HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-11, Page 4f ITARY 11 189-5*' JA N
THE HITRON EXPOSITORS 4 is tbd guest a
ife has the unbounded, Sympathy of accompanied her to town an w AT do this they will give equal offence to their poor lien under the treatment herein dO- for the ear just closed. Five years ago the nishee the remainder, and by thee repre young Mrs.Rielird ROSS. Theirborns' Ilion- alid sales oT British wheat reached 3,500,000 sentations lie induced Mrs. Hiserman to our citizens* he cortege,was conducted by "al _u ill riot I one hundred n one of our mere4nts, �&s Roman Catholic supporters. They will not, tailed, that w &Y J� , LOOK LABEL Aer, beaded by the band KnO*1801 tu
YOUR quarters,tbe average price being $7.80. The sign a, receipt for the" b&lance of,."O, and the .Masonic or d the increased his responsibilities by taki unWr however,receive muell sympathy from either fi Taking, therefore, the �ed not laying Nearer illy God to Thee " an fty eggs per year." . le himself a wife in the person of . Xis,- . last year leis than 2,000,000 quarters were give it & him. The pri4oner d I p The Subscription price of the EXPO.MTOP., side, as they have brought the trouble upon cost of maintenance at seventy-five cents produced, and sold at $5.55. Barley and guilty and the case -was adjourned7 n af- Farge numbers following te =gthiey bore �11a-y they have a pleasant rip d o v, n inter
terwarels dismissed. Air. J. R. Best, of Sea. t�ee the respect and love
if paid strictly in, advance, is ONE themselves by patering i,�it the question per year, and the average price f eggs at oats have also declined. rig
of tile striamofti-.me.-'iMasterlAo.nardArtn*tro Rem
and working it so as to ple2e both parties. twelve cents,"the profit --per lien would be SEVEN AVED FRo,-,f Hyt)nopirow-l. - forth, appeared for the defendant. im iii -life. 'Mr. Tierney was one of Mr. James Armstrong, our esteemed
Professor Storey -Rev. Mr. McDougall, Son -of the bie firm of Tierney & McKellar, and is repoqed so" Ilat. _ frilel
If you do not renew within, three. mbittlls Th about seventy-five* i�ents per year. 14r. Councilman H. J.. Steckler, veterinary sargeon is on the sick
is rather difficult feat, in view of the.de- eorgre McDougall, who died on tile to have considerable property ; lie carried fine i
of the date On your label tile price Will be and five other&, who were victims of the Rev. G 'he Northwest, while engaged it lie gorth American Presbyterian tea meeting itIld SOCi&l;" Were -of the Privy Council, they Are not Duff puts it at a much -higher figure thaln, bite of a mad dog in Salem, New Jersey, on plains of t it some life insurance in t elsion 1-1 r, Ale�nder Orr RI -25 -, if yGu do not renew within six 011, great success this tinie.-1 Z
better to December 20bh, and who have since been missionary labors, will conduct the annual Company, and also in Hason a Associati ! 111011ths, of the date on your label the price likely to accomplish. thif,, but eren at this, it will pay as is leaving town and it Mi% Brown, of Ford- -of er
I under-go�ng treatment for 'hydrophobia in missionary services in Brussels 'Metbodist -An interesting arbitration case w -e
will be $I.50 No paper, will be serit longer grow bells than horses oreattle. the Pasteur Institute, were discharged Sat- church next month. heard before Judge Toins the other - dayll wich, take8his place in the Albion. -W scho,
than one ye erstand that Mr.. Orr returns to Wing-
a- before being paid for. w, o C'linto for tind -Learning 4 iss Susie Ruinball's de- being tile claim of Dr. Slia, . f n
The Cost of Civil Sei�vice in On pli Whitehead, batit.-C n takn el
urday as cured� onsiderable interest boa bee
Send rellewals directly to this office, tario and Que'b,ec. rNotes and Comments. DYNTITUTION IN DAKOILk.-The destitu- parture in it few (lays to Mordeno Manitoba, attendance oil the late Josel in the present municipal. election. NIoney sent by registered letter, post -office the remaining members of tile Holinesville of that town. The time of tile services was
TI -TE EXPOSUOR� has alw�ys contended, tion in South Dbkota lies west and north of OuIl.t S. Cook was returned by aeel"Iatioll, imoney order,, express moliey order or draft, It would be a good, thing for the Conser- In choir presented her, the other night, with a two utontlis and 12 days, and bbe ami a line drawn from Yankton to Canton. en or eigh aspirauts for is at our -risk. A post -office order'up to $4 and� has repeatedly given irref litil,ble evi' vative party if they eguld keep the Globe some counties, notably Clark, Kingsbury, handsome fruit -dish, two photo frames and claimed $737, Dr. Shaw contending that lie there ' are sev, �(,hoi
..-Court (loirrie No. 571, I costa only two cents. dence to show that the &ffairs of this Prov- and Empire staffs doubled up, for the Fn- Mitter, McCook and the counties west the a very appreciative address. practically gare -up his who)-, time and ser. other four. offices n, -James Dark od wife, of Neepmwa, vices to tile �atient. The xeeutors of tile Canadian Order of Foresters, has ahosen 11 r- The change on your label, Will otify YO ince of Onario, under'the Mowat Adminis- destitution is Severe. P,atl Mr. pire editorials have been almost decent since tt all�d Doig as Chief Range of our receipt of the money. If riot changed A DA.-,wmtous AcT. -The Hotel Columbia, Manitoba,are in (Xlrey township on a boliday estate are W. Coats, Ll yer Sao 0. lit] vice -Chief Ranger for the ensuing tration, have always been conducted with the Globe fire. ghter of deceaed. They Thai
in th ee week dro its a card and we will the most rigid economy. This call be at AIb&ny,NewYork State, narrowly escaped visit for a few weeks. Mr. Dark has been Mrs. Ross, & dau, by consent it Was With two siieli offiem at tile llea& 'Of trace the matter tip. he being burned to the ground on the morn- in tile West for about 15 years and has resisted tile eaim, and Hal a,r. Court we predict that this term will be' t shown in many way% but, perhaps one of It is repo that tile Sultan of Tur- ing of January 4ih. One of the tests, prospered. He goes in for inixed farming referred to-Jn&ge Turns as sole and fi Athl-ress all letters and -make all cheques biter. All tile do, (;oderich and imost Prosperous ill. the existenee -of the, for I
tll.6� best and most convincing is to compare 1 re. John %T. Bryce, went to bed snio inl.a and consequently succeeds. ators of They take the rei s at tile- best Sea- and orders payable to _McLean Bros. key is very much incensed at- a speecl [ -a evfdence as to their charges i in drowsy, allowe( it A
cigarette, and, becoming W� understand that Mr. John Jenkins Clinton giv, ri of the year for boolTing the ordiar. the controlale expenditure in Ontario -with cently made by Mr. Ghtdstone' on the Ar- 'In a few moments has sold what is known as tile Joe Chureh- similar cases, anql tile respeetive parti-es so I ) When remiting money do not fail to give t() fall out of. his fingers. in to win, invi
J�ros. Doig and SlIcLaughhn. post office address. similar items of expenditure in neighboring menian outrages. It would seem as if the the bed clothes were ignited. The flaines ill farm," 14th concession of Goderich town- wei e represented- as f 11 v 8 : E. L. arned, fre"I their 0 - t Whell, notifying (is of change of address Province.�� When we make *a comparison e8ts. ship, to Mr. Pickett, of Clinton,for the sain sonjor L)r. Shaw ; P. Wit for Mrs, Rosa and Mrs. Shaver have re Grand Old Mail has not yet lost.the faculty were extinguished by other gu. Sarnia and other places, do riot fail to grIve both uld and new post DR. Bri,HPLINGI HONORED. -Dr. Behrifig, of � $3,400 ; the farm contains 80 acres, with and.j. T. Garrow forMr. Coats. �judgnjent visit to friends in s ted of this kind wirli the Province of Quebec, of striking Straight and hard. Sutherland, of Walkerton,, i i )VITA
I oce uldreas. the discoverer of the anti-toxine diphth6ria, fairly good biffldings. wa reserved.
the contrast is most striking, and shows cure, was decorated on Monday with the -M. C.'Cameron, Q. C., ex -31. P., `rs. -A ease which, created collSide1a,lAe in- friends in town I�A week, reurning to- her -and
d before a ]ionic on Satarday.L-At the- rduced Sub- e Look at -Your Label. either that Ontarieli Governinent has been Reliable information establishes the fact Cross of the Legion of Honor. Cameron, 11iss Cameron --and Miss Mabel terest in the vicinity was tri -ice, the should have a or scription pi the;
economical to the 'verge of parsimony or that the Japanese acted in. the most bar- DiEi).-Nathaniel Jenkins, one of the Cameron hae left to spend the winter in bench of Illagist tea 'it ed'c* culation- in uo�vwlz. a largely increas 117 )urn rast week. it seenis, th-at best known turf men in Northern New Eng- Florida, where Air. Cameron has a large Au else that the Goverilinent of Quebec has barous- manner after * capturing Port Ar needed, by persons of -both political land, died. oll. T-Nionda, at Concord, New orange grove. Thomas Cssiday, of that place, had ill his It is co as , b paper
NEW ADVERTISE MENT. been.extreniel thur, inflicting all kinds of torture and out- and Mrs. Win,.Deaving, of Stephen, eniploy all, boy, named- Charles parties� that it is the very beat l'o y extravagant, notwithstand- Hampshire. ) futher_s� ing rthei'r lond professions of econotiy- , We eir fortieth wedding anniver- Keating, froui one of the Honles printed in Ontario. -Oar townshi
h rage on the Chinese wherever Vthev found DESTITUTION 1-, BuFFALO.-The Buffalo celebraed -th The boy, ook ; 'Jst,
MThe figure between the p%renthegis a-fter'eac for 1895 are : Reeve, Mr.. B
A large Some Ville in, NNoveiniber, slept out one night m ay he, e' utilatin g Poormaster reports greater destitution this sary on Tuesday of last week., ZI Depuy
e denotes the prtge of the paper ou. which the re r ma,rk �hat 'the Qtiebec G'overn� them, -shooting, stabbing and Nn" (I
Deputy Reeve, Mr. rabam so badly frozen feef
advertisenient A4 Ill be found. winter, than last. T�vo thousand three bun- number of relatives and friends were pres- and got his feet and hands ment is composed of Conservatives. In or days an -.Councillors, throughout the place for three br four ted, Reevej Mr. Sother, ScAal Drives-Sinith & Steet, dred and eleven poor families re now re- cut and enjpyed the hospitality of Mr. and that portions of *theilli had to be aniputa, beellaction der to es�ablish a fivir and exact compaison,. after its capture. However, it is not long Arfend the Best -Shaw Elliott (5) ceiving -relief, as ao.inst 1,977 fO* r the same Mrs. Dearing and family. Cassiday was charged with abusimg and Doig and G,regg; In some cases t IS95 is With Us--'*[. Robertson & Sin. (5) - close. -Look at your Istbel.
the Montreai Herald has prepared'the fol- Si unt of this was verN Bargains -E. MuFaul. (6) nee Japan �dopted,the Western civiliz- -date last year. --The Bowlin(l (4reen. Lumber Company's starving the lad and that on acco ills near Natc afraid to remain, hi llOrdred: Clothing -Dill & Speare. (5) lowing tables, which include the corres-- atioll, and while Stich conduct is utterly D. F. ho-sE, LARE. N.t_viU'AT0R,- liez, M ississippi, were lately ill treatment lie was
i County Cu-tneil Meeting --W. Lane. (5) Varna.. Captain Daniel F. Bone, one of the best destroyed by fire. This is where Mr -1. Cassiday's house, and bence his exp ire. Don't 'Forget th- Recital in Egmondville. _(8) ponding expendituri for each Province ref reprehe 8 I
C, I nsible it is not o mitch to 'be won- Obeap Overihnes�W. 1-1. known of lake naviga,tors,is dead at Buffalo. NIeClymont, formerly of NAVinghmn, and The defense tried to, Alow that owing to. tlie C, to see the-greilial
speGtively for Civil Service: dered at when we remember L that not over Captain Bone was a, 'ative -of St. John, who is now visiting friends there, has been b y habits lld.IaZy Cond IlLet I': had to XOTFIS.-WC are pleased $ettle t'g-Richardson & INItunis. (S) n le nee of INIr. George Forest,- eblest, oy's cOu'lit'"a 81
Seed Oatp� John, ,itellvii1e. (6) ONTARIO. Salaries. conf in- a hundred years aro French and li,nglisli New Brunswick. He was, since tile, ge of running a shop f or -some time past, and lie eep On he floor in. the kitcheit, wx1had lt -& was sent to -,,oil of -',Ir. Janics-Forest, 60i, concession 'of -Th3all C.%nieron. (5) gencies. also to otice h' can or lake inrine., suffers a heavy loss by this fire. be punished. Tile at Lieut -Governor's office.. 8 2,480 00 9 1.5oo oo- armies were apt to Jegive agery Stanley, who Ila-, been residing; fbr tile last Aloney to Loan -J. Wa,igh (5) way to sav 10 connected wit oe a( i- ilell't anit will quF.Eit NVi.,.-eniEtt I,, E-NCLANi). --The old -A few day3 gro, while rettirninn, from the higher court for li ist, Rargains-Richardson & attinis. (8) Executive Council and At- 0 11.) four years in Britisli Colurnbia. He returri- after having tak-en place by assault ter RO ayor County Judge, on tane Kidd. (8,) torney-General Depart- yea,r went out with bustained boisterous school, 'Mas bbie Holines,son, of M, have a beaoring before tile d last Saturday. to spend a few wee "- ui- SpeAal Bargains -E. Nablo. (8) ments 17,350 00 2.909 79 winds, which threatened another series of Holmes, of Clinton, hurt his knee by falling tile -260i. inst.,when it is likely all tile facts
tler�tbe parenal roof. log,
Card of Thanks -K. Staolmry. (8) Educational Depattrient 17,482 68 2,406 28 -Lntl there oil rusty nall ; the iujtiry seemed so in connection with the case -t�,ill be Jobii'W.- Foster, of Indi elies upon the coasts, but hilt itcessful Coll-
Prr.pertv for S.tle-G. J. Sutherl&ad (8) Mr. &tilt, main- tnige ;ed I
Crown Lands ............ .45,732 25 10.808-22 Co-_\cit..nT.-One of the most s Farmers' Institutp-Hee-tiog- are st I=r xe before referred to the illness W. N. Howell. (S) ill green pastures and woodland flow- slight that nothin was thought of it, until We h. Public Works . .......... 19,250 L 2,241 66 ber of ex -President Harrison's Cabinet, It a-, rts that has been held here for. soilie thile, aiand Ce Trea,mry Departnient .... 12.500 00 3,28909 "ast to act its tile legal adviser of ers. The people -are listening for the or two ago, when -it serious case of of Mrs. of Porter's was held in the town Varna, on Thus- the bloo�l poisoning was developed, by which lie while therd Seemed to' be little ebance- for
790 89 gone 11, cuckoo's voiee. evening last, under tile auspices, of St- A ud it Offi�,e .............. 5,80000
i icensea and Reveijue. 8,425 00 683 40 R6g?,trar General ........ 6,440 00 Irs. inst. 1)e- fo -The'residence of N -John. Lincoln, of fate, but succull
r peaa I e and his go to Tokio to sue 0. I The'Countv Council for 1895. was Very ablvi ti � bi tile rector, Rev. Ir.
3 A78 96 Chinese Envoys who have been deputed to is confined to bed. recovery, she nimle a heroic struggle gui-list ) ohn's Church - 8undav Sdool. The chair Board of' 116alth ......... 5,107 61 2.539 70 ibed oil, the Ist
Win-harti, was burned to tile ground- on ceased was born in cotlaild ld as Provincial Secretar.. 16,550 00. -3,407 21 at and very interesting pro- priv "\Ionday from Armstrong, Inspectors of A�yluinsand ate Secretary sailed last The County Council for 1895 will be coni- Z:� Frid December 28th, togrether ried shortly a -f ter her arrival in this (totialtry
12,584 46 ay morning, grat�inie, consisting -of- musial selections, PriaGno ......... ....... posed as follows : ',O" " Vancouver. with nearly all the contents. Theoladag,e some 50 vears ago. Thus joining liar lins- Jan. 1 8 9.-) A;riouiture and Inirnigra- 0 CD SUAFURH, FRIDAY, - Drpr readin-os recitations, etc.., was given. The RE ITV. -, I tion .. ...... .......... 16,050 00- 2,371 31 of misfortunes neveroming singly.is pa,in- baud iii. Ilia pioneer lifeYsbe braved all its a -self a Uessrs. Taylor & Dawson'.4-string. band was Official Gazett .......... 2,323 90 Tuckerarnith, John Shepherd Peter McKay. proving liet Corea has �olemnly declared itself an f it- be f ally true in this caEe. Mrs. L" oln's hus- dangers allil Ila, ery Queen's P.inter ........... 2,600 00 56i 5i one ta pplauded nd encored ev t ic. Tu.e Premier -Recovering. and now le wife an -1 mother, and one of the -best
Usborne, T. M.K%y appointed band was killed on the l6th ult., nobL dependent kingdom. The hermit kii Inspector of Rngistry Of- Jr/dom tf, good t1ligs- ninst Collie to all ncl
i - T. H. McCallum T. B. Citriing and her son are without house and- home.. of neihbors. She leaves four daughters- ...... 3,600 00. 400 00 Exeter, she 0
We staed laat that Sir flees __ __ .- 'D Hy. Eilber I ---!rlie death of 11r. Will. Butler, of the 'Mrs. ha ls-Hii s af ter a. thvee and a ImIf li-mirs' programme, Insurance Deprtment 4,600 00 1,756 80 is sad to beaing,on Western civilization Stephen, V. Ratz 0 Lllley, Of Clinton; W. 0 Canada's Pretnier, was seriously Clerk of Investigations... -1,8.0"00 J, iberrett ( the concert cose&.Proeeeds
very rapidly. At the declaration of indepen- Hay, M. Geiger ) 15th concession -of GLoderich Township� 0.11 Allbitely, Goderich Toi%4)slijp; Turn- Geo. McEwen
ill at Hlifax, whL-ther he one to par- R. Turnbull f 181111da.y of last Week, was entirely unex- bull and '-\ 's. tont, XorLh Dakota; 8197,05-98 ,442,809 66 (lance the soYdiers were equipped and arnied Isqac E rratt pecte(l, lie havin been ill only for a couple IOULes Connected with Contin- tanley, R. McIllwayne ve soils, four of whom are prospering in
ticipae in the ceren Bfuevali3. QdFORE0. ain nfodern style, and the streets of -,Seoul genciest Bafl-% J. Burns of days. He was living retired, and. was of Dakota.. he was a sister of Mr. W. .Rter- the ftinerid of his illastrious predecessor Sir Goderich Tp., John Cox J. Churchill ArrjDFNT.-NA!bi1e riding down hill oil a
Nver,e guarded by the iielv- Corean police. Lieut. -Clov Aernorts Office.. S 3,130 65 8 3,218 65 jolt a very quiet, unobtrusive disposition. He lina' of the 6th concession. She was for Gederich, R McLean P 03 most etanisitent inettibers load of wood, Tuesd ay. -afternoon, Will. -dei
Thoilripson. Laer accounts seerti to Executive counp(-1a-6-a-x I C&th - years one of- the I r*;h. alloy A. Youn r
Colborne, A was a member of St. Joseph -s Romat
torney-Geneial Depai A Flulter lost control of the horses nd fell Off, --mier %Vag not- so bad. Ashflald, Hu!,,h Girvin ey 1 olic church. His wife and several ahildren ill -all.. -'Vlr Nle- .-of Bethany WesbyterianCh: that tbe Pre 00 5,750 00 -A serious bred riot occurred in_ St. McKenzie J strikingon his face. He was cu about, tlu- Uti
ments ........... rn. Educational Departmen 4,604 00 "is t first Supposed, he is now so, far 'last, by W. Wawano,th, Alex; Stewart W. Gibson survive bi Donald has the'sympathy Of all in his irre- Crow'n Lands ............ 45,603 OfF 14,30000 John's, Newfoundlnd, ori Tuesday'� -Speakilig of- a ineeth) movith and nose, and uuconsciouE sev R Wawanosh, Patterson Thomas Brown 0 parable loss.
of Knox Col- i to Ottawa, r the resi- ter -assi Q :e,
recovered as to be able to rettim Public works .......... 25,858 ft2 7,026 72 large number of unemploy6d wo kingmen. B* H. Young lege Senate, Toroiito�, the GJbbe says: " Af- -A plea,sibrit event took place at eral ininu .. He was sted to his h ill lyth, awl. it is hoped he will soon recover. Tnastiry Department .... lb,221 79 3,29600
not able to attend to Officia-I dtl, tit Hullett, A.,). MoDonald John B They hooted the Governor, stnaslied eir am ter disposing of.routine business,a paragn-aph dence of Ju es Henry, East, WaAvanosli, oil 12,fM (O 2,Ob6 (6 rig4 A,udlt bffice .... ........ e,.,,dy and rsz P6ter Clinton, A. INVM.urchie D. K ties. We hape, b owever he naav soon be as mcenses an I lRevenue, 9,490 00 3,962 13 H. Mooney G. Kirkby testifying to the deep. sympa.t.by and regret Tuesday, December 25tlim,at 5 -o4 -lock p. ill., I way.,into the Government Buildings n(i morris, Ewell alild famil�y bare moved ilito the
Board of Health ........ 11,859 03 .. .. .. 0 f e Taile w I 00 ended up by lootin son -le stores. W. 1-1. Kerr of the enate. over the death o th lien Miss Mry E'. Henry Second YoUng- housenorth.of.thevilhige, the proertyof robtist as ever. His -illness Kits the result Provincial Secretary 22,632 01 New- 'Winghmn, R. C. Sparling Wrn. Holtnet Professor R. Thonipsou, was pta.ced in the est (laiigliter of Mr. and .9 anies HenrN Bayf Ar
i apection of Asylurns and �.Nlr. Bowell, athough 71 \1r, John Walmsley of icld.-N - W. uf a severe Col. Turnberry, in. McPher,on W. Cruilibliank -1., - Prisons.... 4 , 800 06 1,1078 02 foundland is in a bad Aay 'and `it� is -prob minutes. A copy will be forwarded to. the and George T. Ramsay,. of galvey, Wroxeter, T. B Sanduss A. Elliott of W-a-wanosh, spent . 8-unday at, trances, Agriculture and tDigra- o-ya.1 Commission will Howick, 11, S. Cook Fervu -to were united in niarriaae by Rev. W. years of ave, is Still, to 111.1 a,ppe, *& , , 4 able that a R be ap- on Pl-ofessor's mother,, wl resides at ugh, tion ........ ........ . 26,652 42 1,679 13 . I - I Mr. R. X. - Duff`s.-Alr� Ifugh. Ross alul
ha,le and hearty, and as he has aways taeii., Sutheran Lorrdesboro. of Anburn. The br,114le wite- aittire.(d,Mn a, pa
Official Gazette .... ...... 9,281 30 ointed to mae it thorough enquiry into daughter Jeau have retarnd home, after
G rey Ttos. Strachan Arch. Hyslop frood eare of hittiself he should retain his queen's Pirinter .......... 4,100 00 1,66 ii P -Messrs. James A.- Cline & CO., hard- dark blue travelling dress. Aliss Wight- her affairs. James Turnbull spending Christmas with. Mrs, Ross"graml-
eto be wre merchants, Wingliani, have decided nall, Of 14,1sgcx-,. 0
In8pector of Registry (if- McKillop, John Benewies on the bride% neice, made a o ICP -i� Bell -vigor for eight or nine years vet. other, Mrs; Scott, of- fiss it ...... ....... 2,000 00 724 24 ;h System and in. future will charming bridesmid. Mr. J1. RAunsay the Et,
appointed to a.dopt the cas I Insurance Depirtnient.. 300 00 250 00 . el of Toronto, is visiting- her 1, The Toronto Globe appeared oil Wedne9- Seaforth, B. B. Gunn Jarnes Watson sell for cash, otily. This is, a step in tile grdom's %rotlijr, -was best man. The bride Si
Investigations, etc .. .... 1,904 68 810 25 road. -AT rs.
ht aire6tion nd. Should. be encouraged by I and mother, of the B%evale was given a,w -Y by her crUest.brotber, while The Glolote Burned Out. 074 04 $59,206 51 day in its usual seven page form and looking Bickle went to Toronto on 2-74,, playe(blUndel6ohn"s Wed- 1%
a, progressive people. _The Iona 2redit nn-iorning fire was dis- 3yell. Its at credit -for unicipal Elections.. -Alias Robertson Spent Tiiesday' in ay 0 By adding to the salaries the arnbunts The following are the results of ibe muni- 'syzten-vis behind the age and live%usiness ding �Marcli. The Henry Wllil�y was well nd
their spirit. We noticed that promptly on e mail all over tile country axe. beginning. to represented,-. th ree-generaions behig there, Brussels. -The Misses Thornton spent ew anys ered, in the Olobe I ablsing CoMp cipal. elections throughout the County wher e0v -Year's with friends near Wiugharn�-_Nlastr
pad for contingencies, we find -the follow
recoc,nize this fan.t. The presents. were numerous and costly. 11yuilding at the corner of YGnf,,,e itid-Ifelinda Monday morning 11 The subject who is truly contests were held Walter R. Hugginis 14id tip, wth qIingy, GoDFnimr.-Mayor, John Butler; Dep- Thonias Jewitt, of 'Morria, has sold The couple is well; kilow i i i, I ir I ing totals loyal," and " The bill for the preparation i it see a a es Sadie, seeond daughter
14tredts, Toronto, and before it -was got un- ONTARIO. QUEFIRC. this fat�m of 100 acres, being lbt 18; c011cQs- Thegroolli is an enterprising young mail. lie,
R '
uty-Reeve, Mict.ean; Councillors -D. of the useless Federal voters' lists," bobbed of 'Ur. and rs.. John, U.Xracken, of the der control the Globe building, with every- 'Salaries ....... 8197,635 88 8274,074 01 Cautilon) T. Swartz,T. Naftel, H. Dunl9pj ion- 2, to Mr. Jbez Jrniyn, of East Wawa- The ride is a general favorite among her Contingencies.. 42,809 66 69,206 6L Blue'vale �road, _Nvaa married, n uesday af - thitior it coultained,had been utterly destroy- u' serefiely: nosh, f6t, the sum of $4,500.. M V. Xlewitt is relati-es and friends.. The couple took the p M. Nicholson, F. Campion, A. Saunders, J. ternoon, to Mr. Sam, uel N-TeLean,.: of 4 X'od- one of the pioneers of Morris, and we re train, for Essex for a short wedding
use of -McKinon Tutal ............... 8240,606 64. $M,280 55 NV�ilson, M. 0. Johnaton, R. Thompson W. liorI11139
Tile who,lesale w 240,505,54 glad to learn that he is no -w qZle to live r0- tour, and wilt return to -make Nassaggawea h& UO_ and the- preiiiises of Nicholas Rooney, According to late reports, �Sup�rintepdent H. Murney, J. W. Smith. Paul's church, Winglitant, parfortned. tile WING 11AAT.'-).e1ayor-W`. F. Brockenshre tired, after having done a good share to- their future home.. - tb
Excess -against e$92,775 01 Byrnes, of the New York police force, in- Harry Webb, civterer, the B.-rotigh Print- j. wards tile- aind settling of that -Tile ri�sidence of. NVmt, township eereniony. The brideore a. durk bro-wix
Councillors in No. 2 Ward -R. Arscott, travelling gown, pink. and roses ill nd_11essrs. -.Nliller and Rich- qa1culated on that basis, the rate of ex- tendil to make a determined fight to hiain- McLean, T. Forbes. township. of Grey, Was the scene of, a, very pleasant ta
-in an action by Mr. G. Rurmball against Tbe occal- her hair, andearried a. bequet of. roses, and. typefounders, were also very badly penditure per head of the population, for tain his place. There are some ugly rumors CLINTON. -Councillors -St. And,rew's gathering on New Year'i; day. it is unneeessay to say. she looked very
James Scott, balcrister, ctaiming. moneys Sion was the-marria ot bheir eldest daugh- It was the waist fireToronto civil GoverilTment, was H.3-celits in On- flying aboutto the effect that the Lexow- Ward -J. C. Orilroy, J. Taylor, A. Arm- ge beautiful. Miss E Ila Cjrny, of Wingham., alleged to have been advaace(I to the firm of
'ooper, ter ary, to Win. Little of Ingersoll. The -d-1
strong. St. John's Ward -S. S. C ce as Committee let the Superint6ndent down 'lobe lost biriostvery- tario, --and 22.3 cents in Quebec, or twi 'Manning &,Scott for- investment, and which was bridesmaid, and, were scarlet. -Nlr-
laa ever hadThe 6 Charles Overbury. St. George's Ward -T. ceremony waa-performed by her pastor,Rev. John Craeken, jr., assisteil the grooln,.
hin% including prititing presses, type Set- much. At the rate paid in Quebec, civil easy in response to his political pull. C. Bruce, W. C. Searle. came up at the last Division Court at Clin- J. F.. Barker, of . Inaeri6ll. About fifty After the ceremony,. about -95 guests partook
ti in, ni� oldnes and the files of the paper Government -%vould have cost in Ontario EXETER.'_Reeve, W. Bawden and T. H. ton, Judge Doyle has giverL. judkment for guests sat dovm� to a �&;Unt'ful an" suirip- -of the goed thintrA-ot the,- table and- Sent 0 01 the defendant, holding., upon. the. evidence, tuus tea,. after whi It. there- were speeches McCallum a tie. Cotincillors--J. W. Tay- e SlItice its. foundation. Only the fact that $170,971.32, or $230,465.78, rtiore than the Trirt, Toronto Star 8kys The Hon. lor, W. Treble and Will. Harding. that the tlnevs were dvanced to the late their rice and good wishes- flying, after thx&
by the bridegroom and a number of others. um actually spent, and, at t ingy, nd not -eftilly dressed, and is Ila.) y.. couple,, -who boanded. ibe 3.30 train here hat -1 been beavy fallof slto'V, prevent- a he rate paid in 'Mr. Mann received' by him as a .3p t John Dryden's dininistration ma have BAYFIFYD. -Reeve, J. Burns Councillors The bride was tast of tie above named ffrni. evidently a favorite -with many irn this Vi. for ('Xoderich, where the interid to live in ended conflagra- Ontario. the expenditure for civil Govern- ember e(I a, inore .viclely ext been neglicrent in its precautions 'against J. Bailey, E rwin, J. Fraztr and Dr. Stan- I in 7-kir. W. H. Rartley,stndeiit at tile Har- cinity and- also in ingersoN, as the many f ature.
ried 's-howers -of -mont in Quebec wo-tld have �been only bui ng, wind car tion, is. blie stro coughing calves, but its efforts in behalf of y
WRONETUIt. - Reeve, T. B. Sanders. riston high scliool;� spent a da or two in beautiftil'an& useful wed4ing gifts she re-
-han it did actu- rk-s ad btirnili(, brilids to tile roofs of Wingba"i during -�the- holidbys. While re -
210.22, or $1�65,070.33 less t the dairy interests merit tile highest praise. Councillors-!. Barnard, R. W. Rutherford, ceive7d testify. The bride was iven mvay H
for blocks around. One hirernallL oat. oLur readers should peruse these newing old acquaintances in Lower Win' . ell
aly a by her father, while ry Lingay, of In -
The latest decision is to establish a pioneer W. Wilson. Fox a 'hiple� hatn�he waa presented with. a Copy of Thomas of Hallett �ersoll, acted as b liar fi res carefully, and should out out the. -Reeve-N. H. Ygung; Council- est inan, and A , Lizzie Uairy: farm on the Canadia Pacific in attentled the funeral.of, the 'lat `Urs. Yl'
md five others injured by fallitif gn BLYTH. a ashed. table and file it a -way for further use, for, lors-A. McNally, A. McKenzie, J. McGee. took of lviait�rs, in two large, handsomely lis,.sister of the. was bridesmaid. ,�rge truck war, badly a m. lo -w on Saturday last.�Ar, Christopher -Ontario. Mr. Dryden is do- HumE,rr.- Reeve - A. T c y iNo bound volunis. These he should have re- Man - of the guests expressed their bearty
plan-ts in the Cit. . despite all, tilat m, ay be said and proven - to ceived last Qhrh3tmas at the close of the nih Balsdon.,. of Alelbo'urnej. sp Atile other newspaper faithful, energetic drk forthe farmers. Councillors James Snell, J. Lasham, A. too appreciation bf -the. very- pleasant eve g
y .,.ent last n,thl
ing were placed at tile service of tile 11-anaging thei contrary, there are fellows who -are Con- school term, but he went away a little and Tiiesday in. 'this pjace.�Miss Ir. and Mrs Little
So say we all of us. Leitch. thus affortled. them. .1 Weekes,. of, Norwich,. is F,ditor of the Globe, who ad offer tintially bobbino, up atid decaring that the TrcKERs)lIT1l. - keeve, j. 9
hepp&r(1 soon. left fortheir home on. Wednesday alt noon, -Geor Darges, som. of Jelin Burgess welth'-milliner at Blyth Mowa,f is extravagant. Deputy, P. TNcKay ; Councillors -J. Me- followed'by the good- wishes of a large circle o' erili ent of Mr. t) Of tlie Knpire, nd on y The *C,lobe V n IT TS Stated that the bye-eleGtions for of Blueval'ee, who is a gyraiduate from the is visiting her parents,, antl Airs, Will. Cloy, A. Cosens, J. Patterson-. of friends. came oil cheese factory there, is eni*ye& as an ex- AIX. _t as a six-jeolu-,rin paper, looking Welsli,. William Street.-- Charles il.e Kingston and. West Algoma, have been fixed USBORINE. -Reeve, T. �M. Kay Council'- at the new diry school at Kingston. il.l.bulit another new brick house (4)i
achi.aore like the Empire than itself. pert jr w the Production of Eggs. lors-W. Delbridge, J. Hunter, R.,-Gar� for. the 28th of January. Hen. Mr. Hartry Another son of Mr. Bargess, Joseph, also a Wnwb,,a-m- And rews , street, - -whall. is- :to be compL11--ted b YL th are lisaster its directors er and. W. Keddy. I -it New ind Mr. Conmee will be the Liberal- carid graduate fkoni- the factory, is the maker in 7*1.-Nv W,%V; E S. -The fire alarm Sound- by the first Of'Jinne ne.t.=The inunicial a t At the Poultry Convention hel.d. a IN 8 EL liew ill,a- Hamburg las week, -some excel-lent'address HowICK. -Reeve, B. S. Cook first atory not far from Belleville. His ed a�oii-t lialf-�ast one on niorn- election,. wMeh. took. plaae dates, but it is not yet definitely known deputy, Graham'; second deputy,. Sothern;- large fat kre oil Xloiltlay teril, and the Wobe will soon be back- in, factory has 1�een turned. into a winter ing. The firemen were soon on hand, also: last, was a very keenly contested ohe f; es were delivered, -and several interesting 'net whether or not they will be opposed. These Con 'Alors, Doig and Gregg. aniry, and is being operated1l ths winter. quite a, crowd of peopTe but it -,Vag discov- the reeveship, Th ileaults were as follows ere (pi'arters Of its own a-n(,l looking more lilce A. Youn- 0 . papers read on the care of pou'ltry, and the- elections are -rendered necessary bv the un- COLIBORNE.-Deputy Reeve, g; Both these young men have risen to their ere(.1 to be, an ah-huse, at. the Rectory. The For reevp__�,NTia.-IUL Bawden, 161 votes itself E 11 0, 4A
witi, tlie proud record o piofits aisin- froni the production of eggs. Councillors -A. Million, N. Johns and & lish and damage wa4 verv, sligh.-There was quite Tholuas-1-L Seating of Dr. Sinyth *11 Kingston and of Potter. present positions by their ability, p AUCallum,. 1-61 ; A. Q. -ol).jer, 60'
gh -t newspaper hire. in t -'time lon Monday, election (lay. lU 'No W�Ers. Buwden, and McCallu. ,i �, a perseverance, and are to be comended. all exciting in a Passed the wors Pro eliver- _Mr. -,air e for Algt1m, by he election GoDmnwi Tow-NISHIP. -Reeve, Cox - dep- .9
the history of Callada wit1laut inissing all b ably the best of these wais thift d, bei ed by T&Jr. Thomas A. Duff, a practical far- courts. These are theifirst bye -elections to uty Reeve, Churchill ; Councillors,Corinall -Toronto papers seern bound to dis- 'M 13tockelishre had a mikiority of sixty- a tie, the clerk, Air. 1t Fwrett, gave tl)(, Y' pose of Mr. Sid. Smith, eattle buyer. three for the may-oralty, Mr. 'McKenzie casting. vote ia. favor of Mr. Mccalifti, nier who has, evidently, devoted a great WillianTs and Johnston. � ni" , a take place... The News stated recently that the was against Mm. -The Suridav 'school Tuesday. last,. at RGell, Air. Asi(FTBLD-Pteeve, Giryin; first deputy, tion to the �ubject. niong lship Sarnia was adrift on the oceart, scholars ajid te "r annual clai nis the seat, auil Mir. Bobie-r all M_ r deal of atten stean %e,,es enjoyed thel The Manit(Yba Scho Act. otber things Mr. Duffsaid: Kickley. having lost her rudder. Sbe was in tow of sleighride andtea, on Wednesda af ternoon. Bawden have of-rered to C0111proliliSe WiLtil News of the Week. EAST WAWANOhH. - Ree,�e, Patterson;. tA
1. t Deputy -Reeve, Thos. Brown ; Councllors— anothervessel for i couple of (lays, but a -Tile sleiLgh�ilj.g is splendid, and the frin - 1-ImCallum., and, if he claims ilie seat M )a.ltl seel,, % W c have liat yet heard r4ai-ners, as a rule, pay but little a tten- ED r. tio to poaltry. Most of them hourever, John Burns, M. storm separated the two. She is loaded es are taking advantae of it by bringing protest will, be entered, and. - tile 'vexed que Messrs. Robertson, Scott and Sutherlan4l. rX111 � the lst of this nuich stion. The ll P., the English labor leader, sailed from vVith cattle and- Sheep, and one of her ..pms- in lots of woo& -Between 8inday night and over again by either 1kin Bobier r Ila" �' few running about the barnyrd, but sengers w 'Mr. St 'Nfonday morning A as I S book -store Ba.wden. Thou'las B. Carling was ek(,te(i New York oil attirday for Li verpool. as I d. Smith, the well-known L I o il
ive them little or no care. Possibly a pail 01 and bV a0clelubtiola for eputy-reeve, liarti for what they believe to be their 9 (rMin is thrown out to them once, or TWENTY YEARS' WO�K..' Mt. (3ladstone's Huron Noteg. cs.ttle buyer. It is true the Sarnia Was was entered and robbed of about S3 and f Lill Of Concordance iid Prayer-ook, tlje work of IM r. Cha�rles Tom, of Vxeter, has le- a adrift, as Stated, but as Mr. Smith was in goods consisting* of mouth organs, jack AT. Taylor with 321 vote;, a ed rights. After the 1'ri.vY at most twice, a Week. If you ask the. gen- 0 his leisure hours for 201 cars, will be ready store in Ayr, and has left for that place. Clinton at the time, he could not 'Very well knive.�, et.e. ome boys have been arrested, -%vitli 5, allid. Williant Harding t of t1te eral run of,-farniers whether they give any ly with 27-2, decided that the Ac His family, however, -will remain in Exeter. the I cout; cillors-L e Cler of their time to poultry, the answer usually oil February Ist. be an board the steamer. and ,rial will be held in. the court1rooni i -�Th Aishing 8eparate one 0 t oung arm- th electi n WOLVERMON-WARD1 -Baron VWolverton, -Ma'stee Ed. Dignan, of Exeter, has a -The other-evenin on Thursday night. --Rev. D. Perric, of pol 0 for School truste Legislature, b, 0 es, Well, no; the wom) ell folks aather what the West byterian Church aixt 'Rev. Instead of, 5 in., there will. be a w was withan the at lord-iij wating, to tit Queen, was married alf which he has trained to go in a �sleigh. ers near the Leeburn boundary on Winglim . Pres e obls in that Province) eggs there are, and raise a few y"ung ones ch 0 1 on Saturday to Lady ERith Ward, sister of He drives it tip and down the ; road every side went to the granary to get oats for his r. of Te"waten, exchanged pul- tion at the Clerk's cxpe�nse.-.Nlis of ti.le Legislatare. t bUb they don't pay.' No, of course they. y1ast.-Mr. Alex. Orr. of (,',Or- Ilefs-By, of London, visited friends Ie
0 - the second Earl of Dudle the (Ion't pay, riot looked af ter. Would y mornina. The anival travels well.. orses. With the- lantern and the oat pits Sunda I re tli,(�
e to bear o 0 a , 8, a'.1 . I i
rotig-lit pressur COLD, COLD. -Dist , Saturday was the L_Mr. Thomas Jarrott, of Hensll form- fileasure lie unawares met a large rat, which rie, has mived to town. -Miss Ne-111fe Cline past week ---There i good k ti i. Passi they b their cattle, their horses, or- their swine pay I g at the coverari,ent to subilit to re- second coldest (lay of this winter at New- erl of - Clinton C61legiate, iias been engaged at once turned for its bole at the South side -visited ill eafoth a couple of, ditys this i,,e rink this the y if the,,, attended to in Stich a sl�ip-sbod y oung people the schools. York.. It was aso the coldest January 5th as. principal Of Courtright Public School for of the passage. Lantern and meaure drop- week.-iss Coventry, milliner of Tbronto, are l)takirig good itse of it. __N!r_ and ,ti011 re-estabt 0 and �idiculo-us fashion Poultr A'll t 0 9 levisi, owner made as fast s is home on a visit. -'Miss Anne Davidson Fred Collins were the guests of M, r. V" 1895.
E.1 since 18 i J; ped quickly icud the ttorney-GreilLeral, ir John pa�y unless properly cred for and a pericIlle0i' Spend The then A MuciL NFFDFT).-An anti -vice societ be could to out off retreat and his foot cime has gone to Toronto to the winter. -- Shapton, of Stephen on Sunday Iast.__
_y has - -Mrs. Thonlas Yellow died o Wednes (lay evening of las hek, at Exeter, after ility to. propose, ill this short rticle, to en- beatin work in San Fra, down heavily on the rodent's tail, protrud.- ,Nlr. George Kerr, of Creemore, is visiting Sutherind, Of Hens pson., in order to evade r(',sPO"- ib Vdisco. t Nv all, was vi--,itilig frie. atter, s.ubtliitted the (luestion deavo to -show that poultry 11 (;.--John 1). Rocke- tit illness of 'several months. he was acred oil - ill this village the beginning ol the week. the ill, to more so tban cattle or ,ViA0_NIFrCE.N-T 0 in-fronitbehole. Then came the tugof his mother in town. -Miss Talbot, of 1, p_%y W . fellerhas given Chicago University $115,:- 49 years, 8 months. war; ma.,rifully the rat tought, bitingat its don, is the guTt of Alias 1r. Isitac.J. Dearing, our MW barber, ie coart. to see if Pa,rhaient had swine, wheii you � take into consideration t' tke apren 000. Mr. Thomas Walker, of Clinton, has assaulter's armor of boots, but with no 'Maggie Duff is home for a visit.-_Iliss doing a business in Rissetf block, cided the annotint of capital invested. Care is 0 this po.-,,v RESERVE OF 001,1).�Tlie Vilited 8tates been awarded contracts for the stonework impression. The farmer was powerless to sie Harris itid. Miss "Minnie Hemphill, of ---\Jr. ohn Torraifice, of Zinrich, Spent la,,t� The Suprenixe Court de
It really the most impotalit pat of the lif t Ila -Li no such power. (-,old -,reserve at noon oil Friday wis .148 I of it couple of barns on tile premises Of his other foot or reach for a spde near Wroxeter, are the guest of � the Ilisses Saturday in this village. -31r. George B.aw- t 14, rautine a.nd mnagement of poultry. .'To Was alposed, for it tiLlne, that the 111atter and 'make t' them profitable re- 000,000 Messrs. John and Thomas Biggins, Hallett, .�y, nd the wind bloiving the wrong way Stuart this week.-Iliss Mabel Kent bas dell, Nain treet, gave the V011th .110 i6s"T Tin i�: oi� IT !-Suow fell last week and Robert Plewes, Tackersinith. to ca11 for aid there was no use. The rodent gone to attend College in London.-'Uiss beauty of this place a giwral Ito tha the agitatioll q ires titne nd care. Vowls n -fust, be fur- f) oil rest here, :11 Was it had with clean, fresh water, comfortable ILt Nice, 1taly, to the uilparalleled deptir of -Two young fellows got into an aterea. with circumstances thus in his Uvor sooth arrie Fisher, of Moulton Ladies' College (lay last. A very pleasant Appeal is Cese. ]'),tit not so- five inches. iolesome food, in Such quan- tion in a abed at the Commercial. Hotel, escaped, with its tail, however, slightly Toronto, is home on a visit.-Mias Mand wsspent.-Mr. IObert ;N101ordie, Of K.iz'
quarters, nd wl VV Council, a --NDRED FIS1, tiiE2� DRowNET). - 'Hensall, on New' Year's night. A few flattened.
tities thiLt it 'Will riot become fouled or lorid it Two Hu Roberts is the guest of Miss Ella Cornyn.- - pen, lld 'Mr. JoInn Keteben, 'of 1'r cefi It
NESS Lillian Halstead, of Toronto, is visit- the, Secretary and President of haa de- It is estimated tha 000 fislievmen belonging blows were struck, but there was more wind Seldom indeed in the history of Bly-th. -
statedthat that tribun wasted. To attend to -.ill these things re- tile ment,of the Call- to Hull and CwMisb England, were wasted than injury (lone. has there occurred anything which has ing )ter mother.-IVIiss Ovordon, o Kinear. Huron Farni6rs' Institute Nvere here atteml-
-I the (111ires tinie and care, but ithout time or yl -caused such -universal sorrow and regret as dine, is the guest of Miss Id Kerr. ci�;ion reversing drowned during the recent gales. z --A medical operation was recently per- ingthwaillinalilistitute meeting on If this is the cae, it will, in care what profit or success conles in any line It(.1i&n. ('ottrt. NiEw BATTLFSiurs.-The United States formed upon -NV. Milne, of Ethel, f;r the the unexpected and sudden taking 9way of effort *! As to the profit or loss, that will nesday last. -A largo crowd of "fa.rine
from this 'life, of Arthur Hill Tierney, eftect, deulare thaX the Donlinio-11 upou tli(, care they recci�vc. Fowls will probably build two and perhap.s three removal of something after the nature of a tenfled the Fariners, Institute lteth;&Obe�,l Gorrie. British North St. a IT here mi Wednesday `1a. -Ml large battleships at once, to cost 84,000,000 czjncer f rom the brea'si. Milne is doing which event took place at his residence on
Meat has tile po. Cannot thrive On stagnant water or on an edial legisla,tion 0 each. lop y Alexadet Kaine. who Of St. is visiting at Mr. Hii nicely,andwel e lie will soon beallriallt Frida morning, 28th ult.,about ten*o'clock, food, more thati American Avt to Pass ran BAD WEATITER IN 115'1-110PF.�-Bad weather -The ringing Of the town bell and St* under peculiar circumstances, lie having taught in No. 1, Howick, has 0n(l to ()Well A] Oak of can, %,a,. on it. 1,1.,litioity of hunian beii%s can thrive ti�' There aLU
favor of t1le been in the best of spirits and pparently Sound to attend tile Collegiate Institate. ill ill, Rom all should be as much care in providing water is reported from all parts of the continent Paul's church bell, tli6 playing of the town a old iriendl 11 tIlia place on Wedie lay It is 11101, t1ie Province of �Niaitcrba. of Europe. band, the wild hoots of a-, large number of his usual health but a few short hours be- that town.,-3klisses Janet .'James, 1clinie last. - -The Misses Webbling its there isshown in providino� food. Upon 8_N0W.1N9COTLANr).--A hea'v'y s:t'ioN%- Storm young men and boystisliered the old year fore. Owing to his having been out later' craw: a fine (�1)11 - T (,'rper and Edith Evans have trone to Oshawa cert in I)rew'S )e oninian the no care principle, no pro&s will be the known what. cour�se the 1) It ol ra iou. e on Wednestlav prevailed on11onday throughout 8cotland, out and the'new year inat,Win,tbam. than sual the night before attending the to attend the Ladies College. Jwnes last, for tile benefit of
laent will take This decison, especiallY, Poultr�, MCC I'll other dollies- Wl 0 tile. Exeter 'to railway traffic.. --Mr. ii. Holt has di6posed of his It all attack A. 'Bishop, n(leansed much delal be of a general election, will be ex- tic stock, ill vield a protit in proportion to 110- asonic Supper, be wits allo�ed to rest in Tait, who has ell laid up,%vit attile eve the eare t.keii' (if it, You ma feed plenty STRICKEN WITH PARLYSIS. - tel at Grand Bend to -.\fr. Edward Bossen- the morning, and on L\Irs. Tierney*s going to of �ongestion Of the lungs is eonvalescent. M. P. 11�, werepresvill. l(.'overument tary to the arouse him, he found him c�)Id in death, treniely cinbarrassinly. of hard earn and et few eggs, Fowls call- Ponponby, private secre Queen, J)erry, for the sum of We wish the --Nlervyn Walker, son of ',Nlr. anies Walker, at thQ Institute meeting on Nvas'stricken -with paralysis.'Monday at Os- *.new purchaser success as lie seems to be the having, it is supposed, died� of apoplexy. of this -village, has been quite ill for a few liesday ny lOncter to them- not be cxpe�,.ted to shell out, many cat's if Fred Raker, Dasl not be, Deceased was of a genial, 44py ispositio -Messrs. orrell and Beswitheriek
-table places ill old borne, in tile Isle of Wight. (I 11, (lays. right fellow in the right place. atten&d the Farmers' Instittit
They will be they have unt. C eh e -t bellitid. 20,000 RELtASED. -'More -The other day, Richard Arinstron, of the courts ow their weat her. MORP. Tn.ts drawingll hearts to him.� He was only 29 liave removed to their new shop in the here oil Wednesday -F fol,41(ld tt) e0me out and 811 than 20,000 prisoners will be benefitted by the township of ("rey, appeared before Years of � age, an EnglishniaTi by birth, ba- Walker building. They are now ill an ex- ('111istiL had , very successful uA_ d ost difficult and r. Duff further that eggs can be i e n re of alnesty_ Many (;f Judge Tonis, charged with obtaining m ing come to this country about eight years cellent part of the village. -Mrs. Will Tait 'Of farin'stoc-1c oil Friday last. Mr. lu, fa -".t this ])a tl I oney deal produce(I oil the fXrni at n averae cost of them have already been libqrated. iinde ompany with his brother, Nl r.Janies has moved into the shop recent] - te(I 0 r false pretences. He occupies lot 24, ago ill C -1 a a, que.qtion they have ha to Cameron and Mr. oh 11 half , cont each, nd says: " It would, Ykm, i-\ FARM PRODUCE PRIC13S.-The on the 6th concession, rented from a widow Tierney, who Survives him, A Reformer in '.\Iorrenan(IBeswitherick.--Nlr. -d r.�. capacity of
an time. If they subillit are- lietirteers- -Com lilercilil witli for �,otiie fall in the productionnd price of wheat narned Mary Ann Riserman, owing her qI 40 politics, and a, member of the English AV-riglit, of Woodstock, spent the bolida.vs eller.,� have been 111illierou it therefore, cost bout scvent�y-live cents per medial measure to PohallIent ad earry oil gh- bere the pa -,i and other grain in Englpnd, is shown in a for rent. It. is alleged lie pretended to her church, lie was inrried in June last to with their daughter, Mrs. !6 -JeLau Neek.-There -were several ille lien -on tile farm, an gal.
(1, iiiaiinerwliieli,,4taz,tles-'�ritisliacrric Iturists, that Finl*y S. Scott had garnisheed 860 qf'� iss Thompson, of the gravel road, Hul- lin.-Miss Tit'!,
will offend their extreme- 9,11"u'll to maintain men, the new assistant ill our vast tit the'last in-linjoipal ele througli, they _.0
1>rotestant friends whle if they refuse to with ere, feed atLentian, it is it very by tbe-return of the B card of Axt-iculture th it is needless to say his bereaved school, ha-- commenced, work. Her sis;ter bere, tile protc�jjt. e aniount, and was threatening to gar- lett, and PON