HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-11, Page 3E [th 3 �. f ­=-___------.-, ._ _ _. .. - . ,._. _ ..... ,. . - . _.. - , - _ _ .. - ing the principal substances from which rcrhng, --nen, Iusueau vi n pvauuu, 11V seized a peach and made off with it. She 11 J - - - . . -1 a I I I . � . . . �. - - ­ i - 1. � . i I I . I o _I . .. . . �; . �. � -_ I . I . . I . . . 1 OR SALE,—Egniondville mill site embracing about 60 acres, is offered for sale cheap to close ftp the joint interest of the underslgned. The ice privilege will fully cover interest on the whole inve4_ trient, Easy tertrs. Apply to D. D. WILSON or W. M. GRAY. 1411.4 fj�EACHER WANTED.—wanted for School Section 1 No. 1, Grey, male teacher, 2nd class certificate preferred. Applicant to state salary expected. Ap- plicationa received until January 18th, either person- ally or in writing. THOS. (IALDLR, Secretary, Cranbrook P. 0. 1411-2 INf� ON EY WANTED.—Wanted to borrow for a tern_ of years from $1,800 to $2,800 on -first mort- gag- on farm property. A first-class investment. Apply at or address THE EXPOSITOR, Seaforth. Applicant must state the lowest Interest required. Money to be advanced by 1st Sanuary. 1409 -td . UARRY STONE.—The undersigned has for sale at his quarry at Cranbrook a•quantity of choice. sty=ic, suitable for corner stones, sill stones and - bridge stone. Will b• sold at reasonable prices. GEORGE BAITER, Cranbrook, P.O. 1403-tf BLLL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned his for service on Lot 30, Concession 10, McKillop, a thoroughbred Durham buil, registered in Dominion Short Horn Herd Book. Terns, X1.26 - payable on January tst, 1895. JOHN CUTHILL, Winthrop. 1405x12 1. �OHN BEATTIE, C19rk -f the Second Division Court, County- Commissioner, of Huron, Con- , veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds , Invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp & I Livens' store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 - TOCK FOR SALE.—The undersigned will sell ten head of thoroughbred Durham cattle, cows or heifers, a herd of 22 to choose fron., also eight young bulls. All these are registered and will be sold cheap. Time given if required. DAVID HILL, Lot 27, Con- cession 3, Hibbert, Staffs P. O. 1406.26 ,B~LLS FOR SALE:—The undersigned has on lot ` 13, concession 4, H. R. S., a thoroughbred Dur- bant bull, 17 niontha old, red color and an excellent animal. He was sired tby timported "Prime Minister"; also a six months old -bull, red color and frnm Prime Minister. WILLIAM CARNOCHAN, Egmondville. 1408 -ti ULLS AND PIGS 'FOR SALE. — For sale two thoroughbred Durham buff's one year old, one thoroughbred two year old with registered pedigrees, both roans ; also a lot of young Poland China boars about four months old and a Poland China boar for service. Inspection •invited. Apply on Lot 80, con- cession 6. Usborne, or address Luntioy P. 0. THOS. CUDMORE, 1404-tf o ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, west half lot 11, con- F cession 18; Grey, containing t0 acres, all cleared and in a good state ofeultivation. There is a frame barn and log house and good orchard. Plenty of water. It is cormeniently -situated for markets, schools, &e. It will be sold =heap. Apply on the premises or to Walton P. 0. ARCHIBALD D'UNCAN- SON, Walton. 1311x8 ENECUTORS' NOTICE. -`Notice is hereby given that all partiesihaving claims against the estate of the late Henry Prang, in his life time, of the town - ,ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th of September, 1893, must forward the same, properly attested, by registered Ietter, post ,>aid, to the undersigned at Zurich Post Office, on or before ,the fifteenth day of January, 1895, as the affairs of the said estate will then be wound up, and after which no claims will be recognized. JOHN ERANG, Executor. Zarich, December 19th, 1894. 1410-4 $ 300 Private funds to loan atlowest $ 500 rates of interest in stems to suit ,� 8 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- $1,000 pleted and money advanced $1,500 within two days. Apply to R. $2,500 S.HAYs,Barrister, &c.,Seaforth. — 12s ESTRAY STOCK. STRAY EWE and:LAhits.—uame Into the premi- ses of the undersigned, Lot 1, Concession 2, Tuekersmith, in July l"t, _a ewe and lamb. The owner can have the same on proving property and paying charges. ROBERT STEWART, Rodgerville. 1409x4 STRAY STEER. --Strafed into the premises of the undersigned, Lou's 21 and 22, Concession 7, Hay, about the middle of August, 1 red yearling steer. The owner can have the acme on proving property and paying expenses. JAMES HAGA1, Jr., Hills (',reen- 1409x4 TRAYED HEIFER --Strayed it to the premises of the undersigned, Lot 7, Concession 6, Stanley, about November 1st, a two year old heifer, red color with white sputa.. The owner can have the same by prole ing proper* and paying charges. JOSEPH FOSTER. Varna P. O. 1409.0 BOARS FOR SERVICE. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE PICS.—The undersigned has for sale a number of Thoroughbred Im- proved Yorkabire Pigs, of both sues. Apply on Lot 24, Concession 2, .L. R. S., Tut,., • �amith, or address' Brucefield. P. O. WM. CHAPMAN. 1356 t f I31PROVED YORKSHIRE PTG:—The undersigned will keep for the improvement of stock, on Loot 3:3, Concession 3, L. R. S., Tuokcrsmith, an Im- proved Yorkshire Boar with first-class pedigree, to which a liruited number of sows will be taken. ilerm&- % payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning it necessary. This is. one of the bast bred pigs in the County. THOMAS LANE. 1353-t f (ZlAMWORTH BOAR .FOR SERVICE.—The under- ,- efgDed will keep for service, at the .Brucefield Cheeve Factory, a ,thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. with registered pedigree. Terms, 81 ; ,payable at time of service with privilege of returning if neces- eory. HUGH McCARTNEY, Brucefield. 1405-tf PIGS ! PIGS 1—The undersigned has at his premi- ses,ilat 5,concenion 6_,Hiuilett,several thorouggh- bred Berkshire sows and frogs for sale at - --_- - bre prices,also a'.itter of thoroughbred Tani worths ready to wean. He also has a thoroughbred Berkshire and a thoroughbred Tamworth boar for service—terana 81 rpavable at the time of service with the privilege of 1 1..returning if necessary, ,$ U5 if booked. F. H. £Cf10ALES, Constance P.O.. 140:.a'7tf BOAR FOR SERVICE.—On Lot 26, Concession 5, 3%(:Ki lqg, the thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, Electron," No. 2978, farrowed June 22-Rnd, 1893, bred by J. G. Snelldt Brother, Edmonton, Ontario ; 2nd owner, Wm. McAI'ister, Varna, Ontario Sire, Loudon Champion (15x; 4), ,dam Lelan (2792), by Enterprise, imp., (1x78) ; Painted Lady, imp., (1641), by- Paragon .(424); Lady Dosia (955), by Eguinor .(470), Lady Mallory 2nd (466), by Royal Teck Lady ; L. Tregenna by Tim Whiffler; Lady Malloryby Baron houthrope ; Lady Shilton by King of .Lanirford ; Beauty. Terme—$1. payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if neceosary. JAMES r,aov ► <<nc 1.`05-52 The Best Remedy. FOR RECENT 4 COUGHS —AND— . . . AND— . C0 LD S -- IS THE— Olt/ TARIO C' HE MI ST S BALSAM OF ' SPIAL CE & TAR. It is especially recommended for the use of those who are susceptible to BRONCHITIS LARYNGITIS HOARSENESS - And Loss of VOICE. FOR. SALE li\- J. S. ROBERT, • DRUGGIST, main Street, Seaforth.. With regard to rices in the Music c p- FAMOUS HACKNEYS. ing the principal substances from which rcrhng, --nen, Iusueau vi n pvauuu, 11V seized a peach and made off with it. She — AT line. ' Two Noted Eastern Sires of This Fashion- to select articles of diet for the sick. horse, such as bran carrots oatmeal > gave chase, and the squirrel, after draw- Ing her some distance from the stand, I The Karn Piano and able Breed. The hoe s are perhaps the horses � > linseed, etc., the writer continues: dropped the peach,ran swiftly back, seized���� PICKARDCOON of steaming and consequently of sooth- , < ``Bran stands_ decidedly foremost as a peanut before she got there and ran _ �, -. I `-� .I. -x::;:'= ` in the irritable mucous membranes of Organ Company - ; ata that have attracted most attention at the New York horse shows in the past the food most generally in use for . the laxative, is away with it, much to the amusement of the bystanders. y _ - Nm,=v� �- —,,, invalid horse. It acts as a ; �s �` the more stimulating diet he is accus- tomed to and promotes the actin- i three years. The headquarters' of the ' frequently tempting to the appetite and An instance of cunning rather cruel in gently ity of the digestive apparatus; it is also Have opened out their store on Main ` Street, Seaforth. Call and examine drafts, on the other hand, is Chicago, , although the western city is also fully easy of digestion. There is no part of its character was witnessed in a coffee plantation in the Transvaal. Among the ON SDECEMBER girls are smarter sometimes. A young in all kinds, Ill .ill styles , all must �o which we wi h to clear out completely 29th of certain simple remedies. A man addicted to skipping board bills and -shop his the general treatment more universal , coffee trees there grows a shrub of which New York none are more familiar to diet than that with which hp ii; indulged sundry small bills changed ad- our instruments the are the beat y alive to the beauties and gracesof the than offering this substance as a change , the apes are particularly fond. But a U seers in all sizes. About 3evtm-tentli that are manufactured in the world, high stepping varieties. Among the ani- of food. Is the horse very weary and species of wasps fasten their nests to these We commenced our Great Annual Stock-takiii Sale, which «'ill this time oln- and prices are right. ti:'e medicine? A bran mash renders trio I his powers weakened in consequence? shrubs, of which the apes are very shy, for pletely out -do any previous attempt. We hale 1)tid a good season's trade, . bowels more susceptible of its - action, I We induce him to take a warn, bran fear of being stung. One morning fearful Nov the knife goes in deep, and we will place before the public our immense J. L. DOWNEY Manager Manager i and a Smaller portion of the drug is i mash, which comfortably distends the i i cries were heard, and upon examination it was found that apes were ravaging the es wee stock of Dr Goods and Clothing Milliner and Fur Goods at suell rices y r� y p stomach and satisfies any Craving fol' j plantation. A Tat a was throwing a$ will astonish everybody. Remember, tli- sale kill last only until L_>Tr<<, or SCOTT BROS. 1394x16 , / food, thereby enabling him to lie down i the young apes down into the shrubs, so Stock -taking, which will soon be, and parties Laying early will have a + and rest his cafe@bled sys m until re- that their fall alight break off the wasp treat chole@. To app of our customers at a distance, we will mail samples of p years pose restores its wonted Igor. Does he : nests. While the little fellows were. crying any line of goods. Just drop us a line far them., statin; kind, show slight symptoms of cold or fever? piteously, because of the stings of the i b A warm bran mash is . onvenient plan angry insects, the old fellow calmly re- - - of steaming and consequently of sooth- , aged himself with fruit occasionally toss- g y Overcoats, 1J� O 2 per cent. � Ladies' Mantles 30 per Genf, � _ �, -. I `-� .I. -x::;:'= ` in the irritable mucous membranes of Ing some of it to his mato and her young ,�� . :_ _ _-_ off. off. w>n %-1. , `" I-"� u -� w ' the air passages. It is a substitute for ones, which were a safe distance away. -R- Philadelphia Times. Nm,=v� �- —,,, -- �s �` the more stimulating diet he is accus- tomed to and promotes the actin- She Got the Dollar. We have, on hand about `�00 it en'81, Ladies' s, t. oft1eS, Capes ailtl .� / , gently ity of the digestive apparatus; it is also Little newboys are smart. Little news- r � Youths' and Boys Overcoats ill all sizes, 3 c 00 per cent. off. About two lltliltlretl undr r %11'l)lCntS Teliha)Il in t111S departl3lellt, AIATCHLES3 OF LO-NDE5BOR0, a convenient medium for the partaking lower girls are smarter sometimes. A young in all kinds, Ill .ill styles , all must �o which we wi h to clear out completely mals that have won fame me annually in of certain simple remedies. A man addicted to skipping board bills and -shop his aurin; this sale. - . Children's and :hisses Loll, Coats New York none are more familiar to diet than that with which hp ii; indulged sundry small bills changed ad- and the shotivgoers than the two hackney when in full work is judicious anti- bran dress, owing the little newsgirl $1. The child was in despair, but seeing the , Mens Youths and Bo S U seers in all sizes. About 3evtm-tentli stallions represented below. The trst is the renowned old Match- is selected. Is it necessary to administer purga- youth some days later passing at a distance r Suits �J f:0 25 per Cent. 0� of theso goodswere- botrllit . special prices , rices froll manufacturers and as a. less of Londesboro. Matchless, whose ti:'e medicine? A bran mash renders trio I and once or twice skipping around a tor- Iter she decided that he had not left the ' , consequence, you A1,111 ret thein at very sire was the famous Danegelt, is now 10 bowels more susceptible of its - action, I neighborhood. • Her eyes were kept open, Nott/ in 600 of lowv prices. Conte in and loot. throuBll old He was bred by N S Brough and a Smaller portion of the drug is i and yesterday morning, while making her stick, over suits t11iS" cls-irtment England,. imported by Henry Fairfax of therefore required to produce the de- , rounds, she saw the youth through the splendid new Boods in Men's, 1 outlls' p` ' Virginia and is now owned by W. Sew- sired off ect, and there is, at the same i basement window of a house to which she and Boys' sizes. Remember, every Suit The Hron Expositor, and Webb. time, less risk of painful spasms acconl- didn't sell papers, lazily eating his break- , will be sold at the aboye discounts dur- Dress Goods, Winter W4�lgllts, $EAFORTH, OST. Tho- house, fairly rose to Matchless panying its operation. Bran maslies'may ;fast• It was a big boardinghouse, and rho ing this sale. ? r when 'he was led into the ring at the be given hot or cold—cold are. perhaps new young man was holding forth to a o 2J per Cent. off. New York horse show with a score or quite as grateful to the horse—but the large number of boarders, who thought - __ , — MCLEAN BROS., - Publisherts more of his colts frisk our thins uibblin of the hot mash in catarrhal binl a very fine young man. In a second Ladies' Fur Goods, 25 per of Heavy Diagonals, y y g= g• g the child had passed the servant at the . p Consisting r ; full -of grace and fire. Matchless is kept affections is particularly beneficial, from i basement gate and stood in the dining cent. Off, - Cheviots, Serges, Tweeds, Box Cloths, ADVERTISING, RATES, mostly at Dr. Webb's country place, the necessary inhalation of the steam* room facing him. Contract advertisements, matter changeable at Shelburne Farm, Vermont. Matchless "Of all the roots with which horses I "You ran awe wid me dollar," she Ladies Cloth lel eltons. There is a rare I << y All fur gootls, collsistill0 of 1►iZtlffs, Shap in these gootls, as the styles. for will. Tia INCA won the challenge cup of the American are tempted, the carrot, as a rule, is the , said. You did, and you never meant o Collarettes, Capes, (Treses aril Mitts, S >ring are of the Tweed effect designs. 1 Year 6 moo. 3 moa. Hadkne Horse society in 1893 and 1894. favorite and perhaps the most bene$- pay me, cos every. one round the blocks Sp rim, to 21 inches, inoluslvd $4 60 $2 50 $150 y y lookingfor you too. Give me me dollar. calls, Boas, Gauntlets, etc. All will 6 to 10 " 5 00 2 75 1 65 tial. It is said to be somewhat diuretic I want it." be cleared at quaiter off regular rice. 3 c 3 to 5 " " 6 60 3 00 1 75 in its effects- and to exercise a salubri- The youth turned pale, drew forth the `' P Flannels, every hind, 20 per 1 to 2 " 600 3 25 1 86 'ous influence on the skin. Certain it is dollar and failed to muster a look of an- TT If the advertiser elects to change not oftener than , that a sick horse may be coaxed into + Ladies' and Gents' Under- I cent. orf once per month, a reduction of 20 Eper cent. will be ` r - 3' noyanee. Hes up and going to another made on the above quoted prices. eating carrots when disinclined to par- block. Rates fres special position can be obtained on appli• "11 take of other nourishment, with the And the little newsgirl has soma new Wear, 210 ler Cent. Off. All -wool, anion, Fancy ShiTtillaS in cation at this office. \ Business or professional cards, not exceeding three , greatest beneficial results. For the ailing customers in the house where he was Scarlet, ZVllite, 11111itary. Callt0il i11 quarters of an inch, $4 to $5 per year. horse then carrots are most valuable found out.—New York Herald. � T White and colors. Sheetings—home- Advertisements of Strayed, Lost,+Found, etre., not _ = Ladies Vests in all -wool ailil t1nlQil, a exceeding one inch, one month $1, •each subsequent ( as an article of diet, and a few may be Ladies' C011lbii)at10I1 Suits all \V001 ' inade—grey and white. Druggets, etc-, Jordan Water. > ; mna Advertisements cements of Farms and Real Mato forsale, given with advantage to a horse in a Ladies' Iinittecl I"n{lersl; lits sail Cor- all at the above discount of 20 per A citizen of this city, who recently re - not exceeding 11 inches, one month -J1.50, each sub- healthy condition.cent. - aequent month 7bc. "Oatmeal is extremely nutritious, and turned from an extended tour, promised set Covers; Men', Shirts and Drawers Advertisements on local page, ten cents per line his wife before he left to bring home a ill all -wool and uncoil, ribbed or Plain each insertion, with a discount of 26 per cent. to as a food for the convalescent horse is bottle of water from the river Jordan, r� parties who also have regular coritraet space. _ most valuable. The bruisingprocess the lilllt, Illa(18 ill (ialltiCllaIl, Er10l S11 or Millinery, 3't/ lel cello. O Local advertisements under townshipor village _ P with which to baptize a tiny baby which , rain has under one Breaks the husk had Dined the family a few days before. Scotch lamb's wool—this lot ,will in - heading, 6c per line each insertion. g S Transient advertisements, ten cents per line for FASIIIO�. and rendersit more easily acted upon by Truetohis promise, he journeyed across terest you ; La(lies' and Gents' Winter � A rains assortment yet to be fof.)1tl first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent I Another one of the short backed, long the digestive organs. It is usually given the hills of Palestine to the sacred river Gloves, 15 per cent. off. ijfAhis department. insertion, nonpareil measure. g g Advertisenento without specific directions will be .legged hackneys that wolf great favor in the form of gruel, and in that form and filled a bottle with the precious fluid. . __ inserted till forbid, and charged acoardingly among the admirers of modish horse- f the most essential articles of The bottle was not disturbed till he was Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats at immense discounts. -All lines of Woollen Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted gratis.` it is one O crossing the Atlantic, when lie undertook - Tuz Expo$cToR goes into 4,300 houses every week. flesh was Fashion. diet for the infirmary. It is also a ready to exhibit the relic to a fellow passenger. Hosiery 20 per cent. off. which means, on a conservative estimate, that it has. His cropped tail stands up like a inode of supplying the tired, thirst neverything 20,000 readers tvun week. It is the'best advertiaing plume upon a hearse his neck arches y . He was not aware that the water must Thin sale is benuine, and - will be carried out to the very letter medium in Western Ontario. horse with nourishment after exertion, Vc boiled to insure its preservation, and that is here advertised. ..'Up like a drawn bow, and his legs stretch when lie retuzns to the stable. #. hen the cork was lifted a nauseous°quern- q ` afar fore gild aft. H@ is now 16 years Men's Cloth Caps, _0 per cent, off'; all knitted Shawls, 25 per cent. off; old and he belongs to) is Prescott Law- Linseed is decidedly to be included tity of slime was revealed. The good man all woollen Shawls, 25 per cent, off; l Oe and 12�;c Prints for G c aml. 8c per in the sick diet roll. It is nutritious, tock his disappointment easily, and when A I 0 rence of Newport, R- -I. Fashion is well crossing the ferry to Jersey City he threw yard ; 300 pair of Men's Pants to be sold at $1 Per pair_; Mantle Cloths, and from its oleo inous nature sooth g .named. g rent the Jordan water and refilled the bot- Coatingsand Ulsterin 4 `�5 per cent. discount, a s ing to the frequently irritable mucousg tic in theNorth river The baby was cub-. All other lines throughout our entire score, from cellar to Barret, l0 per Fastening Animals In the Stable. membrane of -tie alimentary canal, and se uontl baptized with it,. and the moth- g Willi rem and to live stock, the merci- hence is particularly to be recommended ergbelieves that at the sacred influence will cent; off. The 1�°bele stock of over �I0.,000 worth of goods subject to your knifnl man will make oven his stable tom- in the treatment of sore throats. Nor is be of great assistance to the child in lead- approval at GV'RA;` its bland effect local only. Its more gen- ing a moral and upright life.—Philadel- C N STI PATI O Ili fortabl@. Horses, cattle and sheep must .not only'be fed and watered, but they sial influence is particularly observable plug Record. PICKARD& C0.1S, �'B I LI ®US N ESS, must be housed, whether in bares or in affections of the kidneys. It may • �t �- — hE�S LA -folds or stables. either be boiled, so as to form when cool ; GOSSIP AND GLEANINGS. �-t a gelatinous mass, and then mixed with ; SHL (D�,-L �_ Valuable horses are kept in single, liars. Langtry's Complexion—Women of SICK f� EADAC 1-I'E, bran, or the liquid, after boiling, may CORNER MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. REG ll LATE THE LIVER. 'roomy stalls and generally are not Con- Tact—IIorse Show Echoes. ,. :fined by halters. Others are tied tip, be offered as a cringe. _ 4_ Grass, ha tea, etc., are also very [Special Correspondence.) _ _-- _—� ONE PILL AFTER EATING sometimes in single or double stalls. NEW YOnK, Nov. 27.—Mrs. Langtry, INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. useful in .the treatment of disease and PRI�E25 CTS. IHE�Opp�S MED.CO. L'TD. Mates of good disposition can be mads with her marvelous complexion, looks as TORONTO, comfortable in double stalls, should b© used in connection lvith other y handsome as ever, if a few ears older. remedies."" The Jersey Lily always asserts that the FURNITURE Brood. mares should have a single y 3r 3' . -stall.. Live Stock Points. brilliancy of her complexion and the firm- " - Sheep maybe put by fifties or hun- A calf is.a calf till it is a year old. • ness of her skin are altogether due to her `� Tile Kippen ' "S discs iu a sin le fold, but this should y daily energetic onsti atonal. "A slow N. - R' ITUREg Then it Becomes a yearling. alk is little better than no walk. It is _J__ V ,w V :be so large that all and each can get at i � '; the feed at th@-same time. All horses should be broken to drive the rapid walk which brings the blood to Y TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. in either single or double harness before the cheeks," says the famous beauty. Call and see our 'tock of Furniture. We cannot tell you here all we - Cattle, especially the .milky mothers they are offered for sale. I A woman of tact never sass aught have got but dire in rid i3ee for ourselves. of the herd, should have a full share -of ° against her women friends when talking a a P F The Rippen mills are now running at full blast and , the farmer's care and attention. They, Put female animals near the time of to a man. In almost every man'scompo- are prepared to do GRISTING o8 the ehorteetnotice, arta ition away by themselves. The sition there is something which resents a We can sell crier Furniture :c'hea_per than am and most reasonable terms. in this way youget cannot be herded together in a fold like P a y event throws the other animals into a disposition to injure those who are absent flour from your own wheat, and better •value for sheep. They can, however, be made i and unable to defend themselves. other Retiil Furniture, Stone in the West. the money than in any other way. stood flour comfortable in stalls ,without extra par- state of nervous excitement. x- aranteed. titions. A horse dealer ser s that a carrier o The fight which the women of New y g York made to_ defeat Tammany will go CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU W,A(T. I In fixed stanchions, which are still in animal broken so that he is entirely safe down to posterity as a historical event in use in most dairies, the cow puts her for _a lady to drive brings from 25 to 50 New York politics. - Mrs. Josephine Shaw Furniture of all Kinds 4t all Prices. TjOG S_ head -through a V shaped stanchion, the per cent more money than one that can- Lowell, the inspiration of the feminine The highest price in cash will be paid4or good right hand upright of which fastens at not thus be warranted. forces, was ill almost from the beginning ogs, or they will be out to order. the top, and the whole assumes the shape The livest and most payiug branch of of the campaign. From her bed, however, Also Undertaking in all its Branches. •. j of the Roman II when the he . is in. I stock raising at present is the hog busi- ? eat factions, she directed the movements consulting daily w th athe lffer rep- Residence of Funeral Director, next to Drs, Scott & McKay's Office on T:,_UM3BM3R_ have favored a single pole th a cattle ness. The high prices of a year ago still resentative of each. Goderich street. All kinds of Lumber for eels, cheap, tie adjustablei to the size of the neck. prevail to some extent. I There were a larger num ber of horses on - JOHN McNEVIN, Recently I Haire seen what may be When you are educating a colt, lead tered by women this seal at the New 1357-t f Proprietor. called an improvomeut on either of the York horse show than ever before. Mrs.17 methods. The stanchion consists him - up to baby wagons and make him John Jacob Astor exhibited. several saddle Main Street, Seaforth, Porter's Old Stang smell them. Haul them about where lie horses. Mrs. Foxhall Keene's borses were s two upright d, les of (wen size and can see them. Do `the same with urn- � _—�— R- smoothly rounded, fixed on` around disk among the prize winners. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Made of. plank above and below, which brellas. Let hurl see one closed. Then ; Mrs. Coleman=iIlrayton's recent denial ' open it and let him see it and smell it. of all her lhusballd's allegations, signify- .. THE allows the whole stanchion to turn or Then wave it open before his eyes. Then Ing her intention to oppose his applica- revolve at tri@ will of ilia 03,w—that is open and shut it in Iris face, gently at tion for a divorce; has caused people who jJ ? e'1aS to say, she can turn her head by her first, then suddenly. Falk around him knew her as "Lottie" Astor to become g rlesle s Dress lel OWEN side. the general natural position— reminiscent. A woman who knew her as hila lying down or while standing with it open. That colt will never after- a child says that at 10 years of ago she R' y g ward scare at an umbrella. A horse can Eve lad should be interested in the fact that the Pri tleys Dress Materials tura either Way to lick herself or rid was noted among millionaire's children Every y ELECTRIC herself of a fly.- With the old stanchions also be macre familiar with a train of are to be had from the better class of dealers throughout Canada. For beauty, because of the little girls of her own aka she could not do so, whiclh was aper jg cars so that he will not nhiud it at all. employed to wait upon her, and, to quote texture and enduring quality, they are unequalled. Manu - When you give ground feed, rnix al- the reminiscent lady, they were "bossed" factured as they are in pure wool, and in silk and wool inter- i the principal objection• around considerably b their small im- woven, these goods have a soft richness which is a perfect ; •' TRADE .BELT. - ways a little chopped hay, straw or corn y y delight to a lady of taste. • � pAK Warmth inure or les. Is needed b9 erious mistress. !-?'rade Ntarki DR.. A. OWFx. ' . fodder with it. This gives tlhe fine food P Priestle s goods are mostl in black and in black _ all animal ill, ;mol.o dii;ctty by warm. the ro er bulk and roughness and keeps Something new and very sensible for y g y fifr� The only Scientific and Pmeti�rl Electric blooded creatures. When it comes to proper g p ' thewoman who must gooutin bad weath- and white. wED Rult inhere forgencra,l use, producing aGenuine - it from packiug in the animal's stomach. A own inPriestley's fabrics retains its style and beauty - Current of Elect.riaity for the cure of lhscase, health and thrift or growth, it is pro er is the rainy day outfit. It consists of e g that can be readily felt and regulated both in economical ion as there l classes. thin of it ref hence the are the arrest BOARD duced by food which. is as fuel to a fur Do not feed solus very heavily imme skirt and cape of cloth covered rubber. g anything t' y quantity afar 11otver, andapplied to any part of ace or stove and .husbanded by wartrl diately after farrowing. , It stimulates The mackintosh ulster, while excellent, economical for all classes. ON1NHlcitTHIrGOQDS. t hr bode. 1L can be «ern at any time during 0 _ 8 working hour or sleep, widW,llpositiyely- cure - gables. - the flow of milk so that this sometimes invariably means bedraggled skirts under- ARE`♦%VIRAPPE�t'�` Iiheun,IiCianr. Cattle, horses and sheep will consuin9, becomes congested in the glands ailcl Ileath. These outfits come in small checks �4✓ �. of dark colors and are becoming as well t� See that the goods you buy are stamped every fare yards with Presley's Hahne �� Sciatica, �.. and need it also, from one-third to dries up partially. Begin light au(1 as useful No others are of their manufacture." - General Debility l � Luinbago, one-half more of feed during winter nu- gradually increase the quantity. i The passion for bicycling among fash- - ' T -AUG -16 > Nervous Diseases der open sheds or with no shelter over- The number of hackney horses in i ionable women has received a few shocks _ P. �� /. �, y Dyspepsia, I varleoeele, head than -live stock well housed in America is rapidly increasing, and lately. Mrs. Clement Moore, a well barbs or stables. Hen.,e it is true e the collection at the New York horse known New York saci9y Boman, hada �n R©xu,rl Vtr'ealahees mon- Lumsde" & H �% c /Lel Irlhpotene`-, n very serious fall, resulting in a sprained (�' �J'O Kidney Msenses, Omy to provide these. Nothing looks show was the finest ever seen in this Lame Back• more pitiful than to see cattle and sheep country. It is said to be one of the best ;ankle, and Mrs. Harper Pennington, the 11 Urinary Diseases wife of the artist, full from her, wheel, . l lectricit.y properly' applied is fast flaking the shivering ora the lee side of wrail fence ever displayed in the world. The fa- breaking her leg. it is reported that Mrs. P CAIN TO THE FRONT WITH plave of drugs for all'Ser•; ons, Ithcumnt ic•, ting- in a snowstorm: A man who will sub• mous old Matchless of Londesboro was i Cleveland intends riding a bicycle. There. A``l ` ncy-acid l sinal Troubles, and %vill effect cure, jest his animals to such treatment is the hackney that attracted most inter- i have been sonic cruel rumors lately about in ;c: n,licity liopcle,ti cases -.,-here c� cty oti�er not a farmer, for he does not even study est. Matchless is now 10 years old. the women bicyclists who have been inde- h;io�,,a ,»�=tri, has fttiled. THEIR USUAL FINE DISPLAY Any stuggt li; .yC:k or di�enFccl organ nay his b�vn best interests.—C. W. M. iu Like most stallions, his temper does not pendent enough to adopt tllerat}renal dress hy- this nivaiss be roused to healthy- aetiVit)' St. Louis Republic. improve with age. Ho is still, however, for wheeling. The makers of artificial • before it is too ];It(,. P p gMy Leading me(lieal meii ase and recommend the best known hackney sire in Ameri- sinews and muscles p ager that they are ded t)tyctt 13c1i ill their practice. - *- cars .umbrellas or � � are ushin usually busy at present making padded OF HOLIDAY ��0 tits When lhorsessh,, at ca. Some of his own colts OUR ILLtiSTRA"PED C'A.TAI.OGrF t,aby wagons or arc generally sliittisb, P g ]calx°es for many of the women Yr cyclide him hard in this respect, tllouf;h, one This rubor will confuse simple le minded Con fulls<t information regarding the erre it is a si u- not that the animals are of diem help Enthor e Performer echo P i is a -tel nervous cttscasc , ptices• g g P = people, who imagined the bicycling cos- Includinb the latest and prettiest tiling in the nl.arket sollletlllla suitable for of acute, Chronic how to order, etc.; ihhaiied (.ealed) FREE to really scared, but that they are not more won the blue ribbon at the New York . tunic meant a decrease of feminine vanity any aatlress. than half broken... horse show. ]and an increase of goad sense. all circumstances can be found amort st their varied ass�nlrtmel t, COlnl�arisol of The Owen Electric Blit & Appliance Co. - ii LAURA oLYVIA BOOTHE. node and rices solicited at } '49 KiNG ST. W.,TORONTO, OaiT� McKillop Directory for 1893.1 O 1 201 to 211 State St., Chicago, Ill. -- JOHN BENNF,V, Dep, Reeve, Dublin P. O. for tho ire care JAM F.R EVAN3, Deputy Reeve, Beechwood. " '.0%, & WILSON'S, iii \TIQ \ TMS PAPER. ° f for rho Tobacco �ror:.r� u. : ,,,r.d5 LUMSDEN PR1CE S Illabit. Kitts the DANIEL MANLEY, Councillor, Beechwood. era Wing and WM. McGAVIN. Councillor, Lesdbury. ' from children or adults, . TOBAC CURE�hankarin Tablet WILLIAM ABCHIBALn, Councillor Leadbur , Place in the World forYoung lien ra form for v east pocket JOHN C. MORRISON, Clert, Winthrop. y j use De. S M 1 T H S - and Women to Secure n Buslhess Thous:mds otcaros SOLOMON J. SHANNON, Treasurer, Winthrop. -3 CERMflN WORM r. _ _ _ ;tiiAll\7 STRE >Z' Education, Sborthand, Etc., is the Guaranteed. $1.00 a box. All druggists WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. LOZENGES Always SCOTT S BLOCK, Detroit Business University. De c mu / e�'al_ troft,Alich. I1lustratedCatalogue CHARLES-DODDS, Collector, Seaforth. irompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, no after _ ���0 Free. References: All Detroit. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Druggist, Seafcah. RICHARD POLLARD, sanitary Inapt etor, Lead, I ifter medicine. Never failing. Lc -ave no bad after ll y y. 1 W. F. JEWELL, President. P.R. SPENCER, Secretary. bury. I Tfiec"• . pr`ae, 25 `r w. s -Cr 1✓CX