HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-04, Page 5r - � I
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Master James 1xIcLean will be'pleased to water, it will firm rj A W 0.0tv
I hear that be is daily improving, and is now I �her� a hard ball if End Abattoir to -day, there were not many Ih4PORTANT NOTICES. � , - -
. � 8 ry � . BRON
able to '90 abOlit in the hoi&.'�Mr. and I called rd '- then add one-quarter dull, with very low prices P'aid for common STRAY SHEEP.—Came into the premises of the = �u I- EAST K -
'gathered up bet!%�en. the fingers ; this is butchers to be 'een, and 'trade was ve .
� "P ha ball d. cook to soft -crack ; pour and inferior stock. beat beeves gold at undergigned, lot 1. Concession 9, Hullett, about IV . I - .
I �
Nv : The I
. 'N -'� ejlirley, of Exbter, spent lChristnias � pound of butter an" E
- I ith Mrs. Curley's brother, Mr. George � into a greased pan, � the last of September, I ewe and two lambs. The : ; I
. .,c to 31c per lb, with pretty good stock or can have the @time on proving p operty and 0
. �fr Charles Janes, of London, is I ly cold, and then pull on ho'ok. 31C per lb, and leanish beasts at 2�e per lb: paying chargcs. GEORGE WMEATLEY, Constance.
- . Taylor.—, let it remain until near- 31 at own
. : spending hiS* holidays at the hotfie of Mr. 1412x4 �
.: and Mrs John Ja�es.�Miss Sophia and -- A lot of five ordinary scrub bulls' -were held � ` , ar ers
r . Baking Time Table., I . Stock-takin Sale .
A. . - , Mr. 1,9a., MeGavin, and Mr. William at 2je per lb , but the best offer was 2c per ERKSHIRE PIGS. -The undersigned breeder of I
� �
. � , ' lb. Sheep sold at 3c to j -,kc per lb, and B thoroughbred Berkshire swine, will keep for I
NIccullal all of Leadbury, *spent Beaus eight to ten hours. Beef, sirloin, - - I .
(I Xew YC well done, twelve to fifteen lambs at 3c t10 31c per lb. service on lot 26 Conces'sion 5, MoKillop, the priz,3 . . -
-1 �71 ,at's 'With the Misses Joxrott,— ! minutes per - winning Berkshire boars, 11 Election " and "Protest." --AT— INSTITUTE,
. '\I(Lrv' A. -��VlcMordie. of London, is pound ; rare done eight to ten minutes per - BUITALO, December 31:—V cals and
��1'88 , j Terwe $1, payable at time of service, with the privil-
/ �v's't'ug &146g friends'here. Mr. and Mrs. pound. Beef, long or short fillet, twenty to Calves—The receipts of veals and calves e of returning if necessary, iLlso a number of young I , .. -.--
-t Christmas at the thirty minutes. Beef, rolled rib or, runip, were moderate for the opening day ol - xes. JAMES DORRANCE, See-
""rtel, Of -Stratford, spen 'If 9S ,
. [ the p ; for sale, both se '
. "'o'ne of T. TkIellis twelve to fifteen minutee per 11und. - Bis- week, and prices ruled about steady to firm. � I- - � - -- -- 1612-62 WILL11M PICKIRD & Co -T�h annual meeting of the East Huron FalrmeW 111-
: .—Alt. Win. Anderson, of I 0 atitute will be held in the
j Xich- cuit, ten to twenty minute&.. read, brick Good to choice sold at $6.50 to $7 ; extra,
. 'gall, spent Xew Year's under the par- ROPERTY FOR SALE. -For r -ale, cheap, a com-
�C lelltal roof.—Mr. Ricker is spending a few loaf, forty t�o sixty minutes. Cake, plain, $7.25 ; common.to fair, $4.5C to $6. HOO's P f ortable f mine house on South Main street, -sea-
V dav-8 aniong friends at Bright.—Miss .11., twenty to forty minutes. Cake, sponge, —Light supply for Monday, 12,000 heal forth, near the Railway station. The house contains TOWN HALL, Brussels,
�, ,
!� The market -4 as &irly active, and fully 15C seven.rooms, wood3heli and all necessary conveni- �
C Ribert a.nt,l forty-five to sixty minutes. Chickens, three
I _ to four pound . Ogg 0 a kinds. '1�
. - been Stewart MaNilordie have all to 20c hio,her'for good h f 11 euces, also two good lots. The house is on one of the W -, -- -- --
spendin the holiday season at 8, one to� one and one-half lot� and the property will be sold together or septtr.
- the parental 9 ; hours. Cookies,. ten t I o fifteen minutes. Yorkers,�choice, corn fed, .$4-75 to $4.85 ; ately. Apply on the premises to RICHARD ROBIN- ON SATURDAY, DECEMBEK 29th ----
. . home.—Mr. Alonzo Edgar, of , � good ' SON, Seaforth P. 0. I .
- -, 8 8 intes. - Duck, beWy, $4.85 to $4.90; rough, $165 to 1409-tt - XX A �
�Nllclligan sFoli of the late William Edgar, of Cu tard , fifteen to twenty niii , --.- I rr I FRID AV JAN. 189 `95.
. tallie, forty to sixty $41-10 ; 'stacrs -$3 to $3.75. Shee.p and , . — We. coninienced our Great Annual Stock-takin Sale, which will this time coul-
- % , this place, is a, guest among friends here.- minutes. Fish, six to 0 ' ARM FOR SALE. -A 150 acre farm for sale, 1.1 I
, . 'NXr. Rent' ei-lit pounds, one hour. Gingerbread, -Lanibs-There was it liberal supplyon sale, miles froni the Villag. of Brussels, being pletely out -do any preyious attempt. We h'D -
� YNIcUordie who has been resid- t, F Lot 3, 1 a*e bad a good sear
) twenty to thirty minutes. 0'raham gems, 26,400 head. The market ruled slow and and east ,half of Lot 2, ConetFsion 12, township of pon's trade
ing in California for some years, returned , Now the -knife goes in deep, and we will place be -fore the publi ' - ' will be as FOLLOWS:
home a few days ago. hroughout for all. but a few lots of Grey ; 185 iLeres are cleared, 12 acres good hardwood 0 our immense The PROORAXIME
He says time,% are thRyininutes. La:nib well done, fifteen dragging t - bush. 'Thfs farm is well fenced, well underdrained, Stock of Dry Goods and Clothiiipc� Millinery and Fur G'o'ods at such prices Forpnoon session at io a. ill.
- - very dull in that State. -Mr. James Miller, minutes per pound. 'Mutton, rare, ten choice native Iambs, and prices for light to d.In a go6d state of cultivation. On this farar are
. � . fair lots were all (if 10c to 15c lower. She "" 4.
. Of our bul-g is minutes per pound : well done, fifteen min- eP, two houses two good orchards, two good wells, good as will astonish everybody. Remember, this sale will last only until Underdtaininz," Mr. J,ohn MtMillan.M.P.; -',Care
spending holidays iwith I'll, per pound. Pie -crust, thirty. to forty G . to $4 ; bank barn nd other outbuildings. Will be sold to. an Orchard," Mr. James Sheppard, of (,Iueenston ;
- uis.-'-\lisg Agnes Blair five minutes. - fair to good iiiiied I sheep, $2.40 to $2.75 ; gether or separately. For further particulars, apply e a " How to raise a steer for the British Market," Mr -
friends in 4,Z"t �` I of
Lo hoice to beat export 1wethers, $3.75 a Stock -taking, which will soon be, and parties buying early will hav
�vhohasbeeliin Michigan fortlieSummer: Pudding, bread, rice, and 11 odthepremises,orto JOHN or AARON McFAD- -reat choice, To any of -our customers at a distance, we will mail samples of I . Robert Currie, of VVingliam. �
tapioca, one bour. common tofair,-$2t,q,`$2.40. Lambs,choice 0 1
. 18 'low visiting at the parental home here. Pudding, pluin, two to " . DEN, BruEsels P. 0. 1411x4- ., --- �
.1 - � three hours. Rolls, ten to.fifteen minutes. to fancy, quotab'le7li.10 to $4.40 ; fair to . - . any line of goods. Just drop us a line for them, stating kind. Afternoon Session at 1 o7clock.
I : . I Turkey, tell pounds, three hours. Veal, good lamb's', $3.25,to ,53.50.' . n OOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale by tender. . - - , __- � ----. - --- I—. -- -- .--- ------- Election of Officers; " now roads should be con-
: J � Grand Bend. well (]one, twenty minutes per" pound. . I . 9� -- . - kj( north half of lot 2T, concession5, township of otructed and bow besc tonialutain them," Mr. James
I . - Overcoats 15 to 2") per cent. Ladies' Mantles Sheppard, of Queenston ;
1, ' nnw� . Morris, county of Huron, 100 acr(s more orless, I , 30 per1cent. " Breeding and 1jeeding
. : SAD -NEAN'S -'XIrs. Benner and 'Mrs, Bos- � - Dairy Markets. about 00 &10es cleared, in good cultivation, nearly all . � : � hogs " Mr. T. E. Ha) -p of Seaforth --- 11 Cultivation rot
: ,
I �sei�iberry, of i -;rand Bend received the sad - - — . off. off. the �oil for rootf, orlo;airi Crops," hir.John McMillan,
i I Nvhat One Woman Did. - TORONTO, Deectliber 31. -Butter -Quota- in grass, d acres of fall %vileat, good orchard, frame
: illtelligerice tha,t their ' father, Mr. John A woman in' Farmington township, Ohio, - tions are: Fresh made small dairy rolls, 17c house, 24 by 36, frame bank harn, 66 by 81, part new . . — M. P.; " How to manage a Dairy Farm in Ontario
. and all new roofed, also other outbuildings. Farm . and make it pay," Mr. Alex. E. Wark, Wanstead ;
I Rowe, of Drysdale, had died suddenly Oil ill 1866, conceived the plan of constructing to 171c; fresh made tubs and crocks, lQc favorably situated 2 miles from Brussels. On the We havp on band. about 200 -Alfen's, . Ladies' -Mantles, Capes and Jack-ets, Xr- Robert Cleland, Listowel, and Mt. J. C. Korri-
I � 8aturday morning, and would be buried 1 a sidewalk from her home to the villacre, a to 17c ; fanev held dairy tubs, l6c; eboic-e place is a vrofitable sand and gravel pit. Tenders � son, Winthrop.
I L -Uhristinas Day. � w will be rictived by i lie undersigned, at Brussels P.O., Youths' and. Boys' Overcoats ill all sizes, - 30 per cent. off. About two hun(Ind
I distance of two and a half miles. "She to fancy lield. dairy tubs, 15&c to 16C ;' lo up to January loth, 1895. The lowest or any tender t,arnients remain ill this departinent, Evening S-ession at 8 o'clock.
I . OUR TF.*.cHER LE.kV1N-;-Mr. Foster,our headed a subscription list, which was pre. grade and medium dairy, 8e to 12c , large not 6ecessari* in all kinds, in ,-ill styles ; all niust (to 0
: Iyaceepted. PoFisession can be given by"' I 0 which. -%ve -wish to clear out Collipletely. Addresses by tile above rpeakers Intersperse(I with
i - ]Popular school teacher, has left for- "is ho'lle selited to women only, and collected and dairy' rolls, 14�,c to 15c; fresh, creamery February lot, 1895, if deiiired. Address JAME3 durimt this sale. �
� our midst 9 pounds, : 1 -2 Misses' Long Coats and I
I in Varna, aft . spending a plea�aiit year i MARTINi or A. HUNTER, Brussels P. 0. Vocal and Instrumental Music.
er in disbursed $225), in money, besides solicitin tub;, -21c to 22c ; fresh creamery . 1411 - Children's and T 0
- --, - --
� , I * Before closing his school, lie and procuring'many times that amount in 21c to 22c. Cheese -Commission houses . 5� Ulsters -in all sizes. About seven-tentlis ALI, ARE, I.NIVITED.
i J -j OOD );'ARM FOR SALE. -'For sale, Lot -16, Con- Youths' and Boys'
q addressed the children and presented each work. She '�erso 'a juote small lots, August and September Men's, of these ,,,00ds ivere bought at special A. H1 slop, T. Strachan,
. I n Ily superintended the ( M � kX cession 8. McKillop, containing ILO acres, about I
I one with a handsome Christmas card. 11'ev. collstr- - 0 i
: 81. A. Carriere replied in- belia,lf of the ' uction of bridges and culverts, and Makes, I 0jc'to I I c, and half sizes at I I c to So acres cleared, free from stumps and well under- suits 15 to 25 per cent. off. prices froin manufacturers, and, ,is a SECRETARY. PRESIDENT�
! assisted,in the graditig. The sidewalk is in 111se, 811111,118-tiltons are quoted at l2c to drained. There is a good fraine house and bank barn, 1 1412-2
1 � ,Children. with feeling. terms, and iiearly all good r4a,ir to -day, and for twenty-eigbt. lNe. Last Liverpool quotations,, 50s 6d. alSO A good bearing orchard and plenty of never fail- consequonce, you will get them at very "
: . the children weo-in bidding Mr. Foster years has been a Inonument of what one - Ing wator. There ia a school on the corner of the lot . ,- — -
. 'Foo Eggs -Strictly fresh eggs are in good de- and it is also convenient to churches, post office,miiis low prices. Come in and look through *
� :,, d-byej shpp*jing t -he affection they Now in stock, over 600 suits of
. "
- unpretending Avonian can accomplish mrh,ll mand a� 18c. Other sorts of good quality &c., and within @even miles of Seaforth., -There RTC this department. � SOUTH HURON
IT . held fOl- th;6�'teacber. Mr. Fostergoes to' backed by energ and persev-cra,fice. are rather firmer, -but no hi7ber. AVe about 35 neres plowed and ready for crop, and 12 Splelldid iiew ,00ds in Men's, Youths' .
I � I U - 9 . 0
11 L�ondqv-to- pursuebis studies At the G0111- - --� quote: Strictly fresli, 18c ; held fresh, 13c ,,res of fall wheat. This Is one of the best farnis in iitnd. Boys'sizes. Remember, every Suit I
�6iftl�Colle,,e --- . . the township and %%ill be sold cheap as the proprietor Farmers' Institui te.
111� to 15c ; cold storage, poor, 10c; choiee, wishes to give.up farming. Apply on the promises will be sold at the above discounts dur- Dress Goods, w,inter weights —
� I / 8u, A, Cunnfilg Tramp. -
. I A ORREAT 0 (ICESS.-The a'nnual Christ- 15c to Me ; limed, 12c to 13c. or address, Winthrop P. 0. JAMES HORNEY. , ZD ) i � .
- I . I . 1410x4 - ' Meet, gs of the Soath Huroll Farill,
0 I - In
�- ' , I "'as tree entertainment, held in connection Tile tranip had got into the kitchen, - il1r) this sale. - . 25 per cent. off. - 0
,a-- , � 'with Ormid Bend Presbyterian Sabbath where it Avas warm and a b011l1tiflll MPUSt - . I - . I ers' Institute will be heh-1 as foljoA,,.,3 -
. ; , .
I ,S(:11001, oil the evening of December 20th, of second-hand victuals was spread before , , Births. HOICE FAR11 LOT for SALT, -Tenders will be . — -
was a decided successo The weather was him, the lad3r of the house standing by. "Is CORCORAN.-In Duluth, on December 28th, the () received by the Executors of the late' Charles Ladies' Fur Goods 25 per Collsistiller -
. . - 0 1 .0 In .
%sked, looking over it GEIB.-In Seaforth, on January 2ad, the *ife of Mr. first concession (fluron Road) Tuckersmith. The lot cent.'Off, Clieviots) Serges, TiNveeds, Box Cloth S
. and people came pol,trintr in that ,all f ur me -!" lie, I
very favorable , wife of !IT. L. H. Corcoran, of a daughter. Carter for the purchase of his farm -lot No. 34 qf the ) . of :Heavy Diamnals, BRUOEFIELD
from, njanv direetions, until the church "Was ,(rrecdi4.- "Every bit of it,"replied the Henry Geib, comprises 100 acres, except the portion occupied by I `1
� of a daughter. . ' DIXO--\P� IIALL,
� 10 crow(fed there was scarcely standing lady encouragingly. ," Kill I eat or ta,k� it, , McFALLS.-Ir Cent-ralia, on December 21st, tbelwife the Grand Trunk Railway, all cleared but eiZht'acres Ladies' Cloth Melt6us- There is a rare -
� ,�
� room, ill - of Mr. James blcF&119, of a son. ' of good hardwood timber. FirFit-class floil,l well
I I fact. soine had to return ]ionic. aWa� 'with nit'e?'O' - " It:s yours to dispose of ..:Vll, fur ,(-'00(ls, c0llsistilll��r Of Al u ffis, snap in these croo6�, as the styles for TUESDA Y, JAIV. 8th.
� - ELSTON.-At Rodgervi-le, on December 24tb, the -watered, and quite unexbausted, being almost all new n I
! The Children's' readings, recitations 'and as you please'?" " Thank e, inuin " he ' wile of Mr. Thomas Elston, of a son. - land. Well suited for a g r, fruit or grain *rarr Collare6tes, Capes, Gloves and AT-Titts, Spring are of the Tweed effect desimis.
I . .-) V � I tazinL n. 0 1 0 -----
i dialogues were excellent, and the church said, rising and bowing. " !'A like to sell FORRESTER.-Ill Goderich township, o*n December Outside fences good ; no buildingo. The lot is Situ- Caps, Boas, Gauntlets, etc. All will
I - ated on the main gravel road from Goderich to Strat-
� 20th, the wife rf 31r. D, A. Forrester, of a On EXETER
; I - choir ren,dered sorne -fine pieces of music, it to you'for a quarter in cash." , 8 : -ford, within two miles of Clinton,which has an excel ' I
AUSTIN. -In Aoifield, on ife 1�
� .
j which was pillich appreciated. But the . P. Austin,:of December 15bh, the w lent market, two railways, good schools. etc. Terms, be cleared at quaiter off regular price. Flannels, every kind, 20 'per TOWN HALL)
� I of Mr. a daughter.
- "lost pleitsillfr feature of the ex,enin,g, to the ' I e -half cash. balauce oq.. time to suit purchaser, I
� - " I PATTERSON.-In East Wawanosh, bn December - On
t I . ehild-ren, was the stripping of two pine trees � The Rhl:�barbs- . 24th, the wife of Mr. Alt xander Pattersonj of a Tenders will be received until January l5th, 1895. Ladies"- and 6ents' Under-
. .
.i - : 'Of their liumerous gift, t, It, it quite fashionable now� to have nuilles daughter. � � Address. R. RANSFORD, Executor, or H. HALE, Cent. o:ff . Wednesdqy, JAN. 9.
1 :� 0 s, and 1�y the helping I . *-- I Agent, Clinton, Ont. 1410-4 i --
- - hands of friends, in it, short tiin.'6 each scholar for our places in tile country, aad so ,%N e ,� - wear) 20 per cent. off, All-)vool, union Fancy Shirtings in Each of the above meeting will � co.111-
: � have " The Elms " and " The (Troves -, and Marriages. ) � S
I -%V,d.s satisfied. T1 1, � 1*>
I ,Ip proceeds anionlited to '
I. I - ' A11,111 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Composed of 1� - scarlet, white, i-D.ilitary. Canton in naeme at 10 o'clock aan.
� ,� -I-41.60, -which will' (to towards belpin- to "The Hillsides " ance " The Pines" and McINTOSH-HEINDERSON.-At the residence of tile F 100 acres halt way between Clinton and Sea. * � �
� :- 0 C5 bride's father, on JanuarY 2�d, by Rev. P. Mus. forth, in the'. township of Hullett, twq-and-i , i , --
I procure , various other iianies- but -ive are told that- . i-balf' white and Colors. �, SheetiDlls—horne-
. a. new library. ; 4,idies' 17 ests in all -wool and Lmioll, . 0
i grave, assisted by the uncle of the. bride, Rev. ��
� it lady down South c&llcd her house " Tile miles from Kinburn, about 40 rods fron, No I school 't - iiiade—re I a These meetings will be addressed by the following
; -- ' Dr. MeKay, of Formosa. Mr. Firtlay McIntosh, houge and one and a half miles from churc�. There Lk'dies' Combination Suits, all wool ; g y and. wl ite. Drug 'D ets, etc., among others :-Wm. Raimie, Farm Manager On -
i ., . . Rhubarbs," because, she said, b
- . it was the to Aliss Margaret Henderson, oth oi McKillop. tario Agricultural College -, A� MeXeil, Windsor, au
i �- I is a good dwelling hraisL, a barn 100 feet long, and Ladies' Knittecl Underskirts and Cor- . all at the above discount of 20 per
. , Tuckers-mith. only thing that had any. -abundance on the GOURLEY-GRANT-At St. Marys. on Deceinber other out buildings all in good repair. One well at I authority on fruit culture , Alfred Hunter Hi-rrovv�
� - 11,'NTEIVr�t rN place, It'D ,was not piett3-,but doubtless was 24tb, by Rev. W. J. Ta,ylor, ITT. William John - the house and another at the b3rn and five acres Of a set Covers - Afen's Shirts an(l Drawers Cent, . .1 � swith. who represents the good Roads Ass�ciation of
If 11 01ourley, of Dublin, to Miss Agnes Giant, of St. good bearing orchard. There is five acres of fall - Ontario'; D. A. Forester, Esq., Clinton ; M. Y� Me-
. . ,NT. -An enterta.innient will 3 ! ;
I �
7 be heitt iii. School No. 5, (Sproat's School,) more truthful than nlaliv (;f the names Marys. wheat oil a good summer -fallow and lookins, lit all -wool and union, ribbed or plain - - ------ Lean, M. P. P-, South Huron, and others
! � well; , A cordial InIvitatign is extended to all to be present.
I -uhis (Friday) e-enincr. Anionu others, Mr. that axe high - sounding wi�th which we axe ENGE LROZELL.-At the residence of the bride's there Is 28 acres of fall plowing done on the place knit, made in Canadian, Eng,lish or Millinery, 30'per cent. off.
. U,- B. 8cott aii(l j,qaster - Wilotie Hays will familiax. ' I Im. . parents, on December 25th, by Rev. G. H. Cob- and portion of feed enouZh to do any amount of . An evening entertainirent will be held at each. ,
! take Part in the programme, ---- -- - uledick, Mr. John Engel. of Paw Paw, Micbi- stock It is a flne roll, ng farm, well drained and well Scotch latub's wool—this lot -will in- r plaw. for which pragrammes will be Issued by the
L 0 gan, to Alios Edith Rosamond, daughter of Mr. adapted for cropp. Possesbion ean be had at any terest you ; Ladies' an(I Gelits' Winter A larae assortilieAt yet to be. found Local Committee.
., 11 WEST END NOTES. -The sleigbing has -ReN-. I"- Softley, jr., of London, former- Charles Bezel, of Grey. time. For further partic6lars apply on promises. -3 �
� � I " ly of Hensall, has received the offer of a GRAY.IdcKELLAR.-At the Presbyterian manse, 1, RANCIS KETTLE, Seatorth P. 0. Ont. 1410 tf department. i ----
made thinas lively tlie� last few days.- Blyth, on December 26th, by Rev. A. 31(,-Leanp - � ---- -, Gloves, 15 per cent. off. ill this ' . R. McMORDIE.,
. Messrs. J. I to -Nova 8cotia paij-sh, near the city of Halifax I
I � � Hunter and Peter 2V1cG,re( r, Mr. Toseph Gray, of Wingham, to Miss Eilic Me- . - — - - - . - - - .. - -- � - - -- " -- Secretary.
I Brucefield, sh,,ipped three car loads of lanibs and has accepted the same. He will enter Kellar, of Morris. NRE14ERVED SALE OF FAIIII STOCK AND I
I -to Glasgow via * PorLIand, last Saturday - on his cluties very shortly. ' RA261SEY-HENRY.-At "'Maitlatid Bank " Farm, U IMPLEMENTS. -James Jones has received in- Afen's and Ladies' Far Coats at immense discounts. All line8 of Woollen i4ii
1. .
I , ' East W4wanofih, the residence of the bride's structions from Mr. Edward H. Hamilton, to sell by Hosiery 20 per cent. off. - -------- I
I AN -e are informed that there is a farmer of -A white steel, fed by Mr. Sillith, of father, on Deceniber 25th, by Rev. WiD, Bjiujrh, Public Auction, on Lot 21, Concession 7. Township . SoUth HrU
. this township who has had his ca-ttle de- " Springhurst" farm, and killed by Mr. W. . of Hibbert, on wtdnesday, January 9th, 1895. the This Bale is genuine, and everything will be c rried out to the 'Very letter-
. 0 Mr. John Ramsey, of Guelph, to Miss Ellis 'A . ,ron Agricultural
I �
� JlGrned, and has come to grief, as one of the Suell, of Exeter, for the Christma's trade', - Henry, daughter of Mr� James Henry. following: I aged mare, I span geldings, rising 4 that is bere advertised. .
� - iiurnber is not expected to recover, while dressed 1,300 pounds. 0m,linarily a beef tURROWS-VROMAN.-Al the residence of the years old, heavy draught ; I driver ; 3 cows suppos- I a Society. -
i bride's father, on December 19th, by Re". W. R. ud to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull, I farrow cow Afen's Cloth Caps, 20 per cent. off ; all knitted Shawll'., 25 per cent. off;
'thers have been .so taken down thatthey , I' Moss, Mr. William Burrows, of St. *Albane, rieInK4 years old, 2 fat cattle, 4 steers rising 2 The annnal meeting of the members of the South
. -61L dresses from six to seven hundred. � I years all woollen Shawls 25 per cent. off; 10c and 12je Prints for 6�,c anct Sc per
L Will require a lot of extra feed to bring -Durina the afternoon belfore Cbri8tmas United States, formerly of Ashfield, to -.NliBl, old 1 4 spring calves; 8 well-bred ewes, 2 laTnba,l rani, ) Huron Agricultural Society will be held In Dixon's
. ing- 0 9 h ks 6 nloinths old, I brood sow in pig, 40 hens, I yard ; 300 pair of Men's Pants to be sold at $1 per pal'r; Mantle Cloths,
them back again. -Mrs. Walters, of Wi while Mrs. W. R. Cole, of Mitchell, was Orah Bell&, daughter of Wall. Vromhn, Eeq., of 0 Hall, Brucefield, on Wednesday, January loth, 1895,
� Comet seeder and drill nearly new. 1 mowerwith pea n L I
- cr ek-. -' tlown C,Iborne . I at 11 o'clock p.m. A -meeting of the Directors will be
frientls here this we townsbopping, her father, Mr.(,'eol-ge oatings and Tilsterings, 25 per cent. discount. : .
. � ARK ELL-T�SIKERAt the residenceof the bride's harvester attached, I Massey -Harris cultivator, new ; '-1 ' held on the same day and at the same place at 10 ,
Miss E'KiOtt, of':Winghum, is visiting rela,- Davidson, of the Hicks House, had & hand- p�Lrenttt, Seaforth, .on December 26th, by Rev. I two -furrow gang plow nearly new, 2 walking plows All other lines throughout our entire store, from cellar' to ,rarret, 10 per o'clock a.m.
tives here. --Miss Ashton, of Howicok, vi -s- sOl-ne Piano sent over to het home and ca.re- M r. Fair, Mr. Thowas Aikell, of Culross, to Miss I new, I set iron harrows, I grain crusher, I now 0 1411-2 Al- Y. McLEA14, Secretary-
� dted relatives here last week. f ally put in before she returned. Mrs. CoI6 K V. Taaker, second youugest daughter of hir.J. wheelbarrow, 1 stoneboat, I Jump Seat buggy nearly cent. off. The whole stock of over $40,000 worth -of goods subject to your I
Tasker. I new, I toad cart, 2 sets double harness, 1 set single approval at
I WEDDING.-Ou Wednesday last week, the had received no hint of the present or - lieu CAMPBELL-COTTLE.-At the residence of the harness, 1 set bobsleighs nearly new, I scuffler, I Rodgervifle - Cheese - Faictory.
I - ,residence of Alr.John Ball, Aullett, was the father's intention, and when she discovered .. bride's parents, Thames Road. Usborne, on De- crospeut saw, 2 bay knives, I sugar kettle, 2 sets of �
the piano her surprise and delight i�,&,-c - * vember 19th, by Rev.. Colin Fletcher, Mr. Alex- wbiffietrees, 2 neckYokcs, I grain cradle, 1 hav rack, —
scene of a'very pleasant event, -when his pleasant to witnes.i. - . - . ,der Campbell to Miss Elizabeth Cottle, daughter I pick, I crowbar, I stepladder, I farm bell and post, & C 0. 'S A nieeting of the Directors, Shareholders and Pa-
. -eldest daughter, Eliza, was united, in niar- of Mr. John Cottle. . 500 bushels of turnips, 100 bushels of mangolds, a WM. PICKA1111111i a trons of the Rodgerville-Chees Fartory, w' .11 be held
. riage to ,Mr. John T. Crich, sixth son of Mr. -ReN-. J. W. Mitchell for -a number- 6f CRIOB-BALL.-In Tiullett, on December 26th, by quantity of hay, I dozen grain bag8, 1 goat skin robe, 9 at the Factory on W-tdnetday. the 9th day of Jami-
. -James Crich, of this township. The bride years pastor of the Presbyterian church ill - - 'Rev. W..,�3myth, Mr. Jolin-T. Crich, of Tucker- I lot of spotted elephaut potatoes, chains, forks . S 3R]A]T 0 Ttr,� I=j[ ary, 18,16, meeting to Commence at 11 o'clock a. in-
Alitchell, but now of Thorold, ba. . snilth, to'Miss Eliza Jane,'dau liter of lar. John shovels and other articles too numerous to mention ; . ox W All are specially requested to attend.
was supported by Miss Cash, of Blyth, a resigned- - Ball, of Hullett. 9 also a lot of hoiisehold f urniture, including 2.5 yards . . . . 11111-2 JAMES MURRAY, See-Treas.
X -,e Ball, brother of the his charfre, there on account of some dis�;e�i, ---
- I �
-- while A.r. ('eor( I of carpet. Sale at I o'clock. Ternis.-All sums of Z -z5 MARKET STREETS.
0 X-IFFIN-McILVAIN.--In West Wawanosh, on De. CORNER M AIN AND,.
� bride, ably supported the groom. The tion'or want of harmony among the congre7 ' cember 19th, by Rev. ,R. Henderson, Mr. J. Tif. and under.,�"eash ; over that amount 11 illonths' .
Tiev. W. Smyth officiated. The yoling pt-iou. He was requested �o withdraw it. fin, of Colborne, io Miss M. McIlvaln. ' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint - - --- --- .
I -) I — - - --- notes. Six per cent. off for cash on credit aniounto. '
A!ollple have now removed to their home, but as he insisted on its acce�'tance, a ver' XMAS - I
1 3� - - As the subepriber has r0llted his farm everythi
Ist concession of Tuckersmith, and their warin resolution of sympathy -,vith. him w,js , . - Deaths. . must be sold. ED. H. HAMILTON, Propricton .
. .1. . rf Waiting for Something to Turn Up.
many friends wish thein a happy a,nd,pj.,)s- passed by a larcre majoritv U his congre- . JOHNSTON.-In Seafortb, on December 21st, C,th- JAMES JONES, Auctioneer. 141,1x2
tn � - -
,perous journey through life. gation. � I � , arine Donald4on, relitt-of the late James John- - -- le to PRESENTS.
. ston, aged 92 years and 7 months. � What?s the good of waiting for it to turn up, and then not be ab
Stl�-VRROW HT -N -T. -A very interesting con- -At the residence of N11'. I !,John Phillips,. HODOSOZ-At Summerhill, on Debember 21st 11 fill the bill." In the interval get yourself in shape by taking a course
0 . �
test for the destruction of sparrows was Hibbert, on Wednesday evening, 19th �Of Eleanor. reliet of the. late Thomas Hodgeon,age .
ay December, the Rev. Mr. Ball, of Fullarton, 91 years. ELECTION CARDS in the I
lield last week, commencing with Mond , ROSS � ln.C11nton, on December 21st, Isabella, wife I LADIE'S who intend giving their gentle -
.and terrydnating with ,8'aturoday-. There were united in the holy bonds of iliatrii-nony .Kr. of 'Rev. Alexander Ross, aged 69 years. I men friends it present at Christmas, will
. . ' .
- -fifteen contestants on, each side, one side Zephania Balfour and Miss. � Mary Phillips. FAft(JUHARSON.-In Morris, on December 27rd, I . � I find some nice, new things in our stock of
being captained by Mr. Philip Mtirr4y, and Tile assisting couple were Mr. Joseph Lin- Tnomas Farquharson, aged 79 years. To the Electors of Sea- . , . Furnishings. .
the 'other .�y Mr. IV. J. Hudson. Both ton, and -N,liss Hannall Phillips, sister of the WRIGHT.-Suddenly, in Morris, on December 21st, ...., - , - 11
' Fmileis Wright, aged 76 yeArs. I fo rt h. I an . I IN FURS -we hive Caps Collars anil
- . Mitts and Gloves
sides put tbrward their best efforts, but bride. The number of guests far outnulll- DA-%-'IDSON,-In Wingham, on December 23rd, Mar- Cuffs, I in' 8eal, Otter.
ivhen the final count was made, it was bered those of any wedding which has pre.- . garet Pearl, daughter of Mr. Williatif Davidson, I
# - - aged 4 3*ears, 4 months and 8 days. LADIES and GE-NTLE A,IE"-\',— I- .. Beaver, Persian Lamb, Nutria, Coon, awl
t - -found that -N-1r. Murray's Side scored up viously taken place in ,that' neighborhood. SIMM 1E. -At Claverinir, Grey County, on December . . I all the leading Furs. �
ifty more sl _re This is accounted for by tbei fact that the ' . . --
I - -h parro%vsthan tbeother. The 26th, Catherine MaIntosh, widow ofthe late I have, to take this mode of in- - 'AR
, IN NECKWE --we Ila ve. just receiveJ
I ,%vere about 1,700 sparrows killed altogether. 0013tracting parties are wideiy known, and James Simude. forming you tha,t I am not a candidate for the very latest in Derby aii(I Knot Ticii,
- 0
That should ina,ke a prett good thinning from the genial disposition' of the young IRVIN.-In East Wawandsh, on December 20th, the 'May -orality at the coming election, Ed- . ege .S'carfs in Silk and Cashmere at differ,eni,
� in ,, I � Mary Ann, relict of the late Thomas Irvin, aged
-otit of the sparrows in *this Vicinity. The couple they acquired many friends who of Forest City Business & Shorthan'd Coll
- . I - ' 66 years, 9 months and 20 -days. though my name has been inadvertantly . . prices and in a variety of shades and pat -
losing side have to treat their more success- * course, got ,an invite to the weddincrfeast. --- , I placed oil the ballot paper. - Thanking CXP T-,C)MT--003-V, C)Mwr-r-, h s
. tD
. I
I . fill rivals to a free supper, when " sparrow -The somewhat slid(] death of Mr. - , I my mover and seconder for the lionor done ' for proof our suc- Christmas.
11� I , We lay great emphasis on our practical course. - See
I �Stewll -%vill of course, be in order. Richard Hodge, of Carlb gford; cast a I I I arn, yours yespeetfully, I
I I ) � Me)
(Received too late for last week.) . gloolil over tlitut community, as the deceased . cessful students. A, M. Stewart has received the position as travellin IN HANDKERCHIUS-we have two �
, - � 9
. � ti I
was very much! respected. .',\fr. Hodge Was R . WILSON. auditor with the McCormack Harvesting Co., Willni O,eg, Write us for sizes of those Japanese, hemstitched ini ial-
EXAMINATION.-Of the many successful a yount . r nial - , ' ed ones, just the -thing for a Christmas gif I-
. 1), 6111y 31 years of age, and was NLY , '
-(-ixamitiations held ill school 8ectioll No. 3, - t catalogue and particulars, addressing carefully. Oollege reopens Oil
since it came under the charge of the pres- inarried less th�an two years ago to a Miss � .1 I * Also a nice lot of plain white *'and faiwy
I Aaar. He took ill about the 8th of Decem- . - January 2nd, 1893, brocaded silks. I .
,eat teacher, Mr. Scott, the one on Frida,y, n I Election Card. � I r -- I
21st ult., eve" surpassed those held on pre- her, of catarrali of the stomach,'and by the . 1393-26 J. W. WESTEAVELT, Principal. - IN SU81'ENDER�-we have some beau-
-vious occasions. The attendance in the 14th his physician discovered that Driglit's . - I . � ties in fancy silk and satill, cae I h pair in a
� �b I disease lia-4 developed, and advised his - $ In - i � TO TRE RATE,PAYERS OP THE TOWN �
. forenoon was not large, on accoUl* Of a . separa,te box rea(ly to mail to yoUt1frie.11,1,
driy7ling rain, but the weather briAite�ned patient to get his &ffairs in order. There . . OF SEAFORTH.
. I .
was not time, however, for this, for death —0 I � . F OR 0 F2\TTl,F0\1H,!N1 - ,%ve u -M inchul,i
about 12 o'clock, and in the afte�ioo'n a came oil the 15th ult., with no warning ex- . 7 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,- I with the above everything that is desirable
. [arg,e nuniber of the ratepayers of the' -.,sec- cept the doctor's fear the day before. C, The AVI.NLG determined to adopt, as Havingbeen notninatad for the Mayoralty x, Kid Ali�tts and Gloves
tioll, as vvell as visitors from neighboring deceased,wasasoirof Mr. iV.ni. H H . � lined or unlined, ])less Shirts open front or
odge, of nearly as possible, THE CASH for 1895. 1 will be pleased to receive your support at
sections, turned olit to witness the exa,min- ' ' I the polls, and if elected, I offer my best services- to back, all s�yles and. sizeF3 of Collars awl
Nlitcliell, and his rema,ins w6re taken for SYSTEM, we have resolved to reduce, make the term one of economy and progress in the � 0iffs, Flannel top shirts with or without
-kLtiG11 of the pupils by their tea -cher, assisted THE LEADING STORE OF 'I
burial to the old Baptist church cemetery I i
. yth 11cLach- the subscription price of THE EXPOSITOR higtory of the town. I
I)v Messrs. 8hillingjaw, Fors , . �
� there. I � Yours Respectfully, . I . : collars, Umbrellas", IN"aterproof ('oats ready-
.lan, Baker, Horton and Hogg, and it iS - - - ; to ONE' DOLLAR per ainnuin if 91 inadeor to order, Celluloid Collars in �11
- - I William M. G�ay. sizes.
�ieedlesstosay that eiitliusiiZWt� and thor- -7- - - -- paid strictly in- advance.
otigthaess characterized the wor1c, as oil pre- TIRE VARIKETS. -
I S --F 0 --R "T �E-1 -
-,ious occasions. The kindly feeling which � If not paid until the end of THREE � . �
-� - ,exis 'wid his pupils. the . - , SISAPORTH,Jan. 3 1895 MONTHS, it will be $1.25. . I Overcoatings in Beaver, Melton, Nap,
� -f ,ts betw�en Mr. Scott , I to Fall Wheat per bushel.n�w..... ... I ... 0 .56 '� 0'57 . ELEOTION CARD. . � Frieze and Etoffes Suitings in English, IrL-�t
.Orderly inanner ill. which the pupils crot - The winter is all in f rout of us yet, and we are already ;using the cutting - -otch Worsteds, 8erges and Tweeds,,
If Spring Wheat per bushol,new ..... .. 0 66 to 0 67 and 8(.
. .
.1alld froni their classes, their attitude (lurill, Oats per bushel .............. -3.. 0 21, to 0 28 1'f not paid until the end of SIX TO THE ELF',CT0118 OF THE XORTH knife freely on prices of all cold weather goods. The bulk ::' ' be Canadian Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds in
Peas per bushel .......... .......... of these inuat ,
(,las,-, recitations, and the general discipline 0 63 to 0 63 MONTHS) it will be $1.50. , ' I- -
' ' -
Birley per bushel.......... .. �.,... . WARD OF THE TOWN OF SEA- clea�ed out durincr the next few weeks, as Spring iniportations� will then be the n . ewest shades and patterns, Trouser
- -Of the school, combine to show tha,t -AIr. Butter, No. 1, 10084�'.... .. .. .. � � .... 0 16 to 0 16 No subscription will, be sent for a FORTH. . ' t5 lugs in all the fashionable ,shades and stripes- �
. -
Scott has secured the co-Opera,tion of "is Butter, tuh .............. . 1. 0 15 to 0 . -- - commencing to arrive, .'We do not believe in keepiqg over goods from One A few more pairs of those S.4.50 ones left, �
, 0 15 longer period than one year' without LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.- �
4111pils, And by firniness and kindfi6ss, fully F,zp per doz .... ........ 14 to 0 16 - ' 8
his authority. After 'all the Flour, per 100 ft...,..... ...... -..... 1,60 to 1 85 bein o, paid -for. I am informed my nanke has been -placed on eason to another. Styles-.inay change, aiid loss usually follows. We prefer You will always receive . a welcome froin
I cStablished. Hayper ton new ................... �., 6 60 bo 7 60 Z5 - the ballots as one of the candidates for counciller for making the loss now ; a,word to the Nvise'is sufficient.
I i - � ' As it is not my desire to act as M . -
-Nvere examined in the various de the -North Ward. DILL & SPEARE Seaforth.
classes Hides �er 100 The ................... i.. 3 00'to 3 Fo These terms will be strictly adhered � y
partinelits Of Public school work, Mr. Bell tich, you will kindly favor by casting your votes for
. I Lamb Skins ................ ........ � . .'t�j 60 to W to without respect to persons, so tbat athe other nominees. I � . One Poor S -
-) the chair, Wool .......... ...... ............. I - V 18 to 0 20 � outh of Expositor Office
- one of the trustees, was called t, -aried potatoes per bag,. " Our bargaln& 'are every dau �
it Ill d ably canducted the rendering of a x . - .............;:,-. 0 5010 0 64 if any subscribers are required to pay Yours respectfully, � I . ".7 - � .
- Mid entertainill", ,ograinine, consisting of Salt (retail) per barrel.. .... .. : I.- 76 the lonc, price, they must blame them- A. M. Campbell. I I I
� 0 pi Wood per oord (long).......... I :.. 3 60 to 4 00 0 . I -
i n tisic, both vocal anO instrumental, 01101 uses Wood per Cord (short) .. .. - .. .. .4j.. 1 75 to 200 selves ard. not us. � Our goods are right .W -Y- -PT(DrT
. &C bag .......... * I .-&- Is
by the children, speeches, readings, - Arples per ............ -
N11% ,,�(:Ott has taught successfully ill this C over Seed ..................... :.�-- ANNUAL MEETING. I
. Timothy Seed .................... .... 1 76 to 2 00 . - .
� Z, . I - -engacred fot Pork per 100 lbs .................. Ii.. 4 53 . -
selloal for eight vcil,rs and is re .. TO DELINQUENTS. And,our prices are away down. 11 .
Is%-), and seldom do teacher,parents alld T,I]Wwj, per lb .... ..................... 0 06 to 6 00 ' . I I I
.1 —.— We have now between five and six Notice is hereby given that the annual mectinz of ' � f� it,
a,rnioniously 0L.1,ethev as ill . the McKillop Slutual rire Insurance Companywill be per cent. of all Mantles. , -
I �-� 1)UP1 s work so b. . P ring wh6t, Gs Od ; red . Twenty-five � I
: No. 3. --(.,*(),.N1. I LiVY11-00L, Jan. 2 --Sp - thousand dollars owing us on our sub- held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Frida%, JanuarN . - . 0
f winter, 48 lod ; California, No. 1, 58 03�d ; peas, .4s 18th, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m. Business -'Receiving � ' :
I scription list. This must be collected ,
1. 10d ; pot'h-, 609 00d ; cheese, 50s o6d. of'Directom' wid Secretary'g-annual reports-, election
� �, In Dress Goods we are showing some special values in, fancy '
J., Three Kinds of Taffy. " ---j at once. All arrears over one year on of Directors and other business for the good and wel- C) I crepons,
f � .
� �;
Tozovito, Jar. 2. -Fall wheat, -� $0.60 to 80.63 ; fare of the Company. All members are r2quested to Serges, Henriettas, Whip Cords. -
To inake cocoanut taffy, take t1vO I)OU"d-s the FIRST OF MARCH NEXT at . . THE OANADA
one-third teaspoonful cream of spring wheat, 10.00 to $0.001, oate, 303c. tO34c; I tend.
,)f sucrar, _peae, per bush, 55c to 57c ; barley, 46V to 47c ; hay; Will be placed in the baDds of -our I W. -1. SHANNON', Secretary. See our special value in 32 inch Flannelette at Sc per yard.
M ; cook to per ton, 17.00 ko $10.0 ; butter, 20c to 210 ; pota- DONALD Ross, President. .
. tartar, 01VO-thil'(IS CIlPful of '%Vater , 1412-2 . .
- �
I tDes, per bag, V 50 to $0.65 ; eggs, per dog . . 24C solicitors for collection. � See our checked Flannelettes at 5c per yard - they are sp0cial value. � I
the hard crack ; w1d. one fre-sh .grated eoeOil- go 25c ; drobaed hogs, per owt., 15.00 lo $5 25. � ; I BUSMESS GOLLEICE
, '
nut : stir until the batch reaches the soft — . � M The year may commenoe at any Constance Cheese Factory. See our Ladies' Vests at 25c; they are extra fine valut—(the Puritan I
a greased pill,, and I � I Ohatham, Ont,
. .1 , (.r,L(,k ,- pour out into Z1.) I Live Stook.Markets. . time afid the full year will be given for The milk routes for the coming season for the Make). . �
whon iwarIv c6ld ptill white Oil hook, Avrites . L I - Is still far In advance of its competitors in thorough
. cr (o,.�.-;(;ow, December 2I.-Catt.le firmer; ONE DOLLAR. ; Constance Cheese Factory, will be let by public com- We are showing special values in Men's Underwear at 65c.
,N'ellie Willey ill an jLrticle on " MaHng . . - petition on Friday, January 11th, 1895, at 1, o'clock Z3 work, andgetting its.6tudents placed In choice p0jBi-
-1 j' present price for best, I I .�c to 12C. Cana- I
Cal1dy at Hollic " ill tile Denieniber 1,adie� I . � p. m. All interested will please take notice and We carry a fine line of Children's Ribbed Hose, from 4 I,- to �-",, at special. tiO1111- .
- -
dian lainbs selling dear. I V govern themBelves accordinirly. � ! A. E. Yates, from Washington, Michigan, graduaft�
,ionic JournO. ' McLEAN..' BROTHERS of Shorthand Department. has I)een placed by us as
- iaffy inay be ma,de b-, boililic, 1,1VE11POOL, December 31. ---Receipts of " 5 1 1412-1 GEORGE STEPHENSON, President. prices. : � YorkCity.
Molasses . - . , " ' stenographer with Col. Hadley, Ne -A
d of -luclose United States and Canadian cattle fair, and . PUBLISHERS. � Ave are bound to lead the van in ,Y(.)od -oods, an(l at low h
ourld Of S11(ral, One polln : Z3 ZD . er prif,,es t an David Walker, graduate of Business Departmcllt,
one P 1� 0 . . - W
�hird niolasEwjs ' general supplies lig,ht. Prices firiner. Quo- JOHN WAUGH9 I (a former teacher) has secured.an excellent PM ton
-One- quarL ��ew Orleans ; , - � r and Beal Estate Agent Money loans have ever been offered in SeaforLb. - -k I
. Conveyance I � . and the
gtir all the time all(] cook to soft enack ; seL tatiOns, ill Cents, c0l"PlIted at :*,�4.80 to the - , ' with a firm in Deflance, Ohio. Full palticulays not
.. . SALE REGISTER. eff, oted. Office -No. 81 Goderich Street East, Sea. Wi.shino, all our patrons and friends a prosperous and happy ,\ ew Year, yet to hand. One of these receives 850
Off the fire and stir ill one-third teaspoon- i:, are as follows : Finest steers, 101,c to forth. 1412-26 0 other M per month.
ful of saler'atus -, pour Into a Inittered pan, I I c : good to choice, 10c to I 04c ; poor to Oil ,I)aturday, January 5th, at I o'clock . - and when yon want to buy goods cheaper than the cheapest, call on us. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST.
"LlItt when nearly cold plill 011 the ]look and Medium, 9c to 94c -, bulls, 8c to 8!,c ; in- 1). ni., on lot 8, concession 3, Usborne, farin , Oki
- Z . 13RICK AND TILE. Sphool will reopen after Christmas vacation
- -
, F,
I �,,� -
0 I"
flavor with pepperinint. Another ,yood re- feriors, 6.1,C to 8c. F,eceipts of sheep fail-, stock and iniplemebts. T. Cameron, Auc- � I WedneEday, JanuarY 2nd- For further particulars
Z, - I I I �
(.(qpt for 1),61a,3ses t,lfl'V lis the follo�A-ill(, - and prices le hi(flier. Best are quoted at tioneer. - -un the manufacture of brick and drain and.f--atalogue, : 4.
0 , , 0 . -- �1 Having beg DUNCAN & DUNCAN address
'. 0ne (I uart of -NeW Orfeans,imlasse.,,, oil(, all([ 33c ; secondary at Ile to 12t, , awl ranis, On Friday, January 4th, at I o'clock p.m. tile at Walton, I am propared to supply the same, ; .
I I of first-elass quality to all requiring such. Cord-
, .M10-folil-th pounds Of sil" )I(. tire I 9'c to 10�'c. oil lot I 1, conoession 1, Usborne, farm. stock ' D. MCLACHLAN, Ch&tha=
,rar ; set on t 2 - Wood taken in excliaDge. - . - . SEAFORTH.
Allfi stir alld cook until, whall dropped ill -'QONTREAL, December 31.--.kt the E,ast am(l implenients. T. -Cameron, Auctioneer. 1411x4 ALLAN GEORGE. CARDNO'S BLOCK) 1108-2 ,
-- �
- . I
� a