HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-11, Page 6_1111-27-17— - I � _ --- - - - - ________ . ___. _ - , ,--. =� �_____ � .----I.---- I - . _ .... � - - , .- __ - � . .
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I . quite in this inanner before, and his heart and -until these faded smay into the I this moment a stranger hove in sight -a tal
VETERINARY. I thriUed in response. it -was only, an addi- pell= of the horizon. As for the sil- young man who was coming along L- With a
- -_ --..---- . -__1 - fine swinging stride, his stick over his
I onx omvg, V. S,, honor graduate of ontarl o .Scott S . tio'nal wonder in this incomparable creature ence, a, cuckoo calling from some distant shoulder as if it were a gun. Anil it speed -
ill Veterinary College. All disemes of Domestic �1� OF that -seeme(l. to consist of - wondQrs-of wood seemed aggressivd1v loud ; when a no
AniniftleL treated. Ganapromptly attended to and L -need to go by o4rbead, as they ily apmared that this stranger was
Smiles that were like stinlight, and glances plo,�er cha . ,
charzes, moderate. Vete nnary Dentistry a specialty that all uuwittin ly s� ruck merciless and , watched its eratic flight - they could detect str&ng�r at all ; it was Sidney Hume, his
ofi s l Goderich street, one door " � L .ie, interesting features slightly
1112tf Emulsion " . . I the slight silken whistle of its wings. handson
*AsT of DrL Scott's, office, Seaforth. M_ dee�. I saiN. cheer- flushed with the brisk exercise and the heat,
L __ namnwnl� L 1-1 NV alking tip and down in the twilight, as I ' I Oh yes, Nan," her father i I -
G* H. G I 13 B, . . the cream of Cod-livef Oi ith the river gradually became deserteij, and' fully, ,-1 it is a %-ety pretty neighborhood ; his eyes modestly trying to conceal the in
'Denth here and there,the golden star of a.gas-lamp and I don't wonder you have grown fond of tense satisfaction given . him by this en- ,
Veterinary Surgeon and ,A, Toronto College of HypbphosphitLes, is fo I .
Veterinary dentists Honor Graduate of Ontario Yet- . glimmered through the green folia-ge, lie it ; and ad far I am glad that the little ex- counter.
,nor member of Ontario Veter' Cough99 1� -well ta,ke out an'(01 read periment I made when I took you awa r . 44 I'm -afraid I ought to apologize," he
erinary Col I ego, iT. in- . . I thought lie might as, dence,
ary Medicalsociety. All diseases of domestic animals I Colfty - - more carefully a letter he had received from the vicarage turned out all right. o said, with some touch of pleasant difli
hkjltv�llv treated. All calls prom� tly attended to " I ; bu u then, you sqe,Nan, " for intrusion on sacred ground-`
dav oi night. Dentistry and 8 . I that afternoon from London. it was Mrs. far it ilid very wel ct
urgery a specialty. Sore Throat, I * h said Mr. Sum-
-Dr. CampbeL'a old c-flice., Hume who was the writer, and she wits in- there are always other possibilities that The public big way !"
- ' 0
*tricia and Dispensary , 1106-52 - Bronchitisy - I .1 I to be faced ; it's the way of the world mers. I
Main stree� meaturth. . . clinedito be angry in her remonstrances. I have, Litting one's eyes ; , "'But I guessed you had come out in this
I ___ I Week Lungs. - Lady Helen -dearest Helen, ratber-bad and there is no use shi 0 ii - . '
� ConsLamption, more than once expregsed surprise ov6r his Cro 0 urst was very well for it time-" direction, and I fancied I might catch YOU
- . ' " A addenly stopped ; an(f she had grown up somewhere," the young man proceeded.
LEGAL ,Loss of Flesh, . absence ; and no Wonder. Were there not Sh - I " I wanted to tell you that I have made all
I - books enough in the British Museum, or at very pale. � 49 the inquiries about Wantage ilrid Uffington,
HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer sud Emaciation, the London Library ? The season was in -'Dodo," she said, are von going to .
otary Elublic. soucitor for the Dominion . send me &-way from -you 2 Are you going to and I have all the arrangements planned, so
Wofrtce�Cardno's block, main Stroet, Seatorth. Weak. Babies, � full swing, a brilliant round of festivities : we could
1255 - eVE, -eak up our be And then that any day you like to name
wyliody, and going bi autiful home ?"
Money to, loan. Crowing Children, everybody meeting 0 n staxt. 'AndIknowMiss Summers will be
. I ever�where. �VhNoshouldhe inimure hini- she went on inpassionate and piteous ac- �
I W MORRISON, Walton, Insurance Poor Mothers' Milk, self in thd coantr�.? ' The 01reeks bad had .cents that he strove in vain to interrupt : interested 'at least I hope so-" . '�,�
AJATATg2t, Commissi6nor for taking affidavits Scrofula, - . :� " Ob I was af raid of it all the � time ! I (To be Continued.)
Muveyauces, &o. Money to loan at the lowadk rates- I . . their day. .
M. MORP.18014, Walton. . . Aneernia; - Well, -this reference to his favorite Stud- kne;� I was not. doing well -and- I knew .
in fact for all conditions call- iPA for it moment recalled to his iiiin,lthe you:-%vould not tell me wba,t was ,%rniss, for I .AM DYEING. I
X BEST,, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &a I lion, lie had left lone-wantl- you were always so kind to me I But if
a northofCon ercial ing for a 'quick an&, effective Diouysiac folk w . .10
J. Mee -Rooms live doo .1 erinct in those hollow centuries that are all iou had. told me, I would have tried to ( -
Itotel, ground Iftoo1r, -next door to C. L. Papet'o 111oul-ishnient S,Iulfor Pamphle!. 1,'REE 0 liing-aai�thincr rather than to
Jew-elry store, Main street, Seaforth. Goderioll a I . . so silent now. But they seemed ren -vote better-anyt 0 � I am dyeing, Edith, dyeing,
ageu�"ameron,. Holt and Cameron. 1215 Scott & Bawne. Bp.l,.eville. Ali Druggists. 60c- & $1 4nd voiceless -shadows that hardly con- be sent away from you-" c'
—.- .---------- . __ — � ed him ; whereas the actual and 'living . She burst into a. frantic fit of sobbing and Tints of crimson, bright and fast ;
1, cern . ' Sbades, too, dark as Pluto's regions,
- I
;& world -around him had sud crying, and
gNARROW PROUDFOOTI Barristers, Solicitors, denly beconie covered her face with her hands.
k* &c., Goderich, Ontario,� J. T. Gmmov, Q. C.; 68 -1 as as And they cannot help but last.
WK. Puouwom- 686 THE HANDSOME HUMES. filled with the Strangest and wildest possi- 1-1 een ed distre ed m, she was - his
- f
1:,..Ib bilities ; and he himself was being racked pdtient,"rather sad eves were full of Pit- Let me tell you bow I do it,
I r .. - Let me whisper in your ear,
AMEILON,, HoLT & HO.-LBIRS Barristen So- . - arid rent by confliCtiDg agitations -a pas- and bewilde ment. For a moment lie stoo( Diamond Dyes is all my secret:
C licitors in Chancery, &c.,Godertch, Ow 361. C. Ry WITJ,TA'NI BLACK. � sionate and unappeasable longing and heart- uncertain, as if lie bairdly dared to interfere
. . . . � You can do the same, my dear.
CAMIMON, Q- a.., rumir How, D,umirr Hoi&gs I - ; forebodings Iniscrivings that ,were then li-e gently tqok ber'fingers in his, an( . .
_ .- - � hunget 0 2 . C� I heii, removed thein from her face- and with his
- 'R VIII. . very vagueness ; t I
CHAPT14, terrible in their Though my clothes get worn and dingay
. � ANINING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors Con pea and masterful handkerchief lie wiped the streaming . �
X veyancers, &c. Solicitors for the%Bslnb 04 alapin bewildering ho And with stains are spotted o'er,
-- - - I
Jolinston,Tisdale & Gale. Moneytoloan OMOO ra lings with fa,te and circumstance out lashes. Though they look as fit for nothing, �
Mott Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H. MAXWNG IN CLANWI*lt LAND. .
781 runnincrall reason and limit ; and tIlPse, " Be reasonable, Nan, be reasonable," be
JAMRS SCOM - . _____ . I I the top of again, I in acronizin recoil, succeeded by a said, arid he put his hand persuasively on I call make*thein good once more.
For they had now reache( 0 Though I bave not many dollars
Gravel Hill, were about to descend into poignant an,-- - , -less sense of the unatt' i I a rid constrained her to-resurne .their
FHOL119STED, successor to tht.',ate firm all - her arm,, To expend on garments nem-, -
. McCaughey & , Holmested, Barrister, So Henley ; and he was distractedly conscious ,able that was at times near ak-in to despair- walk. 'I It is notbingr so very desperate. I can dress aa well as tiny, .
110itor, Conveyancer and Netary. Wicitor icr the that in a few minutes lie would be saying . . I . . Only, certain things must lie faced ; and I -
� Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to land Farms � . cr that if anYthilig And I know that you can, too.
forsale. - Office In Scott's Block, Malt street, good-bye to them, without, any distinct as.- CHAPTER IX. have often been thinking I
Seaforth. .siirance,astotlieirn-ieetiiigaaain. Andso, , I 11 happened to me, as it might.bave happened Let not fashion's Servile minions
I . ' " AIJ-.'L WO�;DFK ASD A WILD DESIRE.- It any -moment, I should like to know that
as it were by accident, but retally with some � - - a , I Scorn the garments thus made o'er ;
wild int,oberent purpose, lie recalled her ,She -was seate(l in the garden : a bogls. lay you were safe and comfortably provided 'Twas no dyees hand that- made them,
"I I M for.
W... OAMERON SMITH fa,ther's exploit of the day before in the Fair I open on her lap ; her face w as in sliaddw, Crowlinrst i's very well ; but you know I have done the same before. I
B A R R I S T E R. Mile, and praised it highly, and made much save' for the soft suffusion of light reflected� you could not live at Ciowhurat all by�your- 1, -w � bo took my last year's dresses,
. ' -
soncitor of Superior Court, Commissiover for . of it, and said how peo0le had always ad- upward from the masses of flowers aglow in' self. Yod could appbal to 11r. Moriis, no '
I . - '
ta,kbig Atftd%vits in the. High Court mired feats of hysical strength and skill ; the sun ; her eyes were. plunged .in 0, Pro doubt ; but lie would probably throw you Washed -and dyed,and pressed and turned.
of JusVico, Conveyancer, 11100- Alade them o'er for this year's wearing-
1� I
Money, o Lend I how the natura, man loved fighting : how found reverie. It -was not a comnion d and your small affairs into Chancery, to get ( owns for which the geart, has yearned.
I :1 you be then,
0117a. at the Commer- - the OteFks had glorified boxing and wrest- with Nan Su'mniers, who -was naturally gay rid of you, and -where woub --' : I �
Can be consulted after office h I ling ow even a king's son bad stepped in- of heart ; nor ha(1 it escaped the ever -watch- Nan ? Or von could wifte to that Miss .
cial Hotel. I I - . Yes, I'm dveing, Editb, dyeing;
HENSALL� - ONTARIO to the ringattliefuneral games of Patro, . f ul observation of her father. On this Oc- Deyncourt, who used to come about the
__ 0 ie along the gat -den - path. in a vicarage-slie seemed a nice 'kind of crea- No, voi-i do not need to go;
- — . klos. To all this she listened with greart casion he can You'vi not hindered me a moment ;
I favor, and : even with some little air of casual kind of way, its if lie were chiefly oc- ture-and if she -would come to be a com- 'Tis not hard to do, --on know.
DENTISTRY. triumph. He could see how pleased she cupied with the peonies, the _Olumbine and pvnion for you and a bouse-keeper-but per- .,
. � . . . lien Now, no more one neeas to wonder
was. 8hegdanoed over to her father as if larkspar, the geranitims,and none --so-prettY, haps that -wouldn*t work eithek. And t How to make their dresses do;
DTt. G. F. BELDEN, L. D. S., Dentist. All kinds .. -%vbite Canterbury -bells
of work done known to Modern Dentistry. to say, " Do you bear that, Dodo')" )But and ; and when lie yon -%vould be at Crowhurst alone-" When with such a little trouble,
Gold, Aluminum and Porcelain Crowns a specialty. the youn a man, in rapid f urtherance of his spoke to her be was ca,ref ul to hide his vagt1e I I I won't have you talk like that, Dodo 1` " Diamond " makes them good as new.
� � '
at all hour@. Office and resi. - of . . . limed ; " I don't care what the let -
Door bell answered own daring schernes, went on to speak anxiety. t4 give , she exch 2) � — -----4" W -
donee overINT-r- Pickard's store, in rooms lately occu. 's- I I
pied ky blechailied' institute. , I the tendency in the popular mind to trail "'N�n," said lie you must really i ter Says- A Queer Drunkard. -
� on-
- form heroic deeds into myths, and lie,iv' that book back to Mr.'Hume. I am afraid - At I must talk like that," lie answered
-" W.TWEDDLE,.Dentist,.Office overRiebardadii dered vhdther ,the ,tusks abown in R6me ,it is too difficult for von. I ba.ve noticed her, gently. 11 I don't suppose I am going South America can furnish a dreadful ex -
V 7. & MelnnW Shoe Store, corner. Main and John to (lie to -morrow or next day ; but a tile ample for a temperance lecture, and yet
StTeets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous ..)Oxide Gas Ad. were really those of the boar killed by Me- once . or twice that when you begin to study , , . anything not.summon a human being. Tlie Hercules
leager. Now it is surely a far cry fron it 3 ou fall hA6 long thinking -fits ; arid f rom ii, roof -a smash-up of a trap -
ministered for the painless extrwti7jof teeth. -116v , 'D
I � knockincrov.er twonavvies ill the Oxfora d that's not like you, Nan ; that's'3not to be might happen ; and then all I should want beetle will do as an object lesson.
0 1
. H., S. ANDERSON, graduate of Royal College ,to the hunting of the wild boar in Calydon ; ,allowed at all. Yon must not lose your to know, while I had any consciousness re- About Six inclies long and strong in pro-
- Ontario, D. D. 8 of To- are rivers in Macedon and Alon- biorli spit -its, you know ; -%,on were always maiiiing, was that, you'"rere left quite safe .portion, it is rightly named. liptead of the
V of Dental Surgernis, but there " � ordinary, nippers, with which beetles - are
ronto University. uttice, Market Block, Mitchell, mouth, and on this occasion the connection -splendid for that ; your e.� es must be kept and sure ; then I shouldn't mind anything
. �,
Ontario. . 1402- Served, for lie proceeded to' remark, in a , la,ughing--not troubled by any book. If else. You see, it is pure selfishness on My armed, this one has an immense pair that
AGNEW Dentist, Clinton, will casual kind of meaner. you are really puzzled about tiny of those part, Nan-" I work up and down like jaws. These h4ye
t I 11 One won -will get Somebody down f rom ' I I Oli yes, pure selfisliness-notliftig . but sharp ridges on the inside like r,isps,
4W. -R. visit Hensall at Hodzena'ffotel Id li�,e to know what kind of wild flowers I . and
every Monday, and at Zurich . t fit
second Thursday in each month I'the b ast it really waii that St. Ceorge slew London ; it would not cost so inuch to get a pure selfislineis!" she repeated, with the that indicates their use. They do no .
2g8 e 0 �
over there in Berkshiee.- tmchor down from London for a week or i,earsspilinging tober eyes again. "You intoeach other but,resenibling tile pliers
;n 13
__ . P ` - so selfish toward me I But of the plumber, a -re made to fit aroprid
'r KINSMAN . . Dentist, L. 0 S.. " Irt B,�vk-51iir�, ? $t, Creorge '!'- she asked, two ; and ti,611 yoll could let �111r. Hume have always been
, tru -f 1-1. geter, Ont. Win be. rat Zuriah . . have his book back." where is that letter? I want to know who something else. The writer does not know
I .. at the Huron Hotel, ONLY on the wi-cli puzzled eyeg, were(! 11@1! I ach she had hastily pj� §Uch tbings into your head.-" ; what these nippen 4
ku_i�.� - 11 Yes," he ans Aralglitway. 1�ow, on his appro V . a I �re nielklit for, but
LAST Tnva"Ay in, each month, and knows ,%Vbat Hercules does with them
R Tiotel, Hensall, on the FrRsT FRtDAY I I Haven't YOU licard of Dracroti Hill, near stut the volume that lav on her knee ; then I I Oli, it is it great compliment, . Nan, ` lier -
at hfurdock'. c- � 6 spree I
in each mouth. Teeth extracted with the least by Uffington, where St. ,6`eorge slew 'the she seemed asbanied of 'that instinctive a fatb6r said, encouragingly. " Every youi!ig He is a natrLral drunkard,going on o �
f %in possible A,ll work first-class at liberal rates. 7 . e Flora again ; and . iian li�as regularly. When lie wants Something
. ravenous beast ' Oh, but ,% ou must certain tion ; she opened th girl likes to know tha,t-s�nie young 1
V1 * � a-
ly drive over there. Well, it might be too when she addressed her father, it was '%-it" b ed strong lie does not seek a bottle nor a a 4:'
. % 0 5-cs-though there Nv I Lis soine touch of een thinking uf her -she likes to be ask , loon, but he clitubs a tree. Finding one
__ ere arid back in one day, but brave e- wbatever her answer may be -an offer of .
far to drive th . - � . . . . . � that produp . itoxicating juice, such as
I you could easilY go by rail to some neighbor- conscious color in her forebead. - marriage is sometbilig to be proud of, nat- -es an h
9 LOAN. ing town, and�ihen Iiire a trap. Wantage " To tell you the truth Dodo " she 'said, urally-ye yes a great conipliment-" outh America, this toper ascends ,
. . I 0 3 I ) I I' ' . unt;,il lie re-Lcbes it branch that his nippers
� y, surely you ought to see 11 I ivas thinking the saine tiling, tbougi for .
OiNEY TO LhAN.-Stnight loans at 6 pe for example -Ni -b " * 0 For a se,ond she bad looked, startled ,
X nent., with the privilege ..be borrowe? of the birthplace of King Alfred ; and then a different reas6n. Mr. Hurne.must have then her f, e wits avert�d ; and she listen. canl grasp - then he seizes hold, holds on,
forgotten. vIiat Nva.. in this book �; I suppose � pinOies tight, and moves around. 'rhe rasp
tepe,ying part of the principal Money at aw time. there is the -reat white horse out on the bill - '% 'I d withou word or sign. 11 cuts the bark, the juice flows, and Hercules
opply to f -L 11OLMESTED, BarrLstel, SeafOrth. side to coint"n'emorate the battle of Ashdown it is some years since lie carried it about e " And if you were inclined to Say ves
��_--�----_ - — , SLIpposing now I were to with him,- aniong the Cumberland and ' drinks Until so full that lie can hold no
� -all close by. . .11. , her father went on, apparently witl� �nuch mere, and until too drunk to hold on. His
NIEDICAL. plan out an excursion, would von let me be Westmoreland hills ; and he appears to ood-bumored confent, :1 it would leave you
. e, for the day ? - have jotted do-wii aDything that cv.,rne into 9 I feet let go, his nippers relax,and he tumbles
.=___.L_ _ . your guld . -- his bead- different phrases of translation . , in safe and excellent guardianship, in case to the ground. There lie lies helplessly
D R. S. S.. M U R RAYj : So this is What he had been occultly dri� , ything happened to me. It is only at ,,
ing at, by nierlais of Eurvalos, and Melea;ger, a.9 if lie were trYina which was the best -, all 0 drunk arid sleeps off his stupor. When so-
Aleffiber British med;c2l ASSOCiatIOD, late coroner L� mh thiles I ttm anxious, and look for -ward -Only bered be goes about his business, but signs
� om,:e-opposice Town Hall arid the bacon Saint ? And for a second of -arid these are from be (.'Treek-s at tinies ; most times you seeniso happy ,and 0
County of Aiddlese'.. Residence -07 Victoria Street suspense� her answer seemed doubtful. It know, for there are references to ' Artemis I no pledges, nor does -lie give indications of
n the Cudy block. - 1400-62 was a bold thin(, for hin, to ask and Jor her arid the broad-bosonied Athene,' and Areth- cheerful, especially when you are busy. in yepentance. Again thirsty, be climbs anotli-
Telephone .No. 80. � n the &i,rden, that one forgeis to be MiXious I
— to grant, Seeing how short-lived had- 'been. usa that was changed into the fountain. P er treeand gets drunk wice more. Thus
R. (;A1dPl1ELL,. Honor Graduate of M i I Fa- 0 and concerne(l, and one is apt to think that '. life is spent in business, drinks, drunks
f, -- i i ,_ their knowledcre of each other. But then Then there are pencilings of flowers on the �-tbinfr must go on happily for ever and DIS
Dculty tit 'rorouto Universiv, Physi an, SU 0 I ever 0
calls-- his praise of her father's strength arid skill, inargins, and bits of mountain or lake scen- - - . arid sobering, -it natural and persistent
� geon, etc. 011ice-Zellerlts Blook; nigh 1387 . .on the lialf -pages ;.I shoul(l say that the ever. But it woii�t, you kuow, Nan; I it drunkard.
Grob a Hotel, Dirich, On.'. had left her in a gratef ul in o0d ; and if the ery can't?; and here conies this letter to reini id
. . r� & .--.- -_
__ . . ___ - __ , luest was audafulous, the manner of inak- book had been a constant companion ,me that I should provide von with some
T-,kR. ARMS,TRONC;, M. B., Toronto, M. D. 0. 14.1 �a( . The Ladies First.
incy it Ai; as modest enou gh ; and perhaps, she of his boyish or youthful ramblings ; and it
. n -safe guardianship in the f iiture. And you
_U Victoria, 11. C. P. S., Ontario, successorto Dr. c' at no str A class of boys in a boarding school were
ed by Dr. Eliott, Bruce- 1,11ayliaN,-p thought as for a moment she re- is almost like a' Zliary, tb,
Elliott Oftioe latQIY OCNIP! � I5 I -anger "as needn't be alarined ; it isn't an absolute of -
I ,ht to look into." - being examined in Scripture. " 'V17hat can
flu d, 3ntario ,� garded his supplicating eves, a refusal the rigo And yet she kept
w . .. fer of marriage, frightening von by it.s and ' I -
. ' So she turning, over the lcitv,cs, ill a wi -\loses *1" asked the in -
I might 1),,ppeax a. little hard-hearted. % stful man- ' . on to you tell me about I
. denness; oli, no ; ft is only , permissi .
It ,Acr&VISH, Physician, Surgeon,&e Office turned to her father. ner. She Stopped at it page. 'LThat is the ' Spector ; " what sort of a. man was be t"
southwest of DiXOn'S Hotel, Bra'oefield. pay addresses' lie asks for; all fair anrl .1 1.
1 1323 av, Dodo ?" water -lobelin," she said, with an , I I Please, Sir be wits a gentleman, p iped
D - ' I I What do you s, interest
Night0.r.tJr,1,t:.rt the office. rows square and above board. Perhaps a little )
I- � ____._ 3' C) forth a pale -faced, bright eyed lad of eleven
. � 11 Well, would ou like it, Nan�" lie she could not quite conceal, " thii,t- cr E -tiff arid set -tip; but Dick is always like
made answer, with his invariable deference up from the bottom of lakes ; don*t you thereabout. " Otentleman !" repeated
DR.'-',. SGOTT , . � tba.t on great occasions -he delights'in pro- Or
OFFICE, Godench Street, opposite Methodist to ber own inclination. 1, Just -what you think it is a clever piece of drawing, Dodo ? posing toasts after dinner-" the inspector, with a look of surprise;
RESID&'�iCE, next Agricultura) '1FOald like, von know. You deserve a holi- And the outline along the top -I suppose ,'breathlessly. 11 what do you mean?"
. � Tlight n
� day from-, your house -keep u inean-,
Church, Seal0rth. ust be a " Dick I!` she repeated . "Do The little boy replied: "Please, sir,whe
Grouilds. ing. And it i that is the mountain ransre ; it m 1. .
j. G. tjCOTZ 9 D. 0. M., (Ann Arbor and Via. make a little break. You must not let, precious volum6 to him, to have so niany yo,, Dick Errid,re," her fatber proceeded the daughters of Jethro went to the well to
Cr.whurab be--ome monotonous ; that would memories. . Oh, here is another one I hap- " " 01; draw w�ter, the shepherds came and drove
- ng her constern
toriaJ N1, 6,L, . S. O M. C. never (to." - : pened on -a sketch of High Force in Tees- witlicnit, notici ation. t
XAvKAY N1. D. 0. ji., (Trinity,.) F. T. ves, lie is a good enough fellow, though lie them awi%cy, and Aloses helped the daugli.
C. � 0 0
Then she turned again to Sidney. da,16 ; and lie has -underlined the I'very - ters of Jethro, and said to the shepherds :
M. C. P. S. 0. ___ - ___ i re it would not be taking up rare " of the plant he found there ; TIO has his little peculiarities. I suppose Dick Ladies first, please, gentlemen."
__ ' Are you an .0 thought it rather fine to write to me for " . .
E. 0OUPER, X D_ it. B., L. F. P. and S., too much of ),our thile ?" doubt lie was proud enough. 11 Polygara, , - —
It glaggow, &e., Physician, Surgeon and An 11 Oh ! Is . iiall�be delighted," be exclaim- ulig-11108a ; very rare, margins of rills, High permission to pay his addresses ' to you ; -A fariner named Donald- Matheson, liv-
couchor, Coustance, Ont. 1122 ed, joyfully. " And I will make all the Force land Cronkley Fell, Teesdale, altitude but perhaps it is the proper thing ; I'm
__ ___ , ____ . . sure I don't know. And there is one good ing in Nissouri, about nine miles north of
R-ETHUNZ, M. D., Follow of tht BOYS) ne'cessary inquiries, and will find out iwbat 1,800 feet.' It loi;ks as if lie must have point about Dick ; he has no prejudices Ingersoll, was accidentally killed Thursday
A!'&lwo of Physicians and Surgeom, Kingdon. I -will -�,Olne been rather solitary - in his wanderings ; afternoon, December 927tb. While engaged
9 . the best plan ,will be. Then , his people
Successor to Dr. Mael-id. Offlot lately occupied out to Crowliurst, and you can fix whatever doesn't it, Dodo'! --perhaps they were va- such as some might have ; and - - - on the roof of an old locr buildincr tearing it
by Dr. Mackid, Kair. Streot Sealorth. Residence - would be friendly towards you -indeed, I ft
; occupied day you rimythink will suit.` cation weeks --reading tour, down, he tripped over Tiackward and fell to
-Corner of Victoria Square ill house lately. � I am certain they would be very proud of .
by, L. E. Dancoy. 1127 1 1 It is so very kind of you," she said , and and if he was interested in rare plants, lie the ground� it distance of ten feet, alighting
you -if you -were inclined to listen to 0
1 the speedwell eyes, grown brave for a see- would goaway by himself. But I don't . on his head and shoulders. Although ter-
' . .n hini-" �
DR. F. J. BURR ond, she conveyed to"him her tbanks, and feet as if it were quite right foi- me to look.
ows, l 0 She seemed to hear no.niore of Dick 14' ,r. .ribly hurt he,managed to walk to his home I
- Late resident Physician arid Surgeon, Toronto Gen Perhaps Something more, no -w that she was You learn . too 11111cli-abdut what lie was ridge. She walked on as one in a drealil. a mile away, where lie succumbed to his in -
oral Hoapital. ,Honor graduate Trinity Univerbity, about to bid him fa,rewell. - For they bad thinking, %N -ben lie was a�one. And perlihps She looked neither to the right nor to the juries the same evening.
member Of tha -;College of Vbysicians and. Surgeons came to the corner of Bell Street, and there he doesn't remember. ' If be (lid remember, - - - " __ __ - wp�
. 13_ left. She sa.Nv nothing of the red -tiled farm
of or.tario A0'*OFFiuE-Same as former occupied 0
Was no longer any excuse for his lingering in be would hardly give the book to me ; houses nestling anioncy the thick foliaged
V37 Dr. Salith, opposite Public School, seaforth. their society. . - . 0 would lie, Dodo 11 Ob, there is such a ' "
L' 'D
. trees arid bushes ; she saw nothing 4 the
no tragic parting, no hope- beautiful description of Helen of Troy -I Z� I
But this was , I -
I have roveb pic-aalire In introducing Dr. Burrows sinall banilet of Bixcribwen, which is no,w
to all lily former patienLtS as A physician, in every less and irreVOC[Lble good-bye. Even as lie don't know wbere it comes from�but fancy c' , 9
" ' shortened into 13ix ; nor of the turn ke,
-way wartby of their utillost confidence. - . n1utely pressed her hand,, and had his last a lad away for a holiday, and lying among )�i
. 'R. W. BRUCE: SMITH. glimpse of 4q,'Llown-cast fnte,, rose -tinted, the heather on a bill -side, pericilling out a nor of the little ost offl - ce with its o dly a
13b6 - cut box trees. . Xnd when her father sug -
Telephone -No. 46. 1 0
- _ - - — , radiant, li��Rful, lie knew that there were translation fOr Iiis amuseirient ; that's not gested that tbeY had come far enough arid
to be more of those clear shinino, June- the way of nio'st vontlis. Perhaps lie wits
AUCTIONEERS. 0 . should now retr�kce their steps, she -turned,
mornings, in a wonderland of flowers arid thinking of. i publishing something ; . and
: 0 and walked mechanically by his side. He
EORGE TAYLO!R, Licensed Auctioneer for the scents and sunlit coloes, with the young these were merely trial., of different phrases. was still talking of Dick 14,'rrid.ge, inaking Your husband will notice a great
GCouut�y of Huron. Salefj promptly attended queen of all these beautiful things, herself .Only lid nqed not have put some of the ?_ t' .
to in all parts of the County. Satisfaction guaran- . little apologies for him, in a pathetic sort of improvement in your cooking,
tood. - 9harges moderate. GEO. TAYLOR, Kippen more beautiful than ,uiy of them, no longer memoranda in Creelc char-acters -, that's not way, and telling her ,what a good chap Dick w1ten �
� 135741 f possessed of any dread of him, but bland, playinfr fair ; �hat�s hiding. -Anil there*s
r� . 0, I 0,),Tlpjz�j�v In lvm, after all. I .
I __.- __ .,pt, with kindrie�s arid gratitude in sucli a clever dra-whirr of a terrier, barking, But when they were come once more into
in NO L E 14 E
JP. BRINE,, Licensed Auntl6neer for tht Coun her hicent eyom, .. . with its fore -paws ti rust out ; he must have that solitary high -way, it appeared to dawn ..._. -
. ty of Huror. Sales attended In &'I parts of Nevertheless, on Ibis afternoon and even- seen it -it must bea, sketclifrom life -some- 1=1 YOU USe (2
the County. Ali CrJGrB left sk THi Evearrox illc,, licing left all Lto himself ,%rid I -is own where iiea,r the en(l it is-" I Oil her that she -was expected to answer a �
Office will be promptly attended to. . . 0 0 question. There was silence-an(l her Your house will not be filled with
forecasts and iniaginings, lie fell into a But her father interposed. " You bave
- _____ o [ disicuiet�d and restless studied eiiouuli for one mornint, -Nan " lie father was regarding her anxiously. Where- the odor of hot lard, when
- curiously morbid an(I 1_> . 01 I 0 �_ .
WN1. M'CLOYo mood. His mind was tilled with va,gue ap- said inhis gentle -way. " Put aside the uponshe said. in a very low voice, " Dodo, .
, ` " ' would it please you-, would it set your of"r
, .11 -onie for a Ii .
Auctioneer for the Counties of Iluron and Perth., prelierisians, formless ,and Unreasonable book. .1 -,%, nt you to (. ttle walk
� mind at rest-Avould it make you any hap- YOU USeJC�OLENE
and Agent at flensall for the Massey-flarris Mann- things Nvith me ; there is a letter that concerns
g Shapeless phantoms that seemed to .
any. Sales promptly attended to, -a s von, arid I haven*t, told you about it until I . 0
� . tiirwtt�n him out of the future. There Ni pie, if what von are thinkin(y of were to
chsages moderate and satisfaction �,varanteed. ' come true ?" . . Your doctor will lose some of his
ordera by niaJ addreizied to Hensall Post Office, or no rejoicing in that lie had so far esta.blislictl could c(insider a bit. No, no," lie added, For a moment lie did not answer her ;
left at his residenci.,, Lot 2. Concemion 11, Tuvk- a certain relationship -with this beautiful instantly. seeing that there was some look 't Dyspepsia cases, wke),z
- t,s its if he were tryiiig to swallow. some-
orsmith, will receive prompt attention. -1296-tt friell(l; 116 lolii,e(l for more : lie longed for of alarin in her &LUC. " It is nothing Seri- wi r)
- .- __ - __ 0 0 is. It . tiling. Then lie laughed --rather constrain -
some assurance of ,that relationship -, lie ous-nothing very scrioils, that is edl 0 . C_ Yo U US e .Cq'-r-rO L E N E
. . -ii 4-o tell yon the truth, Nan," lie said,
� longed to be near her, to knoNi' that she had merely a matter for your o -,N judgment ;
1111" 1:111 : I r, .. . �iii(l dis -
a,IrLa (rotton. - BA- this tinie and you have s
- - - -"11,-11!�i��ll,�:''Il'':!I,�,l�!i�l�lt,mw�� not , dv quite for-, I uch wonderful tact i -
- I .
— � I " Pin afrai(i I mightn't quite like the ide:t
- -k at Crowlitirst ; arid it cretion ; ,-on hit such line reasons. - So we 1-1 Your children can safely cat the
IMZ& OW4 13 she would be ba( J of Your gettinge inarried and going away
"', Ila . WIW� 'With a dull inexplicable pain that. lie ,%vill go for- a little stroll, Bix wa.)-, and . ( same food as yourself, wlien
Rthought of the distance that lay between there -will be no one to interrupt or' over- frm�l me. But, as I tell von, aui-h things have .
.0 LAA � Iiiiii and her, and of the po�sibilit . v of her hear." to be faced ; it's the -way of the -world. Anil ' �
' . -
- then it is a long distance. ahead; there "M
-eii to this - -tt in --If it was solit ude an(I sifence they desired, I YOU USe f0 OLENE
0 SITONAIAC attention being -i\ or .tha I would be ,-ill the engagement time for us to __ :
' '
' which lie had no concern. If she had for- -they ,,Ot it (lirccLlv-; for they had left the c' i
. become familiar with the prospect. I
� trotten, he had not : -with the -most extraor- house but a few iilinute� when they entered Your money will be saved, and
I- , . .
. dinary vividnesq lie voultl reca.11 every fea- Upon a long stretch of Secluded hioghwa mightn't even like the idea of Your getting
Y) nit then I shotilil kriow it would your cooking prais6d, when
, strip of coninion I
EBITTERS .. ture and incident of that cneliantedniorri� bounded on ench si(le I)v a enlrac,ed -; I . �
11 11
in', -walk-the I . 0 lie so much better for you inthe future -to
CURES .. joyous st�oll through Oie and by tall, wide -straggling hedires which leave you in safe keeping "
bE'_'vh Nvood, the biack eloud c,atherim-, in ,were all bestarre(I ,%vith - 'rOLENE,
T the more familiar " And it Nvould make you happier in your You use CC�L ft
. 9, ATMT .
CONSTIPA I _tl ,wild flowers that Nan had got to know -
10141 the blue alid -whitc, their lialt" tinder ie - mind, Dodo *?-it would put awa all your Famous cooks, prominent phy-
eim, ber moving the blades of grasswith her stitchwort, speedwell, -Ni-bite dead -nettle, y .
BILIO. 0 0 anxiety about me '!" she said, Slowly. . . -
USNESS, "111,111 out peeping foot, lier shado-wed fat -e yellow dead -nettle, cranesbill, self -heal, for- " But my answering this letter does not sicians and thousandsqof every
I . , alld exquisite priifile. And quite clearly- get-nie.uot, and the like. ludeed, it was a
� ,
I . I pledge you toanything, Nian, lie pointed dorse it
SOUR STOMA^H - ill this river -side silence that was only br'ok- favorite resort of hers.for it was entirely . ID -
J-W%O x -while I lie views from it were out -%vith-sdme eagerness (for lie perceived Will you give it a trial?
,� L, and ( . .
- ' n by the clink , -lank of soine belatki. unfrequented ; that she had been onIv half listening).
DYSPEPSIA, AND boat-, orbv the distant lau"liter (if some Spacious tind varied--liplying fields of young Sold in 3 and 5 pound palls, by all grocers
. . I - � . " Don't' rstand '!' You have said
� girls going hunie.-he eould revall the magi- ,wheat trenililing a ,,ilver -,ray in tile lig you unde
- �, C, C, r"t nothing ; you need no" say anythiog. I ' Made only by
BAD BLOOD. (,*Ill solill(l of lit,v voice, Avith certain pecul- stirrimr of the wind ; n1c,01(10-,v-,, ,golden -with I ' I
'� i
" am inerely giving him periiiission to come
It Puri -nos and �;tre,ngthens the iwities that liml for hini an irresistible fas- b,tittercups, dippin ... down into the hollows . Z>
. b to the'liouse-after lie has made a' certain _11�
_. � vinaLloil. For evtkiiipl(�, she sliglitly lengt.li- i�liere the red and white cattle stood bask- v I I The N. K. Fairbank
— —
t TNEY L LOAN. - `
ed ca
W- 4en
' 14SH
entim EAyst�em. " , e,planationj fairly and openly -
I viit-d tile diplitholig, in -li words a- to-wii, iucr out- in the heat, or a lazier horse sou,,..Ilt .. .
_ C, -1 91 turned out the Ni av von
,/.sm I But if it all Company,
64 DOSES FOR 50 CENTS, nim-, out. abound, al 1`1 thiS Av.as to him like the shadow -of a frieAdlv elin ; the farthcr . . � �
I . - spoke of -that NvOuld please i 011, Dodo 'I" ER - XVcI11,zigtojk and Aian. Sig.,,,
'. Ile Ila -eaving lines of . r
11111-1.. . d 11L. '7 r heard aiiN one speak heights showing iiitei,N% copse she said, in the.gamic, low voice. r
The brst Medicine ever discovered. N v
� SOLD EVE1t-V1tJ-1j[lLHL�. . Children ,Cry for Piteherls'Castoria. He could not very ,well answer her, for at 0 XONTREAU.
. . . .
� . - -1
Rob 1
it's no because
I'm Scotch but
smoke a b'etter
Cicyar t1lan
- I
11 --- - . _�_ - -1
lxwmw ?" �_
� - --of
. V, PT , I —_ I
They cost 51 1 -A. , )
INN I in order to cl-esr out my present -
but I get sax . room for Spring goods I
stock to makO . Z5 -1 . 1�
of thein for a - — I soon to arrive, I have decid-ed to sell I �. 'I
quarter. CZ � at prices that ivil-I Rstonish every buy- . -1 �
'k, bought a �
4 er. The Kelly stoe '0 t half * I liq
XMpIRE TORACC �O CO-, M01MTREAL- — price, enables me to do this. Note - -
, some of th,e prices: I
. I
- .
.) �
WHEN THE Children's Shoes from 2 C Up- 75 '�
. NVOinen's Button and Lace from s156 up. .
. . : -F�, .;Zl 11p. .;
en I _�
SNOW UU1VIr—%`1> m sL&ce "n" ""*""" �
. I and Horses and A few pairs Of Me`!S at 50c' ' ��
. 4
� ;
Cattle are taken Headquarters for Felt GOods. _. I
. 4
o ff grass t h e y The best Rubbersand Overshoes. - �,
should li a v e a . 11
. Z5 :
The cheapestand best leather oods. �
I I tonie until they r
. ,<( 4*/' 1 See my Lone, Boots.
. . I / get accustomed 0 _.
. L to the change o- I
� I �_, - feed, or they will ,9ale going on every day at the cheap I
I lose flesh a -ad store. .
condition very . �_ I
quickly. T. V. RUTLEDGE,
To t.a.;Ject this, wXY keep so an inal poor all winter D
wd it may die in the spring� I Main Street, Seaforth. .
DICWS BLOOD pURIFIRit will be found the very IM -13
. I
� - e)
� �
ti ,
- A
. ff
- �
1 t)
A .
. e(
best condition Powder to use, its action is quic c *"
and t-ure and satisfactory results are guaranteed- . Cox I �
n%hi tonin for Horses and Cattle, if properly utzed . I ..� . -
will add 60 per cent to the selling price o; any animal, W I I cz .
Dnd it costs onl-v 600. J)ick',3 Blood Purifier, 60c , =
DieWs Blister, 600. Dick's Uniment, 25c. Dick's > - 0 a t. cm .� �
Ointment, 25C. 1.1 0 . a" � -
For sale by J. 8, Roberts, Seafortb. 0 1 � i .
DICK & CO. T'; 0. BOX 482, -Montreal. r � � 7 � C2 I -
— 0 \. �� . C3 . *
. I T�
t 70 1 C= I
'� 2
. 0 , r" I,-
. . ?� = I
AS cottoflht ,)_________________._. .
. COMPOUND. �-t ��>, ? I- .
�6 I-1 - � � .
A recent discovery by an old P - � 0. . .
. physician. Successfully used P".4 i -J. ::� 0 1
11-_� Ft -
monthly by th,jusands of r6ft ::� 0 )-a. ,
Ladim Is the only perfectly 1"I 1�
safe andTcliabic medicine dls- 0 ct- ;I U I
Covere Bew re f unprincipled druggists who (D ZP f.,� 0 : 1. 1
1114. . .. -
! r 11iferlor cines in place of this. Ask for 70 0 1 .
ofre En , (!4- ;= 1-1. ,.
Cook's Cottou Root Compound. take no-substi- 2 CD (O M 0 ,
tute, or Inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage in letter b__A - -01, 0 . � I .
and we willsend, sealed, by returnmail. Fullsealed ON d ::� 0 . .
-a In plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 ca (D 1
particulw � 0 :1;0W M 1-5 d,
stamps. Address The Coolc COmPau'r, %& 1_�
Windsor, Ont., Canada. t::� I -
For sale by Lumsden & Wilson, dru.ggists, Sea- El cla :� GQ � - . .1
- I 2 (.0 - -- �� . �
forth, Ont. __ 0 2D . �
P -S C"t.- 0 A � .
' ' I I=t- t-. � ? I
If You Have a Room to . b."* �74 r� .1 4 .
0 ta n r�:;� . I
� in - IM ,-. � ..
19 P2 cl- , I
111,13P,T R , t Or K.alsoml RB - ;Q = �-3 M - � . .
L . ).a- ain I 0 00 V: I � _.
0- GO TO ---o *-.a !!�io : � - I
. a f, ! I
tt P, I
F.'WILLABDO 0 '00 :� P I ig
- CA P W 8. .
'>.,I,- .-
AFirst Class Stock, of Wall Paper, a =-a 0 ZI 4 r_-�, a - i -
P a I
Window Shades, %N - 0 ,;D -i P>It� 'I. , . 2
eto. always on hand. n ;-�Id W � I , .
I :
) -e Z i , _� I
t 9 &--' .
Pictures and Picture Framing a Specialty, go .01 . a . . .
= P 0 : � ., 1
3 �P 1Z 0 P., a .
F. WILLARD, )0 it �91
s= pa 0)-� 11
0--d 0 IP -A C:) 0 : I
Opposite JOHN ST., Seaforth. in I's * P;a,. rj I
P OQ : -
1400 5M 0 0 . . t� t:1 r. M. I .
I — En e") =- !"t I a - -
. . - a
__ � __ � "" = ?-'7' )_0 �. �
— _. — 0 S= CD t__4 I �
1P I . :
. elt- 0
�4_ 1=' I V,
I 1 .4
!A"." � CD �
I .." � V-+_ O*Q I
V I .
, P.AM . . =4 5 ICD .
OF THE - �t'.l 1' %is--% I P ct- ,
"I". ,... P."* P
.1. X 0--" ,
—..,-- a 10 " Pi" 1-t
�. M 0 i
. Ill _= -
- M :P.J Q I
L__J *-0 t_,A I I
P0 . . � - ,
k4 N ' -
�J .11, '.. . THORSTOf 5 PURI MIX 00TTIR CO. - - - �
H 4(PATM07M jtjT,Y 11TH, 1893J
. . . Wew Process for Maldrig Pure Milk Butter from the
d . - Pure Solids of the Milk. So Chenileals or Ex-
� 0 d tru Muctitnery Required
, M_JbM0L0_ Thl New Process' will -
make twn to three times .
RO W . 1� �1_ the amount Of Pure Milk -
. �
� I
. Butter that can be made
. by any other mel -hod yet I
, � IN! invented. . - Therefore s�rid - .
stamp for full partiollam
� . I hd also circulars oi questions, 41 . V I �,
H . . asked,and answered. - I
, �? ThurstoNVA Pure 11111k Butter Co.,
. �
1:� - t 0 N 63 King Street East, Toronto.;Onti. � � , _.
U1 P> LW . - I - � . I
0 N � �-3 : L The McKillopMutual Inrea . � -1 L
VA : Insurance Company. �
- : 0 0 - : I _.
: . � t : I . -
a . _. 0 0 . OMCARS.
P) : : �
5 WL C) - N D. Rom, President, Clinton L P. O�, W. 'I. . �
1�1 : : I ghan"on, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O., Michael �
" . .
a : �> - . Murdle, Inspector of Losses, Sealer% P. 0. I
. I Ul ,. - : co . . DIRIMORS. I
W i
H L -i
I W a Jus. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. GArdiner, Lead- -
: C) L W
:� ,i , - �> L -S . � 0 bury; Gabriel Elliott. Clb3ton ; Geo. Watt, Harlock ; I -
P: . X a . Joseph Evans, Beechwood; X. Murdie, Seafortli �
1-t : tj . :,_ . Tho.s. Gairbutt, Clinton. 8"S.
a . C! H a AG
: , Thos. Wellains, Harlock -, Robt, XaMillAn, Sealorth -
CD : z CO -- - Z � . James Cumming, Egmendville. John O'Sullivan and 1,
� : ti I 3 uevrgeblurdie, Auditors.
%: Parties -desirous to effect Insuraboes or tmns- �,
: — act other business will be promptly-attinded to on
: V � application to any of the above offinen, addressed te
- 4 �> their respective post offi-es. .
0 - . �
Ims . #
�v ti I M - 's .
90 "O Loan md Inve tmeni
0 �> 0C)M:P.-�6 2q -y-- -
Ct. . - i
I This Companyis Loaning Money on L
- W 4 Farm Seouxity at lowest Rates
ul H ,3 of Interest. . -
a) 0 t�j .
CD . Mortgages Purchased.
_�_ W 3, 4and 5 'per Cent. Laterest ,ARow-ed - **
0 I t4 L Deposits, according to aniourit sud ,
time I -oft. L 1� .
1-1 'OFFICE.—Corner of Market8quare aud
cr�_ ca . Vorth Street, Goaerleh. .
t::� co . . . HORACE HORTON, -
I , a . � Goderich, Augu at 5th.M. - MANAGAR, .
. - i I
. 1 3
. � - - .
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�J .11, '.. . THORSTOf 5 PURI MIX 00TTIR CO. - - - �
H 4(PATM07M jtjT,Y 11TH, 1893J
. . . Wew Process for Maldrig Pure Milk Butter from the
d . - Pure Solids of the Milk. So Chenileals or Ex-
� 0 d tru Muctitnery Required
, M_JbM0L0_ Thl New Process' will -
make twn to three times .
RO W . 1� �1_ the amount Of Pure Milk -
. �
� I
. Butter that can be made
. by any other mel -hod yet I
, � IN! invented. . - Therefore s�rid - .
stamp for full partiollam
� . I hd also circulars oi questions, 41 . V I �,
H . . asked,and answered. - I
, �? ThurstoNVA Pure 11111k Butter Co.,
. �
1:� - t 0 N 63 King Street East, Toronto.;Onti. � � , _.
U1 P> LW . - I - � . I
0 N � �-3 : L The McKillopMutual Inrea . � -1 L
VA : Insurance Company. �
- : 0 0 - : I _.
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a . _. 0 0 . OMCARS.
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5 WL C) - N D. Rom, President, Clinton L P. O�, W. 'I. . �
1�1 : : I ghan"on, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O., Michael �
" . .
a : �> - . Murdle, Inspector of Losses, Sealer% P. 0. I
. I Ul ,. - : co . . DIRIMORS. I
W i
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I W a Jus. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. GArdiner, Lead- -
: C) L W
:� ,i , - �> L -S . � 0 bury; Gabriel Elliott. Clb3ton ; Geo. Watt, Harlock ; I -
P: . X a . Joseph Evans, Beechwood; X. Murdie, Seafortli �
1-t : tj . :,_ . Tho.s. Gairbutt, Clinton. 8"S.
a . C! H a AG
: , Thos. Wellains, Harlock -, Robt, XaMillAn, Sealorth -
CD : z CO -- - Z � . James Cumming, Egmendville. John O'Sullivan and 1,
� : ti I 3 uevrgeblurdie, Auditors.
%: Parties -desirous to effect Insuraboes or tmns- �,
: — act other business will be promptly-attinded to on
: V � application to any of the above offinen, addressed te
- 4 �> their respective post offi-es. .
0 - . �
Ims . #
�v ti I M - 's .
90 "O Loan md Inve tmeni
0 �> 0C)M:P.-�6 2q -y-- -
Ct. . - i
I This Companyis Loaning Money on L
- W 4 Farm Seouxity at lowest Rates
ul H ,3 of Interest. . -
a) 0 t�j .
CD . Mortgages Purchased.
_�_ W 3, 4and 5 'per Cent. Laterest ,ARow-ed - **
0 I t4 L Deposits, according to aniourit sud ,
time I -oft. L 1� .
1-1 'OFFICE.—Corner of Market8quare aud
cr�_ ca . Vorth Street, Goaerleh. .
t::� co . . . HORACE HORTON, -
I , a . � Goderich, Augu at 5th.M. - MANAGAR, .
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