The Huron Expositor, 1895-01-18, Page 4UIRY AN 184 18956 HE HURON EXPOSITORIV 4 of tanley.—Alis-4 Smith, a fly"i
MsMlthe homeof lier [ghout. did its work. During the months of her' unbar is visiting at -are 01a
down with a after several years' experience 'of ensilage, ly low temperature continue thron ill-ness she never complained and found, 8arah D concrete by being pounde Baird. of Stanley.— prohibition of sole, has it jurisdiction to Lomond is frozen over f6r the loa
concre4, should be Ithor- was 'more in favor of it than ever, 16 istian faith. The sister Mrs. Thomas hammer, and the* Scotland. eat comfort in the Chr ut first time in twelve years. All railway r Thomas Fraser. of the First line, tan- AT AR L -to the limits provided mber of the Mr. 'Is LOOK a prohibit sales subject hly rammed in and round them, and thought it a 'mistake to fe ed it alone, b 0112 leceased was a consistent me funeral of hi nephew-, the Teol
red no, aGag the edges between -,the stone and the miked with hay gr s6raw and - meal, was communication north of Glasgow is blocked* leyo attended the by the Scott Act The court allswe Presbyterian church for many years. The W. Fraser, of POtr-Oea, last eek-- a walls are! just as good and fully equal to, if not better than roots, and by the snow. igg Master Lk But thq 11
rice of the ExrosrroR, the Chief Justice and Judge Fournier dis- t by ANoTHEn SuiciDE.—M.r. Abbott, cashier funeral was very largely atte ded, 76 r He died at the early age of 13, and leaves The Subscription p Lit tlie stones. Stones' a good deal cheaper. He thought tha beingounted in the grcession. better withoi f Z sorrowing paren ese lau
nee, is ONE senting. pshire, National behind him adva 'ly used when plentiful' and to save feeding corn out of the stookf as described of the Dover, New Ham b ts.—Rev. N r if paid strictly in pro 0 veek, Alessrs. R. Is
are nly n Tuesday o per has declined -the call to Union Church- account am. I
DOLLAR. Seventh—Have the Ont&do, Legislature a I an cemen -Bank, having been short in his valking in front COO. felt, by the men -i- cement. Common Can d' t is the by Mr. Forester, it lost a good deal of its
bree months shot and killed himself on Monday. Holmes and Iff. Wilt8e were v XuZh &-sappointment i
-and can be c r load at from substance, whereas, when put into a silo the If yo- do not renew within t best got by the a on.—Ms.; William Mus- ic barrel A wall can be nutritive qualities -were all preserved.. From Aw Ex the pr e will be jurisdiction to enact the Local Option act of the Combes block in Clinton, and coin bers at, this decisi' Of the (late on your label Answer No the Chief Justice and Judge $1.15 to $1.25 jer barrel GHTY-TWO YEAR OLD BFLLE.—The Iting on the dangerous nature of the viating at the home of V. S.,
t 'in six an Mrs. Pet you do not renenv Wi h built in this way for one half the cost of all actual experience he coulA say that cattle Gr d Old Man and his spouse gave a ser- met lace, when Air. tild, Of Manitoba, Mill I
tied walk at this particu ar her mother McTavish, of e on your label the price Fournier dissenting. fed on ensilage would go on the grass in the vants' ball last Monday, which wits ope months of the dat' or brick wall and when sfeetwentfrom unoler him. -and h er
ordinary stone Wiltse' at present confined Tort is' more enduring, spring
)e sept longer in muc
Nvill be $L1.50. No paper will'I The question for the present is, therefore,- ,roperly done beinj as h better condition than cattle by Mrs. Gladstone, though eighty-two ye fell, breaking his left leg at the aukle. The road.—Adrs. Kennard is ous -illness. Her
ng padd notso r with the butler. OLug seri than one year before bei rried as Eard and. solid 'as one std,n and perfectly fed. Ensilage fed cattle also stood of age, dancing ng severed to -her home thr - h Mr. 81
settled, although the'ease will be ca in break is a bad one, both boes bei Mrs. Piukiley We WA
e -those fed on roots A SUDDEN DROP.—On Friday evening, Mrs. Weir and
e. rost proof. Vhen lacing IL shipping just as well as daughters, Send renewals directly to this 01fic a matter of CoLuse to the Privy Council. dry and f p dropped in- two near the ankle, which was also dislocated. and Mrs. Fre;1 tier, post -office old building, or grain. He did not advocate the feeding Chicago, the temperature ter eight days of intense suffering, are waiting on her.—Mr g at the.home concrete wall under on hours ?rom 20 degrees above to 3 degrees —Af Smith, of Chicago, are visitilli 1oney sent by regi3tered le. er or draf t, Agan, Sir Oliver Mowat's opinion on a se the building to the height de- of ensilage alone, but have it the main aster Robbie Holmes, the 12 -year old son Airs. Me- e mey order, expr 88L Money ord rat axents, Mr. and ild t e wa der up to $4 a been vindicated, as 8 i 11 undei it. ration mixed with hay or straw. belp,. zero. rince of Air. Robert Holmes, of the Clinton New of Mrs Smith's
A poSt-offiCe Or constitutional point ha ired, level it and bu
Idl &RCK lonis alt Gur riTsk ing attic said that at the college they Bl$M. 1. GOOD HEALTH --P e lower the buil n a concrete wall Mr. Ra' vay on Wednesday evening of Donald. amieson has returned home
osts only two cents. it will be remembered that he opposed Mr. Never the Bra, passed ai visited at the home- silage mixed with hay or chaff in the Bismaick, in spite of his intense grief at from London wh re she he change on v iAlarter's bill on the plea that it. w tile sills, not being per ectly straight, are fed en I
T our label wil'L notif Y YO as ex - W as of his wi lost week, as a result of blood $ poisoning. xander sure to break the wall. I Leave the inside illorning, nd got the very beat results from lo fe, remains in fair health. The of her dalighter, Airs, Fred Long.—Rev-
?f our receipt of &- money- If not changed remely doubtful that Ontario had the. plank three or four inches low and rain in it.' He thought plain food the beat for eat- report that his mental powers are failing is He waE. a. bright, promising boy. and evi- and we will dently a favorite with his companions. The NL]r. Lockbart, formerly of Ale in three weeks drop us a card. A quite unfounded. toba, reached in Union church the pm&- power to pass a bill prohibiting even the re. the concrete from the insIde until it is up tle at 1114. Ensilage must be fed in it a slight ature of his ailment, caused by flue Its from it, T-G.—The people in the n —Tile meeting held here oa
trace the matter ilip. tail sale of liquor., Had he then given way solid against the sill. In new buildings proper p ace to get the best resul MINERS STARVI in his two Satbaths,
wound, aroused unusual interest
dress all letters and make all cbeques d not alone. mining districts of Ohio are in great desti Saturday in forthe purpose of co.nsid- othr
I . imal
case. all
Ad 'bottom sill is used oil a -concrete wall. and mixed wfth.Other foods, an e - iF
3atbecause of the clamor raised hie would have no ily re-uDion Cing adpv llity of starting, a Cheese
and rders paya-ble to Bros. Imbed, a plank on the top of the wall, I Patting corn in a silo does not add to the tution," and carloads 6f provisions have —Oh New Year's day a fa -mi the fairly well attended. r- a
ce in -a serious predicament -of it, it only preserves been sent forward. factory, was put the Provin Oil the joists and fill in concrete at the ends nutritive qualities was helct at the home of Oliphant St-nith The case of President Debs, ddres on the Bruss(
DEBs CASY g money do not fail- to give indeed. n the top of the. from waste those, that are -in it. When remitting and'lay another plank 5th concession of Grey, where an enjoyable Brown, of Tiverton, gave an a
and conducting joint towlisl
post office address. joists and erect the supei str MOTH AND THE APPLE SCAB. .,cattle.
ucture on that. 11E CODDLING of the American Railway Union, whoas time was spelit. There were four genera- methods of Organi ing sentenced to six months' imprisonment for ci ano, the beneficial result When notifying: ns -of change of address Comments. Mr. Usher also deser[bed how to make youngest person
Notes and Mr. lexander McNeil, of Windsor, took tions represented, the -after
olstable and byre floors of his connection with the Chicago railwa,.%, accruing to farmers fromliavig a factory fail to give both- old and new '.post i silos, cisterns an 8 son of the bost and do not A. up the question of spraying apple tree to present being the infant iniolv P- their midst. The consensus of OP
N Casimir - Perier, the resident ef riots, will be carried to the Suprelne Court. cconcrete. A stable floor !,ba,n- be made out of as. Mrs. Oliver Smith the great in otfide ddress. kill the cod.dling moth and tile tipple scab. DARING OU;rLAW CAPTunED.—Bill Cook, hoste I the establishment hard as steel ; L enjoy. of those present favored rance, has resigned his position, because, this material th a growth. It re- a
at ill br as Tile apple scab is a fungui 1 ge anc be easily 9
the outlaw whose Lang has been terrorizin gral dinother. is 80 years of of a factory, and a committee was appointe
--at Label. will last, practicaly for 11 time," pores. alt.h. 1 ir. Smithadied 1:6 vears Look .-Your he says,.tbat while he is constantly attacked produces by means of microscopic s the Indian Territ ry for months past, has ing good lie to canvass the farmers to ascertain the nam- kept clean, and that wiii, not cost more than These ores in I on nthe spring fasten themselves been captured. It was he who re -organized ago. ec an(l
is man- ns that could be reh by all parties in the most venonior, f I b ck, the archi- ber of patro on the taves and later on the fruit, pro- floors made out 01 um He also showed the Dalton gang ir. Fowler, of Woodsto e
tier, he has no means of defending himself. iangers, 11 d troughs; &c. I icing in the former the well known olive of outlalirs. tect who will superintend the erection of the aniount of stock that would be -m -sub
how to make n NEW TRADE. —Arrangements have been A - is done an- sels. ANOTHER BIG DROP. cribed. s soon as this wok The opinion seerns to be general thia in tak- all of concrete. He i strated his remarks pot, and in the latter the blemish the House of Refuge, has been in Clinton 31-anit,
I - slowing Much more grey al 'the made by the Agricultural Department of 8 making arrangement in con-. other ineeting will be held, and definite ac- ing this course. he has sacrificed the welfare by .. pieces of wood, known as scab. The part we see on -for the shipment of for several day e of olie ice o On.e. Victoria, Australia, tion. taken. Brucefield is the c4entr Two Papers for the Pr clearly the inetbods used, than we can pos outside is the fruiting part ; the living part nection with the work. Mr. Cooper has tions ity of tbe-country to his personal feelin&s, but sibly describe them. , Hs address was lis- culinary vegetables to England dur . ingthe rge -Nlol'tz, of the of the best and ricliest farm ing see is on the outside, so that -you must kill the contracted with Mr. Geo ;company should —Wif
d a strong
of T1 -1E Fxposrrap. hae- tha if he will come forward again 4e -will winter season. Canada, an
000 brick
The pulishers tened to witli the greate A attentiop and in- spores befoit they enter the leaf or the fruit. ounced Crediton brick yards, for 230, after I
D 'b sition. Failing this terest, and we have no - doubt bu Iumbei
With the P 1Ae re-elected to the po it before DrE IN INDIA.—The death is &tin 25 car loads, to be delivered at Clill' got up here. T1, India, of Lady' Sazsoon - the wife of Sir abo -
&(I -e such. arrangeinents ie coddling moth lays An egg on the young ill ut, able it is expected, that ALI. Brisson will be the long concrete Will be mmonly in use in fruit, which hatches into a little worm. I lie Albert Sassoon, the well-' ton by the Ist of IN -larch. Out of a number, Kippen. -3rd eo
era of the Toronto G lobe 'as will en this dounty for farm buffolings. ats into *the fruit and lives there known merchant of samples, these were seleateil because -
heill to give, THY. E ,,cpo, worin e, and banker, of Bombay, who entertained and CARRIAGE WORK.9.—A bargain itit the 5t]
1ToR,--Emd Weekly man. THE -BENEFITS I F'CLOVER- I
durin its grub life. You must, therefore, they Were the most uniform -in color, grave
tyea.r, for onv ONE 11r. Rannie, nianager A the Experimental the Prince in 1874. Cutters a few left. Rep2irs of. I kinds promptly Wobe, for one fu. 11 t moth, while it is on the outside. inost evenly burned. ki he 1414-2
his theme " THE POOR INDIANNS.—The Navajo In- pened to at eudei to.. C. RICKER.
CENTS, The Empire announced on Tuesday that Farm at Guelph, took w, Bo den,UX —A very painful accident liap; DOLLAR AND FIFTY The remedy is spraying with dians, of New Mexico, "are said to be starv- S. Acheson, -of the Manse, anicl P1
paid strictly in advance. has some ays past, but His attention . ray- INTilf the tour of he Minsters in Ontario would and its effects on the mixture and Pais green. The fi ing. They have killed cattle and sheep on rid, soil of Mr. Win. .9 tonen-ian -of Hen- been ill for d is no
'),0ek1Y P, aPer in be at once resumed, and the (Aobe .,predicts was first drawn to the benefits of clover ing inust be done before the leaves have" de- the ranches to keep themselves from death. sall, the other day. He was up in the loft improNing.—Mr. William Simons, While en- -on th
They thus off&r the beat' when on a visit -to the OldCountry some I o lo wet a pair of bob- .
I veloped. hfateadof theBordeaux driliXture of a shed helping t gaged, cutting wood in the bush of R. P beat local paper in Ontario, the bringing on of a general election, pro- years ago. He was a rprised to see the 40- sleighs,,when by a misstep lie iell tbroillh Canada, and the use -sulphate of copper, I pound to Bell. met. with a very painful accident' by a, r. Al
as feed * -1
for the price of one Vt Per- bably in March. As tbe.Empire does -not best horsemen there sel eving elovei gallon barrel of water—li pounds w6uld do Huron Notes. tothe floor, hurting himself Y in iss-stroke of the axe, giving his foot a baAlL c%lwr
rtlieirhorses.. We sed to -think here New subscriers to either * pa,,per can cO1,11- deny. this, but rather *gives color to the fo no haarm. The second spraying is done Mr. W. Davidson, Stratford's mayor by tile fall. The forefinger of his right hand
that clover was not g, od for horses, but 41:1 Spray elect, is ather of Mrs. A.' Fear, of was dislocated, and so badly,waS the mni- cat,separatin one tee from tlie foot.---N1l-- bas rel
-%vil.1 get the 0 when the leaves have developed. R. M.61ordi-s many friends have been do- 3russe
nielice, at any time, and they opinion by its uterances, it is, Tt 9,11 ap that it wao'uld giv'e theiii heaves.- The Old them with the Bordeaux mixture. The Holmesville. ber injured that both the village doctors; Iiiiii good service the-. last few days by r. B-.
t. at -it gives the for f till year at the above price. peELrances, corre( Country horsemen sair th ng is . done after the blossoms —Thomas Cassady, tried at Auburn were sunioned, and chloroforift bd to be awing home the brick for Ili.,; e. There is very tkird spra assisting in dr horses starnina, and musel he mixture use four cruelty to a boy from the Feagan Boys' Home finaer could be ti -le full price fall, and in addition to t administered before th 0 u4n good shape boundi
Parties Ni -rho have paid -is comm. dressed. He is now progressing iii Winnter has now set i ve 50c reftinded There is a runior current, which has little money spent for cb'mineraiaf fertilizers ounces of Pat -is green to the '40-galon bitr- Home, w, itted to stand his trial. ely, and h use- of $1 for the Globe, 6an. h, in the Old Country now. The farniers do of IAliel, departed and what is now wanted is a few moreipies, bis -nei
rel. The fourth is done a, week or 10 or 15 NI rs. Charles Rose, will soon be all right again. ire them ; they have ap—plication at the offi.ce. g6dned the ear of the rem der of the Tor- not requ found a substi- er, with the mixture and the Paris this life on Friday, January 4th, at the n interesting and well contested (le- in circulation.—AIr. Ricker, our push* The 11
g lat —A a lot 07
Publishers. onto Press, io the effect that the Mail and tute ; they use clover, 3oninion red clover.- day s follo vs : early age of 28 years, She had been Wagon maker, has been getting out W BROTHERS, green. The mixture is made a ailing bate as held in connection with the E,p- tters and sleighs since tile snow eaime.— Empire -will amalgamate, and that the It takes its place not only as the greatest pounds of copper sulphate, four pounds for some. time. the other evellin". eLl worth League at Ethel t:1 ation, but as the best fertilizer of Six hir.T.Mellis,Avith a number of bretliren front h hi
[ding and feeding i of lime, 40-gallona of water. Dissolve the —The E eter fire brigade have unanim The subject- was " Resolved that the EW- A.:DV ENTS. the Mail buil Hensall, attended a large meeting of Odd- ER G -lobe will pi the soil, by having it plowed under. Clover
!hlphate in a wooden pail—gurd against ously ehosen.'11&r. John IvIcLaughlin as their Prophet ls'lijah was greater that), Elisha.' fellows in Clinton last be very t iesday evening. All
plant. - This would in many ways I the 0 -ter eanh seed now goes to Great Britain from cotton bag captain in place of Al r. James Weekes, who F e affirmtiye Miss Dolier an(I Robt.. M Vie figure between the paren thesis af tin—by lacing it in a or t1i ty ip-loads, and he .-iron or spent a good t-m.—Mr. W.O.. Reid, of Sea- -ich the - good -arrangement, for there are too many American continent in sh one. denotes the page of the pa er On wh and suspendilig -it at the top of the pail. was app)inted Chief by the council. McKay presented an. excellent case, while jsement, k ill be found.. would like if lie co ld induce his fellow iven forth, paid u n v advert in Toronto. Slack four pounds of lime, preferably by —John Oliver, of Grey, has gi IP the the negative was well looked after by papers week. r Cent. off—,I%tcCosh & Jeff-ary. (5) Canadian farmers to follow the 'example of es the John Sample farill lie had rented, and it has 25 T e hot water. When the lime reach Holloway and Samuel Chambers. Rev. Air.
—John Reld- (5) Tmi Lrruit.xny.—Thet regular meeting of
Estry Lamb their Old Country brgt*ren. Red clover is ni sulphate
ackson. 0) thicknesr: of cream i x with the been leased to Moses Doll, of Wallace, Who Kellington occupied the elmir very zatisfac. Coal IT. -Mullett & J is again maing but it depends ' Kippen Lite was belA tural *4
eatt5rs Mr. J. Castell Hopkins the - rary'Society
&.ills & said to be hard on the soil, will take possession thiwitiontli.
Barg —Mullett of copper in a wooden vessel and you have torily. A good programme of muic, reci- -week,
on (5) hmself ridiculous. He has made it his bus- 'entirely on ]low it is used. If it is all 8014 in itbeir Hall the evening of Friday, Th For Teport
Good Farm for Sale—Thomas Pope. (5) same -the Bordeaux mixture cond6n$;d. For —Miss Lizzie Walker, of Usborne, who as also given duri qg tations and readings u I Ith inst. There -Was a large turnout of the iness to protest Professor Goldwin off, it will be hard on the soil, but the -lass professional examin- spraying get a good pitnip—the working passed the second c the evening- inimbersandothers. Avariedprogramme, sum 61
wanted—A. Guhr. (8) might be said of roots. He gave the ex- -cers ro
am Built for Salu—John R M. (5) i Canada at parts of brass. The best nozzles are the ation at Ottawa Normal school, has obtain Durh Sn.dth's replying to fle toast of I onsisting of readings, recitiLtions, vocal and —T, V. Rutlrdg-e. (5) perience of a man Who, a few years ago, had, 141 ton at a e Boots and Shoes Cheap and the achernear Kill 8
Cneaper than ever the Press Association banquet. . Prof saor Vermiral McGowan." The ed a position as te Stanley. itistr'niental inusic was given. After the —A. 0. Ault. (5) bought a run out farm. His first crop of cost will be about 15 cents a tree for the salary of over $30C. ullett & Jaekion. (5) e
*tock4akinir salf—M Smth deelined the invitation to be present whea only averaged three bushels' to -the four sprayings. A mail can sprity in a day —There was wittiessed rather a peetiliar DOTS.—Winter is at our door. --B utcher- reodering of the fourth nulliber, the d. ])ate, Resolved that the Pr Cheap sale—Eloff-man & C6- (6). the day. —Al intim, Press has beert acre ; lost year lie bad, an average of fifty ing is the order of r. Unin 0 Footb:LllGood@ Lumsden & Wilson. (5) at the ba(juat, on the ground of ill heath from I 00 to 125 trees. sight -at Auburn last Sabbath morning, t the Steant K. Willis, (8) 'bushels to the acre 1. from the same land. ready to take contracts for t Nciice to Debtors—. en an(
'Agine," was taken up. The a rn ati Ricker. (8) but this only makes31r. Hopkins' i112 -breed- With referedce to the planting of apple sleighs leaving with their racks oil and re- mings is he of more benefit to mnk ind tha; ]Baquins in Cutters --C This man used no fertilivers but clover. He id : Choose the slope of turning laden with the furniture of an in- moving of buildings. He has got, the latest It, ve trees Mr. McNeil sa ing and offid6usness more 'prominent. bad a three years rotation. He seeded apparatus. His first moving was for . was lied bylr. Harry -Riley., assisted by ciasses—Win Somirville- (8) a hill if possible—a, sl9pe towards the north- coining citizen. X, C A. nd Thomas Riley, The Cameron, when li —R. 'Willis. (5) They have a very prompt and effectual way down with clover; plowed it down, then a e moved a larae building John McLean Old Business east in preference to a southiarn slope. The —Frank Baines, of Morris, has leased his Im - Vedo
dar posts for saie--W. and G. J2ckson. (5) atoes followed by a crop of 0 about 20 rods and set it on blocks, in half a necrative was led bv Mr. Samuel Thompson, Ce of curing such cases out West. When a crop Of Pot 8 bv, (,lie tion of variety will depend on the I - farm to A. G. Easom for a term of years, in I ed $11c
Tne Lktest--R. Hax beat, and -then clover again io- be plowed as day. This is pretty quick work.—Mrs. assisted by-Jaines McLean and James Me- w cali But for ihis locality the Duchess, the hope of regaining his health, which It 1.1m. i
rrian pokes his nose so far into other people's c own ty. o received a severe -(,Ireor, all of whom were amateurs. ThLs Lunch—lt- llaxby I Mr. Rannie's own experience cor-
0vsters—K. Hs-KhY. (8) the Yellow Transparent and the -Colbert for been poor of late. He and his good lady Haliday, df Sarnia, -wb ion & MaInnis. (8) affairs as Mr. Hopk-iiiq has. done, it- is, in a roborated this. He used a four years' rota- fracture of the hip through the upset of f r. was their first attempt in the deba.ting L'-ather Goods--itichard. early apples and.the Northern Spy, the Pee- will continue to reside on the farm. s entered action against the fidld but they nevertheless, one and ull, tited QutlndbYW If- wit"s- frank and friendly inanner-shot off. tion. Two years clover, then roots, corn or MeGill's rig, ha Lhr wauki, the Wealthy, the Badwin, the —James Thynne, of the 3rd line of Mor- m& a Al id y excel i-en ttlebatilngabi lity. Tbe(Te- "Ora, Nevar Since Adan, w-ta here—Jackdon & Greig. (1 pea . s, followed by crop of grain. He cuts council for $10,000 da ge . rs Hall il showed Alex. -
'i Golden Russet for Wte apples are excellent ris, and Miss Annie Clark, of -the 5th line to the A Now systera—If. the first crop of clover early, for ]lay, and varieties. The Ben Davis was another va- were united in marriage at Belgrave,by Rev. wiU, no doubt, try to prove a defeet in the cision, which it wasagreed to refer 4SJ10rtl
in a couple of months the second crop will 'as given ty a smal.majori-ty int
Mr. Tucker, the Patron member f r Weit 'believed t h J. H. Dyke, on New Year's day. May' their road.—Air. S. Dinsdale has purchased it audience, v by be as long as the plow will tirrn under. In riety, and he very fine young bull from a gentleman iil favorof the negative, The balance of the Wellington, was,' on Tuesday, unseaed . it than in any other. The fruit future be happy and prosperous. iey in this -way he gets a crop every year. By mOl ton, son of G. Joli —Mr. R. AlcDougall has return ramnie was then rendered and tb'pro- litfrou was not the best, but it look Bit,
-4 inston, of Parkhill. kbeelection courts. Amongst other things ed well and the —James Johns
county of Essex, where lie was at- gings brought, to a close by. all joining this method it is only a matter of a very trees began to bear early. Eaten out of McKinley, Minnesota, formerly of Morris froln't I tor, much. treating was the cause of his over few years until any ordinary farm is in good a tendingue marriage of his cousi.—Mr. R. in sining God save the Queen.—We under- season they Were not good, but* in anuary had his foot frozen in the lumber c mp, oil t1hrow. TheJuilges decided that his prac- shape. Sonie years ago he purchased, a cember 27th, and is likely to be lid up Lov<,s little, boy of two.years of age, stand that a committee - from ths society EAORTIE1, FRIDAY, Jan. 18th, 18(J' ' they made good eating. - Don'tbuya cheap De ticer. in this way were entirely out of the farm in the township oi Markbain It was a hand sleig tree, and don't buy of iftesponsible agents. the most of the winter. h the other day., and broke has arritged with the Hensal Literary So-. 'completely run out and over-r0n w"ith 'Res i Fiebru
ordinary, and were done for purely election I it Buy from a reputable nurseryman. The —Robert Work, of Dakota, is enjoy a his arm. This makes matters. worse, as ciety to debate the questi n 11 ol re( -'t histles and other'weeds. In three year 'ng Mr. Love had the misfortune to get his thaE Annexation, to the United 'States wmild Reform keeting. t orchard should be well drained. Plant in holiday visit with relatives and friends in I 'A -held t
purposes. was awarded the g6ld medal in the com- leg broken a couple of weeks ag lic -
A meeting of the Reformes of South the sprin Don't cultivate too many va- Grey. He has been in the West for a num- o.—N r. be more betieficial to Canada than Ind-epe I ad petition for,the Agricultural and Arts Asso- rieties. 1i you have only a few barrels of a ber of years and has been prospering there. W. Simons, while engaged chopping wood ence." Due notice of the time and place to, There
H-u,ron,as constitued for Dom -i on pur iation's prize. in fact the commencement Orr, who recently ex- in Ar-. R. Bell's bush. the other (lay, cut a be held will be givv n in a.future isalie die stitute. G —Mr. Alexander -South Huron Farmers' In number of varieties nobody will come after ccefteld on Friday, of his successful farmin was wlien'he began terrible gash in his foot, cutting the second li.,'xposiToR. poses, -will be held'ait Bru them. Don't plant the 'same varieties in changed his Gorrie' hotel property for a draw,
ob- As we stated lat week, meetings under f The to down clover. n addition to being
25th, at I o'clock P. in. solid blocks, for many of the trees are not similar estate! in Fordwich, receiving $2,000 and third toes completely off, and almost - —Mnnml— plow th first a;nd fourth oges.—Afr. Exeter. say 01
tion of officer s the auspices of the South Huron Farmers ' n excellent fertilizer it is a complete bal self fertilizing. "I bplieve," said Mr. Me- in cash to boot, has rented the latter for a severiul e vash I
ject of the meetin is the elee institute, were held at Brucefield on Tues-- aced 1 ration. He always mixes a little er Smith is again under the weath- THE AaRicui.TVRAL SOCIETY.—The alit-aud and at Exeter on' Neil that you can make more money out t,6.rm-of five years, and returned to take tip the A
fot the current year, organization for the day, -the followitur Wednes alsiie er, he having had a slight attack of iuflam- ieeting of the members of the Stephen an(I with his red clover, also a little per- itit less work than from any his residence in Wingham. of an orchard w gild I
of (lay., As the sam e subjects,were taken up -grass. mation.—A very successful prayer meeting Usborne, Branch Agricultural Society WILS - election and the transaction ennial rye, as it, makes a better after Cultivate the orchard al- —Early n Sabbath. mornin4, 6th inst., er source. was held at Mr. P. CameroWs residence on held - in this village on Thursday of last tel
at both ineetigs, and th e. remarks on them CUTTING, AND CURINC CLOVER. oth loys p t business. We hope to see C, We shall make the ways, but raise no straw crops. Trees Charles, youngest son of John Skelton, 8th elthcr pretty much the same, Thursday evening of last week.—W- hat is week. -- The following offiers and A- ectors -111 epreselited, as t ii 8 'Che first sub_ The- proper time to cut clover is just should not be less than forty feet apart. line of Morris, passed &way aer a brief oint 11 stit
ty well r the matter, w were ap year, every muRid one report suffice for, both. -day ; - ith our Sunday School Social ed for the, nWEEDS AXD ROOTS. illness, at the early age of 26 ears. De when t is in full bloom. Cut it to 31100,11.
ieeting —Wedding bells e aprobability, the last n ject C ken up was the arigettingready to rin, Samuel Saders, Stephen, President ; Donal(,it Will be, in to -morrow, about ten o'clock put on the hay Mr. Rennie took tip the subject of clean- ceased had never been in very ro ust hea.1th, .1sons 4
t Will be held it, the Riding tSES OF C-0-NORETE. in our midst. Mellines, Usborne, Vice -President A. of tile kind tha tedder and shake up he. suatlis; then put ing the farm. The following are some facts but hemorrhage set in speedily followed by M!,
A Socli EvE-.%-iN(;.—Stan1,e-y Sun Grangre Dyer, 14',xeter, Secretary -Treasurer. Diree- Mr. Usher, of Thorold, said the building, which on the horse rae and get it all put in little before the great stracrTle commences, of structures is a difficult thing to tak and suggestions : The root of a thistle cut death. 1ast t
cooks at once. Put it up green,, make it in held their annual social,in the house of -Mr. tors—Edward Christie, W. Hawksha v, A. the great Lib- itbout. off some distance below the ground will not —The market scales in Brussels were I .-hall i
is-liely to, result in placing If he were at the farins of any of on R Ilins and A, Q. Bobier, Exeter - .3 the cocks and not spread out. When draw- John Gilmore, 2nd conciessi of Stanley, on o grow. The old idea was to plough deep so blocked for, a few minutes on Tuesday er at Ottawa. those present and ready t6 go . to work, he eral Party of Canada in pow i n*g in turn the cock upside down so tha as to get t1hem out of the ground. - That'was mornin5 golf last week. Hay and other re- Monday evening last. The night was cold Delbrige and James Ballantyne iYZ i!ne could do better. This subject niust be of t liott and H. E-flb any moisture that inay - have accumulated a 0 y simply , t ansplanting them. TO treat fuse h in and frozen to the iron work. and stormy, but this did not prevent at large W. El er, Stephen; Heur interest to farm ers, as without good build- gathering of people of all ages, from tile Smth, on the bottom will dry off. Never spread Hay. Auditors—S. Hogarth, Steph- -toothed cultivator- that The hindrance was removed, We scales BR
North MicIdlesex. ings farming operations can not be made thistles tl e a shear out the cocks. If not wet by dew or rain it patriarchal sire to the ubiquitous young- en; M. Eacrett, Exeter. The total receipts will cut the tops off near the ground. oiled and everything setright. Sllln"
ful. Lumber is now getting scarce under. Tb f the Society for the year amounted to We notice that it the Reforni Conventlon success will not mould or beat if put in green. Pnt ster of six years so e evening o gttit
atz and dear, and anything that will save it, or Without the top tile root has no means of —Al r. W m. Dougall, of the 2nd concession )at pleasa#t one and appeared to be $1,405, of which -amount * 348 was received held last week at Ila Mr.. V. R plenty of salt on it when it is being put in ment from the atmosphere. of Hay, bad his aide injured and was other- was a in( rk Hill 3 obtaining nutri ' .ohoot
canbeusedasasubstitutein the construe- bly enjoyed by all - indeed, it could from memershi, fees. The dibursemnts the mow, as that -Makes te anfinals-relish thorog s selected as th ; Re- It will probably send up a couple of shoots, wise shaken up on Saturday by a bull. He p Hear
wa -in buildings, should re- sea ' a,% i - the very. Reeve of Stephen, tion of necessary far would sow from 12 to 1-5 -crossing the yard when the bull ran -it 'Teely be .,otherwisel for he taste of every- amounted to $1,331, thus It -in it better. He I be weak . Cut them off with wa*. yeaf
but they wil a candidate for North, Middlesex at t1le ceive attenion from farmers. In England, 0 r 1.111 poundsoof grass seek! to the acre. Div &in. The next shoots will him and assisted him over, or through the one seemed to be provided for. There -was respectable b lace of $7 1 te treas ide it such ille cultivator ag -Vas ns- We have and even in Canada, canals, loc ig to the land, say about eight a lengthy musical and literary programme, The number Of entries at the fall
fothcomiftw Dominion electio, up accordii Ile weaker still, and when these are cut off fence, with the result cited above. hlike public works a!)e being t -syliether Or not Mr. Ratz, has built of con- pounds of red clover; three of alsike; three which was discussed in a large room packed amounted to 1,42 , livide fol o lia learned the root will probably die. By the use of -L-Mrs. C. Hamner, a former resident f as I Avs cret., and in sever f sections of this Prov- Horses, 156 ; cattl , 73 He Af r. Rennie Clinton, (lied in Toronto, on the 7th inst., in With ladies and gentlemen, young and. old, 13 e sheep, 77; swine, Shoud he do so, ince it is beina extensi rely used in thelcon- 'of timothy, and, if desired, a little rye. the shear -toothed - cultivator i en
ent walls arns, never yet had a miss of clover. If sowing had entirely cleared a farm of thistles that her 76th year. She was the mother of Mr. and which was presided over by Mr. John 44 ; poultry, 190; dairy produce, 12; grains and 'in uction of in Ketchen as chairman,wbile in another room, and seeds, 30; roots and hoed-cros, 154 be will a. goo(l candiate, and i Ox- str basem for bank Ill with grain, put grass seeder on the front of had threaened- to drive him f rom it. The Joseph Hamner, who at one time resided d he be elected. s ilos, pig pens, hen houses, troughs, etc., as cosy fire in an old - celletit representative shoul the drill, and not behin. When.placed usully Clinton. The remains were interred in in front of a blazing and orchard and garden produce, 221 ; imple- I d ell its for stable and byre floors. W,6arl y behind, th rass s I eed go s in the d third application of the cultivator is or wild fashioned fire -place, those who delighted to ments and matmfuetures,, 66 ; Aine- arts,*2 He will poll, a larger vote in tep en at. 1 a11 the large bridges -on the American conti- e L rill with all that is necessary.*. For mustard' Clinton cemetery, on Wednesday, where 1eatu
11 discuss ab $1,166 was the grain ana is smothered out; when i struse gubjects ranging in varibty ladiee work, 3-15. 7t The sum of y other man. that coud be Lny- weed in fact, Mr. Rennie those of a son are, buried. ',xeter than ll. nent are on concrete basements. Skilled oats, or Mess
is likely to be. ti, front it falls on the rows between the drills, from the moral law to Henry Geoge's offered in prizes, and the sum of $913paid- West
J c&imed that his plan of rotation and cul- —Mr. Colin Fraser, from Winnipeg, was
mechanics are not required to construct 0, 6 urou-gelht out- The cante. t and is protected by the growing grain- t. tion -was an infallible remedy. This vis*t* his Single Tax theories, indulged their disputa- The assets of the Soolety amount t $2, -71V mother, Mrs. Fraser, of Stanlo I
iva i in been
three coril-ered one. The Patrons these walls, as some of die best walls he has After sowing in this way, ha -roll". He. I I is propensities and aired theirknow- alld the liabilities to S926. built by farmers themselves, plan was as- tollows: Two years- under He ang is brother, Thomas Fraser, attend- tioi mont
seen have been would as Soon seed down with oats as Wit clover, then roots and hoed cr6ps, or corn, ed last week the funeral of a nephew in ledge ; while in an adjoining rooni tile more James A. Dempsey. -who lia.q norninated, a candidate, there is no 'Who have followed the instructions of some bea-171
any other er6p, but lie would not.sow' inore d i a oeially inclined engaged in quiet sociail- t4uht school at Eilen for tfie '.past nine vk3 will dol'4 the experienoed pers-on and used ordinary coin- then one grain crop and then seed down,' Petrolia. Miss- Mary Dunbar an Al a S CI !lead
doubt that the than a bushel - an acre. As large. a yield and in an tipper room the younger elen-witt y0ars, left here ou Aondayight last for in, In dealing -with wild oats and n-kus-. Johnson find brother, from Goderich, and ity me ti stmiding this, we mon sense all(!, c 4 0. In the first is full vent to their buoyant spirits by High Bluff, Manitoba, where he has been 13 uL, notwith h ed as -with ag" gave lwill be got with t is amount of se tard eep them sprouting oil the top by i Mr. Harry Lednar, paid a, short visit to Mr. Ratz consent necessary uLt the concrete be properly more, andhe grass will not be smothered and dancing, and all -this was car- eit;aged as'principal of the public school Mle itiormed tliat I shallow cultivation. In order to success- Mr. Thomas Baird, of Stanley, last week. romping . I , mixed. ne sand and loam should be ex- on without one department a Oince of redeem - out. Clover comes up very nemily to oil fully cultivate 'roots the land should be —Mr. Win. Hill, "of Colborne, has re- ried d salary. We wish him success i -n tbe, t,c) rall, lie sands ro;
cluded from the graxel used. One part of cake for nutriment. Rehasquit usingoil with O"molesting the other. Itisno Won- r aiole Province. George Blatchforot vel or thoroughly ihderdrained. In the fall noth- ceived three head of thoroughbred Jersey in- the constitt,tency. cenient to four Or five parts of gra iental Farm. For fat- coarse sad is the proper proportion to cake at the Expe in ing is betteJ than to plough down a crop of I cattle—a cow and calf from Mr. Stiell, of. dr, therefore, that all enjoyed theinselves, r ceived the sad news on. NIonday evening ol, if there were any that did not, it was hist from Toronto that his daughter, Mrs. tenink cattle hey cut clover hay and mix it ultivate and I -boy.
nia,ke the evnerate. The finer the sand the clover as a foundation. Then c dand , bull from W. Rolpb, art Prohibitioii- with lip seed, but for breeding catle the own fault. The programme Su-preme Court on I!, every 0 . cover with nt anure. In the spring use'tbe Markham. Air. Hill has secured his cattle their given in Eldard. Roberts, of that place, -had more acyllent equires to be used, as cloverc"Illay. is ample. '.Meither pigs nor the entert9inment room was lengthy and :-kir, R. H. Collins, barrister, was in Toronto gang -plough. Go over -With horse -hoe and from some of the leading Jersey breeders COUrt on Tuesday l"101111- p, ti I of sand or gravel must be sur- cattle have scarcely tasted grain -for a ear, The principle is : Feed in Canada. The mother of Mr. Hill's bull varied, consisting of vocal and istrumenal the lat t6r part of last week on business in the powers t1te rounded by vement. 4'ravel abont the size cultivate tile roots . ce(l the deci,sion. as 'to' and they look and thrive just -as Tl a s the plants ; and, to do this, cultivate the has a test of .148 lbs. of -butter per week. music; dialogues, recitations, readings and connection with the South Huron rotest. Of an egg, with enough sad or fine gravel es, and was broughtlo a close as the -- There were:no less than six li egard to) piohibiting theliqu(r they ever did. He feeds middlings and soil frebly but lightly. Deep cultivation —Mr. and 1v1rs.1T. Bell, of Wingham, speech Ife- insurance Parr
ith it to. niake it inix, is the best. Mix it kl lcstjon, covering "v itil ref r- I iversary of their w ddin hands of the clock N#ere approaching the agents in town on Tuesday last representing T ScvL the first, until the bran, mixed with boiled roots. With this d6stroys the fibrous feedets. W e ce ebrated the ann In singing raf-h(;. dry and, gravel nd cernent ration the cost is about 1J- cents per day for g we am& hours, by all uniting the different Companies. —The (. hly, were sub- ence to,potatoes don't hill (or drill) up. It On New Year's day, and invited a number of RoYal Teia- U Dep"
Whole gratili-d PrettY are thoronghly incorporated Auld Lang I iments IS each animal. In feeding alone they had cuts off the fibrous feeders and throws off rieuds to their hospitable home in honor of yne." Refresl in plars of Sodom and Exeterco4 f held a, ith. the nswers Other. Then make it into it roulad heap, -111itted. The Were, w naking a hole in the centre for the water saved over $2,000 during the past year., He the rain when it is most needed. Shallow the event. Mrs. Bellwas the recipient of a abundance and of the choicest were served d6bate here on Monday evening last. The "iVen, mentioned this because lie thought it desir- surface cultivaion is what is ri3quired. At, $75 dinner and tea set combined, which was during the evening. It is.a, pity that oc- s'j'bject chosen was -19 Capial Punislimnt." And
and tnix with tbc.back of a shovel, push' ing able that the boys at *the College should casions of this kind are not more frequent, --4A sleigh load of Exeter Royal Templars Fir Prervincial Legis-latti re powe r- the College this year they rased 900 bushels secured at the tar store in Wingham. May the dry material into the water until the - -know the methods of feeding stock economi- ebrate many more anniver-, as they do much,to cement friendships, w6nt to Kippen on Wednesdai 'ght last-- prohbit the sale within the Provirice of whole is thoroughly mixed, and have it off six cres. keep the scaffler going as they live to eel' ni ot ief about - s Wet as molist sugar. caly, as inondy made in t4is way was as often as s necessary to keep. the ground saries. smooth down as&rities, wipe out di'111 care, hoar The Crusaders, a special revf, .al tean, thishe Clit, good as in any other. pulverized. As,to the time - of lanting— —1 f r. make life more pleasant generally. lit luors To 9 To foundation wadig it trench J. L. Scott, V S., of Beaver Dam., ad who are holding meetings there this wee -.k -an
Fournier answered"yes,- CORN AD DERORNIN0. the old rule of getting them in. tefore the Wisconsin, and brother of Messrs. T. W. f the benefit of tb Kippen Royal Tem- ing itbout 22 in-obeit wide nd. deep enough so John:611, au tioneer, is Gwpiae, Sedgewick andlKing the bottom of the wall will -be below the Mr. D. A. Forester, of Clinton, said the Queen's birthday still holds good. In plant- and A. E. Scott, of Blyth, has been ap.- 8rucefield. this trench with great tbing for farmers to consider is how ing, use a double mould plough; make drill, pointed Veterinary Surgeon for the State ing an auction salef farm stock an im- "ry
Al ISSION—s. —O' that the judo, ment.of the court is 110 reach of frost. Fill n Friday evening last -the p ments at Moffatt's hotel Centralia, tv_ year. ande
stones. and witurete. Do not put tilles best to keep tip. the feritility of the soil. drop in 'seed about a foot apart; cover of Wideonsin, at a salary of $3,000 a 1)y to 2. the lucki one out of thirty- Women!s Foreign Missionary Society n, of Constance
then run the Mr. Scott was _v.—.Nlr. James B. Marti A
through the bottoni of the wall. as is some- This -could be done best, lie thonght,throtigh 8bout four or five inches deep, Secoild—Has the 1,egislature such iuris- ow over the land so as to level down Another instance showing its annual meeting, when a report of the viWed friends here this week. A missioil I- es done, as it weakens the foundaion of the manure heap, and manure can only be harr one applicants. ding sut-h portions of the manure the drills and cultivate frequently and alial- bow the services of worthy Cana-dian boys year' 's work was given to the congregation. airy meeting was held in the James street. etliction regar thewalls. Thetileg should be placed'on (,OL by feeding stock. He ot his And,
Canada Temper- 0 ving low, and a good crop is almost invariably ar6 prized in the great American Republic. Dr. Armstrong acted as chairman for the Lh-kirch on Sunday evening last. There were 1rovince ito which the. the outside of the wall so, as t keep the by fattening steers, and lie proposed gi, eT rhe co,,.Irt water away from it. Set upright scantling afewbintsalongthislille. Lat ear he assured. —Mr. J. Hoist has disposed of his farm, ladies. Rev. Mr. Lockhart, formerly of s eral eloqueut speeches given by the local lam)
act is not in oeration Manitoba, gave avery interest- inembers. Black will cither side of the wall, about four feet tried the experiment Of feeding corn, and he near Crediton, better known by the name Alexander, Agns_ Kn.o. nte
answered this question the as the firt. along -Old Homestead," for the incy address on the great subject of ForeiLrn recite in Drews opera hoe to-niglit Fi i- The ide Of the scantling next the found it work d so well that this last of Morlock's ulc be day) under the auspices of the Ladles Ai4l Third --Has the Provincial Legislature must be perfectly straight. Against season if donbled his acreage. He grew News of the Week. sum of five thousand eight hundred dollars, Missons, giving reasons why all sho I 'avau Presbyterian church.—On unday jurisdictior, to prohibit the manufacture of these scantlings place a plank on each side about 20 acres, nd hd an immense crop. BTFy., LOS S -NOW STORM.—A snow storm Mr. Finkbinder being the purchaser. We interested in the work. Air. Jamieson s of L of tile proposed wall. Bet-Areen the plank He did not put it in a silo, but tied it up raged in Buffalo and vicinity for two or think Mr. Finkbinder has a good as well as choir provided excellent music, while the afternoon'last tile spirit of another of our stich liquors within the Provilic.e ? The NER ens passed away to the- great beyond, ill ve a wedge about all in sheaves and put it in tooks in the'field ; three days this week, blocking streets and a cheap farm. Mr. Hoist purposes moving juvenile- choir, under the leadership of s (..ourt was nlianittious in answering this and e,%ch scantling plaL Nevin, gave several selections, wbich ta6 Person of Mr. William utton, Alain, 'between drew itin out of the field,. as lie required it country roads to the.,depth of several feet. into Crediton to live. Mr. Wind has bonght Emina ineh. th ek. Fill in the concrete fti
kbinder's farm. were highly appreciated by the audience. street, who bad been' question ilt the ne(,ative. for use. He cut corn and straw, which, RMPUBLICANS oN-, Top AGAiN.—The Pop- Mr. Fin confined to his bed for these planks ald ram it in well, so it will be xtremely painful accident occurred A -n offering for the beneft of the Society thd Past six monthi. He Was a (I 54 aFourth—lias, the tire jurisdiction solid. hen the wall, all round file build- with a little meal made a ration for his ulist Government of Kansas has passed out —An e ing, I I months and 12 (lays, The c day, which resulted in was taken up at the close of the ineet lie iniporitiLtion of uch ing, is filled to the top of the planks, remove stock. and they seemed to be doing well on of existence, and the Republicans again at taffa the other funeral oto prohibit t Worden losing two of Ills fin,e NOTES.—On Friday evening last the Brnee- place oil Wednesday afternoon la,5t to tb,. nal William the wedges between the planks and the up- it. They relished the corn greatly, and ate take control. ggrs. friends I nto the Pro, -hice unanimously n Al alia It seems 11r, Worden was - crushing in, field Odolfellows gave their all Exeter cemetery. lie leaves a wife anjI Mee
right scantli-tigs, move the planks up until it up dean evry time. The corn frovi DEAD.—His Royal Highness,.Pri'ce it., the nemiUve. Would feed 75 steers until Vajirunhis, Crown, Prince of Si;sm, died at and his hand got into the crusher with, the oyster supper, which was held in r. larp family.—Thre will be. a 8 ating Post,
the bottom of the plank is abofit two inches twenty acres Whitt's hotel, where a pleasant time Was carnival held in the rink on Wednesd,)r result. P'ifth.---If the 1,egislat has not the below the top of the wal and proceed as spring. He bad -never tried ensilage but be Bankok on Friday, January 4. above tire F119
t.—Miss Jennie Mustard is attending evening next. %Jr to prohibit the salesof such before. The walls should be about 14 thought corn used in the way he ilad de- 'A AR.Nf WEATHER -ON THE RkCIFIC COAST. —Astbesunwas setting on theevenin Valentine inches the bottoni and 12 inches at the scribed, as good s if placed in a silo. He —the Fraser valley, in British Columbia, of New Year's day, the spirit of Jennie the Collegiate Institute in Clinton. --N1 essrs'D Khiva, in h befc
Step en township, will be the, liquors, irr"pet,ti'M of quantitie.,;, have thev ter f James McNair, 15th McGregor & Hunter shipped 641) lambs to tandard bearer for the reform party for aay
., top. A wall this thickness Will carry any had dehorned all his steers, and he was i's gain flooded;.very warm weather havfng McNar, (laugh t.1,le power to proldhit the retail sale '! This buildimr, and if properly rn de is stronaer feeding twent of them loose in sheds, and prevailed on the Pacific coast for some days concession of Grey, took its flight. She the Old Country last week, via Portland. North at the next Dominin 0 , tied up past. took ill in Toronto, in which city she had Messrs. John Hunter and Joseph Copp, (if Clectioll.—On Alonday night last about, 7 important question was answered in the and more enduring than any two foot stone if they did as well in this way ar Clintout will take charge of them during in stalls it,would be a decided saving in the STO1011i BRTTAi,-T.—Storm weather- resided for he previous six years, last p- in-, the smoke house in Snell)s p. ork pa( -.k - ordA
ivall. Where stones are convenient and the Chief J uAtice awl ant],,e Fol.jw Our villagers enjoy goo skai" iDg works caught fire, but was soon xtill
plenty, they can Ile laid alon in the centre matter of labor. still prevails in the British Isles. A great August, and for a time was. in the Cleneral the voyage.— I'lier dissenting- t h, An iDteresting discusgion here arose on itumber of fatal shipwrecks are reported, Hospital, but came home on the 15th of ing while the frost lasts. Mr. cCartney guishe(I with. a few Pails,- of water. of e walkeeping thein at least two H -d a god ri al r. John Gdlpin serious damage W ass)
the Locl U. bar. inclics frora either edge.. Where stones ae the use of ensihqg-c and the feeding qualities and intenisely cold weather is reportied from October. r strength gradually f 'led, has openE nk.—M. as din.—Mr. John V. jurisdiction only as tile used they should be well imbedded in the of corn. %1r. Robert Alc. Iillan of Hullett, e- 'd her disease—quick eonsumption—soon has moved on to the farm he rented from Crocker, a former Exeterite, paid this place England. Heavy snow storins and extrem an