HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-11, Page 5�:, ! __ _�_ .11 6� I . . r - . I h " i , - � I ireadbury. I ; I ��, � I I LOG'ALITIES.-Mr. August Hicknell cal .. ., �� tured a bear on the outskirts of the biftin . awanip a few days ago.—Mrs. N . .L IcNab ho . . i got a fine lot of cedar posts cut which sli I ! ii-itends to d "' of.—Mr. Andrew M( A I I Keown, of nearM"Ooose Jaw, was visitin � I I .� � friends in this section last week. He is ,11 line intelligent gentleman and has been 1 'I � _1! � the West a namber of years.—Mr. oh �. i J i � - A . Crozier is drawing material for the purpos I i - -of erecting a new residence.—The Sabbat . . � � �chool entertainment at Bethel on the evel: .. ; . � ing, of January 2nd, was a brilliant succes! r � ; The refreshments were all that could be d( � . I sired ;- pleasing addresses were given b I .; Rev. Messrs. Musgrave and Cosens ; tb I � i ,choir of the Walton Methodist church fm - 1; iiished sweet music. The readings, reciti -111 tions, dialogues, etc.,rendered by the youn . ­ � �.;; Missesandchildren, were delightful. MI � I - - �� I Thomas Davidson occupied the chair. T1 .1 I c . � . proceeds which Amounted to upwards ( I I I - . . - . ,S25,will be expended in providing literatut I for the school. i - i I i A PLE.VSANT PARTY.-Nir. Jones, of tl I � I � . i Leadbury hotel, entertained upwards of ` ' I . invited guests in grand style oil N�ew Year . I i � -4 --eve. Feasting, songs, speeelles and instru I P inen-tal, music were the order of the evenin,- I .Mrs. and Miss Jones presided at the orgo I-and Mr. Staples gave several choice sele I tions on the violin. There were three i - i the McKillop council present, including 01 � popular young Reeve, who has a hapr ` knack of coinina in contact with all the goc I - things (,oina. Mr. J ..nes and his estiniab � 0 115 , wife and ainiable daughter were unsparir , - in their efforts towards making- all presei , , - - I feel comfortable and at horne. A cordii -1, I*, -vote of tha.nks -%%-as giv6n Mr. Jones for li Z - t -indness and hospitality, the coinpan i K � . - . S11i.nding and ,singing, ­:He�s a jolly goo: 1�_ , . 0 fellow," after which the national anthe . was sun -0 and the company separated son 0 - tim-e after midnight, ,ill having the impre C) � Z sion that it was just the nicest party tho: I � i hail attended for a lon(, time. I I 0 i ; I I _____ . I 1 Greenway. - U ; � (-,'T.EA\iN(.s.—At the anniml School mee �q , !311 1 - ii,ig No. 10, NIr. Ja,pheth Tiuner, was elec - 'ed trustee and Samuel. McClinchey -4ndito i.- , I i Z . -Rev. R. L. Wilson returned to Torow � . -4 � 1� ( I � I last, Monolay.-Mr. Alexander Fraser, , r � f I � � . C'linton, spent last Sabbath with frion( I � � Z; here. Ile returned hom e on Monday— , - � - J t N1, -Dolla Little and daughter aecoinpftniE 'i , i , . - rs. , 11 � hilli. I � 1-1 - - .... I . � 1 � I LEOPARD MOTHS. � U I I European Pests Unfamiliar to Entomolc .i i , i I &ists Which Destroy Native Trees. I .1 - I � � I (Special Correspondence.] L I " � _4 N,FwAr ". J., Oct. 30. -It is a Strang I 4 , , , i,7, _\ . � 1, � nature tbatprovides a destroi, I I provision of L ; 4 ; �3 �er for about every one of her product� � '1� - ' ; VI 1 ,�� good, bad and indifferent. There is not � I i - � plant, Airub or tree, for instance, for tb I I � ; � : 1i destruction of which there is not Sol -no Soi ;; 1. I 11 �j of insect or worni whoso ravages woul ", I �_ utterly wipe out vege,tatimi in thne wei i .* . - it not for the fact that the rule extends t I , i * , the bad as wt,Q as the good. 11 il . I � . .- I 1i In other words, for every destroy�ing ir : I . : :1 sect there is another, generally sinallc , . '11, �1 - a , , se sole purposo in the sc le ( I , creature who. � I � It existence sue'llus to be -to destroy the do : 'I I . - list at this tillic all who tal; ! , strover. J , - - , ! -deI4,,,ht in sbado trees -and have at gre, I - � pains ornanient�d their lawnsand grouno� � 3 v -1 , - this city and its neighbo: I .1 - with tben,i in . I A� -1 are aglia,qt over the ravages of �� . hood , .1 �4 ge. of arboreal beaut, �[ A, �*_ .1 i Shortly after the. trees began to Show 6191 ; 1; . Of its work the ent,onlologists began i I it -b.unt for the cause, and, once it was f(illn I :* : I : ki � I, in the shape of a grub of the borer typi , I K �; . � .� -to studyi.ts habits andflnd its phice in tl ,� - ' I - I Ili a short tilne I -� I �_ -entogiological World. '! _��, was discovered to be identical W-ith ti "-: A '�L� leopard moth of Europe, which is 1,110W . - _�. to be. exceedingly oicstructive to m. any sor �1; - - .of trees. Ili Newark and vicinity it -h, : -already attacked eight varieties of ina-ple I - , - , , I -- three Sorts of elins, tile Oal,, the inulberr., I � - - ., awtIlOrD, th6 SWel the hackberry, the lic I � . 'guni, tile tulip tree, the linden, the moui , ; tain ash, the apple and the peaT, besidi ­ ant bushes. So far Do reniedy wha _. . curr, A- -ever for tdie inotli's destruction has bcc � � disco,vered but. to cutoff the aff ected par � . of the trees and burn then). This has hoc - done in many cases. Some tree ownu . � . � 11ave gone so far hs to uproot and destro: I I -their trees e-ntirely, -but ,this is general'. deplored as too r6dical a remedy. The pTesence ill Europe of a kind i scale insect that is especially inimical i the grape was discovered to the growe. by the stiolden drooping of their vini some years a -go. ,,, �igoraus Investigatic - t once instituted, a as to it,-; oirl,g--- . _.S�, r . it was found that it, had been importE 4L from Australia. To Australia, then, Li i Or .expert was sent in search Of the natur I lenciny of the scale. After niontlis`, perhal . years, of work- the longed for parasite wi - , found. Its transportation. to Californ'. . followed, and Dow the scale insect is undi . control on tho coast. : I , CHARLEs APrLEBEE. w I : . : _- . . - I - - CYCLISTS, PAUSEI I I I � - . . And ,merma xViiat ,Science Says You W.' Do For Your Itace. I ­ L'If lucil," exclainis Professor Jun i ­1who aro Dow wont to SM10, 11301111t.1t � on railways of the Rigi System, to nio- � �kbout in cities inside tranis and oilir bIrses, to bettike tliernselves to the count , I - by rail, coach, steall'b06t Or any kiDd . .conj in till ication that renders walking s perfluous, if illen, I say, will not collse to draw the lino here; if, in i Ution to f I this, they now take to tho cycle in Ord -to cover the ,"round which heretofore th, -were accustonied to pass over on foc -what do you suppose ill uSt collie to Pass . tile course Of time? - The. theory of evol tion leaves no douht oil the subject. T. I human feetwill gradually get,s4unted ai I . " I It- pine away, at lirst a very little, ablic I * i ?I imperc(,ptibly. The second generation � cyclists will develop this crippling of t. I : � f(.( -t -still further, inasinuch as it, too, w . illove., f r(iiii pla,co to place on, the wbe( I �.and this tendency will be bequeathed ! .their cliffilren. The third generation w � use the bi(i�Glu still more extensively th, i theforinertwo. The stunting process w mcontilluo �ind be handed down to t. : fourth goileration. ADd this will go 4 1 1 ­ from generation to generation in ever i .creasing ratio 'until flnal]Y-it MR -Y n : bo for soi-Ile thne, not perhaps befoic t.' I la,pse of a thousai)(1, years -the inhabitau ,of cychug couutries will have assuilled aTy appearance. The � legs will liave become abnormally Shc . aud sleDder, -while. their hands and a-rii: . Owing to their frequent employment i . ananipulating the handle, brake, etc., w I t, i lie considmably Ivngthelied, and the Ila" � 1 " beconne eno.r.niously developed. They wi. �1 in a. word, become ugly apes. 2' This c, � cula,tion is (4 course basod on the suppo., ' i � -tion that illell, -will obstinattl1v k('(,P ( I : . preforring their (tvelles to thVir ivet, but I not, Only the 111C117 but, as Dow seellis pro . � .ahle, the ladies also, taku to the whe( i i , found cycling eltibs and break records ai � limbs in their enthusiasill the calandd � forvtold by Professor Jung will be accoi : I);l;:,he(1 fzic,,.-; long before the thousai n yeav; hivocoine to RD end. _Nor is tlii8 all. A Polish doctor, Poo kiewiez by nanic, affirnis that i lie comil - . generations of bicyclists will reseinli I Thersites, in h,1v1l1g a hump. ThL' Ill - jority of W11CCIT11011 Of tile I)rCSCl1t (11 I liuvo coutrZLGtCd the habit of doublii theinsel-v" ul) 'is if they had iho choler rrhis stool), reniarks Dr. PooDkieNviez, L - tlloug,l�l ullgraceful, is undoubtedly C i . . ' I 1,1_10st coilvellient position for the eveli- -is it V11.1bles hinj to bring all his streng- , ;� k-1 , To bear uvoll tb0 treadles and to rw-h tj I . I . I . � . I I I . I � ; i - . ; 2 i - I . I � � � I � � � . . I I A . �­­__­_ � I - ; I � I , _i ­ ­ - I -i . � ___'_____"_­ ­­___-_ - � ". , , __­­ . ­­­ . ­ ��­_ -1111-1 - ­­ I . � . . � _� I , , . I I � . � ! I "I � - R9 . . I I I - I . I . I - � �, I . I � . . � I . . . . I � � " - _1 ��_ -, ­­_ ­*­ � .- I ­ . � . � I - . I 1� . . . .. THE HURON EXPOSITOR* � . I . � I I . I I I - � ­�, � _._ _­­_�- � .1 - ­ __ _. . . _. __ - � . � - . _-­___ � 5 ____ ----------- . � � . - - � ! ' . I xnacanne rorward at lightning pace. It Is I I I Births. IMPORTANT NOTICES. likely, therefore, to be adopted by all . I I I wheelmeh and wheelwomen of the future,. REID.-In Sea ember 29th, .the wife, Of - PROPERTY - in Egniondville for sale. -A - DRIVES '�ir ghter. . - Mr. .1. A. It d�.'o".'d:,'. -ortfi and Wt st of the SPECT with the -result that in a feW generations R-EID.-In Seaf.vth, on December 29th, the wife of house and three acres of ]&not X I ., I hunchbaa-ed inell and wonlen will be the Mr. Allan R id, of twins -both daughter@. - nolville wanoe. A less quantity of land than � rule, and our ideas of beauty will probably CHESNEY.-In� 6eaforth, on December 28th, the = acres may be sold to ,suit purchaser. W.)t. ' ' undergo a ' *Ife of Mr. $amuel Chesney, of .a son. EUIOTT, Seaforth P. 0. . 1412-tf . DURING THIS WEEK i corresponding change, inas. GEMXILL.�InTuckeramith, on December 30th, the . I inuch as vestbotics are quite as subject to wife of Mr..Jauies Gernwill, -of aeon. STRAY SHEEP. -Came into the premises of the - . � evolution as linibs and organs of ,the body� BES In,,, tt. or, December 28, the wife of Mr. Eundersigned, lot 1. Concession 9, flullett, about . L I � ' Hu" i , s . Thus our Ideals of female beauty differ L -d r Be t, of a son. the last of September, 1 ewe and two lamba, The . . I I � . L � * IIABKIRK.-I McKillop, on December 24th, the owner can have the same on proving p operty and . - i; widely from those of the Persian, who wife of Mr. Matthew Habkirk, of a son. payingohargts. GEORGE WHEATLEY, Constance. I � - adores a moon faced buxoni maid, and the DAVIS.-In B13' * on December 21st, the wife of . 1412X4 1 . I 'I - ' � I - 1. I negroes,again,disagree with both. Wheth- Mr. W. J. D,' avis,'ouf a datighter. . . - � � . PA7 'R N 7 In EastF Wa osh, on December T-IRItKSHIRE PIQS.-.T-he undersigned breeder of , 4 er the series of metamorphoses will rest I ., 2.10he -W fe of .Mr. Alewxaan#lder PaCerson, of a D thoroughbred Serksbire sWine, will keep �Dr I . � - here it is difficult to determine at this I " ' I . service on lot 26 Concession 6, Mc[010P, the prizi . so 3, I V, C AK' . ' I winning Berkshlre boars, " Elcction " and "Protest." early stage of the evolutionary process. I I KA - a ENeter, on January 2nd, the wife of . I I Mr, Roberti Pickard of soup � Terms $1, payable at tittle of bervice, with the privil- 13ut Professor Jung and Dr. POODklcwicz I DAVIDSON.:--In Uabolrne, aon December 30th,the age of returning if bccetioary, alt4o a numbar of young I I 'believe that the outlook, which they bavo N% if e of M r.'Wni. Davidson,- of a son. pip for sale. both sexes. JAMES DORLIANCE, Sea - both stated very moderately, is alarming GORDON.-In ' Winotiani, on December 318t, the 1512-52 - I enough to cauSo intend1bg cyclists to give wife of* hlr.�H._ F. i3ordon, of's, son. __ - __ - I . i REID.-In TurDberry, rn December 3L8t. the wife of ROPERTY FOR SALE. -For sale, cheap, a com- ______ I .- i the wheel a wide berth. It Is not perhaps Mr. John Reid, of a son. P fortable frame house on South Main Street, Sea- . . I I I to be expected that an egotistic generation SOOLE.-InSeaforth, on January Uh, the wife of forth, near.the Railway station. The house contains . . 'Ili, . ��:� � like the. present will give up its pleasures . Mr. Charles Soole, of a son seven roonia, wood ihed and all necessary conveni- THOHNTOA. 'In Seatorth, on January 4th, the wife etices, also two good lots. The house is on one of the - -L for the sake of Its gre,it-great-great-:grand- - "loth and the property will be sold to.zether or separ- AT I of Mr. Jain' a Thornton, of a daughter. t5 r ---.--- , ately. Apply on the prenitses to HICILIRD ROBIN- THE r. -.A- 0 IL ID ]�T T_J I O- *NT children who will inhabit tbo earth, if it 1, be lit for fiabitation, a thousand years 1 Ma,r- - SON, Seatorth P. 0. 1409-tt I i ; lages. I hence. But the scientific enemies of the Hl-,-CHL9Y-X.',D0UGALL­At the residence o ". — t —IN— wheel rely upon our innate sense of duty, the bride'tilathrr, on January9th,_Mr. James D. QEED OATi.-Mr. John Melvillebas a quantity of which manifests itself even in the conduct Hinchl,y, df Rullett, to bliss Jennie, daughter, 0 a new'kind of OatSLU-Ilich he offers for sale for - of the untutored rustic, when h , � of Mr. B. licDouirall, of Grt-y. Ahe first time, 6n Lot 22, Conce4on 12, Hit,bert. Fur, Capes, Fur Coats, Storm Collars and 0 Illst'lle- M(;KECHNIE---LSCOTT.-At' the residence of the They are a new variety which [-a got so-ven years ago tively heaves a brick or sets his dog after r bride's pa' ary 3rd, by Rev. J. F. in some Mummy Peas, and this year they turned out, - tho reckless wheelinall who,, whether de- I Scott, B. AJ. of Rodney, Rev. ;J G. M.-Keehnie, 'in spite of the grasEboppers, one field ov,r Ofty . . liberately or unwittingly, ls� endangering B. A,. ip"tor r -f the Pres�'Yteri%n Church, bushels per more, and the other field over eighty . Muffs, Tams', Caps, &c. Lumsden, lAspiniboia, Northwest Territory, to bushels per acre, All those who have spoken for seed tht,highest interests of tile hunian race.- 'Miss .Mary'Scott, daughter of Thomas S'eott, had better call eativ, as first come first served as Roston lHer-ald. q., . I-, long as it lasts. JOHN MELVILLE, Chiselhurst G reat Reductions in Men's and Boys' Underwear - E- Glenworm. , . INP. -At the Parsonage, Fordwich, on P. O., Ont. . 1413-13 . �, � ,_ I Sam Wales'Dried Oysters, Dv.cemb ' er 27th, by Rev. S.C. .Edmunds. B. D., 1! . . . 'Our live and energetic lauhdryman 131r. David Shaw Hatoly, of Teeswater, to miss OOD FARM FOR SALE. -For Bale by tender. � I ' Emily King. of Ilowick, G Still a few Alen's and Boys'Overcoats left, which we will clear at cost. � Sain Wab, helps ont his daily breakfast MAWSON-SELLARS -At the Methodist Parson- . north half of lot 27, concession 6, township of � Vith Chinese Oysters on the shell. The' age. Corbe4t, on December 24th, by Rev. I u Morris, couritv of Huron, 100 acrrs more or IeEs, � shells lie brought with himi but the oys- . Chant, Mi RoMnson blaw'son, to Mits Z;41� about 90 acres cleared, in good cultivation, nearl.y all I . in grass, 6 acres of fall wheat, good on -bard, frame SPECIAL PARTMENT. Sellars, boi*h-of NicGillivray. � hou@e, 24 by 36, frame baiik barn, 66 by 81, part new - . ters he receives from China in - tile half I1OPI1ER-ST6,'4EHOU8H­At the residence of the barrel, dried Land SI.IlQkcd. As they come bride'd n J-1nuary lot, by Rev. E. A. fand all new rooted, also other outbuildings. Farm favorably situated 2 miles from Brussels. On the I they somewhat resemble dried apples or ' "" on place is a profitable sand and gravel pit. Tenders Shaw, ""' � le,r� Hopper, of blorris, to Miss Air peachc�, but Sam places a niess overnight Fann3 St, olehi' 0", of belgrave. 0 W�, BROWN-JOHiNSTON.-In EaRtwawanosh, on D�_ will be rec*.ived by ibe undersigned, at Brussels P.O., t*,%J-. each P) a shellful of sea water, and next' cember 24th, by Rev. Mr. -Baugh, Mr. Robert. J. up to January loth, 1895. The lowest or any tender S -_ IrT *-...W#-# S �12 �12 :7 moriAng they bavb all the plump and Brown, of IMorris, to h1ifs Alice E. Jolirston. I riot necesearily aceepted. PosaeFision can be given hy juicy 1"tttractiveness of freshly opeDed oys-, COWAN-JACIRSON -InMancheater, on December February let, 18%, if deFired. Address JAUES 0 SUCCESSOAS TO� IL JAMIESON. ' MARTIN, or A. HU'LiTER, BrusseI3 P. 0. 1411-2 , 25th, by ii�v. Mr: B,,�h, Air. Ipsac Cowan, to � ters, and asido from a decided taste of call- '31'ss Sara4 A. Jacksoti, both of East Wawanosh. ---------.----- vased haiii illuell of their flavor. Sam LITTLE--EtiLJ.q.-At the res,dence of the bride's, 1-i OOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 16, Con- . I I . says that thev are dried in, the sun and - parents, Ge,ey, an New Yt ar'ti Day, by Rev. J . F. kX cession S. McKillop, containing 1, 0 acres, about � . * Barker, of Ingersoll, Mr. Win. Little, to Miss 80 acres eleared, free from stumps and well under- � then smoked with a seaw-eCd that, when . Alary Ellis, both of Inge,rsoll. drained. There is a good frame house and bank barn, � - burning, sinacks strongly of oyster soup. _* � also a good beai ing orchard and plevity of never fail- -6an Antonio Express. , ing water. There i� a school on the corner of .the lot It Pays to" Attend the Bests : Deaths. . ; - I and it is also convenient to chwchm post office,mills - I GEll3.-Tn Selforth, on January 4th, the infant . &c., and within seven miles of Se.iforth. There are � Latest News Notes. (laughter o . I Mr. 11. Geib. about 35 acres plowed and ready for crop, and 12 & . . � -' 'ruso, of Cliesley, ol ropped dead IIOLMFS.-In�C infon. on January 9th, Robbie Per. acres of fall whcat. This;s one of the brst rarms in 11 Mr. F. B , � ryiAn liolnits, so -i of Rob --rt Holhies, Esq., of tt�e townstiip and mll he sold cheap as the proprietor � . I I I � 11 *kVjednesda�- afternoon. . wishes to give up farming. Apply on the peenilpes - I .1 : - the New Era. aged 12 ,)-ears and 2 mopths. . . �--The township of Elma is excited over REID..-In Sellforth, on December 29Lh, the infant or address, Winthrop P. 0. J.IRES HORNEY. I � � 1410x4 tile appearance of sinallpox. I I � daughter of Air. Allan Reid. ' . I �The annual nneetillg Of the ,South Perth PWl3ER-rSO2N_­ln Middlev,lle, 3Nlichigan, on 15c. — _. . b ec-niber 22r .-Tenders will be R A r_r__U10__RT_) 0 I\T rT - Farmers' Institute was held at 'Mitchell. d, Rev. P. G. Robertson, brother of PROIdEFARNI LOT for SALF S rT 1 :3 _11r. A. Rotertson. Bluevale road. and- fortnerly NJ received by the Executors of the Into Charles . �-Xlr. James Gaulph and '.Nliss Jennie pastor of t 3e N%loghian B3ptist Church, aged 62 Carter for the purebage of his farrn-lot No. 34 of the Noble were drowned while skating at Dulm- Vears. I first concession (Buron Road) Tuckersinith. TI I t . I I RUL)DY.-In a6t IN'awanoth, oil January 2nd, rs. comprises 100 acrea, except the portion oc upi ""y Education is the Corner Stone of a ville. , kaged 72 years. - -7 c ed b I ' . - I the Grand Trunk Railway, all cleared but cight acres . -The Conservatives of 8outh Grenville YELLOW. -In xeter, on January 0.nd­, Dorothy, of good hardwood timber. First-class soil, well - A[. � have nornitfated Dr. Eeid, . P. fo r th c Nv'fe of Mr. Thomas Yellow, aged 49 years and 8 watered, and qnite unexbausted, being almost all new .1 I ' Successful Career. Coninion.s. � months. land. Well suited for a grazinz, fruit or gmin farm. -1 . _-AlOntrCIVI is threalLened with a flood, as 'IcDONALD.-I-i Clinton, on January ist, the wife Outside feDCeS g6od ; no bUildings. The lot is situ- , of Captain Johd McDonald, of Porter's Hill, ated on the main gravel road from Goderich to Strat- ' the rkver there is sixteen fact above subimer aged 60 yedrs I ford, within two nillep of Clinton,which ba? an excel Educated heads Paid skilled h,inkls are always in demand. Now is the level. BUTLER. -In �'tiderich Township, on December %130, lent market, two railways, good sebools. etc. Terms, --Rev. Dr. Payne, of Pembroke-, will re- Win, Butle -, aged 73 years and 9 months. one-half cash. balacce on titne to suit purchaser. best time to enter. SCOTT.--ln Hullett. on Januaty 3rd, Margaret Tenders will be reneived until January 16th, 1896. ceive a call to - St. John's .Presbyterian - flarrilton',wife of Robert Scott, ex -reeve aged �Address. R. RANSFORD, Executor, or H. HALE, church, Hamilton. 6LVeLtl 8 ani 6 months. I Agent, Clinton, Ont. 1 1410-4 P. WINT - OSH, Principal. SHAW& ELLIbTT, Proprietors. -2NIL% William Brock has been noinin.%ted McNA111. In �rey, on January Ist, *Jane, daughter for the Commons by the Patrons of NorLh of Mr. James McNair, aged 30 years, 6 nibriths '411111 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Composed of I � - and 4 da.i a. I Y 100 acres halt way between Clinton and Sea- Nliddlesex. ASHTO-N.-In Morvia, on Dec. 29th, Prancis, third forth in thr, township of Hullett, two -and -a -half I 8 Bowell, oNving to ill- 90110 r. 11 r ,-oir _.Nlaukenzie f if ank Ashton, aged 26 years and 22 -) �-/ . �� '3. . mileWfrom Kinburn, about4O rods fron, No. I school - bealth, has declined the banquet tendered di, N . house and on6 %nd a half miles from church. There J lihn bv the Belleville Board of Trade. OWEI�­At Detroit. llffichigaD, on January 4th, of is a good dwelling licuse, a barn 100 feet ]on-, and 1189 0 IIS'WITIT US - . . pneUT1101lia, J6hfi Owen, artkt, forii--erly of other out buildings all in (rood repair. One w�ell at � I Stiatford. the house and another at OT he b,irn and flvo acres of a TBE MARKETS, -------- -.-.--- � gnod bearing orchard. There is five acres of fall . .. . wheat on a good Fumimer-fallow and looking, well - - . I ' And just heTe, as ive stand on top of - 1895, we wi.9h to thank our numerous SICAFORIE, Ja D' 10, 18r5' -Aldiniar d Patrons have -nominated ,_\1r. there is 28 acres of fall plot% ing done on the place Fail Wheat per bmqhel,�ew..... .... _ John ,Senn for the Le(yi8lative Assembly. and portion of feed enouzh to do any amount of .. . . 0 - - ng fatu), well drained and well customers of 1894. 1prl* 0 56 ho _. , . DWIA'heat per bueth�l,new ........ 0 67 . stock. , It is a fine roll had at any Oats trer liushel ..................... � I . adapted for cropp. POSSCSbiOn can be FURNITURE.—For 30 years we have been Studying wood, varnish, oil Peaqlp,jr bwhel.......'.-.. .......... 1 1 Local Notices. , thite. �'or further, particulars apply on promise,-. a Rarl�y per bushel .......... FRANCIS KETTLE, Seaforth P, 0. Ont, 1410 tf ture. It has taughtus . * � and upbolBtery, atfd workmanship as applied to furni, Buttor, No. 1, loose.... .. .. ......... 0 14 to 0 15 G001) e land tread horse p also I _... . . ' how to buy ; we buy cheap and selL cheap—that's all. . .. ........ 0 15 to 0 15 � .9 00 d _' traw cutter for sale ato"Icr, NRESERVED 8 Butter, tub ............. good second -1" d s O. � . Will' U ALE OF FARM STOCK AND � TJN DERTAKING. —Every thiii a, here that should be here, The goods, Eggs per doz .... ........ ****"*** ,I ' z i4 to o 15 son'u, Seat'rth. - I ; 1412-2 IMPLEMENTS.- James Jones hag received in- tbs..... GOOD 8 n -hand I 0 . . ZD Flour, per 100 I ­ ­**­­ ee d Portland cAter for structions from Mr. Edward H. Hamilton, to sell by llayper ton new; .... I——— ....... 6 50 to 7 00 S& Public Auction, on Lot 21, Conce4eion 7. Township likies per 100 U ..................... 3 00 to 3 1`0 le at 0. C. Willaon's, Seaforth. 1412-2 of Hibbert, or Wednesday, January 9th, 1895. the the experience, the competency, with prices in your favor. Lamb Skins ............... .......... 0 50 to 60 FOR 8 '.tT,F,- -A c,00d. second-hand two following - I aged inare, I span geldings, rising 4 MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING.—Here we make you some - Wool .......... ...... i - .............. 0 IS to 0 20 horse tread pox��er ; also"a good power Straw Cutter years o1a,*heavi draught '0 I driver ; 3 cows 8uppos- Potatoes per bag ................... 0 50 to 0 6J at 0. C. Wii,Ls0,;'s, Sealorth. 1410 ed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull, I farrow cow thing new of any desi,-n, or repair you Somethino, old without any design— Salt (retail) per barrel .. .... ...... 0 76 to 0 75 rising 4 years old, 2 fat cattle, 4 steers risin 2 years 6 0 ID wood per pord (long)... .. .. - .,. .:. ... 3 60 to 4 00 Horsr, TO RENT. -To rent the comfortable old,'4 spring calves; 8 well-bred ewes, 2 la M38,1 rain, On your pocket. wood per cord (short) ................ I 75,to 2 (�o and.pleagantly 6ituated brick residence recently cc. 9 hogs 6 months old, I brood sow in pig, 40 hens, 1 Apples per bag ....................... 0 50 to 0 57 cupied by Mr. R. S. Hays. Rent remonable. Apply Comet seeder and drill nearly new, I mower with pea PICTURE FRA-MING—is a specialtywith us. You know our work - Clover Seed ......................... 5 76 to 6 00 -toJou_%;orJA.NiEsBFATTir,. . 1407-tf harvester attached, 1 Masse3'-Harris cultivator, new ; Timothy Seed ....................... 1 75 to 2 00 I - - � 1 two-furro%V gang plow nearly new, 2 walking plows man8hip and prices are both right. 0 � Pork, per 100 lba .................... 4 51 to 4 85 ! I I -new, I set iron harrows, I grain crusher, I new � . I I I . Tallow, per lb .... ................. .. 0 05 to 0 00 I wheel.barrow I I stoneboat, I Jump Seat buggy nearly - ----.— ­ new, 1 toad cart, 2 nets double harness. I set single LivF&PooT,, Jan. P.-Sprinz wheat, 68 5Jd_; red harness, 1 set bobsleighs nearly new, I scuffler, I % hiter, 4s 103d ; California, No. 1. 5s 03d ; peas, 4s DILL & I I crossout saw, 2 hsy knives, I sugar kettle, 2 sets of He ROBERTSON & SON 9d * poik, 60ti 00d . cbeese, 50s 06d. .1 whiffietrees, 2 neckyokes, I grain cradle, I hay rack, . - . 9 1 . I . 1 pick, I cro%,.bar, I stepladder, I farm bell and post, . TORONTO, Jan. 10.-FSII wheat, 80.62 io $0.63 ; 500 bushels of turnips, 100 bushels of mangolds, a Warerooms—Strong's Red Block, Main Street ,uanlify of bay, I dozen grain bags, I goalsIdn ro e, ; spring %heat, F0.60 to $0.00 ; .o&tR, 34c. to 35c.; a lot of spotted elephant potatoes, chains, forks . p�as. per limb, 65c to 67c ; brirI4. 46f, to 470 ; hay; shovels and other articles too numerous to mention ; . SIE A 01R�C=_ per too, 17,00 to 18.10 ; hutt�f� 20o to 210 ; pufa- also a. lot of household furniture, including 26 yards toatt, por bag, JO 50 to 80 65 ; �1 ems, per doz., 28e SPEA RE7 of carpet. Sale atl o'clock. Teimo.-All sumB of ,-5 1 b "ir ...... F� and under, -cash ; over that amount 11 months' I to 25c -, drbb ad hogs, per cwt., mo to ir, 25. , � I . _. —_ credit will be- given on furnishing approved joint . Dairy Markets. per cent. off for cash on credit aniount8 - As the subscriber has rented his farm everythin; - MONTREAL, Jan1larV 7.-Gheese--The h' T il notes' six , I Waiting. for Something to Turn Upo I Men ant = a ors must be sold. ED. 11. HAMILTON, Proprietor" market runs in tb6 sanl4 old groove, with no , JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 1411x2 indication perceptible of any change in tile Wh&Vs the c,00d of waitina for it to turn up, and then not be able to I 0 - 0 1 immediatefuture, BiAter-Round quanti- -A-NTD- ' 11 fill the bill." In the interval get yourself in shape by takiDg a course ties are offered at I I -!,c, and a straight bid of Huron County Ooluncil. . 0 Ilewould undouljt�ollv, fetch Sellers. The 0 . . in the . __ - - ' situation for townships dairy is very little NO furnishers, TheCouncilof theCorporation of the County of - . .. better. Creamery also sells Nery slowly. cents, I . Huron will mect in the Court Room in the Town off ... � . I � - -�, Creanieri, 19c to 20c; townships,16c to 17c; . Goderich, on TUESDAY, the 22ad day of January, . . I — Western, 12c to 1.3c. E',ggs-A quieter feel - t 3 o'clock p. in. . 11 , � . - Solicit you i patronage for anything in a 1413 2 W. LANE, County Clerk. llig prevails, with the tendency of prices, if i 0 1 - . . y . anyuhing, downward. Limed eggs are plen- ! I I I - their line. I Style, fit and finish guar- NOTICE. . - I tiful, too nitich so, in filet, for demand. I i 6 -Notice is hereby given that the 19th Annual Meet. I ...... 11111111 11 - I ToRONTO, January 7. -Butt er-Quota- �nteed, au I d prices right for good Ing of the tnem�ers of the Usborne and Hibbert . 0 tions are : Fresh niade sinall dairy rolls, 17c 0 1 Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Con-pany, will be dM91 to 117�e; fresh Made tubs and crocks, 16.'7c I held in Gardiner's Hall, Farquhar,ou MONDAY, the I - gools. Ith of February, 1895. at I o'clock p. in., for the pur- st City Business & Shofthrand Collef2vv to I I C ; flibliCy held dairy tubs, l6c ; choice n ose of receiving the Diremorf� and Secretary- Fore ! to fancy held dairy tubs, 15!,c to 16c ; low : � .. �.reasurer*s annual reports, election of directors, and (D -P ILC)IVIDOW, C)Wrx- grade and medium dairy, 8c to 12c ; larcre . other business in I he interebt of the Company. 0 We lay great emphasis on our practical course. See for proof our suc- 1 olairy ro-1s, 14'c to 15c ; fresh cfeaniery DILL & SPEARE, Se-afor-th. JOHN ESSERY, THOMAS CAMERON, " I - 2 . 1 tubs, 21c to 22(; ; fresh President. Secretary. cessful students. A. ill. Stewart has received the position as travelling creamery pounds, * � 14130 . I ite us for I -21c to 22c. Uheese-Comiiiiss�' 11 houses One Door South of Expositor 0 ffice I auditor with the McCormack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Wr I quote sma,11 lots, August and -108epteinber � -_ . � 0 5 . Ile D ! r:�, — IF YOU WANT catalo,me and particulars, addrassing carefully. Qol ge reopens on 0 ! makes, I O!, c to I 0".0, A,i id half sizes at I I c to - 4 . January 2nd, 1895. 1 1 1.11C. .")111,111 8611,011S are quoted at 12c to ,ro sell, 1xiv, enuninber or release house or 11 1*)' c Last Liverpool quoultions, 50s 6d. farm, eiai on i. WAUGH, Land Agent, � -2 - 0 13q3-26 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. I4,­(,s-'_Nlore new laid are offering. They 31 Godtxich Street E ,ast, Seaforth. � n,_n: � ate in demand and firni ,at 22u to 2.5c. Fresli .. O.N Ly. __________. - _____ crathered tire selling a.t l6o; to 17c. Limed � n , West Huron Farmers' Institute. 1i - iLre steady at 12c to 13c. : - � 1 - - - ' � ' . ' Annual Meeting will be he'd at NAlingbam on Janu- � I I - , 0 1 Live Stock Markets. ary 17Lh, )eginnin- at io o'clock a. in., at which DOMINION : BANK I � I Gj,.�scov%-, January 7I. -Cattle s tcad v : . IN ouitab d' 11 be given. . . presentF'priue for best, I I �,c to 12c, 1 $ W, BAILIE, President. CAPITALg (PAID UP) = - - - $12500,000. __ . � W. X. HOWELL, Secretar3'. ItI.3-1 � . - LIN-1,Pwoot', Janutiry i. -Receipts of � —0 I I - - - - - - -_ . . S115001000. 0 'and general supplies REST, -Ainerican ca,ttle liulit � �1_ . fair. Demand brisk and prices firmer. Quo- AVING determined to adopt, as ANNUAL MEETING. I I _r tations, in cents, complited .at $4.80 to the H'nearly as possible, THE CAM - —_ SEAFORTH BRANCH. C, are its follows : Finest steers, lie to SYSTEM, we have resolved to reduce. Nofice is hereby given that the annual meetinu of , I I I 0 ; -ood to choi(.e, I W,c to I lo; ; poor to the McKillop Misitual Fire'Insurance Company wk ill be - - - - SEAFORTH. 2 0 - the subscription price of THE ExposITOR h,ld-i, the Town Hall, Sealorth, on Friday, January MAIN STREET) liledilln), 9.�c to I 0(, ; bulls, -Sc to 9c �; in- ' i8th, 1846, at 1 o'clocl Business:. -Receiving -transacted. ])rafts oil -1 n ted States, feriors,7C to 7/!,a� , to ONE DOLLAR per annum if .c pf in. A general banking business _� 11 parts of tile U i 14 - I ' of Director8'and Secretary's annual reports; election Letters of credit itsued, available in all parth .WFF.Mo, Jan"IT 7. -What with 450 �aid strictly in advance. of Directors and other business for the good and wcl- Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. . cars of cattle and hogs and 125 cars of sheep fare of the Company. All members are mluested to of Europe, China and Japan. Fariners' Sale Notes collected, and advances iiiade on same If not paid unt'll the end of THREE attend. . at lowest rates. . and lanil)s the yards were overcrowded,an(l it i J I . � W. .1. 'SHANNON, Secretary. was inipossible to put all the stock in posi. MONTM9, it will be $1.25. SAVINGS - DEPARTMENT. I DONALD ROSS, President. 14 1.2-2 � tion to -day. In the cattle and ho- ni',Lll�et . � __ If not 0aid until the end of SIX ' Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at lligilest current trade dra--ed and values -were low-er. Plut - ne and December. ,_0 MONTH— it will be $1.50. BRICK AND TILE. rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the eDd of Ju a distinettv different feelino, pervaded the §) . - - I - � sheep section. I'liere were 22 cars there of No sub�cription -will be sent for a Having begun the manufacture of brick and drain No notice of Nvithdrav-al is required for.the %irliole or any portion of a deposit. - Cana,das and an ,wtive trade at'lUr, to 25C longer peiiod than one year without tile at Walton, I ani prepared to Fupply the rame, R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. W1, K. PEARCE, Agent. I of fir9t class quality, to all requiring such. Cord- ___ __ higher than the best prices of last week. . ?wood taken in exchange. — -,.--- I being paid for. . . I . Good ,to cboice Cmiada sheep Sold at 8.J.-,,-) I - 1411x4 ALLAN GEORGE. THE to ,�_4, and Ganaila lambs opened with'sales These terms will be strictly adhered ID I -'04MERCE at 1-4.75 of good, advaiwing as to quali , .' ti- to to without respect to persons, so tbat N BANK OF C - 3 $4.95, and several loads sold at $4_,85 to if any subscribers are' required to pay South .Huron Agricultural CANADIA I . R-4.90. Native stock shared in the advq.nce, . extra export ewes s � elli n a at 83.40 to- $3.71 I. the ]ong price, they must blame them- , , Society. I ESTABLISHED 1867. -, 0 . 0 . i Goodto choice Iambs .�4.40to .�4,75. All selves ard not us. The annnal meeting of the wernbere of the South * HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. thestock that coulld be yarded sold, but I I Huron Agrieultural Society will be held In Dixon's - S6,000,00C . there was quite it few cars which . could not Hall, Brucefleld, on Wednesday, January 16th, 1895, OAPIT�AL (PAID uP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS . -ill be , ,,e't in. If run not too heavy and only choice TO DELINQUENTS 0 at I o'clock p.ui. A meeting of the Directors w X - = S 1,200,OOC la held on- the same day and at the same place at 10 gi-t-Ldes shi�ped pric6 -will be higher before We have now between five and six 'o'clock a.m' B. E. WA�,KER, GF,�ERAL MANAGER. close of -%v-4ek. � 1411-2 M. Y. McLEAN, Se3retary. '-NIONTRMI., January -,.--At the E'itst End thousand dollars owing us on ou'r sub- - � .F Abattoir, butuhers were present in large scription list. This must be collected WOOD WANTED I . null,I)ers, ])lit -,vere in no hurry to buy. I A General Bankinor Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafti at once., All arrears over ,one year on renders will be received by the undersigned, td- n 'I'llere weye no really choice becvo�s on mar- t be -FIRST ' OF --NIARCH NEXT, dressed to Seaforth P. O., until February 25th, 1895, issued, payable.at all points in Canada and the principal cities in ket, &11(1 a few of the best animals -were sold for about 14 cords of 22 inch wood. to be delivered the United States, Great Britain, France) Bermuda, &-c. tit 3?,c to 3-'I'c per 11), With Pretty _(Yood stock will be placed in the hands of I our at the'enhool in Sectinn No. 2, McKillop. The wood .� a:t 3.1c to .31.c and common beasts at solicitors for coltection. to be green beech and maple, and to be delivered SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. before the end of March, to he split into stove wood 8 of intereei at 01 cents per pound, tuid. the leaner ones ecretary. 1411x4 -i - 9-��-�,, The year may coinmence at any and piled. JOHN S_ BROWN, S Deposits of 81.60. -and upwards received, and current rate domi to -2c per 11). ,'�Crlib bulls sold at 2c time and the full year will be given for ' —_ - ____ . allowed. KarInterest &dded to the principal at the, end of Alay and. Novem to ")I 0 2G, per lb, ,Lll(l Ial-ac well-bred bulls THE ANNUAL MEETING. , 0 -tivessold ONE DOLLAR. - .— ber in each year. I broufflit 3c to 3�,e per 11). Common c � . 1� Special attention given to the collection of Commerci4l. Paper and Fay I - 'Mixed lots of sheep . I . at fl�olll �-,.3 to S6 etten. - _ , The annual meeting of the Tuckersmith Branch . - I mers' Sales Notes. and lanibs sold at .3.1c to 3 1 eper 11). -Fat Agricultural Society, will be held at the Commercial 2 McLEAN BROTHERS, Hotel, on Thursday, Jauuary 10th, 1895, at 2 o'clock hm,s are more plentiful than for soine thne 1 1410-2 '_N1. MORRIS, Manager. 0 1 . PUBLISHERS. p- m' THO-g. B. HAYS, Secretary. " F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.. past an(l sell at about 4.1c per 11). I � I . � . � I . I - - ­ I I WILL18' SHOE STORE—ESTARMHED ISQ81 . �AFTER THE I H 0 � L I D A "Y'll-r- -,% Is the time to pu,sh things antl so we maize a Pa�,;f;_Holiday Sale for the month of JANUARY. Everytbing in the line of BOOTS,SHOES, FELTS, ) etc, inust go � , AT ONCE. Our holiday trade was good - ' but our stoc'k was large,aind tbere�s plenty left yet. You will, of -CoUrse, need good serviceable footwear this - month, let one of your nexr: resoluti,0118 be to make a neat savii)o by trading 0 at this store. � - It takeq a lotof shoes to do our two ,stores aild buying for cash and in. such large quantities we are, enabled to quote such close priecs as cannot be touched elsewbere. Remember our PAST 1101,1DAY SALEcommences . on � . JANUARY 2nd . . . And laqt.q 01\TE MONTH - Make it a Poill'u. to be on hand. * I@ I , , � .. 4�i . I - I A LTI- 'R 7-/J 'I r–,n .,, 7 L.r ,EAFO I //� R � El . GHTEENTH Annual - Convenfloon - I __01, _. Dairymen I S a .4 . Association __OF____ � Western t�i Ontario, at ,ONT. -.--()-\- _. - JAN15th, 16th E - aii-d 17-th, 1895; __ PRACTICAL ADbRESSES BY PRACTICAL MEN ON EVERY PHASE OF SUCO"ESSFUL . - DAIRYENG. . --- I For pamphlet y)rt�-tair,me,g'ivingrartleulars, ad-� dress 3 � J. W. WHE.ATON, 8ecretary, 361 RICHMOND -STREET, - LONDON, ONT. , FOR A GIF'T9 . , I You'r Photo .��, Is by far the most acceptable thiWg you can &e your friends, and one dozen -61 my extra holiday Gniebed photos, at regul3r price, including a I Handsome Pr'esent ' In the shape of a beautiful " ARTSTO-PLATINO" Photo, (latest thit g in photography) is the best in- vestment you can un Ice. Callat - THE 8-TUD-10, SCOTT'SUD It 0 unfill) And see the above and many other photo novel- tief for the holida3 s. ,-,, � � � I Wm. D. 'All"OTT. A REALLY PRI-' ,TTY PICTURE FRAN] 14.' 1 ` FOR 20 CE,INTS. EAST, HUROM Fa r .e rs' -i-IfSTITUTE; ____ - - The annual meeting of the East Huron F&rmerfr In- stitute x% ill be held in the � TOWN :HALL, Bru . sse s, .- o,N- __ . I - . FRIDAY, JAX 189 -1950'- . - .. . The PR0G,RA'.\1,N1E wfll be a,5 FOLLOWS: . Forenoon Session. at 10 a. iii. .9 Underdraininir," Mr. Johin McMillanjI.P.; .,care of an Orchard," Mr. Juniers Sheppard, of Queen,ston ; . 11 How toraise a Eteer for the British Market," 11r- Itobert Currie, of Winghain. I . _____ Afternoon Seselon at I o'clock. Election of Officf rs ; " How roads -should be con- 8tructed and bow best; to 1171aintaln them," Mr. Jaine5 Sheppard, of Queenston : 'I Breeding and feeding hogs," Mr. T. E. Hays, of Seal,orth ; 44 Cultivation of the soil for roots or.Grain Crepsi" blr,John McMillan, 'Al. P.; " How to manage a Dairy Farm in Ontario and malte it pay," Mr. Aldx,. E. Wark. ItVanstead ; Ur, Robert Cleland. Listowel, and Mr. J. C. Morri- son, Wintl1rop. - — - Evening Session 0Lt 8 o'clock. Addresses bv thi, above speukers; .interspersed with � Vocal and Instrumental Music. . . — - ALT, AR'E' INVITED. A. Hislop, T. Strachan, SECRETARY.. PRESIDENT. 1412-2 ___ --.--- ___ - _W=_y_ ]LI11-Toa! - . I I � I . 11 4_-11* � � I I � Z I I . * - THE CANADA ' I 0 BUSINESS G LLECE z , Ohatham, Ont, I Is still far In advance of its competitors in 'thorough work, and getting its stu&nts Placed In choice posi- 0 . tions.. A. E. Yates, froni'%Vasbington, Wchigan, graduate of Shorthand Department, has be�n placed by us ao 8tenog-rapher with Col. Hadley, New York City - David Walker, graduate bf Busipese Department. (a former teacher) has secured an excellent position with a firm in Defiance, Ohio. FWI pa-ficularg not yet to hand. One of these.- -receives $50, and the I other tl-,65 per month, 11 IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. - , St,,hool will reopen after'Chrisitmas va,cation on WedneAay, Januar�y 2nd� For further particulars and <-atalogue, addrecs � D. McLACHLAN, Chatham. 14OS-2 ,� . � - � I ; I I � f I - . � C� - I , � I --li � I I - - ___ - � .? -