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The Huron Expositor, 1895-01-04, Page 3
1i r_ i drat ption NK Y part i. - mer i- 'orim Our ,ulFt_r, L ,,' with a u. T i''_ IZZ4_1 to I • I I - yeah. P Y 1 lilt:: .- � 8 11 14 Zan- [11 . _ - -- - _. --I-- , ._ _ ..,, , _- - 1M9,AiT,;91 troAs ti}t wiiE�Ei "fM1aot� otlglit'P OUT iN `iH� Cg6D, It nox gel"Will _ '4 E1I MUSICSL€l � tart ®� I- GREAT CLEARIN 4, WK eI US& Domif,ion !}dd 1Jfpi'iffttifil (Afld tai<�'i°' iflt►ti�lsl, iirillt@ tititl illt101€, illi@ n itirlli t l�lltirg �tflta �ffd ltirftt:ti �Idirp `#'Bare, t�tifirr3ttf, i!(ei»it@►iIt 6heAi►f>�1ii6iilri of 00040 .. tiil3ititii'il of ititiiifi tititl ll ail ltidll(It310f , iflft;'ail� 'liarll I<fl. Amid $ilfFi'8l'6,t4, ItaF} fi,tiisri�, a iti9fl6't3 g , F ='0 ,. - : - milia Iricapl rf wovis and ii]Ej0101' Of Ii6till� v.: , _ - Bttgll3iiitgj fli fil6 pctiill� g E3i'f611 O gAht+l, A JDAfitlAIN,-10inoll Evelyne 0066 tO till that tifeliltottiorli titia golilptuto orifi 41 1 , 4e ��_ littiido, good Hholftw im iiiti6tt }liiittli'lti f€1 -f esliferth, Owlee - kitaliflon slid ieitid `i'rsi'filtf - � , �ttiiif�itig tiii(I iiE�t'tlttEtltiiirti ttfifi dti •wiitlii , _ tiiEj @tl@@tftiiiiiil a41�ifltEitalftg of gtfj(111= (3i' tilts c+dot, <i#FC tiLE4`it;si3ii fig@Uf+J atE=l�.,E ARE O4 +• y _ _ --. 1, i# they pub tlittir gotilug togother.wag ddiifi kind, `: hig Igi gd well kiiawn and Avithal _. _ . - herd ifs agag ptl4l ttiid intialt of the r work _ OATTL O BARN, gd frequently titated that It Is ngtt idgh- -' - - OIt sALV,--El(i 6;dvlti6 Elfin tette etnbracin With re and tG ricer! lti the lllti>�ii - �+ g grill stafids to tfi7g0i+b Hi}d ilfltraiictf ti1`Cll= t Stl( Hb iil£i11y breeders provide sl3bii pCioi" *-� �_ _ about b0 segos- I. dffereti fofr sale cheap to close labs. ieolo est clad sightseer. ' i -�- � " g g A t711eeitp gtrudtu>�ef mhtct reit Aias-ivers - ttpthe joint intoner . the underill¢oed. -The lee accommodations for raiser horse,], Themoillillillillillilliillillilillillillill� - priv€lege will fully cover interest on the wholeinvopt• , But what a solemn anti stupendous lvvery 1'tirposd We11.: first thing to be done, then, is to thor- 00 - Ment, Easy tortes. ,Apply to D, D. WILSON or W- %�}Q p g Y In J. Sanders' book on Varn build- � = � L� S , o . l`t, t*RAY, - 1411-4 The Ki 1 Piano aria' thin is nn abandoned cit 1 While many of the peoples of earth have no soot for ougllly iuspecG the brood and young EACIIER 1VA TED.=yI'anted for Qclsool Section their heads, here is a. whole city of roofs ing Colonel W. A_ Harris of 'Linwood, stock with a view to snaking proper nl- No. 1, Carey, i►lu teacher, 2nd class certificate Organ Company rejected. The sand of the desert was sufft- Kan„ describes a cattle barn on his lotments and confining together those preferred. Applicant to state salary expected. Ap- tient excuse for the disappearance of He- 1e f LOFT .Place to be com- which are well .matched as to ago, size plicationa received until January 18th, either person- Have opened out their store on Main 1}opol}s, and the waters of the Meditorra- � /OF II mended because xud temperament. It is not wise to run Owing to a change chat is .likely to take place in the firm in- January, and e ally or in writing. THOS. CALDLR, Secretary, ' - 'y w : i t' p large bands of ono and old horses to- it is cheap, ease- CranbrookP. O. 1411• Street, Seaforth. Call and examine neap sea for the euglliiment of 2 Tyre, and I g young as this is the season of the Sear that all must haze good footwear, we have de _ the lava of Mount Vesuvius for the oblit- `� / _. j eon s t rutted OU instruments ; they are the best t y gether. tided to clear Out our entire steel: of I AlONEY WANTED. -Wanted to borrow for a tern: eration of Hercttlanoum, but for t}ib sake s , �. i and fills all Which b ' of years from �t,s0o to x2,800 on first wort• that are manufactured in the world, of aortia but a superstitious drstitious whim the C� Beginning with the mares, y k drag on farm property, A first class investment and rices are right. ° g p ' �'l needs Colonel this time are beginning to "shecv j� p Rubbers, j� and Appy at or address THS EXPOSITOR, Seaforth, p a city of Amber is abandoned forever. Oh, '� Harris says •the " 1 Boots, S�1t;eS 1lTIS 3 their foals, the should be iven Applicant must state the lowest interest required, wondrous Indial The city of Amber is � y g � , Valises, t Money to big advanced by 1st Sanuary. 1409 td t Cr only one of tate marvels which compel the + la'' I barn should be warm, cozy quarters facing the south or , "11,J.- L. DQWNI;Y, Manager, y p 'i y p west. The should be derided u into r sale ' unliftcd hand of surprise froiirtho day you as nearly as os- y p Before the first of Tanualr, at price: never before heard t?f in Seaforlh..'e �LAltlji`Y ST(iNE.-The undersigned has fo „ +, + enter India until you leave it, Its flora Bible iu the ten C st }f.s quarry at Cran.brook a quantity of choice LATE OF SCOTT I3R05. pairs if pos_ible, at any rat© into groups have over a X6,000 stock, bought ft om some of the bestanatlian and Allzeri- sta„e, suitable for corner atones, silt atones and 1394x16 is 50 flamboyant, its fauna so monstrous ,t �� ter of the farm, Of as small size as pO5slb18. Each pair can manufacturers, which is principally all nevi- stock, and adapted for Fall bridge atone. Will b sold at reasonable prices- anal savage,, its ruins so suggestive, its - and the dwelling or group should have a separate and or GEORGE -BAKER, Cranbrook, P. o. 1408-tt _ idoiritry set horxiblo, its degradation so yd`l e P P y and Winter wear. Call early and secure the best.bargains, as this is a genuine house should bo - ddock to run in during the day and - j`" 4 service on Lot 30, Concession 10, McKillop: a �ii ,: - - Short Horn Herd Book. Terms, $1.25 ; payable on January 18t, 1895. JOHN CUTHILL, Winthrop. 14 Zan- [11 . _ - -- - _. --I-- , ._ _ ..,, , _- - 1M9,AiT,;91 troAs ti}t wiiE�Ei "fM1aot� otlglit'P OUT iN `iH� Cg6D, It nox gel"Will _ '4 E1I MUSICSL€l � tart ®� I- GREAT CLEARIN 4, WK eI US& Domif,ion !}dd 1Jfpi'iffttifil (Afld tai<�'i°' iflt►ti�lsl, iirillt@ tititl illt101€, illi@ n itirlli t l�lltirg �tflta �ffd ltirftt:ti �Idirp `#'Bare, t�tifirr3ttf, i!(ei»it@►iIt 6heAi►f>�1ii6iilri of 00040 .. tiil3ititii'il of ititiiifi tititl ll ail ltidll(It310f , iflft;'ail� 'liarll I<fl. Amid $ilfFi'8l'6,t4, ItaF} fi,tiisri�, a iti9fl6't3 g , F ='0 ,. - : - milia Iricapl rf wovis and ii]Ej0101' Of Ii6till� v.: , _ - Bttgll3iiitgj fli fil6 pctiill� g E3i'f611 O gAht+l, A JDAfitlAIN,-10inoll Evelyne 0066 tO till that tifeliltottiorli titia golilptuto orifi 41 1 , 4e ��_ littiido, good Hholftw im iiiti6tt }liiittli'lti f€1 -f esliferth, Owlee - kitaliflon slid ieitid `i'rsi'filtf - � , �ttiiif�itig tiii(I iiE�t'tlttEtltiiirti ttfifi dti •wiitlii , _ tiiEj @tl@@tftiiiiiil a41�ifltEitalftg of gtfj(111= (3i' tilts c+dot, <i#FC tiLE4`it;si3ii fig@Uf+J atE=l�.,E ARE O4 +• y _ _ --. 1, i# they pub tlittir gotilug togother.wag ddiifi kind, `: hig Igi gd well kiiawn and Avithal _. _ . - herd ifs agag ptl4l ttiid intialt of the r work _ OATTL O BARN, gd frequently titated that It Is ngtt idgh- -' - - OIt sALV,--El(i 6;dvlti6 Elfin tette etnbracin With re and tG ricer! lti the lllti>�ii - �+ g grill stafids to tfi7g0i+b Hi}d ilfltraiictf ti1`Cll= t Stl( Hb iil£i11y breeders provide sl3bii pCioi" *-� �_ _ about b0 segos- I. dffereti fofr sale cheap to close labs. ieolo est clad sightseer. ' i -�- � " g g A t711eeitp gtrudtu>�ef mhtct reit Aias-ivers - ttpthe joint intoner . the underill¢oed. -The lee accommodations for raiser horse,], Themoillillillillillilliillillilillillillill� - priv€lege will fully cover interest on the wholeinvopt• , But what a solemn anti stupendous lvvery 1'tirposd We11.: first thing to be done, then, is to thor- 00 - Ment, Easy tortes. ,Apply to D, D. WILSON or W- %�}Q p g Y In J. Sanders' book on Varn build- � = � L� S , o . l`t, t*RAY, - 1411-4 The Ki 1 Piano aria' thin is nn abandoned cit 1 While many of the peoples of earth have no soot for ougllly iuspecG the brood and young EACIIER 1VA TED.=yI'anted for Qclsool Section their heads, here is a. whole city of roofs ing Colonel W. A_ Harris of 'Linwood, stock with a view to snaking proper nl- No. 1, Carey, i►lu teacher, 2nd class certificate Organ Company rejected. The sand of the desert was sufft- Kan„ describes a cattle barn on his lotments and confining together those preferred. Applicant to state salary expected. Ap- tient excuse for the disappearance of He- 1e f LOFT .Place to be com- which are well .matched as to ago, size plicationa received until January 18th, either person- Have opened out their store on Main 1}opol}s, and the waters of the Meditorra- � /OF II mended because xud temperament. It is not wise to run Owing to a change chat is .likely to take place in the firm in- January, and e ally or in writing. THOS. CALDLR, Secretary, ' - 'y w : i t' p large bands of ono and old horses to- it is cheap, ease- CranbrookP. O. 1411• Street, Seaforth. Call and examine neap sea for the euglliiment of 2 Tyre, and I g young as this is the season of the Sear that all must haze good footwear, we have de _ the lava of Mount Vesuvius for the oblit- `� / _. j eon s t rutted OU instruments ; they are the best t y gether. tided to clear Out our entire steel: of I AlONEY WANTED. -Wanted to borrow for a tern: eration of Hercttlanoum, but for t}ib sake s , �. i and fills all Which b ' of years from �t,s0o to x2,800 on first wort• that are manufactured in the world, of aortia but a superstitious drstitious whim the C� Beginning with the mares, y k drag on farm property, A first class investment and rices are right. ° g p ' �'l needs Colonel this time are beginning to "shecv j� p Rubbers, j� and Appy at or address THS EXPOSITOR, Seaforth, p a city of Amber is abandoned forever. Oh, '� Harris says •the " 1 Boots, S�1t;eS 1lTIS 3 their foals, the should be iven Applicant must state the lowest interest required, wondrous Indial The city of Amber is � y g � , Valises, t Money to big advanced by 1st Sanuary. 1409 td t Cr only one of tate marvels which compel the + la'' I barn should be warm, cozy quarters facing the south or , "11,J.- L. DQWNI;Y, Manager, y p 'i y p west. The should be derided u into r sale ' unliftcd hand of surprise froiirtho day you as nearly as os- y p Before the first of Tanualr, at price: never before heard t?f in Seaforlh..'e �LAltlji`Y ST(iNE.-The undersigned has fo „ +, + enter India until you leave it, Its flora Bible iu the ten C st }f.s quarry at Cran.brook a quantity of choice LATE OF SCOTT I3R05. pairs if pos_ible, at any rat© into groups have over a X6,000 stock, bought ft om some of the bestanatlian and Allzeri- sta„e, suitable for corner atones, silt atones and 1394x16 is 50 flamboyant, its fauna so monstrous ,t �� ter of the farm, Of as small size as pO5slb18. Each pair can manufacturers, which is principally all nevi- stock, and adapted for Fall bridge atone. Will b sold at reasonable prices- anal savage,, its ruins so suggestive, its - and the dwelling or group should have a separate and or GEORGE -BAKER, Cranbrook, P. o. 1408-tt _ idoiritry set horxiblo, its degradation so yd`l e P P y and Winter wear. Call early and secure the best.bargains, as this is a genuine house should bo - ddock to run in during the day and sickening, its mineralogy so brilliant, its 11 " ' clearing sale as. the stock must be sold. splendors so uplifting, its architecture is ,� �, close to it. This care should be taken to prevent their b ' cid, so grand, so educational, SO mlllGlpo- , rt is 1n05t C011vell- snfferillg froze the inclemency of 1118 Those owing the firm will please call and settle their aecaunts at as tent that India will not he fully compre- C lout for every- weather. In dividing them up it should early a (late as possible, as we: must have them in by the middle of Deceiiilier• I bended until science has made its last ex- r v•i . thing and every- be seen to that the cross ones are . . periment, and exploration has ended its ), b'' body except vis- placed where they will not be able to T q last. journey, and the library of the world's "' ' itors and gossips. damage the weaker ones. How often �.1�t1D literature has closed its lase door, and ,` ' The baro should have we seen a good tempered mare ' Christianity has made its last achieve- ;� i' . have lent of p pelting ]1tAIIdT STREETSEAFORTH, went trod the clock of time has struck its plenty outside the shed in the satin last hour. ` lots and yards rain, while the "bosses" luxuriate in _ - "Iff"? b ,� , I, * fenced off around _ the dry comfort inside. When the - - __-. - -- HOLBORN'S HISTr-W. . ,.In,I .r it to put various mares are parted out, as the shepherds ag 3b 4QFr• animals and say, judiciously, the weaker ones hurl - A London Thoroughfare Tint 'Jllm Gone � C flocks' and herds dle together in comfortable warmth,F - yyym TTITITT . Through Many Chang 1. !n, ®�?BV� WAY ,Zi -into. The floor OXFO� �r COD It is High Holborn,,beyond be Gray's 10 while the bad tempered ones, confined g c ought never to be together, soon tomo to an understanding andFURNA(r,'1Ea` .1 inn gate, a thoroughfare, of handsome • 10Fr -, �OFr ,, e , of wood, but of and become content to live in peace C®AL anru,al. He was aired byIrmported "Prime Miniatet"; width that ]leans people lacy rC]nelnbCr as O „ • I r Q b r o k e n StOne • k ani a six months old butt, red color and from Prima almost choked by a row of houses, tumble The prosperity of the farm is bound , , FQR ALL $tZE'.;P OF BUILDINGS.. eight inches u in the care of Mlle brood mares -No I blinister, WILLIAM CAH OCHAN, Egnioadville. ° down but picturesque, with a nice shady �, P 1408 -ti The Huron Expositor, passage of old book stalls and odd and deep, with here matter how good the stallion may be or Capacity f roan 10,000 to 80,00 (ju' is 'Teel end shops for the happy lounger. Mid- ,' �:, and there a 3 how well bred the mares, if they are not t'LLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. - For Bale two SEAPORTH, ONT. dle row was pulled down in 1868, an im- inch tile drain taken good care of success will not at- `6CYCLON111 STEEL "DIATOR" . Ethoroughbred Durham bol a one year old, one _ portant event in Holborn's life history thoroughbred two year old with re¢ratered pedigrees, �,; running througjl tend their owner's efforts. �Q�j� ������� � both roans ; also a lot of young Poland China boars MCLE.A.N BROS., _ Publishers only surpassed by the opening of the Hol- a; ;! it to the outside. Having located the mares for the about four months old and a Poland China boar for born viaduct in great state by the queen , c On top of the winter, - HEAVY ORATE 8 aerviee. Inspection invited. Apply on Lot 30, con- in the following year. A few more dates _9' the studmto t should then adapted e8f'tPlateFireBo ig -- c•esRion 5, L'aborne, or address Lumley P. O. THOS. ADVERTISING RATE'S. on the backwy rd track of time finny give �'� r stone six inches tori; 1115 attention t0 the Colts. The Heavy Radlat :tear€ which Dts>a t rCDSIORE. 1404-tf ! - ►i of yellow cls h governs the se ar,ri R$tii,itor, which iiesab Contract advertisements, matter changeable at us a just Idea -of the ancient fame of Hol- y y same principle whit g P- quicker and are moredurablel ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, weathaltlotll,eon• wile• born. In 1341 indeed there had been a should be wetted eration of the mares should govern also [�Af3[ATt3RofZ�+�dernastrlgcs F cession 18, Gre , containinz t 0 acres, all cleared PSR Tercet , and tam ed iII. tion and H PI I3eatJiig Pt}Sleir Y 1 Year 6 mos. 3 moa. great reparation of the road; which before � •. P the grouping of the youngsters. The and in a good state of cultivation, There res trams 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 $2 b0 $1 66 had often been but a quagmire. `Then i t . i' This cls will be i``4GH yarn and log house and hood orchard. Plenty of �� „ C.. y weanlings should be boxed by pairs .cater. It is conveniently situated for markets, 6 to 10 6 00 2 76 1 e was widened in 1374, repaited' in 1431- 'e Come as hard as In every stud there are at this time of s+•tools, &c. It will be sold chea . Ap ly on the 3 to 6 " 6 60 300 1 76 COALFURNACE P > to 2 600 3 26 186 a few stones may have been put down be- �,� a brick in time. the year always a few foals which have premises or to Walton P. 0. ARCHIBAL DUNCAN. ' tween whiles -and as old Stow saitli it 'I i, SON, Walton. 1411x8 If the advertiser elects to ehanze not oftener than ' �, :bl No rats burrow not thriven during the grass season, and Large ls'f>stElbusl`iofi Chamber once per month, a reduction of 20 per cent. will be was first paved in 1417, when people were Into it. It Only these should be first picked Out aired Long Fire Travet,enoirolingr tc�lUMw �SECUTORS' NOTICE. -Notice is hereby given made on the above quoted prices. lavish with the gold they had acquired in � � P Large iieatia Surface ` _IE:! that all parties having claims against the estate Yates for special position can be obtained on appli• the French n ars. But there are snore an- ; I ,l Z needs to be re- off and given Warm Stalls. Then the Large B=ees Door of the late Henry Prang• in his life time, of the town- cation at this office. aired b having Sectional Firs Pot rh'i of Bay,in the County of Horan, who died on or Business or rofessional cards not exceeding three tient billao pro reparationo Vieorum de rt i; `v P y �' Ot11er8 should be matched as well as POS- Rotating Bar DurriPlnr Gnat! about the h of September, 1893, must forward the quarters of an inch, $4 to $5 per year. S Alegate et Holborne in 1388 and 1353. ; Ofi' _ SOFT a little more Clay sible and boxed two and two. DEEP ASH PIT same, he 4t attested, by registered latter, post Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, etc., not A little farther on we came to Kingsgate GROUND PLAN OF CAT- pounded into it It is -well enough to have two Stalls OXFORD WOOD FURNACi 4 paid, to the undersigned at Zurich Poet Office, on or exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent street notable as the residence of the j _ - refers .the fifteenth day of January, 1X:96, as the month b0e. , TLE BARN. every year OT open into one paddock, and if the /'+ affairs of the said estate will then be wound up, and Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale, world famous Sairey Gamp. Thorn is still two. Colonel Harris' barn cost 1, 100. ff g g Fu Guaranteed tv$ aCit 1i �Qd Nor•,.. after which no claims will be reeogni�ed. JOHN not exceeding 1} inches, oce mouth $1.50, each sub- a barber's shop in the street with a striped stets a„ree let four run t0 ether C nrinCapad ' pATA(pQ{fE aataTfi:s1 fti6tDitlltL Qg.- tfitANG, Executor. s will, December 19th, 1894. aequeut month 76c. ole, the whilom ensign perhaps of Paul It will be seen from the ground plan, as the day There is less danger in letting 1410-4 Advertisements on local page, ten cents per Itrte P shown above, that there is only one pas- a large number of colts run loose to- •-«Manufactured by- . each insertion, with a discount of 26 per cant. to Sweedlepipes, and the general features of sa ewe that in the middle. Colonel The OU'R 1EY FOUNDRY OOMPANY Ltd., TORONTO- partiesto funds to loan atlOwest parties who also have regular contract space. the place have not changed much since Mr. g y- gether thaw iS experienced with brood 300 Prl a Local advertisements under township or village pecksniff's visit -how many years ago: Harris says that this is the most con- mares, but if only to protect againstLLL 500 rates of interest in sums to suit heading, 6c per line each insertion. y broken bones and blemishes too many Transient advertisements, ten cents per line for As an antiquity the street is also notices lenient and economical way. His cattle ` % M VVVV , VW . $ t"""w I 00 borrowers. Loans can be com- first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent ble, as here was actually the king's gate, head outward, or toward the wall, in-. should not be run together. When it insertion, nonpareil measure: b which ho en tared his private road as to _ -_- __ . - -' X1,000 plated and money advanced Advertisements without specific directions will be y stead of inward to ill© center. There is comes to feeding time, it will be found - _. inserted till forbid, and charged aceordin 1 which we may quote a deposition of 1684. a driveway in the center• through the still more desirable to have them in X1,500 within two days. Apply to R. accordingly.� y o r HAYS Barrister, &c. Seaforth, Births, Isurriagea and Deaths inserted gratia. Andrew Lawrence, surveyor of his znajcs- whole length. and another crossways. pairs. If there are not sufficient boxes .,,500 S. , , r Tam ExrosiToR goes into 4,300 homes every week. ty's highways, says that "his majesty and ,b r 125 which means, on a conservative estimate, that it has The cows tails are toward the Center to accommodate all the colts, the most 20,000 readers ever} week. It is the beet advertising his predecessors time out of mend have FURNITURE medium in Western +i„tario. bad a private way on race back side of He driveway. Each animal enters through rugged incl hardy should be chosen to EST STOC};. _ bourne rind Gray's Inn, and so through the broad driveway and hoes directly to winter in the shed. It will net do,to 1+'insbury fields to gingsland," and as rho her ovF'n stall. A baud cart passes from dick them out haphazard or on account �v' - 1. -.STRAY EWE and LAMB. -Came into the premi- ' Stuart kings used to drive that way to stall to stall, conveying the feed to each of age or anything ease -to say, for in - he undersigned, Lot 1, Concession 2, , _ _� e �Tj u Bos oft K �/ -�� j ][ '_ .` kersrnth, in July last, a ewe and lamb., The � ® I Thcobald s read, which a bit of talo Scay before the cattle are let in. The middle stance, the 3 -year-olds aro the oldest; owner can have the same on proving property and has still retained as a London street, s aGe^ or driveway is at least 10 feet ° paying charges. ROBERT STEWART, Rodgervilie. P y' let us keep them in the shed. It will 1409x4 • Doubtless iG Was the old Roman highway, wide.`-. Colonel Harris says he has seen almost always be found there are a few Call and see our stock of Furniture. We cannot tell you here all w6 deserted by the general lino of traffic, g r - into such t than the oth- n v 1n FO cows wall, iter caret v t but deo in and see for yourselves. ---- � -- � '"-- utilized b their majesties. time and again which ,Ielnaucl be have ao , p y he which was thus u y rTRAY STEER.-Stra; ed into the premises oft �- astable and b0 tied u and munCllin }S undersigned, Lots 21 and 22, Concession 7, Hay, For a good iiiany centuries novo Holborn P g ars. A good start made 1n this way 1s about the middle of August, 1 ,red yearling steer. V R has lost its ar}stoeratio savor. In 1657 food in less than 20 minutes, all the an important factor in the successful We Carl Sell better Furniture cheaper than any The owner can have the same on proving property G F Hovel the chronicler of the restoration, work of ing being done b two men. curt paying expenses. JAMES RAGA', Jr_, Hills ��IPAT1 N ' tying g y wintering of horses. -Horseman. ether stall FUrnitiii'E', StC2re ilii t ie eSta tarsen. 1409x4 passing up Holborn, sees Southampton There vas no confusion or noise about _ - -- Li O U s N ESS House in course of destruction and re- the operation. Sugar Cured Hams.: _ S1TRAYED HEIFER. -Strayed irto the premises of �� ��� h��� a marks how "Jupiter breaks great vessels The material used in the construe- In the absence of commercial packers' - the undersigned, Lot 7, Concession Ei, Stanley, I {,� ^�A•i�+^�C and .makes small rine of ;the pieces," but about Novenibeir 1st, a two year old herder, red color ! K 1 , �AL//�V I G, ill retains the name of South- tion of this barn was as follows: Thirty- recipes we give several formulas that j • tivith white spots. The owner can have the Game by the site st two telegraph poles 20 feet long, 32 have been made public by The Country Furniture o all ,Kinds at �• Prices. pro+ ing property and pay ing charges. JOSEPH R EG U LATE TH E LIVER. ampton buildings and has a gateway into FOSTER, Varna P. O. Staple inii. The house was built by telegraph poles 25 feet long, 6;000 feet Gentleman. As thers is more or less ONE PILL AFTER EATI N O Wriotheslr Lord Southampton, Henryoards 16 feet longi 30 000 shingles; variation in the proportion of the ingre- ' INSURES GOOD Di G ESTION . yr p + y g ' g P P Also Undertaking In all its Branches. BOARS FOR SERVICE- PRICE25 caT„E ODDS MED•CO. LTD. VIII's lord chancellor, a great torturer of 400 battens, 3 by ;2 inches, 16 feet long; desats, the taste of the neer must decide Q rortordTo. hI eretics.ho Southampton, row and street g4h, each with 4 lights 10 bq 12; which is the best for him: Residence Of Funeral Director, next to Drs. Scott 1�JLcay's Office mla UPROtiED YORKSHIRE PIGS. -The undersigned in High"`Holborn commemorate a more 4,500 feet of .floorilig; 200 joists, 2 by One Ounce salt to every pound of Goderich street. has for sale a number of Thorougbbred Im- recent lordship, and when, in Mr. John- r proved Yorkshire Pigs, of both sexes. Apply on Lot 8 1nChe5, 16 feet long; 2, 000 feet of meat, an. Ounce saltpeter to 20 pounds BR�A�.C' ®T; �° `34, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tur_ • •4mith, or address ; xenyls time, Evelina came to lodge over a rough boards; 2a"0 pieces, 2 by 4 inches, meat, -5 pounds sugar to 100 pounds 13rucefield P. O. WM. CHAPMAN. 1356 t f Thee Kippen M ' S hosier's shop in Holuorn she was a little 16 feet long; 1, 400 feet of masonry in meat, water to cover. ry bit asbametl to give her fine friends the Main Street, Seaford, Porter's Old Staled 72-MPROVED YORKSHIRE PIG. -The undersigned address of such an unfashionable quarter. underpinning. For 100 pounds mea�f9 pounds salt, _ --- - fil 33w'ill keep for theimprovemeut of stock, on Lot TO THE FROiVT AS USUAL. But our county cousin need not look for Wa ons o throw h the middle drive- 3 ounces saltpeter, 3 pounds molasses - , Concession 8, L. R, S., Tuckersmith, gee an Ito i y" , wa and tgal? e up tale manure, hauling sugar, an ounce bicarbonate soda, 6 �� proud Yorkshire Boar with eret•elass p g lodgings to let In I�olborn just now y . which a limited number of sows will be taken. and a9 time nes on and one statel build- s - I ierma.- $t payable at the time of service with the The Rippen mills are now running at full blast and g y it direct to the fields, so that there is gallons water. Leave In pickle six weeks c privilege of return if necessary. This is one of are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortest notice, ing rises after another our old Holborn no unsightly manure heap sending out and smoke to taste, using fragrant woods. the beat bred i s in the County. THOMAS LANE. F will form the commencement of a grand an unearthly stench and rotting away For 100 pounds meat, 9 pounds Salt, � BADE s C Pg 1853tt and most reasonable terms. In this way you get fare far more im oxen thauits MORKc���✓� flour from your own wheat, and better value for thorough_ -imposing the timbers of the barn. -The cattle 4 ounces saltpeter, 3 pounds brown sug- ancient rival of the Strand. -All the Year lAlIiVORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- the money than in any other way. Good flour Round. come in from three different lots or ar. - aNISNED Ladies have a great tical of trouble in selecting drm signed will keep for service, at the L'ruceffeld guaranteed. fields -at once to avoid confusion. Colo- • Dry Curing. -Mix a pint fine salt goods The variety is great.' The quality is various 1. Cheese Factory,_a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. ���� Terms $1 ; payable at What the Jolt Disclosed, eel Harris holds that there should be with a pint coffee sugar and rub every _..-,- and a merit claimed is sometimes more Than the pox- .srtti registered pedigree., __ )d(yj WtJ1C}i TF(E 6 time of service with privilege of returning if neees- of the seam Betio of life showed no hinges on barn doors. Only rollers part of hams for three days. As moss- grade When ladies are desirous of should ask to the finest eery. . HGGH IsIcCARTNEY,rucefleld. 1405 tt �� �r S- A bity /tREll✓RAP.FEOr de of Black Dress Goods, they should ask to see Priest- be aid for mood itself one morning last reek on a train of the best quality should be used. Fi- tore oozes from meat lay in pans and l� s dress fabrics. These, as is well known, are the rr plus IGS 1 PIGS :-The undersigned has at itis proms- The highest price in cash will P going down into Virginia. The car was nally he does not believe in the old fash- dip over meat as you rub on the salt u&rases, lot 6,concession 6,Hutlett,several thorough- ogs, or they will be cut to order. crowded. Just across the aisle were a bride have of durability, beauty dress delicacy s of texture. They ` ,' gg Toned huge dark barn, in which all the and sugar. In three or four weeks �,� long been the favorite dress goods p�T�s�1�� � of well dressed bred Berkshire sows and hogs for sale at i:easen 11-0 - and groom going over to see.Alexandria, BLACK P prices,also a'.rtterof thoroughbredTantworthsready animals on the farm are housed. "Let smoke, rub a little black pepper on sur- Englishwomen. The Americans refer thein to iowean. He also has a thoroughbred Berkshire and L���BE�i_ but destined for the next few clays to see put in cloth bags and Svhitewarih. obtain them from a weal). thoroughbred Tamworth boar for service -terms tJl All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. nothing but each other. Behind them us have rather two or more smaller face, p g French goods. Canadian ladies can DRESS tt buildings, all above ground, on light Hampshire Bacon. -In a shallow, reliable dealers. Ladies should always p ask- fst I'3zest` payable at the time of service the privilege of J Ot i N MGN EVI N, were two giggling schoolgirls, and in front g returning it necessary, ..a•=a if, booked. F. Il. 2 n once P.O.1403x7tt of them sat a well dressed young woman foundations, with light timbers, little wide tub put brine strong enough -to lay's Dress Goods. MATERIALS, SCHOALES, Co st � ' the balloon style of construe- float an egg. To each peck of salt add 2 -. _. 1357-t f Proprietor. and her little girl, a beautiful Intl© eves- framing, y , OAR FOR SERVICE. -On Lot 26, Concession 5, ture of 6 or 6. The seat in front of me - tion - permitting the use of much ordi- ounces refined saltpeter and 1 to 2 McKillop, the thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, , gaunt, nary labor." He would have doors ell ounds brown sn ar or cod molasses {� See that the Dods Sou buy are stanlpecl every five yards with Priestley's name - Election," No. 2978, - farrowed June 22nd, held two men. One was a tall aunt p g g g 1593, tired by J- G. Spelt ec Brother, Edmonton, FOR MEN A1'vD_ j%�%OMEN. tired looking Georgian, with a indeflifable every side and plenty of windows. The After being six weeks in the pickle take I!'o others are of their nianufaeture."19 J Ontario; 2nd owner, Wm. McAI'ister, Varna, Ontario air of authority about him. His compan- buildings should be far enough apart out meat and smoke it, or when dry sire, London Champion (16E4), dam Lelaa (2792), by - ion, also a southerner, was much tanned, I ire. L nd snip., (-1pio ;Painted Lady, imp., (1641), to prevent the danger of fire communi- rub with wheat Sour, wrap in new5pa- .t by Paragon (424); •Lady Dosia'(955),-by. Eguinox THE and a ragged bears bid the lower •part of eating from one to another. per and put in dry place. DOMINION. " (47o) ; Lady Mallory 2nd (4611), by Royal Teck tads ; bis fano. Hts soft felt hat was pulled +� -:- BANK. I Tregennaby Tiro WhifHer; Lady Mallory by Baron OPV +i N down over his eyes, and his bands were Live Stock Points. . 14, .-, Southrope , Lady Shilton by Ding of Lansford ; hidden by a long bundle, done up in new6- (saddle blare Emily at St. Louis. heat+ty. Terma--$1, payable at the time of service, + - papers, which lay across his la When one cause J weak hogs is said to be� ;nett the privilege of returntn•, if neceBsary.l JAMES P At the conclusion of the adjudication that swine are bred too young. s CAPITAL, (PAID U P) - " � � SI,SOD4E 60• I ` J)ORRANGE• ELECTRIC the train stopped at Alexandria, the oriels of the sweepstakes competition G' neral � , and room, the schoolgirls and the mother Norwegian ponies are not yet much REST, - - - S19500"000. g John B. Castleman, Louisville, was re- g and child rose to leave the car. As tato questedbyex-GovernorFrancisandother knawu in this country, but they are t� % �EL� little one passed the two southerners a Vit. Louis Fair association thoroughly appreciated by travelers in SEAFO�1H BRANCH. The Best Remedy • sudden jar of the train threw her down. directors of thew _ _ _ _ ' Norway. The are smalls but the most ����,����• [Trade \lark] DR. A. O+t�r-x- �, The man in the slouch hat leaned Forward to exhibit the Columbian champion iltaro hard and sure footed of their kind; MAIN STREET, r tad Pracf loci Flectrie Suddenly, as if to help her r sd.; The bun- Emily under saddle in the arena. She y . The only Scicntili t la There were hand- had been prepared for a show in the They are dun in color, with:a black A general banking 1)tisiiiess transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, FO1:. Rl.CEN--f Bult.,nade forgencral use, producing, die fell from his p T. P mark salon the backbone. There are few , the cure of Disease, i wrists.-�•ashington Post. harness rings this fall and has had very g o (Treat 1Britain anti Europe bought anti sold, Letters of credit ilssuecl, available inall parts (4irrent of 1♦:lt ciricity for cuffs On his w that ettn be reatdih- felt anti rcgula.tcil both in little work lander saddle, but many good Foads in Norway, and these poni,.,s of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers Sale Notes collected, and advances made on saltie qquantity and pwwer,.and tvpplied to any part of must climb mountains, pass around the at lowest rates. '� U S . the body. It can be \Yarn at tiny time during The Work He Does. times during the week General Castle- ��orking hours or lcep, u,nd cillpositively cure How much does a newspaper man write man was compelled to mount her and edges - of Precipices and tonnes loads SAVINGS DEPARTM�NTa Rheuniatisin, in a year? An old newspaper worker has ive rivate exhibitions for the benefit along the narrOSvest and most dangerous Deposits of One llollax and upwarrlg received, and interest allowed at hiuhest current --AM) -- . ��• `, Sciatica, g P sat clown and figured it out. He figures paths. Our pony breeders in America rates. Intere.>st added to principal twice each year --at the enol of .]ane azicl December. i General DcbiRity , of horsemen who had never seen her, I.ililtUa�,A, that be writes an average of a 1/columns and also for those who avail themselves would do well to look into the matter of No notice of N� ithtliavral is reclture<1 for the whale or any portion of a deposit. C 0 L D S . tT,pUG-i6.87. - Nervous D,scases every day, e ccept for his Sunday paper, introdncin these animals into the Unit - PA ` D •s to uses, R. S. HAYS, Solicitor- W GE, Agent v r� Ty t 1 wbembe contributes three columns. This of every opportunity to witness the g -' _-____- K Y1 A E arleocele, � L' 'fall•:- 11 Fesn•tl�'etii:ness makes 12 columns in a week, and, alloy`:=- magnificent picture made by this beau- ed States. They are ali>=est equal to _ _.. _ - _.__�__- - _- - gg P . _. -- Inipotenry, - ing for two weeks' vacation, be lias 50 tiful mare with her owner up. She will goats for climbing. THE ONTARIO CHEiIISTS 14 .` = iiiclney Diseases, weeks in a year, in which time be turns now be permanently retired from the Make your land produce bigger crops, it Ltu»e ITael., C Ali ARIA BANK OF COMMERCE E SCE t; l Urinary Diseases out 840,000 words. `An ordinary book of show ring, as General Castleman con- keep a better class of farm animals and T short stories contains about 40,000 words, �, >> iI3�'�I1SA I UI+ I:lcrtric-sty pro]tcrly PPlicd is fast taking ttr siders her graduated out, and there- treat them well, learn economical meth- ESTABLISHED 1$67. 9.Place of drags. for aill \eta: osis. ltheu,ruitic, lad- I therefore his year's labor is equivalent to fore the.request for a final exhibition ods of doing things, and you will pros - SPRUCE & TAR, neyand Urinal Troubles, and will ctl•ec•t c1tt•re ' NO books. At this rate of comparison the HEAD OfFiCE, TORONTO. in ,cetltillg]y itoltcletis cases whcre every other feat of Marion CraSvfora in publishing was not to be denied. per and be happy in spite of being a t; known niUns tar., f (fled. - • � �-�-iah tn-catk ar iii:=cased otr;,an alas two books per an does not striate the This magnificent mare never conduct- farmer, Am. ]ung - • , sus l,o roused to healthy urtii-ity ucwspaper_men as an incredibly bard task, ed herselfiu more seemly manner than The good stockman always takes the CAPITAL (PAID- UP) SIX MILLiOt11' DOLLARS = �OQOOO;,OOf3 by tits, it c REST $ 1 200 OO q ieciall recon1gieAL1ed for the before; it is too ]a((. recommend oven allowing for the extra amount of when bidding farewell to the arena. It best care of his 'corn fodder and has r - ' � itis e 1 y ' , r Buses iible,to Lvadiug » iedical nlen l,�e and is t thought involved 'in story writing. Mr. is a great pity to lose her from the show winter shelter for his stock wherever '1IASA(�I:�' Me ie t>f tll.ose S; ht are l- the (7 ti en Iiclt in their practice. o L. E. �fiALKER, GEjEIIAL11 - OLit ILLL'STi3 A'1'T•;I) CATALOCtC>C IIowells considers a thousand Syords a ring. She was at once the center of at- they need it. ,; good dsy's work. Thomas Janvier is sat- traction and was examined • with the P,,obert J, the great pacer was born SEAFORTH B.RAPI'CH. ;? BR'O;NCHITIS conttin5 ful]astinfot4tnation rc tirdinl the cure isQed with 400 words, or a little over a tud nee. uu; disc rise,, p, tcc<, realest interest and satisfaction by the knee sprang. It does not interfere wit1�` A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Votes discounted, Drafts LARYNGITIS - ctfacittt, Chronic • -- holy to girder, etc., inttilccl (seat]ed) FREE tv quarter of a column. -Indianapolis Sen- $ his getting there, however. - issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal. cities in any ucidrttss. tincl. R� - large company of horsemen present. HOARSENESS ; ` C9 CU. . the United Statex, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, Sc. 11 - I The teen Electric Belt & Appllan ' Me$illop Directory for 1893• SAVINGS DANK D'EPARTMENTr, And Loss of VOICE. 49 KfING Si. W., TORONTO, ONT, I JOHN BENNEWIEB, Reeve, Dublin P. O. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest SALE B 1 I � 201 to 211 State St., Cliicago, Ill. - A uenaine care JAMES EVAN, Deputy Reeve, Beechwood. � UIc t' t added 1 'th ' 1'(1I. T f ing thu Tobacco 1, woru,s ui :f r.i=1+�3 i allowed, 'IIltegeSt & [o r, e 1)r1IlClp«.l at the end of ay aiid NOven:- I ,MEN O0N Tikes i'_±VEILo PRICE`S Habit, sttt►'tho DAA`dIELMANLEY,Counerller,Beochwood. i fro--ichilarenorad:iits, cra a-1nIF and WM, McGAVIN, Councillor, Leddbury. ber in each year. ■ , hankering_• Tab'.,•t WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbury. use DR, S M t T H' S Special attention given. en to the collection Oi `C,Onlniercial Paper and Far V r S. R0 BERT -SI TpgpC-CU��' form for vest packet JOHN C.'MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. CEI�MAN WORM 11 , Place in the World for Young Ken I Thousands of euros Winthrop. unci 1Vamen to Secure n Business SOLOMON J. SHANNON. Treasurer, Alwa s ZileTS' Sales Notes. T �G1ST LOZENGES. - y - DRt C , Edneation, Shorthand, Etc:, is the ; Guaranteed, sl.eio a box. All druggists. . WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. ,rom t reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no j Detroit Business University, De- CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafortb: )rompt, I �l. � + I � �$Il$ eL 6,ledftroit,hticii. IilustratedCatalogue i RICHARD POLLARD, sanitary Insp, etc ,Lead• ,i:er medicine. I`e.er failing_ Lra:e no bad afte[ �'' . HOL'-�IEtiSTED, 50liCItOx, . it Detroit. Sold h .LLmeden & Wilson, Druggifit, sealcrth. - r aln Street, SeafOrthFree. Refcrencrs: A y but :fi . t-,• ir, lw0r tis �r3tS n^=r �iO3C e ' �1.F,JEWELL,President. P'.R,�YEtiCER,Secretary. f Y• . ' . - d 1 v . ! . . ,. + - • , - F _ J _ t jj ' 1 - I 4'. _ v , - I - -,,. _ ._. _ . �. . _____ _ -..�-... I11 - -. - _z .___..- - _. ... r , - - - " - i VLL FOP. SERVICE. -The undersigned bas for service on Lot 30, Concession 10, McKillop: a thoroughbred Durham bull, registered in Dominion Short Horn Herd Book. Terms, $1.25 ; payable on January 18t, 1895. JOHN CUTHILL, Winthrop. 1405x12 OHN BEATTIE, 019rk ^f the Second Division Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to Loan. Office -Over Sharp & Livena'store, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 4_- (TOCK FOR SALE. -The undersigned will sell ten head of thoroughbred Durham cattle, cows or 4heifers, a herd of 22 to choose frun., also eight young hulls_ All these are registered and will be sold cheap. r; Time given it required DAVID HILL, Lot 27, Con- ' '' cession 8, Hibbert, Staffa P. 0. 1406.26 ,I I L LLS FOR SALE. -The undersigned has on lot B 13, c3ncession 4, H. R. S., athoroughbred Dur - hall, bull 17 months old red color and an excellent sickening, its mineralogy so brilliant, its 11 " ' clearing sale as. the stock must be sold. splendors so uplifting, its architecture is ,� �, close to it. This care should be taken to prevent their b ' cid, so grand, so educational, SO mlllGlpo- , rt is 1n05t C011vell- snfferillg froze the inclemency of 1118 Those owing the firm will please call and settle their aecaunts at as tent that India will not he fully compre- C lout for every- weather. In dividing them up it should early a (late as possible, as we: must have them in by the middle of Deceiiilier• I bended until science has made its last ex- r v•i . thing and every- be seen to that the cross ones are . . periment, and exploration has ended its ), b'' body except vis- placed where they will not be able to T q last. journey, and the library of the world's "' ' itors and gossips. damage the weaker ones. How often �.1�t1D literature has closed its lase door, and ,` ' The baro should have we seen a good tempered mare ' Christianity has made its last achieve- ;� i' . have lent of p pelting ]1tAIIdT STREETSEAFORTH, went trod the clock of time has struck its plenty outside the shed in the satin last hour. ` lots and yards rain, while the "bosses" luxuriate in _ - "Iff"? b ,� , I, * fenced off around _ the dry comfort inside. When the - - __-. - -- HOLBORN'S HISTr-W. . ,.In,I .r it to put various mares are parted out, as the shepherds ag 3b 4QFr• animals and say, judiciously, the weaker ones hurl - A London Thoroughfare Tint 'Jllm Gone � C flocks' and herds dle together in comfortable warmth,F - yyym TTITITT . Through Many Chang 1. !n, ®�?BV� WAY ,Zi -into. The floor OXFO� �r COD It is High Holborn,,beyond be Gray's 10 while the bad tempered ones, confined g c ought never to be together, soon tomo to an understanding andFURNA(r,'1Ea` .1 inn gate, a thoroughfare, of handsome • 10Fr -, �OFr ,, e , of wood, but of and become content to live in peace C®AL anru,al. He was aired byIrmported "Prime Miniatet"; width that ]leans people lacy rC]nelnbCr as O „ • I r Q b r o k e n StOne • k ani a six months old butt, red color and from Prima almost choked by a row of houses, tumble The prosperity of the farm is bound , , FQR ALL $tZE'.;P OF BUILDINGS.. eight inches u in the care of Mlle brood mares -No I blinister, WILLIAM CAH OCHAN, Egnioadville. ° down but picturesque, with a nice shady �, P 1408 -ti The Huron Expositor, passage of old book stalls and odd and deep, with here matter how good the stallion may be or Capacity f roan 10,000 to 80,00 (ju' is 'Teel end shops for the happy lounger. Mid- ,' �:, and there a 3 how well bred the mares, if they are not t'LLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. - For Bale two SEAPORTH, ONT. dle row was pulled down in 1868, an im- inch tile drain taken good care of success will not at- `6CYCLON111 STEEL "DIATOR" . Ethoroughbred Durham bol a one year old, one _ portant event in Holborn's life history thoroughbred two year old with re¢ratered pedigrees, �,; running througjl tend their owner's efforts. �Q�j� ������� � both roans ; also a lot of young Poland China boars MCLE.A.N BROS., _ Publishers only surpassed by the opening of the Hol- a; ;! it to the outside. Having located the mares for the about four months old and a Poland China boar for born viaduct in great state by the queen , c On top of the winter, - HEAVY ORATE 8 aerviee. Inspection invited. Apply on Lot 30, con- in the following year. A few more dates _9' the studmto t should then adapted e8f'tPlateFireBo ig -- c•esRion 5, L'aborne, or address Lumley P. O. THOS. ADVERTISING RATE'S. on the backwy rd track of time finny give �'� r stone six inches tori; 1115 attention t0 the Colts. The Heavy Radlat :tear€ which Dts>a t rCDSIORE. 1404-tf ! - ►i of yellow cls h governs the se ar,ri R$tii,itor, which iiesab Contract advertisements, matter changeable at us a just Idea -of the ancient fame of Hol- y y same principle whit g P- quicker and are moredurablel ARM FOR SALE. -For sale, weathaltlotll,eon• wile• born. In 1341 indeed there had been a should be wetted eration of the mares should govern also [�Af3[ATt3RofZ�+�dernastrlgcs F cession 18, Gre , containinz t 0 acres, all cleared PSR Tercet , and tam ed iII. tion and H PI I3eatJiig Pt}Sleir Y 1 Year 6 mos. 3 moa. great reparation of the road; which before � •. P the grouping of the youngsters. The and in a good state of cultivation, There res trams 11 to 21 inches, inclusive $4 60 $2 b0 $1 66 had often been but a quagmire. `Then i t . i' This cls will be i``4GH yarn and log house and hood orchard. Plenty of �� „ C.. y weanlings should be boxed by pairs .cater. It is conveniently situated for markets, 6 to 10 6 00 2 76 1 e was widened in 1374, repaited' in 1431- 'e Come as hard as In every stud there are at this time of s+•tools, &c. It will be sold chea . Ap ly on the 3 to 6 " 6 60 300 1 76 COALFURNACE P > to 2 600 3 26 186 a few stones may have been put down be- �,� a brick in time. the year always a few foals which have premises or to Walton P. 0. ARCHIBAL DUNCAN. ' tween whiles -and as old Stow saitli it 'I i, SON, Walton. 1411x8 If the advertiser elects to ehanze not oftener than ' �, :bl No rats burrow not thriven during the grass season, and Large ls'f>stElbusl`iofi Chamber once per month, a reduction of 20 per cent. will be was first paved in 1417, when people were Into it. It Only these should be first picked Out aired Long Fire Travet,enoirolingr tc�lUMw �SECUTORS' NOTICE. -Notice is hereby given made on the above quoted prices. lavish with the gold they had acquired in � � P Large iieatia Surface ` _IE:! that all parties having claims against the estate Yates for special position can be obtained on appli• the French n ars. But there are snore an- ; I ,l Z needs to be re- off and given Warm Stalls. Then the Large B=ees Door of the late Henry Prang• in his life time, of the town- cation at this office. aired b having Sectional Firs Pot rh'i of Bay,in the County of Horan, who died on or Business or rofessional cards not exceeding three tient billao pro reparationo Vieorum de rt i; `v P y �' Ot11er8 should be matched as well as POS- Rotating Bar DurriPlnr Gnat! about the h of September, 1893, must forward the quarters of an inch, $4 to $5 per year. S Alegate et Holborne in 1388 and 1353. ; Ofi' _ SOFT a little more Clay sible and boxed two and two. DEEP ASH PIT same, he 4t attested, by registered latter, post Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, etc., not A little farther on we came to Kingsgate GROUND PLAN OF CAT- pounded into it It is -well enough to have two Stalls OXFORD WOOD FURNACi 4 paid, to the undersigned at Zurich Poet Office, on or exceeding one inch, one month $1, each subsequent street notable as the residence of the j _ - refers .the fifteenth day of January, 1X:96, as the month b0e. , TLE BARN. every year OT open into one paddock, and if the /'+ affairs of the said estate will then be wound up, and Advertisements of Farms and Real Estate for sale, world famous Sairey Gamp. Thorn is still two. Colonel Harris' barn cost 1, 100. ff g g Fu Guaranteed tv$ aCit 1i �Qd Nor•,.. after which no claims will be reeogni�ed. JOHN not exceeding 1} inches, oce mouth $1.50, each sub- a barber's shop in the street with a striped stets a„ree let four run t0 ether C nrinCapad ' pATA(pQ{fE aataTfi:s1 fti6tDitlltL Qg.- tfitANG, Executor. s will, December 19th, 1894. aequeut month 76c. ole, the whilom ensign perhaps of Paul It will be seen from the ground plan, as the day There is less danger in letting 1410-4 Advertisements on local page, ten cents per Itrte P shown above, that there is only one pas- a large number of colts run loose to- •-«Manufactured by- . each insertion, with a discount of 26 per cant. to Sweedlepipes, and the general features of sa ewe that in the middle. Colonel The OU'R 1EY FOUNDRY OOMPANY Ltd., TORONTO- partiesto funds to loan atlOwest parties who also have regular contract space. the place have not changed much since Mr. g y- gether thaw iS experienced with brood 300 Prl a Local advertisements under township or village pecksniff's visit -how many years ago: Harris says that this is the most con- mares, but if only to protect againstLLL 500 rates of interest in sums to suit heading, 6c per line each insertion. y broken bones and blemishes too many Transient advertisements, ten cents per line for As an antiquity the street is also notices lenient and economical way. His cattle ` % M VVVV , VW . $ t"""w I 00 borrowers. Loans can be com- first insertion, three cents per line each subsequent ble, as here was actually the king's gate, head outward, or toward the wall, in-. should not be run together. When it insertion, nonpareil measure: b which ho en tared his private road as to _ -_- __ . - -' X1,000 plated and money advanced Advertisements without specific directions will be y stead of inward to ill© center. There is comes to feeding time, it will be found - _. inserted till forbid, and charged aceordin 1 which we may quote a deposition of 1684. a driveway in the center• through the still more desirable to have them in X1,500 within two days. Apply to R. accordingly.� y o r HAYS Barrister, &c. Seaforth, Births, Isurriagea and Deaths inserted gratia. Andrew Lawrence, surveyor of his znajcs- whole length. and another crossways. pairs. If there are not sufficient boxes .,,500 S. , , r Tam ExrosiToR goes into 4,300 homes every week. ty's highways, says that "his majesty and ,b r 125 which means, on a conservative estimate, that it has The cows tails are toward the Center to accommodate all the colts, the most 20,000 readers ever} week. It is the beet advertising his predecessors time out of mend have FURNITURE medium in Western +i„tario. bad a private way on race back side of He driveway. Each animal enters through rugged incl hardy should be chosen to EST STOC};. _ bourne rind Gray's Inn, and so through the broad driveway and hoes directly to winter in the shed. It will net do,to 1+'insbury fields to gingsland," and as rho her ovF'n stall. A baud cart passes from dick them out haphazard or on account �v' - 1. -.STRAY EWE and LAMB. -Came into the premi- ' Stuart kings used to drive that way to stall to stall, conveying the feed to each of age or anything ease -to say, for in - he undersigned, Lot 1, Concession 2, , _ _� e �Tj u Bos oft K �/ -�� j ][ '_ .` kersrnth, in July last, a ewe and lamb., The � ® I Thcobald s read, which a bit of talo Scay before the cattle are let in. The middle stance, the 3 -year-olds aro the oldest; owner can have the same on proving property and has still retained as a London street, s aGe^ or driveway is at least 10 feet ° paying charges. ROBERT STEWART, Rodgervilie. P y' let us keep them in the shed. It will 1409x4 • Doubtless iG Was the old Roman highway, wide.`-. Colonel Harris says he has seen almost always be found there are a few Call and see our stock of Furniture. We cannot tell you here all w6 deserted by the general lino of traffic, g r - into such t than the oth- n v 1n FO cows wall, iter caret v t but deo in and see for yourselves. ---- � -- � '"-- utilized b their majesties. time and again which ,Ielnaucl be have ao , p y he which was thus u y rTRAY STEER.-Stra; ed into the premises oft �- astable and b0 tied u and munCllin }S undersigned, Lots 21 and 22, Concession 7, Hay, For a good iiiany centuries novo Holborn P g ars. A good start made 1n this way 1s about the middle of August, 1 ,red yearling steer. V R has lost its ar}stoeratio savor. In 1657 food in less than 20 minutes, all the an important factor in the successful We Carl Sell better Furniture cheaper than any The owner can have the same on proving property G F Hovel the chronicler of the restoration, work of ing being done b two men. curt paying expenses. JAMES RAGA', Jr_, Hills ��IPAT1 N ' tying g y wintering of horses. -Horseman. ether stall FUrnitiii'E', StC2re ilii t ie eSta tarsen. 1409x4 passing up Holborn, sees Southampton There vas no confusion or noise about _ - -- Li O U s N ESS House in course of destruction and re- the operation. Sugar Cured Hams.: _ S1TRAYED HEIFER. -Strayed irto the premises of �� ��� h��� a marks how "Jupiter breaks great vessels The material used in the construe- In the absence of commercial packers' - the undersigned, Lot 7, Concession Ei, Stanley, I {,� ^�A•i�+^�C and .makes small rine of ;the pieces," but about Novenibeir 1st, a two year old herder, red color ! K 1 , �AL//�V I G, ill retains the name of South- tion of this barn was as follows: Thirty- recipes we give several formulas that j • tivith white spots. The owner can have the Game by the site st two telegraph poles 20 feet long, 32 have been made public by The Country Furniture o all ,Kinds at �• Prices. pro+ ing property and pay ing charges. JOSEPH R EG U LATE TH E LIVER. ampton buildings and has a gateway into FOSTER, Varna P. O. Staple inii. The house was built by telegraph poles 25 feet long, 6;000 feet Gentleman. As thers is more or less ONE PILL AFTER EATI N O Wriotheslr Lord Southampton, Henryoards 16 feet longi 30 000 shingles; variation in the proportion of the ingre- ' INSURES GOOD Di G ESTION . yr p + y g ' g P P Also Undertaking In all its Branches. BOARS FOR SERVICE- PRICE25 caT„E ODDS MED•CO. LTD. VIII's lord chancellor, a great torturer of 400 battens, 3 by ;2 inches, 16 feet long; desats, the taste of the neer must decide Q rortordTo. hI eretics.ho Southampton, row and street g4h, each with 4 lights 10 bq 12; which is the best for him: Residence Of Funeral Director, next to Drs. Scott 1�JLcay's Office mla UPROtiED YORKSHIRE PIGS. -The undersigned in High"`Holborn commemorate a more 4,500 feet of .floorilig; 200 joists, 2 by One Ounce salt to every pound of Goderich street. has for sale a number of Thorougbbred Im- recent lordship, and when, in Mr. John- r proved Yorkshire Pigs, of both sexes. Apply on Lot 8 1nChe5, 16 feet long; 2, 000 feet of meat, an. Ounce saltpeter to 20 pounds BR�A�.C' ®T; �° `34, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tur_ • •4mith, or address ; xenyls time, Evelina came to lodge over a rough boards; 2a"0 pieces, 2 by 4 inches, meat, -5 pounds sugar to 100 pounds 13rucefield P. O. WM. CHAPMAN. 1356 t f Thee Kippen M ' S hosier's shop in Holuorn she was a little 16 feet long; 1, 400 feet of masonry in meat, water to cover. ry bit asbametl to give her fine friends the Main Street, Seaford, Porter's Old Staled 72-MPROVED YORKSHIRE PIG. -The undersigned address of such an unfashionable quarter. underpinning. For 100 pounds mea�f9 pounds salt, _ --- - fil 33w'ill keep for theimprovemeut of stock, on Lot TO THE FROiVT AS USUAL. But our county cousin need not look for Wa ons o throw h the middle drive- 3 ounces saltpeter, 3 pounds molasses - , Concession 8, L. R, S., Tuckersmith, gee an Ito i y" , wa and tgal? e up tale manure, hauling sugar, an ounce bicarbonate soda, 6 �� proud Yorkshire Boar with eret•elass p g lodgings to let In I�olborn just now y . which a limited number of sows will be taken. and a9 time nes on and one statel build- s - I ierma.- $t payable at the time of service with the The Rippen mills are now running at full blast and g y it direct to the fields, so that there is gallons water. Leave In pickle six weeks c privilege of return if necessary. This is one of are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortest notice, ing rises after another our old Holborn no unsightly manure heap sending out and smoke to taste, using fragrant woods. the beat bred i s in the County. THOMAS LANE. F will form the commencement of a grand an unearthly stench and rotting away For 100 pounds meat, 9 pounds Salt, � BADE s C Pg 1853tt and most reasonable terms. In this way you get fare far more im oxen thauits MORKc���✓� flour from your own wheat, and better value for thorough_ -imposing the timbers of the barn. -The cattle 4 ounces saltpeter, 3 pounds brown sug- ancient rival of the Strand. -All the Year lAlIiVORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- the money than in any other way. Good flour Round. come in from three different lots or ar. - aNISNED Ladies have a great tical of trouble in selecting drm signed will keep for service, at the L'ruceffeld guaranteed. fields -at once to avoid confusion. Colo- • Dry Curing. -Mix a pint fine salt goods The variety is great.' The quality is various 1. Cheese Factory,_a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. CHOPPING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. ���� Terms $1 ; payable at What the Jolt Disclosed, eel Harris holds that there should be with a pint coffee sugar and rub every _..-,- and a merit claimed is sometimes more Than the pox- .srtti registered pedigree., __ )d(yj WtJ1C}i TF(E 6 time of service with privilege of returning if neees- of the seam Betio of life showed no hinges on barn doors. Only rollers part of hams for three days. As moss- grade When ladies are desirous of should ask to the finest eery. . HGGH IsIcCARTNEY,rucefleld. 1405 tt �� �r S- A bity /tREll✓RAP.FEOr de of Black Dress Goods, they should ask to see Priest- be aid for mood itself one morning last reek on a train of the best quality should be used. Fi- tore oozes from meat lay in pans and l� s dress fabrics. These, as is well known, are the rr plus IGS 1 PIGS :-The undersigned has at itis proms- The highest price in cash will P going down into Virginia. The car was nally he does not believe in the old fash- dip over meat as you rub on the salt u&rases, lot 6,concession 6,Hutlett,several thorough- ogs, or they will be cut to order. crowded. Just across the aisle were a bride have of durability, beauty dress delicacy s of texture. They ` ,' gg Toned huge dark barn, in which all the and sugar. In three or four weeks �,� long been the favorite dress goods p�T�s�1�� � of well dressed bred Berkshire sows and hogs for sale at i:easen 11-0 - and groom going over to see.Alexandria, BLACK P prices,also a'.rtterof thoroughbredTantworthsready animals on the farm are housed. "Let smoke, rub a little black pepper on sur- Englishwomen. The Americans refer thein to iowean. He also has a thoroughbred Berkshire and L���BE�i_ but destined for the next few clays to see put in cloth bags and Svhitewarih. obtain them from a weal). thoroughbred Tamworth boar for service -terms tJl All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. nothing but each other. Behind them us have rather two or more smaller face, p g French goods. Canadian ladies can DRESS tt buildings, all above ground, on light Hampshire Bacon. -In a shallow, reliable dealers. Ladies should always p ask- fst I'3zest` payable at the time of service the privilege of J Ot i N MGN EVI N, were two giggling schoolgirls, and in front g returning it necessary, ..a•=a if, booked. F. Il. 2 n once P.O.1403x7tt of them sat a well dressed young woman foundations, with light timbers, little wide tub put brine strong enough -to lay's Dress Goods. MATERIALS, SCHOALES, Co st � ' the balloon style of construe- float an egg. To each peck of salt add 2 -. _. 1357-t f Proprietor. and her little girl, a beautiful Intl© eves- framing, y , OAR FOR SERVICE. -On Lot 26, Concession 5, ture of 6 or 6. The seat in front of me - tion - permitting the use of much ordi- ounces refined saltpeter and 1 to 2 McKillop, the thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, , gaunt, nary labor." He would have doors ell ounds brown sn ar or cod molasses {� See that the Dods Sou buy are stanlpecl every five yards with Priestley's name - Election," No. 2978, - farrowed June 22nd, held two men. One was a tall aunt p g g g 1593, tired by J- G. Spelt ec Brother, Edmonton, FOR MEN A1'vD_ j%�%OMEN. tired looking Georgian, with a indeflifable every side and plenty of windows. The After being six weeks in the pickle take I!'o others are of their nianufaeture."19 J Ontario; 2nd owner, Wm. McAI'ister, Varna, Ontario air of authority about him. His compan- buildings should be far enough apart out meat and smoke it, or when dry sire, London Champion (16E4), dam Lelaa (2792), by - ion, also a southerner, was much tanned, I ire. L nd snip., (-1pio ;Painted Lady, imp., (1641), to prevent the danger of fire communi- rub with wheat Sour, wrap in new5pa- .t by Paragon (424); •Lady Dosia'(955),-by. Eguinox THE and a ragged bears bid the lower •part of eating from one to another. per and put in dry place. DOMINION. " (47o) ; Lady Mallory 2nd (4611), by Royal Teck tads ; bis fano. Hts soft felt hat was pulled +� -:- BANK. I Tregennaby Tiro WhifHer; Lady Mallory by Baron OPV +i N down over his eyes, and his bands were Live Stock Points. . 14, .-, Southrope , Lady Shilton by Ding of Lansford ; hidden by a long bundle, done up in new6- (saddle blare Emily at St. Louis. heat+ty. Terma--$1, payable at the time of service, + - papers, which lay across his la When one cause J weak hogs is said to be� ;nett the privilege of returntn•, if neceBsary.l JAMES P At the conclusion of the adjudication that swine are bred too young. s CAPITAL, (PAID U P) - " � � SI,SOD4E 60• I ` J)ORRANGE• ELECTRIC the train stopped at Alexandria, the oriels of the sweepstakes competition G' neral � , and room, the schoolgirls and the mother Norwegian ponies are not yet much REST, - - - S19500"000. g John B. Castleman, Louisville, was re- g and child rose to leave the car. As tato questedbyex-GovernorFrancisandother knawu in this country, but they are t� % �EL� little one passed the two southerners a Vit. Louis Fair association thoroughly appreciated by travelers in SEAFO�1H BRANCH. The Best Remedy • sudden jar of the train threw her down. directors of thew _ _ _ _ ' Norway. The are smalls but the most ����,����• [Trade \lark] DR. A. O+t�r-x- �, The man in the slouch hat leaned Forward to exhibit the Columbian champion iltaro hard and sure footed of their kind; MAIN STREET, r tad Pracf loci Flectrie Suddenly, as if to help her r sd.; The bun- Emily under saddle in the arena. She y . The only Scicntili t la There were hand- had been prepared for a show in the They are dun in color, with:a black A general banking 1)tisiiiess transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, FO1:. Rl.CEN--f Bult.,nade forgencral use, producing, die fell from his p T. P mark salon the backbone. There are few , the cure of Disease, i wrists.-�•ashington Post. harness rings this fall and has had very g o (Treat 1Britain anti Europe bought anti sold, Letters of credit ilssuecl, available inall parts (4irrent of 1♦:lt ciricity for cuffs On his w that ettn be reatdih- felt anti rcgula.tcil both in little work lander saddle, but many good Foads in Norway, and these poni,.,s of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers Sale Notes collected, and advances made on saltie qquantity and pwwer,.and tvpplied to any part of must climb mountains, pass around the at lowest rates. '� U S . the body. It can be \Yarn at tiny time during The Work He Does. times during the week General Castle- ��orking hours or lcep, u,nd cillpositively cure How much does a newspaper man write man was compelled to mount her and edges - of Precipices and tonnes loads SAVINGS DEPARTM�NTa Rheuniatisin, in a year? An old newspaper worker has ive rivate exhibitions for the benefit along the narrOSvest and most dangerous Deposits of One llollax and upwarrlg received, and interest allowed at hiuhest current --AM) -- . ��• `, Sciatica, g P sat clown and figured it out. He figures paths. Our pony breeders in America rates. Intere.>st added to principal twice each year --at the enol of .]ane azicl December. i General DcbiRity , of horsemen who had never seen her, I.ililtUa�,A, that be writes an average of a 1/columns and also for those who avail themselves would do well to look into the matter of No notice of N� ithtliavral is reclture<1 for the whale or any portion of a deposit. C 0 L D S . tT,pUG-i6.87. - Nervous D,scases every day, e ccept for his Sunday paper, introdncin these animals into the Unit - PA ` D •s to uses, R. S. HAYS, Solicitor- W GE, Agent v r� Ty t 1 wbembe contributes three columns. This of every opportunity to witness the g -' _-____- K Y1 A E arleocele, � L' 'fall•:- 11 Fesn•tl�'etii:ness makes 12 columns in a week, and, alloy`:=- magnificent picture made by this beau- ed States. They are ali>=est equal to _ _.. _ - _.__�__- - _- - gg P . _. -- Inipotenry, - ing for two weeks' vacation, be lias 50 tiful mare with her owner up. She will goats for climbing. THE ONTARIO CHEiIISTS 14 .` = iiiclney Diseases, weeks in a year, in which time be turns now be permanently retired from the Make your land produce bigger crops, it Ltu»e ITael., C Ali ARIA BANK OF COMMERCE E SCE t; l Urinary Diseases out 840,000 words. `An ordinary book of show ring, as General Castleman con- keep a better class of farm animals and T short stories contains about 40,000 words, �, >> iI3�'�I1SA I UI+ I:lcrtric-sty pro]tcrly PPlicd is fast taking ttr siders her graduated out, and there- treat them well, learn economical meth- ESTABLISHED 1$67. 9.Place of drags. for aill \eta: osis. ltheu,ruitic, lad- I therefore his year's labor is equivalent to fore the.request for a final exhibition ods of doing things, and you will pros - SPRUCE & TAR, neyand Urinal Troubles, and will ctl•ec•t c1tt•re ' NO books. At this rate of comparison the HEAD OfFiCE, TORONTO. in ,cetltillg]y itoltcletis cases whcre every other feat of Marion CraSvfora in publishing was not to be denied. per and be happy in spite of being a t; known niUns tar., f (fled. - • � �-�-iah tn-catk ar iii:=cased otr;,an alas two books per an does not striate the This magnificent mare never conduct- farmer, Am. ]ung - • , sus l,o roused to healthy urtii-ity ucwspaper_men as an incredibly bard task, ed herselfiu more seemly manner than The good stockman always takes the CAPITAL (PAID- UP) SIX MILLiOt11' DOLLARS = �OQOOO;,OOf3 by tits, it c REST $ 1 200 OO q ieciall recon1gieAL1ed for the before; it is too ]a((. recommend oven allowing for the extra amount of when bidding farewell to the arena. It best care of his 'corn fodder and has r - ' � itis e 1 y ' , r Buses iible,to Lvadiug » iedical nlen l,�e and is t thought involved 'in story writing. Mr. is a great pity to lose her from the show winter shelter for his stock wherever '1IASA(�I:�' Me ie t>f tll.ose S; ht are l- the (7 ti en Iiclt in their practice. o L. E. �fiALKER, GEjEIIAL11 - OLit ILLL'STi3 A'1'T•;I) CATALOCtC>C IIowells considers a thousand Syords a ring. She was at once the center of at- they need it. ,; good dsy's work. Thomas Janvier is sat- traction and was examined • with the P,,obert J, the great pacer was born SEAFORTH B.RAPI'CH. ;? BR'O;NCHITIS conttin5 ful]astinfot4tnation rc tirdinl the cure isQed with 400 words, or a little over a tud nee. uu; disc rise,, p, tcc<, realest interest and satisfaction by the knee sprang. It does not interfere wit1�` A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Votes discounted, Drafts LARYNGITIS - ctfacittt, Chronic • -- holy to girder, etc., inttilccl (seat]ed) FREE tv quarter of a column. -Indianapolis Sen- $ his getting there, however. - issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal. cities in any ucidrttss. tincl. R� - large company of horsemen present. HOARSENESS ; ` C9 CU. . the United Statex, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, Sc. 11 - I The teen Electric Belt & Appllan ' Me$illop Directory for 1893• SAVINGS DANK D'EPARTMENTr, And Loss of VOICE. 49 KfING Si. W., TORONTO, ONT, I JOHN BENNEWIEB, Reeve, Dublin P. O. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest SALE B 1 I � 201 to 211 State St., Cliicago, Ill. - A uenaine care JAMES EVAN, Deputy Reeve, Beechwood. � UIc t' t added 1 'th ' 1'(1I. T f ing thu Tobacco 1, woru,s ui :f r.i=1+�3 i allowed, 'IIltegeSt & [o r, e 1)r1IlClp«.l at the end of ay aiid NOven:- I ,MEN O0N Tikes i'_±VEILo PRICE`S Habit, sttt►'tho DAA`dIELMANLEY,Counerller,Beochwood. i fro--ichilarenorad:iits, cra a-1nIF and WM, McGAVIN, Councillor, Leddbury. ber in each year. ■ , hankering_• Tab'.,•t WILLIAM ABCHIBALD, Councillor, Leadbury. use DR, S M t T H' S Special attention given. en to the collection Oi `C,Onlniercial Paper and Far V r S. R0 BERT -SI TpgpC-CU��' form for vest packet JOHN C.'MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop. CEI�MAN WORM 11 , Place in the World for Young Ken I Thousands of euros Winthrop. unci 1Vamen to Secure n Business SOLOMON J. SHANNON. Treasurer, Alwa s ZileTS' Sales Notes. T �G1ST LOZENGES. - y - DRt C , Edneation, Shorthand, Etc:, is the ; Guaranteed, sl.eio a box. All druggists. . WM. EVANS, Assessor, Beechwood. ,rom t reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no j Detroit Business University, De- CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seafortb: )rompt, I �l. � + I � �$Il$ eL 6,ledftroit,hticii. IilustratedCatalogue i RICHARD POLLARD, sanitary Insp, etc ,Lead• ,i:er medicine. I`e.er failing_ Lra:e no bad afte[ �'' . HOL'-�IEtiSTED, 50liCItOx, . it Detroit. Sold h .LLmeden & Wilson, Druggifit, sealcrth. - r aln Street, SeafOrthFree. Refcrencrs: A y but :fi . t-,• ir, lw0r tis �r3tS n^=r �iO3C e ' �1.F,JEWELL,President. P'.R,�YEtiCER,Secretary. f Y• . ' . - d 1 v . ! . . ,. + - • , - F _ J _ t jj ' 1 - I 4'. _ v , - I - -,,. _ ._. _ . �. . _____ _ -..�-... I11 - -. - _z .___..- - _. ... r , - - - " - i