HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-04, Page 7��
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I : mont. * The case, which is a complicated TO LENGHTEN j,IFE. - -
Notice - to _. Oreditors. 1CARD,AF ANKS, z , one, occupied over three hours, and Beattie I
I ___ - . i — � .. was finally committed for trial. Keep the Kidneys in Good Work- umsden & _H_ /'z- /*SO I I
" t � .
�Jn the Su r-rogate Court, Count�J� � - I —Some conscience-stricken einuggler has ing Order by nsing Dod&s
, .
of Huron. . I ' - sent to the Collector of Customs an un- Kidney Pills. � �
. While tbanking the people of the - I
IN Tuft F-31!ATE OF ixxLE HESTER CHESNEY, r� � - I signed letter, inclosing $20 for unpaid cus- � I - - ARE AGAIN TO THE FRONT WITH—
DECEASED. town and surrounding country for the . ., toms duties. It is said they get about a TonONT0,December 31.—It is an estab-
encouragement the have given us in , . � . oz 1.
All Persons having any claim against the estate of y - ...'.. � d � en of these remittances a month at the lished fact that Dod&s Kidney Pills are to -
Mrs. -Jane Heater eiie,mey, late of the Township ,of ' ....., � . s department. 1 day doing more to inc�rease the average du-
.17uckeramith widow, deceased, are required to send the way of. very liberal patronage, we 'el , I custom -ion of life than any other medicine I � S
I I I.. - -The cruiser Blenheim, with the remains I rat - THEIR USUAL FINE DI PLAY
to the under�igned on or before the lith day ot Janu- desire to call their attention to a few . of 84i, John Thompson on board, sailed from known. It is true that many peo le are
--ary, 1895. full p4rtioulan at their claims and of the I .. .
-security (if any) hvld by them, duly verified by affi. facts concerning our business methods - . .1 Portsmouth at nine o'clock Saturday iiiorn- cured who do not implicitly follow le diez .
-davit. After the said data the undersigned will pro- not generally known. It.' ing, the gale which prevailed on Saturday rules ven on the directi�us sent out with OF HOLIDAY GOODS.
. .
-ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the has been and . . . - . I.; having abated. each �Ox, but it is also true that many more - _7
"_VQ1rt1es entitled, having reference only to the claims is our constant -endeavor to turn out ;:: .
Of which notice has been %tiven and after such distri- . , - ..... . -The Gladstone cheese factory and recover more rapidly by strict observance of
-butiOn &he undersigned will not be responsible for l: e ve IS - �. ..
- ... Including the latest and prettiest things in the marka—something Suitable for
I h ry best class of work, and th - I . . . . . . . . "..... � crean-tery, at Dorchester, has been sold to the instructions given. Hundreds of tesCr- 0 0
-, any Put of the assets of the estate to aviy person. of we succeed in doing by using nothing � . . I . 'Mr. J. Brodie, for $3,025 being �425 above monials have been received by the firm,
-whose c . I i � 7 0
-lalm he shall not-bave- received due notice. ! I � - ') all circumstances can be found amongst their varied .assortinelit. Comparison of
-F."HOTMESTED, F-Keoutor. but the choicest materials and emyloy- � � .. :':-.,-.�� � �h..� , the resevve price placed upon it. here, as to the cures effected, by these pills, . .
:,Seaforth, December 11th, 1894. � 1409-4 in' r,'none but skille& workmen. I OW D'U'D -Charles Stover died at the Isolation arid not in one instauc6 bav e they failed. The ' goods and prices solicited at q -
0 Hospital in St. Thomas on Wednesday price at which Dodd's Kidney Pills are ,,old 0 " -
' - While doing this, however, we wish Brings comfort and improvement and evening,,last week, of smallpoic. places them within the reach of all. They
it distinctly understood that'the prices b.ends to personal 'enjoyment when - -SarnWs electric lights were turned. on may be procured from all dealers at fifty -
READY for WINTER. chamed are much lower than those rightly usecl. The many, who live bet- for the first time on Saturday evening. cents per box or six boxes for $2.50. Take
� 0 �� . .
' ,
heretofore prev'ailing. This is account- ter than others and ciijoy life more, wit'.. They are be tif I lights, and illuminated no i.-nitati ns. LUMSDEN & WILSON'S,
AT THE ed for by the'fact, that doing a much less expeiiditure, by more promptly the town perfect . -----*--- _ .
id.Lpthig the,world's' best products to -John C. Mahoney, chief of Sarnizes fire He Did Not Look it Up. SCOTT'S BLOCK - - - - MAIN STREFT
larger business than our competitors, test department, was the lucky winner of the W e* sometimes laugh at little folks for us- I 11 -
ZeaArth Ca"iage Shon, b1to necds of physical being, will at large silver trunipet presented by the ing big words of which the do Rot know
1- ,F we are satisfied with much sm4lit:r , y
� Dorsey's Old Stand. margins. Machine made harries � s at f,,tie value to health of the pure liquid Fraser Dramatic Comp , any to the most , ti;e meaning, but a. minister in England re- S-Fpl A 3T0Tzr_r - .
ta-vative pi-hiciples -embracod 'in the popular fireman in IS-arnia. cently prayed that God would annihilate
__ any price is clear, and when that is - ' . -The Montreal City and SILVillgS Bank the Queen and all the royal family, and lie - . I -
:L MeDONALD ooupled widi poor material, you can c-,ni udy, Syrup 6f Figs. has just distributed ten thousand eight hun- was tremendously shocked when he was . � .
its excellence is due to its presenting dred dollirs ainoncy the charitable institu- told what annihilate meant, and responded
Has now ready a nice assortment of HAND- I depend upon getting a harness that is ,,a the form most rxccptab'.a and pleas- t' that he trul loved the Queen and the royal
8011-Z CUTMRS of various styles. Also tions of Montreal. =
SLEIGHS both heavy and light. absolutely worthless. We manufac- ' - . I y -
T - oit to the thste, the refreshing and truly -A new theater is to lie built in Mon- family, but annihilate was the longest word FURNITURINUI FURNITURE.
ture the best harness from $10 UP to I.,uneficl-al properties of a perfect lax- treal at a cost of $200,000. The deal has lie knew, and he thought lie was honoring
These vehicles were all made at his own be obt'air.ed in the Province, and- to in- ., ' t ivo ; er,octu,tlly cleansing the,systen-1, I just been closed by four United States cap- them by using � it. � # I _ -
e8tahlisbmwit and are guaranteed to be of talists, who will each invest $50,000. Cheaper than the Cheapest, and as
the very beat inaterial and workmanship. tending _,purchasers would extend a dispulling colds, headaches and fcvci-s
' i �
� . hearty invitation to call and -see Mr. ,Allcl 1)e;-,jiailr_n)tly curing constipation. _ -There (lied in 8arnia township, on Wed- - '_
�THEY ARE DURABLE, Charles Aitzel or the undersigned, on It lias g'ivci� �atisfactioii to millions and nesday, 19th inst., William INIattliews, People overlooked the importance of perma- Good as the Best.
, t I aged 105 years. Re was a native of Bir- nently beneficial effects and were satisfied I .
STYLISH AND CHEAP. the premises, when their wants will be gict wil,li the appr6val of the medical
. � I 11 mingliam, Eng,land. lie formerly lived with transient action; but now that it is fact, give us a call and see f or yourselves. The
. ,
- . considerately taken care of. profes,sioti, because it acts on 1' the Kid- near Niagara, hat about ten years ago be generally known that Syru 8
I I 0 p Of Fico) , will undersigned having purchased the very fine stock from the Assignee of the
Why buy factory inad e stuff when yon �An I licys, Liver wid BoNvels witlimit we�al,- * came west to live ,,vith his daughter, Mrs. permaneDtly cure ' habitual constipation,
get home-madevehicles, for the @ante ipor)ey oning theni ai)d it is perfectly free from - Stubbs. well-informed people will not buy other estate of Matthew Robertson at a very low figure, are prepared to offer , the
that loak- just as well and last twice as I - Fame at prices which defy competition. I
long. M. Broderick I every objectioi-able substance. -At Brantford on Monday, 'Mrs. Alep,c P laxatives, which act for a thne, bat finally
I A call -is sure to satigfy intending purchasers. Syrup of Fi,,s is for sale by all drug- Campbell got on board a (1. T. R. - train to injure the system.
Corner Main and John Streets, giste in 75c. %'ottles, but it is manu- speak with a frieDd. The train started and The Undeptaking Department -
Seatorth. ;^,actured *by the California F-ig Syrup had got a good beading when.Nlrs. Canipbell GRA-TEFUL-COM FORTING. .
L. M-cDONALD, 1,3,2-t I f Co. only, -,�',hdse naine is printed on every jumped off. She was"thrown on the plat- - . COCOA Is well supplied with a fine assortment of Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, &a., at
SEAFORTH. - - packilge, altio tho name, Syrup of Figs, form and -rendered unconscious by the fall. EP13k0a%",S .
- - She recovered soon afterwards and walked - prices to suit the p�lblic. -
1 1407 ' � - . and being well inforined, you will not .honie. ' . I
- - ___ - - ____ ------------ ____ ___ I'll, I . ... -tcce?t airy substitute -if offered. . -Joseph. Welsh's training stables, in St. " By a thorough knowledire of the natural laws
Fo r 01 , ... � I Catharines, were totally destroved by fire which govern the operations of digestion and nutri- N. ROBERTSON & SON I
. ( (' - I tion, and by a careful application of tho fine Pro er- � 9 -
-HORSE S - - - 0 .0 - I . News Notes." on'TNIonday morning. Three tritting horses, ties of well -selected Co�!oa. Mr.Epps haq providewfor
?__ , River King, lltobert'Welsh and Reiner, were our breakfast and supper a delicately fl&vGured bev-
rj,�,, erage wbich way gave us many heav-y doctors' bills. Ware room s—St rong's Red Block, Main Street,
. V. -Wirdior men object -to the new railway burried to deat,h. The horses were owned It is by the judicious nee of such articles of diet that
-AND- . Sciatic. '', -V I
.- I . . ,., I b3tween 1'etrolea and Chatham 'atharines, and a constitution may be gradually built up until strong
%. 4c% � X; . I =Thirteen Winnipeg hotel -keepers, have by Lloyd'and Tate, of St. C SM3_A_:F0__RrT=_ � --
- a m 0 1 -
. if 4*0 Healy Bro�.hers, of Niagara. Insurance on enough to rebi4t every tendency to disease. Hun- .
- a 0 Q% 1111 gic . been summoned for vioTatina the law. barns 1$6001and some slight insurance Oil the dreds of subtle hialadies are floating around us ready - __.-
CATTLFj mum -The Waterous 'ConipaJy will remove I - . - to attack whetever there is a wea-k point. We nisy
TRY ' I from Brantford in two or three years. I horses. ' escape many a fatal -shaft by keepin.- ourselves well
ONE APPLICATION . -Herbei-t Ellsworth, of Toronto, has fortified Nvith pure blood and a properly nourished
I -FED ON- Pains -The Ottawa Carnival Cominittee 18 been coniniitted to jail for claiming it purse frRu)e."-CiviI Service Gazette. Winter Term—Thursday, - Jan. 3rd, 1 8 95 0
. OF THE . � $3,000 short of the necessary guarantee. Z> blade simply with boiling water or milk. Sold I
.v . 99 -The Leamington Methodists are trying containing $15 and a bank note -book for only In packets, by Grocers, libelled thus: . �
i ; to get a pipe organfor their church. . $80, the property of J. H. Thamer, of Rose- JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., HoNtmOrATHIC CMITST , I � .
'.. � � ville, who lost thein in a train. Ellsworth LONDON, ENGLAND. 13,98-268 .. I
FEAR'S I . DAL 0 PLASUR -_TN,1r. Bickell, of Brancliton, has been spent the money in London and was arrest- -0000 � I .. ��� ���
. I
� IT WILL DISPEL PIE PAYN L!XE MAGIC. selected for principal of Ayr Public school, ed by Detective Black. BE -1i anything of real worth appears, there is . . J,
- � out of 61 applicants. , . A W bine to he appreciative response. At th s . .
. moment Priestley's dres3 fabrics are worn by inost
T � � I -Iu G'ananoque in future all persons mbo lady from Forest dropped her pocket -
I book containing� 8-200 while ali,-ht ing from a of the wall dressed ladies in Great Britain. They M ,
axe heard swearing on the public Streets have tho foundation of dumbility ; but they add ':; -FOTZID 0-rq-rT-
C 0 -,-NL PITION 'TH E ' SEAFORTH -%vilt be prosecuted. . ti* n at the (4, T. R. station, 7ill,llliolton, on S 1. -1:-,'-A-rT- !) �� In -
. - . . . SaAurday, 22nd ult. The train was stopped "' t' merit. Tiiev are nianuf.actured to realiZ3 a
. --The Roseville cheese factory, near .-asteful woman's ide'al in dresa-flneness of texture Book-keeping, commercial arithmetic, penmanship, business and legal fori-ris, conimerclAl. law, business car-
� Brockville, has marle'ovur $200,000 ivorth of at Iptinclas and a search made, -when the witil scitness of f.ffect-in the4o)ds, flowing lines respondetice, phonography, typewriVing, spelling, business customs, bauking, business pract"ice,etc., thor-
Musical : Instrument �?
� cheese in 23 years. I podk-etbook was found on the 'Miller coup- without formality. Ladies who bave worn PrlestlY's oughly taught.
I ing
POWIDERS -11VIrick Naylon, aged 100 years .was b ' between the cars, having rested there .black dress ;rood,j will never think 4if wearing any .
� (Aher, the satisfaction is so complete with them. The WESTERN ONTARIO'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOL.'
I EMPORIUM- I buried "at .Newmarket on Monday oi last f roin the tirrie it was dropped at Hamilton. t,,,d,, is 1, Tt�e Varnishei Board." We teach business by doing business. Stratford students transact business in wholesaling, retailing, com-
Always look stick and fat, and thrive week. --�Nlr. Michael Robson, reeve of Ayr, was -**ft- mission, banking, etc., with our Toronto stud;nts. Our school offers advantaces not foudd elsewhere i,n
. - tlion�nsss, or Torpid I Canada. Thij College has a clean record from the firat day of its existence. - We still guarantee to satisfy
on their food. - -The total assessment of the Massey- tendered a complimentary supper by the For Headache, Constipation, B1 furnished roams; experi-
Liver, Burdock Pills are the best cure. our students, or refund the tuition fees. High gradecour8e8 of study *, elegantly
- ;, , - Harris property, school and frontage tax at farmers of that nei, -;hborhood the other enced iu8tructors in all departinents. Hundreds of young men and women have found our course of study
I ESTABLISHED, 1873, Woodstock is $35.0(Y). evening. About 1515 sat down, arridng I 4090. a stepping stone to success. GoLd board in Stratford at ,c-2.50 per week. write to the College for an Mile -
__N --Mr Arthur E. Ross, B. A., of Cobden, whom were Revs. John Thompson, arld Mr. Skin Diseases. trated catalogue. 130-26
f -h I — Skin Diseases are wore. or less oueg-sioned by bad
Natice, %LQ lu s bee'n - elected president of the Alma Hardie, Hon. Janies Young, John D..Voore, blood. B. B. B. cures the following 6kin Diseases: P. McINTOSH, Principal. SHAW & ELLIOTT, Proprietors. -
- * 0 1 - ` Ma.terSociety of Queen's University. I -M. P. P., and all the prominent gentlemen Shinyles, EryRipelm, Itching Its,she3, Salt Rheum,
Owino, to bard times we have con- I I
. 6 I -A Detroit forge-r,named James.F. Brad- of -the place. Thomas Easton, I well Seal Head, Blotches, by removing all impurities - .
The -reatest care . I el �Lt --7- —
1_? luded to sell Pianos and Organs' at, ley, havinj a big criminal record, was ar- known farnier of ,South Dumfries, occupied f rorn'the blood from a common Pimple to the worst - I
is exercised in select- 0.1 , scrofulous Scre.
I . � , rested in Toronto the other (lay. - � the chair. I - **a. N
ing the ingredients , . Greatly Reduced PrIces, -In London there are 1,084 widox% s and -Mr. Pactuld, Inspector of Licenses, of No cold or cough too severe to yield to the cur.. X M = om
- -wdly receives a tive pow -r of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
-from which tbis"val- . . spinsters entitled to exercise the franchise Windsor, says that lie h, as E Novelties
uable com. pound is . at the corning iminicipal elections. mail bat what it contains . anonymous com- ---"I.-* -*- - .
Revs. 'INTessrs. Hunter and Crossley are munications from people, claiming infrac- Obstinate Coughs. . -
prepared, so that we Organ� at $25 and upwards, and nie-eting,witli much success in their work in tions of the liquor laws and narning liquor Obstin ate Coughs 3, i6ld to the grateful soothing . . . .
are willing to pledge St. Catharines. dealers. He says that lie cannot take any action of Norway Pine Syrup. The racking, per8ls- ��. ...
.P 0 1 Pianos at Corresponding prices. .
them strictly pure. -The Lake of the Woods N11illinc, Com- notice of such complaints unless the writers tentcoughof consumptives is quickly relieved by . . -1 �
I I? .1 this unrivalled throat a'nd lung rentedy. Price 25c. 11
'This explains, in a pany will build three elevi).tovs in Manitoba sign their names. and 60c. � I
I , and tile Te'rritories next spring. -A special meeting of the exectitive com- -0 * VA — I .. 1� �. L,
m64ure, their great popularl.ty arid .SEE US BEFORE PUR I CHASI�NrG. -Rev. M. P. Talling, pastor of St.Jarlies'. mittee of the Canadian Order of Foresters, Variable appetite and itching at the nose are siqns I .
Unparalleled success.. Full directions . Presbyterian church, London, has tendered was held in Brantford,to invest aboiit8100,- of worms. - Dr. ; Low's Worm Syrup is the best cure. I
on every packa.ge. Price -25c per his resignation, to the great regret of his OOJ, which had been beld by a number of - --db * "m .
- 0 ZD -
pound, or three pounds for 50c, at congre(,ation. banks on deposit, but -was withdrawn oiv- Whooping Coi-Wh. I
. .1 0
� -Mr. E. L. Sutherland, reeve of West incy to the banks reducincy the rate of inter- For Whooping Cougli aud all throat aff ictiong, I
* . I Zorra, has had his collar -bone fractured and a 0 chest troubles, etc. Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the beat I . .1
est. It WILs re -invested in municipal tle- cnil�rovation ever discovered. It promptly relieves
. - a 0 inflanintation, pain and soreness from %�hatever cause
FEAR'S Drug Stare, rin broken from beincr thrown out of his bmtures and other investments. . .
I waggon. - -Th � e first trial of the new diplItberie arising. - "I -_ - - - 0- 't
SEAFORTH. -At Toronto on Frid�ay, Williclin Cornell, - - -0 * so �
.� Leave a Bell -Telephone lineman, . fell froin the reme(ly, anti-toxina, in Wellington c0l"ItY, Wild Cherry a -ad Hypophosphites are combined � ��._ - I "Wo"M —
______ -Doubtful Seeds alone. The best roof of a building and bro6 his Spirle If Nvas made by Dr. Dryden, at Eden Mills, with Cod Liver oil in Milburn's Emulsion, iho best .i - ' .
4) re easy to get, and cost �no * �*be other day. The case was �L very serious Lun g reinedy. '
,"Drk 3nore. Ask your dealer -'for lie recovers he will ue a cripple for life. '2 — - AT ( _hT06
. McLellan, Loindon, ' � one, but two injections in the arm of the ----W* THE " 0T_j1D :hT T ,,TO-
-Thc Illernioniet . er took a tremendblis patient, one in t lic morning and One in the . After La Grippe. I
fall Saturday evening, 22nd ult., at St. AfterlaGrippe obAtinate coughs, lung trouble, �
,234 Dundp,s Street, Specialist on the FERRY'S afternoon, bronght ininiedoiate relief. The etc., frequently follow There is no remedy so . �
. John, New Brunswick, and on 1�un(]Lty cis now doing well. -
EYEI EAR, NOSE & THROAT . 11101111ing at some points it was 30' below patient, a child3 prompt, and at ihe,�Arne tirre efff,etuai and pleastmt. '
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hosp SEEDS . 0 -The Berlin News says : " AtJohn S. as Milburn's Cod' Liv -3r Oil Eimilsion with Wild A large ra,n,-e of beautiful embroidered Lawn Handkerchiefs ; hem stitch- ' '
'tal, zero. 0 iern, and HypophosphiteR, which is the latest and 6
1K1,9. Post -Graduate Cou ' rse at the Nc%v York Post Alvvaystl�c best. Known - -James Bullock, flie secretary of the ,Sliantz's an.ction s,,de of farni stock,the best 'c6inhinktion of avt�on8un.ptivu rt:wedi(s. ed Handkerchiefs witli or witbout initials : cream aiid colored silk Handker-
15 everywbere. Ferry's Seed farm, which contidiis 117 ,"res. and which Price 50c ant S L.00 per bo b 0. ' t initials.
-GTaduate Aledical.'ehool and Hoapit%1 on the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat, 199*2. E3 -es Tested. Full Xiinual for 1895 tells you Hunt Club, blew out his brains in his Office adjoins the C',. T. R. station, � Breslau, on chiefs ; hem stitched Silk Handkerchiefs with or withou
stock of Artifical Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will NvIiat, how, and when to plant. -1 - in the Nfecbanics' Institute, Montreal, Fri- -0 *-am--- In Plushes, Pon Pons, Frills, Wash Silks, Table Scarfs, Table Covers, &c.,
I oeat the SeutFree. GetiL Address the0'randriver, andhas strictly first-class I have used Dr. Carson'e Bitters for twelve months I
1 day afternoon. No rea.%Oli is yet known for and can say that they are, for an appetiser, purga' we have a. choice selection. I
: 1 D. M. FERRY & CO., buildings, and supplied with water from a ,
9-ATTENBURY HOUSE, GLINTON, the act. tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever used.
� Windsor, Ont. hydraulic punip, was sold for $5,975, to a Also a large stock of Dress Goods, suitable . for Christmas presents, at
- I � - - _Mrs. Nancy (hirticy, of Hamilton, who J. MARTIN. Notary Public. 6 � .
AN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th, 18�94. -(-(;eiit] '55,000 and no will fariner rieai� (larafraxa township. This Toronto, Ontario. rock prices, .. - .2
-, I (lied i _- .y, left S . . The farm cost,$9,600 twelve years ago, an(I fin- 1 GENTS' FURNIS'HINGS. .
Hours 8 a. ni.. to 4 p. ni, Chirges Aloderatel property will go to her F,on and dmighter- 0 .0 0 lb —
1364x52 )'�"dward (kirney, of "Poronto, and Mrs. Rrovements to the amount of $1,400 have The Flain Truth Tells*. .
since beell ad,led, hrill-rinct the cost to Sl I,- Cuffs, Ties, .Mufflers, Hats, Caps, &c., at prices to suit the times.
___ . - - _____,_______________ -_ RL111t, Of flainilton. - 0 t') - CONSTIPATION, IlCad ' :Cl1C,' Biliousn2Q% and Bad Collars,
. . I I - OU0. . I Blood are promptly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, i
T17e Dr. Rourk Treatment __ A fariner h.,ts been fined ,$15 for selling -Charles Connelly, aged 35), was run which acts upon th2 stornach, liver, bowels, and
a bag of poto.toes on the Hwniltcii marker , I blood, curing 411 their (! iseast s S TVT_ rT
I 0 over by the C. 1). R. yard e igrine at Owen ,
, ( . —,—TrT= 6z SrT
,%vas -tinder weight. Another 1"I'll'" Oil Round the other ii�iirht, am ,m antly kille(l. -0 *_O�_
YOUNG 'LADIES -FOR- that 0 , ie ,ZD I ,, �t , Stark's Pom . ders,leach package of which contains - :7
, the same market has been 8111111110)IC(I to ,Lp- His I ad Iva's ilmost Severed 1,1,0111 t'lel)otiv two preparations, one in a round -wooden box, the SUCCESSORS TO* R. JAMIESON.
--A-Nl)- , pa.,tv before the police magistrate for. se'lling t1l, ni - -
CATARRH, ASTHM.At - � - 0 face being rompletely c b off'. 14 c, cover.of which forw.s a measure for one dose, an im-
a ba-,. of misound apples.
� - le,-Lves a - wife ali,l large family. In his inediate relief for Sick 11(adache and stomach, also
. �1;1,;Ic of Neuralgia, and all kinds oi nervous pains, and an- .
G E N T L E M EN CHIGNIC BRONCHITIS, � -The Government placed a priv,,Lte cmr at 1)(?(-.Icct ,was foun(I ,40 in (_-.a.tfli and a I . a
. . ary I
send 9 e - enk in stamps or it) cents silver, and we the disposal of Lady T110111PSO11, ,Lnd she -whisky. dose which arts on the Low- Is, Liver and Stomach -CHRISTMAS DON'T YOU
. other in capsules, (from )c toX ' of mic is an ordin KNOW
- . . AND CONSUMPTION le�ft for Halifax on Frid�%y, to meet the re- -TuesCav mornim, of last Nveck, Abra. complaints. They do not as'inost pills and so many . .
will send V(,u by retuirn mail flic Mains of her late husband. The Countess lul,111 I icl)eN : i ' othc�r w.edicines do. lose their effect or produce af ter
positi%:ely the most rational and MOST SUCCESS- , ,� d c4l �,11(1([CIIIV , KU hiS reSidClICC constipation, and are nice to take. 25 cents a I)ox, C 'a -) 1) 0 0 - elc 0
, FUb treatment ever devised for these troubles. it of Aberdeen accoinimilie(I Lady Thompson on the Longwoods road, 'ill 'Mosa, Nvest of at all medi ci no- dealers. I " "', �` U, , 'we 't , *
Perfect Letter Writer, Is . 0 . :
CQTI.M�LS Of 00111hiNCd 10Cal UDd constitutional trent- at 1) v r i c I itest. 1,011(1011. J-113 diO�l ill b0d ,L1j011L- 5 M.- Ill,, __ -00-40- 1
ment, which not aniy 8peedily relieves the loeal -The harn of (,'ilbevt Johnston, at Un- 11.t�,jllv 1weviot, - GOODS 1 c� '
A neat 1-Ittic b00k, 1)(ing a perfeet p,uide in the art of �HRISTMAS
. trouble, but Uiorou,hly cradicatesthe cause, as well, , '�, sly awakuned in his usual ok Out for It. -
Letter Writin�r. it containsletters.of Love, Friend- I - (1, collu'.8,4ioll 7, Bruce, containing - ' , Lo I
I thus iaburinga purfect anti purnianent oute, evun,in ( 01'�N*()() (rood hcaldi� The callse is attribilted to If you are troublod with a cold' or coiich, however -
sliip, Businems, ete., with va,luable 'instructionb and apparently hopeless emes. . 11clarly -all last-scason's crop, with 19 head of ' I
adOce. Ever� 3 oung wan and wo!aan should have . i�. , IMMlysis of the bi,ain-, fmin w.hich. he sufrer- light the attack, look out for it, do not allow it to ----A']'-- 1 And y
CT C',Lttic,, 9 pias and all his farmin,r n -i .ou sbould know that dvere is
#,h iP YOU I -F EL WEAK, WRET ITED, DFSPOND- - 0 1� i ple- t�(l two years iw_,(). -M r. Dcp0v ,,va�3 7:3 years sctda on the. hings; breaic up the vaugh hy loGsen-
, iz, I)oo I k. Addre,s, F_NT. if you have Catarrh, Asthma,fironehitis, Lung nimit.-,, was burnt the Other (lay. ),oss, '. 11). inz the toug)i phlegin with Hag.) ard's I'Letoral Bal- I notbing nicer for your frien-ils than. a. -
. Of alrC ,Lll(l'(Jf Y01)II-St ,1l)l'(!ib1*L111Cc 411d alni- . . ? 0
,-, I Sam.- I
NOVELTY PUSUSH-ERS, Trouble or any offinr chronic diaease, and WANT TO . R2,500 ; in-suranee sniall. ' . . 9
I able disposition. . and nothing clipaper, and you
; . �* 4 . . ll()to3 -In
. . Inctersoll, Ont. BE cure(l, eall or writcat once. , ,ummer 1
- In DR. ROURN is widely and favorably 1(r;Pwn --Rcv. (1cor-c Freeman, who for 7 ye;irs . : Mids 111 1 should know by thi.-i tim, e theree - is -no
.� , __W. A. Bell lias been stispended for 21) Having been troubled with biliousness and bead- - 17 I
1 1.10IN26 - throughout Canada, 1)cing a .-racluate of (,)uccn'a Wlcts pastor Of,the Decr Jlar;� Presbye�rifvn ,I,(),.(),,- ache, with loss of appetite, I was ad0sed to try Dr. :
— :1 Yei'Ll's its all of"c"11 " t1le ('ity "ll, . Carson's Bitters, and found great relief after a few ! place in the country -where you will -
uni%-ersity and of the Academ ' % Terra Maria. Licen. Church, Toronto, of -which li�! was the first Lecoulit of evidence itt t, . —PRICES.
I tiate of the Royal Colleze of Plvsicians and Sur. , 011, lle boodle ilivesti- dos(,s. ti
L�eons, member of the oollegL of Physicians and Sur- 111inistur, died aL 11,'lin(,ton a fcNv d ! get� as (rood satisfitatiou a--, at thv. olil
j `-, t? "Y' 'L'?) gatioll, -which. S11U%v(-,1 thiLt ht! ]KI(I taken W. r. C.%Nl,i, a 0 I
zGrain ,0rushing of con'�111111)tioll. Z:�
geon,� of Ontario and Queber, TATE �,IEDICAL ,.000 from F. J. colcmall and given it to ex- I � Toronto, Ont. i ' Reliable Groun(I-Floor Gallery.
,Tr G E N Lit A L --- Bevel -13- 11obertson, son of '111(b,V. T-Z,b- Alderman \Villiani Befl. then in the coun- . �
And'Grinding. sul,10,fN' -,NDENT OF LONDON 0 .0 0�0__ - __ .
. - 110SPITAL, etc. vrt�zon, died at Walkerville -n Wednesday, (,il IN.ith a view to it.1huencinz that Alder- 'Messi s. DICK & GO., Montreal. Santa Clau S I 1 aLso Imrp a laf,eye, assort-
, Thirty � ear,�*)iractice. I I ),a% eanalysed and tried N our Blood Purifier in a I
s1t'l,,r_kY & TYNDAM, will lie at the Cr-tnge hall, Cort�,ulration fme and confidentiM. 190i ult. He -was 43 vezirs of' acyc at thp ,*,;' (1, . nmmt of i -mall ease! frames
) tn�s vot(4 on the 1,woposed )ange in 1he lar,_,c nmi.-Iler of oase,, with _tlie nio6t salutory re-
� -
U .L
F-n-widvillo, on TLIURSDAVand FRIT),.kY of enz-h C,,111, on Qr address : � time of his death, and Until about Al"le 3 -cars CIA ,with Ihe Stre Tf I c sultg. lam continuallypre prac- DUYS 11108" 0" his 9ifL8 fVOIU US- It �9
-1�, Ecribing, it in ni� for G.,binet photos and every
-rushin L�rain , grectil -er, Railway. .
week for the purp:),qe of (grindia!g, and ( ., - , �ttro was recorrIlized as One of did cleverest - 'I -11V tice. It is inva'nahlc for worivs hide -bound ""Pov- draws trade- see! People come to i '
C3 - illoney was sub�zvt;11(.1111N -,-,,�tj�,,Iletl. - I � I
Partieh bringill", Krain van glet it 110111c %vith then, DR. FR ; ANCIS ROURK, hw-vers ill Caiiada_ � , er*�hed blood, and debility hile I k0ow nothing to � i J�inil of frames foi- all stylp's
,atne dpy, Price for bal lt�y wid oats 5 ct riti per l � 1�ells are not relaLed.
1heE N WOODWAIM AvF,;rF, two 0,1'.1 it for general impro'v'c`r`ncnt of stock, and en- buy presents, and are at once struck I ' '
JJL�:tnd (; ceuts for peab. 140SX4 -52 --The Rlev. Dr. 0hiniquy has -writtell a 'i'llt,, (1c:Lt)1 of ill(, 1�1t(� .10,11,,l 1�eli)I-N- y(.- hanc iri,r their Value I of pic+ur(--% (,all and see
" l3s7 DETROIT, Mcnw.-�N. ' . - Q with our 1,,tr(,e and well -assorted stock
_ lontf letter 'to ,;krelihishol) Fahre. 1110,111(f . I . - -F -rait " Family Herald," 111) them. Piclurps in steel.Arto-
- � I.------ - _. .- � . - 1� . lllove.�3 froln the vIt t of 1,-,I(-I� 11oN%,;1,11i)t hel, V�.,j .wN.kny Em ,qjitablp, for house- I L . I
I - . thm now that his health has lwew rcstc;rcX Y Montreal. of useful -iftS3 � -e:d En-raviva.q; Ini-
6 IV A I . -----I lie would be very Oad Lo receive His Lor(l, of tile Old and resliTtefl piolwers. li(' L1,L1110 — -----.W& M � - . 6 -it type coloi - ID � -
. - -, ..:i R �1.1.' 0 , — )" 11 ' I 8 - . .
A i . .. - - thhv, which tlir. recipiei .
= el, it,, to ]-�ijlio,.�.s over 4() vvvai-8 a(ro, and I)v 11i'i in- holders, n Imitation pastel, Chilorflos etc,
11 A INI D TO Al D E %-, D R. ,�,�. �..-:.,,. - �.,, - - - 110 y c � p ship lo his humble - home, to discw�s 1%, . � . Everywhere Well Spckeli Of. I
W�____ _'�Y. I -,�, �- � - du.str -terfil -orth cannot eat and afterwards f orget.
. - — ,� I I __'_ .'_-�, y, strict holies;tv and �, .I,f ,%%
� L I
I __ ml,� - " A XL1 t;, 1, 71,;h _K . I � I .
@ ?; ..� , . U - � Are Stark'8 Powders for Sick and Nervous Head -
1, L 11,111 thu errov ,)� N\-hieli Hi�� 110"(1ship says he `�' 0 -
��.f 9i � r, �� � "V , ��I,. ',;;' is (,ILilt\ lie at. -CLI ' at I vas t ,- i, - Cie, P-linni-neE, and Liver. - be -for- I
� .; I .a t -1 T AN
, � ,;� Rl:� ., li,;" M . .
;"' `% ttt�,l U - i, A, �!�6� W ation, and is ])C* I .N, r Wooi, wanazer Impt r:al lllapk, Port Colborne, -
� .1 �i lllfflatCd, if 111)t ift f01111110. This is our first and never to TI
Boots and'Shoes ":, 1,1%4 -, U ft d: I , , Cheaper Cheapest.
� I 11 0 I -, � . . I 1. '. -A petition is in circul, I 11 �(r competency. HC 1('.L%_e,8 ,L ',�i(1016V i(I'll ;l, gotten sate of . , TIIE
, I , � - -
. 1 11�61 .. - 1_�ro-wll lip family. invi: Li hev do their work admirqbh." .
, I 'n �. ��_ 11_� .
lz�l � L i ", -- `r' �: - 1.11-�'CIN si-ned, asking th-Ut l"IflWW'd Bowcr�' I ii
I , , .0 I 41, _- I I NJ r. Alex. Run scy, I mperial Bar,
" I -L'11 1111 A I - I ,Llf,'iVelland, sa-ys :
D . AWNTYRE Vl�:.w._1;11 �t , 1. 10! , i iigiktoli %ry, ,,el*%,111(r ,,t -A fexN'- IlicrIltS ,t,ro lv,11-1 S111111t/., t110 I-,- ., - -y are excellein." - N�l lVe are botter prep,,jrPill tl11 ever
� Ea � .- ,V 11ow in ];, Peiiiteiltit C, ". The
- 0 1.
"C. !11.1 -
L , 0 - `r � " I . I , 11 I �
I �, ,_'�,, 4 � ��,V� Ili_ -'Z' - k I i'l �,! C. ye,tr-Old ,,011 Of JOZ�Ul)h 1"'. 811MItZ, Of 13'Crlill, Mr. George ff. Willianvq, Thoirold, says: "For over Readymade Clothing, to mak�el tbe public lar,�.;e family photos.
s an h--nd a 1,�rgw number of Boots 9.nd Sboon of hi� t - I ' /. , five years term for nianshmahter. be r
'N a � I I J " I " �� A 1.,. I I 11 Ivith 11il)11t!1er;(. el.(),q), ,L (]is- 12 years f suffered severelv from Siek and Nervous
O%N'U lu . � I "I, I e prespnte(l to 'was taken i . I
� __ 1_4 I's 11 .,
" � , I - a, T' -er, tr
al�e, best niptcTial and , , � P, , . le,sv(1. Lie petition will 1) c:' -p
11 ., . . I? , Don't neglect to have a family grou.
� i R 01y; U.� P;i, , 1. �ilu I f Headaches and U% I ied all the ret�edies with- ,
Ra� ( '; -,
, A) 2 b -,
' R, 1��i,��." '� ". , 9 .i " m Ow _�linister of JusLice in a shol-t till,.c. (Lse consi(lered e_xtreniely diffi(ailt to com- ut effect. Stark's Powders cured me." -COXS1S=_\-G OF- - "
� It - � I i T i1i", Laken w1l"n all am hojim, for C' i
arrar-ted to give S-atisfact.;0M. 1, V . " I 1. � , -.-,,,,,. , - 0 liriStinaS. I
I ;t� , :E=:. ___ -1 �_-A',,-' Bowers' Nvife and family are living in Loil- bat, rm(l which proves fittal IL11107)(1 Childl'Cll Price 25c. a box; sold by all iiiediciiie deale ,;. -
.. - � - - _- �- - -) 0 . ..
� - -- t" Youn- ---
feet kept dry conie and get a pai 11_�__ .. .� - " . 8 -, - - ... z�!_ .. I t days be-
. our boots, which will be sold I I,- - (1011, �uid Eire ill poor 61.(:U111,-,tai1(;e.s. i1i 80 to 90 1)(.r oent. of cases. Youths' Suits
yOu WW"t 3 our f 18--'- - I All work- made on the dulles
C '. ,; .1-, 0 5
� I_ � '. -A vounir _1111MI in Winniper, nameil i",11,111tZ ftppOare(l to be fa"n succumbillu. ' I tiveen the hours 'of 9 a. in. and -1 p. w.
- . . 0 �' Overcoats, Odd Coats,
CHEAP FOR OAS H, Pers,-%-etance in using tz will ivc- re!ttl, e%vn , 07 when Dr. Chaniberssecured soine of 0,e
prunn.,.r prowptiv attended to. All kinds of Boot,, tn cases of leniz standin-g. .��- . etc a cure sc'errt,if Ptichard".,oll, shot -,I ballet throligh his ILI) Baby W"--iritzs) Its The days are ,.�h,,,rt, conle early. I ala
Be , , T'i �-. riexv specifi.c, ,Lnti-tomln, and administer it. I ....-- -
- not on -idav, December 21 st, and fell down bil , . . .- Odd Pants Odd Vests, -� .. showing ijice sainples of Crayon Por -
and Shne--, waie t arder. All parties who have 1m.xjss,b!c and ii1c .,venied h,irdl), %%orth fmw, - OV is- n')w 1Ti10vt,1,l11Er P 0
o � the sidewalk. ' fi , I The 1) , '. I I I .
paid th(Ar a�.-eouats for la,st year will please call o6nd . J -Te Nvas astonished to n ( e i1ein before ordering� I
- � ' ' - -s atlo. a vomw soil of F'11N An' I I traits� se
_3f ttle up. � Bottle,196.5e-50 c,rur SU) 0 himself alive-, as lie ba(l notified his friends A few daN " . I V I Overalls, Smock
,'L�e r . - � 91 Known to
A MoINTYRE, , thtLt lie M -W13 110ilh� to -shoot himself. His I 1"i-ssett, of Foresi, v.-hile plavillL -around the make every kiml of Pic
I 1 F-12 Seaforth. _� 11 In . I I pea-.1looter in'hi�inoiitb, fell M a r t i ,1 -1 i';A&;::; �
------- aim was bad. liouse with a . Or anything in the -Clothii-, line., at the - trade.
' I r. .1). � on the floor, lind the Alooter pierved the 'c'
-A liieetin�l of thiY creditors of .LN I
?n . . . p -ices lower than any offered in the
i iner of Duttoll, -%vas hei(I of his throat. mu,*,inur in.piries which re- C1
- I -, 0
__ - _____ 0 odier day. The liabilities axe �01 - sulted in blood poiso ning. Forseveral days . � aus h so ,
- ' - 0
BR�GKS ! BRICKS ! J. C. -SMITH &� C049 J�eniictt, a fa the side Cardinal F"(-)AUA country. We proclaim this the most �
about .',--,4, 0 1, - I B lau.g
w;u call and e\anilf)e f, but t he little fel- FOR INFANTS AND lNVAL!DS, .
I'arties intendin,_- to Imild ple, :S A MT:K:__M :R S - I
hite brieks, they .tre eevon(l to I all'.1 tile assets 8,410. The mecting adjourned 1 his life -was de-,I)aired 0" remirkable opportunity ever presented , -
. . - ,
-3ux �_.', ,*k of lint! %% I for one week, to give Mv. Benoi I low is now recoverintr I ]- P1T0T0(.;RAPflER,
darabifity, color and (iliality, gcue rally, . iett an op- i Z--' In �'eaf3rth. The sale of these pro- T111," 111%-LLOJI� '
,-Iorie for - I . I
Alio a few-oods tile.4 for sale. 1:1, A General B,anking business trannacted. lit -V Of �Ixra_llcyimr to pay 15 vents on . The most palatable food 1--rep--ire(l, alirl ) 1,
t, . . notes discounted. . portuy a 0 -The other afternoon, James Kenny, of . ' - - noutced bargains begins- and ends in
, , "
J. and J. SPROAT. Farmers' � It [ olyrood, Bruce county, DIC -t I-Vith. U Sei,ioli.li - Y otlierpreparation Y -RrXT-1-
:40�i,vt Tu&ersmith Dri-k Works " 'Drafts bought and sold. �lie dolIL'r. I 11 - � is unequalled by am lr?�Pay season only. S 1D_A_:P (D, 1403 1
--A case of horse stealing froin Pickering I accident. lie had for some time been ( ) f i 4 .S k i nd. The I)Qrt food awi t' e best �, -
: - 111tel,est itilowed on deposiLs at the rate ?I' I L - � - 1�1
of,-) per cent. Per annuln." to,wnship, was heard in court, the other day, afflieted with quinsy, and had purcliairieil it v,-lue, put up ill one pound 'C._,1iz>, pricL 9,:�O- SUITS MADE TO ORDER. I - WOOD WANTED .
Never so Good, Never so Cheap. 8ALE NOTES discounted, or taken for , whereill 'Rol)cl't Beattie, of Brougham, W,' -us , I)ottle of patent medicine. James drank . �
_ - __ ellarged wid, stealing a viduable race horse the whole bottle in two (loses. He became .25 ct.s. per Tin. renders will lie rj_ocEived by the undereigned, ad -
collection . "_ �
Ten yount,,'Short 110TIl t' ,11113, the best lot e% -,:r belonging to Oeorge W. Decker, of Picker- dazed and fell against the stove, on which .Sold Retall bi, all J)ri�,e�,isls and NeMSH & JEFFERY dressed to Seaforth P. 0_ until February 25th. IW5.
offered in this ProvLnce and at pricetl ne%-or before � ing vill, 6 11 I forabout 14 cords of 212 inch wood. to be delivered
I g age, which had won faine at Mark- his head -was 1)&(]]N- cut, necessitating the Grocers a;zd Wholesale 101 . at the sehool in Section No, 2, MeNillop. The wood .
Oftered. They are good size, good color and healthy OFFICE-Firat doorgnorth of ReM & %son.. The i puttina in of ei-lit' stitch6s. The patient 6!P CARMICHAEL'S BLOCK, tobegreen beech and maple,a
a,cattle beast in the las�� - liani and other fairs this past se, "? 1� nd to be delivered
condition. I have not lost, Xilaon�s Hardwaft Store. animal was found concealed in the granary' I is not in, a darigerous u-mulition, �ut so b.td, KFERRY WATSON & CO., PROPRIETCRS I I I a reb, to be split into stove 1wood,
eight years hN� sickness of any kind. Cotre and ,;ev t- 1. before t),o (nd - of I -etar�% 1411%4
e m, - . ' bed will be his hoine for some tinic. � A40N-rnBAI_. SEAFORTH, �and pllcd. jol-IN 5. BROWN, Seer ,
DAVID MILNE, MO., Ont. 1400 , arnier near (2 11) .-
I t,h - I SEAFORTH. of John McPherson) a f lare. that �
k I
z ,__,;_-�
* 0
F1)u,b � The blest
e � �)�
3,10 easy ,5 t �'o
_ Lst]
� . . �
_. 7 1 .
� � - - I -
I .
- - I a I I I
. . I I . . . �
. . � � I . - .. .
I . a. . - .1
. -
I - .
I - I I . I . I I __--1._1.--_ - . - i .: I �
_. .
- - I
- .
- I
� . .
. . - I
11 . � . �' �
- � �- - � _ ___ - _ _ - �- .. _. I -,-. I_. . _ _ - -_.__-.--_ ____ _ - ----,-- '-- _L��
I .