The Huron Expositor, 1895-01-18, Page 6-1
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1 1 1 .,_1%- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, . I
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11,,, .. A
Rob C n I
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ROY N- - . .
I Cigar \ I 0 it I
It's no because 4
1 1
I m Scotch but :
. � ..-,. I a L. -A
smoke a better I I
Cigar tban I - U
"BOB ROW, 1 . I I .
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They c3st 5c. 1 ,
but I get . sax
of them for a
quarter. I .
EMPIRE TOBACCO CO,, r.nowrimAl...
and Horses and
Cattle are taken
off grass they
should h a v e a
*� \1 1;, i tonic until they
. I . // get accustomed
./ . I I to the change o,
. -
- feed, or they will
... lose flesh and
condition v e ry
To i e4lect this, may keep an animal poor all winter
and it may die ir: the spring.
DICK'S BLOOD PURLFIER will be found the very
best condition Powder to use Its acti-)n is quick
and sure and oatisfactory results are guAranteed.
This tonic for Hoyses and Cattle, if properly used,
will add W per cent to the selling price oj any animal,
Prid It costs only 50c. Pick's Blood Purifier, 50c ,
D'ek's Blister, 60o. Dicies Liniment, 25c. Dick's
Ointment, 26c. I
For sale I;y J. S. Robertg, Seafortb.
DICK & CO. P. 0. BOX 482, Montreal.
W01C>113'S �P1E]1C>4W?3Uk>13111V1r,'-
The Great English Remed-y.
Six Packages Guaranteed to
promptly. and permanently
. . ,�& cure all. forms of Nervous
WeaknKss, Einissions,Spcm-
X, atorrhea, Impotency and aZI.
. effects of Abuse or Excesses,
I .. .. I Mental Worry, excessive use
2�1, 2 of Tobalcco, Opium or Stlmu-
BeforeandAfter. lants,which, soon lead to I-z,-
jlrmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave.
31as been prescribed over 35 years In thousands of
cases; Is the oftly Reliable and 1ronest Xcd.icine
known. Ask druggist for Wood's PlioHph odine; it
he offers some worthless medi(Ane In place of thts,
Inclose price lu letter, and we wlll send by return
mail. ,PrIce, one package, $1; six, $5. One -udll
pkaw,v1xwiUcure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company,
'Windsor, Ont., Canada.
For sale by Lunisden & Wilson, druggists, Sea..
fortb, Oat. I
If You Have a Room to -
Paper, F-aint or ]KRISOMIRB
no- GO TO -a
A First Class Stock of 'Wall Pa er,
Window Shades, Curtain Poles -
etc., always oil hand.
Pictures and Picture Framing a Specialty.
Opposite JOHN .133T., Seaforth.
� . I I �
VETERINARY. - did not kfiow - andithe your�g man bad sub. th�e window, fling out the ladder, and get -der if he walked over this afternoon to have
- __ __ � C I . I
. � 1. Bequentl .1 so Esistent—and likewise down. Feel this 8
K beei , rxe : isn't it oft and a bit of a chat over it."
JOHN GRIEV9, V. S., honor iraduate of Ontario 5;ottsl so straig . tforward nd amiable and uni-tssurn, silky?—it wouldn't h . t the hands of an in- " Oh, yon know him?" exclaimed Dick
' Veterinary t;llege. All d seams of Domestic
, - ing; and then, above till, Nan had seemed fanf. But I'll tell you what
Animals, treate&' Calls promptly attended. to and would; and Erridge, in amazement. " But, when I
charges moderate. VeterInaryDentintry,aspecialty pleased. It was for 1lier. salt e that he bad that's the thorns of that rose -tree and the mentioned your name to him, and asked
. Office and residence on Goderioh street, one door -d ,a .. consented to come on this archwological ex- - bars of the lattice -work ; and I've been con. him if he had -heard of you as a neighbor; he
zAsT of Dr. Scott's office, Seaforth. 1112tt , � Emuls I pedition,though sinall. concern had he with - aidering. I'm afraid she'd make a desper- said no!"
, . .
. . - Roman roads arid King Alfred's battles. ' ate fuss if -she knew I was. going to tea -r " The acquaintanceship, such as it is,"
G. H. G I 8,13. - the cream of Cod liver 4C)II, With Arid now -now thAt the pff� etext of history 1 down the roses and the lattice : I'd have to said. Mr. Summers, quietly, - "is quite re-
. I _I ' I
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentiet, Toronto College of and folk ore had beeR al ost abandoned- ' do it sometime she was in at Houle : Or cent." And then he added, erhaps in view
N'eterinary. dentists, Honor Graduate of Ontario Vet- Hypoph9sphites, is for I Y.
. now that this young man, by little inad- I perhaps if I could get some projection put I of certain unconfessed specu ations of his :
crinary College, Honor member of Ontario Vetecin- coughal ( N
ary M�dical,iociety-.*All diseases of dowestle animals . i . ,, vertent touches fro;Iii, -time to time, was re- ' along the window -sill, it might keep the " Quite a chance acquaintauceship- and
el-dIfull-v treated. - All calls prom,,tly- attended to - , C -10 I C.) 3 9 � vealing to these two the world be lived in, ladder clear-" . perhaps we have about seen the end of it.*'
day or night. Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. Sol -a' Throat, � one of the two had1found food for grave re- I Dick abruptly changed the subject. . Nan sat silent -silent and troubled, in t -
Office and Dispen"ry-Dr. Campbell's old office, flection, arid was pQaps secretly consider- " I was attlie Albatross Club lastnight," - withstanding the airy,unconceril with whioch
Wain street, Staforth. 1406-52 - Bronchi itis,, * � I the young man continued the conversation.
. ing h6w this all too .sudden and fervent I lie observed, significantly,
. . ngsp � friendship coulc diecreetly, and without " Oh !- The Parkes -MacQuarrie affair ?" She did not know what this visit might por-
LEGAL Consumption, . pain or rudeness 6 brought to am end. - "The grandest sight I ever belield ?' the tend ; nor what was expected of her; -nor
Loss of Fitsh But as for Sid ey Hunic, the unwitting podgy, pale -faced little mail continued, how far her mere remaining in the room
- �
ItS. BAYS, BarriBterj.. Solicitor, Conveyancer and Emaciation. V cause of this.disquietude, he was troubled with great enthusiasm. " Tile very grand- might be taken for acquiescence. And here
.Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dominion . bv no such forecasts , these present mol est ! Let's get into some quiet corner and at the same moment was her father intimat-
Bank. Office-Cardno's block, Main Street, Seaforth. - WQF,k babies, - - ments, each one of thein filled with magic I will tell you all about it-" ing that tbeir brief association -with Sidney
31eney to loan. 1235 Crowing Chi5dren, ,- and delight, were enou li and inorb than ic � .
. I lVell, we,can walk up and clown here- Hume was about to cease. A sense of some
NATTH 1� W enough ; the Ion ani happy (lay sped Nan is in -doors," her father said -and they 4nipending calamity seenied to -4211 upon
I MORRISON? Walton, Ingurance Poor rdothers'y Milk,' - 0
� -
Agent, Commissioner for taking affidavile, Scrofula, quickly. Andeve wheri,lateinthe even- rather moved away from tile house. her ; she could not listen to this t about
Cbnveyarices, &c. Money to loan at the lowom rates. . - ing, he bad rel ctantly bade them good- " " The grandest thing you could imagine!" the*Albatross Club ; those names be men -
X. MoRaisox, W&Iton. . A n a-- rn I a; 'bye, and returned tioned-as tho' gh half the peerage and bar-
- - . ___ �to. the solitude of his own Dick Erridge continued, with quite genuine u g
JM. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &a in fact, for all -conditions call- ]ionic, tbeie was rl� dim.haution of the bewil- exultation. "And the newspapers ain't in onetage were familiarly Iniown to him -
. Office -Rooms, live ckoots north otGommercial ing for a qLlick and eff e c t i � � e _ derment and tra sport that occupied his it this morning- that's why 1 wanted to were but as vain echoes to her, conveying
, -
Papst's . , brain. " If inusiq be the food of love, play come and tell you. Lord A] ount-Lathoin nothing. .
liotel, ground floor, next door to G. L. �
Jewelry t3tore, Main street, Seaforth. Goderich '1'1011r�'Sn`lent --.,�.,,ntlfor Pnmff741e!. T,Jt'l�'Z. oil ;" and even in this silent house lie knew addressed the reporters -the gentlemen of Then a .Sound caused her heart t
agents-( ameron, Holt and Cameron, 1215 q�n;-) At q-- - "f- '1!n. A' A � I . o stand
- ____ ------- ______ � � '. .10r1l,.: "I Oik%4 where to filid. sllch�' celestial sustenance ; he the press, don't you know -flattered theni still: it wits a foot -step on the gravel out-
GARRGW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, ftlivitors, , would attune his ear to listen to the subtle up to the nines about tl�gir prudence and side. The bell rang. Some one entered the
&o.,Goderich,'Ontarlo. J.T. GAR&^ Q. C.; cadences andvaxi�d and perfect melody of discretion -hoped they would not mention house ; the drawing -room door was thrown
Wit. Pi.-OUDPOOT. , 1 680 THE HANDSOME HUMES. Tennyson's " Mau�d "-a poern for which he the name of any one present -and would open; a name announced. And Nvben Sid-
. - . had the profoundLt admirat�on,. which lie thyy be so kizirl as not to Speak of a, fight, dney Hume appeared, tall, handsome, self-
' _
AMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barrieson So RY WILLIAM BLACK. had h h I I ild panegyrized in season but of a contest with gloves -in fact, he poszessed, it was on her that his eves first
C licitors In Chancery, &a.,GodeAch, Oat V. 0. , 0 1p onec' '
CAxx,&oN, Q. C., PauAr Hour, DuDLxy Howilms and -sea n He went. and fetched wheedled and hunibug ed them all over the fell, it was to her that his ,steps were in -
0 t of so og
- the n �01 e and took a seat outside 'place. Then, at ele%�en-tbirty Sharp, in stinctively bent. Then he turned to her
ANNING & SCOT`T, t Barristers, Solicitor% Con, CHAPTER IX. gr ys Ile um
the h rne-e kled porch. Late as it was, came the two heroes-both.of them looking father. Then to the stranger.
At veyancers, &o. Solicitors for thel,Bam ol . I T
the evening was sLill golden and clear; but ulaggnifice4-" , But there was no need of an introduction;
Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan Office— C9 I b . ' "I
Elliott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. R. MAN"s ALL A NVONDER AND A NVILD DESIRE." the sounds of the da were uro-wino, fewer: " I thouglib,MacQuarrie had gone Some- and indeed Dick Eri-idge was so eager and
JAM112 &OTr. 1 781 1 . y 0 0
occasional foot -falls on tli.e gravel road ; thing amiss," -Mr. Surnniefs said, casually. anxious to remove from himself, finahy and
* Atid naturally enough be turned aud homeward -going children calling to �each - There was it runior of the kind-" forever, the imputation of bav , ing done' any-
FHOLMESTND, successor to tht. ,ate firm walked with them, understanding that they other acrozs thE bridge ; the methodical '. " A fortnight acro -a fortnight ago," the thing not quite in accordance with the
. McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, go were oil th,eir homeward Nvay, ,while he ex'_ - . 0
Ilattor, Conveyanoer and Notary. Solioitor for the plained to them all that could be crowded .elink ail . d clank of sorne four -oar or eight- other rejoined, in his eager haste. " They proprieties, that he instantly proceeded to
Im Bank of Commerce. money to lend Farm@ ' oar connin ga S,wif tI, r itlong through the siteely eased him off a bit, and got hini all right : I make the piofoundest apo ogies for his ap.
into this arch�eological. excursion. He had I ,_ I
. for We. Office In Scott's Block, Nato Street, blue -gray of the river, under the brooding ass.ure,you, you never saw two men looking parent bad manners ; be renewed his ex-
Senforth. . a frank and winning manner: when they n �� .
. reached Crowliurst, Mr. Summers could poplars arid willows. The meadows were in better condition -a sight for sore eyes, it planations; lie expressed ail almost abject
hardly help asking him to go in -doors. And empty now ; and one of the houses on the was ! Of course tile Tasmanian is far the gratitude; until Sidney, who had a kind
W. CAMERON SMITH 0 wood ed'heigh ts b �yond had sent out ita first bigger man -the Devil they generally call of direct way with hilli, grew impatient.
i now it was lunch-time: would he not stay orange.ray. 0 q him now; but the Englishman looked just " You were in no
BARRISTE R. and have a little bit of something Nvith - - * * . danger at all ' " lie said,
Solicitor of Superior Court,- Commissioner for them? This proposal, it is true, caus,ed 4` -is fit as a, fiddle -proved it, too -and game briefly. " There were one br two people
. These well -rem Imbered lines,these haunt- he was-crame, I tell you -for you never standing by who could have picked you
� taking Affidavits In the High Court Nan some momentary perturbation; and she m �D
of Justice, Conveyancer, fled away to eolislilt cook and parlor -maid, ing phrases, see , d tu increase his e�.,,<alta- saw SuCh hammering as lie stood up to in out." I
Mouev o Lend tion of spirit ; the� appeared naturallv to the last rokind-just able to keep his feet, " Yes, but they didn't, and you did," the
leavin -o men to their own devices' belong to this iie"� and hitherto undreained- but facing up -facing tip like a good 'un- young man insisted.
,,t the tu
Can be consulted after office hours at the _. Commer- But en at Sidney was invited to go -
cial hotel. of atmosphere tha�t had come into his life. zlintil that Devil of a Tasmanian got the " You might have been in danger� on a
HENSAL - L, _. - - ONTARIO into the dining -room, it was not food or Passionate utter&cei! that heretofore lie, auctioneer home, and it was all up with Regatta -day," Sidney observed, z'wlth a
__ - drink that occupied his mind. The fooni 1 7 In
� itself, to begin with, was delightfully cool bad regarded froul the. -merely literary point poor Parkes. Never mind : he gets zC500 laugh. "For you'd have had about twenty
I .
DENTISTRY. on this hot -June day : there were shado%vy of view, lie now tin, derstood arid recognized out of the .4,'3,000 ; and he's won the repti- boaus and half a dozen steam-launclies all
1, . . curtains that - did not altogether refuse a in another sense. � be also had tasted of tation of being about the pluckiest fellow charging . down on top of you, to rescue you:
R. G. F. BELDEN, L. D. S., Deqtist. All kinds "the cruel madne�s of love;" he also was that ever put oil gloves. And it wasn't that wo7ild have been dangerous enough."
glimpse, through the open window, of the I
Dof work done known to Modbru Dentistry- blaze of flowers in the gpxden, where a but- filled with unrest, �and longing, and dreams merely his standing up to be hammered; And therewith he turned to Nan, and began
Gold, Aluminum and Porcelain Crowns a specialty of heroic s If s'acri e if only that wonder of, the Devil, hadn't it all his own' to ask her whether she had quite recovered
Doorbell answered at all hours. �Mfice and resi: -terfly would from tinie to time go hovering- - e - - �i c,, 8
all wonders heart inclining to- way fromi beginning to end -not by no from her drivin and climbing of the JAI&y
dence over Mr. Pickard's sto6e, In roQps lately occu- ly past. Then the table was all so neat and , a I
I _" "', . 0
pied ky Mechanics' Institute. bright arid summer-like, the snow-white wards hin , her ch, osing him out of all the means; in the fifth round there were some before ; while Wan answered him with far
cloth adorned with sprays of young beech the reso of the Wor d-could.come true. In grand exchanges, arid the Tasmanian, I can less than her usual light -heartedness -in
FW. TWEDDLE, Dentist, Office over Richardson his case, of course, there was no " Queen tell you, got all lie wanted, and about two. fact, with self-conscious face and averted
6 & McInnes' Shoe Store, corner Main and John and Canterbury -bells. But it wits his young
0 Maud in all her sp endor," nor any "gloss penn'orth more. My heavens ! Parkes let .eyes. I
Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous Oxide igas ad. hostess, of course, who absorbed his covert
ministered for the painless extraction of teeth. 1169 -and enraptured attefltion, whatever he had of satin and glimin r of pearls," noryet had him have a right-hander on the ribs that (To be Continued.)
to say about the Di-agon of Wafitley and he heard " A voic-elby the cedar -tree, in the might have fel�ed an ox ; but there wasn't . 6
R. H. S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal College eadow under the Hall I" But yet --sit- much cheering, mind you, among all those
11) of Dental Surgeons, � the battle of Ash,&Wll. Somehow she !� Pleasantries. - .
Ontario, D. D. 8 of To- tin- in the wagoirette' that morning -the noble sportsmen in evening dress -oh, no-
ronto University. office, Market Block, Mitchell, sefflned linked with the garden out there. 0 -He: " I may be poor, but there was a
Ontario, 1402- simple costume of ilac and white that Nan there was too much oof at stake -they were time in piy life when I rode in a carriage. I
. __ There was a. transparency of light and color 8 urnmers -wore alpeared to him to have too anxious"abo tit what was. going to bap- I : " Yes, and your mother pushed it,
about her face that ho associated with those ,Sl e
ID AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will . ' soniestrangechari a,nd-bewitchnientabout pen to let their efflorescent sentiments car
-Llkj. visit Flensall at Hodxens'Hotel varie,g,ated blooms visible through the win- � . ry too. ,'-Exchange.
, every .Monday, and at Zurich the dow, white and red and white and pink, it ; and her voice Avealed the most heart- them away. Really, really, you shoul'd -A book agent attempted to sell a Fra'.nk-
I -
MW second Thurtiday in eaen nionth 1288 and all shining and shimmering ill the still. searching music. ev n ill that peculiarity -of lia' been there !" lie exclaimed, in -it sort of ford politician an encyclopedia. "Cylco-
. __ I What did he care about such boase things as lengthenir, �� vowels. - She did not ecstasy. "It was beautiful ! All -so quick pedia'.1" exclaimed the Frankford man.
- ') KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D S., caviare, or galantine, Or cold gooseberry sa "ta-own-' orl "da -own;" she sa,id and sharp and buz�iiiess-like ; each man do- " No I don'b want it,
. I Exeter, Ont. Will be at Zurich y Wouldn'b have time
( - t iq ' " town" and " dowp'," With just such slight ing his very d—best in every second of -
.V T,- a the Huron Hotel, ONLY all the tart? He said, " Oh, thank you !" and tooic to ride it."
It -any LAST THURSDAY in each mouth, and dwellfficr on the liplithono, its made the the three minutes ; then down in the chair, H
everything lie was offeved ; and a,te nothing. a . 0 1 .
at XnrdocWs Hotel, Hen8all, on the FIRST 11=1 sound entirely entrancing in his ears. And with sponging and falirlirig ; then up acrain - ouser-' I see that tbey are putting
in each month. Teeth extraoted with t F"'Ay The ,,-cry gates of heaven appeared to have 0
he least 0 . . .1 'no lon,ler, as lie thought of 'these things, -like two gladiators, Hain tiler ing, plates on gunboats eighteen inches thick."
josin possible. All w9rk first-class at- liberal rates, been opened ; the choirs were singing; so 0 1 of 0 no Mrs. Houser-" Let's get some of them '
� , was he in the deeps � I despair ; the unat- doubt -yes, there was hammering in the Perhaps the servants can't break them. "'-.-
. 0
971 that all the volden air outside was pulsating tainable ini�:lit not be so hopelessly unat- last round -and I dare say some Johnnie of
0 --
- . I - Nvith the wonderful melody, while echoes of tainable?-her eves, _ timid, un-searcliable, a curate inialit have turned pale when the Philadelphia Record. . .
it seemed to wander in and fill this mysti- - 17 , -Mrs. Strongirlind-If women would
MONEY TO LOAN. maidenlike, had- the3�, not once or twice, as Devil cauglilb Parkes a tremendous purich
cal, lialf-shado-wed, enchanted room. It b only stand shoulder to Shoulder, they would
'as but the night before lie had been: sunk they were turped toivards him, said some- in the throat ; but I tell you in all the soon win the suffrage." Dr. Gtiffy-Brit,
MONEY TO LOAN. -Straight loan@ at 6 pi, �, thing to fifill, however unwittingly*? Or thirty-five minutes there wasn't one-fif-
cent., with the privilege to berrowep of into the deptlis of despair; now the iri-�re Was that, too, but another illusion -f a fran- teenth part of the lumping brutaliti madam, that is something they can't do,
mag - of her presence seemed to raise a de- _ - -
repaying part of the principAl money at anj time. giq -, of a with the present styles in sleeves, -Harper2s
Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Barrivicy, Seaforth. Iiriox4 joy -within him ; the unattainable tic hope rather than a,ny possible fact?. football match. Skill and sc,'ien�., sll�rp as Bazar.
. I
I was not so hopelessly unattainable ; she. was . � a needle, just delightful to see ; and though -" Yon must let the babv have one
nearl; she was his friend ; sometimes her Then,again, as lie turned over these pit es I'm an Englishinan, though Pin no Colonial, .
�g cow's milk to drink ever day," said the
MEDICAL. _in the cfathering dusk -the gas lanips now what I say is, 'Bravo, Parkea, arid bravo I y
timid eyes -were turned towards him,` -,and , ?n 0 , doctor. " Very well,if you say so, doctor, ,�
. they were nbt unkind. Caviare, oatcake, .1iminerincy through the trees -the last of _.�NlacQuarrie !' Grand ineii, both ; am(l I for said the perplexed young mother, " but I
I [) R. S. S. M U R RAYl the reburnt'hic, boats become pliantoin-like one admit that the best man won-tho
salad !-for one who was feeding on 0 : ligh I
I Mcniber British Medical Association, late coroner 0 honey- on the -N%-,Ln bosom of, the streani-here, at lost my little bit through his really don't see how lie is -going to hold it
dew and drin'king' the milk of Paradise inferwil ,13109- alu)
- County of Xiddlese!�:. Ofll�!e-oppo8lte Town Hall . - I
I n the Cady block. Rebidenc&-67 Victoria Street with a heart as hardly yet capable of realiz' last, lie canic uporithe ' 1 ' ines that spoke ging. " -Saninly came home f roin an af ternoon
Telephone No. Stv. 1 1400-52 inc, its own a-mazing augaries and demands more directly of Nan. Shine out, little His enthusiasm seemed to sober down a at the Natural History iliustiem. " Where
C3 0 .
_." � They went out into the garden, and lie head, sunning over with9curls, to the flow- little at this last recollection; arid it was ill have you been?" .said his grandpa, who saw
17111. CAM PBELL, Honor Graduate of Medical Fa- positively refused to poison the sweet air ers, and be their sun." Why, that was a calmer mood that hewent- on to give _NN1r. thitt he was in uncommonly good spirits.
JU cultv of Toronto University, Physician, Sur- Nvith ,,I, cit,arette. She showed him the ex- Nmi herself !-if only tile reader, himself or Summers furthe'r particulars of this great " Oh, we've had a splendid thile. We've
. Office-Zeller'd Block Abight calls- 0 1
geon, etc. ; another, would renienl�er that the outward occasioi,, especially dwelling on the number been to a dead circus."
Greb's Hotel, Zurieh, On.. 13,1i7 traordinaiv luxuriance of ioses that wits 0
__ promised them, when the lilacs and labLll'- lustre of those tags and Strays of 11,-1,ir thilt of titled persons present, a,nd the extreme -The light and joy of a Detroit home
clustered a,bou.t her iiedlc and ea,ra seemed to elegance and propriety -of the proceedings. is a five year old boy of brightface and happy
. T --,&R. ARMSTRONG, X B., Toronto, M. D' C. AL, nums had gone ; even now the clustered � a �
Victoria., R. 0. P. S., Ontario, successor to Dr. buds -were bursting, Aii(l the deep crinison be but papt of the geneial sunniness of her To all this Summers listened ;'in: his itsual
i9tt otfi,,e lately occupied by Dr. Eliott, Bruce- nature and disposition. � A radiant temper- grave and attentive way ; then he said, temperament. A day or so ag a man visit-
aeld, duoirlo, 1379x52 and piak and yellow-xvIiite finvoluttions of ' ing the family engaged the lit'loe tot in con-
�� - -- velvet petals -were beg,inning to uncurl. ,She ament; well-w-ishing t6 -wards everybody ; looking towa.rds the house - versation, ana one of the numerous ques-
.11 I f,rateful for the �eau�tiftll things 'Of the "I wonder what has become of Nan?
171R. McTAVIS11, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office Wel, t and broug,lit the Flora,a-ud rather shy- 6 tions lie was called upon to answer was:
_" corner southwe8t of Dixon's Hotel, Bruceield. ly world ; grateful, abo �� e all things, for any Suppose we go in -doors arid see if she li-as "Are you inarried?" " Yes," replied the
Night oalls at the office. 1323 told hiin She , shrank from prying into 0 her. ' A�id as regarded the ,got it cup of tea. for yuu. "
- I these confidences,; but he said, simply affection � sho,A n the strancre eveuts ' " One ,word,` Dick E'rridge interposed, in mail, and he added playfully, " Are you ?"
?, future, what might be � . .1") " No," came the quick response, 11 but I've
. enough, that lie would rather like it, so lon(r lying behind that mystic -veil ? -" I have tin undertone. " I quite understand your
DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY, as the boyish trash did not bother her. And -3 led her home, my love dend?" letter -and awfully obliged, too. You been vaccinated. "-Detroit Free- Press.
OFFICE, Goderich Street, opposite Methodist finally, before lie left, lie had persuaded Mr. � my old f i - " If it were not so childish and out of
Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricultural 8uniiii-rs to fix'the very next morning for But such things ivre blinding to -the niental t � rust to me. A nod's as'good as a wink. I date. I could take a real good cry," said the
Grounds. � e vision ; and leave one br�atllless. ouldn't do anything -d on't you know.
. � their projected visit ' to Wanta."e, and Shut lip ttie book : it � is tinie to go in- Bwut';I wanted to put ulyself right -with you woman with the short hair. " What is the
1, 0. 800T.r, M. D. C. M., (Ann Arbor and Vic- Uffington Castle, and White Horso Hill. mat -ter, dear ?" " I wore my husband's
toria,) M � C. P . S. 0. - 0 doors arid sumnion lights' to the dark and -all 'fair, square, a.nd above -board. And
That proved to bo another day of new vest down town shopping yesterday, by mis-
C. MA(;KAY, M. D. C. U., (Trinity,) F. T. hi. u. . hollow roonis.' For no -w the la,,:t of the I've come out tit once, just to show you. I take, and there were three great big cigars
M. 0. P. S. 0. and strancre and marvellous experiences. skinliningealid dipping im�rtins has left the know what's what. I'm not that kind.
a '
- . - ____ - For one thing, as soon as hehad constituted 0 1 .
C) neighborhood of the bridge ; the quivering Not much." sticki,ug out of the top pocket. I never no -
ItE. COOPER, M. D., M. B., L. F. P. and S., himself their guide he found but little difli _ 0 ticed it till I got home."
. Glasgow, &c., Physician, Surgeon and Ao culty in entertaining theni-tbey were quite 6old reflections -oil the �treiini burn arnict By the time these enigmatic sentences -An exchange publishes another of
coucher, (;oustance, Out. 1122 'I shadows of ,an oily blackness ; a death -like bad been uttered the young man and his
delightfully ignorant of this neighborhood t�
-_ - n n I silence.lias fallen upon the,� tall poplars ; mid elder companion had reached the house ; those " true stories " about newly -married
A LEX. BETHUNE, M D Follow of the Royal in which they had recently settled. They far away in tile South, Vassar araduates. " You look tired, my
� �
saild, Surgeom, Kingston. had never hSard of the ,Parliamentarian. said Mr. Gay, to his wife. "I am
1iL College of Physician' . � from behind the mid, with a little adjustment of his collar dear I ,) '
Successor to Dr. Mac,.' -Id. Offic, lately Wooded hills, the y0uncr i-itoon glides slowly and a final shooting -out of his cuffs, Dick-
ocoupied 0 tired,'; said Mrs. Gay. " I heard you say
siege of 0,reenlamds,; nor of Mary 131and3- , theIransparent sky,� to keep wat,,h followed his host in -doors. They found
. by Dr. Mackid, Blair Street -Seaforth. Residence Z5 ) into
---Comer of Victoria Square in house lately occupied her cruel heart, and unhappy father ; nor ver the niulit'. � i . I once that you liked rabbits, so I . went
by L. E. Dancey, 1127 of .Nell 6',wynn's_l)oivcr of 3,E,A- in the neigh- 0 0 . __. - Nan in the d,raly�lng-rooiil, where she was to the market this morning and
. � engaged in arranging some tall feathered
I borhoocl of lNettlebed, 'which is only a little b ot one. I meant to surprise you with
CHAPT E R � X_ grasses. She b4d heard the dog -cart ar-
DR. F. J- BURROWS, � way beyond Bix ; nor of the well into which, . —_ r., troiled rabbit for dinner; but I've. been to
a . � , rive, and had guessed who this visitor must
- as the leg -end goes, " Po6r Nelly," for some - 0 work on it all the foreno-on, and I haven't
I Late resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen unexplained reason,- tbreiv her jewels. But TIIE ,.BULlD6(11. - be. got it more than half icked yet." %
eral Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity Univemity, ' 5 P
Member of the College of Fbysicians and Surgeons these trivialities of reminiscence were ��ooii When Mr, I�iek Erri(lge, havinu " (lone . " Well, this time I've got safely out " � �-c"WOM.—_ I
w himself well," as lie Ni " sai. iry manner w
of Ontario fi�R-GFFIGE-Sai le as formerly occupied Id a've ph (I lie, in an it* hich was mealit
. discarded. The butnim mvture of the living -oil , ra,sed it,
by Dr- Salith, opposite PubliNchool, Seaforth. . C,
and present moment is so much more impor- at the Red Lio'n, Henley, stepped into his to give her confidence. " No accident this 1� 11! l�i! �1111111111,,Il
I . �
0 ..", I 1. .. -
� -1 11 dog -cart to cl rive. out tp Crowhut , le. " - Jk, AP I .&I :_ I -
- tant, is so transeendeintIv and overwhelm- tR ,-st lie tin -
I I have niuch plea,qure in intrdduCiDg Dr. Burrows - I "An accident9-driving"" she said, re- -
to all my former patients as a �_phyBician, in every Ing y interesting, wheii one is four -and- was in it most complacent Imood. His cos -
0 1
. .
way worthy of thx-ir utmost confidence. twenty, and when there is a pair of speed- turne, as be had ca.refully .�atisfied himself garding him with curious eyes. . . P
R. i'�. BRUCE SMITIT. well -blue eyes,.not so far away, sho,wincr at various inirrors, -,vas elel�,Iaiice itself ; the " 011 no. Fact is, the last time I thought
. 0 �
Telephone -No. 46. 13L*6 pleased attention and smiling kindne�ssc' gorgeous 6rchid ill his but�on-hole donated of paying you a visit 1 had a little misun- �
- - ,-D o ..
- _. There was ail unending fascination in find- a generous, not to Say lavish, inind ; while derstanding with Henley Bridge, that's all; . 11
___ --- AUCT10NEE.K8. ing out her opinion *on This point ,and on his turnout,from the rosettds at the leader's and the bridge got the best of it. I thought
- 0 .
", EORGE TAYLOR, Licensed Auctioneer for the that. He freely volunteered his own, bull- head to the brilliant boots I of the groom, I would put in ail hour or so oil the river ; . Vixid faWt with the cook if
UCounty of Huron. SaIcEi promptly attended crering for acquiescence, and vet cunnin'aly was -at -,Ill points faultle�sly trill). It is and I was (yetting oil first -rate -very well .
to in all parts of the Count3. Satisfaction 0 - . _ n the pastry, does not exactly
contrivinc, beforehand that it would be eaosy true his equanimity w" nearly -upset,. arid indeed-wilen i't, occurred to ine to try to
teed. Charges moderate. GEO. TAYLOR, = 0 himself also, just as lie wa6 turning into bur suit you. Nor with your wife
P. 0. 1357-t. f for her to acquiesce. He spoke without re-- st Henley Bridge in two. The bridge
serve about himself, his pursuits, and plans -, -Bell Street -,' for here 'a ii rse-maid, over- bur'st ine in two -or my boat, anyway-aud either -perhaps she is not to
RRINS, Lloamied Auctioneer for tht Coun and lie told her a great deal a,bout his - .
T P. . corne by the appearance of two youths in chucked me into the Thames ; and if it
t) . ty of fluror - Sales attended in &:I parts of mother, Nvith obvious pride. He -was ap- blazers and boating -flannels who had passed hadn't been for a most noble Youth who .
along the highway, was . azina vac+tly ju.m'ped in and caught me by die scuff of
the county. All orders left *t Tink Expoarrosi parently addressing two, but in reality only ,, �n 0 .
Offioe will be promptly attended W. , `-, -
- One : and lie' was talkinu with ,Ili animation after them, while she pushed an unlicAded the lieck I should have been a goner, and no
quit&.ilnusua-1 ivith him : lie -was eaaer to peranibulator rigbt into the middle Of the mistake. That's where the awk-Aard part
. ZD .- �
WM. M'CLOYD impreis, eager to elicit assent'; and all' the road. A collision and ge lerill. Smash-up of -the story comes in, you see. Tbames -
Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth, tini� lie ,was stndying, Nvith a Nvild infatua- -Seemed inevitable ; and, ind �ed, Dick Er- water is a poor drink ; there's no .stimulus .
. 0 - I It may be the lard she is
and Agent at Ilenuall for the .Massey-Uarris Manu- tion. that Nvas stealing his senses away, the ri(l(,e only avoided it by jan- ining his leader in it, but quite the reverse ; and I suppose .
. . . 0 - using for shortening. Lard
facturing Compim. Sales protuptly attended to, eliall"Ing and varying expression ;f her on to the opposiLe pavenien t, .
charges uiodurate and satisfaction guaranteed. 110 0 � cl - 1, arid-.- hatiling I was rather sick and sorry when I got ou is indigestible you know. But
Orders by mail addressed to liensall Post Office, or ii er-like face. . sharp at his wheeler, -while hle uttered a yell for I let that young fellow go away without
left at his rcaidence, Lot 2, Concession 11, Tuck. �21eaiiwhile .NIr. 8iiiiiiiiers had for tile most fit to have -woke the dead thercupon the even sayin (), ' Thank you' to him. What a - if you would always have
J:� .1
oramith, will receive prompt attention, 19-96. tt part remained seriously and attentiv,Iv startled maid, recalled,to lie �1, Senses, hastily precious bounder lie must bav6 thoug,lit me !
. - silent. For lie was only now beginning t' retreated with her precious harge ; a good- And then, when I discovered his address, "
- . . o I
. - I)clvelve and understaii-I the sociial position naturetl by-stander got lioldl, of the horse- and went along to apologize, I was in a.suit, . ,
J F111110LIT..", N I 91111l111r1ffiW1qQW Ind SLIVI-01111dill"s Of this -%-0UII(1 ,nan wl10 which had probably been su�'Prised to find of waiter's clotbes-a regular beast of a pre- .-
, C-4iMEWS. _1�_VT"2VJWW,W1 Z � 0 . C, . k,
.I- . 131ak liti,tl,,tsit-,N-ei-e,(It-oppe(I upon theni from itselflooking intoashop-wi dow-andled dicament--and of course lie wouldn't dine YO R
theclouds. Hitherto, during the brief ac- it back into the thoroucylifar ,- and then the ivith Inc. But I'll put it straight, I'll call �
0 0 .-
Ft r AN quailitaliceship that had oil 01 charioteer resumed his Way, J10, d bt men- on him -when I go back to Henley this even- .
... ic sicle been so , ou '
LorL SID 6edulollslv cultivated, lie had had no such talIv litt6ring furious 111aledi tiong. But it ing. One doesn't like to be considered ].)ad Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread
Chance. ',ro him Sidney Hume was increly Was a pleasant afternoon ; 1) ek was of ail forni,- you know. And this young felloW` is palatable and perfectly di-
p �, .
STOMAC it fiiendlv voung fellow M-110 had offered 11' ca-gy-roinct and self -sat isfied naturc : ,Lilt] hy- gestible, order the new short-
. . -_ is .� 0 rather a bit of a swell -at least his people
a the time he,was bowling akong tile Fal:'r are: I've been making inquiries. Of course
,sistiuice ill the Fail _�-Iile of the Oxford " - ening, " COTTOLENE, " for your
L 'N
l"oad. -who ha(l walked oil as far ,,is Crow- Mile lie had for,_otten all abbilt the nurse- whenyou'reluggedoutof a holeitcloesn't
SITTERS lilt rst ''who had va-;ilally been asked -to step maid and the peranibulator u(I the inno- matter whether tile gaff is of iron or of sil- I
_� CURES l, in to took at till Orduan'ec Surve3- I\Iap) and cent babc that had so nearly toine to ail un- - ver -still-"
' who hn,d:sinve scenied extrcinelv anxious to timely end. - " Did yon get to know his name ?" said
, colitinue oil friendly terms witll both father :� When lie reaelied Cro'whar, t lie found Lhe Nan, in wild surmise.
CONSTIPATION, � 1101(l dall-liter. fre IN`as, illod'est a-nd -well kiltC 011011, SO that Ile NVaS eni�ib'letl to drive " Ob yes -Hume -Sidney Hume. A very
. �,
nialillered ; there was neither Self-assertion i*�.p to the front door : but in good family," the young mail went oil.
BILIOUSNESS )assim, he had 0 0
1 -
I lior unwarranted intrusion -. his' chief desire caught sight of All%' ,'-tunniieis stt 1- I " No doubt that is merely a country house . -
21 ) It, .
on- v�lle�l I of theirs. And if I should meet hii Sold in 3 and 5 pound
SOUR STOMAOH, � al)1ware(l to he to cultivate this compaiii ' the gable of,the house, ,11,1d thitlilellr"1,111 n again
ship that had conic about in s�llch a hit))- lie had surrendere-d the (r( vart� to t1le i I hope I shaWt be such a Guy Fawkes 6uy pails, by all grocers.
ha/.1,Lrt1 -WaV. But if Jim Summers, as h4s ,�rooni, lie ae o ( i ( ly ) I as I was wben lie last saw me." I .
, AND n C r I 11 , I etook 7iiniself, -witli- I Made only by
foll]Wl' iLSS�)Ciclt(!S Wel'e in * the habit of Call- out going inside. --,Nlr. ��unin ci's 'was alone, � " We 1; now that 'Mr. Sidney Hume slialit- -1
I in- 16111, 11a.d beell ful1v aware of the facts it 11 0 Ili 0 . 0 � THE
., BAD BLOODO C_ . ani er in his liand, wbile ie contemplat- 13-," said Nan'.,s father -for she herself, '�
1t PuMfles and Stmngthens th of the k-a"e, it is quite certain lie would nev- ed a rope -ladder that dGpen ded fro "n ail op. I anxious only that her extreme embarrass- Ne K. FAIRBANK
I entire System. o er have thought (if asking Sidney Hume to eii windo-w above. I inent shou . Id remain unobserved, did not � . COMPANY,
le � N,.itl I . ANg
Aniftm, RVIAMOMM112W
, I
I 'I
Ntc�p into his house, if Wily to'look at an " 1'erhaps yo -Li call he'll) 11 I 1 it Sug- I dare to speak. " We made his acquadn- Wellington and Ann
I . 01-d"alive -Nlap- There 'Were 11ca"4011s, apart Igestion," lie Said, as soon as lip had greeted � tance in ail accidental sort of way ; and _. .
6:4 DOSES FOR, 60 CENTS , Sts., Montreal.
fl -0111 his own natural reserve alld 1111111ility, his visitor. " This is a firc-e,,4cape I have i since then lie lia.s'ealled once or twice; in- �
. ; I 11 I
.Whe best medicine ever discov,ered. IN-111(li wauhl have led him to fle(line tl;is, kist fixe(l in Nan's loom tip there: in case deed, we went on a long expedition with I.- �� ----- .. I � �,,
� .) . . . . . . T. . .. ,
� SOLD 1C,V1�RyW"C,RjU, prottervil aoq uai lit alwc.,�Ilip. [',kit t1len Ile 6�f all [11,11-111, all She has to do I's to throw up I him yesterday, and I should not at all Nvon- 11
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Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
in --a mlNurEs, also Coated Tongue?,]
- �
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation
Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured 'ana
regulate the bowels. vrRY Nice ',ro rAKff.
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JANUARY 18,1895is I 3f
1. �
While thanking the people of ther -
town anf
I surroundirig country for the
encouragement they bave given us i,n
the way of very liberal patron,4ge, we -
desire t,6 call -their'attention to( a few
facts concerning our �usiness methods -
not generally known. It has been and
is our constant endeavor to tum Out -
the very best elms of work, and thia
we succeed in doing by u8ing nothing
but the choicest materials and emyloy
iDg none but skilled workmen.
While doing tbis, however, we wish
it distinctly understood that the prices -
charged are much lower than those- .
- ____ I
heretofore prevailinz. This is accou-nt- � - �
ed for by tlie fact, t7hat doing a muc'& �, - Brirl�
larger business than our competitors, t !tendls �
we are satisfied with much Smaller : I ,xightly -
a .ter thall,
margins. Machine made harness at, I d'ess ex
. .
9ny PTI.Ce- is dear, and when that is- * at I laptilli
coupled with poor material, you -can I the nee,
depend upon getting a barness that is - �the 'rail �
absolutely wortbless. We m anufac- - 4axat i,6 a'
ture the best barness from $10 up tW � Z-eillcdy�
be oblained in the Province, and to in- I Its ex
tending- purchasers would extend a, in the f
hearty invitation to call an,d see 31r. � � I -antto t
. I- :
Cliarles Aitze], or the undb�signed,, On. % e 11 t � -I- (;.;.
the premises, when their w'an+,s will be, . .�ative; 4
I . " 11,-,
considerately taken care of. I /k1L91)C__;
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(P.&Tmfm JuLT 11TIT, 1893,) -
New Process for Alaking Pure 31ilk Butter from the
Pure Solids of ibe Milk. No Chepdcals or,,Ex-
tra Machtnery Requilref] "
, ,
191aw- -,- , ess/ i,
make two to three times
the amount of Pure Milk
. Butter that can be made -
by any other nielhod yet
- � I , Invented, Therefore senct
I starnp for full particii1ars,
asked and a, ' ibwered. also circulam of questions�;-
Thurstoo's Pure MHU Butter Co.,
- 53 King Street Post, Toronto, OuL
. __
The M A U4 P MUtUal Fi—r&
Ins -
urance Compally.
D. Row, President, Clinton R O.; W, j.
Shannon, Secy -Tress., Seatorth p. O.- 3,ichae7
Murdle, Inspector of Losses, seaforth p.,O.' I
1. DIREMOns. . �
Jam. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, 14ad.
bury; Gabriel Mott. Clinton; Geo. Watt. Harlock ;
Joseph Evans, Beechwood ,- M. idurdle. Seafortb ,
Thos. Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos. Neflans, Harlock: Robt. MeMilign, Seaforth -
James Cumnling, Eginondville. John O'Sulliva,n and
Ger,rgo Murdle, Au�fitors,
Parties desirous to effect Insuratices or tr&njq�
act other business *111 be PrOmPtlY Att9Dded to on
application to any of the above fAfteers) addressed tc �
their respective post offi-es.
Loan, and lnyestmuie,nt
0C)M&3P_A W_�Z__ I
This Company is Loaning Mon-ey ox�.
Farm igecuritY &t lowest - Ratu
'of Interest.
Mortgages Purchased.
CX _C2
3, 4 and 5 �er Cent. Interest Allo;;ed *.
Deposits, according to Amount and
L_ time left.
OFFICE. -Corner of Market Square &n&
North Street, Goderich.
Goderich, AuZu at 5th.188�. . MANAGN16
/ J
I Th6 "n �
- 'war 13-10.1i
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-1 Aolnabl�
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