, which �!ielded an a verage crop of 17 doing a good work and doing it welL�. She the Portage Plains for about tia, - 6*i Party 6�ry, last Thursday N— bushels to the , in good food for thought, and' elevat- years, and it is needless to say be has pros- made up as follows : Horses, cattle, 41 usgrove, of Turnbi J This would equal - 17,- is givi . taste. Our peo] Over one hundred people * were new p Made-up 01pthing. 170,000 bush(44', and now it transp 01i c pie . highly ap- 'pered.-Mr. A D. Wilson h - leen laid up sheep, 65 ; swine, 20 ;,,poultry, 26 ; dairy night. Before openingup ou rM9 ires that ing ins wnd. seeds, 46; roots present. the country is some- three di four millions preciate the services af those, ladies and With a severe a�ttack of inflammation of produce, 32; gra We refer you, to ps ig firs tthe lungs, but is no - rd and garden ge five of thi� paper for our bl short. What is the result ? In 'the t gentlemen, who, at considerable sacrifice of w, we are pleased to and hoed crops, 96; orcha I be coming to- discounts. on made-u.p clothing I . n men's Youths' and I em urich. purehases, which wil, . lace, with such a great artount to ship, the personal comfort braved the storm and add- lern, recovering. -We stated in our Huron produce 44 ; impl ents and -manufactures, Bov's overcoats and Suits, also foi Ladies'and Child- T to the intere' e sum of $369 WATED.-100 cushion and hard tire�l
reii'a winter cost@. Read Paid advertisement through uyers naturally kept down the price, until ed at of the entertainment by Nobes last week, ia speaking of the case of 53 ; ladies" work, 141. T.h Good work guar- hand shortly, we wish to cleaT OU -t the -
and ycu they got the W. heat nearly al out, aa�d then rendering such excellent musical sele0ions. Eisermann vs. Armstrong, - that Mrs. Mary was offered in prizes and $9296 paid. Bicycles, to turn into Pneumatics. ly to A. Guu&. %N ill find that we intend to make It an easy anteed and prices reasonable. App. Toatter for you, to pu rehase your winter lies of A)an Eisermann was a widow, but we learn All orders left at T. W. HeW . Jewelry - otore will be the Manitoba miller, hearing of the true 1414-2 lanm- of our winter stock of clothing, general Dry Goods, Fur, &c.sTe] mean facts regarding the quantity, had to pile in OF TRE Lo-vc., LoNe, AGo.-Mr. James that her husband is living and that they are Tuckersmith. promptly attended to. ba business- Cj7LFEsE F.&urony MEETr.x(;.-The Rodger- Ttm WonLD?s FAua.-The annu to'get his share of the wheat in order to run Hilt, son of Mr. David Hill-, of Hibb6rt, has residents of Seaforth. Mrs. Hisermann in-, at meet- WM. PICKARD & CO'S. shape of gists that she had a good case, but as there- ville cheese company held their annualmeet- of the members of the Hay Branch Agri- his mill. Hence the advance in prices. So, shown us a couple of relies in the w4s no evidence but her own, the Court FURS Bargain, Clothing and Dry Goods House, I :been known in the first two very old books. if the true factsbac They are entitled ing on Wednesday last.. The business of last on ual, Society was held in the town hall in place the probabilities are that. we wo hug trans- was obliged! to dismiss it. -Mr. Robert Hogg, season proved quite sati3factory, though the Sedorth. uld " The Works of Flavius Josp] 0 this village on Thursday of last week. The IS83 have had better prices all along. lated into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, of North Main Stmet, has- sufficiently re- amount of cheese made' was comparatively following 'officers and directors -were ap-` MANTLES Kt. They are the first and second volumeli. covered from his severe illness, to be small, owing to the d weather. The old pointed: Fred. Hess, President; W. T. Ir side fr. J. F. Reid, TITE Y. M.1 C. A. Cj.-tsEs.-The evening They were printed at Edinburgh by William able to go around out' officers were re electel as follows; Direc- Caldwell, Vice President; D.S. Faut, See %wfu-sh Grocery. 'on by the Young* Men's Orrey, in 1750, or nearly a ceni '91, tbrs--M. Robertson, D. McColl, e ti 'ury M. P r tary-Trea urer.Directors,-JohnDdieliert. Wilson's olasses carri d and a half bead miller at O(rilvie' g this left hand ago. r, caught in one of tFie- convey rs at the mill, Moir', James Moir, Mr. P. Ryckman ;,- Christopher Oswald. Louis Walper,� John Christian-Aslociation in this town, consist' They are strongly bound in leathe MILLINERY We bave a fall line ot now fruits of the b9st quality One OIL Mr 'Reid's fin- President, Mr. James Moir; Secretary and! Laporte "W. B. Battli In the inarRet, we are selling good sound new raisins. itiff, of a book-keepi a shorthand and a printed on the old style type, and although one day last -week. Br G. Holtzman, John llg5 Reichert. -currants arld figs at 6 cents per pound ; 2� pounds vi6lin class, bave Closed. a very successful the paper is somewhat discolored by time, gers was badly smashed, and the hand is Tre' urer, Mr. James Murray ; Salesman,, I as an, John Geitz and Ifenry limported-'gianulated sugar for $I T8 pounds good the reading is uite legible and the books very, painful. -Ar, the close of the past year, Mr. 0,eorge McTaggart and Mr. James Moir; Auditors -J. A. Williams anil S. Hardy,. rAw sugar for $1: 24 pounds etra bright 9offee sugar quarter. This is particularly so in the case I( tate of preservation, and a the Seaforth Camp of Sons bf Scotland had The Company re-engaged George E. WcTag- The recelpts for the year amounted to $596- DRESS GOODS for $I ; our 25a Black and Japan Teas are the best of � the book-keepin class. . Those young ae a I- .J I A A i 1, ined and over T%600 available canital to the good. 4- .. .h. f- 0. ."latita to -"-029 Tile yearfor the money ever sold in town ; our fine.Ceylon people oi our to mu L:V Y�ML r,- an V r. w o.wlgLi to lia e a van- an g�and child' Over $200 had been paid out for a The prospects are much better than for sonic commenced with a deficit of $44 and closed ick and Black tea at 40a per pound is equal to or better th tage of the second quarter in these classes, conned over by Me. Hill great SHAWLS atry We tea you can get elsehere, try one pound The Liiembers sub -
should inak6 application to Mr. T. O., Kemp ren. Oil one of the title pages is written f unera benefits during the year by tb�e to- years past for a large increase of make, and with a surplus of $94. -bon Wend of Coffee is giving good satisf ic- our Bout the Company eaxnestly solicit the patronage scriptions for the year amounted to $216 tion, try it once and you will want it always. We at once. The Association is carrying on a the klowing -Francis Scott auht t is cat camp, and one death claini of $1 000 by t�Iat the Pall show to bave a firs-classo stock of fresh groceries we ara sell- good work in this way, and 'iff few towns. book and no others but his." This is dated the (4rand Camp. The members intend of all who are in range of the factory. and the gate recelp ing only for cash or trade arfd can sell cheaper than indeed have the young people the same op� March 28th, 1757, and the writing, is still having all oyster supper among themselves $269. The entries at the fall show number- OVERCOATS any who do a credit bupinepts. as they cannot help v I Horses, 65 portunities.. quite distinct. - But who Francis Scott was, and in ited brethrei , at Dick's hotel, on Centralia. ed 779, divided as follows: k rna ing bad debts that good eustomers have to p,ay. Mr. Hill does not know. He gob the books, the evening of Monday, 28th inst.--TNIiss CmcKs. —Considerable square ",mber for cattle, 55; sheep, 33: sivine, 38; poultry, In Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets, we have some of,the finest goods, which we are selling at lowest cash MINISTERIAI, Assocn,Tio-,�- The South -with others, from his grandfather, Mr.' Grace McFaul, of this town, sang in Paisley Liverpool is being delivered tit the' station, 60 ; dairy produce, 24 grain and seeds,. James Hill, nd, no do ibt, they I ve ell pnees� Call and see them. All kinds of good trade a t ia be at the Presbyterian church 'entertainment d crops, 129; Or- UNDERWEAR, &C. -
Huron Ministerial Association inet in the the snow being favorable for its delivery.— 32 ; roots and other I oe takenathighest market prices. Some fine cod fish at 6o per pound. Jaines Street Methodist church, Exeter, on handed down froul generation to ge eration this week, and on the 24th inst., she sings The station agent, C. W. Vail, has iiioved chard and garden produce,,jl.4; imple- Malidy afternoon, January 7th, Rev. Geo. for inany decades. They are, inileed, a at the Sons of Scotland concert at Brussels. into tie house he recently purchased froin' ments and manufa-Aares 12 ; Fine arts, 26: C. WILSON, Seaforth.. —14 r. R. ffered in they hAve been in G. McCosh, who has been for the
ti Sylvester Windsor.—Rev. George Baker, of ie chair. The ladies' work 191. The amount o
acksoq in minutes of the curiosit�, and although Bank of Commerce Block. .$327 was last meeting were read and adopted, and on Mr. Hill's possession fof a long time, be past eighteen months ledger keeper at the 0- 1374 Crediton, occupied the pulpit of the Meth prizes was $425 and the suin of
never W. H. paid. y h of B motion Re: . W. M. Martin was appointed realized until recently what a treasure Canadian Bank of Commerce here, has been dist church on Sunday. The Rev. -the March meeting, ig Redatetion! fllr SEE THAT YOUR r% to prepare: a serm6n for he was possessed'of in them. appointed teller at the Goderich branc Butt, the pastor, preached Missionary ser- 11niEF.S.—Tliss Lydia Faust left forCaro, the s�jne bank, and leaves this evening for brother for %00 P R on James, 4, 14 ; and, the Rev. W. H. Butt —The week of Michigan, -to stay with her TICKETS READ via mons on the Creaiton circuit. ive a pape or his Presby- big new post. His many friends, though "Cilree months. )g' Prayer was observed here last week and the aout was asked! t( r on "The Past PRESBYTERY OF Hupo.N. —T We wish her a good
-Send your telegrams. to all points via tery met in flensall on the 15th inst. Rev. sorry to lose'lihn, -will be glad to hear of his 'Rev. D. H. Braund was visiting his Among His People." The Secretary, Rev. meetings -were largely attended and of time.— W. H. Butt, gave a sermon on Romans, 8, Al. McKay Was appointed Moderator for the pro-motion`.-1N1r.'John Folland, of this town very interesting. and profitable character. parents near New Hambug last week.— i's C. P. R. TELEGRAPH- 35, which provoked a warni'and lengthy ensuing si- Mr. David Sehoellig, from N th Dakota, months. The Session Records received a telegram from Cleveland on Wed or nesday, acquainting him of a serious acei- here visiting his father and other friends.— discussion. This was followed by part of a of Seaforth, Duff's church ,and Winthrop, Edward McFaul Your. parcels should. go via Lumley. y paper read by Rev. C. Fletcher, on Drum-. n ville, Clinton, Brucefield, Blyth, (lent which befel his son William there. He r. Eldon Rannie has left for Uncle Sani's LOCALITIES. — Miss Mabel Colwell, of -fell from a building. It is intended to bring Hensall, Exeter,. Grand Bend and mond's "Aseent of Man." The paper was 11� 2ippen,' Ontain and will take in Chicago and Nap- Tuckersinith, is the guest of Miss Maud DOMINION EXPRESS CO. chuch) f rom Cttmra very able one, and was warmly received. Thames Road, etc., were examined and at� him home as soon as he can be removed. ierville.—Rev. A Glenn, of the Boundary.—The recent fall of ath Schools tested. The report on Sabb the bemuti Valley, preached in the Lutheran church The meeting closed with 'the Benediction, ful has r�ndered the sleig,hing J. S. JACKSON, Ag- efft. to meet again the first Monday in February,' was delayed till next meeting. A letter Belgrave. last Sunday. The congregation gave hivi splendid. —14r. J. Simmons,of the Boundary, in Caven Presbyterian church. from the Convener of the Assembly's Com- Tiir,, Ault'ICULTURAL SQCTRTY.—The all- an unanimous call to be their pastor. He Hibbert, is hauling brick for a new house. to us. Suffice it to say, as is always the- A�WTEEPHONNE 32. 1404 mittee on Temperance was read and remit- nua meeting of the members of the East His son, who cat his foot, is mending slow- here the first part of case in Hensal-1, that the attendance was will take his new field �Ro-,,- AGRT LTuRAL SOCIETY.— ted to the Preabytery's Committee to take Wawanosh Agricultural Society was held at ly. The doctor amputated a toe last week. March next.—Last )Sunday the Quarterly Soutiff: Hi lartre and that the meetings were ol an un- on the Hymnal embers of the action thereon. The remit was well Tile annual he m —Mr. P. Whitlock, who had the misfortune usnally intresting and profitable character, 1tv t Livingston's Hotel, Belgrave, on Thursday, meeting, on tile 14th concession, On &Ilavd # South Huron Agricultural 8ociety.; was held was approved of, and thit on Jewish,Mis- There was a fair att Cudmore's woods ing elder ent papers at gve *40T the 10th inst. endance attended. Rev. D. Krell presid .
VV IF to cut big foot in Mr. T. the differ ad subjects bein ry the services all at Bracefield on Wednesday. There was sion disapproved of. Said mission was rp- of inember& The auditors' and secretary's last week, is mending. from Stratford, conducted' &bly prepared a:nd discussed, � while the clos- I of the For- through.—The Sunday School election of not,a very large attendance. The reports commended to be under contro reports were read, and -showed the society
ing session of the Ladies' Presbyterian So- of the Treasurer, and Auditors were %,cry eign Mission Society. The annual report Of to be prospering financially. The' -receipts the Evangelical church was held the first dreg ed by tat eloquent and DISTRICT MATTERS.' Foreign Missi Lakelet. ciety was ad a
satisactoy; showing a sbstantia balance the Women's Presbyterial. ion for the year amounted to $479.83 ; pay. Sunday in the new year. The officers elect- -the Rev. Mr. Clark,,:of 31lowinj officers and Society was' ead, showing the. Society to be AcCIDENM—Tbe son of Rennie met far famed §Veaker, inthe treasury-. Thefi inents in prizes, etc., amounted to .,8387.37, ed were : G. Holtzman, superintlendent, -LOWER RATES OF INTEREST.—Owing to directors were appointed for in & %,cry, �,igorous state, prosecuting its witha very serious accident on F riday, London, who dealt with the subject allotted. the carrent leaving a balance in hind of $929 46 ; also or president ; D� S. Faust, vice president; 0 to him of " Foreign Missionary work," In �a 'Robert McMordie, Kip -pen, Presi- grand Ilth inst., while firing a gun. lie thought- Sta&n&tion in trade and the work with untiring zeal, and very en -
the prevailin R67 retained membership for 1890. The fol- Moses G,eiger, treasurer ; David -Gottschalk, most able, interestig and -nner. year ing emplO3 ,,cry large quahtity of powder librarian Ohn Kibler, secretary. The profitable ma consequent dcuKy in findi -men dent Thomas Russel, Usborne, Ist vice- couragmg� results. The membership.of the , lowing officers were elected for the current lessly put a —The annual entertainment or concert given 7 en, .2nd Society is: 684 ; the contributions for last into the barrel,and while in the act of firing,
Pre iden;t ; George Penale, Steph 0 - for their money, e are � informed that the unday Schgol has about twenty teachers, ye r si cut, harle roctor ; vice- the rate of vice-Presiden�t. Directors—John Ketchen vear, ending December 31st, 1894, were the powder exploded, causing the gun to by the Forestersf Court Ivy Green Lodge- chartered banks are redlloiln(r resident, James Owens ; directors for East and is reported to be in a good healthy con- Vre for Goderich township ; John' Murdoch, $1,367 -ts to thired p"�e�`r cent-! Th ue of burst. The poor boy's hand is terribly ition. on Thursday evening, last week, was a. g interest on deposi ,e .18, and elQthing to the val awanosh, R. Currie, John Coultes, John it _Mr. Jacob Holiner, wife and chil-,
success. lacerated. He is under the sk The spacious ball was crowAed so, change takes e, ffact at tb c Seaforth a,g;enoiks Stanley Robert McAllister, Hay; Henr 262.88 had been sent to the Indiana of the f ul treat- y -Armour, Walter Scott, and Robert Scott ren are here to attend their sick daughter, inuch so that some of the gentlemen could fford.
on the 20th of thi's mlontit. Smith ;Stephen ; Edward Christie, Exeter; Northwest. Th.e Presbytery received the for Morris, T. Bridges, B. Wilkinson, James ment of Drs. Ross and Crandall, of Cli Mrs. D. Sippel.—Mr. John Deichert, Jr., scarcely get seaU beside the ladies they c- 1�6na' Hugh McCart- report with thanks, and assured the ladies Proctor and R. MciNfurray. Audit —We are sorry to relate that the son and rd Hunter, Usborne ors, P. returned home a few days ago from a visit- oncert at �8 eclrek�, wife of the late Tames Hazelwood are at com panied. Thee
TanaucH Tim, ICE.—Ou Monday morn- ney and Alexander Ross, Tuckersmith, and of its continued confidence in tlie.Society, W. Scott and M. H. Harrison treasurer, ing trip to Woodstock, New Hamb arg and Young, Seaforth. Messrs. Thomas 'its gratitude to God for the work said So- Charles McClelland secretary F. Ander. present very ill with i�phoid fever. There with Mr. George McEwen, the w iag, as one of Mr. George Murray's teams, Andrew- other plades. Mr. D. Gottschalk and wife Reeve of av, and the pioneer Forester -of' lishing, and its prayers to are sonic hopes of the former's recovery, -with a load, of ice, was crossing tile Old- Frasen Stanley, and William Elder, Hen- ciety was accom son. spent Sunday in Hensall with his brother -m- 0 that the Divine blessing may rest in while those of the latter are, very faint.— law. Court Ivy G�een,Lodge, in the chair, and d auditors. At a subse- quarrie on the Haroi� Road, Fast of the salt, were appointe God —Mr. 04 Schatz is home from Cavaler, r two 'town, the ice broke, and horses, sleigh and quent meeting of the new board of Direc- increasing measure upon our devoted we- Staffa. Rev. Elmer Mahood, who has been home North -Dakota, bale and hearty.—Mr. Rob- for eve hours the talented issesWeb- -he bling, of London, England, delighted the- J[oad went through. It required the ser- tors, M. Y. McLean, Seafortb, wag appoint- men.' A conference on the State of Re- foT a couple of weeks, returned to t —Mrs. Frank Wh ert Steinbach and his sister Edith, have tinent was all the ecid d where lie STALACTITES. ite, of
vices of another team to pull them ont, but ed Seolretary-Treasurer,- and it was d I e ligion is to be lield t the. March meeting. 0,odericb, is visiting at the residence of -Mr. Northwestern College, Evanston, gone back to Detroit again. —The Hay Fire audience. The entertz more pleasing in that it was somethinqgg. nothing was ad -y. the worse for the acciden. to hold the -next meeting at Coxworth's Mr., J. S. Henderson submitted questions to will resume his studies.—Miss Georgie Dal- John Livingstone this week.—Rev. Air. Insurance ConipaRy-s annual meeting was Christian Endeavor Societies mae, who spent a few days �at home, re- held here last Monday and was largely at- novel, and the Foresters are to be congrtu It rnight have resulted in the loss of one or hotel Hensall, in March, to arrange for! the be sent to the H6dgins, of ' Seafortb, -%?cry acce t,bly turned on Wediiesdqy to Helmuth Ladies' lated upon getting them here as as
both horses if assistance bad not Spring Show, Mr. Leonard Hunter, of Us- within thebounds of the Presbytery. The tended. Threel new directors wereoelected, preached in Grace. church last Sausay. College, London.—A number of young folks on the sucoess,of their concert - ----- �The An- beeia at band. borne was appointed to represent tile So- questions werc approved of and oreleied to
pending a and Mr. Gabriel Holt4titn continues to be up be sent. 'Mr. Stewart, stated that Mr. Mrs. Hammond, of Stratford, is a gather ed at the residence of NIr. A. W. 'i'versary services in lCarmel church will be- ciety on tile Board of the Western Fair at few days with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. the agent, as his work for the lastyear was Cooper declined the cal to Brucefield, and Halliday on Friday, and an enjoyable time gialoothly, held on Sabbath next, when sermons will be- D. Milne, the well-known Lond6n. % - satisfactory. . All went off and Rivers.—At present'draitig saw logs and e a, morning and- breeder of Short- Horns, of Ethel, in the asked leave to moderate in another,.call. was spent. the company was shown to be in a good. and pt ached at the usual boar to having wood bees are the chief employments. veing, by Rev. R. P. MeKay of Toronto._ township of Grey, infornis us that lie has Oy$�TER,,.—When you want"oysters, do1i)t Leave was granted'. The � Presbytery v The passion plav," exhibited here last prosperous con,ditioii.---�r)ie:M-.asonic Lodge recently sold a very. ;superior young bull, forizet Haxby of the Imperial 'Restaurant, here ou liold its next meetiv in Clinton on 'the 12til. Clinton. Mr. T'J. Berry lias.ntarned from Bostion, last Monday -evening had an oyster supper Thursday evening, bi Karl A. Schmidt was ith a, ca load of horses. grol by " Perfection, 9, 100, 7� to Mr. Albert can haye them served up in all styles or by the quart. of March, P Tim AciacULTURAL 8006TY.—The an- at, the Commercial HE otel, as it is twenty- where be had been w R. yAxny, opposite Bank of Commerce. - 1414-2 a splendid affair, and it,%vas really too bad 0 lCater of Morris. Mr. Msays, and his nual meeting of the Hull4t Agricultural fiv tle order was first started I NoTicE.—All accounts must be settled by that Such a magnificent piece of mechanism i . 0 e years since testimony is corroborateld by Others, that Society was held in the council chamber here. After the inner man was satisfied, Wingham- cash 6r note by Febru�ty 2nd ; as after that date - Loc.u. BRIEFS.—Mr. A, W. Sloan, of was not more liberally patronized. —Miss IL-)arties wanting to bay Short Horn. bulls eizht per cent interest will be charged on all o -e Blyth, was here thip week visitincr friends. last Thursday. The statement of the speeches wereade by different geliflemen, WAF'XINGS.—The boys who -were arre Tessie Dalton him"gone to learn dressmaking sted Row&RT WiLLis, Cady'* Block. 1414-2 erD auditors allowed receipts $999.15, and ex- some of 'which were of a political'nature, as last week- on gaapiei'on burglarized.- had better secure them as soon as possible, due adcounts Mr. Sloa has-been ill for sev, at months, in Mitchell. Zt�SL there are not o I - Mr. George Mason�s book -store, wre tried ver half the number. for DQNOT f orcret 1%] ifflett & Jack;on have a but is now, we are pleased to state, much penditure $997.58, leaving balance in hand some of -the speakers upheld protection, and beate with and without ovens loft, which of $1.57. The number of entries others showed the advantage of Free Trade. before Mr. Brookenshire, Mayor, on Tues- -;at(- th- I&IN'le sellLir@ to make rooj3� for other better.—The' iceL harvest bas commenced, it there was ths time last 'year the few I hey ng below cost Blakd. no evi- calves beina a abort crop, and so many bav- 1414-1 and Mr. D. D. Wilson's teams are busily last year was 1,966, while $719 was the cast, A most enjoyable evening was spent. (lay eveningl and were acquitted, Ild for feed -i ng and ranchiij ae now plenty of the -prizesawarded. Officers and directors were dence being brought against them.—A very i,nxg been so"' -g pur ains for cash in stoves and' tiaware engaged haulin6, the frozen water from the OTE.—We hav go!' 0 beautiful, sleigbing is good and 6onsequently successful carnival, the first of the ,seasoni-
poses. -for t��r,gn 0 days, bef ore stock taking at MvtjiFTT Egmondvi,lle dam and storing it in his re elected as follows: President, D. A. For Walton. -ator, Mr. George Al we skating7
t JAQk 1414 f riget array I also business is brisk. Our young people i ester ; Vice President, Win. Weir. Direc- was held on Tuesday evening in the se.— `;S'notice taking advantage of the good,sleighing and tors—Staley, M. McEwan; Tuck-ersmith, ny art- li,'LFVTi-w.—The officers elect of A PLEASANT EVENT.—A very pleasant rink.—The Fraser Dramatic Compla Y1 M C A.'Cf,1LssHs.—All desiring to be commenced to fill his ice hou Av event took place on Friday even- Court Flower of the Forest, No. 3, Cana- instrrted on the violin. in Book-keeping or Short- by the Napanee papers,that prior to leaving are having a good time sleigh riding, party W. Elcoat; Groderibb. Township, John Wicr- giving concerts in the town hall this week -.-LLL- Order of Foresters, were duly installed Mr. J. MeKay Ballatyne, son of aiig January 4th, at the house of Mrs. Sage,, hand, and typewriting, please apply immediately. iliak-ing' ':d teultivatin(y the social side of gington; Hullett, A. McKenzie, J. Wise ThePresbyteryof Maitland met, i thePregiay- Napanee, I 1)y D� D. H. C. R. Bo. ;4 Hugh Robb, oil The i econd quarter for all of the above studies be- in this village. It was a gather- terian. church on. Tuesday.—Ann jpins I at. ouce under the auspices of the Y. M,)C. A. Ballanifiyne, of this town, was their natures.—An oyster supper,was held man, W. Snell, J. Reynolds ; Clinton, S. G. irversar Mr. William January Ith, as follows : Harry Speare, P. ing of the congregation of St. George's church services were held in tile Method Those who accept the opportunities hereby offered presented with a complimentary address tile other evening b the residence of John Plummer, Thomas Cottle. Honorary Di- ist church t K. -n Warvv iek, C. R.; J . C. Tilom p- will �ot only profit persensily but also aid others and and a -handsome cane by the members of St. Manson, jr., and a very pleasant time was rectors—illayor' Holines, C. Hoare, Horace 0 iflord, brother- R.; Job to meet the new incumben , ev. A. on Sunday 1�at. Rev.- Mr.
Griffin, and Airs. Griffil on, V. 0. R.; Win. Hrtry,. R. S.;-- H. a zoqd work. Apply to T. 0. Hicup or a. �out o'clook Wm' So"i"'t- Bride's Camp, Sons of Scotland, of which spent.—Ourveteran huntsmen, Messrs, R. Foster, J.- E. Blackall I. Taylor, A. Me- of Rev. Dr. Gifford, pastor of the thurch, 1414.1 some 50 Robb, F. .; Gteorge Duncan, Treasurer - persons sat down to a supper pre- 2 Ur. Bllanty-ne had been Treasurer. The Ross and' J. Baker, with their -famous fox- Murchie, D. Tiplady, J. Fair, J.B. Lindsay, preached mornin& and evening. Salt has. L. Melvine, Chaplain John 11aliday 8 NX - —The lunettes, as served at Hax- pared by the ladies. - An hour Or so �1 . .1 - most com 'li- bound, "Spring," succeeded last aturday, W. C. Searle. —J. T. Harland,- was been raise di in price this week to $1 per address was coached in the p by's� Imperial Restaurant. Pre just the thing and spent in social intercourse, after which ohn F olland, J. W.; George Hgrt, . B. -1 f ter a very exciting chase of six long lie ar, Dr. Shaw. Messrs. Forester, P and at school One day should be tried to be appreciated. Remember the mentary language, and the cane -is a band- a -�Irs- barrel.—While PI -i 'Sage and daughters entertained the compan Son OF. Fai- Loftustark, J. B.; Dr. C. McKay Pby" pricO, 10,16 or 20 cents, includ i ebony stick with 6, silver to)?; on in C, y aster . . — 21 vg tea or coffee Open some pturing a monster -wild cat in the Cottle were appointed representatives of with musical selections upon thepiano,violi, last week Al 1K e Aj.iditors Wria. Sclater, A. R. from 8 a.m. to 11 p in. opposite Bank of Commerce. %Vhill is encraved Mr. 'Ballantyne's mono- marsh. It was a noble specimen of the the Society on the joint conn�aittee in charge terson, baa the misfortune to 4i�ve a bone -LL P. Papineau, manager of the' species, mea cello, musical glasses and sleigh bells. -�g broke Sam —Mr" 0 - AkI "ir Forbes, who. son and H. S*.,%re. This flourishing 1414-2 ram. surina four and one half feet in of the Ps�rk. Hereafter -wl*n there is no in his left I Court has over 880 0 on hand' to pay sick Tim L-XTRST.—See those shells and ThOagh given for the entertainment of a tonstance Cheese factory, and Mr. 'Medd, length and weighing 26 pounds. Mr. Ross competition in any class, fir�t and secolid was elected a council 1hell- iior i No. 3, in
benefits,a,nd 126 mem bers. The High Court bark kernels, the latest thing out In Butter Creams, private gathering it is safe tosay thatpublic of Hallett, left here on Monday to take the intends having it stuffed. prizes sliall not be awarded to the same the late election, has resi L ed his seat.— '365 -o pay death claim at H-axby's Imerial Restsurant. 1414-2 L audiences are rarely so delightfully enter- rd
fead, ,
has ryver-$ a;: and Dairy course at the Ontario Agricultural person. Mr. R. Miainprize, who -NV.ent to Toronto, WE will sell all leather goods at cost and 2'1 30()l inembers. The Canadian Foresters tained. During tile evening speeches were College, (4tielpli. On- big return, Mr. Pap- Cromarty. 0 some timeago, has returnell to town,.—Jjr. under until the first of February. RICHARDSON & ffin, William 8 afe investinent. made by Rev. A. K. Qlri mith., 1414-1 ineau will be able to make the Constance NOTES. r. George Hamilton, formerly Londesboro. Donald Cl�ndenning of N;rth Dakota, ig. 4
Iliens Cheese factory more profitable and popular James Bolger and H. Hamilton. Mr. Griffin visiting friends near' Brussos.—Mrs, Ford,. WE have stil a Iiinited quantityof of this place,,.but now with Hamilton Broth- LECTURE.—MiSS Philips, lecturer for the
ON BuTIILf on expressed- the pleasure of Mrs. Griffin and Of 11&nlilto�L overshoes sizes 6, 7 and 8, at $1. Misses Overshoes, than ever.—Rev. Dr. 'Moffatt, age' is, , , tit 6f the -the uest, of, her sister, Mrs.
ers, Stratford, spent New Year's under the Women's Christian Temperance Union, flerda 'ritish Columbia, is to be given in the to � hioners,
sizes 11 to 2, at 96 cents, and children's overshoes, Canada Tract Socity, occupied the 18 himself in this meeting of theirparis man. -A rink of Wingbain culers, U parental roof. --Mr. John Whyte is this coming to this place next Wednesday even- hal on Friday evenlin& January 25th,under sizes 6 to 10, at 75 cents -guaranteed lot quality. and stLid he hoped the present gathering vaippear in the Presbyterian church last Sab- went-ove-r-to: Wroxeter la4 Friday after- week removid an old landmark in'our vil- in Miss Phili-s intends tvin 1, series ofthe auspices -of the Women's Foreign Nis- We nave too many and tueee are Ulu regular wnoie. and preached a most, earnest 0 0 13 was out the forerunner of others such,andan noon, to,' haxe a friendly match. sa,16prices. Caslionl. T.Coventry'soldstand,w. bath morning, lage which in years gone by has served as a lectures in, this county. She comes well't , but, as- sion.Society, of tile Presbyterian ch-urch,and omen of the good feeling which he trusted usual, got left t heo score being 20 to 14.- f rom. what we can learn of it, it ill be well H. MMLIS, Manager. 14141 and ale -discourse. The Reverend Doctor",store tailor shop, shoe shop and 'dwelling recommended and should have a fall house. would always exist between them, and him- In i usticd� I seems to improve with added years. He a turned in- No fee will be charged, but a collection will [till honse, in turn and now at last �o Winghalyr we musit Say it wa&�, -worth he -t The lecturer, Mr. W. W. self. After hearty expressions of thanks to their firi� game of the -eason, and we would -is recommend lis of 1894, Mr. Air. Alexander Campbell is confined to his Temperance Union missionary fund. The ring -The annual preached in Egmondville in the evening.- to that most useful coinmodityW--" wood."- be taken UP in aid of the Women's Christi, Mrs. Sage and her daughters, and to the
ed by Rev. J. W. 1%] c- meeting f the Tuckersmith Branch Agri- ladies WhOL advise t6 in the future to have little- I Darina the last three mont, provided the supper, the com- , m, of Vancouver, formerly of Seafortti, oultura Society was held in Seaforth* on John 8liepherd, reeve of �Tuckersmidi, bed with an attack of pleuris'y', but is pro- lecture is to be in Temperance Hall. practice before tackling a rink skipped by itud the British, Colum. bia pape, speak ve P��,'- y parted id the happiest mood with c,or-, Mr. T. Rae. The following were. tile plai- rY Thursday of last week-. There was a fair shipoed 3,000 lambs to Bnffao. Mr, She!p- greasing favorably, and we hope soon to see BRIEFS. -Dr. Young is very low and h' dio. good-byes all around. ers - Wingbam-D. Sutherland of the views -wbith are used. The attendance, and aditional interest seems'! berd is one of the largest shippers of stock him restored to his usual bealth.-Mr. Geo. deatli is expected atlany time. -1\1 r.. W. L. -0. &iiech- lecture is- d escription of the Pro- tel, John Nealans, F, to Manitoba in a Paterson- Skip 14.. now to be taken in the affairs of this old and in tile' county,' and distributes lot of Miller is wearing a smiling face these days, Ouimette intends goi� Hent3all. Wroxeter -R, Black, T. Johm vince. from Cape Flattery to. Banff and -its useful society, besides what has been the money --aniong �the Huron his wife having presented him with a bounc- few dayson business. -The Methodist choir ton, R. Rob- resources wid the advantaes it offers to - Central F ton on the ig baby boy. -Mr. J. McElraith's sboe were invited to tile parsonage last Friday -For Sale a hison, T. Rae,skip, 20. case for some years in tbe past. The re air Ill be held at Clin HOTSE A D LOT FOR,SALE. settlers will be fully descried. The affair cornerlot,pl tl' it ted, upon which is built r a of the officers show the affaIrs of -th! 24th and 25th of September. It would be shop bad a narrow escape from fire on New evening and spent a very pleasat time in 8'u. will doubtless be both iteresting and profi- Coalety to be in a satisfactory condi- well for other societies to bear this in mind good frame �saell'nyg house and stable, both nearly Year's evenin . He had been working in games and other amusements. -A literary a 1317th,� table,. for after ll, -we in the East know a9 new. T1 a J a good well, and the lot is neatly ar t 'verdooiety bad a list, of when fixing the dates for their fairs.- the day time, and left some wood in the' entertainment will be held in the -1'vfethodist fenced -ire netting. For particulan appiv to BnEvxm . -The excitement cause&%v ton. La t yet �e S very little indeed bout Our sister Province ilearly 400 iembefs, very good, Messrs. Winter & Dick, of this town, are stove when lie quit work. Returning from. church next Monday evening, under the G. i. SUTHERLAND. Postoffice Book Store 1143 the past el�ction has now quieted -down on ihe Pacific. I , , d shows that the officers and directors just now -shipping a caeload of cattle ev�ry a neighbor's house in the evening, he, as auspices of the Rpworth League. -.Mr.Tom. B-Rimi's.-We are now favored with most ; excellent sl�eighing, and grain, wood., pork the Citizens are wll.pleased with the, new' ave exercised 'due diligence during the week to Montreal. -We understand that usual, went to see if all was right, but to Moon, of Perth, is up visiting friends.- council T 11 1111 rpt, 4F�11 . 1; 1� Vf 4-1k M A, 0 . ; � I 1, f- I . - i. h� 4. h I . . 0 and loas are bein fairly rnh.A fp -Dr. Ferguson and If rs. Ferguson.I vf,.D UOUS( fl, S AST -5 his surprise on opening the door lie found liss Kerr, or, ulinton, was visiting friends were at Kirkton visiting friends this week. lat meeting of the old council was held on d for the current year: G. E. Cress- i changed hands, Mr. Edsall, the late propri- Sleighing parties are also now the order of nton, is visiting in our the interior filled with a dense smoke. A here last week. She was the guest of Aliss 'Miss Golley, of Cli Alonday evening, in the the day, or evening, aiid large num, -hers of last. The business -was Tuckersmith, President ; John ctor, having disposed of his interest few pails of water in the nick of time quench- Addie Crisp. -The contest which has been midst thi week. --Mr. � H. Young was in light. The time f6v the final return of the t4rieve, McKillop, V ice -President ; Thomas business to INIr. Bishop, of Strathroy.-The ed tile fire but not before about seventv- n the Good Templars' Lodge for our young people have: been vAtting the 9 gonf on J London last week. - Rev. 'Mr. Batigh occu- -led to January E. Hays, McKillop, -, 1 ast Exeter skating rink. -M -r. G. 3feEwen, our collector's roll was ex'tenc Sgeretary ; Robert ladies of St. Them"' church intend holding five dollars worth of stock was destroyed. tile quarter, will close next Tuesday pied thePulpit in the Methodist -6h.urchn� A lar -e litunber of accounts were !Logan, Seaforth, Treiiurer. Directors- -an " At -Home " at the rectory on Wednes- enterprising salt manufacturer is shipping er, ening: It is expected a good time will be Sunday Rev. Mr. Biag-,,-n filled the An- t,
assed and (1pbentures issted in payment of 4'eter McKay and John Dale, Tuakeramith ; day evening next, -when a pleasat evening had, as tile losing side ii to treat the Lodge away a number of car loads of salt , and Mr. burn circuit inev. Mr� I . Bayfield. augh's the sanie. A resolution by Mr. Josiah I (.,'corge Dale and W. E. Caldwell, Hullett ; is promised, and a varied and interesting J. H. Beek, his manager in this department, place.- was to a pie social. 1he Lodge is in good stand- Miss L. Huckstep was visiting friends in ! R. Armstr Will' McIntosh grunme will - be provided f6r the oc- LET one of your new resolutions be that - is kept busy filling o�aers that are be- 'I'verman, seconded by Mr. -B. B. ong, i lam and R. pro ing and initiations occur quite frequently. ing Clinton this week, -Mr. John you will . do your trading during 1805 at)[1. IN Ed constantly received, and attending also to afso c-arried, thaiadna the members 1i Coin-mon, IvIolkillop ; Thomas Stephens and casion. -- We notice by -the Vancouver McGuie
wards. You are sure to be well siisfied-'Dd'our now Of Clinton, was in towp on Wdesday. arge number of the council on. belialf of the town, for Dick, Seaforth. Auditors -D. John- World that Mr, William Sloan, merchant, n get the -W, Ord reached here on of the of Nainaimo, British Columbia, neighbor a good turn and tell him he ca Bluevale. the retail trade. -A I Wednesday morn- their services the yeavr, and making son and F. G. Neelin. formerly of HupoN Ext-osrrGR for a year for $1 or TnE HURON E -X- Oddfellows of Hensall lodge, -No- 2-23, drove last of the death of Dr.
a this town, has acquired the reputation of posiToR and The Globe for 81.60. F. A. Edwards is WFDI)I--,-(,.—On Wednesday, January 9th, up to Clinton on Tuesday evening, whil Young of pecial mention Of Mr. Jautes Beattie, who, 0— e a desbro, 'who is well known in tiiV v o r agenb at Bayfleld. 1414-1 at the house of lr.Robert 8haw,the bride's icinity. quarter of a century, has sat at the E(. NoTF.s.-One day last week, being the best window-dresser in that Prov- number also went by the- evening rain, to -Mr A. M. Babb ape t and for a brother-in-law, e board. as I)eputy-Reeve' and as Mr. Sainuel lAcGeoch was outti g wood ince, and that. the firm of .which lie is the BRj-,,VITIES.�George tanbury returned Miss Bella Fraser, elde t attend tb dis y in Brus- trict meetig held there, and sets. Mr. Hugh McQuarrie had bee orb, Councillor. Tlic hope -was expressed. that! in Mr. M6Caa's bush, he met with a close senior partner, ranks as the foremost in to Toronto on Saturday, to resume his daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin Fraser, report a very interesting meeting and pleas- Tuesday, hauling home his next uminer's nio. It's.,Huron blood of course.- marriedtoMr. John Geddes, all of ant time it being the lar both lie -and the olther retirimr metbcrs�' He uses, when at such wo�k, a don- Nani, studies at the University. -W- illiam Tippet was gest gathering the
0 wood. -Rev. Mr. Forest, of Morris. Rev. J. W. Pring, of Blue,vale, 8 Walton,preach- would, at future time, lend the. ble-bitted axe, very sharp at one edge . and LasL week being tile week of pra3-er,l.prayer left for eaforth la?t week, to attend the so iety iia haxi for a great nimay years, ed in St. And,,revs churot, on. Sun securely tied the knot. Miss Fraser is a which speaks well for the in even)- town the benetit ol their experience duller at the other for splitting. It ap- meeti-tigs were held (luring the week in the Collegi�te titute there. -Air. McCluskey fluence, the Or- day spent Sun ing last. -k[essrs. Lucas & T ner's bank. Im-hiess tblitv. pears be was using the (]till edge to cat a different churches, and were target?, attend- da at his home in -Porter's Hill. favorite with all her acquaintances and 'Mr. d�r has upon its members. The meetin an 9 stopped payment last week, bult lit -tib lying in a hollow. The timber being ed. -We are very sorry to learn ihat Mr. _11iss Wla; e Falconer has returned from Geddes is to be congratulated oil securig was partictilarly enjoyable on account of will prob- Im .i 0 the ably resume business in af.ewdays. G R'&.PaRT-4.-Ourod friend frozen that day, the axe flew lip, 'striking JohnNcLeod, son of Mr. Angns,'tNIcLeod, a visit to Mr. McPhail's, Goderich own- such a prize. Mr. and Mrs. Geddes went to competition between the oderih and Exe 61 Mr. J- formerly of Stimley, McKillop, has been compelled t give up ship. -Albert Vanstone left for Londq)n on Ooderich immediately after the ceremony, ter lodges in confering the degrees, and hini verticidly about the middle , of the fore- of 0 Cypress River, Maiiitoba, on the 141i head with the sharp edge, cutting flesh 4and his studies t the Detroit Medical Collecrei a visit, last week.=Niliss Kate Parkarrived where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. which called for talent and brilliancy in Wroxeter. John Johnston. The best wishes of the inst., Sava We are a beautiful bone to the brain, but fortunately no fur- oil account of ilr heath, and go to Cali- ;bonie on Saturday, from Winnipeg. -On preparatioii and e -ecution rarely, seen out- RIPPLES.-'J,Nr. Frank San(lrson, of To- wititer in -Honday evening a large number of you side of the large and wealthy city lodges. roiatQ, is home on a visit to friends. -At L up to the present, -with ther. Being, a healtby. man, tfie wound, fornia, in the hope that the change of 6lim- no, community go with them.
d benefit him. -The Niagara Falls folks spent %a enjoyable time at Mr TIte thouvb between two and three inches long, ate woul Joseph BRIEFS.-INESSNfaggi Hartley, daughter Another pleasing feature of the meeting was competition lately held between the new gun
in thii part %vere fair this is licaiii-rg nicely, and lie will soon be all High School, of which Mr. ames D. Dick- Wild's, able line. - Bayfield's of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, has been euguged to the very large nu m ber of visiting brethren clubs of Gorie and Arrometer, the Wrox last season, and if Nve had had a fair price. right ag&in. A tritle--deeper and the result son, son of Mr. Charles Nekson, of butcher, Mr. 11'. J. Brandon, is now read teach in a school near Varna. -31r- Fred. present fron! the di,-trict,and the rapid pro- club defeated their Opponents by one- beirt4de r McKilloP, is head inaster, has beu 3h ineat Hartley has resutned his studies at Clinto gress addition of members of the Clin- -A concert -under the aus es of the Ca -a- for our wheat the in this district ould bae been morq than serious r n raised for Inisines, and has first-class fre.� n -would have had uo resnia to, COITIPWR Of Robert Nld�rison, nowrof Shelbourne, but to the rank of Collegiate Institute. -"Mrs. on band. We bespeak for him a liberal High School. -McKenzie lKesser has gone ton lodge, and who so,well and kindly on- adian Order of Foresters lwpiil�i be held in the tit-nes. l4it wheat it 7, `38 and 39 resident of this village, wasthe -Allen, of Wuiinipeg, is visiting at the real- Patronage. -A large number of logs is tO a c as fort-nerly Stratford to study for a diplonia in the tertained the ))r thren n thi o c ion. Pavillion n the 23th inst., and, jud p r bushel doezi not 1,�ave gilest of 'Mr. Thomasl Hills for several (lays dence of 'Mr. Fanson, in this town., The being .)r . ought to Donaldson's mill -nowo, on business college. -Miss Annie Rutherford The next district meeti gwill be held from t ie a,, e ging Cents e niuch of it I went to Toronto last Thursday, wheie she It in I n 11 of talented _perforniers on the local last -week.-Sonie yoUng ladies who wished organization ineeting of the public school account of the sleighinar being so good.- Hensall towards the end of June. -Mrs. the bill a 4n , splendid time inay be expected. -- nirkots have somewht lately, to indulge in the Parsee custom. of* rice- board was held in the council chamber on expects to secure a situation, --Nl iss Baxter, Mr. Walters, of Colborne, is here at pres- Captain Olibson, of Goderich, is the guest of Mr. Jams D. ForsythV
of Goderich, was the guest of 'Miss Annie for nany Years -ail.
and buyers have rati em-li otliev untl thes- throwing, at tile depa.'rting newly -married NVednesday evening. Mr. R. Lumsden was ent, helping r. William Osmond cut -Mrs. Win. Moir, of this villag Job 'cinployee of the woollenn-Jills Of tl ,
i 4D e n As plate, have Paid s hi,gh 57 I)OV couple on Wednesday, last week, -were appointed chairman and Collegiate Institute wood. Stowe last week.—Miss Annie Stowe is Duncan, 6f Paris, ccom panted by her has- rented the same from Mr. -Sainul Ale -tnd ;-)2 ce7ntsis' tile visiting in Goderich.—Mr. Craig, of Buffalo, Mr has. Kelvey. -Llr. Forythe ColneS of a rac a - 1) reseft L. much, disrusted to find their recently p Oi-F. Suoxv.—The annual ineeting of the s C
0 . Tr- Trustee, and Win. Ballatyne was re- band, is here visiting her sister, I I
farlill-V who has; s Of 1"ut, alas, for the iiged to sugar.:— appointed 8ecretary.—The folloNviacr ladies inembers of the Stanley Branch Agricultural spent a couple of days this week with his Burford.—Our saw -millers are getting their wool-work.ers, knows his business thorough- (Ad chased pareet of rice uha ,grain and pvolmbly sold sonle of bis \11% J.'S. Porter, of Hastings, who camp-9.up from tile 8eafortli mixiliary of the We- Society was held in Bayfield on Thursday brother. Mr. Alex. Craig, of this place.— yards well filled up with sa`W logs.—N-Irs. ly, and will no doubt give great atisfactioll of last week. The following officers and 'Mr. Henry Bosman is visiting in Manitob.
S(Td nd intended to Inn. in Abe to at tend his sister's wedding, left for home nien?s Foreign Mission Sqciety', attended the Campbell, of tanley, was here recentl y as Proprietor.—The horne of N -Ir. John San- Miss visiting her sister, Mrs. James Sparks, of derson postmaster iii,LtLers littIC "'I pet Monday, after spending several (lays an - directors were elected : John ton� -- Mamic Widows, of St. Thomas, is
to hini if it - on . nual Presbyterial meeting held' at Hen 3 was he scene of a and -we know Lhis i,� the case Nvith very pleasntly at the parenta home.--N,fr. s�ll, on Tuesday last : Mrs. Phpst, 'LN! rs. Stanley- President; Richard Penhale, tan- i,,iting her aunt, Mrs. Robert McPberson. this villarre.—This week has been a %cry happy g athering of friends and relatives on I tom. eve r, we are I I!-, in ho,pas o f W. -T. left on Monday for Ottawa ---Nlr. Will Bailey is spe-nding a, few in 1) usy one in the ( armel Widnesday, the 10th inst., theoccasion be- aul, 'Mrs. 6r. Dan- fey, Vice -President ; 11 W. Erwin, Bay- Presbyterian church.
Morg Stratford. —While -Mr. Kersey Jackson was The abbath chool Convention in I,Vtter tiltivi in div ilear future. If the re- to take a course in the Model School, pre- can, Mrs. A. Young, NIrs. Forbes, Nfrs. fiQd, Secretary; John -,in, Ba:yfiel� 0 , eeting ing the marriage of his third daught Archibald, Mrs. H. Grieve, Miss Cash, irectors—Josepli W k 7 0
I)Ort 1JV 4'0VV(-('t't11&t A%'(� he'ard from the lmrator te entering the chool of Peda- Miss Treasurer. D i 1, Robt. driving home from the village on Tuesday there. on Monday and holding three e Agnes, 0 'L evening a four year old horse, which be bad ssions' t -\I±- H. nell, of G,oderieh. Mr. Antentine tha the m'op of 1,1-q)4, Z','o'rY, to V-01"Plete his first-clim work. This Tufford, \Irs. (R-ev. Dr.) McDonald, rs. J. Si�6wden, John Parke, William To-w-tisend the Huron Presbyterian 'ome Foreign and'Mrs. Sinell carry with them the best .1 7 n's
-ill render him eligible for a situatio oNv` William hitched to the sleigh, fell to the ground and
m hit-li they have bevii Intrx-estinv in Deyein- Nv n in a. G. Wilson, and rs. Lyon. The meeting, John Johnston, John Sparr Mission Society meeting there in niorning, wishes of a large circle of friends.—A car- lier, has been a filtive,.theif -we iny ook High ichool.—The ice procession began on was largely attended, and was a very p was dead in two minutes. Theeause of afternoon and evening sessions on leas-' Elliott, E. R. Sivarts and James Burns. uesday lincr inatch was played n. the 11th inst out- next crop Arill �londay, nd fine thick blocks re bein. cr ant o . De. We sliall. give the list of officers Auditors—W. H. Woods an(I Jailnes Burns. its death is not known.—Duff and Stewart's while on the same (lay that august body' between the Winghain and Wroxettr clubs*.' Tie taken 1110:1101S before tli�ir's. hauled to the different store houses. This appointed, and the mounts contributed by The receipts for the year amounted to 4-71 mill is finished and they have commenced the Presbytery of Huron, met in session M*' 8core, 14 to 20 in favor of Wroxeter. —Dr. 0lie - -Vil to.vantend -with h4t�e is is inu(Ii ea, I *lic17' than usual.—The recital on each auxiliary next week.—Mr. Thomas of which amount S203 was (lerived from running it. The new mill is a much better the basement. Time and space would alike cDonald opened fire for the coini poli- of the vrop (11rough; the Mondav evening was marred by the un 1 onroe, of Portage Plains, Manitoba, mem one than the old one.—Mr. James Burgess, forbid our attempting t g ve an c on t of 9 bers' subscriptions, and $128 froin ad- c n tical campaign at Gorrie o n. Tueeday niglit, For iti.1taill-c. the last! But ;avoidable eircuirnstance of- storhiv weather, nepbeiv of Mr. Jaines Nc-Miebael, and rs. mission fees at the exhibition. The dis- of Turtle Mountain, Manitoba, lias come all these ineetings in the space here allotted last. A large crowd went up from here.