HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-04, Page 6I - I . I � -1 . I , R .--7--,,- -:,I- � I , 1, '� . - . - - " I r
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- "TEMNARY. It . I . "7 1 �
I I : I
� . i - , � - -tdiaery. Then a sudden fancy h ; � I
. � ; ___ . wers are as pretty as any." i the fields and spinueys began to resu 5 I .11 , FO. -, I
. GRIEVII, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario - I 'A -0 . . ,
-OH erinaryCollege. All disemes of Domestic , . BAbies, . 'amparently -she bad gol. no great length with She led the way, anit tbe nextaninute he their natural color. Presently, as tliey sti 41 . I I ISNING
� . i
JVNet botanical studies ; her father " and .she was regaxdhig the slender 'and`,'graceful lingered to makesure, a dazzling gleam 6f IASI I N
Animals treated. Calls promptly attended to �snd and rapidly growing .children liad but recently come to this neighborhood; plants, with their pendulous blossomff of blde and silver overhead, through the top,- IZ01) (_ , I
charzes moderate. Veto rinaty Dentistry a specialty , 1"-' �
7 .
derive rno�e benefit from- Scott,,, perhaps they had never -heard of Wargravo various hiles-blue-black, rose -purple, roina, I most branc lies of the elms, told them that - W - , .
. Office and residence on Goderich street, one door I � - ""
. Mamh�and its wild snowflakes? And why - and waxen -white. And from that stafting, , the threatening storm -cloud was peacefull.3 . P - "I 1. 4
xAsT of Dr. gcotVa office,.8"forth. - 11iftf Emulsion, than all the rest of the should he wait u util.. the afternoon ? People . Roy \_ .
food they eat. .point the rest was easy. She took hini passing over ; and as they stepped out into _ �
� the road a glory of sunshine fell around � , .
Its nourishing, 'in the country took their walks abroad at leisurely round the garden, showing him '� .
. . I : Q. H.- W884, powers are felt almost immedi- all hours. Indeed, why should even a min I . f SAL 0-
Veterinary Sdrycon and Dentist, Toronto College ot - what they had done and what they meant � them, and oak- and ash &lid hawthorn hedge,�, Cigar , b
. ately. Babies and children thriv� lite be sacrificed? If-theie was any dawdl, to do, and all her timidity seemed. to liaTe with the golden buttercups among the
Veterinary dentists, Honor Graduate of Ontario Vet- I � 11 I : I 0 - � . �
crinary College, Honor member7of Ontario 'Veterin- Ing y 1. ie L, we tie reached Crowliurst fath- . .
. on Scott s Emulsion when no fled. She was talking to him li�htly, natur- grass, were all rustling and swayini an(V It's no because , I
. . ary meidical Society, All diseases of dontestic auintals ,r and daughter might have gone out for ally, and with the most music& and mag- nodding in the obeeiful. warmth. � 0
skilfully treated. All calls Prompt tly attended to other'-forin of food ig asr,imilated, . , '
� day or night. Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. � . I I I . .the dil,v., � I I Illeticovoice he had ever heard. An amazing But what particularly. struck Sidney, I'm Scotch but . .
Office and Dispensary -Dr. Campbell's old office, I And'so, as soon as he hadiot dr,�-ssed, lie, experience, truly, to be in this solitary even amid the bewilderment of these rare I you canna . 0 L. -I
. - ',IF 9 hauled on a pair of half-length fishing- world of beautiful, basking and glowing opportunities and this light anti joyous .-.
Main street Seaforth. 1406-52) P91
- � � 1 45 J1100It S boots; be walked quickly along to tile things, with swe6t scents wafted about by talk, was the 'studious 'way in which the smoke a bet' ter . . � -
- A �� bridge, and hired a - light little skiff, and the warm wind, and the distant . landscape girPs father kept -himself in the background. Cigar tban I t
LEGAL . - presently he was'. pulling up stream with -wooded bills shimm i . the sun- This powerfully built man, with his quiet I
. ering green in
. . EM _. . I . the long and steady. swing Of a PI-40tihed - light -lying remote and silent, as if it be- demeanor and patient eyes, seemed to7- have �
I , U10n." I L I 01101784T a -i., He had pretty well all the' rh-er longed to another universe altogether, while not' one atoin of self-assertion; he appeared "BOB BOVI I ....
Ad to himself at this early hour, and had not to - this rare creature revealed still another never to think about himself at all; his I
L B . - - - Q #
. . . . pay much attention; but when he had got 'Cilarm-a voice that seenied to thrill his care was solely lavished upon his They, cost 5c. . ,
. . daughter
stimulates the appetite, enricbeE , tip toRoulney Court, lie held over to the very heartstrings with its sofb melodious and that in a singularly humbl� and wistfui "I I -
comes wastincr and opposite bank, and there, moderating his tones ! Once or twice she laughed a% she way. He almost seemed to treat her- wit], but I get sax
ATTIIEW MORRISON Walton, Insurance the blood, ov �f pace lie began to scrutinize attentively' the t'
I _M Agent, Co missioner' for taking affidavite gi ves I S I . 0 � . urned to niake some re -mark to her fatber, superior be-
Cbmveyances, &c. nMoney to loan at the lowem rates. , trenith to all who -talie i t.' deference, as if she were some . I ��
1. I wilderness of swampy weed and underwood 'and there was agleam of per'e % teeth be� ing, so abject was his affection. of them for a �
I � If he sa,vr _�
M. xaltalsow, Walton. . For,Coughs, 'Colds, Sore 'Throat, Pron. that is -known as Wargrave Marsh. 'At , tween the parted lips. ! Her face was most- her anliling and interested , he did not seek quarter. -
_ _ __ ,
; I chitis, Weak Lungs, Emaciatf n, Con. first his search was fruitiess ; for t -be flower- ly in shadow, under -the' straw hat, but her to join in tile conversation at all. When lie -
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, ft , 0
tj . Office-Roome, flye doora north ofGqmtmercial sumption, Blood ,Diseasbs and all Forms in� month of the Lcucojum astivum"'s e*ye,q were full of light. And there was no looked to make .sure that the storm -cloud I
liotel, ground floor, next door to C. L. Palpat's of Wasting. -Sendforpamphlet. Free; May, wncl this was tile first week in Junei : Im EMPIRE TOBACCO CO., MONTPIIZAL�
. jewelry store, Main street, Seaforth. Goderich . fear. in them now. Her -companion asked had passed over, it was on her account, not -
. agen.ts,-Cameron, Holt and Cameron. 1215 Scott& Bowne, Belleville., All Druggists. 50d.&$1, , but evert- ally, when lie had driven the bow himself bow he bad ever managed to' startle' his own. IVhen he was appealed to about � �
. ____ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN -of the boat ashore and when lie had humted away the gladness'and natural gaiety and any projected excursion or the like, it was' -
nARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barrister-. Solleitore, ' -about through,the spongy morass, lie I came content that seemed to dwell habitually to his daugliteL'S face that he instinctively N THE -
NX Ike., Goderich,. Ontario. J. T. GA"ow, Q. C.; WHE
Wit. PROUDY00r. 686 THE HANDSOME HUMES.' upon the long leaves and whife blossoms'Of --there. . . .
" . . it � turned to learn whether he was to say yes
--- --- -_ — the plant lie Nvanted, ciid securing a Nan," said ]lei, father at length, 11 you or no. It'was an unusual attitude of fa, '
I , sufficient quantity, lie made his 4) wav must not take up too mueh of I ther SNOW OOME
� ()A�OZRONIDHOLT & HOLMES, Barristers 86- RY W1LLLk.,N[ LILACK. , - Mr. Hume's towards child ; but not renim k-ible was S
Itors . . less .
Chancery, &c.,G,oderich, Out X. 0. � back to the�'skiff. Then down with time, proud as you are of your garden." the fa9t that it had resulted in no sort or and Horses and
CAkrultos, Q. C., ftmw HoLT, Dumxy HoLum . ,the current again to Henley; a har- " But if is I who must apologize,- I lie kind of spoiling.
a_. - . The girl appeared to re- Cattle are taken
ANNING _& SCOTT, Barriders, Solicitors Con CHAPTER VII. rie(I breakfast; a hunt for the shabby old young man said, " for c-illing at such till turn his devotion a hundred tiines over; oft grass t It '
. . e y
M Veyancers, &o. Solicitors for the hftnli o# . Flora; and presently, with eager and it"Pa- hour. Of course'," you have all your day's some little touch or caress now and again * . fihould h a v e a
I Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan Office-- iCIMPLACABLE' UYPRrs"-Continued. . tient stride, lie was leaving the town oil his Occupations before you. So I'm afraid' I told of the confidence and trust between 11 I tonic until 'they
� .
Elliott Block, I Clinton, Ontario. A. H, M"w"49 I way to Crowliurst aniong, th ; e woods, 11,11st birl you good morning." . them. ; and if he were given to an unneces ,<I'- / I
]AM SCOn. 781 " Dodo, I wish for no companions," sbe - . / get accustomed
. .
� It was a, vivid and brillihm morning, as-_ - But again it was Nan 8unitneis -wbo in- sary diffidence and self- effacernent, that was , I - . I
, � * said, quite earnestly. " For you and me to I I. 11, to the change o-
: HOLID, � successor to tht, -ato firm I � )eca,me the voting summer tine; a unive�r- terposed. It seemed a pity he should go not in the least with her consent or ap- I I ., 0
be by ot rselves-that is what I wish for, - 1e d,or they will
" .
. . F. McCaughey& Hohneded. Barrider, Bo sal trilling" of larks fille(t all the silver away ill this fashim. He had shown him- prova.1, for she lost no chance ' of beland .
licitor, Conveyalloor and Notary. Solicitor- for the � always and always. Of course I am very 0 , lose flesh and
spaces of the sky ; there was a soft k urroo. self so modest and pleasant mannered, she him and proclaiming her faith in him. I .
Canadian Bank of Commerce. Moneytolend Irarno gla,l -when Mr.-. Erridge drives down, for he ! x1ti, condition Y,ery
for We. Office, in Scott's Block. MMD Street. can talk to you about things I don't under- � ing 0 Avood pigeons ; Lhe tall hedges were would not have him hurry away. "this position of affairs was clear enough to quickly. �
.. Sehforth. ____,�_ . .— . stand, and be is very cheerful and afhusin , powdered white with hawthorn; the swell- " Are you -are you going back to Heii- Sidlle3' H Llme, and be was not slow to take To i e,-lect this. may keep %n anitual poor all winter
I � 9 ing uplands were green with corn ; the ,ley !" she asked, with.a, certain tillyliess. advantage of it -in his present desperate and It tusy die In: the spring,
- I even when lie is not aware of it. But as for rounded sullunits of the elms were dark " 011, yes," be answered ]lei-, wibi a look lieed.
W. OAMERON SMITH, Con) ons -well, when you get tired fl of against the deep blue of the heavens. A of inquiry. . DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER will be found the very
I me., �;On(lo, I will go and see if I can nd . i ' (To be Cmth u A.) beat condition Powder to use. its action is quick
� BARRISTER, , some companions.,' morning of impetuous hope, surely, and " Because," said she--,' becluse illy ____ 0 _____ and Furs and satisfa6tory results are guaranteed.
. .
Solicitor of Superior Court, -Commilsiover for Then, when they bad (),one in -doors, and audacious forecast; a rio.-ning full of life father and I will be walking in quite sliovf- Canada. . This t,onio for Horses and Cattle, if properly uped,
I : . taking Atfid%vits In the High Court had the lamps lit,ai 0 and quick -glancing interest ; sportive and ly : in a few min u tes ive shall be staxting. " . - will add 60 per cent to the selifug price ol any animal,
of Justica, Conveysucer, id wlien she had brought Embro has had numero burglaries of prid it costs on)y 50c, PleWs Blood Ptoifier, 500
I Moner , o Lend him his pipe, and'taken a seat at his feet, joyous, too. A whirlwind that caught up a, She could not, in maiden bashfulness, say late. us DieWs Blister, 60a. Dick's Liniment, 25c. Dick'el,
. q nr co:u,nnof dust- from- the yellow -road and more : but surel this was enough.-. Ana ,1 g,p I
.. ran be consulted after offtee ho a at the Commer. with a book in her hand from -which to read y -( eor qolii Young Liberals have or- Olutwent, 25c. �
,. cial Hotel, alond to him, she did not be -&in at once. IV carried it along the highway was only play- Sidney promptly seized the opportli-lifty. pilized a club,.with Mr. J.� R. Lindsa. DICK & CO. P. 0. BOX 482, Montreal.
- � y as
. I HENSALL, ONTARIO was the Lays of Ancient Home. she .had ing, as it were, in order to cool the hot air. " If you wouldn't miRd," lie said, " if I am President. -,
. .
- brought " I-Toratius," 11 Vi i i '. it was going to be a day of moving sbad- not in the way, I should like to Nvait and -The Manitoba, Legislature will assemble woolms JPJR0*33R1Z0"11VZ_i
. - irginla, - " The ows and s'lidden shafts" of sunlight; but -walk in with you." I I
. DENTISTRY. . . Battleof the La,ke Regillus," were great the first week of February. The Great EnV11xh Remedy.
* . � favo ites of his; but the volume remained the sunlight, lie knew, would predominate ; The quick unguarded look in her eyes re- -MacWhirrell �Iis reported to be one of Six Packages Guaranteed to
y I already the gi-e,%t ipass (f the variegated vealed what she lier'self would have ausAypr- promptly, and permanently
! G. F. BELDEN, L. D. S., Dentist. All kinds unopened, and her eyes 7were thoujbtftil the best behaved convicts in the Kingston
W -of work done known to Modern berttistry. and absent. I . laaldsc�all)e lay basking ill the golden warmth. ed to this proposal, .- but she mutely turned Penitentiary. . I . - ,a cure all forms of Nervous
Gold, Aluminum and Porcelain ,'Crowns a specialty. " W.ell, Nan ?" be said. I As lie was nearing Crowhurst lie espied to her father'. . -Ho'. Dr. Montague is in v . . 1VeaI7misff,ons,Spe,nn-
I � Doorbell answered at all hours- Office and rest- - . " Why not ?" said lie. He could read her n - cry pool, . " atorrheat Impotencyand all
. She seemed to start out of some dreftm. a" old mail tinkering at it dilapidated health. He was a
. dence over Mr. Pickard!s stpre, in rooms lately occu- , , . . n ecompamied from , Ottawa effects of Abuse or Excesses,
. pied by Xechanics'Institute. I ., Yes, Dodo,-" she answered, 11 I've read .fence . wishes ill her face, and for him that was to Montreal by his physician . 21ental Worry, excessive -zese
. -
., - lip about Henry of Navarre, and ican tell " What is the name of that liouse-etku sufficient. " I am sorry I cannot drive you -The Ontario Government' will this ye , fi�.n of Tobacco, Opiumor Stimu-
I " BeforeandAfter. ,
1� W. TWEDDLE, Dentist Office overRiabardson you all about him,. and then we c&n go back you tell nie'!'he asked. in. I have sent away our trap to get all al- probably collect $110,000 in taxes under the lants, whicksoon tead to _Th-
� F. & ReInnes"Shoe Store, comer Main and John to the Ivry ballad. You like that about as " That be'C-rowhurst," said the ancient teration made in it. But a walk will be I)eath Duties Act. ^nitv, Insanity, Consumption. and a-& early grave.
- Streets, Seaforth, Ontario. Nitrous Oxide Gas ad. , (10 t YOU ' L .gaffer, i n a strong pleasant enough oil so line a nlornin,,I Has been prescribed over 35 years In thousands of
, mUstered for the painless extraotion of teeth. 116P well as any of them 11 ., T7 - , But she Buck illghanishire acc#nt, -The rise in the price of Manitoba wbeat
. did not proceed with her historical lecture. a, li,- p u;ed from his work. . " It wurCro-%i-- " Yes, indeced," said this lucky young is explained by the fact that there is er cases; Is the only Reliable and 17'on-est Nedicino
. R. ff. S. ANDERSOZY, graduate of Royal Coll The book lay unheeded in her la 9 C, ) flers are
� ege p. Pres- Ilulsb larm a" one time; but it bain?t a 11- ian, before whoni all entrancing prospect little Ili h -rade left and the mi v y known. Ask druggistfor Wood's Phosphodine; If
: D of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, D. D. S of To- ently she said, with downcast eyes, " About farni2onse any inower." had just beell opened tit the very moment after it. - he ofters someworthless medicIne lu place of tbL%
I ronto University. uffice, Market Block, Mitchell, . Inclose prIce In letter, and we will send by return
. Ontario. 1402. -about that young gentleman who was here " And who, lives in it "" I when he thought the gates of Paradise were --It is announced that the old suspension mail. Price, one package, si;'six, e5. one .*.,z
; -1 , -_ this afternoon, Dodo' "Why, Alahster Zummers - Mabster about to be closed oil him. 1r;
I : if you should meet bridge at Niagara, Falls is to be taken away please, alm wig cure. PonI free to anyaddress.
AGNEW, Dentist, Clinton, will him in Henley, what do:you meali to do?" Zummers and his daliter." � And meanwhile Nan had sped away to shortly, and a new cantilever bridge will re-
� � visit Hensall at Hodg.ena'HoteJ . . -11? " Thank you :" and the young mail pass- - I . The Wood Cbmpauv.,
It. "How?" , . make some change in her attire ; and -%vben place it.
every Monda. , and at Zurich the . . � 0 she reappeared the straw bai had been dis- 'Winds -or, Oat., Canada.
AM second Thur:flay in eaca month 1288 " Well, -would you speak to him ?" she I 'd 'u- . -(4eorge Fraser, 83 years of age, -who re- For sale by Lunisden & Wilson, druggista, sea- 1
-ff KINSMAN. - asked, withsome hesitation. He had already heard iier father Call her =,ded for something - of a more young- sides on Straclian street, Hamilton, was forth, Ont.
. W011VIA Ir Dentist, L. D S,, "If he spoke to me, yes," ber father Nan ; Anne Summers, she was tben-!-not ladyish kind, while her costume generally married the I er day to Mi Bell Iredale, __
JL1L. Exeter, Ont. Will be as Zurich Otl ss e
, i- unusual name, perhaps, �entionaiid care. Then who is 70 years old,
4 made answer. "I don*t seek, to make ac- all * but it would bore evideoces of tit
9-A-1- at the Hur6n Hotel, oz;Lran the uaintances, as you know, Nan; 1?ut if soon become wonderful and -magical enough they left tile house together, and passed -Hon. David McLellan, registrar, of St. If You Have a Room to
LAST THURsDAY In each rnonth, and (I - any
at Murdock's Hotel Hensall, on the FIRST FRiDAT one chooses to speak to me, I must be when associated with her. Then came the along the lalie, and, under her guidance, ell- Johii, New Bruns -wick, formerly Provi . I 0
. riends licla .
. in, each month. 'Teeth extracted ivith the least civil * 11 - necessity of letting these new f tered a beech wood, where the soft carpet Secretary, died oil Wed jpap,par Paint -or XR-1301U1,111le
. pain possible. All work first-class at liberal rates cc Yell don,t e'veii kno-w his name, . ** she- know what his own name was; all([ for that of coppery leaves, the legacy ,e revious 19th insi., aged 56. nesday morning, 3 0-- GO TO ---o
. 071 . 'af t' a p
� - said, beating about the bush autumn, was .not yet quite -
I __ I . - * he had pro vi Jed -a si mple stratagem. When � hid ell by the -Warden Kelly, of Brant county, gave
. . I - That i& a small niatter. -'-' . lie reached the house and rang the bell, and yO"ng grass and the half uncurled fronds of his anillial dinner on Tu6sday night of last F. WILLARD.
: '- MONEY TO LOAN. , And then, in the desperation of her em- when the smart little inaid' servant pre- the bracken. It was very still and quiet in week, and it wus largely attended by repre- .
, I a sounded strange-
., I 1. - barrassment, she inatiaged to raise her eyes, zented herself, lie held a, card in his hand. this wood ; their fOOt-f 113 sentative citizens of Brantford a�d chat A First Clags Stock of Wall Paper,
ONEY TO LOAN.--Siralght ,loans at 6 ps, which were a1most -piteous. He asked if Mr. Sunliners was at home, and ly- Swiletimes a sigh of wind would stir county�- Window Shades, Curtain Potes-
. I -
Al oent,, with the privilege to barrowelt of Wits ansivered in the aifirmative. tile topmost braiiehe3 with a nloan as of -11 m --o daughters, aged sixteen and four- etc., always on banet.
repa,fing part of the principal money at any time. - "But it's different -with you, Dodo," she sonic dist"t sea ; then again pea Pictureiand Picture Framing a Specialty.
. I -0 PPlY to T. HOLMESTED, BarrI Seafofth. , exclaimed. "If I were to ineet him --if I . cc Will you flive him this - card, then," he . cc and teen, of Abraham Lawrence, a farmer in .
: � were alone -what must I do? He has been said, ard tell,hini I sliduld like to see him .silence. sav61for the light crackiiii- troad its Anieliasburg, have disappeared from their
- - 0 0
. in this ho:Ae I for a few moments "" - . they walked. There wits a -, Ii tdowed twi- home. A later account says they have been
P �,ud be has talked to you for . F. WILLARD
MEDICAL. a long time, wliil& lie was walking -%�ith us; The apl c trau c � of t I 'IS young gentleman light in here, but far a -way through the heard froin. . . J
� - but I do not kn6N%- him : to me lie is a per- sea,ned to inspire confiden, e. ,�Olie instantl , tall stenis they could see a 'wariner glow, -Alr. Miller, of Belleville, last week MATN STREET Seaforth.
3 the glow of the shining world without. shipped eight tons of poultry'to the Eng,lish Opposite JOHN ST.
DR. S. S- MURRAY, feet stranger. And stippo�,e I Nvere to be ant] politely invited him to enter; and lie, I
3rember British bledical Association, late coroner ,.Coming out of a shop -and lie cliameed to folloNY1119, -%vas forthwith shown into the . " I hear you are very proud of yol, 1- gar- market, . I _ 14,00
11) - -_ __.
� County of Middlesex. Office -opposite Town Hall be pa,, in—" I drawilig-rooni. There lie was left alone den," he said. to bera�iiid their multifarious -The sixteenth annual ineeting of the — -
n the Clady block Reside- 9-7 -, �, . a Z I .
Telephone No. So. . - . or a treel, -c' Well, lie seems very 'friendly', if be for a second or two, looking around him light-headed talk. " I suppose it keeps Ontario Agricultural and Ex -
1400-52 - . . - * I I . perimentL
stopped to say a fe-w words, you could but with the keenest intere - st. Ile guessed )*oil quite busy.". Union is b n e , at the Ontario Agricul- �
I R. CAMPBELL - Honor.Graduate of Medical Fa. answer.,' her father said. P what feminine li uid was v1siVe in the floral � " And a cry good thing, too,- li� r father tural Colle e � nelph_ .
I Dculty of To;�nto University, Physiclau, Sur- "Talk to a strAii er'!_wbat 1vould 11' decoration, if th%t can be called floral Put in, in Illis mild wkv- " For, you see, -Dan JA7 �(_ xteeii year old Brant- I �-
ill 11, a r.
geon, etc. Office-Zeller's Block ;- night calls- 9 C de 'I I
Grely's Hotel, Zurich, On.,. think of me !" she e_xclainied again, almost t "I'llich chiefly (o is's'.ed of spr -s of yonna she has bcen (11iietly brought up, and she for(I boy, has been sentenced to a term of
, 1387 - a . 1113 . 0 C,
- .—.. -,----' with indignation. . . ", beech. has few friends and hardlv aiiv acquaint- two years, and not to exceed five years, STARK � �
I R. ARMSTRONG 31. B., Toronto, M.D. C. M., - Or perhaps lie ,woulil only take off his The still was hot -without ; here, ill a soft. ances ; and if she were not 'kcp� intei e 3te(I in.the reformatory, for burglarizinp, a boat- I I
D Victoria, 51. C. il. S., Ontario, successor to Dr. ha,4tI`to you, and pass ou," her' father su(r- twilight, the tender vbIlo-wish-green of by )lei- gardenin , I ain afraid it might be house. � 0
. - I I 9
Elliott, offlie lately occupied by Dr. Eliobt, Bruce- gested, " Surely you know about suet' those beech lea%,es was singularly, fresh am I � �
. field, Ontario. 1379x52 h Cool. .� d ratli.ev dull for her at Crowliurst. " -Bank clearings at IvViniiipeg Hamilton, .
things better than I do." , " Dull, Dodo ?" she exclaimed. "I Toronto) Montreal &nil Halifax 'aggregated . .
An -1 then.Mr. Summers appe' d, seem- haven't time to be dull. It isn't Only lielp-
R� McTAVISH, Physician, Surgeon, &a. Office ','she lowered her eyes ; and she was silent - I astollisl are 821,171,000 last week, as compared -with
. I . D . corner southwest of Dixon's Ho . be.1, Brucefleld. I ing y not in the least led to find ing old John in the garden, it's a 820,097,000 the previous week, I
Night calls at the office. � for a second or two. When Ahe spoke, it who his vi� itor w I,s ; nay, there was quite hulidred. - and .517,- 1hi I
. � 1 1323 , asvervslo-wly: - - 563,000 in the third week- in December, POWDERS
, — _ __ W. difiVrent things. Anil here is another ;" for
t 1. a friendly look in, his grave, ,5u--bmissi-0e thev bad'enine to soille -wide patches of wood- 1893. N,v/ Cure SICK HEADACH.E and Neuralgia
I DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY, ' I)e Doi�'t .),oil think, Dodo -it would be eyes. . I ruff--innunierable small white stars set ill -There , �e 24 failures reported fro In 20 wmurEs, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
: tter-if 'both you and f -were to treat M
. ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation
: OFFICR� Goderich Street, opposite " I have brought you the Flora I spoke tiny gi�een whorls of leaves. " I must have the Dominion of Canada last week ; the Torpid Liver Bad Breatb. Tostay cured ana: ,I
z Methodist him quite as it, stravilger-that is, if we of yesterdity," said Sidney, in his usual sim- vdiole armfuls ' one year ago it was regulate tile t�wels. vER.r Aricz
! Church, Seaforth. RESIDENCE, next Agricultural should ever ineet him again?" t week before it was 34 ;
; Ground& � � it of that -woodruff gathered o TO rAKE. .
I - and if Miss sweeten the clipboards and the lineii- . . UQ Bronze
- Nan, just as you SnniirierE: -wil accept- the h &*-I of it she will cliests. " ago, 03. _� "
, " As you please, & and strai,ilitforward Way, 25 ; two years ago 30, and three years POUCK,26 CENTS AT OR
I , - I
. ' —_
. � i' G. SCGTT, M. D�. C. M., (Ann Arbor and Via. please," he responded -at once. He could - find the Linn,van handy and And tbeii Sidney eager to join in on any .Phe Canadian Pacific has practically - ---�
. . .7. WAR,) X. C -P - S. O. synopsis very
C_ MAUKAY7 M D C M (TrInitX,) F. T. M. 0. deny lier nothing; and - in his eyes she was easy to manage, And a's I thought she e,.%cuse, 'S'teli`7 � -eed to accept the offer of t ie western
I : M. 0. P. S. 6. ' * " r. must need her of tile whyand ,gi � I
I - always ill the ,..right.. " He seemed v t "i lines for 20 per cent. of the einigrant busi- ..
. � __ ery inight no be familiax with the snowifa, e --it wherefore of the narne -wood reeve wald- -1
� friendly and good-natured. But just -as i s r1% - SIGN 01FICULAR
E. COOPER, M. D., M. B., L.P. P. and S., a,ther a rat ietv growing wild -I've put ineister ; from which it was but a step to . I e, .1 11� .
. � ness coming through New York, and a com- . '
�11. I',,
- . � It. Glasgow, &c., Physician, Surgeon and Ao. on please. You know -about such things one or two in tl)is*box. She ought to know the other berbs that. increased in fagrance mittee hasleen appointed to arrange the ,. -
I � coucher, GonAtance, Got, Mter tban I do. I have never been anxious details of the agreement. SAWE
� : . 1137 -_ whai to look for,when she comes down to after they were cut and dried , and those . OF THE
I I — �
. � I--.------- - to make anyneir acquaintances, so long fis the river." I -Mr. INIorrison
" A�E arfaln led on to the mysterious plant that , Of Mbtealfe, has a relic
: I C1 '141 —_
oi BETHUNE M. D., Follow of the Royal 'I you are content with this solitary life; if " Thank yon. thank y _"," said Mr. Sum- I oz' of the early clays of G'eorge III, which has
' oil conle and `
: leg, q4 oks so, innocent -in dell oi- dingle, but whell been handed down to Dr. Ross by his great .
: ,e of Phy-Itans and Surgeons, Kingston. that is enough for - yon,. it is enough for mers. - " But won,�t I l explain transferred to the herbarium discloses all
I .
- . Successor to Dr. M-Aslqd. Offloi lately occupied g ..
by Dr. Mackid, MaIL Street Sealorth.. Residence me.'! ' ' . to herself ?-I don't 'undeir-stand about suell sorts of jef - grandfather, who served twenty-one years
-Corner of Victoria Square, in house lately occupied And thus it was that these two---tbe one things. Nan is in the garden-" tl' -black imps and- hobgoblins on in the British army. Tbe relip i .
- . by L. E. I)analy.. 1127 ac . I ieblue sheet. At random, unreservedl,y, , is all old- � __ W
' with quick and happy give and take, th' na execu-
. � atuated by a vague, inexplicable alarm and 4c Then I will take the book ,with me,*, fashioned hateliet, capable of doi W I
foreboding, the other desirous only of meet- e3 ' tion yet. The doctor carefully p'reserves
: .� . . said the oung man, needing no second in- talked of every hap-haza,rd thing that pre -
r her wighes, and heedful of naught else- � the heirloom.
D -R. F-. J.�BURROWS, i ng 0 vitatioll , and thereupon, but perl sented itself. ' t1i �
resolved upon holding, � laps with Though for the most part
Late resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto-0/en this VOlIng 7nan a a trifle more of perturbation than lie cared M r. ,Summers listened, lie seemed pleased to _Mr. Alex, MclNlicken has been elected �_q J T
I eml Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity Uni%,erblt�,, sl-ranc,er to thern both. ,,Butt the Fates were to sbow lie followed his guide into the open . mayor of Winnipeg, and Hon. John 8mart
, uiember of the College of other'N'vise 1phided. I see his daughter in such high pi it
!" ! Ph,voiclans and Aurgeons . - 8 1, .�s When -
I of Or.tario AWOFF10E-Same as fornierly*occupied . air. ever his eyes were' turned in her direction mayor of Brandon. � tj �3 -
: by Dr. Smith, opposite Public School, Seaforth. . . �, -'--- . . Out here thete was ablaze and dazilement tbey grew soft Lind kind. _ ___ - ____ - 11 P
� CHA11'TI,,'R VIII.
� * . t
I of colot- and sunli ht -scarlet ge"raniums, Then the ferns and the woodruff gave �l�ll��Illj�lli�illjlllllllllllllllllI
� I have much pleasure In introducing Dr. Burrows fN 1,1LA3101'Tt LA',\li. I _wbite geraniums, tue lobehas, gorg : l��Illj�lli�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0
to all my tormar patients as a physician, to every . eous place to briers, which dragged at liet . I RO [D
. way wortby of their utmost confidence. "Above all, be sane," Sidnev Hume had - (I r e ss, I�Ii;;; d
R. W. BRUCF, SMITH kept repeating to himself only � .day or two peonies bursting in crimson fron-i their so that she was forced to return to the hi(yli-
I thick green shell, for'get-nie-nots, petunias, way. And li-ere they Came again in sighi,of
Telephone -No. 40. 101W before. But Onow the bewild�rment of this . t
! - — gii-I's beLity lia.d. driven every consider * pansies -and in the midst of it all stood a the wider landscape - upland fields and , . � - -
! - ation young girl ill cool sun*ner costume, who bedges dappled -with sunlight and shadow ; ; , . . " � r)0I
. .
.1.1 ; AUOTIONEERS. of prudence out of his hea.d.' He (lid not wore gardening gloves anti ,t straw hat, and the moving arms of a 0 windmill .on the - �IIIIIIIIIIIIII t a's
Stay to ask who sbe -was; lie did not stay to who carried a"Waterling-can in her hand. highslsokw .11 , 9
- I
__ - yline', far away in the e&A softly : I t
. . .
f1i EORGE TAYLOR, Licensed Auctioneer for the ask wbo or what her father might be, or But she was not at work at tl* e moment ; wooded hills -,vith one solitary white, 1.1 I 11 411 11H,11 - 1;,' LH 0
C5 ) maii-
%,X County of Huron. Saieb promptly attended inight have been. Probably lie would have N
1, to in all parts of the County. Satisfaction guaran, -y she. was ebatting to the 91d Si aner, s,ion set aniong the 6hininieriug sunny green. I I A - -If Ul I - �
teed, Chargcamoderato. GEO. TAYLOR, kippen said that lie already knew 'all lie wanted to ,%vho was pottering, away at some sheltered None the less was it a changeable, indeter- P>
.P. 0. 1367A. f kno,w The girl herself liad told him what nasturtiums ; and as she was quite unaware minate sort of day. As they tinned on
w' CoI 0
ger to look into the win- was unconstrained and blithe enough. Oc- music of this girl'si voice and the fascinati 0 :
allowed a stran,, p I
_ she as in that inadvertent moment m -bell of the ap roach ,of the new -comers, her talk -Sidney thinking only of tile bewitelli - t-3 - T
P. BRINE, Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun 81le n .
a ty of Huroy, - Sales attended In all parts of dows of ber soul ; Ii,e had belield the purity, casionallyshe turned to water a plant tbat of her careless laughter, and even. the ineoxll- 14 :
i J
. the, County. All Grders left at Tal ZXpoarrolk tho sweetness, the light hettl_te(lness, the chanced to be in shadow ; but for the most plicable charin id free fashion I .K. / : 0 0
. � Office will be promptly attended to. ' beneficent kindlintI dwelling there. of the light ai tH :
— ---------- =_ � - became aware of ," 11 0
. , As PUt �110 Wivs idly and merrily phattering to in which she walked-the3 " �OMPA � et Itt :
1 1 -for her father -well, the prompt arid effect- the old tilail a curi�oils darkness all round. It broadened 1I.- "'. " :
. W: Me MICLOY1 . I p : :
- ive fasbion in which lie bad bo-wled over the " Nan !" 'her fatlier ealle(l. . out, .Tile green of the fields near them be- . I :
Auctioneer for the Countieg of Huron and Perth two navvies oil tile Oxford Road -was a She instan tly turne(l, and a, swift color came livid and intense. Overhead a pall of 4w
. . . W III : :
q and AF.eat ab Hensall for the Masoey-Harris Manu' thill" that commanded 8idney's entire a . .. it . CO 0 a
. fachiring Company. Sale el L - sprancy to her face on recognizing this visi sombre purple had slowly gathered itself Sh
L attended to, p P2
- moderate and 11 pr= accomplishment tor : but -%vhQn, ',vithout hesitation, lie -went together in th.op midst of the noonday heat ; a M
! charges, 91tis Maranteed. proval. It ,,vas all uiiu�ual 00 ,4 : Co
L to po-i4sess, no This Is a a : :
Orders by niail addressed to Hensall Post Office or doulit. Perbaps fie ba.d been forward to her and modestly made some ex- there was a weigbt of inenace ill the lower- : I 5
left at his residence, Lot 2, Concession 11, &-k- the owner of soille Scilli-laivate gymnasium; cuse, and explained his obj;ct in thus,call- This is the new shortening or :�L 4 a
. erstnith, will receive prompt atteation. ing sky. And aI last came one .or two L . a J
; 19290-tf Perhal)s lie had been a teacher of athletics; ing upon thelli'ller embarrassment insens bly , . 9), : 0 bu
— it mattered little. i heavy drops of rain. cook ttakin - 0 Jo
ing fatwhich is so fas Zy ...
. - What was of immediate departetI, and she found herself listenini, "There may be a, sbower, .Kr. Surnmers c'v PI : td F Tin
I N1.111. ___ the place of lard. It is an entirely . : I : ,
t � Collverti. to this young man was the actual unreservedly and even with ratitude 0 We'd 1.)Ltter Nvait for a,'bit under a
� . to said .- " 0 �IIIIIIIIIIIII
. � --- - __ A&- �,�� I 11 had tog say. His those elins." ed of .1
- I)OSition and eiretunt,tances il,l 11-hich these what this bandso ie lad new food product compos CD cc
two were now placed , -4and lie could not but : _� ,�4 .
clarified cott i- .
voice was quiet and rewssuring ; I' On seed oil and re- V _J J'all
I think that iis nian- And so they left the highway, and went I a Gec
-.m R tile life they,q)pearedt6live, ner -was frank and natural ; his - eyes were and stood under the spreading branches of fined beef suet. You can see that ;% .8 P
. I �
18-M froill his brief -Iiii1pse -of it, Nvwi a ver�y honest -there was ii(; trace of pretence or one of the largest of the trees, close by the I
0 W.0 CAR 13 �> w-
111 V healitiful, ,simpleo,aiid natural life, fax &part liypq(;risy ii, the,,,. It - is Crue that ,when rugged trunk. As for 8idney, this was but . - e W . act
: from the ineau anihitiolus &11tI j a app
� - Y S-TOMAC 'ivolties of fabhion--a lifL ealousies and . she removed her aloves -in order to -take the Rnother godsend, , -ellous stroke � CD .- t4 P> the
i . another mar%
ft , wholesoille and open book iiito he"11 hand.8 tile small plumpy 'of good -fortune : there ,waR to be some little . lot *
` 11*e11'iix'(-, Itild inal-ked I)N- a rare affection white fingi4rs we Ili � �
1110 re slightly tremulous ; but addition to th tj
that (-N-eii the mo,s,t ewstl�tl .gt1.-,Ll1ger c(),11d that wa I ose priceless minutes that had , I 0 t :� ,
. s only for a second, and probablv been all tOO SUITly Slipping awa�)-- What - .
I SITTERS "Of fail to p(-reeive- Ali ideal 11011,lichold it she herself did not know how casii]Y she feil -did lie eare if thd� surroundinti , .
. seenied to him, ill. it's 1110dest retireme ,landscape * . tH W
'CURES . nt, ipto tile way of answering him, and question- grew black as ilight, so long its a" e 9) 119
11 die sun- . �
� liarining no oil(,, (,r)llt(.Ilt V.-ithill itself, ainid ing bim, and.tbanking him with her eyes shine of tile m�orld was near to bim-in Is c1eaff;.'_&,;1icate wboleso
: �
, . "TIPATION, eiwc and solitutle of tbL' ().Xfordshire as�'%vell its -svitlr lier speech. She Nvws all apt those stray , I e, >
. 00 N S beeell woods. � waifs of golden -brown hair tbaf 0
� I . pupil and it. -,i�illijig one, thou.gh lie ('Iisclaim- clustered around her neck and ears ? This- appetizing, ai�deconomical- far C+_
- , BILIOUSNESS, And having beelt oitc,c it(1111itted into this ed baving anything but the most ,aniatevr- over8hadowingglooni -was the ivelconiest superior to . � W I
. IM , lard as the .4
- , ,:I*u(l i -L -I �L relciale.,.�i lCligilig arose C C I -0 Th
. � ) fsh knowledge of the subject. Then lic thing that could happen ; it kept her al- light is to the 'tallow din. It asks
withill him to,returil thither -a Ionf,in t'hut opeaed tilt, till box lie Ila' - -3
. SOUR ISTOMAICH, 1 d brou ht with ii-iost within totich of Min ; lie could de �
. I ))(�Illlv iiiiPel-litive: lie Ivas draivii by co 9 tect only a fair trial, and a" fair trial W 0
rds him and gave her the snow -flakes ; and still some, slight perfunle from the silk ribbonspf
DYSP EIPSIA, AND stiollorer than any ropes of steel. The only further 811lie'espressed, both I)N. NI-ord ,Llld her boll will convince you of its value. CD bd
- ' -
1�� difliol'dt N, -1vas to discover Some excuse, even look, her gratitude. And no ' net. With her parasol, ov with the
- Of thf. %�' �V it was time timid toe of her boot, she toyed -witb file Sold in 3 and 5 pound paills, 9)
BAD BLOOD, 11t*Xt -ildest ; the sleepless hours of the I for him to be -gone ; his inission was ae. scant spears of grass : lie coult'l watch the by all grocers �d
it Purmes arid Strengthens the 111fintilig 401111d hilli ransackincr 11' )Iished, � � I out-cut-ving lashes that hid tile too eloquent _1� - I 3, 4
entire System ))",kill- There -was, it is true,the supe " ' ( 8"
" " `()""
rseded I -
� There 11 -as a moment of embarrassnient. eves. .iiiilwlienalielatighe(l,it-4-asa(iiiiat Made only by JI
'tcan key of whiell lie had lt� -was she -%vho interposed. s�rt of laughter; she rarely looked ill). rn
. ' Flora with its l'illn, !4
� told till -ill ; )if-. V0111d Cal -1.1 illat out t, � The N. K. Fairbank. C+_ V-4
. o Crow- " You Nvere speaking of the columbine," litit this happy imprisonment wa,s not - Com. pany, Vor
64 DOSES FOR 50 CENTS 11111'St, ith-i l'ill,rat tile do, I El �34 [L - 0
, �)r, U11d ICaVC it for she Said, adVoitly. " N Ve have some beau- -and-by there was a -per. 0
. I Whe best Inedit-111f, 9'rer di'deovert-11, - theill ; bul that -was about Ull: and tile tifill o , -on't i long to last. BY I 0 0 i %Vellhigtov, aud Ailn Stgv a I
SOLD )E'VEl41V1lj-g1L,,1CL,,, tholl�rllt (,f 1('111ill I ' jlt.,;t 11011% NA -oil coine and Ccl)tible lightellin" of that brooding, dark- -
If UN111.V tillsatil . 0
.11� I- i .die(l wa,; look at thein ? I think Some �)f the Cottage liess : th(Te calite ao brisker 8til-ring of 1,61)(I . I
I - -
. . . -
_. . I Gods
. -
I -1 I - . I . I . � I 4
. , �
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I t I I ; it - 411, I :1 - ,. J I � -
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. I .. - * I - " � - . . _ �_� - .. k , 1k ". . — I .
. I
i I
-B-00r.r.' '
S-1-10 S
.In order to clear out my preseiit
stock to make room for Spring� gooda
soon to SkI I have decided to 8 - ell ,
,at prices that will astonish every buy-
er. The Kelly stock, bought at lialf
price, enables we to do this. Note
some of the prices:
Children's Shoes from 25e 11P.
Women's Button and Lace from 75)e up.
Alen's Lace and 6 .aiters from A."I ill).
A few pairs of Men's at 5 50c.
Headquarters for Felt G- oods.
I Tbe beat Rubbers and Overshoes,
The cheapefst and beat leather good;5,
See my Long Boots.
Sale going on every day at the &eat -
etore. . �
31ain Street,, Seaforth. I .
im* - �
- -_ _*_�,
I Is
00 I t;4III,
> I 0 =
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%.& - 1-1 .1
1 .
(PATMVMD JM,V 11Tff. 1893,) .
New Process for Making PureMilk Butter J.j,0,rnI
ure Solids of Lbe 31ilk. No ChendW& O]VI Ex_
rit Machinery Requireel _
jrThis New pro,em willf
make two to three firnes,
the amount -ot Pure iI
Butter that can be made.
by'anv other xne�hod yet
I Jr -
1. linvenI Thewfore send
. ,._ � slanip -for funl '0 la
- .. , I r.- � also, eir6iliars
. �
ke(I and answered. . o - rquas'CIZ
Thur,-�tonov pur,B T11111k nuttt%r 4es
53 Hinz Street East, T,oron "
W. Out.
he MeMov MUtual Fire
insurance- Company.
). RON, President. Clinton p �
&Unon, 0 - W. .T.
8e,oy,Treas Sexfor,,th p: Z�-'; Michael
xdie, Inspector of ass". 8611forth P. 0. -
as. Broadfoot,,Seaforth- Alex. Gardiner, T,ead.
rY; Gabriel Elliott. CliniL I
eph Ev.ans GeO- Watt 1-larlock -,
Beechwcod ; M. Murdle, -Sesforth Z
. Garbut�. Clinton. - .
%08- Nellans, HArlock - Robt.McKilIgn Seafortb -,
es CunI Egwondville
rge Alurdle, Auditors. ' Johu 0131111van and
artles desirous
Other bitaiinesswUto effect InsllrartceN or trans.
I be promptly -41I tf) on
110"1011 to any of theabove 111113ers. addressed tr,,
i7 resPeetive post offl��
�8. I
- I
. . I-
--------- � 3
-------------- � � I
I �
Lol"an-,�and/nilinsr-&— .
0<3M&:P r Of Iment
_,6XV_7__ 1
_-_� . I
a CoInPg�UY is Loaning ]Won,y _OD i
Fam Security at lowest R.tes I 1
Al I Of Interest. I
Ortg_axes -Purebase,d.
and 5 per Cent-liaterest Allowed or, �
D'PO'Sits, according to amOtwt and I
time left.
"I"—Comer of Market
, Goderich. Square and,
'10h, Atigu gt 51h,1885.
, Xi1r,&C,1131,
� - . . . 4 ; : ,
. � I . . I I I .
I � � -
� . k - "
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. I
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� . . - ___-1 - __1-11 .- � � -16
.--'I---.- _ � I- I � -1 � -1, -,. I � I - __ . - . _ I 1, - - ---_-1-1- ,�� ------------.- , ,,--- - . ,-- . - ., , , - - -, .� -, �_ -1
- -, - _________ _ ------,--- � _ -_____1 --- AI -