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The Huron Expositor, 1895-01-11, Page 2
A S N A P01 The greatest snap ever offered in Seaforth can be had by calling at A. ru AU LT'S Store, Who has a very large stock in all kinds of Groceries, Provisions, Crock- ery, Glassware and Fancy Goods, My stock is well assorted in all lines, all new and fresh, and will sell all kinds of goods from now until JANUARY 15th, 15951 at prices that will startle the whole town and country. There is no ;Freed of me quoting prices, as I have not space to do so, but will ex- tend a cordial invitation to all to call — and get some of the =RE.AT - `BARGAIN _ s THAT ARE NOW GOING. This is 'no huinb.ug. Come one come all, aid -satisfy yourselves that I am selling all kinds of goods cheaper than any other house in the trade. WANTED.—All kinds of Poultry, Putter and Eggs, for which the big6- est market price will be paid. Don't forget the cheap store. A. G. AULT, C4th. ..� F PST S P�.. I : � � BOOKSTORE IIs the place to buy your Cllristruas and -New Yeargifts at right prices. We are showing the largest assort - meat even sll own in Seaforth. HY I .. W -NOT I I � - . -�4 I . Buy where you can save money, �md v 11 at the same time have rile largest and - best collection to choose from. If you would do as above, you must go to W. ru S BOQKSTO RE SEAFORTH. e We invite inspection and com- paiison of prices. N'OTIGE.. Notice is hereby given, that the 20th annual meet- ing of the members of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the T3wn Hall, Zuric-h, on MONDAY, JANUARY 14th, t 1895, at one o'clock p. m. Business . Rec ivin e g he Diren:tors'and Secretary's Annual Reports : Election of Directors and other bueineas for the good and weI fare of the Company. All iremberd are requested to attend.. JOHN TORRANCE, HENRY EILBER, 1410x3' Pretident. Secretary. THE FARM E RS` Banking - HOUSe, SE_A_.F ORT=_ - In connection with the Bank of Montreal. ao LOGAN & Cts., BANKERS Ain D FINANCIIAL AGENT - REML OVEIi To the Commercial Hotel Building, Main Street A General Banking Business done, drafts iskm and allowed n cashed. Interest o o deposits. MONEY TO LEtO On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAQEP 1058 The OldEstablished. BROADFOOT'S Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory, S -W1A_:P ORTH_ This aid and well-known establishment Is eta! running at, full blast, and now has better facilities than ever before to turn out a good" article for s n;oderate price. Sash and doors of all patterns al- way9 on hand or made to order. Lumber dressed on short notice and in any way desired. All kinds of lumber for sale on reasonable terms. Sbingles kept constantly on hand. Estimates for the furnishing of buildings in whole or in part given on application. None but the beat of material used and workman. - ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited. 1269 J. H BROADFOOT, Seaforth DONT DDS'PAIR WILLCURE YOU' We guarantee Dodd's Kidney Fills to care any case of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Lumbago, Dropsy, Rheumatism, heart Disease, Female Troubles. impure Blood -or money refunded. Sold by all deal(rs in medicine, or by mail on receipt of twice• 51x-. per hot, or :pix boxes $2.50. _DR. L. A. SMITH & CO., Toronto. GODERICH Steam Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) A. I S. O H RYSTA L, Successor to Chrystal A Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright do Tabular BOILERS Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iror Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve ti ngines. Automatic Curt-^ff Engines a specialty. Ali izes of pipe and pipe -fitting constantly on hand. EeVmatea furnished on short notice. Worka--Opposite G. T. R. Station, Goderich. '° a only the Scars Remain, "Amo�g the many testimonials which I see in regard to certain med)clnes perform- ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes HENRY HUDSON, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., 2hiiadeiphis, Pa., "none Impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on !ray legs, whiII broke and - became Zing sores. Our family physician could do me no good, and It was feared ., that the bones would beaffected. At last, . my good old mother s to. me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three labottles, the sores healed,and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good LTer•'s Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh.two bundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on thci road for the past -twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas- ure in telling what good it did for me," , For the cure of all diseases originating in -Impure' ood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Pripared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Alms. C u res otters, sash I cu re yo u REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. GOOD FARM FOR S&LE.—For sal , north half Lot 81, Concession 2, East Wkwanosh, 100 acres good fences, good orchard and never -failing creek. Apply to PHILIP HOLT, Goderich. 1278 FARMS FOR SALE.—The undersigned has twenty Choice Farms for sale in East Huron, the ban- ner Count- of the Province; all sizes, and prices to suit. For full information, write or call personally. No trouble to show then. F. s. SCOTT, Brussels P. O. 1391-tf FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 8, Conaession 8, Tuickgrsmith, containing 100 acres, all cleared, well fendFd and underdrained. There is a good bank barn with stabling underneath, and a frame house. There is a good orohard and a never failing well. It is within five miles of Seaforth and is .well situated. It will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Appy on the premises or address Seaforth P. O. 303EPif GIBSON, Proprietor. 1398x4 -t f. GOOD DAIRY FARM FOR SALE.—It is opposite first-class cheese factory in the township of Hay, Lot 9,:Joncession 9, good bank barn; good brick house, 10 rooms, 2 never failing wells, good orchard, 10 acres good bush, school on next fain. Cattle horses, pigs and implements. Terms to suit purchas- er. Possession given -immediately. Fur further par- ticulars apply to JOAN D. WILSON, Hensall P.O. or J. BECK, Egn:ondville. 1408-4 FOR SALE.—Good farm for sale, Lot 15, Conees- bion 12, in the township of Stanley,. containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared. Frame barn,, sheds ansa stables, large brick house and large orchard of splendid fruit. This farm will be sold on very easy terms as the proprietor wishes to retire. No endum- branee, convenient to school -and churches, and well watered. Apply on the premises to ROBERT DELGATY, or Box 14, Bayfield P.O. 1336-tf �TARM FOR SALE.—A 150 acre farm for sale, 1± j` miles from the Village of Brussels; being Lot 3, and east half of Lot 2, .Coneeesion 12, township of Grey ; 135 acres are cleared, 12 acres goodhardwood busts. This farm is well .fenced, well underdrained„ and in a good state of cultivation: On this farm are two houses, two good orchards, two good wells, good bank barn and other outbuildings. Will be sold to- ogetherFor further articular apply other or separately.rt s d the premies, or o JOHN or AARON McFAD DEN, Brussels P. O. - 1411x4 � ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—The 200 acro i�o farm, being lots 11 and 12, concession 16, Grey, is offered for Sale. 120 acres are cleared- and the balance is well timbered. Buildings first-class. orchard, welt, Ac. School house within 40 rods. Possession given at once if desivid• The lots will be sold either together or separately. For further paitieulars as to price , terms, etc , apply to MRS. WALKER, Roseville P.O., or to NELSON BRICKER, on the farm. — 1299-tf 1 the ARSi IN McKILIAP FOR SALE.—For tale 2concession 4 iii e. eolith half of lots 1 and lot F , Kllop, being 150 acres of ;very choice land mostly in a good 8tate,of cultivation. There is a good houet: and bank barn, a good young bearing orchard and plenty of never failing water. A considerable portion seeded to grass. Convenient to m%rkete and schools and good gravel roads in all directions. Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on the Vremises, MESSRS. DENT & HODGE, Mitchell, or at Ruaorh. Ezrpsrros Office, Seaforth. JOHN O'BRIEN, Proprietor. 1298-tt FOR SALE, VALUABLE FARM AND VILLAGE PROPERTY. -A good hundred acre farm in a fair state of cultivation, being lot 16, in the 12th concession, of the townshiplof Grey. A good Brick Hotel, in the Village of Crapbrook, in the said town. ship, known as "The Beck House", also a saw inili and a good frame store in said village. Anyone thinking of investing would do well to examine this property, which will be sold at a very reasonable price, in met or more parcels to suit purchasers. Further information will be freely supplied to any- one addressing the undersigned, at Brussels. G. If. BLAIR, Solicitor; F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. 1870-tf SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 25, Conces. cion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres suitable for grain or stock, situated twq and a half miles from the thriving village of Bruisels, a good gravel road leading thereto ; 120 acres cleared and free frons stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance hardwood. Barn 61x60 with straw and hay shed 40x70, stone stabAng underneath both. The house is brick, 22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath both buildings. All aro new. There is a large young orchard. School on next lot. The -land has a good natural drainage,•and the firm is in good condition. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at THF, Ex. PoshTOR OFFICE, or on the premises._ WM. BARRIE, Brussels. 1835-tf AGOOD CHANCE. -200 acre farm for cafe, Lots 21 and 22, Concession B, Turnberry, 2} miles from Wingham. This farm is in good shape to farm having been nearly all In pasture for the past ten years. The greater part of it is well underdrained; has first-class buildings and never failing stream of water runs across the farm. Also Lots 3S, 83 and 341 Concession 12, Turnberry, containing 383 acres. This is mostly- new land, well drained with Government drains, which are nearly all paid for. A lot of valu- able timber on them. A splendid chance for a large sto2k farm. The above land is all connected but will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser. Also a first-elaas sa,v mill on the 200 acre farm. A siding of the railroad runs through the lumber yard to the mill. It will be sold with the farm or separately. Good and sufficient reasons for selling. Apply to GEORGE THOMPSON, Box 226, Wingham. 1406-4 Grand Trunk Railway, Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton%khtfots as follows: _ . Gomm WEA— SEA*OATH. Cif.INTON. Passenger .. _ ..- — 1.07 P. x. 1.2:3 Y. Ramengger... _. _.9.06 P. M. 9.2'2 P. Y. ; !Sized Tra1n.. _.. 9.30 A. T+/. 10.16A.r Mixed Train..... - ... 6.20 P, al. 7.05 P. m. Gioheo EAST— . Paseenger. _. _ r 7AR A. V. 7.34 A. M. Passengger .. — — 2 53 P. x. 2.23 P. Y Mixed Train.- _. — 6.26 P Y. 4,2J P. v. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gone NORTH—. Passenger. Mixed. Whel...... _. _ 3.00 P. u. 9.30 P.m. 9.00 P.Y. Bruhesele. . ...- r 8.13 ,¢3 9.46 Bluevale..._...,. 8.27 967 10.10 wingham.... _ 8.37 10.07 11.20 Gonne Somme Passenger. Mixed. Wingham.... _ 6.26 A.hr.11.20 A. X. 7.30 P.Y. Bluevale .. _. — 6.37 11.86 8.16 Bruseals...... _. 6.64 11.69 900 Ethel.... _- _ _ 7.08 IL14 9.30 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING Nolan— Passencer. London; depart...... _. _- _ 8.16A.y. 4 40p.hr Exeter .................... 9.2'2 600 Hensall ................ — 9.37 6.16 Kippen................ _. 9.45 6.20 Brucefield......... .. .... _- 9,62 6.28 Clinton............ _- .... 10.12 6 55 Londoeboro ........... — __ 10.29 7.14 Blyth....._ .- ..:..... — — 10.38 7.28 Belgays e .................. 10.64 7.37 Wingham arrive.......... 11.10 8.00 QorNe SOUTHwe — Panger Wingham,depari........ _ 6.35A.Y. 8.25 P. x. Belgrave....._..:....... _. 6.60 347 Blyth.... ....... ....•. __ 7.03' 1.01 Loadesboro... . 7.10 4.O4.01qClinton .......... . _. 7.30 4.28 Bruaefield ............... 749 4.46 Kipper .............. 7.67 4.68 $cresol! .............. .. .. 8.66 4.6$ SZeter — .............. _. — 8.:5 6.12 0 1 a _17r___._ - r.. __ _,. __. - i I. r - . _ . _. 1. e a D_UN"rCAN-..1_.&'= DUNCAN9 THE LEADING.6TORE OF SEAFORTH_ The winter is all in front of us yet, et. and we are already using the cutting knife freely on prices of all cold weather goods. The bulb of these illust be eared out during the next few weeks, as Spring importations will then cleared g 'v We do not believe in keeping over goods from one commencln0 to arrive. season to another. Styles may change, and loss usually follows. �'Ve prefer making the loss now ; a word to the wise is Sufficient- „ • �� dao Our bar sins are every !v Our goods are right ur rices are awa Ando py downs Twenty-five per cent. of all mantles. In Dress Goods we are showing soiree special valises in fancy erepons, Serges, Henriettas, Whip Cords, See our special valtje in 32 inch Flannelette at Se per yard. See our checked Flanrelettes,at 5c per yard ; they are special value. See our Ladies' Vests at ?5c; they are extra fine value—(tb.e Puritan make). We are showing special values in Men's Underwear at 65c.We carry a fine line of Children's Ribbed Hose, from 41- to 8.1, at special prices. hoods and at lower rices than We are bound to head the van in good b , P have ever been offered in Seaforth. Wishingall patrons and friend's a prosperouq and happy New Year, aour 1• than the cheapest, call on us. and when yore want to buy hnoods cheaper e DUNCAN. & DUNCAN, CARDiV 0S BLOCK, , - _ - - - SEAFORTH. , . - . 1% a p'i n ess i P H . Should be universal at the festive season of the year_ Gentlemen will add greatly to their chances of happiness by wearing - ,Bright's CIothir� �w To Fee is toI 1k buy our goods. We have what you waist, and the price is always right. Drop in and have a talk about, Clothing, even if you don't want to buy. Yours for nod clothes. W BROS BRIGHT 7 The Great Clothiers, !lain Street, . SEAFORT H. For that Bad Cough of Yours ' �11 `� ' Y - .� ;. -, „ —��-- . y,':; ate.= -•� _ o � .''j . -- - : '.0 01 T ., i. ,. _ jr :a it t��s e i� 1 1 - �r t ,. .. ni•. n•.- 'qlt. i••:tk ill 41Mt. :. (. , - +' RI'" P ;in,, ,,. .t I' nu Bh+ 1. '411 +1• i d — � 1 ,p� L'll sl 74, t f �I' vt r - -- sy r� � � •�HIGNLY RECO:!VIMEN'DiED - -�-��; �-�- --•.— r„�... As a Preventive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases.T : NEW FUR CAPES; -1-1 tho labor was slave labor and not pale ror QoorReepers leaning on sculptilrea aevils. How strange! But I have seen doorkeop- TAS 11IAHAL OF INDIA. the building cost what would be about $60,000,000of ourAmerican money. Some ors of ohurches land auditorlunhs wbo REV. DR. TALMAGE DESCRIBES Aof the jewels have been picked out of tho wall by iconoclasts or conquerors, and sub• .seemed to bo )epning on the demons of bad ventilation and asphyxia. Doorkeep- WONDERFUL TOMB. stitutes of less value have taken their era ought to b`e leaning on the angels of places, but the vines, the traceries, the bealth and comfort and life. All the sex - arabesques, the spandrels, the entablatures tons and janitors of the earth who have ' Vivid Word Picture .of the Most Wonderful are so wondrous that you feel like dating spoiled sermons and lectures and poisoned of Idolatrous Temples—All to Cover a the rest of your life from the day you first the lungs of audiences by inefficiency Handful of Dust—The Great Campaign saw them.' In letters of black marble tha ought to visit this ca,ve of Elephanta and do of the Gospel, whole of the Koran is spelled out iii and in beware of what4bese doori-cepers are - ing, when instead of leaning on tlhe an- BROOIiLYN, Jan. 6.—In continuing his on this august pile. The king sleeps the tomb beside the queen, 3iltlhough ho gelic they ]can on tho denhoniae. In these series of round the world sermons intended to build a palace as black as -this Elephanta caves everything is on a Sam - With chisels through the press Rev.Dr. Talmago today was white on the opposite s,clo,of the river to Indeed tho foun- sonian and Titanian scale. that were dropped from nerveless hands at chose for his subject"Tomb and Temple," for himself sleep in. dation of such a necropolis of black mar- lead eight centuries ago the forms of the having reference to that'most famous and bre is still there, and from the white to gods Brahma and Vishnu acid Sika were' beautiful of inaosoloums, the Taj Mahal. , the black temple of the dead a bridge was cut into tho everlasting rock. Siva is The text selected was, "From India even to cross, but the son_ dethroned him and hero represented by a figure 16 feet 9 unto Ethiopia" (Esther i, 1). imprisoned him, and it is wonderful that inches high, one-half man and one-half In all the Bible this is the only book in the king had any place at all in which to. woman. Run aline from .the center of which the word India occurs, but it stands be buried. Instoad of windows to let in the forehead straight to tho floor of the for a realm of vast interest in the thno of the light upon tbo wo tombs there is a • rock, and you divide this idol into mascu- Esther, as in our time. It vicIded then, as now, spices and silks and cotton and rico trellis work of marb e—Inarblo cut so del throulth I line and feminine. Admired as this idol 18 by )Many, it was to me about the worst and indigo and ores of all richness and icately tibia that the sun shines it as easily as through glass. Look the thing that was ever cut into porphyry, precious stories of all sparkle and had a its world overand find so much translucency— perhaps because there is hardly anything as a being half civilization of own as marked asEgyp- tian or Grecian or Roman civilization. It ; canopies, traceries, 11acework, embroideries on earth so objectionable man and half woman. Do be one or other, holds the costliest -tomb ever built and the of stone. _ More of Its Wonders. my hearer. Man is admirable, and wom- most unique and wonderful idolatrous Wo had heart] of the wondoz�ful' recon- an is admirable, but either in flesh.or trap temple ever opened. For pmeticfa lessons ante of this Taj, and so I tried -it. I sup- rock a comproni]so of the two is hideous: In this my sixth discourse in round the pose there aro mono sleeping echoes in that Save us from offeminat© men and mwou- world series I show you that tomb and building waiting to be wakened by the line women. templo of India human voice than in any building over Gods and Goddesses. In a journey around the world it may constructed. I uttered one word, and Yonder is tho Bing I�avana worshiping. not be easy to tell the exact point which there seemed descending invisible choirs Yonder is the sculptured representation of But divides the pilgrimage into halves. But in full chant, and there was a reverbera- Yon - the marriage of Shiva and Parhati. Yon - there was one structure toward which tion that kept on long after ono could der is Daksha, the son of 'Brahma, born were all the time traveling, and having have cape°ted it to cease. When a lino of from the thumb of his right hand. He seen that we felt that if we saw nothing a hymn was sung, there were replying, had 60 daughters. Seventeen of those - more our expedition would be a silecc�ss. rolling, rising, falling, interweaving daughters wore married to Kasyapa and That one object was the Taj I\iahnl of In- sounds that seemed by beings became the mothers of the human race. dia. It is the crown of the whole earth. .modulated seraphic. There were aerial sopranos and Yonder is a god with three heads. The The spirits of atcllltecture met to anthrone bassos—soft, high, deep, tremulous, emo- center god bas a crown wound with neck- - on of r of the Parthenon al. in and the spirit it S P - tionai, colhiminglinb. It was like an an ,. in h •red god is laces skulls. fife right t ha ace g Athens was there, and the spirit of St. tiphonal of heaven. But there are four or a: I1paroxysm of rage, with forehead of Sophia of Constantinople was there, and 'St. five Taj Mahals, It has one appearance snakes, and in its nand is a cobra. The the spirit of Izank of tit. Petersburg at sunrise, another at noon, another at left hand god has plensure in all its fea- was there, and the spirit of tho Baptistry sunset anti~ another by moonlight. Indeed tures, and the hand has a flower. But of Pisa was there, and tho spirits of rho the silver trowel of the moon, and the there -are gods and goddesses in all direc- great pyranhid, and of Luxor Obelisk, golden trowel of the sunlight, and the tions. The chief temple of this rock is and of the Porcelain tower. of Nankin, leaden trowel of the storm build and ro- 130 feet square and has 26 pillars rising and of St. Mark's of Venice, and the build the glory, so that it never seems to tho roof. After tho conquerors of other spirits of all the great towers, great cathe- twice alike. It has all moods, all tom- lands and the tourists from all lands haTe drals, great mausoleums, great sarcophagi, pleaions, all grandeurs. From tho top of chipped and defaced and blasted and car - great capitols for the living and of groat the Taj, which is 250 feet high, sprints a ried awa$ curios and mementos for Inu- necropolises for the dead were there. Arid gher, and that is ename spire 30 led feet hi seums aihd hoines there are enough en - the presiding genius of tho throng with gold. hat a anthem in eternal rhythied trancements left to detain one, unless be gavel of Parian warble smote the table of Lyrics and efeg.ies in marble. Seu]ptured is cautious, until ho is down with some Russian malachite and galled the throng hosanna! Masonry as of supernatural of the malarias which encompass this is - of spirits to ordor•, and called for a vote as hands! Mighty doxology in stonol I land or get bitten with sonic of itssna!:ns. to which spirit should wear tho chief shall see nothing to equal it till I7seethe Yes, I felt the chilly dampness of the crown and mount tho chief throne. and great white throne and on it him from place and left this congress of gods, this wave the chief scepter, and by unanimous whose face tho earth and heavens fico pandemonium of demons, this pantheon acclahn the cry was: "Long live the spiritaway.ay' `,' of indifferent deities, and came to the of the Taj, king of all the spirits of arch,- The Taj is the pride of India and expo- � upon tho waters which, steps off h P• and looked o t Thine is the Ta' Mahal of In- tee tit 1 e J cially of Mohaninhedanism. An English rolled and flashed around the stcain yacht dial" ' o1hhIter at the fortress told us that when, that was waiting to return with us to The Taj Mahal. � during the general mutiny in 1857, the Bombay. As westeleedaboard, our minds The building is about six miles from Afohahnrnedans proposed insurrection aG fillet] with the idols of the Elephanta eaves,. Agra, and as we rode out in the earl y Agra tho English governinent aimed the I svgs impressed as never before With the dawn we heard nothing but the hoofs andguns of tho fort at the Taj and said, "You thought that Ivan must have a religion of wheels that pulled and turned us. along make insurrection, rend sanday some kind, even if he has to contrive one the road, at -every yard of which our ex- "o t a tu ms, and that a will blow your Taj to ato himself, and he must have a god, even Pectation rose until we had some thought threat ended the disposition for mutiny -at though he snake it with ibis own hand. I that we might be disappointed at the first Agra rejoice to know the _day will come when glimpse, as some say they were disappoint- All to .Cover a Handful of Dust. the one God of the universo will. Pe ac- ed. But how can ally one be disappointed But I thought while looking at that knowledg ed throughout India. with the Taj is almost as great a wonder 'to palace of the dead, • All this constructed Back to Christianity. me as the Taj itself. There are sonic to cover a handful of dust, but even that 1.That evening of cur return to Bombay people always disappointed, and who Handful has probably gone from the mau- I visited the Young Men's Christian as- knows but that having entered heaven soleum." How much bettor it would have sociation, with the same, appointments they may criticise the architecture of the been to expend $,60,000,000, which tho Taj that you fine] in the Young Men's Chris - temple and the out of the white robes and Itiiabal Dost, for the living. What asylums flan associations �f Europe and America, say that the river of life is not quite up to ,-it might bave built for the sick, what and the night after that I addressed a that the white their expectations, and t houses for the homeless! What improve- , throng of native children who aro in the horses on which the conquerors ride seem want our 'century has made upon other schools Of the Christian missions. Lliris- a little springhalt or spavined? centuries in lifting in honor of the depart- tion universities gather under their wing My son said,_ "Theron it is." I said, My son ed memorial churches, memorial hospitals, of benediction a host of the young Inen of " For that which he saw to be sawmor memorial reading rooms, inemorial observ- this country. Bonhbay and Calcutta, the the building seemed to me to be like atories. By all possible means lot us two great commercial cities of India, feel the morning cloud blushing under the kaep the memory of departed loved: ones the elevating power of an aggressive Chris - stare of tho rising sun. It- seemed not so much built up from earth as lett down from fresh in mind, and let thoro be an appro- tianity. Episcopalian liturgy and Presby - terian Westminbter catechism and 'Aletho- heaven. Fortunately you stop at an elab- priate hoadstonc or nhonuinent in the cem- but there is a dividing line between dist anxious seat and Baptist waters of orated gateway of red sandstone one- eighth of a mile from the Taj, an entrance' Ietory, reasonable commemoration and wicked consecration now stand where once basest ' so high, so arched, sograceful, so four extravagance. Tho Taj Mahal Has its an architectural achievement, idolatries had undisputed sway. The work which Shoemaker Carey inaugural - domed, so painted and chiseled aid uses as eclipsing all other a rchitecture but as a , a Ser am ore India translating the ed t P scrolled that you come very gradually memorial of a departed wife and mother mcn-i - n !covin 0 different dialects and ' le into 4 d Bible B upon the Ta'• which structure is enough p° >> g it expresses no more than the plainest slab his wornout body amid the natives whom to intoxicate the eye and stun the iinagi- . In many a country graveyard. The best be had telae to save and going up into the -.nation and entrance the soul. We go up monument we can any of us have built heavens frohn which bet can better watch the winding stairs of this majestic en- for us when we are gone is in the memory, all the field—that work will be completed trance of the gateway and buy a few pic- of those whose sorrows we have alleviated, in the salvation of the,millions of India, I tures and examine a few curios, and from in the wounds we have healed, in the and beside him, gazing from the same it look cif upon the Taj and descend to kindnesses we Havo done, in the ignorauco high places, stolid Bishop Heber and Alex- the pavement of rho garden that raptures - we have enlightened, in the recreant we -a , 3, ander Duff .and John Scudder and Mackay, everything between the gateway and the have reclaimed, in the souls we havo who fell at Delhi, and Moncrieff, who fell ecstasy of marblo and precious stones. saved.Such a monument is built out of at Cawnpur, and Polehampton, who fell You pass long a deep stream of water in material more lasting than marble or at Lucknow, and Freeman, who fell at which all manner of brilliant fins swirl bronze and will stand amid the eternal Futtigarli, and all heroes and heroines and -float. There are 84 fountainR that splendors long after tho Taj Mahal of In- who, for Christ's sake, lived and died for spout and bond and arch themselves to fall dia shall have sono down in rho ruins of a the Christianization of Incila, and their in showers of pearl in basins of snowy world of which it was the costliest adorn- beaver will not be complete until the whiteness. Beds of all imaginable flora ment. But I promised to show you not Ganges that washes the ghats of heathen. greet the nostril before they do the eye only a tomb of Iodia, but a unique heath- temples shall roll between churches of the and seem to roll in waves of color as you . en temple, and it is a temple underground. living God, and the trampled womanhood advance toward the vision you are soon to have of what Human genius did when ,t Elephants Island. of Hindooisrn shall have all the rights Purchased by hili! who amid the cuts and ;did its best. >tiioon flowers, lilacs, marl- With miner's candle we had seen some- stabs of his own assassination cried out, golds, tulips and almost everywhere the thing of the underside of Australia as at thy mother!" and from Bengal lotus; thickets of bewildering bloom; on Gimpie, and with guide's .torch we had Ili - bay to Arabian ocean and frosn the 1;e bay either side trees from ninny lands bend seen at different times somethiog of tho malates to the coast of Coromandel there their aboreseence over your head, or seem underside of America, as in Mammoth the be lifted hosannas to iiia who died to re- with convoluted branches to reach out with cave, but we are now to enter one of deem all nations. In that day Flepiianta arms toward you in welcoine. On sacred cellars of India, cormnonly called cave will be ono of the places where idols and on you go amid tamarind and cypress the Elephanta caves. We had it all to are "cast rho moles and bats." and poplar and oleander and yew and sy-� ourselves—the steam yacht that was to If any clergyman be- rgyman asks mo, as an• camore and banyan and palm and trees.of take us about 15 miles over tlho Harbor of tithe lieving minister of religion once asked the such novel branch and leaf and girth you Bombay and between enchanted islands Duke of Wellington, ``Do you not think cease to ask their name or nativity. and along shores whose curves aiid gulches that the work of converting the Hindoos As you approach the door of the Taj and pictured rocks gradually prepared the is all a practical farce?" L answer him. as one experiences a strange sensation of awe mind for appreciation of the most unique Wellington answered the unbelieving znin- and tenderness and humility and worship. spectacle in India. The morning Had been aster, `'Look to your marching orders, The -building is only a gravo, but what a full of thunder and lightning and deluge, sir." Or if any one Having joined in the gravel Built for a queen, who, according i h t'd ° but the atmospheric soitut ons had ceased, gospel attack feels like retreating Z say to to some, was very good, and according to and the cloudy ruins of the storm wero ]him, as General Havelock said to a Ire - others was very bad. I choose to think she piled up in the heavens, huge enough and treating regiment, "The enemy are in was very good. At any rato, it makes me darkly purple enough to make the skies front, not in the rear," and leading them feel better to think that this commen:ora- as grandly picturesquo as the earthly ,gain into the fight, though two horses tive pile was set up for tho immor-taliza- scenery amid which we moved. After an Had been shot under him. tion of virtue rather than vice. The Taj hour's cutting through the waters we came A Great Campalgn. is a mountain of white marble, but never to the long pier reaching from the island Indeed the taking of this world for such walls faced each other with exquis- iteness; never such a tomb was cut from called Elephanta. It is an island small of girth, but 600 feet high. It declines Christ will be no holiday celebration, but block of alabaster; never such a congrega- - tnto the marshes of mangrove. But the as tremendous as when in India during tion of precious stones brightened and R}iole island is one tangle of foliage the mutiny of 1857 a fortress manned by g]oomed and blazod Lind chastened and and verdure—convolvulus creeping tho : sepoys was to be captured by Sir Colin glorified a building since sculptor's chisel ground, mosses climbing the rocks, vines : Campbell and the army of Britain. The cut its first curve, or paiciter's pencil the long arms of the trees, red sepoys hurled upon the attacking col - traced its first figure, or niasohh's plumb- _sleeving flowers here and there in the woods like umns burgling missiles and grenades and line measured its first wall, or architect's incendiary's torch trying to set the groves.' flro3 on them shot and shell and poured S;Dnhpass swept its first circle. on fire, cactus and acacia vying as to on thein -from the ramparts burning oil A Costly Structure. which'can most charnh the beholder, trop- until a writer who witnessed it says, "It The Taj has 16 great arched windows, ical bird meeting particolored butterfly in - was a picture of pandemonium." Then four at each corner; also at each of the four jungles planted the sanhe summer the Sir Colin. addressed his troops, saying, corners of the Taj stands a minaret 137 world was born. .We stepped out of the "Remember the women and children must feet high; also at each side of .this build- hoar amid enough natives to afford all tho be rescued," and his risen replied: ``Aye, ing 33 a Splendid mOSgthe of red SandSton°: 1p we needed for Ibyding You dinnan aye, 'Sir Colin. Westood by you Bala - hundred noel fifty years has the Can be carried coolies easy klava and will stand by you here.aDee. I And t a stood, and yet not wall is cracked. not a too chair, or you can walk if you are blessed then came the triumphant assault of the ' loosened nor an arch sagged, no o with two stout limbs, which the psalmist battlements. a panel dulled., The stories of 250 wing evidently lacked, or he would not have so So in this gospel campaign wlaich piro- havo not marred, nor the heats of Ei0 depreciated them whets ire said, `'The poses capturing the very last citadel of summers disintegrated a marble. Thare Lord taketh no pleasure in the legs of a idolatry and sin and hoisting over It the 'may is no story, of agowritten by mosses on. its man." We passed up some steno steps, banner of the cross we have hurled whito surface. Montaz, the queen, was and between tho walls we saw awaiting upon us mighty oposition and scorn and beautiful, and Shah .Jeha'n, the king.. hero us a. cobra—one of those snakes which obloquy, and many may fall before tho proposed to let all the centuries of time greet the traveler ofttimes in India. Two Rork is done, yet at every call for new know it. Sho was married at 20 years of of the guides left the cobra dead by the onset let the cry of the church be: "Aye, age and died at 29. }ler lifo ended as an- waybide. They must have been Moham- aye, great captain of our salvation. We other life began. As the rose blooiued,the medane, for IZindoos nover kill that sacred stood by then in other conflicts, and we rose bosh perished. reptile. will stand by thee to the last." And To adorn this dormitory of the dead at Down In the Caves. then, it Ihot in this world, then from the the command of the king Bagdad sent to And now we come near the famous tem- battlements of the next, as the last Ap- o this building its cornelian, and Ceylon its hewa from one rock of porphyry at P°lyonic foitificatiou shall crash into ruin, "Tlhanhs lapis. lazuli, and Punjab its jasper, and 'fiber feast alio oars ago. On either side of the y g chief temple is .a chapel, these cut out of we will join in the shout: be unto God, who iveth us thevictor ! Hal - g y Persia its amethyst, and its fur• the same stone. So vast was the under- � leluiab, for the Lord 'rod omnipotent quoise, and Lanka its sapphiro, .and Ye- men its agate, and Panna its diamonds, 4" taking and to the Hindoo was so great the ref �uethl" L ., and blood stones and sardonyx and chal- human impossibility that they say the --._—�--- ccdony and moss agates aro as common as gods scooped out this structure from the —,J W. Cef,tt, of Tilsont,urg,rehved though they were pt boles. You find one rock and carved the pillars and hewed its ; the other flay 85,838 for a S:h,fX)0 •fit) -year i spray of vino beset with 80 and another shape into gigantic idols and dedicated it policy. p endowment elft The refits cover only IWith 100 stones. Twenty thousand men to all the grandeurs. We climb many half the period as he had previously receivec1 I „ cycle N0 }-ears in building it, and althouf;h stone steps before we, get to the gateways. ten nears refits. i' - i The entrance to this temple has sculptured r - . _ . _. 1. e a D_UN"rCAN-..1_.&'= DUNCAN9 THE LEADING.6TORE OF SEAFORTH_ The winter is all in front of us yet, et. and we are already using the cutting knife freely on prices of all cold weather goods. The bulb of these illust be eared out during the next few weeks, as Spring importations will then cleared g 'v We do not believe in keeping over goods from one commencln0 to arrive. season to another. Styles may change, and loss usually follows. �'Ve prefer making the loss now ; a word to the wise is Sufficient- „ • �� dao Our bar sins are every !v Our goods are right ur rices are awa Ando py downs Twenty-five per cent. of all mantles. In Dress Goods we are showing soiree special valises in fancy erepons, Serges, Henriettas, Whip Cords, See our special valtje in 32 inch Flannelette at Se per yard. See our checked Flanrelettes,at 5c per yard ; they are special value. See our Ladies' Vests at ?5c; they are extra fine value—(tb.e Puritan make). We are showing special values in Men's Underwear at 65c.We carry a fine line of Children's Ribbed Hose, from 41- to 8.1, at special prices. hoods and at lower rices than We are bound to head the van in good b , P have ever been offered in Seaforth. Wishingall patrons and friend's a prosperouq and happy New Year, aour 1• than the cheapest, call on us. and when yore want to buy hnoods cheaper e DUNCAN. & DUNCAN, CARDiV 0S BLOCK, , - _ - - - SEAFORTH. , . - . 1% a p'i n ess i P H . Should be universal at the festive season of the year_ Gentlemen will add greatly to their chances of happiness by wearing - ,Bright's CIothir� �w To Fee is toI 1k buy our goods. We have what you waist, and the price is always right. Drop in and have a talk about, Clothing, even if you don't want to buy. Yours for nod clothes. W BROS BRIGHT 7 The Great Clothiers, !lain Street, . SEAFORT H. For that Bad Cough of Yours ' �11 `� ' Y - .� ;. -, „ —��-- . y,':; ate.= -•� _ o � .''j . -- - : '.0 01 T ., i. ,. _ jr :a it t��s e i� 1 1 - �r t ,. .. ni•. n•.- 'qlt. i••:tk ill 41Mt. :. (. , - +' RI'" P ;in,, ,,. .t I' nu Bh+ 1. '411 +1• i d — � 1 ,p� L'll sl 74, t f �I' vt r - -- sy r� � � •�HIGNLY RECO:!VIMEN'DiED - -�-��; �-�- --•.— r„�... As a Preventive and Cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases.T : NEW FUR CAPES; -1-1 t 1 T ' tL IRE31 . C. S A:TD 1. JrTTF'_' -- ALSO THE' LATEST STYLES OF LADIES' C1,,,, JACKETS.- TH H0FFPAAN & COMPANY, - CHEAP GASH STORE, CARDNO'S BLOCK, Cot I W. W. HOFFMAN, Manager. -OUR_CH1LD____!_ - �� �,'V,_t), 11. `f .LI*[1(F.. I... . UNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FLESH ., is REFUSING TO TAKE ITS FOOD lat LISTLESS AND DEBILITATED '�` WHY DON'TW—`�� YOUTRY 1C� J�1�a M LLY :� ra BLP WOT __--- STOVES. BIG ASSORTMENT BEST MAKES RIGHT PRICES _&a7_______-1ffi_ 1 M__ I. TTULE 4L JACKSOVS� HARDWARE, STOVE and TINWARE. . P. S.—A shall quantity of goods, damaged by the recent storm, still which must be sold, regardless of pl•ice. Come earls.