HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-01-04, Page 4T on* JANILE,. 49 18 -o
heeglected to do. 'He hao'bd6n amply rie eople of this country. $2,468 on ell to maintain 6r even arity, $291 on-salaries,.T708; Francis Wr Wing, for the sum of ".,700,
igbt,�who residee about a mile %1r. John and they would -wish that pleaant, memiear o,
Le' munaratea for his services to the State, and furnish a residence for th -printing. %52 ; on east of BI th, was out attending to his has purchased a 100 -acre farm on tile Oth. their happy associations should alays iex
on incidentals, $286 y
e Governor "Geller.
schools, $2,952 ; interest ana twe cannot'see that the StAte is in any way al. This is aim -ply � drainage, chores, when be dropped dead. He wa i concession of t6e same township, from Mr. ist. That their teacher might have som(
i piece of extravagance price of the Expos-wron, his debtor"in a peeuniaor'y.sense. It is quite $326. The total receipts were $15,3002. man of 76 years, and always enjoyei inaugurated and continued by, Pai I good 'Ja-cob Ha.ist, for $5,600, Mr. Finkbiner tokerr- of their appreciation of herearnest ef
rlidment. —The Brussels Herald has been sold to healtli. He was of b. trictlyjii,5 adv ce, is ONE proper,;if private individuals see fit togive It is - retiring disposition, will take immediate posseision.—Nfis Mary forts to,advancetheinintellectual-ly,sawellw
mYLLAR., therefore, the people themselves who -Mr. James Moore, who has successfully and bad the good will and esteear'of his ac- A. Ching is visiting her uncle, I fr. Th Inas by br example and precept they asked hei
do Tv 0 of their -private means, that they should Are responsible for the'etablish' 'et and taught for nearly three years n hine�s quaintances. For years be has been a con- Hearnaii Brantford.—Mr. John Hicks, of twaccept them OP&I
If you (to not renew''within thre'e months in I We understan le smalf gifts, and they h
of the (late oil your label- the pri school. d be takes possession sistent member of the Methodist church. Usborne' that a kind P Al g, ide, pr a -
e will be so, and tbeir action is commendable, but maintenance of this institution, and the sys- this week. It is said the late editor will re- His wife, three soil will hold an auction sale of farm rovidence ilight $1.25 ; if yen do nt.s ire'new within six this is an entirely different thin 'from using a and one -daughter sur- stock nd implements on Wednesday next. per and bless her in all her future udw
9 tein or the -official should not be blamed for turn to the (try goods business. vivebim. Hehasone-aonontheC. P. R.
r. Harry Brown, of 'Winclielsea., will taking. rriontha of, the (late on y6u label the price the money of the - general public for any what the people themselves do. The GeV- —An eveniii( ,, class has been formed by at Smiths Valle ; Thomas R. is in the Lon- wield the baninier.—Mr. William Hoskin is mmwww�ma�
will be No paper will be sent longer such purpose. We hope, therefore, that tire young ople of School Section No. 8, don car shops, arid Rev. R. A. -Wright is
than one year before being paid for. emor-Generat receives a liberal,, not io
ent will not allow themselves to be ay ;-Grey, for t e purpose of receiving in tru - stationed visiting friends in Woodstock. —Tile liluni- Hullett. Parliam. Kae 8 c at Grand Rapids, Michigan. His I nomination took place in the town Tjiy, Rw DnArNt.—The Clinton New F-ra
Send renewals directly to . this office. led generous, salary, nearly -fifty thOugand dol- tions in arith metic aiid book - keeping. J.B of M r. chi r1l orillonday night lost, wbeii,tlie follow -
A , away by sentiment to db a wrog to da,ughter is the wife R. Somers.
loney serit by registered letter, post -office lars a year. He about d-, tlier'ef4e, be al- Stewart is the teacher. Class meets every Mr. Wright was a Conservative. ing persons I were nominated to contest the says - Believing that our readers are inter -
i Monday and Thursday evenings. estd in knowing something about the - im-
money order, express money order or dmft, the people. lowed to provide his own residdin-e hard oth- —Tile Goderieb Star thus alludes to the various positions: For the Ree, hit— isatourrisk. Apost-offifecordeuto $4 Several sheep have been worried and marriage of a former Clintonian, which es pol-tant work being done in connection with
I er personal expenses, but this will n' Win. Bitwiden, A. Q. Bobier, Will. C. costa Only two cents. Mr. McC ot be . 7 th6 draining of the Ifullett swamp, we arthy's Position. I killed'by dogs Al the vicinity ol Blyth. Mr. took place recently The happy couple sett, Thoniu M
The change oil your labe' done so long as the people's repres H. cCaltum, Dr. J. A. Rol-- a Vrief reatime of. the iltatter, The ir r ett
will notify you - The deatli of Sir John Thompson gave entatives J. B. Tiernoy had two killed one day lately was Mr. 4olin Armour, of the organ. factory, line; for the Deputy Reeveship—Thomas Ing on an 'it for him. and Messrs. John Bennett 'and Thos.Black, and Miss M�ggie Walton, daifiliter of Mrs. B. Carling and Hufh Spackinan ; for colin-
Of our receipt of the nionev. If not changed in Parliaent persist in doitig, council this spring, act' ivly
in rise to aood deal of speculation as to the three. -weeks drop us a Jar(l and we will Ennow- East Wa.wanosh, have also been victims. Walton, West street. The bride was at- signed petition, passed a y -law to provide
trace the, matter tip, course that Mr. Dalton -McCa.rthy and cillors—John W. Taylor. Charles SrwIl, jr., far the draining of Kinburn swamp. The
Mr. Tiernay shot the dog that had killed tired in a brown tweed travelling costume, Edward S. Howard Win. Harding. the News of the Week. I-4 I -Address all etters awl nak,e all cheques eaglie, Uolon 0 rien might take in a a eep shortly aftei� tire deed wits (Lone., trimmed with sble fur, and velvet hat to old council for 1894 1 was: Win. Bawden, worK coOSISUM OL 1firee parrs, Yr/-, ji, V AU
and orders p I INTEN.SE COLD.—A cold wkve of. unusual —11'. Hackwell, of Walton, met with'a match. R v. Mr. Turnbull, Of St. George's Reeve; W. G. Bissett, Deputy; Thomas B. Kinburn dain ayable to NIcLean Bros, Ic e cleaning out of the old polit� a. Some predicted that they the constructionof a drain abou two miles
. would severity passed over the Ea8tern.andouth- painful accident while cutting stra lately. church, tied the knot at the residence of Cat -ling. John W. Taylor, A. Q. Bobier, in length, oil concessions 4 and- 5, with a -
When remi�`tinig money. do not fail to give return to their old love'and once more work ern States on Friday and "Saturaity last, He got.his index,finger caught in the cog- the bride's mother, Post oUce address. and after conigmtulit- Councillors. It is expected that some of the N-ailch from it running north-- on 0,
-harmoniouly with the Conservative party. the mercury flling lower than for- twenty wheel of the machine and it was badly crush- tions and luncheon the bridal pair took the aspirants for the Reevesbip wift drop out,
U'lien notifying us of cliancre of address All doubts, however, have now been re-. H side 11ine ; and 9, the dredgin out Of
a I years past. _�. Great damage has been done ed. e drove to Dr. Armstrong's office and fonr o'clock train for a wedding trip to and tha a keen contest ma be looked for, the sonthem fork of the Ilaill'alla
do not fail to give both old and new post mo-Ved. These entlemen add -reseed meet- to the orange crop in Florida, and hundreds had the -injured portion taken off and Detroit arid other points. Mr. Armour's on next \Ioilday.—Mrs, John Fake, Chica- - office dd ress. . I .- . 0 of young trees were destroyed. b the unus- the finger dressed. fellow employeesbf theorgan factory gave river, so as to give the river a good fal4arid
I'ligs at Pic.tou last week, and with consider- ual frost. 0, is visiting her sister, - -Mrs. James make the work done in parts I and 2 effee-
-Mr., George -Matheson, tank pumper at the wedded pair a rousing send-off 'as the Grieve.—Mr. and '.Nfrs. Samuel ample, tive. Tire sttrv�ys ad the necessitrylans
Look. at You'r Label. able, .1e.ess defined their positions..4 'Mr. STARVATION' IN' NF11RASKA,—The'settlers Lucknow and Wingham. Grand Trunk Rail- carriages drove ptst, fl ga waving, horns Ki�kton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sample's
nie� with a painful -accident blowing and other inco ceivable and uni rents, Mr. and. Mrs. Win. Bagsha,Av, 3rd ared I A cCarthy, after paying an eloquent tribute of Southern ebraska are said tq be border- way stations, were prep �y Firn-comb) 11 que pa
ing on starvation on account of' the destrile- one day lately. He fell from the tank at expressions of beat wishes for a happy time
to the late Premier, said': tion of crops by drouth last seasbri concession of Stephen.—The jingle of tile L. S., of London. The success which Ila.,;
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sir Jolin's death would not alter his t- nnusualseve and the Winghani, breaking two of his ribs arid oth-, and a long wedded life. Tile yolll! sleigis bella,was frequently heard "Oil 81111day already crowned the work, redundis great�
ig peo�le ly to his credit, and proves him to be. no
rity of the weather this Winter. erwise internally injuring himself. 'He will have a host of friends, who will join in all J. titude toward the Government, because it Tim BUOYANT OLD MAN.—Mr. confined to the house for some tirne. J. White,wh hAs been, spend- engh-teer
n -The figure between the parenthesis after each Gladstone be' kind wishes for their happiness.,, rule of surveyor, but an
on enotes the page of the paptr on which the was measures and not men he as at eiinlity celebrated his eighty-fifth �irthday at —Tile other day as Mr. Henry Kerr, of —Another pioneer of Morris bas Ing the past week with big parents, -Nil-. arid capable of deVisill
advertisement u III be found. with. His difference with the Covernment Haarden oil Saturday. passeil g and seeing carriea-ent,
awaY III Mrs, John White, has returned to his haine importatulie works. Meskrs. Chalmers
He received Bviissels,-wm in the act of tending to Ilia thep6ronof Mr. Thorrias Farqu- e 11 S 3 it
ns, delivered addressba, and. gen- horses, he was unfortunately kicked by one harson, who d'P&rted this life on. abbath ed to raise chickens with. an, MDenbator. — & Hill, of Toyanto, were the successful ten -
Same People Wait—Jackson & Grei- (1) began with the (piestion of the Jesuits es- deputako in Detroit.—Mr. Thomas D afiri( a t rt-
Farillera'Institute meeting—A. Hisinp. tates and'had since widened' althouall not erally aisplayed remarknble intellectual of them and his knee joint fractured, He of last week a derers, and, the way tilley are carrying out
Good Servant wanted—Expositor ottice, (8). to the extent of makirxg him J join the-Oppo- ar. His eye -sight has b t 8.30 o'clock p. in., at the ad- Sophia Sweet, London, is visiting her
TaCurlem--John W,ir. (s) shews that the- colimcil. een I eqtored, will, we presume, in consequence, be laid vanced age of 79 years. i Deceased wits born pare'lits bere-10r. L. T. of Chi,2ago' -theireugin-eermade a happy 'choice when
Mackenzie Bo'ivell was at -one time Vigo S their contract
Election Cird & Wilson. (5) sition. . and his health is good . by for some time, as he is upwards of eighty in Duridas, Scotlitild, und wa married visited his parents here lat they. gave them the ob. Not, uch work-
. (,Lrnd overeign of After the tfolidays—R. Willis, (1) `b 6ie Dominion Orange A-RsF,NT Fy.,ohr RoLL CALL.—Accordin to years .. of age. twice. By the first marriage there were Herb. Johns, of Guel h, visite di f riends here oil part 1, is done, as i it is comparativetyllse-
Hockey �-kates, s c -Mullett & Jackson. (8) ody, but- his party i6terests *Vere alway officiO figures, there were nfote t ilin —The other morning, while Mr. J. R. three sons, Alexan(ler, of Kincardine ; the past few and, .Nfrs. Jai
Sleigh Rol-8-N(allert & Jackson. (8) 'T,
the first consideration and lie s#pported the twenty-fivie thousand young -"men who.w nee ' less till the dredging isocomplete. Part 2 i.-
Sn mp on Coxt Stoves--m-ullett & Jackson., (8L) ere Smith, -of Brussels, was handling some bav- William, of W&Ikel-toll ; and James, ill B. Martin, Constance, were the guests of Jesuits Estates bill and voted foi- the per- due for military enrolment�, in '.Germany rels at the hardware store, lie had the inis- Manitoba. He was married to Nection Card -Wm M. Gray. (5) W ents, Mr. oLild Mrs, Hn.rrh a Inost useful work va mi, e and it
Rorie power for Nale-0. 0. WrIloon. (s). petuation of the dual systern in the North- last year who were asent -without per- fortune to have his right hand car lit be- his no' be- Mrs. Martin's par quarterof the is d'tlLg; and it is iTrost,
n, 11eft partner in 1840. - For A short time they Oke, last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth effectively carrynIg off large quantities of
Clitter for Sale --_O. C. Willson (8) West, notwithanding he kad talked against mission. tween two of them, resulting in the break- lived in. the township -of Clarke, Durham McUregor, of Highgate, Ontario, are the lie most iinii,%rLced of al -1,
Waiting for Soniething-J. W. Westervelt. (5) Separate schools al his life." Titu QITF.FN'S CHRISTMAS P,%RTY.�The ing -of two finoers. The injured digits were c ve(17 iiito Morrii township guests of Mr. MeGregor'S dllg.liter rs.
Season�ble Baxitains-Duncan & Duncan. (6,) ounty, and moL water. Part 3 isT
Betkshire Pixe-Jaines Dorriince (5). Mr. O'BriLen endorsed the views of his guests at'the Queen's Christmas pairty corn- soon dressed,but werevery painful. tile dredge beig a powerful lanit
aboift 42 years ago -tnaelij
Estray Shee"eorge Wheatey. (5) leader, and announced his ititentio ised. the whole of the fa njilieS of tile ])like —George W. . Ifoli ohn 8earle arid Rich.- George 'Manson Andrew 8rreet.L-Aliss, ruanned by a, good cre_W.L From early inorn
of Connaught a. Anousil: mcetine-W J. Shann6n.. (5) 11 of� pr nan, who has been :ard Stewart being the only neighbors he had Lilbie Prior, of 'London, who has heen holi- Proper for sale-wm. Elliott. (8) sanding firinly by -him. to de-wy eve the rattl4ig of the machinery,
Cheese Routes to let 0 . burg, Prince d Prince Henry of Batteti.� teacher of tbek� Winchelsea, school for the at thab time in the bush. Mr. Farquharson daying here the past fe%v weeks, under the *th tire sharp call of the -whisf1e, nd, th -George Stephenson. (6) and Princess Chrstian and the past decade, and who has severed his con-. took up the farni bn which he lived arid parental roof returned to London, oil Wed- WLI Ifteal Itstate Conveyaneinjr�.John Waugh. (6) Duchess of Albany and her soil.. nection with the same, was presented with died. The old gdtitlernall I a splash of tire fall - blicket ha been heard.
Purse Lost--Expo4itor office. (s) i d been failing liesday I 8 ast.-Sleigbing �yas pretty (roo(l on e plinients--. F. Edwards. (8) The. surrey show d thut the bedof the river,
Seasonable COUIL HASIX AN -D OPIt--n.-Lee Oii, a Chinese a, handsome easy chair by the scholars. Mr. since Marcb, and his life ebbed out as peace- Monday last, and the farmers are ta'-K ing ad -
laundryman - of Stamford, Connecticut, Holman has taken the agency for several fully .),a a child -goin frotri near where A crosses the tth and 5tb,
c all c n c g to sleep. His widow, vantitt. it.
arious way 0 C. k; -The Dairymeii�s Association of the Prov- -onimitted I iide i a n Fri- Fire nd Life InsuritneeConipanies. He will who is in her all the ay down to- Melville"s mils, was -
87th year, and son survive ince of Quebec have made �L request to the day. He ate a hash of rice 1 raw opium, remain ill the township. too b,i,rh. 4onlehow when Hullett List
4 anr him. Deceased W -as it - member of the Usborne.
Governin -ant a and induced a stupor from - 'dward Ainerielln Presbyterian church. cut of that Province to " i wfiii.h lie could -A few days ago a young soil of 11, emerged from.1lLnder the shallow Arctic lsea, not be recovered. 9
T bontisonallbntter ortedfrom. theProv- Bissett, Forest, forme�ly 'of Exeter, w4ile -On. istedbere,
Chri -which geologists tell us once exi
A�NOTJIER Sl,.VEP.E 'ORvi. -A heavy storm playing around the house with a pell-shoot- Charles Ro' stnia-s'Day the home of AIr. this township was Nvell attended, and ereat-
ince. The o�bject son is to encourage the zell, of the l0th concession of this part Nvas left too high and ill adiion
ght prevailed in Ell land on Friday itrfd Satur- er fil Ill' 9 a mouth, fell on the floor, when it Grey. was the see' ed a good. deal of interest. T71ie followhirr wa made of too haird a 'material for the
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY tr. and particularly the da la t nd lie of a happy event, Ili
an. 1th, 1895 dairying inds y S , a there Nv:ei,e several rQaine pierecd the side of big throat, causingin- the-ulr a. river to wear itself down & be&; in conse-
y nominations were made : For reeve, Tho riage of his eldest daughter, Miss quence, for many hundred years this swamp,
In conamenting on catastrophes. The Allan line stearriship juries which resulted in blood poisoning. Edith Rosamond, io Air. ohn Engel, of i)e4bridge. For councillors '
AI Ky, D. 'McInnes, Wm. Kvdd antlJohn
f tter. Laurentin, from Liverpool for Halifax, was For several days his life was despaired of, -'Yorth West hais existed, as the big.pine an other logs,
'beral Leader Says. Paw Paw, Michigan. The
What the L thi proposition, the - Toronto News,
a so- detained for several hours off Mo viII6. but the little fellow is now recoveri Keddy, by found nridiar large growing trees, fully
niony was performed by Rev. G. H. Cob
Hon, Wilfred Lturier, the leader of the called. independent . paper, with its longest Livs LoST.-During Christmils eve fes- -Tile I-Tolinesville Joillb Stock Cheese bledick, B. North' EaRt'Ward-Robert Glardiner proves. AVIien the job.Nvas commenced, thk-
1),, in the presence of about Alfred Hu leg always,on theConservative side of the UV'ties at Silver Lake, O'regon'a fire, broke r ukin ; South East Waird-�J. out in a crowded hall and forty -,one persons ley, Win. Delbridge, J. Cmm, H. 8tin-R %Vag in parts Liberal party in the Dom-, inion and Butter Factory Company is now incor- forty ( nests. The bridesmaid was Miss
river for miles Was blocked with r
a la Toronto the other day. porated. The trustees will in a few -weeks Eftla elum, of Brussels, and the groom wag oil of tree full of mind, and the
Ile politicit fince, says: South JV"eStL were burned to death arid many seriously Our Governmens-Dominion- -*nd Pro- ask for tenders for the erection of the hic- Ward-Jaines Haw-Iford, J oil,' I water in It was SLtaglianit and unfit to - r Came tip. to il,ttend a tider injured. supported by Mr. Will. Rozell, brother of
(I Huntei�; Henry Jorics. The deptity reeve Although the Work ia not. yet comp -1 ted,
vincial-ghould assist in every way possible 4 tory. Over $3,000 Worth of stook has itl- the bride The bride and bridesmaid were 0 e
the 9eisices, of the Yoagr Liberals of the in AN--kROTTIST MO TROU- ELF. - readybeen taken. It 'has deen. decide(] attired in'cream. of the everything is clianged the river has a rapi(l
opening up new markets aroad arid in 'R AY r. will be elected'at the fist meetin L
The wedding presents Queen City. W4ie there, he -,vas,of course, Charles Wilfred Mowbray, file English council. �-%Iessrs.JaiiiesHal'rsan<lc'Jnziath.an current oil a clear bottom, and the water is
showing by iixperinients the nioat econol that the whey be taken back to the patrons, were numerous antl vluable, signifying the
inerviewed by the nesp-aperL 'ill- Anarohi-t, is atLpresent kicking his h6els in hier havinr *declined to accept nomination .L sparkling and --clear. We congratulate the.
keportev� Ill cat nd best way- of prepaillg certain 'pro- and that pig pens Ili connection %vith tile' esteem in which the bride is held by a, large
a Philadelphia gaol for makinj a speech oil factory 1) there will �1`cl_new blood in- the couricil for council oil tile success of this -work- ; it bits
ducts for both foreign and locol, customers e not builtt present. circle of friends. After partaking of the
response to the question, " Are we going to - Friday night inciting to riots. ' the year 1895. 'Phis is justiflable, �Iiecause the Goviernment, -John Alexander, of Morris township, wedding breakfat the happy couple left oil added it grekit deal to their dirties and re -
have an, election soon ?" he replied PAcu DyrN
backed by the resources of the -whole p Pacha 8 OBITU.iiiY.-The following notiec of tlle sponsil.)i1ities, but the adition of so niall
eo- , ex- while going South lonk the idewalk oil t-116 evening train to spend a few days in y
viceroy oi- khediv6 of death of a former resident of Usborne-is ta,-, valuable farilis in the'near fii-ture -to thieix�
Well,, I don't kilow. I was liopin(, that ple; can (to these hings better than indi Josephine street,, Wingbarn, the other day, Toronto previous to s�trtiig to tlieir future ken from 9, lae number of the Carberry ospect
Egypb, ig-dying. He
is the son -of Ibrahim Pacha, and grand -son fell down heavily wheinearAr.Munshaw's ith the pr of Smling
you newspaper men could h home, Paw Pa'A a (Crolvilicr town 140 mles press On Sunday last the wifie of r -
tell m c. viduls actinig s�ingly. But to'say that t e n
of the celebrated Afebemit Ali. He was M - 1:101liesteaAs and grazing -,cattle, where llj�tb_
jewelry store, arid broke his right arm. Tile from Detroit where Mr. Engel is carryin
Whatever the Groverrim ent plans ;ate they administrative maebilie sha11 be need to tax born in Cairo in 18,30, and Mark Ellerington of Pleasiarit Point, sud_� erto the mosq 'to arid frog have reigne(I
8.re keepillo, theni very quiet. Tire death of Peter to pro siieceeded. his sidewalk was covere(Y le it) vide at bonus on the oil with e and very oil a succeWill business. TJie inariv 'well supreme, is
tpirt to brother, Pclia, January" 18Qi, .1869. slippery at the point where lie fell. Medical wishers of Mr. arid Mrs. Engel wish them a nd Tinorith. The deceased lady wasa, for.their L
Sir John Thompsou. has upset their a ge- Pitul, and then to tax Paul'to confer a cor- deillY Passed ltway- at the ae of (j4 years we th air. abillid-ant re-n-ard
He NvasedLucted in Paris. bidv and I think 'they knoiv resondi advantage on Peter, is about aid was at once procured and the fracture 'long, happy arid prosperous voyage over the arduols labors. Tile result well
yet what they will do. If we have an elee- absurd a proposition a was ever advarwied . COLONim FRANK DED. -Colonel Michael reduced. Mr. Alexander was not otherwise n1a;tr mo native of CornwallN England. In 1840,when
Frank, the founder of the i nial sea. justifies the outlay.
tion in Jilile I suppose we shall tV ses- before reasonable Inert." free school sys- in ured and will soon.1be all right again. about ten years old, 'she caine - to Cnada, e -Mrs. Eleanor Hodgson, relict of the S1011. before. then, and I hear tfiey tuay bibg te:m of Wisconsin, is dead. A fe days -Afessrs. -Gilroy& Wiseman, of Clinton, late Thomas Hodason, of Hallett.- died at -withlier parents, who�settled in Brooklin�.
0 This is &,It as true as gospel, but the -News ago lie celebrated his 90th birthda in. tile co, Londesboro.
in a re -distribution bill' for Quebec. I Y. have had for several days a handkerchief the residence of, her nephew, Mr. 0. LN1. unty of Ontario, where she was
might have carried its analogy -a fe)� steps elon't thiak, havrever, that will strengthen display in one of their windows. In the married to Mr. Elleril igton, A few years 'all, of Wingba;11, John. 11, Kitty, at Stininierhill, on Friday, December after' their marriage they removed to the
window frame ate several sma.11 holes for the 21st., shortly after the clock had struck the
them very or prevent us from sweep- further. if it is right to give a b lie to Municipal Nominations spending his holida)rs here, the guest of
im ,, that Pro-, ince. The Conservative Pro- the mak-ers of agricultural implenie ts to Thef purpose of ventilation. Some time during to,,vriship of Usborne ill 186X , Fourteen Alra. -Bell, Ili Nelson Bell of
ollowing gives the resnit pf the hour of midnigbf, at the ripe old age of 91 noill -
Government has certainly weakened the iron smelters ; the sugar refiners and inaions in this county as far s bi*rd fron 8aturday night a thief inserted a wire a native of Ali- years'after, they left with their filli Detroit, is visiting here. -New Y yer4. The deceased was ly for ears ay
throughoneofthe holes, and. managed to trim county, Ireland, arid came to this M anitoba nd settled near Carberry. M rs. 11911 most of the peo-
the Conservative party down. there by their and fiot referred to, under the, heading o]f passed off quietly, tho
eagnre4i, If we do have a session the others on their exports t' foreign coultrie8, Ellerington became a Qhristian. ei,&ly in. life pl seemed to -enjoy tlierniselves, om e visit-
in4ov- I 0 i the respective municipaities: extract several of the handkerchiefs. It country over 60 years go. She lived with.
erunient are face to fiace wi til de flicit in ily should a bounty not be given tq the in(, friends'
HULLUTT.-For reeve- must bave been done at a late hour, its r. her parents for five years in Lower Canaciia, and continued the-sarn4j& the end. She the young people tookat-1-
John Britton --and rl
the budget, an(I that will not be an elet iieut Wheatley took the prec, leaves a husband and sii ellildren. w illourn Viiita ge of the ice and spent good ti.1110
bu er makers ; the beef makers; the gran Andrew T. McDonald ; deputy - ution to remain on near English rirer of strength to tbeni reeve -John and then they all moved when 'they go before duty &iil nearly one o'clock a. in. S tile loss of a beloved wi skating. -Dr., Agriew spent New Y.ear'�s
rowers, arid the cheese inakers. Surely Brigham. elected by acclamat unday. to the ifuron trac' ife arid mother.
Vic electors. At present the death of Sir wn ; council- t and settled on the farni ight at Ills father's�,Xlis. Robert Scott,
u BLossoats.-In response to the no sent out wife of the Reeve, is
ass has as good a right to Lasbarn, Alexander -Leitali;*4 and' council of Hallett. the owned. by Mr. Samuel Archer. Af )_ the residence' very low at present
John, Tlionipson bias created it wave of sym- tile one ch lors-B. -Churchill, Geo"96.'. bale John -According to the financial statement now owned by Mr. Tiplady, previo '
just issued by the sly baudoine'invitatio
pit,thy for tile Conservative cause. If we do ment favors as the other class and,. While Snell. James ast year were marriage she lived at the mill at E ter her Iffaborne, w -Ls the 3 receipts since'December of I of Mr. Robert Ckn, and her recovery is not expeeted.-fastal!
have a cleution the Lib mond- era.1s ture ready and these favors are being granted to one cla McKmyop.-The 31,270. Thisincludes the sumof$10,338 scene of a brilliant Wedding on the evening
reeve and- ` $ Ville for some time, an4l. afterwards site and tion of officers takes place in the, Solis of
we hope to iveep Onario. councillors of Deeemer 26th, when his daturli n lai te t re-elected by acclama- ter, Id lod 0.1lighot. Refres�melrtg; will
-reeve will be appointed Millar, of and withheld from another, a great injustice of last year were -bit borrowed for local imlirovement. The ex- her busba,n4 settled on the farm on the.3rd I"' a The deputy ie time, in( was married to,.Alr. V. I general ood jime is ex-_
is being done. :And still the tion. penditure during the.sa nding concession of Hullett, where sh tired tip. to Carrie, be 'ge -ea an ews supports pected.
Should the Country Help? at the first ineeting of the n' the amount so fir paid in connection with Berrie, Ontar" The house was ew council. within it few weeks of her death.. She hLd
-Which, according to. its own Gim.-Reeve-Thomas Stra6han, by ac- No.N1 the drain, is $31,091. These figures take no children. During'her husbands life ad ing, was p�repared for
it Governmen 'decorated, and everythi D.A.r.-The nominatioll qf
The Ottawa correspowlent of the Toro the enjoyment and comfort of the frate colillcillors for the present year took pl4j.-e
lito belief, continues' d perpetuates this ab- clamaition; Ist deputy no accoent of the balance in the Treasurer's for many vears after, her house was open to
an -Archibaild Hislop,
sts, Promptly at 8 o'clock the Re1% ill the Temperance hall. in this place, last,
Empire says - surd and ttilfair system. The fact is that by acclamation ; 2nd;deputY-J&nies -Turn- hands. There is yet about $4,000 unpaid all in ne;d of food or- shelter. -She Aforiday, arid, Judging from. the crowd that,
r tlie administri bull, by - acclamation; councillors-Josepli on drainage contract. quiet and unassuming, but was open-bearted Ing parties The usual papers fa was land, followed by -the contract
Ltion the systemof protection, whether by tariffs, arid their assistants, appeared b re the turriled out, the electors are beginning to
Whitfield, William Brown, in, Aboutl2.30p.m. on Friday, the 21st always to all in need. Her- greatest lilp- efo
of the estate of the late Premier, Sir John d bouities, draw backs on whatsoever for ii t, the fire alarm in oderich sounded. anxiou guests. The bride looked
ni John Stewart, James Ferguson arid Laugh- take an in terest in the ffairs f the t Thompson, were filed to -day by Messrs. piliess was foun(l in doing the good and charming-
own -
Ili a dress of cream. Bedford cord, - trinurie(�,
it m ay ass:nnie i to lin McNeil. The tire bbaade was out in short order and when a few days ago she breathed her'last,
(yConno r & Hogg-, ' on behal f ' of La( y a simply robbin, Peter ship. This is as it shauld be nd gives tilk.
e a das� for the Albion hotel, from the as noble, generous arid kind a heart "as ever with cream lace and cornflower blue ribbon, council some encouiragement,.ag well as ill_
Thompson, in. tbcSuT-rova1te Court of the fatteriParil. It is 'txing pne interestto -Mavor-Robert Hot mad mes; reeve__ and spiring
colility of Carleton, ir John died intes -Alex. McAfur�hie;.de roof of which smoke was issuing. The fire pulsated in purely human breast xy decorated -with orange blossoils. Tile them with new zeal aind making
ptity-reeve--D. B. 0
lip ere are as stilled- brideas assisted by her youngest, sister, thein feel the responsi
build some other, &lid yet th started undr the kitchen furnace arid the She died full of faith. ill Chrift as her Kennedy, all 1) ' y acclar�ation. bility of their posi-
tate.' 'His estate is sworn to at $9,727, of thousnds of people who profess to believe smoke ascended betweea the studd ing of the a, NIelissa, who was silmilarly attived, all(] AIL% tion. The meeting was a very orderly -ice. It will WEST WAWANOSII.-�-'Xlegsrs. Stewart mild viour, and bore her sufferings - with , true Benson Williams, of Usborlie, perforuleil' and a large number of candidates hisural roof. The origi'n was soon discovered and Christian fortitude. The Only surviving Min -
that stick a policy is just and inq the 0,ibson were re-elected reeve And deputy re- ere
thus be seen that Sir John had but little of inter a treai brought into play, which *shortly members of the fitillily now are Mr. . the duties of best mail. After, the ceremony Illated. On account of sickness. in his family
tliia*-orld's goods. Ofcashon halid,there ests of the cotintry. jt is really astonishing spectively, as were. also Messrs. T�dd,
extinguished the blaze. The only. loss of Kitty, of HnII6 the happy couple received shower of con- the Reeve was not able to be
1.8 an ana6unt of being -aledd and Durnion, councillors.- t, und Mrs. Andrew Cook, present but
salar gratulations, good wishes -and bouque lie sent a 1�,,tter tent lering iis tile 12 days' -what prejudice r self-interest will some- STEPRENN.-All the old any account was by water, which flooded tile of Waverly, Nebraska. She wa Latioill,
y of the present niontli clue "to council were re- 8 --respected flowers to of a d stating that lie was a reslgu
tile decesed times lead a person to believe. turne by acclamation, viz. : Ree kitchen and upper rooni. while living And lionored when dead. which allowed how highly-esteeined orry lie could lot, as Minister of Justice, ve-Georcre %Tsy the young couple were. The guests were be present. He
McEwen; let deputy -Robert Turnbuffl; -Mr. R.B. Quarry, inspector of fisheries, thanked th
an d.4' which has been her life be a lesson t paid to -Lady o us in this age of self- e` electors for
92nd 'clqputv - A. then ushered into the spacious dinilic, liall pa t port, and hoped, that they woul(l
Geiger councillors supplies th� following figures " Number- of isliness.
de u ;'Industry in division e e e perous ioney in savings bank, is in men employed in fishing have a iappy an(l pros*
Thoin-pson since his death. An item, 'of - Dm-UTY Minister of AgrioulUird James, Messrs. Baitler and Blines. wher the tabl a were laden witti 'all th' p Exeter. delicacies of the land, temptingly and rtia- he new candidates- for the reeve hip are sum, s which the late Premier manged ilm Shepherd No. 6, from Blue Point to (4oderich, 39. in peaking, before the Fruit (Irowers' Asso- TUCKF.RS-MITIE.- Reeve -7 Jo tically arranged, in the centre of wbi�h Mr. Britton, arid Alr. AlcDona-1 the past from- ti-ro e to time to sae while a resident ciation recently, made tha announcenlent� arld R. B. iNfeLeaii;.tleptit�vo�eevO,-Peter number of,piounids of various kinds of fish s
McKay, John.12 'dward Christie has ex- dewity-reeve is �wi I of Nova Scotia. Ou of these nioneys, the that the Ontario -G,overnment I cLean arid- 11 Reinkie ; caught, 274,525. Total amount of cash ITE51S--LNIr, 14. the -,vedding cake stood like linge white - Th I is, prepared to con changed his two one hundred acre farnis pyramid, with dazzling ornamelits falling pretty lively corlitest,
debts due by the estate will have to be ncillors-John McCloy, John Robb, A. value of fish caught, $9,982.28. Amount of as both canc-li'd t enact a law compellin each packer- to put onb and a quarter miles south of this a es a the aggregte to . capiial invested in'nets, boats and buildings, lage, forAir. John Kerslake's one hu.ndred (riven the seats of honor and the -weddiilg
These amottnt in dosens, %lid H. Chesney.' vi.1 down its sides. . The bride air(] groolli were well It is thought bowver, by it
about $1,200, composed chiely of"houseliold big narne and address on each packet - of GoDmm,,tr.-Mayor-George Acheson and 548,296-00. The catch. wa a, little less tnan good . many., that Mr. McDonald acre farm, being lot No. ', in the 2nd con- 5iriner was then served to, the favored via- He is a man of I talents arid Proudfoot the 00(
I' fri, nake the placing Wida usual this year, owing to the lateness'of cession of Usborne. Thely.are.all first class itors. After dinner the uests repitive(l �to ability and Teen in the coulicil f(..)r
Deducting this it wil,, tit put ap arid Iso to i r Of John Butler; reeve
on to p a misdemeanor. 0 'leve olllY over arid abave tbe, life ii.11 the best specimen and Robert McLean; deputy- reeve -Philip season for commencing operat, ns, tile fish- farms. Mr. Christie received about ,1,;6,000 I tile cozy parlor, where aTi enjoved q it
-a; I � 11 e a term but has never acted as reev-
for tile faillil Holt re-elected by acclamation. ermen.not being'ale to conini'ence earlier on diff-erence. He will dispose of his . stock Illusic 16141 sine,ing � A violin sot; Mr. Britt. "
In reference to - ths a contemporary very - GODERT(I'll ToNv_,v,3ifIi,._9eeve-Johx. Cox account of not having obtained their licenses. was given n is also a good man and bas been
There is no doubt but the -,tbove i ac- property remarks air([ implements in a fe,%v weeks, and come by'_\1r. A. Bis,510p, ex -Al. 1). P., Ili maste 1l the Offices ill the council. r. John
Such a ]a -w as that out- John Beacom, Gabriel - Elliott.; deputy' It has been -noticed that the fish are on the to the village to reside, and look- after his style, and was followed by rly Bricyllaill was elected for depirty-reeve J)y
cut,%,te statement of the late Prernier's filaa- lined b Jitme eve -Samuel Sturdy and'Th increase, an t e increase 'ari us o. jer y a is I a(, y nee(e(. .urinig prilas lurch- s attributed to implement agency. -Nlr. Kerslake gets pea- pleasing selections by diffierent friends. The Tlie c uncillors that arl ill position. It will be seen tha lie was the past season frauds ill packing have been the fiJb-spitwil from the hatcheries which 41 0
HT7313FRT.- C0111pany broke up shortly 'before dayligll.t,, All the Old councillors were bav* e een de osited in the takes. session February'Ist next. -Mr. Frank Rol- the field now are 1% -Tr. Mr. Lashani, pretty close to Ole wind. Hoever th e rulerather than the exception, ling- of -Kill arney, Alanitoba, is. visiting An(lquietoncemore fell oil tIle Date, Mr..B. Chi chill and A.
and the re-elected by acclamation. )eaceful 1117
-At about ten o'clock, the other evening, relatives here. -Several tramps were shel'- homestead. 'Tile bride received a, vry large Leach. It is not safe to predict result,;
it is thatt the fund is bein,, result hits been a' ions loss and nnoyance WP.OXFTkP..- Reeve, -T B. Sander, by all electric light wire was discovered to be tered from the bitter cold in the lock up a, number of useful arid costly gift but next con it�� froll) her Mojyjav night,will
raised for Lady Tham psoll d fa.111. ily has both to the retaielerr and consumer. These eclamation. ncillors,-W. C. H,�zle- oil fire in the workroom of Jackson Broth- tell theale.
ell Ili hosts of friends, among which we may recbed b( %rnard, W. A. Rutherford, er' store,Clinton, but was extinguished be- tile field for school trustee this year'. -Mrs. tion the follolvin-a: I)OI.I.Iinioll Orgall bride�s ween thirty and fortv frauds niust be put down and the only way wood, John B, few nights last week. --There are sev
Thomas Rae, Thomas H�Plphili, John- fore any (Ltmage bad been done. ' In some E.Aaulch , and daught KiPpen.
t'llo-usattd: nd a0 it Will illti- il whiCh this object lbe secured is by Bray, William Wilson.'. er, Ruby, of Port father %lid - moother; got(] jewelry, A H�t 1,1, y very pretty to the later sum. of Trustees, -Robert 'Way the current bad burned off tile incan- Hope, are wisiting at Mr. Willam Crigg's, grooin centre table, H iss l arid Mr. John, Occurred - t I providing for the punishment of the perpe- Black, Alex. descent hinip, and there being nothing else fitin StreL-Prefessor Frank Reese left Carin ; large pictu the residerije of mues4e, will receive t1e ii.-tterest of this trators. Thoroas Rae, William Wilson. res of the brid's parents , Tllolllpson� Esq-,
I T . calf; courivillors-T."NI Mrs. Th'mas dami; dessert set neighbors asseiabled to w. an og her'with what le, set,1 eeniber 18th, when a number d friend. y to burn , the wire covering took fire. The on Monday last for Bowmanville, to -visit frame'l, Miss felissa Cann , leniona( Of1lay on Tuesday, De-
11,1111011111it, but even this, t BLYTI-I.-Reeve-N.. H. Young, F. 'Alet- accident, simple in itself, so affected the. his aged mother, who is seriously il1!.-'X1r. V. a(lid - 0
Scott, Alexander dynamo in the Electric Light buildin(r John Maiming, who R,t one time clerked in r. and Mrs. Charles (:arm itness the she has alredy, sbould nia,inja;iI.,l henelfnd Tap. Globe gives the following 'practical M-cNaly, Thomas Asbbur , Alexander silver cik
y e nage Of 'Miss E'lizabetb, Alr,. llComfortable cireunismaves. We exnipi (almost stopping the engine) tha Mr.. Be'r't' Mr. J. P. Clarke?s aeneral store, and wh' basket, Mr. and Miss Ward, Richmond daughter, to Mr. James Moodie, (,)f
0* 0 -
e Of theworking of the N. P. As 'it Kenzie, - Williani Citnipbwl�kbllft )times vIc- Sbrmoli came up,to see what was the cause, has been spending the past two Aliebigan , parlor lanip, Alr. and rs. ag,itLtioii is being started Gee years In W -Stanley. is %vith so is it with . hundreds of Something went wrong with the safety fuse, British Columbia, Ias returned to this place, C- "a -Y, Ham i1ton - silver buttr dish -A I -The cereniony,%va-s perforned by
-iow of. Parliallicut to other rticles which are.in amost daily use. Ist SUFTELD. -Reeve- (A iin, i I , . r. the Rev. 9. Aeiessm wlio alays ties the,
With the A Iwhich is put in'with all wires, or it would where be will reside for a ti -me. -Mr. Thomas and A. Bishop; silk th iiiake an fflowaiiec or a�gvallt fat (leputy-Jamieson, and Mal- have shut off tbe'current as soon as the lanip Brooks, wife arid family, of Winnipeg Bishop silver fruit spoon, "Mr. The duty of 30 pet- cent. oil bic. row, 111igs'V, "'lothrinly. Thebrideanl
IIt 2nd deputy-Me1qenzi bri- smaid e
lot �re .J. both ver icely attire(I rted , into Can y ill We hope that tio such grarit -will be (4es impo e, by dropped. visiting relatives here. Court of Revision _Aforg,aii crystal fruit dish After the Cere-
ada has averag�d' tion; councillors-' Dalton.' and V,itrrisli, hy 11r. and Mrs. Ill the first place,it is not from S25' 830 on -each wheel. This has Cclaiiiation. -We are now called upon to record for the Donlinion voters' lists was heldt H. Anderson; -set Chin m0nY Mas 'perfori-ned and -the couple ha(l re-
painted, ceived. the warm congratulatio
created a revclille Of close oil The the death of one of the oldest residents of the town hall on Friday last. The Re- Alm. .1. and 'Miss Har no of all pyes-
1)eeause tile family of the late will I)ie ris lemonade �et,
of CUI'lia.dian make,.sold in cornpeti- erlt, all sat down to a sUmPtuous banquet.
orris township, in tile person of Mr. formers addet"I 29, and the Conservatives 7 Aliss )IcKenzie, d le table The bride was made the recipient of ila-Ily
be vastly better provided for tila,li the I tioll 'With. these iniporta,t.i011�, are quite as Huron NoAes. Henderson, of the Bluevale road. The sad to tile provisional list of vote'rs. The nuni- cover and fruit dish, Ain and E. J. valuable and useful presens. We heartily lilie.,i of thousands of others Who wollild dea,r H.S the imported wheels plus tile (I 11 ty. event took place on Wednesday,19th ult. ) her struck off the list wits, Reformers, U; - Spacknian, Exeter, silver spoon holder \11. I-\fr. 'R. Livingston, of Belrave has after all illness of about a -week, from in- Conservatives, 36. A great deal of interes� and Mrs. F. (,ill Rxeter;.'C'bina friti 'lle importation proves this� unite with the inan friends -of
-this way be foreed to to th And, ta,ken the eontracr, of supplying a large y the newly
�l er of a et, iiiarrie(I couple ill wihing th III IOn al every flamniation, in his 72nd year-. Tile deceased was taken by both political parties. -Tb ere AIr. Robert _11M I
,ational fund, In tile, plave, Canadian quantity of barrel heading to1he oil refiner- alon-with two- or three of his brotbe erington; crayort keteh,_�lif3g c
de 'elc w2w forced t rsA'et' was a little sleighih� oil 8aturday last, and atie ,erington ; letter case NJ iss Ala�
i t 111 , 1(, 3 0 hand out from ies in London. Continued happiliess. g anxi wolild be i 11111 L bad 1)rVCc(IC!l1t, %lid once 25 to �:30 above tie(loon the tat concession of Alort E-NTERT.x the natural price, not on I e -' -The toirriship council of -'.Nloi-ris li-ave in- 'Ship about thirty -is town- the fariners arid others took advantage of Ellerington ; table drape, Mr. and -\i7rs. entertainment in - The Chitnian !d -e of this kind is tile -six years ago, arid by dint it.-Tbe thermometer stood ten below zero Thomas Caiierolr� Silver pickle dish, . AJr. Andrew's Slurida
it is 110 elit Went to -the public revenite_" "I crnuection. wtstructed their solicitor to collect tile anjoulit of perseverance and economy succeeded in here a few days last week.-Tbe sno1w aud liss Beatty y sehooll
knoingwbert, it migglit c due them b -g tile County 'oil -_ bridues as making a compete Varna; silver pepper at on Wednes- -a all upright, which fell on 8upday last improved S lid, 'Mr day eveD1119 last, %Vag in every
it,warded by the courts. nee. He -.i 8 the - It Sta respftt ,,
sadd, that SirJ olin Thonip. oil wit.,4 it honorable mail, and had long been conneet- sleighing.-INIr. VaIO'ntine Ratz, Gowan; dressing case,:the rand of Shipka, Mesl;rs- MuDonald - China, -Alr. Thoias success. The weathr and more tile (luesti011 is forced oil the -While drivin between Belgravc ild. ed with the Presbyterian church.' -A wife, was"in. the village on Friday last, attending Hall is '119all that could be w
9 ble man, ad that 'lie (Jevote(t 11: P"Nic Of use is a (,'overiu)r�Gener- Calvin church, 14,' piee box ished for, tile clirell
is al -!" ast NA'awanosh, on Sunday, two sons and two daualiters hre left to the Court of Revision for the front part of i -age, the doors
And the ans-iver is e1c, '\f- "'- - filled to
to "The- 'Lr: last week, 1). arid s. Harvey -7 a
great , abilitv to morivy iiiaking insteti of \1eikeljohn had the top nionrn his decease. Mr. I The tree prcsei)t,_,I
lie illight -hve been Nvealflv. 's)f no use IvIla,tever- except of Ilia y badljr torn bv a v�icious (to beautiful
butg Cr Stepben tovnship.--'-\Ir. W. H. I[Aci ta�t (1111zlall c, M iss R. Kerslake ; il ver pi,�-�I' appearance and as I's n e
Irwi', of East Wawnosh, laden from
n -lay be so, brut there itre other merl'ill Par n the Vil- -,vith the choicet
to big salary and eollipel the Dolnin- _-S. 9 1� t NT. P. for North Aliddlesex, was i dish -11 I top to botton,
Iion to keep tip it costly ill liers,, blacksi-i Dtinralit;on, sudden].), W. 'Miller; toilet illats and gifts.
ansionbesides. oil Thursday morning 20th ult. lage on Saturday last. -.\Ir. J. G. Snialla- tbrow, Thc progranime ich was rendre,.1
11I the misfortune lately L61 as Pringle, Port Huroll 1prilierpi wh
ose a fine horse She had been in' her usual good " health for comhe, me'rcbant tailor who has been run- lildreil of the -it i;im il-.rr Rays the Toronto St,,L,,. It is quite by its becoming by the cl s Pasnore which speak,;
overrior-(Ireneral. in - the stable, which rellted in its death. to her regular duties, but on returnillu from well for the teach
tway, whe true ttllcdt;tiesoftIle(,' m -nia bolluet, Mrs. Ferguson, Exeter; wa,o all th�t be desired fol
tile hialter tie, some time ; that morning she had attended ning a tailor shop ill Credition the past two lemonade 8-�t, Aliss ]NI. K.
if -,Ve once voilimellee ill I his entaitryled in t
years, has again opened up business in his (]ell China, Mr. B. ers nd t'
are we to stop. . Besid" thi,,4, ir-Jolin had I ftre oliceoug and, no dou -The scholars. in the department of lr. the barn where she bad been milkin she - Williams ; nia(Aie training the yoling heir mariner of':
97 er, 1). "Alontieth, Stratford ndininds. it
t17 Walke r-
1 of the Exeter publio fell insensible to the floor and rver spoke factory.-Miss'Millie Cudmore visited rela- creitill S A so 8 I r 11180 assisted by giving it 1)raetil,
the choosing of owil Ife of this'eolintry bt, the people �T. Ai Brown Princil, , ll( ;Id stand, opposite r. A. Cottle's turning .9 er v coald mAne t W 1.111) &long. School, preented hill with , handsome et, e L. an( not politi", nd 'what other 111011 Wit It was some time before her soil, tives in eaforth al .1 holit Sliell ,in Official.- But still, for all set, on the ouvasiott of his severing id Kippen the past -week. Willianis.
have ill wealth. lie has toitpetl in, his connection -with tile school. 151tioillilis who was confined to the house with Loui�a and 'Myrtle, daughters of Mr. Win. Bs- -Xfaster -John Melli.s. typo of thtl
lie very high- to abolish the Ix, Times) Exeter was at tile I We do not think it woiil(l be advisable a cut foot, could gi�t assistance. The funer- Cutlinore, Kippen, are visiting their uncle, McKillop. lome of Nir. Ile 11, Williftill icflltlllall is lionle ftoill l took place on Saturday afternooll to Dea- Mr. John Cudmorc.--'_\Ir, and Mrs. James 8 Christmas dinlIcr._,\fr.Ja1l )sition. The (lovernor-Gen- elli.s for hi position tht any Cantidian T %Ianitoba oil a isit a.1011011" friends ill E,ast Cal-llpl)ell, 0 con's cemetery, ad was largdy . attended. Delgatty, f Fairfield, spent last Friday, fol. returned home from
()Ili, of the few renimillillcr links Wawamoali. Her fther if The Rev. T.- the past two years has tatight, ill Algoilla, I 0 E'. Higley preached the funer, the TUCS(lay last, after disp
pared;- will celebrate their gol.(Icu we(ldill ll(,ollll(,(.t this count uest� of .1, T. Weateott.-The ection ,Xo. 4, 'MeKillop, has tell Osing of hi� horse%
IT With tile mother Ef it "'list grtitied to' al sernion in Trinity church, Belgrave, oil first ice skating was indulged in on atur- resignation her at profitbe figure. ill it few weeks. to the trustees, and purpos(,,
all ill, this couir
Sunday afteriloon io a large vongregation. day night last, in the rink at the drill slie(l. flirt I unity a happ New.
Mid would not he tile part of wis- I -Bert, Hill I her studies at Toronto 11obert Kett y
of Lunisden, North ring
le and
VL ling that woul(l evell West luch synit)athy is felt in the community -Slr. and Mrs. ganniel Dilling and family, Before parting from her lary
and if, in (Iiiest for lionor ant] hV tile tie. loosen Territory is visitillg.,Lt his holue in Grev. for tile sorrowing members of the * familv, of Seaforth, visited Mrs. Dilling's M oor spent' Christmas with friends at 0re lio good reason lioNverdr, The West appears to agree Nvith hini, Aliss Campbell was pre-sented with parents, the Ioilg looked for
compnied him and %A ill 1.0- Street, some gift viz A ladies' compalljoil, it sil- a sno1v Ii
to Illilke fol. o Ifis consisting of three song and two daughter' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kestle, Huron .aliai -
wllv the IV 111111sion holild be kept niece, Vera, ae a. - 1. ballil- ti
-A sudden death happened in. Morris last week. -Mr. and Airs. Stokes, 71(
Mr. alixi
Iturn in about two months., iapkin ring, and a cup and ae- Irs William. Pope, of Lo his faillilv, it does not lip.' is il'othing either. Detroit, ver I �' ' 1 14reatlY iniprovem business sin the letter or townhip oii.Friday, December 21st, where- visited relatives here the past we k. -Mr. conilianiecl by an address whic-h 8.1i,te should step ill Itild make t IA
-Du�ing the past year the money ex- e
ndOn are ti)(.
"f the CO"Stitlition recluiring by one of'the most highly 'e that Of
Z,, the pended in Morris oil roil.(I all(I re,;i- Mattliew Finkbiner,8th concession Stephen, their relations as teach Mrs. George TayIor.-_J.Nlr, oh, I
bridges was dents, passed to his eternal hoine. --Nlr. disposed of big 100 -acre farm l"t week to been of the ,lost er and I)III)illi had Weimniller and Mr. William Blair visit(i,,I
kindl nature, an(l tllztt
lafstwek. -The
-and A N.
-out I
.ent 11
loby ]ieeal
.4 th
-one said the -Ili
whone P
-stir a
.off th
ful Of
nd v
veipt nd