HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-12-14, Page 8----------
o. mg, �, "InI, � - " MI,
-the enii�auuual election of oflicers
lowin societies here: 0dilfellows, Work be*
6gidnremmit our readers of the Anniversary office D ECEMBER....`_'
now than it has
er - for tie ensuin
Y. hom. will regret the absence of his genial the hoive business is bett n men, "an4dian, Order of Foresters, Inde half year. The riA and
-siwmols-in the Presbyterian, chitreh 'ext ommitteesfoirming tlxeF4xecu-
Witson'S Go.sh Grocer been for some -time, and farmer�, will act range -
presence. — Another wedding ceremony pendent Order of Foresters and 0 conveners of
wisely if they prepare. themselves, to meek, Sabbath-&-nA the tea - meeting'*bnday eve-' m* ted the new of-
f eholw -new Wace& the mause parlor ion uesday even- ning, Dr. Jackson of Galt is 'one of' the men. We have four halls in town, so that tive met 6rat, and no ma
Vebae now IrvNWk a fu 7111ne o' iWlaud changed circumstances by producin fic6re and conveners after which tbey were
clarl"as fruits, 4vqrythIng required to make a first. ing,when Mr. William and Miss the 9
28 R& of Hays, of Seaforth, litinched their - bar the very best animAs possible. It does not ablest preachers in Ontario and. -we have-4to there is plenty. of room for more societies. he -full meeting. The f For the remainder of this mon'th
in pVdd-.cg or Christaras cake que t colt that will, at doubt many outside of the congiegation will. Mr. Arthur Mann has left our town and -is duly elected in t oi-
theL blessing cost much more to ge a Is " as they are lowing is the result: President, Miss M.
=talink Sksgar for Iki ; 21 lbs. of an extra bright 6n th -imony, With of these o rtuniti reatly missed by the 'I ki( will be giyen
iosee st%gai for $1. the beat value in town, see it. In e sea of -maty village will six years old, bring $250, than it does to avail themselves tes of , .9 -called -Hunter Vice.President, Mr. John Miller;
Coffee,. we have the be.t. goodd at the of our esteemed pastor. � Our 'dear at $50, a usily engaged 'e. ed. We think some of those so Elder
fitwTeas ana ny pedlar till you soon be as noted as Gretna Greein.—The so- get at scrub t1i6t is- and the for- hearing him.,Men re now li �Idjs are -old -enough to be called goats.— Recording Secretar . Mr. Win.
trya-santpie of our new sasson good& Youivillsave cisl onTuesday evening next willbeginst met e, is visitin Minute Secretary, 199 Aggle
money lure bl buying from s. Rceelved direct ry the Engli ents, Al r. and Mrs. Treasurer, Mr.. William Buchanan� Or- TWENTY-SEVE,11
7.30. Refreshments will be se ed and 'a at the home of her par argains
_14iwastpTims. Du not order from a] can be reared as cheaply as the latter. putting the incandescent electric ghts --- %[I' i Hogjirth;
sh church. -They expect to hay/ Mrs. Ple, of Sault Ste. Mari
leme vry fire eooratod dinner. tea And toilet setff theml. ready one week from - nelx, Sun anist Murray. . Conveners,— M
8=6 ot. the finest and handsomest, goods -ever swal admission fee charged to all but, MASONIC., At the last regular meeting of id ifi his John Ardell. Miss Aggie
1woughttotown, which we are 8011109 At *Very 010" childreu.of the�Sabbath School. ia A-lasonic, Lodge, Seaforth, the fol- Mr. William Pickard has got
The De- Britann Cook out,—Alto. Win. Moir.; Devotiopal,—
em. Toilet and to& sets, best be. eiisuiDg new residenc6 on Ooderich street.
prioes, call and seeth cember meeting of the , Auxiliary of the lowing officers were elected for t Wroxeter. Mr. A. Al-cPherson; Sick and Visiting,— —I -n all kinds of—
be t ft-3ur 4t.60 per a
joods, froux $2 up for a full set for Cash or Women's Foreign Mission Society was held ear : Right Wqyshipful Brother Rev. J. W. Mrs. (Rev.) J. S. Henderson. No 8
df- Remember we sell only ol, W. M. ; R. Brucefteld. Jowi-scs.—Mr. J. E. Skinner, of electric
UO.poun ted, as it was
'the last meeting 0gins, P. M. J. H. Rei School Committee wa appoin Pri c s a
)od goods cheaper than you on Tuesday. This being I I e
trade Add will sell You 9( All kinds ot good reliable I of t W� Ament, .- W. G6o. light fame,.w" in town last week in the in- OOD%�
NIB George deem
he year, the financial report was read, ctLrlett, S. W, CHANGE oy BUM ss � fr terests of his company. He thinks a plant ed unnecessary.
j��E%:kyev','ertctdwhi pr 1895: Duncan, Chap. ; J. 0- Rose Secretary DRY G
ghest market show r ? Heart, who is well and is, orably known
Ice- Can %ad and the followin,� offleers elected for
our goods and see price no trouble to s. ; R. Jackson, S. D. could be Operated to advantage here.
you satiifho- President, Mrs. Shaw; Vice President,Afrs. G.-Yan-Egn-ioud, Trea here, hags purchased the'live v business and BaYfleld.
goods. Allgoods guaranteed to give R. S. Hays, J. D, A. Winters S. S. A. Christmas and New Years' entertainments alues.
acretary, Mrs.Rose; Trew stock from Mr. Ashton, d removed the V
Ferguson; Si surer, imoley has beew on a
1. G. A. th are in preparation by all the churches.—A BniEFs. —Mrs. Wo Suitable for the Holi-
e . 11
C. WILSQN, Seaforth. Miss Gommell. The finances were found to R. Sampson, J,� S. ; G. B. S','Ott stock to his own stable I w 'ere in future ble So- three weeks' visit to Bluevale —Miss' Elle
Bank of Commerce Block be in a satisfactory condition.—Mr. James Slimmon, D. of C. ; George Patterson, T -V' business will be run.- M . Heart will keep meeting of the Wroxeter Branch Bi li on Richards is spending this week at her'broth- day Tr.,.de, viz.*.
ask the UMDY
IS74 Cumming, collector, completed his round of let. tip a first-class establishm nt, and ill, no ciety was held in the English Churc sels.��Aiss C. Briaegle, of God-
last.—Building operations for er'w,�n Brus
doubt, do a good,business Thursday. FUR CAPE S 0, 11 to inahenote,
the town3hip last week. He reports -money - -0— - erich, was the guest of Mrs.Charles Simons, c e to. be as brisk a:s dur
he recital next seaaon promis
very difficult to get'and a large amount of THE AGNES KNOX RECITAL.—T this week.—Messrs. John Pollock, William e belowl but at th
SFX THA -T YOUR 0', P Agnes ing the season ju,st over. A block of 'FUR MUFF
t by Mr. Thomas Hem Fergu to have it L--09
"u Wnox .(Mrs. Charlton Black) elocutionist, stores is to be buil
via taxes still unpaid.—Miss Smith, the 1 ven on Tuesday evening by 'Miss Tuckersmith. son and Robert Erwin arrived home deEITP,
tionist, will givea recital in our church on 'Preparations. are on foot to hold are to from Cleveland last Sitturday.—Mr. James MANTLES,
NoTEs. — her buildings be,
Send your telegram to all points via sited by Mis9 Grace McFaul, soprano so- hill, and several ot these prices 111'ay
Monday evening, January - 14tb, of which assi it grand entertainment in sellool No. 5, on Donaldson is erecting a new barn, and Mr.
I Joist, wits & gratifying success. The weather erected by enterprising citizens.
e i in due thrie. 0- '—mi. SIE[AWLS,
articulars will b give Friday evening, 21st inst.'. A go d William Osmond a new drive shed' enteri-n- ny ov,
4 1
C. A R.- TELEGRAPH. P during the day was unpleasant, but cleared MATmirowiAL.—Wrxeter has lost one of frie d
t gramme is. being propared.—Mr. In. its most estirnaliie young ladies, in the per. Inglis, of Winglian, was callino on n s but on the othvr
up.nicely about dark, and a large audience
win are Manitol
hould go via ORANGE OmcEits.—The fol'lo Archibald lea-ves for Pa on Friday. son -of Miss Prudence Sanderson, daughter here this week.—Mrs. Dr'^ Stewart, of To- DRESS GOODS.,
'Your piircel§ a thered when Mrs. Black stopped on for Aft. con-fident air, enter
the.newly elec4d -officers for Loyal arange had g, He takes charge of a load of horses of Mr. William Sanderson, -Sr., who, was ronto, is the guest of Mrs. -Dr. Stanbilry.—
y, W. M.;- Tyla-t- the stage to render - the openii ahies. Ir
ig number. goMINJOIJ EXPRESS Co. Lodge No. 793:1 Win. Horne James' Arobibald, of Seaforth.—Messrs. 'Remember Friday,December 21,is the 4ate of Welsh, F I ro�a the flrst she 11 took " with the audi-' married on Wednesday last- to Mr. Goo 9b crusher on rge the Presby6crian Christmas Tree and En- 'TABLE COVERS,- r
thew MeDermi(l, D. M.; John S. 'John mce, and every number was warmly receiv-. Murray & Tyndall started their Dane of Hamilton. Mr. Dane, for a number
Fridaylast in Eginobolville. They have a ea a a citizen of this place, is now tray. tertainment. Don't miss it. — Aready valli-eF, nt 10
Chaplain; John F. Welsh, Reo. See,;
S. JACKSON, Agent. Oughton, Fin.. See.; Robt. French, Treas.; ed. f Adjectives are so liberally heaped up comfortable siti and are sure to do good or y r some fast'work is beinLy done by fast c1lasers -Prioeo
in praise of moderately good elocutionists, eller for one of the- lead ing dry goods KAPKINS, of low
J. -houses N
--Lecturer; Thomas Stephens,
Wm. Trot, -1 work. section. bne day last week
IMTELEpRONE 32. 1404 that it is bard to speak of Mrs. Black with- of the-9mbitious city, and pos as he yers in this
Sr. Committeeman, Levi Smith 2nd, T. B. Fi T OF THIS SEASON.—A -very enjoydble = bear- �ohn Scotelimer amd. Charles Donaldson TOWELS7 away
�poaring extravaga;nt, but let it suffice 'does, a happy disposition and
George out a and inva-ri;
Thompson 3rd)'Wm. Brownlee 4th to say that she is in a class above the other evening was spent on the 6th just. at the ing it; sure to succeed. Mr. and Mrs. Dane swed, split and piled one cord of beech in CURTAINS 1. Eddie 5th. The lodge ii in a flourishing *1r. David Rottat, 4th conces- 1 95 minutes, also made a out off % inch to the vilebt decep.d.
elocutionists who have N isited us. Her ten- residence of I carr their new home, in Hamilton. the
Wove- Q. and healthy condition, and under the to
A RUSH: Pickard. & which. sion of Tuckersmith, when the bachelors of besC wishes of a large cirble of f riends. log in 40 seconds.- They want to knoW who 130Y"S SUITS good g 6f "Sunders McGlashan,"
the above officers wil their
guIdance of thatneighborhood. treated a few of
They Can Fit 1,000 was given by special request� was, in itself, can beat it.—F. A. Edwards is our author- to flourish. weapons of -fore-
'doubt, continue -surper. The weather ized agent at Bayfield. Any who wish to OVERCOATS
130y-3 to A nicety with Fall and Winter well worth coming miles to hear, while friends to an oyster
Men and at meeting of Loyal Orange I - -per in the County
At the'regul all that could be ( esired to make it a Zurich. We d,
Shakespeare at Dead Hoss Creek" was was get the best loal pa, liever
I Looige No Surrender No. 1450, the follow- WORKS.—If u con- AND p. ices are the lowest
ensuing equally good. Miss McFaut was, also, very deeRled success. The fore part of the even- ZURICH CRRIAGE should leave their subscription for THn
- I W pair of Usoleigbs it
For Active Business Ing officers were elected for the ng was spent in playin drokinolia, jen- template buyls,g a outt r or a HURON Exposnoit with'him.
-ed and her beautiful voice, .9 o Positively claim th
warmly receiN will be to your advantage to call and see mystock
yey: W. M., Captain E. Dawagn ; I - ., . — A large vairiety of Fancy Articles
kins up, and various other amusements, .0
For Semi -Dress and Evening as usual delighted music lovers, and af ter before investing. , I have the largest stock of nobby
Joh.ri Pinkney ; Chaplain, Williiau Smith), I ired to the dining roorn,: where cutters in the county, made of A I stock and finish- -mas Trade. For School and Play Day - ach selection, judging from the applause, then all re�a Staffa Christ you to belif
Reebroling Secretary, Win. Htniter; Finan they partook of a grand supper pre ailed by ed flist-claw. Prices all in accordance with the STALACTITES. —Quite a number from this All Occasions, All Seasons cial Secretary, John runner; Treasurer, the entire audience seemed to feel that they Vier affw times, Ali are cordially invited to inspect my rip
had listened to a rare musical treat. Miss the worthy hostess of the hc before buying elsewhere. Fan). Hzss, Sr. 1408-3 -vicinity- attended Airs. Page's wedding in s f
Richard Smith -
-AlexauderDavidso; D.C. ble style. 'After satisfying the innerman, a
13,EST GUALITtES r b Exeter last week. Those from the yill
h I D. S. FAUST begs to announce to the pu
Committee,—John Brintnell, Josep I e when
1oble, Ewingplayed the accompaniments in he short time was spent in social convers, , i PRtOES ROCK BOTTOM are a u nal finisheil style. The stage was specially lie V at he has for Christmas the newest and finest were Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton M Edward McFaul
pICKARD & Co. are right. in sight and gooft Charles Walper, Thomas Pinkney, J mes s -
arranged for the occasion and looked ve all started for hotn6' (each on his own way) stock he ever bad. Celluloid In a lot of different Chubb.and her son Fred.—Mr. Paterson, of
Daylight Goods, Sanders. ry well pleased with the evening's enjoyment. pattern@, fancy wirron, fancy glass and china goods,
Altogether it was a most Dakotawasvisiting Mr. Will Brooke last Over
pretty indeed. Albums and toy@ of all kinds, Those who want to See Our Wonderful $1 P&nt$. vor week.—Mr, James Armstrong and his son SEAFORTEL
able entertainment and the Endea present their friends with nice and fashionale Xmas
JUST received a brand n gifts *hculd come and see his display. He also Harry from Varna, called on Mr. T
ew stock of Ameri-
M. PICKARD & CO'S will have something to the good as LeAdbury. C. Del- d
W can and German gold and rolled plate jewelry, suit to ba Or able for Christmas presents At W.R. Counter's Jewel: the reward of their enterprise and efforts. LOGALS. —A pleasant event took place at ardleo the now st3 is of shirt with tle top, MayaIla gaty last week. —Mr. William Rive
Bargain, Clothing, and Dry Gooda Ifouse, Bakiniz Powder. with present of a large tin kneading $8.
De- anusq-
14 9.1 the residence of � Mr. JamEs Wiltsie, on �started a butchering business in Hefisall. He he tried at God6ifeli. on or about J cbeap price
Seaforth. ry store, Seafotth. Isoo6rinan's Baking Powder with a cake pan,
3 inL_ being the occasion of the mar- iqtends movink his family there in the near Sth next.—Mr. Peter Bawden, contradt6i,_ qu
-S-P]kCIAL Bargain lbarns,Ladies'Com- WEDDINa BEi;Ls.—The Rev. D. Guthrie, cember 5th, Flas"bast value ever ahown. All are invittd to cowe For
9, Dressing cases, Odor cases and Jewel boiev riage of big daughter, Miss Maria, to Mr. and see his display, 14001 f -t has completed the mason work of the Pres-
tly q. ure Mr. Crayford has bought. Mr. MO
A much below their value at; Lu;: the gentleman who figures most p�ominen iner Plice:, -
rillorlogn, assortmer arris, of Grey. We wish the young cou-, BRIEFS.—Mr. George Pfaff, Marshalt of '1�ivero`l -old stand and s carrying on the 1�yterian church at Hills Green this week,,,;
inthefollowing matrimonial notice, taken H For 8—extra,
D9.1 & WILSON'S. 24091 erity to the, fullest Cavalier, North Dakota, ii here sluess.
1ph Herald, is well known in plq happiness and prosp, vist W5 A very select dancing par which, reflects- much credit on the con-
ital! ined, oir
MO from the Gue' Wool I
A HOLIDY TREAT.—The Methodist Cboi - r assistant - pastor to extent.—Miss Annie Gray, daughter of Mr, friends and his parents. He looks', h Id at Mr. Ed. Drake's last tractor,. col
Concert in Cardoo's Hall on the 28th ifist. Wait for SoafortliJaving been Win. H_ Gray, of Hibbert,'is on a visit to has is at present stayinLr in -ny ordered cog
Dr.'McDonald during last summer. bearty.—dr. J. Karcher
it and bear Mrs. Caldwell, Toronto's best soprano, Rev.
and George Fox, the Young C�nadiau Yiolinist. Re. All his friends here , unite -in wihing Mr. relatives in this section. --Mr. Hen It Waterloo County on a visit, before he starts A 'tdhell.—Rev. J. H. Rector, the t1ack Harlock. li.-Wited n-uniber Of 1
!T MATTMS. served seats now on sale at Papst's Bwkstor*. Usual and pros- vine,'of St. Marys, was here for I os eiger ure in the Eng- HAri-ENrsG;s,—Mr. James Reid of TOM_ - - - 7- -'
DISTRIC d Mrs. Guthrie a most , happy 4 Y Or for his home at Cavalier,—Mr. Am G * night, is to deliver a lect 1 olless For $8—a d-17essY
admission 25 cents, rese s. 14-.9-1 an "A pretty two on business.—Tbe Revival meetings left last week with a team and carriage for 11 h Church, on the,218t inst. It is nee to,is'home for a few days, visiting underthei�
PRETTIEP. designs than ever in jewelry at pe us journey through life: ich have been in progress at Bethel Pigeon, Michigan.—Mr. Ab. Bean, from t say anything- concerning the ability of ental roof. Judging from apearanook, Vet color, fly front.
wedding took place at the - residence of D. ' wh are Ratho, was the guest of D. S. Faust last r. Hectoe, as h k par air of Lake Ontario must be agreehW.
WEST HuRoNx F_iR_%iEr,,,' INSTITUTE.—The W. R. Counter's, -16'eaforth. 1469-1 Metbodist church for four or five weeks e is' nown to be one of the the For $1 *'—a very
won Do NOT miss the opportunity to get some- Stirton, Esq., Arthur street, bn Tuesday . w Be Sunday.—Georte Schellig has gone to Blyt ffith him. co
regular annual meeting of the West 11 afternoon. The bride was Miss Jennie Stir- dra jug to a close. As a result of the h fipeat, -speakers in Canada. WehopeAliere Mr. W.H.Allenof this 11 Melton, velvet
George *K. will be a crowded house to bear ..this cele- who has been re -modelling hia housep &ft;�-
rtarmers' Institutej -%vill be held at Wingham thing nice for Christmas ab your 'n Grand toti, neice of the postmaster, �ud second services about fifty persons have manifested on insurance usiness.—Rev, and-, an at ,on January 17th, beginning at 10 o'clock suction sale of Fancy Good@, Fridsy bighb, Saturday ing, u-nolhe
a desire to ead better lives. It is truly de- Irie delivered a discourse in the Evangelical bluted speaker. The admission will be building a large kitchen, has his improve.
M. There will be three practical speak- afgtrnoon and vening, in Beattie Bros. Block, Main daughter of the late Joseph Stirton, and lightful, especially at this time, when vice, Church last Sunday forenoon on tbo� customs tireuty-five cents.—Mr. E. Konner wput to i fi t4O4
street, Seafor�e. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. the groom was Rev. Donald Guthrie, B. A., ments fully completed, or d hi house t
mp &ye i folly, deception and crime are so revalent The., chtirch was Stratford last week to work for his brother. up with the most modern improveinOntS, Fur Coats
iers e I d bv the Centr - &I Institute, as- 1409-1 and missions in Japan.
of Wislkerton, third son of Mr. D. Guthrie,
-sisted; J?y local talent. The subjects discus- in our beloved Canada, to see eg a lairge crowded with people, and h- address was — A_ grand Christmas arch is to be held in which now gives him one of the most coin-
DoN.'T fail to see the silver goods at W.R. Q, C. The drawing room, in which the U 14
se,ci will consist of the road question in all Counter's, Seaforth,all new. 1409-1 ceremony took place, was beautifully dec- number in this section displayi'Z a zeal for muchadmired. He peaks English fluently. tl e Methodist church on Chistmas night.- inodious and finest looking residences to be-, Foi, $1-9—Au4ral
iina,ge, where when and hope they will' all grow A good collection Great preparations are beina inade, land a found anywhere. a
its bearings ; dra REmn,4BER tbeauction sale offancygoods oratedwith flowers. The -work wi's done religion. We In He is clever and witty. 0 - -lit y Mr. and Mrs. Alleno verywhere at -bow it should be done ; dairying, dairy cat- and to3 a in Carm:chael's new block. on Monday even- by Mr. W. M. Mann, and reflected great grace and become ornaments in the church was taken up. He went from here to Dash- od time is expected.. and family long live to enjoy its comforts. or, Rev. tle, swine breedi -win& root and ingi 1409-1 and in society.—Our esteemed past -v airfrove, 'F-34—No-
ng gram gro ny wood.—Mr. David Labinon, from F A. ParSODS has also been repairing his'
C�t credit on his skill and taste. In harmo 91
if �Lutivatiug CHRISTMAS PREsE-_,Ts. —These is nothing T. W. Cosens, with that generosity which
corn culture, the best mode c o with.an old Scottish custom, -the bride and Michigan, is here on a visit to b e and I Blue -&le- residence. Harlock has the ri*ht kina 0 Enest ever f hown, fol
the soi, the silo, the care of live stock and more seasonable or suitable for Chrishras and New has always characterized Methodism, has other friends.—Mr. Ab. Lalipion has' to- citiz , ens, they always keep moving7ahes&�
fruit groing. As these are live subjects, Year pres- uts th3n a pair of overshoes, rubbers, Mac- groom stood beneath an immense fl-3ral given the new convertA full right to join AN� TNINTERSARY. —The !'Anniversary Servi-
casine o We have them -borse,shoe while the solemn words were pro- turned from a trip to Fairgrove, Michigan, ucted Mr. T. Neilans, our worthy Post Master,.
dy should tfy to attend. r shoes of Any d"cription. whatever church they may choose. where he visited one of his sick daughters. cqs of the Methodist church were cond a the young people of this district a B OvOrl
everyto very cheap, We Intend to open up our now store an and wife.
10 nounced that rnade them., in, Sabbath last. Rev. Mr. Tornuce preach- gav' OYS
Carmicbsel's Block 6n January 2nd,and want to clear Rev. R. S. M. Glassford, pastor of Cbal- 0 —Rev. J. Strempfer intends to leave for e(.1 in the morning, Rev. Dr. Gifford in the chance to trip the light fantastic the other
HtrRONITE, AcAIN TO TIRE Fito-,-T.—A ont,thie whole stock by thattkgic R WiLLIs,T. Toledo, Ohio next*Monday. We regret to evening. Some of the remarks -heard as the R9 75—Dou]
% Manager. mers 1 7'
corresponelent in Milton, Cavalier county, Coventry'a old stand. . W.'H. Vyi� church, was the officiating clergyman, Cromarty. wish him all 'success in af -ern , oon an-ol Mr. Torratice, again in the were about leaving for their res FA 2
1409-1 ad he was assisted by Rev. W. C.- Clarke, CLIcics.—The annual ineeting of the -Hib- see.him leave, but evening. On Monday evening a ]lot dinner eetivel- Coat, with deep cells
N- orth- Dakota, writes as tollows I see in his new field. The whole family were a homes were: "I really had a grand time
v valLiable paper sometimes accounts of LA-MEIRE opera glasses knid gold riinied B. A., of Brampton, an old college friend of bert branch Bible Society was held in the credit to our village and vicinity. w c. served in the basement. After dinner " Well, there's no use of, talking,- Tom foriner prices SPECta cles to suit all sights at ii. R. Countees sea. The bride was attended bv
YOU the groom. To audience was seated in the body of
Huron boys coniinc, to the front.' There Presbyterian chiirch here on Thursday- the fr. John Mills, near f U For $4,50—a heav
fort.b. her sister, Miss Etta Stirton, and Mr. W. largc� crowd clitirch and was addressed by ReN%D. Perrie good fellow. "—A n
e- vicinity D �
aret-wo old Staulyboys in this . w =is now preipiired to give'tbe best evenina last week. , A Hensall. a e, one of Hullett's iost prosperous far--� 86 line
Patterson, R. A., of McGill College, was sually attends Bible Society ineetings was and Dr. Gifford, of Wingbani, Rev. J. S. PI Coat, regu
wbo have done well and distinguished value in fine China Tea Se�s, Diuner Sets and Cham- the groomsman. The bride was aftired in a 11 aricy Bluevale. Mi. And
prbsqut.—After disposing of the 'usual CLuAnis(_,, out sale of Millinery, F Pi ing and Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of mers, has purchased from r-ew-. For 54.90—'ffeav)
themselves here. I refer to TUr- John ber Sets, also fancy ornanyintal 4and uaeful goods rt brown travelling suit and entered th6 room N, Ribbons, etc., below cost. As I have to make Young, the homestead of the litte Jatae1v,-_
:No trouble to eh1w goods. amoun� of routine business, the Rev. Mr. GO& rnuA be The tea -meeting Was fairly well atteAded, ar, ch
Flack and Mr. George Weir. Mr. Flack prices to suir, the tirnei room jor now goods, my steek of millinery Young, which contains one hundred ares, iutdo dep coll
all and ma�e your selection now. Jae.' on the arin of her brobh&r, James Stirtn. Yenne'r, of � Staffit, was called upon to ad ugb the weather was vry disagree,
alature in the 18th You should 0 cleared out before January lot. Give me a call and all �110 able.
Ws elected to the Legi, laidlaw, Seatorth. 1439-1 - The guests were the immediate friends and for $5,300. There is on the farm now-
ress the meeting., Which he did in a verY be convinced. MISS 31. STURGRON. 1407-4 The Methodist choir- sang at intervals
district. He was formerly Hills Green brick house and three large frame barns..
-elected fof a see- DO'N'T forget the Sunday School Enter- relatives of the contracting parties. At pleasing and aTable manner,at some length: GREAT clearing sale of all kinds of 'Winter thFoxigliout the programnie� BOYS Suit
boy. George Weir was re dno's 11all this Friday evening. Ad- the conclusion of the ceremony the paftv is cheap, as it is considered one of the beat.,�,
ond ferni as a couny commiisioner. They taillment in- Car Afterwards, Rev. Mr. Scott, who -presided, Tf,ot wear for the balance of the year at speclal bar- BRIEFLETS. — The Kickapoo Medicine farms iu H-ullett. Mr. Mills is now owne . r,
_mission 15 cents; children 10 centa. 140911 sat down to a sumptuous dejeuner, and followed wit' kafewwell. chosen renitirks. The gain prices for casib. We have a large and well as- Cdrnpany gave an eDtertainment in the For- Tbis - &PLartll
kave both bosts of friends in ay and Sta�n- HOUSE Tq.REINT.—To rent or for sale the many were the good -svishes vouchsafe 9 sorted stock of boots and oboes to select from. When of 500 acres of as good laud as can be f0unit
ley who will be pleased to hear that. they t Treasurer's report showed the Society to be in L Hensall call in and see that we �pllcbe A. esiers' ball on Tuesday night. In spite of any where, and still some people com�lsis;L goods, sm(l al
large and commodious rupidance on Market Street, Wil- WFSK1,01t, Proprietor. a� 3
Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie for a pleasant and 118 U0 rainy weather quite a crowd was �res-
in a very flourishing condition.—Mr.
are doing credit to their native county in a opposite Broadfoot'sFactory. Apply to Xonx Lyo.,% that there is no money, in farming. 0 prosperous voyage on life's matrimonial liam Barr has gone to learn the art of but- ry Plublic, om- enip.—Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson spont a are wit in tj
I would let you Searort. 1409-1
foreign law D I thoualit, G. J. SUTHr.ILLANLD, Notai
sea. - Many beautiful presents were received e days last,%veek with Air. and Mrs. �Mal- For 1.1.�1.50T%ve
-t, The*ybothlive at Milton, terand cheese making with his brother nilssiorier in High Court of Ju f V
know abot i AucTio,%�- Sale of Fancy Goods Novelties Ire I]
by the bride. At 4.20 -Mr. and Mrs. Guth- George,,wbo is running a factory for Thomas ag ut. All legal documents of Kincardine.—Mi8s M. H. Ball, of Brussels. prices
ng Monday evening 170i in8t-, at e 10"
Caalier county., and toys, commenci tie eft for Niagara Falls. and other points ille T1111. he
7 o'clock, the entire st Ballantyne.—Mes�rs. Leary & Stacey are _,ording to law at ver3 reasonab!e cost.1 , fi o horse fair of the easoal
-oak to be sold. Thoo. Brown, !at th� post Brpsseis, is visiting her many friends in and BRIEFs.—T r t Fift,
-0 at parties residences It preferred. For Auctioneer. a short honeymoon." off' e' around-tbe village.—Aliss 'Annie Ruther- 'was held on Thursday of last week and'
Private sale during the day. Remeni. on ,
SOUTR Ift-itwx FAF.-.NIERI,;'I--'�STITUTI-;.—Mr doing quite a business with their new gi office, Hensall. 14083
ber the place, the new store in Barmichnols block. of with all styles, Aforraer P"
is a grinder no 't
er. Every thresher w -a -days. �11 foild was v-5iting in Wingbam, last week. —
1409-1 MR. JAMES SUTHERLAND, I Post-offiod a decided success. The day was fine
-John Hanmth, who -has occupied the position s� en
LOCAL BRiEFS.—.Aiss Anna McDonald has —Mr, James McDougall, son of John Me- ml�s Henderson, of Whitechurch, t od attendance of people with horses For $125 Th
on-th Huron Farmers' Book -store, is opening tip this mon h the largest a go for*
of Secretary of the S No.VBLTIES in China and Bisque goods at she has bee Dougall, passed peacefully away on Friday stock of Fancy goods wid Christmas re9onts ever Su�day, in the village, the guest of lag
returned from Detroit, where n
Institute -for many years, having resigned, w. R. Counter's Seaforth. 1409-1 sale and seven buyers, who purebased about, 'best ual
ad b tes.
spending the summer.—Mrs. William Me evening last, after long and protracted shown in the place, he N also adding t bil alre y Lu y Coul Miss 'Mary Huggiii,
? Of 05 horses. The prices were riot as good
IYTr. Robert MeMordie of Kippen was ap- DrLL & Spi�A-P.E have just received the C I t ha r been a well ocleotc-d stock of Bibles, Prayer -bo ke and Ilyinn ANTingliam, was vis - R.5 t o $7.
mig 1, e J -r,.
ulloch Dlet with what ill-ness, He was taken ill with measles two iting at Walter some would lke.—James Stewart has sold".
For $3.7 5—!Six�'
latest novelties in Derby and Knot Ties, Fanvy and Books and in stationerv, includiniz hi Ir sehoo
pointed hi his place, and a better selection
very serious accident on Thu�sday evenin hich left dregs in his eonstitu- R Itherfor&s tfii week. his house and lot on Tarriber reet to-,
could not have been made. The Secretary wtite hematitched initialed silk handkerchiefs, Plain 9 years ago, IV pub;l�'school book of all lituds. His took is con.
-in-a of last week. She was passing from the tion, from which he never ralied. -Much plete, the late6t novelties In llphristmr,4. presents- at
and Fancy Silk and Satin Suspenlers, (one pair Alexander MoLauchlin.-,folin IlAti. A. Suits? 7 to 3*1
box). Tnese goods were �gct espeoially for Chrietwas. er sympathy W felt for the family in this their the lowest living prices to suit the times. Remenibtr I
tll��t t-11iring the comilng winter J
- 0 residence of Mr. Alexand Uisborne. M. McKay, William Roddick- alid. W. R For 5.55 ---Fifty
lonv TastitLibe ineetings They are all new and fresh. For further partioulars the Wind At the Fost-Qfflo Store, Hens2ii. 14082
witl be beld, VIZ.
at Brucefield, Exeter, Heiisall and'Zurieh. of ChAistwas goods eau o"Ur large ad next week. she resides, to that of bis son John, next GOOD Timm —The Patrons of Triuph Vanstone �re at Goderich this week as in.-- former prices $6.50
door, when she slipped, falling heavily on OBITUARY.—We have this iveek to chron-
lit The BrIlCefield and Exeter meetings have 140D-1 0 ociation held their annual oyster mipper rors.—N. Large, who for some time resided
the hard ground. Her head was out and she Lakelet. icle the death of Mr. Sole, (father of Mrs, las Friday evening, and although..the in Brussels has left for, Dundalk, where hen 10
])eon arrapged for the 8th and 9th of Janu- "EWARDIx(,, HoRsE 'STFALING,—S�I,aiige rPyqpjyQ erly W. H. Reynolds, of this -village,) which oc- has taken a situation in hia. uncle's tftiUr'. .1
Ury., r,es , pectively. The dat.es for thii &' ner werc ghock, being an aged lady, LOCAL ITEMS. —Mrs. Cook, an eld we her was not favorable, a large number Men"s Shl
slips are sometimes imade in the framing �f' but we are glad to learli that she is gett'119 lady of our idllage, mbile walking across a. carred. on Wednesday. The decoaed- was aviJiled themselves of the opportunity f6,r an shop. The debatee in the Young Menf�--.
two bleetings have.not yet br&6n fixed. There laws as well as mi� �ther niatters which tire around again nicely.—We are sorry to hear over 91 years of age and up to within ;about
room, not knowina� that the cellar door was ter feast, oysters being served from: six Liberal and Conservative Clubs last week.- We offer all Ivill also be the entertainments ufteld* an 'lock until balf-past ei lit, when neArl were asuccess. A debate between the two --
the products of the human intellect. While that Mr.'Peter Dill, of the firm of D a "�ellar and was badly in- a week of his decease was in his usua� zool 0 y
open, fell into the 6 so 0?c iner goods
ash meeting, and the meetings will be ad- -the Coant of Speare is laid tip with typhoid fever. His spirits, for, be _ ofof a qua4tity clubs, in the town hall, is spoken of at aw and no f
L at least tWo Of the college Pro- looking over an old.by-lawU jured, � Her recovery is Very slow.—A wed- health and . ing posses ten gallons of oysters an -a large
dressed by Hut , which ivas passed by the County ny friends will -sympathise with hi the residence of Mr. fine, rugged constitution, he, scarcely knew of ial
on, ma
-1 men. Fullerparticu- ing was ce e ra e a mon we
lessors and other loc, Council in 1874, it was noticed, probably his illnes and w6 hope Fe will have only a what illness meant, and although the oldest
A..Reidt, Lakelet, on Tuesday, last week, _th0i takewby Mr. Holman, who filled in be merican hotel has bad a ne Dore LOT NO. his appearance did �,
lars will be given later on. for the first time, that instead of rewarding light attack and i hat be will be at business *when his daughter M -united in on in our village, hisiusual able manner, and. a lengthy jpro- placed over the front door. that will 6- am it
aggie was pers
-the person who detected the thief and Lcrain,.—Mrs. E. Charlton Black, 'dur- i arriage to Mr. . W. 6�doke,'of Clifford.. not by any means indicate his extreme age. with consisting of improvement during cold weather.—ImC You Vill pmwv��
Z HYMENEAT,.—On Tuesday last an event of - Be- soon. I Mr. and P - HOME CIRCLE O -PEN MFETpiG.—A very me was proceeded $
curing his conviction, the by-law .-actually ing her stay here, was the guest of J nony was performed in the pres- lo" a
The cerein dia ogues, recitations, vocal and instrumen- week, R. Williams of this town, hire this department.
unusua interest to niftnv people ineaforth thief and this by- n —Mr. C. W. Papst has interesting open meeting of tht'- Home Circle tal k Alc'Kay, f
I ormeA3
proposed to reward the Mrs. S. Dicksb ence of a num�6er of friends. After the cere
Imet vicklity took pl%ce �t the Egnionolville 1. a C a usic. To say the least, the dialogues horse and rig to Fran
law has been in oppration in this -county for. leased the South store in Mr. C rmi baeP was held in their lodge rooin on Tuesday cli, 204
i-nony the bride's �plippers were bidden in at an recitations were well given, and the this town, to go to Harriston saying he w
Presbyterian.*Nklanse_ It was the marriage a's Undemea
over twenty years. It was repealed by an new block for the Christmas season and will $l0.--Tv1r. Myles Scott t a n6w crusher evening last, on which occ ion Mr. Patter 0 but the'followmg day
colr�ie songs by Mr.-Dempsy and the oing t ee his wife,
of Mr. Wflli.�ni Irela4d, a *-ell known and_ n t the recent session of run two esCablisbirients. —Mrs. A. MacLean mill On Triday.—Mr. John son, Grand District Orgauizer� was present, the h in his chopping by Messrs. Crawford anaMiller fairly de- a landed in Guelph and- offered
young man of our town, to 14iss
TOP the Council. The preamble of the by-law of Ottawa, is a guest at Mr. M, Y' McConnell, accompanied by his cousin, re- and delivered a, very interesting address ligIlted the audience. The solo sung by Mr. for sale to a liver was suspicious- - Fi
man,, who �fty ceiits 1),Uyf
E'llen Hays, also it poptilar - resident of Sea- bristling throughout with facts. and figures.
reads -as follows: "Whereas by the Act 37 McLean's residence this week.—Mr. John Auk eison was well rendered. Mr. Craw- of his story and felephoiied. for the Chi6f
turned home from Dakota on Saturday. ou r that we f0r)114
r of 'Mr. J aines Hays, of w1f,
forth, and daughte
Victoria, Chapter 48, Section - 396 of the Morrow, of Ingersoll, spent a low days with forA and Miss,Davis were much appreciated Police, who arrested him and sent 'for Mr -
McKillop. After the ceremony had bee John intends remaining at home until as to the stawling of the society, its actions
n Province of Ontario, it is enacted that the friends in Seaforth last week. He was the Mr. J. Hazelwood, of Clifford, and objects and what it had accomplished in t�eir selections. Instrumentals on the Williams. - He pleaded ;Uilty and Was sent, Mr. Shaw, the bridal in off be__*_ 0.ne-fifty for a fi
performed by Rev. I —Rqv. n by Aft. Horton, accompanied by Miss up tostand 10
C uncif of every County sball provide, by guest of Mrs. Hargan, Jarvis Street. s=g-1—yof Lakelet, is very ill. His recov- in the past in. the way bf afford g cheap in-
-ide's o- n fo er his trial,wh h will come
party droLve to the residence of the bi bv-la.w , that a sum ' ot less than twenty Colin Fletcher and Mrs. Fletcher, of Thames leorgina Dulmage surance and benefits, and what it was des Z'Tly on the organ, also a mouth orgi4p sd- fore the Judge this week.—While ghoeing $2.00.
father in A-IcKilllop, where a reception to a ery is doubtful.—Miss G v At the initiation held
d7ollarslia-11 be paid as a reward to any Road, Usborne, were here on Tuesday night of Helmuth College, London, expects to be tined to accomplish. lection by Mr. Daymont,were well ree4ved. hone lasi week Dam Ewan had his leg badl :TWO dollars or 'large concourse of friefids and relatives was person or persons Ity.of stealing any at the Agnes Knox recital. They were Beting quite a The'order throughout was excellent. broken between the knee and ankle.
an exceedinly pleasant time'spen. gui home on the 19th inst. at the close of the open mi i-ebular Q3 horse or mare within the said countv." guests at Ingleside. —The mild and - rainy number of our prominent villagers added
The bride re6eived a very large number of me-Aing was closed by singing " God ave will be laid up for a long time but has so
weather of this week has made bad' roads their names to the already large- Ho 21 All liDeS in this
many Drysdale. me the 4-ueen, when all wenaed their4way cured a good man to run his business fmr:
haaAsGin, e gifts. We join with their I HORSE SHIPMENTS.—A good many seem and brought busin�ss almost to a stand still. Circle list, and were admitted into al its ho in S Mo.
friends in wishing the young couple all hap- DOTS.—Owin rain of last week me leeling delighted with the evening's him.—The Brussels read' � room is now (..iared ut thi
to think that there is no ino*ney in the horse -E4 very person is longing for a change.—Mr. .01 to the mysteries and benefits. It' me�t and sociable time spent to- open to the public and sh I be; well at-
pitiess and prosperity hi their united lives. th roads are t and muody, and it is un entor am
�usiuess. Perhaps it may not pay to raise C. Clarkson, Head Master of the Seforth BRIEFS.—Our villagers at the east end
them at present prices. bf this we are not Collegiate Institke, has been in Clinton this '%d Grey -
pleasant to get around.—Mr. Cyrus Brisson gether. tended.—The supplementary lis" for ths-
are-agitating getting an electric light for Dominion Voters' list for Brusselsa Men's Cai
bad a wood bee a week or so ago ; the re-'
ToRONTO.--The Torouto competent to speak nuthoritatively. But,we week attending the Model School examina- the corner near Carmel Presbyterian church. have been printed at the Herad ffice iw.
11star of. Monday says -.- "On Saturday the olo suit being it nice pile of wood. _Alr. George —Mrs. (Rev.) Hunt and Miss E. Hynd- Exeter.
know that a very large sum of money is tions there.—A barn belonging to Mr. Dan this town and will likely be postedup before, For 75 CeUtSb
Denomy ofCourtwright,has beenvisiting
Me&c'al Health Officer, Dr. Sheard, was no- iel McDonald, in MeKillop, about a mile and mann, of Exeter, were in the village one
annually brought into this Province for ITr,,ms. — Edward Christie, implement long. Caps, all
tifial ta tbere- wits a case of smallpox 111 - friends in this vicinity.—Miss Mary Me- last week, calling on their friends.— - i bas opened up his former warehouse ea
horse flesh. . Mr. Vervaeke, a member.of an -a half north of Seaforth, was burned on Sun of Mi$4 d �,y Gregor, of near Hensall, is the guest c Gilfillin, of near Farquhar, is visiting price frum in the city. Withintwo hours'the pat'c"t English firm of horse . dealers, has been in day night about eight o'clock.- The origin Miss one door north of H. Bishop & Son's hard-
Stevens.—Quite a number froin aroundheri I Kippen.
vas in thesolation hospital, and everything th, over buying of the fire is not known and we have `not at her uncle's, Mr. Andrew Woods'.—We wal aving secured the For, 25 cents—;
is country for a year or r- agency
attended the sale held in Zurich on S4tu' store, he h Scums.—Mr. James Cooper is busy look--
sible wws being (lone to prevent the horses and shipping them to his hi7n in 8 any insur-
learned whether. or not there i understand that the Rev. Aft. Roy has se for �he Cossitt Brothers, Brockville, who Qas, doulbf,, balid
spcewl of the infection. The case. was caurht London, England. This gentleman informs ance.—*.Mr. David Charlesworth, who has day of last week. cured the services of Rev. Mr. Hector, the u&cture the MCormick bindloebine, ing up another car load of horses.' 'Kippem
in grood tbae and -treatment commenced be- us, that since the first of last January, he been a resident of Seaforth for a good many Black. Knight, to give a lecture here in the ma 'good. market for horses.
whi �b is pronounced by competent judges can now boast of w
fore pusviles had developed, and it is hoped Gorrie. near future. Miss Bertha Hodgins has re- chool wilL
has shipped from Seaforth staeAon alone, years, left here yesterday for Mount Forest to' e the finest and most improved binder —St. Andrew's church Sabbath , 8 Ordered OR
there is -very little�daiiger. The victim is and dollars worth of where he has secured a good situation. His- GA�THFNcs.—Mr. Williain James has turned from visiting relatives in London.— chine hold its grand Christmas Tree entertaift-
of Ae nineteenth century. This ma, Di-scount of,
the known Jaines Fax. the conlic amil ill follow him in'' few weeks. Mr. been spending -a feNv- days with his mother Mr. Joseph Norris, who has a good position xhibition at his 4how rooms in' a ment on Wednesday evening, December -
horses. These horses were nearly all put- f y W be on e
singer,who-hashxtelybeen in'tbe infected -oldest and most and sisters in� town. Ae has procured an in the Grand Trunk Railway office in Whit- tore for-.
chased for Mr. Vervaeke. by Messrs. Me- Charlesworth is - one of our few days.—Mr. William Harris, of South- 26th, when a good treat will be in s
distriatn6ar Strathro�y, where he had evidently - and be- so am&on, and Mr. Samuel Harris,, of Pal-, all . —Mra.'-G7e.�rgeThompsou was
Mann & Archibald, of thie town, valued citizens and while regretting his re artificial foot and inten . ds to resume his by) is here at present spending a week or called.:w
0011tvactecl the disease. Dr. �Sheard think s Fur Caps.
sides these, this enterprisincr firvi * fiave put- inoval, we hope be will prosper in his new former occupation, engine driving. ' The with his sisters, Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Harold. meroton, visited their father, Mr. Henry Blytii last week to'wait ion her daughter,
there is little cause for Mr. F
chased and shipped a large' -number on their boine.—The Roxboro Public School intend Wroxeter editor spent a few days canvass- —Mr. T. J. Berry, horse buyer, has rpcent- Harris, Huron street, the beginning of this Fluker, whoas very poorly for so
a large numb but we are pleased to hear that annual entertainment on ing in our village last weel - ly luts many friends awl admirers in this u addition, severa other holdil)cr their W -e congratti er of I iiL this d
In purchased and shipped
own account, and, i week.—Mr. andAirs. William Daw, and (161y
itv who will reuret to learn of his illness buyers have shipped considerable numbers, Thursday eveni- Leighbor on having a horses.—Mrs. Fisher (formerly Miss Jessie now- (Yoods to
ug December 20. Besides late our ambitious D Jennings, of Holinesville, spen� last has bad a tu M' for the better, and is
wil�IbelileaseCtoiilieat-iii,,- of his safe nd
so tha6 we are�s�fe in saying that the value ocal talent, there will be present Miss J. local paper to advertise the place.-�The Thomson) left here last . week to join her Sunilay here visiting relatives. -Mr. George recovering.—There is so much bus out what we ba -v'
speedv recoverv. of the horse shipments - irom Seaforth stam Scott, Mr. George B. Scott. and Dr. Camp- Christian End,eavor (Presbyterian) held a husband in their new home in Pigeon Mich- Cudmore and son, Wilber) spent l"t week i --our village at this season of the year WIA,
riends of Mr. social at the resid -that ma
tion, since the. first of last January, has ex- bell of Seaforth.�The mally f ence of Mr. S. T. Fennell, igan.—Mr. John Carmichael intends mov- My at Ftillarton,. the guests of the Rev. John cillsfor evening meetings,
41ap for little nnol
teachers, A11r. ceeded one hundred and fifty thousand dol- -R. Mercer, jeweler, of this- town, will be and presented Miss E. J. McLughlin with ing into the fine new brick 'dwelling that Ball. d two or three in one iBvningr
--Mr. Henry Harris, who has been ill have to atten
nights be ad e
U tined' that - -while or- pleased to learn that lie has got his business a chair, in recognition of her, services as
Baker and INliss McClaty, seldom vary the lars. We are also i fo Mr. Paterson is erecting on Richmon4 10-yeS n4l 111t
the pst'few weeks -with eryipela, is im; are asking that a few more G
x0atine Gf school life by prep; ub- dinaw horses are cheap, ranging in price difficulties satisfactorily settled and his organist.—The Re-,.-. Al a fin� er to attend all the meet -
0 proving. nicely.—Several Conservatives from to the week in ord bandker�
foi- p [r. Gofortii,tbe Honan street, Moir's survey, as soon as it f
lie examinations but from 'fifty to one hundred dollars, really store will be re -opened at once.. If indus- missionary, will lecture in the G6rrie. Pres- isbed.—Quite a number of our villagers here- attended a meeting of the executive ings on the roll. —Keep in mind the rest, Ut at t
this year they resolved to make a new de- goo(I %nimas still command a good prioe. try and integrity -will-seGure success we are byterian Church, on the 19th inst.—Mrs. went up to Lonlesborough on Wednesday committee at Hen�sall on Saturday Isst.— literary entertainm6nt to -night in tile ball, be c1csed 0
OU Ift
parture, aud the e1ii V ary SOclet ible. If y
-nax was reached on In Mercer should succeed.—Mr. Wright, of Woodstock-,' is visiting her last, to attend the funeral of the late Pro- 1 L Y.'
We know of a geiitlenian%�bo, tt few weeks sure that NT %fr. R. 11. Collins, barrister, attended the -under the auspi of the Lit r
hast, when the 1)U1J1jCL 1, -% — fessor R. Y. Thomson, of Knox College, December Sessions Court held at, Goderich This being the first concert. -of the season im
Friday were admitted. ago, sold a six year old gelding for $2101 Archibald Scott, of Scot� Brothers, arrived da ighter, Alrs. N. McLa;ughlin, ih to m.
o .. you will fina ou
In th� forenoon se,�erl classes were care- and horses of this class would readily ''coni- home froin Manitoba on Monda;y last. He Miss Harding, of Fordwich, is visiting her 'Toronto. this week, where he had a number of cases to our -village and theprogramme being larger
Place to buy—Nv�
fally examined by visiting teacbers. In the very successful business trip.—The sister, Mr& :8. T. Fennell. Franklin.
mand simlar fiuures, but such horses are :bad a (From an ocei4sional Correspondent.) plead for his numerous clients,—Mr. Wesley there is likely to b6 a full house. —Aft&
afternoon time -%vas occupied in a similar very scarce. Horse breeders seem to have County Court is being held in Goderich this Pollock, -of St. Marys, is engaged to teach oi
Snell, bat�her wasa at Goderich Ricker and children left for Bright jasC, Al 'all li
manner till about three when Coiniu.-siox SmtvicEq.—The Sacrament an
Nveek.—Tbe St. Thomas Church Sunday in 9chool. Section No. 1, Howick, during
a va allowed their stock to run . down. They this weekJ,—Miss Mary r1m Gill, of Alma, week, Mrs. 'Ricker's mother being verY' lwit the remain(b�
rited and very hiteresting progra.vame was have sold off their best breeding mares anil School. purpose holding their Annual Christ. 1895: Frank is well * and favorably known of the Lord's Supper will be observed
poorly. —Finishing up plowing is the order NVV advise you
proceed- used lo -w- priced and inferior sires, so that mas entertainment this,, Frid evening. in Gorrie, and his many friends w q r far e inco�_
c-reditably carried out. Ti'le (It ayp ish him Carmel Church on Sabbath morning, Decem- Michigan, is visiting relatives here.—His
ings thvoughout were aii c-dAbition of tl These entertainments have been, n his chosen profession. — The ber 16tb, immediately after the usual morn- Honor Judge Toms, f Godericb, has ap- of the day with many of- in re lwst oods will C-4
10 the quality of the horses bred in this county Westoott a county con- the snow- has gone end the -mud has returned
pointed Mr. J. T.
and very in Paste i isSulectebeso'disits intend giving a Christmas Tree Ing
diligence of, the pupils anti the ability and now is much inferior to those bred I, ere ten years, largely attended enjoy tbl service. Preparatory services will - be .—The anni- b en- flat.—Wedding bells -are-
pai -y of the teachers. Visit- or fifteen years ago. If this is the casei far- and the present one bids fair to be held on the preceding Frida commencing more- belzmining togund and the iine
nsta,'k- ing industi . the test entertainment on Christmas night.—Tbe yl stable for the county of Huron usiness has fall
ors gatbered in la-ge naii of versary held in the James Street church on once We are Lea�
z> ibers till standing mers -would do Nvell to work up their stock. yet held. The prograilime , contains bright Presbyterians hold their. annual tea meet- at 2.30 p. m., when Rev. J. A. Amderson, rhig�
roam could hardly be procureol, yet 11.11 Sunday and Monday last, was a decided new houseb whicb� have been erected du
lis- Scrubs will aways command scrub prices; Christmas rn sic, beautiful Tableaux and ing on New Year's night;- 'The Orange Hall Goderich, will be present and preach. occupied.
tened with eer ititerest till the uMse abolit e inedium soelic, will never bring the laughable Dialogues,while a prominent feat- is to be formally opened on Friday, the CHR-IsTIAg EDEAVOR.—The Christian success. The proceeds amounted -to over the summer re soon to
day *y Brigide, be given, Eno] an& an
5 o'elock--The thunder storm on Satur [eavor Society meets in the basement of $13o,.—Mr. Thomas Corniab,of this village, few inyit�h guests from this' n hborhoA
s prev 14th inst. An entertainment will attendd . the silver wedding'o 31474 an(I
i lee alent six or seven years ago, but ure will be a drill by the Heav ear. Fax is a Carmel church every Sabbath evening im- purchased the Strephen farm, one mile South
evelling came as surprise, artd in all proba. tirst�clas animals - will, even now, bring being ten or twelve goldiers selected with at which'Rr.' Fax. will app ro. ohn Cooper, of Howick.—The Ro at
good prices, and the outlook for therW is�f special regard to their height and wei Gorrie audience.�It mediately after church service. All who of Woodham, oA
bility will be followed by much openweath Friday'last, which was X X
er durim, the winter.—Mr. Janies Collie left gbt ; great favorite with a sold by public auction, for $4 SM. This is Tomplars of this &ce have secured for T11E LEAJ
e improving. As business revives � the aid to ALL weigh ov6 are interested in the good work are cordial-
ven now, r 300 ounds is rumored that another of our bachelor one of the best farms in- that neighborhood, cen*,r 20t, the Rev. . - H. Hector, is ther on Tuesday morni for his home at Lake in the United States there. will be an in- are a, e for storekeepers is to become a bbriedict. We ly invited to attend. Whe meetings are 611ed
'Michi -9 special suits bad to be maN. and ewitains 100 ares. Mr, - Cornish will Black Kniolit, as lid is familiarly ca
"all. His viait has been ex. ereased demand forthein there, while there each soldier as none of the, clothing in th t of the Inde- open. to the world, but, of course the world
e congratulate him.—A Cour lot. ReXt'—J[t 'S tho renowned TemperAllee lecturer, who is anuoxv
an" has
-ie to old friends and the j-8 now a market for them in the, Old Coun- military store room of the 33rd battalion pendent Order 6f Foresters has been organ nevergetin. The Society held its business t0keP0_ ceedinuly welcou that -AU Soot r, t whole hoat- h, hiniselL
iney now ones t 00 C, -Monday evening of last week, it Tum- WAI'l
made while here, all of try also. We believe that'the oou I k f r would go near fitting an of �them.—We ized in our village. We now h aVe the� fol - on
y meeting